#this is the riskiest ask I've ever received
mashriqiyyah · 1 year
R u a hacker?
Wait, WHATT? 😂
Not an hacker. Alhamdulillah...just good with browsing stuff. I'm observant and detail oriented. Never hacked anything. I tend to find out stuff others don't, Idek why. My College /University teachers used to ask me for books that weren't available anywhere...I would find them leaked on websites 😑 my friends n family (especially father) send me name of people so I can investigate. Just some contacts n a bit of browsing. (For legitimate reasons though. Doesn't come under spying) No hacking shacking. Alhamdulillah 😂🤣
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ultfan · 4 months
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anonymous sent in the best ask i've ever received: When it comes to sex, does his luck/bad luck come into factor at times?
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anon thank you so much for making me think about this because it isn't smthn i've considered much — but it definitely would come into play at times. my god. it effects every part of his life, sex should 100% be included. i doubt it happens every time, komaeda's luck isn't something that is always attacking/blessing him constantly. it has it's major highs and major lows. i honestly think the reason komaeda had so many things go his way during dr2 is because he was already in an extremely unlucky situation. — as a reversal of that i wonder if komaeda at hopes peak had a buncha mini fumbles with bad luck, since getting into the school was such a great thing for him. but that's for a different ramble.
yeah ——— i imagine it does come into effect at times. especially when strong feelings are involved. i think neutral flings are kinda a gray area for his luck. he might get passively "lucky" finding things that his partner really enjoys, but i think that's more his skills of observation and general knowledge of the human body at work rather than true luck. on the "bad luck" but not really end for these kinda flings (again, more of a gray area) he's likely to exhaust himself pretty quickly. he is not someone who can exert himself physically for a while. hence why he tends to bottom/be submissive even though he does really enjoy topping/being dominate. again though, not really the place for those wild swings of good/bad luck. in general they're probably just decent experiences for him.
for example... say komaeda is really happy in a relationship. he's feeling so so fortunate and lucky and he's finally able to be intimate with his partner. erectile dysfunction. premature ejaculation. the bed fucking breaks. a stray baseball flys through the window and hits his partner in the face. it just goes wrong — embarrasses the fuck out of him. possibly even frustrates his partner. — if it's extreme levels of bad luck there could be a really shitty instance of something killing his partner during/before/after. or maybe his partner turns out to be really bad at sex!!! or he learns something about them that makes him want to break off the relationship immediately.
but say... if he's together with one of the despairs — be it junko or otherwise — someone he's physically attracted to but hates/has mixed feelings on... god is it the best sex he's ever had. and it's so fucking infuriating. he's able to push through and get extra bursts of stamina to keep it up longer. oh? looks like there's a box of brand new sex toys under the bed in this abandoned house we're banging in! having sex in public in the riskiest place ever and somehow not getting caught. or... they do get caught, if that's what he wants. not that he's much of an exhibitionist, i don't really think he cares if people see him nude.
now i really wanna write threads where komaeda's luck just makes a sexual situation really fucking comedically bad (or comedically good). that'd be so silly. who's gonna hmu?
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marvelsimp97 · 2 years
We Found Love Again (Loki x Reader) Chapter Nine - Reactions
Summary: Once upon a time Asgard and Alagaësia had an allience. The Alagaësian elven princess, (Name) usually visited Asgard to learn combat and have kids around her at the similar age. She almost grew up there and became good friends with Loki after the dark prince realized why he wanted to avoid her presence in the first place. They fell in love but never got the opportunity to try and confess their feelings for each other because of the war Alagaësia was in with another kingdom. (Name) was called back to her home and Loki never saw her anymore. But one day, she came back to Asgard, centuries later. Why?
Word count: 2877
Previous Chapter - Masterlist - Next Chapter
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You sat in the conference room amongst Eragon, Murtagh, Ismira and the council members. Phaddo, an old woman was the only female amongst the old council members with silver like hair held up in a bun, her robes hang on her skeleton like body and her wrinkled face always wore a cold expression on her face. Her thin lips were chapped and her aquiline nose made her look like an old hawk.
