#but i wish they somehow keep it around sometimes for like various reasons but also bcuz
emimii · 6 months
If you ever have time, I would love to see how you draw Griddlebone! Thank you! 🤍
i took some creative liberties with her (pink overload)
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txxxciii · 4 months
Happy PRIDE month!
As a way of celebrating, I will be posting my sexuality/gender-related headcanons of various Mortal Kombat sources, starting with:
(Note: this won't be including guest characters)
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Tbh Baraka doesn't have anything interesting going on with him until MK1, but I personally like to headcanon that tarkatans don't have gender norms in a way that we do; reproduction for them is not an important priority, just something you can do if you like how the other one smells or something.
Tarkatans are intersex by default, including Baraka. The "genders" are usually assumed by non-tarkatans, in Baraka's case, by Shao Kahn, who only wished to see male figures in his army.
Btw, tarkatans themselves never refer to each other by pronouns. They do it either by simply saying the name, or making a sound that is only associated with a particular individual.
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You already know. The non-binary monarch (king but gn) of MK.
With so many souls living inside you it's only a matter of time when you just start using They/them. Something also tells me that Ermac doesn't mind being called other pronouns – well, not like they care.
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I'm sorry, you cannot convince me that Jade "I care more about my friend's safety than myself's" from Edenia likes men. I can go and write a whole rant about Jade and Kotal and how I fucking hate that stupid Walmart Sonic on steroids (not only for his romantic ties though), but I'll save that for later, maybe. Until then, Jade developed a crush on Kitana over time and doesn't wish to let go of her since she's the only reason Jade keeps going everyday. Alas, the feelings are not mutual, but Jade knows better than to envy Liu Kang. She's happy that her friend found her love, and she wishes one day to let go and find her own, too.
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Kabal is a gay man, but not a closeted one. He had partners throughout the spam of his adult life, from Black Dragon to police forces.
There were rumors going around inside of Black Dragon that he and Kano had a affair. Whether or not this is true is left for speculation, as neither Kabal or Kano wish to discuss such topic.
What is true, however, is his work romance with Kurtis. At first, Kabal actively denied his attraction towards him, but learned to be more truthful to himself. He had a hard time opening up though, as he did have bitter aftertaste of his previous relationships, but somehow things were pretty decent, mostly thanks to Stryker's demeanor.
(Yeah I'm a strykabal truther, how can you tell?)
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Every iteration of Kenshi is demisexual in my eyes. Bad part? I can't really explain my reasoning. Sometimes you just see a character and immediately assume things about them.
Maybe it's due to Kenshi not really having any romantic interests prior to MKX, as far as I can recall. Maybe it's just an ace-dar (as someone who's on the asexual spectrum). Oh well, we'll never know.
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Like with Kenshi, every iteration of Kung Lao is gay in my eyes.
I see it more as Kung Lao not realizing his sexuality yet as throughout his life he had no time to think about personal stuff. When he does realize, however, he'll view it as an advantage as monks are typically forbidden from getting married and having intercourse, thus meaning he will less likely be judged by his fellow ones. Yes, he'd plan on simply ignoring this aspect of himself as getting into a relationship would bring a lot of burden (and if Lao falls in love, he will fall HARD).
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Mileena is canonically bi!! Duhh! She likes positive attention from anyone, regardless of the race or gender. Either way she will take advantage of the partner and eat them alive :)
She's also part tarkatan, which should technically make her intersex, but since Kitana's genes are the dominant ones, she's assigned female. However, she believes such limitations are stupid, so she uses She/they for herself. It makes her more proud of who she is.
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Gods don't need s*x!! Also I think he's canonically genderfluid since he can be literally anyone.
Uhh idk that's it.
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One of those times where I can't explain my reasoning... again.
I just feel like Rain liked the thought of absolute control ever since he was young, to the point where he wanted to control his own body's appearance. Even if he didn't realize it, he always wanted to have a body of man, to speak like a man and to be viewed as one as well. Once he finally reached his ideal physique, he felt like he was unstoppable.
... or something like that, lol.
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I meaaannn... why else would bro CHOOSE to change into anyone?
I have this little headcanon that Shang Tsung gets bored very quickly. To cure his boredom he'd transform into one of his captured souls and go on with his day until he gets tired of that body too.
Alas, these are all for now. Tumblr won't let me upload another image but just so you know, Stryker is a closeted bisexual. No reason other than vibes.
Anyone else who didn't make it to the list are either cyborgs or those who I think are straight. Anyways, hope you enjoyed and understood everything I just wrote. Byeee :3
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kellanved-ammanas · 2 years
Valentine's Week Angst Day Five: Heavy/Medic - Broken Promise
Day five of @dontneedadispenser Valentine's event.
Content Warning: Off screen major character death
Heavy was not one to break a promise. If he said he would return then come hell or high water, he would return. Medic merely had wait. There was plenty of work – both mercenary wise as well people in need of illegal but cheap surgeries – here in America and sometimes crossing the border into Canada to keep him occupied and making a living in between working on personal experiments. Medic was not in constant need of attention from his lover for fear of losing him to someone or something else. Nor was he was a worry wort; Heavy was more than capable of taking care of himself so there was little use fearing for him.
But still… as he glanced up at the clock hung on the bedroom wall again, it ticked over to midnight. Officially, as of today it had been a full year since Heavy had left for Russia, promising he’d return in a few months. Perhaps Medic should’ve gone with him after all. He’d thought about it but hadn’t wanted to leave his work or birds in someone else’s care for that long and wouldn’t have been able to do much other than be along for the ride. So he’d stayed, trusting Heavy to return to him soon.
With a sigh, Medic stood, his bones creaking and popping audibly due to how long he’d been sitting there. He moved to the bed, barely taking the time to put his glasses on the nightstand before crawling into it. Perhaps in the morning, he’d wake to hardy knock on his door and upon answering it, Heavy would apologize for how long he’d been held up and possibly the trouble he’d had catching up with where Medic had all moved around to.
The next morning
Medic woke to a quiet empty room as had been the norm for the past year. Expecting anything else would’ve been purely wishful thinking. Something he was not foolish enough to have done but… he’d still hoped and thus was still disappointed.
Staying in bed would be nice, preferable even. He needed to tend to the birds though and had some experiments in the lab that needed checking. And so, with a resigned sigh, he got up anyway.
Later that day
As usual, somehow despite how busy she always was, Miss Pauling answered the phone after only the third ring. “Hello, Medic.” And also as usual, despite Medic having changed locations since last they’d talked over the phone, she somehow still knew it was him. “You need something or are you calling just to chat?”
“I have a favor I need to ask of you.”
“Of course you do. No one ever calls me just to chat and I don’t have time to just sit around and chat anyway. So fine, what is it that you need?”
Perhaps in the future Medic should call her just to chat if she actually wanted someone to. For now though… “It’s Heavy. As I’m sure you know, he went to Russia to visit his family. He promised he would be back in a few months but it’s been a year. I am sure it is nothing, that he was just held up somewhere and will be back soon but… do you think you could check anyway?”
“Hmm…” The sound of a keyboard clacking came from the other end of the line. “I’ll look into it.”
“Danke. I know you’re busy so I appreciate it.”
She hummed an acknowledgment. “I’ll call you back when I have something.” And without further ado, she hung up.
Medic placed the phone back in its cradle. Hopefully Heavy would return before she called back.
A couple weeks later
The doorbell was likely not Heavy, visitors, while uncommon, did still stop by for various reasons sometimes after all. But, as has become the norm for a while now, the fact that it could be was enough reason for him to step away from the body he was currently dissecting, quickly wash the blood of his hands and fast walk over to the front of the house to answer the door.
Alas, it wasn’t Heavy. It was Miss Pauling. It had been a few years since he’d last seen her in person but she still looked the same as she always had just a bit older; prim, proper, and serious. “Hello again, Medic. I have news. ” Her expression remained strictly professional, implying it wasn’t good. “The kind I wouldn’t feel comfortable delivering over the phone.” For sure bad news then.
“Of course, come on in, Frau.” Medic forced a friendly demeanor as he stepped aside and gestured her in. He wasn’t worried; Heavy was the strongest man he’d ever known and one of the most dangerous, he could take care of himself. Surely this was about something else. Someone else on the team had died. Devastating truly, but not unexpected, given their line of work it was bound to happen eventually.
Miss Pauling led the way into the living room. “You might want to sit down for this.”
Medic didn’t do so. She had him far too nervous to just sit down. “What is it?”
She paused for a moment before shrugging and digging into his purse to pull out a newspaper clipping. After unfolding it, she handed it to him without a word.
It was in Russian. Medic knew just enough to be able to decipher that it seemed to be a short article about a plane crashing into the ocean. Reportedly, there were no survivors.
“What does this have to do with…” Medic trailed off because he didn’t know what this was supposed to be about.
“That’s the plane Heavy was on when leaving Russia.”
Medic understood why she’d suggested he sit down for this as standing upright suddenly seemed more difficult somehow. “Are you sure?”
“I had Spy look into it and then had him double check. He was pretty sure. I’m sorry for your loss.”
If it were anyone other than Spy, Medic would’ve suggested that maybe her informant was mistaken. Doing so would’ve been silly as she didn’t work with people who were unreliable. But as Spy was a friend, it was even less likely he would’ve overlooked or missed something out of laziness and not caring.
“And you are absolutely certain that Heavy didn’t survive?” If anyone could survive a plane crash it was Heavy.
“The plane went down seven months ago. If he survived and found his way to shore, he would’ve shown up somewhere by now. And, just to make sure, I had Spy and some other informants who were in the area snoop around the nearest coastal towns for anyone who’d washed up recently that fit Heavy’s description. None of them found anything.”
So for the past seven months or so Heavy had been dead and Medic had had no idea. He’d just blindly assumed that, as he always had before, Heavy would keep his promise to return safe and sound. He hadn’t even died in battle as he’d wanted but instead in the middle of the ocean, alone.
Finally, Medic gave into his body’s desire to sit as he sunk down to couch, putting his head in his hands. Having someone to blame and get angry at would’ve been nice but… there was no one. It had been an accident because those happened sometimes even to the strongest of people. And there wasn’t anything Medic could do to change it.
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naivesilver · 1 year
wish I could send you a good ask about an AU of an AU but every single scenario I think of keeps ending up super sad for one reason or another. I'll keep working on that. For now, as a more generic ask, some headcanons about thousand problems AU where the curse doesn't happen? (aka. wish realm!AU) If you fancy it?
DO I FANCY IT, SHE ASKS of course I fancy it!!!!!!! My babies all grown up and Emma flabbergasted!!!!!!!!!! 💗💗💗💗💗
So, to make things clear: the premise is akin to that of the Wish Realm, canon Emma gets stuck there and Regina goes to rescue her, except this time it's not just Pinocchio but the whole gang as adults with *gasp* A JOB? Let's see...
Lampwick survived his ordeals and somehow reconnected with Pinocchio when they were younger, and then after Geppetto died like in canon WR he convinced Pinocchio to travel the land (by boat, if I have my way and he is still raised by dwarves after a fashion) and along the way they picked up the rest of the group where they were scattered around various kingdoms;
technically they're merchants (Eugene is their budget man) but they also end up doing increasingly odder stuff wherever they go. Pierrot is still convinced he can crack it as a renowned musician and will play his lute for money (or to woo people). Twinkle has a sword. Don't question it, she's security detail;
Twinkle btw was raised in Agrabah because Sylvester and Igor thought it would be the safest place and Igor still had family there. She therefore is fluent in multiple languages and dresses more in Eastern fashion, with airy, flowing clothes, bright tones and sometimes headpieces;
while they were swinging by her parts Pierrot def tried to propose marriage to the lady Olympia but rumour has it she has refused EVERY suitor since her teenage years (also her dad isn't impressed by Pierrot's ownings) (also also while they were fucking that up Olympia's sister Coppelia pledged herself to Eugene and still sends him invaluable tips about trading. She's already planning the wedding and he's smitten);
when plot begins they've just docked back home which is why Emma (whose WR memories KNOW Pinocchio has returned) still suggests they go to him for help. IRL!Robin is still alive so Regina is not trying to drag Wish!Robin along but he still goes with them because he's looking for his young son who disappeared earlier (Lampwick found him. He really said IS NOBODY GONNA CLAIM THIS and rescued this lost child without waiting for an answer);
when reunions ensue Regina is STUNNED because these bitches aren't KIDS anymore, Roland has gained four new uncles and an auntie (Robin and Lampwick had a very disgruntled conversation but the baby was eating honey sweets the whole time he doesn't give a shit), and they all had to make a hasty escape by sea because technically it still looks like they're helping the Evil Queen do shit. Emma lowkey just wants to go home;
(shut up it said 5+ headcanons I can do what I want) Leona isn't dead btw she's super old and just never remarried (: they meet her when they swing by her village port, they think she's quite nice because when they help her carry the product home she tends to offer them fresh pastries;
Daria can be a fairytale lawyer if she wants to. Gatekeep gaslight girlboss. Mignon can be Pierrot's travelling bard rival for the same reason. Hansel and Gretel possibly never came out of that forest. Grace is...getting by (she hasn't seen her dad in decades) (she's older than he was when he left) (sometimes she wonders if he's even alive anymore)
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chaoticforever · 4 years
Playboy Having Fun Part 2 | Yandere Dean Winchester x Playboy! Reader x Yandere Sam Winchester
A/N: Part 1 right here!
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Was one emotion that you never felt. 
How could you feel fear? You were someone who smelled fear from a mile away, not someone who has it. It also has to do with how you were trained to be. You were trained to be a soldier, a warrior, a fighter who can take anyone out and can break someone with their own words. 
Just how you were made to be. Eons ago. 
You, along with Castiel were one of Heaven's strongest soldiers, and one of the most powerful Angels in the Garrison. 
The two of you always fought side by side, protecting each other and taking care of any demons, or other creatures who would get in your way. You both led armies at one point and did a hella good job at it, too.
You loved being an Angel of the Lord. Well, that was until he came along. 
Another angel that was created by your father to assist you on missions when Castiel had missions he needed to go on alone. 
You and Caleb had spent many decades with one another. Fighting and smiting various beings, and even going to earth sometimes when you both had nothing to do, but sit at the park and watch over your father's creations. 
He even kissed you at one point which was weird at the time and made you feel something that you weren't supposed to feel.  
Unlike Castiel, you actually understood human behavior and emotions, having spent a lot of time watching over them. 
And when Caleb saved you from a demon attack, you felt that emotion again and knew what that emotion was. 
You were in love with Caleb and this was a huge problem because you were not supposed to feel human emotions, but you were somehow able to. 
You'd hope Michael wouldn't find out.
He was the Viceroy of Heaven since father was absent. He could either lock you up, or banish you from Heaven. 
So, you decided to ignore these feelings. 
They would surely go away soon and everything would be okay again. That was what you thought at first before one day, Caleb confessed that he somehow developed feelings for you. 
Michael found out and flipped out. He liked Caleb, but couldn't have him in Heaven anymore, so he banished him to earth and erased his memory. He was reborn and would live a human life. 
You were so pissed at Michael and wanted to hurt him for that, but knew that you wouldn't win that fight. You may be a powerful angel, but Michael was an Archangel, making him way more powerful than you. 
Feeling hurt and confused, you called on your father and begged for him to send you to earth and be reborn as well, but with your memories kept. 
You wanted to be with Caleb again and didn't even care about being an angel anymore. Father had abandoned all of you, so he could at least grant you this one wish from wherever he was. 
And that he did. 
You were reborn again and still had the memories of your former life along with a vessel that was yours forever. 
As you grew up, you met Caleb again in college, of course he didn't remember who you were, but you were at least hoping he'd remember his former life. 
Since he didn't remember you, you took the liberty of being his best friend instead. You'd rather keep him as your best friend since he couldn't remember and became a playboy to hide the feelings that would remain unrequited. 
In all of that has happened, you never felt fear. Not the fear of losing Caleb, or the fear of not returning back to Heaven, so what was Castiel on about that? 
That was a good question. 
"...What?" You asked, setting your drink down on the table, "What did you say?" 
"It's Sam and Dean," Castiel said once again, "They have grown an obsession towards you and also put up angel sigils that stops me from entering the bunker. It's best if you stayed away from them." 
You blinked at the angel and massaged your temples, letting out a sigh of frustration. Now, this was starting to get out of hand. None of the people you slept with ever acted this way. Were you really that hot? You knew the answer to that, but you were not going to fear these little humans. 
"Castiel," You sighed, "I appreciate your concern, but I'll be fine. Their obsession with me will go away eventually once they realize I'm not into them." 
Castiel shook his head, "Don't be so sure of that, Y/N. Don't ever underestimate the Winchesters. They are dangerous and my grace is running low, so I might not be able to protect you if they come after you." 
"And you shouldn't underestimate me either," You retaliated, "Don't forget that I was one of Heaven's strongest soldiers, you as well." You reminded him. 
"But I still have my powers. You don't." He pointed out. 
"That's true, but I still have my skills   and intellect from my life as an angel. That didn't go away, not to mention that I can still see your true form if I want too." 
Castiel sighed, it was so hard to reason with you. You were too stubborn to see that something is clearly wrong with them. 
You were his oldest friend and he didn't want anything bad to happen to you. 
"Just please make sure that you carry your knife around all the time cause humanity is causing me to weaken." 
"Jeez Castiel! I'll make sure to carry my knife around. Damn, why did those writers have to make you, a strong angel so weak throughout the seasons." 
"Nothing, man! Now, go wherever you go, or you can sleep in the guest room."
Castiel went to the guest room that he would sometimes stay in when he came to visit you. He mostly stayed there when he would lie to the Winchesters and tell them that he had Heaven business to attend to, or when he didn't feeling like being bothered by them. 
You drank the rest of your glass before walking into your room and crawling into bed, putting your phone on the charger. 
