#this mf is from a 60s cartoon
definitely-hulu · 1 month
If anyone cares, here's a cool picrew I found.
This was mine
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lesbiangummybearmafia · 11 months
What do the assholes that run the streaming companies think their gods? I've seen this happen on Disney plus, Paramount plus, Netflix and I wouldn't be surprised if the rest follow suit. That's just deciding for no good reason to pull off series after series that are popular, that are well liked and are doing good in any kind of rating system that exists. They just killed them for no good fucking reason. I'm fucking tired of the shit with them and they think that were just gonna keep letting them do this bullshit again and again. Drop crap in the place of really good shows. Because that's what they did at least I've noticed on Paramount plus.
It's not because of the strikes so don't anybody even try to go there. They dropped off show like Star Trek Prodigy that has nothing to do with the strikes it's an animated series and a yank the whole first season and had it thrown off the platform and it's now looking for a new home. It's a Star Trek series everything Star Trek is on fucking Paramount plus so where the fuck is it supposed to go?!? Maybe I'll just go to fuck back the cable because streaming services seem to be worse than cable ever was! It's like we opened a Pandora with box of bullshit except now we're paying for each one of the goddamn channels now. If you're too young to understand this once upon a time there was a thing called cable and we'd have something like 60, 70, 80 a 100 plus channels. Each one of those channels would be like the Disney Channel, the Discovery Channel, the Netflix Channel and so on, but you wouldn't have to pay a premium price for each one of the fucking channels only like HBO. You'd pay one monthly fee and you get all the fucking channels. But now in 2023 we have streaming services, where one is like 6.99, here 14.99, there 9.99 there 12.99, there what have you. So we're now paying more than we ever would have paid for cable. We're still having to deal with commercials which use be one of reasons to get streaming services but not anymore!! We're pretty much getting fucked and not in anyway that's good and fun!!! Actually I want cable from like the 80s but with 200 channels, MTV that plays music videos, a world that never figured out or created reality tv, cartoons on Saturday mornings on all channels even ESPN mf!!! I want them to sit the fuck down and try just try to come up with shows like Designing Women, Golden Girls, Good Times, The Jeffersons, Mork and Mindy, original ideas people! Not the same old seen before or doing reboot of something again. Get rid of all the news channels while we're at it, unless their independent companies of the free press that their only job is to report the news and they're not under any obligation by any company to promote a certain viewpoint or political ideology we don't need them anymore. There now more dangerous then helpful.
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spaceistheplaceart · 2 years
Ive always imagined the addisons looking like those old cartoons from the 50s/60s. idk why, probably the noses.
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like these mfs. w the noses and mouths that connect TO the noses
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nadiawrites14 · 4 years
whagt the hell nadia has a creepypasta oc???
its october mf
wc: 3.6k
not very well written and a bit of a hot mess but still love this tall king <3
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There was this kid at my school. 
There was a kid at my school, and I just really need to talk about him. I think it’s something I need to put out there. I am talking about it because anyone and everyone I talk to seems to never remember his name, or him in general, but I can’t stop thinking about his face.
I was never popular at school, and my brother always outshined me in that fact. He was a cheerleader, and I was his nerdy, unattractive sister. His friends were never friendly with me, and it wasn’t easy for me to make new ones, so I mostly kept to myself. Besides a few nice classmates, I was a bit of a loner, and this led me to Charlie.
Charlie Nguyen had always attended school in my city. I knew of him — we’d never actually talked, besides nearly 10 years of attending school together. Come to think of it, I don’t think anyone really talked to Charlie. He was always there, a lingering presence, and seemed to get on better with teachers than he did with other kids. Despite both of us being outcasts, we never interacted, right up until recently. He just tapped my shoulder in the hallway once, shyly staring at his feet and asking if I would like to eat lunch with him in the library. Despite his crooked posture and timidness, he towered over me. I was only as tall as his shoulder. I had nothing to lose from it, really — it was more preferable to spending lunch with Ernest and his friends, so I accepted cheerily which made him very happy. 
Talking to him, I was shocked at how much I missed out on by never bothering to strike up a conversation. He was funny, sweet, and a hell of a lot more intelligent than I had believed. I’d often seen my teachers slip back 70s and 60s to him, but in one of the library’s secluded corners, we discussed politics and art and existentialism. I don’t even know how we got into talking about philosophy and what defines the self, but by the time the bell rang, my lunch was not eaten and I was much more enlightened than I was before. It was like a lightning bolt. I told him I’d be glad to eat lunch with him tomorrow as well, and he seemed very appreciative of it. As I headed to my last class, I realized I forgot to ask for his number, but decided I’d ask the next day.
Something about Charlie was just so alluring. I didn’t know much about him at all, even after our daily lunches began — he was 17, from Fresno, and his mother passed when he was young. Half-Vietnamese, half-white, and he spoke broken Spanish and loved to draw cartoons in the margins of his notes. I found myself chatting with him through text past my bedtime, where we’d discuss our lives, our academics, our interests. One thing Charlie and I really bonded over was our shared interest in both Shakespeare and horror movies. He’d been enamored since he read Romeo and Juliet his freshman year, but Hamlet was his favorite. At the time, I was peeling through AP Literature with straight A’s and was much more concerned with Tolstoy and Plath and Camus, but his fascination with the bard was certainly something I could bond with him over.
I prefer the comedies, though. Midsummer’s Night, Much Ado, As You Like It. Charlie’s interest in the tragedies ranged from the general to the obsessive, where he would produce sermons and sermons of how much the words and writings spoke to him. Considering how much death was in Hamlet and Macbeth, his other favorite, it concerned me, but I passed it off as nothing unique. After all, he was also a fan of slashers and all things horror. He loved a good scare. Whenever I tried to coax him into visiting his house for a movie night or a sleepover, he’d defer, and I would glumly accept the sentence. Once I switched the proposed setting from his house to mine, he gladly accepted.
