#this one’s going in the main tag srry (lie)
matthoopergay · 1 year
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he has such soulful eyes…
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 years
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@moldygreenblue (tumblr why are you always like this? ;w; lemme tag) 
I believe I went off on her a little before (outside her dungeon, x) Anyway Futaba’s there for a number of reasons:
 I hate her dungeon, her shadow, just her whole arc from a lore perspective. The rules are broken....no...shattered for her, not just P5′s rules but previous games’ rules. (I think I mentioned it in these posts x, x, x, btw these are all pre Royal.....Atlus probs saw a post about it and was like “we need to add doubts in Royal maybe now it’ll make sense!” srry boo but she says it’s no her mom and her cognition should reflect that right away you still messed up, also too little too late).
I’m pretty sure I remember talking about how I do no think she is a good representation of mental illness, she basically is cured with the “power of friendship” after a week (of being conscious), and they only use her lingering issues when they need it for plot reasons (on top of the fact iirc the writing between main story and CoOp is contradictory, iirc she’s like “MC you’re the one who saved me! I can only go out if I’m with YOU!” and then the next day of one of my playthroughs Yusuke literally picks her up and she’s like “oh I’m fine now, and it’s thanks to EVERYONE!” and it’s just....pandering for a romance in that CoOp). It pisses me off she’s the rep for mental illness. 
She takes up too much screen time, and it feels like a lot of actual issues/obstacles we could just....overcome is instead made so we NEED to use her (I’m looking at you dungeon 3 of PQ2, you can suck it, Fuuka should’ve been the focus, literally makes no sense for Futaba to be the focus????) 
Ties into point 1 but still deserves it’s own point. I hate how she’s like “THEY STOLE MY HEART! THEY CHANGED MY COGNITION!” but....we didn’t.......we literally didn’t. Did we help/save her with our intervention? Yes, but it’s not cause it was supernatural, we just showed up for her. Did WE solve her issue supernaturally.....no....not really, we didn’t get a chance (remember how....there was no treasure! oOo yeah we go into her Palace, but that’s not really changing her, it’s us going in irl and being like “yo ya gotta go outside! get that sunny D!” than us screwing with her dungeon). She solved it herself, Yaldy gave her the app, she ran into her Shadow, she accepted her Shadow, she solved it on her own. Not only is it a straight up lie, and conflating someone changing their mind/”heart” with the PT way of changing hearts (as well as the fact you know....we didn’t change her cognition, she did), but it also reduces her own involvement in her own healing process and overcoming the obstacle herself. We were just the spark, the rest of the flame emerged from Futaba. Like listen, the IRL stuff we did was important, but when it came down to the wire, it was her own memory and faith in herself and her mom that helped her confront herself and her false memories (because y’know...she couldn’t hear us). And it pisses me off that the writers would take something important to a character and her message, away for some bullshit reason.
I dunno some times she acted like an ass and it was just annoying, I already had Makoto/Yusuke/Goro/MC(even Mona/Ryu at times, to other’s not each other, obvie they do it to each other) kinda getting away(or have gotten away) with that without much reprimanding. (and tbh, anything that could possibly be redeemable, is either nonexistent, or overshadowed by the fact she’s mostly just there for her be connected to a literal mother of a plot device, no her hacking isn’t needed you have superpowers and another world WHY do you need to rely on her????literally states in the first dungeon you can’t use a phone camera in the metaverse even, but for some reason a laptop is fully working?????I know one is part of the phone and the other is a comp but it’s our only tech we know/can relate back to, so what does it mean Atlus? Is the comp allowed but the phone isn’t? Why? Just explain. Here’s one I just made up for you: Phone has to have the app open at all times in the metaverse! Or, actually no tech works well in the Metaverse, which means no laptop, one or the other choose please)
Oh she kinda screws us over, until we joined we didn’t have any connections to doing anything illegal. Yeah she throws that out the window. I mean we can always sell her out, but we are her enablers/accomplices.
Someone I know who was studying hacking at the time (for their work) was like “she’s kind of pulling that shit outta her ass.” And it hurt them to watch any of her scenes play out (I think the wire tap was the one thing she got a pass on tho). It doesn’t help it’s not really explained enough (so they can see if it’s plausible). To them it’s cringe, to me it shows convenience for the story (obvie I care more about how it hinders the story skadlfj;alfj and if it’s like they say, it annoys me even more). 
