#thana vesh
serenofroses · 1 year
Thana Vesh!
Thana is alive in my canon divergence verse.
While she remains true to her canon personality... except she wasn't the apprentice to Gravus, she's the tolerable apprentice to Darth Lachesis as she had time, and again, tested her Master's patience.
Thana may or may not team up with Zhorrid in attempt to scheme against Tenebrae's Heirs but they were not successful at their attempts. You can just say they really tried.
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cactihazard · 1 year
Thana Vesh really brings Sith bitch-fights to a new level, and we love her for it <3
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If only our Sith could smooch her 😔
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shymikka · 4 months
Okay, let's talk about the death of Thana Vesh.
The start of Chapter 34 of Not for Love or Credits is basically Thana committing suicide by deactivating her lightsaber while Chas'sul defends herself. That was the second hardest scene to write in the 681,000 words of the story. Originally, I wanted to have 'Sul save Thana from herself, adding young Ms. Vesh to her collection of misfits (probably as an ally, rather than part of the crew).
Then, @oddpeg suggested that her death might work better for the story. Thana Vesh was the first person 'Sul couldn't save, Thana Vesh made the stakes of the story so much higher. After that, 'Sul knows that no matter how hard she tries, how good she is at what she does, there is always, always a chance of failure. She almost never acknowledges that lesson, but it's been learned.
It made for a better story, and I'm really glad I went that way.
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chissgendered · 1 year
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spiretdoom · 1 year
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Happy May the 4th have some more SWTOR art~
This time with an actual outfit design that I like! (It's highly inspired/based off of Thana Vesh's armor but shhh). I couldn't decide which vibe I liked more, dark-side sith or light-side sith, so you guys get both...
Please do not repost my work and only reblog if you wish to support me.
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anchanted-one · 1 year
Heroes of both sides 04. The Tournament
Kairegane Rooks was an odd one, Vette decided. A real mix of contradictions.
She loved the spotlight, but stayed out of cliques and factions. She had friends, but was not tied down to any groups. She certainly did have her hangers-on, though. Fanclubs that were basically cliques in and of themselves. Vette couldn’t decide who the worst of the bunch was. Ffon, the Pureblood Sith who never stopped reminding others of his lineage; Thana Vesh, who was a homicidal pyromaniac that drooled at the possibility of being invited into Lady Kai’s household as a retainer; the stunningly gorgeous Nero Heyward, who was always bragging about his prowess as an actor; Eklairen du Font, who often and loudly talked about his impending ‘betreth’… ‘betroth’… screw it… ‘engagement’ to Lady Kai; and Aeolus Kelvensin, the cold noble whose father had gained a lot of press when he killed a Jedi Master. At least there were some who weren’t bad, like Cytharat. That one gave Vette cakes in exchange for some silence, which beat threats of dismemberment any day of the week. Well, Nero wasn’t too bad either, once you got past his tame narcissism. He never tried to hurt anybody, just let them know that he’s the most elegant, handsomest being in the galaxy.
Another thing was that Kai loved fighting, but rarely ever harmed anyone. Rivals often got second, third, and thirtieth chances with her… though few went beyond five. The only one who’d reached thirty-one was Nero, who loved swordfighting enough to not care if he lost. He wasn’t bad, but he was out of Kai’s league. Still, she appreciated his love of the craft enough to give him a good time. She approved of drive, and constructive passion.
But perhaps the biggest thing about her was how despite being quite self-absorbed, she was a sweet and caring sorta gal—
“Oy, Vette? Can you hand me the peanut butter? It’s on the top shelf.”
—most of the time. “I really hate you.”
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
27 and 16 for the SWTOR Player Asks
SWTOR Player Asks Thank you @khrushchevs-corn-farm / @legends-chauvinist !
If you could make any current NPC a player companion, who would you pick? Ohhhh… there are a bunch. I definitely wish Hollow Voice from the Jedi Consular story could have been a companion, but that might have seemed redundant game-play wise given you already have Qyzen.
I'll throw out a few others - Thana Vesh, Bengel Morr and Leeha Narezz.
Do you have a favorite Flashpoint or operation? A least favorite?
