#this is specifically targeted towards editors
b-h-art · 1 year
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facingthenorthwind · 1 year
Don't get involved with Wookieepedia
We all know Wookieepedia — it’s the Star Wars wiki, and an invaluable resource for fic writers everywhere. I’m not telling you not to look at Wookieepedia, but I do need to warn you not to get involved with the community. If you do want to edit it, then never join the discord or get involved with the forums (Senate Hall). It’s a cesspit of bigotry, and you cannot change it.
I tried. Along with a very well-known and vocal user named Immi Thrax, we tried to push back against misogyny and queerphobia. We thought we succeeded. You might have seen supposed “progress” on Wook: the addition of pronouns in the infobox, the addition of an anti-discrimination policy and an apology from the male wook admins for historical abuse towards marginalised editors. We did this. We, along with a small group of queer women and nonbinary editors, badgered the admins to write that apology for months, spoon-feeding them the things they needed to address and telling them that the early piss-weak drafts were unacceptable. We demanded infobox pronouns. We demanded an anti-discrimination policy and worked with them to add a glossary. 
And then they ran us off the website.
We had a side server specifically for women and nonbinary people, with a few channels that also contained men we trusted. A woman (who was voted in as an admin after Immi) took screenshots from this private server and then posted them publicly. The screenshots were taken completely out of context and misrepresented their contents. The woman who took the screenshots deleted messages in them to make us look worse. They slandered us and put us in danger, because Immi has been targeted by dangerous corners of the internet before (which they were well aware of), and we were terrified we would be doxxed. All of the men approved of this, forced Immi to resign, and spread blatant lies about us. Wook users attacked us, and it was deemed perfectly acceptable to do so.
When I wrote the initial forum post about sexism and misogyny on the website, Master Fredcerique, one of the admins, told me that he was in fear of losing his job during 2021 because of discord screenshot leaks, and that "Safety for everyone was of utmost importance" to him, hence requesting I not provide usernames for my examples of bigotry. It is clear that Immi, myself and others in those screenshots do not count in this 'everyone'. I wonder why he wanted to protect the perpetrators of misogyny but was happy to endanger women!
As a result of this horrific breach of trust and privacy, every single queer woman and almost every nonbinary wook editor has left the site. We were too radical, and they had to destroy us. Sure, a woman did this, but I don’t think it’s an accident that a cishet woman who self-describes as a Republican in Florida forced the two loud leftist lesbians off the site. And the men approved of everything she’s done and contributed to it. One (1) man (notably not an admin) stood up for us, and he was banned for doing it. 
So don’t join wook. If you do edit, don't trust anyone. Have every single conversation about wook in public, where people can never take your words out of context. Do not participate in DMs, group chats or any wook-related servers, including the official one. Marginalised editors' very existence is a disruption to the status quo of Wookieepedia, and there is every possibility you will be seen as a threat, even if you are not initially treated as one.
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samasmith23 · 1 year
We need to talk about EssenceOfThought's ongoing bullying & slander campaign against Rachel Oates...
I normally don't make posts covering this kind of stuff since I mostly try to keep my Tumblr blog here relatively positive and cheerful. And I normally try to avoid YouTube drama in general. But recently I've become increasingly frustrated and angered by the behavior of a certain YouTuber whom I regrettably used to be a fan of awhile back known as "Essence Of Thought" (aka, Ethel Thurston), whom in the past 2 months has been continuously releasing multiple videos & shorts which slander and defame another YouTuber named Rachel Oates. I know that Rachel herself is currently trying to combat this situation and has even filed multiple claims against Ethel's videos, but I felt the need to try and show my support for Rachel by help signal-boost her story in response to Ethel's revived targeted harassment campaign against her.
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Content Warning: Mentions of Transphobia, Cyberbullying, Self-Harm, Suicidality, and Child Abuse.
Also, while this post is going to be very critical of Ethel and her conduct, I will NOT tolerate any misgendering or deadnaming of her! Just because I think Ethel is a bad person does NOT excuse any transphobia that is directed at her, and I will immediately block and report anyone who engages in such reprehensible behavior!
Section 1: Confessions of a former fan, or my personal falling out with Essence of Thought
For those who are not aware, Ethel Thurston is a transgender atheist content creator who regularly produces video essays analyzing and criticizing TERFs and the broader far-right. This content greatly appealed to me as both a supporter of trans-rights and as someone who vocally opposes both TERFs and Neo-Nazis. However, exactly 1-year-ago I unsubscribed from Ethel's channel when she began made a series of videos accusing Lily Orchard of being a child groomer. While I do agree that Lily is an AWFUL person who has received multiple credible accusations of sexual abuse from both former partners and even her own younger sister Courtney, Ethel's videos which accused Lily of "grooming all minors in her audience" were actually heavily criticized by several former victims of Lily's abuse who have argued that the way Ethel & her editor "ABirdCalledLevi" (aka, Levi) presented their information against Lily was not only overly inflammatory, but only served to misrepresent and damage the testimonies of her other victims.
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Specifically, critics like "Patchwork Heart" (aka, Shiloh Conner) took serious issue took issue with Ethel & Levi's constant liberal usage of the word "grooming" to describe Lily's actions towards individuals like Glade, who accused Lily of encouraging him on her Discord to watch a livestream where she repeatedly flashed her audience (Glade was still 17 at the time of this incident). Essentially Shiloh stated that while Lily was undeniably guilty of sexual harassment, neglectful misconduct, and indecent exposure, her behavior technically does not qualify as "grooming," since "grooming" is a term specifically meant describe the gradual breaking down of a victim's boundaries through manipulation and isolation from others (online it's usually conducted through private DMs rather than on public servers like Lily's channels). Furthermore, Shiloh and other fellow victim's of Lily's abuse also criticized Ethel & Levi's usage of the phrase "parasocial audience grooming" to argue that Lily was grooming her ENTIRE audience instead of individuals, as "parasocial audience grooming" is NOT a legally or medically recognized term, but was instead invented by the commentary YouTuber "Korviday" in 2020 to describe Shane Dawson's sexually abusive behavior towards several underage members of his audience. Essentially, it's impossible to groom an entire audience all at once since grooming is defined by the specific and deliberate targeting and manipulation of individuals in private or isolated settings with the intention of eventually sexually abusing them. But when criticized for the way they badly mishandled the testimonies of victims like Glade, Ethel & Levi instead doubled down by not only continuing to misuse the word "grooming" in their videos, but actively smeared and defamed their critics and other victims of Lily's like Shiloh as "abuse/groomer apologists.” Ethel even went as far as to compare Shiloh criticizing how she misrepresented Glade’s testimony to “defending Harvey Weinstein.”
Like... YIKES!
I'm not going to lie... when I saw the way Ethel & Levi actively bullied and slandered other victims of Lily Orchard, I was deeply disappointed and disgusted. While I was already starting to grow weary of Ethel's tendency to overly moralize in her arguments, and I knew she was unpopular in a lot of online spaces, for the longest time I tried to give both her and Levi the benefit of the doubt since I knew she had been harassed by TERFs like Graham Linehan past simply for being an outspoken non-binary trans-woman online. But the way Ethel bullied people like Shiloh Conner was simply inexcusable! And personally, I completely agree with Shiloh's criticisms against Ethel & Levi. Even though I dislike Lily Orchard and think that she's an abusive scumbag, spreading misinformation about issues as serious as CSA only serves to inflict further harm onto the people that Lily has hurt. Victims like Shiloh have very publicly stated that they either want their testimonies to be reflected as accurately as possible, or not at all. And I especially understand their concerns about misusing the word "grooming," especially because of how that word in particular has been so easily co-opted as an anti-LGBTQ+ slur by Republicans and the far-right in the past 2 years alone, which only serves to promote bigotry and obfuscate actual instances of child sexual abuse (Ethel claimed in their video that they "saw no harm in extending the definition of the word" BTW). Here's a link to Shiloh's video responding to Ethel if you want further details on the ways in which both she and Levi so badly mishandled the testimonies of Lily Orchard's victims BTW:
So how does Rachel Oates fit into all of this exactly? Well...
Section 2: Reevaluating Ethel's past conduct and the targeted bullying of Rachel Oates
Once I witnessed the ways in which EssenceOfThought bullied and smeared the victims of Lily Orchard's abuse, it honestly caused me to reevaluate and question a lot of their past content, especially because Ethel & Levi already had reputations of being overly inflammatory figures who've burned tons of bridges with lots of other leftist YouTubers. It was then that I was reminded of the biggest controversy Ethel's been involved in, and one I was only tangentially aware of before the Lily Orchard drama. That being Ethel's 4-year-long and currently ongoing defamation campaign against feminist and atheist British YouTuber, Rachel Oates.
The conflict between Ethel & Rachel all started back in 2019, when Rachel's friend and former atheist YouTuber "Rationality Rules" (aka, Steven Woodford), got into serious trouble when he posted a video arguing against the inclusion of trans-people in sports (which relied on heavily fallacious scientific data and even cited clips from Fox News, Ben Shapiro, and Joe Rogan). Unsurprisingly, the backlash against Woodford's video was enormous, and it even resulted in him being deplatformed from hosting a panel at an ACA conference in Austin, Texas that same year. However, a lot of Woodford's friends within the YouTube atheist community, including Rachel, argued that Woodford did not make his video out of intentional malice or bigotry, whilst fully agreeing that it was a terrible poorly-researched video that did serve to reinforce transphobic narratives even if it was unintentional. This led to Woodford not only delisting and demonotizing the original video, but also releasing both an apology and retraction video to try and help mitigate the damage his original video caused.
