#this post is about me because im rlly hot
ortle · 2 years
near sighted ppl that need glasses who refuse to wear them and are constantly squinting>>
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a9saga · 2 years
tbt - day6 - sweet chaos // why the fUCK haven’t i listened to day6 in so many months??? i literally just listened to them for hours and played solitaire today
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picturingchappell · 5 months
Jealous and possessive abby - not in a toxic or abusive way but maybe you guys went to a party and your ex or some random decided to act up and be crazy and start hitting on you when everyone knows you're hers so she starts getting protective and marking her territory - she never blames you for it but she just wants to remind you who you belong to so she feels better with your consent if course and you find it hot asf
𝙢𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣 | 𝙖. 𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣
pairing: abby anderson x afab!reader
tags: alcohol consumption, mild language, theres a gross man, abby is possessive (per the request), i think that should be everything???, i still stuck at tagging
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a/n: was lowkey stuck on this prompt bc i don’t remember the last time i did smth like this but also, i procrastinated like, a lot. tbh i don’t rlly ever proofread anything i write i just post it with a hope and a prayer but wtv! i hope yall enjoy this. 🤍😙😙
bodies filled the house you and abby were currently in. the air smelled like alcohol, sweat, and a mixture of cologne and cheap perfume. this wasn’t particularly your scene, but abby wanted to go since one of her friends were hosting the party. you sorta stood on the wall, nursing a cup of.. something abby mixed for you. she wanted to prepare your drink herself. yknow, cause people are weird and like dropping shit in your drink without your knowledge. the screen of your phone illuminates your features softly under the red and purple LED lights. nobody dared to bother you much because everyone knew you were abbys girl. god, she never shuts up about you! but it’s only because she loves you so much. she also did it because she wanted to make your relationship known, and she’d gladly knock the lights out of anyone who dared to approach you cause she didn’t play that game.
the necklace around your neck had her initial on it. she’d gifted it to you during valentines day last year. it glints a little from the light coming from the screen of your phone. you’d been mid sip when some piss drunk man came stumbling over to you. and suddenly your settings app looked interesting as hell! he stops infront of you with a woozy smile and a flushed face from drinking. lowkey, he was like, really ugly. he’s the kind of guy a girl would only fuck in the dark. “what’s a pretty girl like you doing all alone?” he asked as he looked you up and down with obviously lustful eyes. “ah, im.. actually not alone. im here with someone.” you say as you give him an awkward smile and a chuckle. “i don’t see ‘em. why dontcha come with me? we could go back ‘t my place.. maybe order somethin’ to eat.” you politely decline and give him another awkward smile. while trying to ward this man off, you text abby.
“theres some guy over here flirting w/ me, help!!” you text her while trying as much as possible to ignore the man. he was relentless! he just wouldn’t stop talking and making gross comments. you look up from your phone to find your girlfriend pushing her way to you, through the couples grinding against eachother and making out. she smiles as she approaches you, then wrapping her arm around your shoulders. you lean against her. “so, who’re you?” she asks as she looks at the man, then tossing him an icy glare. “who am i? why should i answer you?” the man had a raised eyebrow and he’d been holding a now empty cup. “well, cause you’re hitting on my girl. so you should probably tell me why you’re doing all this.” her voice was low, raspy and a bit threatening. her possessiveness was dumb attractive, and you surely felt a little hot!!! “hah, this is your girl? she’s outta your league, bro. just give ‘er up. ill treat ‘er soo much better.” the man had become bold. abby didn’t like that. “mm.. nah. she’s fine with me. aren’t you, baby?” she asks as she looks at you. you nod with a small, stupid smile on your face. she presses a kiss on your forehead before she looks back at the man.
her touch had lingered on your skin even when you knew she wasn’t touching you. she sits on one of the chairs with a sigh and you sit next to her. “god, people are so disgusting!” abby said as she lets out an exasperated sigh. she hated when people treated you that way. but you just couldn’t seem to forget that voice she spoke in. the raspiness made this sorta electricity shoot through your veins. she was rambling about something, but you’d began listening when she’d been nearly finished speaking “—that shit wasn’t okay, and nobody should be treating my girl like that. i mean, gosh, some people just really can’t take a hint can they? i was so close to punching him just like id done that other guy but i controlled myself. and, ill just say, it isn’t your fault. i just really don’t like that. you don’t deserve that. not at all.” her voice softens towards the end of her sentence as she places her hand on your thigh gently.
your hand finds itself over hers and you smile at her. “sometimes you gotta punch people for ‘em to understand, yknow?” abby says as she looked at you with the same softened gaze. “abby, no, i will absolutely not be punching anyone… that’s what i have you for. and you hit like, waaaaay harder.” you chuckled. “well, maybe i should show you how to hit real hard.” you shrug, and she smiles at you, giving your thigh a gentle squeeze. “how bout we get outta this shithole?” she suggested with a smile. “oh, yeah. let’s go. im literally starving!” the both of you nod as you begin walking off the porch. as you walk to the sidewalk, the guy from earlier comes running and stumbling out of the house. he was after abby. you noticed and alerted her. “oh shit, we’d better run!” she grabs your hand and the both of you run to her car, giggling and looking back at the man (whos running slow as a snail) and forward at her car.
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whousestypewriters · 10 days
driving with you - grayson hawthorne x reader hc's
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pairing: grayson hawthorne x fem!reader
warnings: minor swearing
a/n: NADSIES DO YOU SEE ME HEHEHEHE. also the way i was dying internally while writing this omg. i need me some grayson hawthorne. i also stole different bits of inspo from @nqds post where this idea originally came from (im unoriginal guys okay??) lemme know if u want creds!
taglist: @nqds, @lxvebelle, @reminiscentreader, @ecliphttlunar, @ravenclawdirectioner,
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this boy 100% has a fancy nice car - a bmw, mercedes you name it
he's usually really strict about people in his car *cough* xander and jamie *cough* but with you he relaxes a little more
he is always touching you some how, whether its your thigh or just holding your hand
and um excuse me?? his hands??
they'd clench the steering wheel every time he'd get pissed with another car
the hand veins!!!!! (im a slut for hand veins guys im sorry)
and speaking of graysons hands he's always wearing watches like the super expensive ones - so he's always on time - and he never lets anyone borrow them
so you made it your mission to see if you could steal them during the car ride
after you had successfully stolen his watch several times he just lets you have it not really bothering about being on time anymore
as long as he's spending time with you
he has silent road rage
you gotta look for it because its never obvious and he hides it really well eg:
his jaw clenching whenever he's annoyed with other cars
you take it upon yourself whenever you see his jaw clench, to cup it and lean over and press a kiss to it, making him unclench it
it works every time
grayson has a hoodie his in the car at all times in case you get cold
in fact grayson's usually extremely clean car is littered with little bits of you: books, hair ties, jewellery,
he's also a drive in silence kind of guy
until you ofc
you best believe grayson is smiling adoringly at you when you're singing your heart out
when you fall alseep during a drive he slows down slighty and tries to avoid the bumps more so he doesn't wake you
he's a rlly safe driver
stopping at red lights is one of his fav things because he can just stare unabashedly at you
it makes you blush every time
he's more relaxed with you in the car when he drives
driving with you is his favourite thing
lets all collectively agree that grayson davenport hawthorne is Hot capital H when driving okay??