Ernest was a little bit less enthusiastic about my liaisons with Charlie. They had gotten into scuffles before. Ernest got a very stern slap on the wrist for pulling on Charlie’s crutch in the hall once, freshman year. I told him a week in advance, just so he knew to vacate the house the next Friday and allow me and what he so lovingly called ‘the creepy asshole’ to watch a movie together. Ernie huffed and puffed about it the whole week and it really began to get on my nerves. The entire week, he bugged me and demanded just what I saw in that freak. I excused it as brotherly overprotection, but as Friday grew closer, I started to realize that it was fear.
When he dropped me off that morning, I confronted him in the car. “Why are you so scared of Charlie?”
Ernie scoffed. “I’m not scared of Charlie.”
“You sound pretty paranoid when you’re dropping a curfew on me and telling me to not get too close or talk too much.”
“Well, mom and dad are out of the house, and I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.”
“Charlie is a freak. He’s... creepy. I can’t place my finger on what’s up with him. Esme, just tell me, have you ever left the room with a splitting headache when you’re with him? Has your phone ever started bugging out? Hm?”
I thought back. Well, a few lunches in, I did have such an awful headache I had to excuse myself from class to go try and throw my guts up in the bathroom. It wasn’t that, though, and it had subsided by the end of the school day. The back of my skull would sometimes pound and contract, but I didn’t think it was anything, reducing it to pollution or mold in the school. It always ebbed when I left the school. For my phone, it would get a little buggy. Just a little buggy, though! I had no reason to think it was Charlie’s fault! It’s not like we live in a world where that shit happens. He’s not some psychic, he’s a weird, lonely kid with trauma. That’s it. And I let Ernie know that by screaming an expletive and slamming the door on him, spending the rest of the school day with a headache tenfold worse than the one I had all those weeks ago. By lunchtime, my head was pounding so fiercely I almost slipped and fell down the stairs. 
Charlie noticed, and asked what was wrong, a worried look on his face. I asked if we could postpone, and went on to talk about how awful my headache was. He seemed very disappointed about it but nodded and accepted with a smile. I felt so guilty about it, but it was quickly absolved, because when I walked out of the library with him I must have blacked out in the hallway. Charlie and one of the other teachers brought me to the nurse’s office, where my mother brought me home as I moaned in the backseat.
The rest of the afternoon was a blur. A literal blur behind my crowded vision and the blood rushing in my ears, but I do remember awaking in the darkness of my room at around 1:00 AM. The red light on my digital clock said so. I awoke to the sound of something like water boiling, or when a witch’s brew bubbles inside of a movie or cartoon. It was bubbling, dripping, wet — but when I pulled back my curtain, everything appeared dry. No rain, not even any clouds. The stars were quite clear, due to the fact that it was a new moon. Despite that lingering sound of bubbling and popping, I was able to fall back asleep. I don’t know how long I slept, but when I came downstairs the next morning, my parents (and an over-concerned Ernie) were adamant that I stay home all weekend. I accepted that the next two days would be filled with boring movie binges and cups of hot soup and tea, and I plopped back under the covers. My head began to pound every time I checked my phone. I noticed Charlie had sent me a few texts, but I didn’t have the heart nor the energy to check what he had said. 
Sunday is when things actually began to get weird. The batteries in the remote for my TV had gone kaput, and I remembered that Ernie usually kept the same type in his desk for his old lamp. It was easier to walk across the hall to his room than down two flights of stairs into the basement. I knocked, and when there was no response, I entered. The lights were off. This was strange, because Ernie always loved to keep lights on. My parents constantly griped about seeing his outline in the window as late as 11, either from the strip LED lights that lined his room, the fairy lights, the candles, or the overhead light. I flipped the light switch and rubbed my eyes, as it was the most brightness I had seen in the past two days. Beginning to feel a tad nauseous, I took a seat at Ernie’s desk, trying to recall which drawer he kept his batteries in. As I searched, though, I noticed one drawer was shut from the inside, most likely from a heavyweight.
I should have just kept it shut. I shouldn’t have pressed. I should have gotten what I needed and left it alone, left my golden boy brother’s life completely alone. Then I could live knowing he didn’t have any dark secrets despite being a little bit of a bully and just a tad too standoffish. But, being the curious girl I was, I kept pushing until the drawer gave in.
Composition notebooks. The white smudges across the notebook covers had been filled in with dashes of pen, each one meticulously filled in. All five of the notebooks had this pattern. Blacked out, no name on the lines or any signage, otherwise normal in appearance. By that point, I should have known, but I kept going. I was once again shrouded in that same allure I felt around Charlie, the strange sense of being drawn in. When I opened the first notebook, I had to stop myself from making a sound. Every single page. Every single page in that notebook was filled with scratches in multicolored ballpoint pen, pleads and hypotheses and prayers. Drawings, maps, entries. The pages were thin from being worn down so deeply with the frantic pen marks, and many of the pages had been torn through from the intensity of the writing. My nausea grew and I began to feel my head pounding again. But I just couldn’t stop. Trying to process those frantic words written and dated and laden with tables and records and drawings was like trying to decipher hieroglyphics. Particularly, there was one symbol and one familiar figure that was retained throughout the notebook’s contents. An O with an X slashed through it. It reminded me of how I marked my bubbles on Scantrons, one line through, one line through, shade in the bubble. And the figure. The figure. A faceless man, a white oval of a face atop a suit and tie, and what looked to be tentacles pouring out from the sides. 
I was snapped out of my trance by the sound of footsteps rising up the stairs. I dumped the notebooks back in my drawer, besides the fourth one, which I tucked in the back of my shorts and underneath my sweatshirt. Ernie looked at me weirdly as I exited his room, but I offered a weak smile and held up the pack of batteries. He nodded, and I disappeared back into my room.
It fascinated me, and it scared me. When the oncoming headache and nauesa had left, I scanned over all his words and entries, observing each of his drawings and sentences and deconstructing like a true AP student should know how to do. I always assumed Ernie was going to parties when I heard his window open and shut or when he warned me he wouldn’t be home until late, not investigating supernatural entities in our affluent suburban town and measuring sound waves through apps he’d downloaded onto his phone. I hadn’t known Ernie was this brilliant. It took me about two hours of reading and rereading that singular notebook until I had connected the dots.
