#this ones about Orihime's "matchmaking''
geekedoutbunny · 1 year
Maybe for the Scorpio uryu maybe orihime sets him up with her bff cuz she thinks he works to hard
Maybe she knows their soulmates
Adult! Uyru x Reader Headcanon - Orihime the Matchmaker.
Orihime the matchmaker, she'd most def would try to hook Uryu up with one of her friends. THANK YOU!!! For sending in this request, I will try to bring this fic justice, hopefully, it's to your liking.
It's a bit shorter then usual.
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Orihime has been watching for a while now, people thinks that she was an oblivious girl, and that she didn't notice things, but she did. She wasn't that dumb. She's been watching you and Uryu for a while now, she could see the connection between you two and she was going to do something about it.
The red string of faith was floating around you two, string was so lose, it could float all over the building if it wanted to. She eyed the string around the both of you, it always seemed to become longer when you and Uryu got more distance, but it seemed to tighten some when you both got closer.
She's been slowly pushing you two together, forcing you both to spend time together with one another. She'd make plans to hang with you both, but she'll cancel last minute. Sometimes she'll pick the last seat, forcing you both to sit together. Other times she'll misplace Uryu things on 'accident' on your desk, making you interact with him, and she'll do the same to your things too.
She was worried that Uryu would never make a move, that was her motivation for all of this. She knew that Uryu was too invested into his work, and you were just too shy, but she'll be the middle man for you both. She could see a strong connect between you, and she just knew that you'll both be perfect for one another.
She was always trying to encourage you to be more confident and she'd encourage Uryu to relax more, those were both of your main downfalls. She was worried that instead of making you two come together, she was forcing you two away from one another. But as time when on her plans came to fruition. You both started having more 'dates' on your own, she'd see you both talking amongst yourselves to one another.
She'd smile in success as she'll watch you both have lunch together, she felt so giddy and proud of herself, she actually did it!! She'd smile like a proud mother, watching as you both packed up for the say, walking out the building hand in hand with beautiful smiles upon your faces.
The red string of faith became tight, sealing the deal.
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ichinoue · 2 years
Do you think Ichigo always had a latent, unspoken attraction to Orihime from the beginning of the manga, and that Orihime’s explicit one-sided shown crush was only set up to create drama and tension until fulfilled, or Ichigo only realizes his feelings for Orihime after the Yhwach arc? Uryu was never said to explicitly have a crush on Orihime, yet not many would deny he does. The evidence was there. Do you think it was the same with Ichigo?
I think Ichigo always had feelings for her, they were definitely hinted at all throughout the manga, and we know that Kubo had their marriage and child planned since writing chapter one (he was entertaining the idea of an IH romance even before that, if we count the pilot chapter). And Renji approaching Ichigo in the novel and saying "isn't it time you made things clear, too? You're in love with her, right? Don't make a good girl wait so long," confirmed that Ichigo had been harbouring feelings for Orihime for a long time.
But as Kubo said, he held off on having them officially get together until after the manga's end because Bleach isn't a romance manga and romance is only supplementary. He set things up like a typical shounen: giving explicit feelings to only one-half of the pairing for most of the series, with the intention of having the other half reciprocate at the very end, in order to avoid writing romance into the bulk of his shounen series.
But I've always found it interesting that people have no problem accepting that Ishida may have had feelings for Orihime, but yet were so adamantly opposed to the idea that Ichigo could have had feelings for her as well, even though there's so much more evidence of Ichigo->Orihime than there is for Ishida->Orihime.
Ishida isn't the one who walked around like a depressed zombie after Orihime was abducted, that was Ichigo. Ishida isn't the one who dragged a guy out of a classroom for aggressively flirting with Orihime, that was Ichigo. Ishida isn't the one who bowed before Orihime and vowed to protect her, that was Ichigo. Ishida didn't rise up from the dead chanting "protect her, I will protect her," that was Ichigo. Ishida wasn't the one who was taunted by countless enemies about Orihime and his desire to protect her, that was Ichigo. Ishida wasn't the one who blushed about Orihime's clothes while their friends played matchmaker for them, that was Ichigo. Etc, etc.
Whatever evidence people present of Ishida's feelings for Orihime, the evidence of Ichigo's feelings for her trumps all of it, in both quantity and quality. Ichigo->Orihime was always more prominent, more significant, and more consistent, while Ishida was more or less given the role of an observer to their relationship.
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blacksunbisexual · 4 years
Part one of Juicebox Baby is now live!
It's about the Karakura gang (ft Rukia and Renji) just messing around and being teens, also me exploring the potential of all their powers because I think about that a lot
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ichirukilover · 2 years
Someone said that Rukia really wanted to fix Ichigo and Orihime’s friendship when she told Ichigo to apologize and they even had the audacity to call Rukia a “matchmaker,” oh lord help me.
she brought him to apologise to her because Sado wasn't there and Tatsuki can't know about shinigami, she lit was the only one avaible there at the moment, Ichigo needed to apologize to his friends and Rukia made him do it. She lit says in her speech to him to just swqear he will get stronger and protect them next time, what doesn't click? Smh
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tappity-tap · 7 years
<< PART VII || END Story Rating: M Chapter Warnings: Pregnancy, medical things, and mild suggestive content. [This chapter is sfw.]
When Renji and Rukia’s daughter finally arrived, she was late.
 As in, “half a week past her due date” late.
 And because everyone involved was under the reasonable assumption that she would come before or on the projected day given by Captain Kotetsu, this unexpected delay of events selfishly interrupted the lives of people who had already organized their schedules for after said day. It was already highly inconvenient for those who resided in Soul Society, but it was even more so for the ones living on an entirely different plane of existence.
 Typical. Only her first day of life and she was already throwing baby-sized wrenches into Ichigo’s plans. Just what he’d expect from something spawned by those two.
 They were important plans, too. He was supposed to be treating Orihime, his girlfriend of eight months now, to a date that included a morning walk in her favorite park, lunch at a new restaurant downtown, and a movie of her choice; His intended birthday gift to her. Since he was swamped with classes during her actual birthday on the 3rd of September and had several major assignments due in the weeks following, he had worked extra hard to make sure this day, the 23rd of September, would be free of conflicts and he could devote all his time and attention to her. After all, Ichigo knew these were the things she treasured from him more than anything else and he would walk the world over to give them to her. Twice.
 When he thought about it, that’s what he loved most about Orihime.
 They had been together as a couple since mid January, though he had definitely harbored a crush long before that, and her even longer still. Ichigo had to reluctantly admit: If Renji hadn’t decided to play matchmaker (at his own wedding, no less) and figuratively thrown Orihime into his arms (which, ironically, Ichigo had literally done to him with the woman he had just married), he might not have ever found the courage to act on his feelings. He was happy enough being around her even just as her friend, and he didn’t want to do anything that would jeopardize their relationship or make her uncomfortable. All he wanted was to see her happy and safe.
 Even though Renji had given him the perfect opportunity, he still couldn’t bring himself to confess to her at the wedding and instead asked that she make time for him so they could discuss something important. It had taken almost two weeks to find that time when both of them could sit down and properly talk, but they put in the effort to make it work. It meant they had to quite literally meet up during work hours while she was on break, but at that point Ichigo didn’t even care anymore. He just needed to come clean to her somehow.
 When he was finally able to look her in the eye over a platter of fruit tarts and quietly tell her, “Inoue…this may be selfish of me but I need you to know my feelings. For you. I like you a lot as a friend. And I think…I might also like you as something more,” Ichigo definitely didn’t expect her to break down and give him a confession of her own in return.
 Her feelings, as it turned out, were the same as his. Though she deeply desired more, all she ever wanted and expected from him was his company and loyal friendship, if it meant he could be happy.
 Ichigo ended up waiting around until her shift was over and walking her back to her apartment where they drank tea and ate more sweets and stayed up talking well past midnight. It was almost 1am when he finally arrived home and was promptly submerged in a tidal wave of nosy questions from his prying family. That was probably why he held off until April to officially tell them he and Inoue (he would soon start calling her Orihime after that) were dating.
