#this is the energy i gotta bring to the function ig
dead-leavez · 4 months
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A chronic problem of mine
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iximaz · 5 years
Running thoughts on The Mandalorian Episode 8
This episode summed up in one word: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA???!!!
I’m only gonna say it once: MASSIVE spoilers beyond the break!
THEY PUT BABY YODA IN THE BAG ASDFGHJKL; YOU MONSTERS aw cute point of view shot from inside the bag but also HOW DARE YOU
did you seriously do it TWICE
Okay these two troopers have big Taika energy and as much as I already hate them I’m laughing my ass off
These two trying some target practice to pass the time can’t shoot for shit and I’m living for it
That other trooper be like
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Okay it’s not just me who heard that trooper say “Oh my god”, right??
oh my god IG you better show them what’s what
Breaking that fucker’s arm after he hit Baby Yoda yesssssss
IG is an icon and i love him
“The Mandalorians have a covert down in the sewers” oh that’s neat so that’s where it was
“If we can get down there, they can help us escape” uhhh Dyn how long has it been since they said they’d have to relocate buddy
Oh the troopers are getting out a big gun thing this is fine they’ll just miss with it anyway
...What the hell kind of sewer has access inside a bar lounge?
can we just get more footage of cara with her big gun being sexy and stuff please
“Night of a Thousand Tears” is this just me or does this just sorta feel like Kristallnacht like seriously yikes and also oof
Ughhhhh I hate Moff Gideon so good job writers on that I absolutely loathe your villain well done
baby din is so precious and i wanna feed him cookies and tell him it’s gonna be okay send help please
Baby Din being carried away via jetpack my heart
Oh man so the Purge would have happened semi-recently which means Din’s clan are a more orthodox version of the Way that’s neat aw shit Imma have to tweak my fic again aren’t I
Baby Yoda and IG-11 on the bike together are just stunning
“I am fulfilling my base function. ... To nurse and protect.” YOU GO NURSE DROID IG
Greef downing shots thinking he’s gonna die is honestly such a mood
hnggg yess more of Cara being sexy AF
“If you go near this child, I will have no choice but to kill you.” ME TOO
Oh shit oh shit that’s chunky blood
Not good not good not good
Din baby please you can’t die this is your show
oh god is he gonna need to take the helmet off
oh no he’d rather die than take it off
he wants cara to protect his baby send help
Din asking IG to kill him nooo ;-;
The episode’s only half over and I still haven’t seen some of the trailer shots how’re they getting out of this
oh m
my god
“No living thing has s-seen me without m-my helmet since I s-swore the C-Creed—” Din stoppit stop stuttering and dying you’re breaking my heart
Oh no is this gonna make him stop hating droids so much is this a loophole is this not can he not be Mandalorian is he g
oh my g
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Din baby look at what they’ve done to you
(internally: oh my god he’s hot this is not fair imma die send help my ovaries am become explode)
his reaction to IG’s attempt to make a joke like my god aaaaaaa
I’m just gonna go cry seeing all the helmets and armor piled up here if we’re gonna continue the Jews parallel this is like all the shoes you see at Holocaust museums and I bet this was 100% intentional
Din just slowly falling to his knees seeing it :(
Oh thank fuck the Armorer is actually alive and the preview scene wasn’t from a flashback!
She knows about the Jedi~~~
Din: “So you mean this thing is my baby now?” Armorer: “Bitch haven’t you been watching the entire show”
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For real this brings my heart so much fucking joy I can’t even
“You are a clan of two.” ASDFGHJKL; AAAA
“Have you trained in the Rising Phoenix?” JETPACK?
“When I was a boy, yes.”
Also okay so like he says nobody’s said his name since he was a kid but apparently the entire clan knows it? What? Did I miss something? Guys?
Maybe he’s never heard the name from people outside the clan? Fuck it, that’s what Imma go with
Oh my god the Armorer beating the absolute hell out of those Stormtroopers I am so gay for her right now aaaaa
Cara watching Greef and Din trying to move the boat and then she just shoots the dock it’s on XD
aww the little R2 unit’s got little arms WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING IT’S GOT LEGS TOO??
