#this is to say Biana kicks ass
camelspit · 16 days
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Biana Vacker by @aspenaspenaspenaspenaspen
Jolie Ruewen by @camelspit
Biana Vacker:
"she’s literally the sweetest person ever!!!! also she was uplifted because of her looks for her entire life and then when she got her scars, she learned to embrace them!!! which is NOT easy so shes one of the strongest ppl in kotlc imo! she’s an amazing character who has a heart of gold" @venux777
"Please please please vote Biana pleeeeeeeeeeease she’s so cool she was my middle school self’s gay awakening she’s Shannon’s favorite little plot convenience she’s every fanfic writers favorite plot convenience to host a sleepover so Keefe and Sophie can kiss she’s not just a girl she’s SO GIRL vote for Biana Vacker" (anonymous)
"she’s the best. literally the definition of gaslight gatekeep girlboss. she kicks ass and looks cute while doing it. 🔥" (anonymous)
Jolie Ruewen:
"my girl Jolie deserved so much better, I lover her sm she's so underrated ugh. I hope we will get to see her more in book 10" (anonymous)
"guys she literally haunts the narrative like no other. sure, prentice was kinda haunting the narrative for a few books in his schrödinger’s-dead state, but jolie has been *dead* dead since before book one, yet she feels more alive to us at times in the series than some living characters.
we know what her favorite treats were, we know she loved gremlins, we know she was scared of the dark as a kid, we know she was the life of the party, we know where her dresses and makeup were and still are decades later. we know her wedding was going to have a butterfly theme. we know she was willing to write in a diary in a secret code backwards because she needed to confess somewhere but couldn’t confess to the people she needed to. we know she loved so much it killed her and she was loved so much that part of grady and edaline and brant and maybe even vertina (A PIECE OF AI) and others died with her.
sophie never even met her, and there’s a part of her that loves jolie and thinks of her as someone safe, given the times prentice appeared as jolie and sophie went “this is a sign i’m gonna be alright”. jolie was a source of goodness so palpable that prentice feels safer taking her shape. and grady and edaline see her in sophie more than they’ll ever say out loud. sophie is a warped reflection of some of who jolie was and could’ve been.
jolie is an inspiration and a warning to all in the same breath. and it’s been almost twenty years since her last breath was full of smoke." @synonymroll648
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kindling-of-sorts · 1 year
looking for the shapes in the silence
a/n: if you squint hard enough this is the prequel to my kam superpower au that i haven't posted yet,,,, enjoy!
pairing: keefitz
TWs: none
“I swear that I loved you,” Fitz blurts, words nearly incomprehensible but determined nonetheless. For a moment, Keefe wonders if he’ll crumble. He hesitates a moment longer, and finds himself intact. “I know,” Keefe says, because he does.
Or: Keefe and Fitz are exes and Eternalia's greenhorn superheroes. They go out stargazing with their friends, and talk about their past.
word count: 1.5k
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Their eyes meet, and the world does not end. 
Keefe and Fitz pause as the rest of the group stumble out of the van excitedly. The night sky is brilliant and sharp, and half a year ago, it would have reminded them of the other.
They smile at each other, and not at the reflection of themselves in the other’s eyes. If they rip their gaze away quickly enough, the mirror inside is easier to ignore.
Keefe looks away first. It doesn’t feel like victory or defeat, but quiet understanding. Silence is kinder to him, these days.
Biana calls for Fitz’s help on setting up the blankets, and the magic evanesces, if there was any at all. He’s getting better at letting go.
“I’m never trusting any of you ever again,” Stina announces loudly. “Stargazing, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. We literally drove twenty minutes to my backyard.”
“We asked you and you said yes,” Biana calls out, laying down on her back.
“I was playing Candy Crush!”
“No, you were supposed to be doing paperwork.”
“Shut up!”
Sophie sighs wordlessly, head in hands as she pulls Stina and Biana apart. Keefe thinks she might be tired of babysitting in case they start bickering. She’s running on three hours of sleep, which she excitedly told Keefe this morning, much to his chagrin.
“You guys are kind of killing the stargazing vibe right now,” Keefe says, thinly veiling a grin. The city sky is brilliant, but also just as bare as it has been for its very polluted history.
Once everyone settles down, Keefe sees Fitz has been kicked out from Biana’s. Fitz doesn’t fight back, even with Sophie’s equal, if not slightly less, exasperation across his face, though it’s hardly malicious.
Keefe doesn’t hide his smile this time. He’s never stopped being jealous of the Vackers, even after the tense glances and tenser arguments. As one of the rare insiders—if barely—Keefe saw their picture-perfect frame whole, then shattered, and then he realized the fractures were always there.
Still, the jealousy never dissipated. He’s a lot less ashamed of admitting that, now.
Fitz and Biana are a lot happier than they were half a year ago.
He’s proud of them, really. As heroes, as friends, as the closest thing to family he’s ever known.
He’s proud of Fitz. He loves him still.
They never stood together. That’s okay. One day, they will.
Keefe waves Fitz over when he catches him staring. Fitz’s eyes widen, a little, and tilts his head. Keefe recognizes the habit perhaps a moment too quickly.