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a/n pt2: so im in love with grayson driving- lemme know what you think!
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muniimyg · 1 year
kimi's comfort fics (2023)
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note: these fics are pretty "old" since most of the writers are no longer active or the fics have been posted years ago.. BUT !!! some are recent with active writers so i would 100% recommend u check out their other works nd send them love !!! that being said, i did not link the stories but i did link the writers 🫡 this way u can check out their other works nd blog in general 💅🏼✨
nevertheless, they are all masterpieces that have heavily inspire my work nd personal life because i am delulu 24/7 <3 this list consists of my core comfort fics like... y’all don’t even fcking know how much i love them
‼️ for the most part, all of these fics imply mature content !!! minors dni ‼️
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smau recs
color of your shirt (kth)
cuffed (knj)
stay and cook (jjk)
stole your shirt (jjk)
went through your phone (jjk)
these fics were the ones that made me absolutely fall in love with smaus. smt abt the style nd way the plot seamlessly depict a beautiful and lighthearted aura... ugh, it jus gets me every mfking time </3 
be my baby (myg)
cyberslut (myg)
kinda hot (kth)
cherry pickers (jjk)
plot twist (knj) 
i think kez is a mastermind nd i’ve always admired her constant updates nd organization! have u seen her taglist? BRUH i could never :’) these fics rlly made me feel BUTTERFLIES i don’t know how else to describe the way kez makes these works so fcking interesting every time
stuck with you (kth)
suit & tie (myg)
hellish (myg)
basketball!captain (myg)
baby, you can drive my car (myg)
beauty & the bookworm (knj)
these headcanons literally give the serotonin boost i need. they hit so mfking good nd the energy is jus 10/10
fic recs
series and drabbles by @noteguk
bad influence: collection (jjk)
any way you want (kth)
house rules (jhs)
for science (jhs)
let me tell u... these fics were a CULTURAL RESET. god bless them nd tHE WAY NALA IS BACK??? hello. i love u so much. thank u for creating such breath-taking stories with ur incredible writing... u’re insanely talented nd i look forward to more of ur work… like fuck,, i’m so shy rn 👉🏽👈🏽
series and drabbles by @yoonpobs
with you (ksj)
back-burner (myg)
ice skating and holding hands (myg)
cold (pjm)
i absolutely went ✨ I N S A N E ✨ for back-burner yoongi. i was literally taking an accounting class (which i failed nd i have never failed anything in my life) nd thursday aka back-burner update day would literally be my motivation to mfking LIVE. i love the underlying nostalgia in these works.. i literally don’t know who i would be without these fics (i’m downplaying how much i love them arghh)
series and drabbles by @1kook
skirt chasers (jjk)
netflix & chill (jjk)
dreamy (pjm)
absolute icons. literally so well written, it’s unforgettable !!!
series and drabbles by @h0neypjm
confident (jjk)
for practice (kth)
homie hopper till i die (pjm/kth)
these are the ones that... make me feel some type of way... like… 🦋⚡️❤️‍🔥 way… yk?
series by @floralseokjin
the devil wears armani (ksj)
crystallised saga (ksj)
please be naked (myg)
i think these fics stabbed me in the heart nd the wound never healed. that’s the best way i can put it... i love anything jordan writes but these... these are litereally the bane of my existance. crystallised has so much depth in it nd i honestly feel like i’m in the story with the characters.. i’ve never experienced desperation until i read the devil wears armani because wHAT THE FUCK... pbn is... yeah. let’s just stop here..... 😪
series by @btssmutgalore
nude (kth)
bicker (kth)
benefits (pjm)
🫶🏻 ok. we need to have a conversation about nude. NUDE HAS RUINED MY LIFE. yk why? because the same way it grasps my heart,, it breaks nd makes it new. literally. like mfker rlly said “whatever u say goes” bITCHJFKJSLS IM CRYING IN THE CLUBBBBBB 🫣
series by @personasintro
mutual help (jjk)
my tiny secret
i read mh while it was jus starting.. to see how much it progressed nd how many ppl read it now is mindblowing! my tiny secret was the first ever bts fanfic i ever read... so.... YESSSS
series by @gukslut
rattled (jjk)
oh my god. this has to be my ultimate comfort fic. i’ve never read something so original nd heartbreakingly beautiful. the gradual build nd the way each character experiences nd works thru their issues... chefs kiss... i read this fic at least once a month to remember what love feels like 🥹👊🏽
drabbles by @jeonqkooks
just friends (jjk)
angel baby (jjk)
the moon, and all the stars (jjk)
this is how you fall in love (jjk)
i always see jen sharing her thoughts on my work... but bro... let me mfking tell u... her work speaks for itself. i’m so in love......
drabble by @jungkxook
let’s play: dirty (jjk)
THIS ONE IS SUCH A FUN READ. i need it injected into me tbfh. i always reread it when i’m feeling down
drabble by @angelgukks
pu$$y fairy (jjk)
can not be beat. mfking love this drabble fr
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i also want to take the time to express my deepest love nd thank u to the writers who have left this platform. to the writers who have moved on nd left us with memories of their work; ur efforts nd storylines will remain in my heart forever <3
i esp loved a lover’s kiss by @hueseok​ . 
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copyright © 2023, muniimyg on tumblr.  
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sagelasters · 5 days
luxurious fragrance ideas to manifest (tried n tested!)
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❀ 🪷 ུ these are a few fragrances that i tried and then end up adoring them. i thought i would make a fun little post to give you suggestions if you need something specific to manifest!
𓇼  st barts by ouai
my favourite summer scent but it works if you live in humid countries. honestly my holy grail, there's something about this scent that gives me a tropical holiday vibes. i swear to god you would literally smell like you got money, but it's not a boring fragrance! not sure to describe but you can pick up a light hint of coconut and fruity scent. i dont think ouai released a perfume (they really should) but so far there's a body scrub, body cream (my favourite), shower gel, and body/hair mist. highly recommend this if you want to smell like the hamptons (i know it's specific).