Din: “I don’t suppose anybody here speaks droid?” IG-11: “bish u wot m8″
God the convection from this lava river’s gotta be brutal
omg fire ferrets good bois good bbs
...Literally everything about IG’s death and Din starting to overcome his hatred of droids just in time to watch his savior self-destruct to save them all hurts so hard, jesus christ
oh shit it’s the Moff in a TIE
“Come on, baby! Do the magic hand thing!” Greef you absolute icon i love u
Baby Yoda just fuckin waving back at him and cooing im ded
oh shit it’s motherfuckin JETPACK TIME
wait how’s he wearing it over the cape won’t the cape burn up
Nvm he’s got the cape slung over one shoulder now
hahaha Moff get fuckin REKT (no way he’s dead though people climb out of worse crashes than that all the time)
Okay Din using the jetpack is way sexier than it should be can he just take me now please i thirst
Cara becoming Greef’s enforcer is just perfect and I hope we see more of these two in the next season also sweet Din is gonna find his life a lot easier now that he’s not running from the Guild
He made Kuiil a grave im not crying ur crying
is he gonna name the baby Kuill
Baby Yoda has the pendant he gave Cara!!
And now we pan back to the wreck where Moff is climbing out of it
or not
fuckin Jawas, man
Now Moff?
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quirklessbunny · 6 years
Every Time I Pause
Rating: M
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death
Pairing(s): Prompto/Noctis
Tags: Sparring, Accidents, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Implied Sexual Content, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, MT Prompto Argentum 
Chapters: 1/?
Summary: Prompto's hands are getting stiff, and sometimes they hurt terribly to move. Is this insignificant? or the start of something much worse?
Chapter 1 below the cut! Or you can follow the link to my ao3 here!
Prompto loads the rubber bullets into his gun for their sparring match, looking up at the others stretching. Their weapons have rubber guards along the sharp edges, but they know from experience that any of these weapons can still hurt someone pretty badly if they don't move fast enough. It heightens the danger and helps their agility. The person swinging the blade has to stay just as diligent as the person evading the strikes. It's dangerous. It's Prompto's favourite.
He is paired with Ignis, as he usually is. They're both quicker on their feet and tend to have a faster paced battle. Gun v daggers quickly shifts to katana v lance as the fight becomes even faster. Prompto falters on a flip backwards, his arm going stiff under his body, distracting him from landing properly. A wooden shaft impacts his ribs, drawing an annoyed grunt from his body, and the match pauses as he takes a few breaths to make up for the one knocked out of him. He shakes out his stiff arm and stands up again, gun at the ready.
It resumes, with Prompto keeping his distance while Ignis does his best to get close and land hits. At the critical moment in the practice, Prompto's trigger finger goes stiff. He can't pull the trigger no matter how many times he sends the signal, and it's enough of a distraction that he doesn't move when Ignis slashes at him with his dagger. The rubber guard slides off upon contact with his skin, and the actual blade slashes into him further down.
Everyone freezes in surprise when blood gushes from the gunner's side before Prompto collapses, a scream tearing from him. His body is tense with pain. Three faces suddenly enter his field of vision, before it blurs and he passes out.
Potions are used, but the ride to the hospital is quiet. Prompto doesn't need surgery, just some stitches to make sure the wound closes the rest of the way. When he opens his eyes he is a little shocked to see the white ceiling of the ER. “Ugh...What happened?” he asks, sitting up slowly. He cradles his head in his hands, groaning a little at the sharp pain in his side. He lays back heavily, huffing at the pain. “Fuck, dammit.”
Noctis notices him moving around and leaves Ignis to finish the conversation with the doctor to talk with him. “Hey sleeping beauty, you gave us a scare. Igs said that you suddenly stopped in the middle of sparring, but he didn't have time to stop. The rubber guard caught on your skin and slid off the dagger, and he accidentally gave you a nasty cut. No big deal, the potions healed it almost all the way. Just gotta go easy on those stitches for a bit, alright?” Noctis sits down next to him and grabs his hand, kissing his knuckles lightly.
“You know what this means? Getting a hotel with real beds, and playing video games,” Noctis says definitively. Prompto cracks a smile at that, and nods excitedly.
“Oh hell yeah. If I knew that playing video games is what hurt boys in hospitals get, then I would have done it a long time ago, haha,” he responds, grinning now. The stiffness in his hands is gone now, so he doesn't bother bringing it up to them. “Yeah, I don't know what it was. I got a little distracted I guess.” He shrugs and pushes himself into a sitting position again. This time, Noctis is there to help him stay upright. “So when can we leave?”
