#this is such a rich text ......... thank you harls
kitnita · 4 months
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thomas harley for nhl network   —   EDM vs DAL;   game 1   —   05.23.24
[i want to ask you just one last question about — just, the makeup of this team, ‘cause i always joke that dallas has two cores. there’s, like, the veteran core group, and then there’s the young guys. when you guys are out at team events, like … does it stay that way? who mixes with who? like, what is the dynamic when you guys are just spending time together? like, does the youth stick together i guess is what i’m asking.]   yeah, us young guys stick together. um — me and johnny still room together on the road. we, uh, we gotta keep that going. but, yeah, the old guys kinda stick to the old guys, the young guys stick with the young guys, so it’s — it’s pretty much what you’d think it’d be.  [last one for you — just, miro heiskanen, and what he is like to play with, what he’s like on the bench. is he a vocal guy? ‘cause he seems quiet, to the outsiders; is that actually how he is all the time?]   yeah, he’s pretty quiet. um … i like to get him going a little bit.   [how do you do that?]   just — excuse the language, but give him some shit. um, yeah. just kinda poke him, a little bit. um — kinda be a younger brother to him. 
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takenbyemrys · 5 years
Chapter 1/4
Pairing: Peter Parker/Harley Keener
Peter had never met his boyfriend irl. Yes they skyped and knew each other, but it was never really enough. When Harley mentions a special surprise that he's sending Peter, the boy is obviously excited, but first he has to get through a party that Mr.Stark decided to throw.
Each chapter can be read as a oneshot
Hey sweetheart, hows the school day?
Ya know, the ushe
Excuse me? The what?
I will never understand your NY slang
Like you have room to talk Mr.y’all’dve
Like tf.
On another note, are we still on for tonight?
Like i would miss a date with my sweetheart ;) I have a surprise for ya, so don’t be late
Peter slid his phone into his backpack with a grin. He shoved it under the dumpster this time, hoping no one would steal it this time. Peter flung himself through the city with ease, keeping one ear open for crime. His other ear was listening to Ned and MJ argue about physics.
“Hey guys,” Peter perched on a gargoyle.
“Sorry Peter, what’s going on?” Ned asked.
“No, nothing crime related. I was just wondering what you guys thought about Harley?” Peter held his breath, waiting for their answer.
“Jesus christ Parker. Your dating a super hot southern belle that you’ve never met in person. It’s the equivalent of having a girlfriend in Canada. If I hadn’t skyped him with you once, I wouldn't have believed you. However, he’s great. Why?” MJ snorted. Peter smiled under the suit.
“I want… I want to meet him.” Peter murmured.
“Awe, dude.” Ned crooned. MJ snickered.
“Peter, there is a mugging on the corner of 12th and 31st behind Tower Cleaners.” Karen interrupted.
“Thanks Karen, guys, gotta put ya on hold.” Peter leapt off the gargoyle and swung toward the mugging. The mugger was holding up a girl, probably around fourteen.
“Give me your goddamn money kid. I’m not gonna tell you again.” The guy was pretty average looking, with a butterfly knife clutched in his hand. Peter dropped right behind him.
“That’s so rude. Any no way for you to ask someone for money.” Peter said. The man swung around, the knife making a wide arc. Peter sucked in and arched his back, missing the blade by a hair. “Like there should be a please, and at least like begging because your moms dying or something. Like honestly, swearing at kids? What the fuck?” Peter dropped to the ground and swept the muggers legs out from under him. The man hit the ground and before he could get up, Peter webbed him to the ground. Peter turned to find the teenage girl pressed against a dumpster.
“Hey are you okay?” Peter held up his hands.
“Yep, I'm good. Holy fuck. Thank you Spider-man.” She half stuttered.
“Do you need a ride somewhere? I can help you get wherever you need to go.” Peter held out a hand.
“Nah, my bus stops only a block away. Thank you.” She darted in and hugged him before sprinting from the alley. Peter grinned and started walking up the wall. “Karen, please inform the police of the mugger in the alley.” He chirped.
“Of course, Peter. I will let you know if I find any more disturbances.”
“Okay guys, I’m back.” Peter tapped back into the group call.
“Good, what are you going to do about Harley?” Ned asked.