You put the covers over your body and closed your eyes, feeling yourself about to drift off to sleep. As you began drifting off, everything that Cas told you came rushing back to you in an instant. 
Their obsession would go away, right?
Multicolored lights flashed on the dance floor, as dancing sweaty bodies pressed up against each other. Music blared throughout the club as you danced to some of the songs with a bunch of people's eyes on you. Apparently, you were the main focus tonight, but you loved it. You've always loved attention, and the spotlight. 
Castiel had insisted for you not to go back to the bar you met the Winchesters at, even though you told him that it's been a week and nothing has happened to you, he was still cautious about it, so you ended up going to this bisexual club that has recently opened. 
Alex ditched you when he got here, seeing a hot girl somewhere, and Caleb works the night shifts, unfortunately. So, you decided to dance by yourself with the exception of people looking at you. 
A pair of large arms wrapped around you, taking a huge sniff of you, "Damn, you look so sexy out here. You're definitely teasing almost everyone in here with the way you were dancing." 
You turned your head slightly to see a dark skinned man with brown eyes and curly hair. This man was absolutely handsome. 
"Elliot!" Someone shouted through the loud music and you saw a woman with brown hair and hazel eyes along with glasses walking up to you, "I thought we were going back to your place to have some fun," She whined and turned to stare at you when Elliot didn't respond, "Well, that's not far, Elliot! This guy is freakin' hot!" She exclaimed, and you felt heat crawl up to your face. 
"I'm sorry Candance, but this guy is too hot to pass up." He responded, not letting go of you at all as she rolled her eyes. 
Though, she couldn't blame Elliot. 
You were freakin' hot. Like supermodel hot and she would love to have one night with you herself. 
"Or," You suddenly spoke up, and Candace turned to face you while Elliot lifted his head up from your neck to look at you, "How about we turn this into a threesome instead?" 
"I'm down for that," Elliot said without a second thought and turned to face Candace, "Are you down for that?" 
She pondered at that thought. To have a chance with these two muscular men. There was no way she could pass up this opportunity. 
She nodded, "Sounds like a good idea." 
Elliot unwrapped himself from around you and took a hold of your right hand, leading you out of the club as Candance took a hold of your left, going with you guys. 
Some bodies pressed up against you when you were leaving, but you didn't mind despite feeling their eyes on you. 
Introductions of names were made as all three of you exited the club along with Elliot and Candance glaring at some people who tried to take you. 
Exiting the club, the cool breeze hit your face and you loved the way it felt since you were in that club with a bunch of sweaty bodies. 
"I think you both should be warned," Elliot spoke, which caused you and Candance to look at him, "Most people call me The Punisher when were in bed together." 
"Punisher? And why do people call you that?" You asked and Candance nodded. 
"That I would have to show you." 
"Are you a bad boy?" You teased. 
Elliot smirked, "Something like that." Oh, you wanted to know why he's called the punisher. 
"Get away from Y/N, and we won't hurt any of you." A gruff voice insisted and to the right of you, there they were. 
The Winchesters. 
You huffed, "Why are you guys here?" 
"We came to bring you home." Sam said, taking a step forward as you backed up behind Elliot and Candance who stood in front of you protectively. 
"And I told you both already that what we had was a one night stand, that's all."
"It was more than a one night stand," Dean argued, clearly stuck in his own delusion, "That night showed us how much you love us, and how much we love you. You're coming home with us and you're going to love us." 
"You guys are freakin' sick!" 
"Were sick?" Sam scoffed, "Us loving you with both our hearts means that were sick? I think you're the sick one and your ours, okay? We love you and you're coming with us." 
Elliot pushed Dean and Sam back a few feet with one hand, and they stumbled back slightly in this alley, "He's not going with you guys. You heard the man, he doesn't want anything to do with you both, so it's time for you to bounce." 
The brothers shared a brief look with each other before pulling out 2 guns, aiming it at Elliot and Candance as Candance screamed. 
Your fight or flight instincts kicked in, and you kicked the gun out of Dean's hand and kicked him where the sun don't shine. He fell down, clutching his groin. 
You went to kick the gun out of Sam's hand, but he was quicker. He moved the gun out of your reach and hit the gun over your head, knocking you out. 
When you awoke after some time, you saw that you were chained to a bed and was in a room that you didn't recognize. 
The room wasn't big, but wasn't small either. Pictures covered the creamy colored walls, and you saw a map of the town you resided in. Red dots were covering certain locations and you realized that those were the places you had been. 
Seems as if The Winchesters has been watching you long before you had that one night stand with them. 
The door opened and Dean walked in, seeing that you were awake. 
"You're finally awake, my little prince." He walked over to your side, grabbing the back of your head and tried to kiss you on the lips, but you moved your head to the side and got your cheek instead. He looked disappointed, "Don't be like that, sweetheart. I'm sorry that Sam hit you over the head, but you had it coming." 
"Dean, please just let me go," You pleaded. You never pleaded for anything in with the exception of your father, but you were willing to plead if it meant that you could leave, "I don't belong here." 
"Actually, you do belong here," Sam entered the room and kissed you on the forehead, "And the reason for that is because we need to protect you. We both have watched you from afar for a long time and infatuation turned into an obsession once we saw how many people are attracted to you. We can't let you leave. We lost so many people in our lives and we can't lose you, too." 
"Too many people," Dean chimed in, "And we refuse to lose you too, so we decided to lock you up here for our eyes only. We love you, Y/N. We want you as ours and to never share you with anyone else." Dean kissed you, on the lips this time, "Do you love us, too?" 
"I. Hate. You. Both. So. Much." 
Boy, was that the wrong thing to say. 
Their eyes widened in anger, and Sam grabbed your chin roughly, making you face him as you tried your best to make sure that you didn't look scared. 
Sam grinned at you, "We are going to have so much fun breaking you down. And you're not going to have a choice, but to love us." Sam walked out of the room and now it was Dean's turn to grab your chin roughly. 
You will break for us, sweetheart. And you'll love us the way we love you. Your playboy days are over. We promise to cherish you and love you for as long as well all shall live, and your going anywhere, my little prince. Ours forever."
Dean left the room and you stared at the wall ahead with a complete blank stare.  
You let out a sigh. How did this happen? How did you go from a playboy just having fun to getting kidnapped by two crazy obsessed hunters? 
You tried calling out to Cas, but there was no answer. 
An unpleasant feeling made you feel like you weren't getting out of this situation. 
But you did have an upper hand against them because there was a little flaw in their plan to break you down until you break completely. You couldn't be broken. 
After all, how can someone with no soul be broken?
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sinshckled · 3 years
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━━ ╴-   AGUST D,  D-2   [ 2020 ]                                     ⤷  LYRICAL STARTERS. 
collection of various sentence starters from AGUST D’s second mixtape. -  translations were taken from doolsetbangtan, w/ occasional help from genius ; -  minor edits were made as to accomodate roleplay needs ; -  feel free to change pronouns or wording as to best fit your muse !
cw:   angst, depression, mentions of violence, alcohol, lots and lots of SWEARING !
TRACK ONE. — 저 달 ( Moonlight )
❝ Fuck, I’m just doing it. ❞
❝ In my head, the reality fights with the ideal tirelessly. ❞
❝ My biggest enemy is the anger inside me. ❞
❝ Sometimes I resent god, asking why he made me live a life like this. ❞
❝ Sometimes I ask myself again, ‘if it was possible to go back, would you ?’ Well, I’ll have to think more about that. ❞
❝ One moment I feel like I’ve easily earned what I have, and the next moment I’m compensated for the fucking hard work I’ve done. ❞
❝ But I’m still hungry, would this be karma ? ❞
❝ That moonlight that shines on me at dawn, it’s still the same as then. A lot changed in my life, but that moonlight is still the same. ❞
❝ Sometimes I feel like I’m a genius. Sometimes I feel like I have no talent. ❞
❝ There would be no eternity for anything. ❞
❝ Being called immortal is fucking overwhelming. ❞
❝ But the adjectives they attach to my name feel too much sometimes. ❞
❝ What can I do, I should just keep running. ❞
❝ What can I do, I should just keep hold of things that I’m grasping. ❞
❝ What can I do, I should just pay back what I’ve received. ❞
❝ If you think you’re gonna crash, accelerate even harder, you idiot ! ❞
    TRACK TWO. — 대취타 ( Daechwita )
❝ Don’t forget the old days. ❞
❝ Born a slave, risen to a king. ❞
❝ Rags to riches, that’s exactly the way I live. ❞
❝ I’m sorry, but don’t worry about me ; I have lots to lose. ❞
❝ I'm about to dine on what I know is mine. ❞
❝ Not gonna lie, what a shitshow. ❞
❝ I’ve got no pretensions, just kill ’em all.  ❞
❝ No exceptions, I watch you fall. ❞
❝ Who’s the king ? Who’s the boss ? ❞
❝ Everyone knows my name. ❞
❝ All shit-talk, they’ve got no game. ❞
❝ Off with their heads, ah ! ❞
❝ This country's too small to hold me in yet. ❞
❝ Who said time is money ? My time is worth more than that. ❞
❝ I'm so thankful that I'm a genius.  ❞
❝ If that’s your reason for using drugs, cry me a river — you’ve just got no skills. ❞
❝ I got everything I wanted, I wonder what else I should have to feel satisfied. ❞
❝ Yeah, what's next ? ❞
❝ Here comes my reality check. ❞
❝ I only looked up ; now I want to look down and put my feet on the ground. ❞
❝ Remember my name. ❞   
   TRACK THREE. — 어떻게 생각해? ( What do you think? )
❝ What do you think ? ❞
❝ Whatever you think, I’m sorry but I don’t fucking care at all. ❞
❝ I’m sorry but I don’t care at all about how mediocre your life is, or about the fact that you can’t escape the shithole after failing. ❞
❝ Thinking that my success has anything to do with your failure… you’re fucking great at being delusional. ❞
❝ Your sense of humor is so so. ❞
❝ The fact that you're fucked is your fault, no-no? ❞
❝ We conquer it all, one by one, like we’ve been doing all this time. ❞
❝ All of you go fuck yourself, huh ! ❞
❝ The brats that boast about their money, you have to wonder how much they could've actually earnt on their own. ❞
❝ Bragging about money looks cute now. ❞
❝ We’ll go serve in the military when the time comes. ❞
❝ I hope all those bastards who tried to get a free ride by selling our names shut their mouths up. ❞
❝ At this point, I don’t have to know. ❞
❝ I don’t fucking care. ❞
❝ While this will be my last gift, this as well is luxury for you. ❞
    TRACK FOUR. — 이상하지 않은가 ( Strange ) ft. RM 
❝ Everything in dust, do you see ? ❞
❝ Well well well…❞
❝ Everything in lust. ❞
❝ Someone please tell me if life is pain. ❞
❝ If there’s a god, please tell me if life is happiness. ❞
❝ A big system that’s called the world ; They insert conflicts, wars, or survivals. ❞
❝ Capital injects morphine called hope with dream as collateral. ❞
❝ Wealth creates wealth and tests our greed. ❞
❝ In the world, it’s only the two, black and white, that exist. ❞
❝ In the endless zero-sum game, the end is entertaining to watch. ❞
❝ Polarization... the ugliest flower in the world. ❞
❝ It’s been a long while since truth got eaten away by lies. ❞
❝ Who would it be that benefits the most? Who would it be that gets harmed the most ? ❞
❝ The one who isn’t sick in the world that is sick gets treated as a mutant, isn’t it strange ? ❞
❝ The one who has his eyes open in the world that has its eyes closed — now they make him out to be blind, isn’t it strange ? ❞
❝ The one who wants peace, the one who wants a fight — each taking each end of the ideology, isn’t it strange ? ❞
❝ There’s no correct answer, isn’t it strange ? ❞
❝ You think you’ve got taste? Oh, baby, how do you know? ❞
❝ For god’s sake, everything's under control ! ❞
❝ However much money one has, everyone is a slave of this system. ❞
❝ At this point, even you wouldn’t know. ❞
❝ Oh baby, what’s your name? ❞
❝ But still, life goes on, somehow, just like this. ❞
❝ Everyone, in their own chicken coop, says they’re okay. ❞
❝ In the world where a dream has become an option… there’s no correct answer, that’s the answer. ❞
   TRACK FIVE. — 점점 어른이 되나봐 ( 28 ), ft. NiiHWA
❝ And yet, would it have been better to not know the world? ❞
❝ Perhaps I’m gradually becoming an adult. ❞
❝ I can’t remember what were the things that I hoped for. ❞
❝ Now I’m scared. ❞
❝ Where did the fragments of my dream go ? ❞
❝ Though I’m breathing, it feels like my heart has broken down. ❞
❝ Yeah, to talk about now, it’s about becoming an adult who finds it only overwhelming to grasp onto a dream. ❞
❝ I thought I’d change when I turned twenty ; I thought I’d change when I graduated. ❞
❝ Sometimes, tears suddenly pour down with no reason. ❞
❝ Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter anymore. ❞
❝ Living, for just one day, without any concerns... for just one day, without any worries. ❞
    TRACK SIX. — Burn it, ft. MAX
❝ I see the ashes falling out your window. ❞
❝ There’s someone in the mirror that you don’t know. ❞
❝ And everything was all wrong ; so burn it till it’s all gone. ❞
❝ Let’s go back to the past days, to the times that destroyed me. ❞
❝ After having a taste of success, how am I different from the me of back then ? ❞
❝ Let the old me burn. ❞
❝ I wonder what would remain in the end ? ❞
❝ The weakness, hatred, loathing, and even rage — Them, too, are rather futile. ❞
❝ Be careful of the word ‘beginner’s mindset’, don’t be afraid. ❞
❝ Whether it would become a blazing sun or the ashes left behind after being burnt — always, the choice and decision is yours to make. ❞
❝ I hope you don’t forget that giving up decisively also counts as courage. ❞
    TRACK SEVEN. — 사람 (People)
❝ What kind of person am I ? ❞
❝ Am I a good person ? Or a bad person ? ❞
❝ I’m just a person, too. ❞
❝ Everyone would fade away and be forgotten. ❞
❝ People change — like I have. ❞
❝ There’s nothing that lasts forever. ❞
❝ Everything is just a happening passing through.❞
❝ Mm… why so serious ? ❞
❝ If you get hurt, what about it ? ❞
❝ Flow along the way the water flows ; maybe there’s something at the end. ❞
❝ A special life, an ordinary life, each of them on their own. ❞
❝ It’s all good, it’s all good. ❞
❝ Things don’t always go as intended ; Discomfort is something everyone has to withstand. ❞
❝ The repetition of dramatic situations sometimes makes life tiring. ❞
❝ People are like that. ❞
❝ When it’s not there, you wish it was ; when it’s there, you wish it wasn’t. ❞
❝ Who said that humans are the animals of wisdom ? To my eyes, it’s obvious that they are animals of regret. ❞
    TRACK EIGHT. — 혼술 ( Honsool )
❝ It’s time that I fully face myself. ❞
❝ After finishing a shower, I detoxify myself with alcohol. ❞
❝ Perhaps it’s the alcohol that puts a period at the end of the day that is blurry in my memory. ❞
❝ I’ll just worry about tomorrow’s work tomorrow, fuck I don’t care. ❞
❝ I don’t really reach for snacks because I feel like I’d throw up if I did. ❞
❝ Since it’s getting to my head, let’s be honest about my life. ❞
❝ Oh yeah, money, fame, wealth, trophies and stadiums — sometimes I’d get scared of them. ❞
❝ I thought I’d party every day when I become a superstar, but the ideal is slapping the reality in the back of its head. ❞
❝ Well, it doesn’t matter anyway ; Tomorrow will come and go again. ❞
❝ I, who’s like this, and you, who’s like that… we just endure through the day, I guess. ❞
    TRACK NINE. — Interlude : Set me free
❝ Set me free, knowing that it won’t go the way I want. ❞
❝ Set me free, knowing that it’s not what I want. ❞
❝ Set me free, I’m floating freely in the void. ❞
❝ Set me free, these days, I feel melancholy for no obvious reason. ❞
❝ One day, I crawl on the floor ; On another day, I fly high in the sky. ❞
    TRACK TEN. — 어땠을까 ( Dear my friend ), ft. JW of NELL
❝ Still, as ever, I miss you, and I miss you. ❞
❝ Still, as ever, the memories of us together circle around me. ❞
❝ Maybe, if I had held you back then… no, if I had stopped you back then… ❞
❝ Would we have remained friends ? What would have it been like ? ❞
❝ Dear my friend, how are you doing ? ❞
❝ I, well, am doing well, as you probably know, yeah. ❞
❝ Dear my friend, I’ll be honest. I still fucking hate you. ❞
❝ I still remember the old days, when we were together. ❞
❝ “With the two of us, even the world is nothing to be afraid of” ; We used to say that, and now we walk on completely different paths, damn. ❞
❝ We, who had big dreams, were young, we were only twenty. ❞
❝ Would it be that you’ve changed, or was it me ? ❞
❝ I hate this flowing time, I guess it’s us who’ ve changed. ❞
❝ Hey, I hate you. Hey, I don't like you — Hey, even as I say these words, I miss you. ❞
❝ When I saw you for the first time in a while, you had become a completely different person. ❞
❝ There was no way to bring you back, and you became a monster.❞
❝ The you I used to know is gone, and the me you used to know is gone. ❞
❝ I know that it’s not just because of time that we’ve changed. ❞
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neuxue · 3 years
I'm trying to understand your problem with Asmodean. I agree with what you say about redemption, but he's basically lazy. His music came naturally, as a child prodigy. He learned to channel in the era when it was the path of least resistance. He was never a fallen hero like Sammael or Belal. There's no sign of a capacity for good, no spark of failed heroism or something like even Elan Morin's insight or Moghedian taking care of orphans. That's what I mean by contemptible (+ Fade-rape of his mom)
The flippant answer here is: “of the two of us, I don’t think I’m the one who has a problem with Asmodean.”