Noctis looks over at Ignis. “They're just finishing up with paying, and then we can leave. If you didn't wake up soon, they were going to ask us to admit you for a bit, but you're gonna be alright,” he assures, holding his hand a little tighter.
Prompto smiles at him and nods, happy more than anything else that he can get out of the hospital soon. He sees the guilty look on Ignis' face as he comes over to them, and he stops him before he can even start to apologize. “It could have happened to any of us, dude, no worries. I got a little distracted. Gun wasn't going off, I probably didn't cock it all the way. No biggie.” Prompto stands up and steadies himself with Ignis' and Noctis' help.
Ignis sets the papers to sign on the table next to him so that he can sign that he's ready to leave, then takes them back to the nurse when they're finished. In the car, he instructs Noctis to sit in and let Prompto lie across the back seat so he will be more comfortable. The ride back to camp is a quick one, and they're packed and headed back towards a hotel before Prompto knows it. He ends up dozing off on the way, exhausted by the events of the day.
The hotel is cheap, but no one really cares. Noctis and Prompto stay up half the night excitedly chattering while playing video games, and only head to bed when Prompto says he's getting tired. Prompto lays beside Noctis and waits for him to go to sleep before bending his fingers over and over, trying to figure out why they've been getting so stiff. While they were playing, he noticed his fingers wouldn't hit the buttons they were meant to hit, either, but he doesn't find it important enough to tell anyone else. Not yet. Maybe if it keeps happening, he'll say something.
The next morning his vision is a little blurrier than he's used to, and even putting in his contacts doesn't completely clear it up. He huffs a little, rubbing away the sleepy haze irritatedly before showering and getting ready for the day. It's slow, and he couldn't be happier. Instead of stiffness, he finds his hand twitching during everyday activities. It led to him dropping his controller more than once, as well as his gun when he was cleaning it, and in a terrifying moment, his camera also hit the ground.
As the week wears on, he notices it more and more. His fingers go between completely stiff to twitching uncontrollably, but he tries to hide it to the best of his abilities. He rationalizes that there's no reason to make them worry over something that's probably nothing. Prompto doesn't even realize that he's staring at his hand like that until Noctis blinks awake beside him and looks at him in confusion.
“Prom it's like, 4 am. What are you doing awake? Is something wrong?” he whispers, gently taking his boyfriend's hand in his own. Prompto smiles and gives a small squeeze, though his hand barely responds to it.
“Nah. Just couldn't sleep. I think I'm gonna get up and go on a run or something, see if I can get tired.” He leans forward and kisses Noctis lightly before climbing from the bed. He pulls on a sweater and heads outside, climbing to the roof of the motel. Prompto lights a cigarette and takes a deep puff, wishing that he could talk to his friends about this, but he just doesn't feel right asking them to worry about him. It's not their problem, anyway, it's his own. He needs to deal with it on his own.
Prompto looks up the symptoms in his phone, but can't find anything outside of lore for some video game where the clones suddenly started to lose functionality after they've been around for too long. He doesn't think that applies to humans, so he just locks his phone and sits back to enjoy the rest of the cigarette. Flicking the ashes away is almost painful on his joints, and he decides that if this doesn't let up in another week, that he might be forced to tell someone. It's not right to endanger the others in battle just because he doesn't want them to know he's hurting.
By the time he comes back to the room, Gladio is rising for his morning run. He's almost surprised to see Prompto was out already, but he just high fives him on the way out of the room, and Prompto has no energy left to hold him up. He flops into bed with Noctis and goes back to sleep shortly thereafter, not waking up even into the late afternoon.
Noctis tries to stay quiet as he plays video games by himself, but he does have to admit that it's concerning that Prompto would sleep so much. Noctis slowly snuggles up to his side and touches his cheeks, kissing Prompto lightly on the lips until his beautiful eyes slide open to meet Noctis' gaze. He smiles a little, and then presses another soft kiss to him. “You sure you're feeling okay, babe? We're going back to get your stitches removed soon, they can look you over if you think you're not. Is the wound infected or something?”
“I'm okay, Noct. Just sleepy, haha.” He yawns and sits up, looking around the room in confusion for a moment before remembering where they are. “It's okay, Noct, seriously. No worries, alright? I'm just tired.” He climbs out of bed and heads for the bathroom, sending a flirtatious look in Noctis' direction. “Wanna join me?”
