#this isnt even all of it theres an apartment upstairs too
panicsimss · 1 year
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Old Quarter Inn - family owned pub turned cozy cafe
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My night was awful. It started out Okay; i was at my grandma's apartment to see my dad and we played some games. Came home to mom's car not being in it's spot. My brothers and I assume she went to go run an errand, so we go inside, find her boyfriend, and unwind from being out all day. I was dealing with friend drama at that point too.
Half an hour later my mom calls me and tells me what to make for dinner, because she's out at a local "Social club" (Bar, but members only) with a friend. I think, "Great, maybe she wont drink though. She's been going sometimes and only having one".
7:30 passes. At 8 my brother asks me when we should make dinner, neither of us are hungry so we postpone.
8:30 passes, we make dinner because it's getting late. While we're making the food, friend drama dies off and they start joking around in the gc -all good and at that point i was ready to have a relaxing end of the evening.
9:30 passes. My friend moves a virtual birthday party for an acquaintance up half an hour (10) so i get started doing dishes. While im getting ready to do them, i start hearing noises and voices in the "back room" (small room at the back of the house that has the back back door, connected to the kitchen through another door) but no one's coming in. I cant tell if they're crying, laughing or just talking, but someone kept leaning on the door. I waited.
9:45 my mom opens the door and stumbles in; i immediately notice she. is. drunk. Her face is flushed, she was having trouble walking in the door, and she was slurring her words. I dont remember what the first thing she said was, but shortly after her friend also walks in. Her friend was tall (pretty) and significantly less drunk, i dont even know if she was tipsy. But it was a bit of a relief she was here too. My mom went upstairs -struggling- her friend followed a minute after. They came back down after my mom gave her a tour of the house, and then they went to the backroom to talk.
So far, so good right?
I was still uncomfortable so i finish dishes and other night-time responsibilities (Feeding the rabbits and refilling their water), then take my computer and phone to my room to camp out till morning (and for the birthday call).
Sometime during beginning of the call (10:15ish?) i start to hear arguing downstairs. Now, my room is above the kitchen, i have a "back room" to my room and i can usually hear when people are arguing in that room, from p much anywhere in my room. Sound carries. I couldnt make out everything they were saying, but it was b a d , and at one point my mom came inside the house shouting, and up the stairs shouting, and slammed doors so hard it shook the walls of my room, "[friend's name] Fuck you, [boyfriend's name] Fuck you. FUCK ALL OF YOU". My friends on call all heard it.
So im trying not to have a panic attack while getting a link for everyone to watch the movie Birthday boy picked out, and while we watch the movie the argument is still going but downstairs or in mom's room i dont remember. I had one earmuff off on my headphones so i can listen if she starts coming to my room for an argument, i pulled up an audio recording app just in case, because at this point I'm scared of a repeat of 21st of last month.
At some point it dies down, my mom left briefly, came back and was still pissed off but not slamming doors, just muttering things i didnt make out. She never came to my room because i wasnt supposed to have my computer in my room past 11 (it died at 11:20 anyway, in the middle of the movie, sad) nor am i supposed to have my phone there ever (she never notices, im about to be 18 anyway, my mom stopped caring with my older brother when he turned 18).
I stayed in my room the whole night, door closed. I dont close my door unless im doing....things, or unless im scared of what's on the outside of my room. But this causes problems in the summer and winter because my room isnt temperature controlled; the backroom to my room is unfinished, theres a crack in the side wall and a big gap in the door going to it. Heating doesnt go to my room, so closing the door = closing out all the nice warm air. I was cold.
I also was supposed to clean the bathroom last night. I was going to do it after dishes and before going to the virtual party, but my brother got shouted at for opening the back room door while my mom was in it (He was trying to take out the trash), and i didnt want to have to deal with her drunk ass while asking if anyone needed to use the restroom before it gets taken over for 30 mins to get cleaned.
So yeah i had a bad night. Im exhausted, i was exhausted before the shit with my mom happened, Im exhausted after having a small panic attack, Im exhausted from trying to figure out what room my mom was in, I'm exhausted from holding my pee all night because i was scared i'd run into her, Im fucking. exhausted.
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zarafey · 4 months
one again, vent incoming
its my birthday and im sitting here crying because god beware i get a little bit sad and or mad at stm my mom did.