The actual answer is: one of the points I was trying to make in response to your earlier ask is that I don’t find it interesting or productive to try to classify characters as deserving or undeserving of redemption based on their level or type of ‘contemptibility’. I also think it’s an exercise in futility, because people are going to disagree on where those lines are drawn; there isn’t some perfect universal categorisation that says ‘this character “deserves” redemption; this one does not’, and that way lies... *stares into the abyss beyond years of fandom wank*
For a character to be redeemed, they have to do some bad / evil / wrong / immoral / contemptible things first. And then they have to, through some means, move or be moved towards something better.
Why should the form of that contemptibility define whether or not they can move away from it? 
If we take your assessment of Asmodean’s character at face value (I would dispute aspects of it but that’s tangential to the point I’m trying to make, so I’ll refrain), why should laziness disqualify a character from a redemption arc? Why should apathy mean they can’t realise what it means to care about something?
You say “there’s no sign of a capacity for good,” but again, redemption by definition involves at some point being not good. Whether or not there’s a sign of some ‘innate goodness’ doesn’t really come into it. It certainly can--there are absolutely redemption arcs out there that do begin with a fallen or failed hero, or a character who means well but lost their way, or in some way already wants or is trying to find their way back--but that’s not the only form a redemption arc can take. 
You don’t have to enjoy redemption arcs that begin in a darker place, but that doesn’t mean they can’t or shouldn’t exist. Personally I want to read about more characters who show absolutely no sign of a desire to be ‘good’, no spark or history of heroism, no remorse for the blood on their hands or no concern about the shape of the future... and who somehow change anyway. Because the question there is: how do you get a character like that to decide to walk a different road? And the more impossible it seems at first, the more interesting that can be.
There are different flavours of redemption--and again, they’re not all going to be for everyone, and that’s fine--and sometimes it’s about watching a character who has stumbled find their footing again and rise to true heroism, but sometimes it’s about just... finding or creating or cultivating that initial spark of I want something different in a character who has never even considered it before. Or anything in between. 
And if we try to draw line around what qualifies as a starting point for redemption and what doesn’t, we lose the variety it enables. Because different starting points, and different characters and characteristics, will approach (or be dragged kicking and screaming to) redemption differently. Redemption isn’t one-size-fits-all, and for me so much of the interest is in seeing the different shapes it can take, and the different lenses you can view it through. Different starting points, different reasons, different catalysts, different paths, different challenges along the way, different results. 
In some ways redemption is or is akin to a kind of healing; and like healing, it’s going to look different depending on the ailment. Sometimes it’s an acute problem but a short and relatively simple treatment or recovery. Sometimes it’s not visible, but takes years or decades or a lifetime of management. Sometimes it’s a series of experimental treatments, some of which may not work.
(“Okay but Lia, you can’t actually mean you want to see a redemption arc for [insert truly awful character here]” but the thing is, yes, yes I do. If it’s well executed? I absolutely want to see a redemption of the seemingly irredeemable. Not because of whether or not I find them sympathetic or forgivable or justified or whatever else, but because one of the things that’s so fascinating to me about the whole concept of redemption is the why, the how. What does it take, to get a character to make that first step? Where do they go from there, and what motivates them to do it? What keeps them going, even when it’s hard? These are really difficult with some characters, and that’s part of what makes it interesting to me.)
Finally... I hesitated over bringing aspects of reality into a discussion of fiction, this site being what it is, but. To use your characterisation of Asmodean as an example: I’m not going to get into a discussion of the concept of prodigy and talent here, or how it’s perceived and the consequences for those perceived as such, and how that can shape them, and how it’s pretty much always far more complicated than ‘laziness’, but even leaving that aside, there are absolutely people who will identify with elements of the ‘former child prodigy who falls into apathy’ for various reasons. Should they just... give up? Is that not part of what forms the feedback loop of apathy in the first place?
I’m obviously not saying that all villians / anatagonists / characters who do Bad Things have to be redeemed (or that fiction has a 1:1 impact on reality because No), but in fandom spaces especially, I see a lot of conversations around whether a certain character ‘deserves’ redemption that slide uncomfortably close to saying ‘[trait] means you don’t deserve to be redeemed / can’t be a good person / can’t try to be a better person’, without much awareness of how that is going to sound to the actual real people in the conversation. Just... one I wish people would be more aware of, sometimes.
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antarax · 4 years
𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
It's late at night when Damian makes a stop by your house with the intention to confess his feelings for you.
Damian Wayne x Black!Reader, gender neutral.
Words: 2,105
AN: Happy Valentine’s to all the beautiful black people in the fandom!! I dedicate this one to all of us, who rarely get any works that include us or are actually vague enough to. Hope you enjoy it 💞
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It was a quiet, cold night in Gotham. Neon city lights blurred into your room as the muffled sounds of the videogame on the old TV kept you company, the blue hue of the fluorescent lights washing over your bedroom even through half-pulled curtains. 
The day had been a slow and uneventful one. For you, at least, after the hope of receiving someone's valentine had been completely blown off, the same energy manifesting itself in you as the night also dragged itself along. 
You almost jumped out of your skin at the sound of your window opening, having had no expectations of anything more for the day –that, and the fact that it was well into the night already. You saw Damian standing outside with his hand on the window sill, a bag in the other, Robin uniform dirty and tattered as his cape fluttered violently with the breeze. 
He seemed stuck in his place, as if he had been the one surprised, frowning like he hadn't expected you in your own room. 
The slight semblance of a smile grew on your face, "Well, come in," you said, pausing the game. 
It wasn't uncommon for Damian to stop by your building after a busy night, the moon shining beautifully in the sky and the clouds a beautiful swirl of the light as he came through your window expertly quiet. But, even then with the known comfortability and trust you two had managed to reach in your relationship, it also wasn't uncommon to feel like remnants of the younger, more insecure Damian still clung to him slightly. 
Slightly as in  heavily. 
You watched him as he moved into the small space and set down the bag on the floor, taking off his gloves and mask with the rough delicacy you associated with him. 
He stood as if he was tightly wound up, like perhaps he could breathe wrong, or whatever new, unspoken rule he'd created for himself plagued his mind now. 
It was a little funny. 
"I'm not going to eat you, you know?" 
Damian rolled his eyes, "I'm aware." 
"Doesn't look like it," You muttered, glancing down at the controller in your hands, "What's in the bag anyways?" 
"I— Things." 
You raised a brow. 
"Food, sweets. Drinks." 
"Yes," Damian replied, sitting down and sagging against the wall underneath the windowsill, chest rising and falling slowly as he exhaled deeply. Damian grabbed the bag again, putting it down next to you, "They're yours." 
You set aside the controller and rummaged through the bag, the thoughts racing in your head. Damian knew you well and you him, your friendship spanning over a few years now. There had been a lot you'd trusted him with. Secrets, worries, embarrassing shit you'd done that still haunted you and Damian had been no different. He let you in on his bigger secret, how he carried the mantle of Robin every night. Some of his deepest remorses were ones that you had knowledge of; although never diving too deep in the murky waters of Damian’s life, you still valued the clear trust he had in you. 
And along all these moments, every opportunity you've had to know each other, slowly and softly peeling aside the layers covering the people you were, a warm intimacy rooted itself in your growing friendship. A comfortable sort of intimacy. 
Every once in a while you stopped by the manor on the quiet days where it was only Alfred and the animals. You helped Alfred in the kitchen whenever he was practicing for a new recipe or baking a dessert for the family later in the day. You spent hours with Damian in his room, where his cat Alfred would always curl up next to you on his bed as he worked on his art, walking around the manor or playing around with Titus and Batcow in the manor's backyard –which, really, was just an enormous open field that they were too humble to call so– and sometimes you'd even earn an invitation to dinner. 
As for you, Damian tended to visit at night more so than day, but there were moments where he would show up on a sunny afternoon when everyone else wasn't home, slumping down on your couch for an hour or two before going back to his own things. Sometimes he'd drop by books he'd seen at the library, a small trinket he'd bought at the store and various other paraphernalia that, somehow, you always ended up loving. 
Damian knew your taste well, and there was no doubt he'd spend countless amounts of time pondering over each of his gifts before they ever reached your hands. All things that while anyone else might have brushed over you appreciated immensely. 
"You know," you began as you leaned back into the foot of your bed, ripping off pieces from a napkin you'd taken out of the bag, buying time. Hesitating, "I actually— sort of, was hoping for a valentine this year." 
You gazed at Damian's eyes, your interest boring into them, digging as deep as you were allowed. They looked nervous, hilariously so. Almost like he'd been caught. But caught... doing what, exactly? 
Perhaps caught in the middle of staring back at you as he'd tend to do; how he'd tend to do and assumed you didn't notice. 
Or maybe caught when he would discreetly drop off something in your room or your locker after having seen it at the store or the cafeteria and knowing immediately you'd like it, always behind the guise of simple complacency. Caught, in his true intentions, what truly made him do all these otherwise insignificant things that were much too small even for somebody as detail-driven as Damian. 
Olive-colored eyes still shifted uncomfortably in front of you as the sole giveaway of the true nervousness Damian was drowning in, refusing to show anything more of himself, even when it mattered. 
Especially when it mattered. It was frustrating. 
"You were?" 
"Yeah," You shifted in your spot, "I was." 
No one could ever, ever know something about Damian that he didn't share. It's just not something you could do. Not when it came to him. Anybody who knew anything at all about who Damian Wayne is, at his core in existence, knows it only because he's allowed them to. 
And he'd allowed you to know this too, and yet now he was hesitating. 
"You wished to have... a valentine. Anyone?" 
"You could have, easily, if you wanted it," Damian rolled his eyes. 
"I could?" You smiled, and the twinkle in your eyes was nothing short of mischievous. 
"Reeeally. How?" 
Damian slouched against the wall, "Well, you'd simply have to ask," he said it as if it had been an obvious fact, "I'm sure anyone at the academy would've said yes." 
Your smile widened as you raised your brows, "Oh?" 
Damian frowned, "You are making fun of me." 
"What do you mean? How." 
Damian crossed his arms as you laughed. 
"You think I'm making fun of you," you protested, "I'm not." 
"There's something you want to say, isn't there? Just spit it out, Damian." 
Damian's eyes lingered all over the room. His hands had started to sweat a while ago and by then, his heart had sped up so much he was sure it was making some attempt at breaking through and out of his chest. 
Originally, his plan had been to drop by and bring you a gift, but then he'd gotten nervous and internally malfunctioned, because he'd bought a double of everything so that you wouldn't assume it had been a gift and instead just him coming by to hang out like he always did. 
He had planned to come by, tell you he'd... harbored a few unwanted feelings towards you and hoped you would have been tired enough that you wouldn't have realized it, but clearly, his plan had flipped over backwards and blown up in his face. 
Damian took as deep a breath as possible with his collar putting him in a choke hold, as if trying to push out his words while simultaneously wanting to keep them buried the deepest he could. 
"I— hm," He stared intently at the floor, for the first time in a while feeling like the small child who would trip over his own emotions again, but he was resolved to tell you, "I like you. I suppose." 
It hadn't been surprising to Damian. More that it was hard to accept. He'd mulled over it for a long, long time. In fact, the reason he'd visited you tonight, made up his mind to tell you so, had been his ridiculously embarrassing performance. 
Being surprised by petty thieves and thrown out of the loop by measly codes, none of which happen, ever, not to him at least. Damian was far above such childish mistakes, at least so he thought until he started taking a closer look at his own thoughts and realized your eyes had gone from brown to 'beautiful pools of honey', your skin a beautiful, shining shade of brown. 
He was an artist, after all. He'd spent afternoons studying his environment, the shapes and colors, how everything fit in together; you were no stranger to his thoughts. 
Which of course, you wouldn't know. If you had, you would have taken the jump much earlier. You would have never acted based off of assumption alone, but having the confirmation, well. 
By now you had to contain your smile because surely, surely, your cheeks would be sore afterwards. 
"Wow," you raised your brows in obvious mocking, "Really?" 
Damian scrunched up his face in disgust, like he'd witnessed the most foul thing yet, crossing his arms tighter but refusing to meet your gaze as he turned to the wall. 
"You know, Damian." 
"The valentine I was hoping for this year… was yours. You could've easily made a card and thrown some glitter over it and that would be the end of that." 
"A card, with glitter?" Damian snapped his head at you, seeming almost bored as he spoke in a deadpan voice, "Is that how lowly you think of me?" 
At this you did laugh, almost too loudly for one in the morning, that you had to push both your hands against your mouth. 
Damian frowned, "Please do know that if I were to ever make something so miserable, it must be because I've been replaced. Which would not happen. Ever." 
You stood, shuffling over to Damian and sitting down next to him. 
He looked pretty underneath the moonlight coming through the window, the curls over his forehead looking soft and shiny. 
Damian looked right into your eyes, for the first time that night not looking away, he was trapped now. Not truly, he could leave, but did he want to? Not at all. 
Softly, Damian touched your hand, something perhaps akin to fear in his eyes as if he still expected rejection. 
"I'm going to kiss you." 
"Unless you don’t want me to." 
"Please do. I mean—" 
It was a shy and quick kiss, but so, so exciting as Damian's grip tightened around your hand and you leaned into him. 
When you leaned away, it was with a mischievous glint in your eyes. 
"Please do—" 
Damian frowned again, clearly not amused. After a few seconds though, your laugh died out. Truth is, your stomach was churning. Because, while you were very much happy and excited, you were also incredibly nervous. 
Both of you were stitching your thoughts back together, seconds of silence passing by. You were still holding Damian's hand. 
He closed his eyes, frown deepening considerably and quickly before he spoke, vile spilling out of his mouth, "A card? With some glitter thrown over it?" 
He looked downright furious, disgusted even. 
"It's not that big of a deal," You chuckled, "Get over it." 
Damian looked out the window, and you followed, the moon standing beautifully in the middle of the sky. 
Damian sighed, "I have to go." 
"Oh... okay." 
He didn't move. Neither of you did. 
Damian gave you a quick kiss again, looking absolutely scandalized when he pulled back. You stared at each other in complete disbelief before he stood up and started putting his gloves on again. 
He pressed his hands onto the windowsill and took a deep breath.
Damian looked at you, tenderly, "Goodnight, Y/N." 
"Goodnight, Damian." You smiled. 
Damian gave you a small smile, "Hm." 
You watched as he jumped off, grappling to the nearest building and laughed when you saw him standing still before disappearing into the night. 
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xenzoldyck · 4 years
First encounter | Pt.1 | Zeno X Reader
Might add part 2 if this gets love~! Also, my first time writing a fic in 2nd person (character x reader) style. Judge me nicely. Summary: These days being by yourself were getting indescribably lonely. You didn’t know if you’d ever find someone to be with...Until you met Zeno Zoldyck.
Words: 1.4K
It started to rain outside this small cafe you were in. Rain poured gently against the window nearby, in the distance other restaurants were closing up their outdoor umbrellas. Strong scents of coffee filled the air and muffled voices behind were chatting, bickering, or laughing. The lights were warm inside, keeping you from the winter’s storm. Being bundled with your black scarf and grey beanie helped too. A waitress came to you handing the vanilla latte you ordered. You nodded to them with a small smile that quickly faded after they left. The day was probably Wednesday or Thursday, but you didn’t seem to care. Each day passed just like the day before. Another day where people, so caught up in their own lives, were ignoring you as they always did. The days kept reminding you how lonely you were. 
Giving out a sigh, you leaned back in your chair. When would you finally meet your significant other? Clearly, you were doing something wrong. Your eyes scanned the room again, noticing the various couples lost in their worlds. 
“Just my luck isn’t it?” You whispered now fidgeting with the light pink glass cup in front of you. Could destiny try being a little nicer to you? Or did karma secretly have their grudge on your happiness? Whatever it could be, you just wished for something to happen…
Doors creaked open, the sound echoing in the small cafe. The sound of the storm was behind the figure. No one paid attention until a gasp was heard from a woman, the sound of a cup being shattered on the floor, and hurried steps leaving the other exit in the cafe. The customers and the hosts looked scared and worried. Gossip was spreading like wildfire and it seemed no one would outwardly comment on this person.
Curiously, you looked over your shoulder trying to be somewhat discreet to get a look at this person. You first noticed wavy, spiking grey-white hair and his short stature. Despite being an older man, his face looked carved to perfection having 2 whiskers fall at the side of his lips. The charismatic and intense presence he brought in was...very interesting to you. 
You looked at the other side of the room, seeing how the effect he had on everyone was unanimous. Were you missing a key point here?
The older man apparently noticed you were staring, his grey eyes staring directly at you. That look made you jolt. Nervously trying to recover, you pretended to casually be looking around the room finding books the cafe had in the back to squint at. Slowly, you blinked and turned your head back to your coffee cup. 
How fucking awkward!
You could still feel your heart beating fast, was it because of being caught rudely staring or just the fact that a man like that could notice someone like you? Shaking your head to clear, you dismissed the thoughts. Someone paying mind to you was crazy! It had to be. Yet, you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him. 
“W-What can I get you today Mr. Zoldyck?” The cashier a few feet away stammered, obviously trying to keep it together.
“Just a chai tea latte please. No need for Mr, call me Zeno,” The man’s low voice replied, the cashier just nodding to him accepting his payment. He seemed pretty nice, despite the room’s judgemental and scared stares at him. 
Zeno quickly was given his order and he said something, but you couldn’t make out the words over the people next to you gossiping. You looked away from the man, now trying to overhear what they were saying. 
“How could you not know! That is ZENO ZOLDYCK...The grandfather of the infamous group of assassins. The Zoldycks!” The frantic girl loudly whispered to what seemed her confused girlfriend. 
“Ohhh you mean the group that lives on that mountain? Bunch of weirdos…” “Shh! He might hear you!”
