#this scene is my 13th reasons if I ever see it again
bonez-yard · 6 months
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Oh this scene broke me so bad that I can’t even watch just the video alone. The fact that his voice is just so *ugly sobs*
I’m not doing this intentionally until now but another 2 year difference from the last time I drew him!
2023-2021-2019-2017!!! Holy Christ-
Got back into my TMNT roots just for this drawing >:)
Please do not STEAL/COPY/REPOST my art!!!
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roodles03 · 1 year
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Standing up
This is a drawing based on a scene from my fic "The Contentious Match." Not gonna give much away, but basically Boscha was being a bitch and Hunter got fed up.
If you're interested in reading this fic, click here if you're on tumblr or dm me on insta for the link.
Damn, looking at that date on the drawing (4-26-23) really makes me realize how long I worked on that fic. I drew this bascially when the fic was still in its early stages of writing. And now It's been over a month, holy shit.
The reason I waited so long to post this is that I wanted to finish uploading the fic before posting any art I had drawn for it. Mainly because if people were gonna get interested in reading the fic after seeing the drawings, I wanted them to be able to experience the whole fic at once rather than having to wait for it to finish uploading.
Bonus: Background
There were some delays with the final two chapters for some serious reasons, and some not so serious reasons, but I'm glad my favorite fic I've ever written is how finally complete for the world to see. (And that I can finally post the art I've drawn for it.)
Also, phew, its been a hot minute since I posted art. I was waiting to finish uploading TCM before posting any art again. And it got delayed as I said before. As of right now, I literally have enough art stockpiled to post daily until June 13th. (And im sure this will only increase). So we're gonna be back on track for a while. Yay.
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Unpopular Opinion: David Tennant Should Never Have Returned To Doctor Who
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When a teary eyed David Tennant as The Doctor uttered the words “I don’t want to go” in his 2010 generation scene, it was a heartbreaking moment for fans. Saying goodbye to such a universally loved incarnation would be hard, but this was Doctor Who. Change was inevitable, and often, exciting.
So when the BBC announced that Tennant would be returning to the iconic role 15 years on, as part of a series of 60th anniversary specials, I was sceptical. 
It looked like I was the only one though, as the internet erupted with anticipation and jubilation. I, however, thought the 14th Doctor reveal was a huge distraction that disrespected both the outgoing and the incoming actors.
Don’t get me wrong, Tennant is one of my favourite modern Doctor’s. His mid 2000s run as the 10th Doctor was funny, frightening, heartfelt and unforgettable. He had some of the best companions and villains, and some of the smartest and most compelling stories. But all good things come to an end, and now his emotional first exit felt a bit hollow. 
His return really took the shine off Jodie Whittaker’s finale. Yes, her years as the 13th Doctor were responsible for some of the worst Doctor Who storylines in recent memory. But this was hardly her fault, and instead of enjoying her last moments as The Doctor and reflecting on the good bits (the first female Doctor in the show’s history), fans were shouting at their screens for her to hurry up and regenerate so their favourite could return. It was almost like the show was doing a reset and hoping we’d forget about her.
It also meant that the now 15th Doctor (Ncuti Gawta, the first gay, black Doctor in the show’s history) had to wait a little longer to make his debut, which seemed on-the-nose too. 
The BBC were making it crystal clear who they thought their most popular Doctor was. Tennant has had more screen time than any other modern era Doctor, and now he’s the only one still alive and kicking post regeneration across all eras. Haven’t they ever heard of 'jumping the shark' or having too much of a good thing?!
He had four consecutive seasons from 2005-2008, with a fake regeneration at the end of Series 4 that saw him get cloned and live happily ever after with Rose Tyler on parallel earth. From 2008-2010 he travelled sans companion in a series of specials, before reluctantly regenerating into Matt Smith. In 2013, he made an appearance alongside Smith in the 50th anniversary special.
And now in 2023, he’s done three extra episodes alongside Catherine Tate reprising her role as his much loved Series 4 companion Donna Noble. These specials ended with him bi-generating (one Tennant Doctor, one Gatwa Doctor - don’t ask!) and continuing on as The Doctor, complete with his own TARDIS. He will, he says, stay put on earth to let Gatwa go off and have his own adventures. How generous of him! 
Firstly, Tennant’s latest run didn’t feel like a 60th anniversary either. Instead it felt like a very late follow up and conclusion (or even an alternative ending) to Series 4, so the opportunity to include other cameos and celebrate the show’s rich history was lost.
In ‘The Star Beast’, the monstrous Meep really just provided a reason for The Doctor to see Donna again. In ‘Wild Blue Yonder’, The Doctor and Donna fought creepy doppelgängers of themselves (again, talk about self-indulgent!), and in ‘The Giggle’, Neil Patrick Harris’ promising Celestial Toymaker did little more than put on a funny accent and do a funny dance.
Sure, it had some fun and heartfelt moments. I'm glad the DoctorDonna Human-Time Lord metacrisis has been resolved. The Doctor's tender moments with Donna were nice. His two redheaded companions (Donna and Mel) holding his hands as he "regenerated" was touching. Even Tennant and Gatwa's interactions were surprisingly sweet. However, the whole jaunt just felt like an excuse to reunite Tennant and Tate and capitalise on their lingering popularity. Which leads me to my second point… 
No other actor has been able to continue on as The Doctor, so the fact that this is the first exception to the rule shows that the studio is very obviously playing favourites. They are keeping Tennant’s sprightly sneaker wearing, pin stripe suited spaceman up their sleeves to roll out whenever they please. If the ratings plummet, the can bring Tennant back. If the fans want it, they can bring Tennant back. If Tennant wants it, they can bring Tennant back. Does anyone else smell a spin-off?
Thirdly, I don’t buy the idea that The Doctor can be - and wants to be - domesticated at all. Despite everyone telling him that he needs to stop and slow down, he has never once done so. In every incarnation, he/she is an energetic, chaotic and forever on-the-go entity that can’t stand waiting or having to sit idly by.
So, all of a sudden we're expected to believe that he’s going to stay with Donna and her family and just hang out on earth like a regular human? I doubt it. He even said it himself to Rose in Season 2, when trying to justify why he can’t settle down. "You can spend the rest of your life with me. But I can't spend the rest of mine with you." If bi-generation had have happened to Peter Capaldi’s 12th Doctor, I might have accepted it better because he said he wanted to rest. It would’ve made more sense there.
