#also yes i am listening to tad as i type this
wren-of-the-woods · 2 years
There me be relatively few of us The Amazing Devil fans, but what we lack in numbers we make up in sheer, unhinged enthusiasm.
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Heathen in My Own Right
Author's note: Hura's next chapter. I mentioned @sleepyfan-blog Death Guard OC Darsas and their Salamander OC: Ash'val too. @kit-williams OC's Roland and Arnault are mentioned in this. Thanks for letting me borrow them!
Past =-= Next
Warnings: None as far as I can tell. Let me know if I need to add anything.
Summary: Hura and others get warned about a Feral War Band of Black Templars showing up.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
Hura’s beloved human has fully recovered from their illness a month later, the minor blessing that he’d given them had been a tad stronger than he’d meant it to be. But he’d made sure to note down that he was able to give a Blessing of Nurgle that was so strong, in Ancient Terra where things were far, far more difficult and took far more effort, resources and time than in their home Era. 
It was something he was going to mention to Darsas the next time he saw him. Darsas tended to be more of a wanderer by nature and what his duties were, while Hura was an Apothecary, but necessity was more stationary. Granted, he, like all Apothecaries, was rotated through the various Astartes run stations as needed. 
And if he was called in to help with particularly recalcitrant or difficult renegade and most especially Chaos Marines, he was happy to help. He’d met Zeth recently, a Black Legionnaire, while he was blessed by the Warp with strong gifts… he was not the brightest of the Sons of Horus. 
Which wasn’t a bad thing, but something that was noted in his file for his fellow brothers and cousins in Chaos to help him with. Sometimes that type of brothers and cousins needed a bit more help, more structure and routine, and did poorly in the even less structured environment that is Ancient Terra if they weren’t a part of a specific group of marines. 
Bless his Hearts, Zeth was trying his best, but that Cousin has already gotten into trouble several different times and didn’t seem to quite understand what it was that he did that he was being scolded for. 
At Hura’s suggestion, he was put into a group with a couple of the sharper Sons of Horus and was given one of the stricter Chaos Marine Sergeants to keep him on track. While Hura isn’t an officer, he tends to be able to get his fellow Marines to listen and behave  with his unique blend of pleasantly threatening. 
Also, Chaos Marines especially know the phrase of “don’t fuck with the medic” and adhere to it, usually more strictly than the renegades and loyalists do. He scratches at one of his elbows as he heads into the Apothecary Meeting, listening to the others talk about various important administrative things.
Hearing about a War Band of Loyalist Black Templars (is there any other kind?) that are in the area that have some members who are… particularly dangerous. Has his eyes sharpening and he asks what they mean by that.
“One of the Salamander Captains,” The Ultramarine Apothecary says, “Said he’d gotten a warning from one of the Primaris Marines that the Chaplain Captain in that particular war band is… quite a hardliner.”
“Great, a particularly over zealous Son of Dorn,” One of his fellow Chaos Marine Apothecaries says with a groan, “So fun. Are we being shifted from inner city clinics to outer until the bastards leave then?”
“Yes, for the safety of yourselves and those around us,” Zariel says with a nod. 
“Any other information about this Black Templar war band that you should or need to tell us about?” Hura asks.
“Not at this time.” Zariel says with a shake of his head. 
Ash’val had been almost breathing fire how angry he was, and he’d grabbed all of the Primaris Marines on the base and had stuck them in the nest, a safe place and had been almost breathing literal fire and had stirred up the rest of the Salamanders quite unpleasantly. Learning what Catius had told him had, reevaluating the Black Templar Chapter, and sending a message back to his handler about it. 
Not that Ash’val had told him everything but it was more about the politics of M42 which had been nasty business. He’s not going to stir up this mixed group of loyalists, renegade and Chaos Apothecaries. 
Especially since some of them would spread the information around to some of their more Troublesome brothers and cousins to Start Shit. Not only that but Roland and Arnault of the Black Templars were also in the area. Having been told about another Black Templar Primaris marine in need of Older Brother guidance. Not that Zariel is going to tell these people that.
“Thank you for the warning cousin,” Hura says with a nod.
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randomvarious · 3 months
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Today's compilation:
Teknoir 1999 Rhythmic Noise / Experimental / Industrial / IDM
Oh boy! Here's a late 90s double-disc sampler from German label Hymen Records, whose name, yes, of course, is making reference to a part of the vagina! Founded in 1997 as a sub-label of Ant-Zen, Hymen bills itself as 'technoid noises for collapsing people,' which is a description that will make a whole lot more sense to you if you actually listen to this album.
Now, I didn't like most of what's served up on this thing; I'm not really a noisenik or a rhythmic noisenik, and I don't go for much in the way of industrial music, either. BUT, at the points when this album steers a little bit away from German avantgardist weirdness, and more towards genres that are a tad more conventional like IDM and breakbeat-based stuff, that's when I fully latch on to a solid handful of these tracks 😋.
But before we dive into all of that, we also need to address a certain elephant in the room when it comes to industrial music writ large; and that elephant is fascism. Now, I am certainly no fan of this purely rotten political ideology, but there is no doubt that because industrial music has a hard, abrasive, and martial quality to it, that it can definitely attract a certain goose-stepping type. And being that we're talking about Germany specifically here—where fascism once again appears to be rearing its very ugly head, as the once-fringe AfD party continues to gain seats in the Bundestag (German parliament), and vocal criticism of an apartheid state that is pretty clearly currently committing genocide is forcefully stifled—you have to wonder, are the people who are making this music sympathetic to fascism themselves?
And the answer to that question would appear to be a pretty full-throated "no," as evidenced by a wild track from Substanz T called "Industrial Music for Industrial People (Live)." On this tune, Substanz T loop up a quote from a guy who passionately says, "and if you don't like fascism, don't play industrial music." And so, taking clever heed of those words, with this track on an album that's surrounded by a whole lot of industrial music otherwise, Substanz T decide to play a diabolical brand of hardcore acid jungle instead, so as to say, "yeah, we're not fascists, man, so we're not gonna play industrial music for your ass. Here's this dance genre that a whole lot of black people have played a significant role in building instead, you fuckin' prick! 🖕🤘"
Gotta love it!
But while I certainly dig the messaging of that song itself, I don't think that that one is my absolute favorite here. And to be honest with you all, I don't know which of these is actually my favorite, because the front half of the second disc offers up a bunch of terrific choices, like the chilly and dub-brained IDM of Architect's "Pastgate," the sublimely splattery and drill n' bassy "Listen to the Call" by Beefcake, the Goldilocks-level-of-Gary-Numanesque-synths-crossed-with-bludgeoning-percussion that is Somatic Responses' "Oblique," and the sort of 80s retrofuturistic distorted nu-electro of Klangstabil's "Regelkreisauslöser." All seriously uniquely brilliant electronic tunes!
And this leads me to my final point, which feels like maybe the ten millionth time that I'm making it: No matter how bad or unfit to your own personal taste an album might seem, don't dump out of it until it's over, because you really might miss out on something remarkable. I say this so many times because it's happened to me so many times. Outside of that anti-fash Substanz T song, the first disc on this comp really did not end up bearing much fruit, and as a result, I *really* was not looking forward to having to endure the second disc. But had I decided to call it quits at that halfway point, I would've missed pretty much the entire cream of this release's crop, and that simply would've sucked, because there actually happen to be a whole bunch of unexpected marvels on that second disc! 🤩
Not Breathing - "Kissy (Pre M.R.I. Mix)" Substanz T - "Industrial Music for Industrial People (Live)"
Architect - "Pastgate" Bochumwelt - "La Pensée" Beefcake - "Listen to the Call" Somatic Responses - "Olblique" Klangstabil - "Regelkreisauslöser" Mother Destruction - "Odr"
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Finished Watching: 4/1/2024
Genre: Action, Biography, Drama, Sports
Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟/5 (4/5, a little biased tbf)
Expectations: I didn't have any expectations going in. Why? Because I've already watched the film before. It's been a while, but I watched it back when it came out in theaters in 2016. However, it's been a while since I watched it, so my memory of the movie was a bit fuzzy, and this rewatch fixed that. I noticed many more details that I previously didn't and I think I got out of my watching slump, which is always a plus.
Not a Favorite
Summary: Mavir Singh Phogat is an ex-national wrestling champion who had to long give up on his dream of winning a gold medal for his country as his family could not afford it. He dreams that his son will win one instead, but he has four daughters back to back. As they grow up, he slowly distances himself from wrestling, but when his two oldest daughters, Geeta & Babita, start showing promise, he trains them, much to their dismay.
Thoughts (*SPOILERS*):
Like I said, I've watched this film before, but OH MY GOD!!! I love Bollywood so much and this film reminds me why. Obviously, this isn't stereotypical Bollywood with lots of romance and drama. However, the tension in many of the scenes had me sitting on the edge of my seat. And of course, I was vibing to the music. Did I think it was too often? Probably for somebody who is not used to films with music. But these are the types of movies I grew up with so I was enjoying it to the max.
Did I love the characters? (Should I even call them characters?) Yes! Were they also a tad bit dramatic? Even more so. The villain in the second half of the film, the training coach, was almost comically villainous. I actually almost laughed when he locked the father in the closet because Geeta was listening to him. Like??? He still sucked at coaching, the fact he still has a job is crazyyy even in the film's world.
Now I am not a huge wrestling fan. The closest you will see me watch wrestling is from all the fighting webcomics I read. So I can't really confirm how accurately the movie portrays wrestling. However, I can attest to how it stays exciting. It makes me want to watch more wrestling matches (I won't, but it made me want to!).
Would I recommend this to anybody? Abso-fucking-lutely. Anybody who wants to try a Bollywood film out, but doesn't really get excited by the idea of a classic rom-com and wants something a little more wholesome? Try this one, I beg. Aamir Khan really did eat this film up, and I actually don't expect anything less from the man. In fact, try more Aamir Khan films if you want to watch Bollywood. They always get me.
