#this isnt enough. look at that guy who is 13 yo
koko2unite · 1 year
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riverroan · 6 years
Girlsies hcs i can think of and worked on at 11-12 AM last night
fun fact before we start: Kathrine (Joesph’s daughter) actually died in 1884. Who knew?
Kathrine Pulitzer
Her favorite show is The End of the Fxxxing World
“I’m so gay for alyssa like wtf?”
“We know kath”
She and Spot are saltmates
“Hey, madison? Who sings that song?”
“Bruno Mars”
“Please let him sing it”
Legit when he’s doing hw
“Kath, stfu. I’m trying to think”
“Yeah i know i can see steam”
After Spot finally gets a bf
“I mean at least i can get someone but yeah, me too”
Jack and Kathrine have dated before
She was confused
He was helping
Chaotic Good™
She fucking loves her siblings and they all accept her
“What a lovely day to be-”
All six of them say it at once
Her mom’s chill with it
Dad not so much
He doesn’t shame her
But he isn’t gonna try and force her to be straight cause honey he knows she’s deep into the gay hell hole
She wears buns constantly
Also when she doesn’t wear makeup she looks like a goddess
“Wow you should stop wearing makeup more often. I may actually go straight for once”
“Fuck off spot”
Whenever she and sarah finally get together
“well my saltmate and my best friend are together who would’ve figured.”
“Spot leave my lesbian ass alone you gay irish boy”
Kathrine is very loveable and anyone who says otherwise gets beat by the guys
Doesn’t matter how they get beaten
Just know these boys cherish their girls to death
Even if they’ve known them for an hour
“Wow ily to death tf”
Specs and Kathrine and the bestest friends ever okay
They have a treat yo self day
Whether it’s small or big
They will legit have a blast
Specs came out to her as pan after watching Deadpool
“Wow can you believe me a Deadpool have something in common?”
“Being pan”
When she figured out she was the first person he came out to she felt amazing
She went home and told her mom everything about it
Her mom was pumped up for her daughter
Specs and Kathrine went to homecoming as friends together and left with their own dates
Specs and romeo
Kathrine and some chick named caitlin
Kathlin didn’t last too long
Turns out caitlin was moving
Theyre still great friends
Specs told her about his crush on romeo
“He’s just so sweet and funny and ughhhhhhhh”
“I feel ya babe”
Then at homecoming they hooked up
Still together to this day
Kath loves their relationship
She calls them goals
Then in eleventh she got with Sarah
Theyre actually the oldest of the group
Her favorite artist is Dua Lipa
She’s a queen
Why else?
Shes in debate team
Also the school news
She wishes they had a newspaper but they wanted to be more “Advanced”
Also she knows whether she’ll win an arguement
She can just tell by the way the other person holds themselves
If she knows she lost she’ll nod her head respectfully and go on
She doesn’t let that get to her though
Her favorite subject is ela
Only really big musical she likes is DEH she hates the others
“Why watch some musical of the Heathers when there’s the original movie right here?”
Sarah Jacobs
Her fave subject is math
“Why are gays supposed to hate math?”
She and spot are besties
“I wish stars were out in the day too”
“You’re doing a lousy job as a lesbian if you don’t know girls already exist”
“Are you sure you’re gay?”
These two dated
It was because spot was confused
“Well this was fun, but i like guys more you’re the best love youuuuu”
She also dated jack
“Isn’t that awkward? Dating one brother then six months later go out with the other?”
“Jack you dumb fuck, haven’t you learned she has no shame don’t question my lesbian best friend and her logic”
She’s not too sure what she’s into honestly
Like holy shit guys are caring and their hands feel great
But like,,, girls are amazing
Spot just calls her a lesbo as a joke
Her fave youtuber is Macdoesit
“We worship queens in this household”
The jacobs’ already knew their first two kids were gay
They don’t care how any turn out as long as they finish school and live happy, healthy lives
They don’t have the time of day to tell them they’ll “go to hell” for being in love with whoever they want since they should be happy
That’s all that matters
“Hey mom, dad, i think i’m bi”
“Cool when you gonna bring a boy or girl over so we can meet them?”
Also after Sarah and Jack broke up Jack started dating Davey after dating another dude after Sarah (it was like two years later)
“isNt tHAt AwkWARd?? dAtiNg ONe sIBlinG tHEn Two YEars lATer Go oUT wITh tHe oTHer????”
Sarah knows the whole Bee Movie
She also has a shirt of the script
Doesn’t actually like musicals
“They just aren’t for me”
Prefers movies
True Neutral™
don’t get me wrong though
she worships Rent
“I thought you didn’t like musicals”
“leave me alone, Mimi’s coming”
allergic to animal fur actually
so she went all kim possible
“I have a hairless mole-rat”
“Be nice to Rufus”
Chowder is her childhood
so is kim possible tbh
She’s Medda’s only daughter
Everyone will fight for this kid
She’s actually younger than everyone else
She’s tough for an eighth grader
“Smalls calm tf down”
Favorite color is mint green
“It’s just so pleasing to the eye”
“So are boys”
“Race i didn’t ask for your commentary”
She wants to be in band but like,,, she only wants to play drums
Not the other percussion instruments
“Who wants to play those other lame instruments when there’s the drums?”
She listens very well actually
Also she remembers too many small details
“No one knows my middle name”
“It’s Aaron, what you talking about????”
She’s smart mouthed Delanceys’ a lot
They don’t do shit cause 1. That’s a kid and 2. That’s a girl
Their parents taught them better
Her favorite movie is shrek
“Smalls, please, it’s four. I need sl e ep”
Chaotic Neutral™
She’s attacked someone with a broom before
It was Jack
He jump scared her while she was sweeping the kitchen
Spot couldn’t breathe while medda and crutchie laughed along and checked if he was okay
Smalls laugh is a snort
“Who sounds like a pig?”
“Don’t call my sister a pig tf dude”
She’s not allowed to be around coffee
It doesn’t do anything really
She’ll throw the cup with the coffee still in to attack people if she’s angry enough though
I said she was chaotic neutral but i’m making her ass sound evil
She shares a room with crutchie
They have bunk beds
She’s top bunk
She hates that bunk but she understands why he’s bottom
She’s actually the youngest Medda ever adopted
When she adopted jack he was 15
Crutchie: 13
Spot: 16
Smalls: 10
She’s 13 now
She goes to her family for different things
Stories: Medda
Nightmare: Jack
Can’t sleep: Spot
Just wants cuddles: Crutchie
Theres different reasons behind these
For Medda she tells her stories about her exprience in theatre and Smalls finds them really nice since Medda’s voice is really soothing and she ususally falls asleep listening to her voice
When she was freaked out over a horror movie he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close and well she found it really nice, eventually falling asleep since it was warm there and she was freezing and she relaxed a lot too
When she first moved in she couldn’t sleep that night and went downstairs to get water and then Spot came down cause he couldn’t sleep either (it was 3 am) and he helped her reach a glass and he just let her crash with him for the night (she fell asleep quick)
When Smalls felt sick one night she went down and cuddled with Crutchie since she couldn’t sleep and she ended up falling asleep quickly like that
When her brothers friends spend the night she always tries to avoid the mess
But fails
One of her brothers will always drag her in
When she goes off to college she goes to NYU for nursing
she’s confused too
“Okay so... guys are cute but like wow girls are too”
“We finally have someone attracted to girls”
“Mama’s a lesbian what are you talking about?”