And lastly, but probably most importantly, everyone loves a bit of nostalgia, but bringing beloved characters back from the dead to get ratings up again isn’t a good enough reason. In reality, it just reeks of lazy writing or a lack of creativity, and in turn, a lack of closure. The whole point and poignancy of a show like Doctor Who is that The Doctor must change and move on, as we, the audience, have to move on.
When someone plays The Doctor, they do it for a limited time but they leave a lasting legacy. Having Tennant on standby undermines that. I want the writers to invest in their new actors and have faith in their new adventures instead of having earlier models waiting in the wings.
So for me, the best thing about these three specials and the finale wasn’t that Tennant didn't have to say goodbye this time. It was that Gatwa finally got to say hello...
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stormyoceans · 4 days
ok now imagine what should have been in vv boxset. I hate everyone involved in the decision not to put this boxset on sale!
i mean i haven't rewatched last twilight since it ended, so my memory of the kiss we did get in the last episode is a bit fuzzy, but i do remember it not being one of jimmysea's best, and also that a lot of people were talking about how it looked pretty stilted and not that great. WELL LET ME TELL YOU. if p'aof had kept THIS one??????? no tongue would ever rise against jimmysea and call them bad kissers again because THAT SURE IS A KISS
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capybaraonabicycle · 3 months
Hiya! For the writers truth & dare ask game, I'd love to know about..
🕯️On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? Why is that?
🍄Share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
❄️What's a dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best? (also, which character would be involved)
🌿Give some advice on writer's block and low creativity (or energy⚡if you like)
🏜️What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
🌸Do you have any pets? If you do, post some pictures of them
I'm btw planning on reading more Righting Reflex in the evening, I just really need to get at least one and a half more tasks done today for my portfolio. Sending you much love 💚🦎
Thank you, love!! This is way too long, so I will put it under a 'read more'
🕯️On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? Why is that?
Maybe a 3? Like, I don't hate it but I'm not too fond of it either. I enjoy reading what I have written more often than not and I like putting [GERMAN WORD] or [TBD - WRITE SMTH ABOUT XY] ever so often while writing, but I don't enjoy changing the story afterwards much. I rarely change big things, usually only a scene or two and a few expressions. That said, I have to read every scene like 15 times before posting to scour for errors - and I am certain I am missing so many anyway.
🍄Share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Okay, let's go with fugitive Doctor/River. (Did you expect this by any chance? ;) )
You know this bit:
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[ID: two gifs from The Husbands of River Song of River saying "Do you know who you remind me of? My second wife!". end ID]
People have been speculating that she is talking about 13, which I get, definitely. But I want to argue that it is the superior interpretation that she would be talking about the fugitive Doctor (or another incarnation the Doctor has forgotten about but where would be the fun in that?). For the following reasons:
Vibes. This is the important point. River says 12 reminds her of the wife, so they have to be alike-ish. And I feel like 12 and the fugitive Doctor have a certain similarity in their demeanour. I think a big thing is how they hold themselves upright, actually, but also the whole Danny calling 12 an officer when the fugitive Doctor actually is one. Also the underlying kindness both of them possess and the end-life-crisis. They both lose all of their companions (Clara, Bill and Nardole vs Karvanista, Gat and Lee - one lives on but they can never see them again/forget about them, the other two die (or that's what they believe at least) and it is their fault) and I would argue they both are thinking about not regenerating this time. (I reckon the fugitive Doctor does not have a choice though.)
Loss. See the last point. The Doctor loses everything in fotj. Give her her wife, at least, please. Let River bring her some love and companionship <3 13 loses a lot as well but she's got Yaz. Which also leads us to:
Thasmin. Like, you know, if River had been tangibly in the 13th Doctor's life in any way, thasmin would have kissed. 100%. They didn't, so River didn't marry 13, simple as that.
Timelines. River does not know about more faces of the Doctor and well, 13 is older than 12. Of course, she could lie to her and yes, River gets married a little carelessly, so she might have married some John Smith!13. But if she met the fugitive Doctor - who seems very different from the timelord she knows and has no recollection of the Doctor's life, it would be easy for her to draw the conclusion that the Doctor is just some other person going by that name. And the fugitive Doctor would forget about her, of course. There's also a good possibility, River isn't actually married to the Doctor but to Ruth.
Time, Doctor's side. Honestly, 13 just doesn't have enough time to get married to River. Am I still hoping we will get those two on screen (or audio) together? Of course! But 13 is kinda busy, most of the time we either see her with the fam (who don't know River, see lotsd) or very occupied with stuff (like apocalypses or prison).
So, yeah, headcanon: The fugitive Doctor is River's second wife.
(The first is Cleopatra, right? Like Idk if there is canon confirmation but it feels true.)
❄️What's a dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best? (also, which character would be involved)
Okay, when I read this question, I thought I wouldn't have any idea. But I have. Several. Lets start. Fics I would will into existence if I could:
Full-length Little VVomen.
I know we won't get the movie, but I'll gladly take it as a novel fic. Just for an explanation: Little VVomen is a parody trailer for a crossover of Louisa May Alcott's Little Women and the horror movie VVitch (I assume, I don't actually know VVitch). And it is glorious. Just -
- If it's about a girl, make sure she's married by the end. - Does it have to be to a man?
lives in my head rent free. I want a full story of Jo March saying gay rights, writing spells and sacrificing innocent men, pretty please <3 And I really, really want to know what's up with the Sean!devil.
This is the trailer btw:
Anyone write this please? (If I could choose, I'd ask Sean and Sinead who wrote the trailer, but I fear, I am already stretching the definition of fic here and using the authors of the og trailer probably defeats the purpose of this question.)
2. Strax fairytale!! written by you :)
Strax as a fairytale protagonist is SUCH an inspired idea and I am hoping very much that you will get round to it some day. But I can't really tell you anything about that that you don't know better yourself.
Or, maybe, I can: I have become kinda enarmoured with the 'Strax as the faithful Johannes' idea, I have always adored that tale, mainly for the tragedy and extremely strong friendship theme. Like, it is so clear that the king's most important relationship is his friendship to his servant. The princess is lovely but they barely know each other, yet. And I think there is SO much potential to improve the abduction scene and the ending. So, yeah, I have been turning that around in my head a bit.
But no matter which tale you will pick, if you ever write a fic for him, I am sure I will absolutely love it!