Wallesk, a man looking to be in his middle-ages sat like a statue, his face long and strict no emotion showing on his features. Gurt and Brun were dwarf brothers but not twins. They both had long red beards and big smiles on their faces. Iroast was the youngest however he was still looked to be as old as Wallesk. He had short black hair, plump lips and strong jaw with thick bear-like body. His eyes shined with life-force and fatherly love. The only one giving you goosebumps was Hastvu who had grey skin with tattoos all over his body and was bald. His black eyes pierced into your soul and he seemed to look out for only his own wealth.
'We received the message from Jonaldel about the attack on Gil'ead... how are we supposed to react when Vraë locked away Du Weldenvarden? The elves retrieved now and we cannot reach them.' spoke up Wallesk.
'Taking back the city won't make any difference. The Soulless King will come to us anyway' said Gurt matter-of-factly. You sighed knowing his words were true. You saw what the soulless king was capable of with his soulless knights and half-dead soldiers. Last time the encounter has been fortunate for Alagaësia but now... the recruits weren't ready, the royal bevies were lacking of soldiers and the elves were locked behind the barrier of Vraë not seeing the truth. Sacrificing the new recruits who weren't qualified yet was something you would never let the council do.
'But we can't let him get close to Uru'bean! Queen Jonaldel's authority is not stable yet because of the new king of Surda. That damn brat thinks he can do anything he wants!' growled Iroast reminding you of Thor.
'We could send a message to the Soulles King and ask him to fight our armies only once. If he wins, we retrieve and he can take Alagaësia. If we win, his armies will go back to his lands and we raise a wall on the side lines of our countries one with magic ensuring that they cannot get over it ever again.' you spoke up after a long silence making everyone look at you. Some of them had frightened expressions, like Phaddo and Wallesk while Murtagh's eyes just shined at your suicidal idea with a smirk on his lips. Eragon's eyes sparkled with curiosity and nervousness.
'It is the riskiest idea I've ever heard of' gasped Phaddo. Hastvu rolled his black eyes at her and let out a huff.
'And those ideas were a long time ago, I assume' remarked the grey skinned man making your lips quiver a bit as you tried to fight the urge to smile. Phaddo's eyes flashed to him while her face changed into a dark red.
'How dare you-!' she screeched. Eragon stepped into the fight with a motion of his hand.
'Please, stay away from rude comments on each other and try to focus on the urgent case we're facing right now' his voice sounded irritated but you knew he was hiding his smile. Everyone thought Phaddo was as old as Alagaësia itself and her ridiculous behavior pretending she's young still was making her more ridiculous.
'Still that idea is way too risky' crossed her arms the old woman.
'We can't afford more than one battle against the Soulless King, Phaddo. The new recruits will be barely ready for battle and the almost all of the older generation of the Riders died in the former battle. I know because I was there' you leaned forward in your chair. 'The royal army is too small to rely on the whole battle and the elves are locked inside of Du Weldenvarden.'
'We could still try to get in Du Weldenvarden and move Vraë out of the elven throne' spoke up Murtagh suddenly snapping your attention to him. You knew what he wanted and you didn't like the idea.
'How? No one knows the elven palace enough except Eragon and he has to teach the recruits' said Brun.
'I lived there through my life' you said dreadful at the thought. You couldn't go back but you had to. You already felt the nausea coming to you at the thought of standing in the throne room of Ellesméra or in your room or anywhere you could be reminded of Arya and your failure. 'I could lead my friends through the lands. Prince Loki and Thor are strong and fast and have experience in battle just like Lady Sif.'
'They need to bear magic if you want to step inside the barrier. Vraë will be alarmed of your magic knowing yours already and it will be suspicious for him to feel unknown magic enter Du Weldenvarden.' turned Eragon to Murtagh with furrowed eyebrows.
'The elves who stayed here are enough for them to create a layer of their magic for the four of them to cover their own magic' shrugged Murtagh. 'I used that method before.'
'When?' you quirked an eyebrow.
'When he broke in to rescue you' sighed Eragon tiredly. Your eye widened at that.
'You did what?!' you cried out in surprise and anger. 'You know how dangerous was that?! Vraë could've killed you for trespassing illegally!'
'I told him the same things' noted your father. 'But (Name)... you are the most important person in our lives and we needed to try everything we could to get you back.'
'Still...' you sighed putting your face in your hand. 'I think the meeting is over for today. You can leave. Father, uncle I want to speak with you two.'
The council members widened their eyes at that but left the room quickly. You sighed and got up from your seat anger filling your body as you glared at the two Riders in front of you.
