#this is the second year in a row where i've looked at my stats and gone '...i'm weirder than i thought'
wren-of-the-woods · 2 years
There me be relatively few of us The Amazing Devil fans, but what we lack in numbers we make up in sheer, unhinged enthusiasm.
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phoebe-delia · 3 years
2021 Fanfic Year in Review
Thanks so much to the lovely @drarrily-we-row-along for the tag!! C, you're the best 💛
Total Completed Works: 45
Total (Published) Word Count: 157,606
Fandoms I've Written In: Harry Potter
Looking Back, Did You Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You Expected?: Oh wayyyy more. I started posting fic back in April when I posted what was, at that time, a 1k oneshot fic I'd written about a year before and hadn't worked up the courage to post. It's called Deliquesce, and it now has a second chapter/sequel that brings it to 2k.
I told myself that was it; that I wouldn't write more. Then I wrote like two more fics, including getting the idea to write Drarry fics based on Taylor Swift songs. And then I told myself, "Okay but I won't make a Tumblr."
I feel I don't need to point out the irony of where I'm writing this sentence right now, but I'm glad I was wrong about that. 💛
Did You Take Any Writing Risks This Year? I'd say so, yeah. I wrote MCD, arson, mental illness, toxic relationships, dark fic, and more. I wrote fic I'd never have read years ago, and I'm so happy I expanded my horizons.
Do You Have Any Fanfic Goals For The New Year? I want to write longer fics. I accomplished my goal of writing a fic that was at least 10k—I ended up with 12k on "this is me trying"—but I want to go longer. I have a couple wip ideas that I think will help me accomplish that, and I can't talk about them yet bc fests, but I hope to write a longer, more developed fic.
Most Popular Story Of The Year: On Tumblr, it's my "What's In a Nickname" microfic, and on AO3 it's my 5+1 fluffy fic You Are In Love, which is part of the Drarry as Taylor Swift songs series.
Story Of Mine Most Under-Appreciated By The Universe, In My Opinion: I think it's Watch What Happens, a journalism fic I wrote a while back! I'm not sure why it didn't do as well as the others, but I'm still proud of it!
Most Fun Story To Write: Little Red, for sure. This series gave me some trouble, but when I had an idea/was really going, it was so much fun to come up with the mystery of this fic, the psychology, and the plot progression. I may add more to it one day, but for now it has the ending I want it to. If you read it, check the tags because it's pretty intense, but I'm proud of it.
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: Definitely "this is me trying." I intended this fic to have pieces of my experiences but I ended up borrowing a lot more from my life than I expected. Not everything is 100% accurate, of course, but I've gone through a lot of the same things Harry and Draco do: mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Biggest Disappointment: I wrote a 7k gen fic (Harry + Ginny friendship)—a Harry Potter Peter Pan AU called Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust—for a fest, and I put a lot of effort into it but it didn't do well, stats-wise. I sorta understand why; it was posted on anon and it was a genfic, neither of which is a good recipe for getting hits on AO3. But at the same time, I'm still proud of it, I got great feedback from friends and writers I admire, and I don't regret writing it at all.
Biggest Surprise: The fact that I'm here and people like what I write. I've never been more confident in my writing ability in my life and I'm beyond glad that I finally built up the nerve to write fic and join the fandom. Thank you all so much. 💛
Tagging @orange-peony, @geesenoises, @bubble-gumhead and you, lovely person, if you want to do this too!
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sharperthewriter · 2 years
Chapter 1 of the 16th Kim Possible Fannies Awards - Ceremony
From the desks of Sharper, BCBDrums and Gothicthundra.
(AN: Due to a change in scheduling with the upcoming football season coming up for me in August (I usually do the football stats for my local high school and juco teams here, in case if anyone new in the Kimmunity is curious) , I've decided that it would be best for me to upload the remaining chapters of the Prelude to the 16KPFA on the other story and upload the highlights of the Ceremony as a separate story to A) make the uploading go a lot faster, B) take a lot of pressure off of me of uploading chapters on a weekly basis because of the stress of doing football stats and C) allow me more time to do my own KP stories. -Sharper)
The story is still going to be rated T due to some strong language, some cartoon action violence, some suggestive comments, and brief use of alcohol.
Kim Possible, characters and settings, are created by Schooley and McCorkle and (c) by Disney. Any OC I create is my own. Any OC that I do not create is created by the owner of that OC.
So with that being said, here is the second half of the 16th KP Fannies: The Ceremony!
