#this monster has 103 layers
certifries · 8 years
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i couldn’t decide between warm or cool colours so have both
for the wonderful @mrbodtchibi please check out his art!! it’s amazing!!
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review , ch 102- 106
I thought abt skipping those chapters cuz the difference from the anime are’nt big & there’s hardly any tohru in them which I know where the great difference between anime & manga is. However, I like yuki & I was delighted to see the difference between manga yuki & anime yuki! Really, furuba anime makes so much focus on him & all, yet manages to miss the mark when it comes to his character. Yuki is such a prince “from a fairy tale but with trauma” in the anime which contradicts his vision of himself in canon as he said it IS fake, but in the manga he’s a real character with layers. 
A-Chapters 102 & 103/ se03, ep 3 ( A dynamic Yuki vs a prince):
Not much change in the plot from the anime, se03, ep 3, except few things I’ll highlight here:
MACHI: ch.102 is basically machi’s story that we saw in se03 ep 3 first half before the motoko part. but it’s fascinating how the anime handled it greatly & how the manga had its unique touch. The anime gave machi’s part its own color, mood & focus, while the manga excelled in the facial expressions.
YUKI: In ch. 102 & 103, Yuki in particular had many facial expressions in such a refreshing way different from the anime. In the anime, yuki emoted exclusively with kyo & kakeru in ways that you don’t need to hear his monologue to understand his thoughts, he was also allowed expressiveness with machi in the anime but with maintaining big doses of his princely aesthetics & mannerism cuz we see him from achi’s perspective. Ironic cuz she calls him imperfect but the anime gives him lots of shojo bubbles from her pov. In the manga, yuki is way more expressive with lots of characters!!! Even with the fanclub girls, he had funny expressions, & we see a cute scene of machi trying to cheer him up!
in the manga, yuki & machi both are given expressive features. Machi isn’t silent with her head down 95% of the time & yuki is is not living in his own head & is very dynamic with other characters as well, which makes him feel real.
Also, in the manga, yuki isn’t super skinny like the anime! I love how he fills his school uniform without it looking so baggy. In the manga, yuki looks like a grown teenager boy reaching his 17!!! In the anime, yuki looks the same all seasons.
In the anime, the clear body growth was exclusive to kyo in se02, during beach arc mainly cuz the plot required it as tohru kept commenting on kyo growing up physically & told Kazuma. So, the anime made huge effort to make kyo look grown physically. Also, in the anime, yuki is given a princely aura from se01 to 3 as his physical appearance & aesthetics remained the same minus his interaction with kakeru where you see glimpses of a more firm & free character. A peek into his soul perhaps?
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B-Ch 104 -106, Anime, se3, ep 4. (Isuzu’s Arc closed, Akito’s begins!): 
I love the way the page transitioned from Isuzu’s hair at kureno’s feet to Haru’s entering akito’s room!
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I love akito in this chapter/ep, not love her as in support her, no. lol. but love how this chapter/ep sheds light into her twisted mind. Great writing! The way Akito was shocked at kureno’s betrayal of saving Isuzu is why Akito’s growth from abuser to feeling guilt & repent is not satisfactory in the anime ( I’m yet to reach this part in the manga, so I’ll wait to see if it was handled differently). Akito was way more self-centered & concerned with her delusions to stop a bit & entertain the thought that isuzu was on the verge of death. This is a huge red flag. This is sth you can’t brush under tohru’s healing words of feeling similar to akito & akito finding “ true friendship” as a healthy replacement to her delusional “ together forever”.
-The core characters that the entire show/ story/ manga is built upon their views are tohru & akito. You can’t spend 2 seasons & a half faintly touching these characters’ pov & trauma, then give quick hasty focus, then hit them with “ healing growth”. Both tohru & akito needed more screen time/ spotlight to dwell into them cuz they’re fascinating characters!
This chapter the focus is on haru & isuzu, however, these two characters arc would pretty much be wrapped after this chapter/ep minus few cleaning here & there. Akito’s descending into darkness truly begins here. This is what should be followed & given much care!
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I love how this line connects what seems like a sub-plot story to the main story of the original zodiacs!!! In the original story, the cat refused to be by the Ruler’s side & it was percieved as the cat betraying him & the others. All the rest of the animals must ALWAYS be on the Ruler/Akito side & not copy the Monster/Cat behavior. Excellent foreshadowing & a twist to kyo’s/ akito’s / kureno’s story! The cat was right all along, but it’s not abt right or wrong. It’s abt choosing sides. With us or against us. If you are not with us, you are the barbaric enemy/ monster. ( kinda similar to our real world issues & politics)
Side Notes:
I have nothing to say abt motoko except in a 13 ep core & major final season with thematic & plot focus, she really got her share. Out of all the content to cut. what logic? I can never understand..... Not hating, but truly bewildered & confused. Fan service? Gotta be. Wasting valuable screen time for a character with no effect on plot or characters or anything.. I mean if it was a 26 ep season, then okay... but the nope! lets chop chop core plot & give motoko an epic send off!
Maybe Motoko got pity love from the anime team? She wasnt given yuki’s love, so the decision maker whoever they are, gave her better emotional focus than the actual love interest (machi) has got! XD (again not hating, but amused! XD)
I love how furuba’s writing don’t need over-exaggerated drama at all. All the pain is in the writing. in the characters themselves. The anime only needed to focus on them & get rid of the theatrical display of emotions & forced fast paced & unrealistic timeline. sigh~
Still, I love how ep 4 was directed in the anime starting the 2nd part, it was given its own mood & colors.
I love that Haru didnt just find Isuzu in the streets right wawy but waited few days to meet her. It hammers the importance of pacing time in the manga, but I also understands why the anime needed to go directly to it seeing that as I said haru & isuzu are reaching the end of their arc here & they want to close the door behind their issues once & for all. lol.
Everthing else abt Machi story, haru & isuzu, akito & kureni, I have already said before in my weekly anime reviews when se03 was airing.
I peeked into ch. 107 first two pages!!!!! Tohru’s focus???? Is this the beginning of the weakly directed ep 6? YESS!!! I cant wait to read it next weekend! <3
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Eternal Baby of the family (Twilight)
Being treated like a baby by your parents would be hard enough to tolerate for one or two years when you were 17, but for one poor vampire who had been turned at the age of 17 103 ago it had been his daily life for 20 of those years.