You sat there feeling anchored to your seat. Assassin? 
An assassin killed people for money. I mean, everyone had there reasons for certain...Professions. Zeno was an assassin, but he could be one who was hired to kill criminals, or other kinds of bad people. Who knows? There was never any telling how someone would be until they were right in front of you. People shouldn’t of assumed the worst of this man and that was rude to call their family a bunch of weirdos. 
Before your mind could elaborate further on these thoughts, Zeno was standing at your table. Your eyes shot up at him, shocked to see him acknowledging you again. 
“Do you mind if I sit here?” The man asked politely, his hand touching the chair. You couldn’t help but notice how long his fingers looked. Why were you looking at his fingers!? Calm down, just relax…
Zeno showed you a small smile that seemed to make you ease a bit, but you were still weirdly nervous.
“Y-Yeah? Oh! I mean..No! No, I don’t mind.” Words fumbled out your lips, struggling to keep an even tone. Your face was feeling hot all of a sudden, but your eyes were still fixated on him. This man was so...sexy.
Zeno chuckled at your response. 
“Thank you.” The assassin replied, settling into the chair and putting his coffee down. Somehow, his presence was actually comforting to you. Almost warm? It should have you worried that an assassin was casually asking to sit at your table, but instead, you felt yourself blushing and thinking a murderer’s presence was warm. You really needed to make some conversation or something instead of awkwardly blushing in front of him!
“I’ll introduce myself, give you some time to collect those thoughts.” Zeno smoothly interrupted. The fact that he could tell you were struggling and continued to ease your nerves was pretty sweet of him. 
“My name is Zeno Zoldyck and yes I am a part of the infamous group of assassins, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy coming into a cafe much like yourself at times,” The smile turned into the slightest smirk causing you to blink sheepishly. 
“You might be wondering why I chose to sit here and not at that table with those two goudy girlfriends,” The assassin glared over at the gossiping girls, scaring them senseless causing them to dart out the cafe. You practically glared over at them too. Serves them right for talking bad about someone they didn’t know. You grabbed your coffee to drink it slowly as if the coffee was something to calm you down. Zeno continued.
“It appeared to me that you looked like you could use some company. Not only that, but I take it you don’t see me as this monster that everyone else did.” Although someone in their right sense would. 
You finally found it in you to reply, “Thank you for sitting with me, I honestly get pretty lonely sometimes and it’s nice to talk to someone. Yeah I just think people shouldn’t be judged without you getting to know them. People deserve to show themselves to you.” 
Zeno nodded as a you’re welcome and seemed to appreciate this response. His smirk got bigger, “Is that why when you stared at me you pretended to be occupied with something else?”
He! He was really calling you out! 
“Hey! I was trying to be polite, everyone was staring at you like you were some pyscho! I didn’t want to make you feel that way.”
“Why not?” Zeno bluntly poked.
“I didn’t know you and you seemed like a very interesting person.”
“Ah, I see. Interesting. Well, you seem to be a very interesting person yourself,” The older man commented staring into your eyes “...What was your name?”
Your face was probably bright red at this point. A man like Zeno was...complimenting you. A man so unreal was taking the time to converse with you.
“...Y/N,” You stuttered in complete awe of what was happening. 
“Nice to meet you, Y/N” Zeno picked up your hand gently and kissed it. Your heart was racing in your chest.
“It’s a pleasure meeting you, darling. Would you like to leave this place with me?”
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tag @dreadfutures! I really appreciate it! <3
Still working on the never-ending snippet (they’re chapters, really XD)! To be fair, this is a great exercise because it’s helping me utilize dialogue more! So, without further ado...
...The Anchor being a buzz kill. :3
“Fane..”, Solas said, slightly breathless as Fane explored and showed the warmth of a balm.
“Hm,”, Fane hummed as he finally found Solas’ pulse, fluttering and skipping. He pulled away a bit, eyes hooded as he watched the beating patch. “You’re getting excited already. Dangerous, my sky. Very, very dangerous.”
Solas let out an airy laugh, turning in his embrace a bit to rest his side against Fane’s front. He had to adjust his hold a bit and take his hand holding the mage’s jaw away, but he kept his eyes on the butterfly before him. It was tempting to...well, snatch it from the air, but Fane kept himself in control, even as he felt the sky begin to lay kisses along his neck. They were as light as air and near reverent, but no less hot with their underlying heat. It was making his mind haze with a different kind of smoke this time.  
“Ma’isenatha,” Solas murmured against where he was kissing, tender and sweet, but there was a note of...concern in its cadence? “...May I see your hand?”
Fane blinked, the smoke clearing a bit. “Huh?”, he uttered in question, shifting his gaze away from the steadying butterfly to glistening orbs--lavender branching out from where the pupil was. Oh, he loved that hue. That hue, that very few saw…
Solas offered him a tiny smile. “Your hand.”, he repeated, a tentative touch appearing against an...oddly warm, blazingly warm, palm. Why was his hand so damn hot? It almost burned.
Fane drew his brows together, confused. “...My hand? Why do you--?”
Suddenly and before he could get the words out, the Anchor cracked within his palm--ancient magic still very much volatile from his earlier outburst. Fane hissed sharply. Damn it all! He forgot all about the Void-taken thing! Fuck! Just when he had been sure everything was as it should be again! Foolish! Foolish!
“Easy, vhenan,”, Solas soothed, one hand appearing upon his cheek and the other within his spasming hand. Within an instant, their fingers wound together, interlocking like a masterwork latch. “Breathe, and let us move from the floor. I can examine your hand better that way.” Blue orbs connected with his own, questioning and full of tender concern, even if they were a bit hard to make out from the suddenness of sharp daggers under his skin. “...Can you do that for me?”
Fane gritted his teeth at another pulse, growling deep in his chest, but he managed to jerkily nod. He could move, but by anything that was holy, he didn’t want to. The damned Anchor tended to skyrocket in its anger every time he jolted it, but...he could endure it. He could endure it if it meant it would just stop.
Solas gave him another reassuring smile, gingerly lifting himself off of where he was leaning against Fane’s front to stand. Fane nearly dragged the elf back down when another deep pulse of magic shot up his arm, but thankfully, not his head. It fucking burned like acid, however. The magic was less than it had been earlier, but it was still managing to seep from the slit and snake up his arm like ethereal vines.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,”, Fane cursed over and over, growling and snarling in the interim. “Fuuuck!”
He sucked in a deep breath and let it out shakily, trying to fight through the pain and nausea as he, none too gracefully, pushed himself off the floor with his free hand. To Fane’s surprise, the Anchor didn’t protest too awfully, only snapping against his wrist like a hand slapped another in reprimand. Still, it ached, burned, and screamed.
Solas’ hands appeared on him the moment he stood at full height, using both to lift the acid spewing hand up to his line of vision. Fane swallowed hard around pooling saliva and took in deep breaths through his nose as he let the mage work his magic. 
He watched as a slender finger glided along the brightly glowing opening, testing, teasing the familiar magic out with a gentle blue glow. The tendrils came outwards, but then abated minimally, cowing at calming blue, but they still carried fury underneath--pulsing and crawling. Fane grimaced at the sensation, stifling a pained growl. It would never end unless he chopped his arm off, would it? Or, well, if Solas took it away. Sadly, his sky didn’t have the capability or power to do that yet. Fane would be both relieved and not relieved the day that he did. For various reasons. Reasons they also needed to discuss sometime, but not right now. Not when his fucking arm was feeling like it was getting pulled through a rift!
Solas gave him a tiny smile, glancing up from his work. “You are doing well, my dragon.”, he praised before concentration hardened features that held the shadows and dual glow of magic, eyes going back down to focus. “What do you feel right now? Describe the sensations for me.”
Fane took in another deep breath. “Uh, c-crawling. F-Feels like there’s worms under my skin. Worms that are--are on fire.”, he tried to explain as best he could, but those blazing worms were wriggling, writhing as Solas gingerly ushered more of his magic into the mark. “I-It keeps knocking against that f-fucking ward, too.”
Solas glanced up again, but didn’t halt his ministrations. “It has not pierced through, correct?”
Fane shook his head with a shaky sigh. “No, but that’s because I’m…” He gasped a bit, a hard pound slamming into the walls of his mind like a drum. “...fighting it.”
That seemed to be all Solas needed him to say, going back to his task with a furrowed brow and a determined look in his sky-line eyes.
Slowly but surely, the Anchor began to die down as the more Solas guided his magic to make the more volatile counterpart heel. The tendrils of sickly, but sparkling green abated, the ever present glow dimmed, and best of all, the pain ebbed away like a lazy wave. Fane sucked in a deep, deep breath as that reprieved was granted to him. He still felt nauseous as all got out, but the worms were dying down, the knock upon a locked door floating away as chaotic magic slithered back down his arm. He could honestly sob from relief. Truly, he could. 
Solas let out a quiet sigh of his own, tired and relieved all in one, as his eyes met Fane’s own again and for good this time. They were speaking to him, asking a typical question and it filled Fane’s heart with tender affection.
Fane smiled tiredly. “Better. Thank you.”, he said. He was utterly exhausted, stomach tender and head aching duly, but the pain had stopped, the magic driven back to the hole it crawled out of.
Solas let out another relieved sigh at his words, a tired smile of his own appearing, cracking the mask of concentration, and giving his marked hand a gentle squeeze with the two still holding it.
“It’s nothing.”, the mage downplayed, shifting tender eyes down to gaze upon the Anchor forlornly. “I simply wish I could rid you of this burden, to wipe away this pain. If I had known it would be you who would somehow pick the orb up, I would have been--”
Fane sighed softly as he tapped the underneath of Solas’ chin with a few fingers of the hand he was holding. The elf blinked, steely orbs snapping up to him instantly and that only made Fane smirk more. How the sky heeded a dragon’s call. It should be the reverse, but this world continued to show how much it defied itself.
“Stop. Observe and accept. Observe what happened, and accept that it was beyond your control to predict. You will fix things, Solas. We will fix things.”, Fane assured as he leaned in to lay a light kiss against the mage’s lips. It was reciprocated with ease, a tiny hum escaping from his sky and it made him reluctant to pull back, but he did to murmur, “All of it will come in time, ma tarasyl. You know that. I know that. Be patient.”
Solas let out a chuckle. “Using my own words against me? Wisdom is a concept in you, I see.”, he teased.
Fane sneered a bit. “Cute.”, he replied dryly before shrugging. “I only used them because you used my own earlier, and I figured you’d be more amenable listening to yourself when in concern to what happened at the Conclave and whatnot. You do like to hear yourself talk, after all.”, he teased with a growing smirk. They were coming full circle now, and hopefully, his jokes would land more gently this time.
“Insufferable.”, Solas quipped with an exasperated sigh, but it was fond underneath, he knew. “Why do I--?”
Fane blinked as Solas suddenly froze up, face going blank and glittering eyes staring at him, but not registering. He furrowed his brow at that, pulling his head back a bit to get a better look at blue and grey. Now, that wasn’t normal. The hues were still bright, aware, blue with lavender branching from the middle, but Solas’ face and posture screamed, ‘disconnected’. Fane felt himself grow more worried at that. Had he fucked up again?
“Solas? Are you--?”
He went to ask after the man, thinking his joke had hit a nerve yet again, but a slender finger suddenly darted up to his lips, stilling them. It was telling him to wait, to be silent. Fane blinked. Well, at least the mage was responsive? Yes...a corner of a mouth was moving a bit, eyes were blinking slowly, and a…
...nose was twitching?
Before any more questions could be voiced or even thought up, Fane saw Solas’ face pinch a bit, nose screwing up before sucking in a slow, deep breath, and then…
We have it all in this story! Pain, sadness, Solas tears, Fane rage, fluff, cockblocking magic, and sniffles~ >:3 Watch this turn into a sick fic now. XD
Tagging forth (with love and potions to ward against sniffles!)
@oxygenforthewicked @noire-pandora @the-dreadful-canine @little-lightning-lavellan @aymayzing @dungeons-and-dragon-age @hoochieblues @whataboutbugs @1000generations @blueheaded @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold and anyone else who’d like to share! It’s Wednesday~! X3 (no pressure, of course! <3)
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r3almellow · 4 years
MLQC Boys Being Horny For A Pregnant S/o
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Thanks so much for the request!! This almost turned into a big pregnancy headcanon HC, but I fought through the urge! You guys should be proud of me!
Warning: Pregnancy sex, oral sex, and lactation
Click “Keep Reading” for the goods!
Kiro was in pure bliss while you were pregnant because your sex drive was practically through the roof.
The two of you had sex quite a few times a week and Kiro was in absolute heaven.
At first, you would have sex in your usual places. (Home, dressing room, recording studio, broom closet ect.) But as the months went on, your intimate moments mostly occurred at home or in a hotel room with a nice comfortable bed for you to be on.
Even before you got pregnant Kiro had a thing for your breasts. Biting, sucking, titty fucking...the whole nine yards! 
There wasn’t a moment that went by where Kiro didn’t find an opportunity to slip hands under your blouse just to squeeze “the girls.” 
He immediately notices how big they’ve gotten and booooy did the sight of you going up two bra sizes have his mouth watering.
Seeing your nipples poking out from your shirt was just... *chefs kiss* 
If you complained about clothes irritating your sensitive nipples he’d jokingly say that you should walk around the house topless. But he’s actually not joking and would sell his soul if it meant you’d actually do it.
His favorite position is missonary and cowgirl because they give him the best access to your breasts, so he can caress and fondle as he pleases.
However, the former was mostly doable during your first trimester, so spooning has become his go to mainly because he doesn’t want you doing all the work. 
It was also a win because he could hold you from behind while placing kisses along your neck while taking in your scent. He'd have a hand massaging your breast while the other between your legs, drawing circles around your clit as he slowly thrusted into you from behind. 
Once the baby is born, you always have to remind him constantly that your breasts are extremely sensitive to the point where they're too painful to touch. 
When you begin breastfeeding...oh boy...
He can feel the way his dick strains against his pants as he watches you. He was excited for all the naughty things he planned on doing when you were ready.
You can feel his eyes on you sometimes and you often have to give him a playful glare.
“Whatever you’re thinking, stop it.” How could he stop thinking about how erect your nipples looked?! Or how badly he wanted to leave bite marks all over your breasts?! Oooor how much he wanted to feel them rubbing against his cock?!
And when you accidentally start leaking? You’ll be so embarrassed, but Kiro?! Your man is losing it! He didn’t think something like breastmilk leaking through your shirt would be hot but he’s been wrong about a lot of things. 
Kiro will always respect your wishes to wait but once you give him the go ahead your boobs are not safe from him. 
There was something about you being pregnant that really got him going. 
He will always kneel before you to press small kisses against your stomach and has a habit of trailing down to what he calls “dangerous territory.”
Out of fear of hurting the baby and not wanting to put you through any unnecessary stress because he couldn’t keep it in his pants, Gavin will opt for taking care of his “problems” on his own.
He'll be super conflicted too! Poor thing just wants to make love to you, but not at the cost of hurting you!
Whenever you want to have sex, he tries to turn you down. Emphasis on TRY! Somehow things end either with his head between your legs or you giving him a hand job. As nice as that was, it wasn't the saaaaaaame!
“The sight of me is such a turn off, right? I wouldn’t want to touch me either...”  
Gavin will look at you like you just slapped him in the face. Never in his life has he ever been turned off by you. No matter what state you’re in, you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever seen. 
You'll notice his "lack of interest" and naturally start to doubt his attraction to you.
“Babe, its not that! I never thought you could look any more beautiful, but you looking like this proved me wrong. I’ve never wanted you more than I do right now, but I’m trying to protect our baby and your pussy from me. Its been so hard for me to control myself around you.” 
You can tell he’s been going through it when you cup him through his pants and feel just hard he is. Poor thing.
You have to tell him being intimate while you’re pregnant wasn’t a bad thing and that the baby would be perfectly fine. 
It won’t take long for you to convince him, especially when you’re slowly pumping his dick with your hand that “magically” slipped itself down his pants.
He loves having you on top of him so he can look at your beautiful body as you ride him. 
When Baby Bai arrives, Gavin goes back to doing things on his own because he knows you need rest.
You only have a certain number of positions to choose from since you’re carrying precious cargo, but Gavin’s absolute favorite position is cowgirl. 
Will caress your stomach while he's eating you out. He's not exactly sure why but it's become a habit.
Won't pressure you at all and will patiently wait until you're ready.
Sometimes, gets worried when you start bouncing on his cock and the slapping of skin starts to echo throughout the bedroom. He's just like, "B-babe, maybe we should... slow down...ah...what about...shit!" You're gonna have to shut him up somehow. Clenching yourself around him might do the trick.
You had a certain glow about you during your pregnancy that Victor was in awe of. 
Victor is very observant of how much your body has changed throughout the course of your pregnancy for obvious reasons, however, said reasons have become a bit, in his opinion, perverse as the months went on.
Just the sight of you made him want to ravish you in ways he has never thought of before. But why? 
Was it the way your maternity clothes perfectly outlined the curves of your body? Maybe how swollen your breasts have become? 
Or maybe...just maybe it was how good you looked in the various lingerie he bought for you. Babydoll lingerie that perfectly highlighted your stomach were his personal favorites.
Sex with Victor during your first two trimesters was pretty normal until half way through month six he becomes a bit more hesitant and by month seven stops completely.
Another one who doesn’t want to harm you or the child. 
It takes you and three different doctors to tell him that having sex while you were seven months pregnant was perfectly normal.
Even with that knowledge he’s still pretty hesitant, but not even a day after confirmation does his resolve break and with the utmost care you two enjoy a night filled with passion.
He’ll be in the middle of giving you a foot massage as you sit there in your bathrobe and he subconsciously places a kiss against your ankle.
He catches himself trailing kisses up your leg and abruptly stops. That was probably the hardest thing he's ever had to do. Doesn’t help that you’re looking at him with blush coated cheeks as you spread your legs ever so slightly for the hem of the robe to fall from your leg, revealing your upper thigh. 
