#this isnt even getting into my other odd eating habits. of which i have many.
orcelito · 1 year
Can't let anyone forget about my practically obscene love of mushrooms. I will post about it constantly.
#speculation nation#im a little freak actually so i hope my collection of new followers r fine with that#loving mushrooms is not freak material but the level that i love them kind of is#this isnt even getting into my other odd eating habits. of which i have many.#or my habit of sampling anything and everything at work so long as it's Technically edible#up to and including plain matcha concentrate and rose concentrate and vanilla paste#and hazelnut extract and vanilla extract and caramel extract and#ive eaten plain coffee beans before and in fact DELIGHT in taking the lemon ginger shots. just plain lemon juice mixed with ginger juice#ginger juice as in just juice from the ginger. not a ginger beer no just straight ginger concentrate. i love that shit.#let's see what are other things ive sampled at work...?#plain sugar syrups. always awful. hate sweet shit like that. i will still sample them tho if i get some on me#uhm. boba dough. which ive heard unprocessed tapioca is uh. toxic. but i think ours is processed?#i havent gotten poisoned from it yet! and handmade boba dough is actually pretty tasty#raw store bought boba is one of the worst tastes and textures ive ever experienced tho#which yes i have sampled that too. and spat it out bc i couldnt bring myself to swallow. awful awful awful.#it's kinda a running joke at my workplace that i will sample basically Anything#i cant help it 😭 the other day there was a lil bit of vanilla paste left over on the tablespoon#so i just went and dripped it into my mouth w/o thinking on my way to put the tablespoon in the dish area#& the employee just saw me physically cringe. drop the tablespoon at the sinks. then rush to the hand washing sink to rinse my mouth#& he was just like. 'did you just SAMPLE that????'#& i had to be like. '....yeah😭😭😭😭😭'#to b fair some months ago he saw me sample the rose extract. run to the sink to rinse my mouth#then 15 mins later. not learning my lesson. sample the vanilla extract. then run to the sink to rinse my mouth.#the vanilla extract was slightly nicer than the rose extract. bc at least it didnt make my tongue numb (like the rose did)#Flavor Shock. that shit's real man#anyways ramble post is rambles. i just dont want anyone to think im cool or anything lmfao
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ghostandblog · 5 years
Talking about Movies
FF / AO3
Summary: Bored in the library, Hannah and Barbara play a small game thinking about their friends.
Pairing: Sucy/Akko, Hannah/Amanda, Barbara/Lotte ( all characters are mentioned but not all appear, this is mostly about H&B talking).
Word count: 1,890
“Alright, let’s start with…Diana.”
Hannah’s tone is low, almost like a whisper, despite the library being pretty much empty. She looks at her friend with an inquisitive look.
Barbara rests her hand on her chin, with a concentrated expression as she thinks of their overachieving roommate. She considers her proper body posture, aristocrat upbringing, and the way she always goes for the most complex words at the moment of talking, which Barbara was sure it was a conscious decision on her part. It reminds her of black and white films, stories of powerful yet vulnerable heroes, beautifully designed yet simple dresses, and a sense of elegance that is just absent in most modern movies. With a clear answer on her mind, she looks back at Hannah.
“Diana would be… Classic Hollywood.”
Hannah raises her eyebrow a little bit. “That’s an odd connection.”
“Not at all, it makes perfect sense. Think of her as…Gone with the Wind or Citizen Kane”. Once she figures that her redheaded friend is convinced, she clasps her fingers together with a small smirk. “Alright, my turn. Give me a movie genre for… Amanda.”
Hannah narrows her eyes for a moment. “Amanda…Amanda would be adventure films. Movies that provide an… exciting sense of wonder. Purposely throwing yourself to danger in order to find new experiences, marvelously choreographed action scenes. You know, stories about the discoveries of ancient secrets and hidden treasures that also would lead to the discovery of…new aspects of yourself.” Hannah feels her lips forming a smile, then looks at Barbara’s grinning expression and worries that she may have flattered their american classmate a bit too much. “B-but there would not be, like, anything meaningful in them! always B-rated flicks with zero substance, yeah! That’s Amanda.”
She looks around them, worried that maybe she spoke a little too loud, but finds the library as empty as it was when they came for their now-paused study session. Hoping that her blush isn’t too noticeable, Hannah points at Barbara.
“Your turn now! Constanze?”
Barbara giggles a little bit, this was definitely a no-brainer. “Well duh, science fiction movies!” Giant robots, scientists working on their laboratories creating complex machines. Barbara entertains the idea that the short girl’s birthplace and silent nature is reminiscent of german expressionism cinema, but she knows she may be reaching with that one. “Jasminka?”
Hannah lets out a mocking chuckle. “I dunno. The cooking channel?”. After both share a small laugh, she tries to give a more thoughtful response. “But like, seriously, there is a sort of…warmth in her, you know? Always offering a tiny bit of what she’s eating, always with that calm smile of hers, it kind of reminds me of those feel-good movies that you watch as a kid with your parents, the ones with happy endings no matter what, or no matter how cheesy. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, if you will.”
Barbara nods, not really having anything to add.
Hannah raises her eyebrow again, this time placing a hand under her chin. “Now what would Lotte be?”
Barbara’s mind goes back to the finnish girl and remembers how she got to know her better thanks to their shared interest in Nightfall. She thinks of impossible love stories, star-crossed lovers, and above all, stories of girls that at some point may have been perceived as plain-looking or invisible, but later prove themselves beautifully unique and irreplaceable to the eyes of the previously dismissive hero. Unlike Hannah, she is not ashamed of her blushing face neither tries to hide it. She lets out a sigh before speaking.
“Lotte would be romance. Definitely.”
“Hehe. Of course she would.”
“You now. How about…Kagari?”
Hannah blinks, not really sure what to say at first, then finds a clear answer just by looking at Barbara’s smirk, knowing for sure that she is thinking the same thing as her.
“Comedy!”, they both say almost in unison, covering the giggling with their hands, more like a habit than a genuine attempt at keeping it quiet.
Atsuko Kagari. Always tripping over something, always making a mistake in her potions that resulted in some kind of explosion and her face covered in ashes. It’s like she was born to make every situation around her funny, and her almost negative intellect didn’t help, either. Everything she did was a source of laughs. Comedy certainly suited her alright.
Hannah wipes a small tear from her eye after laughing maybe a little too much, remembering it was her turn to ask.
“Okay Barb, what about creepy Susie?”
“Yeah. What about me?”
The monotone tone of voice is familiar, but the surprise is still there when they turn around and see the figure of a pale girl with long purple hair, her only visible eye looking directly at them with a tired expression, bangs covering the other one.
Hannah tries to stand back almost instinctively, accidentally tripping with one of her feet and falling out of her chair in a very unflattering manner, not unlike the way of the clumsy girl they were laughing at recently.
Barbara remains sitting where she is, petrified, with her hands placed in front of her as if she were trying to stop a sudden attack coming from Sucy. She attempts to keep her cool, but still can feel the sweat on the back of her neck.
Sucy just stands there, her expression unfazed. Is only the slow, uninterested way she blinks that reminds Hannah and Barbara that the girl standing before them is still alive (as far as they know).
“S-sucy! Hannah and I were just, we-” Still doing her best to keep whatever remains of her composure, Barbara hopes that she can get them out of there alive by sweet-talking somehow.
“How long have you been just STANDING there!?” Hannah’s usual temper doesn’t make it easy for Barbara, though.
Sucy just gives her a quick, dismissive glance, before looking directly at Barbara, who is now wishing that her sweating isn’t as noticeable as she thinks it is.
“So? What movie genre I am?”
“Ah! Well, we- uhm, we thought that you, erm, obviously-”
As Barbara attempts to form a coherent lie, Sucy just gets closer to the point that their faces are mere inches to each other, as if to remind her that there would not be a way out of this unless she tells her what she wants to know.
“Answer the question. Which one I am?”