 Funnily enough, they’d actually already deduced it for themselves from the amount of time she spent at their house, not to mention alone with him in his room.
 September rolled around and he and Orihime were better than ever…still close and growing closer, still enjoying spending time with each other, still determined to make the other as happy as they could possibly be. The only dynamic that had truly and drastically changed between them was…well…in a physical proximity sense.
 And speaking of which, in the days leading up to their date Ichigo found himself secretly hoping that she’d pick a boring and easily ignored biopic or something lame like that so they could sit in the back of the theater and find a better way to pass the time.
 That morning had gotten off to a good start. After getting up early enough to take the first shower (allowing him as much hot water as he wanted) and gulping down a quick breakfast, he zipped himself into a jacket appropriate for the brisk autumn air and set off to meet Orihime at the park to kick off their walk-lunch-movie date. It was approximately 10:46 am, 20 minutes into the “walk” part, when both their phones buzzed and lit up with identical text messages:
 At Orihime’s insistence, Ichigo reluctantly agreed to set aside their plans for another day so they could wait on standby for any further updates on the baby’s progress from Renji (as they had promised and intended to do when she was supposed to be born, four days ago). Bare minimum decent as it was, if it could reassure Renji and Rukia to know they were only a text or call away should something drastic happen, then all the better. It wasn’t like there was anything they could actually help with since this was all going down in Soul Society and they were…not in Soul Society.
 After two and a half hours of sitting on his bed and twiddling their fingers to radio silence, the message they’d been anticipating finally arrived:
 This one was accompanied by a photo of a sweaty and exhausted-looking Rukia lying on a hospital bed and giving the camera a weary, but noticeably happy, thumbs-up.
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After studying the photo, they remarked to each other with some amusement that considering the wording of the message it would have made more sense for Renji to send a picture of the baby instead of Rukia. But as his next message informed them, they had already been given priority clearance to come to Soul Society right away so they would see her for themselves very soon.
 3:55pm, they all stood in the street just outside of Ichigo’s house waiting for the gates to appear so they could cross over: Himself, Orihime, and Chad.
 Next to him, Orihime fidgeted and wrung her hands excitedly. And next to her, Chad loomed over, tall and massive as ever. Ichigo swore he got bigger every time they met up. He was training practically every day, though, (and had even shown up straight from the gym still in his workout gear) so it actually might not have been his imagination.
 A light breeze blew a small flock of leaves past them and ruffled his hair. Sighing, Ichigo took one hand out of his pocket to brush it back in place somewhat awkwardly. It was weird not feeling the long strands he was used to having since he was a kid; He had recently cut his hair short on a whim and had yet to grow accustomed to the new style.
 Actually, that was a lie…he cut it because Orihime had mentioned a few times in passing that she thought a short haircut would look good on him and he’d finally given in to curiosity. Thankfully, it turned out she’d been right. It made him look his age, maybe even older.
 Not to mention, it was worth seeing the look on her face when he showed up on her doorstep unannounced to show it off.  He really liked making her blush and smile like that.
 “Hm. This feels a little strange,” Chad suddenly remarked.
 Ichigo dropped his hand and jammed it back into his jacket pocket. “I know. Hard to imagine those two idiots with a kid isn’t it?”
 Chad shook his dark curls. “No. I mean us going to Soul Society like this without Ishida.”
 “Oh. Right.” Ichigo shrugged. “He said he was fine with it. You know how busy he’s been recently.”
 “Still, it is sad.” Orihime tucked a strand of hair behind her ear wistfully. Her blue flower hairpin flashed brightly in its disturbance. “We don’t get to see him much anymore. I hope this doesn’t mean-”
 Ichigo let out a defiant huff before she could finish. “That doesn’t matter, does it? Ishida’s still our friend. We’ve been through things together, we still have those bonds and share the same feelings. That’s not going to change, even if we don’t see him as often as we want to.” He then noticed the other two smiling strangely at him. “What…?”
 Chad smirked and Orihime let out one of her musical laughs. “Nothing,” they replied simultaneously.
 Ichigo sighed. He adored his girlfriend and his best friend dearly but sometimes he just didn’t get them.
 At 4pm right on the dot, they felt the telltale spike of energy and shift in the wind that heralded the appearance of the Senkaimon. Seconds later, it materialized in front of them. The doors slid smoothly open to reveal the dark dank passageway of the Dangai, and its lone occupant.
 “Kurosaki Ichigo. Inoue Orihime. Sado Yasutora.” A familiar cool masculine voice addressed each in turn. Three hell butterflies fluttered out to meet them and circled impatiently around their heads as if to say “Hurry up! Get moving!”
 Ichigo gestured in greeting to the approaching figure with his hand still inside his jacket. “Yo, Byakuya! Congratulations!”
 “Rukia and Renji had the child, not I.” Byakuya eyed him with blatant disapproval for his supposed mistake. Although, that wasn’t saying much since the man always gave off the impression that his sole purpose in life was to bestow unforgiving judgment on everyone around him.
 Stepping through the doorway with the others, Ichigo shrugged. “Yeah, but you’re an uncle now, that’s something we still congratulate people for.” The doors clanged shut behind them and he fell into step next to the captain. “So, congrats, Uncle Byakuya! How does it feel to have a new niece?”
 “Oh. Yes. Good, I suppose.” Byakuya closed his eyes and turned away with a curt nod. “Thank you,” he added hastily.
 Ichigo smirked to himself. There were things even the great Kuchiki Byakuya wasn’t immune to and getting caught off guard by his own emotions was one of them.
 Of course, now that Byakuya had clammed completely shut, that was the extent of this discussion. For almost the rest of the way the four of them walked the bumpy, oozing tunnel to Soul Society in awkward silence, their butterflies flapping out little halo-like paths over their heads. It wasn’t until they caught sight of the bright light streaming in at the end of the channel that it was abruptly lifted.
 He looked slightly taken aback at being addressed after such a lengthy pause in conversation but he indulged Orihime anyways. “Yes?” he answered in a stern, clipped voice as if he was attempting to discourage any small talk in a very roundabout way.
 However, he’d apparently forgotten this was Orihime he was talking to and being Orihime, she wouldn’t be deterred by something like that. She pressed on shyly. “Um…have you seen her yet? The baby?”
 “…I have.”
 With that bit of knowledge, she gained new confidence and perked up considerably. “Really? What’s she like?” Orihime asked him eagerly.
 Byakuya glanced at her for a split second before replying with some reluctance, “Very small.”
 This was not surprising information. Not counting children, out of their entire group of acquaintances (Shinigami or human) Rukia stood the shortest at less than 4’9” tall. On top of that, she was incredibly slender and it was pretty much a given any baby that grew inside her would reflect this, plus the bump in her stomach did not end up being very big in the end. So knowing that, what Byakuya gave them wasn’t exactly useful information, either.
 When Orihime continued looking at him expectantly, he sighed in defeat and went on, “But she is healthy. She has Rukia’s eyes. And a full head of hair. Renji’s hair,” he added begrudgingly as if this was somehow Renji’s fault.
 Unprompted this time, he paused and took a breath.
 “You will not be disappointed. She is…adorable.”
 Ichigo raised his eyebrows. Was that a smile on Byakuya’s face, or was he imagining things? And the measured steps he was taking…had they suddenly become lighter? Unsure, he looked over at Chad, who shared his sentiments with a silent shrug.
 Byakuya only accompanied them as far as the gate, immediately excusing himself and shunpo’ing away the second he stepped foot onto the ground and his hell butterfly detached from his aura. Something told Ichigo this was his way of dealing with the embarrassment of letting so much emotion towards his newborn niece slip out in front of them.
 Well, it made him seem more human at least. Or…soul.