(also, like, I could mention any of the fairytale ideas you have told me about, here)
3. Heather is an integral part of s10 by @marvellouspinecone
You remember that genius powerpoint Pine made, I assume? Wouldn't it be spectacular if someone wrote that as a fic for me to read? I would choose Pine as the author because she understands the vision best, of course. But, like, I am so grateful already that the powerpoint exists for me to read and dream about :)
(Hi, Pine, not sure you want to read the whole post, but you might see the tag. This is not a request, please don't understand it as such, because that would be incredibly impudent on my part. This is just fancy ideas of mine and a praise to your vision <3)
4. Tenteen is played by Jo Martin by DiscipleOfBrad
So, I actually enjoyed the 60th anniversary (at least wild blue yonder, that much very much had a premise of my type of dw ep) but I still believe we could have done better than bringing back dt for the umpteenth time. (Listen, he is lovely, don't get me wrong, and I liked '14' too, but just - )
I have written a post about why I think making the fugitive Doctor's face return would have been a more interesting choice and I would still love to read it as a fic.
I don't really care whether it would be a simple retelling of the three eps with her instead of tenteen or a completely different tale. I WOULD like to see Donna though (because can you imagine?? Also that scene where Donna just acts like she knows the Doctor all of a sudden? When the Doctor doesn't even really know herself but feels like she should?) and if we could spring for some Karvanista on top, that'd be ace <3
I would give this one to DiscipleOfBrad because I trust them to write a convincing fugitive Doctor. I really enjoyed her in The Cul-de-Sac (which btw I can highly recommend if you'd like some soft thasmin and an intriguing premise. There is a heavy side of whouffaldi, though, I'm not sure whether that is your thing?).
🌿Give some advice on writer's block and low creativity (or energy⚡if you like)
I feel like it always helps me to get myself into a 'I can't do anything else now anyway' situation? That's why trainrides are so good for writing. I just need to be in a situation where I can't take care of more pressing matters, so it won't feel overwhelming if I don't take care of them?
Like, I will rather scroll tumblr than work on my thesis but I won't write. But if I am away from wifi, I might not be able to work on the thesis anyway, so I will easier find the peace of mind (and hence energy and creativity) to write?
Idk maybe that's just me. Maybe it's not working at all either. Honestly, I don't quite know where energy, creativity or motivation to write come from. They just knock and then they're there.
🏜️What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Well, obviously, I adore long comments, who doesn't? But just saying 'long' feels both greedy and like cheating, so let's talk content.
I think, what excites me most in a comment is when I can sense the enthousiasm? It doesn't necessarily have to be for the content of my fic, I had someone write 'YOU MADE A CROSSOVER FOR THESE TWO FANDOMS?? THEY'RE MY FAVOURITE!!" and it made me smile for a day. Just, I write those things because I love the characters and themes and if someone shows that they share this passion? That's community, that's what we're searching for, isn't it?
But also I got a comment today that was just a bunch of predictions about the next chapter of my current fic and that felt amazing! Generally, when people notice things or I feel they have been paying attention, that is SO GOOD. That's probably also why we love long comments. I mean, generally, every second you spend reading the comment is gold, so the longer the comment the more seconds there are, but also a long comment will usually go into detail. Make predictions. Notice things. Talk about how they perceive the characters and why something made sense/surprised them. Quote your fic back to you. And like, all of that is so much fun. It's like reading your story again, remembering why you wrote it. It's the best feeling in the world.
I very dearly love comments.
🌸Do you have any pets? If you do, post some pictures of them
I don't 😭 The place where I live doesn't allow pets and besides, I am away a lot and not planning on staying in this town much longer anyway. So, yeah, it'd be difficult to have a pet. I really, really want to though. Preferably a cat but I'd be so happy with a dog as well. Or a turtle? Or bunny? Or a lizard? I think you could make me happy with almost any mammal and many types of reptiles <3 (not much into insects or fish though. And I feel weird about birds in cages.)
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awoken-artist · 10 months
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{Finished in Feb 13th 2023}
🌈✧{Please Do Not Steal, Trace, use my Art in AI and NFTs and Repost/Resubmit my Works. Thank You.}✧🌈
I wanted to draw out a scene I had in mind forever...I did drew ONE art of Ed and Em [and its in the comic strip. of them starring realizing how close they are] and i sat there thinking of make a quick sketchy doodly comic strip of this.
So- Yeah for context and updates on my ocxcanon pair - Ed and Emmy is that when the two met they never got along and would fight and make snarky comments to eachother and Alphonse being the middle man of the two. voice of reason. so not sure exactly where in the timeline [cause I also will draw art for 2003 series too and 2003 and brotherhood have very different directions BUT the scene of this would be the same.] so this would have to be around where the two of them still fight but not as..often but still was like "great theyre fighting again" kind of thing for Al. So Im gonna guess cause this is a bit of a work in progress where they had a mission, they both kind of dun goofed a bit [but manage to complete it] and they both started to have a fight that started with the comments then to straight out fighting with alchemy in an alley way for some reason. the two started fighting and they were - not minding it cause the two are being too cocky about it.  Emmy takes a step where she causes herself to trip and wasnt expecting this to happen cause shes really great with her footing but today was NOT her day.... So ed tries to catch her, he gets pulled to her as their foreheads SMACKED against eachother pretty hard [but not hard enough it causes them to knock out or such] and they rolled to the end of the alley way. emmy lands with her back as Ed was somewhat on top-ish as they didnt realize what position they were both in cause- they quickly are just trying to recover from the head smack headache and started bickering again- and slowly realize "....oh shit"  they both massively blushed realizing the position they were in as they were just too stunned to continue the fight and they just were very awkward with eachother a bit. Roy happened to be around [they were not far from Central HQ tbh] so Roy sees Al just- stare at the Alley so of course he and Riza went to see wtf is going on and....yeah sees that. Wondering tf they are doing. Ed and Emmy QUICKLY panicked while their faces were red as fire as they both adjust themselves and try to walk away from the whole situation and boy the rest of that day to a week..or two...Edward and Emmy were very awkward and flustered and that memory never left. [not even further into the story it still REMAINED] and its where the start of the crush happens with both of them. Emmy couldnt help remember it as her heart was pounding and racing very much. Winry already can tell shes crushing SO HARD on Edward. Edward [while I havent drawn it here] is probably so frustrated and doesnt know why hes feeling off. he never had a crush on anyone and never blushed this hard ever and Alphonse thought it was kind of cute Ed is getting super flustered anytime he and emmy are in the same room together. Al and Winry being the wingman here for both.  they do eventually not get so awkward with eachother but theres times they do and sometimes hints of maybe theyre kind of realizing they like eachother that much.  Also wanna point out [and I wanna sketch it] where Ed kind of corners her somewhat and they fought and they got into the same position somehow. [thinking Emmy was being super stubborn, Ed corners her to the wall as Emmy gets too flustered she falls slowly down to the floor all very flushed in the face and Ed gets down to her level and just both of them being awkward dorks. [and I think its where the confession comes in.] still got plans for more FMA works just need to do some tweaking and such :3
✧ Artwork and FMA OC Emmy Rosenthal © by: @awoken-artist
✧  Fullmetal Alchemist and Characters Edward and Aphonse Elric, Roy Mustang and Winry Rockbell owned by:
Hiromu Arakawa
​✧ Programs Used: Clip Studio Paint EX
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Favourite Only Friends character (Part 1)
Hello besties it's time for another fucked-up character worshipping :
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Let's dive deep into Sand
Stoic :
Sand is very emotionally matured and to a degree, stoic. His life is a tough one but he is accepting about it and goes with the flow. Whatever life throws at him, be it sad, unpredictable, awkward or whatever, he handles it lightly and looks good doing it.