Barbara lets out a loud gulp. She can’t really think of a convincing lie, so she decides to just answer honestly, ready to face the lavender witch’s wrath.
“Horror. I…i was gonna say that you would be a horror movie.”
Her expression doesn’t change for the next seconds that to Barbara, felt like hours. Then a smile seems to form on her lips, just enough to let Barbara know that she was amused by her answer.
“Haha. Neat.”
“Yo, Sucy! Hurry up! I already found the book that Lotte asked us to get!”
Hearing the familiar, loud voice that doesn’t even try to pretend to be in a place meant for silence and studying, the three girls look at the other end of the library, where Akko is waving at them while holding an old, dusty book on her other hand. Sucy looks back at Hannah and Barbara, wearing the same uninterested expression as before.
“Gotta go now”.
Feeling like she dodged a mushroom-shaped bullet, Barbara tries to keep the tiny bit of composedness that she barely had, but lets out a deep breath the very moment Sucy turns back and goes to where Akko is. She keeps looking at their direction, though, if only to make sure that the creepy girl actually leaves and doesn’t have any kind of last card, snake or potion under her sleeve. While hearing them chat as they walk, Barbara can notice, once again, how Sucy’s body language changes just a little bit when walking alongside Akko.
“Hey Suz, what were you doing with Hannah and Barbara just now?”
“Eh. We were just talking.”
“About what?”
As they leave the library, the two blue team members can’t hear their conversation anymore. Hannah, still shaking due to their near-Sucy experience, tries to regain her collectedness and opens her books again without saying anything, willing to forget anything related to the game they were playing to slack off studying. Barbara’s attention is somewhere else, still looking at the door even after the two girls are no longer there.
If Barbara had to be honest, she didn’t particularly care for either of them… even if Lotte was still trying to get her to know them better. But despite her own indifference, she couldn’t deny that there was something…charming in how the weird, creepy, and off-putting girl with lavender hair managed to develop a soft spot for the clumsiest girl in school, and how it was hard to ignore given that she herself managed to notice certain patterns as she was looking for stuff to make fun of them. Back when she still found enjoyment in bullying the three red team members, she considered the idea to tease Sucy about her potential feelings towards her roommate, but even then her own sense of survival knew better than that.
The expression on her face softens up just a tiny bit, enough for Hannah to notice when she turns to talk to her again.
“Did you know, that despite how different and irreconcilable they may seem, the horror and comedy genres have a lot in common? Many film and literally critics agree on that.”
Hannah just looks at her with a confounded expression.
“If you pay attention, you would notice how many of the most acclaimed horror movies have a little bit of comedy in them. Not even as a foil, mostly as…a small piece that you didn’t know it would be missing. Something that you never thought would fit, but it does amazingly so. Yes, comedy and horror movies can exist on their own and work perfectly fine alone…”, pausing her words for a moment, she looks for her notes scrapped on the table to resume her studies, “…But is only when placed alongside with comedy that the horror genre gets to truly shine to its full potential.”
“What the heck are you going on about now?”
As if taken back from a trance, Barbara blinks a little, then just shrugs.
“I guess I just thought it was interesting.” She says almost instantly forgetting why that particular comparison came to her mind. “What about us though?”
“Yeah, what movie genre would we be?”
Hannah scratches her head. She considers the options left, even if at this point she is not really interested to keep playing the little game they both made up. “I dunno. Animation?”
Seemingly considering the answer for a moment, Barbara lets out a dismissive laugh while opening one of her books. “Ha! As if.”
“Yeah, you are right. I’m not a big fan of cartoons, in all honesty.” Hannah says as she thinks of repetitive Saturday-morning animated shows, the ones with talking animals wearing funny clothes, stock sound effects, and the same background scene over and over. “Is just stuff for little kids anyway. Like, who has time for that kind of crap?”
Hannah and Barbara being named after Hanna-Barbera will never not be funny to me.
Has something like this been done before? at first i wanted to compare the characters to music genres and bands but besides picking Kraftwerk for Constanze i've got nothing. Kinda not very really convinced how this one turned out, but still, i think is better to just publish it instead of letting it accumulate metaphorical dust in my drafts forever lol. I think I also better look for some beta readers for my next fic, i have a couple of other unfinished ideas even if I am not really sure what do…writing-wise? Guess we’ll see.
Amanda being Hannah’s gay awakening is a really cute concept. Is really growing on me!
Still, thank you for reading! Hope you all enjoyed this.
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interrogatormentors · 6 years
Event Two: Straight Flush
CA: if thats howw shits gotta be i get it CA: i really do CA: just lettin you knoww youre gonna regret this. CA: and by the time you realize wwhat a fuckin mistake youvve made in pushin me awway CA: ill be far beyond your reach
-- caligulasAquarium [CA] has left the memo! --
By this point in Eridan Ampora’s life, he knew space as lonely and fickle. He knew that the gaps between stars yawned millennia, and trolls at the top clawed and stabbed each other in the back at every opportunity. As a graduate of the Fleet Academy, Eridan knew this very well. What he hadn’t been prepared for was all the fucking paperwork.
Eridan stared at the blinking cursor on the scheduling spreadsheet in front of him, but no matter how hard he crossed his eyes the numbers never started making sense. As a well-established Dreadnought Condescension team, the DC Reichenbach’s crew all possessed equally established habits and schedules. Needless to say they didn’t take too kindly to an uppity new Head Admin coming in and shuffling shit around.
Eridan leaned back in his chair, lifting his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. The ship had one of its usual hiccups then, the lights flaring as an energy shift took place. Wonderful. With his free hand Eridan fumbled for the intercom button. “Get back in the helm, Riesse.”
After a pause a light blinked on the callbox at Eridan’s side, indicating an incoming call. “Yo, it’s been a perigee. Use my name or I riot,” said Riesse.
“Oh, funny, I can’t see Shakes anywhere on your file Riesse.”
Eridan rested his head on his desk, staring at the floor as he tried to gather himself.
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“Shakes. You’ve got a break from the helm tomorrow, we can’t keep usin’ antimatter engines like this. You know that the maintenance for it costs a fuckin’ fortune-”
“Mmmmyeah we can,” Riesse or Shakes or whatever the fuck that fucking brown’s name was. Eridan was tired of battling about it, but he still felt an obligation to protest. “I got shit to do with Bricks.”
“And the captain, and the Chief Intelligence Officer,” Eridan said. Further slouching caused his glasses to slip right off his nose onto the floor. “You can’t all take a break at the same time every week.”
“Yeah, we can,” said Shakes. “God, haven’t you ever heard of like, free time and social bonding? You should join us sometime. Bricks’ got a rad as hell campaign set up and Illhal said she might be transferring. We’ve got an open spot. Table’s big enough for one mooore. Loosen up, holy shit.”
Eridan hung up the call. “Uppity fuckin’ mudfucker,” he said, picking up his glasses from the floor. “Oh wow, let’s just stick a bulge in the captain, get free breaks just whenever.” 
Ever since the helming techs had come out with mobile helmsman upgrades, highbloods who had quadrants with psionic lowbloods were crawling all over it. Some lowblood sympathetic fleet captains and helming techs and docterrors had written essays about the benefits of this new technology, which boasted alleged benefits such as increased helmsman longevity and better synchronization to the ship’s systems. The technology actually meant that those lowbloods with highblood quadrants were guaranteed the ability to move if their quads got their own ship and the rank of fleet captain, and it also meant that said lowbloods came with a hefty pair of globes to match.
Eridan tried to assure himself that he shouldn’t have been surprised. The Reichenbach’s captain was a piece of work to say the least, and her matesprit was such a cocky bastard with no respect for his blood superiors. As blood equals, with Captain Nekara as his superior in age and rank, Eridan kept his mouth shut to humor her smug piece of shit matesprit who jittered with ridiculous amounts of excess psionic energy.