Yesterday she offered to cook my favourite meal today for lunch, very nice, really thoughtful, i was looking forward to it a lot. i asked if we could eat lunch at 2pm (we usually eat rather late at 3/4pm). Since i also have to finish my bachelor thesis by the 28th i dont really have a lot of time for celebrating or anything, but i did have a plan for today. We eat lunch by 2, finish by ~2:30, and I take my adhd meds (need a bit longer to work after eating, but the side effects are much more manageable). they usually take around 1h to fully work so theres a window for chilling a bit and having some cake. I get to work at 3-4pm, work til 8-9pm (using my most productive time of the day as well), day done, all is well.
... by 2:30pm i went upstairs to see what's going on, i find my mom in her office, she was still working, the food hasn't even been started. well, she forgot the time, bit unfortunate but ok, i do the same often enough, sure i was already really hungry (since i ate a bit less breakfast bc i was looking forward to lunch), and i was getting pretty stressed (my whole plan is getting pushed back), but the food isnt that elaborate and needs like 30-45 minutes, so eating around 3 is still alright, we ate at 3 yesterday and that was fine.
at around 3:30 i started getting nervous again. I go upstairs, food still needs another half hour, my mom already feels extremely bad and was so hectic that she cut herself, after calming her down, preparing the rest, and putting it in the oven i go to the toilet, to cry, bc fuck my whole day is starting to fall apart. eating by 4 means i really need to speed through eating bc i need to take my meds as soon as possible, because the later i take them the later i can get to sleep, the less sleep i get for tomorrow. so i cry, let it all out and stuff bc god knows i cant actually express any of that frustration in front of my mom by then she will feel even more horrible and then i can play emotional regulator again and i really dont have the brain for that when im already very stressed and frustrated. So that will just lead to me being an ass to my mom and then she will feel bad and i will also feel bad and its all around not a good time.
so i have my little cry at the toilet, meanwhile the food finishes cooking. I put it all back down again, go to the meal, my appetite is already gone but hey its still my favourite so ill enjoy it, i take a bite, its horrible, way too many spices, i cant even taste the zucchini. pretty much the last straw, so close to breaking out in tears right there at the table. ofc my mom notices, asks whats wrong, starts the whole self loathing shit and the endless apologies i was trying so hard to avoid. lunch is pretty much ruined, i eat quickly and in silence, i go down and take my meds, start crying and writing this post to get it all out. My mom comes in and starts the whole "im so sorry, i ruined everything, is it very bad that we ate so late? is it still gonna be ok? im so sorry etc etc etc" and fuck i just do not have the brain to do all the calm reassuring she is asking for so i snap, say some shitty things, now im crying even more and feel like a complete ass.
Like damn what tf do i do now bc i cant seem to calm down but i still need to fkn work on my thesis and i just wanted to have a nice birthday and some cake.
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amber + spice‼️
amber - share an unpopular opinion that you may have.
this ones hard hmmmmm.... the only thing i get really hardcore opinionated abt that isnt politics/discourse is vocaloid. i guess the closest i have to an unpopular opinion that isnt too obscure is that i think games that prioritize art over game play are always more memorable and better. not so much that its unplayable, but so much so theres enough soul in the game to make up for tacky technicals (my prime example being psychonauts). imho it depends on the type of game and what audience it is for, but art is thee most important part if im the audience. in art im talking generally abt story/atmosphere/music/visual. this is why even walking sims are fun if the arts good enough. its also why i could never get into fun things like megaman :( and i think zelda gets boring after a while but windwaker is one of my fave games cause the atmosphere.
spice - have you ever encountered a house that you believed to be haunted?
ive moved around for a majority of my life and i do 100% believe in ghosts and i genuinely believe ive lived in haunted places before. the three most memorable were 1. when i lived in a apartment with my grandmother and a picture frame on the desk got thrown across the room while me and her were in the kitchen (we saw it midair before it got tossed cause there was a window),
2. when there was an outage on my street when my mom got engaged for the second time, during which we lived in a 2 story house and while we all had candles in the living room (me, my nana, two babies) there was like 2 or 3 loud knocks that came from the door upstairs. it happened one more time before the lights came back on and no one was there. it was like 4am, and that room had no windows so no way for someone to get in.
3. basement in my aunts house where my nana used to live. wed go there all the time as a kid and wed all wake up with scratches bruises, loud noises would come from rooms when no one was there, whenever youd go in the laundry room youd hear creepy shit. scariest one by far
there are other ones but these are the most memorable to me
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obsessedforever · 5 years
Brothers Conflict Season 2 Volume 2: Fuuto’s side story: After 29- EDITED
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After the events of chapter 29, Fuuto has moved out of the mansion and is living alone in a room prepared by his agency.
