#this might seem like crazy ramblings because it is like im barely awake as i write this lmao
ameliafuckinjones · 9 months
A few headcanons about nyo!America:
1.) England definitely would have placed nyo!America in one of the New England/Middle colonies, more specifically the Plymouth colony, for a variety of reasons. Chief among them being they had more women and children in the New England colonies, which were mainly filled with families fleeing religious persecution/seeking religious freedom as opposed to the Southern colonies like Jamestown which was male-dominated due to its foundation of agriculture and trade that attracted large numbers of male colonist. Another reason is because Plymouth in particular was more competently ran due to the religious and cultural emphasis on community cohesion (even brokering peace with the local native tribes via harvest feast) in comparison to Jamestown which was always succumbing to plague, famine and skirmishes with local native tribes. Taking all this into consideration, I imagine he'd feel it would be safer to leave a small immortal girl-child with the religious family dominated New England colonies than the oftentimes chaotic and violent male-dominated Southern colonies that focused more on agriculture than domesticity. As a result, Amelia would probably develop a lot of core New England/Middle Colonial characteristics and mannerisms down to the east coast (probably a Bostonian New Yorker hybrid) accent. Also, also I think it's cute that Plymouth is called America's Hometown so I think it'd only be right to have Amelia grow up there during her formative years (or even Alfred, cause I don't see a logical reason why England would place boy!America in the environmentally and culturally hostile Southern colonies either !!!)
2.) Another headcanon is Francis and Arthur dueling over who gets to claim the new child-colony upon her discovery (which I place around the late 1500s rather than the popular 1607). Francis wins, because he's always been the better swordsman man and Arthur the bowman, but upon seeing him hurt/slightly injured and defeated Amelia goes to Arthur instead of Francis (and refuses to leave his side despite prying) and the French explorers reluctantly concede that the colony belongs to England (before traveling further North where after years of exploration they eventually discover Matthew and establish Quebuec!!)
3.) Before meeting Arthur, Amelia was initially found and sheltered by the Roanoke colonists during the early days of North America's discovery, then (after the Roanoke colonies' failure and "disappearance") with the nearby Croatoan tribe in what is now modern day Dare County.
4.) After her discovery, Arthur takes Amelia back to England, and she stays with him for a few decades and is christened in Queen Elizabeth's court (and briefly meets the Virgin Queen and Shakespeare, though she does NOT remember this much to her irritation)
5.) She was christened Elizabeth Amelia Kirkland (Elizabeth to honor the queen, Amelia, to pay homage to Shakespeare by referencing the rumored Dark Lady, and Kirkland for obvious reasons)
6.) Given that her birthday, on paper, was on July 4th, 1776 in Philadelphia, at precisely 5:10pm, she is a Cancer Sun, Aquarius Moon, and Sagittarius Rising ( which is actually America's birthchart in real life, make of that what you will!!!)
7.) Last but not least, she was made from literal starlight and stardust. I like the headcanon that nations are born from volcanoes or snow capped mountains or they come bursting from the green earth or rising from the sea, and considering America's fascination with the stars its only fitting that she was born from one. Like meteorites, pieces of shooting stars - which in this case were meteor showers born from meteoriods that were born from the tail of a comet (or cometary debris), a comet made from the very material present in the early solar nebula that formed our Sun and planets- that entered the atmosphere, falling to the earth and out she came from that celestial body. I imagine she'd explain it just like that, and that the moment of her birth is the one thing that she remembers clearly from her early babyhood, much like all nations. It also pairs well with the fallen angel vibe that I ascribe to all versions of America.
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sakurakuna · 4 years
“lets make it official” | t.h
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Summary; you and tom have been together for quite some time now, but labels up until this point have remained an unspoken subject...                           
a/n; HEY! I took very long break but im back now, this fic has been rewritten tons of times since fucking January, yet even now im still not crazy about it. I just really wanted to get back into writing so please leave feedback!
warnings; mentions of sex and like one curse word.
wc; 2k
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IT WAS A COLD EVENING IN EARLY MARCH, and you had just finished taking your exams, and were more than tired because of all the time you had spent last night cooped up in the campus library trying to retain and memorize any little information that would help you out on the exams. 
Which definitely helped you out a ton due to you walking out of the room with a lot more prep in your step. Feeling all the bit more relaxed now that the exams were over and you could go back to your normal schedule that didn’t include such immense amounts of studying as well as a lot more hours of sleep, which you hadn’t been getting a lot of recently. 