Eridan’s palmhusk started beeping then, letting him know about breaktime, and he cast a defeated look to the stark and empty crew schedule. Normally he’d just work through his break, considering he never had other obligations. This time, he tried something new.
[Welcome to Poker Palace Server 2022A, caligulasAquarium, apocalypticTreeswing, circuitryCloser, torpidAnnihilator! Please read the rules and have fun! Currently there are 40 viewers of this game.]
AT: aw (fuck) aw beans aw no AT: playing with (fucking) TA?????? CC: hhehhe get wrekt dood CA: wwhat CA: do you knoww each other AT: nah dude’s a (damn) bot or whatever and wins every (fucking) time AT: shoot i wanted to bet money on this match too CC: just bet on TA man CC: thhey’re like always online ur going to make a hHELLA profit AT: my pride tho CA: wwhat pride AT: DUDE :*C
Poker didn’t seem too labor intensive, especially when Eridan could theoretically still work on the schedule on the other monitor. As time progressed he instead found that the match he’d gotten roped into took all his focus after the user torpidAnnihilator wiped the floor with all of them as apocalypticTreeswing had warned. Users could theoretically stay for infinite matches, and so a rematch began.
TA won again.
And again.
Over and over TA called bluff after bluff, and unveiled hand after winning hand after intimidating everyone else, even as AT and CC left and were replaced by other users. Each user expressed dismay at seeing TA there, but something in Eridan had been awoken.
He needed to win. So he kept playing even as his break ended, eyes flicking from schedule to poker match as he continued to lose over and over. He could have fun and loosen up, totally. He just had to win first.
[Welcome to Poker Palace Server 3014C, caligulasAquarium, torpidAnnihilator, gentrificationAwaiting, corporealTone! Please read the rules and have fun! Currently there are 67 viewers of this game.]
CA: ready to lose fucker CA: you cant wwin forevver CT: ...what CA: do i look like im talkin to you GA: i mEan it’s an opEn chatroom, so GA: if you’rE talking to TA good luck haha, CA: ivve been goin at it for four perigees hes gotta lose sometime CT: ...lol GA: LOL, GA: i’vE bEEn playing for tEn swEEps!! GA: thEy don’t losE!  CA: wwell wwere gonna see about THAT noww wwont wwe CA: if youvve got a penchant for believvin anyone that isnt the empress can be infallible youre sadly fuckin mistaken CA: one wway or another im gonna fuckin provve it and then youll eat your fuckin wwords. chumps
TA said nothing as per usual, but this silence stopped bothering Eridan long ago. He had become used to the empty silence that filled the digital lobby during games. Every muscle in Eridan’s body tensed as time went on and he focused, watching everything unfold as he kept his cards close to his virtual chest. The match concluded as it usually did, with GA and CT folding and TA refusing to show their hand. After playing this long, however, Eridan had learned to take his chances. If they needed to, TA usually folded or called a bluff second. This time they’d held onto their cards.
CA: bluff you dont havve shit CT: ...we both got shit hands you know hes got a good one CA: still callin it
With the bluff called, TA’s hand flipped over to reveal a four, two fives of separate suits, and an eight. Not necessarily a bad hand, but not a good one. The entire world stopped and Eridan felt a funny lurch in his digestive sack. He lurched to his feet, staring at the screen for a good minute.
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For so many perigees, Eridan had worked towards this very moment. Each second that he stood there taking slow, shaking breaths to comprehend what had just happened felt like an eternity of downright euphoria. He’d done it.
However the world, and more importantly the game, wouldn’t wait forever. He moved his shaky hands to type out the damning words.
CA: straight flush CA: i wwin
A silence followed, and Eridan felt so fucking giddy, like there were clouds below his feet. He hadn’t felt this good in perigees. The commenters who had been gossiping about the inevitable outcome of the match had lapsed into shock with the other players also at a loss. TA, as always, remained silent. Finally, GA and CT began to type, almost in unison.
GA: what CT: ...holy shit GA: arE you fucking serious no WAY you’rE cheating! CA: if this wwere anythin but an online servver i wwould be less insulted CA: i cant code my wway out of a wwet paper bag CT: ...still theres no way you couldve beaten him of all people CA: look a lot of this game is luck okay wwhat the fuck are you talkin about CA: havve you evven played poker before in your life TA: Huh. TA: Well, thII2 II2 a 2urprII2e. TA: ThII2 game wa2 quIIte refre2hIIng, thank you. CT: ...hhhhhhhooooh my god
The match closed itself then, leaving Eridan staring at his victory screen. Something about that quirk seemed familiar, but he shook the thought away. The one he’d known with that quirk had disappeared a sweep before Eridan himself had left the rebellion. He had to be dead by now. Friend requests started pinging on his poker profile as he sat there, viewers of the match itself enamored by the new champion. More than a few angry messages popped up, considering TA’s popularity in betting circles. Only one private message caught Eridan’s attention.
TA: Let me know IIf you would lIIke to play me agaIIn 2ometIIme. TA: II am very aware you have been 2talkIIng 2erver2 lookIIng for me and that would 2ave 2ome ha22le on your end II thIInk. TA: That was the mo2t fun II have had for a whIIle. TA: II may have two quIIt 2oon con2IIderIIng your mo2t deft humIIlIIatIIon, but fIIndIIng a new hobby II2 laborIIou2.
Eridan reread the messages at least five times to absorb just what the mysterious reigning champion of the poker ring was actually offering. There was an odd little flutter in his chest, something he’d thought he’d never feel again. Pride, and a well-earned, well deserved sense of pride at that. Acknowledgement by an ever-supreme master at a craft, even for something as little as poker, meant worlds to him. He couldn’t help the grin that crossed his face, still on a euphoric high  at the sudden turn of events.
CA: uh wwoww okay CA: look evveryone loses evventually unless youre hackin or wwhatevver CA: surprised no one else called you out TA: The thIIng about garnerIIng a reputatIIon IIn onlIIne communIItIIe2 II2 IIntimIIdatIIon and people fallIIng on your bulge in terror ju2t come2 wIIth the whole package. TA: And a2 you know, that II2 the name of the game. CA: i thought it wwas poker TA: What? TA: Oh, very funny. CA: oh my god you talk like a fuckin loser howw old are you TA: That II2 a very rude que2tIIon. TA: II wIIll 2ee you agaIIn, ErIIdan. All haIIl the Empre22. CA: all hail i guess
TA logged off then. Eridan continued to bask in his own victory before freezing, eyes scanning over the last few messages TA had sent.
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That couldn’t be possible.
He took a moment, eyes fixed on that one sentence in the chatlog again before he flipped over to his personal profile. No, nothing there. He had made sure not to put any identifying information on his profile apart from his blood color code, which more than a few members did. His name wasn’t anywhere on the site.
Swallowing hard, Eridan closed the poker site down for now and opened this week’s schedule and maintenance logs. Only victory mattered, and he’d accomplished that. What could some random nobody on the internet do to him?
Maybe Shakes’ D&D session would be a little less nerve-wracking.
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solarianradiance · 6 years
Heartsick: Loving Rage
And you just finished your third therapy session with JOHN EGBERT, and things were pretty productive. 
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EB: so is... that it then?
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TT: That’s it, unless you have something else you feel like sharing. Which I encourage you do, since we are still here.
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EB: nah, i was actually getting a lil sleepy, glad we can do something else now.
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TT: Ok, then why dont you run along and play now, the big kid toys on the playground are open~
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EB: ok i’ll-
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EB: ...rose...>:B
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TT: Sorry, you just seemed like an eager child waiting for recess, wanting to burn off his energy in a game of tag. A lil playfulness isnt going to hurt~
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EB: right, well, your eagerness to reduce me to child-like context makes me think you might want kids, or could be an assertion to your unfulfilled childhood.
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TT: Using my status as psychologist, and attempting to use it on me, can be interpreted as a sort of challenge, a display for primal ugres pertaining to the desire for dominance.