Him after a failed kissing session with his roommate :
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He treads very lightly on life and doesn't take most things seriously. He is maintains an air of detachment in his relationships, which i found fascinating. Literally told Ray he DGAF even if ray doesn't choose him, he'll just move on.
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He never asks/begs for/forces anything, not even when he confessed to Ray, not even his jeans over his ass cz his figure is fit and slender asf i want first's gangly body on me so bad
Like here he is literally talking about his failed love life and the shitty feeling of being a rebound/option. When nick wonders if it's hormones making them attracted to shit people like Boston and Ray... Sand says it's not hormones and they're just masochists,like a matter of fact, and laughs at it, idgaf king.
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Sarcastic :
Sand is a sarcastic lil bitch and his comebacks always crack me tf up like babygirl is 100% sarcasm
Of course i cant finish this without mentioning my most favorite Savage Sand line this would be my 13th reason if i was top
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Ei :
Sand is very emotionally intelligent and has great control over his emotions. He is also very in tune with other people's emotions as well.
Ray physically and mentally hurt him before the accident but he still went after ray to make sure he didnt die on the side of a street. This is the incident that made me a Sand stan™. Here's an amazing insight on that scene
It's really for Sand that ray was alive, which again points to just how emotionally intelligent Sand is. He later resolved his issues with Ray, and some people call him spineless but before the accident scene, he knew when not to prioritize his feelings.
Another thing i noticed is that Sand is usually outspoken and sarcastic as fuck but whenever he is in a serious fight, Sand kind of shuts tf up and holds back as much as he can while Ray pops the fuck off. This is again a point of how emotionally intelligent Sand actually is because he holds himself back and doesn't escalate the fights.
Outspoken :
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Sand isn't afraid to ask for what he wants and assert boundaries in the relationship. Although his feelings were messing with his head (he kept forgiving Ray for everything), but he was always vocal about Ray's shitty behavior towards him which was refreshing. He asserted his boundaries very clearly every single time.
Tough :
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tough as fuck.
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cirrus-grey · 1 month
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @magnetarmadda; thank you!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
252, of which a full 227 are TMA
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Recently? TMA/TMagP, Discworld, and Good Omens. I'll jump into anything that gives me plot bunnies though, and there's been quite a few different ones over the years!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Yesterday is Here
Déjà Vu
Misfiled and Misinformed
Against All Probability
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always! I try to clear my inbox weekly and/or before I post a new fic, though I'm falling a bit behind right now with JonMartinWeek.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, probably Wedding Blues - it's a bad-ending Lonely!Martin fic
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
So, I write a lot of happy endings and I'm not sure how to rank them. Probably either Yesterday is Here again, or the Castaways series.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I think I've only ever gotten one hate comment? So no, not really.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I... try? I'm not very good at it and it takes absolute ages. It's been described as "very polite" smut, though I'm attempting to get a little raunchier with it as I get more practice.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yeah, I've written a couple! The craziest is probably the first one I did, a Good Omens/Skulduggery Pleasant crossover that I'm still quite fond of.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yep, Unsent and Courage in the Dark have both been translated into Russian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I don't know if I can give just one, honestly. For different reasons, both JonMartin (TMA) and Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens, primarily book not show).
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
This is a throwback but I still have notes for an epic, multi-part, 100k Gracious/Donegan origin story fic from back in my Skulduggery Pleasant days. I wasn't a good enough writer back then to finish something that ambitious and I doubt I'll ever get invested enough in the fandom again to go back to it... but it still lives on in my daydreams.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmm... I'm good at conveying character emotions in a scene, and with pacing a story to make sure each new development or twist lands the way I want it to. I like to think I've got a knack for making dialogue sound in-character as well, even if I've put the characters in a situation that their canon selves would never be in.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes. Balancing conversations between more than two people without having some of them drop off or dominate the scene. Keeping track of large casts of characters in general - I've written so many 2-person romances, I just don't have practice with larger groups.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I love it when other people do, but it's not something I've attempted myself. I'm only fluent in English and I'd worry that I'd written something completely inaccurate if I had to rely on google translate or similar.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Good Omens! (Book)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh, do not ask me that, I beg of you. There are about a hundred fics I've written that could all qualify, depending on the day and what mood I'm in.
...I'll say Vous, et nul autre, for now, because I'm really proud of how that one turned out and the fact that I finished it at all - it's one of those that I had the idea for years before I was good enough to write it, and I really like being able to look at it now and see how far I've come.
Tagging... @my-lonely-angel, @fridayyy-13th, @grahamfolgersdeliciousnotebooks - only if y'all want to!