Of course after 20 long years of being diapered and dressed like a toddler you'd of thought that Edward Cullen would of adapted to what was his life and learned to stop fighting but Edward wasn't the type to give up the struggle regardless of how many spankings and mouth washing and all that it earned him.
He thought that as long as he proved he didn't want the baby treatment, hated the baby treatment and tried to be a big boy his daddy Carlilse would see the truth and finally let him at least act like a 17 year old.
It never ONE dawned on him that all Carlilse wanted was him to be a good little boy for one whole year and the diapers and baby treatment would go away, like it had for Edwards other siblings in the vampire house hold.
Thus the day started liked any other, with Edward waking up in his crib in his animal print nursery and in a light red sleeper that puffed out at the hips from the many layers of diapers Carlilse and Esme insisted that he wear at all times.
Though despite the thickness of the diapers that forced him to waddle he was greeted to anther morning routine, having to inhale the stench from the massive load he made in them because of all the high fiber meals he was given.
with his vampire body he couldn't put on too much weight so his 'loving' parent made sure he ate lots and lots so he'd be able to make TON'S of presents all throughout the day and night. Combine that with all the fluids he had to drink and was it any wonder he was going though entire packs of diapers a day?!
kicking his Paw patrol blanket off Edward managed to sit up despite the bulk and filth around his hips and groaned, there was a LARGE wet spot on his crib, though they had rubber sheets on the mattress. his groan wasn't born out of shame of his diapers leaky or hating his sleep would have to be cleaned, but rather whenever his pampers leaked it was 'proof' to mommy and daddy dearest that he needed MORE layering and he was already up to 6 diapers at a time!
"great..gonna be bumped up to lucky number 7.." the big baby pouted.
Some of you might be wondering why, If Edward was a vampire that he stayed here and let them treat him like this and well, the fact of the matter was Carlilse and Esme were just too much for him to try and take on and even if he escaped what then?
He had no money, nothing to his name and would of ended up coming back on his own anyways. Till he could get out of diapers and start a part time job he was trapped.
Carlilse hummed softly as he made his way towards the nursery, Esme had taken the other kids out job hunting, feeling they were mature enough now to hold down a job but for the oldest of their vampire kids (and the stinkiest) it would be nothing but anther day of diapers.
After babying Edward for so long Carlilse had come to love it, and while Esme was always hopeful that Edward would figure out good behavior for a year would mean freedom, Carlilse liked to go out of his way to keep his little man grumpy and trapped in baby land.
He could smell Edward's morning glory so to speak before he even opened up the door and smirked, getting ready to ham it up.
"Phew yew! I could smell you from the front lawn! SOMEBODY made daddy a super stinky and super big present huh?" Carlilse asked, holding his nose and waving a hand as Edward glared at him and pouted. "oh I see a certain somebody who's diapies sprung a leak! You know what that means little man."
in truth Edwards diapers SHOULD of held up despite his heavy wetting, but a certain daddy dom MAY of poked holes in all of the diapers with a thumb tact to ensure flooding and leaks would happen.
"I know daddy." Edward sulked and looked away, a blush coming to his face.
"Aww, it's ok buddy, I know you can't help it." Carlilse coo'ed, walking over and tickling Edward under the chin. :Who's ready to a morning bath and then some num num's?" Carlilse asked.
"C-Can I wear more then just my diapers at breakfast? Emmett and the others are soo mean!" Edward whined.
"heh, don't worry about them, they already ate and are looking for summer jobs like big boys and girls." Carlilse said and smirked as a super huffy look crossed over Edwards face. "Awww don't be jealous! you have a job too. Making lots of stinky presents! and instead of a silly pay check you get MORE diapers!" Carlilse coo'ed.
Somehow, this didn't improve Edwards mood.
after getting out of his destroyed diapers and a quick bath, Edward was feeling better even if he was being taped into 7 of his puffy diapers now.
Since he could of been forced to try and eat his breakfast of bloody oatmeal (He was still a vampire after all) in his messy diapers he decided not to push his luck too much.
In his customed highchair and wearing a cookie monster bib he was at least allowed to feed himself though he was expected to get at least SOME of it on his face. It was a unspoken rule,but one he'd figured out when every time he kept his face clean while feeding himself he'd have five days of being fed.
sitting on the tray was a ba-ba of milk that he was expected to finish as well, if there was any milk left when he finished his bowl he'd get get anther bowl of the mostly bland save for the blood sludge.
in the end Edward ended up with two bowls of the high fiber oatmeal in his guts, and his bladder was already crying out in distress as Carlilse wiped the oatmeal from his face while scolding him on being such a messy eater.
with the baby fed, Carlilse led Edward back to his nursery, holding his hand and trying not to snicker at the waddling the massive diapers where making Edward do.
"So I know you likely just wanted to hang around the house today, or maybe go and play in your sandbox but sadly we have to go out first. daddies little muck butt has been making SO many presents we have to go and stock up on diapies!" Carlilse coo'ed and wasn't shocked when Edward froze.
The last time Edward had been out in public had been when he was in triple diapers and even then he'd been teased so much he'd ended up having a fit, there was no way in hell he could hide -7- diapers!
"I know, going out in public is scary to you little, you wanna just stay home where you feel safe but well your wearing the last of the diapers." Carlilse lied, then went on. "So unless you wanna sit in your own poopie and pee pee and risk leaking till mommy and your brothers and sisters get home.."
"I..I could stay here by myself!" Edward whimpered and whined, blushing and just thinking about how horrible going to the mall like THIS was gonna be.
"Stay here by yourself.. what kinda of irresponsible parent do you think I am little man?! Leaving a baby home alone, not gonna happen!" Carlilse tsk'ed and shook his head. "Don't worry buddy, if any bullies make you cry daddy will protect you!"
Somehow this statement DIDN'T reassure Edward and he started to bawl.
the hardest part of getting Edward dressed for his day out (Aside from his fussing and whining of course) was trying to find something to go over the boys massive diaper butt.