At the company, Fuuto has a brief exchange with some of his band members, confirming that there is some discord within. He is waiting for the lifts when his band member, Seike Ryo, confronts him about why he is the only member who isn’t coming to the team dinner tonight and begs him to come in a pathetic way making Fuuto wish his female fans could see him like this. Fuuto is the only member who didnt make time in his schedule for it and he always does whatever he wants. Fuuto says he has other things to do but Ryo grabs his arm and wont let him go. He reveals the reason for the team dinner is that they were told their teamwork hasnt been good lately. Fuuto knows this but still says he is busy and he didnt mean to skip the dinner this time. Ryo reveals that their team leader Akaboshi Eiichiro is too nice to say it but actually wants to have a serious talk with Fuuto, but Fuuto says if that’s the case they should do it on his schedule. He starts to leave but suddenly Akaboshi appears, he scolds them for arguing in such a public place where people might see them. Ryo tells him that Fuuto doesn’t plan to come to dinner, so he’s trying to force him to come. Eiichiro understands and tells him to first let go of Fuuto. After a while, Fuuto explains that actually he got called to go to an urgent job only an hour ago and was told to fit the directors schedule. Ryo didn’t hear about this because Eiichiro was busy before and couldn’t tell him in the short amount of time. Eiichiro apologises to Fuuto and tells him to go so he isnt late. Fuuto says that the person who should apologise isn’t Eiichiro. Right before he leaves Eiichiro tells Fuuto that he still wants to have a talk with him and that he hopes Fuuto can understand how important it is. 
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When Fuuto gets upstairs, he’s determined to make the shot in one take to impress the director. As he walks into the meeting room he sees Iori sitting down, thinking he has such bad luck today. 
Iori asks him if he’s still working and says he’s working hard. Fuuto initially planned to focus and stay in the mood for his next job, but after hearing this he cant help himself. He sarcastically says that Iori is also working hard, he’s still at the office. Iori has a photoshoot tomorrow and is staying back to learn more about the job. Fuuto keeps sarcastically saying “Wooooooowwwwww you’re working soooooo harddddd” and Iori says it’s just his job and he’s trying to fulfil what they want from the model. Fuuto tells him to work hard and then says that within Iori’s work there is also the job that he stole from Fuuto so if he doesnt work hard that would be a problem. Iori disagrees that he stole the job he says that he was chosen because he was better as a model. He says that in this world, the best person gets the job and that if Fuuto’s job ended up with Iori it wasn’t because he “snatched it away”. Fuuto is shook by this. 
Fuuto is his little brother and he’s about to go to a job so Iori doesn’t want to say things that will hurt him, but he tells Fuuto that it’s bad to look away from reality. Iori says that from an outside perspective, within the idol group FORTTE, Fuuto isn’t the best singer, or the best dancer. Even though he’s able to become a celebrity because of FORTTE he doesn’t appreciate it and only clashes with other members. He can’t admit that Iori is a better model than him and although he’s a great actor he stays in the same spot, relying on only his own ability, does he really believe he can become a world class actor? Iori tells him that if he continues in this way there will be a day when he wont receive jobs anymore. 
Fuuto is completely shocked that Iori is talking down to him like this. Iori says that he’s very worried about him. Fuuto tells him to do whatever he likes and that he doesn’t care what Iori thinks, the person who decides how good he is is not him. Iori thinks its a pity that Fuuto doesn’t realise that acting this way only causes the people who care about him to be sad.  Fuuto doesn’t reply as he walks away.
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Back in his room Fuuto cant sleep. He’s living in a tiny apartment from his agency where the bed takes up almost the entire room. It’s a far cry from his place at Sunrise Residence but he doesnt mind since he’s only there to sleep. His head feels heavy. He gets up and drinks a bottle of water in one go
On the TV theres a man whos acting very suspiciously and looks like a dangerous person. Fuuto is happy about this, he thinks about how many people would recognise him as Asakura Fuuto if he just stepped out onto the street. Suddenly he gets angry remembering what Iori said about being able to be a celebrity because of FORTTE. However he can’t deny that this might be the case. In the past he was famous because of being a FORTTE member. He worries if he can continue acting like he is now, even he already knew it within himself. Originally he didn’t want to become an idol, he was just using it as a stepping stone into acting, but the only reason he gets acting jobs now is BECAUSE he’s an idol. In order to do what he loves he has to work hard doing what he hates. His rooms is scattered with movies he requested. Even yesterday he was watching movies in order to try improve his acting skills. 