Noctis chuckles and gets up. “Of course. What kind of question is that?”
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killcapitalizm · 7 years
my heart flutters when i see you; peter parker
request: “Can you do one where peter and the reader have been friends for a while but peter starts to like her because she got hot over the summer. And the reader has no idea that peter likes her. Please and thank you. I love your writing.😊😊”
word count: 2,123
warnings: bad writing, bad ending. some swearing. i didnt edit this
a/n: thank you sm for the request!! i’m sorry again for the ending. idk how to write endings still. i listened to this while writing if anyone wanted to know? yeah lmao.
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
Peter stood at the main entrance of Midtown, clutching his phone in his sweaty hands. He never really knew why the first day back to school made him so nervous, it always ended up just being like any other school day. Even with this in mind, though, his stomach wouldn’t stop turning and he silently hoped that his new deodorant would be enough to fight of his nervous sweat.
He checked his phone again. The last text he got from Ned was be there in 5min. Not that it's Peter’s place to talk, but it's been eight minutes. He was sure that he looked stupid, standing by the doors of the school, checking his phone every few seconds.
Summer break was over now but summer itself sure as hell wasn’t. The days weren't getting any cooler and maybe it was a bad idea to wear a sweater today, not that he'd let May know that. She had warned him that he shouldn't wear a sweater today but his pride wouldn't let him switch to a short-sleeved shirt.
Sighing, Peter looked back up from his phone; Ned was a full five minutes late now. When he looked up, though, he was met with a sight that made him sweat more than any heat ever could.
Only a month ago had Peter last seen you– and don't get the wrong idea, you were always cute to him– but it looked like it's been two years. Was she always that hot?
This sun had given you a nice tan and a light spray of freckles across your face. He noticed how your body curved in such a way that it made him want to drool and he hasn't ever seen you in 90s-esque clothing but damn did you look great in it, and– oh my god. You were busy with your phone at the moment, which gave Peter a nice view of your case, which was usually just a plain clear phone case, but he noticed a new addition that made him swoon. You had placed a photo of him– well, Spider-man in your phone case.
Before he could regain his calm, you pocketed your phone and looked up, instantly meeting Peter’s gaze. The sight of him brought a broad smile to your face and Peter very nearly fainted in front of you.
“Peter!” You waved and jogged over to him, much to his simultaneous dismay and joy. You bumped elbows with him affectionately. It then occurred to Peter that he was still silently staring at you with his mouth wide open.
“Y/N,” he breathes out. “H-Hey… hey! Uh, how've you been?”
“Great! Really great.” You grinned at him, making his heart flutter. “Gosh, I’ve missed you. You haven't changed at all– I’m glad!”
How is it possible to speak so smoothly his brain screamed. “Oh, uh, I’ve missed you too, um. You’ve changed. A lot.”
“I guess I did switch up my closet a bunch.” You pursed your lips.
“But– But you look good!” He quickly added just in case.
Your eyes lit up and your cheeks warmed. Peter noticed the sunlight behind you that gave your hair a golden glow and suddenly the only thing his brain wanted to think about was running his fingers through your hair.
“Really?” You brought a hand to your chest, thoroughly flattered.
“Ah… yeah.” He took a deep breath. “Really, really good.”
 “Aww,” you cooed. “You’ve always been a charmer, Peter. You know how to make me smile. I really do love that about you.”
She needs to stop doing that or I really am going to pass out, he thought, his heart beating way faster than it should. “I, uh, I–“ The first bell of the day rang loud and clear, you shot your head up to the doors behind Peter.
“Shit! My first periods across the campus, I gotta go. See you soon, Pete, tell me all about your summer during gym, okay?” You leave him with that and sprint inside the building.
Peter can’t hear anything but his own breathing as he slowly looks over at the person left behind in Y/N’s wake, wide eyed.
He doesn’t need to hear Ned say “Dude.”
“I know,” Peter wheezes out. “I know, dude.”
“MJ!” You give your friend a quick hug, she doesn’t hug back but you know she’s happy to see you too.
“Y/N.” She marks her page and closes her book. “Off to gym we go.”
She turns toward the direction of the gymnasium and starts walking with you close behind. Before you could ask her how her summer was, she speaks up.
“Parker’s got a thing for you,” she states simply.