A few years ago, our cousin Ronnie disappeared. Ronnie and Ernie were best friends, close like brothers, and were inseparable at each and every family gathering. What I knew for certain about Ronnie is that he also had a particular fascination with ghost-hunting. He went out on frequent escapades with his girlfriend and her brother with some handy professional equipment in the most ‘supernatural’ bits of California. Most of my family excused it as a strange hobby that didn’t subtract from Ronnie’s successful business career, not until all three of the ghost-hunting squad disappeared without a trace while investigating the Lassen National Forest. No DNA, no bodies, no signs or directions or a reason were ever found. Even their car and all their expensive equipment, all of Ronnie’s research, had vanished into thin air. It seemed he had become one of those ghost stories he so adored to pursue. It didn’t hit me that hard, as I hadn’t known Ronnie all that well, but I hadn’t factored in how much of Ernie’s personality had changed since the disappearance. He had become more standoffish with his rivals, more competitive with his athletics, more jumpy and paranoid.
I should have known by the way he looked at Charlie. I assumed it was drama I had missed out on or the pure perils of high school hierarchies. But I had never noticed how hateful, how accusatory it really was. For some reason, I was certain that Ernie had it in his head that all of these things were connected. The Faceless Man, the disappearance of our beloved Ronnie Halaifinoua, and the outcast at my school who was seemingly responsible for bugged out phones and splitting headaches. It made no sense, but at the same time, it was like a missing piece to a puzzle that I simply had to snap into place. I hid the notebook in my schoolbag, and went back on Monday armed with a bottle of aspirin and comfortable clothes, ready to confront Charlie.
At lunch, I took two aspirin and handed him the notebook wordlessly. We sat in silence as he slowly peered over the pages, absorbing the information behind blank eyes without a single sound. When he reached the final page, he set it down and asked, “Did you write this?”
“Ernie did.”
Charlie sniggered at that and crossed his legs. “Well, he’s onto me, now, isn’t he?”
I stared at him, slack-jawed, feeling duped. “You’re— you’re—“
“What, supernatural? I’d like to think so,” he gave me a mellow look. “Ah… you may want to take another aspirin. Watch this.”
I popped one and I watched. He closed his eyes and snapped his fingers. The lights above us flickered off, then on, then off again, before the lights reignited. Charlie opened his eyes, suddenly breathless, and nodded. “I can’t… usually do it with that much control. It needs work.”
I slammed my hands down on the notebook, my mind barreling at 100 miles per hour with a smattering of questions in tow. “Everything. Tell me everything. Now.”
Charlie folded his hands and gestured to the aspirin. I shook my head and pulled the bottle to my side. He cleared his throat, steadied his gaze, and began. “I wouldn’t call myself willingly supernatural by any means. I did not ask to be this way. I have been tossed through more foster homes in 17 years than I can count on my hands, and I would give anything to give up this life. I hate living a life where I’m unable to control my abilities. I don’t want to hurt others, I don’t want to do this, but sometimes it gets out of hand. Lucky for you,” he said. “Some people will gain immunity once exposed to it long enough.”
“Gain immunity to what?”
“It has a lot of names depending on the universe you’re in. They mostly call it the slender sickness, but you can call it the static sickness, faceless-man-itis, whatever. You do you. Headaches, nausea, hallucinations. Malfunctioning electricity. Static. The whole thing.”
“So it is you.”
“Always has been. Well, not totally. Faceless Man? The Faceless Man, as your brother says, he may or may not have touched my mother with his hand, therefore touching me as well and handing me a degree of abilities that I drag with me. It’s my cross, Esme. I’ve been avoiding his gaze for the past 16 years and have always managed to just be out of his reach, but my powers are getting stronger and it’s all getting more and more out of hand. I needed to go to someone.”
“Does he have a name? An actual one.”
“Many names. The Operator, the Business Man, Chernobog. Apparently, now, the Faceless Man. And I guess he’s my parental figure now. I’ve been chilling with him more often. Crazy dude, gotta say,” Charlie said, putting his hands behind his head and crossing his legs. “Crazy, crazy things.”
I looked at my hands, unsure of what to feel. “Did he kill my cousin?”
Charlie’s face went slack. “He’s killed many, many, people, but I don’t have control over what he does.”
We sat in silence for a long moment until Charlie spoke again. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
My heart began to pound. “Ernie’s after you,” I said, running a hand through my hair and letting it fall over my face. “I think he might try and hurt you.”
“So… movie night is postponed indefinitely, then,” he replied.
I grinned sadly at him. “Don’t make me laugh, this is serious. I don’t want you to be harmed.”
His arms dropped to his side, and he smiled at me. He smiled in a way that drew me back in all over again. “Esme, be here tomorrow. I’ll see you then.”
He vanished back out into the hall. I chose not to follow him. But, for the first time, I had a surprising lack of a headache, and I don’t think it was because of the aspirin. 
That night, I slipped the notebook back into Ernie’s drawer. I think he may have figured it out, though, because when we bumped into each other on the stairs, we stared at each other for a good minute saying nothing. I believe it was my way of telling him which side I was on, because when he surrendered his gaze he slammed the door shut behind him and I heard rummaging in his room. I walked to school the next morning.
When I came to lunch the next day, Charlie was already waiting for me. He handed me a gift bag. “It’s a present,” he said. “For you.”
“What’s the occasion?”
“I’m moving. You might never see me again.”
“Oh, Charlie…”
“I say might. Might. There’s a chance we will meet again. Perhaps in another lifetime or in another universe. We can figure it out, alright? Alright.”
I shared my lunch with him, half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and we toasted to his new life with our milk cartons. When we left the library that day, our pinkies were interlocked. As he turned to go to class, I pulled him back, and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll miss you,” I said. 
He hugged me. It was like hugging one of those plasma balls where your hair stands up when you touch it. I had just stuck my fingers in a socket, but when I pulled back, all I could see were Charlie’s grateful, glowing eyes. “I’ll miss you too. Goodbye, Esme. Goodbye.”
My hair on my arms was still standing up and my cheeks were dark with color. I had a mark on my pinkie from where it touched his.
