#this is what the world owes me... i guess. somewhat. owes blue and rainbow to have a nice place at the very least
rockabell-chime · 8 months
oh YES. i will do good. i will add to this place positively. how the hell
...this is the alcohol talking. ugh i hate public speaking
but really. how does one do that. can i do that?
0 notes
mamichigo · 4 years
Title: clockwise
Pairing: Revali/Link
Rating: G
Word count: 1,3k
Tags: Alternate universe, God of time Link, Tension
"You are a child blessed by time."
Notes: This is my gift for @artbychromo in the @revalinkexchange !! I sunk my teeth into your god au prompt and didn't let go.
When Revali was still a hatchling, he had foolishly believed himself to be knowledgeable enough to play in the snowy Hebra mountains. It had been fun, until Revali realized he was lost, and his wings were still too weak to fly him home even on an updraft.
Scared, and most of all embarrassed, Revali had found somewhere warm to huddle up, then sent a quick prayer to the goddess Hylia.
"I'm kinda lost, so could you please make it so I'm rescued quickly?" It was what he said, in all his childish arrogance.
As it would turn out, within a few long hours, Revali was found and taken back to the Village. The adults fussed over him, oscillating between scolding him and checking him for injuries.
"You were gone for three days, we thought we'd lost you!"
Revali did not understand what they meant by that. Confused, he went to the elder and, perched on his right thigh, Revali told him there was no reason for all the fuss. After all, it had barely been a day.
The elder stroked the feathers of his face, shocked but contemplative. Finally, he laid a wing on Revali's shoulder and smiled something mysterious.
"You are a child blessed by time," the elder told him.
He didn't understand that, either. Huffing, Revali left for his own roost, where he remembered to say his thanks to the goddess:
"I guess you're really as helpful as they say, so thank you. If you could help me out again whenever I'm lost, that'd be really appreciated."
And that had been it. Or, at least, that had been it for this particular incident. Five years later, Revali would fall while training on a not so windy day. His wing was injured and stiff from overexertion. Somehow, in the five seconds it would take for his body to hit the ground hard and fast, he managed to pull a dagger from his pouch and stab it at an opening between the rocks that so happened to be there. His shoulder wrenched painfully as his body came to a stop, dangling by the dagger, but he was safe nonetheless.
Two years after that, an unexpected monster ambush caught him off guard. As Revali fumbled with an arrow, the black moblin closest to him came to a complete stop, weapon raised in the air. It was just one second. It was enough for Revali to shoot an arrow between its eyes.
Whenever one day's time didn't seem like quite enough, the hours dragged. When he was tired and could barely stand as he came back from another grueling training session, he would be back at the Village in the blink of an eye. And when Revali was in the air, adrenaline roaring, the world slowed down, down, down. He could nock as many arrows as he needed.
He had all the time in the world.
Revali was somewhat of a cynic, but he wasn't dumb. He knew he was being aided--for what reason, he wasn't sure. He simply got into the habit of murmuring an exasperated "thanks" in between arrows, and deemed it enough courtesy. He wouldn't be rude to a god, but he wasn't about to kneel at their feet either.
He told himself as much, standing under the watchful gaze of the Hylia statue built into the Temple of Time. It was his first time visiting the place of worship for what he has been blessed since childhood. It is a somewhat belated visit, but Revali put a wing on his hip and raised his chin imperiously.
"I don't know what's with you, but I suppose I should thank you. You have saved me from death and injuries many times, and for that I am grateful." Revali cocked his head and smirked. "I don't feel like being in debt to a god, after all. Just don't expect me to give you special treatment for this."
His words rang in the empty temple. Coming at night put himself in danger, what with the low visibility, but it was worth it for the privilege of being alone with the goddess. Having said his piece, Revali was satisfied and prepared to leave.
All he heard was the melodious tune of a lyre. As Revali turned, the moon had turned into the sun, and warm sunlight powered inside through the windows, bathing everything in sunset orange and faint rainbows. Revali blinked, mouth agape.
In front of him, someone with a youthful face stared at him with blank eyes. His arms were marked with swirls of an alphabet Revali couldn't understand, his face was obscured by the hood pulled over his head. He glowed while standing completely in the shadows.
"I didn't think you'd ever come," the person said, voice devoid of emotion. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence?"