Chapter 1 - A (Socially-Distanced) Introduction
(7:04pm, March 11, 2021)
Ron's words echoed through the Colorado countryside.
Two weeks...two weeks...two weeks.
(Six Months Later, September 22, 2021, 4:19pm)
The world looks indeed different for the Possible-Stoppables than the one they left behind in early March. Automatic hand sanitizer dispensers, plastic barriers, social distancing markers, and sanitation crews were a common sight throughout Middleton. Quarantines and self-isolations if tested positive for the TEVID virus were also common as well. Furthermore, there was a mask mandate that had been in place since March. A vaccine for the TEVID virus was close to being developed.
Meanwhile, the Kimmunity Council were still holding meetings on where the 16th KP Fannies Awards were to be held since the Colorado governor has officially reopened theaters, opera houses and other places of entertainment, albeit only at 25% capacity. Due to the pandemic, all of the Council's meetings had to be held online.
Sharper was in the main media room titled "Council Rock" at Bonnie's opulent and extremely expensive mansion. He was talking with BCB, Split-n-splice, Eoraptor, Tennente, Whitem, CajunBear, Daccu, and MrDrP via video-conferencing.
"So what do you think we should do for the 16th Fannies if they are to remain on-schedule?" Whitem asked.
"Hold them at the North Memorial Theater?" came Daccu's reply.
"Yeah, I think we should do that." Sharper said, "But we need to limit the audience for this year's ceremony to just nominees, presenters, and members of the press. Twenty-five percent should be around 400 people."
Raptor agreed with Sharper.
"I think that would satisfy the governor's requirements for the seating capacity." he said.
"Plus, there should be testing for the audience for the virus as well." BCB added.
"Yes." agreed Sharper on the decision.
He then also laid out the other health protocols that will be in effect for the ceremony.
"We should also close off every other row as well, as well as adding those automatic hand sanitizers as well. Masks are going to be mandatory as well. The only time during the ceremony that we should take masks off is when we are speaking at the podiums, which will be 12 feet apart from each other."
"Are we all in agreement on these measures to protect ourselves against the virus?"
The other members of the Council agreed to these decision and decided, unanimously, that the date of the ceremony will be October 16 and the date of the 17th KP Fannies ceremony will be on June 7 of the next year in conjunction with the KP show's 20th anniversary.
The former day was also when the TEVID vaccine was to be released, first to the medical and those that were classified as essential workers.
(GJ Headquarters, October 13, 2021: three days before the ceremony, 9:06am)
Kim was working at her desk in her office. She, alongside with the rest of the Global Justice crew, had to wear masks that covered their mouth and nose, for they were still under the mask mandate of the state of Colorado.
She was wearing a black pantsuit with her GJ identification badge. She was combing through surveillance videos and photos.
Ron was outside her office. He had a professional-looking polo shirt and plaid khaki pants. Like his wife, he too had his GJ ID badge as well (though he had accidentally forgotten it on a couple of occasions). He also had a face mask as well as does Rufus.
"I'm trying to figure out these thefts!" Kim grunted, sifting through the paperwork "And it vexes me so!"
Ron tapped on the side of the steel door.
"May I come in, Agent K-P-S?" Ron grinned.
"Permission granted, Agent R-P-S!" Kim said, chuckling a little.
The steel doors to Kim's office whoosed opened as Ron came in.
"I totally like the doors that go whoosh." Ron said, "Remind me to get those doors for my office!"
"Can't." Kim smirked, "It's not in the budget!"
"Aww man!" Ron complained.
Then he got back to the task at hand.
"So how many thefts have we got going on?" he asked.
"It's been four jewel heists in June and July." Kim replied, pointing to the photos. "First, Starlet's jewelry collection worth $1.5 million was stolen in the dead of night. Then, the Holsten Twins were robbed of $4 million in jewels and diamonds. Next was MC Honey, who had $8 million in her jewels nabbed as well. And lastly, Britina, who had $14 million stolen of her jewelry as well."
"Wow! What are the connections to it?" Ron asked.
"Well, all involved celebrities and all involved multi-million dollar thefts." Kim explained as she shuffled through the surveillance photos. "And based of security camera footage, we do know that two thieves are involved. One man and one woman." She pointed to the figures of a man and woman, obviously covered in black.
"Man...they do move fast!"
"But as we move on into September..." Kim said, pointing to more surveillance photos, "...the thefts got bigger. Two in particular were of interest."
She continued on the details.
