#this reminds me i wanna rewatch beastars
semdere · 5 months
hi sero!!! if you could travel into any anime universe, which one would you like to go to? (you can go back and forth between this world and the anime world but you can't take living creatures with you)
hiiiii!!!! thanks for the ask :3c
imma be real with u i have no clue but ig blue exorcist bc i miss it :')
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thedevilprobs · 4 years
Welcome to me going of on Juno manga spoilers for the whole thing!!!!
After chapter 5 of S2 released with the hella cute dancing scene between Juno and Louis I went to rewatch another one of their scenes together from S1. The scene where Juno pins Louis to the ground (they where about to dance there too btw thought that was a fun thing to point out)
In that S1 scene Juno tells Louis that she intends to be the next beastar and that sentiment of Juno being fit for the title is brought back at the beginning of S2
But in the manga after the wolf room scene it doesn't really come back and after the murder solution arc Yahya is introduced and a different plot starts to build that hints at Legoshi and Louis becoming Beastars together, wich like cool I mean that's the title of the story but why then have Juno as a contestant for two arcs and then drop it? (I mean I know the answer to the question, Paru just really didn't think ahead on anything when writing and sadly the opportunity for Juno to be more that a love interest took the punch)
I hardly think it possible to introduce a beastar Juno arc and keep the lougoshi beastars at the same time, although admittedly the two beastars plot line ended up nowhere so theres an opportunity for the anime to have Juno become the beastar and Legosi and Louis fighting out of personal reasons alone and rejecting the title
There's a bunch of places that could go should the anime deside to take a Juno beastar route in the imaginary S3.
Juno is a very underrated character not only in the story itself but also in the fandom
I'm willing to bet most people forgot all about her wanting the beastar title and her "declaration of war" towards Louis over it. I wrote this little rant mostly just to remind people of this and get that ball rolling lol
Juno is one of my favorite characters and I sincerely hope the anime does her better and hell maybe, if they're willing to stray further off the manga, have her beastar plot line come up if there's ever an S3
Having Juno be a more prevalent part of the story would not only help her character but also Louis's in return, most people me included felt quite disappointed with his arc culminating the way it did (which was mostly coming back to square one but with a wolf fetish and one feet less lmao) and are expectant at the anime changing things up.
I have this personal headcanon of Juno beginning to train under Yahya and becoming the beastar and having a sorta dynamic where Luois goes about with the shishigumi saving people in a kinda vigilante questionable morals sorta way and Juno being the face of the law and threatening to put them in jail but never doing so bcs love and solidarity lol
So ummm yeah this was my little rant on Juno and my opinions about her character and what I hope it becomes in the future and some headcanons and just Juno Juno Juno
I love Juno, I love Louis x Juno
I love the idea of Juno being the beastar
I cant wait to see where S2 and hopefully S3 take all these character arcs
I wanna read your opinions on the matter
thanks to putting up with this wall of text
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twilightvolt · 5 years
Twilight Thoughts (BEASTARS Episodes 1-4 Part I)
Note: I realized this stretched FAR too long altogether, so i decided to break it up into two parts. that way it’s a tad less intimidating to read.
Just know for those who've just found me now that I've never read the manga (although I've known about it since last year), so this is from the perspective of an outsider going in completely blind. While I normally am an anime only dude considering I'm not much of a reader, I DO have plans to read it. But, only AFTER the anime has concluded. I gave my reasons in an earlier post.
Ok, so episode 1 gave me feels I didn't ask for but know I'd welcome anyway cuz I just luv torturing myself with a n g s t .
Episode 2 threw all my expectations out the window and made me question if I was even ready to continue watching this show with that ending.
Episode 3 made me truly invested. (as if I weren't already. lmao)
But episode 4 just now?
....goodness, I don't even know WHAT to think if I'm being honest. I still had to process everything long after.