If Revali didn't know any better, he'd say he detected a hint of sarcasm in his words. Revali narrowed his eyes.
"You're not Hylia."
Revali approached only so he could circle around the deity--it was unlikely he was anything else. The blank eyes seemed to watch him wherever he went.
"Do you have a name I can call you? It is inconvenient not to have anything with which to refer to you in my head, you see."
"You may call me Link."
"Link," Revali scoffed, amused despite himself by the simplicity of the name.
"You have always been disrespectful," Link commented. "Arrogant. Self-centered. No one is truly above you in your eyes."
Revali was startled by how terribly fond he sounded when saying it. Revali bristled, but tried not to, knowing his feathers were puffing out in response.
"You sound like a delight yourself," Revali spat.
"Give in equality to what you receive."
Revali came to a stop, at the same time Link gestured for him to come closer. Revali noticed there was a triforce symbol on each of his palms. He obeyed, more out of curiosity than anything. Standing close like this, Revali could hear a faint ticking sound.
"You have a question," Link stated.
Revali jabbed a finger at Link's sternum. Unexpectedly, he felt like flesh and bones just like any other Hylian. 
"Why are you aiding me? It's not like I'm your most faithful devotee."
"It's not about devotion."
"Then what is it about?"
"I like you."
Revali opened and closed his beak. "What?!"
"Some things are really that simple." Link took the wing still touching him and moved it away, but kept it held between his palms. He radiated an unnatural sort of warmth. "You're interesting. I liked the way you talk."
Revali had to raise his eyebrows at this. "You enjoyed being sassed by a child?"
For the first time, a smile appeared on Link's face. It was just a quirk at the corners of his mouth, but it somehow rounded out his entire face. It dawned on Revali how young he looked.
"It makes for a more interesting life," Link whispered. "Not many have the courage to talk like that to the Goddess."
"So, what? You're her message boy?"
"I'm simply one of her servants."
"How odd to hear a deity refer to themselves with such a lowly title."
Link smiled again, but offered no more words. Revali clicked his tongue and yanked his hand away.
"I think I've been your entertainment clown for long enough," Revali declared. "I should take my leave."
Revali barely took a step when Link moved. His hand was firm on Revali, but not painful. The white in his eyes gave away to blue irises. A curious bird peered in, but it froze in place the same time Link spoke up.
"Stay awhile," Link urged. "We have all the time in the world."
Revali gravitated towards him, green eyes to blue eyes locked. He took in a breath. Despite his instincts, Revali stayed.
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gemini--emerald · 4 years
So i made a lore thing for us nHo so take this
Their nearly pitch black hair whipped around themself, the heat of the lava surrounding the large barren rock didnt even make him flinch anymore. When you live in whats basically Hell for almost your whole life you get used to it. The red glow of the Nether portal that would teleport him into another worlds overworld was almost blinding, it was way to bright for their liking, although; he supposes he wouldn't have found it any other way so its actually good he assumes. Well; if the “nHo” liked him that is. Xenon tried whispering reasurrences to himself on the way over here but the fact he could only speak Galactic did nothing to help their nerves so they eventually gave up. Despite Silas telling him repeatedly that enough of the members knew Galactic or sign language to understand him and translate for the other members he still couldnt avoid the prick of doubt in his mind. The anxiety that they wouldnt take him for how he looked or acted or… the Other Thing. It was stupid he knew; Silas had said themself that they took in anyone and that a little bit of craziness was welcome. 
Neither knew how they other looked physically because of the fact that the ‘Watcher’ comm, as Silas called it, didnt allow pictures or anything of the sort but despite that the supposed Ender Hybrid seemed excited to meet him; at least, Xenon thinks so from the messages they sent him. Xenon has never really met anyone else besides family and the souls of the Taken and wasnt good with social cues. He really hoped that would change and that hed learn how to socialize somewhat well despite what could probably be considered a verbal disability. 
He exhaled, “Guess I better get this over with huh,” he said to no one but the strangely empty air. He picked up the Netherite filled bag with ease, having done so so many times and walked towards the portal. Turning around and looking out into the dull red fog for the last time for a long time he whispered, “Goodbye, hope to see you soon.”