"About $31 million of jewels and expensive watches were stolen from a New York hotel three weeks ago for a promotional event on September 4th! And not more than two weeks later, on the 19th, $70 million in jewels and artwork were stolen from the daughter to an multi-multi-billionaire electric car company CEO. And those two robberies involved a team of at least 6-8 people, but two of the thieves have the same height and build from the celeb thefts."
"And from that electric car company CEO mansion's crime scene, they left behind these playing cards with letters on the back of them in permanent marker, but I can't figure it out."
Kim had 16 playing cards on them and the letters were written as follows CAWLRORKLEL and the numbers 126110.
"What could it mean?" she asked, being puzzled about it. Rufus jumped onto the table.
"I'm in the same position as you are, KPS." Ron said.
"Let's think about it first, Ron. They all involved high-profile events and people, they all target jewelry, sometime paintings, and the thefts keep on getting bigger and bigger." Kim said.
"Which means their next target would have to involve something big, something grander." Ron said.
Rufus tapped his paw against his face and figured it out. He arranged the letters and the numbers.
"But who would be wealthy enough to be such a target?" Kim questioned, tapping her head with her fingers.
Both Kim and Ron then heard Rufus chittering loudly.
"Rufus? What is it, buddy?"
Rufus chittered and repeatedly pointed with his paw on what he did with the playing cards.
Kim and Ron took one look and gasped.
"That's it! That is their next target!"
It said, ROCKWALLER 101621.
"It makes sense!" Kim exclaimed "She has the largest collection of jewelry known to mankind...The Rockwaller Family Jewels."
"We have to warn her!" Ron shouted.
(4 days earlier, October 9, 2021)
"Sharper, we got a big sitch here!"
BCB came running down one of the main hallways of Bonnie's mansion, which has now expanded to 300 bedrooms and 525 bathrooms with the completion of a recent addition.
She knocked on the door of Sharper's office.
"Come in!" came Sharper's reply.
BCB came running as fast as she could to his desk.
"Hey...BCB! Slow down!" Sharper insisted. "What's wrong!"
"The Timothy North Theater...was overwhelmed with a swarm of roaches and rats!" BCB exclaimed. She showed Sharper the pictures of the rats chewing on the seats of the chairs.
"Oh no! We're gonna have to get an exterminator...no, several exterminators...to get rid of these pests!" Sharper shuddered at the sight of the animals. "What about the Golden Rufuses?"
"They are safe in a truck in Denver and await your signal." BCB informed him.
"Since the North Theater has been infested with rats, I think we should move the 16th Fannies to the Rockwaller Opera House." Sharper said, "The date of the 16th will remain the same. I'm gonna have to probably send out a mass email, informing members of the Kimmunity about the change in venue."
(back to Oct. 13, 2021, 6:12pm)
"So what you're saying is that my family heirlooms are in danger of being stolen?" Bonnie asked.
She, Kim, Ron (and Rufus), Betty Director, Sharper and BCB were at Bonnie's main opulent mansion. Bonnie, of course, was not the same mean Bonnie as before after the three spirits of Christmas visited her last year.
"That's correct, Miss Rockwaller." Betty replied, "There were a couple of recent high-profile robberies with valuable stolen worth in the millions. We fear that your collection may be the next target."
"Well, my collection of Rockwaller valuables, including some really expensive Faberge eggs, are worth around $400 million." Bonnie said as she adjusted her engagement ring from Senor Senior Junior since they were engaged in January, prior to the pandemic. "And my uncles would really have a hissy-fit if any of the valuables ended up missing from Rockwaller property. Though it is protected by layers of security from the last time."
"Probably the reason why you would need the extra security with GJ, My Queen." Sharper said.
"And with the North Theater somehow being infested with vermin, the scene's gonna shift to your opera house." BCB added.
Bonnie agreed. "Yeah, Drums..."
"Uhh, Bonnie, please call me BCB." BCB corrected her.
"Right...right...BCB. Yeah, I gotta obey the guv's protocols of social distancing and health sanitizers and all that stuff." Bonnie said.
"Sharper, do you think these two events with the planned robbery and the infesting of the North Theater with animals are connected?" Kim asked Sharper.
"I don't know if it is...but if something weird does happen in the ceremony, we'll find out." Sharper said to Kim.
Bonnie replied with confidence, "Don't worry, Kim. Even with this pandemic, we're going to have a normal ceremony with nothing weird happening!"
