#this is so sad alexa play
nwleon · 4 months
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ringosmistress · 3 months
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insinirate · 6 months
i'm crying over the husbands..... so cozy, so warm Dx do you think at night... nai might ever just climb up onto the roof of the farmhouse, and gaze up at the night sky? he'd probably look at all those bright stars, and just... think back to what it was like, to be a big shared consciousness with the angelic plants, and what it would have been like to have everything, to have ultimate power and to have wiped out all the humans and protected his brother?
...and then vash finds him, climbing up onto the roof with a quilted blanket, laying it over them both and cuddling up to him. plants may not even feel cold, but vash just naturally shows his love and affection through acts of service like this, he can't help it. and in that moment nai probably thinks to himself... maybe this life isn't so bad.
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better luck next time mr millions
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visit-ba-sing-se · 1 month
Aging userbase or whatever but honestly few things are as devastating as researching a "current" issue and coming across a paper from 2018 thinking: "yeah, that's pretty recent" only to be hit with realisation that your "pretty recent" was over 5 years ago only seconds later.
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Fuck me but Swerve really did come right out and say 'Go back to your wife and kids, Adam, this hurts and I walked away already because I was sick of being the dirty side piece you kept segmented from the rest of your world'.
It's about the intense weight of internalized homophobia that sometimes grows when you're out and you've got a lover who's closeted and you know that's never going to change because they're not ready and may never be ready to come out, and you're just actively hurting yourselves as well as sometimes an unsuspecting spouse and kids and you have to be the one to make the decision to either try to move on and be free even if it hurts and focus on the healthier things in your life, or stay in a situation where you admit you're doing heinous things and you and your lover are fighting because the hurts and resentments keep piling up by the day.
The recontextualization is insane tbh. Swerve, sitting in his car, staring across the street at Hangman carrying bags for his pregnant wife on the way to the hospital after going to find him after a PPV (presumably to fuck it out angrily) and quote "realizing this is who Hangman was supposed to be", the adrenaline rush crashing from the last few hours, exhaustion, self-loathing, and doubt sinking in as he wonders why he's let himself get so Hung Up on the Hangman. It's time. Block his number. Focus on what he wants. Because it isn't a house and two kids in the suburbs. But it's clearly not going to be Adam either.
But then Adam finds out he's blocked his number. He's started ignoring him entirely. He's suspended. And he isn't going to let his one outlet go like that. It's fine. Swerve's just got to ride it out. The sex was great but he'll figure out he can fuck someone else at a bathhouse who won't get their emotions involved and literally bring that shit home. He did it before he can again. It's not different, he just needs to get over himself and realize they're through.
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good-soupmens · 11 months
this is so sad bentley play a nightingale sang in berkeley square
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aerostaticsurrender · 2 months
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Dream brother with your tears scattered round the world
Dont be like the one who made me so old
Dont be like the one who left behind his name
Cause they’re waiting for you like I waited for mine
And nobody ever came
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mooshie-blue · 1 month
Barnacles and Ferris are so so close to each other, they don’t have much of a past, they met while the Octonauts had a mission near Ferris’ home land, and Barnacles offered him a job as an Octonaut after seeing how well he handled the pressure and how quick he was to offer a hand.
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Barnacles deeply respects Ferris because of how open he was about his self doubt and his fears, but still managed to get the job done. And Ferris had a lot of appreciation for Barnacles’ patience and understanding nature. He respected him as well.
Sparks flew between them, they just fell in love, no one knows how or why. But their feelings are mutual and their love is powerful. They confide to eachother in a lot of things, they cry together, they hold each other close.
But they didn’t know how to admit they loved eachother, it took them forever to say something, it took them finding and raising wicket to finally understand how they felt. Even then, they always had something to do. Creatures to rescue, bodies of water to clean, disasters to fix, they just never had the time.