So the first thing you planned to do once getting back to your apartment was to tend to your tiredness and nap the second you settled in, change into some more comfy clothing and maybe even make yourself a cup of tea and scroll through Instagram a little beforehand. But that plan was sadly cut short by a text from your roommate, Yasmine, who you shared an apartment with off campus with for the last two years.
The text explained how she last minute decided to invite her boyfriend over for the afternoon to help study for her psych class. Which wouldn’t sound like much of a problem to the average person, but for y/n and yasmine it sort worked like a code for “were definitely fucking” ( the code was mostly used by Yasmine) so you now definitely knew you wouldn’t be able to take a nap or relax even under the circumstances of your roommate moaning through the ridiculously thin walls of your apartment.
But that didn’t leave you super upset, because unlike past roommates Yasmine had the decency to tell you about her intimate activities in the apartment beforehand, (even if it was quite late) which you were thankful for. Besides you now have an excuse to go visit the boy who you’ve been giving most, if not all your attention to these last few months.
You knew he’d be back from classes so there was no need to worry about him being home or not.
Many people would even say that you and Tom have been attached by the hip, always having at least some type of contact with each other when you could. Whether it be him just walking you to class, a study date at a nearby cafe, weekly movie nights, dates at your favorite chinese place at three a.m. Or even just having a cozy night in where you're cuddled up talking about nothing and everything. 
 Which sounds pretty typical for a couple who's been together for a few months, the only difference was that you and Tom weren’t official on being boyfriend and girlfriend. Of course, you didn’t want to rush, but you felt like you should’ve at least had some type of conversation about it now.
Especially while your feelings seemed to be growing at a much faster rate for the charming brit than you originally thought they would. I mean when you first started talking you strictly remember telling yourself to keep your walls up and not let yourself fall so easily for the boy, knowing he had a reputation that didn’t lead you to believe he could stay with a girl for too long. 
But as time went on, you learned that there was much more to him than just his good looks, so worries of his reputation seemed to gradually fade. As he showed you sides of himself that others would be shocked to hear that the cocky, and arrogant “Tom Holland” was able to portray. 
Sides of his that you would only describe as kind, and thoughtful, significantly much softer in manner. Always knowing how to make you smile with his silly jokes and adoring compliments. That usually left you flustered with heated cheeks, and he of course would always sit there smirking before sweetly showering your face with soft kisses, unknowingly making your heart flutter from the affection. (and it didn’t hurt how gorgeous he was either)
Of course they were all things that clearly opposed his notorious image he upheld around campus. But, they were also the things that made you slowly fall for him everyday. Things that only made you want nothing more than to be an official couple, which is why you had made a mental note to have that talk with him sometime while at his frat today. But for now you were trying to keep your sleepy eyes open as you got there.
“y/n…” a clear look of surprise was etched on Tom's face as he opened the door to reveal you on the other end, a much rather tired version might you add.
“Listen I know I should’ve texted rather than coming unannounced like this, but I was just so tired and…” 
That was all you managed to say before you were stopped by feeling his lips on yours. At first you froze at the sudden move, but in a matter of seconds you returned the kiss, letting yourself get lost and fall deeper into the feeling of his soft lips against yours. 
He knew that if he hadn’t stopped you, you would’ve started to trail off into a little ramble (in this case it would’ve been of unnecessary apologies), something you often did when you were clearly tired. 
He soon reluctantly ends the kiss with a delicate peck, leaving you feeling more awake with a newfound blush across your cheeks. “You know you're always welcome here, love.” his hand came up to cradle your cheek as he reminded you, and from what the tone of his voice seems like the fiftieth time. And yes you knew you were always welcome to come whenever, especially when all his frat brothers treated you so nicely. It was just the overthinker in you that caused you to believe that you were overstepping, or getting too comfortable for his liking.
“I know bubs it’s jus’ that I can’t help but feel like I’m being a bother sometimes.” you tell him honestly while lowering your head slightly to hide the subtle redness that rose in your cheeks, partially from the after effects of the kiss but mostly from how his soft tone seemed to always make you melt inside.
“You're never a bother, love. Ever,” he states, making sure that his eyes were locked with Y/N’s as he muttered those words.
 “Besides I could always use some of your company.” he says with a smile, and with you still not being fully used to all the affection you received from him yet, you could feel your heart flutter lightly in your chest from his words.
“So what brings you here,” Tom asks as he hangs up your coat for you, which you thank him for.
 “Well, I was planning on getting some rest back at my apartment. But Yasmine texted me while I was on the way telling me her boyfriend was coming over.” you explain to him, and he nods understandingly. He already had a pretty good understanding of what your roommate had meant by her text so luckily for you there was no need to explain further. 
