sumechiayuu · 2 months
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Finally posted my comic prologue hahaha anyways I have a comicfury now, update schedule? That's not a thing here (school momence)
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pernillemagda · 1 year
From the Danish podcast “kvindefodboldpodcasten” with Pernille Harder
I have translated some of the best parts of this podcast with Pernille, hope you enjoy it 😊
04:00 - She was in Stockholm for New Years' eve
04:20 - Talks about her injury and her recovery is going as it should and that she has had some minor injuries the past year
07:20 - Thankful for the support there is around women and injuries today, when she was younger, she often googled her injuries and tried to cure it herself
08:30 - Talks about the menstrual cycle, how it's tracked, what to eat and how to restitute the right way
09:50 - A few weeks ago there was someone to measure their feet's, in relation to getting the right boots. Right now, they are playing in men's boots.
11:00 - Talks about the timing of the tournament being really bad and that they don't have that much time off after it
17:10 - She thinks that they should play at Stamford Bridge more often and hope that she one day gets to play there herself, in her own word "I chose to be injured the times we played there😉"
17:50 - One of the biggest moments in her career was to walk into Parken and play in front of all those people, it was kind of a milestone for women's football in Denmark.
20:30 - "I would be a boy as girls couldn't be in the NT"
22:15 - She and Magda want to use their platforms and want to give back and be role models. Also, she wanted to have someone to look up to when she was younger as there wasn't anyone to look up to in the same way. She will do everything she can to be that person
25:40 - Talks about what her favorite position is, which is an offensive midfielder, and how she has been playing since she joined Chelsea. This season she has found her role better and it is to be a part of the build-up and be at the last third on the field.
26:30 - Talks about the fluent formations that they use from game to game, 433/4141/4231. And how they changed the tactical.
27:40 - Talks about an extension with Chelsea and she says "No, actually not. There’s not much more to say about that"
Talks about the NT
28:00 - Talks about the euros and what they can learn about it and do better for the world cup
28:40 - Many had their first tournament at the euros and the players learned to handle the enormous pressure, mentally, there are under a tournament as it is bigger than to other matches
29:30 - Talks about how the difference is between playing against Malta vs Germany
31:30 - Before a game, she wants calmness and now what to focus on in the match
32:00 - Talks about what type of Captain she is, she wants everyone to be a part of the squad, take care of everyone off the field and make sure everyone is comfortable and is in a mentally good place. In her first years as a Captain, she was just "the one who stepped onto the pitch first"
23:20 - Talks about how Pernille talked with Kühl during a match and helped her read the match and make the right moves. After that, she has improved a lot in that area (I think they talk about the game against Switzerland)
When new players come to the team, she wants to get to know them, as they probably are as nervous as she was when she was at her first NT camp. She wants to show them that she is a down-to-earth person and doesn't put herself on a pedestal and feels better than everyone else, she wants to be the one they always can go to if they need to talk
36:40 - She will not say when she thinks she will be back, but she gives everything she has every day
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asmallexperiment · 10 months
I figured maybe we would class the joint up a little. This recording is from '71--I'm tempted to say that this is Parkening at the height of his powers, but he's only 23 here and yet still only five years out from recording Parkening and the Guitar and going on his years-long hiatus.
Etude No. 1 is elegant and economical and ends up with that landing that sounds like it's about to launch "Roundabout."
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techniktagebuch · 2 months
Neu! Knöllchen jetzt sogar mit zwei QR-Codes!
Mein Mann hat länger geparkt, als er bezahlt hat, und deswegen ein Knöllchen bekommen. In unserer Beziehung ist der Deal, dass der eine jeweils die Knöllchen des anderen bezahlt, damit man sich wenigstens nur einmal richtig ärgern muss, deswegen bin ich für die Zahlung zuständig.
Das Knöllchen ist ein Zettel der Stadt Leverkusen mit einem QR-Code und einer Kennung aus Buchstaben, Zahlen und Sonderzeichen und einem Link zum Online-Portal.
Ich versuche erst, ob ich einfach in meiner Banking-App den QR-Code scannen kann, das funktioniert aber nicht, weil da nur der Link zum Online-Portal für die Knöllchen hinterlegt ist, nicht aber die Zahlungsdaten selber. Also scanne ich den QR-Code ganz normal, damit lande ich auf dem Online-Portal und die Kennung wird automatisch erkannt. Ich muss aus irgendwelchen Gründen noch das Autokennzeichen angeben und bekomme dann einen weiteren QR-Code, den ich runterladen und dann in meiner Banking-App wieder hochladen kann. Dahinter verbergen sich tatsächlich die Überweisungsdetails und dann bin ich auch schon fertig und weil es nicht mein Knöllchen war, habe ich mich auch gar nicht darüber geärgert.
(Anne Schüßler)
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leviabeat · 2 months
Volbeat: Let's Boogie! Live from Telia Parken
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Cover, front and back
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Concert DVD and 2 CDs of the live audio
The DVD booklet would have exceded Tumblr's image maximum. So I've posted it separately here.
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eurovision-revisited · 7 months
Copenhagen 2001 - The stage and set design
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Woah. Welcome to the home of Danish football, Parken Stadium - now with a fully retractable roof! For its first use at Eurovision tasteful lighting towers/chandeliers have been installed for added crowd illumination. Astonishingly even though the capacity is more than double the previous largest Eurovision crowd last year, it's a full house. Eurovision is truly a huge draw - although holding it in one of the Nordic nations almost certainly helps.
The amount of money that was invested must have been huge. Also huge is the stage. Covering one of the stands at the end of the pitch entirely, it's filled with a serpentine lighting gantry that resembles the logo for the event, winding in and around itself.