Hmm....where to begin....I guess I'll just start with things I reacted to in episode 1 and go from there. I'll try to recall as much as I can. Grab the popcorn my dudes, you're in for a long ramble. ^ ^'
Episode 1: The One With the Long Ass Title
- Not even three minutes in and someone already dies. Like, b o i . Sure hope that dude wasn't important. Yeah, it's probably n-
- "When the time comes, I'll tell her how I feel!"
.....why would you do this to me, Itagaki? TT__TT
- Right here was also when I learned what Legoshi was like as a character. He was such a sweet cinnabun that he already made it on my list of good bois. Ngl, he reminded me of an old Digimon OC I created way back in 2016 who was a werewolf with the same sorta personality.
- when I saw Louis (Or as I started calling him, Bambi Senpai), I thought "Ok, he's the popular bishie who's probably gonna be a huge asshat." But later in the episode, I started thinking that might not be the case? I mean in this one, he was grade A jerk material. But there was something there. And I'm not just talking about that scene of him pulling on Legoshi's tie. Lmao
- Why y'all gotta be so mean to Haru? Like god, sometimes high school teen drama like this makes me so.....ugh.
- A mongoose voiced by Bakugou was something I never knew I needed to hear.
Overall, a pretty fun and engaging introduction imo. For something that's supposed to be Slice of Life, at least.
Episode 2: Oh Lord That Ending....
- Legoshi not wanting to get out of bed cuz of being depressed felt relatable, but I also felt bad for him despite not knowing what went down at that moment.
- I also wanna see more of his friends, but considering one of them was 2D and the only friend I know that had a spot in the trailers was Jack, I'm not holding my breath about that.
- Legoshi fighting his instincts in a nutshell:
Tumblr media
I swear I started hearing Who's There and Borderline of Madness from P4 playing during this moment I am not even kidding. Lmao
- Ok, here's where I noticed Louis was actually nicer than I thought. Cuz even though he seemed mad at the goat boy for eating his script instead of reading it, he still helps him get his lines down.
- The cafeteria fight scene was so funny. "You sound stressed! MAYBE YOU SHOULD TAKE A NAP!" XD
- "Ok think, how can I lose in a natural way?" I luv how Legoshi KNOWS he can kick his ass, but tries his best to strategize how to lose in a believable way. Lmao
- More nice guy points for Bambi Senpai. Though, he seems to be curious about Legoshi for some reason.
- I always like rewatching that scene where the anteater guy ditches Legoshi at the Gardening Club. It's hilarious and the poor wolf acts so cute during that. ^ ^
- To my surprise, Haru didn't seem to remember that night. Which was weird, but then I realized when I went back that the subs threw me off and the goat actually said "Senpai!" so she didn't even know it was him.
- Legoshi too lost in his thoughts to pay attention to what's about to happen and overthinking just wanting to talk was such a mood. *sigh* social anxiety sucks.
- ....You know what I'm about to talk about next.
Like, it's the thing that keeps me from properly recommending this show cuz I have to stop randomly and say "Don't be alarmed by the end of episode 2. I swear it doesn't go anywhere the following episode!" After that, they ENDED THE EPISODE THERE. And I was like "....Wait, thAT'S IT? WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" I was both concerned and dying. inside and out. Lmao
- Oh hey, I forgot to talk about the OP and ED sequences! While the ED songs are kinda just ok, their sequences, while very similar, change themes with every episode. This episode was about him and Haru, so it was pretty cute. The OP tho? GOD, I luv Wild Side so much. It's such a bop and I can't wait for them to release the full version. I haven't heard something so jazzy since Wake Up Get Up Get Out There from Persona 5 and I feel like that genre is criminally underused in anime OPs. The sequence itself? SO cute! But also kinda sad cuz it seems to be showing what goes on in Legoshi's mind. He hopes he could get to know Haru and be with her, but it ends with him afraid with a skull and blood everywhere. Almost as if he's thinking "What've I done?" The art direction was really creative too. It reminded me of the stuff you see from Coraline or uhh....Fantastic Mr. Fox? Yeah, that.
Well, i guess that’s that for now. see you guys possibly tomorrow with the second part where i talk about episode 3 and 4!
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