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variousqueerthings · 8 months
Rating Jodie Whittaker first season episodes, best to worse? yeah best to worse. subjective, of course:
1- Demons Of The Punjab
Clear winner for me, beautifully written and shot, with the science fiction element really interacting with the plot. I have some things I wish for this episode -- I wish it was even more explicit how much this situation came out of British colonialism, I wish Yaz had wanted to know about the origins of the watch even though she was there, because I kind of felt like it was for her grandmother more than for her (I would looove to pick the brains of the writer and actress), I wish the science fiction element had tied just a tad more explicitly to the plot, but to be honest considering how hamfisted and sometimes fully off-base the politics has been this era, especially in the next season but in this one occasionally too (THE SYSTEM ISN'T THE PROBLEM!) I am happy to take simple witnessing. But it's a great episode, it comes together well, it's... a rare... episode... about Yaz
2- The Woman Who Fell To Earth
I think this is a great introduction to Thirteen as a mad professor type Doctor. Simple. My favourite Doctor intros are the RTD and RTD2 eras (Nine, Ten, Fifteen), but I think Thirteen is fantastic in this, and it does introduce the companions well -- my one thing I'd change, probably grows gradually as I go through the era, and it's simply that I like Grace as a character more than Graham, and I did not like how she died, and especially not how throughout her death seems to be centred more on Graham than on Ryan
3- It Takes You Away
Frog. Frog. Frog. Also Scandinavian softcore horror for the intro. I mean generally this episode is just a fascinating little ride. So many twists and turns for something that's also so contained. And FROG! -- I do think this episode faltered just a tad on exploring why the dad stayed there, I mean, grief yes, but he's only in this one episode and so you're left with this guy who abandoned his daughter and played spooky noises to keep her inside a hut, while he lived it up in his fake reality with his fake wife, and initially I thought there was a bit of alien hypno or something involved, but no. Just a mess of a father, and then we move on. And also again, Grace only interacts with Graham and not with Ryan. BUT LISTEN! FROG! UNIVERSE FROG!
4- Rosa
Rosa is suuuuch a tricky episode to pull off and I think it being made at all is such major props. It's one of the (if not the) episodes where I genuinely have felt so much real-life fear for one of the companions, and it not shying away from that while attempting to balance it for kids, and having it educate people on Rosa Parks and that history, and Rosa is a fantastically written character as well. it's something I think really is indicative of consciously thinking about who matters in history/for the history episodes than dead white British guys. I rate it further down (although not far down) because I don't know if it was able to nail the ending properly. there was a fatalistic element to the idea of them having to stay seated so that Rosa could protest, and structurally I have questions about the villain, who is very thinly written, and the build throughout the episode being kind of anti-climactic to me. It's kind of pivoting around Rosa as the really interesting part of the episode and I'm glad that she is what works for me, but I don't think it works as an episode of science fiction, nor am I sure about what the ending in the bus is meant to tell us. it also features the first of the "feels like it's spoken directly to the camera" type speeches at the end, which we see more of in the next season.
5- The Ghost Monument
I mean, the ending where the Doctor speaks to the Tardis is it for me. I've heard some people don't like this episode, I think it's solid. it does suffer from Chibnall era sl-o-o-o-o-w pacing at times, which is a thing I've been finding more and more throughout and having checked which episodes feel like major offenders to me, they are ones that tend to be written by him. did just look back at previous seasons episodes by him, and actually he didn't do that many, but some of them are similar in structure, but perhaps not so noticeable when couched in other writers/showrunners. there was some mistake made in the ending of this episode when the companions finally see the Tardis and either the writing or directing decided that they needed to react to this with an understated "wow." Be big! this show is Big!
actually I wonder if that's at the core of some of the things I don't vibe with with Chibs (that and the trying to appease everyone appeases no one and the centre politics with some serious missteps), but structurally I don't think he quite accepts the Doctor Who-ness of it and sometimes tries too hard to turn it into Serious Scifi. sometimes I like that, and often DW is serious, but it's also silly and Camp. it's soul is Camp and Chibnall in his era is not (this the man who wrote Power Of Three, sir!)
but I'm ok with this episode not being so camp. it's serviceable, it gives us back the Tardis and she is Be-a-utiful and gives me one of my favourite little moments between the Doctor and the Tardis
(oh the other thing is Chibnall in his own era has Important Backstory come in oddly artificially and off to the side of the plot/doesn't smoosh the two together well enough. does that in a fair few of these, not just this one)
6- The Witchfinders
I enjoy this one. Alan Cumming plays James I as suitably gay and unhinged with an evil bent to it, there's some wild tree alien zombie witch action, the Doctor namedrops Houdini, I just quite enjoy it -- also it goes more off the rails than I feel like this era allows itself. This is "bad" but it's of the enjoyable kind in my opinion. I may actually in my soul put it one higher/switch it with Ghost Monument, but I'm too lazy to
7- The Tsuranga Conundrum
I like the lil alien in this. I think it suffers froooom... Pacing issues again! And it's another Chibnall written episode! I think I do enjoy the male pregnancy, I mean, I know several men and nbs who've been pregnant so I'm coming at it differently than I'm sure a large swathe of the UK audience, but it (from memory) didn't do any weird "now a man can know what this feels like" type commentary, it's just a planet where men give birth to men, and women give birth to women (sidenote on that, I read this as a Tardis mistranslation or a "close enough" type translation -- so it's just that one part of the species gives birth to one part of the species, and another to another, and Ryan and Graham and Yaz read that as Man and Woman so that's how the translation does it, cos they're not up on the queer lingo... makesya wonder about how dimorphism and potential intersex and trans ideas look on that planet too)
but yeah, a lot of this episode drags for me. I don't not enjoy it, but I think it comes at a point in the season where you wanted something a bit more adrenaline-filled. After the first episode we had the quiet Rosa, then the somewhat messy and also downstated Arachnids of the UK and then I felt kind of owed a big space to-do, which it did seem to start as, but then tapered out a bit. that being said I like a lot of the space ideas (neurological spaceship piloting!!!) and yeah. I don't dislike it
8- Arachnids Of The UK
ARACHNIDS IN THE UK THEY JUST LOCKED YOU IN A ROOM AND WAITED FOR YOU TO DIE I GUESS!!!!??? I think this is the... not the first episode, I think Rosa was the first for me, where it felt like the Doctor sometimes just doesn't act. As if the resolution is "things happen the way they happen and all we can do is hang about I guess"
which is a bit of a Chibs Politics issue and of course most obvious in our bottom rung, but yeah. Not so much of a fan of centrist Doctor, I need me some of that anarchic energy of the past!
we do meet Yaz's mum (hi Yaz's mum!) who asks if Yaz and the Doctor are dating and the Doctor is like... "is that what this is? if you say so" which is kind of hilarious, and Ryan's grime playlist. but overall a bit of a miss
9- Resolution
this was the first episode I hadn't seen before, and it featured one of my faves in the single episode lead and she was great. Unfortunately it felt to me like a rehashed Dalek plot that we've seen done better several times before
we did get Ryan's dad, which I appreciated, because I was under the impression we'd never get to see any of that. I like that he saw the Tardis and decided not to come, but is happy to see his son is cared for, and also that it's a complicated relationship that's being fixed. and I just grab at all the Ryan plot I possibly can!
10- The Battle Of Ranskoor Av Kolos
IIIIIIIIII thought this episode was boring (aahhhh sorry). which feels so damning in such a terrible way, almost worse than things I've said about M*ffat but maybe I should've said more of his episodes were boring, because many of them were, but they were like. maximalist boring, because he thought if he just blasted you full of enough images you'd not pay attention to whether or not there was any plot or character development, whereas this episode to me just... drags
I like the duo alien species, I think they're very cool. I don't think Tim Shaw was compelling enough to come back as a finale villain, I feel like they banked wrongly on that and that's why this episode suffers (well, that and the pacing)
it also shows a bit to me that there's a struggle in this era to do long-form character development at times. A lot of things get brought up in one episode and immediately dealt with within that episode through just... deciding to deal with it. sometimes this isn't the case (Ryan's dad was set up in episode 1 so we could sit with that for a bit, and he featured a lot in the episode he was in, Grace's memory has appeared several times throughout the season in some form or other) but Graham going "I'm gonna shoot this guy -- no never mind I thought it through and I won't" is a bit weak
there's also not a whole lot of this finale that deals with any of the companions or the Doctor in any deep way, they don't reaaally change or grow in a way that makes you go "ah yes, I see where you've come from and potentially where we're setting you up to go next." To be honest this was also a problem with M*ffat, specifically with Clara, who was three different characters depending on season, but in this one again it's not a mad forgetfulness of his own lore that's making Chibnall do this, it's just kind of static
11- Kerblam
aaaaand Kerblam. Honestly. opening salvo of this? Great. and then. it loses the fucking plot. and calls space Amazon alright actually. and just... I mean all of it's a mess. Capitalism Propaganda, from the characters to the resolution. make you blink a few times and worry perhaps that despite episodes like Demons of the Punjab and Rosa that ol' Chibs (who to be fair didn't write this one, but would have had final say on it and potentially commissioned the idea) is not the guy to be writing Progressive Doctor Who... maybe... who knows...
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witchthewriter · 2 years
hi! i was so excited to see that opened up ships again & that you added the lotr characters! can i please get a level 5 ship for boromir, aragorn, & legolas?
i’m bisexual & my pronouns are she/her. i’m 5’7, i have long wavy blonde hair & hazel eyes, and i have a curvy body type! i’m a pagan witch & i enjoy working with & worshipping deities, divination, tarot cards, spirit work, and crystals. i’m an extroverted introvert, i’m quiet and observant until i am comfortable around them & they can’t get me to stop talking lol. i’m hard headed & stubborn, when i set my mind to something i’m going to do it. i’m crafty and love to create things. i like exploring in nature. i’m a social worker & get a lot of satisfaction out of helping others. i really love cats!
my big six is gemini sun, scorpio moon, virgo rising, gemini mercury, gemini mars, & cancer venus 🤍
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
Complete sidenote, but I think you might like it. I found this fairy/elf maker and it's actually so gorgeous. You could totally create yourself as a character in a fantasy story, much like Lord of the Rings???
𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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It was a definite toss-up between Aragorn and Legolas. There's something a tad forceful about Boromir that wouldn't mesh well enough. Moving onto Legolas, I think you need someone who is more emotionally in tune with ... emotions as a whole. So that's why I went with Aragorn. I think he can be mistaken as a stoic, silent type, but he picks up more than people realise.
・Asks you about your witchy-ways. Who you worship, how you got into that lifestyle etc. He was only mildly curious at first but after seeing what you could do, he became more and more interested:
"D-did you just move that cup...with you mind?" (Also we're in the LotRs universe, magic has no bounds, so yes, you did move that cup with your mind!)
・You enchant his jewellery so he always has an extra layer of protection.
・Also, I can imagine your first interaction being Aragorn pushing you up against a wall with a dagger to your throat. (He didn't know who you were and you had startled him.)
・Initially called you by your last name for a while. Even when you entered your relationship, it was like a teasing thing. But after a while he started to call you Nin Meleth which translates to "My love" in Sindarin
・Teaches you how to handle weapons. He comes up behind you and holds your hand over the weapon, guiding it with you
・Also, I can totally see you in the LotRs universe with a cat trailing you wherever you go. Animals and small creatures can't help but be drawn to you
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
↬ Somebody to Love by the Midnite String Quartet
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆:
↬ Falls In Love Easily (You) x Wary Of Love (Aragorn)
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
Your love for all things magical & how observant you are. Aragorn likes that you can talk to anyone, but you also know when to listen. Not many know how to do that.