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littlelovelymemes · 7 years
‘  let me just make one thing clear... i have no clue what’s going on, ever, at any moment, at any point in time. who knows what’s going on? not me. not ever.  ’ ‘  i would just like to publicly announce that i have no idea what i am doing  ’ ‘  we came from the same star and we will come together again in the end  ’ ‘  i have a ‘why am i like this’ moment at least five times a day  ’ ‘  did i need it? no. did i buy it? yes.  ’ ‘  the most dangerous game is resting your eyes after you turned off the alarm clock in the morning  ’ ‘  petition for stars in the day time please???  ’ ‘  i love it when i wake up and stretch and something cracks. makes me feel like a glo-stick  ’ ‘  drop whatever you’re doing right now and climb a tree  ’ ‘  the most fucked up part of adult life is how you can just decide to do things  ’ ‘  i’m a person who wants to do lots of things trapped inside a body that wants to SLEEP at all times  ’ ‘  i’m so tired but i’ll probably be awake until 3 am for no reason  ’ ‘  time to kick my own ass. bitch had it coming for too long  ’ ‘  honestly ‘thanks i hate it’ is one of the funniest phrases in the english language  ’ ‘  do you ever wonder how many people have loved you and never told you?  ’ ‘  the internets one true talent is making me sick of things i’ve never seen or read or heard  ’ ‘  i’m permanently emotionally damaged but it’s chill, i’m chill  ’ ‘  all cracker barrels are dimensionally linked. you could walk into a cracker barrel in georgia and walk out of one in arkansas and feel nothing  ’ ‘  ‘you look different with makeup’????? you think i’m buying shit for hundreds of dollars to just keep looking like my ugly self ... ok  ’ ‘  why did the fray go off so hard in ‘how to save a life’?  ’ ‘  anyone else bummed they have 2 sleep alone tonight and uh not in some1s arms  ’ ‘  not to be too controversial but i like it when people are nice   ’ ‘  the sun has no business tapping out at the tender hour of 5pm bitch i have depression  ’ ‘  i forgot how fucking weird november is theres no afternoon its just night after 2pm  ’ ‘  what time do you need me? i am unavailable whenever that time is  ’ ‘  look i may have made a few typos and committed a few murders but nobody’s perfect okay  ’ ‘  i guess at this point i should just consider dating myself  ’ ‘  i’m aiming for the “she’s a badass and cute as hell but i wouldn’t touch her without asking” look  ’ ‘  haha if you’re bored you could kiss me idk just sayin  ’ ‘  i see you’re paying attention to someone who is not me. why is that.  ’ ‘  80s music wont solve all my life’s problems but it certainly distracts me from them  ’ ‘  i cant believe what walkie talkies are called  ’ ‘  some people think life is like a rollercoaster but my life is more like one of those rides that spin really fast so you’re pinned to the wall and can’t do anything about it  ’ ‘  hey girl do you want to make a fragile human connection in the vast and unfeeling infinity of a chaotic universe  ’ ‘  all these fuckboys but who is the fuckfather  ’ ‘  i love drunk me but i don’t trust her  ’ ‘  do you have those people that you’d go anywhere with unconditionally, like they could say “lets go check out that dumpster” and you’d be like “im in”  ’ ‘  nah sorry i cant go out tonight, i have plans to spiral into uncontrollable anxiety starting in the early evening and ending at roughly 3 am  ’ ‘  me: queen of having had enough  ’ ‘  she needs a hug (i’m she)  ’ ‘  is it acceptable to start an essay with “listen here you little shit”?  ’ ‘  90% of my day is me being nervous  ’ ‘  cons: i’m an asshole. pros: i’m your asshole.  ’ ‘  give me 10 reasons why i shouldn’t just turn into a slug right now  ’ ‘  are we gonna fuckn hold hands tonight or what bitch  ’ ‘  dear soulmate, where the fuck are you  ’ ‘  i’m so easily revitalized by small, loving gestures  ’ ‘  i dont know what im feeling but there is a lot of it  ’ ‘  let’s be friends with benefits. the benefits? you get to be friends with me  ’ ‘  you ever just sit back and think like... yo... i really don’t care  ’ ‘  im surprised no one has ever punched me in the face  ’ ‘  what if mike was short for micycle  ’ ‘  hey fellow regular kids what’s up  ’ ‘  if u ever called me pretty i love you. ur pretty too  ’ ‘  do you ever just ‘there’s probably something medically wrong with me but i’m just gonna ignore it and hope i don’t die’?  ’ ‘  why did we stop building castles? i feel like humanity might live to regret that  ’ ‘  i’ll never be as lazy as whoever named the fireplace  ’ ‘  i am so glad you exist, even if you exist so far away from me  ’ ‘  i can hold a wet bar of soap better than a conversation  ’ ‘  she is beauty, she is grace, she got her feelings hurt 42 times today  ’ ‘  13 years of school and im still not sure if its ‘grey’ or ‘gray’  ’ ‘  hope u like bad girls because i’m bad at everything  ’ ‘  got a problem with me? kiss me on the lips dude  ’ ‘  too many songs about love. not enough songs about sword fights  ’ ‘  don’t talk to me or my 78 insecurities ever again  ’ ‘  i just did a tarot reading... it said ur a bitch  ’ ‘  a good substitute for love and fulfillment? a crunchwrap supreme from taco bell  ’ ‘  i fucked up? idk what you’re referring to but probably  ’ ‘  *in a high-pitched mocking voice* "are you okay?" what the fuck.  ’ ‘  how do u just..... not believe in aliens  ’ ‘  a coffee pot can be a coffee mug if you just don’t fucking care  ’ ‘  “you’re up early!” jokes on you i didn’t sleep at all and am in between energized and dying  ’ ‘  dont wanna sound like a slut but i really need a hug right now  ’ ‘  casual fan? no sorry i only know how to invest my whole livelihood into something and spend every waking moment thinking about said thing  ’ ‘  i have a dozen hearts swirling around my head irl like that isnt a filter its permanent  ’ ‘  i worry about you even when you say you’re fine  ’ ‘  i will never hurt you. i will always stick by your side. i will always try to make you smile  ’ ‘  true love: having to hold back your adorable, violent girlfriend to keep her from straight up murdering a dude  ’ ‘  cute date idea: be nice to me  ’ ‘  im so jealous of people who know what they want to do with their future i dont even know what t.v show to watch next  ’ ‘  me? clingy? yes please don’t leave me  ’ ‘  hey….,.,.. no offense but,,. i want someone to love and cherish me  ’ ‘  i need someone to lay in bed with me for hours  ’ ‘  dark hannah montana..... show me the worst of both worlds  ’ ‘  someone has to say it: come on eileen is a fucking banger like that shit snaps,, a bop for the century  ’ ‘  roses are red, i’m going to bed  ’ ‘  bless netflix for creating the skip intro button honestly  ’ ‘  they call me… 7 Knives. because that’s how many knives it takes me to cook things because i keep puttin em in the fuckin sink without thinking about it  ’ ‘  i wanna burry my face in someone’s chest right now til i fall asleep and wake up 4 hours later just to find i’m still in their arms  ’ ‘  the internet has ruined me honestly i’m numb to everything. it could be the end of the world and i’d be like “tag urself i’m the acid rain”  ’ ‘  lately i have been…….dying to be in love…,..and that’s the mood sadly  ’ ‘  not to be ns fw but i’d cry if someone kissed me on the cheek  ’ ‘  sexting? nah. i’m into spexting. spooky texting. ever seen a ghost? hmu.  ’ ‘  not to sound cocky as shit but i’m a fucking good person with a big heart and i deserve a lot more than the shitty hand life has dealt me this far  ’ ‘  i say i love you a lot because i do  ’ ‘  i’m sorry. i can’t come to the phone right now? why? oh. cause i hate talking on the phone please text me instead.  ’ ‘  low on self esteem, so u run on mac & cheese  ’ ‘  who’s gonna come lay with me in bed and let me wrap my legs and arms around u like a small bear  ’ ‘  youre a coward if youre not on the way to my house right now to give me a kiss  ’ ‘  my personality is like 90% the song i’m currently listening to  ’ ‘  the first step to any murder is to have fun and be yourself  ’ ‘  no offense @ life but can i have a breath.. a break... some slack...  ’ ‘  the best kind of alcohol is a lot  ’ ‘  911 i hate to be “that guy” but i glued myself to the ceiling again  ’ ‘  having “feelings” is ruining my reputation of being a heartless bitch  ’
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narcissusanasui · 7 years
all of an 😎
*em. all of em. jesus christ.
god katie, fInE (but thanks, cherie, love yo
1. if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
Read Les Mis, watch Game of Thrones and Voltron, listen to folk rock (especially Phillip Phillips and Mumford & Sons)
2. have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
Never really thought about that, but the writing styles of Dickens, Doyle, and Austin always stick in my head so i guess them???
