#this post is a mess i am sorry but i don't have the braincells to make it better
lilleputtu · 1 year
Lille's Kingdom Events Generator
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It is done-ish! And by that I mean the most basic form of this lil idea I had is ready to be unleashed on the world.
But Lille, what even is this?
Why thank you for asking, audience in my head. This is a random generator that reads in a list of events and a list of kingdoms and gives you random events that make sense to happen to said kingdoms based on requirements. Kinda like everyones beloved ROS, but instead of being for single households usually, it's on a more neighborhood scale and has a few more ways for you to influence which events roll.
I am bad at explaining it, but I promise it makes sense.
Is it necessarily a sims thing? Absolutely not! I am sure you could use this for writing prompts or random events in a TTRPG campaign or whathaveyou. But my main thought was "medieval simmers would love to have a random thing to throw natural disasters or war refugees from whatever fictional 'other' kingdoms are around in their minds at them" because I AM that medieval simmer.
So here's what you get:
An .exe which randomizes things, ala ROS, but while taking requirements into account.
An XML with sample events to generate. Are they good? Eh, they'll do. This is why it's an XML, so you can edit it and someone smarter than me can make a cooler version.
An XML with sample Kingdoms, upon which the requirements for the events are tested. They are named A,B,C,D and E and just had random-ish values thrown at them. Edit them. make them your own!
A Readme, which explains things in more detail.
Huge thanks to @clouseplayssims for throwing some inspiration in the form of every single ROS list in existence at me and being one of my initial guinea pigs, as well as enabling the silly little idea in the first place.
Alrighty, to the download, yes?
Note: Due to how I turned the base python code into an exe, some antiviruses flag it as a possible Trojan. I do not know how to fix that. I can only say that me and my 200 lines of code do not want to damage your computer or steal your monies, I promise.
Further note: I compiled and tested this on Windows 10. It might work on other operating systems, but i make no promises. If anyone is running into issues like that and or knows how to compile a python script, please let me know, i am more than happy to pass you the sourcecode so more people can have a functioning version of this.
I will happily answer any questions, take suggestions or try to do tech support, just let me know!
Also definitely feel free to share your edited events/kingdoms files. My examples are thrown together haphazardly and it SHOWS.
Also - you can totally use it for non medieval things. Just write modern events and ignore the fact that the program calls things in the kingdom file kingdoms. They could be cities, or planets, or whatever else you can come up with!
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ask-cupcakesans · 9 months
What I posted about yesterday was a mistake.
I wasn't supposed to upload it and never should. I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time, but I think I need to take a break from Tumblr for a while.
I've messed up people I was with so bad and I know I could never change what I did. Even a simple apology won't do anything. Just an awful/horrible person I am. I really thought I'd change for the better but obviously I didn't.
Bye everyone Hope you all have a good day/night.
I am feeling alright now. I've decided to work on myself instead of grieving. I currently already have some drawings done, but I'll continue to stay away from Tumblr a bit now just to focus on more important things.
About my ex-friend and the artist, I no longer want their forgiveness. They made their choice so I'm okay with that. I'll probably make a new confession with more detail, but I barely have any proof of the things I did and I don't have much memory since I remove, distance myself, or delete as many things as possible. I erase any traces related to them. It's how I cope with things. Since the post from yesterday was meant to be a WIP I would add more and edit it.
Anyway, I'm also working on the dreamwarriors comic again. The new shading style is killing me, lol ;v;. I might also try to find ways to get the pages down faster.
I do have some more reference sheets so I can get those done.
That's all I got for now.
For those in the replies, thank you so much for all the support, and yes, everything I've done is in the past and I'm only focusing on the present.
Alright, I'm stopping because my braincells are dying, lol
Again thank you all, have a good day/night
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shinakazami1 · 10 months
Been busy lately so I don’t have much time to review and edit, but here I am! (this was supposed to be sent on the anniversary.) (edit 1: It’s already (edit 2: halfway through) november.)
(edit 3: i gave up. words be damned, i’m sending this. there should have been more. curse you writing)
(edit 4: reminder. write a long ask anywhere else except the actual tumblr ask window. sending again just to make sure i didn’t hallucinate all this- it would be so, very embarassing...)
hehehehehe love your art. Crunchy. Pringles. Crushing it in my mouth. yummy colors and perspective (That bucket sexyman design looking kinda fine though.,..i mean who said that) (->absolutely normal behavior)
I love how you interact with others’ art, leaving your comments and compliments. Really appreciate that little motivation boost and positivity you spread :)
As seen from Paratober, you seem to take the prompts beyond their face value and messed around with the concepts of those prompts (gonna put Jester in a carton box hehe. Can we have Jester loafing? Loafing in a box?)