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 months
Now these are all random thoughts with no order, but I still need to get them out of my system (and my notes lol)
David's thoughts not appearing and him not having a POV makes me so fucking nervous, because the last time it happened it turned out to be the saddest shit ever 😭
WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN ARCAID ARE NOT A CANON EVENT???? AND THEY AREN'T TOGETHER IN IALS??? My mind refuses to accept that😤. Also the fact that Arthur said “We’re destined to be together, Kincaid.”, and they are the couple that is not canon is my 13th reason 🙂
The song rec in Lance's chapter being She by Dodie??? Haven't recovered yet, thanks :)
I remember Arthur saying in IALS that "You were bigger than the whole sky" was his favorite song from the midnights album and now I'm feeling Arcaid feels not in a good way😭😭
Everyone in this gen is a whore and I say good for them!! Theia literally using her travel year to go see Lance, Joan thirsting over Régine, Iris and Hermes, Arthur and Kincaid (both self explanatory), and don't get me started on Cami! I am proud of them😌
I'm still curious about what happened to David's book. I mean, I know it wasn't published, and Max was angry at Rafael about it, but what bullshit excuse did they used???
Rafael and Max's relationship 🥺🥺. Rafael being scared for Max, and Max wanting to protect his family and everything just going to shit because of the Clave... They better fix this relationship or I'm throwing hands!
You should listen to "Fuiste tú" by Ricardo Arjona and "El triste" by José José. They give me IALS vibes. Funny thing is that those two are really famous in my country, and I've heard them a thousand times, but just recently I paid attention and I am heartbroken 🥰
I have a theory Max won't become Other Max after seeing all the damage it created. Like, seeing the consequences, and telling David he can't do it but feeling bad about it. Still not sure because that whore is capable of anything
And I have ANOTHER theory that David will die soon. Like, in a battle or in between the fight with Idris and that's why Max invented time travel. Because he never got to grow old (?) with him. But maybe that would also mean Lance activating the prophecy for him... Besides, Other Max said he took 720 years to figure it out, but he didn't said what year he is from... Idk, maybe it could be because you didn't want to do math but I don't trust you anymore😑
I love Rafael, Anjali and Cami but omfg they NEED TO CHIILL!!! I feel they would judge me so hard LMAO. I am that girl who's motto is "if tomorrow isn't the due date, today isn't the do date". And I procrastinate so much but the worst part is I know I can pull it off because I have done entire projects 20 minutes before they're due and I've gotten 10s, and studying for exams with time?? Nah, I like to study with someone's study cards 10 minutes before the exam AND I also pull that off so yeah... I love Cami but she would probably dislike me 😂
Every time I remember Other Max waited 720 years to see David again, I remember this scene of IALS and feel 80% worse 🥲 “Alec hasn’t spoken to me for two days and I already feel like I’m decaying,” bapak told him. “Decaying?” Max made a face. “Like a corpse?” The man clutched his face. “13 years, Max. 13 bloody years. How on earth did you manage that?”
I would sell a kidney to know why tf Other Max does the shit he does sigh
I'm really curious about the changes from Other Max's timeline and this because of the White Warlock thing Max has going on. Like, we've cleared that the money did have an impact on it, so not only does it affect keeping the institute, I guess it would affect Lance and AJ going to different schools, maybe Arthur not meeting Harry?
Arcaid are together (briefly) in IALS but they don't end up together rip.
She by Dodie is funnily enough a song that perfectly fits Lance and Kincaid - more reasons why they are alike!!!
We'll find out about David's book soon (I think).
Thank you thank you for your song recs. I love them. I haven't been the same since you recced me Tú sí sabes quererme. It's one of my fave songs ever - and so very blackbane too.
And yes, everything is literally because I don't wanna do math. DO NOT MAKE ME.
I guess we'll find out what Other Max does and why he does it when he return to the Other Timeline during the interlude.
And yes, it does affect the schools they go to. For instance, Arthur and Harry meet in a public school instead of Silverstone. You actually get a lil context about this in the next chapter :)
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watching-pictures-move · 10 months
Movie Review | Terrifier 2 (Leone, 2022)
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I was not a fan of the first movie, whose cruelty I found a bit much to take despite thinking it was competent enough as far as modern slashers go, but I decided to give this a look given the fairly ecstatic reactions from my Letterboxd circle. And having seen it, I'm ready to throw my hands up in the air and admit that I don't get it. I found this overlong and lacking in any real grace notes, and as a result it might be my least favourite thing I've sat through in quite some time.
I see a lot of reviews praising it for its ambition, but is that just the runtime? Having a two and a half hour slasher seems maddening in concept (ninety minutes is the perfect runtime for these things), but I'm not sure the movie ever uses this runtime to its benefit. For all the narrative ideas here, none of them feel expansive or divorced enough from the movie's influences to have much novelty. There's no added scope to full up that runtime. Just more of the same. Just endless scenes of Art the Clown doing some insufferable epic mugging before brutally murdering and mutilating his victims in agonizing detail. (The mugging isn't just limited to Art; there's a pretty excruciating dream sequence as well.) While I generally think watching movies at faster speeds is idiotic, this is one case where I can sympathize with the impulse, as this feels like a ninety minute movie playing in slow motion.
In theory I'm the target audience for this, as I love violent horror movies and likely enjoy a lot of the same movies the filmmakers do. But with every gore gag, while I suspect most viewers might be impressed with the audacity of the bodily destruction being depicted, I found myself muttering "Seems a little excessive." So I found myself feeling disconnected from the majority of horror fans, as what appeals to me about splatter movies is less the extremity of the splatter itself but the way the splatter is delivered. The elaborate colour schemes and camera moves of Dario Argento, or the way Lucio Fulci will set up a thick fog of dread and pierce through it with a scene of horrific violence so that it carries a sledgehammer impact. I can't fault the quality of the special effects here, which depict acts of mutilation and dismemberment that stretch the physical possibilities of what can be done to the human body. But the presentation of these scenes is monotonous, Art mugging for endless minutes, taking apart his victims' bodies, all shot in uninspired compositions and a hideous colour scheme. (I found this movie extremely unpleasant to look at for different reasons than the filmmakers intended.) Perhaps if the movie brought a viewpoint to this violence other than "check out how cool this looks!" I might have gotten something more out of it, but especially at this runtime, I found the effect numbing more than anything else.
As for Art, I found him an effective villain in the first one, but after this, I'd be happy to never look at his stupid fucking face ever again. In the shorter runtime, I found him creepy enough, but here, I think it becomes clear how manufactured a presence he is, something too obviously designed to really unsettle. There's a found quality to some of the creepiest slasher villains, something tossed off, simple enough to be both plausible and needle into your subconscious. Look at Michael Myers with his William Shatner mask or Jason in the second Friday the 13th with his potato sack. Total blank slates. Body language defined purely by their capacity for murder. Look at Freddie Krueger in the original Nightmare on Elm Street and the way he feels like a collection of disconnected horrific sensations. Then compare them to Art the Clown and his overly detailed makeup and costuming, his elaborate physical gestures. I know which one I find creepier.