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Would end up being Legolas - he would definitely have a crush on you, and possibly be in love with you. But because of his struggle with emotions and actually showing them, you ended up being the one who got away. But that didn't stop you from reaching out to him and keeping up your platonic relationship. You have a lot of inside jokes, which would be curious to some as many haven't even seen Legolas laugh.
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Hi!! I was wondering if I could please have a romantic ship with a boy from the golden trio era?
I’m 5’4 and I have long curly hair and bright green eyes. I’m and ENTJ 7w8, and a Gryffindor. I adore all sciences but especially biology and chemistry, which makes sense because I’m going to be a surgeon. I can be stubborn and a tad loud, I have a large friendgroup and am very extroverted. I like using my knowledge to make people laugh because I like joking around, even if it gets me in trouble- laughter is the best medicine. I’m not the best with comforting emotions, but I really try my hardest to give good advice. People trust me and I take that as a large responsibility.
I can be impulsive and sometimes irritable but I’m very slow to true anger because I’ve learned I’m scary when angry and need to controll my temper. I love animals (especially dolphins and cats), whimsigothic and obnoxious patterns, coffee with cinnamon, fireworks, and roller/ice rinks even though I have zero balance. I can often be found watching a rom-com or horror movie and eating a snack while multitasking and doing homework. I can be disorganized and a procrastinator, but I always get it done. I’ve been told I have a RBF but I swear I’m really nice unless you say something cruel against my friends, me, or my family. I really dislike judgy people, people who hurt innocents, racists, homophobes (looking at u JK), and those who think violence is always the answer. I also dislike those who have no appreciation for the world around them
I enjoy knowledge for the sake of knowing, and I read a lot of true crime and mysteries because not knowing the end is always the most fun part. I also love art, painting, singing, playing an instrument, acting, the whole lot. I’m the first person on the dance floor and the last to leave. My favorite color is red, but purple and green are close behind. The best person to be is yourself, and it’s the motto I live by. I pride myself on being the only me ever. Thanks for listening to my rambling and I’m excited to see who think I’d end up with at Hoggity-Woggity-Hogwarts!
hi! thank you for participating :)
i’m so sorry, but i’ve stared at this post for like ten minutes and im so tired, but i don’t want to make you wait anymore, so if you don’t mind im gonna do a kinda fast version of this. it’s the last one i have in my inbox. so im sorry if it’s not as cohesive as some of the other ones i’ve done of this, it might seem a little jumbled. but im close to falling asleep and i don’t want to forget about this request or any of my ideas.
anyways, i ship you with neville!
i think you being extroverted would make it easier for him to talk to you. he’s a little introverted himself, but he’d open up around you when you made him comfortable enough to be himself. plus, he’d get really excited when he realized you were into science. idk how into botany you are, but he’d love telling you about it, and he’d love it even more that you were willing to actually listen to him and not brush him off. and you’d mutually bond over your love for animals and magic creatures.
i think he’d really appreciate that you’re the type of friend to stand up for him if people were rude. if they said something about blood purity, or his parents and what bellatrix did, or just anything shitty to him, he’d know that you’d be there to back him up. i think he does have what it takes to stand up for himself, he just sometimes need the nudge. and you’d be more than happy to help out.
overall, i think neville would know that he can be himself around you. there’s nothing you would judge him for, and he’d never judge you. when he found out you liked to dance, he’d be thrilled. he’d ask you to whatever annual dance there was, and practice all night when you said yes. people like ron or seamus would tease the two of you for dancing all night, but it wouldn’t bother you at all. luna would applaud you, dancing along with you.
“thanks for coming with me,” he’d say.
you’d smile, settling your arms around his shoulders. “i wouldn’t miss it.”
you’d be in a red dress (or suit, or whatever it is you’d prefer) and neville would tell you how beautiful you looked, gently swaying with you back and forth.
you’d grin, swaying along with him. “you look beautiful, too.”
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dasilvergoober · 4 months
Something that was written by: Brynnon
Blog #1: Tuesday, May 21st, 2024
Throughout my day, I always have to play nice with the various customers that come my way. This is alright, though, because it may be hard for people to see that I am a traditionally nice person. Only exceptions include when I have to stand up to a bully, I'm feeling choatic or bathing in the sense of bloodlust due to being a tad bit bipolar -- Which I'm working on. -- or when I deem it better to just go my separate way from the current situation as I strive to be more free spirited, and I'm not sticking around if I feel uncomfortable or used. Anyhow, one of the few customers I get every now and again is of the overly religious types. That's fine. If you have pride in your faith, however, there's a certain point where it gets a tad disrespectful. I'm not gonna go into names or too into specifics as I want to respect the privacy of both my job and the individuals involved. So I'm gonna try and be as vague as I can get.
I've had scenarios where a customer asks me: Do you believe in God?
To which, my answer is yes.
Then they proceed to ask the usual questions like: Have you given yourself to God? Do you pray to him every day?
These are fine questions to ask, but my answer is always going to be no. Sometimes, they accept this, and other times, they get offended. As if the question they asked has a preset answer and by changing the direction in which the conversation is going, I have upset the greater diety that they follow.
Listen, I mean zero disrespect towards Jesus Christ or God when I write this. I do believe they exist, though, to what extent and form they exist is up to countless amounts of debate. I know I'm gonna spark some kind of controversy when I say this, but I respect and view them as no higher than my equals, just like any other person.
My life does not belong to God, Jesus (You can argue them to be one in the same if you want.), Satan, Donald Trump, Biden, or any political office, or any company (They may buy my work but never my soul. Aside from that, I always give them my all.) If that path of belief locks me out of Heaven and sends me to the darkest pit of Hell, then they are no God that deserves my faith. I say they because we have no proof on God's gender, you may argue with me on that but any source you provide for this centuries old question is gonna be just as refutable as it is acceptable... unless you cite the Nightcore cover of "God is A Girl" as your source, then I will agree. (Jokingly.) Any person, let alone God, who weighs any persons' life against their religious belief system rather than the morale of their soul and the actions they commit in their life is not someone I'll follow.
Now, the theory I have is that God made us all. It was a long, long time ago. It's longer than the Bible has ever comprehended. That is all they did. They have no control beyond that, but maybe their intentions were pure. Anyhow, time passes and humanity -- (I'm using "humanity" as a catch-all phrase for all the various races, genders, and whatever we were in past lives) -- humanity does as they do: Lie, cheat, and kill but also love, trust, and laugh. Things that make us great and beautiful but also horrible at the same time. All which make us human in the first place. With each death and each universe shattered, God sends a Mesiah down to remind us at a point where we can listen, to remind us to love each other, and eventually, we send them back. During all of this, God collects the souls who have suffered but not let that change them and keeps them in a sort of lobby until they are ready to be reincarnated. Whether that be as a cow, rat, or the all sentient man itself in whatever form that may be because God sees it all as equal as long as the soul is good. Then he sends us back.
I like to believe that my brother is waiting for me in that lobby. He wasn't a pure man, but his intentions were always good. I couldn't see that until after he was gone. We'll meet up and chill on a couch with Jesus Christ, smoke some weed because, since we are dead and in the form of our souls, our lungs don't technically exist. We can smoke and drink all we want with no negative effect and talk for hours, maybe even years, about our next life. Maybe we get to choose, then our memories are wiped, and we are sent back. The angels return our memories to us in the form of cryptic dreams that we only understand when we need them. Then life continues and continues.
Maybe Jesus is our friend, maybe he's sad to see us go. Every time we return, it's like a party where everyone is invited to discuss everything and celebrate on our own terms.
That's what I choose to believe, and if that's the case, just like I'm welcome to call on him when I need a favor, hopefully he can also lean on us.
Love to all. Take care of one another.
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oddstarsuwo · 8 months
A Guide On How To Be Ome! By OddStars
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(Warning: this is just me having fun with some ideas and interpretation of what Ome could be if it was a real thing, not an actual definition cuz I just made this up but if you want to add to this feel free I would love any suggestions, ideas, art, photos on what an opposite of emo would be like? Also took an inspiration from a skit made by Content Machine but I was thinking of this a week before I swear YouTube has my brain pattern figured out it’s scary-)
Omes are very calm folk, their emotions don’t fluctuate often and are mostly peaceful seeking people, some might call them psychopaths but there’s nothing wrong with being that so let’s refrain from giving diagnoses to peeps we don’t know!
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The fashion omes choose shouldn’t in most cases have any graphics on it (but it does depend on the person’s preferred style ex: sporty, outdoorsy, romantic etc), clothes should be white but any light colors would do if washed out enough and give the Ome vibe~
Example :
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(Sorry am bad at collages, hope u get the idea tho)
Makeup is definitely a distinct feature for Omes, white or grey eyebrows and eyelashes can help elevate the Ome look! or natural brown eyeshadow with added white liner on top can pull you towards the Ome style too, One more thing a lot of beginner Omes mess up on is the need to add shadows! yes a bit of darkness will help make the lights pop even more, so it’s preferred to have a dark blush that is tad darker than your skin color but also using red blushes or pink lipstick depending on what type of aesthetic your going for can also be considered following the Ome fashion!
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Hair should be white, light blonde or any shade of grey preferably on lighter side, hair styles some Omes prefer is with parted bangs to show their face and forehead (but some might like bangs too), and most style it in any way they like be it long or short, but preferably with no sharpness to it, soft curls are also a plus for Omes, it gives an Angelic look and shows their carefreeness and realistic optimism on life! :D
(Differences between Emo and Ome boys)
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Now for the music! Surprisingly, music can be one of the little things that make an Ome for theirs no gatekeeping the type of music you like, it only needs to bring you joy and to not be Emo related (tho some emo music is allowed if it’s popular enough) But if you want a straightforward answer than Mainstream music is their preferred genre, whatever gives quick gratification and is easy to pop your head to is probably Ome! (Gasp, am I Ome??)
Some Omes consider themselves normies for they don’t feel any pull towards any certain style or music or don’t like to limit themselves to a label, so keep in mind that no matter what you listen and wear to be an Ome is to be open minded for clothes and music don’t make an Ome but the way you treat yourself and others does, take care of yourself, enjoy what you like in life and be kind to the world and cold to it’s darkness for to be Ome is to be at peace at heart. (corny-ass-ending wtv)
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(End of post)
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lovejustforaday · 8 months
2023 Year End List - #7
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Psychotrovas and Mantis, Chosen by Experts and the International Association of Drug Addicts - Headed
Main genres: Instrumental Hip Hop, Experimental Hip Hop, Sampledelia
A decent sampling of: Trip Hop, Sound Collage, Ambient, Jazz Hop
Gray skies. Paranoid premonitions of an alien invasion. Waking up in your darkened apartment and not being able to tell the time of day, or what day of the week it is. Sadness in the form of hallucinations. A dark and isolating psychosis.