Yet he doesn’t look away. He shouts, “If you stay there you’re gonna get your ass wet again!”
Fitz huffs, like the huff he always makes when something mildly amuses him. He rolls his eyes, even. Keefe counts it as a win.
Just as Keefe is about to speak again, Fitz stands up and stumbles his way over to Keefe’s blanket. 
“My jeans are already wet,” Fitz almost complains, but his tone is light enough that it sounds like an observation. It’s actually a bit more disconcerting that way. “Biana is ruthless.”
Keefe snorts. “We all know.”
When their laughter fades, they let their friends’ quickly moving attention span entertain them. Their current debate topic is the validity of the artificial cherry flavor. 
“The city’s most promising up-and-coming heroes,” Keefe muses, “arguing over whether cherry flavored Twizzlers actually taste like cherry or not.”
“You would be there waxing poetic about your burning passion for Twizzlers right now if I wasn’t here,” Fitz mutters, head tilted back to observe the spanning, empty night.
“You’re wrong, I hate Twizzlers.” Keefe flashes his teeth unabashedly. “You haven’t left me yet.”
Fitz’s gaze softens, and Keefe might just melt with it. He did, not too long ago, a lifetime before tonight.
“Yeah.” Fitz gulps. “I haven’t.”
The following silence is awkward, but not cruel. It follows, yes, but it doesn’t chase.
They never stopped talking. It’s hard to, when they’re both in every other mission together. Their friends are the same, though that’s kind of inevitable, considering their group is the only heroes around their age.
“Do you remember when we went stargazing in the countryside when we were eight?” Keefe asks. 
Fitz’s expression brightens in recognition. “Of course I do.”
“You were so excited, you fell asleep by the time we could actually see the stars, and I had to wake you up.” Keefe nudges Fitz with his arm. The touch doesn’t spark anymore.
“I lived in Eternalia my entire life and couldn’t leave! Of course I was excited,” Fitz says.
Keefe tilts his head. “You weren’t wrong. It was one of the only interesting things in that town.”
“It’s your hometown.”
“Exactly,” Keefe drawls. “Not my home anymore.”
Fitz offers an indecipherable hum. “It was beautiful. I remember it being beautiful.”
“You went home crying. I think that was, like, a life-altering moment for eight-year-old you.”
Fitz drags his hand across his face, but the sheepish smile is impossible to miss.
“Why do you think I came here today in the first place?”
“Uh, Biana manhandled you across the city?”
“Stina’s house is not across the city.”
“Did I lie?”
Fitz doesn’t dignify that with a response, and shakes his head. That smile hasn’t left. “No, I—I wanted to think, I guess. Just sit down and think.”
“Me too. I guess.” Keefe is at a loss for witty responses. Fitz has a way of making people lose their words.
The reminiscing pauses, and the quiet feels tenser. Keefe fidgets, drawing the blanket closer to himself. He opens his mouth to say something, anything—
“I swear that I loved you,” Fitz blurts, words nearly incomprehensible but determined nonetheless.
For a moment, Keefe wonders if he’ll crumble. He hesitates a moment longer, and finds himself intact.
“I know,” Keefe says, because he does.
“I still think about you.”
At that, Keefe laughs. It sounds more genuine than any he’s shared today. “I know.”
Since they gave up.
Fitz’s eyelashes flutter against his cheek as he studies a particular star, or so Keefe guesses. Keefe is following Fitz’s eyes again. Old habits die hard—but slow.
“I still miss you.” Fitz looks like he musters all of his courage as he fixes his eyes on Keefe’s. There’s resolve in the stare. Strength. Not walls between them.
Keefe opens his mouth, and finds it dry. Still, he speaks. It is the only thing he knows.
“I know.”
“And I know I’ve said it a hundred times, but I’m—I’m sorry.”
The desperate boy in front of Keefe is not Fitzroy Vacker, but something more intimate. Perhaps more than the one he kissed.
He still remembers how Fitz’s lips felt on his own. Everyone marvels over their softness, but Keefe remembers them chapped and trembling.
Keefe has ruined so many secrets. He won’t let this one become one of them.
“You’re an idiot,” Keefe declares, “and I love you.” Now. Present tense. Because it’s true.
Fitz looks at him again. Shit, those eyes. Keefe can’t forget those eyes, burning, hurting, exciting. He doesn’t want to.
“And we’ll be okay.” Keefe grabs Fitz by his shoulders, limbs twisting oddly in the uncomfortable position. “Promise.”
A minute passes, then another, and Keefe has half a mind to start shaking Fitz. He worries he said something wrong. Fuck, did he cross the line? He shouldn’t have—
“I can’t really give you my pinky like this,” Fitz mumbles, and there’s that huff again.
Keefe smiles. “I don’t care. Promise.”
“I promise.” Fitz doesn’t hesitate.
“You’re going to be so good, and I’ll be right there cheering you on,” Keefe says firmly, because it’s easier than, I won’t stare at your back all day anymore, or, I’m sorry I can’t let you go, or, I hope I can love you in a way that matters.