A lesser daddy would of given up and just had the diapers on display but Carlilse was no normal daddy, he was a super one!
Originally he was going to take his darling baby boy out in a onesie but the crotch snap's kept popping open. none of his overalls would go quite all the way up and pants were just hopeless.
in the end a old pair of light yellow short with the waist band wore out managed to get mostly over the diaper, the top of the padding was sticking out and Carlilse just used one of Edward's longer shirts to mostly cover up the showing diapers.
of course if Edward reached up for something the diapers were going to show and the shorts could hide his giga diaper ass anyways but at least Carlilse was trying and he almost melted when a blushing and huffy Edward gave him a small hug and thanked him for the effort.
"Awww, your VERY welcome buddy. though i think we better get you some new clothes too. looks like we've got a full day ahead of us!" Carlilse coo'ed then paused. "Speaking of full.."
and he leaned down and sniffed Edward butt, a act that despite how embarrassing it was made Edward giggle like the big baby he was dressed up as.
"Nope! still nice and clean! don't worry buddy, we'll get your diapies first."
Carlilse was quickly realizing he was a victim of his own success as he hadn't counted on just how much one more of the bulky diapers he put Edward in could change things.
Case and point, Edward was having a hard time getting into his car seat, and he was actually trying, not like when he'd have a fit about just going on a drive thought the country side.
"Ummm Daddy, maybe I should lose a few diapers." Edward said, rubbing the back of his head but grinning like a fool.
'oh you think you've won this round huh little man?' Carlilse thought.
never one to give in, Carlilse push and squished Edward till his pamper butt was seated, and then with even more effort got him buckled in.
"Look like we're getting a new car seat for you today too.Somebodies getting all his birthday presents early!" the teasing daddy chuckled.
"W-what!? But I don't want my birthday presents used up on this stuff!" Edward whined and huff.
"Well you should of thought about that before becoming such a helpless giga butt diaper baby." Carlilse said and tapped a finger on Edward nose.
Before the big baby could form a retort Carlilse was gone, the door shut and then behind the wheel.
"No fits little man. if your a good little boy and behave I'll let you walk around with daddy, any fits and you go in the shopping cart." He called back.
Edward huffed, opened his mouth to argue, and then just sighed and nodded.
"Yes daddy."
Adorably Edward conked out in his car seat on the way to the mall, the car ride affecting him like it would most babies and he had to be gently woken up when they reached the mall's parking lot.
wiping the drool from the big babies chin he gently shook him awake.
"Edddddy...eddddddy~ time to get up~" Carlilse coo'ed softly.
"Nggggh.. five more minutes.." Edward whined, more asleep then awake.
"Sorry buddy but we're here. come on, open those big beautiful eyes for dada." Carlilse coo'ed.
Edward yawned and slowly opened his eyes, confusion going across his face for a second as he looked around the car and the parking lot, before his memory kicked in.
"Oh man..I totally zonked out there.." He said blushing.
"Heh, it's perfectly natural." Carlilse said, working on getting the seat belt undo and then Helping Edward out of the car. "Now Hold daddies hand till we're inside, I don't want you running off and getting hurt by a car."
of course any car that ran into Edward, diapered or not, would be the one to be wreaked, but it just helped with the cute image of Edward being a helpless big baby.
Getting into the mall Edward had the naive hope that he'd be able to let go of Carlilse's hand and not look like a total 'daddies little man' but atlas, it wasn't meant to be.
"The mall's a big place Eddy, Hold daddies hand so you don't wander off and get lost. it's that or we go back to using the baby leash." Carlilse said.
Edward, who hated having to hold hands shuddered as he recalled the dreaded harness and leash. it was bad enough he was being treated like a helpless baby, without making him feel like a dog on a leash!
"I'll be good." Edward grumbled as they pasted a group of middle schoolers who burst out laughing and pointing at Edward as they waddled by, one of them making a video.
"Bwhahaha look at the big baby!"
"his diapers are MASSIVE!"
"what a dork!"
"oh look Eddy, you made new friends!" Carlilse said, smirking and tugged Edward over towards the kids. "Say hi to everyone Eddy." Carlilse encouraged, and Edward knew what was expected of him and in a effort to get out of it hammed up some baby behavior.
Turn back and hiding his face in Carlilse's shirt he whimpered out a soft "nooo..scared.." and whimpered every so cutely.
Carlilse knew what he was doing and decided to roll with it, but what Edward didn't know was while he was hiding his face in daddies chest, the back of his shirt was lifted to show off the top of his diapers.
"Shhh shh, It's ok little man. Sorry, he's just super shy. maybe next time." Carlilse said to the cackling teens.
Pulling back from Carlilse Edward went to lisp out a thank you but then his tummy gurgled and a massive poot came out, and while the thickness of the diapers muted it somewhat, there was a good chance the whole mall would of heard it if he hadn't of been padded.
"Gee, such a nice way to thank daddy stinker." Carlilse teased and ruffled Edward's hair as the teens were laughing harder, at least till the smell hit them.
As they walked away Edward could hear them gagging and coughing, one of them claiming his eyes were burning and couldn't help but giggle evilly.
"You enjoyed that a little too much." Carlilse chuckled, though considering how semi evil he could be, he was having a 'i'm so proud of you' moment with Edward.
their destination was twice upon a childhood, a niche shop that catered to little and the like and was third biggest of all the shops in the mall.
Edward had only been there once and still couldn't wrap his head around the fact that some people wanted to be treated like he was when it was a ongoing living hell for him.
He'd actually been told by anther little when he was there how lucky he was and how jealous he was of Edward, who had dryly remarked he'd of swapped with him any day of the week.
As the shop drew close Edward was getting tummy craps and whined a little holding his tummy.
"Um..Daddy. I have go potty." Edward said, trying to use his little guy voice in a effort to butter Carlilse up.
"And?" Carlilse asked, grinning with amusement, and seeing right though the little guys efforts.
"Well, it's gonna be a uh-oh." Edward explained.
"I repeat, And?" Carlilse said, speeding their walk up knowing it would only make Edward lose control even faster.
"C-Come on daddy! I can't..you know.." and Edward blew a raspberry. "In public! L-Let's go back to the car!"