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critical-chris · 1 year
Scream VI (2023)
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Guess who's back, back again.
Ghostface's back, call a friend.
The iconic, and my personal favorite, slasher franchise returns to the big screen in the shortest turnaround between films since the original Scream and Scream 2. Breaking the recent trend of taking a decade break between installments, Scream IV arrives just thirteen months after Scream (2022) AKA Scream 5. Sight unseen I would have petitioned to title this time out Ghostface Takes Manhattan, but for some reason Hollywood hasn't started taking my calls.
The original Scream released in 1996 was the first true horror film I saw, with all of the lights out next to my father on our attached recliners in rural South Carolina. I was in high school, and never had the desire beforehand to dive into scary movies. When I was younger, even trailers for horror movies in the theaters would give me nightmares, and I had maxed out with thrillers for years. However, I had heard so much about Scream and it being a meta-horror with dark comedy and one that was lighter on the brutality than similar franchises like Friday the 13th and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. So I figured I would give it a shot to see if I really could handle horror, and it has been off to the races ever since.
In fact, just in the past two years I have caught up on nearly a hundred horror movies I missed when I was younger, vowing to see every classic and even the unheralded cult icons. One of my future blogs may be dedicated to the scores of horror I indulged in as part of a pretty cool scratch-off poster I bought from Pop Charts (linked here) to keep myself honest. Even after all of those being checked off my watchlist, Scream remains as my all-time favorite.
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Our long-running heroine of the series is Sydney Prescott, portrayed by Neve Campbell, and boy has she been through a lot of shit.
First, we hear Sydney's mother was killed a year before we meet her, and her friends and community of Woodsboro begin to get the sharp end of the blade of a masked serial killer Ghostface. In the climax, we learn that her boyfriend Billy Loomis and his friend Stu have been responsible for the killings. Billy wants to get back at the Prescott family since Sydney's mother had an affair with Billy's father, which led to his parents' divorce. Stu is just a psycho. With the help of her friend Randy, Sheriff Dewey Riley, and local investigative journalist Gale Weathers, Sydney turns the tables on the killers and whack Billy and Stu.
Sure, on paper Scream is just a slasher movie, but the real notoriety the series carries is its perfect commentary and skewering of horror movies, especially slashers, that came before. Jamie Kennedy's whole role as Randy is to advise the group of the tropes and pitfalls of horror movie characters so the teens can avoid getting butchered. The film is full of classic scenes, including Drew Barrymore in the cold open, Randy screaming at Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween to turn around to see Michael Myers while he himself is being stalked by Ghostface, and plenty of quotable lines (LIVER alone!).
Scream 2 picks up with Sydney attending college alongside other survivor Randy, and in my opinion is just a hair below the original in kills, humor, and twists. Scream 3 is a snooze-fest and the worst of the series by far, where the filming of a movie called 'Stab' is taking place based on Sydney's experience in Woodsboro. This is the one where the killer is revealed to be Sydney's long lost brother in the most who gives a shit reveal. Scream 4 takes place 10 years later, and recaptures what I found to be the best parts of the first two films.
At this point, I thought the franchise was dead and over, and I was happy for it to have ended on such a strong note as Scream 4. I especially thought it was a fitting end when the creator of the franchise and director over each installment Wes Craven passed away sadly in 2015. He had created and directed other iconic horror movie films like A Nightmare on Elm Street.
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However, Scream 5 was announced to be released 25 years later to the month from it's inspiring original. When I heard the announcement, I was extremely upset and skeptical about the movie. Why should I trust an installment in a beloved franchise directed by anyone besides the creator? And with the cash grabs coming from Hollywood by way of unnecessary sequels, why can't they just let this one alone?
I can admit when I am wrong, and I was wrong about being skeptical of Scream 5. I thought it was a worthy sequel, paid respect to the characters and movies that came before, and kept the commentary of modern horror sharp and relevant. I even liked the newly casted heroines in the film, played by Jenna Ortega and Melissa Barrera. Although I'm getting a little sick of seeing Jenna Ortega everywhere already. **SPOILER** It was sad to see Dewey die, but I understood the reasoning and why they did it per the Requel rules covered by newcomer character Mindy Meeks-Martin (a descendant of Randy's family).
The connection of Sam Carpenter being Billy Loomis' illegitimate child and channeling his psycho-powers for her to turn the tables on her own Ghostface was batshit crazy, but I loved it.
Despite really enjoying the 5th installment in the Scream series, I was hesitant once again when they announced a sequel would be released a year later, and this time taking place in the Big Apple. I immediately was reminded of the TERRIBLE horror movie sequel to take place in New York City- Jason Takes Manhattan. But you know I still had to buy a ticket and sit down to indulge in another offering that asks, what's your favorite scary movie?
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And finally, we arrive at the sixth installment in the self-described slasher franchise Scream VI.
The movie opens up on Samara Weaving sitting in a hip New York City bar, who is waiting for and texting with a dating app match. Her match mentions he is lost trying to find the bar and asks if he can call her. The voice on the other end of the phone is NOT the Ghostface voice we've come to love, but instead is just a regular guy's voice who eventually asks her to come outside so he can determine if he is on the correct street.
Weaving ventures further and further outside the bar looking for her match when she is led to walk into a nearby alley (dumb dumb), and her match's voice changes from the slight British accent to the menacing Ghostface effect. Ghostface pops out, stab stab stab, and then pulls off his mask to reveal new character Jason (Tony Revolori)????? That's a first, and at this moment I didn't know what to think about this movie breaking tradition of never seeing the killer until the climax. He trashes the costume in a nearby dumpster, keeps the mask, and heads back to his apartment, momentarily bumping into the movie's heroine Tara Carpenter before she heads off to a party.
Once Revolori gets back to his apartment, he gets a call from his friend Greg who he is planning Ghostface murders with, who asks him to describe how alive he felt murdering Samara Weaving. "Greg" speaks in the Ghostface voice and lures Revolori to eventually open the fridge where he finds the dismembered body of actual Greg. The Ghostface we'll be seeing the rest of the movie jumps out and kills Revolori.