“We’re going to be so good,” Fitz counters, “most promising heroes, and all that.”
“I think I might have heard you say more run-on sentences today than in the past sixteen years.”
Fitz sputters. “You have a way of making people ruin perfectly good grammar.”
“I think you’re just easy to make fun of.”
Fitz laughs, not huffs, vivid and lilting. Keefe breathes, and decides Fitz is the brightest star he could ever gaze at tonight.
“Linh Song, you are a filthy traitor.” Dex seethes, who Keefe finds to be drawing twenty-four. “I cannot believe I ever trusted your innocent act.”
Linh shrugs with a polite smile. Dex continues wallowing as everyone groans and finished their round of Uno. The champion is Linh. Again. For the fourth time in a row.
“Oh, I am going to obliterate everyone,” Keefe says.
“I’m sure you will.”
“You are literally the worst at every board game ever.”
Fitz’s eyes gleam. For all the prim and proper facades he’s managed to plaster, his competitiveness has been left untamed.
“Thank you,” Fitz says, gentle, and the words unsaid are not hidden.
“Me too,” Keefe whispers, and corrects himself: the magic never left.
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jobiedog · 2 years
Worth Waiting For
Sokeefe oneshot . When Fitz was telling Keefe about that scene in flashback. And I kinda went off on my own at the ending. 
"We were seconds away from kissing but Silveny called for her and well you know." Fitz fell back onto his bed and sighed. Keefe was sitting uncomfortably in a chair in Fitz's room. 
Fitz laughed " When she stumbled back I thought she didn't like me" and he giggled. Giggled. Yeah, that's right, Fitz had been smiling and laughing the whole time Keefe had come over. 
Keefe cleared his throat and hoped the lump there wouldn't give him away. "You sure she just was repelled by the amount of perfume you were wearing?" And smirked.
Ro snorted on the other side of the bedroom door. She had left as soon as Fitz had started telling him his aMaZiNg story about him and Sophie and their little fun adventures in fantasy land, muttering something about “Mr. Smiley mc giggles”. Although Keefe didn’t disagree with Ro, he had to show some support to Fitz. They hadn’t been able to hang out like this, just the two of them, since Fitz had started liking Sophie. 
“Hey!, first of all its cologne. “ Fitz stated matter of factly with his finger up in the air like he just doesn't care. Or like a frowning mentor wagging his finger no. “Although I wouldn��t expect you to know what it is. Since you take no effort in controlling how you smell. ” Fitz ended with a playful grin.
Usually Keefe would have put his hand on his heart and pretended to faint but right now he was just tired and just wanted to lay down on the ground, cry, and wither away. So Keefe coughed to get the lump out of his throat and said the only thing he could think of as an excuse. 
“I would absolutely love to sit here and gossip and giggle about girls with you but my dad said he needed me home to have some stupid bonding time,” Keefe said, rolling his eyes when he really just wanted to be running away from his crappy life sobbing his heart out. 
Fitz snorted and continued to say “ Since when do you listen to the rules your dad makes?” Smiling. Since when do you start kissing Sophie?
“Ahh well, I didn't get any sleep last night and I'm really tired so…” Keefe trailed off. 
“Oh, why didn’t you say so? Anyways sorry to bore you, get some sleep tonight, K?” Fitz answered with concern in his eyes. Sometimes with all the anger issues and all the fights it’s easy to forget that Fitz is actually a caring person.
“K,” Keefe answered quietly. He got up and opened the door which Ro was leaning on. But she caught herself before she fell and said “Finally I thought you too were kidnapped in there you took so long.” She rolled her eyes and asked if we were leaving. 
Everything was kind of a blur after that. Or maybe that was the tears in his eyes. He didn’t remember running out of Everglen. He didn’t remember seeing Biana worried glance or pulling out his home crystal. He didn’t remember his dad yelling and Ro shouting about kicking lover boy's ass. But he did remember running through his bedroom into his bathrooms and locking the door. He remembered the pain and the ache. He remembered curling up on the bathroom tile and laying there. Shaking, crying, and cold. He deserved it. And Sophie deserved better. She deserves someone who's whole, who doesn't need her.
“Come on, Funky Hair. You gotta get out of there sometime soon. I’m getting bored out here.” Ro said from outside the bathroom door. Keefe hadn’t realized a few hours had passed. Well you know what they say! Time flies when you wanna die!
“No I don’t,” Keefe mumbled. “Go away.” He croaked. All he wanted was to be left alone.
“Damn, sorry for checking up on you. Blondie’s waiting downstairs but I'll just tell her to go I guess..” She trailed off.
“Shit.” He whispered and jumped up and immediately fell back down. Laying down curling up on tile did not do good for your bones. “Umm tell her I'll be out in a few minutes.” He half-shouted. Ro snorted and he knew she could hear the nervousness in his voice. 
