#this is why I am not letting him run KOTET yet
pawsimses · 5 years
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Played on Malvolio a little bit yesterday and decided to doodle the trashlord and all the lives he’s screwed up (and going to). Lives who trusted him, loved him, followed him... only to be caught up in the barbed wire and chains of his twisted person, lost, blinded or broken. The ones who want to escape cannot, and those who have only did so at the end. Yet even beyond the grave, they remain tethered.
From left to right, Malvolio, Zash, Ashara, Xalek, Andronikos,Talos, that one chick from Nar Shaddaa, IDK, Lana, Theron, Koth, Thana, Arcann, Senya and others since lost. And a few other cameos hidden in the shadows.
Ibr here, I really just wanted to practice backgrounds lol
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
OC Worldbuilding Tag!
I was tagged by @raven-of-domain-kwaad and @rainofaugustsith for this one, thanks both of you! :D
I shall tag (if you want to ofc, no pressure!) uhh... @thelastenvoyyy​ , @dragonheart-swtor​ , @darth-bagel​ and anyone else who wants to do this, yes I promise I mean you! <3
So...because I’m always talking about her girls, I feel like I should maybe talk about D’leah for once because she’s actually tied to a fair bit of interesting worldbuilding for Subterfugeverse :3
This is a long post oop so here ya go, all under the cut!
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(art is comissioned from @.varjopihlaja :3 since the in-game scar options are a little...limited) -Her face got hecked up in one of the battles against the exiled Jedi’s occupation of Korriban, a stray concussion grenade went off before she could get out of range and did quite the number on her face as you can see. She lost most of the spurs on the left side of her face and therefore struggles a bit after that with non-verbal communication - because if Twi’leks and Nautolans can emote/communicate with their lekku and tentacles respectively then 👏 Purebloods 👏 can 👏 emote/communicate 👏 with 👏 their 👏 spurs/tendrils 👏👏  And yes, I am going to die on this hill XD (I have a good portion of these worked out already but haven’t had time to work on diagrams yet, but I will eventually make a lore post of sorts when I have!) Since in general, Purebloods are used to the spur movements occurring in pairs depending on what they’re trying to communicate, it took a lot of time, confusion, patience and frustration for D’leah (and her family) to work out the “adjusted” signals to account for her missing spurs so she could still communicate non-verbally even after the injury.
-Didn’t re-marry or even re-partner after Kissai’s death. He was her soulmate and even though that probably made things worse for her in the long run (nigh on 300 years without your soulmate and a gaping hole where your Force bond with him used to be? yeah, ouch ;-;) she just couldn’t (nor did she want to) “replace” him because she loved him too much. She had enough to remember him by with the twins, Kas looks like him and Saarai acts like him and that was enough to keep her going as long as she managed to.
-Her relationship with the twins is complicated, and while she did do crappy things (and was a Bad Parent because of those things), it wasn’t always like that and when they were younger she was actually a very good mom to them if a little okay a lot strict; but what are you gonna do when you’re (as far as she knew) the last three remaining members of your entire family dynasty having to hide away in Wild Space just to survive while your userper prances about your Empire like he owns the bloody place. I’d be salty about that too if I was D’leah.
I could write a whole essay about the difference in her headspace and why she reacted to the whole Ty Mess the way she did but that’s prolly a little heavy for a headcanon post (and is once again Complicated) so I am not going to do that. If you’re curious you can either ask (in the askbox or in DMs) and/or wait for the breadcrumbs to come when I start releasing the twins’ parts of the series 😬
-I’ve mentioned how she replaces Kallig’s ghost for Ni’kasi in my HCs before, and it’s absolutely Subterfugeverse canon that Ghost Mom continues to stick around and help the twins right up until the final fight with Valkorion at the end of KOTET. And probably after that, too, though much more sporadically at that point because it’s clear the twins are fine on their own so it’s more a case of “they can come find her if they need her help otherwise she’s gonna let them do their thing”
-If she were to ever run into Satele while she’s prowling around in the Odessen wilderness she likely would chew her (and Senya she also has something to say about your taste in men, Senya :’) ) out for being a shitty mom to Theron after learning from her own mistakes with Saarai/Ty and patching that up. Satele wouldn’t know what hit her. XD
-Also helps Ni’kasi, Lana and the others to drag Valkorion out of Vano’s head for good when the time comes, I like to headcanon that exorcising Valkorion’s spirit from Vano’s head would’ve been a lot more damaging/painful without D’leah’s help. Another spirit-being that he can’t manipulate or weaken certainly helped them to give him the shove and not kill Vano in the process.