While he’s thinking of all this, his hand accidentally touches a certain DVD. He forgot that he even requested it. He hasn’t seen this movie since he watched it with Ema 2 years ago. He remembers how he felt when he told her his dreams on her narrow bed, when he spent time with her at the cultural festival and when he saw her under the cherry blossom tree at school. He puts on the DVD, as he watches the actor sleeping, he remembers what he said to her “What I really want to become is an actor.” It’s something he said from the heart.
Suddenly its clear to him. What he did before, what he needs to do now. He turns off the movie, he doesn’t need it anymore. In the reflection of the TV he can see his face. It’s a mess right now but his eyes have changed. Even in the dark he knows they’re shining with determination. 
Fuuto Monologue: 
“I’ll concede to you, Onee-san.
You really pulled one over me. 
I’ll definitely repay you.
From the other side of the screen”
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gaysidecharacter · 3 years
so much has happened 😀 so um winter storm 🥰 yeah a pipe broke and when it was thawing out it ✨ flooded my apartment ✨ it wasn’t as bad as other apartments though... ours was just the kitchen, living room, and my roommates room. which sucks a lot for her... i felt so bad. water was coming from the vents? it was actually kinda scary 😅 especially because we just heard something that sounded like a flush 😀 but no one was upstairs to even be flushing? and then water was just coming through the walls... and it was... scary... we couldn’t even control it since it wasn’t like a small oh... little slow leak... IT WAS A WHOLE WATERFALL 🤡 but um... maintenance is working on it now... and some random men were all up in our apartment like it felt invansive but how else could they assess the damage... i guess cause they’re random people. i mean i’ve seen them before but still... get out of my breathing area 🤡 the cute bus driver saw though... saw them getting all the water out of my house 😸 i couldn’t see them that well since i was in my car and it was fogged up from me my dog and my roommate hiding in it since it was warmer in there than it was outside. they probably didn’t know that some places got pipes busted but... oh well 🧍🏻‍♀️ i was hoping i would get to see them upclose without a mask... but instead i just saw a bunch of men 😐 like bruh let me see your cuteness upclose without a mask 😔 i wonder what they thought. probably “damn that sucks” because it does. but we didn’t get the worst of it so... theres that... it would’ve been nice if i had seen some tiktok videos BEFORE anything happened. apparently you’re supposed to drip when cold and when its gonna freeze you fill tubs turn off the water and then get the last bit of water out of the pipes so that way no water will freeze and expand to break the pipes 🤡 but our apartment complex told us to just drip and then fill tubs with water but never to turn off the water... we turned it off after all the damage happened 😀 anyway too late now and now we know. we didn’t before since IT NEVER SNOWS IN TEXAS MUCH LESS GET IN THE SINGLE DIGITS. it was only single digits at night but still... WE DIDNT HAVE POWER. i could deal with not having power. like i’ve gone 2+ days without power it just sucks but no WATER? thats a whole other story 😀 our lights go out because of heavy TROPICAL STORMS OR SOMETHING THAT ISNT FROZEN. and thats fine. i can deal with no power. we just hid in our rooms and it wasn’t THAT cold for us. it was only 14 the majority of the day and at night it was single digits but i just put a ton of blankets over me and my dog and i hope he wasn’t cold because i felt fine when i covered myself up. but now we have power... at least... no water... but now we have ✨ heat ✨the area i live in is designed to deal with heavy water so the draining is pretty good... some people complain but where i grew up the drainage was even WORSE since we never even had i rain i swear i lived in the flipping desert. but not snow 😸 or ICE THAT COVERED MY CAR BY AT LEAST AN INCH. i couldn’t even put my key in the key hole 🤡 um anyway the apartment seems okay ish. and hopefully the water comes back on soon. fingers crossed 😸 the pipes aren’t too bad 😀 flooding is scary but not as scary as snow... i guess cause i grew up around flooding so i’m used to it? but my house at home was purposefully elevated so we wouldn’t really have to deal with it. even then it still almost reached our front door... i just know i never have it the worst. i have seen FEET of water for other people when it almost reached our front door so we were lucky... mother nature 😸🥰 shes upset... we treat the world like TRASH. and pollute it... also no one told me snow got so murky... like why is it mot pure white and fluffy pretty anymore? she looks like a coke slush rn 🤡 but some people let their dogs literally poop and pee EVERYWHERE and all the poop just gets spread... how nasty 😀 i pick up my dogs poops... anyway i’m... tired... so... night... still have to study for exams 😸
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6 Types of Rental Property Add-Ons (& a Look at Whether They’re Worth It)