These are the ways I would describe the listening experience that is my #1 most unknown, completely esoteric choice album for 2023 - Psychotrovas and Mantis, Chosen by Experts and the International Association of Drug Addicts.
Full disclosure - I actually knew so little about the actual artist's origins and identifying information, and what I know now that I've done a bit of research still isn't all that much.
In fact, I don't even remember how I came across this record (perhaps bandcamp, or more likely by sorting by 'esoteric' on the RYM charts), but I remember that I saw the cover art and was immediately intrigued.
Anyhow, here's what I did manage to gather for information, at least according to the sparse sources online that I can go off of:
Headed is one of a few projects "headed" (hahahaha why yes I am funny thank you) by Chilean multi-genre musician Camilo Gonzáles, who runs his own independent label called Turnout Music.
According to its official bandcamp page, this record "is a concept album about a boy who takes drugs to stay happy after a separation with his girlfriend and thus not be constantly sad, but after several months he can't take it anymore and ends the addiction, ending in a mental chaos represented in the second half of the album." And true to it's premise, this record is a seemingly endless abyss of trippy, glum atmosphere.
The record is also split into two distinct parts proper.
Psychotrovas, which takes up the better chunk of the record, is a tad more upbeat, marked by winding, introspective corridors of instrumental hip hop and sampledelia. Tracks are often two or even three parters, sometimes alternating between radically distinct movements.
On the latter end, there's the much shorter Mantis, which is mostly a collection of one or two minute surreal, "gloombient" music pieces of the Yume Nikki-esque variety.
Also, can I just gush that I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I actually recognized a few of the samples on this record from albums I already really love, which honestly thank fuck because I doubt there's any information on the internet that could tell me where any of the other samples come from, seeing as how the guy is basically uber-underground.
But I digress. On with the track-by-track highlights.
"Sun Audio" gets right into the pleasure centres of my neural network. A brilliantly choppy sample of the already stellar drumline from Stereolab's "Diagonals" is boosted and overlaid with some moody sci-fi flying-saucer-type synths to create a perfect equilibrium between soft glowy tingling sensations and the eerie atmosphere of deep space isolation. Honestly I could really enjoy just listening to a 30 minute loop of this segment alone, but then the track switches to some very phaser-heavy (whole lotta phaser on this record) piano jazz beats with some nicely done unresolved chord progressions to ease me into the uneasiness that is to follow on later tracks.
My personal favourite cut is "Syria", sampling old melancholic Hispanic folk music over some very Dilla type beats that place me right in the middle of a windswept plateau wasteland with nothing but the clothes on my back and the bitter taste of yearning in my mouth. This segues into another piano piece, this time equal parts sinister and truly heartbroken. Seriously, I frigging love this track but I would not recommend listening to the second half if you're already at your rock bottom.
"Tomorrow... Yeah Tomorrow" carries some very surrendering, indulgent energy, like my muscles are loosening and my mind is slowly melting into escapism, albeit maybe not the healthiest kind. This kinda just feels like being shlonked which has thankfully only really happened to me once or twice. It feels like you could get lost in this track, especially with that distant spoken word piece which feels like it should only be physically happening a few feet away from you, but you're experiencing it as though the dude is murmuring in the other room.
"City Soundtrack / Protocolo Jaco / Sorry" is perhaps where the atmsophere of the Psychotrovas side really sets in at its most intense. This track alone is thirteen minutes and manages to feel ages longer, yet somehow like almost no time has passed at all by the end of it. There's ghosts of the past all around you as you're walking alone at 2:00 am, but you're kind of just content with them lingering there since they all just kind of bleed into the background.
Mantis begins with "Sun Age", an ambient track that blends the phosphenes and eigengrau of when you close your eyes into a single sonic colour, then stretching it to a distorted wavelength that drones with a yawning weariness. Tired eyes as expressed through song.
I also really like "The Coldest Season", which rings with that distinct coldness when you live in a port city and you're down at the waterfront by yourself on a winter night.....other people can relate to this behaviour, rite? But yeah, this one is probably the loneliest and yet possibly coziest track on the LP.
I really gotta give it to this record's ability to effectively communicate its conceptual story with changes and progressions in its mood, and basically no lyrics apart from a few short interluding skits with a fictional radio show host. It's honestly quite stunning. This is some A+ showing (sounding?) instead of telling within the music album format.
That said, I could see how this might be too long for some. I could possibly have even seen myself considering bumping this to a 10 if Psychotrovas had been edited down about two tracks and Mantis having been a little more fleshed out, maybe with one good 5+ minute ambient piece.
But beyond my nitpicking, this is probably the most impressive atmosphere on any album I've heard this year. Psychotrovas and Mantis (etc.) is a great example of one of those brilliantly conceived and executed records that slips through the cracks all the time due to the sheer saturation of music in the streaming age.
If you do check this one out and enjoy it as much as I did, please support the artist on Bandcamp. Idk who this Headed guy really is or what he looks like, but the dude's got mad talent.
Highlights: "Syria", "Sun Audio", "City Soundtrack / Protocolo Jaco / Sorry", "The Coldest Season", "Sun Age", "Tomorrow... Yeah Tomorrow", "Kaleidoscope", "Mellow Nights (Tape)", "Nunca Ouvi Algo Assim", "I'll Remember April", "Masterful Space Project", "Untitled......."
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petrichoraline · 9 months
🦊 because you're witty and brutally honest and i'm intimidated by witty and sincere people
I GOT A FOX! I got a foxxx 😭💞
putting this here in case someone else wants to surprise me
listen, this message took me on a bit of a ride cause I was excited to see my theory proven right (that some of the asks I receive on anon are by people who find me intimidating) so thank you for the confirmation!
but now: "witty and brutally honest"
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is that about me?? I'm flattered and perplexed at the same time hahah because "witty" is one of my favourite qualities a person could have.. i won't deny i could be perceived as such, I trust you, it is really nice and surprising to see it directed at me like this, thank you 💓
as for "brutally honest".. one thing that i decided on when i started communicating with people on here more was that i would try to be as nice and sincere as possible. some of the people I like chatting with and i see as intimidating have a relatively blunt way of speaking. i find them very cool because they seem like the type to not care much about how they're perceived whereas i come off as a bit of a try hard. some people have a naturally warm way of expressing themselves, i work on it - I think which emojis would be suitable, stop using caps if it starts feeling like the text is becoming too invasive (???), overall i pay attention to how my words come across and i sometimes worry i come off as insincere because of it. so it really is a surprise being perceived like this :) is it in relation to the way I talk about media? i do yap a lot and i get quite direct in tags 😂 so maybe. or maybe how I answer more personal asks? in those cases i put effort into getting my points across without sounding harsh. all that's besides the point I want to make which is
please feel more comfortable with me pleaseeee
i like being seen as intimidating maybe because the people i admire are intimidating. but that is in direct juxtaposition with my goal and the efforts i've been putting towards it - i want to be approachable, for people to feel at ease talking to me and asking me questions and for us to discuss things openly because THEMES! TROPES! BAD WARDROBE DECISIONS!!!
shows are so exciting to talk about, i learn so much from these conversations and sometimes theyre just plain silly fun! and even aside from fandom stuff, i'd like to be someone people find comforting. which is why it's important i also remain sincere - someone who only ever says what the other wants to hear will soon lose all credibility, why ask someone their opinion if you know they're just gonna repeat your own back at you regardless? and also it's my blog. so. i deserve to be a bit of a bitch from time to time😄
i understand where you're coming from, I feel this way about a lot of bloggers on here and i am sure they are a lot less scary than i perceive them as haha so I can't make you suddenly find me not intimidating but i do hope you know that logically speaking (because i am being a tad bit hypocritical, my nervous overthinking self knows things and then feels feelings despite that) there's nothing to be intimidated by - this whole thing is all about having fun and learning alongside other people. whether you perceive them as smarter, more insightful or competent in their field of interest, they are all here for the same thing! and would love sharing their interest and passion with you. yes, some ppl are less sociable than others but usually you could tell if that's the case. as for me, i am directly telling you i am already going "awww" at you and your message. it takes some courage to admit that and if you're like me, you were nervous sending it but i appreciate that you did very much <3 and i can only hope you come to see me as someone warmer and easier to talk to in the future 💕💗💓💞💝
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vitaminwaterreviews · 10 months
Red Velvet - The Red
Yeah, as you can no doubt tell by the ratings, these songs are more my style. Some really really excellent Red Velvet in here; the kind of layered vocals and harmonies over bouncy synths just isn’t something that every group can do. I really, genuinely don’t have much to say, just: good solid album, I liked it a lot. Average of 7.7, which actually feels a little low to me, but oh well.
In terms of broader SM music, I won’t really know where this fits in the timeline until I’ve heard IGAB, Lion Heart, and 4 Walls. So maybe I should go about listening to those pretty soon here.
Going with the last of the Red Velvet albums today because I’ve just listened to whatever the hell the ReVe festival was, and now I want something to clear my palate. I know Dumb Dumb, and I also vaguely know Day 1, although I haven’t heard it in a while.
Dumb Dumb
I’ll have the MV up for this one because I’ve seen it like, literally once
I just love the layering and the synthyness of their voices doing the dumb dumb part
And my god the baby baby etc part is so good
Oh listen to that ascending synth in the background on the offbeats
There’s some baritone sax in here too, that’s neat
I’ve always loved the instrumentation for this song though. The horn hits alongside their vocals are so good
The bridge is so contrasty, but it Really helps the song
8/10, good solid title track, can’t have any complaints
Huff n Puff
Lol that “BWAH” sound
This song is so Loud
But it’s kind of … “basic” red sound, if that makes sense
This bridge is classic RV
Haha the EDM let’s go
8/10, I spent the entire song at like a 6, but the ending made it all click for me
Oh my god this is Groovy, I love this
Dude this Bass
Mkay, a tad predictable in the second verse here
God I love Wendy so much
I know I’m not typing much for these songs but it’s because I’m too busy vibing
Red Dress
Very minimal instrumentals, Lots of percussion, punctuated with horns
Rap heavy, which isn’t normal for RV
And then the pre-chorus is a new song ofc
And then the chorus is a completely different vibe too
Actually this chorus feels quite velvety to me
And now we’re here for the bridge, alright
8/10, literally the exact same thing as it has been: starts low, but by the end I’m convinced
Oh Boy
Piano and electric organ doubling
The instrumentals really make this song feel Heavy to me
I wish the chorus was more
The bridge is super Red Velvet, I still want more
6/10, needed way more
Lady’s Room
Kenzie’s contribution
It’s super synthy, like the background is a wave of synth
The post-chorus at least is fun
Okay this is probably a super controversial take, but the more I hear of Kenzie’s music, the less impressed I am by her. As a general rule, her songs are some of my least favorites on their respective albums
Not that this is a Bad song, but it’s not as good as the first few
“Can I get your number?” uh YES
Time Slip
Suuuper heavy bass
Otherwise very light instrumentals so far, really letting the vocals do the work
I like the cute sound effects
I like this a lot, I think. It’s super stripped down, but it’s well-mixed, their vocals are Lovely
Piano in the chorus, didn’t notice that the first time around
We love the harmonies over the rap, that’s like my favorite thing
9/10? Sure why not. It like like an 8.7 but I don’t do decimals so I’ve gotta round up
Don’t U Wait No More
See, it’s hip and cool, because they said “U”
Love the intro hahaha IncOMMiIINGNGGG
Idk who that guy is but you know if he’s producing the track then the song is a banger
The default sound of this album is kind of stripped back. Or maybe I’m just getting better at listening through layers?