"I sure do hope so, Bonnie." Kim said. _
(October 10, 2021, 1:55pm)
A brown sedan approached a nearby abandoned warehouse in downtown Middleton. The driver of the sedan scanned his ID badge in as the garage to the warehouse opened, giving him access. The sedan rolled in slowly before coming to a complete stop.
The two occupants got out of the sedan, one male and one female. The male thief was named Cody. He, in his mid 30s and with dark black hair and green eyes, had been an accomplice to several of the high-profile robberies of celebrities, including that of Starlet and MCHoney and has been wanted in four states. He was also an expert in creating tranquilizers to sedate any security guards and was also an expert in evidence cleanup.
The female thief, Amy, was considered to be the mastermind of the mentioned celeb thefts. She too was in her mid 30s, and had blonde hair and blue eyes and was wanted in seven states for the robberies.
They were part of a five-member team that often love to steal from houses of the wealthy and famous from around the globe. They were considered masters of disguise and often baffled police, which was the reason why the authorities contacted Global Justice for help. It was also because that they had help from HenchCo with a few henchmen serving as extra muscle to complement the group.
The other three members were a male and two females: Troy, Laura, and Emily. Troy handled the security detail, Laura and Emily were the most capable fighters of the group, for both had fifth-degree black belts. They were also all in their mid-30s. Troy also normally served as the getaway driver/pilot for the group.
Cody and Amy also got some Bueno Nacho to go as well. The Bueno Nacho #582 in Middleton had re-adjusted its dining room so that it roped off selected booths to maintain social distancing. It also annoyed Ron as well because their normal booth was roped off.
"What took you two so long?" Troy muttered.
"Don't blame me for their 6-feet social distancing bullshit." Cody replied while setting the food down.
"Did you also get extra Diablo sauce for my Naco?" Laura asked.
"Got some in the bag!" Cody added, pointing to the familiar packets.
"Let's set up the food first before we begin our biggest operation yet." Amy spoke, "Operation Mt. Rockwaller!"
The four other thieves agreed.
(30 minutes later)
While they were eating, Amy brought up the first instance of the planned Rockwaller theft.
"I think what we should do is to go in around 9pm, right when the 16th KP Fannies Ceremony is at the half-way point of the ceremony." she suggested, "We will go in four unmarked vans onto that access road that usually supplies her vendors and food to her servants, butlers, and maids. Three of the vans should contain the henchmen while the fourth will contain the four of us. Cody will be on the inside posing as a member of the press. Troy's MIT degree will serve us well in knocking out all the security cams at the Rockwaller mansion."
"So the next order of business is going to be that gate that leads directly into the mansion." Cody then said. "That area has two layers of automatic spike strips against any unauthorized vehicle and her mansion, I bet to you, is going to crawl with her personal security force."
"Right! We're going to knock out the security guards with this!" Amy said while she held up the standard-issue HenchCo knockout gas canister and HenchCo tranquilizer darts. "As for those spikes, Troy again will disable them."
"That is all well and good, but we will need a distraction." Emily suggested.
"Yeah, Global Justice will be on our asses even if we do steal the diamonds!" Laura added while chewing through her Naco.
"That is the reason why the Boss Lady who hired us for the job planned ahead!" Amy chuckled, mentioning her very rich benefactor, but not by name. "She has had this person broken out of jail not more than a week ago!"
Amy tossed a recent copy of the Middleton Examiner and saw that Glame Dover (aka Game Controller) had escaped from jail after a robbery a couple months ago that involved the stealing of the Z-Boy III technology from Japan that was, thankfully, foiled by GJ.
"The Boss Lady's army of superhackers blocked information of the escape from getting it out to local police departments and criminal agencies, including Global Justice." Amy explained while typing on her laptop, explaining their plan, "Like Cody, he will be posing as a member of the press. With the help of the Boss Lady, he had helped developed a new video game arcade machine that will be placed in the gaming arcade that is right next to the opera house. So that when they go into the lobby area for intermission, some of the nominees may try to play the game. But what they don't know is that it is a mind-controlling device! Once they play it, they will become mindless putty controlled by Game Controller! That will buy us some time in order for us to escape with as many of the Rockwaller diamonds as we can possibly hold...including the rarest one of all!"
She swiveled her laptop to a pink diamond.
"The Pink R! Worth around $18 million!" Amy exclaimed.
"Double that if we get it on the black market!" Cody added.
"Global Justice won't know what'll hit them!" Laura cackled.