 The 4th Division’s main medical building (where Byakuya had been decent enough to direct them before darting away) wasn’t busy at all that day. In fact until they walked through the doors, the entire reception area was completely deserted save for one person seated at the first aid station nearby. The poor thing was swaying back and forth on his stool with the glazed over look of someone who’d been stuck in one spot with nothing to do for hours.
 “Hey, Hanataro!” Ichigo recognized who it was and waved. “D’you know where Rukia’s room is?”
 The zoned-out Shinigami yelped and shot several feet off his stool from shock. Displaying remarkable recovery time for someone so lethargic, he snapped back quick as a whip, standing straight at attention and braced for the impending reprimand for slacking at his post. When he saw it was only Ichigo and co. he immediately relaxed his posture and put on a relieved smile. “Oh, hi, everyone! Um, yes, it’s just down this hallway. Follow me.” He motioned for them to accompany him down the closest corridor and they followed his lead.
 As they walked, Hanataro looked at each of them and asked eagerly, “Are you here to see the baby?”
 “Yes!” Orihime nodded, excited, and moved closer to him. “Have you met her yet, Hanataro-kun?”
 Hanataro blushed rather furiously at this question. “Ah…well…you could say I was one of the first people she met,” he laughed nervously and fiddled with the strap of his backpack.
 Chad slowed pace and tilted his head. “You…delivered her?”
 Thoroughly appalled by this suggestion, Hanataro vigorously shook his head and waved his hands in front of him. “Oh…no…no, I wouldn’t even trust myself to do that! Captain Kotetsu was the one who delivered her. But the lieutenant and I checked her over and took measurements right after she was born!” He paused with one finger in the air and mouth slightly agape. After thinking hard for a moment, he scratched his chin sheepishly. “Um…I forgot what they were. I was sent away once I did that.”
 “That’s okay. We’ll…get them from Renji or something,” Ichigo assured, knowing full well they would completely forget by the time they actually got to him.
 “Right…ah…I’m sorry, but I do have to get back to my work. Her room’s right there.” After pointing it out, he waved and hurried back down the hall to his station. The others continued on.
 Up ahead there was a flash of red and Renji popped forth from the room Hanataro had singled out. When he spotted the approaching trio, his face immediately lit up and he waved at them with all the enthusiasm of a puppy bounding over to say hello to its favorite human. They had seen Renji get worked up when he was feeling strong emotions many times before, but never like this. Right now he looked positively giddy with elation.
 “Ichigo! Inoue! Sado!” His loud booming voice echoed down the hall and practically knocked them down with its intensity. “Gladja could make it!”
 A passing orderly carrying a tray full of surgical supplies and bandages winced. “Excuse me, Lieutenant Abarai…I understand this is a happy occasion but I must ask that you please keep your voice down. There are recovering patients on this floor,” he insisted, balancing the tray with one hand and gingerly rubbing the ear closest to Renji with the other.
 Wide-eyed, Renji shrank back and rubbed the back of his head guiltily as the orderly continued on his way. “Ah…right. Sorry.”
 “Yo, Renji,” Ichigo greeted once they reached him, “everything good? How’s Rukia?”
 Renji dropped his hand and grinned broadly with a sing-song voice, “Come ‘an see for yourselves!” He whirled around in a flurry of ponytail and shihakusho and proceeded to prance back into the room with an overly accentuated bounce in his step.
 Ichigo glanced at Orihime, who looked back at him and giggled under her breath. He had to agree with her; Renji was acting a little silly, even for him. Any other day and Ichigo would have given him grief for it. But considering the circumstances he supposed he could let this one instance slide. After all, the guy did just witness the birth of his first child, he had every right be stupidly happy about that.
 And come to think of it…that goofy demeanor sort of reminded him of his own father. Maybe it was a Shinigami dad thing? Ichigo hoped it wasn’t contagious. Or hereditary.
 “Rukia! They’re here!” Renji announced in a raised whisper when the three of them followed his lead through the door.
 From the bed in the center of the room, Rukia rolled her heavily lidded eyes. “I heard you the first time, Renji.” But she smiled warmly at her friends in greeting as they filed in and lined up at the end of her bed, right in front of the small table where various gifts and flower baskets had begun to accumulate.
 Then the bundle in her arms stirred and gave a tiny squawk of a cry.
 “Shhh…it’s okay.” Rukia gazed down and crooned in a soft tone Ichigo had never heard her use before as she tenderly rocked it. “You have some visitors, sweetie. Do you want to meet them? They want to meet you.” She spoke every syllable so slowly and deliberately he started wondering what the hell kind of drugs they were giving her to make her talk like that. And use a very un-Rukia-like word like “sweetie”.
 Perched on a chair drawn up beside the bed, Renji watched them with a joyfully pained expression, like he was on the verge of crying any second. He even gave a minute sniff and drew his sleeve across his eyes.
 Good grief, Ichigo thought to himself. Renji was blubbering so badly it was starting to remind him of Orihime. Which, of course, was perfectly fine when it was Orihime, but Renji displaying that type of disposition was just plain bizarre.
 Rukia suddenly looked up and frowned at the three of them. “What are you standing there for? Get over here and say hi to her. She’s a baby, not a virus,” she scolded. That sounded much more like the Rukia they knew; Raking them over the coals for something as trivial as their failure to properly greet her hours-old child who understood approximately zero words of spoken language.
 Unsurprisingly, Orihime made the first move. Nervously jittering from hairpin to boot tip in her mix of excitement and apprehension, she shuffled around and sat on the bed next to Rukia. But when she looked down at the bundle, her hands flew up to her face and the timid look underneath gave way to one of pure joy.
 “Ohhh…Rukia-san…Renji-kun,” Orihime gasped softly, “She’s beautiful.” She glanced between Renji and Rukia with a hopeful expression. “Um, may I…is it alright if…”
 “Would you like to hold her, Inoue?” Rukia prompted, giving her a gentle smile.
 “Yes! Please!” Orihime beamed and held out her arms.
 Carefully, under Renji’s contented observation, Rukia handed their daughter over to Orihime. “Be sure to support her head,” she instructed, “There you go, Inoue. That’s it.”
 The second Rukia had placed the baby in Orihime’s arms, something magical occurred.
 His girlfriend’s face blossomed into the most radiant smile Ichigo had ever seen and suddenly it was as if everything warm and soft about her had multiplied exponentially. As he watched, awestruck, she settled the baby in the cradle of her embrace so smoothly and delicately it looked like she’d been holding children all her life. Perfectly at ease with playing the role of this child’s caretaker, she almost looked more natural and motherly holding it than Rukia, the actual mother.
 On second thought…that one could’ve been his own bias talking. There was a strong possibility being kicked in the face one too many times by Rukia may have severely damaged his ability to view her as “motherly” in any way.
 When Orihime looked up at him, even her eyes were shining.
 “Ichigo-kun…Sado-kun,” she whispered tearfully and held out the blanket for the boys to see, making sure she was still supporting in all the right places. They both moved over and peered at the sleeping baby swaddled within.
 Byakuya wasn’t kidding…she really did have a full head of hair and it was the exact shade of crimson as her father’s. It almost looked like someone had cut off the end of Renji’s ponytail and glued it onto his daughter as a wig. Thankfully the rosy color dusting her chubby cheeks and delicate button nose wasn’t nearly as bright, or the effect might have made her resemble a miniature circus clown. Thin rows of dark fluffy lashes lay shut over each eye, occasionally twitching in her state of peaceful slumber, and the more Ichigo looked the more her features fluctuated between each parent. Everything about her was a perfect combination of both, though the way her nose crinkled daintily as she stirred and parted her lips with a barely audible whimper was definitely all Rukia.
 A lump formed in his throat and he swallowed it back to look at Rukia and Renji. “That’s amazing. She really looks like you guys,” was all he could think to say.
 Rukia rolled her eyes. “Well duh.” Despite her tone, the small smile she wore gave away how much she genuinely appreciated his comment.