Personally I’m not a writer, so I don’t know how you guys’ brains work but I love how you come up with interesting ideas stemming from the game’s original material, expanding, digging deeper into them. I look up at you all in wonder hehe
Also, I read unheard wishes.
You see, I rarely ever seek out angst. I came in there with “this is gonna hurt but I can totally bring myself through this”
Boy was I wrong. Now, because I didn’t read it properly enough to leave a comment that would do it justice (time restraints get you like that), I won’t give a lengthy review. But just so you know, my general feelings were “who do you think you are. did you really think you had the right to hurt me like this. *inhales* aaaaaaaaaAA *cars crashing glass breaking sound effects idk* *lays motionless on the ground* (affectionate)”
Maybe i’ll read your filk wip next. Biology is fun :]
It’s your way with the images you make for your stories and art. Candlecurator? Whatever’s up with fernarrator? I’m not listing the ones in your writings. A lazy, lazy anon I am, I know. [insert another keyboard smash]
I haven’t been here for a while so i don’t really remember much, sorry ;; (-> fake fan detected?!? *vine boom*)
Your theories definitely left the strongest impressions on me. How do you all think like that?? (this goes to the rest of you, tsp theorists/analysts/meta. what are you all on??? damn. give me some.). Perhaps it’s a writer’s thing, maybe I’m just incompetent in this deep thinking kind of stuff.
My favourite was the nature connection theory. Absolutely ate that up. (definitely not because of my bias for plants and nature-related stuff, noooo-). You somehow connected the plants in the parable, creating these wonderful strings of text about what you saw in these plants, the implications, and then sharing those ideas to us. Give me your braincells, shina. Give me-
[Close your eyes.]
Anyway- I think you’re pretty neat :]
Have a nice day!
✨✨✨!!!!!307 ANON!!!✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
ᴬᵍᵃᶦⁿ since I was already writing a draft to respond to your previous ask. The fact you have this copy makes me hope you are saving these asks somewhere because I lost a lot of posts thanks to the great Tumblr editing system....
Happy (belated and too early at the same time hehe) anniversary 307 :] To your edits - PLEASE start writing drafts somewhere else oshsaoifas I don't want you to lose your versions again. You might say you are not a writer but you decide to write such beautiful comments and asks - value your words more :]
Anon. I have an exam this week so it will take my energy but DO KNOW YOU WILL GET BUCKET SEXYMEN SKETCH. I imagine you will see it in a few months but,,, I hope you will like it, just like you like my art in general.
I feel now in retrospect so silly I hadn't done this sooner!! While I sometimes don't have the energy to comment on other people's stuff in my own comments, I know how much joy being told your words could make someone happy :] And I love interacting like that!! Shared appreciation!!! That's why I adore Tumblr in general - it feels most organic in that ability to engage with others as a social media.
I'm glad you like the Paratober prompts! I am happy I mixed the prompts to try to get even more creative with them!! And feel free to put him in every box!! Some old art of Jester in a box:
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(I gotta finally start uploading my old art I do have. There is so much...
FEEL FREE PLEASE TO LEAVE MORE COMMENTS EVEN A SILLY ONE BUT OUGHHH I am so proud of Unheard WIshes so thank you so much <333333 Glad you could enjoy
Just remember anon that I do not know your age and the rating for Filk is Mature so please respect the ratings :]]] Ao3 tagging system is there for a reason!! However I still keep on getting opinions that Filk seems to target 16+ demographic since it's more South Park style...But still, please respect it :]
Oh sure, you are so lazy *looks at your very detailed an amazing asks* so lazy. But WAH THIS IS LIKE??? A VERY RARE CANDLECURATOR APPRECIATION??? Like I know folks see Fernator and like him but to hear you like her means so much to me ;;;;;;
And hey - life gets busy :] The fact you wanted to come again, read my story and wrote this, rewrote even god knows how many times... I will always think fondly of you.
DUDE OUGH I need to return to theories, I have so many yet to share,,, you wanting one means a lot to me :} I worked hard on the Fernator theory post so I am glad to hear you could enjoy it! I might do a pool on what people could want hehe
[Closes my eyes and tries to close yours]
I think you are very neat, 307 anon. Thank you, for being you and I hope I will see you one day again. Every ask, I worry it's also a farewell. And then - you come back. I hope you are okay out there - I hope your life, even if so busy, gives you moments of happiness and calmness.