'Maybe I am important to you but what about me? Do you think I wouldn't be angry at myself if I would've known that any of you died because of me?! I cannot lose either of you! I wouldn't be able to handle that! Not after mother's and Srunugr's death!' you yelled at them angry tears running down your cheeks. They acted like foolish brats not thinking about the consequences. Just thinking about losing them made your heart throb in pain. You just got your life back and the knowledge that Murtagh could've died for you was overwhelming.
You saw their mournful expressions but soon were enveloped in a tight hug by both men. Your sobs rocked your body until no tears were left and you could breathe normally again.
'You're so much like your mother' sighed Eragon making you and Murtagh laugh quietly.
'I scold others the same way she scolded me' you giggled.
'I could hear her screaming from the training fields when you went to Asgard without permission' ruffled your hair Murtagh. The three of you went to your duties after that so you started searching for Loki, Thor and Sif to tell them the news.
Lunch time was coming soon and so when your stomach let out a grumbling sound you weren't surprised too much. You decided to find your friends later and look for something edible. You walked down to the dining halls where there was already dozens of young Rider recruits and a few from your generation. They wore the uniform they got when they joined the Academy. Dark brown leather pants and vest with a white linen shirt and laced boots. You could make out perfectly the small copy of the Academy's flag on their chests sewn into their vests. You remembered your own generation and remembered how they looked at you. Most of them had jealous and angry sparks in their eyes while the rest just ignored you. Darla and Frask were the only friends you had from that time and of course there was Ismira too but she had other friends who mostly just avoided any contact with you.
At first you didn't understand why they acted like that but soon you realized the reason. They could all see the similarity in you and Eragon and how differently he looked at you. They were jealous because Eragon was someone who wrote Alagaësia's history and they wanted to be his sons and daughters too. You sighed heavily and tried to shake those thoughts out of your head while you stepped in the line waiting for food. Someone nudged your elbow drawing your attention to them. It was a young boy, human, around sixteen with light brown hair and green eyes. He had a straight nose with strong jaw and definite features. He sported a light blush as he looked at you with his mouth slightly ajar.
'S-sorry, (Name) Dröttningu... but... can I ask you something?' he asked quietly. You smiled at him kindly and nodded waiting for him to continue. 'Will you be our new teacher?'
You lifted your eyebrows in surprise and cleared your throat. It was not something you expected. Why would you teach them anything? You were a failure in the Rider history. You lost your dragon because you were careless.
'Why are you asking me such a thing?' you asked back.
'Um... I-I'm sorry if I offended you in any way... I just... we all saw you walking around the Academy again and... we thought you would join the teaching staff. A-and you are quite skilled with magic and you were the best student in your generation so...' his blush deepened with every sentence if not every word making you chuckle lightly. He was a cute boy and you were sure the girls at a nearby table were absolutely staring daggers into your back in jealousy.
'You didn't offend me, don't worry' you chuckled again however your smile faded from your beautiful face. 'I'm not sure if I should be the one teaching you new ones anything at all.'
'What?! Why?!' he cried out in protest. You smiled at him with a pained expression.
'Did you hear about the first battle Alagaësia had to fight with the Soulless King?' you asked quietly. His eyes widened and he looked down on the ground in shame for asking something like that.
'But... Dröttningu... everyone of us pays for our victories. We chose a life where we need to face the truth and accept that we cannot have what everyone else can. We give up something or someone to protect many others. You did the same back then and everyone should respect you for it' said the boy with furrowed eyebrows. You looked down at him and you knew. He was going to be bigger than his classmates. You reached out to mess his hair up with tears in your eyes when one of your former classmates approached you.
'You shouldn't praise her, kid. She lost her dragon because she was careless.' spoke up Knuset. He was now a man as tall as Thor and just as well-built. He had platinum blonde hair and icy blue eyes with white skin. He was always competing you in school and was always a jerk to you. Your eyes narrowed at him and pulled your hand from the boy at your side.
'And who told you that it was wise to poke your nose in other people's conversations?' you quirked an eyebrow. 'As I remember you were placed to behind the leader of the second division back at Yazuac while I was leading a division.'
'I didn't forget that you were always hiding behind your parents' shadows and that's how you got so high' he spit the words at you. You felt your blood start to boil in your veins but you managed to keep your calm.