"How would that help? we need to get you more diapers before you can get a bum change."
"I..I could stay in the car and wa-"
"Leave a baby in a car alone?! Never! now stop fusing mister man or your going in a cart seat when we get in there!" Carlilse said in a tone that made it clear that was final.
Edward however wasn't listening and stomped a foot, yank his hand away.
"NO! I wanna go back to the car! Now! NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW!" He huffed and jumped up and down making a scene and worse, steering up breakfast and ruining any chance he had of making it back to the car.
"Little man, that is enough!" Carlilse said and started towards Edward who suddenly paled and hunched over, a massive series of wet farts escaping and despite himself he hunched down, one hand on the floor and anther one holding his tummy as he shamefully loaded his diapers.
"-sigh- And you wonder why your still in diapers." Carlilse said, then turned to the crowd. "I'm sorry for little Edward making a scene." he started and then as a horrid stench started to fill the area he added. "And I know he's sorry about the smell. "
Edward who felt like he was pushing out his skeleton as he unloaded grunted and groaned, the occasional cry of "POOPIE" was the only thing anyone could understand as seconds turned into minutes.
the Short's turned they're best but they had already been at their limit before the massive mass of baby fudge pushed out the back and to the surprise of no one but Edward they ripped apart and basically hung around his waist like a loin cloth of sorts.
with his pampers filled to the brim, both front and back, any and all fight was out of Edward who whimpered and slowly stood up, legs forced apart even more and held out his arm's.
"D-Daddy!" he whined and Carlilse came over and picked him up, the big babies legs wrapping around him and arms holding tight as Carlilse got a arm under the boys smelly rear and patted his back.
"Shhh, shh..It's alright. your just a baby Eddy. it's all right. Come on, let's go get you some clean diapers and new outfit. if you're a good boy we'll get you some stuffies too. hows that sound?"
Edward nodded dumbly, and it would be till later in the day when he'd realized with that last display, the last of Edward's big boy mind had ended up in the seat of the diaper that had been tossed out, and that Edward would never be able to be anything more then a helpless big baby.
The end
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butdidyousee · 6 years
“Second Act”(2018)
Title: “Second Act” (2018)
Staring: Jennifer Lopez, Vanessa Hudgens, Leah Remini, Milo Ventimiglia
Directed by: Peter Segal
Run Time: 103 Mins
Opening weekend Numbers: $11,000,000
Screen it, Stream it or Skip it: Stream it.
Maya(Lopez) is a hard working woman who is tired of being overlooked for big corporate positions because her background doesn’t include a degree. For her birthday her best friend’s(Remini) son creates a fake resume and a fake life for her and she lands a big corporate consulting job. She learns that life has a funny way of having the past catch up with you but with her street smarts and true grit she will show these corporate heads what they’re missing.
One thing I always like about J.Lo movies is you always know what you’re going to get. With that being said this one gets a 2.3👍🏻 out of 5. The preview shows exactly what the movie is and where it’s going to go. Their is a slight twist in the movie that goes on pretty early in the film but just truly adds another layer and does help the movie move along. There is also a great message being placed here about ageism and woman in the workplace. Coming at the perfect time to line up with the me too and feminisms of today. I like to call this type of movie a “middie” movie. This movie was created to give a laugh and feel good to woman my sister age(mid 40’s).
J.lo has a very simple formula when it comes to the majority of her characters. They are all dimensional in the way of how they express emotions and this film is no exception. She also sticks to the formula of woman who want more, followed by defeating or problematic instances then strength and tough as nails solution and grand resolution and half the time it’s “get the guy or the goal”. She’s done it time in again particularly in “Monster-in-law” (2005) and even “Enough”(2002) Leah Remini does a stellar job being herself except in character form as Maya’s best friend. A lot of the comic relief depended on Renini’s delivery and ball busting of her kids and friends alike. They also have amazing chemistry as best friends. Which I can only assume J.lo and Remini are friends in real life. The acting from the other support charters is fine but nothing to write home about.
The music is fine with what seems like no original soundtrack except for possibly the end credit sound which sounds like a J.Lo original gem.
This movie is just something fun to watch on the side and was filler for something to watch around Christmas time during the release of many other movie and I’m assuming this was the “chick flick” of the bunch seeing as “Aquaman”(2018) (comic and action) “Mary Poppins returns”(2018) (children and adventure), “Vice”2018(politics) and “Welcome to Marwen”(drama).
Overall this movie hits you in the same place as the other Jennifer Lopez movies, you either really like them or they just aren’t doing much for you. Stream this one if your heart desires, but your not missing much by missing this one.
Don’t forget that Instagram cuts my posts, so please follow the link in the bio to see my full review of “Second Act”(2018).✌🏻
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sickficgalore · 7 years
Day 6 : Flu (Lance)
YEET i’m back with another fic for @vldwhumpmas2017 !! another college au and i think pre-Klance if you squint hard enough.
“Are you ever going to finish that essay you have? Also, isn’t it due after the Christmas break?” Keith said as he walked into Lance’s room to give him the coffee he had asked for earlier. Lance had been working extremely hard on that one essay for the past week, which brought about sleepless nights, and Keith was finding it to be rather ridiculous. Christmas break was starting in a few days, and everyone around them was already getting festive and ready to pack away for home.
“I need to do well in this. I need to get as close to a perfect score as I can on this. This is the ONLY class I’m good at.” Lance’s eyebrows were furrowed, eyes fixated on his laptop screen as he continuously brainstormed for different ways to convey his ideas even better in his essay.
“Suit yourself..” Keith muttered as he left the cup of coffee on Lance’s desk next to his laptop before promptly leaving the room. Even the air that he was breathing in Lance’s room felt so heavy and stressful.
Fast forward to two days later, Keith finally caught Lance outside his room heating a leftover sandwich from the day before for breakfast before leaving for class. Lance was sniffling and coughing as he shot a small smile at Keith.
“How’s that essay you’ve been endlessly working on?” Keith asked, happy to finally see his dorm mate out of his tiny room and getting some relax time.
“It’s coming together I guess.” Lance replied, voice sounding thick and congested. Keith winced. That did not sound good.