Have a lovely day, 307 :]
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armandstjust · 2 years
What are your Scarlet Pimpernel headcanons? Also if the characters could be in genderbend form, how do you think they'd be like?
I am always happy to talk about Pimpernel so here we go
Side note I'm so sorry it took me this long to answer, life has been hectic recently
There's like 0 fandom for SP so my headcanons are super basic
For one, I refuse to believe a single member of the league is straight. Maybe they get like, one token heterosexual but that's the limit
The other main headcanon I have going is technically an au that @luckysheikah and I thought up with inspiration from a post that I will probably link later about Percy's mother being a prototype pimpernel too, we have like 3 million years worth of lore and ocs and aus of the au at this point and its GLORIOUS
As for gender bends, there's a lot of interesting stuff you could do with it
A female percy would be add a whole other layer to the society disguise, like sure, maybe the Pimpernel IS English, but nobody would actually believe that it's a woman
Female Chauvelin would be heavy Therese Defarge vibes from A Tale of Two Cities. That's the best way I can think to describe it, I don't know what else to say
Marguerite and Armand would be pretty interchangeable tbh, female Armand would just be Marguerite but 10x more idiotic, male Marguerite would be Armand but 10x more braincells, with the biggest change being, like with percy, that people would be less likely to believe that a woman would be involved with the Pimpernel
(which, tiny OC lore plug, is a big thing for my SP oc Isabelle just ignore me i have blorbo on the brain at the minute)
Sorry if this makes no sense at all, I'm a bit of a mess rn, but ty so much for asking me!!!!
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rainbowcolored7 · 2 years
Okay, now that I've had some time to rewatch and mull over all the information we have so far, I'm going to try and lay out my thoughts. It's gonna get long, I'd meant to do a strictly novel analysis of the scene before it aired, but life got in the way as usual. But I'm kind of glad, 'cause now I can compare the two.
There will be discussion of both the show and the novel below the cut, so if you're not interested in the novel or spoilers please pass this post by.
I'm going to start this off by saying that I am truly happy with the changes they've made in the show when it comes to the consensual aspect of the story between Kinn and Porsche. Also, as a warning, I'm going to be pulling personal experiences out to try and get my thoughts across properly. And, I don't do posts like this, like ever, so sorry if I make zero sense or talk way too much. I just have a lot of thoughts, and on the rare occasion my brain allows me to comprehensively share those thoughts, I need to take advantage.
Let's start this off from the beginning of episode 4. Porsche wakes up in Pete's bed, knows he kissed someone, can't remember, and spends the rest of the first half of the episode trying to piece things together. I know we like to joke about Porsche having a single braincell (and honestly sometimes boy... lol) but he's not an idiot and he does know how to read people. You can't be a good bartender or survive taking care of your family, young and alone, without having a decent grasp on human nature.
I think when Kinn called him up to the balcony and started asking him questions he left that conversation with a flickering of oh, I remember something happened and now Kinn is acting strangely (a theme he vocalizes later in the sauna). I think he's thinking, what did I do this time to make Kinn act so strangely (soft and flirtatious and joking around) towards me?
After he sees Kinn with his escort, realizes Kinn is gay, remembers what happened on the pier, and that what happened wasn't something he did but Kinn kissing him, he asks Pete if you should kiss someone you don't like (and the subtitles changed so don't at me...) , or aren't in a relationship with (or perhaps intentionally pursuing because you like them). Now, obviously, you can kiss people you don't like, but perhaps are just physically attracted to, and I'm sure something is lost in the translation. That or I'm just reading too much into it and Pete saying you only kiss people you like, 'cause baby boy, that ain't true. Side note, I have a feeling Pete might come to realize it isn't true when we get to the point of him with Vegas, but that's an entirely different egg to crack open. (I have also not read that far.)
Now, here, is where I want to point out just how differently Porsche reacts to what happened and how fucking ecstatic I am that they changed it completely. In the novel, Porsche struggles with a lot of internalized homophobia, though he's okay with Yok, who is trans, he mentions it took him some time to be okay with her, but he still recoils at people he thinks might be gay or someone of the same gender expressing interest in him. He frequently compliments men's looks, not just in a friendly way, and thinks about how attractive some men are, Kinn especially. In the novel, once he really realizes he's physically and sexually attracted to Kinn, Porsche has a fucking meltdown of an internal crisis over it. He even goes as far as hitting on all his guy friends trying to reason out why Kinn would be behaving the way he is towards him, and why he kind of likes it (but doesn't, but does, but doesn't etc.). The boy is a mess and in complete denial.