Generally speaking, adding additional living space to a property is not advisable unless its in a particularly high-end neighborhood. But as with anything, there are exceptions to this rule. Certain homes naturally lend themselves to easy additions, such as bedrooms or bathrooms, or present opportunities to convert already existing space into living space. Consider the following ways to not only improve your property but also add value to your investment. Bedroom or Bathroom Addition Sometimes you dont even need to add any square footage to a home in order to create an extra bedroom or bathroomeither of which can substantially increase the value of a property. (This is especially true if the house only has two bedrooms or one bathroom.) A third bedroom is advantageous to property owners because most families who are looking to move wont settle for any fewer. Families typically intend to stay in place longer than single tenants; therefore, they can be easily turned off by what they consider inadequate space. In certain situations, its even worthwhile to add a fourth bedroomespecially if the addition is easy to do. But it is rarely beneficial for homeowners to add a fifth. Oftentimes, especially with older homes, floor plans are far less than optimal (think large hallways and other poorly utilized space). Wasted square footage can present an opportunity to throw up a few walls, build a closet and install a door. Boom! Youve got another bedroom. As an alternative, maybe you could cut one large bedroom into twobut be careful with this. Heads of households (like parents) tend to like bigger master bedrooms, so avoid dividing one room into two if its the only large bedroom in the home.
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Related: 7 Creative Ways to Add BRs, BAs & Other Value-Adds to Your Rental [With Pics!] Heres a final note on bedrooms: they must be at least 10 feet by 10 feet. They also arent legally deemed a bedroom if: they dont have a window to the exterior;dont have a closet; orare solely accessible by going through another bedroom. Bathroom additions dont require as much space, but they are more expensive to build. Remember, you will have to run plumbing, so the closer your new bathroom is to the main stack, the better. If there is a basement (or at least an easily accessible crawlspace), this can make it a lot easier to install new plumbing. Houses that are built on a slab foundation, however, are pretty much a lost cause. To add an extra bath would require cutting into the concrete to lay the plumbing, which is (needless to say) quite expensive. If a floor plan allows for it, there are several instances when adding a bathroom is a good idea. One key opportunity is when you are dealing with a large housesay, approximately 1,500 square feet or bigger. When possible, the extra bathroom should be connected to the master bedroom. (Again, parents love privacy.) As a space-saving option, a shower stall can be installed instead of a bathtub. And if there isnt enough square footage to add a full bathroom, a half bathroom (just a toilet and vanity without a bathtub) is still a significant improvement. Another instance in which you should try to add a half bath is when youre dealing with a large, multistory home with no bathroom on the first floor. Nobody wants to go all the way upstairs to use the restroom, and most people wouldnt like to send guests up there either. If you can squeeze in a half bath on the main level, its usually worth it to do so. That being said, preferably a house will have a bathroom on every floor. Worst case scenario would be a multistory property with all of the bedrooms upstairs and the only bathroom downstairs. Having to go down a flight of stairs every time nature calls in the middle of the night is not only less than ideal, but also dangerous. Theres no size requirements with regard to bathrooms, but they should be big enough for people to comfortably do anything they might need to get done in one. Unfortunately, bedroom and bathroom additions are not always practical or financially feasible. Whether or not the property is begging for one or the other (or both!) should factor into your decision to purchase the property in the first place. Related: 12 Creative Ways to Add Major Value to Apartment Buildings Garage Conversions More often than not, garage conversions arent worth it. Certain situations, however, make sense. First of all, recognize that by converting the garage into, say, a bedroom, you are quite obviously losing a garage in the process. Secondly, the garage will probably need to be insulated. And thirdly, it can be tough to match a homes siding or paint color if the conversion requires you remove the garage door. (For that reason, garage conversions are easiest when you also intend to update the homes exterior.) Garages are also often built on slabseven when the rest of the house is built on a crawlspace foundation or basement. Sometimes those slabs have settled, creating an uneven surface, which can make remodeling that much more difficult. Regardless, there are times when it does make sense to pull the trigger on a conversion. The most obvious instance is when you have a relatively small house (like a two-bedroom, 800-square-foot home) with a two-car garage. Its unlikely tenants need both garage bays, so using half the garage space to create a master bedroom and bathroom could add a lot of value while also retaining one garage spot. In some lower-end areas, I have seen investors carve out most of the garage to build an additional bedroom, while leaving the very front of the garage as basically a small storage locker. The purpose behind this? Section 8 pays more for additional bedrooms. So, these investors increase their income even if it makes the house feel a bit awkward.