'I worked for it, Knuset and you know that too! If you would've concentrated on your own improvement and not on accusing me of your lack of intelligence and try to play tricks on me you would've been the one to lead the division right next to Eragon!' you replied meaning every word. You didn't hate him back then and not even now. He was the type of person who tried to find someone to accuse of their own faults. His eyes widened in surprise.
Slowly his lips curled up in a smirk as he found his words for a reply but was cut off by someone gripping his shoulder making him yelp in surprise and pain too.
'I assume it was enough, Knuset. The lunch break is almost over and you still have a mission to go to' said Eragon with burning fire in his eyes. Knuset decided to turn and go to prepare for his mission leaving you with a group of recruits and Eragon in the dining hall.
'I was perfectly fine defending myself, father' you sighed and picked up a plate of food before walking with Eragon to a table.
'I know, (Name)... but I'm still your father and will protect you' he smiled at you while digging in his own plate of food. You ate in silence for a long while when you looked up at him and spoke up.
'You know that boy, there at the front?' you pointed out the boy who talked to you a half an hour earlier. Eragon nodded.
'He's Ceraige one of the best students. He's always late of his lessons but pass every exam with the highest grades, why?' he asked quirking an eyebrow at you questioningly.
'He will be your successor in taking over the leading of the Academy and he will fight with everything he has when it would come to defend his home' you answered still watching the young boy, Ceraige with a small smile playing on your lips. Eragon looked at him too now with something in his eyes you couldn't quite place. It was close to relief and expectation.
After lunch you began your search for Loki, Thor and Sif. You walked down to the training fields where you assumed Thor would be and you didn't have to look for too long because of the victorious roar sounding from a large group. You smirked and placed your hand on your sword by your hip. You pushed through the crowd and crossed your arms in front of your chest waiting for Thor to win against one of the eldest Riders, Ithas and elf. The elf who finished the Academy earlier than you wasn't bad at sparring but he was always into magic. He could've been better but he never wanted to so Thor was now in superiority.
It has moved forward his sword pointing at Thor's chest but the blonde prince knocked him back with Mjölnir easily. Ithas landed on the ground with a loud thud and lifted his hand in surrender.
'Anyone else?' looked up Thor with a large grin on his face. You walked down unsheathing your sword smirking at the blonde giant.
'I'm going to show you that I can still kick your ass' you replied making him smirk playfully. You lifted your sword the tip pointing towards Thor before you made your move and ran to him. He barely had time to react and dodge your sword as it sliced through his leather vest leaving a whole in it. You turned around and swung your sword at his waist not waiting for him to wake from his stupor. He stepped back so your sword just flied next to it. But Thor had a different idea and decided to strike back. He swung Mjölnir towards you but you crouched down quickly and kicked his legs from under him. He fell flat on his face but reached out for his hammer. When Mjölnir arrived in his hand however he had no time to move because you were pointing your sword at his throat.
'Just like last time' you smirked. 'I won.' You let down Kweikva and stepped from Thor offering your hand to help him up which he accepted with a big grin on his face.
'You are still the finest warrior along with Sif, (Name)!' he beamed at you.
'However now I need to talk with you and the others. Meet me at the garden an hour later' you said not waiting for his reply as you made your way through the crowd and left him to entertain the recruits. Next were Sif and Loki. You passed by the old and new students who looked at you with awe. You thought all of them hated you like back when you were just a student but from what Ceraige said and how he acted showed you that those times passed and you could finally live like you wanted from the beginning. However that case changed too and all you wanted was to be with Loki and you were determined to have that life.
To be continued...
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echo-three-one · 3 years
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Run run run....
Table of Contents
Previous Chapter : Going Dark - Part 1
Chapter 23 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
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Going Dark - Part 2
John "Soap" MacTavish
London, United Kingdom
Soap never knew that the bloody guy would pull that trick off his sleeve. He's been sick of the same ringing he first experienced when they went out with Francine.
So he did what he could and quickly got up to his feet as soon as he saw Alex attempt to halt the hostage on his tracks. That bastard's going to pay for stomping on Alex like that.
With comms down once again, he had to act fast, stomping down the stairs, never leaving sight of the runner. He could sense someone following him and assumed it's any of Roach, Price or Jack. And it looked like Ghost caught wind of what happened too.
"Oi! Let's flank him!" Soap roared across the empty streets as Ghost and Roach split ways and ran toward their target.
