transgalaxy · 3 years
it's been a while.
just wanted to say that I'm kinda revamping this blog to be a catch all of my current interests and shit I talk about...instead of this being geared towards ~~aesthetics~~
I kinda went awol for the last two years. I was basically back in school. january 2021 I graduated summa cum laude with a BA in history. I'm currently a research assistant and very happy. I'm also applying to graduate school...still looking at programs and faculty members I would like to work with. I'm planning to get my MA and then move on to my PHD so if anyone has any pointers, I'm more than willing to listen. I'm not really worried about the work load of graduate school, but just the application process.
anyway, I hope everyone has been staying safe during this hellish time and that you can still find beauty in the life you're living.
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transgalaxy · 4 years
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transgalaxy · 4 years
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Look at her opening doors to thousands of girls (if not more) around the world! 😍
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transgalaxy · 4 years
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elie saab | fall 2020
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transgalaxy · 4 years
social distancing is okay for me bc ive been touched starved since the 15th century. im used to it.
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transgalaxy · 4 years
Eh the UK gender thing seems like a reasonable compromise between whats best for women and girls and trans activism. Trans rights and all that but it shouldn't be at the cost of women and girls. Willing and consenting adults who display adequate symptoms of gender identity disorder can still transition and GNC girls aren't coerced into permanent life changing hormonal therapies and surgeries that they will later regret. What exactly is the problem? Because I'm not seeing one...
*makes things more restrictive than they have ever been for trans people* there that seems like a compromise to me. let alone like, i’m a woman and trans - those two things don’t have competing needs to be compromised imo (of course, you obviously dont think of it the same way, because yr framework is cissexist)
Like you are talking to someone who like started biomedically transitioning before the age these people are talking about and got married at the same age (and also tried to get hormones 4 years before that, only to get blocked!). Your perspective makes no sense - its misogynist insofar as you have a belief system set up around women not being able to make choices for themselves (not to mention that most of the people yr talking abt aren’t even women).
it’s authoritarian along medicalized and patriarchal controlling lines that really will probably just end up with restricted abortion access and possibly even adult women being unable to get on birth control (which is guess what? hormones!). The purpose of these treatments is specifically to change someone’s life - there are far more people esp in the UK who wish they could have gotten hormones and surgeries earlier than there are who thought they got them too early.
all of this comes from an anxiety of people having autonomy over their own bodies and also a desire to disappear trans phenomena. Maybe if you were arguing that people shouldnt be gendered for their secondary sex characteristics, this wouldnt be necessary the same way. Maybe if cis society didnt treat having androgens in yr body as a tragedy for women then there wouldnt be the same anxiety about ‘mistakenly’ going on hormones or having surgery. But you obviously don’t want to consider that restricting hormone (or blocker) access will result in a ton of women being forced thru negligence to have androgens in their bodies because you are more invested in supporting and preserving the current misogynist gender schema than like actually encouraging its dissolution.
i know that the asker of this is in reasonably bad faith but I’m just pointing out for other people who wildly misogynistic and conservative any thinking like this is - like, it may be trans people who are the wedge case here but a much larger issue is percolating here. while people are arguing ‘this is only happening around trans people because of cissexism’ i think that there’s some truth to that but a much larger cultural project of controlling gender and sexuality (and behavior generally) is being pursued here. of course, like i mentioned, under th guise of ‘protection’
childhood is awful, there’s no reason to extend it further
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transgalaxy · 4 years
so I totally like it when you email a prospective program for more information and they never get back to you. /sarcasm
I’m gonna send a follow up email, and I know that the pandemic is a thing, but just wow...it’s been weeks. applications need to be in by january.
also my sister’s sister-in-law is playing matchmaker and wants me to go on a date with one of her friends. ????!!!?? I have zero expectations and yet we dig the same things so I’ll see where this goes.
anyway things I have to do today:
clean kitchen and wash dishes
do some homework before class
go to class
start and possibly finish some things for my portfolio (??)
work on thesis
maybe do some self-care lmao
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transgalaxy · 4 years
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Krikor Jabotian | Spring/Summer 2014 Couture
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transgalaxy · 4 years
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transgalaxy · 4 years
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Loveday London | Juliet - in leather & silk chiffon & metallic floral lace | FW2016-17
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transgalaxy · 4 years
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Meechi Marcella
Atlanta, Ga
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transgalaxy · 4 years
if a vampire kidnaps me and steals me away to their lair then do NOT attempt to slay them and rescue me they caught ME slipping okay that is on ME
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transgalaxy · 4 years
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transgalaxy · 4 years
The Guerrilla Pumpkin Patch my sister found
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transgalaxy · 4 years
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transgalaxy · 4 years
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➀ | ➁ | ➂ | ➃ | Yuga Kurita (Do not remove credits)
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transgalaxy · 4 years
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Iguaza Falls, on the border of Argentina and Brazil, is one of the widest waterfalls on Earth.
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