#this man hasn't done ANY of that shit yet. there is a sparkling light of mischief and cheer in his eyes
july-19th-club · 5 months
episode four you're like a little sibling going off to school for the first time to me. i love you. the suits before it became old. dean says they're going in as homeland security 'because it's something new and nobody's heard it already a thousand times'. his homemade emf reader made out of an old walkman. little miss nervous flier but he has an extremely good reason (there's demons up there). mathematically significant ass shot. i could go on
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crying-fantasies · 4 months
Multicolor wedding
They look at you with disgust, at first they seemed kind of angry, now you know your own reality, as every optic looks at you, maybe asking for themselves what happened to lead to this as you stand on your conjunx's open palm.
Or, more exactly, what were you thinking before tying the knot, as humans call it, or saying yes before baring yourself to Blitzwing's spark, because even his decepticons "friends" think you could have done better, no, correct that, way better.
If only they knew that it happened way before everyone believed and, in all honesty, how were you supposed to know that seeing a mech's spark is such an intimate and caring moment between possible lovers for his race, well, he did say a lot of what you assume were bad words when you took his spark back home, but what options did you have left? And when winter was almost unbearable his spark was a good heater, that unusual rhythm that traveled around, how warm it was, and while all the white coats said it was radioactive a little part of you was content with it, hearing Blitzwing's thoughts about vengeance in whispers inside your head had long changed from being a source of insomnia to now be a familiar lullaby.
You missed to sleep against his spark, you missed your almost unwilling roommate when he was back on his body, going about his day, imaging that his wrongdoings during the war weren't that bad to begin with, later on you'll learn those were bad enough to put him in prison for the rest of his life, but apparently what the humans made to him was worse, but he would never tell you so, because he is the strongest there is, or that's what he tells you while other ridicule him on how easy is to trick him, not even caring since Blitzwing seems happy, laughing like a mad man, so this must be normal for them.
"Your stupidity is outstanding"
"Thank you, Astro"
And sometimes you rethink about it, Octane doesn't exactly talk to you, sometimes treating you like a pet and talking like you would with a baby, but Astrotrain tries to make little talk here and there, at least to call you stupid or fleshbag or whatever (it's better than what your family called you), asking yet again if you're sure of what is happening, telling you how he isn't any better but he hasn't gone as low as his former partner before Blitzwing shouts something in cybertronian that has your previous company go back to the center of the room to launch an angry punch directly to the face of your new husband who is still laughing no matter how mad Astro looks, all seem to love to talk shit of one another as it seems, typical decepticon behavior as you've heard from some autobots, but they remind you of way too drunk job colleagues or university classmates airing out the dirty deals and secrets of one of them, you would laugh or uncomfortably nod along to their banter, but they are way too drunk, or overcharged? You don't remember how they refer to it, and the strange suit part dress made of alien fabric doesn't make it easier, it was a cute gesture, coming from your conjunx that just one day before appeared with the fabric like it was a napkin to him.
"For the great day", he had said, leaving you to ponder if cybertronians had a different procedure for the conjunx ritus or had religious beliefs that you didn't heard before, they did because why not, once again you damn sector 7 and G.I.Joe from keeping that data from the public because you're about to marry one and what in hell are you supposed to do with this when you've never seen one of them wear clothes before.
So you only go with an elonian equivalent combination of a groom's suit and a soon to be wife's dress that in reality it's cute, and you like how the fabric looks under the light.
"Expensive fabric for a fleshy, you look like a sparkling's plaything", it's what one seeker tells you before almost collapsing above you, totally wasted as it seems, you think this one is called Skywarp but you aren't sure because there is another one that looks exactly the same, both have said the same and it brings you a happy feeling in all this mess, being relieved that your time around Blitzwing and Astrotrain has taught you how to walk around big as fuck robots without being stomped on and how to go along with it when you get a good handful of titanium flakes from a pocket in the suit and into his mouth almost by force, ready for this kind of behavior thanks to advice given from other cybertronians and their own organic partners.