-She likes to keep Kas’s crew on their toes by randomly moving objects and suchlike on the ship or suddenly popping up (sometimes as a disembodied voice for those who lack the ability to “see” ghosts - poor Andronikos, Talos gets a fright a few times but adjusts a lot quicker than the poor pirate LOL) to remind them to stay on task if she thinks they’re slacking too much. She may be a 400+ year old ghost at this point but she still has a sense of humour! XD
-She’s canonically Lawful Evil on an alignment chart and absolutely would have had No Mercy for the Republic or the Jedi (see again: the Jedi/Sith colonisation thing which IMO is justified for her, given the information we have on all of that. You don’t have to agree and if you don’t that’s fine but that’s my take on it LMAO) but to the rest of the Empire? Actually a pretty good leader and definitely better than Valkorion; none of that slavery bullshit in the Subterfugeverse pre-Valkorion era, thank you, I’ve talked on a lengthy rant before about why we aren’t doing that ;) Also, older Sith and Overseers were definitely held accountable in making sure that acolytes/underaged apprentices were trained safely and without being made to kill each other. That’s all Vitiate/Valkorion in Subterfugeverse - a slightly band-aid solution maybe but I have to fix the mess somehow and I don’t feel like doing that much brain gymnastics. She’s definitely a no-bullshit gal but she’s not about killing kids
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crqstalite · 4 years
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damn, things get really fuckin’ dark if you let them in knights. basically a disorganized essay with no theme, rhyme, reason or even real thesis on why the dark outlander can quickly turn the expansions into an absolute clusterfuck.
obviously, spoilers below the cut.
as i assume most of you know, i played a light leaning neutral warrior (mellena) through knight-forward first. the main cast stayed the same throughout, koth, senya, arcann, theron, lana and so on. theron was still alive at the end of onslaught, arcann and senya were still alive and so was koth. mellena was a peacekeeper of the galaxy. she romanced theron, mostly everyone was happy with her. she was good with zakuulans, assisted the republic during iokath and sabotaged the empire for them while placing the blame on the other darths and effectively destroying the new dark council from within.
but a dark sided outlander? holy fuck i wasn’t ready for what could happen and what did happen.
koth fuckin’ up and LEAVES with the gravestone (chapter sixteen, battle of odessen) if you let too many zakuulans die and have less concern for them than he does. there are a few main decisions you have to make to get him angry with you, the first being in chapter three, outlander, if you let the generator blow in favor of your own life, chapter four, the gravestone if you kill the exiles, and anarchy in paradise (i reference this chapter a lot in this section) if you blow yet another generator. once you do most of these, specifically the last one, you’re locked in to lose koth for the rest of the game.
he shows up again during wrath and ruin for voss, then leaves, then appears again in dark reunions when he needs help with vaylin and scorpio on the gravestone. he later leaves even if you offer him to stay, making a remark about it being better for the alliance if he just disappeared. 
here’s the issue that i have with koth’s character in respect to his relationships with other characters.
tora and the rest of the crew that was acquired on asylum. obviously they knew him longer than anyone else, but tora says this after he leaves in chapter ten, anarchy in paradise, ‘we’re with you. as captains go, koth wasn’t a complete hutt-stain, but you provide a steady paycheck and nice toys.’ tora’s obviously just a tad gung-ho about everything, but even len doesn’t mention anything to you about it later down the line. they aren’t even angry with you for letting their captain go. i know relationships are tough but jesus christ i thought they’d be angrier with me.
theron and koth didn’t have much history outside of meeting in chapter nine, the alliance but you can just as easily turn theron against him (i’ll get to the corresponding exchange during chapter four of kotet, where dreams die). wasn’t surprising, i figured it wouldn’t be. can’t be mad over someone you did even know. theron’s being held hostage when the gravestone as being stolen and is dropped off on odessen before koth leaves, and that you can’t blame the man at the end of your excursion on zakuul after chapter ten. no harm done here, and personally i didn’t care much for theron on khaak’s runthrough.
the exchange mentioned earlier with theron and koth here during chapter four, where dreams die. to set the scene, you’ve just found theron and koth after a disorienting trip on iokath, halfway through you found torian. torian says, ‘what’s the traitor doing here?’ in reference to koth. theron answers, ‘he picked up my holo-signal to the others and i let him in, against my better judgement. told him if he moves he’s dead.’
that isn’t even it. i figured theron would be more forgiving, even chastise me for being rude to him earlier, but instead he threatens the man.
koth answers with something along the lines of wanting to help, and khaak answered, ‘you’ve “helped” enough, koth. you had your chance to be a hero’. theron follows up with, ‘the only reason you’re here is so you won’t cause more trouble out there. don’t push it.’
but lana and koth do have history, in fact they reference it quite a bit in chapter three, outlander,  and you can turn her against him rather easily too. i can’t pick out any memories of her being particularily upset about koth’s leaving or your actions leading up to it and after it. i know the excuse here is that she’s pragmatic and not emotional, but there’s an underlying issue here that needs to be talked about. 
khaak romanced lana, hardcore went sith wife with her. which i can figure was helping along an emotional dilemma for lana. on one hand, she had ties to koth for helping her find khaak, and seemed to respect him for it and enjoy his company. on another hand, she has ties to khaak for being her girlfriend, and subsequently the alliance commander who she’s known for years upon years longer than knowing vortena. she has no ties to zakuul other than through koth, and doesn’t even really bat an eye when the outlander blows the generator in the city. she is imperial, first and foremost, though most literally follows you to the end of the galaxy no matter what you do. in battle of odessen (if you shot down senya and arcann), she responds to theron’s ‘guess i’m glad you’re showing some remorse’ with ‘senya made her choice. she betrayed us, just as koth did. but right now we have more pressing concerns.’