Since that day, I haven’t seen Charlie Nguyen. Ernie is still doing tests and taking entries though they become more inconsistent and confusing each and every day. I have an idea of who’s altering his readings. The present Charlie gave me, though, might hold some importance for me in the future. It’s a key without something to unlock, a piece of quartz, his copy of Shakespeare’s Hamlet with all his annotations in the margins, and a pair of earrings with ghosts on them. Quartz conducts electricity. I remember learning that in class. I always keep it in my pocket now. When I ask my teachers about him, they seem confused, as do the other students. Ernie and I have seemed to make a silent pact as to not discuss the matters of the supernatural. I think he’s looking for Charlie. He’s looking for anything that will bring him closer to the truth.
I feel farther to the truth than ever before, but I know I cannot be far from it. It’s a matter of time. Ernie has begun to have headaches lately.
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thepalegoldmoon · 7 years
All 60 asks~!
get to know me, pick some numbers. 1. selfieNone ATM, but you’ll see my face when I con update, (pro procrastinating on that haha)
2. what would you name your future kids?I’m trying to get a new baby Guinea pig from a friend and I’m gonna try to name it Roadie, if that shows anything haha (I’m never gonna have human children, but other animals probably haha)
3. do you miss anyone?Tbh is this even a question? When don’t I miss someone haha, yeah.. Kinda tbh
4. what are you looking forward to?Cons, moving out, making more money, just chilling with the only person I ever really hang out with anymore haha
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?Yeah like one or two people, one and probably the most important one and the one of them being the cool ass mf who sent me this ask c;
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?Depends on alot of variables recently 
7. what was your life like last year?Lonely, terribly quite, have really no one, maybe like two people, and they kinda just became by closest and probably most reliable (in the best kinda ways) friends I’ve ever had..
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?Yeah I think? I bottle up alot of my emotions. So when I get annoyed enough to cry. It’s that one thing that sent me over the breaking point and everything just happens in one big messy fit. It’s gross. •-•
9. who did you last see in person?Besides my immediate family (I see those annoying fucks everyday so they don’t really count I love them but eh) ummm I think it was this really cool guy, his name is Jay, I tag him in a ton of shit, yeah he’s really awesome!~ and my fave, but yeah I saw him for a con and it was amazing!~
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?Idk some people say they can’t tell certain emotions. Or they don’t notice them, others say the exact opposite, it all depends on the people and emotions
11. are you listening to music right now?Nope shockingly, I’ve been jamming out to my old childhood anthems these past few days haha
12. what is something you want right now?Probably to just chill with someone, just kinda cuddle with someone and watch movies and conspiracy YouTube videos tbh haha maybe do some other cool shit with? Idk but that would be nice haha, and money to pay off some people haha,
13. how do you feel right now?Kinda lonely, a little tired, but over all calm and just veggin out doing nothing haha
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? Two weeks ago I gave my friend Amanda a hug good bye, I ran into her at the fireworks show down the street from my apartment
15. personality descriptionYikes, a mess. I’m a scrappy cinnamon roll with a low key Lex Luther complex 😈Kinda explains why I want to legally change my name to Alyxxander… Hmmm haha
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?Tbh yeah, there’s lots of shit I’d love to say but don’t, wether for their protection or my own, sometimes some things are better left for better times or just never said
17. opinion on insecurities.They’re shit and we all hate them tbh but as long as you can find ways to get past them and have friends that support you and beat those insecurities down rather than make them worse, all is good!~ 
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?I don’t really know, like maybe some things, but tbh not much is really too different from last year. There’s a few things different hut tbh idk if that’s a good or bad thing anymore. I don’t really know haha
19. have you ever been to New York?State: yes, a few times, passing through and I’ve been to Buffalo.City: passed through but didn’t stay. I’d love to go one day though
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?hooked on a feeling (I make snapchat memes from that song haha,)
21. age and birthday?18 and May 28th!~
22. description of crush.A have a few key words. L E G S. E Y E S. S M I L E. has the tiniest flatest butt, but I love it and think it’s real nice!~ ( Tbh doesn’t have the flatest ass out of all my friend group, but put of my closet friend group does XD) and once it’s relevant again H A I R. (( gee golly guys, I wonder who I described???)) haha
23. fear(s)Hahah many. Mostly personal ones but one I’ll be alright making a public one. Never being able to be there for my friends or those I care most about in any way at all.. Or to constantly cause them pain in some way.. 
24. height5'5/ 5'6? It’s been a while since I last got my height checked 
25. role modelProbably Chris Evens, that gorgeous man, he’s the true captain frickin America 
26. idol(s)I have alot but I can’t think of any of them ATM…
27. things i hateMany things.. But tbh just when people take credit for shit other people do, when someone bitches about how they should get something when they’ve literally done jack shit to get it, or when people act like a total douche just because something won’t go their way, wether it be a giant thing or the tiniest fucking thing…
28. i’ll love you if…Enjoy my forms of affections, I enjoy lots of hugs and cuddling kinda stuff.. Haha that or if we can do cool shit together and just be open enough to connect on some form of level. You gotta have the vibes man, ya know?