𓇼  allegra baciami by bvlgari
another top favourite, this is actually my signature scent (i dont gate keep) and i have a lot of fragrances so yeah! i was on a search for good vanilla perfumes and where im from, people don't really like sweet fragrances since the weather here is usually hot. i really hate floral scents so i tend to stay away from popular perfumes like gucci blooms. anyways, i smelled allegra baciami in store and was blown away! it smelled like vanilla but i could pick up hints of coconut, amber and musk. the scent overall has depth to it and you just straight up smell like luxurious vanilla when the perfume dries up. i need to try their lotion next though.
𓇼  eau de rhubarbe écarlate by hermes
this one is more of a fruity scent but i wouldn't classify it on the sweet zone. it's definitely very fresh and you can smell a bit of berries, i would considered this scent as gender neutral (i mean men can use women perfume too if they like). it reminds me of red wine and a dance into your local jazz club. i would definitely recommend this fragrance for someone who is more into neutral scents, or they just don't like anything sweet or floral.
𓇼  j'adore eau de parfum by dior
a classic scent and you've been probably heard of this if you're really into fragrances. this used to be an everyday scent for school because i feel like it fits any occasions. initially when you spray it on your skin, you can smell a little bit of vanilla but a slight floral scent too. like i said, i hate floral but i love this one bc the floral notes isn't too overpowering. when the wind blows, the caramel and amber notes just blossoms in your nose. i think this specific version of j'adore is more bright and lively, just a very young scent!
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❀ 🪷 ུ okay that's enough rambling from me but if you're looking for rlly good fragrances, girl i got u!! hope u found smth u liked from my list, im a little biased bc i love sweet scents, rlly sorry if you're a floral girlie.
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purecantarella · 1 year
Everything Is Blue
short fluff piece again!! i'm trying to cover all my bases with the blackpink girls!! i got rlly excited so im hoping to post these all at the same time because i couldn't finish the reaction i had lined up for this week :"") i hope you all enjoy, my lovelies 💓 disclaimer/s : none, pure floof!!
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Kim Jennie wasn’t the type to question her skills and charms, much less the unbridled love and support of her fans. But with all eyes hot on her after the dozens of alleged scandals coming her way as of the last few months, she couldn’t help her confidence from faltering.
The girls weren’t much comfort given that they were wrestling with their own anxieties, she didn’t want to burden them with her issues on top of hers.
Then there was you.
Her loving and devoted girlfriend who was willing to drop everything at the drop of a hat if she so needed you to. The rapper’s heart fluttered at the idea of the comfort you brought her. You had so much pride in her and it overflowed, so much so that there was enough belief in you to flow into her. If only you were there beside her, not in another timezone attending to your father’s business.
As quickly as your name brought her joy, it faded just as fast. In its place was an acute sense of your absence. She sits defeatedly in her make-up chair, the anxious energy now diminished. Jennie gingerly plucked her phone from the counter, eying your smiling face on her phone screen, not a single notification from you to wish her luck. She knew that you were probably asleep but it still didn’t make her feel any better.
“Ten minutes to places, ladies.” A stage manager called from the door before dashing off to head to another artist. The rest of the girls nodded off and began preparing themselves for the first time back on stage together in a year.
Jennie again stood up and faced Lisa who was running the steps back again quickly with Rosé and Jisoo who was warming her throat up. The rapper closed her eyes and breathed a heavy sigh in a useless attempt to recenter herself. ‘What would Y/n tell me to do right about now…?’
A rhythmic knock on the door pulls everyone's attention to it, Jennie’s focus broken once again. She knew it probably wasn't the staff's fault but they were likely set to perform a little later and the rapper felt a bit of frustration at the blow by blow report.
“Oh my God.” Rosé’s Aussie accent reverberated before the room was filled with slow and building laughter. Jennie’s ears perk up as she pulls herself off the make-up chair, cracking an eye open.
The first thing she notices are the large blue roses neatly collected in familiar hands. Then she finally looked up and her heart jump-started again. Her lip trembled as she fought off the smile from breaking when she saw you holding a bouquet of deep blue roses in one hand and a basket of baked pastries in the other.
Oddly enough, Jisoo and Rosé were the first to approach you, wrapping you in half hugs before snatching the bag of warm goodies and handing some over to the staff. Jennie walked up to you speechless. Her eyes glanced down at the flowers in your hand then lovingly in your eyes.
The dam finally broke and her lips upturned into a big, bright, gummy smile. Her hand raised and caressed your cheek gently, her thumb delicately trailing the outline of your jaw.
You smile, leaning into her touch, “Surprised?”
Jennie’s heart swooned as you handed her the roses, ones that bore a striking resemblance to the ones her mother would get her on her birthday. “I know you normally get these once a year, but I knew how much you loved them, and how homesick you’ve been—”
Before you can finish your thought, her lips are on yours in a delicate and loving manner. Soft and quaint. She wasn’t trying to make a show of it, she merely wanted to show you just how much she appreciated you. You pull away reluctantly as another knock at the door reveals a staff member.
“Blackpink, on stage in five minutes.” 
Jennie breathed another shaky breath in an attempt to calm herself. You look back at her and take the bouquet from her hands, placing it on a nearby table. Her hands are in your warm ones in seconds. “You know you’re going to be amazing right? All those blinks are ready to see you girls, and I know you’re going to kill it.” You place a feather-light kiss on her nose before nuzzling against it.
“And I’ll be right here afterwards.” Jennie smiles before leaning up again and kissing you. “Thank you. I needed that reminder.”
You wrap your arms around her shoulders, squeezing her tightly, whispering in her ear, “And I’ll be here to remind you every single day of your life.” You peck her cheek before they’re ushered to the stage by awaiting staff.
Before she’s out the door, Jennie takes one last look at you, as you stick your thumbs up and offer her the dopiest smile you had. The rapper giggles and is filled with a sense of calm as she takes the stage.