“Do you need something? Medicine? You sound a bit congested.” Keith asked.
Lance shook his head, “It’s nothing. It will be gone by later.”
They both should have known that was not the case, and the night before the break, when everyone had their bags packed and ready to go back home for Christmas, Lance was bed-bound and hacking up a lung.
“Woah, what has happened to you?” Keith commented as he walked into Lance’s room that night, wondering if Lance had already packed his bags to go home or if he was still working on that godforsaken essay.
“I feel terrible..” Lance muttered, blowing his nose into a tissue before a coughing fit had taken over.
“You were probably stressing too much over that essay.” Keith said, grabbing the thermometer from Lance’s bedside drawer, “Aren’t you supposed to go home tomorrow?” Keith said as he sat down on the side of Lance’s bed.
“How in the world am I supposed to go home like this?” Lance sighed. He still was not contented with the essay he had written, and was planning to complete or almost complete it that night, but after his last class for the day he felt like he could do nothing but lie on his bed for the rest of eternity.
“Is anyone picking you up? Your mom?” Keith asked, placing the thermometer in Lance’s mouth. Lance shook his head in response.
The thermometer did not take very long to beep, and when Keith pulled it out of Lance’s mouth, he almost fell off his seat. Lance was burning at 39.4 degrees celsius (103 farenheit).
“Your fever is crazy high. How’s the rest of your body feeling?” Keith asked, wiping off the thermometer with a wet wipe before placing it back in its case.
“Achy. So achy. And so cold. And this entire room is spinning. And my throat hurts so bad. And I can’t stop sneezing or coughing…” Lance croaked before another one of his coughing fits started. Keith cringed at the sound of phlegm in his throat.
“You probably haven’t had any medicine right? Since you’re the most terrible person at taking care of yourself.” Keith said as he got up and left the room to retrieve flu medication for Lance.
Lance swallowed the two pills with much difficulty, “God, that hurt so bad..” Lance croaked as he put a hand to his chest.
“Get some rest. I’ll come back to check on you later.” Keith advised, dimming the lights in Lance’s room and leaving.
Keith came into the room constantly throughout the night, so worried for Lance that he was unable to sleep well. He woke up at two hour intervals, which he spent slipping into Lance’s room and watching over him until he felt tired again.
The next morning, Keith had awakened to violent coughing from Lance’s room followed by a congested groan, indicating Lance had woken up as well and clearly was not feeling any better.
“Your fever is still as high.” Keith said after taking Lance’s temperature.
“I also still feel as terrible.” Lance muttered, rubbing at his nose with a tissue. The waste bin that had been placed at Lance’s bedside by Keith last night was already half-filled with tissues and gross.
Keith quickly left to prepare a cool wet towel for Lance’s forehead, “Have you contacted your parents that you won’t be able to make it home anytime soon?” Lance’s eyes widened in realisation as he shook his head, obviously having forgotten to tell his parents about his sickness. “Do I have to do EVERYTHING for you?” Keith groaned, grabbing Lance’s phone on his study desk.
It was the first time Keith had ever conversed with Lance’s mother, and she was extremely nice over the phone, thanking Keith non-stop for taking care of her (Keith quotes) ‘son that never takes care of himself’. Keith was also invited for Christmas dinner if Lance could recover and return home in time.
“Are you not going home for the holidays?” Lance asked, congestion slightly surpressed after consuming another two pills after breakfast.
“I don’t have a family.” Keith responded, looking down at the floor.
“Oh, sorry. My mind’s a little fuzzy and I forgot.” Lance said, pursing his lips as he stared down at his two layers of sheets, the air in the room suddenly becoming tense.
“Sorry for what? I’ve already gotten used to it years ago. I’m living fine without my parents or anyone else.” Keith smiled, trying to make Lance less awkward about fhe situation. Lance flashed an embarrassed smile back.
When Lance had fallen back asleep, Keith had gone back out to their kitchen to make porridge for Lance to eat for lunch and dinner. He knew how to make it because this recipe was the last thing his grandmother had left him before succumbing to her terminal illness, and since then Keith has made this porridge for himself whenever he was under the weather while living himself. Best porridge he’d ever tasted if he could say so himself.
“This porridge is amazing!” Lance said before choking on his own words, sending him into another coughing fit.
“Don’t talk when you eat your food, damn it.” Keith smiled a little. Lance was the first person to try his grandmother’s recipe other than himself, and he was glad that Lance found it delicious too.
The cycle of sleep, eat, and sleep again continued for the rest of the day.
The next day, Keith was pleasantly surprised to find himself waking up without having to hear any monster sneezes or violent coughing coming from the adjacent room. He went over to check on Lance, and was glad to find that his voice also sounded better and his fever had gone down slightly.
“I’m telling you, your porridge does wonders.” Lance grinned.
“It’s probably the medicine. Now eat your porridge then take your medicine.” Keith ordered.
“Yes mom..” Lance muttered, happily consuming every bite of Keith’s porridge.
By the end of that day, Lance had managed to leave his bed to get himself a glass of water, and even drop by Keith’s room to chat.
“At this rate I’m recovering, we can leave for my house tomorrow!” Lance exclaimed, but had unexpectedly contradicted himself when he flew into a coughing fit right after, causing an eruption of laughter from Keith.
“Yes, totally, phlegm boy. Now go back to your bed and rest.” Keith advised. Lance sighed, taking his advice, and left.
Later that night, Keith had gone to Lance’s room once again to check if he was asleep and doing okay, but instead found Lance at his table, yet again staring at his essay and picking at every tiny mistake. Keith sighed, slamming the laptop shut and sitting on Lance’s study table.
“I just started! And I’m feeling so great? I’m bored!” Lance shouted indignantly.
“Not until you’re fully recovered! Last time I checked, you still had a fever.” Keith chided lightly.
“Just another like, ten minutes? Please? I have things I have to correct..” Lance begged, even attempting puppy eyes, trying his very best to get Keith to let him continue.
“Goodness me, are those puppy eyes?? They’re terrible.” Keith laughed, “back to bed, Mister McClain.”
“Got it..” Lance sighed, getting up from his study chair and going under his covers, silently planning to use his laptop again when Keith leaves.