When Victor puts his mind to something he sees it through without fail, but you always manage to throw him through an an unexpected loop.
So...yeeaaah...two seconds later he has his face in between your legs, tongue pressed against your clit, and hands firmly holding you in place as he continued to take from you. This is one failure he will accept with pride if that means he can have you in every possible way.
His all time favorite position during your pregnancy is definitely spooning. It makes him feel closer to you.
After the pregnancy, sex is out of the question for the next few months which you don’t complain about, because parenthood hits you and your body hard. 
Victor understands that you need time to heal and that your sex drive isn't as high as it was before. Plus, the baby required your attention 90% of the time.
That doesn’t mean Victor doesn’t fantasize about having you under him again. He does miss being intimate with you and has been holding back quite a bit.
He’ll catch you looking at yourself in the mirror, pointing out all your “imperfections” and all he wants to do place kisses all along your body.
You’ll just be like, “I don’t know how you can stare at all of this and still be attracted to me.” 
Victor will wrap his arms around you stare at you sternly in the mirror.
“I don’t know where you got such foolish ideas from, but you’re perfect the way you are and when you’re ready I’ll remind you of that fact.”
You can’t even fight him on that, not when his erection is firmly pressed against you. 
Already researched all the best sex positions for pregnant women. 
You two have a healthy amount of sex for most of your pregnancy, so Lucien and you are never left feeling “parched” for one another. 
It's not until your final months does Lucien take a few steps back.
Prefers to focus on giving you the most pleasurable experience when you two make love. You deserve to feel good especially when you’re carrying a life inside you for nine months. 
So you’ll expect a lot of him eating you out, fingering you, toys; just about anything that can bring you pleasure.
Has definitely done things with you while he's trying to help you around the house. And he's so slick with it!
In the middle of helping you shower, his fingers will gently caress your stomach and you're just like "Awwww!" and then they're suddenly caressing your clit.
While the father-to-be is understanding and all about your sexual experience its definitely a challenge when he wants to have sex with you. Especially when you're so tempting!
You could be in the middle of talking about baby names and he'll have the biggest smile on his face as he looks at you. So wholesome, right? Wrong! His mind is definitely somewhere else!
But it'll take more than your ample breasts, an unsuspecting smile thrown his way and your very existence to make him falter.
While you love the way he tends to you and makes sure you’re getting the most out of this, you'd rather to do things together. 
He dares not admit the amount of times he's thought about bending you over the kitchen counter and pounding himself into you with little to no restraint.
Toys are great and all but you’re trying to feel his dick.
Once you tell him what you want, Lucien will graciously comply and mentally thank you for saying something, because he was on the verge of breaking.
Of course, sex takes a backseat once the baby is born so Lucien won't turn into some sex crazed monster after two months, buuuut he will spend quite a lot of time "handling business" on his own.
Done!!! Kinda posted this with little to no editing, so I'm sorry about that. I still hope this was enjoyable to read!
Want to read more of my MLQC stuff? Check out my masterpost!
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miminorenai · 4 years
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(...I was very happy with the flowers and his feelings.) The distance with Vlad is getting closer little by little. Meanwhile, she heard a certain story from Arthur. “Several corpses have been found in strange state, with every drop of their blood drained.”
The winter sky is always beautiful, but the sky I looked up at after waking up today feels even prettier than usual.
After preparing breakfast as always, I decorate the dining room with the clematis flowers I received from Vlad yesterday.
Vlad “In the language of flowers...it means the joy of travelers.” MC “The joy of travelers...” Vlad “Right. Hey, Mimi. I want you to tell me your worries that you can’t say to your precious ones.” Vlad “If that could make you feel better, I wish for you to live your life to the fullest. Will you listen to my selfishness?”
(...I was very happy with the flowers and Vlad’s feelings.)
The fact that there is a person who accepts the emotion I locked up alone reassures me terribly.
As my lips curled into a broad smile while remembering Vlad’s gentle smile...
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Arthur “Morning, Mimi. You’re still the cutest today.”
MC “Haha, yeah yeah. Good morning, Arthur. For breakfast...say, what’s with that ‘I don’t need it’ face?
Arthur “Hmm, *how very perceptive. I was writing until morning, but I can’t see the end of it...so can I just have coffee?”
(*ご明察 - so insightful, as you indicated/presumed. 
MC “Yeah, please wait then. I’ll bring it after I brew one.”
As I return to the dining room after pouring sugar free coffee into a cup...,
Arthur was looking over the newspaper with a serious expression.
MC “Here, thank you for waiting. What’s wrong, with that serious look. Was there any article that’s *bothering you?”
(*気になる - curious, wonder, catch one’s eyes
Arthur “I wonder if everything is to be concerned about. All the articles are nothing but dangerous. Here, take a look.”
On the spread front page, articles on theft and murder...those make me unconsciously looking away.
From the start, this world is not really peaceful and calm, but I can tell it from the *surface that it has become more dangerous just of late.
(*肌 - skin, body
(...There is an intense wealth inequality in this era. Helping hands are not extended towards those seeking aid and labor.)
Recently, there have been repeated cases of aristocrats are being targeted by dissatisfied citizens.
(...The boy who came to Vlad to buy flowers was also wearing worn-out/tattered/battered clothes. Also.)
The hands that grasp the coin tightly to buy the flowers was full of scratches and stained of pitch black, perhaps because he was working in a coal mine.
Somehow I want to do something about it, but I feel frustrated with the reality that I can't change it right away...
Arthur “It seems that various incidents are happening every day, but this incident is just strange...”
MC “...Strange incident?”
Arthur “Several corpses have been found in strange state, with every drop of their blood drained.”
Arthur “In addition, when they examine the body of the corpses, it seems that all of them are ‘having criminal records’ or ‘those who commits some kind of crimes’.”
(...In other words.)
MC “...Are people who have done bad/wrong things being punished?” 
Arthur “I'm not sure what it really means, but it seems that many people interpret it as you say.”
Arthur “It seems that some people deify him and call him ‘The Flowers of Evil’, like a novel world. It’s just...”
Arthur “In reality, it’s not allowed.”
Arthur’s large glass bead eyes are dyed in desperate shades.
Arthur “Different people have their own standards of what’s evil and what’s justice. If everyone judges by their own ethics, the world will go crazy.”
Arthur “That’s why law exists and there’s police force.”
Arthur unwraps his serious look, takes off his glasses, and then he surprisingly smiles.
Arthur “So, you should be careful. You don't want to be attacked in the middle of a secret date, right?”
MC “Date...!?”
(...This is surely about Vlad, right? I don’t mean to keep my meeting a secret, but it’s somewhat embarrassing.)
(Here it is —)
(...Arthur is uselessly sharp, so the more you say something, the more it backfires.)
Arthur “Remaining silent, aren’t you? But unfortunately, if you shut your lips, all the more it gets me fired up.”
Arthur “Well then, why did I think you were dating...let me tell you the reasoning now.”
Arthur “First of all, the flowers decorated in the mansion have changing a lot these days. So I guess, the other party is a florist...?”
(He’s sharp...!)
Arthur “The second one, you went to meet the person every day. Recently, you often came back separately from Sebas.”
Arthur “And the third, you’ve become more and more cute lately. No more excuses with this.”
Arthur “I’m worried~ Can he protect Mimi from this dangerous world?”
All of the sudden, Arthur *squints and as he reaches out to me...
(*目を細め - to close one's eyes partly, to smile with one's whole face, to look fondly at
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Arthur “...Hey, Mimi. After all, you should choose the strong and gentle mystery writer right in front of you...OUCH!”
Theo “You think?”
Vincent “Hehe, you won’t consider it, would you? ‘Coz Arthur is the most dangerous one.”
MC “Theo, Vincent...!”
Arthur “Hey...Theo. Don’t you have anything to do with your fist? What would you do if I get dumb?”
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Theo “Maybe your cunning will stop working and you’ll become a little bit of a decent person.”
Vincent “Hehe, they are really close friends today too, right, Mimi?”
With a question mark floating in his mind, Theo shrugs his shoulders.
Theo “And there’s no need to be worried. Mimi will be with us for a while.”
Arthur “Oh, did you hold an exhibition for paintings of the artists that Theo take care of?”
Theo “Yeah, Nii-san’s paintings are included too, of course.”
MC “I’m going to help out for a few days before the exhibition opens.”
(...I’m a little lonely that I can’t go to see Vlad, but.)
(I want to do my best to help those two who always help me.)
Vincent “Thank you for your help, Mimi. It would be a little busy, but please take care of us.”
MC “Thank you for letting me help, Vincent, Theo.”
From that day, preparations for the exhibition began immediately...
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Theo “Mimi, I told you to display the painting there at the top of the stairs, didn't I?”
MC “Sorry! I’ll fix it right away!”
Theo “Mimi, the artist Francis will bring his painting any time now. Please get it.”
MC “Okay...!”
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As I move around in commotion, the outside dyed with night just like that.
(...Wow, I’m so unsteady. I already thought this would be difficult, but it easily surpasses my imagination.)
(But, Theo worked many times than this. This is not the time for complaints, I need to work harder.)
As I walk with enthusiasm, 
I find Theo looks over the painting at the wall in the art gallery, where everyone heads for home while being all listless.
Theo “...”
(His eyes seems like looking at treasures...)
As he shoots through it with pure and beautiful look, like a young boy aware of his first love, Theo’s gaze turns towards me.
Theo “Ah, thanks for your hard work. Did Nii-san go back already...?”
MC “Yeah, he said he would like to help and didn’t give it up, but he went back to mansion to continue with his paintings.”
Theo “Is that so?”
MC “Whose painting you were looking at...?”
Theo “New painting drawn by Nii-san.”
When I line up next to Theo and turns my sight towards the painting he looks at...
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The scenery of rye field, where its golden heads shine in the sunlight, fills my field of vision.
At a distance, people doing farm work are vividly drawn, 
There’s also a downpour of dazzling light on it.
Just looking at the painting makes me feel calm and full of hopes, as if I’m amidst an early afternoon.
MC “...It’s a wonderful painting that it such a *waste to put it into words.”
(*もったいない - too good, more than one deserves, unworthy of
MC “It looks like a sort of painting that makes you stronger and kinder just by looking at it.”
Theo “...Yeah, I think so too.”
Theo “Nii-san used to draw a rye field, but this time it's a little different.”
Theo “Since he put special feeling into it.”
Theo “Nii-san told me, he drew this painting in the hope it could help and become a salvation for the people who live in this brutal era.”
(People’s salvation...)
(Really, that’s why it’s shaking my heart so strongly and intense...)
Theo “But the world will say this, you know? Paintings do not save people, since they does not satisfy necessities of life.”
Theo “When the world falls into turmoil, arts are discarded as unnecessary before anything else.”
Theo “But that’s...I don’t think it that way.”
When I ask him with just my gaze, Theo’s sea-colored eyes harbor a powerful heat as if wishing for a bright tomorrow.
Theo “This painting, Mozart’s music, and novel written by Arthur and Dazai...”
Theo “Arts sometimes save people’s heart with its absurd strength from unthinkable angles. ...Just like a miracle.”
MC “...”
Theo “Because I’m in such an era, those who want to give hope to people, the talents of those guys in the mansion —“
Theo “I want to cherish it...”
In a dark and hopeless world, people's hearts are easily worn away.
And with worn down hearts, people wounds many things.
At times they hurt the person closest to them, and they even hurt themselves. However —
Vlad “Go before the flowers wither. In flower language, gerbera means hope and progress.” Vlad “May you move forward with hope.”
I think people are also the ones who heal and protect.
(People hurt others, but they also save other people. If so, then I...)
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Chapter One: Lonely Together
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Jack Kline x OC
Rated: PG
~I might hate myself tomorrow
But I'm on my way tonight
Let's be lonely together
A little less lonely together~
Sent: 10:52 PM
Merry Christmas, stranger. I hope yours is as bright as new fallen snow. Stay warm.
I smiled down at my phone before clicking it off and slipping it into my pocket. I didn't know who I had sent the message to. It was just a number I had punched in at random. I didn't expect anyone to reply.
Wrapping my dark green cardigan tighter around my body, I pulled my knees in closer to my chest and pressed myself closer against the wall of the bakery. The wall was only slightly warmer than the frigid air around me. It was December 2nd and icy gales were blowing in from Lake Superior and stinging the skin of the city's occupants.
The sky hung dark, low, and flat over Copper Harbor, Michigan. Copper Harbor was an itty-bitty town at the northern most tip of the northernmost part of Michigan. You know that piece of land that's only connected to the mainland by a highway, that in-between place that really should be Canada, but isn't? That's where Copper Harbor is and that's where I was.
Copper Harbor was the sort of town where newcomers and visitors are as common as flying pigs and are treated with about as much scrutiny. It's not one of those small, friendly towns just off the highway; the ones that are pleasant to find yourself in if you've taken a wrong turn. It's quite the feat to get lost and turn up in Copper Harbor, considering its miles away from anything and everything remotely interesting, unless you're searching for Bigfoot or a drunk Canadian that took a wrong turn. Though those two things might just end up being one and the same. No, nobody came to Copper Harbor unless they had a reason. That's just the sort of place it was. And aside from the mind-numbing cold, it was exactly the sort of place I wanted to be.
The clouds were so heavy with the snow that now drifted down, dusting everything in a layer of fine white powder, it seemed that someone standing on even the lowest rooftop could reach up and touch them. The snowflakes raining down from those clouds gave the appearance of tiny shooting stars. Many would have found the sight beautiful. I didn't. I just found it cold and somewhat depressing. Some people say that shooting stars are angels, falling to the earth to bless the lives of people in need. I've never liked those sorts of stories. The stars belong in the heavens. The dust belongs on the earth. Collecting in puddles, the sparkling, sugar-like ice crystals did nothing to ease the bitter cold. I shivered and coughed, my breath fogging in front of me.
I should have frozen to death hours ago.
But I can't die. At least, not that way.
Suffering, on the other hand, I can do that to no end.
I put my head between my knees, hoping to retain what little heat my walking corpse had to offer. I struggled to remain conscious. The story of the little-match-girl was playing in my head. I'd never liked that story's ending. Hallucinations really weren't my thing, especially hallucinations about things I tried not to think about, the things I tried to burry in the farthest corners of my mind. I had to distract myself, to think about anything that would keep me awake. The problem was, there was nothing to distract me.
My phone buzzed in my pocket with a text. I grasped it quickly, greedy for a distraction, but I paused upon seeing the number displayed upon the screen. It was that number I had texted the Merry Christmas message to. Whoever it was had texted me back. I unlocked my phone and peered at the mystery person's message.
Received: 11:18 PM
Merry Christmas to you as well!
The message read. I smiled a little, surprised that anyone would care to return my quiet Christmas wish. The screen of my phone lit up with another message.
Received: 11:19 PM
Who are you?
The question was a simple one. Though tone can often be difficult to infer over written text, the question seemed to bear no hostility, only innocent curiosity. I thought for a bit about what to say, the answer was not as simple as the question had implied.
Located quite literally one thousand miles away from Copper Harbor, was the small, out-of-the-way town of Lebanon, Kansas. Now, in the outskirts Lebanon there was a hill. The hill was modestly sized and carpeted with thick grass painted with a layer of frost. Although it was a rather pleasant sight for some stray hiker to find, the hill was really quite unremarkable. That is, if you ignored the hulking steel door built into the side of it that looked like the entrance to a post-apocalyptic hobbit hole. See, built under that hill there was a bunker. It looked like any ordinary bunker if one can ever describe a bunker as ordinary. But inside this ordinary looking bunker, sat something rather extraordinary and his name was Jack.
Jack Kline was quite happy where he was. Sitting with his legs crossed on a chair beside the bunker's fireplace, Jack held Sam's beloved lap-top between his knees. Sam let him borrow it on the nights he couldn't sleep. Those nights were many. Sleepless nights were one of the many side effects of being half-angel, but he didn't really mind. Jack wasn't overly fond of sleep, not like Sam or Dean who adored the few hours they got. Jack would much rather be awake because if he was asleep then he couldn't observe. He liked to observe. He loved learning. He loved taking in anything and everything going on around him, soaking it all up like a sponge with legs. He especially loved to soak up a story. Epic ones with heroes that defeat powerful villains. Jack loved stories.
So, no; Jack Kline was not overly fond of sleep. No, Jack preferred to just sit quietly and watch those epic stories as they played out in front of him on the screen of Sam's lap-top.
Currently, he was watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The computer had said he would like it, and the computer had been right. He had just finished season 2 and had begun on season 3. Some small voice in the back of his mind told him he should slow down and draw the series out a little longer, but Jack just couldn't find the will to do so. This story was just too good to stop. Jack shoved a hand full of popcorn in his mouth as he pressed the play button on the next episode. He had managed to sneak several bags of popcorn from the kitchen and into the secret stash in his room a few nights earlier. It was perfect, except popcorn needed to be popped and popping the kernels without attracting notice was a bit of a challenge. But he found that if he popped them during the day, when everyone was clamoring about and busy with whatever, the noise from the popping kernels wouldn't peak any suspicion. The only downside to his strategy was that it left him with cold popcorn. Though this too could be remedied via his angel powers, if he was careful about it, he could warm up the popcorn undetected.
Now, don't get the impression that Jack was being starved, or held in this bunker against his will, or something awful like that. As was mentioned before, Jack was very happy there. The Winchesters, Sam and Dean, and the angel Castiel, lived there with him and took care of him. They were his family and Jack loved them. The only reason he had a secret stash at all was because Sam was the only one in the bunker who cared about the importance of having a somewhat healthy diet. Whereas Dean let the boy eat pretty much anything he wanted and Cas- well in Cas's mind food was food and that's all there was to it. But Sam didn't like it when he caught Jack eating what he referred to as 'junk food'.