And she was magnificent, just like you knew her to be.
so this was written back in august while i was sick and i never got around to finishing it HAHAHAH but i hope you all enjoyed this short fluff piece!! i am on christmas break so i'll try to be more active. i hope you're all taking care of yourselves and i love you all vv much!! see yall soon 💓 - r
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angellurgy · 26 days
im gonna try not to vent nearly as much in case i go soon, but id like to put down some thoughts so.
i dont feel like im anything at this point. everything people see me as is wrong in some way (or many). even my anxious attitude irl is only cause im in the worst situation ever, its not who i am, i used to be and still want to be social and outgoing and doing shit all the time. the way i act irl is barely me its just a depressed exhaustion or stimming dog excited to hang out with someone, the way i act online isnt fully me either because i have to change my words a little or else ill be alone, and im not given the space to have interests i can post. i was never really allowed to have 'interests' as a kid, so now i just have little things as dissociation tools, and i cant get into any hobbies bc im depressed and need help. but i want to have interests so bad and used to, and i still have some smaller ones, but its like impossible when im homeless (and whenever i become not homeless bc i need to take a mental break), but i used to be into things. i feel like all i have become is just an idea, which in practice is nothing.
what is left of me yk? i feel like im nothing. im not connected to my body, its not 'me' its not how 'i' look and never has been. ive never rlly been fat in my head and dreams, just chubby, like when i was 230 last summer that was my most 'me' look. but i look in the mirror now and i dont see myself i see something ive had to carry with me this whole time while owning it with a straight face. i still try to make myself hot n ik it is decently hot but still. not a big fan. i feel like, a soul swirling in the brainspace but what i pilot is something seperate of me, even though it is 'my' body and i feel everything it feels, it feels wrong. this sucks and idk why im talking about it here, i have nothing else to rlly do about it tho so. yeah
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began stalking the hh tickle tag recently and all your stuff is such a treat like you have NO idea iafuafsgah neways coming from your tickle war post...
since you said that there'd be a truce whenever Niffty got to wrecking Alastor, i can only imagine how friggn cute his reaction would be once he realizes everyone is watching. his face is beet red, ears pinned back, and hes trying to squirm while unsuccessfully nudging niffty off of him bc shes just moving around too much (and absolutely DESTROYING him with a feather duster) for him to do anything and, idk ig im feeling soft in this chili's tonight, bc I'd like to imagine there's a brief moment where he realizes that he doesn't mind the others seeing him be vulnerable like this. even if them practically cooing at him is embarrassing
i KNOW you've said how he'd love the attention from his ler bc he's just Like That but im just very soft for the idea of him not stressing about the rest of the hazbins seeing him laugh like a maniac. and i also know you said that he wouldn't rlly interact w the war besides being an instigator but like.. hear me out, if its still goin on after he gets wrecked, the idea of him actually going out of his way to tickle the other residents if they happen to cross his path, even just briefly, makes me so 🥺🥺🥺 i so love this silly guy when hes soft his softness means sm to meee
Also everytime someone describes a cute Alastor being wrecked one demon gets redemption because IT MAKES ME MELT 😭😭💞💞💞
The hot ones LOVES a lee!Alastor heehehe✨️✨️✨️ /lh /nsx
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hugheses · 13 days
these are just some thoughts after seeing ur post on the hockey thigh thing btw, and i hope you hear me out. you being a lesbian (im bi and i have a gf currently), which is something you emphasise a lot, and not being attracted to these dudes doesnt make this whole parasocial archive any less weird or creepy. i'm not here to shit on or invalidate your passion, because obv its something you care about deeply from how much your scour the web for all these old things, even of their mother when she was young. and genuinely, thats pretty cool, i work in archival and i have a lot of respect for that with the effort you've put into it.
but i think you are encouraging others to imitate this blog and culture, when it comes to other players who aren't as in the media as the hughes family. like i agree that its part and parcel of the job as athletes who represent a multitude of things like ur franchise ur family etc, but i feel like we just shouldn't proliferate this. i know people on twitter are unjustly harsh and oftentimes critical to the point of meanness, but i think some points they share are valid. just bc its on the internet, doesnt give us the permission to do stuff ykwim? like imagine just going up to the hughes and giving them a scrapbook of every media moment from their mothers childhood, to her college, their dad, and them as kids and now as adults. thats just straight up weird. and don't even get me on the sexualisation, i get they are adults but isn't that just basic respect?
i know having an internet community is rlly important to some, and im sure ur followers would still give you that support u need even if you dont constantly supply them with these media things, or dangle ur secret archive like a carrot over them.
hoping you have a great day
you clearly put a lot of time and thought into this, so i will give you that same level of consideration back. i think you have some misunderstandings about me, hockey fandom, and fandom culture as a whole.
first, the lesbian thing. admittedly tumblr search is very broken but according to it i’ve mentioned the word lesbian twice on here, as a disclaimer for why i might not be the best person to understand what male attracted people find hot. it's possible it's come up a few other times but it’s definitely not something i "emphasize a lot". it's somewhat ironic that you bring up you being bi and having a gf in what reads to me like a deflection on your critique that i say i'm gay too much, when you seem to think me saying i'm a lesbian is bc i'm trying to deflect on sexualizing these guys. which admittedly is the most confusing part of your entire ask. is this solely about the thigh ask? if you’re worried about "basic respect", hockey fandom is probably not the place for you. i know i don't like seeing 500 reader insert posts every time i open anyone's tag, which is why i have related terms muted and block people who don't use them. however this is very much a part of hockey fandom and i’m aware of that. on the flip side, the unfortunate reality is that hockey players are some of the nastiest misogynistic men on the planet who generally do not see women as actual human beings beyond mommies, maids, and holes. if i WAS sexualizing these men 24/7 i would feel well within my rights to do so, and could make an only slightly ironic argument for it being feminist praxis. if jack hughes can ask girls to flash him, i can have a little sexualization, as a treat. 
calling me weird and creepy isn’t actually negated by following up with saying you're not trying to shit on or invalidate my passion and you respect the effort i put into it. if you think i’m weird and creepy, you’re allowed to feel that way, but actually own it if that’s what your opinion is.
you imagined this scrapbook scenario and then say that it’s weird. i agree, that hypothetical thing would be weird. good thing i’m not doing that, will never do that, and take many efforts to have a strong fourth wall and keep this blog separate from the people it's about. i am a firm believer in keeping fandom private and secluded! that's why im not tweeting all of this and tagging them. 
it’s a big leap for you to assume that i do this because i "need support". not that it matters, but i do all of this because i find it fun and i’m being generous with people who do not have the time/resources/know-how to find this stuff on their own. there's nothing wrong with finding a community online, but i had one before doing all this. in fact, all of this has been really more trouble than it's worth in terms of harassment vs kindness lmao. some people on here have been lovely to me, but i’m beyond the age where i need virtual validation from strangers. you’re right about one thing, i do dangle my secret archive like a carrot, largely for petty reasons because of a few specific assholes. 
you seem to think i’m the only person who does stuff like this. update/archival accounts are very common for musicians, actors, even like... tiktok influencers. were you not online when people hacked an airport security cam feed to watch one direction sit and do nothing? everything ive ever posted on here has been available to the public. i’m just good at finding stuff. even within this smaller sports fandom on tumblr, i have been inspired by OTHER BLOGS who were doing this before me and go way harder than i do. i didn’t invent the concept of collecting information and images about public figures like you seem to think i did, but thanks.
if you want to critique fandom culture as a whole, go right ahead, but i ask that you keep the sanctimonious lectures out of my inbox, especially when they're based in assumptions. any one of these things could have been questions i would be willing to chat about if you were actually curious about me and what i do. i in fact have lots of opinions that might surprise you on many of these things you mentioned. but i will have those conversations with other people, who talk to me with the respect and dignity that i deserve.