“Good night, Lance. I’m taking your laptop with me.” Keith smirked, picking it up in his embrace as he dimmed the lights and left Lance’s room.
“NOT FAIR!” He heard Lance shout from the hallway. He knew Lance too well after the year they had spent living together to leave the laptop with Lance.
He kept the laptop in his bedside drawer, locked it with a key and placed the key under his pillow. Lance would never be able to open that.
“Mom! It’s me, Lance! I’m coming home today! Yes, I’m fine now. Yup! Got it Ma. I will stay safe. Yes, Keith is coming with me. See you later! Love you too!” Lance said over the phone as he packed his bags. Earlier that morning, Keith had taken his temperature, which was within normal range now, and had given him the green light to go home and returned Lance his laptop. The two of them were planning to get on a train in the afternoon that headed for his hometown.
Lance had planned to continue with his essay in the train, but when the time came, he realised he was still as lethargic as he was when he was sick and could not bring himself to take his laptop out of his backpack.
“I thought you were planning on finishing up that essay?” Keith teased when he noticed Lance lean back on his chair and close his eyes.
“Shut up, mullet. I’m dead tired..” Lance sighed.
“Considering the way you were screaming earlier in the dorms, of course you are.” Keith smiled, “hey, lean on me.” Lance, surprisingly, did not hesitate to get comfortable on Keith’s shoulder, and had drifted off to sleep real quick.
Before getting off the train, Lance had taken his temperature again one more time. His temperature had risen slightly, hovering between a normal temperature and a slight fever.
“You won’t tell my mother anything, alright?” Lance said, his voice sounding uncomfortably thick again. The two of them knew that his speedy recovery was too good to be true.
“Fine. But if it gets really bad I have no choice.” Keith agreed.
Lance and Keith were greeted with a feast back at Lance’s home for dinner. His siblings and parents were all there to welcome Lance home, and meet Keith for the first time.
“So, Keith confiscated my laptop?? I had such an important paper to complete and he just TOOK IT??” Lance complained, taking a sip of his eldest sister’s home-made fruit punch.
“He had been working on that assignment day and night for the past week, which was no surprise why he had fallen so ill. I had to do it to him.” Keith calmly explained his stance.
“You did great, Keith. My brother never knows how and when to stop.” Lance’s slightly younger sister praised. Lance let out an indignant squawk in response.
“Thanks for taking such good care of Lance. I am so surprised he had gotten over his sickess so quickly!” His mother exclaimed, squeezing Keith’s hand lovingly. He smiled, enjoying the warmth he felt in Lance’s household.
Keith and Lance returned to Lance’s room at night when they were done with dinner and chatting, and Lance immediately plummeted onto his bed face-down in exhaustion.
“I. Am. Exhaused.” Lance groaned. The thickness of his voice that he had hid from his family all night had come back.
“Take your temperature. I’m positive it has gotten higher.” Keith passed Lance the thermometer and the packet of flu medication that he had proudly brought over in case of emergency, which had actually happened.
The beep came not too long after, followed by Lance groaning, “Damn it, it really has…” Lance went to sleep right after taking more medication that night, praying that his fever would miraculously disappear the next day…
Well, it did not, and Lance and Keith were going to visit a flower park that day with Lance mother.
“Oh dear, Lance, why are you sneezing so much?” His mother asked when they had gotten to the park and Lance had resumed his uncontrollable sneezes.
“Allergies? Lots of pollen in the air, you know.” Lance lied.
Never in his life was he allergic to anything.
Remarkably, Lance had managed to pull through that day, secretly taking medication after every meal so as to not worry his family. The two of them retreated to Lance’s room straight after dinner, claiming that they were exhausted from the long day and wanted to rest early.
“I feel so guilty..” Keith muttered, lying down on the bed next to Lance as he handed Lance the thermometer.
“You’re guilty? I’m the one blatantly lying to my own family.” Lance sighed, placing the thermometer under his tongue. He groaned, slamming his face down on his pillow when the thermometer read a high temperature.
“I think it’s time you actually get rest.” Keith advised, taking a look at the temperature reading when Lance handed it back to him, a whopping 38.8 degrees celsius (102 farenheit).
“I think so too..” Lance sighed, popping pills into his mouth and swallowing them, “ah, it hurts to swallow again.”
“Good night.” Keith said as he got up to switch off the lights in the room.
The next day, a loud cheer of happiness erupted from Lance’s room, which shocked the entire household.
“I FEEL ALIVE AGAIN!” Lance shouted, running around the room with the thermometer in his hand, with a wonderfully normal temperature reading.
“THANK GOD!” Keith responded, banging his head on a pillow. It was Christmas Day, and the two of them were so glad that Lance was finally free of sickness.
“Y’all sound so stupid.” Lance’s younger brother stated as he walked past their room, which earned roars of laughter from people both inside and outside the room.
Needless to say, the two of them really enjoyed Christmas to their hearts’ content that day.
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musiccosmosru · 6 years
Unconscious Time Slip“Back in 1995, I was driving my car on the highway one ordinary winter night around 3 A.M. Suddenly, everything was quiet and looked as if I was watching a flat TV screen, only minding for the red lights of a car before mine. I could not figure out where I was although I knew perfectly well my way home, but I had no worries. I just kept on driving along the highway that had no more exit lanes, for a length of time that I could not tell. Then suddenly, I was conscious again, like waking up, stuck in a traffic jam, with dozens of cars beeping around, at 4 A.M. That seemed incredible to me! There was no reason at all for those cars to stop and so many of them! More strange was the fact that I saw on my right, in far distance, a huge shiny silver round building, really huge like a stadium, though this kind of architecture was sci-fi at the time. I knew this building did NOT really exist and got away with it by saying to myself that it was another one that I knew was totally different and completely elsewhere. Then I realized I was ten miles ahead of where I should have exited.” – Lee Gally
Beyond Creepy
Britain Heat Wave Sparks Rat Plague
As temperatures continue to rise – and The Commons environmental audit committee said adapting to a warming climate was “a matter of life and death” – the red-hot heatwave has sparked a plague of rats.
Experts say numbers of the rodents have risen alarmingly in recent weeks as they gnaw on food rubbish warmed by weeks of sun, and early-ripened fruit.