 Chad leaned over and cautiously pulled back the blanket with one thick finger to get a better look. “Does she have a name yet?” he asked Rukia in his deep melodic voice.
 Rukia opened her mouth to reply but was cut off by Renji frantically leaping to his feet. “Oi! Of course we gave her a name! It’s Ichika! Abarai Ichika!” he insisted. He sounded highly insulted, like Chad had just accused him of being a terrible father for leaving his newborn child nameless. Which Ichigo knew he hadn’t, but again…Renji was having a very unusual day today, he could let it slide.
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 Chad seemed to share his thoughts. “Right. I see. Sorry for being presumptuous, Abarai.” He nodded sincerely and let the blanket fall back into place, at the same time Renji sat down again while muttering, “Damn well should be…” under his breath.
 Orihime paid no mind to the exchange and lit up at Rukia. “Ichika? Oh! What a lovely name! Like the flower, right?”
 Renji’s jubilant demeanor promptly returned. “Right! Exactly! Thank you, Inoue!” he commended her while haughtily raising one tattooed eyebrow at Chad as if to say “Why can’t you be like her?” Chad wisely ignored this.
 “We thought…since you all embroidered strawberry flowers on my wedding veil, well…” Rukia smiled fondly and looked down at her lap. “It just seemed appropriate. Both the meaning of the flower, and in honor of all you’ve done for us.” Beside her, Renji nodded proudly.
 To the surprise of no one, Orihime’s waterworks were going full blast now.
 “Well, that makes sense,” Ichigo laughed and scratched his head, “But for a second there I thought you named her after me.”
 The bed creaked and Renji and Rukia both looked around at him with identical disbelieving stares. “Why the hell would we do that?” Renji asked incredulously.
 Ichigo stared back, feeling one eyebrow start to twitch. “Because people name their kids after friends all the time! And what’s wrong with naming a kid after me?” he asked, annoyed.
 “Not my kid!” Renji shot back. “You can go ‘an name your own kid after yourself.”
 “Maybe I will!”
 The argument didn’t get any further than this because right then Ichika decided it was the perfect moment to interrupt them with a grumpy whine and squirm awake in Orihime’s arms. All attentions drew back to her as her little balled fists broke free from the blanket with a jerky stretch and she gave the biggest yawn her small toothless mouth could muster. When her large round eyes fluttered open Ichigo saw that, once again, Byakuya was right: They were the same deep indigo violet as Rukia’s.
 The tears stopped flowing and Orihime blinked down at the infant. “Hello, Ichika-chan.” she said softly.
 Ichika blinked right back at Orihime and attempted to stare at her. It was a valiant effort, but with how blank and unfocused her eyes remained no matter where she moved them it was more like she was aiming her pupils in a general upward direction than actually staring. Then she frowned and wriggled a little as if she was checking for something. When she finally seemed to realize the person holding her was not one of her parents, Ichika’s tiny face suddenly screwed up and she began to wail. Loudly.
 Caught off guard and not entirely sure what to do, Orihime stiffened. Her large brown eyes darted wildly from side to side.
 “Um…there, there. Shhhhh. It’s okay, Ichika-chan,” she whispered and tried rocking her the way she’d seen Rukia do it earlier. From what Ichigo could tell it was a perfect imitation yet it didn’t seem to do anything. Ichika’s piercing screeches continued ringing out, to the dismay of everyone’s eardrums.
 Renji sprang out of the chair and practically vaulted over the bed to get to the screaming baby. Shoving Ichigo and Chad aside (with a little more roughness than called for), he scooped her out of Orihime’s arms and started parading around the room with some kind of weird skipping trot to his gait. “Oi, Ichika! Hey, hey, what’s wrong? Daddy’s here! See? You’re fine!” he chanted with gusto as he rocked her.
 To everyone’s astonishment, Ichika went silent almost immediately.
 Trying to wrap his brain around what he was witnessing as Renji gamboled back and forth, Ichigo raised one eyebrow and looked at Rukia. She shrugged and crossed her arms with a languid shake of her head. “She likes it when he does that. We have no idea why, but it’s the only thing that’ll get her to stop crying.”
 “Ah.” Ichigo felt it best not to ask how they found that out in only a few hours.
 “Uh, Rukia, I think she’s actually hungry now.” Renji had finished his little cantering routine and returned to his spot beside the bed. Now that he was completely still, they could see how comically massive Renji was compared to his daughter…she was small enough for her tiny body to fit comfortably in one of his hands. (Three for three, Uncle Byakuya)
 “Is she? Finally. Give her here.” Rukia held out her arms and began talking in her weird high-pitched mush-mouth speech again once she had ahold of Ichika, “Are you hungry, Ichika? Do you want to eat? Okay. Let’s get you fed.” With Ichika tucked securely in the crook of one elbow she reached for her collar but hesitated when she noticed Ichigo and Chad were still watching. Her face reddened. “D-do you mind?” she stammered, refusing to look either one in the eye.
 They hastily whipped around.
 “Oi, Rukia, do you have to do that now?” Ichigo’s cheeks burned, out of the corner of his vision he could see Chad’s visible eye widen as he shifted his weight. “Can’t you hold off until-”
 “My child is hungry now so I am feeding her now, you imbecile!” came her irate (normal) voice from behind them, “If you have a problem with it, you are more than welcome to leave!”
 After a moment’s hesitation, Ichigo stiffly shook his head and Chad muttered, “No…no problem.”
 “S’alright. You can turn around now.” Renji sounded like he was trying very hard to restrain himself from laughing.
 When they did so Ichigo was thankful to discover that Renji, despite his overt amusement with the situation, had thoughtfully planted himself on the bed between them and Rukia to act as a sort of living privacy screen. He leaned forward with one arm on his knees and gave Ichigo an incredulous look. “What, you’re not used to it by now?”
 “No, I’m not! Everyone who’s ever given birth in the clinic went straight to the hospital after.”
 “I ain’t talkin’ about that, ya dumbass.” Renji rolled his eyes and lowered his voice. “You’ve seen Inoue in less, right? So how’s this,” he jerked his thumb back at Rukia, “botherin’ ya?”
 “Well, yeah, but…I MEAN-” Ichigo clamped his mouth shut and mentally cursed himself. Renji wasn’t supposed to be aware of that little detail about his and Orihime’s relationship. In fact, seeing as it had only happened a few times so far and they’d agreed to keep it between the two of them for the present, he had no idea how anyone would manage to figure it out for themselves…and judging by the genuinely surprised look he was giving him, even Chad had been completely oblivious until that moment. The only possible way Renji could know was if he’d said something that gave it away it in casual conversation without realizing. Either that or Renji was more observant than he’d been giving him credit for all these years.
 Attempting to shrug off his massive slip-up, Ichigo closed his eyes for a few moments and calmly replied, “In case you haven’t noticed, she’s not my girlfriend. I don’t want to see any part of her I don’t have to.”
 “Well, I’ll give ya credit for bein’ faithful.” Renji lolled his head around slightly to address Orihime, who was still far too busy fawning over the baby to pay attention to him, “Ya got lucky, Inoue. Mosta the guys I know would-“
 “Would you leave Orihime out of this already? She doesn’t deserve to be lumped in with any of your dirty nonsense!” Ichigo snapped, protective instincts kicking into overdrive now that Orihime had been directly involved.
 Sensing this, Renji snorted and held up his hands in mock surrender. “Whatever ya say.” Orihime looked up and blinked at both of them in confusion.
 “Ichigo!” exclaimed Rukia suddenly, most of her still hidden from view behind Renji, “What did you do to your hair?”
 He knew she couldn’t see his eyes but that didn’t stop Ichigo from rolling them anyway. “What, you just noticed that?”
 “I’ve been a bit preoccupied by other things today, or did you not notice that?” she answered dryly.
 Orihime smiled eagerly at Rukia. “It looks nice, doesn’t it?”
