#this is very targeted at usamericans but like especially if you’re in a place with universal healthcare….
dirt-grub · 7 months
Also with the unwra post idc if this is insensitive but check how much you actually need ur money. I had people when I was homeless he like hm I don’t want to run out of my college meal plan that my parents pay for so I can’t buy you food :( (ps, they never ran out of it- they always scrambled the last week to use it all on crap and candy bc it didn’t transfer to the next semester. Also they had fucking money elsewhere. And if they didn’t they had family who would pay for food/cook for them. And bought themselves shit like band tickets because to them they don’t see that as an optional expense.) like. It’s ultimately your money and your decision and I can’t take it away from you but really, if you aren’t living in a tent you could probably donate a couple dollars.
I’m not gonna act like I don’t spend any money uselessly on myself, I do, but there are so many people way more well off than me who act like they’re not. I do my clicks because it costs me nothing and at the end of the month if I have stuff left over I’ll donate e-sims. If everyone who makes more than me did that it would be a crazy help. If everyone who made as much as me did that it would help.
I’m getting a tax return soon and I’m gonna use a bit of it to try and startup my co-op so I can generate more money in the long term to take care of my friends who are barely making it and the rest is going to unrwa. I’m kind of paycheck to paycheck but at least I’m alive. I’m surviving. I’m fed and housed. My medical bills are up to date. I’ll continue to live, probably for a long time. I know that for me, in the long run it won’t matter. The men, women, and children in Gaza? They could all be gone tomorrow.
Yes, this is a guilt trip. but sometimes guilt is necessary to get people to move their ass.
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fungisteri · 4 years
What is a long sword lesbian?
(I went WAY overboard with this, if you want the short answer, read the first three paragraphs. the other two are more in-depth analysis of what they preach and why they’re wrong. Hope this helps!)
cisgender (generally white and/or usamerican, not relevant to the label itself, just a pattern I’ve seen) lesbians that claim that lesbians can’t be non-binary or go by he/him, they/them, or neopronouns, because they “erase real lesbians” (yikes) and “erase lesbian history” (factually incorrect).
They seem to have some sort of presence on Tumblr and Twitter, but mainly reside on Instagram, because godawful 0 iq lgbt discourse is a fucking plague there and the mainly supported ideals are the exclusionary and truscum ones in that app.
Another way to identify these people is by looking up vixenamoric, aka the superstraight equivalent they came up with to exclude non-binary lesbians and lesbians that don’t go by she/her.
Their ideology might sound similar to terfs based on what I’ve explained, but various longswords are openly supportive of trans women and trans lesbians, which are the main target of terfs. However, it is indeed suspiciously reminiscent, when going in-depth. Lots of them talk about “I’m a lesbian, they can’t make me date an enby/he/they/neopronoun lesbian because I’m only attracted to women.” On one hand, NO ONE is forcing them to date said lesbians, and on the other hand, there’s no way to actually tell wether a person is non-binary or not, so their whole point falls apart. It also implies that pronouns = gender which is also incorrect. Then they go on to paint that “non-binary people and men are invading the lesbian community and erasing the meaning of lesbianism”, which is not only not true, but like... realistically speaking, actual men and non-binary people who feel like they belong in more male-centered groups and identities would never identify as lesbians, or at least not long term. And... non-binary people aren’t invaders. The inclusion of non-binary people isn’t invasion. Period. If you’re a lesbian that is not interested on dating non-binary people, that’s completely fine! We understand! What makes it harmful is to dictate what non-binary people can and cannot identify as, which brings me onto the next point, (non-binary lesbian specific) which is not terfy per se but is still a bunch of shit: “they’re misgendering themselves”. Bruh. You’re not us. Not only that, most of you [longsword lesbians] are cisgender! What the fuck! It is not only not your place to speak on non-binary identities, but this also demonstrates that you lack basic understanding of non-binary identities!
Non-binary means outside of the binary. Not a third gender, completely separate from male and female. It is a spectrum, and a great chunk of the non-binary community gravitates towards male and female identities. It is not only normal, but very common to non-binary people to identify and present with things that are gendered, such as femenine clothing or masculine adjectives and titles. This is mostly accepted, but for some reason, a lot of people flip their shit when non-binary people feel like they belong in wlw and mlm spaces, or use gay, lesbian, achillean or sapphic to describe themselves. And it’s bullshit. It’s completely reasonable for cisgender people to wrap their minds around this concept (hell, when I thought I was cis, it took me a few months to actually understand this). But for fuck’s sake, don’t exclude us and harass us for how we describe ourselves and tell us what we “should” identify as. Our sole existences don’t mean harm. No one, especially not cisgender people, is entitled to the identity of a non-binary person.
So sorry for the long rant, it’s just that these people made it much harder to accept my non-binary identity and made me feel so endangered online that I had to create an undercover alternate account in a separate platform to avoid their harassment. Yes, it is that bad. Even though I allowed myself to set boundaries and blocked all of these people on sight, it still boils my blood to remember this. So yeah. Stay the fuck away. Don’t give them a platform. They’re bullies thinly veiled in wokeness.
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