After he heard the click of the bedroom door being shut, he hurried up from the floor. The person who he saw in the mirror was nothing like the put-together, amazingly handsome, flirty person, he usually is and looks like. His hair was flat and droopy. His face was stained with tears and his eyes were red and puffy. First he changed his clothes so they weren’t so wrinkly and wet. Then he washed his face and tried to give some life back to his hair. He was *attempting to* clean his room when a blast of emotion made him stumble back. Crap. He could feel the playful, happy energy. He rushed around and shoved random clothes, drawings, and pencils under his bed. He felt the slap of emotion before Sophie knocked and opened the door.
“Keefe?” Sophie poked her head around the door. She smiled when she saw him and Keefe felt a fragment of happiness but then he remembered that smile wasn’t there because of him. It was there because of Fitz. Her smile fell from her face when she saw the state he was in. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I'm fine. Never been better. Why?” Keefe flopped down in his bed and tried to cover his eyes which showed that he clearly was crying. 
“Well…” Sophie sat down next to him and put his head in her lap. He hoped he wasn’t blushing as much as he felt he was. “You've definitely been crying and you look like a mess.” 
“hmPH, You don’t look your best either.” He said and turned his head so she couldn’t stare into his soul. But it wasn’t a lie. Even though she looked extremely happy she still had dark circles under her eyes. 
Her beautiful wonderful eyes that he could stare at for hours. 
The eyes that he could draw every day for the rest of his life and never get tired or bored of.      
She laughed her laugh of hers that angels would get jealous of. “Well, I could go for a nap and some cuddling?” She said with a fake thoughtful expression on her face. 
“I’m free for the rest of the day” Keefe threw his arms up as if he was in surprise. There weren’t many days left anyways. In fact, it had already started to sunset by the time Sophie and Keefe had gotten comfy. 
Keefe sitting, leaning against his headboard with his arm around Sophie. Who was half laying half-sitting curled up against Keefe. She was already dozing off with the light fading away from the sky in the background.
He liked them being like this. 
Where he could protect her from everyone and everything that wanted to hurt her. 
Even though she didn’t love him.
He loved her.
But he would wait for her.
Because she was worth waiting for.    
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bees-with-tophats · 4 years
The KotLC gang in the ATLA universe
has this been done yet? idk but i was thinking about this last night so here you go:
Sophie Foster:
she’s probably the Avatar, because of the Moonlark thing and everything? But also because of her seven million abilities. 
She’s also probably from the Water tribe? (maybe SWT because its smaller and theres a lot of disconnect to the other parts of the world in the ATLA universe. Also maybe because she was raised by humans (not a lot of connection to the elven world?)
sorry i don’t have a lot for her cause she’s kinda bland
Biana Vacker: 
i imagine her as kind of the equivalent of princess Yue or maybe a kyoshi warrior. 
If she was water tribe, she’d probably be from the Northern watertribe (and be pissed about the “girls can’t learn waterbending, they can only use it for healing” rule)
princess of the northern watertribe except she survives and joins the gang unlike yue
she’d probably kick ass as a kyoshi warrior (actually maybe after she joins the gang she trains as a kyoshi warrior? idk)
she’d probably also get mad at her pissy sexist brother, fitz, because of some sexist comment he made either about her being a kyoshi warrior or her being a waterbender in the NWT and being unable to learn combative waterbending
Fitz Vacker: 
He, as a sibling of Biana, is also from the NWT
He’s probably in line for the throne or something (maybe alvar lost his right to the throne because of something and thats why he’s bitter)
again, a waterbender who gets to learn waterbending cause he’s a boy wow
Keefe Sencen: 
he’s a firebender! from the fire nation! 
i imagine him as a son of a fire nation noble but then he joins the gang to get away from his crappy parents
he probably teaches sophie firebending? (maybe sokeefe?) 
he’s probably still that guy that makes sarcastic quips and makes people laugh but he’s also kinda sad and has trauma idk
he gets along well with fitz cause he likes making fun of fitz
Marella Redek: 
yeah she’s a firebender that goes without saying
probably the daughter of a fire nation merchant or something
she joined the gang because she wanted to live an interesting life and see outside the Fire nation
she also teaches sophie firebending but mostly keefe does that
she joins the gang much later though
Linh Song: 
she’s a waterbender again that goes without saying
idk? but i imagine her (and tam) being like watertribe refugees that live in the earth kingdom (like maybe they ran away from their crappy parents)
she has a crush on marella
gets overprotected by her brother but like can stand her ground
Tam Song: 
i feel like he wouldn’t be a waterbender? it doesn’t really fit his vibe, so maybe he’d be a non-bender or a earthbender (and his parents hate him because he’s not a waterbender)
he joined the gang only because of Linh and maybe cause he has a crush on keefe
he was perfectly content to stay living in the earth kingdom but decided to join gang
Dex Dizznee: 
he’s from the earth kingdom
he’s either from omashu or he’s from ba sing se (one of the big earth kingdom cities?)
he (maybe? if tam isn’t a bender) is the only nonbender in the group and feels left out because of it
he’s really smart and good at stratagies 
he probably joined the gang cause he wants to help avatar sophie (and, assuming that this world is being conquered by the fire nation, he wants to go against the fire nation, so that makes it hard for him to trust keefe and marella)
he bonds with tam because over being nonbenders (if tam is a nonbender), and being from the earth kingdom
yeah thats all i have for now. maybe a part 2 for other characters later lol also if someone drew this i’d love you forever omg
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impostertamsong · 4 years
Struggles at Starboard
@psychopathicqueenly, this is for you!