 Rukia was noticeably silent before she answered haltingly, “Uh…sure, I guess.”
 Seeing Orihime’s face fall slightly at Rukia’s not-so-enthusiastic response, Ichigo reassured her with a nonchalant wave of his hand, “Eh, don’t bother asking her opinion on this one, Orihime. She clearly prefers long hair on guys.” He looked pointedly at Renji.
 “Damn straight she does,” Renji smirked proudly with a flourished twirl to his waist-length scarlet mane.
 “N-not true! You just…happen to have long hair. That’s all!” Rukia argued back hastily.
 Even though she was fooling absolutely no one with that transparent claim, Renji still found it necessary to lean his head back at her and drawl wryly, “Oho? Then why’d I remember ya sayin’ somethin’ ‘bout my hair ‘an new uniform makin’ me irresistible the night we-“
 “RENJI!” Rukia snapped at him in warning, sounding far too frantic for someone claiming they never thought or said anything of the sort.
 He heeded her admonition and said no more about “that night” but since she couldn’t see him, Renji glanced at each human in turn and smugly mouthed, “She loves it,” while gesturing to his hair.
 A croaked gurgle sounded from Ichika and signaled feeding time was over. Renji turned and took her from Rukia while she put her clothing back into place. This time, Ichigo and Chad respectfully averted their gazes to the ceiling until a soft cough from Orihime signaled it was safe to look back.
 They watched with some fascination as Renji slung a small blue towel Rukia handed him over his shoulder and started gently patting Ichika on the back when he had her settled upright against it. Though “tapping” was a more accurate way of describing it since he could only fit two of his fingers on her tiny back.
 For anyone who had fought alongside Renji in battle (or fought him directly), this was a strange sight…the same guy they’d witnessed punch through walls and chuck his enemies almost a football field away with those massive powerful hands of his, now using them to handle this delicate little baby as softly as if she were made of spun sugar.
 Ichigo didn’t realize he was staring until Renji looked at him strangely and grunted, “What?” Shortly after, Ichika let out a quiet burp.
 “Nothing. You just…actually look like a dad right now,” he admitted with a casual shrug. Renji raised an eyebrow questioningly. Ichigo could tell he was putting on a face as blankly dull as he could make, however when he laid Ichika over his arm to re-adjust her wrappings and gently brushed his hand over her wispy red hair he was no longer able to hold back the proud smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
 As if this suddenly jogged her memory, Orihime gasped and jumped up off the bed. “Oh! Renji-kun, could you bring her here and sit next to Rukia-san? I promised Ishida-kun I’d send pictures since he couldn’t come.” She produced her phone from her jacket pocket and backed away several paces.
 Nodding cheerfully, Renji took her vacant spot and reached around Rukia to pull her close until he had both his girls securely gathered up into one big family cuddle. Startled and visibly annoyed by Renji’s spontaneous act of physical affection (in front of their friends, no less) Rukia immediately whipped her head up and tried to shoot him a Look. One tender smile and a loving squeeze to her elbow from him, however, and she was soon quietly snuggled into the embrace, even relenting enough to lay her head on his chest. Ichika proceeded to fall back asleep in the warm nest of her parents’ entwined arms.
 While Orihime held up her phone and told them to say a bunch of nonsense words before taking the picture, Chad leaned over to Ichigo with a low hum and commented, “They’re a good looking family, huh?”
 “Yeah.” Ichigo nodded and watched Orihime snap multiple shots. “They really are, I gotta admit.”
 Chad regarded him thoughtfully for a moment. “I wonder…” he paused and glanced over at Orihime, sitting happily with Renji and Rukia as the three of them admired the batch of photos she’d just taken.
 Ichigo eyed him suspiciously. “…What?”
 Chad smiled and crossed his arms over his massive chest. “Oh, nothing.”
 Ichigo knew his friend well enough to recognize that type of smile meant it actually wasn’t nothing, but he was prevented from calling him out on it by the boisterous arrival of a group of all-too-familiar Shinigami. After dodging several tipsy greetings (and discreetly questioning why the hell so many of them were that drunk this early), the three human visitors decided it would be best to take their leave.
 To be more precise, two of the human visitors decided it would be best to take their leave while working to persuade the reluctant third, as she kept prolonging her goodbyes in an effort to stay with the baby as long as possible.
 “Come by any time you want! We’re off duty for the next three months!” Rukia called out as they walked out the door. With one last wave goodbye at Ichika, now buried within the midst of a new throng of admirers, Orihime gladly assured her they would.
 The entire journey back through the Dangai, she could not stop talking about baby Ichika. And astonishingly, Byakuya now seemed openly keen to hear all the good things she had to say about his niece.
 “I’ve never seen a tinier baby before! The way Renji-kun held her in his hand…it was so cute! And you were right, Byakuya-san, her eyes looked just like Rukia-san’s! So much of her looked just like Rukia-san! And Renji-kun, too.” Orihime sighed happily and gazed at the photos pulled up on her phone. “Oh, she’s going to be so pretty when she gets older! Don’t you think?” She looked up and addressed Byakuya directly with this question.
 Byakuya nodded politely to her in agreement as she rambled on but once she switched her attention back to the photos, he turned slightly away and quietly sighed, “If she takes after her mother, ” under his breath.
 Ichigo, being the only one who heard him say this, quickly stifled his laugh with a rough cough that sent his hell butterfly reeling and almost crashing antennae-first into the wall of the tunnel. Byakuya said nothing but shot him a subtle warning glare as it fluttered back into place.
 The sky was starting to darken when they finally stepped back into the Living World as the doors closed on Byakuya’s retreating back and the small flock of butterflies that followed. Orihime was staying with the Kurosaki’s for dinner that night so Chad said his goodbyes as well and left them together outside of Ichigo’s house.
 Ichigo surveyed Orihime, flushed from the cold and shivering slightly. Without thinking, he shrugged off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. She looked up at him in surprise. “Oh, Ichigo-kun…I’m fine, really! But aren’t you going to be cold now?”
 “Nah. I’ve got extra layers on,” Ichigo assured her, “besides, we’re going inside aren’t we? It won’t be for long”
 “Ah, yes…you’re right.” Orihime smiled and held the jacket around herself. She really looked cute wearing his clothes, even if they were a little big on her. He couldn’t help the smile that broke out when he thought this, and actually almost didn’t notice he was doing it at first. If the way she bashfully bit her lip and pulled the jacket tighter was any indication, Orihime definitely noticed.
 It was getting hard to see in the twilight but he could still make out the way Orihime pursed her lips and gazed at him with an expression that could only be described as hopeful. She started, “Seeing Ichika-chan…and seeing all of them together…it made me think…” Suddenly she blushed and turned away from him.
 “What?” Ichigo asked, genuinely interested to hear what she was going to say.
 After a moment, she hummed softly and tried again.
 “Ah, it’s just that…Renji-kun and Rukia-san seemed a bit different. But it wasn’t in a bad way. Even for Renji-kun,” Orihime murmured thoughtfully. She laughed a bit and looked back up at him. “Becoming a parent really changes you, huh?”
 The memories of Rukia cooing and fussing over her daughter and Renji frolicking about like some giant red and black rabbit played back in his mind, much like the movie they were supposed to see that day.
 “Yeah,” Ichigo snorted rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, “But don’t worry, Orihime. I don’t think we’ll change too much. I swear I’m not gonna get as dopey as Renji. Or my old man. And you’re already kind of the mothering type, right? At least Karin and Yuzu seem to think that. So you won’t be too different, either. Although…”
 He trailed off. Orihime’s mouth had dropped wide open and she was staring at him in shock.
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 Automatically fearing he’d said the wrong thing, Ichigo frantically scrambled to think of a way to fix it when he realized it wasn’t what he said, it was the implication of what he said that his girlfriend was reacting to.
 Because he had just insinuated he was certain they would have children together in the future.