“I don’t know. I mean, it’s not like we have anyway to see each other. Neither of us are rich enough for a plane ticket. Plus next year we’re both going off to college. We’ve never really talked about the future. We always avoid it.” Peter sighed and relaxed back on his gargoyle.
“Stop being such a loser. Ask Stark.” MJ said. Radio silence ensued.
“MJ there is no way i can ask Mr.Tony Stark to fly my boyfriend, who he doesn’t know about, to New York. How can I even ask that? Mr. Stark, can I borrow your private jet? Oh just for this person I've never ever met in person.”
“Nah, just be like ‘Stark, I’m ridiculously in love with this southern piece of ass, and I need to meet him.’” MJ said. Peter could hear her smirk. He blushed and sputtered.
“MJ! I’m not… I’m not in love with him. I’ve never even met him in person.”
“That was the least convincing thing I’ve ever heard you say Peter. And you tried to convince me you weren’t Spider-Man after you jumped from the ceiling.” Ned laughed.
“Well, I refuse to go anywhere near that. We haven’t even kissed yet. What if it's not right? What if we don’t fit together like we do on the internet? Guys I’m fucking terrified.” Peter took a deep breath.
“Peter, you guys are super good together. Even if its long distance, you really know how to be there for each other. Remember when Harley’s sister went to that party, and he called you absolutely panicking? You talked him down so fast. And when you got stabbed that one time? He was able to calm you down enough for MJ to stitch you up. And you didn’t even let out that you were stabbed.” Ned assured.
“If you give me anymore doubts, I’m calling Shuri.” MJ effectively ended the discussion. “Hey, someone needs to explain the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Harrington made absolutely no sense.” Peter launched into the explanation and rolled off the gargoyle. He swung around a bit longer until he headed back to his backpack.
“Okay, Peter, I think you went a little above and beyond on the explanation.” Ned laughed.
“Quantum physics is exciting okay?” Peter crawled under the dumpster and whooped in relief. His backpack was still there.
“Alright loser. Go have a nice date with your boyfriend. We’ll see you tomorrow.” MJ ended the call without another word.
“I’ll see you tomorrow Pete. Don’t let yourself get all worried about this okay? If it bothers you that much, talk to Harley about it.” Ned reassured his best friend.
“Thanks Ned. I’ll let you know how it goes?” Peter said.
“Of course dude.” Ned ended the call. Peter changed quickly and walked the rest of the way home.
“May, are you home?” He called when he opened the door.
“In the kitchen!” She called. Peter made his way in to find her scrutinizing a cookbook. “Hey honey, have any time to help me cook?” She grinned sheepishly.
“I have my… thing with Harley.” Peter rubbed the back of his neck. May lit up.
“Date. Your date.” May sighed. Peter blushed “That's probably for the best. I’ll order Thai?”
“Yes please! And yes. It’s our regular skype date.” Peter skipped into his room.
“How was patrol?” May asked, she had followed him to his room, but she was looking at the Thai menu.
“Good. Saved a girl from a mugging.” Peter pulled out his laptop.
“That’s awesome Pete. Did you stay safe?”
“Yes Aunt May.”
“Do you just want the usual?” Peter nodded. “Cool, i run and grab it.”
“Stay safe!” He called as she walked away. He ran his fingers through his hair before calling Harley. The southern boy answered in less than a minute, a massive grin on his face.
“Hey sweetheart.” Harley greeted. Peter automatically blushed.
“Oh shut up.” Peter looked away with a grin.
“So, what happened that sucked so much? MJ being mean during decathlon, again?” Peter snorted.
“MJs always mean. But, no. Flash was just a dick again. Same old same old.” Peter rolled his eyes. Harley’s eyes narrowed.
“What did that motherfucker say this time?” Harley half growled. Peter smiled softly.
“Well, you know I have an internship at Stark Industries?” Peter refused to lie about that to his boyfriend. It was common knowledge on the SI website. Harley grinned. “Well, he kept going on about how I got the internship. Like bad ways.” Harley took a deep breath.
“Peter. I know, you’re big into the handling it thing. But you need to tell someone. What about someone at SI? Who do you report to?” Harley didn’t really know much about the internship. Peter was pretty secretive about everything, stating that he had signed an NDA when he started. Peter shook his head.
“I won’t bother anyone there. I’m the youngest intern there. Everyone else is in their late college years. And I don’t want to think about it anymore.”