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Ethel however, refused to accept Woodford's apology and retraction, and made several response videos accusing his apology of being fake and him continuing to spread transphobic misinformation. And while that's perfectly understandable if Ethel personally didn't find Woodford's apology to be adequate or genuine, where this crosses the line into unacceptable behavior is that Ethel then went onto repeatedly attack Rachel Oates simply because she was both friends with Woodford IRL and didn't want to get directly involved in the controversy. Essentially, Ethel is engaging in the "guilt by association" fallacy here. In actuality though, Rachel not only repeatedly stated that she disagreed with the content Woodford's original video and agreed that it was very bad and harmful, but that she is supportive of the trans community and felt unqualified to weigh in on the subject matter of trans-people in sports since she has barely any knowledge or interest about sports in general.
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This response was not good enough for Ethel however, who instead misinterpreted Rachel's comments as a backhanded attempt at silencing Woodford's critics.
Things got even worse when a random fan messaged Rachel a screenshot taken from a private Facebook group from a trans-self-help group which compiled a list of public figures for the trans community to avoid following the Woodford controversy, and her name was included on that list. Rachel, not knowing that the list was from a private chat, immediately went on Twitter to defend herself, which led to Ethel accusing her of doxxing by publishing private information. This is in spite of the fact that not only did the screenshot already exist before Rachel discovered it, but she went out of her way to censor the names of the members of that Facebook group. Furthermore, Ethel had also blocked Rachel on Twitter which led to the latter asking some of her followers to show her what Ethel was stating about her so she could try to adequately defend herself, which in-turn resulted in Ethel accusing Rachel of sending her millions of followers to circumvent her block and harass her.
The situation escalated even further however, when Ethel posted a now infamous tweet to one of Woodford and Oates' friends' Lizzy Lang, not only described Woodford as a "violent transphobe intent on stripping away dozens of human rights,” but called Lang and others (presumably Oates) "members of Woodford's church a transphobia" before ending the tweet with the words, "do this world a favor and exit it."
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That last line in Ethel’s tweet, “do the world a favor and exit it,” got a lot of people justifiably angry since it was very easily misconstrued as Ethel advocating for Woodford's defenders to commit suicide (she claimed it was meant to say “exit Woodford’s church of transphobia”). And while EoT later apologized and clarified the incredibly poor wording of that last comment, she still refused to apologize to Rachel after several months of targeted bullying and defamation. When Rachel saw the infamous tweet, it only served to amplify her pre-existing feelings of depression since she mistaken that tweet to be directed at her instead of Lizzy Lang. And a few days later, in an act of desperation Rachel posted an impromptu unedited video begging and pleading for Ethel to stop bullying her, not realizing that she was still badly bleeding from cuts on her arm due to feeling completely hopeless and isolated (Rachel already had a history of engaging in self-harm and cutting).
But not even Rachel engaging in self-harm nor her feelings of suicidality were enough to sway Ethel, who still continued to double-down on their harassment by arguing that Rachel "weaponizing self-harm, transmisogyny, and benevolent patriarchy," and was using "upper-class cis white woman tears" (even though Rachel has openly admitted to being lower-middle class). And to this very day, Ethel still continues to slander Rachel and falsely label her as a "serial transphobe" and "abuser" all throughout her videos, even going as far as to not only claim, "Rachel Oates' [abuse] was the second most psychologically destructive thing [she's] ever suffered, only being second to being raped as a child," but that she would rather relive her trauma of "being outed as bisexual, groomed at age 15, and sexually assaulted."
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Seriously... FREAKING YIKES! Those are incredibly extreme and inflammatory statements to make! I do understand that Ethel is a CSA survivor (and on that level I 100% empathize with her because that is of course absolutely terrible and is one of the absolute WORST things anyone can suffer from), but claiming that someone circumventing a Twitter Block and or begging you to stop bullying her whilst feeling suicidal is even remotely comparable to “being raped as a child"?! That is so unbelievably insensitive on so many levels that I don’t even know where to start! It’s insensitive to not only Rachel herself, but to other CSA survivors as well since it trivializes their trauma! Ethel should know better than this!
Also, that screenshot of Ethel tweeting a link to a Guardian article discussing the weaponization of white woman tears? That was literally the top pinned-tweet to her Twitter account immediately days after Rachel posted that desperate video of her pleading to Ethel to stop her harassment campaign whilst feeling suicidal. What a truly vile and unempathetic thing for Ethel to do!
Section 3: Showing support for Rachel Oates
After I did more research into the whole EssenceOfThought Vs. Rachel Oates situation, as well as hearing Rachel's side of the story, I ended up subscribing to Rachel's YouTube channel and have since become a fan of her work. Before I eventually unsubscribed from Ethel's channel due to the way she similarly bullied several of Lily Orchard’s victims, I was given the impression by her that Rachel Oates was just another garden-variety TERF YouTuber based on he way Ethel constantly talked about her. But that’s NOT accurate at all… Rachel's channel from what I’ve seen is mainly just about discussions of secularism and religion, feminism, book reviews, and cute dog videos!
Seriously, her dog Kyra is so FREAKING adorable!
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Look at her! Kyra's such a good girl! She's such a cute doggy!
But yeah, this is a prime example of how Ethel’s pattern of engaging in bad-faith moral absolutism while misrepresenting events and evidence can be seriously damaging to uninitiated viewers. And I say that not only as someone who was largely unaware of the full extent of what she had done to Rachel, but also because Ethel frames her content in a very pseudo-academic/intellectual manner and uses a lot of professional sounding words to try and disguise severely misguided and inflammatory arguments. She tries to portray her YouTube videos as if they’re akin to college-level essays with lots of citations and crap, which can easily fool people into thinking that her content is well-researched and sophisticated. Except looking below the surface, in hindsight Ethel’s videos are mostly just pretentious word-salad, cherry-picking evidence, and relying heavily on academic terminology in order promote her thinly-veiled absolutist black-&-white views on morality, attacking anyone who is “not progressive enough” for her (in addition to Rachel, Ethel & Levi have also done this to other leftist YouTubers like Lindsay Ellis, Philosophy Tube, & Suris the Skeptic). According to Ethel’s logic, you’re either an entirely good or entirely bad person, and there’s zero in-between and if you dare disagree with her to even the slightest degree then she’ll automatically consider you to be just as bad as the far-right. Basically, it’s moral absolutism.
All of Ethel’s fallacious claims against Rachel Oates are textbook examples of bad-faith moral absolutism, and I deeply regret the fact that I was ever once a fan of Ethel’s content. She is a bully and a liar. And that’s a conclusion I arrived to after seeing how Rachel’s stories about being repeatedly slandered & bullied by Ethel heavily paralleled the similar experiences of individuals like Shiloh Conner, thereby revealing a pattern of toxic behavior on Ethel’s part.
Section 4: Ethel’s renewed and current bullying campaign
So why do I bring all of this stuff up?
Well, even though the worst of the harassment Rachel suffered was back in 2019 and she has since tried to move on from this whole fiasco and continues making her usual feminist book reviews and dog videos (she even deliberately avoids mentioning EssenceOfThought by name in her videos...), Ethel has not only repeatedly tried to drag all of this drama back up, but has this singleminded obsessive vendetta to defame and destroy Rachel's YouTube career at all costs. For instance, in 2022 Ethel tried to further slander Rachel by yet again engaging in "guilt by association" fallacy because notable transgender TERF YouTuber "Rose of Dawn" (aka, the British equivalent of Blaire White) once tried to befriend Rachel in 2020 after the initial harassment campaign by Ethel, and later in 2022 Rose openly defended self-confessed genocidal serial rapist Lily Cade when the latter was platformed in an infamous transphobic BBC article. What Ethel completely neglects to mention however, is that Rachel had permanently stopped interacting with Rose when several members of her audience informed her that Rose is actually a TERF (and the way Rose suddenly tried to befriend Rachel after Ethel's bullying of her strikes me as very cult-like since TERFs sadly do have a history in engaging in incredibly abusive cultish tactics to recruit new members, as many people who have escaped that disgusting hate movement have reported...) and she has since apologized for ever giving Rose any attention. Regardless, Ethel still tried to falsely implicate Rachel alongside "Rose of Dawn" in a video condemning Lily Cade & the BBC, which led to Rachel rightfully filing a defamation claim to YouTube, getting Ethel's then-latest slanderous hit-peace against Rachel blocked in the UK.
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But even worse however, is that starting in August 2023 Ethel has begun releasing a constant stream of videos continuing to smear Rachel even further by both repeating all of the exact same aforementioned slanderous claims along with a whole bunch of new ones. Like, not only has Ethel already released 3 main videos out of a planned 6-part series ranting about Rachel Oates, but she has also released 24 shorts taken from the main videos!
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Geez! Not only is this beyond obsessive, but this is just straight-up targeted bullying and harassment on Ethel's part! And the new claims she makes against Rachel in these videos are equally slanderous as the ones before! For just one example, Ethel & Levi’s cite a now-deleted livestream of Rachel's that they re-uploaded as a mirrored-copy to their channel, accusing Rachel of denying trans-women's existence by making the offhanded comment of, “No, the only thing a man can provide me that a woman can’t is a p*nis. Only thing.”
Except… I actually went and watched the ENTIRE 3-hour mirrored livestream myself just to see the full context of Rachel’s quote, and it turns out that Ethel took that quote completely out of context! Not only are there lots of points in the livestream wherein Rachel repeatedly states that “gender is a social construct and that trans and non-binary people exist,” but during the stream she's doing a counter-response to a Christian fundamentalist incel who once responded one of her earlier videos. And that potentially problematic quote of Rachel’s, “No, the only thing a man can provide me that a woman can’t is a p*nis. Only thing,” was actually a sarcastic response to the incel’s homophobic argument that “women don’t want to love their equals [(aka other women)] because they actually all want what only a [dominant alpha male] can provide them.”