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TT: Is this your way of saying that you want dominate me John?~♥
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EB: what?! no! i want nothing of the sort! <:B
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TT: Or perhaps you want me to dominate you?~
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EB: ok, enough! this is weird enough as it is and i want no part of your weird kinky fantasies!
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TT: Doesn't take a psychologist to know that you love it~
John absconds tfo, likely off to reevaluate his sense of company... or at least grab a bite to eat. Which might be a good idea for you to do yourself. You haven't eaten much of anything all day, and you are gonna need some energy to digest all of these notes.
Oh boy, what a choice of words to apply to your thoughts, you really are hungry!
Either way, you got a lot of things to go through, today really was productive, so many notes to go through!
Which is what you WOULD say, or think, if you werent a liar. There really isnt much more you have garnered that you don’t already know. The therapy sessions with John haven’t yielded much thus far, but these things tend to take time.
At least he is here with you and Kanaya. Speaking of whom, you feel like visiting her afterwords... specifically after your own snack.
You head out of your office, and into your kitchen. Its a spacious place, nice and wide, ready to make a feast if it needs to, especially a state dinner meant for discussing the worlds issues and the like. Rather dull affairs usually, even if they do tickle your “woman of power” side quite a bit. Being a Goddess has its weight of duty behind it, but it also has its perks~
You don’t worry about wealth or food, and you feel rather fulfilled acting as both a literal Queen and Goddess ruling a part of the world. Your Mother would be proud were she alive today... which she technically is, both alive and proud of you.
Speaking of whom, you informed her of the situation this morning, about John’s general condition and beckoned her return as soon as possible given that the situation is rather urgent, though not dire. However, you omitted the part about his incident in the bathroom. You don’t want to build up excessive stress in their minds and risk making them hysterical.
Kanaya had the duty informing Terezi of the situation as they know each other better than you do, being Troll lends an air of intrinsic understanding that you would not be innately imbued with, that much you have come to understand  studying the psychology of Trolls.
Anyways, you simply are here in the kitchen for a slice of pizza, you don’t know why, but you have been craving this pie of Italian cuisine for over a month now. Meat lovers in particular has caught your fancy, though you have been mixing things up with everything on it and veggie pizza’s.
You guess its that they remind you of home, you sort of miss those nights your Mother called in for a delivery when she didn’t cook anything for the evening... or did cook something, and it was an egregious disaster. Part of you thought she did it out of spite, but looking back, she simply enjoyed it as much as you did. In fact, you think it was one of those times when the two of you sort of put your supposed game of will’s aside and just enjoyed each others company, in your own ways.
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Regardless, you have been on a pizza kick, and you need your fix for the night ahead, so you open the fridge
to find your leftover are missing and now assumed eaten by an entity other than yourself!
... ... ...
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TT: ...
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TT: Whatever, didn’t need it anyways.
Need is the correct term, but you really did want it. You guess John must have eaten the last of it. Oh well, its not the end of the world again, you can always just order another one, you get them basically for free. Then again, you don’t want to go through the hassle, you’re not that up for pizza again now that you think about it. Annoyed from hunger pains, you instead choose to go a much more healthy rout of crafting yourself a rather tasty salmon sandwich, with a side of cheese and a glass of grape juice.
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You WOULD have some wine, but you need your wits about you for the upcoming trial in mediating this interaction between John and his romantic partners. Both have been gone from his life for a long period of time, months in fact. Breaking the news to them of their lover’s emotional decay into self-harm and outright suicide is going to be a dance of caution to say the least. You really don’t want them to turn into hysterical broads over this, like you think they might. They might just blame themselves, which is an overtly strong possibility.
You finish your meal, not as fulfilling as pizza, it lacks that mild-mannered bread crust which you dig all kinds of hella on, but salmon has its own sweet charm~
As you were consuming your middle-class gourmet, you went over your notes during your sessions with John and things are... odd. There is certainly depression going on. Deep depression, yet nothing that would compel suicide. He is sad, very sad in fact, but not outright miserable, at least from what you can glean from so far.
At least he is in your care, you wouldn’t be much of a friend had you merely left him there alone in his house... sort of like what you did over the last few years. You literally had no idea he had gotten that bad, or else you would have intervened earlier. But then again, Roxy and Terezi might not have had any idea, as John was hiding his emotions and repressing them. Seems like they’re finally coming out due to isolation in the form of deep depression. You really can’t let him be alone again anymore, or else you might get a repeat of the bathroom incident.
You feel a reasonable compulsion to share this information with your wife, Kanaya. You clean up your mess in the kitchen and go looking for her. Which isn’t a very long search, as you find her in the living on a terminal. She seems to be playing a video game of some kind
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GA: NO! I Dodged It’s Grabbing Lunge And Got Away, How In The Blazing Hell Did That Fat Fucking Bastard Catch Me?!!
She seems to be having a bad time.
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TT: You seem to be having a good time.
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GA: I Am Having An Absolutely Lively Celebration...
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TT: Do you have a minute?
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GA: I Do Now. I Need A Break Anyways, For This Game Has Ben Crush My Patience For Several Half-Hours Now.
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TT: What were you playing? An RPG Action game?
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GA: A Gaming Title That John Discovered Recently.  Supposed To Be Considered Quite The Quality Recreational Engagement From What I Understand.
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TT: Seems like a lot of fun.
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GA: It Is! I Am Rather Enjoying Myself.
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TT: I was... being sarcastic?
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GA: And I Was Being Sincere.
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TT: It sounded like you were hating it with a true passion.
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GA: I Was... But In A Sort Of ♠Caliginous Manner♠. I Don’t Know What It Is, But This Game’s Brutality Is Rewarding When You Overcome It’s Challenges~♠
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GA: This Thing Sincerely Hates Me, But It Wants Me To Win, And So I Hate It In Return For That~♠
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TT: Uh-huh... anyways, I wanted to talk to you about our guests that are going to arrive shortly
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GA: Terezi And Roxy? In Relation To Johnathan I Assume.
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TT: Yes, more specifically on how we are going to break the news to them directly. I am not sure as to what method we should use.
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GA: Perhaps Isolating Them Would Help Us Engage In The Relaying Of Our Honestly Dour Predicament?
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TT: Maybe, but as I said, I am not certain, this whole situation is tricky to even talk about with John.
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GA: Well, We Don’t Have The Time To Dally On It All Evening, They As Our Guests Will Be Arriving Within The Hour.
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TT: I actually expected both of them to be here sooner, I suppose they had to take care of something before coming.
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GA: But More To Your Point, Maybe It’s Better If We Just Told Them Both Up Front At Once  And Get It Out Of The Way.
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TT: Both at once? Why? That just seems like a way to escalate the situation to an all time high, wouldnt it be better to just be more subtle and work up to it?
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GA: If We Did That We Might Make Things Worse, Especially With Terezi, Who Has A Habit Of Figuring Things Out, Being A Seeress Of Mind And All.
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TT: How do you think Terezi will react? I can fathom what Roxy might do, probably become distraught over news of John’s self-harm, but Terezi I don’t think I can predict given how wild she is.
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GA: She... Might Be Calm And Collected About It, OR She Might Become Overly Furious Over Him Committing Such An Act.
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GA: Which Is To Say That I Am Not Sure Either As To How Terezi Will React Either. I Am A Bit Worried How This Is Going To Transpire.
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TT: A stern possiblity is that th-*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK*
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TT: Sounds like our guests ar-*KR4SH*
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TT: !!!
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GA: !!!
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TT: I do believe that our guests are indeed here... glad one of them could give us an adequate amount of time to prepare for their entry
*Terezi and Roxy enter the room, proving the Seer of Light correct in her assumption of their arrival. They dont appear overly happy at the moment.*
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GA: Good To “See“ You As Well, Terezi. I Hope Your Trip Was Fruitful.
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TG: hey rosie, how you doin?
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TT: Hello Roxy, I am doing fi-
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TT: That was brief. What? You don’t want to relax and catch up for few minutes?
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TT: He’s...
