#this man is sexy either way
vintageshanny · 2 months
Get Your Belt Unloose
This is a smutty little one-shot because I’m obsessed with how sexy he looks in a jumpsuit with no belt. (And you know me - I had to add in a little fluff at the end). Thank you @lookingforrainbows for inspiring me with this picture. ❤️
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Content: Elvis On Tour-era (or honestly whatever year you want to picture) backstage hanky panky, 18+
“What’s your name, honey?” The words dripped off Elvis’ tongue as he wiped a sweaty lock of hair off his forehead. He blinked a couple times, his eyes still trying to adjust after an hour of staring into blinding spotlights and flashbulbs.
“Hi Mr. Presley, my name is Sherry. I’m covering your concert for the local newspaper, and I just have a couple questions for you.” The curvy brunette standing before him in a houndstooth dress started rattling off her rehearsed monologue.
“Well, I might have a couple answers for ya honey, but only if ya call me Elvis. That okay, Sherry baby?” Elvis laughed at his own joke and broke into song. “Sherry, Sherry baby! Anyone ever sing that to ya?”
Sherry smiled and bit down on her lower lip. He was so adorably pleased with himself that she didn’t have the heart to tell him that this was the most popular response when she shared her name. Darn those Four Seasons.
“Well, no one as handsome and charming as you.” The flirtatious tone surprised even her. She had been dying to meet Elvis, but her initial plan was to keep things professional until the interview was over, then she would just thank him for, y’know, being himself. She hoped the right words would come in the moment.
Elvis’ smile grew wider as he put his hand on the small of her back and beckoned to a small private room off the busy backstage hallway. “Let’s go somewhere a little quieter so you can ask me those questions.”
“Do you ever get nervous?” Sherry asked as Elvis closed the door behind them. “Nervous to perform I mean?” She tried her best not to focus on a little bead of sweat that had formed in his gray-flecked sideburn and was currently rolling down his neck toward his fuzzy chest.
“Oh yeah, I get nervous all the time. Stage fright I guess they call it. I-I-I mean, I do this all the time, y’know? B-b-but my fans, this could be their only show, so I wanna make sure it’s as perfect as it can be. Y’know what I mean, honey?”
“Definitely.” As she scribbled in her notebook, Sherry’s eyes drifted down to where Elvis’ long fingers deftly unfastened his belt, and she knew all her hopes of professionalism were out the window.
“Ooh boy, that starts ta pinch a lil bit by the end of the night,” he announced, letting out a sigh of relief at the feeling of freedom. “I guess I mighta gained a couple pounds since the last tour.” He hoped his self-deprecating chuckle would cover the very real insecurity, but the way Sherry licked her lips as her eyes stayed glued to his lower half let him know he had nothing to worry about.
“I think you look great!” The fabric of his jumpsuit seemed to mold to every contour of his body, highlighting the creases where his thighs joined to his groin. Without the belt, it was clear that the tiny pooch below his waistline led down to some sort of treasure, the soft bulge impossible to ignore. Something about the erotic nature of the visual summoned a supernatural courage in Sherry. “You don’t have to stop with the belt, y’know.” She relished in the pink hue that overtook Elvis’ complexion as a surprised little smirk spread across his lips.
“Ya always conduct your interviews like this, honey? It’s mighty unprofessional of ya.” He winked to let her know he really didn’t mind if she continued.
Sherry smiled back as she set down her notebook and took a step closer. “There’s a time and place to be professional.” She reached her hand up, letting his sweaty chest hairs tickle the backs of her fingers as she slowly pulled his zipper down as low as it would go, a few inches south of his belly button, most of his white briefs now exposed to her, the bulge inside them more prominent now.
“Wh-what’d ya have in mind for this time and place?” Elvis leaned down and pressed his lips softly against Sherry’s, his hands running down the sides of her breasts to her waist.
“Let me show you,” Sherry murmured into his mouth as she slipped her hand down inside the jumpsuit. Through his briefs, she felt the treasure she’d been searching for - something soft and thick and warm. He started to harden immediately as she rubbed her hand over him. Elvis’ lips parted in a soft moan, and Sherry took the opportunity to lean in and kiss him again, licking his tongue. “You taste sweet,” she whispered.
“Oh, Sherry baby, d-d-don’t tease me,” Elvis groaned. “T-t-touch me for real, honey.”
Sherry pulled open the waistband of his briefs and put her hand inside, wrapping her fingers around him and pumping up and down. She pressed her thumb gently against his tip, which was sticky with precum.
