#this is tech a repost from the old blog
itadorey · 1 year
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pairing: fushiguro megumi x gn!reader summary: six times megumi gets caught staring at you and the one time you get caught staring at him. genre: fluff, fluff, fluff, friends to lovers. no angst here, originally a 5 +1 but i added another scene so it's a 6 +1. notes: a repost from an old blog, some scenes changed. nobara is a nosy wingwoman. mentions of minor injury, canon-typical violence, follows the season 1 storyline loosely. gojo + shoko being nosy as well. wc: ~6k
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Fushiguro Megumi is many things. To begin with, he's a talented jujutsu sorcerer, proven time and time again by the missions he gets sent on. He's also intelligent, observant not only in battle but also when it comes to others, always able to tell when something's wrong. However, his most noticeable trait, according to Itadori and Kugisaki, is that he's extremely secretive.
It's not a bad thing, not to him. There are better things to do with his time than sit and discuss his life story with his classmates, even though he thinks that Gojo might say otherwise just to piss him off.
Besides, keeping details about his life private means that no one can use any of his weaknesses against him. And that's especially handy considering that one of his weaknesses is you.
He's not exactly sure when it started. Maybe it was the day that Gojo sent him to pick you up at the train station alone, claiming that he had important business to attend to and that it was the least that Megumi could do considering the fact that Gojo had been going on so many missions lately.
Or maybe it was the day the two of you had been assigned your first mission together. You had been kind to him even when he remained cold and silent, eventually catching onto the fact that he didn't want to make small talk before switching the conversation to the mission at hand.
He had been mildly surprised when you came up with a foolproof plan to exorcise the curse, and the mission had gone according to plan with the exception of a gash on his upper arm. When you had knelt down to check on him, you had gently brushed him off, smiling widely as you complimented his technique and pet one of his divine dogs.
"Come on, let's get you back so that Shoko can check that out," you had said, gently grabbing his hand and pulling him to his feet. He had stumbled slightly upon standing, prompting you to wrap an arm around his waist to try and steady him. "Are you alright, Fushiguro?"
In that moment, Megumi couldn't stop the light blush that dusted his cheeks as he pulled away slightly, stating that he was fine and ready to go. Neither one of you chose to mention the fact that his hand didn't leave yours on the way back to Jujutsu Tech.
Ever since that day, he seemed to be hyperaware of your presence. If he was busy training with the upperclassmen and you happened to walk by, he knew. And he often ended up getting knocked down on his ass because of it. It bothered him to no end, and yet he couldn't bring himself to say that he hated it. Seeing your smile quickly became the highlight of his day, and he often found himself staring at you whenever you were around him.
Much like he was doing so at the moment.
"Eh? Fushiguro, what are you doing?" Nobara asks, leaning over to catch a glimpse of his face. Megumi scowls as Nobara's face comes into view, tearing his eyes away from where you were standing a few feet away with Maki.
"Nothing," he replies instantly, shoving his hands into his pockets as Nobara keeps talking. She goes quiet when Maki calls out both of their names, being met with a grin from her as she throws an arm around your shoulder.
"Good news!" Maki proclaims, smirking at the approaching first years. "I've just found our last team member for the exchange event. From now on, they'll be training with us."
Nobara cheers loudly as Maki gives you a friendly pat on the back, the two girls walking off towards the field and leaving you alone with Megumi. He meets your eyes as you approach him, a teasing smile on your lips as you elbow him lightly.
"How lucky are you?" you tease as the two of begin to follow after Maki and Nobara. "Now you get to see my pretty face more often!"
"That's the problem," Megumi mutters as he came to a stop, sighing softly at your statement. He could already feel himself getting distracted during training, and he didn't want to think about the punishment that Maki would surely give him is he allowed himself to get distracted at the actual event.
"What was that?"
He straightens when he hears your voice, shooting you a strained smile as he catches up with you. "Hmm? Nothing."
You give him a funny look as you start walking again, the two of you being met with the sight of Panda and Nobara facing off against each other as you approach the field. A giggle escapes your lips as you watch Panda toss Nobara around, and Megumi can't stop the fond smile that spreads across his face as he watches you.
"Well, that fight's over," Maki says with a grin before motioning to you. "You're up."
"Against who?" you ask, shrugging off your jacket and letting it drop to the floor. The grin on Maki's face turns almost evil, and Megumi fights off a shiver as she shifts her gaze towards him.
"Against Megumi. Who else?"
Megumi trudges towards you as Nobara and Panda arrive at Maki's side, and he finds himself growing tense at the thought of fighting against you in front of everyone.
"Excited?" you ask, a grin present on your face as you stretch your arms. Megumi responds with a silent nod, feeling his cheeks grow warm as you study him from head to toe before nodding to yourself.
"Are you two ready?" Maki shouts, arms crossed as she looks at the two of you. The two of you give her a thumbs up, and she nods at the sight before waving a hand. "Begin."
To say that Megumi is shocked when you manage to take him down in less than five minutes would be a lie. Everyone else however, is surprised at the outcome and Megumi can't hide the embarrassment on his face as he walks back to the sidelines. He comes to a stop when Maki grabs his arm gently, pulling him close to whisper in his ear before he can get too far.
"I hope that your personal feelings won't be an issue the actual day of the tournament."
Megumi pauses, scowling at her and ignoring the smirk on her face before pulling away and taking a seat a few feet away. His eyes remain on you for the rest of training, and he does his best to ignore the fact that he can feel Nobara's curious gaze burning into him.
"You're doing it again," Nobara sings, bouncing up to Megumi when the training session ends. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you were staring at them the whole time."
"Good thing you know better then," Megumi bites back, hoping that Nobara hasn't noticed the way he flinched at her words. (She has.) Nobara laughs as she pushes past Megumi, walking up to you and proceeding to strike up a conversation. The two of you look over at Megumi before turning back to each other, causing Megumi's heart to speed up the slightest bit. He watches as you walk past him, giving him a soft smile as you made your way to the dorms.
Nobara gives him a simple thumbs up as she trails after you.
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Things had been... complicated since Yuuji's death, and neither Megumi, Nobara, or you had found the time to truly sit around and mourn.
Training for the exchange event had taken up more time than you care to admit, and you were slightly disappointed at the fact that you hadn't even gotten the chance to truly say goodbye to your friend.
But luckily, the students from Kyoto were a good distraction.
"What kind of woman is your type? Hurry up and answer, if you prefer men that's fine too."
The silence that follows Todo's words is awkward, and you can't help the way your cheeks heat up when Megumi's eyes drift over to you. Todo follows Megumi's line of sight, eyes taking your features before he nods firmly and turns back to face Megumi.
"I don't have a particular preference," Megumi says before Todo can speak. "As long as they have an unshakeable character, I won't ask for more."
"Not a bad answer!" Nobara chimes, slinging an arm around your shoulders as you contemplate his words. "If you had said something like 'big boobs', I would've killed you."
The snort that leaves your lips brings Megumi's attention back to you, and the way his eyes soften as he watches you giggle at Nobara's words doesn't slip Todo's attention.
"I knew it! You're boring, Fushiguro," Todo proclaims, his chest puffing up as he approaches the shorter boy. Once he's close enough, he lowers his voice, granting him the courtesy of not having you hear his next words. "You spend all your time admiring them from afar, but I doubt you'll ever actually make a move."
Megumi bristles at Todo's words, opening his mouth to speak before getting thrown back by a powerful punch.
"Megumi!" you cry out, trying to rush over to him before being stopped by Nobara's cry. You turn to see her being held tightly by Mai, her pistol aimed at Nobara's side as she pulls her close.
"Move and I shoot," Mai says, smirking as she sees the irritated look on your face. You glance back at Megumi for a split second before lunging at Mai, causing her to release Nobara as she reels back at your sudden action. You manage to grab Mai's waist, pushing her down to the ground and falling on top of her at you try to snatch her weapon.
A knee to the stomach has you grunting, and you find yourself rolling over to avoid another strike from her. By the time the second years show up, Nobara has Mai's hair clutched tightly in her hand, earning an amused smile from Maki as she swiftly breaks up the fight. You check on Nobara first, and once you make sure that the only damage she took was to her ego, you set out to locate Megumi.
You pause slightly when you see him, walking alongside Panda and Inumaki with a slight limp, before you sprint over to his side. You immediately begin to fuss over him, reaching up to wipe away the blood that was dripping towards his eyes with your sleeve.
"Megumi! Oh my god, are you okay?" you ask softly, cupping his face with your hand and turning his head side to side to look for more injuries. Megumi slouches slightly to give you a better look, unwilling to swat you away as you mutter your concerns out loud. "Do you need anything? Water, or maybe some medicine. We should visit Shoko."
Silence ensues as the three of you await Megumi's response, but his eyes remain on you as you give him an expectant look.
"Mustard leaf," Inumaki's voice breaks the silence, and Megumi shakes his head lightly as he pulls away from you to look at his upperclassman. Inumaki's eyes are slightly crinkled, and Megumi can tell that Inumaki is smiling at the scene that had just played out in front of him.
"Oh my god, you're right," You say to Inumaki before turning back to Megumi. "What if you have a concussion?"
"I don't have a—"
"Salmon," Inumaki chimes in, cutting Megumi off as he nods along with you.
"You're right," you sigh, grabbing Megumi's hand in yours before turning around. "That blank stare was a little worrying. C'mon, we need to get you checked out."
Megumi shoots one last look at Inumaki and Panda, a little peeved off with the sudden turn of events. The only thing he's met with are the snickers of both second years, along with a thumbs up from Panda. Inumaki simply gives him a playful wink, sending him a wave as you drag him away.
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"You know, if you keep staring at them, they're going to think you're a creep," Nobara says, interrupting Megumi's thoughts as she plops down on the step next to him. He tries his best to ignore her, giving up when she leans over and plucks the book he was holding out of his grasp, tossing it to the side with a small huff.
"I was reading that," Megumi hisses, a scowl making its way onto his face as he leans over to try and grab it.
"No you weren't, you were holding it upside down" Nobara scoffs, ignoring his mildly horrified look as she pushes him back into his seat. "Now spill. Why do you keep staring at them?"
The large grin on Nobara's face lets Megumi know that she already knows why he's acting like this; she just wants to hear him admit it. He refuses to speak, leaning back on the steps they're sitting on and crossing his legs. He looks off to the side, grunting softly when Nobara begins to poke his cheek.
"Fushiguro! I'm talking to you, don't be rude," she whines, gasping when his hand comes up to envelope her face to try and push her away. She struggles against him, failing miserably and only stopping when you approach.
"I'm sorry, I need to pass through," you say, stifling a laugh as they freeze. The two of them scramble up from their seats when they realize they've been blocking the entire pathway, bowing their heads slightly in apology as you pass by. You nod in thanks, your lips twitching as you give them an amused look. You come to a stop when you notice the book lying on the ground, picking up before turning back to face Megumi.
"This is a good book!" you chirp, your eyes lighting up in recognition as you gently dust off the cover. You hold it out to Megumi, waiting for him to take it from your hand. "It's one of my favorites."
He stares at you for a few seconds, and you find yourself shifting your weight from one foot to another as you wait for him to take the book from you. Nobara springs into action when it becomes clear that Megumi isn't going to move, grabbing the book from you as she chuckles softly.
"It is a good book!" she agrees, smiling a little bit too widely as you nod in agreement. You look back at Megumi, opening your mouth to speak before pausing and turning around.
"Well I'll see you two later," you say, waving to the two of them before walking away. As soon as you're out of sight, Nobara smacks Megumi with the book in her hand, effectively breaking him out of his daze. He gives her a glare, huffing lightly when she shoves the book into his chest.
