#this is the Worst of Sap
erikkarlsson · 4 months
with the state of this roster i think sharks fans have earned the right to have $2 beer and hot dog nights like a proper minor league team
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mari-lair · 6 months
Cool, going back to my mess up of a question I meant this look Teru gives hanako after nene’s idea about confessing to hanako gets out
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I think he is angry and jealous, as you mentioned in your previous ask, which makes sense.
Teru, who was betrayed by Akane, just saw this ghost he has always hated be outed as a pervert, painting Hanako as the worst of the worst in Teru's view, yet, despite his flaws, Hanako is still loved. Not just loved but Nene's priority.
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This really feels like he doesn't think Hanako deserves it? mixed with the wish to have this for himself?
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"Why can Hanako have a bad personality and be loved, but I can't?" Cause Teru had admitted he isn't a very good person either, he had admited that to the boy who just betrayed him.
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sortanonymous · 3 months
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Sectonia model by @none_ofbusiness on Twitter
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cordeliawhohung · 3 months
PLEASEEEEE will there be any more bodyguard gaz i need him so bad
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on that note im going back to bed
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gophergal · 1 year
Can u draw deception sub zero? If u dont mind of course
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Sure thing, just- uh- consider this an IOU for a better drawing of him, okay?
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jonathanrook · 6 months
sometimes i think about the fucking "moon butt" text and i have to have a little sit down because genuinely what the fuck
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dwtdog · 4 months
george could have a backbone and acknowledge his actions and apologise and not try to get out of it and then i’d see some redeem-ability for him
i’ll never be able to fully hate them but fandom won’t forgive and i can’t blame them at all. best case scenario they accept the death of “fandom” and continue yt for casual fans
yep my thoughts exactly. i find it very hard to see ANYONE as irredeemable, although i do think people who are abusive don't deserve audiences where they have access to vulnerable fans
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commsroom · 2 years
my friend asked me if i think minkowski likes hallmark movies and i feel like it swung something in my brain wide open. oh my god she totally does.
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sysig · 5 months
Is torial and asgore still together in the fell!handplates au? Is that the divergence from Canon? that instead of torial disagreeing with asgore about war and leaving she instead agreed and encouraged vengeance for their children?
If that is the case who do you think ends up living in the ruins? I know what probably happened with gaster but if he chooses to leave with the boys would he live In the ruins as an escape?
Haha, that was what I thought as well! I don't really know much about fanon-agreed-upon Fellplates tbqh, but when it came up in conversation, we talked about how since they're both on the same page vis a vis killing humans, they probably would still be together haha - or that Toriel still lives in the Ruins and only comes out to beat up Gaster lol
Personally I like her being in the castle with Asgore, murder power couple <3 And she'd have very direct access to bully Gaster! I see this as an absolute win
I'm not sure, Gaster escaping with the boys isn't something I'd considered before :0 I think the Ghosts definitely still hang around the Ruins, so I don't know how dangerous it would be for them to live there if they were hostile. There's also something? weird? about Fell!Mercyplates that I can't quite put my finger on haha
And remember, this is still Zarla's AU! I just it like a bunch ♥
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gh-0-stcup · 9 months
One of the worst things about season 7 is Buffy saying she'd kill Dawn if she had to make that choice now.
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carwoodron · 11 months
carwood: I'm Speirs' right hand man. I'm Speirs' everything. His confidant. His silly rabbit.
luz, about to lose the last thread of his sanity: is that what he calls you
carwood: ......... yes
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
dio, happiest of birthdays to you. i hope today has been as magical as you are. i am certainly grateful you were born.
i wanted to create a little something for you...
fair warning, this is raw and unpolished. but i wanted to capture a bit of starlight for you. ✨
oof i've been writing this ask for a while now because i'm a little nervous. sharing my music is a big deal. and i'm not sure if you can download it from here, but if you want me to send it to you a different way, let me know. anyway, the song is yours. it was written for you.
thank you for being born and for coming into my life.
happy happy birthday, love. ✨🩷
reese. i’m. i. listen, the light in my room is currently a very dim lilac, and i laid back and closed my eyes, listening to your wonderful beautiful magical song, and i saw projections inside an observatory pass behind my eyelids, where they show you how the northern sky changes over a year. i saw the story of the sun and moon falling in love, of the moon and the sea, of the sun and the stars — and at last, all four of them as inseparable friends and lovers and god it was magical, honestly.
it’s beautiful.
it’s. i can’t believe. i can’t believe there’s music now. i can’t believe you wrote this, much less that you wrote it for me, i just. i can’t believe it. 🥺🤍 there’s music now.
thank you so so much, i’m. yeah. thank you 🥺🤍
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kandidandi · 1 year
OH- my bad wrong bird-
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(Pink Galah right?? idk anything abt birds lol)
yes! thats a galah alright! beautiful birds!! i see these ones as well but they’re not as common as cockatoos, galahs usually appear around afternoon and like to snack on yummy worms hehehe
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ilikeyoshi · 10 months
when u were almost finally alive today but u had to make a phonecall and now ur back in bed suffering
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Dark times and stars going out..... I need a Pyre AU and I need it now...... that's it that's the plot of the game...
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breserker · 3 months
this time of year is extreme emotional hell for me, i've already accumulated at least 2 breakdowns and one full meltdown which is Fun, but even moreso i just started crying over the fact that calvin's dad makes me miss my grandpa so goddamn much and by virtue of being So much younger than my brother and cousins i lament the fact that i never got any adult years with a cognizant grandma either. i got one really precious afternoon with her late in the alzheimers that i'll treasure forever, so i'm not Without. but...man.
all this to say, we went thrifting today and at some point I had to tell my roommate "yeah uh we should go soon because i'm feeling some kind of way". Seeing packs of old unused fabric, some of it undeniably handmade, some of it handmade with undeniably cultural technique and patterning, and i just got. So. emotional. over the history of people's lives from a well-loved chinese teapot to a battered and filthy case of nirvana's album bleach. i'm fine that they were there, to be picked up and loved by someone else, but the gap in knowledge, the breadth of how much all things cannot stay in a family, i unno. i had an Issue today and Issues will persist until mid-april
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