Essentially, Rachel was criticizing the incel’s sexist & homophobic “logic” that, “all women secretly only want p*nises,” in a snarky & sarcastic manner, but Ethel took Rachel’s comment out of context to try and instead paint it as some transphobic-slip-of-the-tongue/TERF-dogwhistle, accusing Rachel of “completely ignoring the existence of non or pre-op trans women,” in order to try and support the fallacious argument that, “Rachel Oates doesn’t actually view trans women as real women, but instead as props to objectify in order to make herself look like a better ally.”
Not once does Ethel ever mention the context that Rachel was responding to & mocking a bigoted incel during the livestream... at all...
I don't have time to go into all of the other new lies that Ethel & Levi are currently spewing against Rachel Oates since this post has already gotten incredibly lengthy (for instance, Ethel also claimed that Rachel “downplayed JK Rowling’s transphobia” simply because she used the words “incredibly problematic” to describe the Queen TERF’s bigoted views; which is such a weak and pedantic argument), but it’s a whole lot…
Overall, I just wanted to bring attention to this situation because EssenceOfThought's harassment campaign against Rachel Oates has been ongoing since 2019 and it shows ZERO signs of stopping anytime soon. Ethel & Levi are serial bullies and liars who regularly engage in bad-faith arguments, misrepresent evidence, and engage in moral absolutism in order to paint anyone who disagrees with them or makes even the slightest mistake as the worst people imaginable. So the more people who are made aware of this mess, the better.
Please show support for Rachel, whether that be through signal-boosting this post, subscribing to her YouTube channel, or even donating to her Patreon if you so choose.
And to EssenceOfThought, aka Ethel Thurston, (along with her editor Levi...) specifically, the famed basketball player Michael Jordan would have some choice words for you:
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And I mean that sincerely. Seriously... just stop this targeted bullying & slander campaign against Rachel. It's incredibly unhealthy and obsessive. Just let it go already...
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tamelee · 1 year
What do you think of Kishimoto as a writer?
Oh. Well.. allow me.
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I'm not a writer myself so I feel like I am in no position to say anything regarding him as a writer specifically. But I'm studying to become a storyteller partly because of Kishimoto. As a writer your tools are limited no matter the amount of creativity you have. Imagine a blank page and a pencil. How do you get from an idea to the story that is 'Naruto'? A Manga where he for the most part had to be his own director, storyteller, storyboard-artist, artist, plotter, scriptwriter, character designer, researcher, special effects artist, tone worker- you name it.
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But of course, that's not to discredit Kazisa, Takahashi, Yahagi and Ikemoto who assisted him. Or the editors at Weekly Shonen Jump who helped Kishimoto outline his story to what it is today.
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Outlines often get rejected and many of Kishimoto's ideas/original plans did too.
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I'm glad as well because some of them I don't think were as strong. Neither were some ideas for example a sketch of Sasuke's original introduction compared to what we have in Chapter 3 now. This fits his character way better and even though I'm often complaining about Naruto's ending (as we all should tbh,) the editors of SJ know their target audience best. That doesn't mean that every story or decision succeeds.. but it does mean there is a structure that generally works. A golden way for Shonen Manga. (Ki-Sho-Ten-Ketsu). One that Kishimoto often struggled with not just 'Naruto' but in general I think because he explained that no matter how many ideas he had for an adventurous story, he never got any green lights. He decided to go for a sports theme and sketched out a baseball Manga.
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And it's very apparent in many excerpts when he says that the editors were pushing him a lot towards entertainment, that Kishimoto himself embraced elements of realism and more serious topics himself that weren't necessarily suited for Shonen.
(Side-note: Shonen is not really a 'genre'. Also, the difference between Shonen en Seinen depends on the way it's written. Rating or themes does not classify a story as either one by itself although Shonen is targeted at a younger audience and therefore its plot should generally be more easy to understand within a wider audience group. Often the stories are focussed on external conflicts while Seinen expands a lot on psychological struggles. Even if you were to tell the same story separately it can still be the same story- just executed differently, therefore it's not really a "genre" but a demographic. That's what I mean when I say "I wish 'Naruto' would've gotten a Seinen sequel." It's not about the story being more "mature" as some believe.)
But... even though that all is true for 'Naruto' and its world focusses a lot on external struggles of being a Ninja in it's incredibly adventurous Shinobi-world, Kishimoto didn't shy away from making it a very character-driven story as well. A story where partly, Naruto and Sasuke as our main-act, with their internal conflicts till this day, are somewhat hidden away from that very same demographic even though their feelings are in plain sight. Why? Because it isn't suited for them and certainly not that easy to understand. If you've come across posts here that say "omigod how can you not understand this simple thing? 🙄" regarding something in the story then I'm here to tell you that they probably also didn't the first time they read it, unless they have some media/literacy-experience or something similar. In which case I admire them, but also, don't worry- you're not alone and it's pretty normal.
There's a reason Kishimoto had to fight his own staff so hard to get certain scenes through. (For example his reverse Harem no Jutsu.) And seeing him say that he felt pressured a lot makes me sad but it's understandable because I think what mattered to him at some points through storytelling would've become too complicated for SJ's audience. I can't imagine his own internal battle having fought solitude and rejection himself but then hunching over a desk for 15+ years, immersed in doing what he loves only for him to most likely not be satisfied with the ending. In fact, I'm pretty sure as that last Chapter felt painful. Like a bucket of icy water slapped in your face on your way out.
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Hehe. Well, he did.
As him being a Mangaka and creator of stories, I genuinely respect Kishimoto so much. There's a reason why people in the industry call him Kishimoto-sensei. A teacher and master of his craft. It shows in his work and most of all his art.
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I mean.. how can you not respect that?? Honestly I could go on and on but I'd be writing entire essays. The writing process itself is complicated, people are involved, editors, but I think he was able to show very well why 'Naruto' at least meant a lot to him and why he wanted to create it. I'm glad he was able to push his ideas through.. despite SJ's demographics in his own way and I can only hope that one day he would have it in him to create a satisfying resolution regardless of anything else. He and the fandom deserve it. But I can only hope. Oh! I love his other stories too actually but, I'm not sure if you're asking about that.
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usafphantom2 · 11 months
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An Israeli F-35 just took down a cruise missile mid-flight
On Thursday, the Israeli Air Force announced the successful downing of an airborne cruise missile by an F-35, marking the first such intercept of this sort for the highly touted stealth fighter. The announcement, which was made via X, formerly Twitter, references the aircraft as “Adir,” which is the Israeli Air Force’s name for the Lockheed Martin fighter, which means “mighty one” in Hebrew.
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“In recent days, a cruise missile launched from the southeast toward the airspace of the State of Israel was detected by the control and detection systems of the Air Force. The systems followed the trajectory of the cruise missile and launched fighter jets from the Adir formation, which successfully intercepted it,” according to the Israeli Air Force’s X post.
Thus far, there have been no further details released about the intercept beyond what can be seen in the footage. This video, which appears to have been captured via either the pilot’s helmet-mounted display or the F-35’s electro-optical targeting system, shows the cruise missile in black with visible wings on either side, as well as the heat from its propulsion system – that likely was a turbojet engine.
The cruise missile itself was probably launched from Yemen by Houthi rebels who have been launching missiles and drones at Israeli targets from the country since shortly after the fighting in Gaza started.
This profile and method of propulsion are in keeping with a land-attack cruise missile Houthi forces claim to have developed commonly known as the Quds 3 – which derives its name from Iran’s shadowy Quds Force. In the image below, you can see where the heat signature from the intercepted cruise missile (shown on top) is visible above the rear portion of the missile fuselage, rather than behind it. This corresponds with the placement of the turbojet on the Quds series of missiles. Likewise, the wing shape appears similar to the wings seen in Quds series missiles.
Top: Screen captures from the cruise missile intercept footage. Bottom: Quds 3 Cruise Missile. The red arrows show turbojet placement.
Editor’s Note: Big thanks to John Ridge on X for helping us nail down the correct Quds Missile – our original analysis indicated the Quds 1, but John Ridge pointed out that the range requirements for striking Israel means that the Houthis used a Quds 3 or Quds 4 instead.
The Quds 1 is believed to have been sourced directly from Iran, due in part to the Houthis’ lack of technological capability and industrial capacity, but also because of its aesthetic similarities to Iran’s larger Soumar cruise missile.
The Houthi movement, which currently occupies the capital city of Yemen, maintains increasingly strong ties with Iran prompting concerns among analysts that the group is rapidly becoming a regional proxy for Tehran’s aggressive regime. This would be in keeping with earlier reports that the Hamas attack on Israel that kicked off this ongoing conflict was planned, in part, with assistance from Tehran.
The Israeli F-35, known as the F-35I, is the only nation-specific iteration of the fighter, with a number of custom modifications, including a domestically produced electronic warfare suite, designed specifically for the threat environment of the Middle East and with a particular emphasis on Iran. Israel’s F-35s were the first F-35s to see combat operations, starting in early 2018.
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michyeosseo · 2 years
looking back…….
uncharacteristically, i took a hiatus in 2022. despite bouts of inactivity, by instinct, i turn to gifsets as my personal reprieve but this year has been doubly heavy (which must hold true for a lot of us by now). chronic fatigue left the latter, greater chunk of the year a blur. oof. stress aside, i have completed a couple of releases this year. this post is somehow most of them. though if you ask me to fill up any sort of bingo, please, i decline.
still in the process of retrieving my giffer groove back so may this write-up inspired by my brilliant mutuals suffice.