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admirxation · 18 days
˗ˏˋ admirxation's weekly fic recs ´ˎ˗
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!! dark content ahead, material in this post is intended for 18+ viewers, please read the warnings the authors have provided you and continue with your own discretion !!
(3rd week) 19th May '24: I love these weekly fic recs. They're amazing as bookmarks, and I get so warm and happy inside when I see the authors I have tagged happy I recommended them. Once again, here are some more fics, and I am open to people commenting down some recommendations in the comments *mwah mwah*
note: after this week these recommendations will be longer, I've been occupied with exams so my recs aren't as long as I would want them and Tuesday I have my last exam so in summer I will be hella active (hopefully). love y'all (also if I have decided to keep these fics from tumblr, as on my ao3 profile I have a bookmarks thing on my profile so you can see those recommendations on there if you're interested, link in pinned post).
Resident Evil Recommendations
The Devil is Real (part one) [NSFW] [DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT] {las plagas!Leon Kennedy x fem!reader} ~ readers troubled brother disappeared two years ago until reader receives a letter saying he is in Spain, joining Los Illuminados.
this was written by @/gigabyte-flare // oh look another recommendation for the lovely pixel, we’re not shocked because it’s obvious how much i love their writing, like their writing style is so good like not even capping bruh. this is a darker series so please read the warnings they have provided and if it makes you uncomfortable then don’t read it, simple as, her work is appropriately tagged (like all authors i recommend). I love plagas content, and this is such a unique concept, i’ve been craving some more plagas stuff and honestly this is hitting the spot, i can’t wait for more parts, i await patiently when the author has the time and energy to post the second part BECAUSE IN THIS CORNER OF MY BLOG WE DO NOT RUSH PEOPLE. anyways much love, i can’t wait
stepdad chris redfield [NSFW] [DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT] {stepdad!Chris Redfield x fem!reader} ~ step dad punishes reader who shows herself to the internet
this was written by @/angelstargel // i’ve recommended so much leon content and ugh im so glad to have some new chris content cuz he fr underrated in the tumblr fanfic world, i wish there was more content for him (i say when ive left my wips for him in the dust cuz of no motivation lmao). this fic was so hot but also sad i felt rlly bad for chris at the start regarding the readers mother, but later on the scenes were written so well, one of my fav fic writers and one of my fav moots that i rlly need to engage more with but im socially awkward lmao. great fic for the chris lovers !
Hey, you’re playing with my delirium [NSFW] {boy band au!Leon Kennedy x sasaeng!obsessive fan!fem!reader} ~ reader is obsessed with Leon who is part of a boy band.
This was written by @/abadtzmaru // I genuinely can’t stop thinking about Leon in a boy band after this fic haha, this fic did a really god job of describing unhealthy obsession, I loved the writing style and how it emphasised the readers loneliness and clinging onto somebody, well more like the idea of somebody to help them cope and make them have a outlit of happiness. The readers obsessive love for Leon was so relatable lmao but the extent they love was soo soo well written, loads of the fics I recommend honestly make the English lit student come out of me like fuck the books I write essays on I wanna write essays on the language techniques within these recommended fics lmao.
Dad bod Chris Redfield [NSFW] {Chris Redfield x fem!reader} ~ you’re extra needy for your boyfriend to come back home.
this was written by @/dollfacefantasy // OMG I LOVE CHRIS CONTENT SO MUCH I WISH THERE WAS MORE HEHE. I love dad bods, idea of a chubby Chris makes me fr blush. I love the established relationship type of oneshots, domestic characters with their partner are my favourite type of fics, they just have a special place in my heart and this fic has become one of my fav domestic fics but also Chris oneshots. I loved the writing style of how much the reader missed them, it’s so cute, the nsfw works are *chefs kiss* perfection, but I rlly liked the layered bits of their relationship as well.
Buckle Up and Enjoy the Ride [NSFW] {dominant!Leon Kennedy x fem!reader} ~ There are many things Leon uses his belt for, some of which involve the reader.
this was written by @/porcelainseashore // I read this just before I was going to post this weekly fic rec and AHHHHH I'm so glad it came up on my feed before I was going to post this because it was so good. I didn't know I was so into the idea of Leon using a belt until now (defo inspiring me for some fics hehe), also the dirty talk in this fic was *chefs kiss*, this gurl is soooo good, also another one of my fav mooties that I rlly need to talk to more but social awkwardness is a dick to me.
Jujutsu Kaisen Recommendations
to-be ex-husband part two [NSFW] {Satoru Gojo x fem!reader} ~ readers ex boyfriend claims to not be a playboy anymore but she finds it difficult to trust him.
this was written by @/arminsumi // i recommended the first part in my first weekly recs and when i was going to reread it i was S H O O K that it had a second part and omfg i rlly hope the author has the time and energy for a third part cuz i need it so much, i will be waiting patiently for it. i love the dynamic of the reader wanting to be with gojo and enjoying being with him but also being realistic in understanding how much he hurt her in the past. AND OMG SUGURU. suguru entered the chat fr. i was squealing when i read what happened between suguru and reader AHHH. this was too good oh my god
‘It’s a match: Last Friday Night’ [NSFW] {Satoru Gojo x fem!reader} ~ matching with best friend on tinder.
This was written by @/screampied // I love the dynamic of friends having a thing for one another, it’s one of my guilty pleasures, ugh when gojo called the reader hot when she dressed up for the date ugh I was blushing so much. This piece has some very hot nsfw moments but it was also a fun oneshot, I did giggle at the mention of a kfc profile and the ending with geto, it was a really fun experience. I love also this persons user sm haha.
Toji mocking your moans while you ride him [NSFW] {Toji Fushiguro x fem!reader} ~ the title basically.