I'm assuming a lot here, and reading between the lines, but how I interpreted it was, Porsche had, at some point in his youth, like a lot of queer youth, gotten a lot of negative feedback about same sex attraction that really dug into his bones, and so whenever he feels anything more than friendship towards another man he freaks out and tries to bury it, all the while wanting it so badly he can't stop himself. i.e. kissing Kinn back and allowing Kinn to essentially do whatever he pleases while being vocally grumpy about it. In the novel, he doesn't know who he is when it comes to his sexuality, he's deep in denial about being bi, and actively fights against it.
The show ripped that all away and gave us the true chaotic bi king we love and adore, and who he should have been in the novel imo. Show Porsche is open, honest to a fault, accepting, understanding. Now, we haven't gotten verbal confirmation that Porsche is bi in the show, but from everything I've witnessed so far I feel safe in saying he's bi, pan, or just plainly doesn't give a fuck as long as he's getting pleasure from his encounters. He seems open to Kinn's attraction as well as his own, though to say for certain we will have to wait until episode 5, where I'm hoping they touch on this subject some more, and I hope it's on the good side in line with the changes from novel Porsche we've gotten so far. (I'm down for some turmoil about him having sex with his boss, but please keep the biphobia out please please).
As much as I'd like to get more into the lead up to the real juicy stuff, I just don't have the energy. So, let's get into the gritty of it, shall we? The drugging scene. We finally made it here. A lot faster than I was expecting? Absolutely. Does it still feel organic after the previous three episodes? If Kinn hadn't said Porsche had been at the compound for a month, yes, but since he did, no.
Porsche has been with Kinn, Khun, the other bodyguards, for a whole month. He's been learning, adjusting, actively trying to become a better bodyguard. The reasons behind his change of heart seem to be him finally coming to the realization of what a serious situation he's landed himself in. It's life or death, his life isn't the only one on the line here, it's everyone around him as well. He's clearly beginning to really care about the well-being of his fellow bodyguards (mainly Pete, Arm, Pol) and Khun and Kinn.
Also, after episode 3, it was clear to me that Porsche finds Kinn physically attractive, and I do believe wanting some kind of approval from Kinn was another motivator. He's curious about Kinn, he's attracted to him, he's leaning into it.
Kinn, poor baby, is having a beautiful emotional crisis, and a lot of that I think is thanks to Mile really pouring his entire being into fleshing Kinn out and turning him into a "well" rounded person rather than the power hungry, totally domineering, bastard asshole, very surface, no depth, Kinn we have in the novel. The changes they've made to Kinn are fucking delightful, and I'm adoring the added depth and emotional vulnerability they've given him.
In the novel, Vegas sexually assaults Porsche. Without penetration, but Kinn does find him in his underwear with marks all over his body. This was one of the parts I was most worried about them adapting in the show. (I will note here, I have not read past the official translation of 1/4 of the novel--which ends with my favorite spicy scene so far and god I hope they give it to us!--the rest I have sought out from fans so it's not a complete picture). The change they made was nice (as nice as beginning to assault someone can be...), and I'm glad we didn't have to go that far. They've clearly changed Vegas a bit, though how much is yet to be seen. I'm holding my judgment for now.
Kinn's internal monologue during the drugging scene is, well, rough to say the least. But that can be said for the novel as a whole. Reading it felt like reading a fic written by a teenager from the early 00's, and not in the good way. Kinn seems like a consent King, but after telling Porsche he'd stop if Porsche told him to, he doesn't. He fucks Porsche all night long, to the point of needing to take him to the hospital the next day because he's bleeding heavily and in a lot of pain. It has its hot moments, but it's rough and gross, and I'm so glad it's been changed in the show.
What the show gave us is stunning in comparison. What the show gave us is fucking beautiful imo. Porsche, after remembering Kinn kissed him, after witnessing him with his escort, after listening to Pete, Porsche takes all of that information and once again, leans into it. He goads Kinn, he flirts with him, he asks him questions not any normal bodyguard would ask. "If your brother didn't give me up, would you even think to take me back?" Any other guard wouldn't give a shit, but Porsche needs to know. There are so many reasons this could be, but I think the main factors are a need for approval, his newfound desire to protect this family, his attraction and curiosity for Kinn, and a need to prove himself as a competent man, which he is in all rights when he puts his mind to something.
There's also something to be said about an unspoken and underlying desire to be cared for, something Porsche has never really had for most of his life. He's always been the caretaker, for Che, for his uncle even. I know y'all noticed how good he is at taking care of Tankhun? It's because he's in a familiar roll, he knows how to do this with ease. Kinn on the other hand? Someone who doesn't need coddling and caring for? He doesn't know how to handle that, but after his initial rebellion, after seeing some different sides of Kinn, he wants back in. I think, subconsciously at this point, he sees how Kinn would take care of him and he wants it.