"You're pathetic," she mutters, walking off in the same direction you had. Megumi sighs before taking his seat once more and cracking open his book.
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"That's a really nasty bruise."
You're met with silence as you move through the infirmary, grabbing the first aid kit, before turning back to face Megumi. His eyes are still focused on the ground when you step closer to him, causing him to jolt as you let yourself settle in between his legs. He swallows harshly when your hand comes up to cup his cheek, tilting his face up towards you to get a better look at him.
"You need to start being more careful," you chide, using an alcohol pad to wipe at his face. You give him an apologetic look when he winces, and his eyes dart up to your face when you pull your hand away slightly.
"It's fine, you can continue," he says quietly, leaning into your palm when it returns to its previous spot. He watches the way you bite your lip in concern, your eyebrows furrowing as you gently brush his hair out of his face.
"You're injured too," he comments, his eyes tracing over the faint bruising on your jaw.
"I'm fine, I was with Toge," you retort, letting go of his face to grab some ointment.
"Toge?" Megumi asks absentmindedly, wondering when you had gotten on first-name basis with the second year. He tenses when you tilt his head back up again, the focus clear on your face as you do your best to gently apply the cool gel to his face.
"Yeah," you respond, pushing his hair back again to get better access to the gash on the crown of his head. You freeze for a moment when you catch his eye, shaking your head lightly before focusing on the injury. "I wasn't alone during the tournament but you were. You fought Kamo all on your own."
"I did," Megumi mutters, his eyes still on your face even when you pull back slightly. His lips twitch when he sees your mildly irritated look, speaking the first words that come to mind. "Were you worried about me?"
Megumi watches as your eyes widen briefly before you compose yourself, nodding softly as you reach for some band-aids. "You're pretty reckless, y'know? You can't blame me for being worried, especially after what happened with Todo."
You don't miss the way Megumi winces at your words, thinking about his confrontation with the older boy. He starts to turn his head away, only to be stopped when your other hand comes up to his cheeks to keep him in place. He holds his breath as you study him, feeling vulnerable under your intense gaze.
"Promise me," you finally say, breaking the silence. "Promise me you'll at least try to be more careful."
"I promise," Megumi murmurs, releasing the breath he had been holding. You nod in satisfaction before finally separating yourself from him, turning to put the first aid kit back in its place. Neither one of you notice that Shoko has been leaning against the doorframe the entire time, observing the two of you as you tended to his wounds.
She watches you flit around the space, putting things back in their proper places as Megumi watches. There's an awestruck look on his face as you talk about something random, trying to fill the silence as he mindlessly hums in agreement with whatever you're saying. It isn't until Shoko actually takes a step into the room that Megumi finally registers her presence, and she watches with thinly-veiled amusement as his cheeks flood with color.
A smirk pulls at her lips as she takes note his bandaged injuries, and she can't help the playful lilt that tinges her words as she finally speaks.
"I was told that Megumi had been injured and needed my help but I can see that you've been well taken care of."
"Shoko!" you yelp, whirling around and leaning against a table as you give her a flustered wave. "When did you get here?"
"A couple of minutes ago," Shoko confesses, schooling her features as she approaches Megumi. She studies him for a minute before turning back to you. "You did a really good job. He's free to go if he doesn't want me to use my technique on him."
"Well, I'll leave you two to discuss that," you say laughing nervously as you inch towards the door. "Bye Shoko! I'll see you later, Megumi!"
Shoko snorts when she sees the way Megumi tries to hide a smile at your use of his first name, shaking her head before slipping on a pair of gloves and prodding at the bruising on his jaw.
"Are you okay, kiddo?" she asks flatly, watching him closely for any signs of discomfort. He grumbles under his breath before pushing himself to his feet, nodding his head in response to Shoko's question.
"'m fine," he grunts, earning a skeptical look. He sighs after a few seconds, crossing his arms when Shoko doesn't back down. "I promise I'm okay. I don't need you to heal me. Can I go now?"
"Sure," Shoko concedes, stripping off her gloves and throwing them into the trash. "If you feel any pain or discomfort you know where to find me."
Megumi nods once before making his way towards the door, pausing in the doorframe to send Shoko a wary look.
"Don't tell Gojo anything," he warns lowly, shoulders tense as she shoots him a blank look.
"I won't."
Megumi gives her a thankful look before leaving the infirmary, and Shoko merely smiles to herself before whipping out her cell phone.
Gojo was going to have a field day when he heard about everything she had witnessed.
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"I still don't understand why we have to be here," Megumi grumbles, exasperation laced in his words as he trails after Gojo. Your so-called teacher had pulled you, Megumi, Yuuji, and Nobara out for a day in the city, claiming that he wanted to see how much all of you had improved. It wasn't until you had all arrived in the city that Gojo had admitted that he was only really testing Yuuji and Nobara, especially since the former had been missing for a while.
"We can go get food while they deal with the curses," you whisper, coming up beside Megumi and nudging him with your shoulder. He merely hums in response, trying to act unbothered as Nobara shoots him an amused look.
"Doubtful. We're probably here to act as backup," he whispers back, earning a muffled laugh from you.
The five of you come to a stop in the middle of an empty street, being met with the sight of a deceivingly cozy house. You shiver as a breeze blows through the street, shooting Yuuji a kind smile as he comes to a stop next to you.
"Oh, are you cold?" he asks, eyes wide with concern as he looks at you. "Here, you can have my jacket!"
You smile gratefully as he begins to unzip his hoodie, flinching when you hear a loud yell.
"Itadori! Get over here!"
"Just a minute!" Yuuji yells back, ignoring Gojo's call as he fiddles with his zipper.
"Now!" Nobara snaps, her foot tapping against the pavement impatiently as she beckons Yuuji over to her side.
"Why are you being so— oh!" Yuuji says, his eyes lighting up with some sort of realization before giving you an apologetic smile. "I'll be right back."
You nod in understanding, watching as Yuuji joins Gojo and Nobara a few meters away. You wrap your arms around yourself in an attempt to shield yourself from the cold, Yuuji's body no longer present to block the air.
"Here, you can have my sweater."
You turn your head at the familiar voice, being met with the sight of Megumi holding out his sweatshirt. You hesitate slightly before taking it from him, quickly slipping it on and giving him a blinding smile.
"Thanks, Fushiguro!" you chirp, unconsciously snuggling into the fabric before taking a seat on the curb. Megumi remains standing for a few minutes, sending one last look towards his classmates before taking a seat next to you. He lets his elbows rest on his knees, his chin sitting comfortably on his palms as he observes the house Yuuji and Nobara are currently approaching. He takes note of the fact that Gojo had chosen not to mention what grade the curses were, and he mentally prepares himself to fight just in case.
He lets his gaze drift back over to you when he realizes you haven't spoken even once since sitting down, the slight concern on his face melting when he sees you staring intensely at the ground in front of you. Feeling the weight of his stare, you glance up to meet his eyes, sticking your tongue out at him and giggling when he huffs in amusement. He watches as your gaze drifts back to the concrete in front of you before your eyes dart back to him, the back-and-forth motion continuing for a bit before he finally speaks.
"What are you looking at?"
You lean forward slightly, reaching for something on the ground before turning to Megumi with a smile.
"This," you say softly, holding out your hand. He looks down to see a flower, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he looks back up at you.
"It's... pretty," he says, watching as twirl the flower between your fingers.
"Yeah, it is," you agree, giving him a shy smile. "It's the color of your eyes."
Your words cause Megumi's cheeks to burst with color, and clears his throat before he murmurs a soft thank you. You grin at his reaction before scooting closer to him, your elbow brushing against his and causing him to stiffen when you lean in slightly.
"You're welcome," you say quietly, raising your arm before pausing and giving him an uncertain look. "May I?"
Megumi nods silently, holding his breath as you lean in even closer to tuck the flower behind his ear. His eyes never leave your face as you busy yourself with the task at hand, softening when he notices the way your tongue peeks out from in between your lips in concentration as you do your best to position the flower.
There's a sparkle in your eyes that threaten to make his heart race, and Megumi finds himself wondering if you knew just how much of an effect you had on him. His eyes widen when your fingertips brush against his cheek, and you quickly draw your hand back down to your side as you take in the sight in front of you.
"It looks perfect," you finally say, your eyes never leaving his as you speak. There's a beat of silence before Megumi opens his mouth to respond, the words spilling out from his lips before he can stop them.
"I think you loo—"
"Hey! Lovebird! Get over here," Gojo shouts, his voice causing the two of you to scramble away from each other. Megumi closes his eyes for a second, mentally thanking Gojo for cutting off his statement as he gets to his feet. He turns to see Gojo wearing a big smile, seemingly satisfied with the reaction he had gotten from the two of them. "Hurry up! I think Yuuji and Nobara might need some help."
"Told you so," Megumi says, a smile on your face as you roll your eyes at his statement.
"Good luck, Fushiguro," you say, your quiet words drawing his attention to you. He looks down to see you giving him a thumbs up, and he simply smiles and nods before making his way over to Gojo. The older sorcerer's smile doesn't fade even as he approaches, and it only get wider when he holds out an arm to stop Megumi.
"Nice flower, it matches your eyes!" Gojo says slyly, plucking the bud from behind Megumi's ear and earning a scowl from him. "I'll take care of this for you. After all, you wouldn't want this to get ruined would you? Although I'm surprised it didn't spontaneously combust from how hard you were blushing."
Megumi gives Gojo one last scathing look before heading towards the entrance of the house, doing his best to ignore Gojo's laugh and focus on the mission at hand.
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You stop in your tracks when you hear a call of your name, the sound of Yuuji's voice bringing a small smile to your face as you turn around. Your smile only grows wider when you notice Megumi trailing behind him, hands shoved deep into his pockets as he looks down at the ground.
"Are you busy right now?" Yuuji asks, coming to a stop in front of you. You shake your head slowly, sending a glance at Megumi that Yuuji doesn't miss. "Fushiguro and I were about to get some food. Do you want to join us?"
"I'd love to," you utter, earning a wide grin from Yuuji. You snicker under your breath, his excitement reminding you of a puppy.
"Great! Then let's go! I've been wanting to check this place out for ages."
You trail behind Yuuji, throwing the occasional glance back at Megumi until you eventually slow down to walk beside him. The messy-haired boy shoots you a quick glance, looking away when he sees you giving him a curious look.
"What's up?" you ask, stepping closer to him and nudging his shoulder with yours. He shakes his head silently, raising his eyes to look at you as he steps closer to you to avoid crashing into somebody.
"Nothing," he says after a while, wondering if you would keep the conversation going. He's a little disappointed when you don't, but you also don't move away from him, instead choosing to call out your replies to whatever questions Yuuji asks as he walks ahead of the two of you.
"Oh, I almost forgot," you suddenly say, coming to a stop a few shops away from the restaurant Yuuji was heading towards. "I need to buy some stuff for Nobara, but you two go on ahead without me! I'll be there in a few minutes."
"Are you sure?" Megumi asks instantly, receiving a nod from you. He hesitates slightly, causing you to roll your eyes with a smile before waving him away. Yuuji gives you a sound of acknowledgment before tugging Megumi away, laughing quietly when he keeps looking over his shoulder in your direction.
"Come on," Yuuji says, opening the door for Megumi before stepping inside after him. "They'll be fine without your watchful gaze. Do you have any idea of what you're gonna get?"
"No," Megumi replies, taking a seat at an empty table and looking out the window. "I think I'll wait for them to get back before ordering."