Even though the crew doesn’t need to, Dex has always watched the auditions. There’s something exciting about seeing new possibilities and old faces.
That, and for the first ever auditions in ninth grade, Sophie decided she was going to be a star and dragged him along for moral support. She’s been auditioning ever since, since the first one was a success. Those days feel like just yesterday.
Sophie grabbed onto Dex’s arm nervously, shaking slightly. “Do you think I got it?”
“Yeah, I think so,” he answered, smiling. She ran to the list of names, scanned them impatiently, and then turned around abruptly almost crashing into another student.
“I did it!” she screeched, and ran into Dex, enveloping him in a giant bear hug. “I did it, I did it, I did it!” 
It was a small part, but the fact that she got in was big in itself. And from there she auditioned for pretty much every musical and play that presented themselves. Dex somehow got dragged into being a member of the crew, and immediately loved it. It turned out he quite enjoyed building things.
Four years later, not much has changed, except for the size of Sophie’s roles and the increasing amount of paint I got everywhere painting sets. Well, a few other things too.
“C’mon, Soph, you’re going to do perfectly. You always do,” Biana says, kissing Sophie’s knuckles. They’ve been dating ever since Biana got a big case of stage fright the night before the last performance of West Side Story (she was Maria, of course, and, oddly enough, Fitz ended up being Bernardo).
Sophie blushes, grinning. “Yeah, yeah, but this one is special! We’re seniors now, so it’s all or nothing. And if I got the lead roll,” she trails off, looking wistful.
“Psht, you’ll get it,” Dex responds, patting her shoulder. Sophie rolls her eyes in response.
“Biana Vacker,” the theater teacher, Mr. Bronte calls, and says and the girl stands up, looking a little nervous. Sophie gives her a reassuring look, and most of the nervousness fades away.
“You'll be great, Bi,” she whispers, and with that, Biana runs up to the stage to perform her lines. The spring play is one that Tam Song (who happens to be a writer, who knew) wrote about the harrowing adventures of a crew of pirates and how they make it through one of the worst storms in centuries. It’s titled, “Struggles at Starboard.”
Biana’s audition goes in a flash, and soon she’s running back, looking excited. Sophie gets up and hugs her.
“You did great, sweetie,” she whispers. Biana’s beam grows.
“Fitz Vacker,” Mr. Bronte calls. Dex looks around for him, and watches as Fitz climbs up onto the stage.
Sophie elbows him. “Hey, lover boy.”
“Shut up,” he hisses, and Biana cackles quietly.
Three weeks later, the cast lists are out. Sophie is practically vibrating with anticipation when she and Dex get to school.
Fitz and Biana are already at the cast list when they arrive. Sophie sprints up, wrapping her arms around Biana’s neck, giggling.
“So?” she asks, slightly out of breath. Biana turns around and gives Sophie a big hug.
“You got the part!”
Dex plugs his ears just as Sophie screeches. Fitz gives him a knowing look, and Dex smiles, blushing slightly. Biana looks at him and winks.
Sophie did, in fact, get the part. Maya Green is the captain of the ship, and also the female lead. I learn that Biana is playing the ship’s cook, Dahlia Rogers, and Fitz is playing the trusty sidekick, Benjamin West.
The next two months are filled with setting out prop designs, memorizing lines, building and painting sets, trying on costumes, nervous actors, and dress rehearsals. And then the first performance arrives, just like that.
Back stage, Fitz is hiding.
“What are you doing here? Show’s on in five minutes,” Dex whispers, after peering in through the door.
“I can’t do it,” Fitz answers. He’s shaking slightly.
“You’ve been working on this for months, you’ve got it down front to back!” Dex says, crouching down in front of Fitz.
“No, I can’t. I’ve forgotten everything.” 
“I’m sure you haven’t.” Dex puts a hand on Fitz’s. 
Fitz looks down. There are tears in his eyes. “I’m so nervous, Dex. I don’t know why, I’m usually not. I’ve done this for years, why now? It doesn’t make any sense.”
“Of course it makes sense. This is your last first show. Of course you’re nervous. Heck, I’m nervous! But I know you can do it. You know why? You’re amazing, and you’ve done it so many times. This is no different. You’re just a pirate this time, is all. Benjamin West, childhood best friend and right hand man to Maya Green, captain of the Tidal Wave.” Dex waves his hands around for effect, and Fitz chuckles.
“How’d I come to deserve such a good friend?”
Dex looks away. “Well, I could say the same about you.” He looks back, and Fitz is much closer. Was he imagining that?
“Dex, I, thank you,” Fitz whispers, sliding off of his chair and down next to Dex.
“Fitz?” Dex whispers, barely audible. He was so close now.
“You’re, uh, you’re pretty close,” he mumbles nervously, probably red as the bandana tied around Fitz’s head.