Somehow, Sam always caught him.
"That stuff’ll rot your teeth, Jack!" He'd sigh, as he'd flip on the kitchen light and catch Jack eating cereal sometime around midnight. Then he'd look at Jack with a disappointed look on his face until Jack threw the cereal away and went back to bed. Jack hated it when Sam looked at him like that, he just couldn't bear to let the Winchesters down.
But Jack loved to eat. Eating was enjoyable as it brought with it something new every time. Yet more things to absorb and to experience. Although the younger Winchester disapproved of the more sugary foods; Jack liked those a whole lot more than the salads Sam tried to get him to eat. Jack didn't like the salads or 'Rabbit Food' as Dean called it. No, Jack liked popcorn a quite a bit more.
He smiled as he brought another handful into his mouth. Yes, Jack Kline quite enjoyed eating.
Plip! Ploop!
Jack's head swiveled away from the screen to stare at the phone laying face-up on the arm rest of the chair in which he sat. The screen was alight with a text message. He picked up the phone and unlocked it. The message read:
Received: 10:52 PM
Merry Christmas, stranger. I hope yours is as bright as new fallen snow. Stay warm.
That was all. Jack was quite confused; he didn't know that number. Who had sent the text? What should he do? Should he say something back?
Curiosity and caution struggled in a match tug-of-war in his head. He wanted to know who the message had come from. He wanted to know why that person had sent it. He also wanted to know why he had a strange feeling that whoever had sent the message was horribly sad. But would the Winchesters be mad at him if he answered? Sam and Dean had given him the phone just a few days earlier.
"For emergencies," Sam had said as he laid the device in Jack's hand before resuming his packing. Jack had stared at it, rather confused as to its purpose. Castiel had been off somewhere doing something and Sam and Dean had been leaving for a hunt, leaving him alone which Dean was completely and utterly against.
"Only for emergencies," Dean had stressed, jabbing his finger in Jack's general direction as he inspected various articles of clothing before tossing them into a duffle bag. "That means don't text or call unless someone is breaking in or you're dying!"
Sam shot his older brother a warning look. Dean ignored it and pulled a pair of socks out of his dresser, sniffing them briefly before making a face and chucking them to the other side of the room. Jack looked back down at the small black rectangle in his palm.
"Okay so, only text or call in case there's an emergency. Got it." Jack clinched the thin black box between his thumb and forefinger, carefully lifting it up as if it might explode in his face. "But, one question, if something happens like-like you said, like somebody breaking in or me dying, how-how would I do that?" He asked, looking back at the two brothers. They both froze their hasty packing and pivoted to stare at him, their eyebrows raised with disbelieving question.
"What?" Dean asked the young Nephilim. Jack shrank away a little, not wanting to upset the older Winchester.
"How do I text or call you? I don't know how to do that," Jack had timidly replied. Dean just shook his head and returned to over-stuffing the duffle. Sam, however, was much more understanding.
"That's right, you-you don't, do you?" Sam asked, realizing his mistake. Jack turned his attention to the younger of the brothers, shaking his head in an answer to Sam's question.
"Unbelievable," Dean muttered, rolling his eyes. Sam shot him another glare which Dean merely shrugged off.
"Well, come on then, I'll teach you," Sam had said. Jack watched as Sam set the contacts and explained how everything worked. He showed Jack how to send a text, how to dial and answer a call, and all the other things Jack would need to know. Jack just watched him and took note of every little thing. Watching and replicating was how Jack learned best.
"Now, if I don't answer my phone, you call Dean. But if he doesn't pick up, I want you to call me again, if I still don't answer a second time, I want you to call this number right here. That's Jody Mills, she's a friend of ours and she'll help you, alright? You get all that?" Sam finished explaining and looked for Jack to confirm his understanding. Jack nodded.
"I got it!" He said, enthusiastically. Sam gave the young boy a nervous smile.
"You do? Can you repeat it back to me?" Sam asked Jack the question the same way Sam and Dean's father had always asked them.
"If something happens, call you, and if you don't answer, call Dean. If Dean doesn't answer then I call you again, but if you still don't pick up, then call Jody Mills." Jack repeated all of Sam's instructions perfectly, grinning proudly at the younger Winchester when he finished. Sam laughed a little, but nerves twinged his voice.
"Good, yeah. Okay," Sam paused, thinking things over, "You know what, Jack? If neither of us answer your call and it's really that urgent, don't bother calling me a second time. Just call Jody right away if you can't get through to either of us. Alright?"
"Alright!" Jack nodded, grinning. Sam nodded back, stiffly.
"Alright." He seemed like he wanted to say something else but didn't know how to say it.
"You two done in there, Sammy?! We gotta go!" Dean called, walking in from another room. Sam stood and looked at his brother.
"Uh, yeah. I think we're good," He took a few steps towards the stairs that lead up to the door before pausing and turning back to Jack, "We're good, right? You're gonna be okay here by yourself?" Sam asked again. Jack grinned and gave him a thumbs up.
"I'll be fine. You don't have to worry."
Sam nodded and smiled with so much nervousness it almost hurt to watch.
"Okay, good. It's good. We're good," He said, nodding and trying to reassure himself more than anyone else. Dean raised an eyebrow at his overly anxious little brother, tugging his old leather jacket on over his shoulders, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he directed his remarks at Jack.
"Hey, kid. Whatever you do, don't do anything stupid," He'd said, half glaring, "We'll be back in a few days." Then they'd left.
Now, Jack glanced back down at the phone in his hands, remembering Dean's warning about not doing anything stupid. But his curiosity regarding the sender of the message was overwhelming. It couldn't hurt to text this person back, right? Was that what Dean had meant by his warning? Did this count as something stupid? What was the worst that could happen? Deciding that the benefits outweighed the risks, he texted back.
Sent: 10:18 PM
Merry Christmas to you as well!
Jack wrote.
Sent: 10:19 PM
Who are you?
No sooner had asked his question, he began to worry that he might have sounded rude. He waited with anticipation for the mystery person to reply. He didn't have to wait long.
Received: 10:20 PM
It doesn't matter, you don't know me.
I'm just someone wanting to give you a warm holiday wish.
Jack frowned. Again, he got the distinct feeling that the person on the other side of this conversation was deeply saddened by something. He desperately wanted to know what. So, he did the thing he did best. He asked and waited to see what would happen.
Received: 11:21 PM
If you don't know me, why do you care?
I don't mean to be rude. I'm just curious.
Why do this?
I read the person's question once, then twice, then three times and I realized that I didn't have an answer. Why did I care? Why was I texting some random person a Christmas wish? For all I knew, this person may not even observe the holiday. I had so many of my own things to worry about I was nearly drowning in them. I didn't know this person. I had nothing to do with them. So, why did I care about their holiday season? Why was I doing this?
I told myself it was just a random act of kindness. But deep down I knew what the reason was, and even if I didn't want to think about it, I felt it in my heart. I was doing this for the same reason I did everything. So, I took a few moments and came up with a reply.
Sent: 11:25 PM
I'm doing this because I believe that no one should ever have to be alone,
especially during the holidays.
I sent my reply and remembered to keep on shivering. I could hardly feel the cold anymore, I had gone almost completely numb. But I knew if I didn't keep moving, I would surely freeze in place and be unable to move until spring came. I vaguely wondered how cold it was. I remembered having heard on someone's car radio that this was supposed to be the coldest winter Michigan had experienced in the last decade. Though winter had only just begun, it was already cold enough for the district council to be suggesting face coverings to prevent citizens from getting frostbite and losing their nose.
I sneezed. I had no such face covering. Hell! I didn't even have a jacket! Let alone a coat or anything mildly warm. All I had was my oversized green cardigan, my black Star Wars t-shirt and my black jeans. That was it. Yet here I sat, outside a bakery in well below freezing temperatures, shivering myself into next decade.
I could go to a shelter. At least there I wouldn't have to endure the bitter biting of the wind as it gushed with double its normal force through these tight, abandoned alleyways. But if I went to a shelter then there was no chance of leaving undetected, I reminded myself. No, it was better to stay here, cold and alone, than to risk human contact.
I was pulled from my thoughts by another pling from my phone. Another message from that unknown contact.
Received: 11: 27
Are you alone?
Again, the question was simple. And although the mere thought hurt like a knife twisting in a fresh wound, I looked around at the dark, trash littered alleyway I sat in, watching the scattered rags of paper flutter and tumble in the winter gales, and I looked at the brutally beautiful puddles of speckled ice gathering along my body and melting on my skin, and I examined the bleak night sky, choked starless by the drifting dreary clouds; and the utterly silent stillness of the sleeping city revealed the harsh reality of my answer.
No one was here.
Nobody cared.
Not even the stars would keep me company. Because the stars never cared who I was.
So, with no reason to keep the truth hidden. I answered the question honestly.
Sent: 11: 29 PM
Sent: 11: 30 PM
I am alone.
I was completely and utterly alone.
Received: 10: 30 PM
I am alone.
Once again Jack got the distinct impression that these words carried a heavy burden. It made him frown. What could he do to help a person he didn't even know? He wanted to ask this person if they had any friends, but something about those words told him the answer. When this person had said they were alone, Jack got the feeling they weren't just talking about the current moment. But maybe that's what this person needed. Maybe they needed a friend.
Sent: 10: 32 PM
Well, I'll be your friend and talk to you. There, now you're not alone anymore!
Jack smiled as he sent the text. The reply didn't take long.
Received: 10: 33 PM
Thank you.
You don't have waste your time on me but thank you.
It didn't take any special powers to read in between the lines this time, anyone could see the sadness in those words. Though Jack wasn't sure if it was his powers causing that strange feeling or if he was just imagining things.
Sent: 10:34 PM
I don't mind. Really!
Besides, I don't have anyone to talk to either.
Received: 10: 35 PM
Well, in that case, we can be lonely together!
Jack grinned. He'd made himself a friend. He couldn't wait to get to know them.
Received: 11: 36 PM
Since we're friends now, what's your name?
I smiled down at my new mystery friend's message. There was something about the words that made them seem innocent and earnest. It couldn't hurt to give my name, right? It’s not like he could find me. After all, I'm supposed to be dead.
Sent: 11: 37 PM
My name is Martina.
I sent my name and waited for the response. It came quickly.
Received: 11: 38 PM
I like your name Martina!
It's very pretty.
I flinched as I read the text. Something about seeing my name written in the text brought me back to a conversation with a different person a long time ago. It was a painful memory, and I didn't want to see it anymore. I didn't want another reminder of the still bleeding wounds in my heart. I remembered why I didn't let anyone call me that name anymore.
Sent: 11: 39 PM
Thank you.
But I would prefer you call me Marty.
I didn't want to be so sensitive to things like this, but I just couldn't help it.
Received: 11: 40 PM
Alright! I like Marty too.
It's a fun name.
I smiled; grateful they didn't ask why it was so important that they called me by a nickname.
Sent: 11: 41 PM
Thanks for understanding.
So, what's your name?
Received: 11: 42 PM
My name is Jack!
I grinned to myself. I'd made me a friend. I just couldn't wait to get to know him.
Sent: 11: 43 PM
Heya, Jack!
It’s nice to meet you!
I think this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship.
Received: 11: 44 PM
I agree, Marty. We are going to be great friends!
Sent: 11: 45 PM
So, what's your favorite movie?
And just like that, we talked until the sun came up. And suddenly, for the first time in quite a while, I wasn't completely alone.
"Hey, uh, Jack? We're back!"
Sam's voice drifted in from just outside Jack's bedroom door. Jack was surprised. He hadn't heard the brothers come in which, for him, was quite peculiar.
The door creaked open and Jack hastily attempted to pretend like he hadn't been using the phone.
He failed.
The device slipped from his hand and he fumbled to catch it before it smashed against the grey, polished concrete floor. He let out a sigh of relief as he snatched it just in time.
Sam peered around the door, checking in on Jack, who was now hanging halfway off his bed and clutching the phone. Scrambling to sit upright, Jack gave Sam a half-panicked smile.
"Hi Sam!" He waved a greeting, shoving his phone behind his back. Sam raised his eyebrows in a questioning expression and stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him. He folded his arms and leaned back on his heels.
"Hey Jack," Sam seemed a little distracted, "Have you seen Cas?" He asked. Jack shook his head vigorously.
"He's not back yet," He answered. Sam nodded and started to leave before stopping and turning back. Only now seeming to notice Jack's odd behavior. Sam gestured at the phone hidden behind the boys back,
"So, what were you doing in here just now?" Jack's eyes flew wide as quarters and his gaze shifted rapidly around the room, focusing on anywhere but Sam. His mind was working overtime trying to find a viable excuse.
"Uhhhh...Nothing!" Jack tried; his brain had gone blank. Sam raised an eyebrow.
"You sure about that?" Sam leaned forward a little, narrowing his eyes. Jack leaned back to match; his face scrunched up with the guilt he was trying very hard to hide. Everyone in the bunker knew how terrible Jack was at lying. He might be able to pass a few simple fibs by a stranger, but his family saw through him like he was made of glass. He couldn't deceive them. But that didn't stop him from trying, however.
"Yes..." Jack said slowly, his eyebrows pulling together in a rather sad attempt at looking sincere.
"Jack, what were you doing?" Sam asked more sternly. Jack looked at his feet and didn't answer. His shoulders moved up and down in a shrug.
"Do I have to go get Dean?" Sam pressed. Now Jack's head shot up. He stretched his hands out in a pleading gesture.
"No, no! Don't tell Dean!" Jack begged. Sam's expression shifted into one of concern.
"If you tell me, I won't tell Dean." Sam agreed, moving to sit on the bed beside Jack who shifted to give him some space. Sam waited patiently for the young Nephilim to speak. Jack kept his head down and rubbed his hands together nervously as he tried to think of how he should explain himself.
"Well, last night I was watching Netflix when I got this text from somebody wishing me a merry Christmas-" He started.
"Someone we know?" Sam asked, interrupting. Jack shook his head and continued.
"I asked them why they would do that, and they said it was because they thought that nobody should be alone this time of year. So, I asked if they were alone and they said, yes ─" Jack looked the younger Winchester in the eyes ─
"I don't know why but I just got this- this feeling, and they sounded just so sad, and now we're friends! But Dean said not to do anything stupid, and now I'm worried that I did! Are you mad?" Jack finished, worry coloring his features. Sam blinked. Once again astounded by the size of the half-angel's heart, he shook his head.
"No, Jack. I'm not mad," He said, softly.
"Really. I think you did a good thing. Everyone needs a friend." Sam patted Jack's shoulder and smiled. Jack looked down, grinning to himself as pride filled his chest.
Sam waited a moment before getting up from the bed. Stretching his back out and groaning a bit as he stood. It had been almost 48 hours since he last slept, and he was more than ready for a long nap. His hand rested on the doorknob and he paused a moment before turning back around.
"Hey, uh, Jack. Just one more thing. Do you by chance know this person's name?" Sam asked. Jack looked up briefly before looking back at the floor again, trying to hide the embarrassment creeping up to stain his cheeks.
"It's, uh, it's Marty," He replied. Sam nodded and moved to leave again but he stopped. His eyebrows pulled down with confusion before he turned back.
"And uh, is that a boy's name or a girl's name? Do you know?" Jack turned his head a bit to the side and picked at a thread in his jeans.
"Does it matter?" He questioned back. Truthfully, it didn't. Sam wouldn't make Jack stop if he didn't want to. But to say that the boy's current evasive behavior didn't pique his interest, would be a lie. Though, the kid’s flushed cheeks told him quite a bit about the answer.
"It doesn't matter," Sam said, shrugging, "I'm just curious is all." The tall man watched the boy's reaction. Jack nodded and shifted as if uncomfortable.
"Marty's a girl." He answered, trying to force his voice into sounding nonchalant. And failing.
"Okay, cool." Sam nodded, turning around again, and reaching for the handle. Jack's head whipped around.
"Wait, Sam!"
Sam looked over his shoulder.
"Don't. Tell. Dean!" Jack stressed. Urgency was evident in his voice. Sam huffed a laugh.
"Okay, Jack." With that, Sam pulled open the door and walked out letting the heavy steel swing shut behind him. Behind the door, Jack sighed with relief. He'd dodged a bullet with that one.
Walking a ways down the hall, Sam got to Dean's room where his older brother was now unpacking. The younger brother leaned on the door frame and expelled the laughter he'd been holding on to since Jack’s room. Dean turned around, holding a pistol and a pair of weeks old and hopelessly blood caked socks in his hands, he faced Sam with a questioning look.
"What's got you so giggly all of a sudden?" The older of the brother's asked.
Dean glanced at the pair of socks in his hand. He grimaced at the stench and held them further away from his face, trying not to breathe. It didn't work. The socks odor was so pungent, Dean could smell them through his mouth. There was no hope of washing them. Nope, those things would have to be burned. Though, taking another whiff of them, Dean wasn't sure that even incinerating the socks would do him much good now. The stomach-turning stink would be branded into his memory forever. Sam straightened up, shaking his head of shoulder length hair.
"It's just something Jack said." Sam smiled and laughed again before taking notice of the unholy stench wafting off the socks. He coughed. "Dude, those stink. Bad!"
"Yeah, it's a sad day, Sammy." Dean nodded solemnly. Sam covered his nose.
"These were my second luckiest pair of socks."
"Well, they're not anymore," Sam pointed out. Now, they were just rancid.
"I think we should give em' a Viking funeral, something to honor their service. I mean, I remember one time when I wore these things for two weeks straight!" Dean reminisced, grinning. Sam looked mildly disturbed.
"That's, uh... nice... But, uh, is there somewhere we could put them before the funeral? Because they, uh, they reek." Sam was trying hard not to gag and couldn't understand how Dean could be holding them and remain unaffected. Dean smirked.
"You wanna go put em' somewhere?" He asked, waving the socks into Sam's face. Sam leaned away.