"And we will become extremely rich!" Amy laughed evily.
The other thieves joined in on the evil laughter and continued plotting along.
(October 16, 2021, 6:59pm)
And so, the night of the ceremony of the 16th Annual Kim Possible Awards finally came. Unlike in years past, there was no red carpet ceremony. Furthermore, every other section of seats in the opera house was roped off and the 300 spectators (some select members of the Kimmunity, the nominees who could come, the awards presenters, and a few members of the press) were all spaced around the auditorium. They were all wearing masks, as per the requirement of the governor and the smell of hand sanitizer was still fresh. There was also no orchestra as well.
On the stage, two podiums were set about 15 feet apart from each other on the left and right. A table was also there as well with the 33 Golden Rufuses all polished (and sanitized) for everyone's convenience.
Backstage, Sharper broke with tradition from wearing his seersucker suit. Since it was in the cleaners, he opted for the black tuxedo instead. BCB was wearing (inserting what dress she was planning to wear here).
Both were wearing masks as well.
"BCB, I always worry about the ceremony going crazy at some point!" Sharper said as BCB adjusted his tie.
"Sharper, you worry too much about it." BCB laughed, "Nothing's gonna go wrong!"
"Sure do hope so!" Sharper replied before noticing the female stagehand tapping her watch on her hand.
"That's our cue!" BCB said. "Strike up the music."
Since there was no orchestra to play the KP Orchestral Theme, the stagehand had a CD Player that was attached to the opera house's sound system. She put the CD labeled "KIM POSSIBLE ORCHESTRAL THEME" into the player.
The theme began to play as the voiceover said:
Welcome to the 16th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards. Give it up for your hosts: BCBDrums and Sharper the Writer.
The ceremony carried a TV-14 rating for Dialogue, Language, Sex, and Violence.
Once the song died down, BCB and Sharper stood 8 feet apart from each other and the podiums were rolled over to them. The crowd stood on their feet and applauded the hosts. Both the hosts removed their masks.
"Good evening, and welcome everyone to the 16th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards!" BCB exclaimed. "I am your hostess for the evening, BCB Drums, and of course you know my co-host as Sharper the Writer!"
"Yep, I am here for the...is it fourth ceremony I hosted or co-hosted?" Sharper asked.
"That's correct! Me and GT hosted last year's ceremony before all the craziness happened." BCB replied. "Within the craziness that was 2020 with all the lockdowns, we as the Kimmunity were able to publish just about 500 stories last year.
"That is, if you can take BCB and GT's Little Ones and Lipsky Family Tales, respectively, into the totals." Sharper added.
"The number is, in of itself, impressive, considering that KP's been off the air for 13 years." BCB said.
"It serves as a testament to the dedication we, the members of the Kimmunity, have for our favorite redhead." Sharper replied.
"Or favorite brunette cheerleader, in your case." BCB snickered as the audience gave a light laugh.
BCB then continued.
"Anyways, we want to give thanks to the people out there in the medical field who put their lives on the line every day in the middle of this pandemic!"
The audience applauded what BCB said.
BCB then explained the layout of the ceremony.
"For tonight's ceremony, it is going to be 4 hours long divided into two 2-hour segments with a 20-minute intermission inbetween the Most Unlikely-Unique Story and Best OneShot (K-T)categories. We'll have a variety of awards presenters: some who are in the audience, and some who will be in virtual."
"And before we go to commercial..." Sharper added, "As per the tradition of the KP scribes and elders..."
BCB then finished his sentence, "...here are the winners from last year's..."
"Pre-Pandemic!" Sharper interrupted.
BCB glared at him before saying, "...ceremony."
One by one, the awards for last year's ceremony were presented with a picture of the recipient and what category they won with elevator music playing in the background.