You can feel your heart flutter. “What? Peter? There’s no way.”
“I very clearly overheard him talking to ned about how hot you’ve gotten,” Michelle replies easily.

“My boy can recognize when someone is physically attractive.” You bite back an excited grin. Michelle doesn’t lie and the thought of Peter calling you hot? You know you’re blushing.
“Did you–“ She over exaggerates her pause. “Did you just call him your boy?”
“Yeah?” Maybe you shouldn’t have said that to MJ. You thought it was cute.
“I’m gonna puke.” She pushes the door to the girls’ locker room open, and lets you walk in first. “I knew you’d like him too.”
“I don’t! And Peter doesn’t like me, either.” It disappoints you to think about but you really can’t think of anything that indicates Peter liking you. He was naturally a shy and nervous boy– which is incredibly adorable, by the way– so his behavior around you isn’t anything out of the ordinary.
Sighing, Michelle walks ini front of you and shrugs her gym bag off her shoulder. “You’ll see it, Y/N, and if you don’t I’m going to leave you.”
Peter groaned when he saw you walk into the gym with Michelle, a blush already burning his face. “Come on, how does anyone look good in a gym uniform?”
Ned looks over at you two, shrugging. “I dunno, man. I wish I knew.”
You spot peter and his heart flutters when you wave happily at him and he uses every ounce of energy he had to wave back at you, nearly dropping the basketball he was holding. “Gosh, Ned. I mean, I liked her before but now I’m scared to even look at her. She’s way too far above my level now.”
“Yeah, but, bro–“ Ned leaned in and whispered. “You’re Spider-man. Remember what you told me about the picture in her phone case?”
“I can’t just play the Spider-man card!” Peter lightly threw the basketball at Ned, who caught it.
“Why not?” His friend whines, spinning the ball in his hands.
“I’ve told you, Spider-man isn’t a part trick–“
“Hey, losers.” Michelle interrupts the boys’ conversation and nearly gives Peter a heart attack.
“Ned!” You exclaim. “I haven’t seen you all day!”
 You high-five him and give him a quick hug before turning to Peter. “You have a summer to tell me about.”
“Right,” he swallows. You’re standing directly beside him and you smell damn good. “Right. Summer. Uh, pretty boring? Lots of, um, lots of work. Stark Internship. I was busy a lot.”
While he hated how he never spoke without a stutter, you found it endearing. “Really? You worked all summer?”
“Ah, yep,” he replies. He really wanted to know what the hell you did over the summer to show up looking like this.
“Aw, next time we should do something together. I was at the beach almost all of summer– I could bring you along next time? My mom would love to have you there.”
“M-Maybe.” Peter’s breathing ceases when you link your arms together. He falls into a terrible silence and it almost became awful, but Ned thankfully saved the conversation with a change of topic.
“Hey, Y/N, have you heard of Spider-man?” Ned asks very obviously. Peter sends him a glare as you rips your arm from Peter’s and excitedly turn to him.
“Yes? Who hasn’t? I love him!” You smile so brightly that Peter had to look away before he stares again. A heavy blush stains his face and crawls down his neck, burning his ears.
“Well…” Peter hears Ned hesitate and he knows what the boy’s about to say. Ned, I swear, do not– “Peter knows Spider-man!”
You hadn’t been at school the first time Ned announced that– you were sick with a pretty nasty virus all week– and thankfully the news never circulated to you, so this was a shock to you.
“Peter!” You spun back around and you stumbled into him a bit. “You never told me about this!”
“I–I, uh, I wasn’t really supposed to tell anyone– you see, Ned–“ Peter almost scowled at his other friend. “– just found out on accident. He wasn’t supposed to know.”
“That doesn’t make it any less cool that you know not only Tony Stark, but Spider-man!” You giggles, making Michelle pretend to gag for about the tenth time that day. “Spider-man is made of gold. This world doesn’t deserve him, but we sure do need him. I saw him once, he helped a little boy find his mother– it was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!”
Peter could barely speak, hearing you talk was so pure and heartwarming that he was only able to nod. It was him that you were talking to fondly of. He wondered what you’d think if you knew it was him; would you talk about Peter the same way you talked about Spider-man? They’re the same person but they aren’t one whole. He wished you’d look at him with those eyes of admiration when he didn’t have the suit on.