"Ah! God! No! Put those things somewhere! Please!" He choked out. Dean just grinned and moved to the other side of the room. Grabbing a cardboard box from off the shelf, he shoved the socks in there and sealed the lid. The stench quickly began to dissipate.
"Yeah, thanks."
"We're gonna have to burn that box too."
"Yup." Sam still felt a little sick but at least the socks were gone.
"So, what was it Jack said that you thought was so funny?" The older brother asked.
"Oh, uh, nothing. It was nothing," Sam said. But laughter began to creep up on him again. Dean rolled his eyes and went back to pulling more dirty clothing from the duffle bag.
"Are ya gonna stand there or are ya gonna spill?" Dean pushed. Sam sobered up again.
"Well, I'm not supposed to tell you," He said.
Dean shook his head, mildly annoyed. He knew Sam was going to tell him whatever juicy information he had gotten, just like he always did when he got that sly look on his face. Sam could be a bit of a schoolgirl that way. Except, of course, when it came to the important things, the things Dean was supposed to know. Those things Sam always kept to himself.
"Well, Sammy, if you ain’t gonna spill─" he used the gun in his hand to gesture from Sam to the duffle bag─ "get workin'."
The younger Winchester moved to the bag and started unpacking, grinning his face off all the while. Dean knew his little brother was waiting for him to ask about the thing with Jack again, so he said nothing. He just waited for Sam to look over to him eagerly, which is exactly what Sam did.
"So get this!" Sam started.
'Here it comes.' Dean predicted internally. Sam kept starring.
'Yatzee.' Dean thought. He knew Sam like the back of his hand. Actually, he probably knew his brother better than that.
"Apparently, Jack got a text from some random person last night wishing him merry Christmas. And, well, you know Jack! So he─" Dean stopped his brother mid-sentence.
"What's her name?" He interrupted. Sam looked confused.
"I didn't say anything about a girl," Sam trailed off. Dean sighed and shook his head.
"Geez, Sammy! If you love drama so much, you should go be an actor. You ain't foolin' anybody. We both know where this is goin' so just cut to the chase!" Dean sighed, opening a trunk and tossing in the gun he'd been holding along with several knives. His small outburst had startled his younger brother, but Dean didn't really care. Sam wasn't the only one who hadn't slept in 48 hours. Sleep was calling and Dean wanted nothing more than to answer. Sam frowned.
"Marty. The girl's name is Marty," Sam stated, sounding rather put out that Dean had guessed at his not-so-cleaver ploy. The older if the pair turned to the younger with a perplexed expression.
"Wait, wait. Marty?" He clarified. Amused disbelief written all over his features.
"Marty," Sam confirmed.
"Yeah. Marty."
"Like the zebra in Madagascar, Marty?" Dean asked, grinning. Sam nodded.
"Yeah, like that. But remember, you didn't hear anything from me!" He answered, smiling as well. Dean laughed as he turned his attention back to the mess of clothing and weapons surrounding him on the floor.
"Yeah, whatever, drama queen." Dean rolled his eyes and kept working. The room was silent for a moment before the older Winchester burst out laughing again. He couldn't help himself; he found the subject hilarious.
"Ah, man. Marty! Now there's a name!" He exclaimed as he started folding the few clean clothing items laying in the pile. "What? Did her parents just take one look at her and say: 'Look at our beautiful baby! Let's name her Marty!'" Dean scoffed.
Sam snorted and shook his head at his older brother's bad joke. Then he leaned his head back and yawned.
"Man, I think we need some sleep," Sam sighed. Dean smirked.
"Is it your bedtime already?" He taunted, expecting a playful retort. But this time, Sam didn't argue. He just nodded.
"Yeah, I think it is." Though worried about his little brother, Dean held his playful smirk in place perfectly, just like he had been doing for so many years.
"Well, you go ahead and hit the sack. I'll finish up here." He said, easily. Even though he was just as tired and Sam was, he would finish out like always. Sam raised an eyebrow.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, o'course. There's not much left anyway." That was a lie and they both knew it, but Sam took the offer of sleep while it was on the table.
"Thanks, Dean."
"You're welcome, Sammy."
Sam patted his older brother on the arm as he stood and left the room. Traveling down the corridor he got to his bedroom and was out as soon as his head hit the pillow.
Meanwhile, Dean mouthed the strange name of Jack's mystery girl and chuckled about it to himself. Sitting on the floor in his room as he continued folding the rest of the clean clothes, cleaning out all the weapons and putting everything back in its place. The chore took him two more hours to complete but when it was done, he stretched himself out and laid back on his bed.
"Marty. Now, that's hilarious." Dean snickered to himself as he drifted off to sleep.
~I might hate myself tomorrow.
But I'm on my way tonight.
Let's be lonely together.
A little less lonely together~
Lyrics from: Lonely Together by Jasmine Thompson
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
v3 girls x SHSL Toy Maker
Kaede Akamatsu:
·       Your girlfriend loved your toys. She’d always gush over them and would so happily watch as you worked away on any project without a care in the world. Her favorites though were the wooden ones, just seeing how you chiseled, sanded and worked with the wood was just so interesting to her.
·       Obviously, you gave her a toy piano for her birthday once, and it immediately was her most cherished possession. It was tiny, just big enough to be played with one hand, so Kaede took it wherever she went, keeping it close as a reminder of you and her most favorite thing in the world. It actually took her quite a bit of time to get used to it, but once she had mastered it, she’d play it whenever she wanted should there not be a piano around.
·       “Hey, how’s my pianist do- oh?” As you entered the dressing room you found Kaede playing you little toy piano. “Ah, Y/N! I thought no one aside from the performers were allowed backstage.” “Yeah… but who ever said I wouldn’t break the rules. I just had to come see you before the recital!” You eagerly sat beside her, just needing to get closer to that entrancing smile. “Getting in some extra practice before the big performance?” “Actually, no.” “Hmm?” She sheepishly laughed, holding your little piano close. “Just calming my nerves. Since I thought I couldn’t have you by my side, I started playing your piano. It’s helped a lot.” It became a tradition for Kaede to play you piano before any performance. It was able to calm her no matter what song she played on it.
·       Whenever it was out of tune, even just a little she’d immediately take it to you for repairs. It was usually a quick fix, but she still loved watching you work away on repairing it.
·       You also began making little music boxes for yourself. Though not pianos, you placed in Kaede’s favorite songs and before going to sleep, would wind one and have it play should the pair of you be apart. Sometime you’d even send her one so she’d know you were thinking of her.
    Kirumi Tojo:
·       Like for everyone else, she wanted to be our maid and assist you in whatever way she could and help you become even greater than you already were. “Oh, uh… Sorry, but I don’t need anything. I won’t want much either. I’ve heard how people you work for become amazing and stuff, but… I’m happy with my simply life. I don’t want it to get any greater than this. Honestly, only reason I came to Hope’s Peak is so I’d have an excuse to make more toys without my guardians telling me to study more. I’d be happy to be your friend though! Are there any toys you liked as a kid, I know I could make a nice one for you!” On occasion you’d amuse Kirumi and accept her assistance, but for the most part you’d simply decline and ask if you could make anything for her.
·       Kirumi truly just enjoyed helping others, there was nothing else she wanted so it seemed no toy would be of satisfaction to her, only after getting together did you finally come up with something. “A doll?” “Yeah! If somehow you can’t find anything to do for anyone, you can serve the doll. Its pockets are filled with requests for you to do for it, and if this doesn’t feel like real requests to do for you, I request that you care for the doll when you have nothing else to take care of!” “I will do my utmost to fulfill your wish.” You didn’t think Kirumi would actually play with the doll, but the smile on her face at finally receiving a request from you was enough to make you know it was worth it.
·       Surprisingly on occasion you would see Kirumi entertaining the doll, whether it be it be having tea parties, or one of the many other requests you had written down. You eventually found out that no matter where Kirumi went, she took the doll with her in case she had a moment of free time she could dedicate to it. You were her partner after all, though she did so for everyone, for you especially she wanted to complete your requests to the best of her abilities. And thought it never came up in conversation, she always had it around because she liked having something you had placed so much time and effort into just for her nearby.
   Himiko Yumeno:
·       Both being entertainers of sorts you both immediately clicked, you both loved making others smile and bringing joy to them through your work.
·       Not only did you and Himiko become romantic partners but business partners as well, you making and selling various toys based off of Himiko, her magic, and of her ‘familiar’ as well. They were a big hit with both children and adults. Sometimes you and Himiko would have long discussions bouncing ideas off one another about what toys to make next. An action figure? A wand? Perhaps some stuffies or a magic broom stick? On occasion one of you would start to go more abstract like suggest something like a pinball machine or soundboard, maybe even a skateboard. Sometimes it became a sort of competition for who could come up with the most outlandish, yet realistic and feasible items to make and sell.
·       Often you’d spend your time whittling away making toys for Himiko, she rather enjoyed them, no matter what they may be. She also liked watching you make them. You were so skilled with those fingers and many other things like woodworking, sewing, painting, and other such things. Sometimes she’d toy with the idea of you being her assistant.
·       You always had Himiko test your toys to make sure they worked properly if they were more electronic in nature or some such.
·       You both liked doing whatever you could to support one another through your own pursuits, you were simply great partners for one another.
   Maki Harukawa:
·       Being with you always felt… nostalgic to her, especially when you made toys for younger children. How you were so tender, kind, and respectful to them, you reminded her of how many of the older kids at the orphanage acted when they weren’t tired and annoyed at having to be babysitters all the time.
·       You had taken to making and donating toys to orphanages, mostly to the one Maki was from though. You were only one person so you couldn’t make many too quickly, but what you did make was durable and could last for several generations while still being fun and not needing too much maintenance.
·       You also gave Maki toys on occasion and would play with them with her. Since she had to spend most of her childhood training you wanted to give her a little something to let her indulge in just being carefree for a time. She cherished these gifts and moments almost more than anything else. Being with you was always just so nice and peaceful.
·       You taught Maki a few things like how to sew. It took a long time, there were many failed attempts and bleeding fingers, but she eventually got the hang of it. She’d sometimes help you with your projects or even repair some of the kids’ clothes, it started with simple things like you asking her to connect two basic pieces or her adding a patch to some pants, eventually though she was able to do more complicated things. She made a doll for you and a few for the kids. In return for all that you had taught her, Maki would teach you self-defense. Though unlikely it was not impossible for a person to attack you one day so she wanted you to be safe. In her line of work, she couldn’t be attached to anyone, but now you and Kaito and Shuichi and others were in your life, she had connections to people she wanted to be around, so even if it wasn’t much, even if it wasn’t enough to save you should you become an assassin’s target, you could at least not be too troubled by our average crook.
·       You were her irreplaceable partner, she adored you, and for as long as she could, she’d keep you as close as she could, just making little toys with you.
   Tenko Chabashira:
·       She adored everything you made, gushing over how adorable it all was. And she showed every last toy off, much to your embarrassment at times. She was rather loud with her affection, making it so that the whole world knew. Even complete strangers would know the pair of you were partners and that according to your girlfriend, you made the best toys the world had ever known.
·       Often Tenko would drag Himiko into testing your latest creations in order to make sure they worked correctly.
·       Tenko insisted that you teach her how to make toys and she teach you Neo Akkido. She’d say that learning her form of Akkido would help you be a better toy maker, and her learning how to make toys would help her improve her Neo Akkido.  You had no idea how in the world this could work, but just about any excuse to spend more time with your girlfriend was a good excuse in your book, so you eagerly agreed…
·       The training was much more than you expected. She didn’t teach you anything and just went straight to fighting you full force, and you just had to make up your own form to keep up and avoid getting too injured, but you did learn how to fight so her training did work.
·       You were much more gentle when it came to teaching her though her energy and enthusiasm could cause problems at times like accidentally knocking over items and the like. At least it was still fun.
·       Being together could be rather chaotic at times, but it was well worth it.
   Tsumugi Shirogane:
·       Your friendship began with a bet and through it a more romantic relationship bloomed. Tsumugi was showing off a very expensive, limited edition figure she had just gotten in the mail. “Wait, how expensive? But it’s so cheap! You should get your money back, or at least at a discounted price.” Obviously, this comment ticked off the girl, and a bet was made, if you could make a figure of the same character of higher quality that could simultaneously be less expensive from the cost of materials, you prove your point, if not you’d have to apologize to Tsumugi.
·       Not only did you win the bet, Tsumugi absolutely loving your figure, but you had also accidentally won her heart in the process.
·       Tsumugi still bought merchandise of her favorite anime and you always made such things for her despite that, though she did teach you why the official merchandise was so important to her. Often you’d end up analyzing the items whether they still be in the package or not, differing what it’s true price would be without the brand association. If it didn’t match you’d make your own version for Tsumugi which happened more often than not, but the few times you deemed the product worth the price it was a pleasant surprise.
·       Being deft at sewing and many other skills you often assisted Tsumugi in making her cosplays! She even convinced you to indulge in her passion as well. You much preferred making them, and seeing others wear them, but play-acting as the characters could be fun.
·       Sometimes when Tsumugi was at cons or other such similar events, she’d send you toy she found that you might like or might inspire your work. She’d also send you materials for your work, maybe even have you keep some for her own work.
·       Sometimes you’d watch whatever anime Tsumugi was most recently obsessed with when she was away. It was something to remind you of her in particularly lonely moments. Tsumugi would do something similar, play with the toys you had given her.
·       Though things could be rocky on occasion, you were able to work things out and you couldn’t want for another partner.
   Angie Yonaga:
·       “Oh my, how divine! I’m sure Atua has blessed you for such wondrous art!”
·       Angie completely adored and whole heartedly loved your toys, always calling them your art. Whenever she found you working, she always left you be as to not distract you, knowing she’d want you to do the same if she were working on her art. She’d even go out of her way to get more materials for you if she had noticed if you were starting to run low or if you were using one particular material a lot for a time. If any of your tools broke or needed repair, she already knew just the place to get another one of high quality.
·       As one ‘blessed by Atua’ you were the only person she allowed to be in the same room with her as she worked, as long as you were working as well. This was for two reasons, one, to not distract her and two, so that Atua may take possession of you too and help make your creations even more wonderful!
·       Though she never needed inspiration, because she had Atua, she would go walking around town with you to do whatever, giving you a new change of pace, which would hopefully help you get out of your rut and be filled with new creativity to create more!
·       Even with her colorful background, she understood you more than most others ever could when it came to your work. She would do anything to assist you, because aside from her god, you were the person she loved most.
   Miu Iruma:
·       “Hey, you’re the toy maker, right?” “Yes?” “You can make adult toys, right?” “What do you take me for!?... Of course I can!” “Oh ho ho, This’ll be fun!”
·       Miu was certainly an interesting client turned partner. Whatever you made, she wanted to add improvements to it, no matter how off the wall it may be. She was in inventor after all so tinkering with toys likely just came naturally to her.
·       What you did find surprising though is that she never wanted you to make anything sexual for her. She never admitted it directly, but she always just wanted normal toys. Model train sets, bouncy balls, remote control cars, simple things like those. Often, she’d end up ‘enhancing’ them in her own way, yet still, she wouldn’t ask for anything else. For as lewd and crude as she could be there was something about her that was also young at heart in a way, in fact that could be why she was so loud and overconfident much of the time. But then you’d remember that you’re teenagers and you were sounding like an older person with this line of thinking and would stop yourself.
·       Miu would insist on working in her lab so she could make tweaks to your designs as you were making them. Things usually got out of hand like making a toy robot that could turn into a cannon and shoot fireworks, or it’d have rocket fists powerful enough to knock out a full grown, healthy adult. Not long after making such items Kokichi would pop up, asking to borrow your toys, and who were you to deny him, toys were meant to be played with, and inevitably not long later you’d hear of Kokichi’s latest prank involving whatever toy Kokichi had borrowed from you and Miu, often getting a laugh out of her.
·       Things usually got out of hand rather quickly when you were with one another, but it was a fun, calm sort of chaos
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stonesparrow · 3 years
Bird’s Writing Ideas
Summaries of some of the dcst AUs and other fanfic concepts I’m “working on,” or at least just have a google doc going for. Feel free to send me an ask if you want to hear more about any of them :P
No Stone Wars AU
Terrible name, yes, so sometimes I call this the “Delayed Lions AU.” I am not good at titling things. It’s an AU where Yuzuriha was successfully brought back to camp and revived instead of Tsukasa, and then the lions show up. Working together though, our heroes do manage to scare the lions away for the time being, and Tsukasa doesn’t end up getting revived until way later. Essentially it’s an excuse for me to write a civilization-building story where Senku carries out his plans as he intended before the whole Stone Wars shenanigans happened. Senku does still find Ishigami Village (he has to go to Hakone eventually to collect sulfur) but he’s not nearly as concerned about, ya know, getting murdered. Could be really boring for some people, but like I’ve said I LOVE the civilization building parts of DCST and this is my jam. I did way too much math for this one.
Fem! Senku AU
Exactly what it says on the tin. Tentatively titled “Ishigami Senku: Girl Genius.” I’ve left it ambiguous so far whether Senku is cis or trans, but either way this one is great for exploring how Senku’s decisions and character (and those around her) might be affected by Senku being a girl. For instance, this Senku is more used to being underestimated and patronized than canon Senku and has a slight compulsion to wanting to prove herself, which is in conflict with her desire to surge ahead without caring about what others think of her. Her hair also obeys gravity a little more and she wears it in a ponytail, and she’s a little closer to Yuzuriha than in canon (though Taiju is still her oldest and best friend). I’ve had a few problems with hashing out the plot for this one since I don’t want it to perfectly match canon but I also want it to keep some key story nodes, and the butterfly effect makes it tend to veer wildly off into various directions.
Mermaids AU(s)
I have like, three of these because I couldn’t decide how to go about it and just wanted to write something with mermaids. I like fantasy.