Yes, Porsche is drugged. Yes, being under the influence makes consent iffy, but it does not mean Porsche did not give his consent or wasn't able to. Porsche may not have given verbal consent, what he did do is give consent in every other possible way, and that is what Kinn responded to. Porsche joked with Kinn about wanting to see him naked, playfully slapped his hands away, and each time Kinn respectfully pulled back. Those examples are a clear lack of consent, and Kinn responded appropriately to them. But as soon as Porsche changed gears so did Kinn, still yet with reluctance because of Porsche's state and also his brewing feelings. It wasn't one-sided, it was a push and pull on both ends.
I know there will be some who disagree with me, and that's fine. I'm pulling from my own experiences here, and what I saw in episode 4 was consensual and not rape in the slightest. I've done a lot of things in my 30+ years that I'm not proud of, certainly, but even fall-over drunk, even sky-high on drugs, I was able to give and deny consent. Was it a good idea? Of course not. Do I have regrets? Some. But being young and reckless, well, me and Porsche seem to have that in common. I mean, Porsche is in his early twenties, and my early twenties were quite literally a blur of alcohol, drugs, parties, and bad (but fun) decisions.
Porsche was high as a kite, but he was also coherent. Porsche was the one pulling Kinn in. Porsche was the one verbally and non-verbally saying yes, please, I know you want this, I want it too can't you see? Let me show you. Not to mention, no sugarcoating, having sex when you're high is fucking awesome and, frankly, I don't think this is a first for Porsche. Also, I want to mention, and this is really important, if you throw up while you're high it does sober you up a bit. It dampens the experience and brings you back into your mind. I can say this with absolute certainty, I've done it several times.
Another thing I want to point out in regard to consent is Porsche never once told Kinn no. Never once did he tell him to stop. Porsche was smiling constantly, he was taking initiative, he was undressing Kinn himself, he wanted all of what happened. Will he regret it the next day? Probably. We will have to wait and see. But bottom line, the show changed this scene for the better, a lot better.
Anyway, this was less of an analysis and more of a thought word vomit 'cause I've been wanting to talk about this scene for weeks now, and I'm also sick and tired of people saying it was rape in the tags. Kinn did not rape Porsche. Porsche gave non-verbal consent, and yes it is possible to give consent when under the influence, even if it's not a good idea. This is not the hill we need to be dying on. Let's wait for VegasPete for that, shall we?
Please, do not fucking come for me. I'm down to discuss, but I will not respond to bullshit. Thanks. ❤️
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walks-the-ages · 3 years
So I didn't watch the 2 new episodes, just looked at spoilers, I saw the gif you shared with Adrien destroying the chimney and just wtf, Adrien stans downplayed it, they made it seem like it wasn't that bad or just because he felt left out, so I assumed it was that.
I should've known something was wrong when people who don't even hate Adrien nor post Adrien salt was even like wtf, or saying it was weird, creepy, and gross. Saw the gif, and I am flabbergasted people saw this and hyped it up, or/and defended it. Him saying "the only two people plan is ladybug and I" doesn't sound like feeling left out, or else just like in that episode where everything was flooded he would've complained about secrets or telling left out.
That was just him being possessive af, and even IF that wasn't the shows intention, it still came off like that, and he reacted with violent anger? AND it paralleled hawkmoth at the end of the episode also having a violent tantrum.
Yeesh, also people letting him off the hook because "hEs yOunG", I like Adrien and all but what is with people coddling young white boys, I've seen similar with Simon from infinity train who is 10x worse.
When he pushed Grace off the train, I didn't see the episode at first and took people word for it who was trying to downplay it/make him look better, I watched the episode and he literally thought about it and pushed her off in anger and it just had me like wtf.
Idk whats with fanbases and coddling blond white boys but they look super weird for it, I'm over Adrienette now, I've been feeling like this for awhile because they've acted super toxic with one another, but this takes the cake. Ayanette is the new wave.
Anyway, sorry for this long anon, that's all I want to say, hope your day/night/evening is well :)
Oh wait, anon from before, with the recent episode and Nino being possessive over Alya rubs me the wrong way, I, as a black person, already have issues with the only black/brown characters being attached hand and hip that they become a unit (literally too, which is so side eye-y on Thomas part) and being together because they're not white/white passing.