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a preview of the titles you'll be able to read underneath. four dramas sorted chronologically... those that i remember finishing (important criteria!!) and to round them off, one i am in the midst* of watching. there's another that i omitted to not do an overlong list but a shoutout to the ever-charming law of the lady.
pride & price
feb-mar | 29 episodes @ youku
Female virtue is not morality but a ghost of the old ages. Why are labels for women so specific and detailed? Do we have to sit in the right seat? Do we have the right to refuse to be any kind of perfect woman?
if you were wondering why this, out of the blue, became my tumblog title you probably weren't but here's the reason: i was just that into it. i got winded into following its daily stream timing (10pm sharp) roped a friend in, too hahaha no but seriously, 'girlbosses in the fashion industry' seem like most stale premise but who knew a cdrama had what it takes for it to not be made basic. the <blossom> magazine being on the cusp of medium change in the year 2016/2017 - print versus online. ideals it stands for contested by how the target audience can relate versus how much profit they can rake in. fractures forming within the staff and at the eye of the storm is who gets to be the new editor. the two candidates: miranda chen kaiyi and helen xiao hongxue. yes, i put their english names there not just as decor. we start the series acquainted with kaiyi, complete with a devil wears prada-esque intro. she’s exacting to down to the minute details, she’s the public face of the publication except she signs off as the deputy editor. the parent company assigns the chief editorship of the besieged magazine to the person at the helm of the successful hongkong branch, hongxue. her alliance (or supposed defeat) is the key to win <blossom>.
besides the main leads, the ensemble consists of ladies in positions ranging from human resources head down to the rookie assistants. different degree of darlings the <blossom> squad may be with the vision admirably determined but the 29eps can still be trimmed down imho. i could go on and on (towards spoiling the entire thing) but what i'll say is the vermin masquerading as men who surrounded them, expecting catfights, were bound to lose. thoroughly. why? they were blinded by insecurity projections. also because they cannot fathom that women naturally are inclined to admire other women, that strength stems from being cognizant of mutual sorrows. plus, they're not privy to the wooing power of chocolate.
the legendary life of queen lau
jun-jul | 36 episodes @ viki
There are no fairies in this world. But even if there is a fairy, it would be me.
LAMU (jackie li) IS A STAR. let me state that for the record. i am very salty the webdrama's all but buried under controversies (ugh, plural) because it brought me so much unbridled joy. queen lau was so unserious it has a palace p.a. system with functions such as weather forecasts, sports commentary, serenades, etcetera like... heylo?
heipang, a countryside girl prodded by her mother (to fix their local village curse) heads to the capital to be wedded. there, she finds out her longtime penpal/betrothed boy is the new emperor and only hitch to her happily ever after is he does not really know her. sorta hates her existence, even. she meets her father first, the chief counselor aka the antagonist, she's christened a new name befitting the nation's phoenix. she meets a handmaid, she becomes steadfast on her side ever since. the dowager empress, she leaves an even greater impression as untraditional daughter-in-law. she meets her half-sister, she bonds with her thus averting a rivalry. she meets her husband's motley crew (the royal chef, the chief guard, the court physician), she wrecks them before lunch. you get the gist. her same-age castmates, limited acting aside, were carried by the fact lamu's so adept in comparison. i appreciate a comedy that doesn't try that hard in the outrageous department. 'twas possible because of her pun timing, her reactions, her charisma - anyone with sense would be buying the fantasy. i say fantasy but it's the core message: that liu jinfeng's self-assured enough to ignore/convert her detractors as she dances. the lovely queen leading the entire palace during catchy dance sequences, that's quite novel, isn't it?
sleep with me
aug | 6 episodes @ iwanttfc
Tower ka ba? Because Eiffel for you.
gorgeous poster, yes/yes? here's another from their promo spread. hailing from the writing and direction of samantha lee is a project i had my eye on since its announcement. of her two films i previously saw, my reception were polar opposites. hence, cautious, i approached what is to be my third filipino gl series. [previous ones were betcin and fluid. pearl next door is in my list, promise, i just haven't gotten around to continuing so it's fairer not to count it yet.]
if you've seen my billie & emma gifset before, harry & luna's story is like that but grown up. not an exact copy since i thought that was meant for lil' unknowing queer me but the same cinematic, almost nostalgic lens applies. harry is a nighttime dj and luna is a... well... vampire. the pace is just right and soft (without insulting) kind of coddling. finally, a lovi poe acting thing i can sit down for where i can be mesmerized without suffering a cheating/stealing husbands storyline. janine gutierrez has the brightest smile, beautiful like the moon. they both had spaces to grow in the narrative and if there's one thing direk sam and i will find sure common ground is her punctuating that with the perfect soundtrack. of course, it would be a crime if that wasn't the case, their meet-cute was at a radio station. local sapphic references are just bound to hit different *wipes tear* a fitting august gift.
oct | 10 episodes @ netflix
I can't let them take you. I'm taking you with me.
i love, love, love how all my mutuals went, "jeon yeobin and nana lesbians" after the vague initial boyfriend-ghosted-her-and-she-stumbles-into-an-alien-cult synopsis came out. ironically, we didn't even need to be ribbing each other 'cause they were, in fact, e.t. enthusiasts reconnected~ with obvious next step: risking it all by choice. not sorry about all of this, donghwi.
negl don't really have notes about glitch (minus the usual problem where kdramas don't edit out superfluous footage). they did everything better than any given entry of the ntflx originals roster so if there's one kdrama you should pick up from their catalogue this year, let it be this zany adventure and i promise you won't be disappointed.
she loves to cook and she loves to eat
dec | 10 episodes @ furritsubs
My neighbor two doors down... is an incredible, one-in-a-million gal!?
my friend who loves kinou nani tabeta recommended this. saw the first two episodes as of this post but i have read the manga, gobbled that up with a quickness.
*you can gauge how anticipatory i am of an adaptation if i go and seek out the source material... some cases, it ruins things for me lol but i am of the belief if they're done well, they'd hold up on their own merit with/without changes when i compare.
in the case of tsukutabe, from what i've seen, the dialogue and interactions were lifted right from manga page to the actresses doing the scenes. yes, scenes upon scenes about enjoying heavenly food. fluffy af, the notion of finding an avenue of bonding in this day and age of tightly packed yet ever-distant neighbors. nomoto and kasuga have unrelated jobs but happen to notice each other in their daily comings and goings – the whiff of her cooking, the common denominator. i will be taking my time with this series so i'm unlikely to finish this before new year's eve but i just want to mark it having aired on nhk, a public channel in japan. the creator emphasizes how cooking as a hobby isn't only a means to be someone's proper wife/mother + portions of food mustn't be treated according to gendered prejudice but it should be up one's pleasure and capability to eat. i know many more shared meals await them and that thought makes me feel lighter already. all it took was some courage to ask for her to find what she was searching.
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ectonurites · 1 year
(In response to your unpopular opinions post) Jason targeting the sidekicks, Tim specifically, is antithetical to his entire mission statement and should be done away with if the text isn’t going to appropriately grapple with those actions. It isn’t an irony, just an oversight. Much more interested in a Red Hood who goes out of his way to avoid endangering the “kids” in the same way he was, while harboring a shit ton of anger towards Bruce for continuing to bring young people into the crusade.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
anon im so sorry but tumblr's post editor deleted like half of what i wrote trying to talk about my thoughts in regards to this and i am so fucking frustrated at that and the thought of trying to rewrite it all out makes me want to stab someone (not you. this is not your fault. this is tumblr's fault) so uhm.
the barest bones version of my thoughts i will maybe come back and re-elaborate on at a later date when i'm not as annoyed at this stupid website:
I personally don't think pre-n52 Jason (the era in which he actually did that attacking of Tim & other sidekicks) had a clearly defined enough 'mission statement' to begin with (when it came to kids at least) for him to even defy. When looking at pre-n52 canon, there are far more instances of him harming/endangering/being willing to endanger kids who are involved in hero work than there are instances of him expressing thoughts/taking actions against the idea, which makes it hard for me to agree with the idea of it as something like... antithetical to his morals as shown in canon. If it had been a one time thing when he attacked a sidekick that'd be one thing and I'd maybe feel differently, but this was like, reoccurring.
However, I do think that it all could have been a path that would have made a lot of sense to explore with his situation—to place bigger emphasis on him being frustrated with Bruce about that aspect specifically and making it a more core part of his motivation. I think that could have been cool and I understand why it is an idea expanded on and explored in fan content a lot. I agree that it makes for an interesting and compelling interpretation of Jason! But I think considering that to be like an actual big important part of a 'mission statement' he follows within canon... just isn't a claim that holds up when digging into his pre-n52 content.
And then when it comes to modern Jason... I think all of this is kind of moot at this point. The n52 and later Jason wasn't really shown fighting with/targeting Tim that same way from the start (like. literally one of my big pet peeves in the n52 is how close Tim & Jason got out of fucking nowhere LMAO) so it feels like a non-issue.
IDK if all that makes sense but, uh, yeah.