Spinoff wise I hate how she tries to grope Anne and Makoto in P5D, and I hate how she takes up a shit load of screen time in PQ2 (I don’t care Hikari is a shut in, gdi Fuuka earned that spotlight in dungeon 3, it makes no sense why Futaba would do it, hell Fuuka should’ve been chiming in due to her knowing what it’s like to be bullied, same with Rise iirc she was also bullied, like god damn, PQ2 really went “We’re gonna give all the screen time to P5 kids even tho they won’t really do jack shit with most of it, and just have P3/4 kids chime in enough to remember they exist”) 
Basically I don’t like what she brings to the table, esp since the game makes us rely on her. She doesn’t spark the exact same amount of rage that Makoto does (tho if you saw me my last playthrough during Futaba’s dungeon I’d say it’s pretty close), but it does feel insulting from a long time fan/lore fiend/just a freaking viewer trying to consume the medium that’s seeing there’s some toxic stuff in her writing (and I don’t mean “toxic” I mean “it’s really bad to freaking think that friends will fix your mental health, it won’t, and it’s unfair to you and your friends to even think of putting that onto them” bad levels of thinking). 
I also find she’s a wasted opportunity, such as “oh what if we solved this mental illness with supernatural means? what could possibly go wrong? Esp with how drastic the change is for other people we’ve done it to! :D” *cough* *cough* If only they figured out that’d be kinda interesting *cough**cough* Oh mean what a violet coughing fit, I mean violent.... >.> *in a bad canadian accent* I really need soome air eh?..........8U ANYWAY, the biggest role she serves (besides spotlight stealing to justify having a hacker), is a connection to her mom and showcasing that even “good people” can have palaces.....sadly the latter seems to fall on deaf ears on even fans of this game.....and the writers/characters. So uhhhh good job failing at the latter (for awhile at least), and uhhh....we could just NOT have the former! I think the gov could be shady without them also getting in on supernatural stuff but that’s just me. 030
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cherylsvixen · 7 years
Three Months - Part 2
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Pairing: Nothing major right now, but Reggie x Reader, Twin!Andrews, Sweet Pea x reader (I couldn’t help myself but spoil it for you guys srry) Word count: 1,454 Warnings: Mentions of sexual assault, abortion  Description: This is the second part to the series, an alternate ending to ‘The Five Seasons’. After an ‘incident’ three months ago with Nick St. Clair, (Y/N) Andrews still has nightmares. Things become even worse as she is left to deal with his consequences.  A/N: I hope everyone is liking this as much as I do because I’ve written five parts so it’s gonna suck if not oops. 
The Five Seasons // Part 1
Everything had happened so quickly. Only a few days after (Y/N) had reached out to Veronica, and here they were. Waiting anxiously in her living room, both staring at the phone on the coffee table in anticipation. When Veronica had found out, she managed to make a next-day appointment with a doctor she trusted to be discreet. So the very next day they had driven over an hour to see him. He took a blood sample with the promise to call with the results. He guaranteed a date of conception, give or take a few days. Veronica had a wall calendar in her lap with two dates marked. The first was the possible conception date if it was Reggie’s baby, and the second was the night of the… incident. When the phone rang, (Y/N) stared at it as if it were a foreign object. Veronica grabbed it and placed it in the girl’s hand with a reassuring smile. “Hello?” (Y/N) answered gingerly. Veronica scanned her face as (Y/N) listened to the other side of the phone call. Her blank expression made it hard for Veronica to make anything out. “Three months.” (Y/N) repeated to Veronica, glancing at her calendar. “That makes it…” She stopped as she received her answer on the other side. “Okay, thank you.” Veronica knew without (Y/N) even having to say that three months meant it couldn’t be Reggie’s. She studied her friend’s blank expression and took her hands in her own, giving a gentle squeeze. They sat in silence for a while, both trying to process this information.   “I kind of knew it. You know when you get that horrible gut feeling?” (Y/N) croaked. She was already so cried out. Her eyes stung even when she wasn’t crying. However, in a way, she had already accepted it. She always liked to be prepared for the worst, although she never imagined the worst could be this. “What are you going to do?” Veronica asked. For (Y/N), saying it out loud was proving to be as hard as admitting what had happened to her. “I want to…. you know… get rid of it.” She cringed at how harsh it sounded. Heartless even. Get rid of it? Veronica only nodded and squeezed (Y/N)’s hands again.   “I can sort something out for you, if that’s what you think is best.” She was only trying to be supportive, but (Y/N)’s expression fell. “What I mean, honey, is that whatever you decide to do, will be the right one.” She put her arm around (Y/N)’s shoulders and pulled her in close. “I’m here for you no matter what,” “I know, V. Thank you.”
