#this is still a wlw blog just cute accurate url now
romancelesbian · 6 years
wlw-suggestion --> romancelesbian
just a lil something new. especially since i don’t really make suggestions/people don’t submit them. it’s cute pink gay blog time
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bievamohn · 7 years
Hi! First of all I wanna say your blog is really cool! But I wanted to ask: I gather you ship Eva and Sana so I was wandering if you'd mind telling me why? I feel like all of tumblr started shipping them overnight and I don't really see them together myself so I'm curious because I feel like if I've missed something. Thanks !! xx
I’d written a long ass thing for this and then accidentally pressed return. I somehow managed to write a really long post anyway, so I’ll put some of it under a cut.Disclaimer: I will be using the word q**er a lot, because it is a word the I personally am comfortable and identify with.
I’m just so in love with the idea of the two of them together, because I think it’s the kind of relationship that no one expected, but is great anyway. There are so many posts that I want to write about these two, but I haven’t yet. There are so many points that are central to why I ship Evana, but I can’t possibly fit them all in this post, so instead this has just become the backstory of my Evana shipping, and I’ll probably make another long ass post tomorrow.
First off, as I said, I’m queer. Plain ole gay. I love girls, and I love wlw ships, however many shows don’t really care about women characters and I am bitter.
But the girls in SKAM, god. As a young scandinavian, it is so refreshing to see an accurate portrayal of someone like me in a mainstream show, and I especially recognised myself in Isak, but that’s not what this post is about.The female characters of SKAM are (or were…) so well written, and while I initially did not actually expect to like the show, I did, because of the characters. Eva seems like what I would call one of Those Girls™ (I hate saying that, but you know, we’re all a little prejudiced), but we’re shown that she’s lonely, that she’s eats ice cream alone in her bed while watching Dr Phil, and that her skirt accidentally gets stuck in her tights. Now enter Noora, who’s kind to Eva, who ID’s as a feminist and I’ll say is definitely queer coded, more specifically coded as a lesbian. Eva get’s all excited about her accepting her friend request on Facebook and basically I’m head over heels for this ship before I even realised it. (rest is under the cut)
Come season 2, I find myself hopeful and then endlessly disappointed. I hated that season. I genuinely thought that Noora was going to be revealed (or whatever you say) as a lesbian, but no. Instead self-proclaimed feminist Noora falls in love with Willhell, after the way he has treated Vilde, the creepy shit he has said to Noora, and after him basically blackmailing Noora into going on a date with him. Excuse me, what?? Noora is a smart girl, and a lesbian I thought. He was terrible and Noora was so lovely and I just couldn’t comprehend it. Anyway, I didn’t let Noora’s sudden infatuation with Mr Terrible take away all my hopes. Bi, pan and ply people exist, @asianbambi recently introduced me to the idea of pan Noora, which I am absolutely not opposed to, or Noora could be experiencing comp het, which is a very real thing for many lesbians. With Eva kissing Vilde and also just being overall Great and Bi™, Nooreva still very much has my heart.This is probably where I should mention, that I didn’t like Sana originally. I thought she was too agressive and dominant, but as we got to know her more as a character during s1 and s2 I started liking her more and more, and at the end of season 2 I definitely liked her enough that she and her yellow hijab and sunshine smile in the last episode had me deceased.
Season 3 came with not a lot of girls, but a great deal of gay and also Sana. I was a bit disappointed by the lack of Eva & Isak friendship, but it is what it is. Season 3 was so so good and important, and I can’t even begin to express my love for it. O Helga Natt had me bawling for like a solid half hour and I’m getting emotional just thinking about it.I’m getting sidetracked, bc this is about Sana. I loved Sana in s3, everything she said was even more iconic than usual, and a thing that really made me love her was the talk she had with Isak about how homosexuality actually plays a natural role in evolution, because it showed us, that while she is an opinionated and independent character, she’s not afraid of admitting that she’s wrong. Throughout the season she’s just overall great and smart and beautiful (sorry i just love her sm) and she becomes my favourite character after Isak (who is mainly my fave because I recognise myself in his struggle with his sexuality and all that).
I was ecstatic when I found out Sana was going to be then season 4 main, and I was excited to see more of the girl group. While I was aware of some of the nasty shit Vilde had said, it just became so clear this season and also her and Magnus kind of make me want to barf (sorry), so let’s be real, Vilde high key cancelled. Evilde had been a minor ship of mine, but it never really took off because Nooreva had my heart and Evak took over my life (whooops). The first episode of season 4 was everything I’d hoped for, but then Julie wouldn’t let Noora and Willhell fucking go. Like it was bad enough with her interrupting Isak and Even in s3, but like it was an intersting way to build tension and I get it. But now? This is Sana’s season, and Sana and Noora weren’t very close before, what is happening?? Until recently, I didn’t really see Sana with anyone, but Yousef happened and boi was I excited about Yousana. They were cute, Yousef seemed to genuinely care for Sana, and I just want the best for her, so I was all aboard.Then episode 5 happens.
Noora? Cancelled. Yousef? Cancelled. Sana? Heartbroken. Me? Likewise. Evers since season 1 I have lowkey headcanoned Eva as bi, especially after the Vilde thing (you can pry bi Eva from my cold dead hands. god i love my url), and since Noora is now fully cancelled (or just don’t exist after s1, idk I suddenly haven’t seen her for 2.5 seasons) my bi daughter is all lonely and w/o a gf. But then @sanaseva saves me with a post about Eva x Sana and I’m like HECK YEAH. Because I love both Eva and Sana, and Sana deserves so much better than Yousef, and to me Eva is better. I’m very disappointed in the party girl Eva is currently being reduced to; basically Julie is making her one of Those Girls™, which is such a shame. But I love both Sana and Eva, and I am all about gal pals, to be honest I just see an opportunity. Sana is a smart sciency gal, can be a bit quiet, but is also fierce as fuck, and I think Eva compliments her nicely with her extrovertedness, her gentleness, her respect and loyalty to her friends, and the maturity we see at the end of season 1.
Also because I Sana was interested in Yousef and I don’t want to discredit that, I see her as bi, and tbh two bi people dating is great, regardless of their gender, because having someone who undestands that part of yourself is such a great feeling and so validating.So in short, Sana and Eva are bi girlfriends and they’re both great separately and together, and I love them..
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