29. favourite film(s)The Danish Girl Lots of horror movies Any Tim Burton film The crow 
30. favourite tv show(s)Voltron Steven UniverseAnd a bunch of old cartoons from when I was a kidEspecially invader ZimOmfg that was my shit 
31. 3 random facts1.) I’m complete total trash, I named my most recent animals after overwatch characters, I have 6 now, 3 Guinea pigs (Dva(f) Aki(m) Oreo(m)), 2 gerbils (Mercy(f) Widow(f)), and a mouse he’s Junkmouse he’s such a Sweetie!~ and he’s teeny!~That awesome guy that sent the ask, Jay, yeah his idea with naming junkmouse and then I just kinda couldn’t help but keep it going cause it just fit too well, soon I’m gonna run out of names I know it haha
2.) I feel like this should go out, cause this wasn’t on the ask lost but it should be hahamy favorite color is blue, but the color I feel with is usually yellow or orange
3.) I’m really into witchcraft and things associated, and I want to get better at it haha
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?Ehhhhh, even cause I can only think of the three people I converse with the most or at all, I have one friend who identifies as female, another who identifies as female(I think) idk she’s a all over the place, and then one who identifies as male, so it’s kinda even but leans more towards females
33. something you want to learnMany things, mostly how to be a better friend, every language I can get for free on my Rosetta stone app, and ASL, 
34. most embarrassing momentEhhhhh there’s two but they’re insanely personal haha
35. favourite subjectArt. Science. Spiritual/religious shit. Sociology. Animals. Games. Shows. Conspiracy shit. Scary spooky shit. haha (I’m not in school anymore so these are just random things I talk alot about haha)
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?1.) like to visit Asia or at least one other country over seas2.) get better at art or photography and maybe make a job out of it3.) just make it through life and enjoy what I can about it
37. favourite actor/actressActors: Johnny Depp, Allan Rickman, Eddie Redmaine.Actress: Helena Bonham Carter
38. favourite comedian(s)Adam Grabowski (seriously check this guy out, he’s a riot, the Disney princesses skit he does, one of the best, if not check out the board games one, 10/10)
39. favourite sport(s)Swimming and hiking are what I count as sports and I barely even do those tbh.. Sleeping and see how long I can stay in my house uncovered by society are my true sports. Tbh I went out for fireworks, and a con so far this summer, I’m doing great haha.
40. favourite memoryOoo idk any right now haha
41. relationship statusSingle Pringle, but I’m stick in the can, cause I ain’t ready to mingle. I got my eyes set on someone even if it won’t happen. But it’s nice to try at least c:
42. favourite book(s)I used to have one but I can’t think of it off the top of my head, I used to be hella into the Percy Jackson series though, Rick’s a good author haha 
43. favourite song everYikes, I don’t know dude haha
44. age you get mistaken forEhhhhh either 14/15 or like 20/21 so not entirely off but like I’m either hella legal or hella illegal XD
45. how you found out about your idolI don’t really know, 
46. what my last text message saysI K R ! ! ! ! ! ! LIKE SEE!!!
47. turn onsMmm not sure, but I’m up to find out physical ones c; haha but in all seriousness, just consent, respect, and open minded vibes. Just of I get the right vibes off you.
48. turn offsI don’t get the right vibes off you.Really extremely bratty kids. Rich or not. Just bratty ass kids. And people who have no shame or humility 
49. where i want to be right nowTbh, my own apartment, either chilling with a close ass bud, or maybe traveling around, just somewhere else that seems more exciting or comforting.
50. favourite picture of your idolN/a
51. starsignGemini!~ haha
52. something i’m talented atI’ve heard??? I’m good??? at art??? And then I have negative ones but Imma keep those put of here ahaha, but I’m good at art??? And cooking??? /baking??? From what I’m told haha
53. 5 things that make me happy1.) My pets2.) Not being bothered when in playing my games/ When my house only has yours truly scurrying around the place3.) food, and chilling with a good show or movie4.) getting to chill with my friends and do cool ass shit,5.) getting the chance to give cheesy ass affections, whether it’s platonic or not, I LIKE TO SNUG ALRIGHT!?!?!? SNUGGINS ARE WHAT MAKE THIS WORLD GO FUCKING ROUND MAN LIKE SHIT.(Imma throw in a sixth one cause this is important)6.) getting to get turnt with some good friends and the Devils sweet green grass when I have the chance, (GONNA FOR MY MED CARD SOON B, HMU I’M EXCITE)
54. something thats worrying me at the momentTwo things, money (always), screwing shit up beyond the point of no return with my closest friend.. 
55. tumblr friendsI got like three? One of which is the only one I ever tag, or talk to haha, that’s this cool dude at the very top of this post here, yeah him!~ that little stud!~ c:
56. favourite food(s)All?????????
57. favourite animal(s)Ehhhhh, all?????????But mostly cats, and my pets haha 
58. description of my best friendEhh mm, Well I’ll do my two closest friends ATM, Ok one super chill dude, described him a bit at the top, he’s got LEGS alright, and those eyes, fucking end me haha, but yeah, he’s really awesome, but hell he’s super complex, and that’s probably the coolest thing about him, he’s on a whole bunch of other levels my guy
Then the second one, she’s cool, she’s pretty quite, but low key really adventurous and pretty open minded and grounded, but she’s a cancer. So there’s that… Haha she’s reliable tho, she’s been there since kindergarten, so I feel bad not giving her a little credit.
59. why i joined tumblrMostly for my childhood friend Liz, but I didn’t know how to use this god forsaken site, but I found a new reason to back in like sophomore/ junior year, cause again Jay XD. I needed my daily fix of memes and this guys got the best quality memes alright? He is the meme king!!!~ XD 
60. ask me anything you wantN/a
Thanks my guy!!!~ it was fun answering all the asks!~ (even if I lost them like five or six times haha)
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dbcreepr-blog · 5 years
Production analysis: Skits
Early on in the production process, the decision was made to utilise skits throughout the album.
The term ‘Skit’ tends to be used in reference to Hip Hop, and generally comprises of a short piece that consists of vocals, or music that can sometimes carry a comedic element to them. Skits are often associated with albums that have some type of concept attached to them (McLeod, 1999), and have also been summerised to as an ‘audio collage’ (Red Bull Music Academy, 2015). The use of skits can help drive the core of the music's concept to the listener, and due to the fact they are oftenly much shorter than the accompanying songs, the content needs to be concise, without being over concentrated.
3 full Skits can be heard throughout the entirety of World Unknown, with one skit every 3 tracks. This choice in placement  serves as a way to indicate the start of a new ‘act’, as well as provide exposition to set the tone for the following tracks. Despite there being 3 individual skits that stand on their own, many of the elements that skits consist of can be heard throughout the main tracks in the album, usually at the start or end of the song.
One of the main reasons for deciding to utilise skits in this project was to signify pivotal moments within the narrative of the album in a way that is clear to the listener.