I'm one of those people who used to grind Hammer Station endlessly to get my gear to 306 back in the day. So on the one hand I hate it - because I've seen it too much - and I like it - because I actually know what I'm doing. (I don't know what I'm doing in most of the Operations / Flashpoints.)
Thanks for the asks!
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roguescarlett · 2 years
quite disturbing that character slots going for hundred of millions on gtn and f2pers wouldn't be able to get them.
gtn economy and space capitalism at its finest.
edit: I remembered in the older/early days of swtor where gtn wasn't so economically fucked. I was able to afford the Thana Vesh set around 150k-370k price range after the set was released.
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0alix0 · 2 years
If your Jedi ocs had to disguise themselves as a Sith, how convincing of a job would they do?
Hmm, I'd say Firiv (consular) would do a good job. She has spent a lot of time working in diplomatic and generally political circles (which already requires amount of cunning and moral flexibility) and considering all she lived through/her trauma, by the end of 3rd arc Firiv becomes very manipulative even towards people she cherishes to the point of actually going ride or die to achieve her goals. Plus she had spent enough time beside some of the sith (SW, SI, darth Marr) to mimic their behaviour. So if it's for the sake of good why not to play a role of a baddy?
And none the less JC canonically (as we've seen in Nar Shaddaa) can play role of a ruthless sith pretty well :D
Zunavi on the other hand... Not convincing to say the least. She might have more experience with siths in general, but as a knight Zuvi's pretty sneering towards them. She’s straightforward, and rash (some might even say passioned) and not used to any games of minds and deceptions. Her moral code can also be a problem as she might simply refuse to do/say something and would get caught. Best she can do with her temper is an alien version of Thana Vesh, how useful is that?
She'd made a good ACTUAL sith, but play a role of one? Nope.
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How about Beryl Thorne and Thana Vesh for nps ask?
Hey @a-master-procrastinator thanks for asking!
Ask me about SWTOR NPCs
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Beryl and Temeli (Voidhound) have a really good and friendly relationship with each other. Temeli made sure that Beryl got away from Republic customs on Taris and was happy to see her again Quesh. Temeli offered Beryl the chance to work together but was turned down. They still remained good friends.
After working together on Rishi, Temeli again offered Beryl the chance to join her growing criminal empire. This time, Beryl agreed and became one of Temeli’s most trusted lieutenants.
Beryl would be one of the Alliance’s main contacts to the galaxy’s criminal underworld and the Voidhound’s criminal empire. She helped bring in supplies and goods for the growing Alliance and made friends with many of Hylo Visz’s people.
She would eventually help a traumatized Kelsa Kine recover from the abuses she suffered as a Hutt slave. Having been sold to the Hutts herself, Beryl knew how horrible they could be. She was very fond of Kelsa, almost seeing her as a kind of adoptive daughter. When she learned that Temeli had sold Kelsa out to the SIS, she was furious and chose that moment to leave the Voidhound’s empire.
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Oh Thana, I love to hate you.
Amarra didn’t kill Thana at the end of their time working together but she didn’t like her either. Thana was a loose canon that acted without discipline or purpose but she wasn’t Amarra’s problem so she just forgot about her.
It was only when Zakuul invaded and Amarra took temporary control of the Empire that she would encounter Thana again. By that point, Thana had cooled off and become somewhat more level headed. Knowing that Thana was powerful and capable, when not charging headlong into battle, Amarra sent her to assist with some of the worst theaters of the war. Thana proved to be very capable and helped slow Zakuul but eventually perished along with many other Sith during the war.
Amarra made sure that her name and the names of everyone that died during Zakuul’s conquest were written on the walls of Kaas City.
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kerra-holt · 3 years
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Shout out to Thana Vesh, the biggest girlboss in SWTOR! I can’t believe I went through three imperial class storylines before I ever actually did the planetary missions for Taris.
Best ineffectual bad girl ever. She hates your guts and makes sure you know it, even after you save her multiple times, and if you leave her alive at the end she sends you a letter to brag about how amazing she is. I love her, and I’m bereft that she’s killable and will therefore never show up again.