Yuuji smiles at Megumi's words, forcing himself to look down at his phone in an attempt to act nonchalant. "So, how long have you had feelings for them?"
Megumi's eyes widen at Yuuji's words, and he finds himself mentally scolding himself for being too obvious with his feelings. He has to be, especially if Yuuji had been able to figure it out. He remains silent, letting his eyes drop down to the table.
"You should tell them," Yuuji says earnestly, all hints of teasing gone from his tone. His words still manage to catch Megumi off guard, and he glances at Yuuji to see him still looking down at his phone, the screen dark.
"I'm serious," Yuuji whines. "You should tell them. I think the two of you are perfect for each other."
"What exactly am I supposed to say?" Megumi asks, shifting uncomfortably in his seat before attempting to make eye contact with Yuuji and sighing when the pink-haired boy doesn't look up. "I really like you and and I stare at you like a dumbass because I don't know how to tell you how I feel?"
Yuuji snorts at his words, opening his mouth to tease Megumi before being cut off.
"You like me?"
The two boys look up in a panic when they see you standing close to their table, a small bag clutched tightly in one of your hands. Yuuji gives Megumi an apologetic look that he chooses to ignore, knowing that the both of them had been too caught up in their conversation to notice you approaching.
"I'm gonna go order," Yuuji says quietly, sliding out of his seat and heading towards the counter. He turns back to give Megumi a thumbs up behind your back, nodding his head as he mouths the words 'go for it!'. Megumi turns his attention to you when you slide into the seat across from him, giving him a smile before picking up one of the menus on the table. An awkward silence settles upon the two of you, and Megumi can't help but notice the furtive glances you keep sending his way.
"So," you finally say, breaking the silence as you put the menu down. He looks up, his eyes meeting yours as you sigh softly. "You like me?"
Megumi hesitates, watching the way your eyebrows furrow slightly as you wait for his response.
"Yes," he finally says, looking back out the window to avoid your gaze. He stiffens when he hears you let out a relieved sigh, giggling softly before speaking.
"Well that's good," you breathe, causing Megumi to whip his head back around to look at you. He watches as you rummage through the bag you had been holding, pulling out a book before handing it to him. It was the sequel to the book he had been reading a couple of weeks ago, the one you had picked up when Nobara had tossed it aside. "I was hoping to give this to you at some point, and maybe even ask you out when I did so."
Megumi's cheeks warm as he smiles at you, neither one of you noticing the way Yuuji pumps his first into the air a few feet away.
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+ one.
You let your eyes drift up from your phone and land on Megumi, who is currently lying next to you as he reads the book you had bought him. The two of you are lounging in your dorm, your back pressed up against the headboard while he lays down on your pillows.
His eyes are focused on the words he's reading, and you take the opportunity to study him quietly. His hair hangs messily like always, but you choose to hold back from running your hands through it in order to keep watching him. Your eyes trace the slope of his nose, trailing down to his lips before following his jawline back up his face and finally settling on his eyes. You sit there admiring him, thinking about how unfair it is for him to have such long lashes.
You bite back a gasp when his gaze suddenly snaps to you, and you quickly look back down at your phone in an attempt to hide your embarrassment. You can still feel Megumi's eyes on you, and you shift uneasily in your spot before shyly looking back up at him.
"What?" you ask, your cheeks burning as you try to play innocent.
"I was just wondering if you were done staring at me," Megumi says casually, a faint smile on his face as he looks back down at his book. You gape at him for a few seconds before responding.
"I was not staring!" you cry out indignantly, scrunching your nose when Megumi gives you a knowing look. "Besides, if my memory is correct, you got caught staring at me by literally everyone else!"
Megumi rolls his as he sits up, sitting shoulder to shoulder with you before shaking his head lightly.
"Besides," you continue, not giving him the chance to speak. "What's so wrong with staring at my boyfriend."
A red tint fills Megumi's cheeks at your words and he merely scoffs before turning the page. You rest your head on his shoulder, glancing down at the book and attempting to read along with him. When he fails to turn the page after a few minutes, you glance up, only to see him staring at you with a soft smile on his face. You smile back at him before leaning up to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, and you watch as he tosses the book to the foot of your bed before cupping your face with both hands and pressing a kiss a to your lips.
You give him another soft peck before you pull away from him, your eyes fluttering open to see Megumi studying your face. There's a smug smile on his face as he takes in your dazed state, and he opens his mouth to comment on it before you beat him to the punch, your words causing his smile to drop as he groans.
"Now who's staring?"
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reblogs are appreciated <3 ty for reading!!
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getodrools · 8 months
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IN WHICH, step son! megumi looks too much like his father the longer he trains, and it seems like he does have a type after all…
I 𝓲. I MDNI ୨୧ milf! reader. step cest. aged-up characters. age gap: reader; 30s + meg; mid 20s. mommy kink-ish. creampie. infediality. quickie. | WC –> 1.1k+ est ! !
NOTE. this is a repost from my old blog !! :p
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YOUR WEDDED HUSBAND SURE did have some nice genes… watching closely how your stepson walked around the house so mellow; head sulking but chest exposed and puffed out, stacked muscles relaxed but yet, so toned of quiet determination — of a growing man willing and able to put in daily effort to achieve such a hefty and big…
big goal.
and you couldn't help yourself either, the obvious liking to the fushiguro blood was clear. megumi just gave off that same gruff and manly feel your husband does, especially the longer he stayed at jujutsu tech.
it's been almost a decade. and you can most certainly tell it took its toll on him – all that hard work and scars of stories running along barred skin was catching. it reminded how you'd kiss at toji’s... megumi, just got more… raunchy the last time you've seen him is all.
yet, megumi just had something more to him.
he's a younger version of your husband — almost identically now, but of course, more fit and kept up with, more endurance, more stamina…
but not any less experienced.
and it seemed like megumi had a good taste in women just like his father too. always catching sneaky eyes wondering down your blouse whenever you were cleaning – catching how he would hug you a lot tighter when you wore little dresses — mainly to impress your husband but that tight squeeze at your sides and bright smile before muttering out how lucky his father is makes you feel…
that special feeling sparked up once again soon as your husband went to go get more booze and lottery tickets; megumi was beginning to help around more often – lifting heavier things that needed to be moved for spring cleaning. you'd catch yourself imagining how much of a hard time your husband would have given you about that… but megumi made sure you didn't need to overstep yourself with simple things. wanting to be more of a help for you, his mother idle, an older fine woman — how sweet he was.
“my father doesn't deserve you.” words that finally pinned your feelings together, and it quickly lead to bumping and a few vases to fall.
“mom–my..!” tepid lips almost quivering in sync with the shake of his timbre voice dropping an octave.
his cock curves just like his father's – slightly to the right with a pretty flushed tip, heavy balls too, feeling them hit right against your puffy clit at each rough thrust. and at each barreling plunge of his cock stuffing you full, he forces a low rumble of swears on your tongue to echo in your bedroom; even clammy hands to twist harder into the sheets your husband was just sulking on.
your needy cunt squeezed down hard around the base of his jamming cock, feeling how eager he was to fill you up the second his tip kissed your sopping entrance, never leaving your needy hole.
“oh! gumii! like that-- yes!”
there was one big difference between the two men. megumi had the stamina and understanding to make you feel beyond pleasure; he knows when to go faster or harder with deeper strokes, or how he understands when your hands would reach for mercy only to keep pounding that one soft spot, knowing you're only chasing that needed high.
not toji though, toji fucked you silly. he fucked you on his cock ‘till he came. no actual tender care, only a pounding until his problems felt an inch better. of course, toji made your tummy rise, no doubt, but you've always desired more than just to be filled up and left for some booze.
megumi knows what you've been wanting, what you've been craving for.
the feeling of being young again. that feeling of being fucked like some groupie at a frat house, and it makes him smile even harder watching how desperate you were about it; watching those pretty hips roll back with every grind – wordless heavy breaths in his ear of how good he was making you feel.
of how much you love his cock.
the long strides made you speak tongue. babbling on how much he makes you feel, and your wet tongue that hangs out twists. panting out how much he wasn't like his father ‘till he popped a messy knot of spunk in you.
the front door swings open, and heavy feet trail off somewhere in another room.
“y/n! there's glass on the floor! clean it up.”
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lovewireds · 3 months
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been meaning to post my designs for these little guys forever. insane splatoon rambling under cut to explain design choices and lore related things ... read my autism boy
btw this is a repost from our art side blog this was written and drawn like months ago <- minorly rewrote some things tho
thx splatoon users drfreeman & drcoolatta for fueling my splatvrai autism brainrot ... i hate u /J
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idk how to explain this but Theoretical Physicist is inkling coded . maybe its cuz splatoon species social hierarchy
Native ink color is Orange, but he has Dark Brown tentacle roots.
Uses custom weapons to attach in place of his prosthetic; It works best with Splatlings but can be adjusted to attach other weapons.
If the thing above didn't make it obvious, he's a Splatling main. He switches out depending on his mood though.
sighhhhh technically an Agent... stares at the ceiling...Main character...
His arm loss is like pretty much the same as in-canon but it's with the octarian army shrugs. don't ask me why he doesn't just regenerate it cuz hes a squid thats for me to know and you to find out. (get partially sanitized loser)
Born & Raised in Inkopolis pre-splashtags; He wasn't informed of the switch to Splashtags being expected when participating in most activities around Inkadia.
I forgot why i made him an inkling why did i do that. I think it was bc i didnt wanna make them all octolings but i was wrong srry we all make mistakes /hj I ALREADY REDREW HIM ONCE IM NTO DOING IT AGAINNN
Native ink color is orange-brown.
His hat has an eye guard for sensory reasons; He covers up as much of his skin as possible because he doesn't like the feeling of foreign ink on him.
He isn't a specific weapon main, he just uses any long-range weapon to minimize the possibility of getting ink on himself. If he has enough guarding, he prefers to use N-ZAP '89.
Makes his own gear for sensory reasons as well :) It's legal when ur dad's the G-Man.
Exclusively plays in Turf Wars, Anarchy Battles, etc with friends. He hates playing with people he doesn't know.
Born in Splatsville !! He feels like a Splatsville resident. His occupation is resident I cannot imagine him doing Anything
His dad is that creepy curtain in one of flounder heights windows /j
Octoling bc I wanted him to be sanitized :) Other than the visual part of being sanitized, I thought him being clinically dead fits /hj also lore reasons below
Pre-sanitization, his native ink color was blue.
Great Turf War veteran; He didn't do anything in the war itself, he was just enlisted lol. He was primarily security for the Octarian Domes in the years after the war. Yes, that also means he is over 100 years old.
"Raised" (debatably) in Octo Canyon.
E-liter main (4-star Base + 5-star Scope) and avid squidbagger. He also uses any heavyweight weapons (dynamo, tenta, etc)
Absolutely hates working at Grizzco, he only does Turf Wars and Anarchy Battles. He only works at Grizzco during Big Runs. The type of guy that does X battles.
Professional Anarchy / Ranked / X Battler btw. That's literally 90% of what he does.
Got on Gordon's azz over him not having a Splashtag; i wonder what that parallels.
Genuinely don't have a lot to say about his design. He gives off Splatoon 2 Octoling vibes (showoff /hj) also i wanted to make his hair wispy like it should be.
Native ink color is a light blue-gray gradient.
