#this is such a shining moment for jelly’s stage actor too
emimii · 6 months
If you ever have time, I would love to see how you draw Griddlebone! Thank you! 🤍
i took some creative liberties with her (pink overload)
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nuestkings · 5 years
Monhyun Interview with Vogue Korea
( Trans: desertfoxhmh | Original Article: Vogue Korea )
The fashion editor was surprised by how you neatly folded and lay down all the clothes for the photoshoot.
Minhyun: I think it’s polite to tidy up at least the clothes I wore. I’m originally the neat type, so I like things being neat (laughs). Since debut, I’ve been accustomed to tidying things up. I think that other people would also like things to be tidier.
Your musical Marie Antoinette is coming up soon.
Minhyun: I debuted 8 years ago and gained an interest in musicals after doing various activities. Since you have to go in person to a theater to hear a musical live, I’ve gone to see shows of seniors I like. I’m especially a fan of Kim Junsu. He’s very cool when he’s immersed in his role while acting on stage. If you’re to say that an idol group shows themselves off in a 3-minute time span, for musicals you have to extend to 2-3 hours with just your voice and acting. I wanted to experience that aspect as well and learn from it.
You’re taking on the role of Axel von Ferson, who looks after Marie Antoinette. What kind of person do you feel he is?
What aspects are you focusing on the most?
Minhyun: Since I’m not the style that has a powerful voice and don’t typically reach high notes effortlessly, I’m practicing while focusing on those areas. In the past, I often sang sweet and gentle songs that I was good at, songs with lots of sweet vocals. I’m practicing combining the strengths of my vocals and the sounds that are necessary for musicals. It felt like I returned to being a trainee starting from the basics of vocalization again (laughs).
Through practicing using different exercises, you must have newly discovered skills.
Minhyun: I thought, ah, I can also sing songs with high notes (laughs). And so while showering, I’m now trying to sing songs I couldn’t even imagine singing in the past because they were too high, as well as songs I took out from practice, songs like senior Park Hyoshin’s “Wild Flower”. I timidly challenge it while thinking, “Is this working?” and I feel really good the times I’m successful. As I participate in this musical, I think it’s a good opportunity to exceed my own limits and be able to grow musically.
Is there something that you’re trying not to do in order to manage your condition?
Minhyun: I’m trying to sleep well. My lifestyle patter naturally changes often, so I’ve developed a habit of sleeping late and waking up late, but I’m trying hard to sleep early and wake up early. I’m trying to stop drinking carbonated drinks because my voice must come out well even if I’m not able to sleep well. I honestly really like cola. For now, I’m reducing my intake, but when the musical draws near, I plan to stop drinking it altogether. I also like eating snacks like jellies in between meals, but I’m trying to eat those less and eat foods good for the body in order to manage my stamina.
I think it must be considerably burdensome because it’s different from the stage that you’ve stood on as a singer. What are you worried about most right now?
Minhyun: Singing is my job and I really enjoy it because I like it, but I don’t have a lot of acting experience, so I feel a lot of pressure there. Especially in musicals, you can’t break your focus for a long time. There’s pressure of becoming trouble to your fellow actors and the audience if you make a mistake on stage. There’s no way to survive without practice.
What’s the area in music that you are most interested in these days?
Minhyun: I’ve consistently participated in NU’EST albums as a lyricist. If there’s something I want to say or content I want to put into lyrics after reading a book, I add a check time to time. Recently we’ve gone overseas frequently, and on the plane I would write down what comes to mind on my smart phone memo pad.
Could you share a bit of the lyrics you’ve written most recently?
Minhyun: I’ve written exactly one thing on my memo pad. It’s “we’re not far from the clouds.” When I was young, I felt that clouds were really far away. After seeing the clouds closely from plane recently, I wrote that down at my thoughts “ah, I’m in a plane that’s not far from the clouds.” From here, I add a little bit more and more then lyrics come out of it.
Is there a topic you want to write about in your lyrics one day?
Minhyun: Words like “color” often appear in NU’EST songs. I want to try writing about what color the color of happiness may be.
There’s the story of you were cast as you were eating chicken skewers. Did you have dreams of becoming a singer before that?