“And there was no way I was going to be able to get any type of rest with them going at it in the room next to me. so I just came here knowing you’d be back already. ” you say, letting out a small huff that was almost inaudible, but Tom still managed to hear it. 
 “But look on the bright side, love” he starts, wrapping his arms around your waist to give you a comforting hug from behind. The simple gesture makes you feel more at ease as he rests his chin on your shoulder. 
“If it weren’t for yasmine I wouldn’t get to spend the rest of the day with my girl.” he smiles, as he starts to pepper small kisses into the crook of your neck. 
And although the feeling wasn’t anything less than nice, you couldn’t help but focus on his words, specifically the last two, and although they were words that you loved to be called, you knew they also held a conversation that has yet to be had between the two of you.
But before you could bring it up, Tom had already sensed your change in mood, and eventually removed his lips from your neck to see what the problem was. “What's the matter darling,” his eyebrows were furrowed as he tried to figure out what was on your mind. 
‟W-what are we?” You ask him in a voice that’s barely above a whisper(clearly ignoring his question), but Tom could still hear it clear as day because of how close you were. 
As you free yourself from his gentle grip around your waist you turn to face him, noticing the confusion written all over it. Which you were very aware was caused by your one little question that you knew probably confused the hell out of him, but you just couldn’t seem to get anything else out but that. 
“What do you mean love?” his head is now cocked to the side with a puzzled look stitched on his face, making his curls flop to the side as well, his somewhat pouty lips making you involuntarily grin as you shake your head softly. 
“I mean it’s been a few months since we’ve known eachother now” you took a deep breath. “And we are pretty close-,” he takes your face in his hand and caresses your cheek, “and I feel we should talk about us,..like what we are officially.” you explain, almost immediately second guessing yourself before you spoke again.
“Well is having a relationship something you even want with me?” you ask nervously, looking up at him, feeling your heart start to beat faster as you await an answer.
“Of course angel,” he assures, continuing to caress your cheek. “it’s jus’ you know that when it comes to relationships of all things I’m no expert,” he says with an obvious tone. “In fact I am just about as clueless as ever,” he mumbles with a laugh, making the corners of your lips upturn in the slightest.
“But if I’m being completely honest, you’ve made me feel things that no one has ever made me feel in my entire life. Made me feel a true happiness that I didn’t know I needed until I met you. I mean You're so kind and generous, and you always know how to make me smile and laugh. And you're one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever met. 
“And I know I’ve still got lots to learn when it comes to relationships, but I know I wouldn’t wanna do it with anyone but you” he affirmed.
By the end, your eyes were glossy and filled with tears that threatened to escape, you hated how you had gotten so emotional in such little time. They end up falling regardless and stain your cheeks, But Tom was quick to wipe them away with his thumb.
Once your eyes start to clear you notice the sweet look that clouded his, as he waited for you to say something. However you decided to not respond with words, and with something much more intimate.
Without a second to spare you press your lips upon his. Creating a sweet kiss full of passion from the both of you as your lips moved in sync. You kissed each other almost as if it were your first time doing the act, which was far from true, but this one had a feeling better than anything you could ever hope for.
In time you broke the kiss to catch your breath, you couldn't help but look at each other, smiling like crazy as your lips brushed against each other’s.
“I guess we’re a proper couple now, huh.” he says, giving you another peck before pulling you into his chest. “I guess we are.” You smile happily as you relax into him.
His embrace felt so warm and comforting around you, so much that it made you let out a small yawn as your eyes fluttered shut against his chest.
“Looks like someone still needs their nap.” He teases, making you smile dopily as he gives one last kiss on your temple.
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ugh-supersoldiers · 7 years
You Saved Me Too
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Summary: You saved Bucky without even knowing him, but little does he know that he’s done the exact same thing for you.
Characters: Bucky x reader
Warnings: Flashbacks of attempted suicide, tons o’ angst, sad!bucky :(, happy ending (not really a warning but yknow), SHIT EDITING IM SORRY FOR ANY MISTAKES I WILL FIX THEM TOMORROW
Words: 2171
A/N: This is a song fic based off of Song #3 by Stone Sour (here’s the version I used), requested by the lovely @pommom91. I know the song is a little more rock than this fic, but I took a more soft approach to it and took a lot of inspiration from the acoustic version of the song instead I hope that’s alright :) Anyways, I really hope you like this and it’s at least somewhat close to what you were looking for xoxo
If you take a step towards me You will take my breath away So I'll keep you close and keep my secret safe No one else has ever loved me No one else has ever tried I never understood how much I could take
You stood on the bridge near your small apartment and gazed at the landscape in front of you. It was one of those sticky summer nights in July, your t-shirt clung to your back as a result, but you didn’t mind. You sipped the iced coffee in your hand, frowning slightly at the watered down taste. You’d gotten it nearly two hours ago, and the ice cubes had began to melt, making the espresso less intense.