The drawing doesn't give it credit but I swear those are glasses not goggles .. they're opaque-colored slanted oval glasses !! ^_^ u can interpret them as spiked or just eyelashes, both are right.
oh also the text under bubby says "Is Best" in some splatoon font we downloaded awhile ago . i think it was ripped from splatnet
Blaster main. I don't know how to explain this one but it feels right.
helps with the practical Map props (ie ink rails) and with some weapon gear manufacturing ^_^ tech guy
Was going to make him an Octoling for the convenience of making his hair curly but i didn't want to make all of them octolings + i think his personality generally fits Inklings more.
Native ink color is an off white gradient.
Slosher main cuz he likes moving his arms. this makes sense to me. Also is a fan of Splatlings and other Shooters.
i felt ill trying to design coomer without making his eyes two lines with eyelids
War Veteran...Stole some octarian tech and got fucked up super limbs. Cyber Inkling stealing from octos !! [inkadia crowd goes wild] /j
anyways outside of the war™ he's a data researcher. just generally. he does shit with splatfests and eggstra work.
If you splashed him with ink he would stand unmoving. He would not shake it off.
Ok i'll be honest the Octoling choice is primarily bc Octolings have the afro style & inklings have no textured hair styles (i didnt have the energy to design smth that could work) . His personality fits octoling too though :3
Native ink color is red-orange.
The fucked up guy that makes those drink effects people never use ( i use them ... )
He doesn't participate in Turf Wars or Anarchy Battles, but he works some gigs at Grizzco for extra cash every once in awhile !
the type of guy that goes after flyfish cuz no one else will . god bles !!!
not a lot to say about his design & his place in inkadia , it kinda speak for itself . he just wants to get by and make his drinks in peace . #autism ... he is pretty much exactly the same as his canon self
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neptuniadoesstuff · 4 months
My Reference Sheet of Phen 228.
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A "censored" Ref of my ver of Phen 228 (Canon) for my Modern AU aka "Branches of a Paranormal Federation".
(What is censored are the faces & the severed limb as those are where the gøřə is.)
Bio (Major):
|| Code Name: Phen 228 | Aliases: "Watanabe Bird", "The Boiled One", Hakunata (Based on strange written letters that look similar to English) | Year & Place of Discovery: 2003, Pennsylvania (By the Ephrata Branch) | Current Wearibouts: Unknown | Other: Was discovered to have other variants of it whom have somewhat similar abilities although with different out comes | Main abilities: Cognito-Hazardous properties (When looked at, can cause quesdocoma & the manifestation of its being, can't be seen by others, only ones who are effected) | Ways to combat the effects: Wear blue-light glasses & earplugs, must be about 5 feet away from the screen at all cause ||
(Btw this is just info the Ephrata Branch has put down, as I'll be putting my own info here based on my head canons & the design/lore I gave Phen myself for this au. Although the Hakunata part is only for this AU & not the canon lore. This includes the design.)
(Also... Slight disturbing imagery for the reference photo)
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The actual uncensored ref sheet & the full body ref. Yeh uh.. they look pretty messed up lookin but it's clear that Phen rlly isn't supposed to look.. Clean.. (Although I am waiting till the simps arrive.. Which I hope they don't-)
Bio (Written by... an outsider aka me lol)
|| Name: [REDACTED] | Aliases: Hakunata (A nickname given to by his sister) | Gender: Interseggs/Genderless (But is represented as male), He/They/It (Or any Pronouns but those are preferred) | Age: 100? (Not sure, I doubt Phen has a canon age-) | Height: Whatever rlly (But is normally like... REALLY TALL-) | Pride: No Idea. I doubt this spirit demon thing cares about being attracted to anything- | Species: A strange hybrid of a human & fallen angel | Family: A child named "Rei" & some other Phens (Example: Kasinoshi or "Priest) | Personality: Somewhat malicious, is a bit obsessive with a certain family, but seems to... weirdly care about his victims? (Idk its a whole bag of worms) | Occupation: Some false prophet frikker idk. Might've been a war criminal from Japan in a past life (WWII) | Powers: Able to give anyone who looks at it w/o protection pseudocoma & sleep paralysis, also able to communicate with anyone who is affected with their "curse". Can fly apparently (But is pretty lazy & doesn't rlly use their phantom arms to fly at all) | Other (aka unimportant stuff): Prob likes torturing a certain family he effected back in 2003, despises kids (except its own), gets very uncomfortable with anything sus (like me), loves stealing & consuming ppl's spines, prob not understanding how modern tech work, might commit a few war crimes here & there (which is a big nono), & is usually seen indulging himself in some Japanese things bcs it reminds him of the old times (Yes even the modern stuff) ||
& here is the Original/Reference Image!
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(Update: fix some stuff in the Extra info thing bcs I don't grammar well.)
Credits lol-
Character: Phen 228 (Belongs to Doctor Nowhere aka Silas) (Although the design of Phen 228 not from the original image belongs to me.)
Art: Mine.
Reference Image Creator: Silas Orion aka Doctor Nowhere.
Program: IbisPaint x.
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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bitterfishiesstuff · 5 months
pronouns: She/her/they/them
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/bitterfishies
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/bitterfishies9904
Ship and let ship blog. Don't like my ships, that's ok. Block me and move on.
Fandom old.
Below the cut are links to some of my fic for ease of finding. This is not all of them. Pretty much all my shorts/oneshots and drabbles aren't on here, but you can find them on AO3
If you want to see something I drew recently look up #fishiesdraws My old stuff is in the ether, I nuked by last blog after harassment and I'm to lazy to re-scan all my old stuff and repost.
Mer au's(they're all Crosshair/Tech right now):
On My Way to the Market (Mermay fic, both mer)
Jūras Mātes Svētība (original mer fic co-written with Oni, Tech mer Crosshair human)
Melna Gaisma (second mer fic written with Oni, Tech human Crosshair mer)
Soft romance(sfw):
Bad Preppers AU (There is one fic that's nsfw side bits, but the rest is very Gen. please pay attention to tags I deal with ptsd in this one)
Spicy(some spicier then other. All will get you in trouble with HR if they walk in at the wrong time):
Vlogger Tech (where my dubious writing 'career' started. Tech as a sex educator/spicy vlogger)
What is Touch Between Friends (Probably what most know me from. Mosaic the follow up is a another fic were I beg you to read the tags. @sergeantgoggles got me to step out of my comfort zone with this one and write some very heavy stuff.)
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newstolgiazone · 1 year
I just wanted to say that your blog makes me so happy idk I just thought I needed to share my appreciation :^>
oh my god thank you so much :') running this blog gives me literally SO much joy. i adore nostalgiacore SO so much and i love all the little subgroups that fall under it. i'm also gonna use this ask to elaborate on how i run my blog and what i look for in the things i post
i personally try to post a large variety of things that people may remember. i noticed theres actually a lot of AFAB nostalgia, lots of sparkles, pinks and purples, ruffles and dolls, etc etc. and i want to try to keep OTHER sub-groups active (such as the 90s-2000s tech, old television, certain pieces of fashion, celebrities and music videos, and designs and patterns people may remember)
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ironically another thing i sometimes look for when posting is "would people want to eat this". and i dont mean food, i mean like the things we remember shoving in our mouths and chewing on as kids when we proooobably werent supposed to. like rubbery clothes for dolls, or dolls themselves, buttons, marbles, orbeez, small figurines like shopkins or littlest pet shop, etc etc.
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this is in my pinned but idk if ppl actually notice those so i'll say it here: i also post a LOT of things from pinterest. theres such a large variety of things on there that are nostalgia related and they're linked to dead blogs here on tumblr or they arent linked here at ALL. i want to avoid at all costs reposting A. things i've already posted and B. things OTHER people have posted. i truly just want these immortalized in our community and if its already here then theres no need for me to post it.
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i like to post a lot of personal nostalgia. things other people may not personally know of, like, or relate to-- but I DO. when i created this blog i used it almost as a canvas to get all the memories out of my head to be able to reflect on them. i had so many nostalgic memories that i didnt know how to verbalize them all, so i didnt. i visualized them all here. since then i've started to post a LOT more than just that, so there will be the occasional post that some people just.........dont get.
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and lastly, there are the things i know we ALL remember. the nostalgia thats so universal that i dont even have to GUESS if YOU, THE PERSON READING THIS have experienced it, because i just know you have. its good filler for the blog and its good to use if theres a specific photo i need to use, but may have JUST posted. this Universal Nostalgia fits perfectly because then it doesnt matter if my next posts doesnt relate to all because my last post DID!
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basically, i love nostalgia. i could genuinely live in it. i love the y2k, the kidcore, the techcore, the dreamcore, the way it hits the right spot in my brain to transport me back to all the good times in my childhood, the way it makes the light look ~just a bit brighter~ somehow
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opossumonashelf · 2 years
Hello there, I'm Shelf, I'm that one traditional artist. Now you probably found me in a few ways. You may have stumbled across my posts or a reblog, just casually scrolling through your dash or found me liking posts.
(She/They) (Birthday: May 29th) (panro-ace)
I'm Autistic, ADHD and have pretty bad anxiety so if I don't answer asks right away it could be the anxiety!
Sketch Requests: Open! (Keep it pg-13)
Commissions: Open! (0 out of 5 spots filled)
Every now and then I will edit this post for stuff about my blog so I will add update dates, it will change appeance from time to time!
I have quite a interests and things I like so I'll list them out,
☆ Pokemon! (Submas; the subway boss twins from black and white, Eevelutions, Legends Arceus, and a few other games in the franchise)
☆ Cats (the animal, not the musical)
☆ Legend of Zelda!
☆ Fallout and The Elder Scrolls!
☆ AdventureTime!
☆ Animal Crossing!
☆ Valve Games (Half-life, TF2, and Portal)
☆ Old Tech!
☆ there are more but these are basically most of what you can find!
Now I have some boundaries that need to be made known before some might go through my blog, or in other words the Do not Interact criteria.
First of all DNI/ DO NOT INTERACT if you are the following:
🚫 Pr0sh!ppers, B!4nksh!ppers, and those who 'pair' minors with adults, those who support, create, and/or indulge in such content. (It makes me uncomfortable to a point were it makes me sick, not even joking)
🚫 Terfs (this blog is safe for people who are LGBT+, and I plan to keep it safe)
🚫 Ped0s,Zo0philes,those who are abusive to children and/or animals, ( it is not only disgusting but also a crime)
🚫 Racists, N*zis, and others like them.
🚫 NS/FW, fet!ish, k!nk (some of my followers are minors, and I wish to keep this blog pg-13.)
I have a habit of checking blogs so if i feel uncomfortable or find that my boundaries are being crossed I will end up blocking.
Now for the other rules...
○ Do not trace, steal to claim as yourselves, or repost anything I make as your own.
○ Please be respectful
○ Don't be a jerk
I have a tag system now and what they are as well.
#opossumrambles - this tag is mostly me explaining or just talking.
#opossumscribbles - my art tag
#asks for the opossum - asks
#rebloging my likes - basically just me rebloging my likes.
Edit: 4:51pm, Feb 1 , 2023
Edit: 3:28pm, Feb 21, 2023
Edit: 6:33pm, Mar 15, 2023
Edit: 7:03pm, Apr 12, 2023
Edit: 5:00pm, Apr 26, 2023 (updated dni and cleaned up introduction)
Edit: 11:12pm, July 7, 2023 (Made edit to dni section)
Edit: 6:01pm, Oct 10, 2023 (huge overhaul redesign of pinned post)
Edit: 8:14pm, Oct 18, 2023 (my tags have been added so my blog isn't a mess to navigate)
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toastling · 2 months
It goes without saying that if an up-and-coming hero wants to help build their brand, it's important for them to have some sort of presence on social media.