He hums and leans in closer, somehow. “Is that a problem?”
“Um,” he stutters, and Fitz smiles, closing the gap.
“Copied Biana’s tactic, huh?” Dex giggles, grinning.
“Shut up, you liked it.”
“I did,” he answered, kissing Fitz (he could do that now!). “Now, go kick that storm’s ass. Not too hard though, it would be a shame to ruin my perfect waves. And the wind machine? Would be a shame to ruin it.”
“Okay,” Fitz laughs, pulling Dex up, keeping hold of his hand when they’d both stood up. “There’s a play to be done!”
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coinsoup · 4 years
Cast your mutuals ask kotlc squad
Ooh okay
@appalyneinstitute1 is biana, a sweetheart but is badass
@loverofallthingssmart is Stina, snarky and could definitely make you cry but I still love her
@you-are-the-vacker-legacy is Fitz, mom friend and just really supportive
@everyonehasthoughts definitely Wylie, the older sibling 100%
@holesinmyfalseconfidence Linh probably, super sweet but could probably kick your ass
@molly-sencen uh I’ll have to say fanon Sophie
@keepersandqueens mmm maybe Dex, like would only beat you up if you insulted their friends
@clearlysokeefe Keefe, way too chaotic but it’s the best
@comas-are-for-sleeping Tam obviously
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1) ew to that anon that said Biana wears thongs. She is a minor. 2) She wears boxers and you know it. They are comfy and she can kick ass in them.
1) Hell yeah that’s what I wanted to say
2) this is “shittykotlcheadcanons” not kotlc canon
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kotlc-oneshots · 5 years
Blind!keefe au
Hey all!!! Sorry I’ve been dead, but writings block kills lol. Anyways I got this idea off of some lame discord convos and uhhh I hope it’s good. Also it’s late and lmao I have no motivation to edit my own writing uhhh here u go. Some mild swearing. Will be Kam if I keep going w it. Lov yall.
I’m lying in bed, of course, when the shrieking of my alarm goes off about four feet away from me. I blink my eyes open until they don’t feel sticky and gross, then grab my alarm clock. It’s a simple thing, a brick with about 5 buttons total on it, probably.
I pushed the button on the bottom left corner, and the loud wail finally ends. I groan and rub my head, wishing the colors and blobs that cloud the center of my milky vision would just come into focus.
However after years of hoping for that, every morning, I know nothing is going to happen. With a small sigh, I go into my ultra-specifically organized dresser.
Today is the first day of my senior year. Even if I wont be able to see myself, I want to know that others will appreciate the way that I look- or, at least, am dressed. There’s not a lot I can do if there’s anything wrong with my face or hair. I wish I could, though- even though I’ve been blind since birth, I still always want to look presentable. In order to do that, my friends help me once every other week to organize my outfits for the upcoming 14 days. It started in sophmore year, when Sophie got the wonderful idea, and it's been a tradition since. And thanks to my ‘photographic (ha) memory’, I always know what clothes I’m wearing. Always.
I’m about halfway dressed when hear a beep from the direction of my bed.
“New message from Fitz.” The automated, robotic voice of Siri tells me.
“Hey siri- read message from Fitz.” I respond, then finish putting on the rest of my clothes.
“Ready for your first day as a senior?” she reads back to me. I automatically change the sound to Fitz’s deeper, more human voice in my head. It’s pointless, but necessary.
“Hey siri- text Fitz ‘hell yeah brother.’” After a quick confirmation of what I’m sending, I go into the bathroom next to my bedroom. I carefully feel my way around for my toothbrush and brush my teeth, then proceed to run my hand through my hair. For a short moment, I wish I could see myself as more than a blob of milky, too bright color, but it fades quickly. I’d rather not think about it. So I finish up in the bathroom, then return to my room for my bag. With a quick ‘hey siri’, I manage to find my phone as well.
After a few more voice commands, I receive the news that Fitz will be here to pick me up at 7:30, which gives me about 20 minutes. I hop over to the kitchen and make myself a quick, hearty bowl of cereal. Being me, I choose the healthiest kind- Lucky Charms. When finished, I smile to myself and set the bowl near the sink- I know my dads at work by now, so I don’t have to worry about him. Sometimes there’s good things about waking up early. As I slip my bag on and go to the door to wait, I remember how lucky I am to have such a good memory, and such a constantly cleanly household. Otherwise, I’d be as clumsy in my house as Sophie is. I grab my cane and walk outside, chiding myself for thinking so much about the little things.
Fitz is there, honking his horn, about 5 ish minutes after I get outside. Sophie yells at him for being annoying, and I chuckle a bit. A window rolls down, and Biana’s voice comes through hollering to go to the back passengers side. I use my cane to help me a little bit, then grab onto the ledge made by the open window. I proceed to find the door handle, then carefully step into the car.
“If any freshman gives you crap today, you have full right to hit them with your cane.” Dex, who must be on on the other side of Biana, says.
“Thank you. I’ll definitely do that,” I respond with a laugh, and I can practically feel the worry in the air as Sophie warns me not to.