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serenofroses · 1 year
Dabbling over whether or not Zhorrid appeared in my verse due to the fact that she's not really biologically related to my verse's Jadus (due to the fact that Jadus was more reserved in their ideal partners). Ania and Zhorrid don't see eye for eye with each other ingame. Zhorrid wasn't kind nor nice towards Ania in the sense and she threatened Ania she would kill her.
muses reckoned that I should make Zhorrid as Jadus' stepdaughter who actually loathed both Jadus and Ania. perhaps I could move her into antagonists amongst Tenebrae's loyalists. Zhorrid would have some guts to make attempt to go after Ania for a specific reason but Jadus thwarted that by kicking her out of the estates.
maybe I'll attempt a redesign Zhorrid in sims one day.
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I wonder what happens with Thana Vesh if she's allowed to live.
What does she get up to. Does she get her stupid ass killed by being Herself™ or does she grow up a bit and become a key component in the Empire's forces?
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rangerslayer-97 · 3 years
You get so tired of Thana lol
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synoxshots · 4 years
Rites of passage
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A mark of status, a symbol of power. Emyr is given his tattoo before leaving for Korriban to complete his training. A prologue to the class story.
Rating: T Content warning: needles
A rite of passage. That was how it was announced to them. The tattoo, a symbol to mark their status as they became true Sith, emblems etched onto their skin to command respect, inspire fear, assert power over enemies and allies alike. Something to be proud about, showing their positions at the pinnacle of society and demonstrating their devotion to the Sith, and to the Emperor.  
Something to embrace. Soon they would all be progressing to Korriban, the world only the finest of acolytes reached, a place to break them down and craft them again anew, unlocking greater strength, the raw power of the dark side.
Thana had no trouble embracing it. Shoved her way to the front of the group, sat in the chair with her eyes fixed forward, staring them all down with a challenging gaze and a wicked grin as the needle approached. As the colour flooded her eyelid, she actually laughed. Sparks crackled at her fingertips, ripples of untamed force energy shook against her fellow acolytes as they lined up against the wall.  
But Thana never had trouble embracing a thing. Blazed her path through training and made sure no other acolyte stood in her way. Boasted constantly of her power, how she tore down a street in Kaas City when she was just a child, all because her parents denied her the chance to use her talents. She was presented as an example, a perfect message of the futility of hiding a force sensitive child from the Empire. The Sith will always win.  
Emyr had also been made to hide, long enough for it to become instinctive. Not because he wanted to, but because he was asked to by people that he loved.
Don’t think about them now.  
He was supposed to have broken free of those memories, the chains that held him back. He’d learnt to use this great power he held, had the chance to become the mighty Sith he’d dreamed of being as a child growing up in the heart of the Empire. His family may have been devastated by scandal and shame, but he could be the one to restore the glory and pride that was once theirs.  
His grandparents would be proud of him now. After all, weren’t they the ones who’d raised him? Pulled so many strings, eked whatever last drop of favour they still had, just so he could get this far and not be locked up too as the son of traitors.  
“Next,” the overseer snarled. Emyr was grabbed by the shoulder, thrust forward to a chorus of jeers from the other acolytes. “Get in the chair, Devand.”  
He swallowed, but otherwise allowed no tension to enter his body as he approached the tattooist. His expression stayed still, stoic and unreadable as he took his place in the chair. The pain burst through him as the needle entered the skin over his eye, but not an inch was betrayed in his face.  
Deep garnet framing a green eye. A lightsaber igniting in an outstretched hand, crashing against another in a blinding light. Familiar faces, almost forgotten.  
No going back now. A permanent etching on his skin, a reminder of where loyalties lay. His parents could be dead by now, should be dead to him anyway.
But now I’ll be dead to them too.  
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tishinada · 4 years
Am I the only one who feels like Thana Vesh (Taris planetary quest) is Kira Carsen’s sister or cousin? Same voice (with SUCH different personalities), same hair, same general looks... After all, we literally have no idea what Kira’s family was like before she was chosen to be a Child of the Emperor. She might have a huge extended family.
Laura Bailey does SUCH an amazing job voicing both of those VERY different characters. I don’t do many planetary or side quests after two or three planets, but I’ve had fun replaying the Taris one with a sith warrior the last couple of days.
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