While some of the heroes in older age brackets end up joining platforms in an attempt to bridge the gap with younger prospective fans, for new heroes of a younger persuasion, their success as a hero and their popularity online end up feeding into one another to help chart their course up the national leader boards.
Here are a few examples of 'rising star' heroes young and old and their respective online platforms:
Amily Garen: She is very active and outspoken on Bluejay, particularly in regard to both dragon and LGBT issues and media, but her biggest audiences outside her hero work are from her Pictogram profile where she shares workout videos, her adventures in parkour around the city, various self-defense tips, and the occasional clip of her hero work. One of the most Online of the heroes.
Snow Angel: All her personal pages are private, but she does have a Bluejay and yet to be named YouTube equivalent account for her band, Chelsea Says, which are both pretty active.
Good Ol' Greg: Despite being well into his 70s, he's wildly popular on Bluejay. It was recently discovered that he was the man behind his universe's equivalent of dril and it was worldwide news for like a week. Nobody saw it coming, but honestly, they really should have.
Kid Cthulhu: He's actually a pretty prolific artist online whose work tends to get reposted without credit more often than he'd like. He's very popular among teenagers and fans of the eldritch and macabre, but purportedly maintains a second persona for "normie" art that is also pretty popular. Nobody knows what the latter is though, only that he's out there, somewhere...
Cadence: She actually makes more money streaming video games than she does as a hero, which given the average salary within the hero industry for someone signed to a major agency such as her is really saying something. She's famous for her deep conversations on life, philosophy, and mental health with her chat while simultaneously no scoping e-sport pros like it's nothing.
Miyamoto Takuma: Also pushing 70, Takuma actually has a fairly successful travel blog. As the only pro hero allowed to work *without* an agency, he isn't bound to only areas his agency has a presence or affiliate in, or to the random assist request. He's always traveling the country and tends to take beautiful photographs of locals and environments.
Cheshire: She's an extremely popular food blogger on Pictogram. She's also a frequent sight in engineering circles all across the internet, both in the comments and in sharing projects of her own. All her tech is homegrown, after all, and she loves to share her inventions, innovations, and expertise.
Rave: Active on Bluejay. They speak entirely in emojis and textless reaction images. Their energy is that of some godforsaken combination of Deadpool, Harley Quinn, and the Joker with the aesthetic of an edgy Japanese schoolgirl with a weird sense of humor. They pop up in the most random places and run the single largest botnet on the internet for the sole purpose of trolling politicians in every country on Earth.
Amanda Reins: Very popular on that YouTube equivalent with videos of her various builds and robots. Think Adam Savage but if he also made fully autonomous semi-intelligent robots. She's also one of the internet's most well-known and respected white hat hackers.
Jack Hyde: Even villains need an online presence in the modern day. There are actually two Jack Hyde accounts active on Bluejay right now, each proclaiming to be the *real* successor to the name. Jack Hyde is one of the few legacy villains who has been represented by multiple people over the decades.
Providence: Extremists? Terrorists? Liberators? It all depends on who you ask. But they are absolutely everywhere online, from the front page to the deepest, darkest, nichest corners you can imagine. Their manifestos are as popular as they are eloquent, and are suspected to have drawn in 90% of its current members.
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soldier-requests · 3 months
Hey! Mostly here to just say hi, and check in, all that jazz.
But if you're up for it, I'd either want to request a doodle or a moodboard...
If you're cool with doodles at the moment, uh, could I maybe ask for one of my brother Larry?
[He's from Sally Face, like me. And, I'm sorry I can't provide an image... my main acc isn't my kin blog, and I don't want to go non anon because of it :'( ]
If not, another moodboard would be cool. [Sorry, I just really like how you make them. They're really pretty!]
If you're doing moodboards, I guess I'd like to request another Sally Face one, if this makes sense, maybe with themes of found family, maybe an old game console, computers [like... 80s/90s computers preferably] Polaroid cameras, metal or punk band shirts [or someone doing the 🤘 hand maybe?] and [only if comfortable taking on this many themes] maybe a cross necklace?
[Sorry if the themes are confusing... the mess of different topics is meant to represent my old friend group. The game console representing me *Sal*, computers for Todd *he was a tech nerd*, Ash's Camera, Larry's band tees and overall metalhead vibe, and Travis' necklace. I miss them a bit, so I'm trying to make a request that captures all of their essences without making like... 6 different requests. If you can't, though, it's totally fine!]
Again, hope you're doing okay, and also hi!!
– 🎸🎭
hiiii hello!!!! :]] i'm doing alright considering.. all life things going on XD. hopefully your day has been awesome :333.
anyways, feel free to come back anytime and request those moodboards, if you'd like :^]. even all six! all i ask is for separate requests to be in separate asks -- it's just easier for me to do them that way ^_^.
as always, please do not repost my art!
apparently i have a shortage of pencils, so hopefully these slightly messy doodles are alright! i know nothing about SF but Larry seems like the kind of guy to sprawl anywhere and take a nap like a cat XD. reminds me of Roderick from Diary of a Wimpy Kid series!
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user-2394291 · 1 year
Introduction to my blog.
Hello, my name is Paige and this is a blog dedicated to retro futurism, sci-fi, old web and tech aesthetic in general. I will rarely post something of my own, mainly reposting stuff from others. Think of this blog as of a collection of pretty pictures.
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I need some thoughts on a complicated situation with my friends [Please do not reblog or repost, but comments are appreciated]
(Please note: For privacy, nicknames are used. Please do not repost or reblog this anywhere else. I would post this on Reddit but one of the people involved frequents the r/AITA forums, and with everything going on there, I don't feel comfortable. Edit to add: if those on @am-i-the-asshole-official saw my post there, these are the same individuals.)
I (33/F) am a disabled, unemployed woman living with my parents. Because of my disability it is difficult for me to leave the house and I have never had steady employment. In September 2019, when I was 30 years old, I made two online friends who I've posted about on here before. I've called them Nick (32/M) and Mandy (31/F) in previous posts and will continue to do so here. Nick is younger than me by a year, Mandy is younger than me by 2 years, but she claims that she and Nick were schoolmates (He is supposedly Chinese by birth and was held back a year because of learning disabilities and other issues.) In the last couple of years, I've started to suspect that Nick may be lying to keep me as a friend. He has embellished fanciful tales about being personal friends with celebrities, and a number of photos used by him that he claims are family members, friends or even himself, pop up in other places or are identified as stock photos or other people that are not who he claims them to be. [For example, a photo of one of his adoptive daughters is taken from the stock photo website Dreamstime-- it wasn't until I took a close look that I saw the watermarks from the company on the photo.] Mandy is naive enough to believe Nick's every word because she says she knows him personally. I'm questioning a lot of things about the friendship, most recently Nick's job, as he has made claims a few times now that he was fired from a job in tech support for a major computer manufacturing company, only to be rehired, then let go again recently. He now claims that almost immediately after being let go by this company again (a few weeks ago), he now has a job for one of their rivals. Nick is also disabled, with a combination of OCD and reactive attachment disorder. I really want to address these lies but every time I try, there is always a too-convenient answer involved. Worse, Nick either cannot or won't speak to me over voice or video chat without Mandy there, where she claims he has access to her computer and can type messages to me or her on her screen. She's never shown me this as it's happened. What's making me question this now is that I recently checked out a photo that both Nick and Mandy claim is of a mutual friend of theirs who I never met, who passed away when they were in high school. A reverse image search revealed that the image I was shown was a stock photo. Then I started checking out some photos that Nick claimed were of his adopted daughters. One was another stock photo (with the watermark still on the source photo) and one appeared on the blog of a mother to a special needs child who has no apparent ties to Nick or his husband despite claims that the child is his husband's biological daughter. I have no idea how to proceed or process any of this. I've confronted them before, and they always have convenient explanations. We also have another friend (28/F) who believes everything Nick and Mandy say and thinks I should stop pushing for the truth.
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getodrools · 8 months
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IN WHICH, virgin! choso is more than willing to do all of your assignments as long as he can keep his grimy — incel freak hands on you.
I 𝓲. I MDNI ୨୧ f! reader. college au. dry humping + panty fucking manipulation. he whimpers :(. premature ejaculation. cumshot. mentions of: gojo x reader. | WC –> 1.0k+ est ! !
NOTE. this is a repost from my old blog !! :p
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CHOSO ALWAYS THINKS THIS is a win-win situation—of some sort. being able to clasp clammy hands to your sides and to rut shamelessly against you; as long as he did your jujutsu tech assessments, first. but even as he does work hard on your own homework, he still gets to hang out with a pretty, popular girl like you.
so, win-win.
“c–choso, wait! i-- slow down—hey! be careful.” you sigh heavily before blowing messy hair out from your face, trying to stay calm as the man behind you fumbled around with your skirt to pull over the globes of your perk ass.
feeling warm breath, “pretty… so pretty… ” choso lays all ten lithe fingers across your ass before squeezing at the jiggly flesh into a vice grip—dammned he would leave an outline of his print, jagged nails too, feeling them cut the shape of crescents into your soft skin. gross.
“i know, just… take it easy.” without having to see that cherry kissed face of his, you know he unconsciously nodded, frantically too.
you still felt him groping and molding your ass around in his hold regardless though. that hollow promise was quickly thrown out the window.
especially, when choso catches the view of your soiled, cute little panties; a damp, dark spot circling around your sopping slit, almost drooling down the thick of your thigh.
choso could feel his heart jump up his throat and bounce straight down to his cock, feeling himself beginning to swell then get harder – it hurt too at the sudden ache panging between his legs, but this pretty sight of you bent over and…
turned on..? by him? was certainly etching a core memory into his brain.
his slick tongue runs over dry lips, “are you—”
“i just got back from gojo’s. you're not special.” you wiggle your ass upwards in hopes he would just get on with it… and the distraction works, hearing him suck in a breath of air through gritted teeth at the remark but quick with his hands.
soft cloth from the crotch of his pants presses hard against your body. choso jerks his hips upwards – his cock practically beating through his brutal confines, almost bursting through the buckle as he jutted against you hopelessly, searching for a rhythm…
choso’s head cranes back, lolling off to the side as he held you close while bending his knees, almost buckling to get a better angle to press more firmly against your clothed cunt. wriggling his own hips to feel more of that warm wetness seeping through, but through thick clothes like his own was a restriction, a brutal one at that.
“can... can i take off my pants and—”
“cum on any of my clothes, i will kill you.” that's all he needed to hear, being quick with it too; clasping his buckle and letting his pants crinkle to the floor.
the sauntering man quickly curled long fingers around the base of his cock; gripping a firm grasp to stroke his length hard with a slight twist to his tip – watching how the uncut skin glides over and swipes away the pearls of drooling pre as he did.
and you sat there, impatiently tinkering with the charms on your phone – ‘till the hefty feel of a nudging cock prods at your panties.
the sensation of his bulbous crown kissing your clothed slit was new… to say the least as he felt on you, sliding the hardness of his warm pulsing cock up and down your panties. even between the globes of your ass, and squeezing them together to suffocate his shaft.
this was new—actually, feeling choso’s length caress against the folds of your cunt was altogether, new. it brought a new sort of imagery from him to come flooding; fuck, he's big… and a lot more than you expected—damn, something no one would expect.
pure chastity. his cock wasn't just thick in size, but overwhelmingly big, practically feeling the pulsing veins wrapping around his base beat at every feathery touch.
maybe… he was special…
scratch that, choso let out a soft… whimper?
total loser.
this is the closest he's been near pussy—ever. and it was so obvious the first time you brought up this deal with him; the shock on his face was almost paralyzing, practically stuttering even through heavy breaths of confusion. but luckily, choso—of course, bought it. and ever since, he's been a feen to even do extra credit work for you even when it's not needed – too hooked up on the thought of humping your body every time he gets you an a+…
the fabric softener you used helped his cock smooth easier across the cloth.
so soothing, he thinks, while frothing over your body that bounces along with his. watching how the curvature of your spine arches into a deep bow, and how your hips fill in nicely into his hands, even how your puffy lips pressed through your panties, practically kissing and sandwiching his cock every time he slid himself over was mouth-watering.
yet, this was still the same thing you've both been doing for a very long while now, just fewer clothes…
your eyes peel open wide, pretty head even spinning around like an owl at the foreign feel of choso pressing the crown of his cock harder against your clothed cunt; almost pressing your panties inside of you at the rough thrust forward.
