#this is why I'm a writer not a formatter
toribookworm22 · 2 years
Okay, but I just spent 2.5 hours figuring out my book's word count and writing down notes about the formatting of books I like just so I can now... what?
Actually do the work I sat down to do?
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lilowoof · 8 days
Me and the writer for grizzy zine are grinding so fucking hard rn to get all the written portion done so the formatter can do her stuff.
And I'm thinking about the fact that after this chunk of work is done, I'm basically free from my duties??? I did all the research, did my art and promo part, helped with the writing....... god. god, so much time and energy spent on all this (and the others did so much more too...). like not including planning phases, 10 months of work on and off for me alone.
I'm super excited for the zine! I hope having a more consolidated tip book plus links to resources will help ppl gain a better understanding of the mode! But I wont lie, I think that it's the final nail in the coffin for me a la zines....at least for moderating them. I'm so tired and my brain can't handle having these looming items on my shoulders anymore when all I wanna do is live life XD
Zines lately haven't been really helping me connect with ppl and make new friends like they used to so I dont feel the need to participate much, unless I enjoy the theme (I did apply to one recently cause why not, it'll only be a single pic which I can handle).
IDK! I guess that chapter of my life is done. It was nice! Met many great ppl and new friends and made lots of great art. heck, if I didnt join one zine way back when....I wouldnt have met the ppl who legit saved me. Always will be grateful for that.
But now it's time to put my time towards my own things, me thinks!
And I still need to get around to doing mushroom zine LMAO!!!!
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