This happens so frequently and media and people assuming the only black/brown people they know should get together because of above despite them not even knowing one another, it's such a frequent microaggression that people subconsciously even do it and not realise how wrong it is. That now, Nino who has not characterization outside of Alya, finally gets something more centered around him, and it's about NOT being a unit with alya and attached hand and hip.
He who literally had a whole boys only get together, is upset because he couldn't even come into her room when her and Marinette need to talk, and now the newest episode. This wouldn't have been as bad if it didn't come off possessive, similar to the fuck up with Adrien feeling left out, it became more so about jealousy and possessiveness rather than feeling neglected in his relationship with her.
There was so many other ways to do this, and hell, and learning lesson. But this show as a bad tendency of hypocrisy and making girls responsible for boys, rather than boys learning their lesson, that instead of Nino learning not to stalk his gf and not to be possessive and needy/clingy and jealous with no evidence, it because Alya being responsible for his shit because she was keeping RIGHTFUL secrets.
And I say rightfully because he went and told Adrien their identities, literally AFTER he had seen Hawkmoth target her family for being Rena, messing up the fact by everyone she's not supposed to be Rena anymore. You know, if he connected his braincells together he would know him seeing her as Rena more means there's bigger issues ahead and he would more so approach her/be upset that she's not making time for him, which is more reasonable and not some Chat Noir bullcrap.
Nino would also acknowledge telling anyone, even his closest friend is a bad idea, now Alya gotta tell him shit she really shouldn't have to so he can feel better, instead of, as I said, him realizing not to be jealous and possessive.
It's like when ladybug rejected [Adrien] and he got all angsty and she had to apologise, it's getting annoying.
Bonus to the fact she has to tell him her secrets but he never told her that he outted both of them to Adrien, it's so disrespectful and contradictory. Why is he not held to the same standard? Especially since for her [life] more is on the line.
I love Nino but this was so disappointing, I'm mad they did this to him, but it shows how this show views the boys vs the girls.
I have not seen these episodes yet, but Anon, you've pretty much hit the nail on the head.
The only reason Alya and Nino are together is because they're both non-white passing; Nino supposedly had a crush on Marinette, but apparently got over that in the span of five seconds so he could conviently start dating Alya instead.
Nino, as you said, has almost no personality in the show, because it changes to suit the plot like everything else. But when Nino DOES have interactions with other people? It's literally always for Adrien's benefit, narratively or in-universe, including his first ever appearance.
You would think, in a universe where characters were characters instead of props, that Nino Lahiffe, who does parkour in the streets to train to be a better hero, would protect his identity and his girlfriends secret identity WITH HIS LIFE!
But no, because Nino is a cardboard cutout designed to get the ML crew brownie points for "diversity", he goes and tells Adrien their identies literally just so that Adrien now has one more excuse to turn into a villain when it inevitably goes down that he join's Hawkmoth because Marinette has once again told him to stop flirting with her, or that he needs to get his act together, or that he needs to help protect civilians instead of endangering them.
At this point, even his greatest stans are convinced he's going to have a 'breakdown' and join Hawkmoth.
The difference, though?
They're cheering, waiting for the day that Adrien gives Marinette hell to pay, backing up their cheers with claims that he's justified in whatever he does, and further cementing just how damaging Miraculous Ladybug's message is for it's target audience of young children, if this is how the ADULTS are reacting to Adrien's entitled ass letting people die on his watch and going around destroying people's homes when he's not getting his way.
I would say Adrien's behavior and the show can't get any worse, but we all know it will, twisting the narrative to suit Adrien's pity party all the while.
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palaugranetes · 4 years
22 OCTOBER 2020
Riqui: Well I guess there is no other choice than doing this..
Pedri: Do what?
Riqui Added Arnau
Riqui: Well we have another one here. At this rate, we might as well just include the whole squad. BUT Welcome to this adult free mess bro!
Iñaki: 💙❤💙❤💙❤
Carlitos: Benvingut nanu!
Ronald: MANITO!!!!
Ronald: Look at you using those braincells @Riqui
Riqui: Nothing new
Ansu: BRO!!!! @Arnau 💙❤
Arnau: What even is this?
Frenkie: Adult Free Space.
Frenkie: WELCOME!! ❤💙
Arnau: Why is this even?
Francisco: Well I really am not quite sure of that yet.. But welcome!!!
Carlitos: This exists because we are sick and tired of the grown-ups.
Arnau: Who are the grown-ups? Aren't we all technically grown-ups?
Arnau: Well beside Ansu and Pedri.
