#so pissed off
Oh I am fucking angry.
Dr. Edwin Leap (yes, I will call you out by name because you published your bullshit online for the whole world to see), thank you for almost comedically illustrating why so many patients are afraid of doctors.
You do not ever get to think of your patients as other. They are your same flesh and blood; I don’t care how much you want to think of yourself as separate from those of us unwell. (I can tell how much disdain you hold for us just from this short article. We are failures, not good enough, not strong and morally pure like you are, hm?)
Healthcare can never, never, allow itself to other its patients. And yet, you publish an entire article calling sick people Homo infirmus and Homo fragilis? Your tone doesn’t come across very humorous, but even if it’s just supposed to be a silly little joke, explain to me why the fuck you think that would be okay.
Why the fuck would it be okay to say another person is not only not your same species but instead defined as other primarily by their illness?
And designated as such by you, a medical professional with direct influence on the lives and wellbeings of the very people you are dehumanizing?
Do you not see how terrifying that is? Do you not see why people would be afraid of you after just having read this piece?
And then you go on, boiling my blood:
“Homo fragilis, at least as a diagnostic category, begins earlier and earlier in life and often results not only in a tribe of people dependent on medications but also, ‘relying on the kindness of strangers.’ No, maybe better put, ‘demanding the kindness of strangers.’ These individuals require food, shelter, medication, affirmation, and often money from others because they cannot function in the wild. I’m not being mean; the causes are legion, from poor family structure to mental health challenges to social media.”
I cannot believe how many infuriating things you’ve said just in this paragraph alone, but I want to focus on the part that immediately washed me with deep shame. Unrightfully so. You have no right to make me feel ashamed, and yet, when you said “demanding” better captures my state of existence, it turned my stomach inside out.
Yes, I am disabled. I absolutely rely very heavily on other people. Yes, I require food, shelter, medication, affirmation, money. And so do you, christ. You aren’t better than us just because we need support from our communities. Getting support from those around us isn’t a crime, isn’t a wrongdoing, isn’t a moral failure.
You know what it is? Human.
Whether or not Margaret Mead actually said that a healed femur in recovered ancient remains was the earliest sign of civilization (we’re going to save the charged nature of this term for another time and for now just use it as a placeholder for consistent, steady, lasting community), there is a reason why people latch onto this story. There is a reason why it warms people’s hearts:
So many of us want to care* for people. So many of us want to have people care for us. So many people feel closer to others, to ourselves, to our own humanity when offering others care.
(*I am including all the vastly different ways we can show others care, love, support, respect, protection, encouragement, etc.)
And perhaps the most upsetting part is how close you are to understanding the problem while getting the most key pieces so, so wrong. You’re right, our current healthcare system cannot handle the amount of support patients need right now. But please, I beg you, could you consider for just one second that it is not the fault of the patients? Could you please not strip me of my humanity just because I need help to survive?
Fix the system. You’re right, there is a massive problem. But it’s not us. Next time you’re considering your “long-dormant zoology degree,” think twice and reflect a bit before publishing bullshit like this. Think about what it means to take care of those around you. Think about your own humanity.
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You mean to tell ME I missed out not only an amazing lore BUT A BADASS YUGIOH MONSTER THAT WAS HIS ORIGINAL GUARDIAN WHEN I WAS A KID!?...MOTHERFU-
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okifyouinsist · 2 months
saw someone say that lando shouldn't need to gift wrap and hand oscar a win on a silver platter and that oscar should earn it like okay bae just say you didn't watch the race. lando (and i say this with no hate) was being a self entitled asshole who could not follow team orders and oscar was having a dominating race from start to finish and did earn the race so ig you need to go touch some grass
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dix0nvix3n · 6 months
Blocked someone a few days ago and blocked another person today. If you're racist, homophobic, transphobic, or have any negative opinions on any other form of basic human fucking rights, it's a hard block from me instantly or you unfollow me now before I find out. If you read or write for Daryl and believe in anything like that then I'm letting you know he wouldn't fucking like you, he would despise you. -Sincerely, a very pissed off Dagger
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francixoxoxo · 2 months
Gonna lose my shit just wrote all the violent part for silver soul and it all got deleted
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7oranges · 1 year
wait what do you mean i need to ‘contact support’ to use javascript in my tumblr code. are you for serious. like yea all my code is outdated bc its been YEARS but i was nostalgic for my programmer days and now ur telling me i need to CONTACT SUPPORT (vague and ambiguous) for the right to reminisce on my script. my script. that i wrote myself. that is not malicious bc i wrote it when i was 16. this is actually crimes
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lostbabybunno · 14 days
Literally losing my fucking mind
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3-aem · 2 years
K now that i have posted art i am allowed to say that my insurance denied my annual checkup bc my health care provider is refusing to actually code it as an annual checkup and is instead making it sound like i went in ready to get a surgery for all that was apparently wrong with me!!!!! And i have tried appealing and i was denied and time is running out for reappeal but everyone is taking their god damn time getting back to me with the necessary documents so now i just simply Do Not Know what to do!!!!!! And I'm tired and I'm stressed from work and art and I just wanna go play botw until i literally disintegrate from existence like the monks in the shrines.