When he opened his eyes again he was met with the blinding green of, what he was pretty sure, jungle grass...Along with Crimson Nylium?? What was that doing here?! Opting to ignore that for the time being, he noticed they were in a large clearing surrounded by jungle trees, some of them having branches cut off and with large smiley faces with the mouth too wide and the eyes X-ed out. Huh.
“HEY!!” His eyes snapped to his left and up into one eye of bright red, not unlike the portals, and one purple one, like an enderman’s. He took in how they looked, the bright colors of their rainbow hair starting at red on the top and going down to purple at the nape of their neck, the right side of their face covered in enderman scales. They seemed to be about 2 inches taller than him, that didnt happen often, although they are part enderman so he supposes it makes since. Oh shit, he’s been staring hasnt he? It took him a moment to process what they said before and that they had said it in Galactic so he said back, “I can understand English you know; I just cant speak it” They looked surprised for a second, then broke out into a grin. “Guys its him!!”
Suddenly, what seemed like a tad over 10 people started jumping down the trees, some using the vines to help them and… some of the vines helping them itself? Whatever, not the weirdest thing ever. They decided to count heads as this was happening and it seemed like there were 11 people, not counting Silas and himself.
As the swarm of 11 people came into view better he started to notice more and more details about them. Like how one seemingly hovered above the ground, and one was about the same height of Silas, was also floating, had horns and really liked orange. Three more flew around the clearing; one with wings of purple and pink feathers, another with what looked like phantom wings, and a white somewhat-humanoid wolf/avian hybrid. 
One short person stood way back in the shadows for a moment before starting to walk. He started walking and grinned when he caught Xenon staring...and then the shadows bent around him almost like inviting them to see him without all the shadows. Well that was new. Silas followed his gaze and piped up, thankfully in english this time. “I see you’ve found Zero, he has a symbiote that bends the shadows.” 
Ooookayyy... taking that into account Xenon looks back to the rest of the people; one taller girl, still shorter than him however, was in full blue, even blue hair and jogging next to her was some sort of robot with a red cape covering up where their left arm would be. Three more girls were the last in the group and from what could be mistaken as a trick of the light, but he knew it wasnt, was glitches swirling around one with short hair in a lab coat. The next was the same height as her and had a pink coat and flowers in her hair; the last one was shorter than the previous two and was wearing elyra with a plain t-shirt and jeans and had rectangle glasses.
Once all of them finally reached the portal they automatically made a semi-circle around them, besides Bon, who stayed to the left of him; the rest were close enough to hear and talk, but far enough away so that they wouldnt touch him if he didnt want to. These people must be really accepting if they care enough to give him space. ‘That's… really nice of them,’ he thought. 
Before anyone could say anything however, he noticed everyone looking above him with smiles and smirks on their faces. Before he could even think of turning around, he was caught off-gaurd by a sudden force on the back of his head. Okay, so thats why theyre keeping a distance, bc they think he’ll fall and die, thats wonderful, he cant wait to tell them how wrong they are. However, right after that thought, he heard Silas yelling,  “Helix what the fuck?!” With the others laughing while watching him stumble with the added weight seemingly attached to his head.
He felt the weight attached to his head shift over to his right shoulder as Silas kept yelling and everyone else laughing to death on the Crimson ground… right that was still a thing. He felt someone sit down on his shoulder and looked towards them as best he could with his hair in the way. They seemed to notice this as they proceeded to move his hair and tuck it behind his shoulder; not knowing if they knew Galactic he hesitantly said a simple, “Hi?” and waved his hand. ‘Helix’ excitedly waved back and used sign language to ask what their name was. Xenon hesitantly looked to Silas and before he could ask, Zero piped up and said “Helix does have a mouth so they use sign language to communicate, by the way they asked what or name is.” Well he knew that; wherever Helix lived before this, their sign language was close to that of the Nether. 
Xenon looked back to Helix who was looking expectantly at him. Holding up his hands, trying not to jostle Helix too much, they quickly signed ‘X’ ‘E’ ‘N’ ‘O’ ‘N’ to them. After, Helix looked at the others in what he could only guess was awe as he felt them go almost limp on their shoulder, only holding on to his hair which was starting to hurt by how hard he was gripping it. Curious, Xenon looked to the others and saw awe and happiness in their eyes. Why? He wasnt sure, but after a moment he felt the death-grip on his hair release and a tap on the side of his head. 