[Send me UNPOPULAR opinions and I'll rate them]
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honeyriot · 1 year
Building a Porn Empire
Playboy was an overnight success story, with circulation growing from 53,991 in its first month (December 1953) to 175,000 by its first anniversary issue. By 1959 Playboy had a monthly circulation of 1 million. In its heyday of the late 1960s and early 1970s, Playboy was an enormous company, with sales of over $200 million and more than five thousand employees. 2 Clearly, as Michael Kimmel argues, “ Playboy struck a nerve with American men,” and many books have attempted to describe exactly what that nerve was. 3 To explore the Playboy phenomenon and the magazine’s role in laying the groundwork for the contemporary porn industry, the magazine has to be historically located in the economic and cultural trends at work during the 1950s, which at different times and to varying degrees contributed to Playboy becoming the lifestyle-pornographic magazine of choice for the upwardly mobile, white American male in the postwar years. Historians agree that the 1950s were a time of enormous change in the United States, both economically and culturally. They point to the economic boom, the baby boom, the growth of suburbia, the pressure to marry at an early age, and the push toward consumption as a way of life as trends that, while not being specific to the 1950s, were nonetheless magnified in that decade. 4 Playboy occupied an ambivalent place in relation to these trends—it celebrated celebrated some as good for the country while condemning others as harmful to American men. It was its uncanny ability to pick and choose among these trends that made Playboy a success not only with readers but also, eventually, with advertisers. Hefner was clear about his target audience from the very beginning. He wrote in the first issue of Playboy, published in December 1953: “If you are a man between 18 and 80, Playboy is meant for you. . . . We want to make it clear from the start, we aren’t a ‘family’ magazine. If you are somebody’s sister, wife or mother-in-law and picked us up by mistake, please pass us along to the man in your life and get back to the Ladies’ Home Companion. ” For a magazine to clearly state that it was not “a family magazine” in the 1950s was close to heresy. According to social historian Stephanie Coontz, it was during this period that there was an unprecedented rise in the marriage rate, the age for marriage and motherhood fell, fertility increased, and divorce rates declined. From family restaurants to the family car, “the family was everywhere hailed as the most basic institution in society.” The print media also got in on the act, carrying stories about the supposed awfulness of being single. Reader’s Digest ran a story entitled “You Don’t Know How Lucky You Are to Be Married,” which focused on the “harrowing situation of single life.” One writer went so far as to suggest that “except for the sick, the badly crippled, the deformed, the emotionally warped and the mentally defective, almost everyone has an opportunity to marry.” In the 1950s, “emotionally warped” was a coded way of saying homosexual, and indeed many single people were investigated as potential homosexuals and by extension Communists, since the two were often linked during the McCarthy years. Probably one of the most woman-hating books of the time was Philip Wylie’s Generation of Vipers, first published in 1942 and reprinted after World War II. For Wylie, wives were the cause of men’s problems because they controlled the home with an iron fist and worked their spouses to death in order to enjoy a life of leisure. As Wylie so eloquently put it, “It is her man who worries about where to acquire the money while she worries about how to spend it, so he has the ulcers and she has the guts of a bear.” It was during these woman-hating, pro-family years that Playboy hit the newsstands. Picking up on the themes of the 1950s, Playboy editors, from the very first issue, defined single women as menaces to the Playboy reader since they were out to trap him into marriage and bleed him financially. Indeed, the first major article in the first issue of Playboy was called “Miss Gold-Digger of 1953.” Bemoaning the good old days when alimony was reserved for “little floosies,” Playboy editors wrote, “When a modern day marriage ends, it doesn’t matter who’s to blame—it’s always the guy who pays and pays and pays and pays.” Echoing Wylie’s assertion that women had taken over America, the article continued, “A couple of generations ago, this was a man’s world, nothing could be further from the truth in 1953.”
Playboy was not the only media product to sell the 1950s young adult an ideology of consumption. According to historian George Lipsitz, the main function of television in the 1950s was to provide “legitimation for transformations in values initiated by the new economic imperatives of postwar America.” One way to do this, according to Ernest Dichter, the marketing guru of the 1950s, was to demonstrate “that the hedonistic approach to life is a moral one, not an immoral one.” While Playboy was one of many media corporations to employ Dichter, it was one of a few whose clear aim was to turn the male into a consumer. Elaine May has argued that the 1950s was in general the period of the “expert,” where increasing numbers of people turned to professionals for advice on just about every aspect of life, from what to buy to how to prepare for a nuclear war. Playboy editors certainly played the role of expert, telling readers “what to wear, eat, drink, read and drive, how to furnish their homes and listen to music, which nightclubs, restaurants, plays and films to attend, what equipment to own.” However, as with all advertising, the actual product on offer was not the commodity being advertised but rather the fantasy of transformation that this product promised to bring to the consumer’s life. The high-quality products shown in Playboy would transform the reader into a “playboy” who could then have the real prize: all the high-quality women he wanted—just like the ones who populated the magazine. The women in the Playboy pictorials were designed to be “teasers,” demonstrating to the reader what he could have if he adopted the Playboy lifestyle of high-level consumption. In an interview, Hefner revealed this strategy of sexualizing consumption when he explained: “ Playboy is a combination of sex . . . and status . . . the sex actually includes not only the Playmate and the cartoons and the jokes which describe boy-girl situations, but goes right down in all the service features.” Hefner, by sexualizing consumption, provided an extremely hospitable environment for advertisers looking to expand markets in the postwar boom. By the end of 1955, advertisers had overcome their initial fear of advertising in a “men’s entertainment” magazine and were, according to Weyr, “clamoring to buy.” During the 1950s and 1960s, Playboy continued to increase its readership and its advertising revenue, and by the late 1960s the circulation figures reached an all-time high of 4.5 million. An article in Business Week in 1969 entitled “ Playboy Puts a Glint in the Admen’s Eyes” discussed the enormous popularity of Playboy magazine with advertisers, quoting a media man at J. Walter Thompson Company, the world’s largest advertising agency at the time, saying that years ago none of their clients would have touched Playboy but “today, it’s a routine buy.” The magazine then informed its readers that “last year JWT expenditure in the magazine increased 70%.” Despite the increased advertising revenue that Playboy enjoyed well into the 1960s, its relationship with advertisers was stormy. The main reason for this was Playboy’s somewhat split personality as both a lifestyle magazine and a porn publication. According to Weyr, the advertisers liked Playboy ’s readership (mostly white, college-educated, upwardly mobile men) yet disliked its sexual content for fear of being associated with a sleazy porn magazine. In the early years, Hefner and his major associates regularly flew to New York for emergency meetings with advertisers whose clients felt that the pictorials or stories had become too explicit. Many of these meetings ended in a promise from the Playboy staff to limit the overt sexual content and no revenue was lost. One such battle occurred over a story by Calder Willingham that appeared in the July 1962 issue. Called “Bus Story,” it focuses on the rape of a seventeen-year-old girl by an older man. However, as in much of pornography, the story is written in a way that sexualizes the brutality: “There are times to be tender and times to be just a little rough. This was a time to be just a little rough. Left forearm heavily across her breasts and left hand gripping her shoulder so hard she winced, Harry used his knees like a wedge, grey eyes hypnotic above her. ‘Open your legs,’ he said in a cold, hard and vicious tone. Lips apart and eyes empty with shock, the girl did as she was told. A moment later, hands limp on his shoulders, a gasp came from her. Then another gasp.” According to Weyr, a number of companies, including Ford Motor, threatened to cancel contracts with Playboy and a number of newsstand wholesalers refused to carry the July issue. Fear of losing the advertisers prompted Hefner to write a letter of apology to all the major corporations who advertised in the July issue, and he offered to meet personally with their representatives. This kind of economic power meant that advertisers policed (and continue to police) the sexual content of Playboy. Thus, built into the magazine was a conflict between the need to attract advertising revenue and the need to keep readers interested by publishing sexual content.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Nicolae Fratea is on a mission to purge his Facebook timeline of weird political adverts. Every couple of days, he’s presented with accounts that, on the surface, look innocent—they often share the same innocuous profile picture of a cathedral in Chisinau, Moldova. But when he scrolls past, these pages present him with what he describes as “soft propaganda,” trying to entice him to join anti-government protests.
The ads echo the political messages of Ilan Shor, a sanctioned politician and businessman with deep links to the Kremlin, who has been accused by the US government of trying to destabilize Moldova on behalf of Russia. On Sunday, these ads helped promote Moldova’s most recent anti-government rally in the capital, Chinasu, which was attended by thousands of people. 
A video editor by day, Fratea now spends his evenings sleuthing for information on the shadowy Facebook pages that deliver these adverts. “What all these pages have in common is the fact they promote Shor’s parties, his agenda, and his news channels,” says the 38-year-old, who works for the news channel Jurnal TV. When he sees them, he leaves a review to warn others. His most recent reads: “Fake account! Fake page!” He also reports them to Facebook. But in 90 percent of cases, he says, the platform replies telling him everything looks normal. 
Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 was presaged by years of information operations, which used propaganda networks on social media to spread misinformation, influence elections, and undermine social cohesion. Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, promised to crack down on these state-backed influence campaigns in response to the war. “We’re taking extensive steps to fight the spread of misinformation,” the company said in January, in a report detailing its wartime policies to the EU. “We established a special operations center staffed by experts from across the company, including native Russian and Ukrainian speakers, who are monitoring the platform around the clock, allowing us to respond to issues in real time.”
Moldova, however, appears to fall outside that purview—despite sharing a border with Ukraine. The influence campaign being waged in Moldova would be unthinkable in Western Europe or North America, says Felix Kartte, senior adviser at the technology and democracy campaign group, Reset. “We're seeing basically Kremlin agents running overt campaigns on Facebook, trying to bring down a democratic government by mobilizing sham protests via Facebook ads.” 
Meta spokesperson Ben Waters says that Facebook adheres to US sanctions. “When Ilan Shor and the Șor Party were added to the US sanctions list, we took action on their known accounts,” he adds. “When we identified new associated accounts, we took action on those as well.”