And as MPs issued an alert over 7,000 heat-related deaths a year, forecasters say it may hit 37C (99f) on Friday for the hottest July day on record, beating the 36.7C (98F) set three years ago.
With the mercury rising, councils may step up household bin ­collections in a bid to battle the rising rat population, while Brits have also been told to not exercise outdoors. Read more at Sizzling temperatures of 37C will set a July record sparking plague of rats as sharks ‘infest’ coast
Underground Liquid Water Lake Found on Mars
A massive underground lake has been detected for the first time on Mars, raising hopes that more water — and maybe even life — exists there, international astronomers said Wednesday.
Located under a layer of Martian ice, the lake is about 12 miles (20 kilometers) wide, said the report in the US journal Science.
It is the largest body of liquid water ever found on the Red Planet.
“Water is there. We have no more doubt,” co-author Enrico Flamini, the Italian space agency’s Mars Express mission manager, told a press conference.
Mars is now cold, barren and dry but it used to be warm and wet. It was home to plenty of liquid water and lakes at least 3.6 billion years ago. Read more at Liquid water lake discovered on Mars
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ARCANE RADIO IS BACK! on the Paranormal King Radio NetworkFacebook event announcement: Arcane Radio – Nicole Strickland – Paranormal Researcher / Author
Join me as I welcome paranormal researcher / author Nicole Strickland to Arcane Radio. Nicole Strickland currently resides in San Diego, California, and has been innately intrigued with the paranormal since childhood and has studied the field for many years. She has been actively investigating historical landmarks and private residences for paranormal activity since the early 2000s, after a profound experience with the spirit of her beloved grandmother. She is the Founder and Director of the San Diego Paranormal Research Society (SDPRS); and serves as the team’s EVP Specialist and historical locations case manager. Nicole has worked with various Southern California paranormal research teams prior to developing SDPRS in 2009. She was also a core member of the Ghost Research Society holding the GRS Southern California Area Research Director position from 2009 – 2017. Nicole also serves as a consultant to World Paranormal Investigations as well as a California Representative for the American Spectral Society. Nicole has written 5 books, including her most recent title ‘San Diego’s Most Haunted: The Historical Legacy and Paranormal Marvels.’ http://www.authornicolestrickland.com/ – You won’t want to miss this interesting show! Join us this Friday, July 27th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on ParanormalKing.com ———- Big thanks to my newest Arcane Radio Patron…rhpatton1Become a ‘Arcane Radio’ Patron for only $1 per month! https://patron.podbean.com/ArcaneRadio
Each $1+ donation gives that Patron:
– a ‘thank you’ mention on Arcane Radio, and a ‘thank you’ post on the ‘Phantoms & Monsters’ blog and on all of our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler, Google+)
– a digital copy of ‘Mothman Dynasty: Chicago’s Winged Humanoid.’ When you become a patron, forward your email address to me at [email protected] and I will email a copy to you.
– an entry into the monthly drawing to receive a free signed copy of my most recent paperback title. The winner’s Podbean ID will be announced on this site, the blog and on my social media. Simply forward your mailing address to me at [email protected] and I will send a copy to you.
Thanks! Lon
Scientists revise the Rio Scale for reported alien encounters
Woman Claims to Solve Strange Cougar Situation Using Telepathy
Scientists Find ‘Unprecedented’ Reversal of Wrinkles and Hair Loss
Scotland’s greatest UFO mysteries: Is the truth out there?
Mystery of UFO spotted from Plymouth revealed
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Theatrical Version)
In Search Of…The Complete (146 Episodes) Leonard Nimoy)
The Godfather 3-Movie Collection
Clint Eastwood: The Universal Pictures 7-Movie Collection [Blu-ray]
Paranormal Activity Three-Movie Collection [Blu-ray]
UPDATED WEEKLY: Lon’s Suggested Reading List – Books & Films / DVDs
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ARCANE RADIO PODCASTS: PodBean – iTunes – Stitcher – YouTube – Spotify– Google Play – blubrry – Player FM – TuneIn – Podbay FM – Spreaker
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competitiveguide · 7 years
Current Affairs Headlines of 16th September 2017
→ Corporate Affairs Ministry and Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has signed an MoU for automatic and regular exchange of information to curb the menace of shell companies, money laundering and black money in the country. → Environmental Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan inaugurated a two-day conference on “Sustainable landscapes and forest ecosystems: Theory to Practice”. → Former United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was elected as Chair of Ethics Commission of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for a four-year term. → Guillermo del Toro’s ‘The Shape of Water‘ was awarded the Golden Lion at the 74th Venice Film Festival. The film, a romantic monster movie starring Sally Hawkins and Michael Shannon, premiered on the Lido on August 31, declared as the best movie. → India and Pakistan begin high-level talks on Indus Waters Treaty. → India has been placed at a low 103 rank, the lowest among BRICS economies, on the World Economic Forum‘s Global Human Capital Index. The list has been topped by Norway. → Maharashtra CM launches Maha Mission 1 Million. → Odisha to set up the first Odia language university. → Scientists from Brown University in US have created first map of water trapped in uppermost layer of Moon’s soil. → The book titled ‘Unstoppable: My Life So Far‘ authored by tennis star Maria Sharapova was unveiled. The book talks about Sharapova’s rise from nowhere to tennis stardom, and the unending fight to stay on top. More Current Affairs Headlines of 16th September 2017   - http://ift.tt/2xGgTce
From Blogger http://ift.tt/2jvSAaP via http://ift.tt/2aY4od2
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musiccosmosru · 6 years
ET ‘Face’ Appears on Previous Abduction MarkAlabama – 2018-02-28 – 18:00: During childhood, I experienced an otherworldly encounter which literally left a mark. This mark is oval in shape and purplish in color – located on my left leg, above my ankle. On February 28 of this year, a hologram-like image of an extraterrestrial face was photographed emanating from the mark, onto my leg (directly above the mark). I have included the photos below (removed by MUFON). The mark can be seen at the bottom of the picture, with the entity’s face above it. If the mark doesn’t appear exactly oval in the picture, it’s because it changes shape (which can only be seen when light is focused on it). Otherwise, it appears oval. The entity has both human and animal-like features, appears to be smiling or grinning, and is looking off to the side. I appreciate the weirdness of this report, but I feel that I should report the experience. Do with it what you will. – MUFON
Tick-Borne Disease Soaring
As pests go, ticks score bonus points on the fear chart for being bloodsuckers, tucking themselves behind ears or ducking under armpits.