“Have you thought about college?” Harley shifted nervously.
“Honestly, I’ll probably end up at NYU. I know MIT would be a better fit. And I know I'd get it, but I really don’t think I can leave New York.” Peter rubbed the back of his neck. Harley nodded. “What about you?”
“I have no idea. I still don’t know what to do about Abbs. I don’t know if I can leave her here alone.” Peter nodded in understanding. Abby was the most important person in Harley’s life, without a doubt.
“So, I seem to recall you having a surprise.” Peter steered the conversation away from the heavy stuff. Harley lit up with a grin.
“Okay, so I don't know if I want to tell you. Or just surprise you with it.” Harley smirked.
“Harles. Come on! I don’t do surprises that well.” Peter whined.
“Sweetheart. I think you just made up my mind. I’m not tellin ya.” Harley grinned. Peter dropped his head on his desk to the sound of Harley’s laughter.
“Pete!” May poked her head in his room and held out a bag of Thai.
“Oh yes! Thank you May!” Peter grabbed the bag and hopped back into his desk chair. Harley grinned at his boyfriend.
“Dork.” They talked for another hour before Harley had to head to bed. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow okay?” Peter nodded and gave him an embarrassed smile.
The next morning, Peter received a text from Mr. Stark reminding him that Happy was picking him up after school. Nothing was going to ruin internship day for Peter. No matter how much of a dick Flash was.
After classes, Ned and MJ helped him speculate on the surprise as he waited for Happy.
“What if he’s coming to New York?” MJ asked.
“There’s no way. Neither of us have the money. Anything he makes at his mechanics job goes to being an adult.” Peter perked up at the sight of Happy’s car. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow!” He sped off toward the car.
“Hey kid.” Happy greeted. “Hi Happy! How’re you?” Peter asked.
“I’m good Pete. How was school?” Peter rambled as they drove through the city. When Happy drove into Tony’s private parking lot, Peter hopped out with a grin.
“Thank you Happy!!” Peter bounded over to the private elevator.
“Welcome back Peter. The Boss is currently in his private lab. He has asked that you meet him there.” FRIDAY spoke softly.
“Thank you FRIDAY!” Peter took the elevator directly to Tony’s lab.
“Hey kid. How was school?” Tony was leaning over a tiny arc reactor.
“It was good Mr. Stark. Whatcha workin on?” Peter sat on a rolling stool across the table from Tony.
“Just a little project for a friend. So, i know you have projects to work on,” Tony put down his tools and pulled off his goggled. “But we are actually going to run errands.”
“Like shopping?” Peter asked.
“Yep. I haven’t gotten a chance to talk to you about it yet. We’re having a gala party thing on Friday. Pepper and I decided that you’re gonna go.” Tony stated. Peter’s jaw dropped.
“But Mr.Stark,”
“Mr.Stark, are you sure you want me to go?” Tony’s gaze softened.
“Of course Pete. I wouldn’t have said anything if I didn't. Plus I have someone coming into town that I want you to meet. Now, lets go. We have to get you a tux.” Peter scrambled after Tony. They went to four different shops until Tony found the tux he wanted for Peter. The kid almost fainted at the price tag, telling Tony that he couldn’t afford it. Tony just snorted and turned back to the salesperson.
Afterwards, Tony drug him to a ridiculously expensive restaurant, and refused to let Peter order the $30 side salad.
“Mr. Stark, this is too much.” Peter tried to say.
“Pete, you’re not a regular intern. Pep and I have agreed on that. Now when’s your next decathlon meet?” Peter launched into the details of the next meet with ease. After dinner Tony drove them to Peter’s apartment.
“Remember, Happy will pick you up here at six on Friday. Make sure you bring your bag to spend the weekend, okay?” Tony reminded Peter. The boy rolled his eyes and jumped out of the car.
“Alright, Dad. I’ll see you later!” Peter ran up the stairs shaking his head. It wasn’t until he closed the apartment door behind him that he realized what he said. He froze as the door slammed. May looked up from the couch.
“Peter, what happened?” She asked. Peter reached up and grabbed his hair.
“I just called Mr. Stark Dad!” He cried. May tried to cover a snort with her hand.
“Well, what did you do today?” She asked.