This was written by @/screampied // as I said before I do put the / before the username because I do repeat certain authors, I have my favs which I like to bookmark and wouldn’t wanna spam them. Ugh I love this blog for their jjk content sm, also their theme is so gorgeous im so jealous. But they write toji so well!!!!!! I love the idea of being teased, and ugh when the reader said she needed him and he was like you don’t need it and he mimicked the way she moaned I AM ON THE FLOOR ROLLING AND NEED TO BE CAGED OMFG. Feeding my Toji addiction fr.
The boy next door [NSFW] [DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT] Choso Kamo x fem!reader} ~ reader is oblivious to his feelings.
This was written by @/bratbby333 // ughhhh this blog always cooks omg. I’m new to the choso girlies club and ooooo this fic rlly fueled my membership into the club THIS WAS SO HOT. I actually rlly love fics with friends having feelings for one another, as seen in a gojo recommendation on this weekly rec. nom nom nom thank you for feeding me some pervy choso being in love with me heheheh.
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neet-elite · 23 days
Hi hi, I wanted to ask a question about writing! I love the way you write (honestly my fave). I want to get into writing fanfic/smut but I don’t know where to start?? I have fantasies ideas but I don’t feel confident in the way I write :’))
Do you have any tips for descriptive writing (for smut and in general)? I’m also interested in what your process is like, if you have one.
Also your event masterlist has me weak I’m acc so excited hehe okay bye <3
hello! thank u so much for ur message! i really appreciate ur kind words, im so happy to hear that u enjoy my writing MWAH !!!
i feel like it's important to note that i only started writing fanfiction because i read a lot of it but was never 100% satisfied with how other people wrote/portrayed my favs. so i started writing because i thought: i could do better, and i think that probably comes into play with my confidence in posting online.
as for writing fanfic tips, i have a few.
write what you find hot. that's literally the bulk of it. don't care for what other people wanna read, write only what you wanna read. i promise that you'll find much more enjoyment doing that, and there'll always be people who are into your brand of hot, yknow?
care not for being "weird" or "cringe". this ties into the above point, but if you feel like someone might dislike a detail of your writing, include it anyway. i strayed from writing things like "angel cunt" for so long because of this, but it's so hot to me !!!! and other people rlly enjoyed it too, so i promise that the right audience will find you and appreciate details like this.
don't be afraid to use dirty words. such as: cunt, cock, asshole, etc.
and also don't be afraid to use normal words. such as: eyes, cum, pretty etc. even if you feel like you're repeating yourself, there's only so many ways to say one thing.
when it comes to descriptions, i like to keep them as plain as possible. say exactly what you mean :D finding other words for things can be tiring, and it can often throw people out of the reading experience if you use the classic "orbs" etc. this is of course down to personal preference, but the general outlook within the fanfiction community (from what i've seen) is the consistent want to just have the words that you mean said, rather than using alternatives.
dont forget the small details! sweat, sounds, smells, is the character smiling during the act? maybe their expression is more pained? a lot of what i write when i write smut is less the actual act of sex itself, and more so the surrounding factors. the bed squeaking, the internal thoughts, etc. smut doesn't have to be 100% sex all of the time.
dont be afraid to get silly with it! it's fanFICTION. want ur character to cum 10 times in a single session? fuckin go for it. want ur character to cum a stupid amount all at once, so much so that it gushes out? go for it. want there to be an extreme size/strength difference? go for it. there are no rules, and if you find it hot, i think you should explore it, because other people will find it hot too.
edit: also, keeping a sort of scrapbook of snippets, phrases, ideas, words, etc that you like can be helpful! i have my own discord server that just has me in it so i can dump information there for future use.
i think that's all for now. most importantly i think is that you write something that you love and find sexy. that's really all i try to do, and i think people can tell when you've enjoyed writing something.
and for my writing process it goes like this:
have a general idea, such as: puppy sam going into heat
and then i just write until i'm done.
i never really plan, although i feel like planning is the best option. all of my writing has been done on the fly, with a general theme/idea that i explore until i feel like it's done. i hate planning, so i never fucking do it even if it would benefit me. and im so lazy..... like... i view planning as me writing the fic without writing it, and why would i wanna write it twice LMAO.
unless im doing a bigger project, in which case i take similar, but longer, notes. here is an example:
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it's just very barebones so that it gives me some direction, but gives me the opportunity to elaborate and change and add and remove stuff yknow?
most of my writing, however, has been done by giving myself a one line prompt, and then i just go ahead and start babbling nonsense until it starts to take shape.
ANYWAY i hope all of this made sense and can be of some use to you! thank u so much again and i wish u lots of luck in ur writing journey! it's a lot of fun once u get started <3
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jjunsolos · 10 months
LET ME IN! - youre special
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synopsis - jeon yn is a mysterious human being. people only know her as “kazuhas silent buddy”. this makes beomgyu curious. curious enough to try and befriend yn himself. if only she wasnt so stubborn…
warnings - written, angst (ish), they kiss, mentions of food, mentions of blood (no ones bleeding), i think thats it but lmk if im mistaken
wc - around 1k (i rlly dont know what happened😭 it was supposed to be like 748 words)
prev. | m.list | next.
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‘seasons’ by wave to earth plays on the radio as you drive down the street, about a block away from beomgyu’s house. youd be wrong to deny that youre a little excited to hang out with beomgyu. maybe its because you missed the feeling of having fun with beomgyu. or maybe youre just excited to go out. nothing to do with beomgyu, right? … we both know thats not the truth.
soon enough, you find yourself in front of beomgyus house. he lives with his parents but theyre usually at work around this time of day. seeing that he wasnt outside already, you decide to pull out your phone and text him.
‘im outside’ you send.
read 1:04 pm
‘omw☺️’ he replies. you chuckle, putting the car in park and then wait patiently for beomgyu to come out.
‘candy rain’ by soul for real plays as you sit in the cool car. then from the corner of your eye, you see beomgyu rushing out the door. a little scoff escapes your lips as you let a small smile spread across your face. beomgyu reaches for the door and yanks it open, out of breath. before you could scold him for almost breaking your car (that you nearly sold your soul for), he speaks first.
“hey~” he says, an attempt to flirt with you. his arms are resting against the roof of your car, a smirk displayed on his lips. despite the blood that rushes to your cheeks, you give him an unamused look.
“you better sit down before i speed off without you” hearing this, beomgyu rushes into the passenger seat, closing the door behind him. you both buckle up at the same, sitting in awkward silence for a hot minute.
you take a small glance at beomgyu before quickly averting your gaze back to your lap. clearing your throat, you decide to speak up.