But unlike most spiders and other crawlies in the woods, these eight-legged parasites pose real danger, even death in rare cases.
In 2013, 6-year-old Emilee Russell from Black Mountain died of Rocky Mountain spotted fever — the result of a tick bite.
North Carolina often leads the nation in Rocky Mountain spotted fever cases, with 674 reported in 2017 — a 5 percent increase over 2016, according to the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services.
But bites from ticks in North Carolina can also lead to ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease and STARI, which stands for Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness. Lyme disease reports also ramped up to 363 in 2017, rising 10 percent, DHHS reports. Read more at Tick-borne disease is soaring
Strange Darkness Blankets Siberia
Locals in north of Yakutia said daylight was completely gone for several hours.
People from remote Eveno-Bytantaisky and Zhigansky districts turned to newspapers, begging local media to explain ‘the devilry’ of what happened.
Their remote communities were plunged into darkness – even though they should have 24 hour light at this time of year.
‘The sun went out around 11am, and didn’t come back until about 2pm. I couldn’t see a thing without switching lights on. We took torches to walk outside, but actually no-one wanted to be on the street because the feeling was as if something heavy in the air was pressing on your chest’, said one resident.
After the sun returned, locals found thick layer of dust covering everything outside. Read more at Sun blanked out in Arctic Siberia
Earhart’s Final Cries For Help
Amelia Earhart waded into the Pacific Ocean and climbed into her downed and disabled Lockheed Electra.
She started the engine, turned on the two-way radio and sent out a plea for help, one more desperate than previous messages.
The high tide was getting higher, she had realized. Soon it would suck the plane into deeper water, cutting Earhart off from civilization — and any chance of rescue.
Across the world, a 15-year-old girl listening to the radio in St. Petersburg, Fla., transcribed some of the desperate phrases she heard: “waters high,” “water’s knee deep — let me out” and “help us quick.”
A housewife in Toronto heard a shorter message, but it was no less dire: “We have taken in water . . . we can’t hold on much longer.” Read more at Dozens heard Amelia Earhart’s final, chilling pleas for help, researchers say
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ARCANE RADIO IS BACK! on the Paranormal King Radio NetworkFacebook event announcement: Arcane Radio – Nicole Strickland – Paranormal Researcher / Author
Join me as I welcome paranormal researcher / author Nicole Strickland to Arcane Radio. Nicole Strickland currently resides in San Diego, California, and has been innately intrigued with the paranormal since childhood and has studied the field for many years. She has been actively investigating historical landmarks and private residences for paranormal activity since the early 2000s, after a profound experience with the spirit of her beloved grandmother. She is the Founder and Director of the San Diego Paranormal Research Society (SDPRS); and serves as the team’s EVP Specialist and historical locations case manager. Nicole has worked with various Southern California paranormal research teams prior to developing SDPRS in 2009. She was also a core member of the Ghost Research Society holding the GRS Southern California Area Research Director position from 2009 – 2017. Nicole also serves as a consultant to World Paranormal Investigations as well as a California Representative for the American Spectral Society. Nicole has written 5 books, including her most recent title ‘San Diego’s Most Haunted: The Historical Legacy and Paranormal Marvels.’ http://www.authornicolestrickland.com/ – You won’t want to miss this interesting show! Join us this Friday, July 27th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on ParanormalKing.com ———- Big thanks to my newest Arcane Radio Patron…rhpatton1Become a ‘Arcane Radio’ Patron for only $1 per month! https://patron.podbean.com/ArcaneRadio
Each $1+ donation gives that Patron:
– a ‘thank you’ mention on Arcane Radio, and a ‘thank you’ post on the ‘Phantoms & Monsters’ blog and on all of our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler, Google+)
– a digital copy of ‘Mothman Dynasty: Chicago’s Winged Humanoid.’ When you become a patron, forward your email address to me at [email protected] and I will email a copy to you.
– an entry into the monthly drawing to receive a free signed copy of my most recent paperback title. The winner’s Podbean ID will be announced on this site, the blog and on my social media. Simply forward your mailing address to me at [email protected] and I will send a copy to you.
Thanks! Lon
Powerful Mystery Boom Rocks Canada’s Vancouver Island
Second ‘Mystery Sound’ Stumps Upstate NY Community
Mysterious Buzzing Noise Keeping Residents Awake in English Town
Mysterious and Fatal Books of Death Found in Denmark
Paranormal Books and High Strangeness
Lizard Man: The True Story of the Bishopville Monster
Strange Intruders and Leprechan Press
Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah
The Zozo Phenomenon
The Djinn Connection: The Hidden Links Between Djinn, Shadow People, ETs, Nephilim, Archons, Reptilians and Other Entities
UPDATED WEEKLY: Lon’s Suggested Reading List – Books & Films / DVDs
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ARCANE RADIO PODCASTS: PodBean – iTunes – Stitcher – YouTube – Spotify– Google Play – blubrry – Player FM
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On this day, November 27, 2014, in accord with 15 U.S. Code Chapter 107 – Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, I declare that my rights are attached to all personal data, voice recordings, photos, art, text, titles, etc. published or reproduced at any media source. For commercial and/or recreational use of the foregoing my written consent is required at all times. By this release, I tell all unauthorized person and/or parties that it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, broadcast, or to take any other action against me on the basis of its contents. The actions mentioned above apply equally to employees, students, agents and/or other staff under the direction of the offending parties. The contents of my profile include private information. The violation of my privacy is punished by the law (UCC 1 1-308 – 308 1 -103 and the Rome Statute) NOTE: Any use of witness information, which includes any attempt to contact a witness or persons involved in an event, is strictly prohibited without the written consent of Phantoms & Monsters.
© 2005-2018 Phantoms & Monsters – All Rights Reserved
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The post Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal appeared first on MusicCosmoS.
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