“We went shopping. There’s a party on Friday, so Mr.Stark decided I needed a custom tailored tux.” May’s jaw dropped. Peter brandished the garment bag. He hung it up in the hall closet gently.
“Well, damn. Come here and tell me about it.” May gestured to the seat next to her. Peter crawled on the couch next to her and groaned. He recounted the day while May ran her fingers through his hair. He fell asleep halfway through the story.
He woke up the next morning with a grin. He found a couple messages from Harley.
Hey darlin, how was the internship?
Peeeeeeter, im booooorred,
Fine, be that way, see if i tell you about your surprise :P
Meanie. You know its going to be killing me till i find out.
Itll be there on Saturday okay?
YEEEAAAS ok i have to go to class
Have fun. Punch Flash in the face for me
The day was slow, but Peter was really looking forward to the party. MJ kept having to elbow him to get him to pay attention during practice. Peter wasn’t able to skype with Harley that night due to patrol after practice. He collapsed on his bed and passed out in his suit. May chuckled the next morning when she found him. She snapped a picture and sent it to Tony. Who replied with a teary emoji.
“Yeah. He’s such a dad.” May said to herself. She shook Peter awake and went about her routine. Flash was in a mood during the day. Peter found himself pulled into the boys restroom as soon as he was out of Ned and MJ’s sight. A couple minutes later, Flash left the bathroom with a smug look. Peter pulled himself up off the floor.
“You can’t punch him back Peter. He’s a weak human. You’ll probably kill him.” Peter said to himself quietly. His hands shook as he pulled out his phone. He called Harley on autopilot. It rang for a minute before Harley answered.
“Hey, sweetheart what's wrong?” Harleys voice was low and obviously concerned.
“I just really need you to talk. If that’s okay.” Peter shuddered out another breath.
“Pete, are you hurt?” Harley asked.
“No, I’m okay. Just need to keep a level head, so i don’t murder Flash.” Pete ground out. He pulled up his shirt to see a large bruise forming on his side. He didn’t worry too much, as it would be gone by midnight, but fuck it hurt.
“What happened?”
“Nothing, what are you doing?” Harley sighed. He was leaning against the car that had driven him to the local private airfield. Tony was about to jog over, but Harley held up a hand to keep him away.
“I’m getting your surprise ready. Making some last minute adjustments.”
“Aren’t you in school?” Peter asked.
“Nah, I decided to skip the day. This sounded like more fun.” Harley grinned. “Darlin’ I'm always here if you want to talk about what happens okay? There are options, and I have friends in high places.” Harley murmured. Peter chuckled.
“Thanks Harles. I needed this. Okay, go back to your surprise. I’ll talk to you later k?”
“Course sweetheart.” Harley slipped the phone back in his pocket and sighed. He stood up and grabbed his duffel bag. He jogged over to Tony, who was staring at him curiously.
“Abby?” He asked.
“Nah, now are we going old man? I have things waiting for me in New York.” Harley clapped Tony on the shoulder and started climbing the stairs to the private jet. Tony just snorted and followed.
“You have a party waiting first and foremost. There’s someone I want you to meet there. So be on your best behavior.” Tony scolded. Harley slouched in a large chair.
“Aren’t i always?” Tony just rolled his eyes and settled in for the flight.
Peter stayed in the bathroom until the class period was over. He knew if he walked in that late that he’d have detention, and he couldn’t afford that today. He slipped into the halls when they were full and was determined to keep his head down the rest of the day. In his last class, the only class he had with MJ, Flash kept sending him nasty smirks. MJ’s eyes flicked from Peter to Flash and her eyes hardened.
“Peter. I know you have a hero complex bigger than Stark’s, but you have to tell him.” She said quietly. Peter looked at her, panic in his wide eyes. “I’m not an idiot. Tell him.”
“I’ll think about it, okay?” Peter looked down at his hands and started doodling his web shooters. MJ leaned into him slightly.
“Okay.” After class, Peter ran off to do a quick patrol before getting ready for the party. When he got back to the apartment, May was staring at his tux, which she had hung on his door.
“You think we can sell it to pay rent for the next ten years?” Peter asked. May snorted with laughter.
“I think we could sell it to buy the building. He really went all out for this party. Why does he want you there?” She asked. Peter shrugged.