 Senku and Taiju are young mermen living in an underwater kingdom, and Senku’s fascinated with the above world, spending his days studying humans and their inventions and trying to come up with something that could allow him to go on land. But then one day something turns the whole Sea Kingdom into stone statues, and it’s up to Senku to venture out into the human world in search of a cure. Lower on my interest scale because most of the story wouldn’t take place among the mermaids.
Inspired by ao3 user Luki’s story Flock where soon after revival petrified humans sprout wings. In this case though, Senku realizes that he’s somehow becoming partially aquatic, only instead of being full on mermanified he ends up more like...mermaids in the Sims 3? Where he has to stay constantly hydrated to survive and his legs turn into a tail when submerged in water. I like this one a lot, actually.
H2O: Just Add Water AU. There was this Australian tv show I used to watch at my friend’s house when we were like...seven, about these three girls who after a strange encounter realized that ten seconds after coming in contact with water, they would turn into mermaids. I’ve tweaked that concept a lot but basically this AU is Senku, Taiju, and Yuzuriha taking the place of the three main characters, and also they’re in Japan instead of Australia, for obvious reasons. 
A Single Act of Kindness
AU where 12 year old Tsukasa is rescued from the old man on the beach by another, friendlier old man, one with grey hair with dark tips and red eyes. That’s it, that’s the whole concept. Probably gonna be a oneshot.
Future/Next Gen
Not an AU, but basically a bunch of (very theoretical and self indulgent) ideas I have about the Kingdom of Science post defeating Why-man. All of them stem from a concept I had where Senku finds a protege in Taiju and Yuzuriha’s third oldest child, a girl named Yurika (which is a legitimate girls’ name but Senku was the one who named her and meant it to sound like Eureka! on purpose, as if saying he wished for her to have a life full of discovery. He’ll deny thinking that much about it though). Most of the stories I have in this concept are about Yurika’s teen years, with Senku in his forties.
Suika in Wonderland
Just a funny idea I had where Suika falls asleep to Ukyo telling her an “old British children’s story,” one summer afternoon and finds herself in a strange world where a lot of the bizarre individuals she meets look oddly like some of her friends.
Recently I did a little speculative thing for this in this post, and I liked it enough to write it down into a more fully fleshed out concept. Story 1 is going to be about Ryusui growing up in the Northern Water Tribe and him meeting the Gaang when they arrive at the end of Book 1, while Story 2 is going to be about Senku and his friends uncovering the Dai Li conspiracy in Ba Sing Se and teaming up with the Gang when they arrive in Book 2. Story 3...well I’d like to do something regarding the Fire Nation characters, so maybe something to do with Amaryllis.
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queenofimagines · 4 years
Request: “can I get a jj x reader where y/n is being abused at home and jj finds out when he’s not suppose to. Y/n likes to hide it so when jj asks she denies. She comes up with lies and when jj tries to get the group involved they believe y/n’s lies. Jj tries to convince them but y:n breaks down and is denfensive at jj. But finally admit. Anyway I love ur work sm💜💜”
Warnings: Mentions of abuse. It’s kind of detailed in the beginning and even though it’s mostly just yelling and verbal fighting it can be triggering so please proceed with caution.
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Waking up sore was definitely not how you planned your day to go. Every day since last Friday, it seemed, the aches in your body were getting worse and worse. The pain itself you could handle pretty easily, some pain killers in the morning and maybe a couple more throughout the day and you’d be set, what you really couldn’t stand was how you had come to be so sore.
It was an accident, honest to God. You went out with your friends and it had gotten late so you opted to have dinner with your friends. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, your father never cooked and your mother split when you were just a baby, so most nights you were left to fend for yourself. You had texted your father, letting him know that you would be out late but you had neglected to tell him you would be eating dinner with your friends on account of the fact that it just didn’t make sense to tell him, especially since he paid such little attention to you in the first place. So when you got home, stuffed with the free food that Kiara had convinced her parents to give you and the rest of the Pogues, to see your father sitting at the dinner table with what looked like a full meal for himself and half a sandwich for you, you knew that little good would come out of whatever you had just walked into.
“I got you a sandwich.” Was all he said. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. He hadn’t gotten you a sandwich, you knew him better than that. No, what happened was that he had only eaten half of his sandwich for lunch and had given you the other half after he realized he hadn’t thought to buy you something from whatever restaurant he decided stop by on his way home.
“Thanks. I’ll take it for lunch tomorrow.” You responded. You began making your way up to your room when his voice stopped you.
“Aren’t you hungry?”
“No, I had dinner with my friends.” You braced yourself for the inevitable. You knew it was coming, the screaming, the insults. You had dealt with that on nearly a daily basis. On cue, your father slammed his fist into the table and began berating you about what an ungrateful child you were. About how he took care of you, clothed you, housed you, fed you. ‘Bullshit’ you wanted to say. None of what he said was true. You bought your own clothes with the money you made from the various odd jobs around town. You were the one who learned to cook so that you could scrape together just enough to get you through the day. And if it weren’t for your people skills and the money you were able to pull together, there wouldn’t even be a roof over your heads.
‘Whatever’ you thought. It didn’t matter, he would be done yelling soon and you could leave. But it didn't stop, not like it usually did. Today was just a bad day for him you guessed because it seemed like every move you made, every twitch and every glance, was somehow you showing him disrespect that he “didn’t deserve,” although you would have argued that he deserved much more than what you were giving him.
The panic really began to settle in when he began to move closer to you. Your father was prone to temper tantrums and you knew on days like this what would come next. You backed away the closer he came but soon found yourself trapped against the wall with nowhere to go. He reached you soon after, his hand enclosing around your throat and putting an uncomfortable amount of pressure on it before releasing you in order to hit you. First it was a slap to the face, then a punch to the gut that had you on the floor, then he began kicking you over and over and over again until you could see black spots in your vision and taste blood in your mouth.
‘Just a few more’ you kept telling yourself. How you wished you hadn’t. If you had stood up to him this time, if you had fought back, maybe you wouldn’t be laying in bed too sore to even sit up. If you had done something, anything, maybe the first thought in your head this morning wouldn’t have been about how to cover the bruises that were left on your skin.
As slowly as possible you sat up, gently moving your feet to the ground in order to stand and staying still for just a moment while your head stopped spinning. You definitely had a concussion, you concluded, but the only way to heal it would be with time. You slowly shuffled to your closet, grabbing a white long sleeved shirt and some capri shorts. Most of the bruises were along your torso, your limbs not bruising as easily with the exception of  your bicep up near your shoulder. After you changed you quickly made your way to the mirror to make sure everything was hidden, opening the blinds when you found the light in your room to be too dim, although opening the blinds didn’t do much since your window was facing another building. You used what little light you could get to do your makeup, using a color corrector under your foundation to hide the bruises that were forming along your jaw and neck.
“It’ll have to do.” You said to yourself after assessing your work, then making your way to the bathroom in order to grab some pain killers from the cabinet. You quickly located a bottle of pain killers you had gotten from CVS and popped the cap off only to find it empty.
“Fuck.” You groaned, a vague memory of you waking up in the middle of the night and downing the last two in the bottle hitting you. Sighing, you headed back to your room, grabbing your jacket before creeping downstairs and out your front door, relieved to see that your father’s truck was gone. Down the street you could see JJ already waiting for you. You did your best to adjust your pace so that the slight limp you had developed wouldn’t be so noticeable while also keeping up speed so as not to arouse any kind of suspicion.
“Hey babe, what’s with the shorts?” JJ asked. You didn’t usually where capri shorts, in fact, JJ was pretty sure that you hated them.
“Laundry day.” You answered, grabbing his hand and pulling him in the direction of the Chateau. You were thankful that JJ didn’t question it, instead changing the subject to whatever scheme the boys had cooked up the night before. You tried to listen to what he was saying but in all honestly, you just couldn’t stop thinking about how much pain you were in. For the entirety of your walk you told yourself that you could make it to the end of the day and after JJ dropped you off at your house like he always did, you could go to the store and get some kind of over the counter pain killer. But the pain was beginning to be too much. There was a Walgreens just ahead of you and you couldn’t resist the urge to go in and get anything to ease your pain.
“Hey JJ?” You asked, gently grabbing his attention.
“What’s up?” He answered.
“Can we go in for a second? I have some stuff I need to get.”
“Anything for you, my love.” JJ said, bowing towards you in an attempt to make you laugh, smiling when he pulled a light chuckle out of you. His happiness quickly turned into concern when he saw you wince and hold your stomach.
“You okay?” He asked.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good. Just um... period cramps.” You answered before ducking into the building. JJ almost believed you, key word almost. He knew your cramps got so bad sometimes that you couldn’t even get out of bed, but it was for that exact reason that he knew you were lying. JJ had your cycle memorized just so he could always be prepared for when your period started; the week before he would always stock up on snacks and make sure that the heating pad he kept at his place was always fully charged. JJ’s first thought was that he had forgotten, panic slowly rising in his throat, but he also had a gut feeling that that wasn’t the case. JJ checked his phone to settle his confusion and sure enough, your period wasn’t due to start for at least another couple of weeks. JJ followed you in, upset that you would rather lie to him than tell him something was wrong.
“What exactly is it you’re looking for?” JJ asked.
“Pain killers,” you answered.
“Like I said, cramps.” You had just turned down the first aid isle when you realized JJ was staring at you.
“Something wrong?” You asked.
“You’re not on your period.” You froze, mentally facepalming at how dumb of an excuse you had come up with. Of course JJ would have caught your lie, he had been so amazing whenever your period came around, always being prepared and willing to give you whatever you needed. You were hoping that JJ would have blamed his own carelessness on the matter, but what you didn’t know was that when it came to you, JJ always made a point to be deliberate with his actions.
You didn’t answer, not knowing what to say. Should you keep with the lie? Maybe say your period came early? Or should you come clean? But coming clean would mean telling JJ what really happened and you knew he would blame himself for it, even if he had nothing to do with it. Luckily, or maybe not so, you didn’t get the chance to respond.
“You’re in pain,” JJ took a step towards you. You almost took a step back but resisted the urge to last minute, memories of last Friday suddenly bombarding you. JJ slowly grabbed your hands.
“Where does it hurt?” He asked. You were surprised, having expected him to demand to know why you were hurt.
“My legs.” JJ raised an eyebrow at you, knowing that you were still hiding something.
“A-and my shoulders.” You didn’t dare look at him, afraid that you would break down if you did, instead deciding to fiddle with a piece of paper you had left in the pocket of your shorts.
“There’s more, isn’t there” It was more of a statement than a question but the way JJ said it, in an impossibly soft voice that he just knew you couldn’t say no to, made the thought of telling him all the places you were bruised seem less daunting.
“My torso kind of hurts too, and my jaw. Um, also my neck.” You whispered.
“Why?” Such a simple question, you thought, a simple inquiry that would be sure to break you both. You didn’t answer, eyes trained on the floor while you thought about how stupid it was for you to have believed that being honest with JJ about your pain was a good idea. You had kept it a secret for so long and in one moment of weakness you had jeopardized it. If you hadn’t been so weak, you thought, then maybe you could have avoided all this and just gone to the Chateau instead of being here practically breaking right in front of JJ.
JJ watched you chew your lip, seeing the conflict in your eyes and chastising himself for putting you in such a state of distress, but the pain he felt in that moment couldn’t compare to the pain he felt in the next. JJ saw the purplish bruises on your jaw and neck that were partially being hidden by your hair, the makeup you had used to cover it evidently being inadequate. It was enough to go unnoticed if people weren’t paying any particular attention but it wasn’t blended well in some places, making it easy to see the slight difference in pigment between the bruised and unbruised skin. By now JJ was shaking, gently holding your face so that you would look at him.
“Who did this to you?” His thumbs gently caressing your jaw. “Was it your dad?”
“No,” You slightly jerked away from his touch. “He would never do that JJ. I’m not being abused or anything I’m just clumsy that’s all. You know me, I never pay attention to where I’m going!” You laughed, hoping that it would be enough to make JJ believe you. He didn’t, not even for a second.
“Y/N if he’s hurting you, you have to tell me.”
“I don’t have to do anything,” you said, beginning to get defensive. “My dad isn’t hurting me JJ so stop with all the questions. And stop thinking that just because you’re my boyfriend means that I owe it to you to tell you.”
You were being harsh, you knew that, but you needed JJ to leave the subject alone and the only way you knew how was to get him to be angry at you. You hated it when JJ was mad at you but desperate times call for desperate measures.
JJ did let the subject slide on account of the fact that he knew if he kept talking he would definitely say something he would regret. He wasn’t going to let it go completely, though. If you weren’t going to tell him the truth then surely if he got the Pogues to intervene too, if he could somehow convince you that they were all on your side, then maybe you’d feel safer talking about it. What he didn’t understand is why you would be willing to protect someone who was causing you so much pain. He knew about your strained relationship with your father, that in and of itself already drained you so much, but your father physically hurting you was a whole other problem. Still, given how much you hated your father he didn’t know why you were protecting him, but that wasn’t what you were doing. In all honestly, you were ashamed that this was happening in the first place. You felt like you were a pretty independent and strong willed person and knowing that one man could render you so powerless made you feel weak. On top of that you felt like you were drained enough as it is, adding the fuss that you would have to deal with when your friends found out was just something that you didn’t think you had the energy to handle.
You quickly found some pain killers and paid, making your way towards the Chateau faster than you ever had. The walk with JJ had turned awkward and you felt like if you were with him alone for a second longer you would explode, so when you had crossed paths with Kiara and Pope you were glad to have someone else to break the tension. From then on it was smooth sailing for you, despite the fact that you spent almost the whole time avoiding JJ. You figured you were being subtle enough but the way JJ was practically glaring at you tipped the boys off.
“Hey, is something going on with you and Y/N?” Pope asked.
“Yeah it seems like she’s been avoiding you. Did you guys get into a fight or something?” John B added.
“I think Y/N is being abused.” JJ answered, not even bothering to sugar coat it.
“What?” Both Pope and John B spoke at the same time, eyes wide.
“She has bruises on her neck and jaw and earlier, before we came he, we stopped by Walgreens so she could get some pain meds. She lied and said she was on her period but it isn’t due for another couple of weeks.”
“Well, that could be anything JJ...” John B said, but it seemed like he was trying to convince himself as much as JJ.
“It’s not. I think I would know. We have to do something.”
“No, what we need is proof,” Pope spoke up. “Even if abuse seems like the likely reason for her bruises there's still a chance that it is something else. One of us could ask her.”
“Sure Pope, instead of helping my girlfriend, who just so happens to be one of your best friends, we should definitely just outright ask her if she’s being abused. She’ll be really eager to answer that honestly.”
“I meant that one of us should ask how she got the bruise. And unless you have a better idea I don’t see what else we could do.” JJ fell silent at that. He knew Pope was right, so the boys joined you, Sarah, and Kiara. The boys exchanged looks, trying to decide who would ask. JJ was already out of the question but they didn’t know if the question would sound more innocent coming from John B or Pope.
“Hey Y/N, what happened to your jaw?” Pope finally asked.
“Yeah, I thought your neck looked a little off too. You okay?
“Oh, yeah! You guys remember a couple days ago when I fell off the boat? Turns out I hit my chin pretty hard and it caused this ugly ass bruise to pop up. I tried to cover it but you know how crappy the lighting in my room is.” You laughed. Now that you had calmed down, lying came easy, and having had a couple of hours to prepare your answer made it all the more easier. Your friends seemed pretty convinced by your answer and you were satisfied that you had avoided the subject.
“What about your legs then?” JJ asked, pushing you. “And your torso, hm? What about those?”
“Uh, well we did do a lot of swimming-”
“No more than we usually do. Plus you’re on the swim team, you don’t get sore from swimming.”
“What are you implying JJ?”
“I’m implying that you’re not telling us the truth.” By now both you and JJ were on your feet and breathing heavily. You were angry and panicked that JJ was pushing you so far. JJ was desperate to help you and even if he was going about it the wrong way he didn’t know what else to do.
“Okay guys just calm down,” Sarah said, gently grabbing your arm and pulling you to sit, John B soon doing the same with JJ.
“Y/N is JJ right?” Kiara asked. You picked up the pillow that had fallen to the floor when you stood up, picking at a loose thread at one of the corners and refusing to answer. It had been a tough day already and right now you felt like you would break at any moment, but you were exhausted. Exhausted from fighting with JJ and from having to lie to your friends and completely defeated by the fact that this had become your life.
“Y-Yes,” You admitted, finally letting the tears fall. “He just- he just get’s so mad sometimes and he can’t control it and I get it because there’s no one else to take it b-but I don’t know what to do because I can’t leave, I have no where else to go.”
You were sobbing at this point, holding onto the pillow in your lap like a life line. JJ was the first to react, practically jumping over the coffee table to hold you. The rest of the Pogues soon followed, hugging you while their hearts broke more and more with each sob you emitted.
“You’re wrong,” John B spoke after a few moments. “You'll always have a place here.”
“I can’t just leave.” You responded, taking deep breathes to calm down.
“I know it’s hard,” JJ stated. “But we’ll be here for you okay? We’ll call Child Protective Services and sort this all out so you never have to see him again.”
“B-but what if they take me away? I don’t even know of any other family I have.”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there,” Kiara said, gently squeezing your hand. “We won’t let anything happen to you.”
“Yeah. And anyway we could always bribe the officer.” Sarah agreed, trying to lighten the mood which caused you all to laugh.
“It’s settled then! You’ll stay here with me and JJ and tomorrow morning we’ll all go to your house together to grab your stuff, okay?” John be asked. You thought it over. This, this was your light at the end of the tunnel. An end to the constant fear you felt. You’d thought of a moment like this a million times over but each time you always figured that you’d have to refuse it. But now that you were here, faced with the decision, you knew you’d be an idiot to say no. A smile slowly spread across your face.
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