“Peter said he met him through the Stark Internship, right, Peter?” Ned continued.
“Uh,” he glanced around at Ned and Y/N and– well, Michelle wasn’t paying attention anymore. “Yeah. Stark Internship.”
“That internship’s got you doing all sorts of things.” You sighed. “I still hate how stressed and busy it’s got you but if you’re meeting people like Spider-man then I guess that makes it a little more bearable.”
“Yep.” Peter crossed his arms, avoiding your eyes.
You turned back around, allowing him to look back up at you. He almost wanted to tell you that he was Spider-man, knowing it would get him in trouble but knowing that you’d realize the person you think so highly of is your friend. But there was also a possibility of that reveal going downhill, maybe you’d hate him for keeping something so important from you, maybe knowing he’s Spider-man wouldn’t be enough to win your heart. He didn’t want his love to end your friendship– cliché, of course, but a real fear nonetheless.
He felt someone elbow his side and he looked over to see Michelle.
“Don’t think I can’t see you drooling,” she raised a knowing eyebrow at him.
“And there you go.” Michelle gestures toward the door of the locker room. You pause, setting your gym shirt down.
“What?” You ask.
“Please tell me you saw him making love-eyes at you.” She narrows her eyes at you and you mirrored her.
“He wasn’t making love-eyes at me.” You insisted. “MJ, Peter was way too into Liz to be over her that quickly.”
“Well, Liz is gone and you’re the only one he’s been looking at like that. I’m going to remind you right now that I will leave you if you seriously didn’t notice how much he was eying you. Bedroom eyes, Y/N.”
“Oh my god, MJ, Peter doesn’t do bedroom eyes!” You blushed furiously.
“Fine, fine. It wasn’t bedroom eyes but it was love-eyes.”
“They weren’t love-eyes, okay? He wasn’t even staring at me.” You put on your shirt, shaking your head.
“I’m leaving you.” She grabbed her book and her gym back, walking away.
You rush to pull on your pants. “MJ, wait!”
Your heart fluttered painfully. Michelle was so insistent that Peter was crushing on you, but you knew Peter better than her and that couldn’t be true. You had never seen him staring at you– if anything, you stared at him. You could only hope that he’s never caught you. And Peter could only hope the same thing. When Ned insisted that you definitely liked him, he was just as deep in denial as you were.
It annoyed Michelle and Ned to no end when the two of you refused to acknowledge any romantic interest from the other– especially you– but what would love be without struggle?
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killcapitalizm · 7 years
get some rest sleep well; peter parker
request: “could you do a peter parker x reader where neither of them have had their first kiss so they just decide to get it over with and it's all cute and awkward and fluffy??? thank you!”
word count: 1,182
warnings: cute teenagers, bad writing lmao
a/n: ngl this is loosely based off my friends that did this except it started with spin the bottle (where u kiss the body part the bottle lands on,, it was a weird night). sorry this ones super short love u guys xoxo. listened to this while writing
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
“You know…”
Your gaze shifted from he TV to your friend, who laid in all his tired glory beside you.
“I’ve never kissed anyone before.”
It was that comment that set the course for the rest of that cold city night. You hummed sleepily, looking away for a moment. It was four in the morning and you should really go to sleep. Peter should, too (he kept mumbling the lyrics to Breakfast at Tiffany’s and apparently he genuinely didn't realize it). Honestly, you both should have gone to bed and hour ago when you both agreed that you two were really tired, but then you both decided to watch some space documentary instead.
You once again ignored how awfully heavy your eyelids felt and sat up on your couch. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Peter looked like his brain was in another universe. His voice was more childlike when he was tired and you took a moment too long to respond because you were thinking about how cute he sounded.
“Me neither,” you admitted. Peter looked at you.
You lazily reached for the TV remote and started flipping through the channels, trying to find something interesting to watch now that the documentary was finished. A comfortable silence settles between you and Peter, as you were too tired to feel an awkward air. It took at least two full minutes for you to settle on some food channel, which you instantly regret when you start to crave everything on screen.
“Y/N?” Peter mumbled, eyes closed.
“Hm?” You blinked heavily, slowly kicking off the blanket you had pulled over your legs. It was getting sweaty under there.
“We should practice kissing,” he said and you almost thought you were hallucinating.
“What?” You shifted and completely faced him.