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TT: Actually I am not sure what he is up to at the moment.
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GA: He Is Currently In His Respite Block I Believe.
TG: ye, y isnt he at his house? you made it snd like smt srs happended
GA: As You Were Informed, Johnathan Is The Subject Of Strenuous Circumstances And Has Come Under Our Watchful Care.
TG: wat kind of issues we talkin here? like hes got a broken leg or pranked the wrong asshole and now we got a polkal debecle again, or wats the story here? TG: *political debacle
TT: No, it’s more like something along the lines of personal care. He... well, in your’s and Terezi’s absence he seemed to have become reclusive and appeared to have gotten depressed and he might have engaged in some harmful behavior.
TG: wat? laik he tried to hang himself or smthing?
TT: Um.... oh boy...ok so, “Tried” isn’t the word I would use... buuut...
TG: ...w-wait, wat the fuck r u saing rose? did he actually try to kill himself or smthing?
GA: Should We Just Tell Them?
TG: tell us what?
GA: Rose, I Acknowledge That You Already Had A Plan In Place To Prepare Them But Should We Simply Tell Them Now? It Seems They Made A Number Of Assumptions They, And Are Making Things Worse.
TT: Im literally trying to tell them. But im trying to do it in a way that wont make them hysterical!
TG: tell us wat?! nuff of the third degre and tell us whats goin on with john! hes ok right?!
TT: Yes, at this moment he is fine. You shouldnt be so worried right now.
GA: Rose I... Think They Have A Strong Idea Of What Happended, I Do Not Think There Is Much To Be Gained In Dragging This Out.
TT: *sigh* Very well then... a week ago, we were getting worried about John and his condition as he was becoming withdrawn and his behavior was particularly odd. He wasn’t really as energetic or as lively as he once was and Kanaya and I began to notice. He wasn’t answering any of my calls or messages for a long while, so Kanaya was sent to his home to investigate if he was well... turned out he... wasnt
TG: ...and? what was wrong?
TT: Um... we arent entire sure what caused it, or if John was aware of what he did to himself. God this is harder to break than I thought.
TT: ...Apparently, yes... Kanaya found him in his bathtub.
TG: back the fuck up, what do you mean by that exactly?!
GA: I Found Him In His Bathtub... There...There Was Blood Everywhere And He Was... Not Moving... I Was Afraid He Was Gon And... I Kissed Him In An Attempt To Revive Him-
TG: but you said he was alive right?! hes ok right now?!
TT: Yes, as stated, he is currently all right. Its as though it never happened. Kanaya Revived Him.
TG: so hes ok then, right now i mean?
TT: Yes, he’s fit as a fiddle. As I said, its like it never happended.
TG: ok good, terezi, they said he was in his room in this apartment, didnt they?
TG: thanks rezi *does the rouge of voidy thing and vanishes tfo*
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GA: Um... What Did Roxy Intend With That Stipulation Prior To Her Visual Diminishing?
GA: Then Why Did She Engage Her Voidy Powers?
Elsewhere in the apartment, a very hysterical broad slowly opens the door to her boyfriends bedroom, and finds him watching a video with a pair of earphones, meaning the door opening went unheard. He seems rather into it, not sure why, but either way provides the broad with an opportunity to do this to the bum that she calls boyfriend.
EB: AH WHAT THE FUCK?!  *windy thing*
EB: holy shit what was that?!
TG: me, thats what *un-voidy thing appearify*
EB: oh, its just you... what the hell is- *PILLOW BOPPED*
EB: ow! what the motherfucking shit roxy?!
TG: im motherfucking mad as hell at u right now, thats the motherfucking shit, john!
EB: well, hello again to you too i guess, why the fuck are you mad exactly?
TG: u kno exactly why im mad u dum adorable bastard, u cant fool me!
EB: oh... u saw it then?
TG: no! i wasnt there and shit, i just learned about it! i would have been here sooner if i knew what you did to yourself!!!
EB: ...wait, what are you talking about?
TG: u killing urself and kanaya finding you dead in the bathtub, wat the ever living shit do u think i was talking about?!
EB: ooooh, hehehe, thought you were mad about something else.
TG: wha-...what in the hell r u doin laffin about this? this is srs! REALLY serious! Seriously, why in loving fuck are you so chipper about this shit?!
EB: well its kind of hard to explain but-
*Rose, Kanaya and Terezi Appear*
TT: May I ask what you two are doing that is doing me a significant concern?
GA: I Second This Query, What Are You Doing?
EB: hey rose, kanaya...
EB: t3r3z1...
TT: Roxy, answer me, what were you doing running off like that?
TG: to see john, duh!
TT: And why was there a commotion that was making a stir the ocean?
EG: hah!
TG: dude, srsly, i am so srs right now, y r u laughing?
EB: cuz it was funny?
TG: how could u be lafing about this shit?
EB: like i said it was funny! or at least i thought it was funny, so why wouldnt i laugh?
TG: because u killed yourself, or tried to! this isnt something u should be laughing about!
TG: yeah, tell us y u did it john! from your mouth, i wanna hear what u have 2 say bout wat happened.
EB: um... ok, theres really not much to say. where do you want me to start? 
EB: i don’t i did?
TG: da fuks that supposed to mean? u either did it or u didnt! now which is it?!
EB: i guess i did it in my sleep then? i dont really remember how it happended if im being honest, i just sort of went to sleep one night and i woke up in the bathtub with kanaya...
EB: thats all i remember!
GC: ...
TT: Oh God, Terezi, no! Stop this line of questioning immediately! Its not good for him to be invoking emotions he doesn't feel comfortable invoking on his own!
EB: ok, this is getting a little bit uncom-
TG: would u knock it the fuck off rose? were tryin to get a grasp of the situation, we got a right to know whats going on!
EB: can you guys ju-
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TT: Thats not your call to make, you aren’t his therapist, I am!
TT: Yes, legally! I’ve been having therapeutic sessions with him and helping him adjust enough to get comfortable and you two have been undoing all of that progress with your incessant questioning like an unexpected inquisition!
TG: well we didn expect him to offhimself while we were gon n shit rosie, wegot a right to know y he did it and all that jazz so we can help him!
EB: guys, seri-
TT: Yes you do have a right, but you need to wait until John is ready, any sooner and you might make him more withdrawn. That’s why we didn’t have John with us so that we could minimize stress!
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TT: Its not about you, Terezi, its about helping John, and your current behavior isnt helping anything at all, including your stress!
EB: guys im willing to help, it’s jus-
TG: doesn't help when we don’t know what happened to john. laik, did he do it or did he not do it?!
TT: That’s what we are trying ti figure out, Roxy, it’s just that this is going to take time, and we need to give him space so he can get adjusted and emotionally heal, and you two are making that quite difficult to do in the first place!
TG: bullshit! ur tellin me u had all week to figure out what the fuck went down and u still have-
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GA: Would You Collection Of Inconsiderate Buffoons
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TT: <:X
TG:<:P TG:*<:O
CG: !!! >:O
EB: <:B
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GA: NO! Shut! Up! Cease Your Bitching This Instant And Remain Silent Before I Literally Smack Your Shit Out Of My Hive!!!
GC: ...ok  <:T
GA: You Two... You Two Are Supposed To Be His Quadrant-Mates... And Upon Learning Of His Predicament, This Is How You Treat Him? By Interrogating Him Endlessly Like He Did Something Wrong?! You Have Done Nothing But Not Even So Much As Asked Him How He Felt! You Should Be Consoling Him, Not Berating Him Like You Are Doing Now!
TG: i dont have to take this, wat do u think we’re doin? we’re tryin to help him and we’re-
TT: Actually, it seems like you two are trying to get to the bottom of things on your own terms, but from what I can tell, you two are merely panicking about it.
TG: ...
GC: ...
TG: ok... maybe we did panic a lil, and...
TG: shit i didnt this through at all did i?
EB: can i say something?