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Basement Conversions Whereas garage conversions are usually a bad idea, basement conversions are almost always a bad idea. I encountered countless half-finished basements when exploring properties shortly after the crash of 2008. Apparently, an unfathomable number of people thought it would be a good idea to refinance their house in order to finish their basement. Needless to say, they chose unwisely. Basement conversions can have a variety of problems. For one, many appraisals dont consider any finished space below grade (underground) to be countable square footage. Ive witnessed appraisers not count bathrooms when they were part of a finished basement. This means that the upward adjustment post-conversion will be rather small even though the cost can be substantial. But a bigger problem is water; a lot of basements leak. Most are vulnearble when there is a torrential downpour. And it can be an essentially endless and fruitless battle to prevent this from happening. Mold can form when water gets into a basement. Then, the property owner has to tear out the affected drywall and reinstall it, assuming theyve actually been able to seal the source of the leak. Its another metric of which Ive lost track. I cant count the number of finished basements Ive seen that are missing the bottom foot or two of drywall because of water damage. Rental properties with finished basements can introduce further problems. If a tenant has property in the basement and its destroyed by water issues, well, theyre not going to be particularly happy with you! Yet, there are times when basement conversion do make sense. The first instance occurs when additional bedrooms are at an extreme premium. The most obvious example of this isstudent housing, which rents out by the bedroom in hot markets. My dad is the master of finding ways to carve out bedrooms for his student rentalshe fills every nook and cranny. These extra bedrooms are often built in basements. Another instance when it makes sense to convert a basement is within a house where you can do a cheap finish. Best case scenario are homes with walk-out basements. With this type of property, only one side of the basement is underground (maybe due to the fact the house is on a hill). With these, I recommend simply painting all the walls white and the floor gray with an oil-based paint (so it wont scuff when people walk on it). Perhaps add a few lights, too. Voila! This finishes the basementsort ofand can make the space more appealing to renters, buyers, and appraisers. The best part is its cheap! Attic Conversions Attic conversions are rarely possible, but can make sense in certain circumstances. There are three major conditions that need to be met for an attic addition to work: The stairs to the attic need to be in good shape and not overly steep.The ceilings need to be tall enough.The area must be properly ventilated. Attics can get really hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Without an additional attic on top of your attic conversion, there wont be much insulation. So, you need to make sure the space can be heated and cooled sufficiently. Oftentimes, even if you have central air, you will want to provide an additional window unit. Steep stairs can turnoff buyers and renters, as well. The International Residential Code recommends that for a rise of 7.75 inches (vertical part), there should be a run (horizontal part) of 10 inches. Older homes may be grandfathered in with a steeper rise, but it shouldnt be too much steeper than that. Building codes vary by the region, but most require at least a seven foot ceiling. The 1994 Uniform Building Code requires a ceiling height of at least seven feet, six inches. Check the building requirements in your municipality, but anything less than that most likely cannot technically be considered living space. Regardless, very few people would want to have a bedroom with ceilings lower than that anyways. If your property meets all of these criteria and there is substantial value to gain by adding more living space, then (and only then) should you consider converting your attic. Enclosing a Porch Rarely is it a good idea to enclose a front porch in order to add on to a house. Back patios, however, can be a different story. It sometimes makes sense to enclose, insulate, ventilate, and convert back patios into an additional bedroom or living space. There are a few questions to ask yourself before embarking down this path. First things first: does the house needs extra living space to begin with? Next, keep in mind that people really like having direct access to their backyard. So, if you are planning to turn the porch into a bedroom, make sure theres another door to the backyard. (At the very least, ensure you can add a new one elsewhere.) Finally, just like with garage conversions, acknowledge that youre losing something when you enclose a porch. People like outdoor spaces, especially in cities with pleasant climates. Weigh the pros and cons before making the plunge. Is the cost of converting the porch actually worth the trade-off? Building an Addition Building an addition is somewhat like building a small house that attaches to an existing one. Maybe the foundation is already there, but its rare. Youll likely be starting from scratch. Anything like this requires permits. (Full transparency, much of the above does, as well, depending on the municipality). For this reason, adding an addition is rarely worth it unless property is located in a high-end area. Conclusion Adding additional bedrooms and converting non-livable space into livable space can be a huge value-add to real estate. But its not without costs, both financially and to the property itself. There are times when it makes absolute sense to pull the trigger, and others when it does not. This should provide a helpful guide for making such decisions.