Minhyun: First of all, I think that the biggest factor is that I like to sing. I originally didn’t have much interest in dancing. When I was first cast, my dream was to be in a group like seniors 2AM. I really like their songs. I went in thinking, “I should become a singer and sing heart-warming songs for lots of people!” but then they made me practice dancing starting from the first day, and do things like splits (laughs). At first it was really difficult. I wouldn’t go to the practice room and would hide in front of the company building. But as I kept doing it, I looked better and better as I saw myself in the mirror. I started to anticipate how it would feel when dancing on stage, and gained a desire to try being a real singer.
Idol performances is an art that makes people extremely immersed in the moment and is achieved through a great balance of song, performance, wardrobe, etc. As a kpop musician, tell us about the stage philosophy you are pursuing.
Minhyun: The biggest reason that kpop artists have received love globally is because of their passion on stage. We shine because of the energy we pour out using our whole strength for the 3 minutes on stage and the 3 months of hard work in preparation for that stage. It’s also important to have songs that fans can identify with.
Perfect cooperation is also a main factor in completing an idol group stage. You’ve also personally grown through the NU’EST members.
Minhyun: The members are people who have been running towards the same dream. We’re close like friends, but we are different than friends. Including our trainee days, we’ve been together for about 10 years, and we’ve grown a lot musically through each other. More than anything else, as I lived with the members, should I call it duties as a person? I learned how to be considerate of people. First of all, the members all have strong personalities, and there are many things I can learn [from them] since we were different. Leader Jonghyun is a “true leader”. As I watched him guiding the members well as the leader, I also wanted to be like that. I don’t have the disposition of being a leader. Minki is a mood maker. He’s fun and kind. If I’m not feeling great, my mood gets better when I look at Minki. It would definitely have been a shame if I were alone on stage. Because of the fact that we were together as five, I’m happy and proud when I go home after practicing and sweating until the early morning. During those times, I’m really happy.
As a musician, when was your happiest moment?
Minhyun: Although I feel the heaviness of the term “musician”, as an idol singer when I’m singing music I enjoy in from of many people who like NU’EST, I feel like it was the right choice to become a singer. In my daily life, when I eat delicious foods and when I think about going on trips. I was originally a homebody, but after going on trips, I realized that I can see things I couldn’t normally because I was busy and am able to think about many things. I really want to go on trips, so I search whenever I have time. I take notes from watching vlogs on YouTube, and I go on travel sites and even look up hotels. I get excited even doing just this and I feel that I’m about to go on a trip.
What’s the meaning of your Instagram ID “optimus hwang”?
Minhyun: Optimus Prime is the main character of a movie (Transformers) and I like him. He’s a good character and seeing him always assist other robots looked so cool to me when I was young, and I felt like was like an idol to me. I had thought, “I should become a cool person like that.” As I was making my Instagram ID, I found out that “optimism” [in English] also had the meaning of optimism. I felt that it also matched my values of wanting to live positively.
What do you think is needed to continue doing what you want to do and move forward?
Minhyun: First, I’m an idol singer. I diligently take care of myself, and in terms of music, I must also continuously show a more improved side. Only then can fans also enjoy being fans. More important than anything is to have the same resolution from when you were a trainee to after debuting. I know that love from fans is not guaranteed, so I want to be thankful and work diligently. Truthfully, I’m not the type to set goals concretely, but I think it would be that I want to live happily as I make music I like.