“We really don’t want you to get suspended on the first day. So just wait until tomorrow, and give them an extra hard whap on kneecap.” Biana adds cheerily.
“This is why you’re my favorite.” I awkwardly try to wrap my arm
around her head, but fail miserably. My peripherals are even worse than the center of my vision- there’s almost no light visible towards the edges. So I end up hitting her on the head, and play it off by messing her hair up. This, of course, causes her to whack my arm and call me a jerk.
“Alright, dumbasses, knock it off,” Fitz, my best friend of the
past 6 years, yells. “By the way, Keefe, we’re pulling in now.” A knot forms in my stomach. Man. First day of senior year at Foxfire. I can’t believe its so close to being over. The beginning of the end.
We pull into the parking lot and step out of Fitz’s Volvo. I turn towards the building, and take a deep inhale of the crisp morning air. My friends and family always like to comment on how pretty the building looks. Foxfire is a really prestigious private high school, and I know that they put a lot of money into the architecture
and the grounds. It's a pity that all I see is a building shaped blob of its beige color, and the faint blobs of green and other colors that I know are trees.
I try not to let myself think about it.
We walk into the building, and Fitz automatically splits off. He's supposed to help some teacher set up the presentation that the Freshman go to. I love him, but it's the first day of school and that man is already busy. This year is gonna be rough if we wanna keep up our hangout sessions- although, we both did take the same 6 AP classes. We’ll probably study together, when he’s not with his million other commitments.
After a few hugs and highfives, and a few debate friends greeting me, I go to my first class. I’m /not/ getting caught in that crowd, especially with the idiotic freshman pretending that they own the place. Off to AP music theory it is. C118 is easy enough- no stairs, and it's a pretty straight shot to the classroom. Again,
I thank my perfect memory to get me around. I may not know what the building looks like, but I basically have the blueprint downloaded in my head. Good times, man.
First period doesn’t result in much. We all get a copy of the syllabus, and a short introductory reading. I can feel a tinge of annoyance when the teacher acknowledges my inability to.. Uh, read it, but a girl named Linh volunteers to help me out with it. She seemed nice enough. She had a bit of a Canadian accent, and when I asked about it she confirmed that she was from… Minnesota. She was really sweet, and I’m genuinely hoping that’ll become a friendship.
The next couple periods go uneventfully. Fitz is in one of them, and Dex the other so I don’t have to worry about another situation like in first period. And the teachers always let me go about 2-3 minutes early, so I can avoid the crowds- that is, until lunch. I’m on my way down to the cafeteria when I run into… someone. They must have been very quiet- I didn’t realize they were that close to me and coming around the bend. So when they did, we kinda collided. I hear a soft curse when they thud to the ground, and from the shape and sound I know its a guy. I put the cane in my left hand and offer to help him up. I’m not sure what it is, but he doesn’t accept it.
“You good man? I didn’t see ya there.” I laugh a little, because
duh. He doesn’t. I can’t really make out any of him- his hair is /probably/ black- and this agitates me, because he doesn’t respond. And then he practically runs away.
I have no way to identify him- probably a dumb freshman that didn’t want his ass kicked by the blind senior. Trying to shake off the interaction, I roll my eyes and start on my way to lunch again.
“Honestly, today was AWFUL. The second half, at least.” I’m now at Fitz’s house, along with Dex. “I already told Dex about that one guy that ran into me, but Stats teacher was awful. She probably heard something from Michaels about last year- just because I rarely showed up doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m doing! I got along in that class fine.”
“Keefe, I taught you like half of that course.” Fitz replies, laughing.
“Because you actually know how to do math! Michaels is an awful excuse for a pre calc teacher. Dex, be glad that you got Hex.” I retort. It’s not wrong- Mr. Michaels had been very incompetent. If not for Fitz, I would have gotten the worst grade I ever had in my high school career.
“You know I am.” Dex agrees. “Even Hex hates Michaels, but she won’t admit it. Outright, at least.”
“Ok, enough about horrible teachers. Tell me about the guy who ran into you.” Fitz pipes up, not wanting to be apart of a conversation dissing his soccer coach. I let him divert the conversation, even though I really wanna rag Michaels to the ground most of the time.
“Well, that's the thing. There’s nothing to tell- I ran into him and he fell. Then he ran away, without saying a word,” I say. “I wanna know just as much as you do.”
“That’s cute.” Dex comments, and I shake my head.
“You know what I mean.”
“Suuuuureee.” The tone of his voice makes me hit him, which starts a wrestle between the three of us that lasts for about half an hour. By the end of it, I’m sure I have multiple bruises from falling, kicking something wrong, and getting hit, but I don’t care much. We fall into a panting heap on Fitz bed, and we through half hearted punches at each other that hold no intention. Needless to say, I’m sweaty and gross, and when Fitz informs me that it's almost 8, I ask to go home. A man's gotta shower- and get his beauty sleep.
So Fitz drives me and Dex home, the three of us having pointless conversation about classes and plans we should make. I get dropped off first, and they wait as I carefully make my way to door of my house, not leaving until I get inside. I hear the thrum of his engine as Fitz drives off, then make my way to the bathroom.