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When was a time you had to make a decision on value-adds for your properties? Comment below! https://www.biggerpockets.com/renewsblog/rental-property-add-ons
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samanthasroberts · 7 years
Betches Love This College: The University Of Georgia
College is the best four years (five if you play your cards right) of any betchs life. No no. That wasnt a question. So in honor of college admissions season being like now, were bringing back Betches Love This College. That way, you can pick where to go to school based on important shit like parties and drinking rather than grades and what you want to be when you grow up. Youre welcome in advance.
In terms of where to apply, everyone knows Manhattanites go Ivy League (and Emory), while West Coasters love the Arizona schools. But what about Southern betches? Where tf do they go? The University of Georgia, thats where. UGA has all the cool shit Southern schools are known for like gorgeous people, insane Greek life, an awesome-ish football team, etc., but its also really hard to get into these days so you cant be a total hillbilly and go there. Sorry Alabama, maybe next year. So heres what you need to know.
The People
Greeks: Given that UGA is a massive Southern university, its not exactly groundbreaking that Greek life is no fucking joke. In terms of whos who, you can put them into two categories: old row and new row. Your old row sororities (ADPi, KKG, Theta, XO and Phi Mu) pretty much have the Atlanta private schools on lock, plus rich Texas and North Carolina girls. So unless youre one of those or the worlds hottest legacy, youre not getting in. But dont fret, public school betches. There are a handful of new row sororities that are just as good if not better. KD, ZTA and AOPi are definitely the best.
For the fraternities, theyre exactly what youd expect. Super fratty and douchey. Look out for pledges the first few weeks of school. Theyll be the guys walking around campus in suits who look like they want to fucking kill themselves. Poor kids. Before your 4-5 years are up, youll definitely want to be asked on Old South because who doesnt want to get wasted in an antebellum dress? So make nice with the KAs.
Orientation Leaders: You know the girl in high school who was the head cheerleader, volleyball captain, class president, valedictorian and still managed to volunteer at the local nursing home on the weekends? Yeah, this is what she becomes in college. There are guy OLs too, but that didnt work with my analogy. Every year, 12 people are picked from the entire 30,000+ person student body to help the freshman figure shit out before move-in day. If Taylor Swift had gone to UGA, she probs would have been an OL. Seems like the type.
Hipsters: Besides that Travelocity commercial and being the worlds greatest college town, Athens is a pretty artsy place. Most importantly, it has a kick-ass music scene, so what does that mean? Hipsters be flocking so they can see musicians before they go mainstream. They leave town during home games, hate the Greeks and smoke a lot. Theyre probs photojournalism or lit majors and arent involved in anything on campus because thats for the stereotypical norm. Fucking duh.
Athletes: If youre not one of first three, youre most likely a student athlete. Football players are easy to spot because theyre the massive, Nike-clad guys who ride around campus on red vespas. Have you ever seen a linebacker on a scooter? Its a sight. But tbh, no one really gives a shit about seeing football players. Too common. The athletes to be on the lookout for are the Gymdogs, UGAs badass gymnasts, and Olympians. UGA had like 30 people compete in Rio and they won 10 medals. Thats more than most countries. Pretty fucking impressive. If you see any of the gold medalists, be sure to get that shit on your Snapchat story.
Where To Live
Freshmen: All UGA freshman are required to live in the dorms. Just a heads up, these arent the dorms of Buckingham fucking Palace you see on Pinterest. The box my Tori Burch riding boots came in is bigger than these. But suck it up. Its just a year. In terms of the best dorms to live in, the high-rises are the only way to go. There are a shit ton of other dorms around campus that are nicer, but only weirdos live in those and they arent as fun. Youre here to get shitfaced and meet people, not for the Ritz Carlton-esque amenities.