“Oh, goddammit,” Elvis groaned out, his head tilted back and his long graceful neck on display. Sherry leaned in, still pumping his dick, and kissed his neck, letting her teeth nip at him ever so lightly. Then she moved her lips down to where his jumpsuit was gaping open and gave his nipple a lick, sending a shiver through his body. Elvis tilted his head forward now, his eyes closed as he reached around and gripped her butt.
“Oh wow,” Sherry breathed out as she pulled his waistband out so she could get a better look at what she was handling. Between the vibrations of their heartbeats seeming to make the entire room spin and the sight of Elvis’ throbbing pink cock in her hand, Sherry thought she might orgasm right then and there, without even being touched. As if completely in tune with her desires, Elvis’ large warm hand slipped under her short dress and inside her panties, his fingers tracing over her dripping wet folds before penetrating her entrance. He pushed her legs open a little bit more so he could sink in deeper, hitting some magical spot inside of her.
“Oh, oh, Elvis,” Sherry moaned, clenching around his fingers, waves of pleasure making it difficult to even stand, much less keep up her rhythmic pumping inside his underwear.
“Damn, honey, ‘s like a faucet down there. Ya sure were ready for me, hmm?”
Sherry nodded and tried to focus her efforts back on him, her body still reeling from the intensity of the pleasure he gave her. She decided to just really go for it, her heart racing with nerves and desire. She pulled his underwear down in the front, completely exposing his hard dick and hanging balls.
“Aww honey ya ain’t g-g-gotta-” Elvis started to protest but could only watch with lust as she sank down on her knees in front of him, enveloping him in her mouth and gently massaging his balls. “Goddamn,” Elvis groaned and licked her arousal off his fingers as Sherry grabbed his butt and pulled him tighter against her, forcing him deeper into her mouth. She tried to keep her throat relaxed as he panted above her, his dick pulsing, shooting spurts of warm cum into her.
“That was some interview, honey. You’re a forward lil’ thing, ain’t ya?”
Sherry blushed at that and tried not to stare as Elvis tucked himself back in and zipped his jumpsuit halfway up, leaving part of his glistening chest exposed. “Not usually,” she admitted.
“Oh?” Elvis looked surprised. He was usually good at telling who the good girls were and who just wanted to say they’d had Elvis Presley. “This was special for today?”
“This was special for you. I mean, I don’t usually go around doing this, but I just really wanted to make you feel good.” Sherry felt silly trying to explain her feelings for a man she technically just met, but Elvis’ pleased grin calmed her.
“Believe it or not, honey, I don’t usually go around doin’ this either.”
“I do believe you,” Sherry responded with a smile of her own.
“Why’s that?” Elvis’ brow furrowed. Usually people acted shocked to hear he wasn’t with a different woman every night.
“The way you were trembling a little bit when I pulled your zipper down. You seemed almost as nervous as I was.”
“Well, what did I tell ya? Stage fright,” Elvis laughed. “I hope I made ya feel good too, baby.”
“You know you did,” Sherry laughed. “I don’t know if I’ve ever felt so good, to be honest,” she added with a blush. “What you might not know is that you make me feel good all the time.” Elvis looked at her quizzically, waiting for an explanation. “My life has been, well, very painful at times, and when I hear you sing, it makes me happy. I actually begged my editor for this assignment so I could tell you how much you mean to me. I didn’t necessarily intend to throw myself at you, but you’re kind of irresistible,” she finished with an embarrassed little smile.
“Wow, honey, that’s real sweet of ya ta say.” Elvis blinked before a tear could roll down his cheek. “You don’t know how much it means ta hear ya say all that. Maybe now we’re even with makin’ each other feel good.”
“Elvis, I could touch you and, um, uh, kiss you like that every day and it would never be enough to make us even. You deserve…everything,” Sherry whispered, a blush spreading over her face.
“Hmm,” Elvis pondered. “Every day? Ya think ya’d have the energy for that?”
Sherry giggled and gave him a playful shove. “I’d do anything for you.”
Elvis smiled a sweet crooked grin. “Well, let’s say I need ya ta make me feel good again. How do I go about findin’ ya?”
Sherry grabbed her long-forgotten notebook and scribbled down her name and phone number.
“What’re ya gonna write about me in your article?” Elvis asked as they headed back into the hallway.
“The truth. That watching you perform was the best night of my life. And you’d do anything to please your fans.” Sherry gave a little wink to make sure her innuendo wouldn’t be lost. Elvis laughed and pulled her in for a deep kiss.
As they parted ways, Sherry didn’t know if she’d ever see him like this again, but she did know that this memory would last a lifetime.