Turning back to Helix he watched them sign ‘you can understand me’ Xenon signed back, ‘yes of course.’ Helix signed back ‘i understand most Galactic so you can talk.’ “Oh ok, well uh, can i put you down now?” Helix heard this quickly signed ‘sorry,’ and before Xenon could do anything, they jumped off his shoulder, thankfully landed easily and surprisingly graceful on the spiky, weird Nylium and went over to the tall brown haired guy in orange and started climbing up his leg, then arm, and all the way up until they were sitting on his head and between his horns. After that the blue haired girl looked up to him and excitedly exclaimed, “That explosion was so cool! Did you mean to do that?” Xenon had no clue what she was on about and meekly croaked out a “What?” She looked over to Silas for guidance, a non-galactic speaker then.
Silas merely looked at him and said, “so you didn’t mean to make that explosion?” He blankly stared at them and whispered “I had no idea that it would do that.” Silas then leaped into the air and pumped their fist. Looking down at the phantom hybrid they yelled “Told ya so, now you owe me 5 diamonds Alex!”  Xenon watched as Alex begrudgingly walked over to Silas and handed them the diamonds .
After introductions and more goofing around, and handing out the Netherite he would never forget the hours of mining that took them, Xenon was sure that he’d like it here, even with the bright green of the Jungle it was ganna turn red soon enough anyways. 
(i really hope this worked right, also i didnt edit it yet but i’ll do that later)
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hoodie-lover · 5 years
My Multiverse Part 34
Classic was panicking. People he had literally tried to kill and vise versa were in his universe, and no one seemed to be in danger or hurt in any way. If he had even a touch more energy he would have blasted all the Dark Sanses to oblivion by now, but when he saw Blue, Sci, and Geno, his jaw only dropped more. 
“What is going on here? Why are people who have tried to kill us here?” Classic asked and Blue bounced up, Classic only now realizing the short skeleton was very not ok. 
“Ink is an asshole-” Blue said but was rudely interrupted. 
“You just cursed...” Classic said, his shattered worldview now a fine powder.
”-with mind control powers who tortured Error and trying to RESET the multiverse so he can have infinite power and I only have partial immunity since I was left in the anti-void by the first people who tortured Error who are apparently having a civil war.” Blue summarized. “That explains the glitching and we do have a plan! Also since you are the original you and any alternate timelines that exist also have immunity, along with glitches but Ink got his hands on Error’s code but as long as he is not alone, he won’t be forced to betray us!” Blue finished and Classic somewhat understood. 
“Blue, calm down. Sans just woke up, and it’s near the end of the day, so we can explain everything in detail later.” Undyne said as she stood by Classic. 
“T-thanks Undyne.” Classic said, and Papyrus walked up to him. 
“Brother, what do you remember? Just the big things like locations and any identifiers?” Classic thought and gave a quick response. 
“It was a dark basement. Chains on the wall, and a large staircase leading to the floor on top. Until I was kidnapped, a week or so ago I’m not quite sure, I had never been there.” Classic said and he got very weird looks. 
“It’s been less than a day since you went missing Sans.” Undyne said, and Geno had a simple answer. 
“This AU, where Classic was held, seems to move at a faster rate than most of the universes, similar to the Doodlesphere, another one of Ink’s personal universes.” Though he remembered that the other originals don’t know what the Doodlesphere is. “The Doodlesphere is where Ink generally lives and anyone can access any AU.” And everyone who didn’t know nodded in understanding. 
“Guys?” Sci asked, and every Sans in the room froze in sheer and utter terror. “I may or may not have called Alt in.” And they, except Classic, face palmed. 
“Who’s Alt?” And Sci was ready with his explanation.
“Alternate multiverses exist. Predictable, and an unrelated project got turned into the plan to defeat this multiverse’s Ink.” Sci said and a small skeleton, around two feet tall sped past him. 
“HI!” He said, he looked like Ink. But he was around a foot shorter and had long baggy brown pants that covered his feet, and a large rainbow sweater along with the signature brown scarf. His eyelights were also two light pink splotches, shifting and changing with time, and he had the same ink mark on his right cheek. 
“This is your boyfriend?” Killer said and Sci screamed. 
“NO! We’re just-” But he was interrupted. 