They're not kidding when they said the Shadow Company is at par with the 141, the guy ran like a horse which Soap never expected from his build. He could see Ghost and Roach sprinting from his sides, one wrong turn and he's done for, but he still had one last trick. 
He raced to the emergency stairs as his heavy feet clanged against the metal. Soap followed, optimizing the steps on edges to gain on him. Going up the rooftops was his biggest mistake.
"Bollocks, he's still running!" he announced as he felt his ears crackling. 
"Well…. st….by…. do….airs.." His earpiece crackled through the static. It's recovering but they're already far off MacMillan's truck where their line connected.
He leaped. Soap almost stopped in his tracks as the runner courageously leapt across the huge gap and rolled on to the next building. He braced himself and continued dashing across the roof and did a mighty leap, his arms circled like he was swimming and he carefully placed his feet to perform a proper land and rolled.
That's going to hurt as soon as the adrenaline fades, but he quickly got up and made use of his remaining burst of energy. 
The runner stopped in his tracks as soon as Roach emerged from the opposite fire escape, raising a pistol pointed straight at him as he raised his hand in surrender.
"Nowhere to run now." Roach said, cautiously walking near him. He's aware that his phone is still inside his pocket and that they had no idea when it'll go off again.
He didn't talk, but he looked panicked. He was sweating all over and his face was beyond recognizable. It looked like he's out of options.
"Tell us Where Shepherd is…" Gary pointed the loaded gun on his head, the desperation in Gary's eyes were obvious.
"There's an abandoned plane graveyard near Afghanistan…" he whimpered. His voice was shaky enough to warrant the truth.
"What's he doing there?" Soap added.
"He's trading the blueprints for the I.P. Address… Please that's all I know" he begged and they quickly left the place, walking back to MacMillan's car.
"You got something?" Ghost asked as soon as Roach's feet landed on the dark alley.
"A place. In Afghanistan." Roach answered.
"And he also had the I.P. Address.." Soap added.
"But that's impossible… didn't Samantha already forget about it?" Ghost asked but there was a quiet pause. Their brains almost looked like working together.
"Holy Crap." Roach finally broke the silence.
And from that moment they realized the other reason behind Samantha's memory returning. One way or another, her memories were once again toyed with.
"So how was it?" Price asked the team that ran off to chase the runner.
"We got an address. An abandoned plane yard in Afghanistan." Roach replied. Soap turned to Alex as he sat at the back of the jeep tending to his wound. 
"You okay mate?" he asked walking close to his ally, who was wincing in pain.
"The guy's boots are heavy." He chuckled and so did Soap.
"Listen, Alex. We heard that Shepherd has the I P. address, did Samantha tell you anything about remembering it?" Soap asked as the whole team fell silent and turned to the two.
"Not really. What's bothered me is that she remembers everything except after when Shepherd explained his plans to her… Could it be that…" Alex trailed.
"She remembered because they undid their operation on her…" Jack continued. The whole group stood in silence. 
Price's phone rang and delivered them with more bad news. It looked like while chasing the runner, Shepherd had caught wind of their activity and had some of London police scour the nearby streets for them.
"Da, It's time to go, my comrades." Nikolai announced as soon as Price relayed the message. Their ride home was compromised.
"Where to?" He asked.
"I know a place." Soap said.
It looked like Soap's hunch was right. None of the people onboard to Scotland mind about the faces of the fugitives flashed on the news recently. 
Their day packs had reserved clothes and they opted to change to something more civilian. Soap could smell the fabric conditioner France used to wash his newly bought clothes and couldn't help but miss her. If they weren't on a rush, Soap could've topped up for international calls.
"How long is this trip? 7 hours?" Price asked a civilian with surprised expressions.
"Wow. It's like a plane ride, but I'm still in the same country!" Jack cackled at the idea. He does have a different sense of humor. Just as Alex described him.
The rest of the team took this time to rest, they sat on the emptiest part of the train, away from the people that might recognize them and report their presence.
"I've contacted Samantha. It looks like they're having a small problem over there." Alex said.
"Someone saw one of us fugitives and tried to get inside the house to claim his bounty. At first they just talked him off but he's persistent now. So they decided to fly to our location and regroup there. And Soap, where exactly are we going?" Alex asked. Soap took a careful look around his team and felt nervous about his decision.