Sophomores: Assuming you go Greek, and I feel like most of yall reading this will, you move into the sorority house your second year. UGA sorority houses are mansions and can house about 60 girls so hopefully you dont need much alone time. The upsides? You have a chef who cooks all your meals, maids and maintenance people to fix things, and theres always something fun going on. The downsides? No alcohol in the house, no boys upstairs and if you eat all three meals everyday youll get fat.
Upperclassmen: If freshman and sophomore year wasnt enough to get the batshit crazy out of your system, you move to Georgia Heights. This place isnt disgusting like a frat house or anything, its just in the middle of downtown where all the bars and restaurants are so if you live here, youll end up going out every single night. Rent is high because the location is fire and the apartments are super nice. If youre more of a chill upperclassman, you and your friends should rent house in Five Points. Theyre close to Milledge (Greek row) and the stadium so theyre perfect for hosting tailgates and wine nights.
Pauleys: Every night out starts at Pauleys, a crepe bar that serves a billion different beers on tap and insanely cheap bottles of wine. Tbh, no one really goes there to eat, although at least one person at the table will order the chips and Terrapin beer cheese dip or a Nutella banana crepe. The real gem is the Manmosa, which is just a mimosa plus vodka. Aka a regular betch mimosa.
Bourbon: Its technical name is Bourbon Street, but dont call it that or youll look like a newb. This is the closest thing to a freshman bar Athens has. Why no real freshman bar? Because the only places that are 18+ are sketchy af and no one goes there. Im not going to go into the deets about what you need to have in your wallet to get into these 21 and up bars before youre actually of age because I dont want to be liable for your law-breaking ass, but I think youre picking up what Im putting down. If not, talk to your big. Shell hook you up. Back to Bourbon. Its a total shit show because freshman who cant handle their liquor take over the place. But its a rite of passage and its always rated one of the top college bars in the U.S. so if youre in Athens because youre a student or just in town for a game, you have to go there.
College Ave: Along this stretch of downtown are three bars you need to know: Sandbar, City and Silver Dollar. These used to be considered upperclassmen spots, but now you can find pretty much anyone there. Because there are so many bars in Athens (80 in one square mile for all you mathematicians), no one just stays put in one place the whole night because that would be boring. Since these are literally all right next door to each other, theyre super easy to bounce in between when you need a change of pace. These are the places to see and be seen.
Creature Comforts: Besides being one of the best breweries in the whole damn country, Creature Comforts downtown address makes it the perfect spot to pregame a night out or day drink instead of going to class.
Big Events
Shower Cap: In the spring, all the fraternities host huge parties so everyone can cope with the fact that football season is over. Literally every frat has one, but SAEs Shower Cap is the biggest and best of them all. Tbh, I have no idea why were all so obsessed with it. Its just like hundreds, maybe thousands, of blackout people on a fraternity house lawn, but its amazing. Theres always a band and the people watching will give you life.
Twilight: Every year, Athens hosts this crazy bike race called Twilight in the middle of downtown. Three reasons why everyone loves it: 1) This isnt like you and your first grade bestie seeing who can get to the bottom of the hill first. This race is some Lance Armstrong level shit. 2) Its always right before finals week so everyone gets drunk af because theyre actually gonna have to study soon. 3) Open. Container.
Georgia-Florida: All of football season at UGA is a big event, but theres nothing bigger than GAFLA. The school literally plans fall break around it because they know everyone would still bail on class if they didnt. Every year, the game is played in Jacksonville, Fla., but instead of staying close to the stadium, UGA students stay a few hours away in St. Simons. Why? Because its bullshit that its in Florida every year, and Georgians want to keep their tax dollars in state. Im not even kidding. Thats the real reason. The Friday before the game, the entire student body takes over a stretch of beach aka Frat Beach and has a massive cluster fuck of a party. The residents of SSI hate it. The university hates it. But despite their many attempts, theres nothing they can do to stop it.
Every August, youll think its UGAs year for football and that this team will go all the way. Every October, your hopes and dreams will be shattered. Just go ahead and prepare yourself for football heartbreak.
Parking is a fucking nightmare, the bus drivers are absolute savages, and regardless of which direction youre walking, its miraculously always uphill. So getting around campus is a bitch. But if you take the walking route, youll have a killer ass.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/05/30/betches-love-this-college-the-university-of-georgia/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/05/30/betches-love-this-college-the-university-of-georgia/
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