“heh, are you trying to actually fuck me?” you want to giggle. the soft lewd expression drooling over his face was adorable. his mouth left hanging agape, eyes hooded and set low, even his nose crinkled up at the suctioning feel wrapping around his blushing tip.
“euuh, i--” he’s trying so hard to mutter out words, but only incoherent babbles spew out – all thoughts and focus were set on this new feeling. practically, fucking you with a condom—a heart-lacey condom of thin cloth…
“you wish.” you roll your eyes and make yourself more comfortable; settling your tummy on the desk in your dorm and wriggle your ass up more for him.
choso takes this chance to wisp the tips of his fingers to hook around your sides harder to help stable himself from buckling as he watched with greedy eyes; entranced how he's practically fucking you. choso was trying so hard to push himself deeper, but the restricting panties blanketing around him as he attempted, forces his hips back in a ache.
it tickled – for you, the fabric of your own soiled garments tease at your gummy walls at each frantic thrust choso barrels into you with. this new, almost fuck was intriguing… and pathetic how hard he was trying to feel more of you.
catching your bottom lip between your teeth, you hear his breathing become heavier. it was cracking into whines as he was losing it from this enticing reality.
choso’s hands grip hard around your sides – bruising too as he felt his balls tightening. his hips were beginning to stutter, legs almost buckling. he reached a certain limit to rut harder—desperately, feeling a sudden rush shoot up his spine.
he lets out another, final whimper.
“ah!-- what did i tell you!” the warmth of a puddle of creamy cum spurts right against your clothed slit, almost oozing through your panties and seeping between your folds from the hard press of his hips trying to shove himself as deep as he could.
it was a lot. warm too. choso popped his heavy knot of spunk right on you, and in no shame, his head rolls to his chest with squeezing eyes.
“get… gojo to buy you some new clothes then…”
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multiplayingorg · 2 years
What? You're Still Here?
| Repost: Originally posted by Rer on June 29, 2012
Its true, really! Click past the jump for more info on what's going on lately.
Sooo, yea, its been quite awhile since I last posted here, and while I believe I will be co-hosting tonight’s episode of Multiplaying (spoilers! that exists too!), I feel it is time to get back to blogging!
I suppose to best way to start its to explain what’s going on with me gaming-wise.  I am of course, still ridiculously active as a gamer, logging in about as many hours as physically possible (taking into account working, sleeping, and eating of course).  Despite all of this glorious gaming however, my content updates have been nonexistent.  My YouTube channel has really become barren as of late, and my posting on the Multiplaying forums has been minimal. Time to fix that!  So, with this post I am announcing the following projects, thus locking me in a blood-blogging-bound seal of finishing them!
Uncharted Waters Online
EVE Online
Orion: Dino Beatdown
Sword and Sworcery (if not a full playthrough of this)
Civilization V: Gods and Kings
Nuclear Dawn
And Many More!
I feel like those, in addition to finishing Darksiders and Cave Story+, should be more than enough to keep me occupied for the rest of this summer.  I attribute most of my apathy towards creating content around a rather negative attitude towards the Telecommunications Industry that I had for awhile.  Looking back however, letting some rather unfortunate events get in the way of continuously updating and posting (never stop posting!) was rather silly.
On a more positive note, gaming has been wonderful as of late.  I’ve been spending numerous hours playing EVE, as I have moved to a new corporation (SniggWaffe), known for being a very active recruiter corporation for one of Pandemic Legion’s most well-known corporations (Sniggerdly).  I’m enjoying myself there, as it is much like Multiplaying in the sense that the folks in PL play many different games together (Starcraft II, Battlefield 3, DEFCON, DayZ, and LoL come to mind).  A massive war is also brewing in Delve (a region in EVE), consisting of well.. just watch this:
(video is no longer available)
(Damn I need to bribe this guy with ISK to teach me how to do this in After Effects)
In regards to League, yes, LoL Coldcasts will be picking back up as well.  Iaqton says he has some special surprise for me involving a pro-team or something, but he’s keeping the details a secret from me until he’s sure its going to happen.  So, stay tuned for that I guess?  Either way, we both agree that its high time we got back to casting.  Iaqton has been riding me about it for awhile, but as I mentioned earlier, I just wasn’t in a good state of mind to get back into it.  I’m not sure if we’ll continue doing Tournaments (organizing people is a huge pain in the rear, who knew?), but we will definitely be doing something.
Last but not least, I’m building a new rig!  I’m not sure if I’ll be donating my old computer to my younger brother or a good friend quite yet, but either way I know it will be going to a good owner who will use it to its fullest potential.  I, however, will have a completely new rig that is being constructed by my friend.  Without getting too much into the tech it consists of a ASUS Rampage Intel Motherboard, a Intel Core i7, a Solid Slate Drive and normal 2TB Hard Drive, and 2 HD Radeon 6850′s that will be Crossfired with one another.  Needless to say, I’m super freakin’ excited.
That’s about it I suppose.  I just wanted to start blogging again and lock myself in to creating more content.  Thanks for reading and.. oh, oh oh!  One more thing!  The Tenth EVE Alliance Tournament qualifiers are this weekend!  Even if you don’t play EVE, you can expect some hilarious commentating and many explosions to take place, so stop by!
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ninogvatania · 2 years
22.09.22 (from telegram)
I'm reposting some old thoughts of mine, cause I decided to start a blog here.
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Online education , yeah, it is hype topic today, maybe even overhyped and I can be outdated. But I want to do my own educational platform. 
I'll predict your question: “Come on, man, it’s silly to try to fight coursera, edX, yandex practicum, or skillbox shit.”
Ok, that’s fair, but today there are two types of educational platforms. The first one, when the company make courses, the second, when university make courses and company posts them.
But, what if I’ll give you a platform, where everyone have an opportunity to teach.
I see, the idea of self made courses isn’t new. There are a lot of influencers on instagram who producing enormous volume of trash, that have zero educational capacity and 100% waste of money and time. Also, for what you want to do another platform? Is there not enough social networks to post your dirty thing?
Yes, there is a lot of social networks, but there is none about education. You have TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Telegram, VK, Facebook, WeChat, but kill me, if your first association with one of them will be knowledge. 
The closest platform for self education content is YouTube. Cause, you have the right format, and audience will is ready to watch long videos.
I don’t say that there are no smart content, but it’s I don’t know 5%? 7%? I mean it’s all content that have grain of mind, if we speak about education content it’s 3% 2%? And half of that is unwatchable. Why? Because people pay for entertainment, not for education, and authors don’t want to work hard to raise a little piece of profit piechart, while other goes to shity lifehacks, vlogs, chalenges, tech-bloggers and cybersport streamers.
And to honest, video is a great format, but sometimes it's better to have a textbook.
You will attack me with the next argument. Sash, but if that authors so cool to refuse of that amount of money, they will advertise themselves and lunch their own course on own website or on such platforms like patreon, vimeo.
Okay, cool, but if I don’t know who is that cool author, and I find that autor’s site, with reviews and rates, which easily controled by the author, it will be just site for me and when the site offer me to buy a course, i’d rather buy myself a Maserati.  
And I’ll never know, maybe the author worth my attention, but I don’t want to make a reserch, I want statistics and critics. And also a familiar place where I spent money, but not a strange site concocted on tilda.
Patreon? Vimeo? Ever heard of it?! Did you ever opened the link from browser with the required content. No? Okay. Maybe I'am too subjective...
That’s why I want a platform. 
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I started to work on it two months ago, but it’s hard. As always, if you go solo, it’s slow. 
Google, announced ten days ago the new product. YouTube Education, will be available in 2023, I don’t even have a finished interface.
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Sorry, if my English is bad, the channel is created to raise my writing and speaking skills, talk about my mindblowers and keep myself in shape. 
Also I read that top foreign universities check social networks of their students. I want to try to apply, it would be a dream if it will be something connected with cyberprosthetics.
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divineretention · 2 years
welcome to divineretention
a blog dedicated to techcore, vaporwave, retrowave and all the things that fall under the world of cyberpunk. an ode to the old tech and gaming consoles that paved the way to our modern machines as well as art & anime.
this blog runs under a constant queue (5 posts a day) for those that follow and want 24/7 aesthetics, however i am always active and will reblog things i come by.
i try to tag things accordingly (mostly by feeling what a picture/edit/etc is trying to portray such as the vaporwave aesthetic), but sometimes it's hard to narrow it down to just one type. the beauty of these aesthetics is that they overlap and are not fixed to one thing.
any art reblogged will be sourced from the original user or the caption will have a source. please let me know if i have reblogged something that does not include such sources. any personal creations will be tagged 'mine'. please do not repost. reblog.
one thing will remain constantly tagged is that glitch art and flashing gifs and anything that falls under these categories will be tagged with both 'gif' and 'flashing gif'. these categories often include bright lights in a fast frequency. you don't have to worry about coming across these. simply mute or blacklist 'flashing gif' and/or 'gif' if you'd rather not see any kind of gif to be safe.
there may be suggestive content reblogged, as such, this is an 18+ only blog.
one last disclaimer: i am aware of the significance of the 'cyberpunk' movement and it's true significance.
thank you for reading, enjoy the content.
followbacks from @anemoi-i
--♡ kris/lumaria
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Section 15. 3 chapters, ending with chapter 66
I am reposting these first eighty-two chapters (in 22 sections) plus the prologue and the preface.
These posts will be the updated versions from my DeviantArt account, and since Tumblr may not display all the text correctly (it destroys anything I had in italics or underlined) I would still recommend reading everything there, on DeviantArt. They will also include internal links that navigate between the chapters on DeviantArt and will take the reader off Tumblr if clicked.
This came about because I noticed search engines were finding random sections of my book and displaying them along with some other people’s blog posts.
Okay, so that’s why I installed those internal links in each one… so that if anyone gets to a random section by way of a search engine and would like to read the story from the beginning, they can.
Only then did I realize that it wasn’t getting it’s search results from DeviantArt, but from old Tumblr.
There’s another problem at work here besides unrefined searches…
There is a new species of virus on the internet that likes to eat ancient Tumblr posts and barf them back up infested with adware - spyware - malware etc. The virus goes by names like TumGIR, TumBIG, TumPIK, or Tum(anything else but ‘blr’). The caps were added by me for emphasis so that maybe you can double check in case you’re not looking at an actual Tumblr post right now but one of these so-called “mirror” sites.
If you’re looking at this text through one of the counterfeit Tumblrs that I mentioned, then no link you click (assuming it even copies it with my links intact) will take you out; it will redirect you and show you all of the spam ads it wants to. So read carefully what url is showing on your browser right now.
If it is one of the untrustworthy ones I would suggest closing your browser window and doing whatever else you normally would in order to reset settings.