They are older than you, but look almost of your age.
Skywarp says that it's bitter and his wailing gets to Astrotrain's audials, looking back to reassure himself that nothing happened to you, amazed and shocked how well you go between them, decepticons that in any other occasion would have destroyed you for the fun of it, now asking if you have more titanium to bring other mechs to lucidity while lying around totally overcharged.
An almost threatening rumble takes his attention back to Blitzwing, who is also wasted, like you have called it time and time again in your organic dialect, he is smiling but he can see the position of his wings, up and giving a clear fuck off message before he gets back to you, telling Thundercracker to take his partner away from his fleshie, taking you on his servos as delicately as he can, tugging at your attire with his digits and maybe saying something crass to your ear by how your reaction goes, making him smile like a fragger.
Astrotrain looks around, this is a great fiasco, but is practically the first public conjunx ritus celebration done by decepticons since eons, and while he was pretty much against it he can only go along the whole playing, it's a weird combination from the exchange of gifts and colors, no one here is into spectralism but he is sure those colors mean something, not exactly something good, there are different human symbols of religion around because Blitzwing didn't have any idea if you believed in something and the idea of using an attire is totally human in this case, but you had chosen an elonian widower's suit that had more than one cracking behind your back but had Blitzwing visor glowing, telling how hot you looked on it because the idiot most likely doesn't even know what it implied, nor you but Astro knows it's due to not really knowing about other fleshy cultures.
That son of a glitch should have at least downloaded a basic information package, and you should have escaped while there was still a chance.
In reality, he doesn't know slag about anything, not even about your basic needs most of the time, and Astrotrain has know Blitzwing long enough to be sure that this usual pleasure bot user is just a big slag without a proper brain processor, he just expects that if Blitzwing has a port infection it doesn't pass down on organics like you, because yeah they both were in the same pleasure houses but he always used good firewalls and protection!
Maybe is the high grade working on him, getting wasted seems to be the norm in human weddings as it seems and it's fantastic for him, but it's making him soft, and he doesn't want soft, looking from the side how Blitzwing is kissing you in front of everyone when they told him so between cheers, overcharged enough to almost getting your whole head in his mouth as the public laughs or are purging their tanks, and he wants to tell you his partner isn't a good option, with all the pettiness he can muster, but is more than sure that you know Blitzwing isn't a good conjunx and never will be, that he is just a group of wires without connection that resolves his problems by destroying them (Astrotrain isn't any better, but he can control his impulses, he swears).
So he only takes seat on a table high and sturdy enough to keep his weight, looking how even decepticons, overcharged as fuck, can cheer sincerely from the spark while Blitzwing calls it a night and takes you to another place, Astrotrain knows damn well where and he also knows he has a mass displacement modification because Blitzwing didn't stop to talk about it the whole previous night cycle.
What is infuriating enough is how the little slagger had the audacity to tell to the whole room with a smile: "I won the sweet port , Astro", that had him seeing red because everyone else laughed, you seemed to ponder what that meant because the little shit said it in neocybex, Astrotrain hit his smug face because it was infuriating, not for anything else, putting him on edge as you only look at them like it was normal, and he is mad again.
Not because of you, obviously not, and he'll have to tell Blitzwing that he doesn't care a bit about you once again when he appears the next afternoon saying something among the lines of how nice a honey moon is and how smart was the fleshie that created it while chugging down a whole canister of energon.
"Better than any pleasure drone, I tell you", his wings are up, biolights burning even when he seems exhausted, obvious display of a winner, as if his courting wasn't the most stupid and pathetic thing Astrotrain has ever seen in his existence he could have laughed, feeling that strange thing once again while wondering if this piece of slag at least treated you right, or if he didn't break you, and remember that he shouldn't care about it.
Astrotrain doesn't care, he really doesn't.
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