In this context, one of the main sources of inspiration when composing the skits came from Hip Hop Producer/Rapper MF DOOM, an artist with a persona is centered around a conceptual ethos and a universe/area that the character resides in (Purdom, 2017). The majority of his songs are accompanied by skits that convey and reinforce this narrative, which has been known to span across multiple albums.
In order to examine specific examples of direct influence DOOM’s work has had when composing ‘World Unknown’, I’ll compare two of my skits against one of DOOMs, breaking down the similar elements and themes utilised by both.
Mm.. Food
A strongly appropriate example of the use of a skit in an album dealing with some type of concept can be found in the opening track of  MF DOOM'S second album, ‘Mm...Food’ (2004), titled ‘Beef Rapp’. As the title suggests, the album’s conceptual framework is based on many aspects of food, whether it be about its consumption, description of, or reference to.
The first 1.48 minutes of ‘Beef Rapp’ is comprised of a skit that not only encapsulates the core concept of the album, but also highlights the DOOM character and the surrounding mythos crafted by the artist. The skit was composed using a mix of samples containing clips from the 1980’s Spiderman cartoons ‘Dr. DOOM’ Character, the song ‘Would you Like a snack?’ by Frank Zappa, alongside the movies ‘Wildstyle’, ‘Logans Run’, and ‘Bowery at Midnight’ (Whosampled.com, n.d.). These samples are accompanied by a drum break with continuously changing patterns, providing the listener with rhythm to accompany the exposition. The setting DOOM presents the listener with contains many elements that embody Roads’ concept of a Sonic narrative, such as the use of humor and irony as a narrative strategy, with a specific example of this being the concept of music being mixed in and odd way in order to evoke a humorous reaction of sorts (Roads, 2015).
The section of the track in question can be heard here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuxHWc-ZEXw
Use in ‘World Unknown’
To present how I've utlised skits, and elements of skits in ‘World Unknown’ I will be breaking down two examples of its use in the album; The introduction of World Unknowns third track, ‘Encabulator’, and the first full length skit in the album, ‘Impact’. Both of which can be heard here: (The intro for Encabulator has been taken out of the full track in the attached link)
Various Influences can be identified when comparing the skits and clips  taken from World Unknown, and compared to DOOMs use, such as the use of layered sampled vocals serving as a way to provide exposition to the listener, whilst also setting the tone of the song, while also layering the track with Instrumentation and drums in order to maintain rhythm that is expected with the genre.
Overall, it would be fair to argue that the use of skits is a helpful tool in this context. It is genre appropriate and is useful when trying to convey a concept, or some sort of exposition to the listener, hence its use to some extent throughout many of the tracks in ‘World Unknown’.
McLeod, K. (1999). Authenticity Within Hip-Hop and Other Cultures Threatened with Assimilation. Journal of Communication, [online] 49(4), pp.134-150. Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1460-2466.1999.tb02821.x [Accessed 13 Apr. 2019].
Purdom, C. (2017). [online] Music.avclub.com. Available at: https://music.avclub.com/meet-the-many-faces-and-masks-of-mf-doom-in-60-minute-1798262804 [Accessed 13 Apr. 2019].
YouTube. (2015). DOOM Lecture (Madrid 2011) | Red Bull Music Academy. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGu0ao_rdAk [Accessed 13 Apr. 2019].
Roads, C. (2015). Composing electronic music. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p.333.
Whosampled.com. (n.d.). [online] Available at: https://www.whosampled.com/MF-DOOM/Beef-Rapp/ [Accessed 13 Apr. 2019].
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sheilacwall · 5 years
MF DOOM feat Ghostface Killah – Angels
(Flashback Series Video # 10) https://soundcloud.com/swaggerlikeuz Subscribers thanks for believing, much luv. It’s humbling knowing this lil channel wit virtually no google favoritism has more viral fan videos than most channels with triple my subs. …For more retro goodies, unreleased rare tracks, obscure gems, & illy repost 24’7. Subscribe! The only Youtube channel you’ll find that does “Cartoon Mashups/Fan made” vids featuring Underground, Singers, Jazz, lo fi, blues, elevator music, composers, Acid Jazz, House Music, Rare Grooves, Trip Hop, Rock, Electronic, R&B, Neo Soul, Easy Listening, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 00’s, classic freestyle battles via “Cassidy vs Freeway (Anime Version)”, Vlogs via “Ghostface Air Out Action Bronson (IRON MAN VER) there’s no fan made video like it on youtube, & interviews …Yep I flipped an interview via the upload entitled “MF DOOM: The Mask”. Tribute to MF DOOM aka Zev Love X, and Ghostface Killah, yo special shot out to Wu-tang Clan & KMD. That’s where it all started for me, 36 Chambers, Iron Man, Constipated Monkey, Peach Fuzz, Black Bastards back when it was unreleased, What a nigga know, Daytona 500, etc. This channel wouldn’t exist without u both, so big ups! Yo this is for all the true MF DOOM and Ghostface Killah heads. RIP Subroc, lets go source
The post MF DOOM feat Ghostface Killah – Angels appeared first on Hip Hop World Music.
from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.com/mf-doom-feat-ghostface-killah-angels/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mf-doom-feat-ghostface-killah-angels from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.tumblr.com/post/188015869528
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blockheadbrands · 6 years
Creativity and Cannabis With Collage Artist Dewey Saunders
Kevin Cortez of Leafly Reports:
It was back in high school when I first heard it on “America’s Most Blunted.” A new rule that would inspire a post-D.A.R.E. lifestyle for my work ethic: “Creativity. It’s a known fact that grass increases creativity from eight to eleven times. In fact, everyone finds that they’re more creative stoned than straight.”
MF DOOM and Madlib’s seminal Hip-Hop record, Madvillainy, introduced a slew of ideas about cannabis that I hadn’t heard in my pre-teen years. The sample of Ron Jacobs’ A Child’s Garden Of Grass (A Pre-Legalization Comedy) was a clever way to address the herb as an important part of the creation process, as well as introduce it to an audience of young Hip-Hop listeners. It was a bizarre sample for a hazy song and album, but it fit, it educated.