another note here is that khaak did let the generator overload in chapter three (lana even approved of the decision to let it blow and have them escape first, i think saying ‘we can’t save everyone’), and because of one little decision for lana in chapter five, from the grave, (i’ll talk about this at a later date and why it was stupid) asylum was damaged because of valkorion’s power. i won’t say i don’t understand why he left, he thinks you’re supporting the other factions more than zakuul, but koth doesn’t even attempt to talk to you or understand your reasoning before taking off. i guess in an angry moment like that, he can’t, and bioware didn’t develop his character enough to do so effectively. (that i’ll also talk about at another date).
there is an exchange in the following expansion that my heart definitely cracked over though, and deals with another issue i have with koth.
setting the scene, the outlander and lana find koth on the gravestone during dark reunions. khaak was civil enough with him, agreeing to help to disable the bombs koth put on the ship (yet another issue i’ll talk about later). koth sadly says lana’s name after this agreement, before she responds, “there’s nothing left between us” and stomps off into the gravestone. that leaves the commander and koth alone, and if you romanced her (like i did with khaak), he says this, “you’ll be good to her, right?” [this entire scene is pictured above]
khaak responded “lana means everything to me.” which prompts koth to answer, “that’s all i needed to hear”. which leads me to believe that they definitely were together at some point, before one of the two decided something wasn’t working and acted accordingly. a personal headcanon of mine, but it still shocks me lana was so quick to brush off the man she’d worked with for canonically the last five years to get you out. a lot of people speculate it wasn’t a serious romance if there was one, especially if the pc romanced lana before kotfe. no matter what, i figured koth would come first and was bracing for the scolding to come from lana at some point, but it never came. she essentially didn’t care, and was either more concerned about her current lover or the alliance. that’s some hardcore bullshit if i’m being honest, but i also wasn’t raised sith so i digress.
you do also apparently have the choice to kill koth in that chapter. i didn’t take that option (falls under the ‘hey wait this is really dark, stop’; another issue i’ll talk about later), but i am curious what would’ve occurred if i had.
personally, i think if koth was treated the same as lana and theron, given more flirt options, more character development and not disappearing after hearts and minds to fuck off to zakuul, he would’ve been a great character and a lot more appreciated by the fandom. his actions did have deeper meanings, and though most see him as little more than a self-absorbed douche obsessed with zakuul, zakuul, zakuul, i don’t hate his character. obviously i do still have issues with koth in general, his personality grinded the gears of both my warrior and smuggler respectively. given he’s never known anything but zakuul, but at least lana and theron are sympathetic to the opposing factions.
i’m not saying lana didn’t have the right to act the way she did, but there has to be a hardened part of her heart against a dark side outlander for pushing him away.
playing with mellena, she got beat around by arcann for an expansion but did forgive him eventually and accepted him into the alliance. she kept senya as well, though she technically betrayed her in battle of odessen. all light side options.
now, this is where things get morally ambiguous. a grey area, if you will. arcann has only ever known zakuul, ever. he doesn’t know about the outlands that you came from, and only was ever taught how to act by valkorian. he’s angry with you for essentially taking his father’s power when it should’ve been his after years of being by his side and doing everything he can to be worthy. of course he’s violently hunting you down because of it. yes, he tries to kill you multiple times. is this excusable? for his background, it is. he doesn’t know better.
senya really believes her son can be redeemed, and on a light side run, he can be. but without knowing this, lana’s concern of ‘extermination is safer. the alliance can’t risk war against both of valkorion’s spawn’ during wrath and ruin seems like it is a good idea. with how the gravestone was stolen from out under your nose (dark side in the previous expansion with koth), any sane commander would cut their losses and go anyways. murdering arcann before he can stab you again is the best idea than assuming voss (which depending upon your actions on their planet years prior, good or bad) will be able to heal a tyrant, especially during the literal destruction of voss-ka.
senya’s death was painful. it really was. but to even attempt to kill arcann in his current state, you’re forced to. mandalorians are also sacrificed in this fight when the commander sends them after the tiralls (though never mentioned by torian surprisingly enough). however, it isn’t really you she wants to kill. it’s valkorion, and she’s acting under the idea that it’s him causing you to do these things, and by killing you, she’ll be rid of him and will be able to escape with her son. valkorion has a touching moment with her before her death, and the line she says before being killed is extremely sad.