The Andrews were sat around the kitchen island, eating breakfast together. It was a rarity in the busy household. Even on weekends, the kids were usually off doing their own things and Fred would be needed at the construction site. Usually they were talking over one another, but this morning it was just Fred and Archie contributing to the conversation. (Y/N) sat quietly, picking at her cereal. Her silence wasn’t unnoticed by Fred. “What’s up kiddo?” He tried to sound casual, but he came off a little pushy. He was worried that something was going on at school. Archie had already reassured him that she fit in with their friend group just fine, and that if anyone dared mess with her then he would deal with it. His promise put Fred at ease, but now he was worried that maybe his daughter had too much on her plate. “Oh I’m just tired,” She covered up her lie with a little smile. Fred’s expression dropped because he knew about her frequent morning panic attacks. “I didn’t get to sleep until really late, I was working on an assignment.” She added, suddenly more interested in her cereal. “Maybe you should talk to someone? Like a councillor at school,” Fred suggested delicately, reaching over for his daughter’s hand. She snatched it away and looked at him angrily. “I said I’m fine. Stop treating me like a kid.” She couldn’t help her sudden outburst. Everything was just too much. She was so worried about keeping everything a secret, and so anxious for what was to come. Her brother and her dad meant the world to her and it killed her to not be honest with them. She just had to get through today. Her phone buzzed, Veronica was outside. “I’ve gotta go.” She mumbled, hopping off the stool and dumping her cereal bowl in the sink. “Where are you going?” Fred’s concern couldn’t last long in a house of teenagers who loved to defy him. “Veronica and I are going out.” And with that, (Y/N) closed the door behind her.
The girls sat in Veronica’s parked car across from the Women’s Health clinic on the Southside. (Y/N) considered backing out because it didn’t feel safe. It didn’t help that it was right next to a liquor store. Hence all of the drunkards lying around the parking lot at ten in the morning. Veronica sensed her apprehension. “I can come in if you want me to?” She offered. She had already asked multiple times but this is something (Y/N) need to do alone. Plus, Veronica’s attire and overall persona stood out more than (Y/N), and the last thing she wanted was for anyone to pay attention to her right now. “I’ll be okay, honestly V.” (Y/N) reassured her, although if anything, she needed it more.   “I’ll be back in an hour to pick you up. If you’re ready earlier then just give me a call okay?” (Y/N) nodded and climbed out of the car. Her paranoia grew as she approached the dilapidated building. The façade was dirty and peeling, and the posters they had blocked the window out with were faded from the sun and curling at the edges. (Y/N) tried to hold her head high as she walked in but was let down by the décor inside. She was about to turn around and see if Veronica was still there to take her home when a lady piped up from behind the front desk.   “(Y/N)?” She asked. (Y/N) was a little panicked at how loud this lady was, but then again, none of the women in the clinic paid any attention. “Y-yeah.” She stuttered out, her mouth drying out with anxiety. The lady slid a clipboard of paperwork over the desk. (Y/N)’s legs felt like lead as she walked over gingerly to pick up the forms. “Just grab a seat and fill out the details. Someone will be with you shortly.” The lady smiled widely, but (Y/N) could only muster a small one before moving to take a seat. She nervously looked at the ladies around her, only filling in her details once she decided no one had noticed her.
Within no time she had been escorted into a tiny room and told to change into a paper-thin gown. The clinical smell only heightened (Y/N)’s anxiety. Although the doctor who had given her the gown reassured her that it was normal to be feeling anxious and unsure. (Y/N) looked around the room, decorated with posters of babies and growing foetuses, fact sheets for new mums and so on. It was too much. The doctor knocked on the door and popped her head in the room. “Oh sorry, I’ll come back in a few minutes.” “No. I-I’ve changed my mind.” (Y/N) rushed to gather her things and shoved the paper gown into the doctor’s arms on the way past. “This was a mistake.” She added, although she was too far away for the doctor to hear. She could hear the lady at the front desk calling after her but she rushed out of the clinic, not looking back. She had never been on the Southside before and regretted not paying attention to the way they had driven. Glancing down, she noticed her phone signal was flicking between one bar and SOS. Knowing a call had no chance of making it through, she decided to send a text to Veronica in the hopes that maybe it would deliver, even if it did take ten minutes. As (Y/N) waited, it was becoming increasingly obvious that this was not a good area for her to be in. So she decided to walk away from the clinic and down a main road. She thought that maybe she could find someone decent enough to let her borrow a phone. She hadn’t considered the fact that she stuck out like a sore thumb. Her casual jeans and jacket looked far neater than those who passed her in leather jackets. “(Y/N)?” A familiar voice called from behind her. Though she didn’t want to hear it.
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