In the months immediately after Russia launched its full-scale assault on Ukraine, Moldova worried it could be the Kremlin’s next military target—especially as the Russian army pushed towards the nearby Ukrainian city of Odessa. Around 1,500 Russian soldiers are already stationed in Transnistria, a breakaway region of Moldova. 
When Russia retreated to Ukraine’s east, the fear of an invasion eased a little. But it has been replaced by another more insidious concern that Russia could take over Moldova from the inside.
Russia’s influence operations often focus less on trying to push specific political parties, and more on undermining trust in government or driving wedges between different social groups. Lithuanian fact-checkers from the group Delfi Melo Detektorius say they are witnessing attempts to drive a furor about an EU law approving the sale of insect powder for human consumption. In several countries, notably Poland, Russia has been accused of pushing disinformation about LGBTQI communities. In Moldova, the current messaging focuses on the high price of utility bills, which have surged after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  
“This is part of the Russian playbook,” says Valeriu Pașa, president and chair of Watchdog.MD, a Moldovan think tank that has been tracking disinformation and online influence campaigns. “If you cannot convince someone to endorse your version of events, you can at least try to confuse people until they don’t trust anything.” 
Shor, who owns a football club and a duty-free company, along with other businesses, was a bit-part player in Moldovan politics until 2015, when police opened an investigation into suspected fraud at three banks, including one where Shor was the chair. He joined the Șor party and ran for mayor in the city of Orhei. He won the election with 62 percent of the vote, but he was convicted of bank fraud two years later. He now lives in exile in Israel.
Since then, the Șor Party has received advice from political strategists sent by Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), according to documents obtained by The Washington Post. When those strategists reported back in 2021, they described what had been decided: Șor was to be positioned as a party offering “concrete action,” it would be populist “in the real sense of the word,” offering to change “people’s lives for the better.”
The US sanctioned Shor in October, saying the support he had received from Russia was designed to destabilize Moldova.
The Șor Party did not respond to a request for comment. 
As a person under sanctions, Shor is not technically allowed to advertise on Facebook. But Watchdog.MD says Shor has found a loophole in Facebook’s ad system that allows him to dodge restrictions to  promote his political agenda. 
On February 3, he appeared in a video criticizing the government for the surging cost of energy bills, which soared five-fold after Russia cut the supply of gas flowing into Moldova. “Today, the most necessary professions in the country, such as doctors and teachers, are forced to take out loans in order to pay for utilities,” he says, expressing his support for a petition that calls on the government to write off the population’s winter energy bills. 
What’s strange about the video is its origin. It was posted by a page that has been liked by only 19 people. But the video has been watched more than 600,000 times, a huge amount in a country with a population of less than 2.5 million. Watchdog.MD says the video has been aggressively promoted using ads. But on February 10, when researchers looked at the page’s ad library—where past and present adverts are meant to appear—the video was gone. Watchdog.MD does not know how to explain why Shor’s ads don’t always show up in Facebook’s ad tracker. 
Every week, new pages sprang up, running new ads on behalf of the Șor Party. Between the 13th and 19th of February, Watchdog.MD identified seven ads run by five different pages. Between the 1st and 10th of February, there were seven ads run by six different pages. 
Many of these pages were created with Vietnamese names, including Shop Mua Bán (Shop, Buy, Sell) or Shop Ban Giay (Shoe Shop) or Tạp Chí Phái Đẹp (Beauty Magazine). Their names were later changed to names that referred explicitly to Moldova, such as “For Chisinau” or “For the People.” Many of the pages state that they have admins based in countries such as the United Arab Emirates, the Philippines, and Indonesia. 
“It’s clear that behind these ads are people who know very well and understand how Facebook works and how to avoid all these internal rules,” Pașa says.
The pages are often taken down after Watchdog.MD reports them, but as soon as Facebook bans one, another will soon replace it. Pașa is frustrated at Facebook’s lack of a systemic approach to dealing with the problem. “They say they are investigating, and we trust them, but their approach is reactive.” 
Facebook has been reporting on similar types of Russian influence campaigns since at least 2017. During the US presidential election in 2022, the platform banned political ads entirely. But in Moldova, the ads keep coming.
Reset’s Kartte says the ads he’s seen have been such a clear violation of Facebook’s terms of service, it implies the platform has not invested in sufficient resources or staff for the local market. “In Moldova, they clearly do not care,” he says. 
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ivanmkt100kirara · 17 hours
Post #2 - The Brand
As a brand, Manga Time Kirara is first and foremost dedicated to providing monthly magazines as their method of distributing their cute girl manga titles to audiences. Their first issue was published on May 17th, 2002, as the brand was also founded the same year. As of 2020-2021, their annual circulation is 80,000. As a division of the Houbunsha company, it is located in Bunko-ku, Japan. Uniquely, Manga Time Kirara does not operate under a traditional employees mean, but rather, with artists, who are recruited based on their self-publishing or independent experience. On average, hundreds of artists work for the brand at the same time due to wide range of magazines to work for, but in specific, about 90-110 artists. The main issuer of the company is Takkai Higashi, while Hiroyuki Kobayashi acts as chief editor. It's editorial department is Manga Time Kirara Editorial Department. It's status as public or private is unknown.
The marketing strategy and mix, which includes the likes of targeting towards a demographic of young men despite the cute look, is notable in being designed as the first magazine brand to specialize in "moe 4-koma", which was growing in popularity at the turn of the century. Throughout the 2000s, it introduced more sub-magazines, which introduced a further pride of product mix to the company. Further magazines of the brand include Carat, MAX, and Forward, which still go to this very day.
Aside from their four-pannel manga series, their revenue also involves animation, special events, and merchandising, which leads to 4,737,210,00 yen for Houbunsha per year, or $32,781,758.48 dollars. It's mission statement is "Doki Doki Visual 4-koma Magazine", which is just saying what to expect from them. Manga Time Kirara is the brand that earns all the money for Houbunsha, to put it lightly.
DNB (18, June 2020) HOUBUNSHA CO., LTD. Company Profile | BUNKYO-KU, TOKYO, Japan | Competitors, Financials & Contacts - Dun & Bradstreet (dnb.com). DNB. Retrieved September 25th, 2024 https://www.dnb.com/business-directory/company-profiles.houbunsha_co_ltd.d67379bc407f134626ac224927e87420.html
J-Magazine (30, September 2019) JMPA Magazine Data: [Men] Comic Magazines for Men. JMPA. Retrieved September 25th, 2024 https://web.archive.org/web/20201108011108/https://www.j-magazine.or.jp/user/data/magdata/1/13
Myvavi (1, March 2024) Company Profile of Houbunsha Co., Ltd. | Mynavi 2025. Mynavi. Retrieved September 25th, 2024 https://job.mynavi.jp/25/pc/search/corp73447/outline.html
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creativeera · 24 hours
The Rise of Natural Ingredients Prompts Growth in the Beauty Supplements Market
The beauty supplements market consists of oral dietary supplements aimed at enhancing physical beauty by nourishing skin, hair, and nails from within. Beauty supplements contain vitamins, minerals, proteins, omega fatty acids, and other natural ingredients that are beneficial for overall health as well as skin, hair, and nail quality. They are available in the form of tablets, capsules, powders, soft gels and liquids. Beauty supplements offer several advantages over topical treatments like lotions and potions as they work from inside out to impart natural glow, strengthen hair follicles and improve skin elasticity. With rising health concerns, the demand for clean label products made from organic and natural ingredients is on the rise. The Global Beauty Supplements Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 2979.84 Mn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.5% over the forecast period between 2024 To 2031. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the Beauty Supplements market are Presto Geosystems, Polymer Group Inc., Strata Systems Inc., Armtec Infrastructure Inc., Maccaferri SPA, PRS Mediterranean Ltd., Maccaferri SPA, and Tensar International Ltd. The Beauty Supplements Market Growth is witnessing high increasing demand for products with natural ingredients among health-conscious consumers. Various vitamins, minerals and antioxidant-rich supplements are gaining popularity for their ability to deliver results without any side effects. The market is further strengthened by expansion of key players into international markets. Leading companies are focusing on geographic expansions and product launches catering to specific regional consumer needs to boost sales in foreign markets. Market Key Trends One of the key Beauty Supplements Market Size and Trends witnessed in the beauty supplements market is the rise of customized formulations. Manufactures are offering customized beauty supplements tailored to an individual's age, gender, skin and hair type. Through online consultations and diagnostic tests, they provide personalized recommendations and formulations targeted towards the unique nutritional needs of each consumer. This has increased customer stickiness and engagement with the brands.
Porter’s Analysis Threat of new entrants: Dietary supplement industry has moderate barriers for new companies to enter due to regulations and capital requirements. Bargaining power of buyers: Buyers have moderate bargaining power due to availability of substitutes and differentiation in products. Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers have moderate bargaining power as raw materials for supplements are commoditized. Threat of new substitutes: Threat of substitutes is moderate as new product innovations can disrupt the market. Competitive rivalry: Industry faces high competition due to several large players. Geographical Regions North America currently dominates the beauty supplements market in terms of value, with the United States being the major contributor. Factors such as increasing spending on beauty and wellness products, rising awareness regarding the benefits of beauty supplements and presence of major manufacturers driving market growth in the region. Asia Pacific region is expected to be the fastest growing market for beauty supplements during the forecast period. Increasing disposable incomes, growing health and wellness trends driving demand for nutritional and dietary supplements from countries like China and India will support market expansion. Rising urbanization and evolving consumer lifestyles are additional factors fueling market development opportunities across Asia Pacific.