 Nearby, the streetlamps had started flickering on. Ichigo felt his face flare up right along with them and this time he was the one blushing and turning away from her. With a loud cough, he attempted to pull himself together and ended up awkwardly stammering out, “Oh…uh…I…that was…I just…”
 “Do you really mean that?”
 Caught off guard by her question, Ichigo froze. He knew by her tone of voice she wasn’t talking about believing parenthood wouldn’t change them. But did he really have an answer for what she was asking him? And if he did, was it too soon? What should he say to her? He didn’t know any of these things. Yet something compelled him to address it in some way and so, slowly, he turned back around to face her.
 Orihime was staring at the ground now, shyly twisting the ends of her long silky hair in the fingers of one hand while keeping his jacket in place with the other. The bright streetlamps made it much easier to see and the more he looked, the more they cast her in an ethereal glow and gave her the extraordinary appearance of a being emanating pure light. Or that could have been because on her face there was a smile: The same soft shining smile she wore when she looked so beautiful and peaceful cradling Ichika in her arms.
 In that instant, he was sure.
 Ichigo took a deep breath.
 “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
Author’s Notes: Orihime...what can I say about her? Such a loving caring sweetheart. XD I do have a lot of fun writing characters with snark and sass but it’s always nice to write characters who don’t have a mean bone in their body. I have no doubt that in canon she was genuinely excited and happy for her friends and fell in love with Ichika the moment she met her. And yes I do believe each couple had met the other’s kid at some point before chapter 686. It was just the children themselves had never met each other since Ichika had obviously never been to the Living World (Rukia’s comment on how she’d been given “special permission” to come to the Living World now that she was a Shinigami Apprentice) and Ichigo and Orihime had probably never taken Kazui to Soul Society since he was so young.
Renji and Rukia were probably a little awkward and clumsy as parents at first since they most likely had no experience with infants (or if they had, it’d been a while) but I have no doubt they quickly got the hang of it.
That’s all, folks! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this little passion project of mine. Please feel free to share/reblog/leave comments+suggestions. :)
PART I - The Reception
PART II - The Threshold
PART III - The Culmination
PART IV - The Issue
PART V - The Denial
PART VI - The Relay
PART VII - The Wait
PART VIII - The Delivery
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pendulum-sonata · 7 years
Arc V (and multifandom) Fic Recs
Ok, I’m so so sorry that only today I got to do this, I fully intended to do a post for every day, instead as usual here you have me squishing everything into a single post TT.
Sorry none of them will be sorted by content or ship but I will mention if there are major ships in the why you should read them part >.>
(I will post the recs for other fandom under read more) 
Arc V:
Universe in Motion by timahina
A very funny and interesting look into what the friendship between Yusho and Leo would have been like and how Reiji owns his existance to Yusho’s ...interesting priorities and matchmaker talent :’D 
Catalyst by  timahina
Robustshipping A canon divergent fic where Kaito decides to go and storm into the Fusion dimension all on his own in his thirst for revenge and ends up bewitched by a pretty smile... A must read if you’re into emotionally constipated jerkass Kaito paired up with no-nonsense but still lighthearted Asuka.
Child of the Universe (Series) by seasalmemories
A Prodigyshipping series of fics that also acts as a characecter exploration for Reiji and Serena after the war, if you thought that no gripping emotions could come off a story about two emotionally constipated people then you were mistaken.
Just the Draw of a Card by seasaltmemories.
This is a drabble compilation of the author’s different writting prompts on Tumblr and the like, it’s a good place to start with her style with her style of writting and rare pairs abound! so if you’re lucky enough you might find what you can’t find anywhere else!
the adult who stands at the top of the tower  by  Celestos
This was my gift for the YGOME16 exchange, and what a gift it was! It’s a very gripping and angsty look at how Reiji forced himself to grow up and turn into the CEO that we all know in the series
Run. by clockwork_spider
An AU where Leo establishes himself and his army on Heartland and invades the fusion dimension
Ok, I must admit I have yet to read past chapter 1, but seeing as I rather like the style of writting of the author and it’s been recommeded to me by people who know me and my tastes I have hopes this fic achieving the impossible: making me care about the Xyz trio.
Across the Dimensions by  sketched_daydreams
Another drabble compilation (completed now) that focuses on different characters, per chapter, some a canon compliant and other are divergent but they all have one theme in common: children dragged into war.
Your Hands in Mine by Bunny Wings
A sweet one-shot about hand-holding between the dimensional counterparts, the author manages to reflect their personalities on each scene just like the nature of their relationships.
Ascend by pendulumprince
A vey early Reiji-centric fic (back when we still didn’t knew where he stood) i which we get to see him through the eyes of his mother, I think it was the first Arc V fic I ever favorited, and reading back now it never ceases to amaze me how spot on the characters are.
Other Fandoms:
beautifulgarbage by  Celeste Goodchild (Utena)
A collection of one-shots that go into detail into different characters and relationships on the series, particularly Utena, Anthy and Akio, the author clearly likes Mikage too since he’s a recurring character but not in a shoehorned way.
Shutdown by  fetch-thranduilion (Heat Guy J)
In a perfect world this is what the series sequel should have been like, the characters are all spot on, there are lots of relationships and questions solved and finally everyone earns (this time for real) their happy ending.
Anatomy of Affection by  Moriyasha Neko-hime (Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro)
A very interesting look into the relationship between the Demon detective and his human companion, one in which they are both at loss of the true nature of their relationship and in the case of Neuro he has no idea what affection is to begin with.
Alice in Chains by Subtle Serenity (Bleach)
Ulquihime fic, back when I was part of the Bleach fandom, because I foolishly believed that Orihime development would stick stick after the Hueco Mundo arc... well either way this is an AU fic where the Winter War happened waaay before canon and the Arrancar are sort of refuging (cough feeding cough) in the human world and Orihime stumbles into the worst possible situation, very dark fic, very much deserving of its M rating.
If you like dark, twisted rleationships you’ll like this one.
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At the moment, you will get statistics various from 1 to several stars. Gemstones will be your “pay 2 win” money that you will implement to summon statistics. |If it's the very first time finishing it, you get an alternate jewel. The managers really are particularly really hard and that also we have left behind many different events. Listed here tend to be the 6 quests: simple story goal x3 you get 3000 coins beat 100 foes in story function you get 5 pvp passes beat 300 foes in story function you get 5 moderate exp crystals courageous resist wins x3(pvp) you get 5 advertising campaign passes courageous resist wins x5(pvp you get 2 uncommon medals simple co op x3 you get 3000 coins when carried out of instructions, you get 1 soul heart and soul. (situation: i've got a 6* szayel and that also i would want the raid mayuris in order to open parts of his soul tree. Should you wish to develop I hardly ever carry out god aimbots in my smart phone, because of the fact i'm fortunate to do not ever find a god cheat that could perhaps always keep me serious more than one hour approximately every single day. how large it's. |Inside of the surface finish, situation a selling build up to find a lot more men and women to carry out farmville but due to this i make these evaluations, to find everyday people considering the subject to the evaluations.
0 notes
ichinoue · 2 years
Good point about Kubo not adding a significant amount of IH during the SS arc due to bleach being a shounen. And those links you shared were very informative. Based on this, IR from a romantic perspective was never an option. But I think Kubo was hesitant to make IH blatantly obvious until the last chapter because he'd receive hate from the majority of shippers (who were pro IR). I think he also wanted the IR fans to continue buying his manga because once IH become official, they no longer would
See, I don't think he was ever hesitant when it came to IchiHime. To me, it was blatantly obvious since the arrancar arc. There may not have been tons of hugging and hand-holding or a kiss scene like you would find in a shoujo, but for a shounen? Ichigo's enemies targeting Orihime the most because he had a weakness/soft spot for her, his friends, family, and mentors teasing him about her or playing matchmaker for them, Orihime's love confession, Ichigo bowing before Orihime when he made the promise to protect her, Orihime being the love interest that wore her heart on her sleeve for him as the moment that changed the entire course of the Grimmjow battle, and Ichigo rising up from the dead for her, chanting how he'll protect her even after he attacked his own friend, and then battling side by side with her against the final boss?