It took one night of captain barnacles crying in Ferris’ arms after spending hours comforting his newly adopted son, worrying that he’s failing as a captain, just weeks of pent up stress for him to accidentally spill about his feelings, Ferris didn’t reply to it until the next morning. He didn’t want to make Barnacles’ vulnerable feelings about him, he wanted the captain to clear his mind though some well needed rest.
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zhoras-bitch · 3 months
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Queen of Thieves || Nikolai Stirling
'How do you manage? The enormity of how much you care about everything. Even the little things. Especially the little things. How do you keep yourself from getting hurt?'
Queen of Thieves: Nikolai Stirling, Season 1, Episode 8
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damnikindadontcare · 5 months
I think the worst part about the whole Watcher Entertainment debacle is that literally nobody asked for this. They just did it and for what? TV show level production for silly goofy shows that don’t need it, Expensive food shows with food most people won’t ever eat and a billion other unnecessary things. We never wanted this, we were content with Shane’s puppets, watching Ryan and Shayne get drunk in someone’s backyard, silly ghost hunting, ranking random stuff, and watching them try to solve mysteries. We never wanted extravagant things, we just wanted them.
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rosieofcorona · 17 days
your man is sad and he's back how does it feel
it feels terrible (i love it so much), i'm suffering (give me more)
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samshinechester · 8 months
"So, we lost our singer a few hours ago-"
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Quit telling everyone I'm dead!
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"-sometimes we can still hear his voice"
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ty to @dandysnob for the pictures!
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uchihaharlot · 8 months
I love your sketches about the Uchihas. I want to ask how a Uchiha men would react if you wanted to break up with them because of their bad habits and attitudes towards you?
You would want to break an Uchiha’s heart?? 😂😂😂 NONNY!!!! Lol, it’s barely five am and I’m laughing a little, in a good way, but this is so sad!! The curse of hatred loves this one simple trick.
I can’t for the life of me think any one of these men were really that flawed — I also am an Uchiha sympathizer, so …. Nothing but heart breaks by the dozen and maybe you were a bit blind!! The gods have spite them all of a sudden, you couldn’t look past just a few small things?? Their attitude towards their home, clan and family are things they won’t ever change for anyone!
I hope you sleep well at night! 😂😭
SFW; super sad Uchiha’s having their heart broken because Nonny here, can’t seem take the bad with the good (sarcastic here, but I can’t stop chuckling).
What a bad older brother for putting his baby brother before you! How shameful, you are so so so jealous!! Jealous enough that you can’t seem to deal with it.
‘Didn’t anyone ever tell you blood is thicker than water?’ Those are the last words you ever hear out of Madara’s mouth! He’s entirely indifferent to your break up, in fact… ‘it’s probably best this way…’
‘You think I’m too soft?’ When you told him to grow backbone he started to weep. Damn him for worshipping you, praising you and giving a damn about you! (😭🥹😂) Like a fucking dog with its tail between its legs, Obito stuffs his hands in his pockets and just turns heel to leave!! If by this point he hadn’t earned the Mangekyou Sharingan, he certainly did after this!! Will always keep tabs on you, in hopes you will return to him.
‘Is that really how you feel?’ He’s flabbergasted and sad to no end, you can’t stand that he puts the safety of your home before anyone else’s needs. Including yours and his, the village needs strong Shinobi and Shisui is never going to not defend his home with honor (he would die trying!!!). So much for being self sacrificing. He actually thought of jumping off a cliff before Danzo stole his right eye!! Shisui loves you so much!!! His heart is broken, his best friend, Itachi, spends so much time just reaffirming that Shisui is a great man! That he didn’t do anything wrong and you are just a girl, nothing more.
What do you mean he is too absorbed with himself?? He’s a high caliber shinobi!! Sorry sis, I think Itachi is rather unfazed, you didn’t get the reaction you wanted and two weeks later realize what you’re missing. By then he’s found Izumi. Which was always his intented anyway, and thankfully for you teaching him that love may hurt….but the grass is always greener on the other side!