“I have no idea what it's for. I know there’s someone he wants me to meet? I’ve met all the avengers already, maybe a scientist?” Peter speculated. He leaned into May’s side. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
“Maybe he’s trying to set you up?” She snickered.
“Ugh, I hope not. That would be so awkward. Especially because apparently Harley has a surprise for me tomorrow. So if a package arrives, don’t open it.” Peter held up a finger and glared at his aunt. May held her hands up in surrender.
“I wouldn’t dream of it. Okay, Happy is going to be here in an hour. Get dressed, let me go find a video on how to tie a bow tie.” May closed the door behind her with a smile.
Peter slipped into the tux with ease. He fiddled with french cuffs for a second before realizing he didn’t have any cuff links. Peter grinned when he looked in the mirror. He went into the bathroom and pulled out the styling gel that May had bought him. He ran his fingers through his hair, making the waves stay out of his face.
“Pete!” May called. Peter walked into the living room to find Happy waiting with a small bag.
“Tony asked me to bring these.” Happy handed him the bag and Peter bounced with excitement. Inside he found custom silver cuff links that were in the shape of his spider symbol.
“Holy crap, these are so cool!” He slipped them onto his cuffs and held them out for May to see.
“He wanted to give you Iron Man ones but Pepper put a stop to that.” Happy chuckled. May rolled her eyes and mouthed ‘such a dad’ to Happy, who nodded.
“Wow, May will you?” Pete gestured to his bow tie. May stepped forward and started trying to tie it. After three failed attempts Happy stepped forward.
“I got it.” He did up the tie with ease.
“Thanks Happy!” Peter went back to his room and threw some clothes into his backpack, along with his laptop.
“Got everything you need?” Happy asked. Peter nodded and hugged May.
“You let me know the minute something arrives tomorrow okay?” Peter asked. May nodded.
“Of course I will Pete. I know how important it is to you. Now go have fun and drink some fancy champagne for me.” May ushered them out the door with a smile. Peter climbed in the back of the car and immediately started fidgeting.
“Pete. There’s nothing to be nervous about.” Happy said from the front seat.
“I know, but I've never done something like this. And what if I'm like this kid in the middle of a ton of adults?” Peter asked.
“Tony is bringing another kid, about your age. He met him a good number of years ago. He helped him out when the mandarin was a thing. You remember? So at least there's someone your age.” Happy said.
“Is that who Mr.Stark wants me to meet?” Pete leaned forward to have a better conversation. Happy nodded.
“I’m pretty sure Tony wants to bring him on with the company, so he wants you two to be friendly at least. But you need to relax kid. Or else we’ll have another spider crash on our hands. What’s coming tomorrow?” Happy raised an eyebrow as Peter blushed and sunk back into his seat.
“Well, I’m seeing someone, and they live out of state.” He started. Happy’s other eyebrow jumped up to join its brother. “And they said they had a surprise for me that’s going to arrive tomorrow. It’s not unusual to send each other care package, but he made this one seem special. So I'm a bit excited.” Peter smiled at his hands.
“Does Tony know you’re seeing someone?” Happy asked. Peter shook his head.
“How do i even bring that up? I mean it’s not important to the work we do.” Peter blushed. Happy shook his head, making a mental note to berate Tony a little bit. “But neither of us can afford to come visit each other, and MJ was like just ask Mr.Stark. Like i could ask Mr.Stark to lend me his private jet.” Peter snorted in amusement. Happy shook his head again, knowing that Tony had bought Peter a private jet, but was a coward and hadn’t told him about it. But then, he’d also bought the kid a car. And an apartment building. And a very large amount of shares of SI.
“Maybe you’ll be surprised.” Happy said. “What’s his name?” Peter fiddled with his hands before answering.
“Harley Keener.” Happy choked back a laugh. “Happy are you okay?”
“Yeah, I'm good, kid. Just breathed in wrong. So how’d you meet him?” Happy was internally screaming. There was no way he was skipping out of the party now. Just to see Tony’s face when these two kids laid eyes on each other.
“We met online actually. Tumblr.” Peter shrugged. Happy pulled into the parking garage and tried to contain his glee. Peter was surprised when Happy got out and followed him to the elevator. “Not skipping this one?”
“Nope. Won’t miss this one for anything.” Happy pushed the button that led them to the rooftop, Tony’s preferred party spot.