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @whositmcwhatsit @missmaywemeetagain @lookingforrainbows @thatbanditqueen @be-my-ally @ellie-24 @from-memphis-with-love @arrolyn1114 @atleastpleasetelephone
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average-dilf-enjoyer · 6 months
Can we please stop the alpha male-ification of Harvey because he’s not some strong and buff manly man, he’s a dorky uncooked chicken who can’t swim please understand this
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happyk44 · 3 months
Thinking about pastel goth Hazel and then remembering there's other goth subcultures and I'm doing a quick search bc im not v familiar w/ them but from a few glances of the different fashions:
Hazel: Pastel goth/Gothic lolita
Nico: Emo goth
Bianca: Mall goth
Macaria: Pin-Up goth
Melinoe: Nu-goth
Zagreus: Glam goth
Hades: All his clothes are just black or dark-coloured, what the fuck is an "aesthetic"/Corporate goth (for meetings. Or to make his nephew realize he's bisexual)
There's a lot of subcultures and I am not good with fashion and trying to find examples (especially for men's looks) of the various subcultures was. hard, but I think it's pretty good rep of my various headcanons on how they dress!
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zer0point5ive · 8 months
t shirt that says i’m soo so normal about religion in the context of adam lawrence saw 2004 (lying)
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wlw-cryptid · 5 months
Opinion on chubby butches/butches with stretch marks?
sweetheart. if my header werent what it is, it'd be "dad bod butches please call me"
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kaninchen-reblogs · 2 months
I’m not entirely sure how to word this correctly cuz brain currently scrampled egg but I feel like being on the aro/ace spectrum as a transfem is incredibly frustrating when the majority of online transfem spaces are very hypersexual
Like on one hand, trans women are constantly told by society that they’re undesirable except when they’re objectified and chased, so the act of taking their sexualization into their own hands is super important and I’m legitimately glad that trans girls can find spaces online where they can be unabashedly horny in a liberating way.
On the other hand, you can’t look up “transgender” on this site without getting 80% porn bots and 20% discourse, I can’t share [animal]girl[bodypart] blogs to my ace friends without them being jumpscared by the most recent post being uncensored explicit imagery, and a big chunk of the online white anglo-centric transfem culture now is being super horny, alongside NEET-posting, blahaj, and striped socks.
Like I’m on the ace spectrum but I’m sex-positive and not bothered by the horny stuff so it doesn’t affect me too much. But I cannot imagine how alienating it must feel to be aromatic, asexual, and/or sex-repulsed as a transfem and your only other option is the sanitized, infantilized “uwu im anxious eepy baby with shark plush” meme-space. And I’m aware that HRT affects libido — ever since I started it, it’s definitely gone up, so I can’t blame people for needing an outlet.
I mean I guess that speaks to how you can never be “truly” inclusive in a space because something will always be exclusive to another person. Idk I just wish the world was safer for transfems from all walks of life, and there were more spaces for us to be proud of ourselves without it falling into “super horny”, “discourse”, or “ultra-sanitized”.
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essenceofarda · 2 months
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dolokhoded · 6 months
mel c magdalene made me realize what was missing from my magdalene design and it's that she's not fucking jacked. it's crucial to her character
#🧅#literally my takeaway from jcs2012 was mary magdalene's arms. yeah those guys were there too i guess#i think hers might be my favorite portrayal of mary#like. not just because she's jacked i just really liked how jc2012 worked with magdalene#she felt more fleshed out. and i <3 yvonne elliman in this role i always will but lets be so for real in the 1973 movie mary was a sexy lam#character except instead of sexy she was like. sopping wet cat lamp character#i mean i think she was also sexy. but that's beside the point this post is not about how attractive i find yvonne elliman#or mel c#well it kind of is about how attractive i find mel c#whatever. my point is it was the 70s and she was a female character. so like. you get it !#and i feel like a lot of the time magdalene is very girlbossified in a way that makes her very one dimensional#without EVER her appearing masculine of course because god forbid the one female character does not appear to the male gaze#(well originally female character anyways. today genderbend casting is a thing and it fucks)#it's either she's a Girl Disciple (no further elaboration) or she's like. a girlboss stone hearted biker gang leader leather jacket queen#(no actual further elaboration but her one 'ooh i love this man and i dont know how to show it' solo tricks you into thinking there is)#while 2012 magdalene somehow seems much more well rounded to me.#they let her be herself more. idk. that's how i interpreted it at least. in my mind.#it's like. i feel many other marys i've seen are described by how they treat jesus (and sometimes judas)#but this one still feels present even when jesus is not around. or he is but she's not interacting with him.#again this is a very specific interpretation that clicked in my brain im not saying that jcs2012 like. did some groundbreaking feminist#portrayal of magdalene. but yknow !#she also didn't acknowledge judas' existence once while he had created some weird one sided beef with her which was. very funny to me#literally did not waste a glance at him.