Not a bad kind of double opening to the film, and it was tense in the moments that Jason is taken around his apartment by the killer playing the Warmer/Colder game. Nothing will ever top the opening sequence in the original film, but I give credit for these movies never phoning it in (pun very much intended) on the introductions.
We are then reintroduced to our surviving cast from the previous film, which initiated my frustrations with this movie. Of course you have Tara and Sam Carpenter as the returning heroines, but then we have Mindy and Chad Meeks-Martin coming back after being severely stabbed and left for dead at the house party in the finale of Scream 5. This trend comes up again multiple times in this movie, and I really hate it when horror films cheapen the 'kills' by just having everyone's favorite characters end up surviving. It removes the stakes, takes away any tension or fear we have that our beloved leads may be murdered, and makes the whole thing rather pointless.
We'll get to all that again. However, in this re-introduction to what they dub the 'Core 4' - Tara, Sam, Chad, and Mindy - we see that Sam is dealing with her issues with a counselor, who immediately drops her and threatens to call the cops when she says she kinda enjoyed pin-cushioning the killer Richie in Scream 5, and Tara is dealing with it by drinking. They then force an out of nowhere romantic tension between Tara and Chad which feels so creepy and dumb that I rolled my eyes both times they try and pass it off in the runtime.
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Anyways, Tara lives with Sam while she goes to college with their new roommate character Quinn Bailey, and the whole group has a new friend Ethan Landry who seems like a geeky innocent addition. Mindy will then hammer you over the head for the next two hours on how he seems too nice to actually be innocent of any of the Ghostface killings. There is also a neighbor across the hall that Sam seemingly has a crush on, and then reveals is having a secret affair with that she hides from the rest of the cast. Sam is overbearing for Tara who just wants to have a good time.
And there's the setup- phone calls begin, stabby stabby, strap in for another edition of Scream where we try to figure out who the killer(s) is.
Let us start with the positive for Scream 6. First, this is by far the goriest and most brutal movie in the series as far as the kills go. The twisting of the knife in the gut, Anika falling to her death and banging her face on the dumpster, Greg's dismembered body in the fridge, etc. are all the most gruesome murders we've seen in the franchise. And I ain't mad at it, as it makes each sequential death that much more powerful and painful to watch and makes you fear for whoever is next.
I also enjoyed seeing Hayden Panetierre reprise her role as Kirby from Scream 4. Although I found the idea that she is/was an FBI agent to be ridiculous and just a convenient plot point, it was still nice to see a legacy character besides Sydney or Gale make an appearance. Otherwise, she doesn't make that much of an impact in this movie.
Now, let's get to my gripes, of which I have MANY but will cover the two main ones.
The Killers
I don't know about you (who I'm assuming is a Scream fan if you've stuck with this franchise for 6 films), but part of what I love in these movies is trying to guess who the killer will be and still be somewhat surprised at the ending. I won't lie, there is one aspect of the ending of Scream 6 that I didn't see coming, but it's also a cheat and nothing you could have suspected anyways.
Due to the amount of times Ghostface mentions his plan to punish Sam for her past deeds and expose her as a killer, I knew whoever was the murderer in these movies was related to the killer in Scream 5 - Richie Kirsch. Then it hit me. When Quinn seemingly gets butchered, her father who is a police officer comes out and offhand mentions how he can't believe both of his kids are gone now. It clicked for me immediately, his son was Richie and he is at least one of what I assumed would be multiple killers. Then I knew if there was a second killer it would be someone else in their family unit.
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Then, when it is revealed that is exactly what is going on, I was pretty disappointed and underwhelmed. The only thing I didn't see coming was that Quinn didn't actually get killed and the cop swapped out her body for another when they faked her death. Pretty stupid in my opinion, and cheated the mystery out as much as Glass Onion (which I severely disliked). Cool that this is the first movie to have 3 killers instead of the classic 2, but something I found wasted on the laziness of the plot.
I have to mention at this point that I really do like Dermot Mulroney, and found him to be a good addition when he played the dutiful cop assisting the Carpenters in finding their stalker. HOWEVER, when he makes the turn to psychopathic killer, it is an embarrassing and frankly ridiculous performance. I have to assume the production kept a stockpile of eye drops on set since his peepers bug out of his head while he dances around revealing his master plan for minutes on end.
Mindy also calls out Ethan as the probable killer to an exhaustive extreme throughout that when it turns out he is one of the vengeful family members, I have a hard time believing you're actually shocked or care.
2. The Lack of Stakes
My gripe in the beginning of the film in seeing, specifically, Chad return after being what we all assumed was fatally stabbed in Scream 5 happens so many times in this movie that I can't understand why the filmmakers expect us to get any tension out of these new sequels.
Starting with Gale Weathers. Gale is stabbed multiple times in her apartment before eventually being found by Sam and Tara, but your sorrow in seeing a beloved character die is immediately dispelled when an EMT announces that she still has a pulse and she's saved. Alright, then why even have her get brutally stabbed?
Then, we move to Chad AGAIN! When the remaining survivors try to draw in the killer to the shrine/movie theater Gale discovered earlier in the movie, Chad gets stabbed several times in the chest and stomach by two killers at the same time. Go fuck yourself if you think that I buy him living through that, and why can we not have one person who returns get killed? They mention earlier in the film that one of the rules of a franchise is everyone is fair game to be murdered, and then nobody actually gets killed? BOOOOO, THAT'S WHAT WE'RE HERE FOR.
Look, I can't say this film isn't entertaining as it keeps the pace up, the kills coming, and the New York set pieces bloody. However, if I'm ranking it in the catalogue I only enjoy this time out more than the abomination that is Scream 3, because it introduces nothing new besides more gore, has the most predictable outcome of all the predecessors, and cheapens the kills to a ridiculous degree. Sure, I'm going to buy it when it gets released since I own the rest, but I imagine it's going to collect some dust over the years.
Scream VI - 6.0/10
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Some thoughts on Friday the 13th 2009
Guess that title will do or so. I was joking with @lovezdarestevez4ever about something and got distracted from not making this. This isn’t really a review. But some points from me on how I feel about the film.
I don’t really hate the 2009 reimagining of the series. And that’s due to a couple of reasons.
1. It’s literally the same as the earlier films. Compared to something like Halloween 2007 or Elm Street 2010, I don’t know. It’s more like the fact it feels like it’s part of the same series despite some things that separate it. It almost feels like a “Legacy” sequel but it’s not. 