See, this is what I love about kpop: vocals as instruments. The lyrics literally do not matter to me here, the producers are using their voices as instruments like any other and I love that
Day 1
Okay I haven’t heard this in a while SO
The intro really is so groovy, it feels like something out of a sitcom for some reason
Woahhhh the slow bits
There’s a sense of urgency here that I like
That’s right, that’s the chorus
Lol why did I just get Wii Sports Resort vibes
“Kiss kiss kiss” “Love love love” is actually really fun
The bridge left some to be desired. Was kind of hoping we’d go for a different feel but it stays pretty much in the same place
I do hear that electric guitar
8/10, fun song, good to hear it again
Cool World
This actually feels kind of melancholy, that’s a first on this album
Why does it kind of sound like they’re saying “cruel world”?
I really like the pre-chorus I like how kind of sad it is
The chorus needs more going on lyrically
Not impressed by the bridge, very predictable
I guess this is actually the ballad of the album. But it’s The Red, so it’s a red ballad haha
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dearestones · 2 years
Marble Hornets Matchup: Sarah Reid
Warnings: Fluff. 
@vbee-miya Request: yoo! could I get a romantic marble hornets matchup?! or if your comfortable i wouldn’t mind any creepypasta character.
i’m 18, pansexual so i don’t have any gender preference. they just have to be smart 🫡
appearance: long dark brown wavy/curly hair, dark brown eyes with glasses, 5’2 filipino. my clothing style is dark academia leaning though I mix it a lot with casual street wear like cargo pants or very baggy clothes.
music type: very alt rock, indie rock, r&b
dislikes: ladybugs and sand
bit of my personality: talkative, over-thinker, enthusiastic, ambivert, jokester, religious as i am christian, witty, opinionated, quirky but rather I like to say eccentric, imaginative, aggressive, adventurous, spontaneous, outspoken, intellectual
thanks much
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After going through the description given, I believe that you best pair well with Sarah Reid!
Oh my gosh, Sarah adores your sense of style! Sarah prefers casual clothing, but even she can see just how regal and sophisticated you look when you wear dark academia clothing. How can she land such an attractive person such as yourself? Furthermore, she finds you just as irresistible when you’re dressed in baggy clothing. The fact that you can mix and match such opposing styles grabs at Sarah’s attention. 
Sarah also adores your glasses. She finds that you’re adorable with them on because they magnify your eyes. (Has anyone ever told you that your eyes are so pretty to look at? She swears that she can get lost in them!) Furthermore, you’re so short! Are you trying to kill her with such cuteness? All she wants to do is scoop you up in your arms and swing you around. 
(Please let her. It’s her one wish).
You have a good sense of taste when it comes to music. Sarah herself likes some good ole hard rock from the eighties so maybe the both of you can bond over that. (Also, please recommend some bands! Sarah is always looking for new things to enjoy so maybe you can indulge her. If you’re willing, she’s also more than happy to listen to Filipino music! Do you listen to Gloc-9?)
And since you’re such an adorable little couple, please please please teach Sarah some words from your native language! It doesn’t matter if you speak Tagalog, Ilocano, Cebuano, etc. She’ll want to know as much of your language as possible so she can tease you with it. (Yes, before you ask, teasing is her main love language so please tease her back to show that you care! …you should also probably know that she would also like to know your favorite swear words in Filipino because wouldn’t that be hilarious?)
Sarah absolutely loves talking to you! Your opinions, jokes, and quick wit make for an interesting combination that definitely keeps Sarah on her toes. It’s a good thing for you that Sarah is just as quick thinking with a heavy dose of sarcasm mixed with dry humor. There might be times when her humor might be a tad too biting for you, so please make sure that you let her know if she ever hurts your feelings. The last thing Sarah wants to do is make you feel less than her. In return, you can always tease Sarah back—she’ll take it for sure and if she can’t, she’ll tell you as well.
Go out on spontaneous dates with Sarah! She always likes a great adventure and with you, she feels so alive. Just be sure that if you do go out in the woods that you don’t go at night. And there are no abandoned hospitals or houses. Or a dark tunnel. Actually, you know what? Maybe you should ditch creepy forests for the time being, there are other adventures the both of you can go on, right?
Finally, Sarah really admires your intelligence! Although she has majored in theatre, she is just as opinionated and well educated in a number of topics. Feel free to debate with her over a number of politics ranging from politics and the sciences to the themes of well known books and plays. As long as the both of you spend time together honing each other’s knowledge, then you should be fine.
Overall, a splendid match! The both of you are fairly down to earth, yet complement each other very well! Just be sure that you don’t step on each others toes too often when you exchange playful verbal blows. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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wodenscild · 2 years
Listen that frog calls me his brother is cute n' all but please. I am not little. In fact i am way taller than him its not fair :-;
Also me and MA2 made a secret language and it's really easy but will i tell you? Depends. Maybe i want a secret language for only me and MA2
Also i saw that galaxy (maybe ye and Fenix too) are tryna figure me out by how i type. Well pirate accent is a thing i made to prevent that bc i am smort. But also there's so much more that you could use to find me... Like the things i do in a day, (Wich ye know a lot of so that's a easy one) the times i am online, the things i collect, my name... Even my zodiac sign- it can all betray me but also I try to only give info that isn't on my blog- even that could help y'all...
THE POINT IS THAT ITS JUST AS HARD TRYNA STAY IN THE VOID AS Y'ALL TRYNA PULL ME OUT OF IT :-;. Its difficult and i will eventually fail to stay unknown- Don't ye dare stop tryna detect it's also quite fun
ALSO because i am a terrible person i made mystery anon saga lore. I don't know i can't seem to turn my brain off BUTT if ye wanna hear it /•^•\ < - - my face rn
Haha my humor lmao
-Mystery anon 1
HI RASHE SORRY I HACENT REPLIED IN SO LONG I JUST HAVENT HAD MUCH SOCIAL ENERGY UNTIL NOW!! It has been- a tad busy with university & work & sorting things out with my roommate to be ToT
Hhhhh next week is the start of my 5 weeks leave from work so I should have more energy to do other things. Next week I am starting my sociology essay too!! It is worth 40% of my marks, & the topic question is: “In what ways might different social expectations about love, marriage, & family life increase or decrease the possibility of DA”- so… it is gonna be a BIT hard- O_O it is only 1,800 words but so it won’t be too bad I hope ToT
:0000 PLEASE DO SHARE THE LANGUAGE IF YOU WISH!!! I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR IT 🥺🥺 tho I totally get if you wanna keep it a secret uwu Also I will be completely honest, I don’t feel much pressure to track you down :3 I enjoy this getting to talk to you :D it is nice to have a sort of name to peg you with as well!! That way when I get an ask I can be to my friends “:00 RASHE SENT ME AN ASK SO BELOVED ❤️❤️❤️”
& yes please 🥺 tell me about the lore- given my attitude I would like to imagine I am the equivalent of the lil girl in a horror movie making besties with ghost/demon while parents Galaxy & Fén are trying to figure out wtf you are XD I love that <33
Anyway imma try to message you more hereafter!! Sorry about my disappearance <33 ILYSM & I’ll see you around!
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euclydya · 2 years
i'm glad that you liked them, i'm chronically into musical theatre by nature of the performing arts teacher being The Safe Space™ for freaks back home (we grew up in a very small town, like a "makes hawkins look big and bustling" type of place).
y'all's recommendations are great as always! i've heard aesop rock's older stuff but i hadn't heard anything from malibu ken until your rec. will wood is also an all-time favorite artist, dr west especially is obsessed with him.
tonight's recommendations: pressure bomb 3 by jhariah for billy, not invited by holychild for the steves, malmo by mook for your jonathan, be gay do drugs hail satan by super cassette for eddie, and psychotherapy by melanie for will. i am also suggesting graveyard picnic by aurelio voltaire for poe; dr. crane recommends down to the river by brown bird for her.
Goddamn that sounds like hell, growing up in a teeny lil town! Very very glad y'all had someone to consider safe though !!
Your recs are very spot on with what we enjoy !! :} All are added to our playlists and then some LMAO we love them all thank you thank you !! 🖤 /platonic -Poe
Our recs!:
Dear Mother - Cake Bake Betty (🧋 Steve's rec)
I suppose the easiest way to differentiate these two would be emojis, huh? Elder Steve's emoji is 🧋, while younger Steve has yet to choose one. Anyways! Everyone's asleep aside from Kaz and I so we will be relaying songs from them to you
🧋Steve doesn't have much to say for this one, as it's difficult for him to put into words what this song means to him. He says it's something to do with source, though? Which is explanation enough, in his mind-words! -Poe
Dragula - Rob Zombie (Billy's rec!)
(This could also count as Max's rec too, because she also adores this song, lmao)
A perfect song for the Halloween season we think !! Very very fun and very very catchy, if Billy isn't listening to Angry Songs then she's listening to stuff like this :} -Poe
Runs In The Family - Amanda Palmer (Jonathan's rec!)
Jonathan says, and I quote, "*points at the lyrics and nods*" and..... Oh yes that's very. Self explanatory looking at the lyrics for this one I'd say! /lighthearted
he also says "not that I hate my family, I never did and never will, but sometimes Things Were Hell™" -Poe
Can't Go To Hell - Sin Shake Sin (Eddie's rec)
I do not know what Eddie's thoughts are on this song as all hex is giving me is ":)", "👍!", and "¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯" emojis.
I will say it is very fitting for hex though, lyrically and sound-wise, very loud and fast paced, just like hex is -Kaz
The Angel Of The Forever Sleep - Marcy Playground (my rec -Kaz)
I hope you don't mind me joining in, too? I've been... Up front ever since we woke up and have been. Keeping everybody else calm. Things are okay, just a tad stressed, but whatever. I've been playing this on repeat for the past few hours to help keep things calm, too. It's been working so far, luckily! -Kaz
Jimmy - Tool (my rec!! -Poe)
Hmm hmmm..... I suppose if our El had their own playlist this would definitely be on it! /tangent, unrelated, etc.