JC: 😂😂😂😂😂
Dembz: 😂😂😂😂😂
Ansu: 😒😒😒
JC:"Dembz: 😂😂😂😂😂"
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Dembz: 🤜🏿
Ansu: I hate both of you so much.
Frenkie: It's only a week.. Just hang in there🤭🤭
Ansu: 😒😒
Pedri: 🙄🙄🙄
23 OCTOBER 2020
Carlitos: Anyways.. What I meant is that we are sick and tired of the ones in charge, their incompetence and their stupidity.
Riqui: Here here 🍻
Ronald: Thought popcorn was your TM
Riqui: 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿
Riqui: Happy Now?
Ronald: Elated!
Arnau: Ahhh I get it now. I see your point.
Arnau: So how long has this been going on?
Pedri: Like a month or so
Francisco: We still don't know what is happening here most of the times
Sergiño: Hey dude!! Another newbie here!! Welcome @Arnau
Arnau: 🤗🤗🤗
Ansu: What we do know is that El Clasico is tomorrow and I am about to jump out of my skin!
Riqui: I mean...
Carlitos: What do you guys think?
JC: Well what version of FCB is going to show up.. It depends on that.
Arnau: I really cannot sit through another Getafe type match... there aren't enough hugs in the world.
Iñaki: I feel ya bro.. pure torture.
Ronald: Look we tried..
Riqui: No Ronald.. You did.
Carlitos: And now that Jordi is back .. Y'all need to try harder.
Carlitos: I mean I love the guy but he needs to remember how to football.
Riqui: You say y'all as if any of us not named Frenkie Ansu and Sergiño is going to start.. Don't drag all of us into that mess..
Ansu: 🙄🙄
Carlitos: Oh no no Nanu I am happy for you.
Riqui: We'd be dead were it not for you kiddo.
Sergiño: I am just glad I'll be back to the right flank tbh
Sergiño: Like I'll play wherever I'm asked but...
Pedri: Exactly.. Imagine me playing on the left.. I'll do it sure of course, I'll try my best but it is not my favorite.
Francisco: Well I think it's natural.
Riqui: Ever since Antoine spoke he has been benched 🤭
Carlitos: Are we sure that is the only reason?
Riqui: Jeez
Dembz: 😐😐😐😐
Carlitos: Sorry.. But I only say this because I know what he can do..
Dembz: I guess we are all rusty...
Riqui: I wouldn't know.. I've played all of 10 minutes..
Carlitos: 🙄
JC: Well y'all better not make me watch for nothing.
Riqui: Again.. Can't help you there bro.
Riqui: Sometimes I wish Puyi is here just to like make them focus.
Carlitos: Remember when he yelled at Geri? 😂😂
Riqui: Which time 😂😂
Carlitos: All of them 😂
Ansu: OMG GUYS!!
Ansu: We should ask for his help.
Francisco: To come and make 'us' focus??
Pedri: It doesn't work that way dude.
Ansu: NO! With Geri
JC: I'm listening
Dembz: Are we really going to go ask for help from Carles Puyol?! Ansumane are you nuts!?
Dembz: No..
Dembz: And stop yelling @Iñaki is probably asleep.
Frenkie: We all should be ...
Ansu: BUT my Puyi idea.
Ronald: Can wait till after El Clasico.
Ronald: Go to sleep now
Ansu: 😒
24 OCTOBER 2020
JC: 4 OUT OF 11!!!
JC: Oh for fuck sake😒
JC: What the fuck was that shit....
JC: But it wasn't...
JC: I give up.. Screw this..
Arnau: This blows.
Iñaki: Once again.. pure torture.
Arnau: No but we were doing actually okay..
Iñaki: I mean.. relatively so-so.. we could have had it...
Arnau: What even was that 2nd ..
Iñaki: Bro.. Let it go..
Arnau: 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️
Iñaki: 😐
Ansu: I hate us so much.
Pedri: I should not have said anything the other day..
Pedri: I jinxed myself.
Francisco: That was horrible
Sergiño: Truly awful
Riqui: I am going to keep my comments to myself.
Riqui: Because if I speak, I will get in trouble.
Carlitos: Okay José.
Carlitos: It was a José move.
Dembz: A Mess.
Frenkie: So we are just going to get a penalty every time we breathe next to a player!?
JC: BS. Just that.. BS.
Ansu: Siempre igual.
Frenkie: I hate this.
Riqui: We all do.
25 OCTOBER 2020
Ronald: On the bright side..
Riqui: There is not one bright side in this
Ronald: There is.
Ronald: The fact that it's over.
Riqui: Okay one bright side to this. And now we have Juventus next.
Riqui: Without Gerard
Riqui: Which means he will have time...