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bellepullman · 7 years
Cats Antwerp - 30th March 2017
Ahhhh OK. So, the good bits are very very good indeed! This show tho. For a start, it's not so much a theatre as a building site, that will hopefully soon become a concert hall. Literally, coils of electrical cable on the stairs front of house. And backstage is worse -the place is full of construction dust. It's literally pulling the cast out sick, everyone's coughing and losing their voices. Disastrous. Also they can't use the fly tower tonight, so no Misto rope, plan B heaviside layer. Now I might be imagining things but I think Rumpleteazer WAS in jellicle songs, but she certainly wasn't in the rest of the opening numbers. But mungo and jemima covered by announcing tugger, which worked nicely having various kittens excited to see him. By the time we actually got to mungo and Rumpleteazer, she turned up, and from then on it was all fine. Dane was mungo, Alice Cornwall was Rumpleteazer. Tugger though! This was Nathan Johnson covering for Pepé Munoz, and he was so fluffy and pretty! Slight air of swing about him, not 100% owning the role, but I was more than happy. Jennyanydots - Joanne Lee Martin, loved her bouncy energy! They've had a knack of finding good Gumbie Cats recently, and she's not letting anyone down. Also she has new costumes, her house coat is plush and round, and her tap is so rich and fringes! Still find the new tap painfully dull. Grizabella- ohhhh boy the new costume is not flattering. Jo Ampil is not particularly tall, but that costume is so far from anything remotely glamorous on her. Not kind. Possibly that distracted me, but I didn't connect with her grizabella the way I have done in the past. Bustopher has a red flower again! Jenny's gorgeous in this number,and also I had been afraid of new material in there, fortunately not. Munkus picked up bill in a manner I find very familiar of removing the naughty cat from where he's not meant to be and putting him in place! Old Deuteronomy-the number gave me a chance to really appreciate having tugger back! As for John Ellis, I think the working conditions were really getting to his voice, he was not on top form at all. Also, his young deut top is all lovely and plush velour, but its a good 4" too long and the hem is on a pale flat line, it needs a trim to blend into the trousers too. OK, then when we should have got to Pekes and Pollicles is when things started going wrong. we got right up to the start of "of the awful battle...." when we get a macavity crash, then the weird and tonally clashing bit of loosely paraphrased macavity. Didn't seem necessary. Then "jellicle cats come back, come all" to start the jellicle ball. the energy was wrong for the intro but then the show was all over the place. The ball itself was amazing, all pulled together and again, tugger back was so good! Front of house was so unorganised too, no one controlling people flow at the interval getting up onstage with old Deuteronomy. And audience so slow to come back. Moments of happiness- vocal difficulties but to be fair, under the circumstances, forgivable. Gus. Things got interesting. OK Charlotte Scott as jelly is gorgeous. Tony magill as Gus, got a proper wig back! Not a particularly frail Gus. Had whole ensemble playing about much longer, no costume changes. Pekes and Pollicles. On one hand, pretty fun, on the other, kills Gus. Literally kills any emotional pull of the character. Do not care about him. Not sure why he needed to go off stage to don his trash robe. Nobody wins from this change around apart from the running order making the show Slightly shorter. I was enjoying it as it was going on but the absolute lack of tragedy about his character means I don't care. He's an actor in his 40s not as active as he used to be, not in his 80s frail and ancient. I didn't hate the arrangement, didn't even miss Growltiger, but having a hale and lively Gus, with no reprise of his song, just finish his number and leave, absolute disaster. Skimbleshanks! Always reliable to lift the the mood! Joe Henry was covering, and fun, great ensemble number. Tugger around more than usual. Because - possibly just due to this theatre- only one decoy macavity. Macavity song - Agnes pure as Demeter was skittish and twitchy, the only possible criticism was the she was mumbling her lyrics. most of the audience may not be native English speakers but you still need to enunciate! Charlie Johnson as bomba was gorgeous, all slinky and smokey, lovely moments of catting about through the show too with washing and combing her hair... I don't know if there's new orchestrations, band problems,sound levels or what, but the sound and timing on macavity fight was all off, especially ending up with alonzo standing around waiting his turn. They all fought through, and the throws were magnificent, wonderfully scary macavity. Misto! Love! Shiny and sparkly! I lost count, 29 or 30 spins, long time since I've seen Misto manage that. And he's so bright and cute. And the new jacket has subtly colour changing lights, controlled from the lighting board, and he's covered in AB crystals so all the sparkly rainbows. To the end of the show - again, no flying, vocal difficulties for old Deuteronomy, disconnect from grizabella, wonderful character moments in the ensemble. Mungo and Rumpleteazer touching hands mirroring grizabella and vic! Alonzo and Cassandra beautiful elegant sync, as much as the twins. Sophia mcavoy is a gorgeous Vic, just everything you want. Grace swaby as jemima, hit every Mark, would likely shine more in a show with fewer problems, everyone else rightly adores enric marimon and Aaron hunt as carby and bill. Jak anderson beautiful Admetus, scary mac. Ohhhh, extra music for grizabella has been cut, phew. So there's a really solid cast, rockstar tugger, and new material that fails so hard. And Gus is nerfed. But tugger is back!