3. list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
katie NO, that’s TOO MUCH. so i guess i’ll just give examples of the ones that i have actually thought about relating to:
Katara from A:tla was like THE strong female character of my childhood. Guarantee that she made me a feminist
Lance from Voltron because i spent way too much time like 4th grade through 11th worrying that i was that “seventh wheel” and thinking that i didn’t have a lot of skill and i wanna support my friends so yeah
Yuuri Katsuki from Yuri on Ice. look what the world did to this guy - he’s got anxiety
Sugawara Koushi from Haikyuu. i am the Mom Friend and i will fight you
4. do you like your name?  is there another name you think would fit you better?
i do like my name. my parents almost named me Colleen - which i don’t think fits, but then again i believe that we all grow to fit our names. i hated my last name as a little kid because no one would say it right (an issue that exists today too) and like when i started elementary school i straight up kept the spelling of it on a piece of paper in my pocket so i wouldnt mess up. now i love it and i think my name flows really well and if i get married i might not change it.
5. do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? do you identify yourself by the things you do?
well i call myself a human being. and while my actions are important to me, thinking too much about what i do and what i couldve done gets me freaked out so instead i sit and just be. i’ll think calmly and exist
6. are you religious/spiritual?
im agnostic - raised Roman Catholic (but even then we werent strict about following it but i did do ccd and my sacraments so yeah). i want to believe that there is something but there just isnt enough solid evidence for me to be comfortable and if there is some god or force or something, i am a minuscule piece of the massive universe and that god wouldnt give a shit so why should they influence my decisions? i love religions tho. they have fascinating history and i love seeing all the similarites because it just shows how so many humans are all so similarly spiritual and through seeing those similarites it makes me feel more spiritual because i know my catholic upbringing shaped me as a person and i know that there has to be a deeper meaning behind the world’s religions being so connected
7. do you care about your ethnicity?
yes. im fifty shades of white, but the larger pieces of my background are the cultures that my family celebrate still today and they are what i identify as. im italian-irish-american with a polish last name and i will eat my cuisine and wear the Callahan family crest and hopefully make it to Avelino someday
8. what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?
i was raised on billy joel and elton john so their music is built into me with such a powerful level of nostalgia that i will feel like im back in my house before we repainted it and replaced the furniture and im dancing like an idiot to crocodile rock at age 4 again. PP and M&S hit my emotions hard since i first heard them, but M&S’s Sigh No More album will forever equal driving to chicago because we played that album and only that album the. whole. time. except at night because thats when billy joel comes out
9. are you an artist?
at the most basic definition yes. i make art for fun and relaxation through music and writing and doodling and crafts
10. do you have a creed?
i just want to be content with my life when i die. i want to know that i loved and supported people the best i could. so i guess always put the family first (family being whoever i deem to be in that category). and don’t be an asshole.
11. describe your ideal day.
not too hot or cold, like the temperature fall shouldve been. hiking a trail or mountain with changing leaves, watch some of my favorite shows, go to one of my favorite small restaurants.
12. dog person or cat person?
13. inside or outdoors?
14. are you a musician?
15. five most influential books over your lifetime.
stoppppppp. Tale of Two Cities, Catch-22, Pride & Prejudice, Night, To Kill a Mockingbird
16. if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?
nope. i grew up 30-60 minutes from some of the most important locations in american history. went to them way too many times as a kid so then when i was a teen i just snapped like “wait some people only come here once in their lives and thats why we have so many annoying tourists! because this kind of stuff ISNT NORMAL?!” and now im a history major so yeah
17. would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”?
almost. i cant really be fully myself because that involves way too much of my personal life and im scared of accidentally pissing people off on the internet so there is a little bit more filter here
18. what’s your patronus?
i actually dont know because i lost my pottermore login forever ago so i never actually did that quiz
19. which Harry Potter house would you be in? or are you a muggle?
im ravenclaw with hufflepuff as my secondary, so im a ravenpuff, but ravenclaw is totally my main
20. would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?
Hogwarts or the world of Avatar (not the blue people one) - like after war when everything is chill and magical
21. do you love easily?
when i get attached to someone, good luck getting rid of me, im here for the long haul, so yes
22. list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.
listening to music, thinking about fictional stories i want to write, reading, watching videos, actually writing (whether that be my journal or my fiction or hw)
23. how often would you want to see your family every year?
as much as possible
24. have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone?
as when i felt perfectly in sync talking to someone? yes with my history prof and with my father
25. could you live as a hermit?
im an introvert but id miss my loved ones too much
26. how would you describe your gender/sexuality?
im cis female and im asexual (somewhere on the spectrum), my romantic attraction is something im still figuring out
27. do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?
katie considering you figured me out basically on sight, yes
28. on a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin?
5 or 6?
29. three songs that you connect with right now.
“Africa” by Toto because it’s still in my head. “Float On” by Modest Mouse. “Sound of Change” by Dirty Head.
30. pick one of your favorite quotes.
“I am the one thing in life I can control. I am inimitable. I am an original.” - said by Aaron Burr in Hamilton
katie i shouldve been finishing my essay
I would say send me a number but this is done now lol so go reblog it and join the fun
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tumblunni · 8 years
Digimon World Next Order!! For once a game that ISNT a weirdly named sequel, even though it still sounds like one. 'Order Points' is the name of the revamped battle system. ^_^ Ive only been playing for about four hours but so far I'm really enjoying it! RANDOM RAMBLING ABOUT MY JOY, AHOY!