After a quick shower, I brush my teeth and head off to bed.
I drift off, and my thoughts are filled with a mysterious blob with probably black hair and evil math equations.
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forestsmushrooms · 2 years
🪞 - Which Keeper character you're most like
hmm thats kinda difficult because im like all of them in one person lol. If i had to say im more like Biana and Keefe in one person? Kinda because i really like fashion and some girly stuff like Biana but also can kick ass and I’m like Keefe… because I joke a round a lot i do not obsess over my hair but I do like my hair.. its difficult trying to say which character you’re most like honestly. If you had to give me a character which character would it be?
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linhsong · 7 years
some headcanons for my sappy platonic-affection-craving-loving ass (these are not romantic !!!!!!!!)
- i like to imagine keefe as, like, a big gangly cat. he likes draping himself over people’s backs, putting his head on their laps, resting his chin on on top of sophie shorter people’s heads
- just!! everyone’s chilling or something and keefe, exhausted, just plops his head down on sophie’s lap and without even thinking about it she starts stroking his hair
- fitz and keefe have a pretty brotherly friendship; think bro hugs, where they clasp hands and slap each other’s backs, playful punches, bear hugs, etc.
- fitz gives the best hugs out of all of them,, it’s just something about him... he has big arms and he’s so warm and soft.. and also he smells good
-  biana’s big on forehead kisses; she’ll give sophie forehead kisses when visiting her at elwin’s, brushing back fitz’s hair to kiss his forehead, etc.
- sophie and dex can be very physically affectionate with each other; they like sitting back to back while studying, resting their legs on each other, leaning heads on shoulders, etc. ((although they get very embarrassed whenever someone comments on it))
- having practically grown up together, keefe and biana are pretty comfortable with each other: hair ruffles, shoulder punches, and high fives are common between them (when they were younger keefe liked to poke biana’s chubby cheeks)
- when tam and linh come along it’s a bit awkward, they don’t really know how they fit into this whole mess of friends
- tam gets especially prickly when keefe one time slings an arm around linh, and is just plain confused when dex tries to give him a fist bump
- eventually they all work together; biana will casually link arms with tam when theyre walking next to each other. sophie manages to get a hug out of him one time
- linh loves her friends! but is shy about initiating contact with them
- biana picks up on this: she’ll nudge linh’s shoulder and whisper jokes in her ear, grab her hand and drag her places, lean on her shoulder and all that. the two eventually have a lot of inside jokes
- fitz and dex evolve to have weird, teasing interactions: fitz will casually rest his elbow on top of dex’s head, dex will kick fitz in the shin if he says something stupid, aggresive shoulder bumping—you get the idea
- group hangouts usually consist of keefe lying across three people, and by the end everyone’s leaning on each other’s shoulders and dozing off.
(i had some angstier hcs but i didnt want to ruin this post so if people like this one i’ll make another)
edit: i made another
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dizznee · 7 years
The Difference
Fanon Sophie: LOOK AT ME CASUALLY RISKING MY LIFE LIKE THE DAREDEVIL I AM BECAUSE I HAVE NO SELF CONTROL WHATSOEVER Canon Sophie: I,, will save the elves and the humans with my f i v e special abilities because this,,, is what I was made for,, but I’m not the Black Swan’s p u p p e t,,, look at F I T Z ‘ S eyes *blushes*,, I can’t do this a l o n e,, I need and appreciate aLL of my friends,,, except not dex lol
Fanon Dex: shannon why won’t you give me more page time and my name is not deck it’s dexter alvin dizznee which spells dad did you know that Canon Dex: I’m sorry Sophie… oh you refuse to forgive me? That’s okay I’ll just hang out in the background for the rest of the series :)))))) *cries internally*
Fanon Keefe: hello my name is keef and I’m a literal piece of trash Canon Keefe: I may have betrayed everyone but *finger guns* *cracks jokes* *runs hand through hair* I know my love,, Sophie will forgive me no matter what because I’m just great that way *cracks another joke* *dabs*
Fanon Fitz: I’m a gay trans boy and I love my boyfriend Deck and I’m sorry I actually have no characterization past this Canon Fitz: *blinks* oh look Sophie blushed I WONDER what that means
Fanon Biana: lmao stand back everyone I got this because I can kick ass in heels and a dress and winged eyeliner and I don’t need any of y’all Canon Biana: Sophie… *wipes palms nervously* will you… be… my fr-friend?
Fanon Tam: *wears Hot Topic* *applies eyeliner* *is a soft emo child* Canon Tam: guys please remember that I dipped my bangs in molten silver for no reason other than to say ‘screw you’ to my parents also DON’T ANY OF YOU DARE TOUCH LINH THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE
Fanon Linh: LOOK A PUPPY CAN I PET IT TAM PLEASE Canon Linh: I AM THE GIRL OF MANY FLOODS *creates hurricane*
Fanon Wylie: I frolic in the meadows. I radiate pure joy and happiness. Flowers bloom where my feet step. The sun rises and sets at my command. I am a god. Canon Wylie: *unconscious*
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