The 15th KP Fannies Awards Winners (2019)
Best KP-Style Name - Mary Juana and Canna Abis - Stoppable Family Vacation - Sharper
Best KP OC - Anna Stoppable - This Is Our Year: college - F86Sabre53
Best Minor Character - Tara&Hope - TIOY: College - F86Sabre53
Best Villain - BattleF'yuri – All Things Possible 4 - Slyrr
Best AU - Never Be Normal - Maeph93
Best Crossover - A Possible Encounter For a Phantom (DP) - Neomark
Best Alt-Other Canon Pair - The Tweeb and the Queen Bee (Tim/Bonnie) - MD Michael
Best Kigo - An Unforgettable Sitch - iycewing
Best Drakgo - RTOD - Gothicthundra
Best Kim/Ron - What's the Alma Mater - MrDrP
Best Comedy - Adventures in Babysitting - Gothicthundra
Best Romance - KP: Sitch of Summer - Beatlestributeman
Best Friendship - The Greatest Man I Never Knew - Leon R. Patterson
Best Action Adventure - TIOY College - F86Sabre53
Best Drama - Forefit - BCBDrums
Most Unlikely-Unique Story - Ron's Groovy Sitch -Senaraft
Best One-Shot (K-T) - Scared of the Dentist - F86Sabre53
Best Novel-Sized Story (K-T) - United and Divided - Librana
Best Short Story (K-T) - A Most Unusual Gift - Mahler Avatar
Best Series - Things Change Series - Gothicthundra
Best M-Rated Novel-Sized Story - College Spring Break - Chris Palmer
Best M-Rated Short Story - Beyond Graduation – Aleego
Best M-Rated One Shot - Shattered - IcarusTheFoxkidd
Best Young Author - Iycewing
Best New Author - Gothicthundra
Best Single Line - United and Divided by Librana - "No, you were made for me. Literally." (Kim referring to Eric). -
Neb Award - Daccu65
Kimmunity Achievement - Sharper
Best Reviewer - CajunBear73
Best Story of 2019 - RTOD - Gothicthundra
Best Writer of 2019 - Gothicthundra
And as the final group picture of all the recipients of the 15th Fannies was shown, the screen faded to black. And with it came the traditional Kimmunicator beep.
"Ahh...the Kimmunicator beep!" Sharper remarked.
"Which means that we are coming up on our first commercial break of the evening!" BCB remarked, "But when we come back, we'll present the first two awards: Best KP-Style Name and Best KP Original Character! So stay tuned!"
"Before You Go" by Lewis Capaldi played in the background.
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rueitae · 3 years
Rue's 2021 Writing Year in Review
I've done this in past years and I hated to not continue it. Below the cut are my stats and fics posted in the year 2021!
Fics posted: 22
Fics Updated: 1
Voltron: Legendary Defender: 7
Carmen Sandiego (2019): 16
Word Count: 124,777
Voltron: Legendary Defender Fics:
Not So New: (Plance) A post canon New Years Eve plance fic.
After Hours: (Plance) A married plance fluffy Christmas fic (with special appearance from their OC child)
A Bird in the Hand: (Gen) Written for the Pidge Angst Bang 2021! Pidge is captured by a space mob boss during the journey back to Earth in season seven. She needs to use her wits, Paladin training, and trust in her team to escape.
A Wolf in Thieves Clothing: (Plance) Continued fic for the Carrot and Stick Plance bang earlier this year! This is an AU based off of Lupin the Third, the Castle of Cagliostro.
Shootin' the Breeze (Just Say Yes): (Plance) Written for the Happily Ever After Plance Zine. This is a wild west AU that I was particularly pleased with! Ends in a proposal and has a healthy portion of danger!
Plan is a Four Letter Word: (Plance) Lance and Pidge have separate ideas on what their Valentine's Day plans are. Humorous miscommunication.
One for the Movies: (Plance) The plance baby wants in on date night.
Carmen Sandiego (2019) Fics Posted*:
Saved for Memories: VILE discovers Player's existence and brings him in as bait to lure Carmen back. Using the truth extractor, the Faculty get a front row view to Player's memories and how exactly he came to know Carmen.
The Kalosian Castle Caper: A retelling of the first CS episode as a Pokemon AU!
A Good Time: An epilogue gift for @constantconfusion14 and her 'Player tries field work for a caper' fic, Best Laid Plans.
Geography Teacher Player AU
A Teaching Moment: Player's first day of his first year of teaching. Carmen comes to visit to offer congratulations and assure him that he made the right career decision.
The Inspector and the Little Pirate: Devineaux and Julia are on ACME recruitment duty at a high school science fair. Carmen is there to support Player's project. VILE is also there to recruit after ACME decimated their numbers. Chase POV, he learns a little bit more about Carmen and does some bonding with Player.
Off the Hook: At the end of Player's first year of teaching. He helps ACME out on a stakeout gone horribly wrong.
Modern Fantasy Familiar AU
Strange and Familiar: Introduction to the world. Player comes from a magical family. He worries over why he hasn't heard from Black Sheep since he tracked her to Morocco.