Tool's known for long songs™ and while this one's about 5 minutes it DOES feel longer because it's so slow going, but the wait is much worth it in my opinion! The ending verse is beautiful, very much so! -Poe
21st Century Schizoid Man - The Human Experimente (Will's rec)
Linked it cuz it's stupid hard to track down sometimes. Literally couldn't find the damn song for a good couple years until it popped back on YouTube recently so now we have it downloaded lmao
Lotta good covers of this song out there but I really like this one (I am not at all biased bc I like Tool no sirree /jokeeee). Maynard's done a hell of a lotta good covers tbh I love them all but rn I'm vibing the most w this song! -Will
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kira-fluff · 3 years
Saeyoung, Yoosung, Jumin and Zen reacting to to “hotel only one bed” trope ? ♥️
a/n: of course you can lovely! <3 *AHEM* Lemme just say this trope is ELITE and I will NEVER not love it // also, i’m writing it like it’s before they’re dating (OF COURSE) because I want it to be spicy (actually that’s the only thing that would make sense for this prompt but you get my point whatever). ALSO also I’m basing the fancy hotel off my stay at the Ritz Carlton (it was like $25,000 a night) because my grandma couldn’t manage money N E WAYSS. Also, if y’all could let me know whether you prefer Y/N to MC pls lmk k thx 
TW: drunk old lady w/no filter, gets pretty suggestive because I couldn’t help myself, an overbearing aunt, savage Italians, and loud hotel neighbor 
Note: omfg i accidentally made this so long oh well here’s yo present lmao 
“There’s only one bed” PT.1 PT.2
Getaway missions are mad cool until you can’t sleep 
When you finally neared the parking entrance to your hotel you were SO looking forward to taking a nice hot shower before shimming into the covers of your crisp, (clean, you hoped) sheets. 
It was past 3AM when Saeyoung finally drove his elegant vehicular device (because what other word is there for it) into a secured parking space 
“Because I don’t trust those shady valets, y/n.” 
“Whatever you say, Seven”, you replied groggily. 
You hauled ass up to the front desk, then to the elevator of the exquisite hotel you were staying at
not that you cared 
because S L E E P 
but Saeyoung likes to quote Jurassic Park (because of course he does) like “I spare no expense, y/n” 
“I’m too tired to laugh” 
“Not everyone naturally stays up until the early morning light before going to sleep.” 
“It really should become a thing, it’s honestly very iconic of me.” (it’s not)
By the time your conversation ended you were glad to see your hotel number and a little key card slot. 
Saeyoung made a show of sticking the key card in like a spy or something 
it was funny for normal y/n but not for tired y/n 
“Here’s your room, M’lady.” 
He held the door open to your room as you looked around the room 
a large, lush bed set before a ginormous flat screen TV with complimentary expensive chocolates laid before you as well as complimentary take-home elegant towels and slippers. 
suddenly, you heard a knock on the door 
blinking in confusion, you opened to see it was Saeyoung 
“Um.. hey! What’s up?” 
Saeyoung looked a bit bewildered himself before saying, 
“Hey, so, I realized my key card was the same room number as yours and I was like ‘That’s weird!’ so I called the front desk who verified that I had placed a reservation for one room, not two, so I hacked into their system to see what went wrong and if I could change it but it looks like they’re completely booked and I think I had made the reservation before I knew that you had to come along and I’m so sorry” 
he was breathless after the mouthful he just gave you 
As it was 3AM a drunk, old woman was tripping her way to her room and shouted much louder than she should at 3AM, “Kiss her already n’ fuck, ya youngin’s!” 
Saeyoung’s hair now matched his face :) 
His ears were tipped bright red before coughing awkwardly 
“I can sleep on the ground. I’ve done it plenty of times, it’s actually pretty comfy.” 
“Um, Sev’ I’m not going to make you just sleep on the floor. If you want--” 
“You’re not making me, y/n, I want to do this” 
“Actually I think I’ll sleep on the floor, I sleep a lot better on the ground”, you fibbed. 
“You’re sleeping on that big ass bed.” 
“No you are.” 
“If you don’t listen I’ll sleep in the bath tub instead of the floor.” 
“Then I’LL sleep outside the room!” 
the phone rang, a worker politely asking you to quiet a bit down because even with your luxurious privacy walls, guests could still hear you arguing. 
Saeyoung began whisper shouting, “Guess that settles it.” 
he plopped on the ground, fake snoring with his arm as a pillow
you sighed 
“Fine, if neither of us are going to agree to this then we are both going to sleep in this bed.” 
Saeyoung blushed lightly at your boldness, a tad worried you’d find him creepy or weird
You started again, beginning to undress a little, causing Seven to yelp in panic and turn around immediately, shielding his eyes,
Now in your tank top and your leggings you’d been wearing under sweatpants and a t-shirt, you said, “I’m gonna go take a quick shower and go to bed. I’m so tired.” 
Seven turned around only when he’d heard the bathroom door shut 
he sighed, What am I going to do with this girl. 
By the time you’d come out of the bathroom, drying your wet hair, Seven was lying on the bed, clad in casual t-shirt and jeans. 
“Come on, Saeyoung, you have comfy clothes! It’s okay, change! I’m done in the bathroom now.” 
“Nah, this is fine.” This was not fine. Saeyoung was out of his area of expertise of expecting the unexpected because God you were so unpredictable. 
“Please” you jutted out your bottom lip in a little pout, being sure to make eye contact with him 
Something glowered in his eyes for a split second before he half-smiled saying, “Ah, little Y/n, you know I can’t say no to you when you go all sad on me.” 
He stepped into the bathroom to change, but let’s be honest. He was freaking the fuck out. 
he covered his flushed face, changing into his soft sweatpants and a cozy sweatshirt. he was scared 
the more comfortable he became the more likely he’d accidentally get closer to you and then you’d freak out because you’d hear the sound of his heart beat like it’s a fucking rave concert and then you’d be weirded forever and quite possibly never talk to him again
but on the outside, he stepped out of the bathroom, whipping his phone out with a huge smirk saying, “Smile” 
you threw up a peace sign with your tongue sticking out 
he laughed before sending it to the RFA chat 
707: Sleepover lolol [see attachment]
immediately both your phones blew up with buzzes of notifications from the chat 
you laughed lightly, brushing a stray hair from your face to tuck it behind your ear 
this was gonna be a long night for Seven. 
Zen: UGH get away from her!!!!!!!!!111!!1!!
Jumin: Maybe you should learn to type first. 
Zen: shut it cat freak
Zen: seven answer 
Zen: hey 
Zen: y/n, text “qwerty” if you’re in any kind of danger 
Jumin: What a strange code. 
You: qwerty :(
707: lololololol
Zen: !!!!!
Jumin: -_- 
You: just kidding <3 i’m fine you guys 
707: lololol 
Jumin: Have a bit more faith in your subordinates, Zen. 
You closed the chat and muted your phone, expecting the incoming argument that was quickly to ensue. 
You patted the bed lightly, ushering Saeyoung to lie down next to you. 
He obliged, though he politely laid at the far edge of the left side of the bed. 
You yawned before shutting the light off and whispering a “good night”. 
Saeyoung glanced at the clock. 4AM. Only 15 minutes had passed. You were breathing softly in your sleep within the 10 minutes after you’d said goodnight and here he was still awake. 
You suddenly tousled in your sleep, and Saeyoung raised his head, whispering a soft, “Did I wake you up?” 
You replied with a soft moan before abruptly turning left onto his corner of the bed and grabbing for the first thing you’d felt -- his torso. 
Saeyoung’s breath hitched as he felt you exploring the new found “object”, running your fingers up and down his torso and nearing dangerous areas below 
Saeyoung whisper-shouted, “What are you doing?” 
He leaned closer to hear your reply, but your only answer was more soft little snores 
Saeyoung sighed, trying to lightly grab your wrists without waking you up, and directing toward yourself
no matter how hard he’d try, your arms kept finding his own
your nails would softly ghost over his chest or neck, causing him to shiver and blush profusely 
again, he sighed, trying his hardest not to give into your sleepy state 
until you broke him with a soft utterance, “Sae....young..” 
Saeyoung’s eyes widened to the size of saucers before he dared to look down at you, your hair curling on the bed every which-way.. your mouth slightly agap... 
he groaned, his brows furrowed and his eyes shut
at last he slunk his arms around your torso, being sure to respectfully keep them high around your waist 
he buried his face in the crook of your neck to subconsciously try to hide his ever growing blush (and erection) 
I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this ‘friend’ thing when you’re driving me this crazy, y/n.
You awoke to a sleeping Saeyoung, his toned arms enveloping your small body in a hug
shamelessly, you laid still for a few moments longer. 
this bean is lonely uwu
so when he’d invited to you go with him on a trip his uncle had paid for, you felt bad saying “yes” because it’s a paid trip!! 
until he begged you because his cousin Chaewon would be there and he was always really pushy and borderline a huge fuck boi 
so you conceded 
but hey free trip for the both of you minus shitty family gatherings with no one you know, right?! 
you hope there’s at least one dog. and alcohol. 
dog + alcohol at a party = an actual fun fucking time 
you were glad Yoosung was there with you because he honestly couldn’t agree with you more 
You opened your beach-side resort room to find there’s only one bed. 
Yoosung blanched and quickly dialed his auntie, who’d made the resort reservations
“Ah...hi auntie! Um, how come there isn’t a separate room for me and y/n?” 
his aunt cackled into the phone, “Aren’t you an old fashioned little gentlemen!!! Awe~~~ you’ve grown up to be such a good boy! <3 Well don’t worry, I won’t say a word to my sister or your pops. Enjoy the time you have with your adorable girlfriend and get it on a little!! I’ve got condoms if ya need ‘em honey~~ Remember dearie, when the shlong is not covered, the child support better be.” 
Yoosung hurriedly hung up the phone, his face completely red, praying you hadn’t heard the conversation that’d just ensued. 
You did 
but you smile and say, “So.. what’d they say?” 
He cleared his throat before saying, “Well, --err.. Basically there’s been a little mishap. B-but don’t worry!! I can just ask Chaewon if I can spend the night in his room.” 
“Didn’t you say he leaves a sock on the door handle every time--”
“YES but I want you to be comfortable, okay! It’s really not a big deal.” 
You shyly smiled while looking down before softly saying, “You can sleep with me.” 
Yoosung’s eyes widened and you quickly looked up, your face flushing to a deep crimson 
“I-I-I meant in the bed!!! With me. We can lie together. In the bed---- I mean we--” 
Yoosung could practically see the steam coming out of your ears and the room felt a LOT hotter 
“S-sure! Sounds great.” he had a feeling if you didn’t agree you’d end up embarrassing yourself further.. and he didn’t want you to feel bad. And he didn’t want those thoughts circulating his mind again. 