Riqui: Which means we are screwed.
Carlitos: I would like to go back to the match please.
Riqui: So I was right.. There is no bright side.
Dembz: Dammit.
Riqui: Good night.
Pedri: Night!
JC: See ya later
Carlitos: Nanit!
Sergiño: ✌🏽
26 OCTOBER 2020
Frenkie: They did not just say that.. 🤦🏼‍♂️
Frenkie: As if we needed more backlash...
Riqui: Just leave already for the love of everything good...
Riqui: We are a meme Club I swear...
Riqui: When has complaining ever benefited us ever?!
Carlitos: As if they don't know
Ansu: Did he really say that or did I hallucinate it!?
Riqui: They did kiddo
Carlitos: They did kiddo.
JC: Yikes
Francisco: What is the point?
Arnau: What is the point of their existence really
Iñaki: They have so many problems coming their way, the guys say they are taking action against them
Arnau: Well they should have let them finish the season and not just send them off like that.. They deserved to play the play-offs.
Iñaki: Don't remind me.
Arnau: Can the president just issue an arrest warrant against them already?!
Riqui: I wish
Riqui: I hope they end up in Jail. Or like exiled.. whichever can happen quicker..
Ansu: We cannot have one day of peace in this place.
Riqui: How else will the time pass..
Ansu: I rather not have it pass in stress.
Carlitos: Well.. tough.
Riqui: And another one tomorrow.
Sergiño: I am having such a dèjà-vu..
Riqui: About?
Sergiño: Tr*mp..
Riqui: Well.. Kinda.. sorta..
Riqui: Like.. take away the mania and psychopathic behavior and total lack of human empathy and decency... yeah it could be him
Sergiño: I meant the desperate need for him to just leave.
Riqui: Oh well yes that... spot on.
Carlitos: we have to wait more I guess.... But now Juve.
Frenkie: Exactly. Juve.
Ansu: Ronald's big moment. Hope he doesn't screw it up.
Ronald: Appreciate the vote of confidence.. really. So sweet.
Ansu: Anytime broski Anytime.
Pedri: Did you really just say broski?
Ansu: And what about it?
Pedri: Nothing..
Ansu: Mhm...
27 OCTOBER 2020
JC: Another meeting today?
Riqui: Yep
JC: Evening?
Riqui: Yep
JC: You think he will?
Riqui: Who the hell knows.. He might be coming out to announce a new sponsor for all I know
Carlitos: I hear he will
Ansu: Will he though?
Carlitos: Well I'm not his babysitter but I hope so.
Ansu: We shall see.
Frenkie: Ready to take off to Torino?
Pedri: YES!!
Francisco: Cannot wait tbh
Francisco: I saw Gerard today and he was being very suspicious.
Riqui: I do not need this now
Sergiño: I hung out with him during training this morning.. He seemed normal
Dembz: So what is the truth...
Ronald: All I know is he has time now.
Ronald: And I feel sorry for you guys..
Ronald: Not you @Riqui 💙 and Sergi would agree
Riqui: 😒 I hate you 💙
Arnau: WE ARE FREE!!!!!!
Carlitos: I cannot believe it. Someone slap me.
Ronald: You asked.
Riqui: 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Ansu: Like I said.. We cannot have not 1 moment of peace.
Riqui: Is he really playing a victim?!
Carlitos: Great... more games for us not to play😒
Ansu: But things are changing.. so
Frenkie: Oh wow.. oh wow.. OH WOW
Francisco: What even is the point of a Super league?!
Francisco: It's like the Nations' League.. What is the point of that
Pedri: Money.
Pedri: 🤷🏻‍♂️
Francisco: Fair point.
Iñaki: Isn't everything?
Francisco: Yep.
Dembz: So now what guys?...
Riqui: Now we are free. We wait for the new President.
Riqui: And maybe a new coach 🙄
Dembz: I dig that.
Pedri: How do you guys think Leo is feeling??
Ansu: I wonder what the adults gc is like right now.
Ansu: Dammit Carles when are you going to be useful!
Carlitos: RUDE MUCH
Ansu: We need to know
Riqui: 😂
Frenkie: So now that he is gone.. What are we going to complain about in this Club.
Riqui: It's us.. We always have something. But enjoy this Win bro
Frenkie: I am.
Sergiño: I hope we can enjoy more wins
Francisco: Leo must be very happy.
Riqui: I wanna post something.. but I don't know if I should.
Dembz: Do it subtly.
Arnau: Have you met him? He doesn't know subtlety.
Riqui: I brought you here to back me up dude not join them😒
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