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Although it's dark overall, it's not as dark as last year, but there are no screens for performance, just that big, slightly intimidating stage. What is new is the possibility of pyrotechnics. They're not used for the actual performances, but the interval act makes major use of them. These may not be quite the first time fireworks and other pyro effects have appeared at Eurovision, but it's the first time they've been used in such a dramatic and expansive manner.
As you can see, the theme this year is 'big' and perhaps that stage is just a little too big, as is the arena. There are screens either side of the stage to relay the event to the crowd, but those screens aren't in keeping with the scale of venue, and those towards the back really couldn't see much at all.
The cameras are numerous and there are cameras on stage, but they aren't Steadicams. There are close-up shots, and some swooping crane shots, but the camerawork as a whole feels too far away. This feels like a stadium gig rather than a Eurovision stage. Reportedly some of the performers felt overawed at the scale of the stage and venue. There is the sensation that some acts, especially those with only a single performer on stage, are swallowed up by the scale. No one went with staging geared for the venue size.
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The on-screen graphics are simple and clean, like the scoreboard. The typography is fine if not very dynamic or exciting. It's functional without any ostentation or animation. It's surprisingly easy to read. The scoreboard was put on those screens on the stage and when the scoring was being read out, the football stadium-sized crowd reacted as you would expect.
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The green room is backstage, somewhere under the stand that forms the stage, draped with curtains to disguise it's more utilitarian day-to-day function. Again, it's almost an afterthought and there aren't too many reaction shots from there. There are no hosts backstage doing interviews. The one big improvement over last year is there is at least a tunnel to guide the acts between stage and green room without getting lost along the way!
The scale of the event was both its biggest selling point and its biggest problem in the end, but at least it gave us huge crowd reactions, pyro and a big name band in the interval who knew how to fill a stage the size of this one.
The executive producer who put all this together was Jørgen Ramskov on behalf of DR, the Danish public broadcaster. The executive supervisor was Christine Marchal-Ortiz while the director in control of the cameras and the event as a whole was Jan Frifelt
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somedaytakethetime · 6 months
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God is 100% a Danish lover too.. 😶😩
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biologyfiction · 9 months
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sumechiayuu · 2 months
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Published a new strip 💪💪💪 we’re going through hand cramps with this one
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summergirl2408 · 1 year
Ich bin mir nicht sicher was ich dazu sagen soll aber es ist leider verdammt witzig:
"Als er den 23-Jährigen aus Marklkofen aufforderte, die Wiese zu verlassen, zog sich der Mann aus, setzte sich ins Gras und begann zu muhen und Gras zu essen."
Ich hätte 100% Geld bezahlt um die Reaktion von dem Wiesenbesitzer live zu sehen
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doubletalkingmaeve · 11 months
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Poster for the show at Telia Parken in Copenhagen, Denmark during the Worldwide tour (July 11, 2019)
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pernillemagda · 2 years
The dancing captain 💃
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techniktagebuch · 4 months
9. Februar 2024
Park-Apps existieren jetzt also nicht nur, sondern sind wirklich einfacher als Bargeld geworden
Ich parke in der Innenstadt von Deggendorf auf einem Parkplatz, für den ich einen Parkschein bräuchte. Ich gehe zum Automaten und lese die Anleitung. Es kostet nur einen Euro für 90 Minuten, aber wie fast immer in den letzten Jahren fehlt mir dieser Euro. Ein Zweieurostück hätte ich zufällig, aber der Automat wechselt nicht.
Oberhalb vom Automaten weist ein Schild darauf hin, dass man stattdessen auch eine Park-App verwenden kann. Ich habe zwar im Juni 2021 und im Oktober 2021 schlechte Erfahrungen mit Park-Apps gemacht, aber jetzt geht es nicht anders. Außerdem habe ich gerade Zeit und da stört es mich nicht, dass ich voraussichtlich viele Daten und Passwörter und noch bessere Passwörter und Zahlungsmittel und andere Zahlungsmittel eintragen und auf Bestätigungsmails warten müssen werde.
Ich setze mich wieder ins Auto und lade die App "Parkster" herunter. Ich muss meine Mailadresse eintragen, meine Telefonnummer, meine Postadresse und das Nummernschild des Autos. Die App fragt, ob ich da stehe, wo ich stehe (sie hat meine Standortdaten), und dann darf ich parken.
Es kostet genau wie am Automaten nur einen Euro, und ich musste kein einziges Zahlungsmittel eintragen. Offenbar bekommt man einmal im Monat eine Rechnung zugeschickt, per Mail. Man könnte sie auch per Post bekommen, das kostet dann aber extra.
Diese Mail werde ich voraussichtlich übersehen oder sie wird als Spam einsortiert werden. Aber davon abgesehen kommt mir das Verfahren so einfach und nutzungsfreundlich vor, dass ich es später sogar meiner Mutter empfehle. Die möchte aber doch lieber beim Bargeld bleiben. Dabei hilft ihr, dass sie sowieso nie an Parkautomaten parkt, sondern auf dem Parkplatz ihrer Apotheke. Der verlangt spezielle Parkmünzen, aber mit 80 benötigt man praktisch täglich irgendwas aus der Apotheke und bei jedem Kauf kann man sich eine Parkmünze geben lassen. Deshalb hortet die Mutter in ihrem Rucksack einen kleinen Parkmünzenschatz und wird wahrscheinlich nie mehr fürs Parken bezahlen müssen.
(Kathrin Passig)
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footballandfiasco · 1 year
morgen einfach streik der öffentlichen verkehrsmittel UND klima demo, was ich ja voll unterstütze, aber wie komme ich bitte zum praktikum 😭
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parkplatzregister · 1 year
Alle Parkplätze Flughafen Hannover - Parken
parken flughafen hannover
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