“Trying to get him to confess his feelings to me.” Alt beamed as he looked at everyone and gasped when he saw Classic’s bandages. 
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t think about how this world’s me hurt you! I-I r-really am an idiot! I shouldn’t have run out like that!” Alt said as he began to cry, collapsing to the ground with a thud, his eye lights going out. “T-those i-injuries, i-it hurt s-so m-much...” he mumbled as Sci picked him up and held him. 
“We dealt with a pure evil Nightmare. What Classic went through, his multiverse’s Nightmare put him through. And yes, he does have the mind control power, but he is terrible at using it, one of those migraines at most on a good day to an alternate Sans.” Sci explained as he shushed and bounced the small Ink as if he were a small toddler. 
“Forget boyfriend. You’re his dad.” Flowey giggled and was almost reduced to compost with a small bone straight from Sci. 
“Poor thing.” Asgore said as he saw Alt drift off to sleep.
“He normally cries a lot, a few times a day. He’s been doing better, crying at least once a day but not as often and with. I’m just doing my best when I can’t visit him every single day.” Sci said as he rubbed the back of Alt’s skull as the small skeleton cuddled into him. 
“Guess he was out through a lot huh?” Horror said, and asked a question he knew he’d regret. “What about that’s world’s us? We haven’t asked you much about this other multiverse.” Sci sighed as he looked at Alt’s face.
“You guys never came back from insanity.” And silence rang. “He was hurt mostly by that world’s Nightmare, I saw some footage while I had to break him out, it made me sick.” Sci said as he patted Alt’s head softly, causing the smaller to purr slightly in his sleep. 
“I can’t believe he’s an alternate Ink.” Killer said, looking at him. 
“I couldn’t believe it either. He’s so cute!” Sci beamed as he adjusted Alt’s scarf, though he got many looks from his friends. 
“Is it moral to date an alternate version of yourself?” Alphys pondered, and Blue took offense to that. 
“I’m dating an alternate me!” He slapped his hands over his mouth as all the Sanses gave him very determined looks. 
“WHO?!” They all screamed, getting close to his face as Classic snickered with glee. 
“I’m not telling.” Blue huffed as he turned away. 
“Please Blue? We all want to know. Some of these bets go up to 200g.” Classic said as he leaned towards Blue, stopped by the railing of the bed. 
“Let me guess. Underfell!Sans, is it Red?” Horror asked and Blue instantly blushed the most vibrant cyan any of them had seen. 
“You mentioned him when we were cooking.” Horror explained and Blue smacked him hard on the head. 
“No wonder you’re a Dark Sans. That was an emotional moment and you use it to win a bet.” Blue said, still blushing. 
“Ha! Swapfell owed me 250g!” Classic exclaimed and everyone looked at him like he was mad. 
“I said some. Not all, also Red may or may not keep a very unprotected diary.” Classic said winking. 
“Wow. I would never expect that of your brother.” Papyrus said, giving Classic a weird look. 
“I don’t hold back, and I don’t need to worry about RESETs. On the latter factor alone I feel so much more free and relaxed, like I can do things for a change.” Classic said and Alt stirred. 
“W-what happened?” He said and Sci put him on the ground, Alt stood for about five seconds before falling on his butt with a thud. 
“Sorry Sci. Anyway, how’s the enhancer going?” And everyone that didn’t already know, shot a deathly glare at the scientist. Though Flowey merely cackled evilly to himself. 
Characters belong to their respective owners
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cosmosfated · 6 years
   “Are you certain about this, Commander?”    “Dead certain.”    The comment earns a huff of vague annoyance.
   Glowing orange lights through a blacksteel helmet blocking all facial features address the person who spoke.  A well armored individual with her helmet off for the moment, looking at him with curious and concerned eyes that glitter with the colors signifying a goddess well known for her prowess in war and knowledge.  “Don’t worry, we’ll ‘ave this done wit’ soon.”
   She stares at him for a moment, examining him, before looking in front of her.  “I sure hope you’re right. It’s been well over a year for us, but likely no longer than a month and a half for them. You missing someone back home?”
   His jaw tightens beneath his helmet.  “No.”
   “...Sorry to hear that.”