As far as my science fiction novel entitled “If And Only If,” the safest way to find it is by going to my Instagram:
From there you can click on the link in my bio. It will take you to the beginning of the story on DeviantArt… the safe one! No malware.
P.S. None of this is Tumblr’s fault! It’s the malware/adware/spyware developers who are stealing people’s tumblr posts.
The actual content of this page appears below here👇
Section 15. 3 chapters, ending with chapter 66
↩️return to previous section, section 14
↩️↩️…and if you arrived here because of a search engine and you would like to read this story from the beginning, click here.
“Castadiva is at La Movida Madrileña in LA!” The paparazzo eagerly spoke into his watch, like a kid at a sleepover who was too excited to sleep and sending messages to other friends who weren’t present that evening.
It was a sort of business “luncheon,” although transpiring after midnight, with her agents & PR team and the studio people to discuss her contract for working as a costume designer on the movie. The movie of course was “Stalko-Taco Doesn’t Exist. Really.”
It’s a very current, kind of hip-trendy establishment... or so they’d spin it in the tabloids. The place reminded `Diva of what Paige said on Charmed: when you’re trying to be that hip, you’re not. Or was it: if you’re trying that hard to be hip, you’re not. Something like that. She’d find the episode later. Her husband and her wife were both fans. They’d most likely wanna watch it with her.
So when she saw things on the wall that looked just like the stuff from the parking-garage rave back in ‘96, she just assumed it was some light show gimmick. Apparently it’s stuff that people who do lighting – lighting techs? – like to use. The music was certainly the same as the stuff that the DJs played at raves back in that decade, and the costumes too. Some weren’t quite getting it. Their ensembles were either for the wrong venue or a little off in time. They succeeded in looking a little bit dated. But not in a fun retro way; in a clueless, sad, we-think-this-is-what-we-really-should-be-wearing-to-look-hip kinda way.
She had brought along Anita. Anita De Kennmey. `Diva had gotten her an acting role in the movie. Her agent had taken on Anita, agreeing to represent her. More like, he knew how to follow orders when `Diva spoke. He’d learned from experience that it wasn’t really possible for her to send him a bad lead. And regarding Anita’s part, it wouldn’t even really be acting for her – since the role was for a drag queen performing on stage – what Anita was for real in her life. Though with a declining level of success lately. It was the least she could do for her, after everything. Unlike the others from those days, she didn’t want to take any gifts that `Diva offered... Houses or jobs as live-in on-sight supervisors.
Ms. De Kennmey had been her “ticket out of here” back in the day, Castadiva always reminded her. Out of the shelter. It was her big professional break. Getting an actual performing drag queen who had a large audience, during her on-stage show, to not only wear her designs that she made... but to point it out to her audience whilst twirling around to show off! “Doesn’t this look utterly fabulous!?” And then of course when the cheers died down, getting in the plug: “made personally for me by my fashion-designer friend, CASTADIVA TALAMANTEZ!!!” She would yell like a tv announcer introducing a superstar-guest on a show.
And of course she would just happen to be there in the audience – Anita motioning a hand out into the crowd, spotlight picking her out, “give her a big hand everybody! Castadiva!” What they had given her, was more business. The drag community adored her designs. She was easily able to make things in triple extra large sizes, and to accommodate bulky shoulders, and all the other needs that their special world naturally preferred. Not that other drag queens couldn’t and didn’t sew their own clothes, but the number of newcomers who weren’t hooked up with anyone in fashion in San Francisco back then was astounding. Her prices were reasonable; those who ordered that shit online had to pay through the nose for it, no question about it.
Many gay men who were part of the audiences at those shows, but not in drag themselves, wanted to know if she could do men’s clothing. Admittedly, she did knock-offs at first. Sort of. But yes, she could, and did. To the point where she had so many backorders, but also enough cash deposits, that she both needed to and was able to hire a professional seamstress to help her. Then another. Then eventually a small squad of seamstresses. Then a squad so large they had to get some professional office space in Oakland and stop working out of Aurelio’s apartment. All that business in the span of several weeks just from a few basic hacks.
She got away with it though, because the designers she was knocking off were not vegan. Her cruelty-free and vegan garments were all the rage in the Bay Area and soon throughout Cali. Structurally and geometrically they might have been similar with only a few signature variations to set her designs apart. But she didn’t really regard them as copies since she wasn’t abusing, torturing, and murdering animals to produce these shapes.
An interviewer from the online component of a major fashion magazine, with obvious malice aforethought towards her career, had asked her while trying to sound innocent and serious: “Even though you’re making a few changes that are sort of unique to your work, aren’t you basically just copying (insert names here)?” as he listed some of the purported victims of her fashion-plagiarism.
Her daydreaming was suddenly and viciously interrupted by Stalko-Taco. Or so it seemed for just a second. A hologram. A really expensive one, she could tell. Arranged by the clowns on her side or the clowns on their side? Most likely theirs. They had money to burn on that kinda shit. Her people wouldn’t do it with their own money, and couldn’t use hers without authorization; she most certainly had not given any.
To say that these people were rich was vague and useless. It would be like saying her friends in college were drunk – at a particular weekend happening. So what? Everyone was. You’d need to be more specific if you had some kind of point to make, e.g. the one that was drunk enough to get a tattoo of “liquor in the front poker in the rear” on her lower back with an arrow pointing down her coin slot; the one they called the ambulance for at Arbratto’s when he collapsed on the DJ due to alcohol poisoning while trying to request Rock Your Baby from the seventies, etc. Which drunk? And how drunk?
So: specifically, Castadiva Talamantez was a centimillionaire. But only a little one, weighing in at just over $330 million. Most of the others had more than her net worth; multi- centimillionaires? If that’s even a word. And billionaires. That’s a word. And there were at least a couple. But none of them had any attitude about it; her philanthropy was widely respected and it was estimated that the number would’ve been at least doubled had she not so freely given of herself.
Mr. Seven-hundred-twenty million and Ms. Nine-oh-five million had been the principal oenophiles in the wine debate session she’d inadvertently started and they were responsible for the two varieties of swill she was presently able to choose from.
Her heart was leveling off from the revving up it went through when their moronic taco appeared. They all laughed as it started its Irish jig or riverdance or other number. The dancing didn’t quite match the musical beats that filtered up through the floor from La Movida Madrileña’s downstairs nightclub section. It was the one she’d mentally nicknamed bald-billionaire who ultimately claimed credit for it. The paparazzi were devouring it enthusiastically – it was sort of a movie trailer or coming attractions announcement – and the brightest of them realized video was the best way to capture it – but either way, no flash! Contraindicated with projected holograms.
She thought that if she’d been a better magician, she might’ve slight-of-handed the wine glass she’d started, under the table and carefully dumped it out to get rid of the rest of the shit. But that still wouldn’t get her the Carménère that she really craved. Then, even if she had the Carménère, would the residue of the previous wine spoil its taste?
Well it seemed that the real Stalko-Taco, who was present somewhere nearby, was going to solve the problem for her. She watched expressionless as the glass drained; the wine disappearing as if it was being guzzled by some invisible vinophile. Then she watched a clear liquid appear to rise up internally from nowhere and fill the glass – presumably water? Then it drained into nowhere once again. Finally a dark red liquid rose up to take its place. Who did this character think he was, Jesus? She pondered that Jesus would have probably avoided all the pretentiousness of this place. Although he was supposed to be focused on sinners and frequently sought their company; most likely no shortage of them here.
Anyhoo, back to that real actual wine which had actually appeared in her glass... She thought to herself: “No way, guys. Whoever you are. I’m not drinking it now.” At least with the other stuff, the establishment’s own sommelier had overseen the wine when they brought it out.
Something kind of psychic was also happening at the same time. `Diva could almost swear that she was in contact somehow with Amber.
Amber was in San Francisco still, so not physically there. But at her moment of being startled, with her heart racing a little bit and blood pressure no doubt spiking, she almost imagined that she could see a ghostlike translucent form of Amber across the table.
Now gazing at her new wine offering, she could hear Ambraluxia’s voice softly speaking in one ear over her left shoulder and simultaneously felt a gentle touch of a hand on her left shoulder. The spoken word was merely her first name: Castadiva.
There was no one sitting on her left side at the moment. She hadn’t had that much to drink. But no. Still not gunna drink it... whoever or whatever you are!
She slid her phone out and DM-ed Amber. Amber answered her at once: “Hey girrrllll! I was literally just thinking about you thirty seconds ago!” Her otherwise bubbly reply momentarily creeped `Diva out more... if whoever was trying to fuck with her had also hacked into their channels of communications, she might not be talking to the real Ambraluxia.
On the other hand if it was really her, then the psychic visit from moments ago very well might have been real; because that thirty seconds ago comment fit perfectly. And if that was real, was something benevolent like the actual taco responsible for filling her wine glass?
They were returning to the table, but in phones-and-devices-out mode. So she knew they’d be back at the discussion again soon, but she still had a minute or two for Amber.
“In boring business meeting rn. Might not be able 2alk much, but I thought of u 2. Like almost a psychic vision.” She saw that Amber was live streaming on another account as well; a public Wiccan ritual, but that they were in a guided meditation at the moment. So her first and only priestess was about to be very busy again momentarily. “It looks like we’ll both have to go soon. Can talk later today if you want. Sorry for addressing you as Amber & not ur craft name. Didn’t know u were in ritual at – –”
“Don’t be silly girl. You’ve known me long enough its Witchever 4u I wouldn’t even care if you still call me Batgirl!”
Yes. She had to go too. But the “Batgirl” thing put her at ease. That was truly the real Amber she was speaking with and not a simulation or imposter. Still, reaching for the farther glass which she hadn’t tried yet, and knowing they might be watching... Miles Raymond’s advice came in handy (though never taking him seriously about the merlot thing).
Swirling it in her hand but also wrapping her palm up around it like with a brandy snifter. Was that appropriate? Probably not. But reds are supposed to be room temperature or something close, and it was seriously chilly the way they had the air in La M.M. – so maybe it gave the impression that she cared about temperature. And smell. Get the nose in there. Noses and smells were a big deal to them. And finally sip.
“Hmmmm.” Loud enough to be heard by those nearest her. Including Ms. $905 million & Mr. $720 million. It kind of reminded her of the time she tried to mix isopropyl rubbing alcohol with some cranberry grape juice, she thought while thoughtfully tilting her head just a bit. She could see smiles on several of the faces; they really seemed to care a lot about what she thought of their wine selections. After another couple of somewhat larger sip-gulps she managed to get out “not bad” while keeping a straight face and merely raising an eyebrow as if impressed.
“Okay now the other one!”
Shit! They hadn’t seen her already try it before and during the hologram taco commotion and were now unknowingly encouraging her to sip from the glass that was either supernaturally tampered with or manipulated by some clever technology. The other swill? Miles’ probably-didn’t-de-stem comment might’ve applied to it... had been equally unimpressive. What had Gordon Gekko said? That’s a dog with different fleas?
She bought more time as she happened to make eye contact with the sommelier: “I know you probably don’t do food, but would it be possible to have them bring me some water crackers perhaps and some hummus that isn’t very spicy?”
“An excellent idea, ma’am!” He enthused with genuine sincerity, adding “you would most definitely want to clear your palate between tasting these two – and that plus a few more moments to let it breathe should work splendidly.” He’d already motioned to another server who overheard, and the kid was away before he finished complimenting `Diva.
The business conversational tone had resumed at the table and her mind wandered once again to her interrupted thoughts before the holographic taco disturbance: the interviewer with “...aren’t you basically just copying,” and so on.
