#this man knows some of my deepest darket secrets but not this
skateisawesome · 11 months
at what point in the talking stage do i disclose my extremely unhealthy obsession with a little gay book?
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amaranthineoceans · 3 years
my friend group keeps a quote book of all the stupid stuff we say so i figured i'd share some of them
Skis of darkness were passed on throughout generations
I'm a happy squishy duck man!
Get out of my way, I have rooms to go
Do you have baby clothes? Well put a sock in it
I wanna name my kid Fwegg
(from the same person) My deepest darket secret is that I killed Fwegg
I miss Fwegg
I don't know if it died but it took the chihuahuas with it
Oh sorry I was thinking about subtraction soup
Is she drinking soap?
I want to see your ear
I own my arm
I love the floor
I'll chew your ear
Oh gosh I almost tripped on a baby carriage
Watch this sound I make
Unless the floor is on the corner
He's incredibly nice and incredibly dead
I'm not a chicken nugget; I'm a rooster nugget
All dads are rabbits. You can quote me on that
I'm a worm
Make it like a sploosh
I don't want babies under my chair
Is it a capital zero?
Let's go bear hunting
Smurf off
This is the Billie Eilish of antacid
I am the duck of doom
Start packing boys we're moving to Massachusetts
We should make a raft of people in our class
I'm being hate crimed by ghosty
What about a hawk so I can rip the heart out of my enemies
Do you have strong socks?
I wish to spontaneously combust
Anyway feel free to reblog and share some quotes of your own
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