C’est la vie, you thought with a shrug, choosing to enjoy your nightly walk instead of sulking over your drink. You listened to the sound of rushing water coming from below your feet as you began to walk across the bridge, on your way back home. 
You did this fairly often. You were new to the city, moving there as a result of a horrible break up and a desire to start over. You were in the process of picking up the pieces of your broken heart and figured New York was a darn good place to start.
You were contently listening to the sound of crickets chirping and then you saw him.
A man sat directly on the guard rail, his feet dangling dangerously over the edge. Normally, you might have assumed that it was just a teenager being egged on by their friends, but this was different. This was a full grown man slowly standing up from his sitting position, now standing facing in with his back to the churning river below.
This was a man about to jump.
Your heart thumped so loud in your chest that you barely even heard yourself cry out to him over the thudding in your ears.You dropped your coffee, rushing over to him, watching intensely as his eyes widened at your presence. A gasp escaped him, like the air had been ripped from his lungs, he must have not seen you before.
You stopped directly in front of him, the only thing separating the two of you was the metal guard rail. You examined the man in front of you, the scruff decorating his face, long brown hair being rustled by the wind, blue eyes filled with an emotion that you couldn’t quite place. Those were the eyes of a desperate man.
“Please don’t.” You said.
He looked at you quizzically, tilting his head to the side as if not understanding what’d you’d said. You glanced down at his hands holding on to the rail, and noted that one of them was made completely of metal.
“Jump,” You confirmed, “Please, please, don’t jump.”
“Wh-” He began, but closed his mouth. Perhaps he was at the same loss for words as you were.
“I don’t know you, and you don’t know me, but I’m telling you that if you’re looking for any reason - at all - not to do this, that reason is the random girl who just so happened to be walking on the same bridge that you planned to jump off of.”
He blinked, his eyes scanning your face for something. He wanted to believe you so terribly, but he couldn’t shake the nightmares, he couldn’t ask for forgiveness for the things that he’d done. You watched his hands loosen on the rail and you reached forward, wrapping your arms firmly around his neck to stop him, the only thing between the two of you was the coolness of the railing.
He gasped, clearly very surprised by your affection.
“Give me 5 minutes more.” You said.
You took his silence as a cue to continue.
“My name is (Y/N),” You began, not even sure what you were supposed to say to this man, And when I was a kid I had a cat named Sparky and I loved him but he absolutely hated me so I have a ton of little scars from his scratches on my hands. When I was in high school everyone called me (Y/N/N), even though I hated it. My favourite colour is red because it reminds me of the flowers my grandma used to plant in her back yard when I was little. And I wholeheartedly believe that everything happens for a reason.” You finished rambling and took a breath, “Your turn.”
“What?” He asked, his voice gruff. No one had ever opened up to him about things like this before, and no one had even tried to ask him about himself.
“Your turn.” You repeated, your chin resting on his shoulder.
“My name-” He stopped, as if he was decided what he wanted to tell you, “My name is Bucky.”
“Okay, Bucky,” You said calmly, not daring to shift your arms but moving your head for that you could press your forehead against his, “Why are you out here?”
“It’s a bit of a long story.”
“I’ve got all night.”
And when he told you everything, your heart broke for him. Bucky Barnes - the Bucky Barnes - had taken your heart and crushed it with his own story. But you listened, and rubbed his back soothingly. Anything you could do to comfort him.
But the thing was, the whole time that Bucky was spewing out his sap story, as he put it, he was focusing on the feeling of your beating heart. It had been so long since another human being had extended any sort of compassion, and yet here you were, a woman who had no idea who he was now listening to every word out of his mouth and bracing him in his place so he wouldn’t jump.
“Have you told many other people about yourself?” You asked him.
“Well, it’s not exactly small talk.”
“I won’t tell anyone.”
“What?” He asked.
“All those things you said probably won’t featured in the latest issue of Vogue. Your secrets are safe with me.”
Bucky didn’t understand why you were trying so hard to save someone so clearly helpless, all he knew was that it was working.
“Please come back over the rail.” You nearly begged.
Bucky’s limbs seemed to move on their own, one foot over the metal guard then the next. You never let go of him the whole time.
Once he was safely back over, you hugged him tighter than before, your eyes flushing with tears of relief.
“Thank you.” You said, “Thank you.”