Harley tugged on his collar, hoping to relieve the pressure somewhat. Tony quickly smacked at his hand, not even bothering to interrupt his conversation. The woman, Natasha Romanov, looked amused. Harley had been rightly intimidated when he found out that ¼ of the party guests were avengers or heros of some sorts.
“Where’s my little spider?” She asked suddenly. Harley perked up at this. Was she talking about Spider-Man? Tony rolled his eyes.
“You’re too attached to the kid.” He said a little gruffly. Harley raised an eyebrow.
“Tony, was that, jealousy i hear?” Harley smirked. “I for one, would be thrilled if Natasha Romanov decided to be attached to me. I’d know for a fact i would never die.” Natasha threw back her head and laughed.
“Oh, I like this one. Maybe he can get Peter to open up a little more. I know he’s sassy under that layer of pure fluff.” She said. “And Tony. I’m not the one who bought him a $4000 tux.”
“Peter?” Harley asked. There was no way. Tony glared at Natasha.
“No, but at least I didn’t give him a fucking garrote to take to school. And yeah, Peter is the person i wanted you to meet. He should be here any minute. Happy went to get him.” Tony explained. Natasha raised a hand, motioning to someone behind Harley and Tony. Her brows furrowed in thought.
“Happys here too.” Tony whipped around in confusion. Happy always skips his roof parties. Peter was scanning the party, looking more than a little nervous. Harley turned to look with them and froze. Natasha smirked at him expression. Peter’s eyes found Tony and he almost deflated in relief. They were only a couple feet away at this point. His eyes drug to Natasha with a smile and finally, they landed on Harley. Peter froze mid step. Tony looked between the two of them, confusion on his face.
Harley’s curly hair was gelled so it hung in front of his forehead, and his suit was just as fitted as Peter’s. Harley shook himself from the shock first and grinned wide.
“Well sweetheart, i guess your surprise arrived a day early.” Harley smirked. Peter gasped. They both moved at the same time. Peter’s hands landed on Harley’s waist, while Harley gripped on of Peter’s hip. His other hand reached up and landed on Peter’s jaw. And then, they were kissing. It was like everything fell into place.
Peter’s heart was beating a mile a minute in his chest. His senses were dialed to 100, all focused on Harley.
Harley couldn’t believe it. He had waited so long to finally do this. When Tony had called and asked him to come stay for a week, he had jumped at the opportunity, already putting a plan into motion. Holding Peter in his arms was so natural and something he never wanted to stop doing. When they pulled away, they rested their foreheads together and just breathed.
“What the ever loving fuck!” Tony exclaimed. Harley shook his head.
“Youngest intern around huh?” Harley asked. Peter shook with laughter.
“Those NDAs are a bitch.” He shrugged. Peter slipped their hands together and pulled him back to Tony and Natasha. Tony was gaping at them, while Natasha was smirking like she knew. And in all honesty, she probably had. She stepped forward and kissed Peter on the cheek.
“Are you still bringing your weapons to school?” She asked. Peter rolled his eyes.
“Yes Nat.” He recited. “But, I remind you again. Pulling knives on students would get me expelled.” Harley stared at Peter, a soft smile on his face. He just wanted to drink in the sight of actually standing next to his boyfriend.
“I ask again. What the fuck?” Tony cried. Happy was taking pictures of the entire situation.
“Oh my god, old man. Do you need bifocals? We are obviously dating.” Harley snorted. Peter flushed at Harley’s tone, gaping at him. He shook his head and focused on Tony.
“We met online about a year ago. I can’t believe he was the one who saved you from the mandarin.” Peter beamed at Harley.
“Those NDAs are a bitch.” Harley parroted. Peter dissolved into giggles.
“But. But I was going to introduce you!” Tony said. Peter shrugged.
“Sorry Mr. Stark.” Peter shrugged.
“Mr. Stark.” Harley snickered. “You’re so fucking adorable.”A waiter passed and Peter grabbed two flutes of champagne.
“Look champagne. Let’s take this and go to my perch to talk about the fact that you were just going to show up at my house.” Peter latched onto Harley’s hand and started to lead him back through the party. He turned back to Tony and grinned. “Thanks for flying out my southern belle Mr.Stark.” Harley howled with laughter as he let Peter drag him away.
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