TT: Of course you may John. This situation IS literally about you.
EB: yeah, i... roxy, terezi, i don’t know what happened to me, but im being honest, i really dont know how i ended up in the tub. and since i guess you two care alot about me, you were upset over me not being open with you or something?
TT: John, its not your faul-
EB: hey! can i finish!?
TT: ...Just remember that its not your fault...go on.
EB: thanks rose. anyways... whatever is making you angry about this... its ok i think. we can just talk it out, right? 
GC: ...Y34H, W3 C4N B3 R4T1ON4L 4BOUT TH1S.
TG: i just wanna kno y u didnt tell us about how you were feelin. like were u sad or some shit?
TT: AH! We can discuss all of this later, together, in a more formal setting. Otherwise, let’s just focus on relaxing. I think we should just this all emotional turmoil for when we are ready.
TG: ok! but just let me ask one serious question.
TT: If John wants to answer, then go ahead.
EB: sure rox, only under the condition u tell me y u panicked so hard that u snuck up on me to hit me with a pillow.
TG: i was... mad. thats y i rogued u.
EB: about what exactly?
TG: alot of things. things like, when i asked u to come wtih me an calliope on our tour and u said no. made me think u were mad or sad or something when rose told me bout ur... tub-nap, like i did it or something.
EB: oh... i said no because i thought you and calli wanted some space, thats all.
TG: dude! if we wanted space we would have let u know up front! i dont play that shit! i asked u to cum because we both wanted u to cum!
GC: H3H3H3H3H3H3333
TG: y u laffin?
TG: whateves, rez. look, john, im sorry if i made you feel bad at any point over the last few yeras, but i need u to talk to me about this sort of thing, ok? im also sorry about boppin u with a pillow, that was a dick move on my part. TG:*years
EB: its roxy, dont worry about it! you were just having a panic attack-
TG: no its not, u scared the fuck outta me, and i really... REALLY dont wanna lose u! espeically not like that! i ju-
TT: I think thats enough for now. We can have a therapy session sometimes next week. For now lets just calm down and try to have a good time together, ok?
GA: Is There Something You Wish To Add Terezi?
EB: oh great, alone with the swamp monster that licks everything and rarely brushes, fan freaking tastic.
EB: ...... uh...
TT: Ok! We are done in here. We shouldn’t even be having this honestly rather awkward conversation in John’s bedroom of all places.
TT: Why don’t we all go downstairs and watch a movie, or play a videogame or something. I’ll order us a pizza for dinner!
GA: No.
TT: ...Kanaya, we talked about this. You can’t stop me from ordering pizza, even if you wanted to. Besides we have guests, so one more night of Italian gourmet isn’t going to kill any of us.
GA: That Is Not What I Meant, But If You Wish To Get Fat, Be Guest Rose, For I Shall Love You All The Same.
TG: pfff-fff-fft, rood~
GC: H3H3H3H3333
TT: In that case, what do you mean by “No” then?
GA: No. As In, No, We Shall Not Be Engaging In Familial Bonding. Not With Me And Not With Johnathan.
EB: really? how come?
GA: Because You And I Are Going Out Together.
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EB: you mean like a date?
GA: ♣An Ashen One, Yes♣
EB: those are a thing?
GA: Yes, They Are.
GA: Yes, They Are, Terezi. Especially If The Auspice Feels The Need To Punish One Member.
EB:.... uuuuuuuhh, why are we going out together?
GA: Because I Don’t Think That After This Little Fiasco Of Theirs In Reacting To News Of Your Apparent Suicide, It Would Be Wise To Avoid Rewarding Them For Such Behavior. That And In Light Of What Has Transpired, I Do Not Feel Very Comfortable Without Knowing You Are All Right On My Terms.
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TG: hang, u cant just make a desicion like that, i wanna spend time with john for a while! i didnt end my vacation just to let him flounder like a depressed fish by hijmself! i came here to help fix him!
GA: That Is Not What I Saw.
TG: well, john doesent haf to go if he doesent want to, so there.
EB: ...well...
TT: It... actually would be a nice way of resetting the mood. Getting a fresh start all that. And it could give us to catch up together, Roxy! I can fill you in better and what we can do.
EB: ... i guess that is kind of a good idea. i wont if you dont want me to though cuz i really don’t want to upset you again as well as placate Kanaya and stuff along with other shenanigans maybe.
TG: ... ur fukin luky that ur kewt... fine, u go out an have a good time or somthin we’ll stay here and wait 4 u 2 come home.
EB: great, i’ll c u latr gatr!
TG: 1 more thing *mmmwah*... im sorry again... i shoulndt have been a bitch in rage or wateves~♥
EB: heh... not problem rox <:d EB:*<:D
GA: Very Well Then, Now That You Group Of Flighty Broads Have Been Calmed, We Can Be On Our Way. Come Along Johnathan.
EB: all righty then, cya roxy! later rose! good to c u dumbass!
*John and Kanaya Absconds*
34 notes · View notes
fuck-kirk · 6 years
you have an eating disorder? not to be invasive or anything but ive never heard you talk about it
uhh, well,,idk really. I guess. I’m not diagnosed or anything but i definitely recognize some very unhealthy and worrying habits i’ve developed within this past year. like that post i reblogged describes me to a T. (a whole lot under the cut bc i rambled. if anyone has experience with this or just wants to help me out message me bc idk…..just need some reassurance that im not bullshitting myself or something)
I used to have no hang ups about food or my weight and would eat all I wanted whenever I wanted, and then I started worrying more, and then I started eating healthy and excersizing, but that didnt last long bc I kinda got depressed so I just devolved into…….not eating. idk, every little thing I eat makes me feel guilty and feels like its way more than what it actually is (which im well aware of, i just cant stop the thinking y’know). I’ve started eating like one meal a day, just picking at my food when i go out to eat with friends and eating that one meal for like 2 days as my meals (which isnt a lot…). I stopped eating the food from my work for the most part (pizza shop) bc the thought of eating it makes me feel BAD. I throw up kinda often but thats from my acid reflux, but every time i do im kinda super relieved bc like…..its like i never ate in the first place. and like, i have good and bad days, some days i do eat whats considered a healthy amount but it makes me feel so fukin gross……I usually do eat when im hungry, even if its just a small snack, but my appetite has just been gone for the most part
idk, i guess i finally realized the problem like two weeks ago when I ate a peanut butter sandwich for diner (the only thing i ate all day) and i felt so bad and couldnt stop thinking about how many calories it was and how bad it was and how much i’d ate that day and how it was too much…..when i only ate that one sandwich all day.
its like…….im well aware this is a problem and its not healthy but my rational thought just kinda goes out the window. i just really miss eating what i want when i want and not being worried about it. i should probably get back into healthy eating and working out to curb my guilty thoughts but im like……….to depressed for that rn. its also odd, but i really havent lost much weight other than like 10 pounds so idk. 
yea i know i should probably like…….seek help but idk. anyways, this is really long but this is the first time ive ever addressed it online or anywhere for that matter, even in my own head. i try to pretend like it doesnt exist but …………….yknowww lmao 
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thepalegoldmoon · 7 years
so i was asked to answer all of these so here i gooooooo!!!!~… kms… ;u;
— 1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
uhhhhmmm i dont really hold hands cause i over heat and the get clammy easily, so the last person i “held hands”/ linked arms with was actually at Anime Boston with this rad dude Jay, we were cosplaying Keith and Lance from Voltron. it was a good day, but we were tired as fuck.
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
kinda both depends on the situation and who im around tbh
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
in general or like famous??? uhhhmmm, if we’re going in general tbh me rad ass mate Jay cause why wouldnt I be looking forward to seeing this kid??? hes literally the best thing or person to see ever, duh! and if were going famous??? uhhhmmm music wise either Panic! At The Disco, TOP, orrrrr maybe a tie between some one from the Hamilton, or Heahters musicals.