Her immediate, sassy, but forceful reply of “No, I am not copying them. I’m correcting their mistakes. If they don’t like it that I’m making clothing that on the surface resembles their design attempts, maybe they should try and make their clothing right in the first place. Then it wouldn’t be necessary for someone to go back and fix their mistakes...” pissed off all the right people.
It completely floored that interviewer – unintentionally catapulting her to international stardom, but there was no time-delay like in tv.
The question he asked was just supposed to have demolished a nobody.
Her answer instead, he knew immediately, would cause controversy, get people inflamed, get her adored by others, win her new followers who’d have never known about her otherwise. It only took her about sixteen seconds to rattle off the words clearly. By the time he put his coffee cup down and fumbled around looking for a mute button or something, it was too late.
As he live streamed her words around the planet he looked on helpless as the woman who could soon afford to buy the parent company of his magazine was born from a homeless person who had eaten out of trash cans at bus stops a few months ago, who was toying with her badge that she still liked to wear from the homeless shelter in a simple childlike manner.
Bendergeld, who infuriated both feminists and vegans at once (and not to mention the actress who played Paige) and was always decried as a huge thundering asshole in her town, died before he could have issued a retort if he’d cared to – and still got no sympathy in death. The “respect and don’t speak ill of the dead” thing evidently didn’t apply to him online, in comments sections of Castadiva’s and other people’s posts. Once dead, as he was no longer in charge, the enterprises he’d overseen gradually backed off on being animal-hostile.
Meanwhile fur was officially outlawed in California – a state which would have had the sixth largest economy of nations on Earth had it seceded and become a nation. The financial impact was noticeable. And again, wearers of animal-hostile clothing or users of animal-hostile accessories who didn’t get cups of red acrylic paint dropped on them by drones from overhead or shot with paintball guns, still were harassed and got stickers reading “assholes wear fur” surreptitiously stuck on their backs while walking in public and were followed and live-streamed on social media; sometimes by her old friend and “original Stalko-Taco pal” Keith if he crossed paths with them. He always had a supply of stickers for various occasions as he went out on missions to do his guerrilla graffiti art for the cause.
As the 20s roared on, one of the other butthurt designers whom the interviewer had referenced? He bill-cosbyed his way out of a career as the archaic chloral hydrate-and-wine date rape drug he concocted was revealed to be the cause of death of the fetus of one of his employee-victims... a woman who didn’t just win her civil court case against him but subsequently won her proxy battle and acquired a controlling interest in his company. The “I wouldn’t have used it on her if I’d known she was pregnant” comment from a YouTube interview was deemed admissible and appalled jurors at at least three of his trials. (His admission was relevant and admissible for other plaintiffs as well as the one who had lost her unborn child.)
Then speaking of trials and prison sentences... Still another one of these cretins died an unfortunate death, drowning in prison when other prisoners somehow found out he was in for… well, forget about what he was in for.
Along with a few other whiners, it seemed like all the people who’d had a problem with their designs being “copied” by Castadiva, had far bigger problems than their designs being copied by Castadiva... death and jail time being chiefly among them.
But never minding all that – it’s now trivia for investigative journalism tv specials that run marathon-style on weekends when the full-time news networks take a breather. Ultimately it was the economic pressure that began to work as label after label decided to drop cruelty from their fashion repertoire. By the late 20s that kind of “fashion” had become associated with being “lower class,” just like smoking cigarettes had become a lower class thing in the previous century. One successful action movie after another adopted the trope of the fur or leather wearing trailer-dwelling-meth-lab-rat. It ceased to be thought of as the choice of civilized people and became regarded as “trashy” looking.
California emerged to be just the right place at the right time for her to thrive. They lovingly embraced her: a Chicana designer who grew up in Echo Park and El Monte, who was a cruelty-free vegan from the beginning, and just felt like “one of their own” to Californians. Why buy things made by assholes? Instead you could buy from sweet Castadiva, whose name they learned, meant “Pure Goddess” in Latin.
The light-show-gimmick things on the wall would have gone completely unnoticed to `Diva and become part of the same distant memory bundle as the rave of yesteryear, had it not been for another peculiar sighting: a woman. So familiar! But who…
Weird Shapes
The Princess of Pentacles intervened and stopped the one employee of hers who was having some inappropriate fun with an important, principal player in the part of this universe which they wanted to see become reality.
They were standing by to disassemble him into his component particles if needed. But only as a last resort as they had reason to think it might upset The Princess.
That, and he was valuable to them as well. It was just a matter of getting each blob-of-quarks-and-leptons to interact perfectly with the others.
It really would have helped them if they had understood the rules of behavior for quark-and-lepton-blob society. They were slowly learning what they needed, thanks to The Princess.
Once she got the hard copy of the Stalko-Taco story, her first reaction was to want to contact that kid Travis. She never exchanged information with him back then, and what’s worse, she found out that the teacher who supervised the special classes (normally on the faculty at another middle school) had since retired. While the staff at both Grissom and Chaffee clearly remembered Bren and were happy to hear from her again, no one knew what she was talking about regarding notes from the creative writers’ version of the Summer “camps” for the arts.
Then her memory gripped her and she felt those goosebumps again, like electricity making the hairs on her arms stand up. An old Sanyo katana. Years ago. It didn’t work even then. Her dad had upgraded to a “BlackBerry” and gave her the deactivated phone because it could still reach 9 1 1, as all phones had to in accordance with federal law. Finding it was simple. Finding the charger took another two evenings. But when she did finally get it charged up she was awarded the payoff: a photo.
Yes, the thing was state-of-the-art back then and it had a camera on it. The lighting was good enough since natural sunlight was shining in onto the teacher’s desk. Surreptitiously, and probably somewhat illegally, she had snapped a photo of a printout on the teacher’s desk when no one was looking. The teacher was out of the room, most of the kids hadn’t arrived yet, and the three others who were there were facing each other in a triangle completely engrossed in their conversation and paying no mind to her.
It was honestly just something she wanted to do related to politeness and socialization: on the first day everyone had stood up and made their introductions. Not exactly as useful as it might seem. A room full of about thirty kids from almost as many middle schools? Rapid introductions and brief blurbs at best. To be able to recall names and places of origin and anything else relevant they may have said about themselves, she would have needed to have a video camera rolling throughout the session. At least this way, she’d reasoned, she could approach people during breaks and appear to know their names if they had a t-shirt or other garment on which identified their school (something the teacher had strongly encouraged them to wear and which roughly two-thirds of the students seemed perfectly willing to do).
So now, years later, she had it! Travis‘s full name, first middle and last, along with his school name. It wasn’t much to go on. No city; but it had to be someplace pretty close. San Marcos, it turned out. Next, google to the rescue. The boy had done well for himself in other areas; won enough awards in forensics, math, and something called industrial arts (for drafting) that the local newspaper had actually printed an article about him. It was one of the easiest searches ever. And yes, his parents were from an old enough generation that they still had a listed landline in 2017. Fortune was smiling on her.
But it was short-lived. She basically had the same conversation with him about Stalko-Taco that she was to have with Wheeler later on, minus the cosplay, outfits, Polaroids and stuff. And minus one other thing: he had absolutely NO clue who she was.
Yep. It was as if his memory had been wiped clean of it, and then some.
Just as she was about to hang up after apologizing for disturbing him, he implored her with a sense of urgency that she could practically feel through the phone.
His one word seemed to send a magical psychic vibe out into the universe, like that moment when Kyle McLaughlin obliterated Sting – demonstrating that he no longer needed the weirding module. Ok. He had her attention. She waited.
She admitted in her vlog entry that she was probably being melodramatic with the Dune analogy. But the guy’s word did grab her attention with its powerful emotional delivery.
“Hey Schmidt-bug! Are you gunna sleep in your geek-cocoon tonight or what?” My brothers insisted that I looked like a teen-version of Ted Schmidt from that old Queer As Folk cable show. Personally I only saw a distant resemblance in him. Like maybe we could be cousins. But that applied to half the guys in San Antonio as well. How I came to also be associated with a bug was shrouded in the mystery of their peculiar logic.
I began putting away my devices and hollered up to them that I was coming out to get food as soon as I could get there, while I maneuvered around and opened up the Faraday cage. And yes, you guessed right. It’s not really Brenda again, but me writing a synopsis of her story from the many hours of vlog files that I now have access to on her two actual phones that she’d intended to use as backups in case her memory “got erased.”
I wondered if I would notice if my memory of any class throughout my school experiences simply got erased from my mind. How would I know? It’s an obvious logical paradox. If someone asks you to list all the things that you can’t remember? You can’t produce that list. Duh. If you could, then that would mean you could remember them.
So for starters I wanted to talk about her journey to organize “The Rememberers” as she first called them; now called “The Un-Erasables.” Upon realizing that she alone seems to remember this particular story, and then finally finding evidence of it to prove that it wasn’t just her imagination... What does she do? That’s what led me to Travis. And his reaction gave me some insight into whether I’d notice a class being erased from my mind. Peripheral evidence; that’s what did it for him. He knew something wasn’t quite right.
He knew for a fact that he went to this “creative writing camp” a few summers ago. There’d been a certificate of completion or whatever that he ran across in his records once in a while and other clues like friends and family who knew he was there and had verified that it happened... but he’d thought a number of times how odd it was that he remembered absolutely nothing of the experience. What had he done, he wondered, slept through the entire thing?
From what I’ve learned about him, he’s the exact opposite of an un-erasable. Some of his other memories vanished even though they didn’t have anything to do with Stalko-Taco. Not only could he not recall the symposium itself, he had no recollection of anything else he might’ve done in the intervening hours or on weekends during that part of the summer.
Brenda and I both had a habit of putting the term camp in quotation marks, because it wasn’t a stay-over or even a single overnight kind of event. Students just used some form of transportation to get there every day and met, Monday through Friday in a classroom for four weeks, like with many summer schools.
Brenda said they’d arranged a high number of interesting field trips during the short time; they had the use of any number of school buses which they might’ve needed. Six trips, altogether. The botanical gardens in Austin, some lesser-known small museums, and one big one down in San Antonio that took up a whole day. The teachers who participated in the workshop agreed that “changes of scenery” were conducive to creative writing. The same classroom again and again was conducive to dark-and-stormy-night and Webster’s-dictionary-defines appearing at the beginnings of essays.
Furthermore, there had been other assignments besides just the creation of a writer’s guide. That one, for which they’d both chosen a creepypasta, was only one exercise out of many. And Travis unfortunately remembered none of them. And none of the field trips. He couldn’t recall even one of the other students or the three teachers – the one in charge plus two teaching assistants – who had taken turns at the helm.
Not only that, he couldn’t find any of his notes or handouts – any other printed materials whatsoever from this seminar. It could be that for some students who found school in general to be really boring – my brother Franco immediately came to mind – forgetting about a class with this level of thoroughness was commonplace. But for me, Brenda, Wheeler, and I was pretty sure for this guy Travis? That was simply unheard of. Moreover this was an optional thing; a voluntary class that smart students participated in because they wanted to and found it interesting.
Now it was all completely gone. Travis had actually paraphrased the Roy Batty thing about teardrops in rain when talking to Brenda about it. Hmm… drama queen much? At the same time though, it made him sound interesting. Like someone I might like to meet someday.
That was quite impossible now. Any association with him would amplify my chances of getting on their radar. Whoever they were.
Continue on to next section…
If And Only If
Copyright 2015
by Michelle Viviénne de Vandahlcourte
All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
First Edition. © December 16, 2015.
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