“do.. do you wanna connect?” beomgyu snaps his head to you and nods excitedly, like a little kid. as he proceeds to connect, you start to drive away from his house.
‘one wish’ by ray j plays as beomgyu immediately starts to sing along. he rolls down his window and starts passionately singing the lyrics to random strangers on the street. some laugh, some look at him weirdly. meanwhile you do both. its hard to focus on driving when beomgyus next to you, shouting “if i had one wish” off tune.
when you arrived to an amusement park, beomgyu started to shout and jump excitedly in his seat, ‘always’ playing quietly in the back. you chuckle at beomgyus energy.
“excited much?” you tease. beomgyu freezes and turns to you.
“me? pffsh,” he waves you off “i dont get excited over such.. childish things”
from excited to unbothered, beomgyu sits, acting as if he isnt about to pass out due to excitement.
“so.. should we go somehwere else?” it was just a joke. but beomgyu looked like he would actually start crying if you backed out from the parking lot.
“please no..” he nearly whimpers. puppy eyes on full display. you roll your eyes and rush him out the car.
the air smells of greasy hotdogs and cotton candy. youve been here multiple times with soo and kazuha, but this is your first time going with beomgyu.
“lets go!” beomgyu exclaims. and before you know it, youre being dragged by the arm.
10 rollercoasters, 2 cotton candy cones, 3 hotdogs (cause beomgyu ate his AND yours), and at least 5 bathroom breaks later, you and beomgyu find yourselves in line for the ferris wheel. the sun is starting to set, giving you a perfect opportunity to take a picture and post it on your instagram story.
“im so excited!!” beomgyu says, basically vibrating due to how quickly hes moving. he must be hyper.
“i am too.. but if you move a single muscle while we’re up there, im gonna push you off” you joke. soon its your guys’ turn to get onto the ferris wheel.
beomgyu is on your left. your phone clutched in your right hand, ready to take some photos once you reach the top. once you make it up, the ride pauses. you let out a relaxed sigh, seeing such a beautiful sight in front of you.
“wow..” it barely comes out as a whisper, but beomgyu hears it. he smiles as he admires you. though youre not facing him, he thinks youre the prettiest view. no sunset, or pretty lights could compare to your beauty, he thinks. he pulls out his phone and secretly takes a photo of you. smiling, he tucks his phone back into his pocket and sighs.
“thank you..” he says lowly. this causes you to turn to him. you chuckle.
“for what?” beomgyu shrugs.
“for bringing me here.. its been a while since we’ve hung out and this feels.. refreshing” you stay silent at beomgyus words. but you continue to stare at him.
““i dont know.. but im glad we’re making progress. you know.. rebuilding our friendship and everything. what i did was stupid but im willing to do about anything to make it up to you. youre very special to me, yn..”
silence fills the atmosphere. beomgyu looks down at his hands, and you turn to look at the view again. it isnt until the ride slowly starts moving again that you speak.
“..really? you really feel that way?” beomgyu looks at your figure, despite the fact that youre still not facing him.
“yeah.. i really do, yn. its okay if you dont feel the same tho-“
he wasnt able to finish his sentence because you suddenly turn around, hands swiftly grabbing his face and then.. you connect your lips to his.
beomgyus eyes widen. just two seconds ago, he thought you were gonna slap him. yell at him. laugh at his face or SOMETHING. never did he think that your lips would be on top of his… but damn did it feel good.
you dont pull away until the ride comes to a complete stop, both of your guys’ cheeks turning red by the second. once you both are on the ground again, beomgyu clears his throat.
“lets go?” he asks, blush still on his cheeks in which you smile at him.
“lets go.”
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taglist [open] - (bold = couldnt mention)
@forever-in-the-sky2 @londonchuu @erin-calli ng @boomboomcat @itzxvaxella @letapostropheesgo @captivq @curly-fr13s @strawbrinkofdeath @ukitouu @ineedaherosavemeenow @wonioml @enhapocketz @ghostfacefricker6969 @kpoprhia @softcabur @ch-choerry @faelyncore @emohazuzworld @zuzu-the-simp @luvsoobs @heyanonymous123 @browniestraykidshiteu @lqbeorecs @lmaonada @aernx @il0vebeomgyu @ja4hyvn @chaeey @mangobee @cryingforgyu @dilfjk @rikislady @ahnneyong @marshmelle @l0ve-joy @minkyunseokie @pussyslayerhd @flrtsbin @soobsfairy444 @sofia-rom @iikyomii @choi-beomgyulvr @moa4lifeee @acidicloveee @txtmetonight @sam-andher-tales @rainbowszi @jype2papi @cha0thicpisces
author’s note - LMAO I JS REALIZED THAT HE NVR ACTUALLY SAYS THE WORDS “youre special”😭😭
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merry-harlowe · 4 months
Nah okay I’ve been playing bg3 and it’s good, but I’ve kinda been like. :/ because a lot of the games feels unfinished to me, but seeing posts about wyll and Karlach (my two main characters I have in my party aside from Shadowheart, who i thought her story was just progressing really fast?) and realizing that oh, this isn’t a broader pacing speed in the game or a broader level of the game not being finished, it’s a wyll (and somewhat karlach) thing. Ah. Like Mercury kissed Wyll at the tiefling party, but Wyll hasn’t had any new dialogue options since, and I’m halfway through the underdark??? Also I completely missed his side quest with his father, companion quests should not be that easily missed!!
I was rlly surprised with how fast the dialogue trees are exhausted in this game in general tbh, it’s quite limited so far compared to its peers in the genre. Also this is a personal gripe but i hate that they don’t have clearly labeled when a dialogue has a “flirt” tag, i got to the tiefling party scene and literally everyone propositioned my character, despite the fact i was only flirting with astarion and wyll. Adding a little heart at the end of flirtatious dialogue options doesn’t break immersion it literally just clarifies the tone the line is written in 😭
Also the character creator got so much hype, but legit it was the most disappointing customization I’ve seen in a hot sec. Like dai (a game from a decade ago) and Elden ring (a game where you don’t even see ur characters face nearly ever) both had far more advanced customization, and like. Even that wasn’t enough when it comes to representation. Also like dhgjkg for a game that advertised its ~risqué~ content, a) it’s quite tame, and b) you can’t even pick your chest size? 🤨 (which again, is not even getting into the extreme limitations w different body sizes and shapes)
Like it’s a fun game and I’m enjoying myself, but like. For a game that swept at the award season and costed me eighty bucks, I kinda feel like the game should feel finished, let alone have some level of polish. (Also also im glad it’s getting the content updates it clearly needs, but it’s insane that it won GAME OF THE YEAR! and is still getting base game content updates???!??? I really hate the trend it’s emblematic of in the industry tbhhh)
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whowantslovergirl · 1 year
pope x reader with a stutter ??