4. Are you easy to get along with?
again depends on the situation and people. over all id say yeah in some way.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
uhmmm idk because we’d both probably be shit faced and tumbling over each other screaming, incoherently and laughing our asses off. While simultaneously getting into 20 different fights over cheese, bread, and cats. Then crying about video games and anime. probably in the midst of this we’d be laughing and patting each other’s back telling each other how good of a bro the other is an how we’re gonna take over the world by the sheer brute force of dogs and cats
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
uhhhhmmm i dont really have a type but there’s a guy i like alot whos my dream guy tbh, and to me hes perfect in alot and pretty much every single way. ºuº
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
probably not but its nice to hope and dream c:
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
either rn my friend Casey cause shes in spain this week for vacation or my childhood bestfriend Liz cause her birthday just pasted on april 7th and i havent seen her in years.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
depends on who im with and what exactly kinda stuff were talking about. but im always awkard af with everything so im always uncomftorble.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
mi boi Jay!!~ we tend to get into deep conversation alot. i enjoy it alot tbh hahaha.
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
(when i got to this quesion)
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
UHMMM pass cause honestly the whole entirety of Heathers and Hamilton pretty much.
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
yeah man thats always been something i believe in because i have the most terrible luck but i like to believe miracles have happened in my life.
15. What good thing happened this summer?
i started the change in my social life and i got a really rad friend through the beginning phase of it!
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
uhmmm ive only done pecks cause im  fucking looser so that was Jay, so hell yeah i would man hahaha! (hes got a kissable face its nice alright, i swear im not this fucking awkward XD) ((and bro i know youll end up reading this. i love ya man!! i hope this isnt too bad lol~))
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
fuck yeah i do bro. i wanna befriend at least one of them tbh.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
not really cause the kid left after 5th grade and i never saw him again,
19. Do you like bubble baths?
fuck yes.
20. Do you like your neighbors?
i dont really talk to them haha.
21. What are you bad habits?
i have alot, talking to much and fighting HARD during a fight, and having the worst timing for smart ass comments, and trying to change things i cant change too much. theres more but thats a good few.
22. Where would you like to travel?
everywhere and anywhere tbh
23. Do you have trust issues?
a bit ive more developed them because of shitty people
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
either shower or the part where i come home and either draw, eat, play video games, get to text my boi, or where i get to sleep.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
my nose, the corners of my mouth or my big toes.
26. What do you do when you wake up?
text my friend good morning or get up and play with my mouse for a few minutes
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
i enjoy my skin tone but i wish i could tan ith out burning although, ive always wanted to either be albino or see what its like to be darker.
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
either Jay, or my friend Casey
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
nope because i dont talk to them XD
30. Do you ever want to get married?
at some point maybe haha
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
almost but the sides and some of my bangs are just a teeny bit off from making it :u:
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
uhmm not really any tbh theyre all to much older than me
33. Spell your name with your chin.
alyxx/ nyxx
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
ew no but i like swimming and to go on walks for fun
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
thats hard cause i need both for background noise
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
not really, i dont think so
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
something really stupid and half the time really provocative
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
ahhhh hahaha well i dont really know because the guy im crushing on is my dream guy js. and if i were to try and describe him id butcher the amazing and astounding beauty of the real person to be honest
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
ahhhh idk, lush?? and anything with food tbh
40. What do you want to do after high school?
die, or move to salem WITCHever comes first -u0 lol (bad pun i know i know)
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
i belive in ALOT of chances tbh
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
either im tired, extremely sad/depressed, overthinking/ thinking, focusing, thinking how to reply something or im REALLY fucking pissed off at you for something.
43. Do you smile at strangers?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
THE INPENDING FEAR AND DOOM OF CRIPPLING ANXIETY IF I MISS THE BUS OR if im hanging out wiht someone that day the motivation of not being alone in my room with myself for the whole day or so hahaha, or a con/ meet up which applies to friends.
46. What are you paranoid about?
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
buzzed not drunk
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
uhhh i dont think so im not really very secretive. maybe like PERSONAL shit but no
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
a few times
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
uhmmm either eye color and nose Physically.and personality wise i wish i wasnt so stubborn tbh.
53. Favourite makeup brand?
lush is the closest thing to makeup i use hunny
54. Favourite store?
55. Favourite blog?
@thedevilandhisfiddleofgold​ c;
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food?
uhmmm theres too many to list, all?? except spicy
58. Last thing you ate?
a cracker with nutella on it
59. First thing you ate this morning?
a cinnamon powdered sugar doughnut
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Suspending, accused of stealing shitty locker wallpaper panels. THAT I ACCTUALLY FUCKING HADNT ;U;
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love?
YES ;-;
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
never fucking had one kiddies sorry no story time for this one
65. Are you hungry right now?
kinda i want chips
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
uhm my only tumblr friends are friends in real life so not really because how do you like someone more on tumblr than you like them in real life??? not like its impossible its just odd.
67. Facebook or Twitter?
neither tbh, i only use my facebook for my work schedule
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
yes i started 13 reasons why
70. Names of your bestfriends?
jay, casey, liz (ranked most to least interaction and tbh who ive talked to most recently, those other two loosers never text me)
71. Craving something? What?
chips, cookies, FOOD, and love, BUT MOSTLY FOOD RN
72. What colour are your towels?
we have mostly white and black towels but theyre all just multicolored
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
(im also counting my stuffed animals as pillows)
at least 11 tbh
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
(refer to last question)
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
75. Favourite animal?
wolf, fox, raven, snowleopard, cat, snake (i cant choose)
76. What colour is your underwear?
black like my soul bitch
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
birthday cake or cotton candy/ bubblegum
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
dark grey
81. Favourite tv show?
uhmmmm Voltron or steven universe
82. Favourite movie?
heathers and the crow
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Mean Girls
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
havent seen the second one (refer to previous question)
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
the lebanese chick and the gay guy that were friends with lindsay lohan’s character
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
thats a hard question cause i love them all ;-;
87. First person you talked to today?
Jay (and caiden???) i sent a message to a group chat right after i woke up, i was pointed at Jay but theyre both in that chat
88. Last person you talked to today?
same chat
89. Name a person you hate?
ahha ahhahaha hahahaha, mmmmm theres alot 
90. Name a person you love?
Jay, Casey, my pets
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
better question… is there not????
92. In a fight with someone?
i dont think so but im aboutabe casue they wont give me times on if theyre coming tomorrow or not ;-;
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
2 and a pair of sweat pants i made into shorts
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
hehehe at least 6 or 7. tbh my attack on titan one has been issing for a while and it makes me sad
95. Last movie you watched?
heathers, im not saying the technical last one cause it was gross as fuck and doe not count as a movie to me
96. Favourite actress?
ehhh hellena bonham carter
97. Favourite actor?
johnny depp
98. Do you tan a lot?
not really cause i burn and im afraid of getting skin cancer
99. Have any pets?
2 guinea PIGS and a mouse
100. How are you feeling?
alright kinda missing my friends and also kind anxious
101. Do you type fast?
depends on my mood, what im typing on,  and about
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
so.. many… things…
103. Can you spell well?
fairly decently i think, average nothing over the top but i try haha
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
ehhh Liz and my friend Julia from Germany she was cool.
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
there was a girl named shannon who was all over me and head over heels for me, she mightve been a taurus. she tried to use some serious mental shit to try and get me to stay. i told her to seek professional help and not me.
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
a 10 page paper and finishing final fantasy, and getting more loot boxes in overwatch
109. Is something irritating you right now?
not really knowing what to do with my senior paper, shop friends, being alone, and not having enough hours in the day and always being fucking tired.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
yes, i do right now, tbh, but its cool
111. Do you have trust issues?
this was already asked. slightly it depends on the person
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
no one, mentally and close to physiccally jay and caiden, but im always mentally crying. i dont physically cry if i do youre special, im not that soft.
113. What was your childhood nickname?
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
i was born in pittsburgh, pa. i lived in townsend, ma and i just recently moved to pepperrel, ma.