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Chapter 1: And we met again
Hello everyone! First of all let me thank you for being here. This is my attempt of a fan fiction with Josh Klinghoffer as a main character.
I want to thank as well a very good friend who helped me with the english writing which is not my first language. That friend writes another amazing history with Josh: “Be my getaway” and if you haven’t read it you NEED to check it out right now! That history was the main inspiration for me to sit and write this.
I hope you all like the crazy things that comes out of my head. Don’t be shy with the feedback!
Anastasia had it all. The dream job, a pile of Money in the bank that keeps growing, a list of friends and above all she had power. A tangible power that could make everything better. Don’t you want Anastasia’s life?
The sun was shining bright that afternoon, more that it usually does. It was so bright that it managed to slip through the thick dark curtains of the bedroom. Anastasia opened her eyes regretting all the alcohol she drank the night before. Her eyelids were unable to open completely repressing her pupils as they try to focus the vision, then she felt the stinging headache so characteristic of a hangover. She grabbed her phone to look at the screen. That made everything worst, but she could see the time: 12:34. Suddenly her eyes opened big, so fast and so violent that it hurt. She jumped out of the bed, took all her clothes off as fast as she could, she only stopped to realize there was some orange stains on her t-shirt – it was obvious she threw up last night even though she didn’t remember. Then she took the shortest shower in history.
She was short on time to get properly dressed up and no chance to choose an appropriate outfit, so she picked up a pair of white sneakers, jeans and a white t-shirt, not usually what she would wear to a business meeting but this wasn’t a corporate reunion full of corporate hostility, that relaxed attire would work just fine.
Anastasia went down to the kitchen where her older sister Barbara -Long brown hair and an amazing fit body with curves- was feeding her eleven-year-old twins, London –a boy- and Lynda –a girl-, both with bright big turquoise eyes, just as everyone else in the family.
-          I didn’t think I’d see you awake so soon- Barbara said without taking her eyes off the bread she was spreading with strawberry jelly.
-          I have a meeting at 1 o clock. I totally forgot it. - Anastasia exclaimed while grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.
-          Are you going to meet with Tony? - Asked that mother fighting with her boy trying to get him to eat some bread- God! You really need to tell him how obsessed you were with him when you were a teenager. - Both burst out laughing.
-          Thank God I woke up! - Anastasia said.
-          I don’t think it was soon enough- Anastasia noticed that sarcastic tone on her sister’s voice and looked up to the clock on the kitchen wall. It had already been 12 minutes since 1:00 p.m.
She ran out the house got inside her car and before she turns it on her phone lighted up. She looks at it and the words “Hurry up!” could be read on the screen. The message writer was her business partner and artistic guru Brian Burton who was already at the meeting place.
Anastasia was a girl with a promising future, a past to remember and a dreamy present. Her life revolved around music because her father, Nick Truman, was the leader of a legendary rock band, everyone knew him and she was, step by step, making a name of her own in the industry. Despite having her own band, she was a business girl that had just opened her own record label and a compendium of recording studios in Los Angeles with her partner Brian and her big brother Mark.
That 27 year old girl with pale skin, big turquoise eyes and midnight blue hair has already produced almost a hundred of hit songs and records that landed at top of the music charts. Besides writing songs she played violin, cello, harp, piano and guitar.
Anastasia felt she teleported, she didn’t take as long as what she usually does driving through Los Angeles. She landed at a nice cafe with wooden tables and flowers everywhere, a very feminine place for the testosterone load she was about to face. In a corner, in the background, almost hidden, there were five men sitting in a table, one of them, with a small afro and dark complexion turned to see her, smiled and waved, inviting her to approach.
-          Finally! – Brian exclaimed standing up from the chair and giving her a hug.