For a shounen series, that's laying it on thick, and anyone who wasn't blinded by the fact that they already declared IR as their OTP in chapter one should have seen it. And hell, even the IR fans could see how obvious IH was in the HM arc. After the lust arc, they were despairing on the online forums, ready to throw in the towel and drop Bleach altogether because IH seemed inevitable at that point. But then, a fan-essay detailing how the lust arc was actually spelling out the imminent downfall of IH managed to reel them back in. They considered that essay their bible and it kept them going for years in denial, even as Kubo continued to churn out more and more IH content.
If he was afraid of IR's dropping his manga, he wouldn't have written half of those things for IH that I listed all throughout the series. He would have just kept writing tons of IR nakama moments while depriving IH of any significant screentime until the last few chapters.
Instead, the opposite happened.
IchiHime may not have been made official until the final chapter (per typical shounen formula of couples not getting together until the final chapters, and again, Kubo explained the reason for them getting together offscreen was because romance was supplementary), but it was there all along, dating back to Orihime's romantic feelings being introduced in chapter two.
I don't think Kubo cared about backlash from IR shippers--he even told them off on twitter when they spammed him with hate about Orihime. He said comments like that made him want to write more scenes for her out of spite. They begged him to write an IR vs Yhwach battle, and he gave it to IchiHime instead. That's how little he cared about keeping them satisfied.
Because if he cared what they thought, or feared their backlash, he would have given Ichigo and Rukia more screentime, and yet their moments and interactions completely plateaued after the SS arc (as I outlined here), while Ichigo and Orihime's screentime and development kept gaining more momentum. IR fans were starved of content for years, and never managed to regain what they had in the beginning, while IchiHime shippers had been well fed since the end of the SS arc.
And I really admire Kubo for that--even with Bleach's declining sales and popularity, he didn't write something disingenuous to him just to win back fans or please the IR masses.
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ichinoue · 2 years
People need to remember that Bleach is a Shounen, not Shoujo, so Ichihime was written obviously in a SUBTLE way. There didn't need to be extravagant hugging or kissing or shit like that to tell you that IH was the endgame or that they had a lot of development.
Yeah, I feel like a lot of people can be sort of...willfully obtuse? when it comes to romance in shounens lol. Like, unless Ichigo is explicitly saying the words "I love you" to Orihime or kissing her on the lips or something, they refuse to accept that he had feelings for her, even though there was so much evidence there. Whether it's subtle things like him offering to walk her home, or really blatant things like the lust arc or him blushing all over her in 589 while their friends played matchmaker, the hints were there all along. And I think a lot of people look at things in a vacuum--like they'll look at one singular IH moment and think it's not significant or not enough "proof" of his feelings, but you can't just look at things in isolation, you have to think about how that singular instance is just one of many on a long list. It may not seem like much on its own, but when you add it on top of everything else that's being presented? It's all adding up to the same conclusion. And shounen mangakas tend to make things simple by drawing out some pretty clear dots and letting the reader connect them through context clues so they don't have to inundate their teenage boy audience with a bunch of shoujo-esque content lol
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ichinoue · 4 years
Are romantic tropes of real value when judging ships? I'm asking because I see some antis really downplaying these tropes as if they hold no significant meaning in storytelling. As if they're not signs used by (shonen)mangakas in favor of their future canon couples. As if the author isn't basically saying to readers "pay attention!...you see these classic romantic tropes i'm using here??...i'm hinting at something!". Ignoring stuff like this is why they still say that ships like IH are ass-pulls
Yeah I mean, you see tropes all the time in storytelling and I think romantic tropes are especially pertinent to shounens because they’re typically written by mangakas who either don’t know how to write romance, or just aren’t that interested in spending a lot of time on it, so tropes are the go-to writing trick for them to fall back on if they do want to throw a little romance into their stories without being too heavy-handed with it. I can honestly imagine a mangaka sitting back and thinking, “okay, so I know these two characters are going to end up together in the end. I don’t want to spend a lot of time on it, but I don’t want it to come out of nowhere with zero basis either. Hmmmm...Oh, I know! I’ll have his friends tease him about her a couple times. That way the reader can pick up on the hint that he likes her. Problem solved.” In Kubo’s case, I think he did an amazing job with IH, there’s much more to it than just tropes. But he’s said on more than one occasion that he didn’t want to focus on romance and that since Bleach is not a romance manga, romance was more supplementary to him. So to go searching for it with a magnifying glass as if he dedicated all his time crafting some super intricate, deeply hidden romantic plot instead of just falling back on the simple go-to tropes at times, just doesn’t make sense to me. You don’t have to have every single IH interaction memorized and analyzed like I have (lmao) to see that it was clearly intended as romantic right from the start. Take your average 13 year old boy (the target audience) who, generally speaking, isn’t reading Bleach for the romance, but show him the scenes of Orihime’s love confession, Ichigo dragging a guy out of the classroom for harassing her, Ichigo being teased with comments about how “it’s not like she’s your girlfriend/she’s way out of your league” on multiple occasions, teased about how much he wants to protect her by his enemies, teased about her new clothes while he blushes his face off, being put in a matchmaking scenario with her by his friends/mentors, rising up from the dead for her with a massive power-up, etc. and even the 13 year old would be like “yeah, I get it, they like each other, now let’s get back to the action.” Like...those things are just so obvious and, I would go so far as to say, they are universally recognized as telltale romantic cues in storytelling in general. You don’t have to analyze the text with a fine-tooth comb to see it. But if you do analyze every interaction like we shippers do on tumblr, you’ll pick up on the tropes and the more hidden details, because IchiHime has both. But those tropes, man...they’re just staring you dead in the face. And to ignore the obvious and pretend like your way of reading the manga is “superior” because you’re digging and searching for some obscure, deep-seated meaning of romance in a freakin’ action shounen manga meant for 13 year olds, that is just...a fool’s errand, at best.
While this kinda stuff:
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You don’t have to analyze or search for “deeper meaning” in any of it (unless you’re being willfully obtuse and/or have to be spoon-fed everything because you can’t put 2 and 2 together to get 4 lmao). It’s right there on the page.
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ichinoue · 6 years
Submission: Hey! so basically Ichigo acts all kind towards Orihime unlike how he treats women generally. The antis have a tendency to say that he does that because Orihime is a gentle character unlike the other female characters. what’s your opinion on this? It’s funny because for a long time, their argument was that Ichigo is more gentle towards Orihime because he sees her as a little sister type, like Yuzu or Baby Nel, and that he treats Orihime the same way as he treats them. Which never had much of a leg to stand on, because it didn’t make sense for Kubo to tease his protag in a romantic way about a girl he thinks of in a sisterly way. Examples of this romantic teasing were Karin saying she wouldn’t be fazed unless Ichigo brought home someone of ‘Orihime’s level’ (making Ichigo immediately sweat and panic with embarrrassment in response) or Shinji saying “why are you so pissed? It’s not like Orihime’s your girlfriend” after he came on to Orihime and Ichigo dragged him out of the classroom. Again, this was Kubo’s way of making accusations/teasing Ichigo about Orihime in a romantic way, which he would not have done if he wanted to make it clear that Ichigo only thought of her as a little sister. The “little sister” argument received its final nail in the coffin after Ichigo spent five pages blushing about Orihime’s body, proving that he definitely doesn’t view her as a little sister. And so the question remained: if the little sister excuse can’t be used anymore, why exactly does he treat Orihime differently? And I suppose this is the argument they jumped to next, that he’s gentle with her because she’s a gentle character, and not because of any romantic feelings. The problem is, that still doesn’t explain the mountain of other evidence that hint at his feelings for Orihime. The romantic teasing and blushing all over her that I already mentioned, the vow to protect/rising up from the dead for her, his depression when she’s abducted, the romantic matchmaking from third party observers, the Orihime-specific targeting and taunting by Ichigo’s enemies just to get to him, the many times that she was singled out, or used as the catalyst or breaking point that triggered his strongest emotional reactions, etc. You can’t just look at things in a vacuum, once piece at a time, and decide it means nothing, while ignoring every other piece of evidence that exists. I never thought Ichigo had feelings for Orihime solely based on the way he treated her, but because he treated her differently on top of everything else. Example: A man has blood on his hands. Antis, in this situation, would say it’s because he had a nose-bleed, and not because he committed murder. Could he have had a nose-bleed? Sure, that seems plausible. But there’s also a security camera catching him at the scene of the crime, his fingerprints on the murder weapon, and eventually, a hand-written confession. So what does the evidence point to? A nose-bleed, or murder? Could Ichigo have only been gentle towards Orihime because she was a gentle character? Sure, that’s one reason. …But the other reason? Is that he treated her differently than he treated others because he felt differently for her than he felt for others, i.e. what he felt towards her was romantic….which is backed up by a looong list of evidence. Including the fact that they end up married in the end, just as Kubo planned all along.  So if Kubo wrote for Ichigo acting differently and being gentle towards Orihime, it’s probably because he knew that he liked Orihime and would end up romantically involved with her in the end, and not because “she’s a gentle character and it has nothing to do with romance even though they get married.” Honestly now.