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sanguisz · 1 year
Smutty ???
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girlscience · 10 days
I hate getting into something that has a canon(ish) sapphic couple, but I only end up caring about one of the two women 😭😭😭
#warrior nun? only cared about beatrice couldn't really get behind ava much#the locked tomb? INSANE for gideon. harrow is like cool I guess (I feel like I should like her more than I do idk)#and now dungeon meshi. I knoowwwww I'm going to love falin. 10 episodes in and I already find her relatable and awesome and so cool and sexy#AND SHE BECOMES A DRAGON LIKE FUCK MAN (she's still dead atm but soon soooooon)#marcille on the other hand?? I mean she's fine... but I'm not really drawn to her (I like namari a lot more tbh)#and the thing is I know part of it is the feminization of all three of them#I am not attracted to femininity pretty much ever (outside of a super sexed up version in which case gugh)#and ava and marcielle both have a very bubbly personality type that has never really drawn me in ever#they can have cool stories and I can enjoy them in that. but I have no desire to seek them out outside of that#and harrow... honestly I think it might be the way fandom sees her that makes me not care much about her?#also my feelings about the series as a whole by the end of nona probably don't help#BUT I definitely think a big part for all three is the femininity. none of their counterparts that I DO love are overly fem#(and HONESTLY I don't think harrow should be either and the fact hardly no one actually makes her butch the way I see her pisses me off)#((she CANONICALLY hated her long hair!!!!!!!!! stop giving her anything more than a buzz cut I'm going to attack you!!!!!!))#also. marcielle has green eyes and I'm sorry but I just can't 😭#I need every single character ever in existence to only ever have brown/black or gold/yellow eyes#stop with the blue and the green 😭 please#ANYWAY POINT BEING: I hate that this happens to me because I end up not getting obsessed with the ship#and mostly only getting into the single character but then I don't want to read fic about just one person#so I try out the ship stuff and shocker no one writes the other character in a way I like so I don't read it#and then I feel bad cause all my ships and main characters I'm obsessed over are men#and then I complain all the fandom favs and mcs in stories are men#but like I'm contributing to the problem!!!! but like I'm not attracted to hannibal but I like his personality#I'm not attracted to optimus but I love how fucked up his whole deal with megatron is#I DO love both luffy and zoro even though I'm not really attracted to either of them#the lotr/hobbit ships.... eh I love the world and I love dwarves and I will do anything for them so the characters don't matter much lol#AND THATS THE ISSUE 😭 the worlds of warrior nun and tlt and most of what i've seen of dungeon meshi don't really entrance me much#so I don't get into the ships for that. and I'm not attracted to both people in the ship. and I can't relate/project on both in the ship#and sometimes I find one character type less likable/annoying so that makes me not want to engage
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winepresswrath · 10 months
years after coming back to tumblr I still kind of think you all goncharoved the whole onceler thing to fuck with me, and yet twice in the last week I have seen onceler content with my own eyes, on my own dash. waiting to see where this is going.
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yioh · 1 year
genshin player’s switch up on sumeru characters will haunt me forever honestly i’ve never seen such a large amnt of people act so utterly fake in such a small period of time😭
#everyone really pretended they cared abt the colourism and racism HNDBDJXBXXJ#sumeru as a whole still makes me feel so uncomfy to this day with the weird ass storyline and colourism and whitening of several characters#but now everyone is just fawning over how sexy al haitham and kaveh are or how cute nahida is like#😭 idk man i can’t stand it#it annoys me soooooooooooo much#even worse how sumeru characters are plastered all over my social media everywhere#the switch up of how big of a deal everyone made the sumeru design reveal to be at the start only for their banners and character popularity#to be some of the highest ones#like . likeeeeee …………..#feels so gross#anyways rant over i’m gonna stay in my lil mondstadt liyue bubble forever lol#not that those nations are perfect either but at least it isn’t tinged with the feeling of disgust towards fans 😭#also the amount of racism and colourism i saw people blatantly show with the release of sumeru was so crazy it makes my skin crawl#anyways i rly hate like 99% of sumeru ships and i don’t get how everyone can just brainlessly enjoy this region’s characters at all#esp when they are all SO white it bugs me to no end in hate it i hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee#still so disappointed with kaveh’s design especially i think he was my last straw#i was hoping so bad he wouldn’t be some basic white bitch but he came out looking like btec howl PLEASE 🤨#and the way everyone loves him just makes me hate him more lmfaooo#the most basic and boring design in the whole world it makes me feel Nothing at all
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earl-grey-love · 3 months
I think what makes ob. stand out to me as an otome game is that unlike a lot of otome casts, the love interests are inherently, drastically flawed, and you don't "fix" them. Like sure you help them understand themselves and each other better and give them a chance to show their best qualities, but they're never going to get over their flaws and shortcomings. They're just like that and that doesn't make them any less loveable. In fact it's part of what makes them so charming. They wouldn't be the same without their quirks.