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midgetmoth · 2 months
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bonefall · 10 months
I will cry (in a good way) if the theme of the arc is “the love was there. it didnt change anything. it didnt save anyone. there were just too many forces against it. but it still matters that the love was there”
I REALLY hope that I can do something like that. Again, BB really tries to stay in line with where canon goes and follow it while fixing its themes, but like...
With all the fixes I've done for TBC and below, where the last arc left off on Shadowsight giving up something he'd always wanted (his lightning-based connection to StarClan, blasting it back at Ashfur to hold him down) and the sacrifice of Bristlefrost to knock the holy beast out of heaven... something feels really cool about being able to follow that up with an arc that's very melancholic and painful.
Heartstar doing something DRASTIC to try and stop another Clan from falling apart, compelled to get more violent to keep her claws over it, driven by the fear of The Kin repeating itself and the fury of her dead child
Dovewing watching her sister take power in ThunderClan, knowing things are going to get VERY frustrating
Ivypool herself vowing she's not going to use this new status for personal gain... but then she kinda Does, unable to put down a DESPERATION to reconnect to a sister who doesn't want to see her
I kinda hope I can also find a way to explore Bumblestripe's feelings here, too. He JUSt had a whole journey in Ferncloud's Parting, and he comes back and LOOK! A perfect opportunity to justify how much you HATE Heartstar and Dovewing and all of ShadowClan! It would be SO easy to let your heart grow bitter again, wouldn't it? What will you decide, Bumblestripe?
Lightleap struggling with her failure to enter the Dark Forest, feelings of uselessness and helplessness, losing her best friend
Berryheart herself radicalizing a portion of ShadowClan, as Heartstar tries to prevent another Clan from falling apart, her own is pulling at its stitches.
Squirrelflight having saved Bramblestar from the Dark Forest, NO CAT LEFT BEHIND, only for him to show his true colors AGAIN and try to get into petty drama with her, her sympathy evaporating in an instant
Just. Everything with Sparkpelt and her kids. She ISN'T Firekin in BB-- she chose the names Finch and Flame WITH and FOR her mate Larksong.
Nightheart having a new name foisted on him and making himself believe it was a choice-- and then Bramblestar is dethroned, Sunbeam is telling him how much she loves his family, there's a new journey for glory in front of him, and... there's so many things to think about that he just doesn't.
And then he comes home to find they're OUT of chances to give him. And he's traveled far and is able to FINALLY internalize... he blew it. Didn't recognize or appreciate what he had, when he had it
Bramblestar isn't the big strong cool grandpa leader he thought he was, he's a disgraced elder, and he has to wonder... how much of this HATE for his family was Nightheart's own? How much was the Impostor? How much was Bramblestar? How much was his own inability to self-reflect?
Frostpaw's entire family turning on itself
Finding out that Curlfeather was behind the plot that killed her own father, Reedwhisker.
That Podlight, her funny sillyman uncle, was ALSO in on this the whole time, plus her dear friend Splashtail.
Still just a kid, left to agonize over how much of it was LOVE and how much of it was MANIPULATION. Where one ended and where the other began.
The love is there. The love was always there-- even when you didn't know it. It was strong, and it was beautiful, but it's NOT a fix-all. It isn't the hero that will save you. It isn't the medicine to fix you. It isn't the shield that will protect you. Love is mortal.
And when it dies, it dies in pieces. Like a fire in its ashes and its embers. The same love in one heart will burn forever, and for others, its cinders are quickly doused.
A painful arc, of betrayals, broken promises, last chances blown to rubble, and good intentions paving the way to hell.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 11 months
im thinking about saikis messed up relationship with romance on this fine night🫶
imagine him developing a crush on someone FIRST but since he can hear their thoughts and knows they dont already like him back, he thinks that that means they never will
because since he hears things so to the point all the time, he doesnt understand the natural progression of relationships and he thinks itd be weird and manipulative if he tried to get someone to like him while he can literally read their mind (which makes sense because there WOULD be a very thin line to tread..)
so he just avoids them and tries to get over it even though there mightve been a good chance that they couldve started liking him soon or even did but hadnt realized it yet themself.......
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