‘you are truly the daughter valkorion always wanted.’
personally i hadn’t expected it, it may just be a sentence but i holds so much power. senya believed in you at one point or another, but by saying this, she’s literally giving you her parting words. she trusted you, and you betrayed her. but both expansions and even some of the vanilla game are all about vitiate anyways, and senya wants justice for what happened to her children. with your violent actions in line with things valkorion would do, it’s understandable why senya would associate you with being his daughter. still, that hurt in a way it really shouldn’t have.
arcann’s death was even more painful, really. he even tries to ally with vaylin to take down the outlander that killed his mother. even though she’d been gone out of his life for the longest time, it haunts him. it hurt him, and he’s determined to kill you for doing so. with the relationship he and senya can have if you let him live, he’s justified because he was half healed by the voss. knowing his mother died pushed him over the edge, hence why he’s out to kill you.
arcann sees his father for the last time before his death, and his strength is absorbed by you in a way that lana compares to how valkorion had done so with you years earlier.
in the end, senya and arcann are misunderstood by the dark sided outlander. khaak’s reasoning extends past vitiate, the eternal empire and everything else, but just a dark sided outlander with no past does stand to gain a lot by killing the tiralls. senya, because she stands in your way if you kill arcann and honestly continues to badger you for not considering the zakuulans (chapter twelve, visions in the dark when you consider sending kaliyo in to follow aric and havoc squad in the spire) , and arcann by having him out of your way and not plotting in the shadows.
neither character, like koth, is inherently bad. in fact these two are (beyond lana and theron) my favorite characters. their stories are engaging and exciting, and even vaylin’s fascinated me to no end. they are purely zakuulan, and with such a fractured family there has to be stories there that no one expected.
the reason they act the way they do is because they’re out of their element, koth in the outlands for the first time over the course of five years and still trying to protect his people, senya for wanting only to protect her children after the war with the republic and empire begins, and arcann for only wanting his father’s validation. all three characters did need more fleshing out for them to be more effective. senya was done well, with some missing elements. arcann needed to have more story behind him than just ‘im valkorion’s kid and im trying to kill you because you took his power instead of me raaaa’ and ‘oh i was reedeemed. guess i’m cool with you now.’ even his romance path doesn’t reveal much about him. you really have to stretch the story to even comprehend his personality, and wading through the fandom, it isn’t agreed upon just how old he and senya are, nor what his life was like in between cinematics.
iokath (war on iokath, patch 5.2 that is, yes the little half an hour patch not the two chapter excursion in knights) isn’t particularily bad. in fact i thought i was a nice addition (also probably because i played it nearly two years after it was released and didn’t have to wait another couple months for the traitor arc), especially for a warrior and trooper to reunite with dorne or quinn. it can be emotional for characters that knew them or even romanced them. mellena had a reunion with quinn that was rather unhappy, but fit well for both characters. thank you bioware.
it does fall flat for someone like khaak, with no relations to either character, but it’s who you ally with that can really get you. khaak turned her back on the republic to ally with the empire (depending on a character’s story, someone who fought for the republic beforehand or didn’t, this can be a very tough decision), and there are quite a few places where you can hammer it home for theron that you’re fighting against his father. and the codex doesn’t help with your guilt either.
“Theron was born from the love affair between two Republic heroes: Jedi Knight Satele Shan and Republic Captain Jace Malcom. Their romance was short-lived, and Satele only discovered her pregnancy after the two parted ways. She kept the child a secret and gave birth in hiding. Though Satele wanted nothing more than to care for her newborn son, she had to uphold her duty to the Jedi Order. She surrendered Theron to the care of her Jedi Master--Ngani Zho--to continue serving the Republic. Theron was briefly raised as a Jedi, but the older he grew, the more obvious it became that he was not Force-sensitive. He ultimately left the Jedi Order and joined the Republic Strategic Information Service. Theron excelled in his covert work as a spy, and finally met Jace Malcom and learned that he was his father. They worked together on Operation End Game and parted on good terms. In the following years, they shared the occasional father-son meeting, but struggled to grow close. Though the meetings were awkward, Theron always felt a fondness for his father--a feeling he never had for his mother, who he felt abandoned him for the good of the Republic. Theron's relationship with Malcom reached a breaking point when he left the Republic to help found the Alliance. Malcom saw this as a betrayal, but Theron refused to bow to the Eternal Empire's oppressive army. Harsh words were exchanged during their last holocall several years ago. They haven't spoken since.” - SWTOR Codex, Theron Shan: The Secret Son
the codex really hammers home that you’ve turned a son against a father. theron had never been close to his father, but by doing this, you’ve only fractured it further. and yes, you. theron only left the republic because he was helping you found the alliance, and turned his back on his father as well.
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personally, i thought this was so bad i couldn’t even bring khaak to respond how she would’ve, which would’ve been to tell someone to cut their losses and leave. that’s how painful this scene between theron and his father ended up being, and theron even screams an emotional ‘father!’ after the throne fries him, the first real father-son interaction he and theron even have. malcom even asks theron to tell his mother he was sorry before dying. khaak couldn’t do much but literally just give him a moment with his thoughts. troy baker did so well in this scene, his voice shaking as it actually sounds like he was choked up. definitely a tear-jerker.
however, it also sets up crisis on umbara extremely well, considering your outlander was the one who allied with the empire and essentially killed his father by pushing him to get the superweapon without knowing much about it. unlike the light side route (which is much more a facade on theron’s part because he has no ill will towards you, in fact probably respects you more because you did ally with the republic), the dark side route is much more believable. you are the empress, though you said you’d fight for peace and are instead violently quelling rebellion on zakuul against your rule. whether theron thinks that far ahead, of course he’ll be angry with you for it. you’re most literally a person he swore to protect the galaxy against, and you screwed it up. now he left the republic and his father for an extinguished dream. he’s allied with the faction he once fought against, all because of you. maybe his betrayal is only to gather intel on the order, but he definitely doesn’t have remorse for you at some point.
to be continued with everything after the traitor arc :)
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hfbeasty · 5 years
omg the NPC asssskkkk .....!! can I ask..... Di??? or Hiet??? or Baal?? damn my heart. the one that inspires you most??