It taught a generation of teenagers that weed wasn’t as harmful as we were led to believe. In actuality, it induced creativity. And if smoking weed created an odd, forward-thinking product like Madvillainy, perhaps it wasn’t such a bad habit to take up after all.
Cannabis, Creativity, and Artistic Hustle
Artist Dewey Bryan Saunders is living proof of that successful work-smoke balance within a career. The self-employed freelance artist has been smoking since his high school years, and still uses it today to loosen his mind and brainstorm new ideas. “It has always been around me,” he says. “Even as a kid. It was never really a big deal.”
Imaginative and uniquely himself, Saunders is living proof of how well weed can intertwine with the visual arts.
Born in Boynton Beach, South Florida and now residing in LA, Dewey Bryan Saunders is a true jack-of-all-trades within the spectrum of art. His interest in the arts sparked when he was a child, where he spent his free time redrawing comics from his collection and his favorite cartoon characters. He inched toward photography in high school, and eventually went on to earn a degree in graphic design at Tyler Junior College. His path would then take him into editorial work for The New Yorker magazine and working on minor advertising campaigns.
Harnessing a controlled form of chaos in his own tiny world, Saunders is best known for his psychedlic collages, crafting vivid, dusty scenes from older publications and repurposing them for his own faux, often surreal memories. He’s worked with Stones Throw Records, The Fader, Ray-Ban, and created artwork for musicians like Anderson .Paak, Chronixx and Lil Uzi Vert.
Saunders’ breakthrough came with his work alongside Anderson .Paak, leading up to the musician’s second album, Malibu. Saunders was found by .Paak through Instagram, after the illustrator released a slew of hip hop portraits onto the platform and tagged rappers in his posts. The method was useful for Saunders to get noticed, and with rappers and peers gawking over his gorgeous portraits and unique style, he was set. This method proved to be a key part in his success.
Impressing Musical Artists With Surreal Style
(Courtesy of Joshua Lang)
Once .Paak reached out to Saunders to work on Malibu, the two would go on to create what would become the permanent visual component to Anderson .Paak’s music. Under creative director Cory Gomberg, Saunders crafted a style of surreal, absurdist atmospheres for .Paak to play within. The musician’s singles, cover art, and Instagram feed became an outlet for Saunders’ cool, vintage expression of mixed media. Likewise, .Paak felt synonymous with cool.
“Having my perception shifted a bit allows me to view work in a different light.”Dewey Saunders, Artist
“I was really inspired by guys like Cody Hudson, Wes Lang, Mike Perry, Ed Ruscha, and Hockney,” Saunders says of his work. “Over time, my commercial work and personal work became mostly made with the collage method, but I still draw and paint. I think as a graphic designer, each project dictates which media is used. I like to switch it up. I illustrated the new Vacationer album cover “Mindset” which was a nice change of pace.”
As for his work method, cannabis is laced throughout. “I find it extremely beneficial in a creative aspect and in a self-care medicinal aspect,” he says. “Creatively, it allows me to see things from a different perspective and loosens me up, makes me more open-minded, and open to new concepts and ideas. I find it very useful for brainstorming, ideation, image sourcing and making mood boards. It really will help with composition and colors too, generally image creation is more fluid and easier.”
For Saunders, high-energy strains are a favorite, “my preference for studio work— the hazes, diesels, Sour Tangie—help me stay engaged and excited.”
Today, Dewey Saunders still dabbles in photography, ink sketching, and illustration. His Instagram feed shows his constant progression into his distinct style. Saunders’ lacing of 60’s psychedelia with cool blues and warm summer tones makes up his vivid world. And for those willing, he extends a hand toward musicians, brands, and fellow artists who want a place in his maddening realm of mixed media.
Imaginative and uniquely himself, Saunders is living proof of how well weed can intertwine with the visual arts.
“I don’t smoke for technical aspects of the execution and production,” he tells Leafly on mixing weed with work. “I prefer to knock out the nitty-gritty designing work clear-headed so that there are no mistakes. After the heavy lifting is finished, a little herb is beneficial for review and critique. Having my perception shifted a bit allows me to view work in a different light.”
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ninatodita · 6 years
1. Name 1 thing you miss about being a kid. Being in the present 2. What was your favorite musical group when you were a kid? probably the black eyed peas or smth 3. When was the first time that you had alcohol? like 10  4. What is your worst dating experience? a guy showed me a picture of himself on a motorcycle as a way to “impress” me. i got like second hand embarrassment  5. What is the craziest thing you have ever done? if i ever told my mom that i smoked cigarettes in my room when i was younger she would hit me. so probably that 6. Name one thing that not many people know about you. i’m scared my ass is starting to sag 7. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death? being quietly powerful 8. Do you have any phobias? heights  9. Name three countries you would like to visit. greece, peru, and india 10. If your house was on fire and you could grab only 3 things before leaving, what would they be? id, credit card, a sweater for later 11. Do you believe in extraterrestrials or life on other planets? ya 12. Do you believe in the paranormal? ya 13. What would be your dream job? having a desk in an office and i just do paperwork and input data in a computer. i get an hour for lunch and there’s parking right outside the building.                                               
14. If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be? money, the desire to work out, and better natural eyebrows/ eyelashes
15. If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to? i like my first name but i would drop my dad’s last name and take my great-grandmas 16. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? new orleans 17. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left. eat, cry, listen to haydn 18. What crazy activities do you dream of trying someday? adopting a baby
19. If you could go on a road trip with any person (dead or alive), who would you choose and where would you go? i would choose prince and we would go where ever he would want to go 20. Any tattoos or pierced body parts? piercings on my face 21. What’s your favorite color? like that 70s mustard color and pastel purple 22. What is your favorite flower? plumeria 23. What is on your bedside table? lamp, glasses case, hand lotion, mouth guard, sleep mask, headphones, vicks, and 2 stuffed animals  24. What was your best Halloween costume for Halloween? dressed up as lydia from beetlejuice 25. If you could be any cartoon character, who would you be? gene belcher 26. Are you a morning or night person? neither 27. Name a singer whose voice you can’t stand. iggy azealia or however u spell that bitchs name