   He shakes his head.  “Don’t be. I’m a dead man whose only las’ true descendant is dead. My bloodline ended centuries ago. I’m not concerned wit’ it.”  He looks back down at the parchment in his hands, which has definitely seen better days─ torn at the edges and singed, yellowed from exposure and time, yet the ink is still clear and the key is still mostly readable.  “I doubt people will ‘ave even noticed I was gone. It’s better that way.”
   “Maybe...”  She doesn’t press any further, simply putting on her helmet and turning to the army behind her.  “So, Commander, what’s next?”
   He folds up the parchment nice and neat, and tucks it away from sight beneath his reinforced, enchanted blacksteel armor.  He secures all of the straps and bindings, makes sure all of his weapons are in their proper places, and nods.  He stands properly to his full height and turns to the army as well.  “We don’t know just what we’re up against, but the objective remains the same. Retrieve the artifact inside, and don’t let the enemy have it at any cost, even if it means breaking the artifact. Is that clear?”  At the straightening of backs and tightened grips on handles of swords and shields, he finds himself smiling.  Been a while since he’s commanded an army.  “Alright then...”
   He turns towards the establishment and draws his sword.  It’s emblazoned with a lightning strike design down the elegant steel blade that glows a faint orange-gold mix, a loop guard fashioned into the shape of a golden wing and the pommel depicting the symbol of white lily.  He closes his eyes and holds it in front of him, not saying a word.
   For a little while, nothing happens.  For a moment, doubt edges into the army’s mind.  And then, the lighting strike design crackles with what looks like electricity, and the golden wing flutters, beats for a moment as it flashes white and black, attesting to genuine Hope and Possibility for victory, then shifting the hue of the feathers to a comfortable and familiar deep blue as it curls into a proper loop guard again.  A collective look of relief is shared among soldiers, but the Commander simply sheathes his weapon again and gestures for the lady beside him to join him.
   “Get a few of them t’ do scout wit’ the both of us. We don’t want to make ourselves too clear, even with the blessin’ from our fair ladies.”  There’s some murmur and movement, and a group of eight, nine including the Commander, settles at the front.  “Alrigh’, jus’ keep in mind that what we’re going after has been sought after in-mass f’ so long that most of them have been destroyed. Our enemies may’ve followed us, or they may’ve not noticed us movin’ forward. An’ f’ the gods’ sake, don’t trust your eyes and ears. They’re gonna try an’ play tricks on you. Trust your instincts. Clear?”  A round of nods.  “Let’s head out then.”
   It doesn’t take long to approach the building, nor does it take much time to get in.  That’s probably what worries him the most.  There’s no hitch.  No problem.  There’s been no traps, no puzzles, nothing.  It’s been smooth sailing... and with an artifact like this one, that’s not a good sign for what’s to come.
   And like that, the group approaches the chamber where there’s just a cozy looking... office?  Or at least, that’s what he sees.  He holds up his right fist and looks around for a moment.  As soon as he notices nothing is amiss, which is unsettling at best, he gestures that he’s going to head inside first.  There’s a look of warning beneath the helmet from his first sergeant, but no move is taken to stop him.
   As soon as he steps into the room, everything else falls away.    The color-muted world becomes lively and vibrant, the odd office that looked as if it hadn’t been lived in in quite some time becomes new and refreshing and... familiar.  It’s too close to what he remembers from that day.  It puts him on edge.
   “Hello, Cayden Rutland.”
   Immediately, his blade is drawn, pointed at the origin of the voice─    ─then his eyes widen and the blade’s end briefly drifts to the side.    “C-Commander Hathwaye?”
   The fair skinned, light haired brickhouse of a man examines his form for a moment, as if just now recognizing who he was.  “Oh, so that’s who you see me as. Interesting.”  The only thing incorrect about him, are the faint rainbow spirals at the center of a backdrop of silver within the irises.
   “...you’re not him.”
   “No, Cayden, I’m not. I’m the person who hurt you the most, who you might not hate but who did the worst damage to you as a person.”  The person showing as Hathwaye stands up from his leaned position against the desk, and it’s then that Cayden notices the artifact sitting on the desk.  Nice and pretty, right in front of him.  He just has to get to it and grab it and get out──  “I wouldn’t, if I were you. Your summoner wouldn’t appreciate it if you went out like this.”