* First off, its a sequel to the original Digimon World rather than to Cyber Sleuth, so do a bit of research before you buy it, I'd say. Its more of a tamagotchi hybrid rpg than a regular turn-based one. Lots of hugging virtual pets and feeding em snacks! But this has always been my fave genre so I'm happyyyyyy~ * I named my two digimon Hershey and Zephyr cos they started off as terriermon and lopmon. But they immediately diverged off into wildly different digivolution paths instead, so now the names dont make sense XD By some grand coincidence they ended up becoming snowogremon and icedevimon at the same time, so that's what they are now! :3 my popsicle buddies! * Hershey's favourite food is mushrooms/vegetables, and Zephyr is a bit of a diva who hates everything except mineral water. Its funny since Hershey is the fragile magic user of the duo, and then we have this hulking ice shoulderblades yeti being all 'no my carbs'. DUDE WHY U GO AGAINST UR EVOLUTION REQUIREMENTS aaa but i luv u anywayyyyy * Hershey lucked out and got a super powerful technique early on by random chance, this thing that costs 700 mp to deal 700 damage, when everything else is like 50 power. And then they lucked right out of it again, cos Icedevimon cant use that move XD fifteen seconds of power as a rookie... * why do the levels mean basically nothing, yo? the game says this redvegiemon is level 3 but its stronger than the level 6 everything else in the area. Maybe the game is just dumb and levels dont take into account digivolution level? Like.. this is stronger cos its not a rookie, and they didnt even bother to make the level counter say 13 or something so the player could actually tell  Well, now i know to ignore that thing entirely and just judge on their digivolutions! * The difficulty is far lower in the actual raising aspect yet higher in battles... its weird... * Its also a shame that training no longer has unique animations! It doesnt have any animations at all, its just push button dispense stats. They did at least clear up the problem of having to walk manually between each training area and waste valuable time, now there's just one training area that contains all the different trainings in a neat quick navigation menu. But its also a bit less charming and less gamelike when its JUST menus. BUT on the other hand they did mitigate it a bit by throwing in new features like a roulette roll to get bonus stats, and a whole system of complex ways you can win an extra turn on it. (Training next to each other, training opposite skills, having max happiness, someone having just digivolved, one stat gets a bonus turn each day at random...) * Its really nice that the intro of the game has you meet your digimon partners in fully evolved mega form and have a few scenes of dialogue with them before they get poofed down to digieggs by the villain. It helps mitigate the weirdness of your partner digimon being the only digimon that cant talk! * BUT ALSO. NOW THEY TALK. !!!!!! * You get some cute random dialogue popups on the bottom of the screen as you adventure around, and each digivolution has a different set of stuff to say. Its still very minimal and can get repetitive, but its adorable and helps you get more attatched to these lil doofs! * Also its hella nice that you can now pick to play as a girl, for the first time in the tamagotchi-style digimon games! I actually think her design looks cooler than the dude, he just has a streak of blue hair while she has this awesome poisonous-looking striped ponytail that bleeds pixels as you run! Badass! * ALSO thank you for english dubbed dialogue yo. Its not perfect but then again namco bandai games rarely are XD And they included an option to have the original japanese voices if you prefer! * I missed Jijimon so much. Why he never get to appear in anything aside from this spinoff series? He was in one episode of Tamers but that was an awful cameo He has THE MOST STEREOTYPICAL grandpa voice in the english dub and i luv im * The environment design so far is a lot more basic and boring than the old ps1 game for some reason? It seems to fall prey to the usual ps4 designer logic that making stuff BIG makes it automatically good, even if its just annoyingly huge spaces to traverse with barely anything in them. And so far its just been Generic Field A, B and C, with only occasional stuff like a giant battery to let you know its the digital world. And the main town is super small now that everything training has been smooshed into one building... * Its also a lot less sandboxy and interesting to explore, and the digimon recruitment quests kinda suck. I've already found three guys and all of them were fetch quests to gather a certain amount of an item. And now you also have to gather certain amounts of an item from special gathering spots in order to actually build the new shops, which is annoying because its in these huge boring maps that you have to backtrack thru again and again * The battle system is VASTLY IMPROVED, holy SHIT! Its like they somehow read my brain?? Back when i played the first digimon world, i would always get so frustrated at the auto battle and its bad AI that i'd just mash the X button even when i had nothing to do. Somehow I thought it would make my digimon stronger. AND NOW IT ACTUALLY DOES!!! The X button has been remapped to the new cheer function, and if you cheer at the right moment you get more or less Order Points. if you use them you can manually select to use a move at the right timing, use a move without consuming MP, or use a special super move! (waaaay easier than the shoulder buttons thing in the old game) It spices up a very inactive battle system! * Oh and HELL YEAH FOR QUIDE PUZZLE SYSTEM THINGIE! In the first game you had NO WAY OF KNOWING what requirements you needed to meet for each digivolution, or what digimon could turn into what, until after you'd already unlocked it. You had to consult fanmade guides if you wanted to try 100% completion. Now the guide is an actual ingame menu where you unlock tips as rewards for various good actions as a virtual pet owner. You'll likely never unlock all the guide points for a particular digimon stage before you're already past it, unless you raise the same one a bazillion times. But the lil tips every now and then can be useful enough to help you choose which direction to take your training! Just a lil 'oh, ive already hit the HP requirement for this one? i guess I'll try and go for it!' or 'oh darn this one requires maximum deliquency, i guess i wont get it so I should try for something else'. Its useful. My only complaint is that maybe the way to unlock them could have been less random and less easy? Its just a random chance whenever they eat food/get praised after a good thing. * Ultimately so far the few bad points arent bad enough to ruin the enjoyment for me. It just seems a little soulless and rushed, maybe? But I'd enjoy literally anything in this genre, I've been waiting so long for a sequel that even if this was terrible I'd still adore it! And its far from terrible, its just a lil bland. It probably wont have as much replayability as the first game, but it still feels like it'd be fun for one playthrough! * Also, Hershey and Zephyr are my new lil best friends. SUCH A CUTE GIANT MONSTERS YES YOU IS        
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xiii-jb-46 · 7 years
A/N: god damn isnt he perfect?
Tumblr media
"Come on. I wanna see my Reggie." My best friend Grace was dating Reggie. The school fuckboy. Why?
"No I get enough of him at home." My friend skye whined.
"Plus I'm angry at him. He ruined my nice shirt then pushed me into my locker and locked it. You know who got me out. Kevin! My own brother had to find me and get me out."
"I know. I know but please. I'll pay for lunch."
"You would pay for lunch anyways." Grace was nice and loyal like we all were but she was really nice. Reggie doesn't deserve her.
"You have a point but the guys would be hot and sweaty, shirtless. How do you not want to go?" She had drawn our attention to the agreement that we didnt even notice we were inside the gym.
"What the hell? How did we get here?" I looked around.
"Easy distraction. Now that you are here lets just wait." We walk up to the top and sat down.
"Yo so you know that guy named Fangs right?" Skye asked looking at us.
"He is so cute. Like damn I would totally -" she looked at the girls staring at us. They had to be like 13. Who knows why they are here.
"What you looking at!" Skye barked. Oh jesus. She grew up on the wrong side of the tracks.
"Skye calm down." The girls fled and left the gym, "and they are gone." I shook my head laughing.
"As I was saying. Y/N who do you find cute?" I watched the guys ran up and down before one caught my eye. Tall, dark haired with arms that was just god damn. My weaknesses were arms and hair that made you want to run your hands through them.
"Him the other serpent thats playing." My friends smirked at me. I looked confused until I realised what they were gonna do.
"Wow Y/N how cliche. The good girl falls in love with a serpent! Oh whats that? His name is sw-" I had jumped to skye and covered her mouth.
"Swiss. Yeah I like swiss cheese." I glared at skye and then at Grace.
"I hate you both. Seriously and since when was I good?"
"Since now look your man has now got the ball." You sat back down uncovering skyes mouth.
He dribbled the ball and soon when he got to Reggie he shouldered him causing Reggie to fall. He shot the ball and scored. "Woah!" I clapped loudly and soon stopped when I knew I was just embarrassing myself.
"Wow Y/N no surrport." Reggie got up angrily.
"Yup get used to it." I ate my food I had packed in my bag.
We waited till they had their brake to go down and see them. When they did, Grace ran down and jumped into Reggie's arm. I stood far away from both groups. I looked at my feet just moving around.
"Hey? I'm Sweet pea. " I looked up and saw my serpent crush.
"I uh um shit I forgot my name." I admitted. He laughed and I melted.
"It's Y/N!" My friend skye yelled from her chair. Reggie was about to go over but grace held him back.
"So Y/N wanna shoot some hoops until I have to get back on?" I smiled nodding.
Sweet pea led her to the key and shot the basketball. He got it in and passes the ball to her. She shot the ball missed.
"Y/N never misses." Reggie says watching Y/N shoot. Eveyone knew Y/N never misses.
She tries again but misses once again. "Oh dang I can't seem to get it. Could you show me?" Sweet smiled and walked over.
"So you hold the ball like this and then use the othee to support it. Bend the knees and shoot." Y/N tried again but purposely missed. Sweet pea ran and got the ball. He gave her the ball and stood behind her.
They were closer than closer. She was sure he could feel her heart racing. He held her hands in position and bent down with her and helped her push.
"I ship it!" Skye yells causing him to step back.
"I uh will get the ball." She looked at skye and practically mentally yelled at her.
"So you got the hang of it." Y/N nodded knowing the jig was up. She shot and scored over and over again.
"Thats the Y/N I remember," Reggie boasted. "We are practically siblings."
"You wishes bird brians." Y/N turned around sweet pea was right there.
"Do you wanna go to pops. Right now?"
"Sure but change." He ran out the gym with fangs. Skye walked to me all excited.
"Fangs just asked me out on a date." She was practically squealing.
"Grace we are ditching you goodbye. Reggie hurt her I'll shove a big thick stick up your ass and hope you choke on it when it goes through your throat." I warned him and left. We waited at the front if the school. They walk out damn did Sweet pea look good.
"Let's get out of here." We hoped on their bikes and rode to pops.
We found a booth and for some reasom they ordered our food to go.