Recovery: Directly picks off from Strange and Familiar. Carmen is injured and Player and his parents start her on the path to recovery. They grapple with their new shared magic and get excited over the idea of taking down VILE together.
Relax: Carmen is injured in a caper. Player and his mother make sure that Carmen heals and relaxes and that she is safe here. She's home.
Overload: Carmen, Zack, Ivy, and Player meet up pre-caper to discuss last second plans. Found family fluff.
A Losing Game: The dark Red arc.
Whumptober Collection:
You've Got A Friend: Player takes a gap year before university to travel the world with Carmen. When she gets sick, he finds some relief in being an in-person caretaker this time around.
Found: AU where Black Sheep is never able to escape VILE and get in touch with Player again. Ten years of searching, Player finally finds his best friend again.
All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go: VILE has both Carmen and Player captive on a cruise ship, traveling towards VILE island.
Paper Trail: Maelstrom POV. The Professor bullies a captive Player during the dark red arc.
I Know This Looks Bad...: After VILE discovers Player's existence in a canon divergence AU, Shadowsan is forced to act sooner than he'd like. Unfortunately he didn't tell Player what the plan was before he pulled a Carmen and kidnapped Player first. Prequel to @sakarrie-creates fic Blind Rage, where Carmen confronts Shadowsan on the issue, thinking Player is dead.
*Also written were 44 ficlets of varying lengths not posted.
Best title: Saved for Memories
I love the layers behind this. The crux of the fic is the villains forcing the protagonist to show them cherished memories that happen to be very useful to the bad guys, when those good times with his best friend deserved to be kept more sacred than that.
Worst title: I Know This Looks Bad…
I definitely was not thinking when I posted this fic.
Favorite Piece of Writing:
From The Inspector and the Little Pirate. I consulted by CS buddies and their unanimous decision was this:
Chase turns his head to indeed see that his car is being driven away. But it is not the fact that his car is being stolen that fills him with terror.
Player had been in that car. There hadn’t been four students to protect, there had been five .
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
I went into the year assuming I’d continue to write more plance fic. Then Carmen Sandiego (2019) had its finale in January and I’ve been solidly entrenched since. Churning out 16 fic of various lengths certainly proved that. I also got to do Whumptober again this year. I’d missed it.
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
Off the Hook. Post canon has a special place in my heart and it was my chance to touch on the main cast interacting with each other on friendly terms and living to their full potential.
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
Actually, A Teaching Moment and Saved for Memories both have 219 kudos as of today, which is WILD. Which makes sense, both of these I churned out closest to the end of the series, so there was more readership at the time.
Story most underappreciated by the universe?
Paper Trail. I like to think I’m super clever with the outline of the story and writing Maelstrom’s POV delighting in Player’s despair was SUPER fun. Also most fun to write and potentially saddest. It's a pretty dismal situation for the protagonists.
Fav dialogue from it: “Sometimes there is no reason for evil,” Maelstrom explains, one he’s given to students asking the same. “I just enjoy seeing others suffer. Other times, others are simply means to an end.”
Story with single sweetest moment?
Off the Hook, the scene at the end where Carmen and Player chat. The entire fic has been a high stress caper and Carmen calls simply to chat with her friend. She then tells him to go to bed lol.
Hardest story to write?
The Kalosian Castle caper was like pulling teeth at times, but A Wolf in Thieves Clothing was even moreso. I just haven’t been in a vld mood for most of the year.
Most overdue story?
A Bird in the Hand. Written for the Pidge Angst Bang this year, I’ve had the first portion written for nearly two years so I was super happy to see it to fruition.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I wrote for totally new fandom and characters. I’m branching out to a couple other fandoms too. It’s been relaxing. I'm currently writing a short Pokemon fic, and wrote three Miraculous Ladybug ficlets as a challenge to see how much I could get right about the series from just tumblr posts. Apparently I got pretty close lol.
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
My goals are to enjoy writing. Minimize commitments. Go with the muse.
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musiclifeline13 · 6 years
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Let me tell you why I'm such a fan of Stand Atlantic.
Simply put, they are the most genuine people you'll ever meet.
On their latest tour opening for One Ok Rock and Waterparks, I contemplated flying from Alaska to Seattle to catch the last date. The show ended up selling out before I could get my ducks in a row and I unfortunately, missed out on tickets.
Due to being their fan for almost 2 years, I am kinda well known in their social media circle. I've covered every song off of their Sidewinder EP, Lavender Bones and currently working on a few others. That's how I caught their eye and got in too deep. They offered to let me play Coffee at Midnight with them whenever I come to a headlining show.