“We should practice kissing,” he repeated, a small smile on his face that would grow as he explained. “We haven’t kissed anyone. We’re bound to kiss someone eventually, think about how awkward it’d be if your first kiss was with someone who’s a good kisser. That’s embarrassing.”
You raised an eyebrow, considering it. He has a valid point, even if no one wants to admit that. You have no idea how to kiss but that's what practice is for. Plus, Peter’s your best friend and the only one you'd want to do something like that with. But that’s probably because you also like him. You should really go to sleep.
“No one has to know about it, either,” Peter adds, whining softly. “Please?”
“Ugh.” You push yourself up, sitting upright completely. “Okay.”
Peter grins far too adorably for his own good, scooting closer to you. “Okay, okay.”
He leans in quick and your lips barely touch because you pull back. “Wait!”
“What?” He leans back.
“Warn me, idiot,” you say, trying to mentally prepare yourself.
“How about you kiss me when you're ready, then?”
“Okay.” You breathe out. You give yourself a moment before slowly leaning in, only to snort and pull away as you start laughing out of nervousness.
“What? What?” Peter was already smiling too broadly.
“Sorry.” You bite your lip hard, quieting your laughter down to a giggle. “Sorry, I– okay, let's do it.”
Before you change your mind, you lean in again and Peter does the same. You're both grinning to much for it to really be a kiss and instead you bump your smiles together for no more than two seconds before you have to pull away to laugh.
“Gosh, we’re bad at this,” Peter breathes, still grinning as you try to laugh your embarrassment away.
“Well, how the hell do you kiss? I don't even know where to start.” You briefly glance out of the window, noticing how silent and still the would outside seemed. You remind yourself that on the other side of your apartment building, cars are no doubt whipping past each other and stores all around are catering to the night owls.
“Wait, hold on.” Peter suddenly scrambles around, grabbing his phone with energy you though he burned out hours ago.
“Don't tell me–“ You look over at what Peter’s typing on his phone. “Oh my god, are you look up a kissing tutorial?”
“You don't know how to kiss, right? I don't either. The internet exists for a reason.” He chooses a video with some generic white lady and a dead-looking man.
“Kissing might not seem like one of those things that have very concrete steps that you follow…”
You groan. “I'm not listening to her.”
“Y/N, come on.” The two on screen go through terrible dialogue and start kissing, then the video ends.
“First of all, I hate that. Second, she didn't teach us anything!” You complain.
“Yeah, that was, uh, kind of… bad– okay, I’ll just look it up on WikiHow.” Peter closes out of the video and you groan again.
“We should have gone to bed at midnight,” you grumble, your face hot. “This is sad. We are sad.”
“Shh, it'll be fine. We’ll be expert kissers by tomorrow.” He scrolls through a WikiHow article for a few moments, then sets his phone down. “Alright, come here.”
“Hey, I still don't know how to kiss.” You grab his phone and scroll back to the top.
“Are you done?” He asks after no more than ten seconds.
“Ah, whatever.” You throw his phone off to the side. “As long as no one uses tongue, we should be fine.”
“Alright, now come here.” Peter sits on his knees, smiling again.
“How about you kiss me this time? And stop smiling, you're cute and all but we can't kiss like that.” You bring yourself closer to him and he leans in right away, you try not to smile and instead remain still.
Peter briefly pulls away and mumbles against your lips, “You gotta kiss me back, Y/N.”
He kisses you again– you suppose you can call it that now– and you try to sort of press back? I don’t know what I’m doing. Peter smiles slightly and pushes his chin out, bumping it against yours. You don’t know what to do, so you just mimic his movements and try to ignore how much you loved it when he put his hand on your cheek and pushed it through your hair.
He pulls back slower than when he leaned in and you breath deeply. Peter’s hand slides away a bit and you think he’s going to take that warmth away but he doesn’t. You smile.
In a small burst of tired confidence, you lean forward and kiss him quick, and only then did you notice the heavy blush on his face. You’re fairly sure youre blushing just as deeply, though.
Peter looks away, then back into your eyes. “D’you think we did it?”
 There’s something unspoken in the air between you but you let it be. “Yeah…” You swallow, making eye contact with him. “Yeah. We did it.”
He grins boyishly, eyes shining despite how tired he was. “Hey, Y/N?”
“Yeah?” You smile at him.
“You know, I’ve never made out with anyone before.”
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