"Sweet water river is more romantic." Fangs says with skye around his arm.
"He does have a point." We left with our food and we made it to sweet water river. We sat down om the grass and ate. Skye was too busy telling embarrassing stories of me. Those two left to spend some time near the river and it was just me and him. I stared at the stars with my head on his arm.
"Yeah so thats why I like astronomy. I am probably boring you." He sat up still with his arm under my head and looked at me.
"I've had a crush on you since we got to riverdale and I really want to kiss your right now."
"What's stopping you?" He smirks smiling at me. He leaned down and placed his lips on mine. I places on hand on his face and the other in his hair. His other hand was massaging my sides.
"Damn will you be my girlfriend?" He askes.
Skye and Fangs came running up laughing. "We have to take them home. Its way past their curfew."
"I don't want to though."
"Come on princess. You need to." They drive us home and I didnt want leave him.
"Please don't go. Can't you stay?" Skye nodded from behind me.
"Well we could. School isn't on tomorrow and I have a spare change of clothes." The agreed and put theire bikes at the back. We walk straight through passing Reggies room.
"Hold up." We burst into Reggie's room and there Grace and Reggie were making out.
"Jesus! Can a man get some privacy." We laughed closing the door.
"We both share room." We opened our room and smiled. They took their jackets off and shoes. We all get changed and hop into bed. Sweet pea cuddels me. Damn isnt this perfect.
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transgalaxy · 8 years
voltron s2 liveblogging
episode 1: 
so basically they’re gonna kill off shiro or put him into retirement
bc its obvs now that keith can pilot the black lion
and i love all the paladins and i dont want any of them to die omfg
thace is keith’s dad, i stand by this, and all the ‘thace leads investigations’ fanfic i read are now canon it is known
episode 2:
hunk is husbando material 
i love lance and his adventures looking for mermaids
i’m just gonna say rn, i dont trust these mermaids
“safe and warm” my ass
knew it
so it’s some kind of space leviathan
episode 3:
so there’s a whole insurgency within zarkon’s ppl
and they’re rebelling and tired of his ass
and it’s not just thace rebelling
that guy’s ears though
okay so thace might not be keith’s dad, but he’s def an agent
but omfgggggg keith asked about the fucking blade alskdjasl
but when allura finds out that keith is galra, the emotional strain will kill me
omg that dudejustsacrificedhimself for voltron
keith my son and his blade omg
episode 4:
spore snowball fight in space
lance and his face masks yo
all im saying is keith is galra
episode 5:
the amount of vomiting in this cartoon
lance and keith are going to swim together i just cant
spoke way too soon
allura/shiro confirmed
episode 6:
omg keith thinking that zarkon is tracking them through him bc of imprinting jfc
my son is having nightmares that he’s galra omg
squishy aliens dont seem right to me
yeah keith and allura may end up having problems if he’s actually galra
it took y’all that long to realize it was the black lion
episode 7:
it’s almost as if the writers read a lot of fanfic prior to writing season two omg
okay so like what i really like about this season is that you really get to see how culture in the galaxy has been literally taken over by the galra, but you also see that not every galra is a soldier. they permeate the galactic society and are still loyal to zarkon but they really galra-nized everything
there’s a fucking shamwow guy
episode 8:
the foreshadowing in this fucking episode i cant
he’s galra he’s fucking galra my son
episode 9:
wow i knew things were going to be really tense between them
‘galra keith is way funnier than regular keith’ -prophet hunk
who the hell is this?
my only problem w this show tbh is there arent enough lady characters and like all the galra soldiers are guys
hunk just got farted out of a space worm omg this show
episode 10:
omg pidge found her brother, well at least footage
i s2g pidge and shiro’s sibling relationship is what gives me life, like he doesn’t take the place of matt but he takes care of her and she always looks up to him *sobbing*
episode 11:
i hope to god that thace doesnt get caught omg
omg omg omg omggggg
omg did that laser hit keith and turn him purple?????
ugh nevermind
wow allura, c’mon he’s been your friend way before he knew he was galra jfc
omfg thace
episode 12:
so does haggar finally realize zarkon has been losing it
is keith gonna get his dad?
even if thace isnt his dad, their father-son fight against the druids is everything
and then thace, his fATHER, dies protecting him that is all that happened
episode 13:
omg did they kill off allura????!??!?!!
now the question is: is haggar allura’s mom????!
im begging them not to kill off shiro
omfg i new it!!! haggar’s altean!!!! gtfo! everybody go home!
and allura can fucking be druid, my queen
first of all: where the fuck is shiro
and second of all: omg they’re bringing in lotor!!!!
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internetdetectives · 5 years
11/22/19 - Chat with The Producer
The Producer 12:09 PM: "Tony's got a quick hand”
The Producer 12:09 PM: "He'll look around the room, he won't tell you his plan”
The Producer 12:09 PM: "He's got a rolled cigarette”
The Producer 12:09 PM: "Hangin out his mouth, he's a cowboy kid”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:09 PM: "ALLL THE OTHER KIDS”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:09 PM: "WITH THE PUMPED UP KICKS BETTER RUN”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:09 PM: "BETTER RUN”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:09 PM: "FASTER MY GUN”
The Producer 12:10 PM: "it seems our deadline's been extended”
The Producer 12:10 PM: "at least I think so”
The Producer 12:10 PM: "good news for us”
The Producer 12:10 PM: "specifically for me”
The Producer 12:10 PM: "crunch time is a bitch”
ARGdov 12:11 PM: "hopefully for us too”
ARGdov 12:11 PM: "we get to live a bit longer”
ARGdov 12:11 PM: "or at the very least we dont need to worry about their being any trouble for a bit longer”
The Producer 12:12 PM: "well technically speaking, trouble is already here”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:12 PM: "Yo prod send me your playlist”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:12 PM: "You have a sick music taste”
The Producer 12:12 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHW1oY26kxQ”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:13 PM: ">likes chillcow”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:13 PM: " prod marry me pls”
The Producer 12:13 PM: "ew gay”
Wolfcat 12:15 PM: ":marGay:”
The Producer 12:15 PM: "ew gay”
The Producer 12:15 PM: "recently ive been hard at work”
The Producer 12:15 PM: "and also working hard”
ARGdov 12:16 PM: "well yeah troubles already here”
ARGdov 12:16 PM: "which like”
ARGdov 12:16 PM: "fair”
The Producer 12:16 PM: "i know what you mean tho”
The Producer 12:16 PM: "more trouble”
The Producer 12:16 PM: "id explain further but the big two would get my ass”
ARGdov 12:17 PM: "Im sure we'll find out soon enough”
ARGdov 12:17 PM: "and then we'll all collectively lose our shit again”
The Producer 12:18 PM: "thats the plan”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:18 PM: "Prod waddup with the law”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:18 PM: "Is he a chill duud?”
The Producer 12:18 PM: "he's pretty chill most of the time”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:18 PM: "Nice”
The Producer 12:18 PM: "he used to be in BUP's position”
The Producer 12:18 PM: "kinda”
ARGdov 12:19 PM: "oh?”
ARGdov 12:19 PM: "he was in charge”
ARGdov 12:19 PM: "?”
The Producer 12:19 PM: "well not really in charge of the whole shebang”
The Producer 12:19 PM: "I just mean he had some substantial power at one point in time”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:19 PM: "Okay let's get this clear already”
The Producer 12:19 PM: "not necesarilly BUP's exact position”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:19 PM: "WHO IS BUPS BOSS”
The Producer 12:20 PM: "you really wanna know”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:20 PM: "I do”
The Producer 12:20 PM: "well lucky for you I was just granted access to reveal this information last night”
ARGdov 12:20 PM: "I do wanna know”
ARGdov 12:20 PM: "sweet”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:20 PM: "Fucking sweet”
The Producer 12:21 PM: "BUP's boss is old farmer john”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:21 PM: "Yeah”
The Producer 12:21 PM: "or old mcdonald as you might know”
The Producer 12:21 PM: "ᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇ”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:21 PM: "EOEOEOEO IS YOUR BOSS?”