An: I have a slight stutter but it’s rlly hard to do stuttering without it being cringy so I did my type of stutter which is just saying words when you mean different ones if that makes sense but hope y’all enjoy 😍😍 y’all are sluts for pope AND I LOVE IT and was i watching the scream ans saw franchise while making this? yes.
Scream or Saw?
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Pope Heyward x reader (gender not specified)
warnings: cursing, established relationships and that’s literally it 🤪 hope you enjoy my lovers 💖 btw this one shorter than usual 🤧
outer banks master list
Summary: Pope and Y/N argue which franchise is better
posted: May 12,2023
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“Scream is better!” You and Pope were arguing over which franchise was well put together. Scream or Saw? You think Scream but your delusional boyfriend thinks Saw. “Saw has better plot than a masked killer. It’s better written.” Pope says while using his hands.
“No because it can- sorry I mean it- fuck sorry.” You hate when you start stuttering, you had it ever since you were a child. Pope grabbed your hand and put it in his. “It’s fine Y/N just imagine the sentence in your head.” You smile and nod.
“It can leave you guessing and at least it’s not a tiny doll who is doing it.” You said kinda fast but he still understood what you said.
“Well it’s not just a doll if you really think about it the people who are going through it are the real villains. And at least his motive is good!”
“Oh yeah! ‘Let me punish ba- bad people!” You said making fun of saw.
“At least his isn’t blaming the movies!”
“Don’t ever disrespect Mickey and Char- Charlie!” How dare he disrespect your favorite characters.
“Well at least Scream killers are hot.” He went silent.
You got him there.
“Fine we’re going to ask everyone else.” Pope said so he can get everyone else’s opinion.
You guys went outside and everyone turned to you guys.
“Hey guys Pope and I have a little disagreement. Which franchise is better Saw or Scream?”
“I like the It franchise more than both.” John b said.
“That wasn’t the ques- question!” He jumped back at your outburst.
“I like Scream more.” JJ and Sarah said.
“Oh yeah me too.” Kiara added.
“Ha! I got three! And you got none!” You did a mini celebratory dance. He just shook his head in defeat.
Scream is way better than Saw.
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An: YALL IM BACKKKKK and I passed all my tests im just that good but until i post again my lovers 🤍 *hint: shock*
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starkkawajiri · 5 months
im feeling better and i had a brilliant brilliant genius idea scoob. (EXPLANATION BELOW)
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okay class what was the author trying to say
fatui harbinger au. SHOCKED EMOJI
sub-au. an AU of an AU (marvel impact) because three things happened to cross paths in my big empty mind:
1. "man i would love an evil stephen au"
2. "man i need to draw genshin mordo"
and 3. "i love the harbingers" and when the idea lit up like a flame in my brain i exploded out of bed
this au consists of the best magic users ever being fatui harbingers (rip traveler) because evil hot and crazy sexy, instead of adding more harbingers they replace already existing ones because one two three enough fatui for me
so basically evil evil magic users au
((before moving on for ppl that do play genshin but dont know much about the fatui harbingers, there's 11 of them and they're ranked based on strength, personally i wouldnt even know how to scale them based on their powers so i didnt touch the ranks, just switched out the characters))
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Loki is pretty self explanatory, he takes The Tsaritsa's place because cryo archon.... ice...god.....
i was initially planning on making loki take scaramouche's place because i found scara's "YOU'RE INTERRUPTING A CONVERSATION BETWEEN GODS......" dialogue in the sumeru quest so funny and because the idea of loki being a fake-god seemed cool, but her as the cryo archon and overall leader of the fatui was too good to put aside
IMPORTANT NOTE/EDIT: NVM YALL LMFAOOOO I DECIDED (iwas MANIPULATED /j /aimed) TO CHANGE LOKI BACK TO TAKING SCARAMOUCHE'S PLACE there's a lot more things they have in common and it sets an interesting dynamic between him and other characters in this au, including thor ("better version of him"), strange (using loki as a vessel to create a god) etc
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Wong's the baddest bitch in this post theres no other explanation
im (half)joking (hes so fine) theres an explanation
it was between that and making him take Il Capitano's place, which would have been Rank 1, and he would have still ranked higher than everyone else (besides Loki) so i looked at their wikis .
The Director (Pierro) handpicked certain Harbingers, two of which being Il Dottore and La Signora (in this au, Strange and Wanda) so that was just the stars aligning for this au
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Strange's gotta be even more self-explanatory than Loki's
il dottore. the doctor.
need i say more (no but i will)
i need at least 34084 aus of this man being evil idk i cant control myself
Sufian and Zandik (Dottore) already had a lot in common or parallel in the marvel impact au, both expelled students from the Akademiya, positive/negative relations with the dendro archon, man kissers, insert il dottore wiki
i want him to be scary and feared now and then, is that too much for a man to want from another man (rip eleazar patients)
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clea had to be arlecchino/the knave because. because
clea in a suit primary excuse
arlecchino's cool hair secondary excuse
woman kisser back-up excuse
theres little to no explanation here i just sensed it spiritually (arlecchino is the best ily arlecchino) + the theory about arlecchino being half-hilichurl?? or something like that? because of the cool gradient on her skin, which is rlly awesome, so non-human bonus points
need more insane, cold, calculated, manipulative, insane, insane, deceiving, insane women sometimes
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mordo he exists hes here save me mordo
im gonna be so fr with you guys rn
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pulcinella is just there, i forget he exists often times
only mordo can fix that
after deciding on making Wong the Director, i considered making Mordo take Il Capitano's place or Pantalone's/The Regrator's, but i was really really unsure, he didn't seem to fit either of them and by making him take the Regrator's place I would be putting him in a rank that is wayy too low (9) and considering how little there is about Pulcinella (literally almost nothing), I would have a lot of creative freedom
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wanda had to be one of the easiest to sort out....la signora..... alternatively "crimson witch".......? come on they forced my hand atp
im so sorry red bisexual i didnt want you to get such a low rank (8) i had no other choice
la signora is such a badass im tired of pretending shes not (+her Crimson Witch form is amazing)
consumed by grief and anguish, destroying themselves in the process? they twin
fandom theories about their resurrection? they twin
that was it i love being normal about any interest i have . ever
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