28. If you were to perform in the circus, what would you do? trapeze 29. What do you remember about your high school prom? my pretty dress and how there was no food  30. What’s your favorite holiday? halloween  31. Have you ever been mentioned in a newspaper? yes actually  32. Have you ever gone skinny dipping or streaking? no 33. What body part do you get caught staring at? asses and boobs ..the usual 34. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic? boringly, the latter  35. What is your most treasured possession? my car 36. Adult Beverage of choice? cider 37. What is your favorite food? pasta the way i make it tho 38. Can you fake any accents? thick irish but only for like 30 secs  39. What’s the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? their ugly ass faces 40. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? eat ass..im sorry im not brave enough 41. If you had to live under the sea what kind of an animal would you be? starfish 42. Most hated chore on the household chore list? buying groceries 43. In life who has had the most influence on you? my grandma 44. If you were to perform in the circus, what would you do?  45. If you could be one kind of beer which one would you be and why? i dont know beer  46. What extremely difficult life situation have you overcome and how did you do it? uhhh pass 47. What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you? i didnt wear underwear one time and then wore a dress like a fucking moron. it was windy...etc 48. If you could choose, how would you want to die? laying in bed with clean sheets 49. If you could change the world what would you do? lmao 50. Name 1 thing you love about being an adult i take better care of myself now than when i was younger obv 51. Which would you rather have, $50,000 or true love? my instinct is to go for the money  52. Do you believe everything happens for a reason? no not always 53. What song always makes you happy when you hear it? heart love -albert ayler 54. Who’s the funniest person you know? my old coworker  55. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? the voicemail at my dentist office 56. How big is your bed? its literally 2 military cots pushed together and held in place with 2 mattress toppers 57. What is the wallpaper on your cellphone? a painting of a dog gnawing at the cork of a wine bottle 58. What’s the first thing you thought about this morning? will i be forced to do errands with others 59. Are you afraid of the dark? sometimes 60. 3 things you cannot live without? this list is making me realize how boring i am. i cant think of anything besides the obvious: credit card, headphones, clean underwear etc 61. Favorite song? if i cant have you -etta james and harvey fuqua 62. Are you a giver or a taker? a lil bit a both  63. Virgin or not? no  64. Are you very sarcastic? sometimes 65. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? pfft no i slide those mf right off 66. Which you favorite icecream flavor? coffee  67. What was the last drink you drank? water 68. Do you prefer hugs or kisses? uhh by who? in general, none. 69. Have you ever gone cow-tipping? no im not a total loser 70. Do you like to sing in the shower? always 71. What’s your favorite midnight snack? captain crunch cereal 72. Whats your favorite movie? the first thing that came to mind was waynes world  73. Have you ever gambled at a casino? no and i never will 74. Have you thrown up in a car? no? 75. Do you scream on roller coasters? no 76. When did you go to your first funeral? 7 yrs old 77. Where did you go on your first airplane ride? 6 yrs old 78. Whats your favorite season? fall 79. Who was your imaginary friend? no one 80. Date someone older or younger? older 81. If you don’t know the words to a song do you improvise? usually 82. What turns you on about the opposite sex? chris hemsworth & winston duke 83. What turns you off about the opposite sex? arrogance and lack of self reflection 84. What scares you the most and why? dying and knowing im dead cuz its scary yo 85. What do you do in your free time? lay in bed and waste time 86. Name 3 things in nature you find most beautiful? birds chirping early in the morning, fog, and when sunlight peaks through thick canopies in the rainforest 87. Tell me about something you really regret? oh god so many little things  88. Tell me about your favorite book, magazine or comic? calvin and hobbes is nostalgic  89. Something or someone you miss the most from childhood? does myself count 90. Your best friend dies, what would you do? mourn  91. What is your zodiac sign? cancer 92. Name a couple of T.V. shows you watch a lot? the office, jane the virgin, the nanny, living single 93. Name a movie or movies you can watch over and over? beverly hills cop, zodiac, contagion, the princess and the frog 94. Would you ever go skinny dipping? if the water is warm 95. Have you been told you can sing well more than once? no lol  96. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had? ballerinas were sitting on the banister and then one jumped on my back and tried to murder me 97. What were you doing the last time you really had a good laugh? teaching kids origami 98. What is your happiest childhood memory? the summer in mexico 99. If you could take a one month trip anywhere and money was not a consideration, where would you go? new york  100. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be? consistency 
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sheilacwall · 5 years
MF DOOM feat Ghostface Killah – Angels
(Flashback Series Video # 10) https://soundcloud.com/swaggerlikeuz Subscribers thanks for believing, much luv. It’s humbling knowing this lil channel wit virtually no google favoritism has more viral fan videos than most channels with triple my subs. …For more retro goodies, unreleased rare tracks, obscure gems, & illy repost 24’7. Subscribe! The only Youtube channel you’ll find that does “Cartoon Mashups/Fan made” vids featuring Underground, Singers, Jazz, lo fi, blues, elevator music, composers, Acid Jazz, House Music, Rare Grooves, Trip Hop, Rock, Electronic, R&B, Neo Soul, Easy Listening, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 00’s, classic freestyle battles via “Cassidy vs Freeway (Anime Version)”, Vlogs via “Ghostface Air Out Action Bronson (IRON MAN VER) there’s no fan made video like it on youtube, & interviews …Yep I flipped an interview via the upload entitled “MF DOOM: The Mask”. Tribute to MF DOOM aka Zev Love X, and Ghostface Killah, yo special shot out to Wu-tang Clan & KMD. That’s where it all started for me, 36 Chambers, Iron Man, Constipated Monkey, Peach Fuzz, Black Bastards back when it was unreleased, What a nigga know, Daytona 500, etc. This channel wouldn’t exist without u both, so big ups! Yo this is for all the true MF DOOM and Ghostface Killah heads. RIP Subroc, lets go source
The post MF DOOM feat Ghostface Killah – Angels appeared first on Hip Hop World Music.
from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.com/mf-doom-feat-ghostface-killah-angels/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mf-doom-feat-ghostface-killah-angels from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.tumblr.com/post/188015869528
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