   “...You do know what this is, don’t you?”    “A test.”    “More or less, that... that’s true. ...Could I ask you something?”    “Do I ‘ave a choice?”    “That’s a, ah,”  he laughs somewhat.  “That’s a good point. Asked and answered.”  They look around the room.  “Why here, Cayden?”    “...Pardon?”
   Hands move before his form as if beginning a prayer.  “Okay. So. Let me, explain what this is. You came here to collect that thing,”  he steps aside to gesture towards the glowing rainbow artifact that is still in perfect condition.  “and get it back someplace where it can actually be protected. You went through the effort of finding all the pieces of the puzzles, and you got all of the keys. I’m really, really proud of you for that. However, when you stepped into the room, you triggered... how should I put this... an alarm of sorts. And that alarm, basically tells me to see whether or not you’re deserving of handling─ I’m sorry, what do you call me?”
   “What do I call you?”
   “The artifact, me, same difference. What name did you give to what you came here for?”
   “... I don’t know its─ your? name. I didn’t know you had a name.”
   The figure suddenly looks terribly unimpressed.  “You came here... looking for something specific... without knowing its name?”  A pause, then an awkward laugh.  “I shouldn’t be so tough on you for that, the person who created that old thing, that enchanted me into existence, probably doesn’t remember my name either huh? No hard feelings. Curses aren’t really all that fun, I’d guess. I’m immune to them, so I can’t say from experience.”
   “Right.”  Might as well go along with it?
   “Let’s just, forgo names for now. I don’t think... you’re the one who should have my name, and therefore the names of my... kin, in a way. No hard feelings, I’m just a little nitpicky about it. My creator was the same way.”  There’s a smile that doesn’t quite show right on the scarred features of a long-dead ex-knight.  “The alarm is what triggers this test. And the test, is going through the worst days of your life... or well, the most impactful days of your life. Whether they’re the worst or the best, that’s entirely on you. Since we’re already here, why don’t we get─”
   He interrupts quickly.  “I know ‘ow this goes.”  He looks around the room.  “This is the las’ time I saw Hathwaye, and a few ‘ours ‘fore I watched a couple of my dearest frien’s die. A few days ‘fore my exile, and a few months ‘fore I met my wife. Everythin’ that ‘appened to make me th’ man I am today started the day that Hathwaye went off ta Rome an’ ne’er came back. I hated a lot ‘f it. And sure, some ‘f it I’d love to change.”  The well decorated knight shakes his head.  “But where I am wouldn’t ‘ave been possible if I didn’t make the choices that I did. I wouldn’t be able to help th’ people I’m helpin’ if I didn’t make the choices I did with the information I ‘ad at the moment that I did. Terrible as those things were, and as tough as those decisions were... I wouldn’t change them. Because the terrible decisions made the best ones that much more worthy of the pain.”
   Hathwaye smiles warmly.  “And if you were given a chance to bargain with time to save a loved one at the cost of your own life?”
   “Not ever.”  Grip tightens on the handle of the sword still sheathed.  “Use what time you have to make the best memories, the short moments caught in amber are far better than extended moments where nothing happens. Never know when your time will run out. Never know when your book comes to its final chapter.”
   “I see...”
   And the figure walks back over to the desk, picks up the glowing rainbow artifact, and holds it out towards Cayden.  The false light glares off the edges for a moment as the cord swings once, twice, then comes to a halt between gloved fingers.  “Then I think it’s time you get back into the fight, Cayden.”
   He takes the artifact in hand, and then pauses.  “The fight?”
   “Yes, I’m afraid that this talk has gone on long enough that you have... unwanted guests.”  ...  “One warning before you head off to save the day again.”
   “What is it?”
   “I hope you can pay the price of picking me up.”
   “For what this will do? There’s no price I’m unwilling to pay.”
   Hathwaye’s expression becomes sad, almost resigned.  “I do hope you’re telling the truth, Cayden.”  His eyes close and he suddenly looks... tired.  Way too tired.  Fractures settle in at the edges of the artifact, as if in response to the reaction, darkening the glow ever so slightly.  “I hope you’re right about that. Because I can no longer afford it.”
   And he walks out of an enchanted room to the sound of agonizing whispers and the war cries of risen Knights against distorted howls of fallen Hunters.  Looks like he’s going to have to fight his way out of this one.  This is going to take a while...
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