"Our old house. In Scotland. It's far off civilization. I think no one would look for us there." he muttered, gaining a nod from Price and Jack. Soap sighed in relief as soon as they thought of it as a good idea. Roach actually felt excited despite having to go there by train for seven hours. He immediately made that decision a few minutes ago without anyone's approval, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
"Hey, you three… Thanks for chasing that runner while we were out. Go catch some sleep. We'll watch over this train. It's going to be a long trip." Price nudged and Jack nodded. Soap gave a pair of earbuds to Price, the old man immediately looked at him with question.
"What's this? A hearing aid?" Price asked.
"Our runner wore that so it might be the reason he wasn't affected by his own blast." He muttered before crossing his arms.
"Thanks, mate. I'll let someone have a look at this." Price nodded and Jack immediately inserted with a suggestion.
"I know someone near Glasgow. A close friend of mine." 
"That's great. He's closer." Price agreed and Soap slowly drifted himself asleep, trying to rest his tired legs all while also trying not to worry about Francine.
The never shifting scenery of the road home sent John MacTavish into a little nostalgia trip. The sound of trains screeching across the station reminded him of so many things from the past.  The road they're walking along now was the same road he's walked on everyday of his life, and now after a lot of years, he can't believe he's back.
"I don't see anything nearby,  are you sure we're not lost Soap?" Roach asked.
"We aren't. The house is just obstructed by the trees. They've grown taller since I last left." he replied enthusiastically. He looked obviously excited to see his home.
As soon as they reached the short curve, a huge cream-painted house greeted them from the distance. He could hear Alex and Roach's collective oohs and aahs every step they took closer.
"When you said old, I was really expecting it to be abandoned." Roach mused.
"It is, actually. My parents are off… somewhere else." he replied leading the way inside the house. The pool was already dirty and most weeds already outgrew the fences.
Soap pushed the huge wooden double door open and was greeted by the same visage of their entrance way back when he was a kid. Same pictures hung on the walls of his adventures as a kid up to the recent photo of his graduation. His mom was always proud of him no matter what, but he couldn't forget the way she looked at him once he chose to enlist to the riskiest job ever.
The rest of the team helped themselves to discovering the inside of the house, looking at photos, sitting on the couches and grabbing a glass of water. Soap quickly gave them a tour of the house and that they're free to pick a guest room of their choice. It was appropriate that they'd feel comfortable after a tough day.
"Nice place you got here, comrade. Why'd you give this all up for a life that's always hanging on the ledge?" Nikolai asked, tapping his shoulder. 
"I don't even know." he muttered and Nikolai chuckled, making his way to the living room. The team was quick to adapt to the place. Roach and Ghost already chose their rooms and he assumed they already attempted to recover while the three older men gathered around the television and watched the news. Alex was by the telephone, probably contacting Samantha. He wanted to check on France himself, so he planned to go to his room and make a call.
"The New York attack stopped." Price discussed with Nikolai and Jack, the three began speculating about a lot of things. Soap would love to join in the conversation but he decided to update on Francine first.
His room looked the same as when he left, the same shade of blue wallpaper, the same color sheets that were changed weekly and the same things on top of his bedside drawer.
Dialing her number, which he subconsciously memorized, he immediately placed the receiver on his ear and anxiously waited for her to pick up the phone.
"Hello?" her voice sounded different over the phone, but it still sent shivers across his spine as soon as he heard it.
"Hey. It's me." he replied.
"Angelo?" she asked, her voice almost sounded like she's fighting herself not to laugh.
"It's John." 
"I know, silly. Who would mistake you for anyone else with that accent." she retorted.
"Do ya like it?" he teased, making sure he emphasized his Scottish accent well.
"Why'd you call?" She changed the topic. She wasn't budging on his teasing, but he knew she's already blushing on the other side of the line.
"Did Price give you the landing coordinates?" he asked.
"Yeah. Maxine looked it up on the map. It looks like a shady house in the middle of nowhere. Who are you?" she joked.
"Great. I'll see you here. I-" he hesitated. He wanted to tell her how much he misses her. But even with his oozing confidence, he felt like chickening out this time.
"Yeah. We're on our way. Take care out there John." She said and dropped the call. Soap sighed and plopped himself on his bed, deeply sighing at his actions. This girl was making him crazy… and the funny thing is he's all fine with it.
Next Chapter : Going Dark - Part 3
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