I ended up flying to my home state of Ohio in October to see them open on the Neck Deep US tour. After meeting them and talking about my guitar covers, we instantly became connected. This is where it gets, hectic.
Once they knew I wanted to fly to Seattle to only see them play (for a second time) something unreal ensued. I got a DM from bassist Miki Rich. He said the show had sold out, but if I were to make the trek from Alaska to Seattle, I'd have a guest list spot.
I know what you're thinking. Oh, she begged them and is a groupie. It's actually the exact opposite. I was looking at getting a ticket through third party sites or trying to find someone selling one. The thought of not even going came into my mind.
I was super hesitant to accept a guest list spot because things like that do not happen to people like me. I've never been handed anything in life, always working hard for what I get. This seemed too surreal. After exchanging a few messages, I humbly accepted the offer and started making plans.
After booking a plane ticket, hotel and rental car, I flew to Seattle a few days before the show.
(I did some touristy stuff within those few days prior, so I'll skip that.)
(The day of the show.)
I'm standing in line and the crowd stretches back for blocks and blocks. I've been there for about...mmm... 4 hours. I was chatting with a few One Ok Rock fans in front of me because they didn't know StAt and I gladly told them about the band.
A few short minutes after our conversation ended, front woman Bonnie and drummer Jonno came walking out of the venue.
They get about 10ft. in front of me and I shyly wave to Jonno. He notices me and Bonnie's face lit up. They both come in for a hug and say how it was so nice to see me again. After exchanging a few words, they continue on their walk.
The OOR fans I mentioned before were baffled that the band actually knows me. I told them it was because they genuinely love their fans and care so much about them.
(Skip to inside the venue.)
I ended up being about 20-ish feet from the barricade between a mix of OOR and Waterparks fans. (Yikes.) The lights dim and Country Roads starts playing. Here they come. Bonnie belts the first line of Coffee at Midnight and I'm belting it back.
The setlist (I forgot the order):
Coffee at Midnight
Speak Slow
Lost My Cool
Skinny Dipping
Lavender Bones
I couldn't believe Bullfrog was on the set list. Bonnie crowd surfed and I was pushed so close to her. She was inches in front of me and ended up grabbing my hand at one point.
(Skip to post-set.)
I ended up getting kind of claustrophobic and motion sickness from the crowd swaying me back and forth. So I headed to the merch table. As usual, I bought every piece of merch they had and two polaroid photos, signed by each of them. (Bc I'm StAt trash.)
The band comes over to meet fans and beeline for me. Miki, Jonno, Potter and Bonnie just kept saying how great it was to see me and was asking all about my trip. We took a few photos and I graciously stepped away to allow other fans to have their time.
During one OOR song, every band member from StAt and Waterparks joined onstage for some end of tour shenanigans. Kinda cool to see!
After the show Bon, Potter and Jonno were standing in the middle of the somewhat empty venue. I shyly walk to them.
We ended up talking for about 20-30min. about so many things. It felt like we were friends and that we had been for a very long time. They treated me like a person and joked around with me. They asked how my personal life in the military is and how much time I had left. (3 years. 😢)
I mentioned how I wanted to buy a bus and renovate it to tour America. I then joked about if they needed a bus driver to hit me up. They glanced at each other and actually seemed interested. I told them I had until August before I'm out of Alaska and how I'll be back in the lower 48, somewhere hopefully centralized.
I offered to buy them a meal in exchange for the guest list. They were interested. Unfortunately, they had a long drive back to California before they embarked on their EU/UK tour and had to decline.
Being that they are on the lineup for Sad Summer Fest. I told them I was gonna miss the Ohio date because I'll be there on vacation the month prior. Bon actually sounded like she wanted me there. Like, genuinely bummed about it. (However, I have now decided to try and alter my dates in an attempt to make it!)
We joked and laughed for a good while, before we eventually had to say our goodbyes. I gave them each one last hug and headed out. The night had ended as fast as it had started.
(I almost got locked INSIDE the venue... 🙃)
This ended up longer than planned, but I think it gives a clear concept of how much this band means to me. So down to Earth and really great dudes!
There's no doubt that they'll get pretty big if they keep up this pace. I hope that the world comes to love them as much as I do!
(If you made it to the end, thank you for taking the time to read this.
If you love StAt, same dude.
If you're new to them, welcome!)
(Stream 'SKINNY DIPPING' by Stand Atlantic!)
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