The Producer 12:21 PM: "close”
The Producer 12:21 PM: ""EO" isnt exactly accurate”
The Producer 12:21 PM: "and also youre missing one”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:22 PM: "Of course”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:22 PM: "EO is a censor”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:22 PM: "He is not named eoeoeoeoeo”
ARGdov 12:23 PM: "eeeeh well shit”
The Producer 12:23 PM: "the La Li Le Lu Lo”
ARGdov 12:23 PM: "pfff”
ARGdov 12:23 PM: "amazing”
ARGdov 12:23 PM: "or not”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:23 PM: "La li le Lu lo?”
ARGdov 12:23 PM: "Im assuming you cant tell us much about him tho”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:23 PM: "How”
ARGdov 12:23 PM: "anyways”
ARGdov 12:23 PM: "do tell more”
The Producer 12:23 PM: "yeah thats confidential”
The Producer 12:23 PM: "hes very elusive”
ARGdov 12:23 PM: "https://tenor.com/view/sis-spill-the-tea-james-charles-adams-family-mortisha-gif-13293519”
The Producer 12:23 PM: "and sort of an enigma”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:23 PM: "Okay so eoeoeoeoeo is la li le Lu lo”
ARGdov 12:24 PM: "I can imagine so”
ARGdov 12:24 PM: "anything else you can tell us? about any of this?”
The Producer 12:24 PM: "im not really sure if its completely accurate to call him BUP's boss however”
The Producer 12:24 PM: "they both have tremendous power”
ARGdov 12:24 PM: "why was the law originally in charge? if thats what he was?”
ARGdov 12:24 PM: "ooh”
The Producer 12:24 PM: "more power than myself, at least”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:24 PM: "Okay so basically”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:24 PM: "Eo is god, bup is a less powerful god”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:24 PM: "And you guys work for the minimum wage”
The Producer 12:25 PM: "i work for jack shit”
The Producer 12:25 PM: "but its rewarding work in and of itself”
The Producer 12:25 PM: "so im happy”
The Producer 12:25 PM: "even though ive put blood, sweat, and tears into this job”
The Producer 12:33 PM: "stewin on it are ya”
The Producer 12:33 PM: well ive gotta head out again”
The Producer 12:33 PM: later boyos”
the clown guy from Slipknot 12:36 PM: "Later”
0 notes
lovelesstrainer · 7 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? Noooo idea 2. Are you outgoing or shy? Shy3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? Wendy and Trin! 4. Are you easy to get along with? Ehhhhhhhhh5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? Myself ;; 6. What kind of people are you attracted to? Decent people? 7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? i’unno obligatory call otu to @xerinos 8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? ^^^ 9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Meh no 10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Nick...? 11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “When I go upstairs next, sure” 12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? fuck if I know13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? y e s 14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? meh not really15. What good thing happened this summer? summer just started yo 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? nah 17. Do you think there is life on other planets? sure 18. Do you still talk to your first crush? nope 19. Do you like bubble baths? Nah but I like bath bombs 20. Do you like your neighbors? sure. one of them is super nice and the other had pitbulls :D 21. What are you bad habits? not sure anymore. i stopped biting my nails like last year (a whole year already !!!) 22. Where would you like to travel? Not sure right now. Pretty content with what i’ve got. the stsates I guess?? 23. Do you have trust issues? mhmmm ;; 24. Favorite part of your daily routine? s l e e p even though that isnt even daily anymore 
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? fuckin smile, tum, arms, legs, nose, i can go on 26. What do you do when you wake up? check my messages/notifs 27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? neither. i’m porcelain and proud 28. Who are you most comfortable around? Anna probably 29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? k i n d o f ? 30. Do you ever want to get married? nawh 31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? yeah 32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? uhhhhhhhhhh 33. Spell your name with your chin. nhjbmjukvchnbjgkl,.lkghf34. Do you play sports? What sports?  LOL NO 35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV 36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Y ea  h 37. What do you say during awkward silences? Nothing because theyre not usually awkward per se 38. Describe your dream girl/guy? ?? ????? no ???? 39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Sanctuary but $$$$$$$$ 40. What do you want to do after high school? bud i havent done jack shit since 41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? meh 42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? i’m scared/anxious usually 43. Do you smile at strangers? sure. everyone deserves to be happy. except Power 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? both? 45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? buddy i barely get out of bed 46. What are you paranoid about? everything tbh 47. Have you ever been high? mhm 48. Have you ever been drunk? yeah 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? no? yes? mayve....? 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? black 51. Ever wished you were someone else? who hasnt? 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? dunno theres a few things 53. Favourite makeup brand? UD 54. Favourite store? Sanctuary 55. Favourite blog? uhhhh 56. Favourite colour? purple 57. Favourite food? p a s t a 58. Last thing you ate? toast 59. First thing you ate this morning? ^ 60. Ever won a competition? For what? no...? 61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? nah but i skipped class a lot--- 62. Been arrested? For what? nope 63. Ever been in love?  yeah 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? some chick at a bus stop 65. Are you hungry right now? kind of/??? ?66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? buddy i have like no tumblr friends 67. Facebook or Twitter? twitter 68. Twitter or Tumblr? both 69. Are you watching tv right now? nope 70. Names of your bestfriends?  Anna nick sam 71. Craving something? What? steak 72. What colour are your towels? black 72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 5 73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yes ;; 74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? i have a lot on a shelf 75. Favourite animal? bunnies/cats/wolf76. What colour is your underwear? black 77. Chocolate or Vanilla? both78. Favourite ice cream flavour? pistachio but I CANT FIND IT ANYWHERE SINCE I GOT BACK TO CANADA 79. What colour shirt are you wearing? black lmfao 80. What colour pants? grey 81. Favourite tv show? Vikings 82. Favourite movie? Dunno 83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? havent seen the seconbd one 84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? 21 jump street 85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? fuck i dont remember =them 86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Gill? i think his nbame is? the angel fish 87. First person you talked to today? nick? 88. Last person you talked to today? nick 89. Name a person you hate? P O W E R M A T T H E W S 90. Name a person you love? Nick91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? POWER 92. In a fight with someone? meh no 93. How many sweatpants do you have? like 2 94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? like 50 95. Last movie you watched? uhhhh Tangled??? 96. Favourite actress? no idea 97. Favourite actor? David Tennant 98. Do you tan a lot? LOLNO 99. Have any pets? Kitty 100. How are you feeling? t i r e d 101. Do you type fast?  meh sometimes 102. Do you regret anything from your past? meh 103. Can you spell well? sometimes? 104. Do you miss anyone from your past? not reallyt 105. Ever been to a bonfire party? nope 106. Ever broken someone’s heart? yeah lul 107. Have you ever been on a horse? yessir 108. What should you be doing? dunno 109. Is something irritating you right now? spotify ads 110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? yeah 111. Do you have trust issues? ive answered this 112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? nick technically 113. What was your childhood nickname? Nikki 114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Yes i have 115. Do you play the Wii? nope 116. Are you listening to music right now? yep 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? yes 118. Do you like Chinese food? yep119. Favourite book? Dracula or Fallen 120. Are you afraid of the dark? nah 121. Are you mean? y e s 122. Is cheating ever okay? nope 123. Can you keep white shoes clean? whats white 124. Do you believe in love at first sight? nah 125. Do you believe in true love? sure 126. Are you currently bored? nah 127. What makes you happy? uhhhh depends. situational, really 128. Would you change your name? Maybe? I’ve grown to not hate my name 129. What your zodiac sign? Aquarius 130. Do you like subway? occasionally 131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Nothing? 132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? nick 133. Favourite lyrics right now?  in due time - killswitch engage 134. Can you count to one million? yes but that takes time and effort 135. Dumbest lie you ever told? fuck if i know 136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? mostly closed because the cat likes to leave in teh middle of the night 137. How tall are you? 5′5 138. Curly or Straight hair? straight 139. Brunette or Blonde? doesnt matter 140. Summer or Winter? winter 141. Night or Day? night 142. Favourite month? august 143. Are you a vegetarian? i was for like a month and almost starved to death LOL 144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? white 145. Tea or Coffee? tea 146. Was today a good day? just started boyo 147. Mars or Snickers? both? 148. What’s your favourite quote? 149. Do you believe in ghosts? meh no 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“You see, they represented the greatest loss to Lestat, because they stood on the threshold of the maximum possibility of life” 
smh i hate you cam 
0 notes
s3venpounds · 7 years
1. selfie (no can do, i honestly am too lazy and i have no clue how to add photos into these lel)
2. what would you name your future kids? Skylark, Silver, Thorn, Pas
3. do you miss anyone? yes
4. what are you looking forward to? waking up to a S.O that loves me, a house that we both love, a job I love, income I can live off comfortably, and the only source of stress I have is if something isnt routine
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile? @artbeetle hands down
6. is it hard for you to get over someone? yeah
7. what was your life like last year? happier
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? nope
9. who did you last see in person? Aleksi
10. are you good at hiding your feelings? nope. I’m an open book.