ASDFGHJK I’m gonna try all three because fuck it i love my ocs
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1. Would they be recruitable?
Yep. Good luck with him.
2. Would they be a class specific character? (ie. Imperial Agent only. Republic character only)
He’s only available for Imp side characters.
3. When would you recruit them? Vanilla story? an Expac? Post KOTET?
I feel like he could fit in anywhere. He’s very simple, one goal and one minded person so where or when wouldn’t really have a big effect on his story or character.
4. Where would you recruit them from?
Anywhere but the Sith Academy. I imagine him meeting the player while already being in his thirties and very experienced yet still unpredictable.
5. What would their recruitment mission be?
Probably something you need to search extra manpower for. Di is that extra strenght.
6. What would be their original recruitment outfit?
Callous Conqueror armor without the mask (see picture). 
7. Would there be a character they don’t like? Would that cause you to choose sides?
Di doesn’t like anyone. If you chose too many options that don’t side with him this might have effects in the future. 
8. Are they romancable? Why/why not
Yes because I think he’d make for an interesting romance with him being goddamn dark sided and having to learn this weird thing called romance while also really wanting it. Also he’s Cathar so a romance with him is gonna be deep since you will be his lifemate. He’d both die and kill for you.
9. What would they say if you clicked on them?
“Don’t touch me.” “ *low growl…* “ “What are you looking at?” “My advice: Kill whatever’s troubling you.” “Did you hear the screams of that last guy? Hehehe..” “Just keep moving.” “Let’s move.”
10. Do they know any other in game characters? (ie. trained under Satele Shan during the civil war. Knew Talos before he went to Hoth)
No. He’s a hermit.
11. What weapon(s) would they have?
Cathar Honor Sword on his back and the Red Unstable Peacemaker Lightsaber on his hip. 
12. Are they better as a tank, healer or DPS?
Dps all the way trough. Good tank but sucks at healing. He’d rather tell you to get over it, that your wounds are proof of you being a warior, you shouldn’t hide them.
13. What gifts do they Love? Like? What would they say when you gave them a gift?
Love: Weapon. “Hey.. Thanks..” “That looks good.” “For me?” 
Like: Imperial and Military. “That’s nice.” “Alright.” “You got me this?”
14. What would they say if you sent them away/changed them out?
“Big mistake.” “ *angered growl* “ “Why must you keep me from battle.” “I will remember this.” “Fine.”
15. What do they say when they heal you? What do they say when they are attacking?
Heal: “Get. Up.” “Giving up is not an option.” “If you die I’ll kill you.” “That was dissapointing..”
Attack: “*deep chuckle*” “You think you can take me?!” “*violent growl*” “Get back here you coward!” “I’m gonna make you bleed…” “I’ll rip your troath out with my teeth.” “You’re gonna be dinner.” “When I remove your legs from your body you won’t be able to run!”
16. What’s their idle chatter like? Do they talk a lot (when you arrive on each planet) or do they suddenly say something in some strange places?
He’ll usually say something before a battle. “Di what do you propose?” “He won’t talk if we rip out his tongue…”
Or in certain areas.
Rural: “Yegh diplomats. Let’s get out of here.”
Outside: “I used to hunt here closeby, quite tasty meat they got around here I must say.”
17. What letter’s would they send post vanillia class story/SOR/KOTFE
Me: *hasn’t finished any of the vanilla class stories*
I’m not gonna let you go
- Di’taqt
Attachment: A rather bloody heart of something (or someone) you may not want to know
I could have known you weren’t dead. No one could possibly kill you. It drove me mad. Not being able to find who killed you. So I just murdered everyone that looked suspicious. Which was everybody I came along… How foolish I was. Should have known. No one is strong enough. You are the most powerful. Everyone else is weak. As am I, for you.
- Your warrior
18. If they are recruitable in vanillia story, where are they during KOTFE/TET? What are/were they doing?
I’m not entirely sure what’s happening during KOTET. But he’s probably wandering on his own again.
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1. Would they be recruitable?
Don’t think so. She’d probably one of the more important NPC’s walking around that you can go to for advice. She’s a Jedi Master for certain. More like an advisor that will continue to be in the story (like in Dragon Age Inquisition) and on a special occasion will be able to be used as a companion.
2. Would they be a class specific character? (ie. Imperial Agent only. Republic character only)
I feel like she’d be with both Jedi classes at the start and be available for all classes during KOTET.