“Alright, so I’m going to hop in the shower, y/n... unless you want to go first?”
Gulping down some complimentary water you’d found in the hotel mini fridge, you quickly replied with a shake of your head. 
Nodding, Yoosung make quick work of washing his hair and trying to give himself a pep talk before he would be sleeping next to you. 
Thankful for the big size of the resort bed, you climbed under the covers, already beginning to feel sleep take you 
When Yoosung had at last dried himself off and walked out to the bed area of the resort room, he gazed at how small you looked, hugging a soft pillow in your arms, your eyes fluttered shut 
He looked away, feeling like a creep. 
He shut off the light after making a call to the resort staff to wake him up at 8AM as directed by his uncle’s itinerary
He slid under the covers, shoving a pillow in between the two of you as a little border to separate the two of you 
it wasn’t until further in the night when Yoosung had felt a jolt and he looked up in panic, through the blackness recognizing the pillow-border had been cast onto the ground 
and even more noticeably, your leg was swung over his hip, your body flush to his own 
your arms were snaked around his neck
he felt like he could feel every inch of you
your soft breath just below his ear 
your soft .. er.. chest... against his torso 
your stomach and .. the rest of it... against his own 
Yoosung could not breathe
like someone actually help this man for he is losing oxygen by the minute 
He squeezed his eyes shut and make the executive decision to wait it out til morning 
he was terrified that if he’d move you, you’d wake up and see just how much you affect him. 
And so, when the phone rang that morning, you’d startled, looking up to see your tangled limbs lying on top of his own
he looked at you with eyes that had noticeable circles under them (darker than even after his LOLOL gaming) 
“you look like you didn’t sleep much.... --- Is it because of me!? Oh my god I’m so sorry you should’ve just shoved me off or something seriously I didn’t mean to do it on purpose, honest!!” 
“N-no, no it’s really not!! I promise!!” He tried his best to grin, though it probably looked like a grimace, because the next thing you said was, “I’ll make it up to you” 
“You don’t need to do that. Really, I liked it.” 
It took a moment for him to realize what he just said. 
“I-I mean I like you! I mean I liked sleeping with you!!! I mean--!!” 
Yoosung was quickly spinning circles in his mind 
you couldn’t help the little giggle that came out of your mouth, “I guess we’re pretty similar, huh?” 
Yoosung smiled lightly, “Yeah, guess so.” 
You walked out together toward the breakfast area of the resort
“Hey”, you started, “Is.. Did you mean what you said? About liking me?” 
Yoosung glanced away, taking a deep breath before saying, “Yeah, yeah I did. I really like you.” 
You couldn’t hold back the big ol’ smile that took over your face as you proudly declared, “Me too!!” 
Right when Yoosung was going to go in for a kiss, he saw his auntie suddenly right next to the both of you 
“Oh my GOD when did you get here?!” 
She smirked, “My question first, dearie, what did you two like?” 
Neither of you answered, your cheeks growing red 
“You know, the first time your uncle did it with me I felt the same way. Like, what a man! Must run in the fam--” 
Your blush didn’t leave you as you smeared strawberry cream cheese on your toasted bagel 
This trip was going to be very VERY difficult. Thank God there was alcohol. And Yoosung. And probably dogs. And Yoosung. 
Gotta love relatives. 
You received a call from a stern voice you didn’t recognize
<<“Hello. This is Mr. Han’s chauffeur. I’m approximately 6.3 miles away from your residence. Do not worry about clothes or other necessities. All will be provided for you.”>>
“Uh.. thanks? Where....?” 
<<“Mr. Han has invited you to join him on his stay at the Ppalgan Vineyard Estates. Have you not received the notification?”>>
You glanced at your phone, seeing two unread messages on your phone. 
You read them, feeling bad you hadn’t seen them before. 
“Yes, yes of course. Thank you. Tell him I said thank you. Are you sure it’s okay for me to attend?” 
<<“Miss Y/L/N, Mr. Han gave me specific instructions to assure you would be able to come with him. I have been ordered to give 2 minute updates following your being picked up. I can assure you, it is his utmost wish that you join him this weekend. I’d be honored to thank him on your behalf, though I feel it would mean much more to him if you said it to him rather than me.” >>
“You’re right, thank you. And thanks for driving me. And for all the other stuff you said”, you replied nervously. 
<<”There is no need to thank me, Miss. I am glad to serve Mr. Han in anyway I can.”>>
The call hung up before you could spout out more thank yous 
you phone buzzed, startling you. 
you clicked the notification
<<(XXX-XXX-XXXX HAN COMPANIES) I’ve arrived at your residence. Let me know if there is anything I can carry for you. Sent 13:52>>
You quickly texted a reply of gratitude before rushing down the stairs out of your apartment, not wanting to make Jumin’s chauffeur wait. 
“Good to see you Miss Y/L/N. Is there anything I can get you? I have been given orders to purchase anything you may want or need on our way to the airport.” 
He quickly texted something on his phone, presumably a text to Jumin about your safe arrival to his limo.
“A-airport? You mean, like, flying? Are you sure I don’t need my wallet? It’s not too late for me to go grab it, right? I have my debit card on my phone too, otherwise.” 
“Miss Y/L/N you are not to spent a single won on this vacation. All is paid for.” 
“But my clothes... I don’t want Jumin to have to pay for all new things!!” 
"I assure you, money is not something Mr. Han wishes for you to be concerned with.” 
You’d stayed silent at that, feeling bad that you’d already bothered the poor man who’d just been ordered to drive you, not reassure you of Jumin’s financial affairs. 
You grew quiet, looking out the window as trees, streets, and cars zoomed past you. 
“If you so wish, there are numerous meals options in the compartments below the seats as well as alcohol, carbonated beverages and iced water glasses. You are, of course, welcome to any of these. Please do not hesitate to notify me if there is something you’d like instead. We’d glad to make it a regular option in all of our limousines.” 
You flushed, embarrassed at the amount of power Jumin’s words, and effectively, your own seemed to have on the entire Han Conglomerate as a whole. You laughed a little, it was funny thinking to yourself that you had so much power as to decide snack options for Jumin’s cars. 
Jumin was extra like that, he always went above and beyond to make you comfortable. You loved that about him. It made you feel a little spoiled, so you instinctively rejected most offers at things that seemed to further complicate his worker’s duties. 
You had no idea that when the chauffeur had said airport he meant the Han Private Airway Transportation Zone. 
As in... private jet. 
It was hard not to feel like you were in a whole different world. 
Not that Jumin treated you that way... but it was hard not to notice! 
You bowed in thanks to the driver before hastily finding your way to the nearest man standing in another black suit, his hands folded together in front of him. 
As soon as you uttered your name, his whole demeanor changed and he instantly had gone from cool and collected to humble and overwhelmingly kind. 
He’d quickly made his way to the boarding area, escorting you to the jet before leaving you at a polite distance way from Jumin who’d been looking at you from the moment you’d entered the aircraft. 
His eyes searched your own as you’d yet to discover his presence 
He couldn’t help but rake his eyes up and down your body, admiring the way you could look just in anything. 
He at last saw you searching the spacious cabin, at last laying eyes on him. 
His heart pounded faster, as if your noticing him made his heart leap in joy
You looked relieved and smiled, running over to him and sitting down next to him 
“Hi Jumin!! Oh, should I be calling you Mr. Han? That’s what your chauffeur called you.. sorry if that’s what I should’ve been addressing you as!!” 
His deep voice rumbled in your ear, causing you to shudder, “Jumin is fine.” 
You gazed up at him through your lashes, noticing the way his perfectly tailored vest made him look so... well... for lack of better word...hot. 
“Wow. You look...” Your eyes moved from his hair, to his face, to his neck, to his torso, slowly to his groin, to his legs... before you realized what you’d been doing and quickly your eyes shot up again. 
You bit your lip, “You look nice.” 
You laughed shyly, and slightly (embarrassingly) breathless, “Yeah. Yeah you do. Nice.” 
Jumin couldn’t help the sly smile he’d been holding back before replying, “You look beautiful.” 
You flushed and looked down, squirming in your seat a little before looking at him once more, offering a small, “..thank you..” 
After a few minutes of silence, you’d decided to change the subject, chattering on about how you wondered what this mysterious vacation would hold 
Jumin couldn’t help is concentration half on every word you were saying, but also your lips. Slowly licking his own, he nodded along when you’d gotten especially enthusiastic, grinning slightly when you’d gotten so excited you’d leapt out of your luxury seat. 
Within a half hour of the trip to your destination in Italy, Jumin had trouble concentrating on much else. 
Get it together, Jumin, you’re not some fool like Zen. 
It’d gotten worse the more you’d leaned further in your seat, your chest becoming slightly exposed
he covered his mouth with a hand, opting for looking out one of the many windows of the jet. 
You’d always caught his attention and made him lose his focus -- something he’d never lost before he met you 
He blamed the strawberry sent that you’d always carried with you 
He wasn’t much for expensive, faux perfume that so many of his father’s skanks would wear... it was like no other. 
After a few hours of grueling torture on your part (though you hadn’t know every single time you’d grabbed his hand or arm it’d sent his heart on a sky dive) Jumin was glad to have arrived in the gorgeous Italian acreage of the countryside. 
It was even more beautiful at the dusk of night, you’d decided 
Immediately a shiny vehicle pulled up, ready to transport you and Jumin to the estate you were to be residing in for the weekend. 
Upon pulling into the culdesac, you almost scoffed at the word “estate” -- it was more of a country in and of itself, land stretched beyond what you could see 
The mansion itself stood on pillars and high, Gothic windows. 
Inside, flying buttresses decorated the building, giving it an elegant and aged ambiance that you just adored 
“It’s so beautiful.” 
He smiled at you then, watching you take in the wonders he’d realized he took for granted. 
He was then directed to a double-door entrance way, “Your room, Mr. Han, Miss Y/L/N.” 
“Separate, correct?” 
The man stood in surprise, looking slightly aghast, “T-they never specified such details.” 
“Contact them immediately to confirm. I’ll work it out from there.” 
“Yes, Mr. Han.” From there, the man scurried away to contact the head of the estate. 
After a few moments, he returned, “The Rossi Conglomerate had assumed that you’d brought your fiance with you.” 
“Did you mention I don’t have one?” 
“Y-yes, of course! But, Mr. Han, your father--”
Jumin sighed, “I’ll take care of it.” with a wave of his hand, the man was gone 
You thanked him on his way out. 
Jumin looked at you, searching for a reaction of displeasure or worry
When he didn’t find one, he began, “I was notified the Rossi had booked their other estates to their American investors. My being here is a formality, but it is business. It would be a great discourtesy to demand--” 
You smiled reassuringly, “Jumin, don’t worry about it.. we’ll share the bed, okay?” You held your hand in his own, rubbing soothing circles on his knuckles. 