-          I have no excuses – she said in a low tone so only him could listen to her. Then she turned around to the rest of the faces in that table – Hello everyone, I'm very sorry for the delay.
-          Don’t worry, we weren’t bored anyway - said the man sitting just in front of her, Anthony. The guy her sister was talking about.
-          You look better every time I see you. How you do it? – Asked Anastasia.
-          I date girls like you- Anthony answered - I can imagine you remember Chad and Flea- Anastasia waved at them- and of course Josh- Tony pointed out to the guy sitting next to her.
The boy smiled tenderly, with a hint of embarrassment. Anastasia remembered him. He was Josh Klinghoffer one of her brother’s and Brian’s good friends and a musical prodigy that she met years ago. For the last six years Josh was part of Anthony’s band and because of the busy life they had the communication between them was pretty much inexistent except for the “happy birthday” messages that were sent respectively.
-          I haven’t seen you in a while - Anastasia told Josh sitting next to him.
-          And I’m regretting that – Josh could be very shy. When he wasn’t on stage playing any instrument he ran away from people but Anastasia always had the power to bring out the best of him.
A waiter came to the table to take the order, interrupting a strong visual connection between Anastasia and Josh.
-          What would you like? It’s already afternoon time so you fancy a mimosa? Anthony asked.
-          NO! - Anastasia screamed before the waiter could write down anything – No liquor for me today. I had enough last night. I want something light- Anastasia said while everyone was laughing.
-          We have fresh lemonade - the waiter said leaving clear the fact that he hated that job.
Anastasia nodded and then everyone make their orders.
-          Wild night? - Anthony asked Anastasia with a mischievous look in his eyes.
-          Wild wouldn’t be the right word to use. Fun would! It was my friend Mandy’s birthday and some friends came over to the house and, well, yeah things went a little bit out of control. But here I am, not as fresh as a lettuce but lucid enough to tell you how excited I am that this work will come true.
-          Looking at you right now talking about work is the last thing I want to do with you- Anthony replied.
-          Stop flirting with me! But I have something to confess to you and if this project is going to be real I don’t want any kind of tension between us. - Anthony showed interest- I must admit, right here right now, that when I was a teenager I has a huge crush on you- Anastasia said and the table burst into laughs but Josh just gave a half smile.
-          And what happened? - Anthony asked.
-          I met you – the laughs were harder and this time and Josh joined them.
-          Let’s talk about business- said Brian in a much more serious tone.
-          Yeah, so you all want us to produce the new album? - asked Anastasia.
-          It would be the strangest thing I ever did in my life buy yes - Anthony answered.
-          I mean… you know rock is not what I am use to – Anastasia said. She was a star producing pop hits.- That is Brian’s thing.
-          Yes but you two together are a power couple! – Chad said.
-          Now we are a power couple – Brian laughs.
-          You must know that in the studio I’m totally different than at a party. Even though it is fun it’s still work and I need one thousand percent commitment from all of you- Anastasia assured.
-          Well, we are willing to commit to you – this time the words came from Flea.
-          All of you? At the same time? – Anastasia smiled – That’s too much trouble – everyone laughed.
-          Let’s do this – said Brian with excitement.
-          Perfect! I’m going to schedule a meeting at the label and it’s done! – said Anthony.
The conversation continued with different themes and laughter was not missed but Anastasia couldn’t help to focus on Josh. He was just like she remembered him: tall, shy, with a baby face even though he was 35 years old already. Since the moment she met him back then she felt a strong connection to him. He wasn’t the kind of guy she would date. She had always been with men with hot bodies and lame brains. But Josh was different; he had a pure soul and was full of artistic expressions.
-          And how’s your love life? – Anthony asked towards Anastasia.
-          You know that saying that reads “Either you have money or you have love but not both? – Anastasia said and Anthony nodded. – Well I will die being fucking rich! – Everyone laughs.
-          Don’t say that. What happened to this guy? The actor – Anthony asked.