3. When would you recruit them? Vanilla story? an Expac? Post KOTET?
Start of Vanilla stories for Jedi Knight and Consular. You’d meet her somewhere at the beginning and she’d guide you trough your journey. And for all classes during KOTET. She’s very accepting so I feel like she’d get along with all classes
4. Where would you recruit them from?
 Jedi temple.
5. What would their recruitment mission be?
You’d get sent to speak with Jedi Master Frodynn for advice maybe? She’ll occasionaly give clues about where you should be heading now and also is willing to help train you. But she isn’t your official Master.
6. What would be their original recruitment outfit?
A flowy and very simple yet comfortable mix between a white dress and Jedi robes. She usually has her hands folded in the sleeves.
7. Would there be a character they don’t like? Would that cause you to choose sides?
Hiet doesn’t hold grudges, is very open minded, gives everyone a chance and believes there’s light in everyone. Doesn’t mean she won’t fuck u up if ur gonna do evil.
8. Are they romancable? Why/why not
Yes because I say so. Romancing her takes time and can of course only be achieved if you don’t care as much for the Jedi rules as she does. It would be a little mischievous and very secret.
9. What would they say if you clicked on them?
“Hello my dear.” “How are you?” “You are doing well.” “ *giggle* “ “I’m here for you.” “Friend.” “ *soft humming* “
10. Do they know any other in game characters? (ie. trained under Satele Shan during the civil war. Knew Talos before he went to Hoth)
She knows most of the more well known Jedi personally.
11. What weapon(s) would they have?
Seven white lightsabers floating around her.
12. Are they better as a tank, healer or DPS?
She’s a healer but can do an enormous amount of damage. Not a great tank.
13. What gifts do they Love? Like? What would they say when you gave them a gift?
She loves Cultural gifts. “Oh my..” “This is wonderful, thank you my friend.” “I will cherish this.” She likes Imperial gifts.  “For me?” “Why thank you.”
14. What would they say if you sent them away/changed them out?
“Untill next time.” “Be careful out there.” “I’ll be thinking of you.” “Remember what I thought you.” “Be kind.” “Farewell.”
15. What do they say when they heal you? What do they say when they are attacking?
Heal: “Now now, come here..” “All patched up.” “Ready for another adventure.”
Attack: “I apologize.” “I am sorry our paths had to cross like this.” “Take that!” “I will not let you come closer.”
16. What’s their idle chatter like? Do they talk a lot (when you arrive on each planet) or do they suddenly say something in some strange places?
She usually has something to say about the areas you travel to. Some information on it’s history. Sometimes she’ll giggle depending on the dialogie choices you make or she’ll say something or make a face when you choose a dark sided option.
17. What letter’s would they send post vanillia class story/SOR/KOTFE
She doesn’t sent letters so it most likely will be a holocall in which she tells you she’s worried and that you should return safely to her.
18. If they are recruitable in vanillia story, where are they during KOTFE/TET? What are/were they doing?
I can’t say for sure as I’m not aware of what’s happening during KOTET, but she’ll most likely be helping the good guys and help the hurt.
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1. Would they be recruitable?
2. Would they be a class specific character? (ie. Imperial Agent only. Republic character only)
I think all classes would fit. She doesn’t get allong with most Force Sensitive ones though and will leave if you’ve chosen too many dark sided options.
3. When would you recruit them? Vanilla story? an Expac? Post KOTET?
Somewhere in the middle of the Vanilla story.
4. Where would you recruit them from?
Not a planet, but a ship in deep space. 
5. What would their recruitment mission be?
A Bounty Hunter has been causing trouble. Catch her. Instead you realize Baal was framed and together take the ones down that wanted to catch Baal. She joins you after you offer her a free ride and she sticks around for a while. Still very lonesome tho. 
6. What would be their original recruitment outfit?
RD-07A Vendetta armor set. 
7. Would there be a character they don’t like? Would that cause you to choose sides?
She’s very wary of Mandalorians, Imperials and force sensitive people. Also if you side with her family she’s gone forever.
8. Are they romancable? Why/why not
Yes she needs some loving.. I think it would be interesting trying to get the big bad lonely bounty hunter to trust you enough. You may even get some flowers.
9. What would they say if you clicked on them?
“Hmpf..” “What?” “I’m here.” “I don’t have anything to say right now.” “Y’know I appreciated the silent moments between us..” “… Take the hint.” “Hm?” “Stay on guard.” 
10. Do they know any other in game characters? (ie. trained under Satele Shan during the civil war. Knew Talos before he went to Hoth)
She knows all about Mandalorians and some may recognize her. 
11. What weapon(s) would they have?
Mischief and Anarchy pistol set and a sniper rifle.
12. Are they better as a tank, healer or DPS?
She’s a great tank and damage dealer and okay at healing.
13. What gifts do they Love? Like? What would they say when you gave them a gift?
Love: Weapon. “Thank… You…” “This is pretty cool.” “You shouldn’t have.. But I’m still taking it.”
Like: Luxury. “Oh, I don’t have anything for you though.” “Thanks.” “Haven’t seen this in a while.”