Jumin looked at you, choking on his spit slightly. 
“Y/N you do understand that--” 
“It’s fine, Jumin!! It’s late already, I’ll just put up my hair.. and.. do you know where the night clothes would be?” 
He watched as you fixed a bobby pin between your teeth before running your fingers through your hair, watching as you arched your back to-- 
“Jumin? ...you don’t know?” 
He cleared his throat, looking away, pink dusting his cheeks
You thanked him, unaware of his watchful eyes 
It had been a few seconds since you’d entered the bathroom before he heard a loud and alarmed, “..UM....JUMIN...?!” 
He’d quickly made his way into the bathroom
“What’s wro--” 
He looked and laying on the long granite island of the large bathroom was a silky set of lingerie as well as a note in Italian you couldn’t read. 
Jumin’s words stopped dead on his lips as he stared at you, then the silky underwear set, you, silky underwear, you.......silky underwear. 
On the outside, Jumin liked to think he came off as calm and collected, saying, “I can get you something else to wear.” 
But when he’d made it two steps out of the bathroom he had a little collision. And by collision, I mean his face.. and the wall. 
He looked in every drawer, finding nothing. He presumed clothes would be delivered as specified. But it was late already.. their servants are dismissed, only the protective guards surrounded the inside and outside of the estate.. explaining the situation to them didn’t seem very promising. 
Of course you were kicking yourself, before you’d found their little....gift... you’d cast your days clothes into the washer. They were probably soaked by now. 
Maybe I could use a hair dryer...? Or I could stuff them in the dryer?? 
Either way you’d be without clothes for.. too long. 
And nothing would be greater punishment then showing all that in front of the man you had completely fallen for... 
You heard a knock on the bathroom door. You listened from inside. 
“Hey, I, uh, couldn’t find anything. Do you think you could wear your clothes from today?” 
You whimpered, on the verge of tears, “I already put it in the washer!” 
He knocked again, “Can I hand you something?”, he asked, undoing the buttons of his formal shirt. 
“C-close your eyes!” 
Jumin chuckled darkly before covering his eyes and handing her his collared shirt 
“I’d give you the pants, too, but I don’t think they’d really fit you. Could you look at what they’d provided for me? Maybe slip on something from mine.” 
“N-no! That’d be even worse for me!! .. and you!” You blushed again imagining him half naked
You hurriedly shuffled through the drawers, but to no avail. 
You gulped, slipping on the lingerie to ensure that maybe something would be covered before buttoning Jumin’s formal shirt on you as well. 
it was so big it didn’t leave much for the imagination 
but you decided through a 10 minute pep talk that you’d suck it up and try your best to make his shirt into a night gown. 
You at last stepped out of the bathroom, Jumin’s head shooting toward the sudden noise before taking you in 
He could scarcely breathe, much less come up with a coherent sentence 
you were in his shirt... 
with barely any clothes on underneath
and you looked up at him shyly, biting your lip a little 
drawing even more attention to your lips 
Jumin had to stifle a groan, opting to head to the bathroom to change
After splashing some cold water on his face in a poor attempt to get his head out of the gutter, he quickly got on his pjs 
after you both were ready for bed, Jumin sat on the bed, opening a small novel he’d been enjoying, Anthem.  
His attention was immediately diverted from the dystopian fiction when he saw you were stretching
His shirt rode up high as he took in the way the lingerie perfect accentuated your curves, though it didn’t cover much below the waist 
Noticing your folly, your eyes widened in shock before you immediately put your hands down
which, just your luck, made it all worse. 
the sudden movement disheveled the shirt, causing it to ride down completely on one side, openly displaying the soft brassiere beneath it 
Jumin slammed his book so hard it left an echo in the large room. 
Great. He couldn’t even make it look like his book was suddenly unbelievably interesting that he just so happened to not take notice of the obvious sight before him.
You blanched, feeling a breeze along your shoulder, gasping before running to your side of the bed and pretending you don’t exist anymore 
Meanwhile Jumin is in a  c r i s i s 
In the most eloquent of words, his mind said holy fucking motherfucking shit oh my God fuck fuck fuck AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH oh my god shit shit shit fuck shit sdfasodjgiajsidogjosdg MALFUNCTION!! WARNING!!!! RUN BITCH!!! 
But Jumin didn’t run
because mama ain’t raise no bitch 
but also because if he stood up it would be blatantly obvious that he had-- 
Stop thinking about it, Jumin.
He tried to redirect his mind to his 5 senses, a grounding technique he’d learned when he got too anxious when he was younger 
But sight seemed to dominate it as his mind replayed your facial expressions, the way your hands awkwardly tried to cover yourself up, the way you looked the way he’d take it all off--- 
Oh God. I’m deep in shit. 
He had never been so pissed at himself... and embarrassed. 
He looked over at you, a horrible decision, really. 
You were still awake, your face was redder than the strawberry sent that adorned you 
“s-sorry..” you whispered, willing yourself to try to forget, “pretend that never happened..” 
Jumin was practically feral and you were saying it never happened? 
Jumin couldn’t just pretend he didn’t just see a fucking goddess 
but he would for you 
“..........pretend what never happened?” 
You sighed, a small smile on your face as you quickly turned to thank him 
but he was a LOT closer than you imagined 
he was propped up on one elbow, looking down at you, his head slightly angled. 
And suddenly your faces weren’t so far apart.
And you couldn’t help but slowly close your eyes 
Jumin felt confusion when you’d done this
he can be a bit of a pea brain, so he of course said, “I’m sure you’re very tired.” 
He shut off the light, reaching over you 
You held back the big frown you’d gotten when you realized he’d rejected you 
unbeknownst to you that it took everything in him, from the moment he’d saw you in the jet cabin, not to scoop you up in his arms and make out with you the whole way there. 
Was Zen going to invite you to his own fucking tour? 
Of course he was 
he liked flexing his connections 
and most of all, showing you just how much he cared about you 
and loved you
but not the love part because God if you ever found out Zen might jump into the nearest body of water and never return 
not that he didn’t have any confidence
he has lots of it 
but it all kind of disintegrates when he gets to talking about his real feelings
But come on, it was blatantly obvious to anyone who had heckin eyes 
or ears 
or just any functioning body 
the way he’d try to subtly throw an arm over your shoulder 
or he’d lean in whenever you spoke 
or the way he’d readjust his posture when you walked into a room 
or the way everyone caught him staring 
like anytime you weren’t looking 
or when you are looking because he is “built different” 
So the limo ride to the fancy hotel he was to stay at was something that had him looking forward to the tour, but also dreading it 
you’d sat close to him in the limo because his agent and other workers were sitting along with him. 
So close that your ass got pushed further and further onto his lap
because damn where the fuck are we and why are there so many goddamn potholes 
Zen tried to steady you by firmly grabbing your hips 
which was NOT the move 
because now that you were firmly set on his lap, every bump felt like a fucking war against his hormones. 
Like a gentleman, he quickly opted to seat you next to him, not wanting you to feel embarrassed 
still, he could feel you being pulled closer to him with every long turn the limo made or every bump or abrupt stop 
and it was torture. 
like this man is sweating 
but by some miracle you arrive at the hotel in one piece! Yay! 
but Zen’s soul has left his body~~ 
so you get set up 
You open the room, “Look, Zen! This bed is HUGE!!”, you ran over to it and plopped your face onto the sheets
He chuckled, watching you act like a little kid excited about a hotel for the first time 
his brows furrowed when he realized there was no door separator between your rooms 
He immediately called the front desk 
all you could over hear was “No, there seems to be some kind of mistake” 
and “I reserved two rooms -- conjoined” 
“Alright, ok. Thanks.” and then he hung up. 
“So..” he sighed, “They can’t get another room because they’re completely booked. Someone must’ve recognized the limo and lots of fans immediately bought up all the rooms in hopes of seeing me.”
“It’s alright Zen! I can ask to switch with your agent or something!!” 
“NO!” Zen said a little too loudly. “No. Um, look it would be bad because he’s a man.” 
“Your a dude, too, Zen.” 
“I-- yeah, but that’s different because I’m a guy you can trust.” 
“So I’ll sleep on the couch, ‘kay?” 
“Zen, no! You need your beauty sleep to be ready for your performance tomorrow!!!” 
“It’s alright, really!”
“I’ll sleep on the couch!” 
“Like hell you will.” 
“Please :(”
“Y/N, seriously--” 
“Then how about this! You and I just sleep in the same bed!” 
Ever the dramatic soul, Zen gasped with his palm over his heart “How SCANDALOUS!” 
“Aren’t you supposed to be Mr. Playboy?”
“Only for you, baby”, he winked. 
You stuttered, “T-that’s not funny! Seriously don’t make it weird you horn- dog!” 
He threw his head back in laughter, “Horn-dog?! I thought you said you trusted me!” 
“Not when you’re obviously thinking about doing this and that to me!!” 
“Doing this and tha---Hey! Who do you think I am?!”
There was suddenly a loud bang on the wall and a burly man shouted, “GO TO FUCKIN’ SLEEP YOU OBNOXIOUS, SEXUALLY FRUSTRATED LITTLE SHITS!”
You smirked, holding in a laugh saying, “Sounds like your fans are getting jealous.” 
Zen’s mouth dropped and you began laughing hysterically 
“T-that was like a 60 year old man!” 
You fell back on the bed, laughing louder 
Zen shouted back, “WELL EXCUSE ME, SEXY, 42 YEAR OLD MAN” 
There was silence before a harsh knock sounded at your door 
All Zen’s bravado disintegrated and he made a dash for the bed, whispering loudly for you to “Turn off the fuckin’ lights, turn off the fuckin’ lights!” 
You stifled more giggles rising up to your throat as you clicked off the light, making sure the room was locked, and climbed into bed
you breathed out your last laughs, sighing to yourself contentedly before noticing the close proximity you were to Zen 
You stared at each other for a long moment 
You leaned in closer 
Zen placed a palm on your cheek, gently cupping it
he softly whispered, “Can I kiss you?” 
You answered by harshly connecting your lips
The two of you feeding off each other’s oxygen as Zen bit your lip, causing you to gasp and open your mouth to make way for his tongue 
you whimpered, feeling faint from lack of oxygen
the two of you parted, out of breath 
Zen wanted to say something smooth like “I’ve always wanted to do that.” 
but instead he said “I’ve always wanted to do you.” 
He mentally smacked his head, blaming the lack of oxygen for his stupidity
But you smirked up at him coyly, replying, “Then why don’t you?” 
Um yeah rip your hotel neighbor he will literally hate both of you so much 
I had honestly SO MUCH FUN writing this!! Let me know if you want, like, a part two to this. I think I’d just be so fun lol
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