11. are you listening to music right now? yeah, the beauty and the beast soundtrack Evermore lol
12. what is something you want right now? a million dollars would be nice
13. how do you feel right now? groggy and i have a stomach ache from last night so not feeling 100% right now
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? a long time now that i think about it. i guess thats my fault since i’ve been avoiding hugs because i’m still worried people think of me as the “wheres my hug?” guy from middle school lol
15. personality description: a steaming pile of bile tbh. loud when I’m trying too hard to be friends with you, cuss like a trucker, quiet when youre in the innermost circle of friends. i make a lot of jokes that cross lines and unless someones seriously offended and says something I don’t stop.
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? yes
17. opinion on insecurities. go ahead and have them, just don’t let them become permanent. you only have so much time in this world and youre going spend it worrying about other people who will forget everything in like 10 years max? like no one really cares if you tripped on nothing that one time. sure they’ll laugh but realistically theyll laugh for about 15 minutes then forget it completely by the next 3 days.
18. do you miss how thing were a year ago? yeah
19. have you ever been to New York? nope. dont plan to.
20. what is your favourite song at the moment? Lie To Me George Nozuka
21. age and birthday? 21, may 17
22. description of crush. she’s reliable, comforting, pleasant to be with, gives off an air of happiness and contentment, easy on the eyes and knows how to keep the flow of conversations or mood going. She can be spontaneous or mysterious when she wants to. She warms my heart with her smile and I will never forget the little thing her cheeks do when she does smile.  
23. fear(s) death. thats it. 
24. height 5 foot 6 i think. i may have grown to 5 foot 7 haven’t measured in a while. wish i grew more tho
25. role model my friend William lol he is goals.
26. idol(s) I don’t really keep track of any celebrities so none really.
27. things i hate. 3 people i hate specifically, uhhhh break ups, my dad, some “friends”, when apologies arent enough( otherwise whats the point of having the word exist), when I take a joke too far and it hurts a relationship I like, when i stub my toes or bang my fingers on something, when friends snapchat me of a hangout I wasn’t invited or even told about when the whole group is there, when people are at a dance and everyone forms that dance circle for random people to go in and dance their heart out then someone busts out breakdancing in a crowd thats literally the worst group of dancers( like seriously i dare you to watch that shit. unless someone has some serious balls no one will go in the circle after that for a whole 5-10 minutes because no one can follow that up. like thats fine if youre in a group of other really good dancers or break dancers but like come on man. thats like having a seasoned and grown ass michael jordan in your middle school basketball game. )
28. i’ll love you if… you make me a handmade gift, you tell me you were thinking of me, you give me a lot of attention lol, you share your food with me, you try some of my favourite games or watch my favourite animes with me, we end up saying the same shit at the same time, do crazy shit with me, ride rollercoasters with me, if youre cold or something and you need to borrow my jacket or sweater i will gladly lend it to you unless its like - 30 then we share lol, if you rant to me or vent to me. if you keep the conversation going unless you know im in a bad mood or something serious happened
29. favourite film(s) Treasure planet. thats it. 
30. favourite tv show(s) Spider riders? di gata defenders, samurai jack, martin mystery, totally spies, jacob two two, team galaxy, ben 10 ( only up to ultimate alien and alien force, the rest sucked), code lyoko, master chef, chopped, medabots, gundam seed, the weekenders, code name kids next door, uhh theres probably like 30 other ones but nothing else i can remember off the top of my head.
31. 3 random facts I have a bottle of taro flavoured gin sitting beside my desk, I have reading glasses, I like the feeling of cleaning my ears with cotton swabs
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? guys. although in highschool it was girls
33. something you want to learn? the italian, korean, and japanese language. maybe russian. I want to learn how to juggle and do card tricks, I want to learn everything about my friends, I want to learn how to profile someone and deduce things sherlock style. I also want to learn more about volleyball tbh
34. most embarrassing moment. I pooped my pants while at a friends 6th birthday and my brother had to help me
35. favourite subject. English. I like poetry the most
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? To be in a rowboat in Venice Italy with my significant other under the moonlight and right as we’re about to kiss, fireworks go off in the distance. to be a world renowned psychologist/psychiatrist but working in my old high school trying to help people who are bound to do the same dumb ass shit I did. to wini the lottery or just raise enough money off a really good paying job i like to send my parents back home to philippines like they dreamed. 
37. favourite actor/actress. Mary Elizabeth Winstead or Ellen Page
38. favourite comedian(s) Gabriel iglesias, christopher titus, bo burnham
39. favourite sport(s) volleyball, i dont play many others
40. favourite memory: that one day at cap ex. “ what about this ship?” “ well, we’ll see where it takes us”
41. relationship status pringle.
42. favourite book(s) perks of being a wallflower, eleanor and park, Somebody up there hates you, nick and norah’s infinite playlist, an abundance of katherines
43. favourite song ever Pocket full of dreams by hedley
44. age you get mistaken for: no one guesses my age
45. how you found out about your idol: i met him lol hes my friend’s boyfriend
46. what my last text message says “ like I don’t want to get out of bed”
47. turn ons:  Short hair, freckles, dimples, tits that fit perfectly in my hand or bigger is cool too, into kinky shit, still makes jokes even in sex( not all the time though), likes passionate aggressive sex, tom boyish, asian, very physically touchy/clingy, smells nice, soft skin, tongue when kissing, knows how to dirty talk or sound seductive.
48. turn offs: smells bad(breath or body odor), those dirty white people dreadlocks, being like professional body builder ripped levels, and sure fuck it I’ll say it; being extremely overweight. 
49. where i want to be right now, Venice Italy
50. favourite picture of your idol again, can’t do photos. too dumb
51. starsign Taurus
52. something i’m talented at , guessing a pokemon after hearing its cry only applicable to the first 2-3 generations
53. 5 things that make me happy. friends, food, sleep, money, video games
54. something thats worrying me at the moment. my future and how dark it is
55. tumblr friends I dont have many and the ones i do have i don’t know if i should tag on here
56. favourite food(s) bbq ribs, pulled pork, pizza, bimbimbap, filipino bbq skewers, tosino, lechon kawale, lechon adobo, insemada(not sure how to spell that), pasta, and curry
57. favourite animal(s) cats
58. description of my best friend, hes asian
59. why i joined tumblr, my friend kept using inside jokes and memes from tumblr so i got curious
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the-mayor-of-space · 8 years
You want a whole bunch? D O T H E M A L L . . . jkjk 1-37, 45, 56, 89, 99, 103, 104, 108, 122, 125, 135, 147 + 148, 155-169, 171, 176, 195 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), 200
34: State visited:oh boy here we go
its a little weird that the asks are in reverse order in the post huh. i thought so at least.
the first part is all favourites so here we go
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? : see like look at this. question one is about how i answered all the questions i havent answered yet. the answer will be yes though, because otherwise whats the point.