-          Chris? How do I explain this…? I really need someone next to me that can actually have a conversation with me, someone who I can learn something from. That “just sex” thing is fun for a while – Josh looked at her - but if they aren’t any “extra sex” activities I’ll get bored, and my one night stands phase is in the past. So being with Chris was like having a one night stand every night. Didn’t work out for me.
-          So - Anthony was outraged – are you telling me that you aren’t a virgin anymore? – He burst into laughs implying that it was a joke.
-          It’s been a while since then – Anastasia answered and smiled.
Anastasia was waiting for the valet parking guy to bring her car when she felt a hand on her left shoulder and jumped.
-          Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you - Said Josh laughing. She smiled – I just wanted to tell you that it was great seeing you again. You look great. How is your brother? I haven’t talked to him in ages.
-          He’s great. He is been doing a million of stuff keeping himself busy. He is town now, actually at my house. You should text him you two use to be good friends.
-          I know. I will. Talking about texts, I have lost some phone numbers because of my mania of destroying cell phones. Can I have yours again? – Josh asked looking to the floor.
Anastasia smiled and gave him her number again.
-          It’s unbelievable that we have not been able to see each other in all this time – Josh said lighting a cigarette – having so many friends in common.
It was true. Anastasia had her own band and the drummer was one of Josh’s best friends, Eric. They even had another side band, called Dot Hacker.
-          Eric always talks to me about you – Josh admitted - I instigated him to do so.
-          You could have called me – Anastasia said.
-          I didn’t have your number – Josh said showing her the phone – I destroy phones like every month, remember?
-          Just excuses – Anastasia said – My car is here. Call me. Come to the house. Mark will be happy to see you. You got to see the new studio I built at the house – said Anastasia while getting inside her car – You will not want to leave.
-          I’m sure I won’t – Josh murmured, watching as Anastasia leaving.
The girl drove back to her house really excited for the upcoming project but Josh’s image was stuck in her mind. It was like if someone engraved it with a hot iron into her brain. She entered her house and walked straight to the studio, her legs just went there automatically, her brother Mark, a tall and strong guy with short brown hair, was inside.
-          You are not going to believe who I saw today – She said throwing herself in the comfy sofa at the control room.
-          Josh? - Her brother asked with the biggest smile he could give.
-          How do you know? – She asked him incredulous.
-          You said yesterday that you had a meeting with the Chili Peppers and, well, he is part of the band so… it’s not rocket science you know, just logic. How is he?
-          Better than never- Anastasia answered.
-          Are you still in love with him?
-          I never was in love with him. But now I can’t keep him out of my mind- Mark smiled.
-          I can’t believe that nothing ever happened between you two – The guy said.
-          I’m not the kind of girl he dates- Anastasia assures getting up from the sofa and sitting in a chair next to her brother – Besides, our friendship has never been close, I mean I know him because he is your friend, He isn’t even MY friend. The fact that he is close to Eric is just mere coincidence.
-          You are the kind of girl any guy would want to date- Mark answered trying to raise the mood of his sister, without much success.
-          That’s the problem. Josh is very reserved and I have a lot of Hollywood baggage on my back.
Anastasia was a wild teenager back then. She became a party celebrity. She was the typical Beverly Hills brat who spent money she didn’t earn and partied every day. She didn’t grow up with her parents so her freedom was much wider. Anastasia and her mother, Grace Neil – a tall and blonde supermodel- never got along really well. She was the result of a wild an unprotected one night stand between her mother and her father while he was married to another amazingly beautiful supermodel, for that reason her mother despite her, because she didn’t wanted to have her. But her father, on the other hand, had always been kind and showed unconditional love to her.
Trouble between her and her mother had unleashed a dangerous mix of anorexia and bulimia when she was just 11 years old. A year later Anastasia was taking a plane to California to live with her sister Barbara, product of her father’s first marriage. Even though that situation didn’t let mental issues, Anastasia was a trouble child. But when she turned 18 she decided to go to college and leave that kind of lifestyle behind.
-          Who the fuck cares about what you did when you were 16? – Mark asked.
-          It’s still hunting me – Anastasia answered and leaving the room.