Then I saw the worst was over When I laid my eyes on you It was all that I could do to know my place Out of all the vast illusions Out of all the dreams come true I was gone until I finally saw your face
If you cried out for more If you reached out for me I would run into the storm Just to keep you here with me I have gone beyond my years I've wasted half my life But I found it all in you Did I save you? 'Cause I know you saved me too
He felt a firm hand on his shoulder, shaking him awake as the images of his latest nightmare clung under his hooded eyes. Lightning cracked beyond the windows of his flat, and he jumped slightly. The storm had triggered a myriad of horrors during sleep.
“It’s okay, you’re safe now.” You said, pulling him impossibly closer to you under the covers of his bed.
After the night on the bridge, you’d become a quintessential part of Bucky’s life. You only lived about a block from his place, so whenever Bucky had a nightmare, you were only a call away. This was one of those nights filled with a plethora of nightmares, one after the other after the other. He’d called you two nightmares ago, and you’d been there to wake him from the next one he’d had. You’d driven through the storm to get to him.
He’d never been so relieved to see your face as he always was when you were there to wake him from the images that haunted him during nightfall. His eyes would shoot open, hoping to God the worst of it all was over, and then he saw you and he felt safe again. If you were there, it was going to be alright.
He felt your hand gently cup his cheek, stroking his cheekbone gingerly. He sighed, trying to slow down his heartbeat. You lips pressed to his forehead and he keened at your touch.
“Thank you.” You whispered.
“For what?” He panted.
“For saving me.”
He nearly chocked on his own adam’s apple. Save you? You were very clearly the one that saved him that night. He wanted to ask you more, to ask you what you meant, but his eyelids were so heavy and the way you soothingly stroked his hair was slowly coaxing him back to sleep. His eyes closed, and he slept once again. 
It doesn't really matter what you do or say I'm never going anywhere anyway 'Cause when I'm dying for you I've never felt so alive
Bucky held the cup of coffee in his hands that you’d just poured for him and quietly thanked you for it. It’d now been about a year since you’d first met him, and Bucky was so in love with you that it physically pained him to think about. Everything you did was angelic, perfect even in his eyes. You made him feel like he was human again, which was something he hadn’t felt in nearly 70 years.
You were talking to him about something that, admittedly, he wasn’t really listening to. He was intent to just watch the way your eyes lit up about the subject, and how your nose crinkled when you laughed. It never really mattered what you were talking about, he just liked to hear your voice, it compelled him to want to stay with you forever.
You sat across from him, cross legged on the sofa as you talked to him like he were your oldest friend, holding nothing back. All he could think about was how he would do anything for you, and how crazy it was for him to think that you could ever feel anything like that towards him. He was damaged goods.
“Buck?” Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts, “You still with me?”
“Wh- Oh, yeah sorry, musta spaced out.”
“Okay.” You said, but Bucky knew you well enough to know when you weren’t convinced.
“What did you mean when you said I saved you?” He blurted out, instantly regretting it when he saw the redness appear on your cheeks.
You stayed silent, clearly shocked by what he’d asked you, but after a few uncomfortable seconds, you began to speak.
“I meant what I said, Bucky. You saved me.”
“But how?” He asked.
“You gave me purpose.” You answered simply, “All I wanted to do since that night was be a part of your life, and it kept me going. Then I started to really get in that head of yours, and I realized that it wasn’t me wanting to help some stranger anymore, it was me-” You cut yourself off, looking down at your hands.
“Every time my phone rings in the middle of the night, I don’t even check the caller ID because I already know it’s you and I probably already have my hand on my keys reader to drive over.” You said, refusing to make eye contact, “I’ve gotten 10 speeding tickets since you started calling, I race over to your place because I care about you so much it’s like I’m totally blind to everything else when you’re on my mind. It reminded me of having a stupid crush on someone in high school.”
Bucky’s heart raced in his chest, he set his mug down on the table in front of him and leaned forward, waiting for you to say more.
“I realized that I’d been living a life without purpose for so long that it was so refreshing to have you. You make me feel so alive, Bucky and for that reason you saved me by helping me relearn how to love someone.” 
Bucky sucked in a breath, he couldn’t believe what you were saying. Was this an admission? 
“You showed me how to feel alive again, Buck.” You concluded, twiddling your thumbs in your lap, blushing even more than before.
He’d heard enough. He marched over to your side, plopped himself down next to you and tilted you chin to look up at him.
“I love you.” He said simply, watching your eyes grow wide at his words.
“Y-you-” He didn’t let you finish, his lips were already cutting you off. Kissing you with everything he had, he thanked God that fate had brought you to him that night, because at fault of that, you’d both found your reason to live. You’d both saved one another.
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