2: Dog breed: i looked up a list of dog breeds because i dont know anything about them really and shelties are my new favourite kind of dog. at least aesthetically. [look at this doggo shes so good]
3: Comedian: dan avidan, gabriel iglesias, louis ck, various internet funnymen, etc.
4: Talk show host: tbh i dont think ive ever w=been a fan if talk shows.
5: Color: p u r p l e
6: Flower: every flower that has a pokemon character named after it.
7: Perfume: anything subtle enough to not send me to asthma-ville
8: Yankee candle scent: man lots of these are just things i dont know really anythign about huh
9: Radio station: mojave music radio ᵈᵒᵉˢ ᵃᶰʸᵇᵒᵈʸ ᵉᵛᵉᶰ ᶫᶦˢᵗᵉᶰ ᵗᵒ ʳᵉᵃᶫ ʳᵃᵈᶦᵒ ˢᵗᵃᵗᶦᵒᶰˢ ᵃᶰʸᵐᵒʳᵉ﹖ ʰᵒʷ ᵈᵒ ᵗʰᵉʸ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵉᶰᵒᵘᵍʰ ᶦᶰᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ˢᵗᵃʸ ᵒᵖᵉᶰ﹖
10: Restaurant:  five guys, my dudes. that shits so good.
11: Food: all sorts of generic shit. pizza, pasta, poutine, suchi, you know the drill
12: Thing to cook: mmmm. im not honestly sure. i cook a lot of stuff but im not sure anythign in particular stands out as my favourite. i can tell you for certain it isnt griled fucking cheese. such a pain in the ass to cook and the customers always get upset that it takes so long and its like im fucking sorry that you have 3 goddamn children who all need grilled fucking cheeses instead of a food choice that isnt trash and it takes up the grill so i cant make food for any of our other 30 customers in line right now and we’re always out of fucking vegetables to give you on your plate to go with it jesus fucking christ
a job where i had to deal with customers all day was not well suited to a lowkey misanthrope like me.
13: Concert attended: tbh im not big on concerts. ive been to a few but its not my jam.
14: Beach: cannon beach in oregon is pretty great if i remember, but its been like 10 years since i went. also i didnt dislike beaches back then.
15: Day of the week: friday. because of course it fucking is. or monday/tuesday was pretty good when i was workign because that was my weekend
16: Book: the book thief was the last thing i read and particularly enjoyed so lets go with that
17: Magazine: i mean like i said with radios, magazines arent really a thing anymore are they? like i get that theyre technically still around but does anyone buy them? ive honestly never seen someone reading a magazine for anythign other than lack of proper reading material onhand.
18: Sport to play: eww gross.
19: Sport to watch: FOOBAW. ᶦ ᵈᵒᶰᵗ ᵏᶰᵒʷ ᵃ ᵍᵒᵈᵈᵃᵐᶰ ᵗʰᶦᶰᵍ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᶠᵒᵒᵗᵇᵃᶫᶫ ᶦ ʲᵘˢᵗ ʳᵉᵐᵉᵐᵇᵉʳᵉᵈ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵐᵉᵐᵉ⋅ ᶦ ᵈᵒᶰᵗ ᵗʰᶦᶰᵏ ᶦᵛᵉ ᵉᵛᵉʳ ʷᵃᵗᶜʰᵉᵈ ᵃ ᵍᵃᵉ ᵒᶠ ˢᵖᵒʳᵗˢ ᵃᶫᶫ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵃʸ ᵗʰʳᵒᵘᵍʰ⋅
20: Holiday: h a l l o w e e n ,   b a b y. i fuckin love to get s p o o k y
21: Theme park: there was this one waterpark i went to a handful of times as a kid, but i heard it got shut down recently.
22: Animal: i like cats and crows. i swear im not an edgelord, i just dont think about animals that much. ᵖᵒᵏᵉᵐᵒᶰ ᵒᶰ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ʰᵃᶰᵈ⋅⋅⋅
23: Website: i was gonna say tumblr and then i realized i actually fucking hate this website
24: Movie: ive said it before and i’ll say it again. detective heart of america is the best goddamn movie of our modern era and i will fight anyone who disagrees dave
25: TV show: rick and morty yo
26: Grocery store: any of them? i heard the owner of one of the grocery stores in my town died recently so thats something. i also heard he was a dick though so whatever.
27: Clothing store: anywhere where i can buy stuff with space on it immediately becomes one of my favourites.
28: Band: lemon demon / neil cicerega, same guy. also ninja sex party.
29: Singer: ditto, dan avidan and neil cicerega
30: Actress: i kind of dont know any?
31: Actor: same deal. im not a particular of any of the ones i know in specific
32: Athlete: world famous pugilist: tommy ray handly
33: Cellphone provider: i mean im not partial to any of them. i use telus but also their internet isnt great sometimes.
34: State visited: oregon yo. that shits aesthetic af. for reference im canadian so ive only been to a few of the states.
35: President Prime Minister: new trudeau is new so he hasnt really done much yet but boy howdy is he a handsome chappie or what
36: Vehicle: i dont know a thing about cars.
37: Candy: starburst. toffee. caramel.im sure im forgetting lots.
on to the next bit, this part is miscellanious:
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: having my hair played with. i love it so much
56: Favorite web site: hey cool this is the same question as 23.
89: Who makes you laugh the most: probably @brannysweetnuts
well that was short. these next two are “the last time i”
99: Went to a movie theater: when i went to go see rogue one. it was good shit sassmaster robot is my favourite.
103: Hugged someone: like a week and a half ago. i think.
alright up next is “heres what i think about”
104: The future: probably its not gonna be much better than it is right now. i certainly dont have one.
108: Designer Clothes: tbh i kind of dont have any thoughts on them other than that they kind of seem like a waste of money?
122: War: im glad/lucky as fuck i dont have to deal with it. also a lot of them seem kind of pointless.
this part is “this or that”
125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate
135: Burried or cremated: i want you guys to take my skeleton and make it into a statue, put some cool sunglasses on me, and stand me up in a lobby/foyer somewhere. and failing that, cremate me and shoot the ashes into space. or better yet: put cool glasses on my skeleton and then shoot that into space.
147: Autumn or Spring: autumn, baby
148: Summer or winter: A U T U M N
these ones are “do you believe in”
155: Magic: nope
156: Orbs: of course i believe in orbs, i main zenyatta
157: War: i believe it exists. i dont believe its that useful most of the time.
158: Gay Marriage: oh come on, we all know the gays dont actually exist
159: Ghosts: no :/ i wish they were real though that would be rad as shit. i love ghosts.
160: Soul mates: i hope
161: Horoscopes: no, but theyre still fun
162: God: nah
163: Hell: nope
164: Heaven: no
165: Aliens: yeah. but theyre probably super lame and single-celled. and even if they arent theyre way far away and itll be unrealistic to ever find them. the universe is a big fucking place my dudes.
166: Yourself: my biggest “ N O ” of all
167: Fate: i like to think the many worlds interpretation is true. but even if it is, we cant travel between timelines, so fate may as well exist.
168: Luck: rng exists, so yeah. thats what luck is.
169: Love at first sight: objectively not. thats physical attraction, thats not love. if you dont know the person at all youre not in love with them, theyre just cute.
ʰᵉʸ ᶦˢᶰᵗ ᶦᵗ ᶜᶫᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵒᶰᵉ ʷᵃˢ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᶫᵒᵛᵉ ᵃᶰᵈ ᶦᵗ ʰᵃᵈ "⁶⁹" ᶦᶰ ᵗʰᵉ ᶰᵘᵐᵇᵉʳ
this is the final stretch of questions. theyre miscellanious again. because talent.
171: Do you play an instrument? no. sometimes i pretend i can sing, but i cant do that either.
176: Last YouTube video watched: [this]
195: My shoe size is: i cant remember off the top of my head and i dont want to go downstairs to check.
200: My crush’s name is: uhh. this is pretty bad, but im actually not sure how to spell it.
admittedly, norwegian names are tough. we can all agree on this.
0 notes