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Vaagisha brings over three years of expertise as a content editor in the market research domain. Originally a creative writer, she discovered her passion for editing, combining her flair for writing with a meticulous eye for detail. Her ability to craft and refine compelling content makes her an invaluable asset in delivering polished and engaging write-ups.
(LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vaagisha-singh-8080b91)
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thesisphd · 1 month
Elevate Your Academic Success: The Power of Thesis PhD Support
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Completing a PhD is one of the most challenging academic pursuits. At the heart of this journey is your thesis—a comprehensive document that encapsulates years of research, analysis, and intellectual effort. Writing a PhD thesis is not just about putting your findings on paper; it's about creating a well-structured, persuasive, and original contribution to your field. Given the complexities involved, many PhD candidates find value in seeking professional Thesis PhD support.
The Demands of a PhD Thesis
Writing a PhD thesis is a multifaceted task that involves several stages: selecting a research topic, conducting a thorough literature review, designing and executing research, analyzing data, and presenting your findings in a coherent narrative. Each of these stages requires specialized skills and a deep understanding of academic standards. Balancing these demands with other commitments can be overwhelming, which is why expert guidance can be so beneficial.
Key Areas Where Thesis PhD Support Makes a Difference
Comprehensive Dissertation Writing: Professional thesis writing services can assist you at every stage of your dissertation, from the initial outline to the final draft. They help ensure that your work is well-organized, your arguments are logically structured, and your research is presented effectively.
Targeted Chapter Assistance: Whether you need help with a specific chapter like the literature review or conclusion, expert support is available. This ensures each section of your thesis is meticulously crafted and contributes meaningfully to your overall argument.
Refined Literature Review: A strong literature review is the backbone of any thesis. Thesis PhD support can help you identify and synthesize key research, providing a solid foundation for your study and highlighting the gap your research will fill.
Research Proposal Crafting: The research proposal is a critical step in your PhD journey. Professional services can help you articulate your research questions, outline your methodology, and present a compelling case for your study's significance.
Editing and Revisions: High-quality academic writing requires rigorous editing. Professional editors can help refine your thesis, ensuring clarity, coherence, and compliance with academic standards. They can also help address feedback from your supervisors, making revisions less stressful.
Data Analysis Support: Accurate data analysis is crucial for the credibility of your research. Whether you're using qualitative or quantitative methods, expert support can guide you in analyzing your data correctly, helping you draw valid conclusions.
Journal Article Preparation: Publishing your research in peer-reviewed journals is often essential for academic success. Thesis PhD support can assist in turning your thesis into publishable articles, increasing your work's visibility and impact.
The Advantages of Professional Thesis Support
Engaging with Thesis PhD support services offers numerous advantages. You gain access to experienced professionals who are well-versed in the intricacies of academic writing and research. These services provide personalized support, tailored to your specific needs and academic goals. This level of expertise can significantly enhance the quality of your thesis, ensuring it stands out in your field.
Conclusion: Empower Your PhD Journey
Completing a PhD thesis is a monumental achievement that requires dedication, skill, and perseverance. With professional Thesis PhD support, you can navigate this challenging process with greater confidence and less stress. By leveraging expert guidance, you ensure that your thesis not only meets the high standards of academia but also reflects the depth and originality of your research.
As you work towards this important academic milestone, remember that you don't have to do it alone. Professional support is available to help you succeed, making your PhD journey a more rewarding and fulfilling experience.
Kindly check it website : https://thesisphd.com/
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ajaymane1 · 3 months
Navigating the Global Landscape: PEC Translation Services for Seamless Communication
In today's interconnected world, where businesses operate across borders and individuals connect with diverse communities, effective communication is paramount. Language barriers can hinder progress, create misunderstandings, and limit opportunities. This is where professional translation services become indispensable, enabling clear, accurate, and culturally relevant communication across linguistic boundaries.
PEC Translation: Your Partner in Global Communication
At PEC Translation, we understand the complexities of language and the nuances of cultural communication. We offer a comprehensive range of translation services designed to bridge language gaps and unlock the potential of global engagement. Our team of highly skilled translators, native speakers in their respective languages, is committed to delivering high-quality, accurate translations that resonate with your target audience.
Our Services: Bridging the Gap
PEC Translation caters to a wide array of translation needs, encompassing:
Document Translation: From legal documents to marketing materials, we translate all types of documents with precision and cultural sensitivity.
Website Localization: We ensure your online presence is accessible and engaging for global audiences, optimizing your website for different cultures and languages.
Software Localization: We localize your software applications to enhance user experience and expand your market reach.
Interpreting Services: We offer professional interpreting services for conferences, meetings, legal proceedings, and other events, facilitating effective communication in real-time.
Subtitling and Dubbing: We bring your video content to a global audience through accurate and engaging subtitling and dubbing services.
Transcription: We provide reliable transcription services for audio and video recordings, converting spoken words into text for various purposes.
Our Commitment: Quality and Expertise
We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional translation services that meet the highest industry standards. Here's how we ensure quality:
Native-Speaker Translators: Our team consists of experienced translators who are native speakers of the target language, guaranteeing cultural accuracy and fluency.
Subject Matter Expertise: We have a diverse team of translators specializing in various fields, ensuring technical accuracy and industry-specific language proficiency.
Quality Control Processes: Every translation undergoes rigorous quality control procedures, including multiple rounds of review and proofreading by experienced editors.
Confidentiality and Security: We prioritize the confidentiality of your sensitive information, adhering to strict data protection protocols.
Dedicated Project Managers: Our dedicated project managers are your single point of contact, ensuring smooth communication and timely delivery of your project.
Beyond Translation: Cultural Understanding
At PEC Translation, we believe that true communication goes beyond simply translating words. It involves understanding the nuances of cultural context, ensuring your message resonates with your audience. Our team is well-versed in cultural sensitivities and can adapt your content to specific cultural norms, making it impactful and engaging.
Partnering for Success
Whether you are expanding your business globally, launching a new product, or communicating with diverse audiences, PEC Translation is your trusted partner. We are committed to providing seamless, high-quality translation services that bridge language barriers and foster meaningful connections.
Contact us today to discuss your translation needs and embark on your journey towards global communication success.
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surajheroblog · 5 months
Niche Down & Stand Out: Mastering Video Editing for Your Industry in Hyderabad
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The city of pearls, Hyderabad, is not only a historical and cultural hub but also a burgeoning center for the Indian media and entertainment industry. With a thriving video production scene, Hyderabad offers a plethora of opportunities for aspiring and experienced video editors alike. However, in today's competitive market, specialization is key. By honing your skills in a specific video editing niche, you can significantly enhance your employability and stand out from the crowd.
This blog post explores the advantages of specializing in video editing for your chosen industry and guides you towards finding the perfect video editing training course Hyderabad to refine your craft.
Why Niche Down? The Power of Specialization in Video Editing
In the dynamic world of video editing, versatility is valuable. However, possessing a deep understanding of the specific editing requirements, workflows, and best practices within a particular industry can be a game-changer. Here's why specializing in video editing for your industry can be a strategic move:
In-Demand Skills: By specializing, you cater to a specific market segment with unique video editing needs. This positions you as an expert and makes your skillset highly sought-after by production houses, marketing agencies, or studios within your chosen industry.
Enhanced Credibility: A specialized video editor demonstrates a deeper understanding of the industry's visual language, storytelling techniques, and target audience preferences. This translates into stronger credibility and commands a premium in the job market.
Streamlined Workflow: Specialization allows you to develop a refined workflow tailored to the specific video formats, software applications, and editing techniques commonly used in your chosen industry. This translates into increased efficiency and productivity.
Networking Opportunities: Specialization fosters stronger connections with industry professionals and potential clients. By attending industry events or online forums, you can network with individuals who share your niche and build valuable relationships.
Identifying Your Niche: Popular Specialization Options in Video Editing
The beauty of video editing lies in its versatility. Here are some popular industry niches you can explore with the help of a specialized video editing training course Hyderabad:
Corporate Video Editing: Master the art of crafting compelling explainer videos, product demos, corporate presentations, and training materials.
Wedding & Event Editing: Learn the art of storytelling through wedding films, event highlights, and capturing the essence of special occasions.
Motion Graphics & VFX: Specialize in creating visually stunning animations, motion graphics, and visual effects to elevate video productions.
Social Media Video Editing: Understand the nuances of editing engaging video content specifically tailored for various social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.
Documentary Film Editing: Develop the skills required to structure impactful narratives and create documentaries that resonate with viewers.
Medical & Educational Video Editing: Learn the specific considerations for editing medical presentations, educational tutorials, and e-learning modules.
Mastering Your Niche: How Video Editing Training Courses in Hyderabad Can Help
Now that you've identified a potential niche, a well-designed video editing training course Hyderabad can equip you with the specific skills and knowledge to excel. Here's how these courses can empower your specialization journey:
Industry-Specific Techniques and Workflows
A good video editing training course Hyderabad tailored to your chosen niche will delve into the specific editing techniques and workflows commonly used in that industry. For example, a course on corporate video editing might focus on script breakdowns, interview editing, and integrating motion graphics, while a course on social media video editing might emphasize creating captivating hooks, optimizing for mobile viewing, and adhering to platform-specific video requirements.
Software Applications for Your Niche
Different industries often rely on specific software applications in their video editing workflows. A specialized video editing training course Hyderabad can introduce you to the industry-standard software used in your niche, along with best practices for optimizing your workflow within that software. For instance, courses focused on motion graphics and VFX might prioritize software like Adobe After Effects, while courses on medical video editing might introduce software specifically designed for handling scientific footage.