None of them are the perfect guy who can give you the world on a golden platter... but they would try. And they don't expect MC to be perfect either. That's real love to me. (Major bonus points for a genderneutral MC too!)
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eivor-wolfkissed · 5 months
I have never experienced a love so strong, the kind that develops quickly and feels like you and this person were meant to meet and be together. Like what the hell I feel so lucky and happy right now 😭 I am shedding happy tears from love and romance it takes a lot for me to get there. What the fuck I love my boyfriend so much!!!! I am so thankful to the universe and all the gods that we met. Seriously our time together is magical in a way that I haven't felt with other lovers. Posting this here to get off my chest 😭 I'm a sappy boy and I am deeply in love
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niishi · 1 year
I always find it funny that zo/sans will be like: oh I hate these problematic ideas that come out of one piece fans :(
And then two seconds later: I want zoro and sanji to be in an abusive relationship where sanji fucks zoro dry and raw and calls him a faggot and theres no love and no affection and zoros just being used as a hole and an outlet and afterwards sanji is even more angry and abusive bc he has so much internalized homophobia it's hard for him. Idc how it effects zoro, but my poor baby sanji needs to figure himself out and zoro can take massive amounts of abuse so its okay :)
#like do you my friends#but yall are hypocrites#getting mad at the most innocent headcanons#idk!#they either ship them ooc where theyre lovey dovey and married#or they ship it as straight up abuse#angry rival sex is one thing#but this isnt that???? bc unlike most angry rivals#sanji is canonically homphobic (they will ALWAYS add that part too)#and zoro is across the board headcanond as an out gay man#and the focus on the ship#is always sanji using zoro as a way to learn about his sexuality but its always portrayed as rough and rude and cruel#which all in all would be the way it would go in canon pretty much#and i just think like......#whats so sexy about sanji abusing people??#yall threw a fit when sanji was abused#yall threaten puddings life even tho shes a victim#but when sanji abuses ppl yall fucking love it?????#calm down#zo/san is disgusting#i tolerated it for a little bit but everyone ships it exactly the same and its repulsive#only ppl who like sanji more than zoro ship zo/san#bc zoro fans would fucking never put him through that for giggles#i just kinda 'hehe omg i hate this' when its brought up#bc since the beginning ive mentioned i hated it#and that does not stop anyone from trying to make me see why it's good#and all that ever does is make me hate it more bc everyone loves sanji abusing zoro#dont yall get thats a big reason why i hate it? then u try to explain to me why its good and you use that reason??#idk man u think ur clearly communicating your discomfort but then no one respects that... like yall arent gonna change my mind..#it truly just makes me hate it even more
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Pls consider about Brady vs Grant tho: dads who are also just generally decent fellas are so sexy
(Grady feels like he could've been in Dream Daddy a lil bit lol)
Pls consider: being sexy does not a sexyman make
listen! I get it! Grady is considered widely by the fandom to be sexy! You're right, decent fathers have an inherent appeal, I get it. I am 100% willing to agree that he's sexy.
however. being a sexyman is more than being sexy. it's about the quirks, the charm, the devious ingenuity, something not quite normal about them. whether that's villainy, silliness, patheticness, oddity, etc., a sexyman cannot be a sexyman based on pure sexiness. that's just a person people find sexy. there's a difference. hearing someone's a sexyman should be accompanied by a little laughter and a groan of light hearted dismay and disbelief, but ultimately elated acceptance over the ridiculousness--like Sans or the Onceler. classic sexymen
Grady is far too down to earth and typical of a person to be a sexyman. There's nothing odd about him that gives him a quirky charm, there's no flare. Just sexiness, and that's not enough
Brant on the other hand? Maybe he's not as sexy, but there's something wrong with him. He's not quite right, he's fanatic, he's untrustworthy, he's criminal, there's an air of ridiculousness to it. He's got the flare of a sexyman, even if he's not as sexy as Grady. But he has both where Grady only has one, so even if Grady is sexier, he's still less of a sexyman than Brant.
I'm not arguing that Grady isn't sexy, I'm arguing that he's not a sexyman, which has more to it than being sexy. And he falls short--which is okay, not every sexy character needs to be a sexyman! There are other niches to fill!
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