Read chapter 2
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kneeuh-nia · 6 years
 4am random thoughts cause i cant sleep (tbh its mostly kpop related)
my sleep schedule is all sorts of fucked up w/ going to bed at 6am & waking at 12pm & it doesnt help that its hella hot & i have to wake up cause im sweating everywhere 
i regret not getting my license earlier cause i would just drive to blast the ac
also went to my first club & even tho some moments were pretty sketch i wanna go again but that just might be because i want to drink again
was watching some jbj videos & i really miss...why couldnt they extend their contracts :( at least kenta & sanggyun get to have a permanent duo :)
hotshot also needs a comeback cause jelly was a bop & i need more
you know who else needs a comeback: Pristin w/ kyla too
its been a couple days but its still dumb what edawn hui & pentagon have to go through for dating. “Fans” are too delusional like chill. Shine was such a good song & cause of this shit theyre gonna lose the momentum they were getting :(( 
Bless SM entertainment for releasing Bad Boy Eng Ver. & completing my life. but why did they change “who dat boy” to “who dat is” like it wasnt necessary since it was already english but do you i guess?
Time for sad Wanna One hour cause they had their 1st year anniversary
them turning 1 year old makes me happy yet sad at the same time cause they did so much in that 1 year but also theyre closer to disbandment :(
tbh i didnt even p101 when it was airing cause i thought it was over hyped & theres too many people on it
oh boy was i wrong... i ended up watching it like a month after the show ended & the group was formed... i think it was cause i saw the shape of you performance & the comments said the audience was saying encore to them? anyways i watched it & got invested in it & even tho i knew the results already i still stressed
time out real quick to talk about produce48
tbh im kinda disappointed in how p48 is going. Cause like p101s1 & p101s2 had like legendary stages like bang bang or sorry sorry but this season doesnt really have any at least imo. Like the side to side & im sorry performaces were good but they werent bang bang or shape of you good
the rankings are also kind of messing me up. cause in the first two seasons there were some trainees that pretty much stayed in the top 11 & it was obvious they were gonna be part of the group but this season it keeps fluctuating so much (tbh im not really paying to it that much so i dont really know). i also might be kindof sad that sakura might not get 3rd place cause i find it funny that the past 2 seasons had the center ending up in 3rd place but im just weird like that. also chaeyeon’s ranking is throwing me off cause shes really talented but it might end up in a samuel situation again where they ranked high at the beginning & are falling in ranks now... gaeun also deserves to get in the top12 highkey hoping it doesnt become a nuest situation cause she doesnt really have a group to go back to
alright back to sad wanna one time
anyways altho im sad theyre gonna disband im pretty curious to see what theyll do afterwards
cause ong will probably go into acting but is fantagio planning to put him in an actual idol group or is he gonna be put into an acting group like 5urprise... at this point i think it would be stupid to not put him in an idol group cause i think fantagio would be wasting his dancing if he was in an actor group... like i heard he was an actor trainee & was gonna be in Surprise U but he wanted to be an idol instead so he went on Broduce...he’ll prob end up being like eunwoo or something
daehwi & woojin are pretty much set at BNM w/ having a group w/ MxM & w/ maybe some other trainees...but i think BNM should create another group or unit w/ the trainees that would join them so they wont be overshadowed by the Broduce boys when they officially debut
jaehwan will prob have like an indie/acoustic solo & guanlin has his group set w/ seonho
minhyun & sungwoon get to return to their groups but it all depends on how their company does with promoting them... i dont see much of problem for nu’est since their popularity skyrocketed & pledis might actually care about them for once hopefully they won’t do them dirty... hotshot on the other hand is concerning since it is a small company but it would be stupid of them to not do anything since sungwoon & taehyun got popular from broduce & hojung & timoteo got attention from the unit & unb but its all up in the air
im worried for jihoon & jinyoung cause theyre from small companies & they dont really seem to have any plans for them
its also a toss up for daniel & jisung. they do have their own label(?) but the MMO trainees they were with on the show left the company & jisung has to enlist soon. daniel can have a solo career cause hes pretty much the nation’s it boy rn but i feel like he is better suited to be in a group 
man i really wished that i could go kcon to see them live before they disband but thats not going to happen :(((((((
damn this is longer than i expected oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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