Developing a Keen Eye for Industry Aesthetics
Each industry has its own visual language and aesthetic preferences. A specialized video editing training course Hyderabad can help you develop a keen eye for the aesthetics and storytelling techniques prevalent in your chosen niche. This will enable you to create videos that resonate with the target audience and effectively communicate the intended message.
Finding the Perfect Fit: Choosing the Right Video Editing Training Course in Hyderabad
With a plethora of institutes offering video editing training courses Hyderabad, selecting the one that aligns best with your niche can be overwhelming. Here are some key factors to consider:
Course Curriculum: Carefully review the course curriculum to ensure it covers the specific editing techniques, software applications, and industry best practices relevant to your chosen niche.
Faculty Expertise: Look for institutes with instructors who possess not only strong video editing skills but also demonstrable experience within your chosen industry. Their practical knowledge and industry insights can be invaluable assets in your learning journey.
Course Projects and Portfolio Building: Many video editing training courses Hyderabad incorporate industry-oriented projects that allow you to apply your newly acquired skills to practical scenarios relevant to your niche. Look for courses that emphasize portfolio building, as a strong portfolio showcasing your niche expertise can be a powerful tool when approaching potential employers or clients.
Reputation and Reviews: Research the institute's reputation in the video editing community. Read online reviews from past students and inquire about the institute's track record of placing graduates in your chosen industry.
Level Up Your Skills: The Journey Beyond a Video Editing Training Course Hyderabad
Enrolling in a specialized video editing training course Hyderabad is a significant step towards mastering your craft within your chosen niche. However, the learning doesn't stop there. Here are some additional tips to stay ahead of the curve:
Immerse Yourself in the Industry: Stay updated on the latest trends and techniques used in your industry by following industry publications, attending workshops and conferences, and actively engaging with online communities of video editors in your niche.
Build Your Network: Actively network with industry professionals, attend industry events, and connect with potential clients. Building strong professional relationships can open doors to exciting opportunities within your niche.
Never Stop Learning: The world of video editing is constantly evolving. Embrace continuous learning by exploring online tutorials, attending masterclasses, and keeping yourself updated on the latest software advancements.
Practice Makes Perfect: Regularly hone your skills by working on freelance projects within your niche. This practical experience will not only solidify your learning but also help you build a strong portfolio that showcases your expertise.
Conclusion: Own Your Niche and Take Your Video Editing Career to the Next Level 
In the competitive world of video editing, carving out your niche can be a strategic move towards a successful and fulfilling career. By specializing in a specific industry and equipping yourself with the necessary skills through a well-chosen video editing training course Hyderabad, you position yourself as a valuable asset within that niche.
Remember, the path to becoming a master video editor is a continuous journey of learning, refining your skills, and staying updated with the ever-evolving industry. Are you ready to take your video editing skills to the next level and carve your niche in the dynamic world of video production?
We offer a comprehensive video editing training course Hyderabad designed to equip you with the specialized skills and industry knowledge you need to excel in your chosen niche. Enroll in our video editing training course Hyderabad today and unlock a world of exciting opportunities in the video editing industry. Our experienced instructors, industry-focused curriculum, and project-based learning approach will empower you to master the art of video editing for your specific niche.
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Unveiling the Optimal Email Plugin for Your WordPress Site
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Are you seeking the most effective email plugin for your WordPress website? Look no further! Discover here the perfect solution to streamline your email marketing efforts effortlessly.
WordPress, renowned for its versatility and user-friendliness, offers a plethora of email plugins tailored to meet diverse needs. However, with so many options to choose from, finding the perfect plugin can seem overwhelming. Fear not, as we delve into the top contenders, unraveling their features, functionalities, and suitability to aid you in making an informed decision.
Without further ado, let's explore the best email plugins for WordPress:
OptinMonster: Renowned for its versatility and robust features, OptinMonster stands out as a formidable choice for enhancing lead generation and boosting conversions. With its intuitive drag-and-drop builder, seamless integration options, and comprehensive analytics, OptinMonster empowers you to create captivating opt-in forms, pop-ups, and personalized campaigns effortlessly.
Constant Contact: As a trusted name in email marketing, Constant Contact offers a seamless WordPress integration, allowing you to effortlessly sync your email lists and craft visually appealing emails with its user-friendly editor. With its array of customizable templates, automation features, and robust tracking tools, Constant Contact simplifies the process of nurturing leads and fostering meaningful engagement with your audience.
Mailchimp: Widely acclaimed for its simplicity and versatility, Mailchimp emerges as a popular choice among WordPress users seeking to streamline their email marketing endeavors. With its intuitive interface, customizable templates, and advanced automation features, Mailchimp enables you to create targeted campaigns, segment your audience effectively, and analyze campaign performance with ease.
Sendinblue: Boasting a comprehensive suite of email marketing tools, Sendinblue caters to the needs of both beginners and seasoned marketers alike. From its intuitive drag-and-drop editor to its advanced automation workflows and transactional email capabilities, Sendinblue empowers you to deliver personalized messages, nurture leads, and drive conversions seamlessly.
ConvertKit: Geared towards bloggers, content creators, and online entrepreneurs, ConvertKit offers a plethora of features designed to simplify the process of building and nurturing your email list. With its customizable opt-in forms, visual automation builder, and tagging functionality, ConvertKit empowers you to deliver targeted content to your subscribers and cultivate meaningful relationships effortlessly.
AWeber: With its user-friendly interface and robust feature set, AWeber remains a popular choice for businesses of all sizes seeking to leverage the power of email marketing. Whether you're looking to create engaging newsletters, automate email sequences, or conduct split tests, AWeber provides the tools you need to succeed in today's competitive landscape.
GetResponse: Renowned for its all-in-one marketing platform, GetResponse offers a comprehensive suite of tools to help you grow your audience, engage subscribers, and drive conversions effectively. From its responsive email design capabilities to its advanced segmentation options and powerful automation features, GetResponse equips you with everything you need to succeed in your email marketing endeavors.
In conclusion
The best email plugin for your WordPress site ultimately depends on your specific requirements, objectives, and budget. Whether you prioritize ease of use, advanced automation capabilities, or comprehensive analytics, there's undoubtedly a plugin that aligns with your needs perfectly. Evaluate the features, consider your goals, and embark on your email marketing journey with confidence, knowing that you've chosen the optimal plugin to propel your WordPress site to new heights of success.
For further insights into enhancing your WordPress website's functionality, explore our comprehensive guide on the "7 Best WordPress Email Subscription Plugins".
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bookpublisher1 · 6 months
Unlock Your Writing Potential: Reasons to Join a Writing Community
Unlock Your Writing Potential: Reasons to Join a Writing Community
As a writer, the journey can often feel solitary. You grapple with self-doubt, wrestle with plot holes, and long for a sounding board to bounce ideas off. While dedication and persistence are essential, there's another powerful tool in your writer's toolbox – joining a writing community.
Whether it's an online forum, a local critique group, or a genre-specific organization, writing communities provide a wealth of support, inspiration, and opportunities for growth. But with so many options, how do you find the right fit? Let's explore the compelling reasons to join a writing community and the factors to consider before diving in.
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Benefits of Joining a Writing Community
Accountability and Motivation: Sharing your writing goals within a community creates a sense of accountability, helping you stay on track. The camaraderie and encouragement from fellow writers fuels motivation when the inner critic gets loud.
Constructive Feedback Getting honest and constructive feedback is crucial for growth. A diverse group of writers brings fresh perspectives, pointing out inconsistencies, blind spots, and areas for improvement.
Build Your Skills: Reading and critiquing others' work sharpens your analytical skills. You learn to identify strengths and weaknesses, making you a better editor of your own writing.
Celebrate Successes: Sharing wins, big and small, with a supportive community is incredibly uplifting. Celebrating others' achievements inspires you to keep pushing towards your own goals.
Combat Isolation: Writing can be isolating. A community provides a sense of belonging, connecting you with people who understand your unique challenges and triumphs.
Networking and Opportunities: Writing communities often offer access to industry professionals, webinars, contests, and publication opportunities you may not have found on your own.
Factors to Consider Before Joining a Writing Community
Genre and Focus: Seek out communities that align with your writing niche. This ensures your work receives relevant feedback and resonates with the target audience.
Level of Experience: Some communities cater to beginners, while others are geared towards more seasoned writers. Find a group that matches your current skill level.
Format and Commitment Level: Consider whether you prefer in-person meetings, online forums, or a mix. Be realistic about how much time you can dedicate to participation.
Cost: While many communities are free, some involve membership fees or workshop costs. Factor these expenses into your decision.
Community Culture: Every group has its own vibe. Lurk for a while to determine if the atmosphere feels supportive, respectful, and encouraging.
Here are other 7 Things to Consider Before You Join a Writing Community
Finding Your Writing Tribe
There are countless writing communities out there. Here are a few ways to find the right fit:
Online Resources: Websites like Meetup, Facebook Groups, and writing-specific forums offer a wide range of options.
Local Resources: Check with libraries, community centers, and bookstores for local writing groups.
Social Media: Follow writers you admire and see if they recommend or lead any communities.
Word of Mouth: Ask fellow writers if they belong to groups they'd recommend
Thriving Within Your Community
Once you've joined a writing community, be an active participant. Offer thoughtful critiques, be respectful of others, and celebrate the successes of fellow members. The more you put in, the more you'll get out of the experience.
Joining a writing community is an investment in yourself as a writer. It provides a space for growth, connection, and a sense of belonging within the vast world of words. If you've been hesitant, take the plunge! With a little research and open-mindedness, you might just find the "reasons to join a writing community" are too numerous to ignore.
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