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ichinoue · 6 years
One of the best things new oneshot did was show clearly how Kubo draws romantic blushing, and out of 2 sides of Bleach fandom where both claimed that Ichigo was blushing out his ass at their respective fave girl during 2 famous scenes - it very clearly showcased which one had actual blushing and which side was right /drops mic/
I haven’t read it yet but true lol the 589 moment blew all the other Ichigo blushing scenes out of the water, and it was the only moment to actually have romantic implications attached as well (via the third party matchmaking, Urahara making the outfit for Orihime specifically to tease Ichigo specifically, Yoruichi encouraging Ichigo to flirt, etc.) instead of just being about base physical attraction or embarrassment. And lets be real, out of all the Ichigo blushing scenes, the blush on his face during the peach butt scene was the smallest by a mile. It had one little panel compared to the rest which were given multiple pages lmao
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ichinoue · 6 years
Rukia is honestly the biggest IH shipper out there. Like, lmao where can I get into contact with her matchmaking services bc I need the help. Haaaa. Tbh it's never more obvious than when she forces Ichigo to apologize to Orihime and swear to get stronger. She literally blurts it out for him, I mean, girl. I just love how she's so excited about these idiots she needs to literally be right there going 'annnndddd kiss!'
Well she didn’t have to force Ichigo to make the vow, she just helped him out, but yeaaah she was a strong IH proponent. And Rukia had a toughened demeanor a lot of the time, but as soon as it came to Orihime or IH, she just melts into a total softy like
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look at this. she was in the middle of a sentence but she cuts herself off because she’s so distracted by the IH goodness. She looks kind of annoyed in the middle frame, and then she just freaking melts into gush in the bottom one once she realizes there’s IH stuff happening. And you see that little cloud coming off her mouth? She’s literally sighing at the sight of them together, with the softest and biggest shipper face when she sees how cute Ichigo and Orihime are together, while Orihime cutely blushes and cries and Ichigo gives her the gooey puppy-dog eye look. It would always piss off the antis so much when you pointed this out, but it’s absolutely true: Rukia ships IchiHime. 
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ichinoue · 6 years
It sucks because I left the fandom for a while and wasn't around to witness it, but what was the reaction to Ichigo blushing about Orihime's clothes? Were the detractors still in denial after that? I was screaming at how obvious that chapter was
They were quiet at first. Usually when a new chapter came out where Ichigo and Orihime were so much as featured in the same panel together, the anti-IH tag would immediately be flooded with new posts about what a failure IH was, but it was more quiet than usual that day. And it was glorious. It took a while for them to collect themselves and wipe the egg off their face, because in the two weeks prior to 589, they had made all these posts mocking IH shippers and talking about how Kubo finally sank our ship for good because Ichigo had no reaction to Orihime’s clothes and hahaha dumb orgs!….only to find out that Kubo was actually saving his reaction for the big moment in 589. Talk about a setback lmao. I thought their heads were going to explode.It was the most in-your-face shiptease Kubo had ever written, it confirmed that Ichigo really was attracted to Orihime after they spent years insisting that he absolutely wasn’t, and I think they were at a complete loss about what to do or what to make of it. I remember one of the most infamous anti-IH blogs disappearing for like a month after that chapter, without a word. Some of the nicer ones came into our tag basically waving the white flag and admitting that Kubo was probably going with IH after all (and then they were subsequently shunned by their own fandom for doing so. I still remember someone making a post that was like “all you ppl jumping ship better not show your faces in our tag when we get that IR reunion” gjdhgkhmdfkghm). So yeah, it was quiet at first, and then they gathered together on their forums to “analyze and discuss” so they could help each other out and collectively come up with ways to debunk it, and then someone typed up an essay to reassure them that it meant nothing. Which was especially funny because at that time, the very last IR interaction they had received was almost two years prior with the hot spring scene, and they made a huge deal about the tiny little blush on Ichigo’s face after Kirinji made the “peach” comment and were totally insufferable about it for the next two years…..And yet they were telling us that the massive blush on Ichigo’s face that lasted for five pages because of Orihime, while all his friends played matchmaker for them, meant absolutely nothing and was actually an anti-IH moment and we were stupid to get excited about it. Only they could celebrate over a miniscule blush in a miniscule panel; we weren’t allowed to celebrate five pages of a blush that completely trumped theirs in every single way. Like, the hypocrisy was just so evident at that point.
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ichinoue · 6 years
Excellent points about Rukia shipping IH. It's so obvious that you'd have to forcefully remove it from your mind to not accept it for what it is. Kubo's hints were always consistent. He didn't tease rival ships or show troll-like behavior like other mangaka's sometimes do. Rukia supporting IH is also a huge reason why I always cringe everytime I see romantic IR fan art. It's just so contradictory to canon that I can even bring myself to appreciate it, even when it looks exceptionally beautiful.
Yeah, Kubo was pretty straightforward with the ships. There were no love triangles, or the whole ‘she loves him but he loves another girl who likes this other guy,’ etc. It was always just Orihime–>Ichigo and Renji–>Rukia with plenty of hints that they would both be reciprocated.The weird thing is that people would take Orihime’s jealousy when she was feeling at her lowest as proof of an IR romance (as I talked about here), like “see! Orihime knows IR is the real deal” ….but yet they wouldn’t realize the way Rukia reacted towards IH, as if she knew they were the actual real deal?  Like, antis would wax poetic about how well Rukia understood Ichigo, and yet they never questioned how, if she knew him so well, surely she must have caught on to who it was he had romantic feelings for, and maybe that’s why she played cupid with Ichigo and Orihime during the promise to protect, and made such a shipper face when they all reunited after the Deicide arc? Showing support of an IH romance, or giving him a helpful nudge in Orihime’s direction…?And even if you were to argue that she only did that for Orihime’s sake because she knew Orihime liked him and it had nothing to do with Ichigo’s feelings or helping him out…..why on earth would she want to give Orihime false hope like that, if she knew there was no way Ichigo would ever return her feelings? That would be just cruel. Rukia was well aware of Orihime’s feelings, but I think it’s clear that she either knew or suspected that Ichigo had feelings for Orihime in return, and that’s what brought on her matchmaking and shipper faces. Not just because of the way Orihime felt, but because of the way Ichigo felt, too.It’s just funny when one of their own arguments can be used against them. Because it’s like, yeah, you’re right. Rukia really did understand Ichigo very well….which is exactly why she tried to set him up with Orihime lmao.
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