115. Do you play the Wii?
not any more
116. Are you listening to music right now?
not really
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
how to make the perfect boy?? (its something like that) i also really enjoyed mrs. perigrines home for peculiar children.
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
im afraid of what might be in it
121. Are you mean?
i can be
122. Is cheating ever okay?
ew not wtf
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
probably not
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
kinda but only to an extent
125. Do you believe in true love?
again kinda but only to an extent tbh
126. Are you currently bored?
a bit
127. What makes you happy?
chilling with jay, playing wiht my animal or sleeping 
128. Would you change your name?
i want to, im trying to get Alyxx as my name hahah but i have a genius way to keep ASH
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
yeah its alright
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
uhhhh hahah i already dated my childhood bestfriend. Liz was chill but id kindly turn her down
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
already answered this up top, but Jay
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
hmmmm i have too many tbh, id love to put one here but i cant think of a good one atm sorry my dudes
134. Can you count to one million?
maybe but im to lazy to fam
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
hahaha ive told too many to put those down
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
5′5.25″ ( THAT QUARTER IS IMPORTANT ;u;, believe it or not i had=ve alot of friends that are taller than me)
138. Curly or Straight hair?
139. Brunette or Blonde?
i myself am a “brunette”
140. Summer or Winter?
kinda both
141. Night or Day?
ehh more night but i enjoy both
142. Favourite month?
either, October, November, December, and i actually am not a fan of my birth month may haha
143. Are you a vegetarian?
nope but ive thought about becoming one to cleanse and to get in better shape kinda reasons
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
milk and white
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
ehhh kinda
147. Mars or Snickers?
snickers but i wanna try a mars bar
148. What’s your favourite quote?
hahah either
“ another fucking heather! -sighs- Our love is god let’s go get a slushie!”
-JD “Heathers”
( i relate most to the heather part tbh)
  “ill hook ‘em…” “..and ill cook ‘em!”
-Roadhog and Junkrat “Overwatch”
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“WOW MAGNUS, you’re probably thinking. That was… stupid!” 
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard 
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themoneybuff-blog · 6 years
What the marshmallow test can teach us about money
By now, youve probably heard of the famous Stanford marshmallow experiment. Most folks are familiar with this fifty-year-old study and its conclusions. In case this is the first youve learned of it, however, Ill give a quick review. During the late 1960s, psychologist Walter Mischel tested the willpower of young children (roughly four years old). A researcher would bring the children one at a time into a room where they had access to a selection of treats, including marshmallows. The children were told that they could eat have one treat right away or, if they waited fifteen minutes, they could have two. Then the researcher left the room. [embedded content] While this study gave researchers an immediate glimpse at how children handle delayed gratification, it also yielded some interest long-term results. In 1990, Mischel (and colleagues) reconnected with some of the kids from the marshmallow test to see how life had turned out for them. This second study revealed that the children with the best self-discipline at four years old grew up to be more popular, more successful in school, and better able to handle stress. The kids with patience and willpower were less likely to turn to drugs and they were more physically fit. In short, the ability to wait fifteen minutes to earn an extra marshmallow as a preschooler seemed to be an excellent predictor of how well a child would be able to delay short-term gratification later in life in order to pursue long-term goals. Thats it. Thats the marshmallow test. Seems simple, right? Yet this simple experiment has become one of the most oft-cited studies in the world of pop psychology. Youll find it in books about entrepreneurship, habit formation, decision making, and yes personal finance. Theres just one problem. The NEW Marshmallow Test New research shows that perhaps the link between childhood willpower and adult achievement isnt as strong as we once believed. The new study the full text of which is available for free, at the moment attempts to remedy perceived flaws in earlier experiments. It uses a larger sample size, for instance, and draws info from a wider range of subjects. (The original studies used kids from the preschool on the Stanford campus, a relatively limited population.) This new study found that yes, there was a correlation between the ability to delay gratification and future academic achievement. However, this correlation was only about half as strong as reported in the original marshmallow test. Among kids whose mothers did not have a college degree, each extra minute a child was able to wait before eating a treat, his first grade achievement (how do you even measure that?) improved by roughly one tenth of a standard deviation. (To my mind, this still seems like a relatively substantial effect.) Academic achievement at age 15 showed a similar differentiation. Among kids whose mothers did have a college degree, the correlation between childhood willpower and future academic achievement was much smaller. The authors write: We observed that delay of gratification was strongly correlated with concurrent measures of cognitive ability, and controlling for a composite measure of self-control explained only about 25% of our reported effects on achievement. These results suggest that the marshmallow test may capture something rather distinct from self-control. What else might the marshmallow test be capturing? Interesting question. When looking at other variables tracked by the study, there seems to be a correlation between willpower and socioeconomic status. In households with higher income and greater education, kids waited longer before eating their marshmallows. (For more, see this recent article in The Atlantic. [embedded content] Scarcity and Abundance In college, I studied psychology. In the twenty-five years since I left school, Ive spent a lot of time reading about psychology in my spare time. Im fascinated by the human condition, by the things that shape us, motivate us, give us happiness and fulfillment. No surprise then that when I write about money, I do so through a psychological lens. I used to find a lot of finance advice frustrating because it ignored psychology. The books I read seemed to assume that humans are purely rational creatures who make only logical decisions with money. These assumptions didnt match my reality. This new interpretation of the marshmallow test that childhood willpower may stem from socioeconomic status fascinates me. It seems to be an concrete example of how our childhood environment helps to create our mental blueprints. (I believe we each possess mental maps or invisible scripts, if you prefer that guide our lives. Although Im primarily concerned with your money blueprint here at GRS, I believe we have mental maps that guide us through many aspects of life.) Although its not a popular opinion, I believe there are very real differences between the rich and the poor. There are certain wealthy habits that lead to better odds of success with life and money. But heres the thing: If youre not raised in an environment where these habits are prominent say youre the victim of systemic poverty and are never exposed to how wealthy people think and act it becomes much more difficult to learn them. For many people, poverty creates a scarcity mindset. This scarcity mindset can lead to all sorts of faulty financial habits. A couple of months ago, Erynn Brook and Emily Flake published a visual essay at Longreads about the difference between being broke and being poor. The piece is short and interesting you should read it! but this passage, in particular, reminds me of the marshmallow test.
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When you live with lack for a long time, it changes how you approach life. If youre a kid whose family has struggled to get by, when youre given a marshmallow, youre going to eat it now. (Can you really trust itll be there later let alone that youll get the second one youve been promised?) If you were poor as a kid, when you manage money as an adult, a scarcity mindset can lead you to do things like immediately spend a windfall instead of saving it for the future. My Money Blueprint I think of my own family as an example. My brothers and I grew up poor. Our extended family had always been poor. My parents modeled the best habits they could, but they were limited by their own experiences (and mental blueprints). As a result, I entered adulthood with some faulty invisible scripts. For instance, my parents taught us that windfalls were to be spent. Although they rarely had much money, when they did come into cash, they spent it. Quickly. And on frivolous things. They never modeled what it was like to save and invest for the future. This is the adult version of failing the marshmallow test. Naturally, my brothers and I grew up with similar behavior patterns. None of us was poor and my parents eventually escaped poverty but we couldnt hold on to our money, either. When we had it, we spent it. We lived paycheck to paycheck despite decent salaries. (My youngest brother eventually lost two homes to foreclosure and had to declare bankruptcy.) If I had participated in the marshmallow experiment as a four-year-old, I can guarantee I would have eaten the treat as soon as the researcher left the room. Im nearing age fifty now and I still have to fight this sort of behavior. My scarcity mindset is real and its damaging even though I know its present. Im not trying to use my money blueprint as an excuse for my behavior but as an explanation. I acknowledge that Im responsible for my actions; I just want to know why I choose the actions that I choose. For more on this subject, check out my article about how to master the abundance mindset (and change your money blueprint). https://www.getrichslowly.org/marshmallow-test/
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