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sweetyetsorrowfulvoid · 7 months
Can't fuckin believe one of my blogs received a scam message from a guy trying to pretend he's Palestinian and needs my money to get his family out of Palestine. How low can these people get? Scamming by using a fucking genocide as bait. How fucking shit filled does your heart have to be?
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wynintime · 5 months
elemental master of failing pathophysiology/pharmacology and needing to retake it this summer :,)
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ilovejevsjeans · 2 years
I hope Dan packs his bags, gets on a plane with his family and does nothing for the next few months. My guess is we’re not going to see him until Aus next year and Im fine with that. Hope he spends his days eating, sleeping and playing with his niece and nephew ❤️
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angeliclovebird · 1 year
literally just sitting here and then all of a sudden im full of anger and want to die.
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What do the assholes that run the streaming companies think their gods? I've seen this happen on Disney plus, Paramount plus, Netflix and I wouldn't be surprised if the rest follow suit. That's just deciding for no good reason to pull off series after series that are popular, that are well liked and are doing good in any kind of rating system that exists. They just killed them for no good fucking reason. I'm fucking tired of the shit with them and they think that were just gonna keep letting them do this bullshit again and again. Drop crap in the place of really good shows. Because that's what they did at least I've noticed on Paramount plus.
It's not because of the strikes so don't anybody even try to go there. They dropped off show like Star Trek Prodigy that has nothing to do with the strikes it's an animated series and a yank the whole first season and had it thrown off the platform and it's now looking for a new home. It's a Star Trek series everything Star Trek is on fucking Paramount plus so where the fuck is it supposed to go?!? Maybe I'll just go to fuck back the cable because streaming services seem to be worse than cable ever was! It's like we opened a Pandora with box of bullshit except now we're paying for each one of the goddamn channels now. If you're too young to understand this once upon a time there was a thing called cable and we'd have something like 60, 70, 80 a 100 plus channels. Each one of those channels would be like the Disney Channel, the Discovery Channel, the Netflix Channel and so on, but you wouldn't have to pay a premium price for each one of the fucking channels only like HBO. You'd pay one monthly fee and you get all the fucking channels. But now in 2023 we have streaming services, where one is like 6.99, here 14.99, there 9.99 there 12.99, there what have you. So we're now paying more than we ever would have paid for cable. We're still having to deal with commercials which use be one of reasons to get streaming services but not anymore!! We're pretty much getting fucked and not in anyway that's good and fun!!! Actually I want cable from like the 80s but with 200 channels, MTV that plays music videos, a world that never figured out or created reality tv, cartoons on Saturday mornings on all channels even ESPN mf!!! I want them to sit the fuck down and try just try to come up with shows like Designing Women, Golden Girls, Good Times, The Jeffersons, Mork and Mindy, original ideas people! Not the same old seen before or doing reboot of something again. Get rid of all the news channels while we're at it, unless their independent companies of the free press that their only job is to report the news and they're not under any obligation by any company to promote a certain viewpoint or political ideology we don't need them anymore. There now more dangerous then helpful.
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idledoll · 1 year
My brother went to an inpatient facility for ten days and came back with covid.
Sure hope I don't die.
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beecampbell · 1 year
right. just got paid and already have no money left after paying rent. im tired of pretending like i dont need help, can somebody help me? i kinda want to eat for the next 2 weeks, i know its wild.
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snobgoblin · 1 year
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no he can never get enough attention and to answer the rest of your ask, respectfully this is my obsession not yours and you're more than welcome to make content for the rest of the gangreen gang if you so choose! in fact I encourage it, they really DONT get that much love and you sure could help in giving them some instead of coming to my blog to complain I happen to like the most liked character in an incredibly niche fandom. I just care a lot about Ace so I talk a lot about him and it really isn't any deeper than that
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