14. What would they say if you sent them away/changed them out?
“Bye.” “See ya.” “Don’t make me have to come back and save your ass.” “Stay out of trouble.” “Forget my name.” “I’ll go get some rest then.”
15. What do they say when they heal you? What do they say when they are attacking?
Heal: “Get up.” “The fight’s not over yet.” “Heal up.” 
Attack: “Got one.” “Get out while you can.” “Fool.” “This is nothing.” “Score says I’m hitting more than you.” “Another one for the tally.” 
16. What’s their idle chatter like? Do they talk a lot (when you arrive on each planet) or do they suddenly say something in some strange places?
She really doesn’t say much to be honest. Her dialogue exists more out of ‘hmm’s and dissapointed looks. 
17. What letter’s would they send post vanillia class story/SOR/KOTFE
She also doesn’t sent much letters. They’re more like text messages. ‘you ok?’ ‘text me when you get there.’ ‘look at this picture of a nexu i found. its funny.’
18. If they are recruitable in vanillia story, where are they during KOTFE/TET? What are/were they doing?
She’s most likely back to solo bountyhunting and got hired by Teeg to help fight Arcann.
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reallystellacadente · 6 years
But I Will Never Forget
Fictober Day 11
[This fits in the continuity of my wishfic, A Most Welcome Turn of Events, which I started two years ago when it seemed like BioWare would never bring our companions back. It will be continued when I get around to bringing all of KOTFE and KOTET together.]
On Odessen
Lana Beniko took a deep breath before attempting again.
“Commander, you shouldn’t go out on this recruiting trip. It’s not critical to your mission.”
Xhareen waved her off as she did every time they had had this conversation in the last four days.
“I listened to you every other time, Lana. This time, I’m listening to Sana Rae. And before you interrupt me again, I’m going with my heart. I know you are skeptical because he’s not a Force user, but my husband and I share a bond. I know he’s out there. I sense him through the Force. He’s waiting for me. And Sana Rae’s vision …”
“All Sana Rae’s vision said was for you to ‘follow this path.’ Even she didn’t know what path.”
“Yes, and immediately after I walked out of the enclave, Pierce presented me with the itinerary for his next recruitment trip. This trip. Then Vette came running down the corridor to tell me that our Dromund Kaas contact reported in that Malavai’s family were safe. HK-51 took a shift as my guard that wasn’t on the schedule for reasons he couldn’t explain. Broonmark and Treek came to report a new species of potential livestock they saw in the forest. And that newcomer, Darth Hexid, tracked me down to tell me she’d heard of Jaesa. All within three minutes, Lana. I refuse to believe that’s a coincidence. All my original crew. Except for the person I want most.”
Lana was beginning to think maybe the Jedi with their aversion to attachments were onto something. She couldn’t decide which was worse: that Xhareen was distracted because she missed her husband, or the thought that he would inevitably become a distraction if he were here.
“You defeated Arcann, Xhareen. SCORPIO has vowed your destruction. Vaylin will kill anyone who stands in her way of getting back at her mother and she’ll kill you just for fun. Now is the time for you to remain here, building this alliance into a power that even Vaylin can’t deny.”
Xhareen walked over and took Lana by the shoulders. It wasn’t an aggressive move, but Lana still shuddered at the strength of her Force aura. “Power isn’t just about military might, Lana. It’s not about arming thousands of soldiers and a fleet of ships. It’s about passion. That’s what makes us Sith. You might have forgotten why we’re doing this, but I will never forget.”
Xhareen let go of her grip, hugged Lana and walked out of the command center. She wasn’t wrong. Lana just hoped her worst fear didn’t come to pass. This Alliance needed its commander. Lana needed her to do all the things she and Theron couldn’t. Whether she accepted it or not, Xhareen was the beating heart of the Alliance and the Alliance had to prevail.
Would all of this be squandered over love?
On Balmorra
Felix Iresso stood at the bottom of the ladder leading to the topside hatch, the first – or was it the last? – shield that kept the inhabitants of the former Okara Droid Factory safe from the world outside.
“Commander, you shouldn’t go out there. We haven’t scouted yet today. And I’m not sure I can go through losing another commander.”
The tall man, his patched Balmorran Security uniform hanging loosely from his shoulders, nodded. “Yes, Capt. Iresso, I am familiar with the protocol. I initiated it. And I am aware of the risks. I just … I need some actual fresh air. I need to see the sky. The perimeter sensors show no unfriendlies in the vicinity.”
Felix pulled out his comm. “Let me at least go with you. I’ll let Elara know.”
Malavai Quinn waved him off. “Don’t worry Capt. Dorne over this. I promise, I’ll be out there for three minutes, no more.”
“Can you at least tell me why you’re looking to be sniper bait?” he asked. “ ’Cuz I’m having a hard time thinking of a good reason why you’d do something so dangerous. It’s not your play, Commander.”
He watched as the face of this former Imperial major, who preached discipline and rules, fell with the same weight of sadness that had enveloped most of the galaxy.
“She’s out there, Felix. I can feel her. Stronger than ever. I just want to … I know this sounds silly … I just want her to know I am, too. That I am waiting for her. It’s easier to feel the connection when I’m topside.”
Felix nodded. “Explains why you’ve gone on more scouting missions than is prudent.”
Quinn held up his hand, his fingers extended. “Five in three months. Not too many.”
Both men smiled. “You can take the man out of the military …” Felix began.
“But you can’t take the duty out of the man. I must admit, even though we live like Selonians down here, I enjoy the challenge. I swear to you, though, I will never return to the military.”
Again, the sadness crossed his face, as obvious as the stubble on his unshaven face.
“So many of the people here are hiding from something or someone,” Quinn said. “Quite often, from themselves. They’ve forgotten what the outside world is like. They’ve forgotten their family and friends. I know it’s what they must do to survive. But I will never forget. Not a love like that.”
Felix smiled. He knew what love was; he would never forget, either. Even if love had slipped from his hands like the hot sands of Tatooine.
“OK, but only because it’s for love. And I won’t tell Elara, but only if you let me come with you. Three minutes, right?”
Quinn smiled broadly. “Right. Lead the way.”
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oolathurman · 7 years
how would your ocs react to the traitor being Theron of all people? would they be angry or would they react differently if they found out that he was just being a stubborn as hell triple spy?
ok so first thing is that I don’t have a “canon outlander” sort of figure. All of my OCs at this point are doing their own thing, don’t even follow their in class storyline. There are two pseudo exceptions at this point.
Azukni is my main (sage, healing tree), who I’ve used to play through most if not all the content I’ve currently played through. She’s sort of my go to avatar for a not-quite-canon-but-ehh-whatever sort of character. Wanwo however, I am thinking about making my first “canon” character, and he is a sith juggernaut (one of the dps trees bc the idea of tanking scares me tbh lmao).
Anyway, since that’s the case, I’ll answer for those two. However, it has been a while since I’ve gone through the kotfe/kotet storylines at all, so I don’t remember everything. Wanwo hasn’t even gotten past SoR either, so idk exactly how he’d react yet, and I haven’t finished Iokath because I just. Was so sick of the writing lmao.
Azukni is like. My most light-sided character possible. She does her best as a Jedi to not only heal, but to be a diplomatic figure. (She eventually decided to not pursue diplomacy, but decided to go into mental health and healing.) 
Were she to be the Outlander, she wouldn’t have used Vaylin’s code phrase, she wouldn’t have killed Vaylin, but instead would have done her best to subdue her and try to heal her mind. Were she successful in subduing Vaylin, Vaylin would have been placed in a very secured room, and Azukni would have basically been there 24/7 for goodness knows how long, until she was successful or until Vaylin was at least stabilized. 
Were she to be the Outlander, as few people as possible would have to die, she definitely took on the role as a peacekeeper, she would have taken Empress Acina and Jace Malcom and put them in time-out like the mother she is she would have made peace with the Empire and the Republic alike, regardless of how shaky and unstable that peace was - that shaky peace would have been the first step to a more peaceful galaxy.
So basically, I do not see why Theron would have any reason to betray her, triple agent or not. At the very least, I feel like she would have been trustworthy enough as a leader for Theron to let her or someone else know that he was putting on a charade - assuming he was going "triple agent” route.
Wanwo is definitely a light sided sort of Sith, though not entirely so. He did have a brief period as a slave (after all, he is an alien in the Empire) before someone realized that he was Force-sensitive and therefore, isn’t entirely too happy with the way the Empire is run, past or present. So while he would probably go along with the “pragmatic dark-side” that Lana was originally, there’s still a lot of the “pragmatic light-side” that Theron was originally.
He probably would’ve struggled with the idea of using the code phrase on Vaylin, but at this point, I feel like he’d ultimately decide to use it against her, though perhaps not in the grandiose, flashy way that the in-game Outlander did. He’d probably try use the code-phrase as a last resort, he would have probably taken the Iokath weapon away from both Republic and Empire until they could stop bickering like children. If he were forced to choose between the two, he’d probably side with the Republic because he’s not a fan of the Empire and he is not a fan of the idea of slavery.
With that in mind, like, I don’t know why Theron would necessarily betray him either? Like sure, he makes dark-sided decisions every once in a while, but it’s not like the “dark-side-mcgee” route that you can take.
In both cases, both Azukni and Wanwo would be fucking pissed. Azukni would express her anger in this sort of? disappointed-parent, mourning-figure sort of way: She’d want to know what she did wrong, what she could do to rectify that, but is also disappointed that Theron feels like she’s corrupt (which she is not). The entire time however, she’s not very physically expressive about it, she chooses to express herself in her words instead.
Wanwo would express his anger in a more lashing-out sort of way. He’d undoubtedly be very shout-y at first before storming off somewhere to take out his anger on either the training dummies in the force-enclave, or out on something in the forest on Odessen, like a huge boulder or something. Once that initial anger has bubbled down, he’d probably like? Sit and contemplate and curse quietly to himself like, “I should be better than this,” or “The kriff did I do?”
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