It’s technically akin to something like Batman 1989 where the origin isn’t a full focal point. But it strangely leads into something. Weird comparison, it’s more like, “Let’s kind of skip the origin and just show it really quick” kind of shit.
2. The idea to use elements from the first four films is actually a fucking genius idea. Because you’re practically blending in what are basically considered possibly the best films or so and combine into one story without having to make more than one film.
Even though I genuinely wouldn’t mind a legitimate remake of the first film. But I keep thinking general audiences just want to see Jason.
3. The portrayal of Jason is still my favorite of all the actors. Even though I like them all. But Derek Mears is the kind of Jason I love. And honestly, I see this as a Jason film mainly because of the number of times he shows up. 
4. Trent’s entire character. This may sound strange, but holy crap. Even though he’s not a favorite of mine. But he’s such a cartoonish douchebag that it downright amuses me with his fucking dialogue being so insane. That you’re in shock with how fucking douchey he is because Travis Van Winkle plays him so well. He’s strangely meme material.
WeWatchedAMovie’s review of the film where they talk about Trent, they explain it perfectly in the most humorous way. And there’s a scene and from that review, I hear that Michael Bay himself walked out halfway through the movie because there was...too many tities. I question this, like, did he actually say that somewhere?
5. I will admit, I actually like the score from Steve Jablonsky. Even if I still prefer Harry Manfredini’s scores.
Now on to the more negative stuff that...brings the film down.
1. The fact it’s the same as the earlier films...it’s kind of nothing special. Yet it’s special in a way where I don’t feel bothered by it like Halloween 2007 or Elm Street 2010. But the fact it’s kind of...somewhat nothing special brings it down. And this goes into the next thing I want to talk about.
2. The idea to use elements from the first four films is still genius. But the way the writers did it just wasn’t for me. The best way I could describe the film is how my good buddy @lovezdarestevez4ever​ said in her review of the film.
The film is practically a “CliffNotes” version of Friday the 13th from writers who watched the older films without paying attention to why certain elements worked. And honestly, considering I have a little problem with the writers...I agree. This is her review right here. https://at.tumblr.com/lovezdarestevez4ever/i-watched-friday-the-13th-2009-and-it-was/opxnm29hwwis
Because to me, the elements don’t blend naturally. Or they don’t use these elements in a more meaningful way. You know how like in comic book films they take elements from different stories and try to blend them in the best story possible to adapt? It’s a weird comparison. It’s just I think if Filmento ever did a video on Friday the 13th 2009, and I have thought about this before. He would point out stuff that feels like it wasn’t thought more about or whatever.
I again, think blending in those elements is a cool idea because in a strange way. I could see the first three films as a 277-minute-long film. I actually used my computer’s calculator to look that shit up. Yet this likely counts the beginning and end credits for all three films.
The point being is that considering this was directed by the guy who directed the 2003 Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake. I feel like they could’ve done more with those elements and did something new with them or build upon them. I strangely wished that the write for that remake came back for this instead of the writers from Freddy vs Jason. But that depends on what Scott Kosar would’ve done, or maybe another writer.
I do appreciate the decision to go back to the “Grittier” route of the earlier FT13th films. That was something needed after the last few films.
3. And the characters, and listen, I get a lot of FT13th characters aren’t much to write home about. But I agree with my friend that they are more like...parodies in a sense. Where in the originals, the characters seem more casual despite a lot being service level. And while I think Clay is one of the better protagonists of the series, the other characters are hit and miss. Despite a lot of them get a lot of brutal kills as usual.
There’s also the fact the storyline with Jason and Whitney couldn’t been dealt with so much better. Because that is something I REALLY like, but it’s not built upon more or something.
I should just finish the post. The 2009 reboot is basically a modernized version of part 3, but without the 3D. And you get elements from parts 1, 2, and 4. It seems weird that I use part 3 as an example. Mainly because part 3 feels like the most “Random” or “Disconnected” because NO ONE besides Chris knows of Jason in that film. And they never say his name.
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amplesalty · 7 months
Halloween 2023 - Day 5 - Freddy vs Jason (2003)
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Voices in the air I hear 'em loud and clear Telling me to listen...
OK, so I know I've been slacking this year so far but it's Friday the 13th and I sure as hell wasn't going to miss this. I've been building up to it since last year after all and, whilst I might not have documented it on here, I capped off the original run of Friday the 13th movies with Jason X back in January. Having the done the same with New Nightmare last year, all that's left (aside from the reboots) is this, the ultimate showdown…Freddy vs Jason. Given that I wasn't into horror back when this came out, it wasn't really on my radar so I don't recall any of the build up around it or how much anticipation there was from the general public but I can't imagine anything other than this being one of the biggest events of the year. It's Freddy vs Jason, man! You don't even need a trailer at that point, that name will sell you on the movie more than any sneak peek at moments from the film ever could. It harkens back to those school yard debates about who would win in a fight or the golden age of 'versus' movies in horror like Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man or the House of… films.
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Right out of the gate we find out that Freddy has been banished to Hell but is unable to come back to wreak havoc upon the next generation of Elm Street kids because he's been forgotten. No one even knows who Freddy is anymore and if's not remembered, there's no fear. No fear, no powers. But luckily there's someone else down there that he thinks he can use…Jason Vorhees. Jason can never truly die and is just buried somewhere, suddenly given fresh impetus to rise up when he sees visions of his Mother demanding his go take care of those naughty kids down on Elm St. Sadly, the role of Mrs Vorhees is not reprised by Betsy Palmer but Paula Shaw does a good job as this angry, Freddy-inspired version as she berates Jason. Given the name of the movie, we all know this alliance isn't going to last forever but I really love this idea. It brings this whole extra layer of danger to proceedings, this dual threat of being targeted in your sleep as well as when you're awake. Plus it gives a plausible reason to allow Freddy a route back into the dreams of his victims and it adds this extra edge to him. He's not just this violent killer, he's manipulating Jason for his own nefarious needs. It helps play in to this odd sense of sympathy the movie seems to be trying to elicit for Jason. He's being used here, there's a flashback to his mistreatment by the other kids and councilors back at Crystal Lake and he's often taking a beating during the later fight scenes with Freddy. Kinda weird to think of Jason as the good guy in any situation but when the guy is a half melted nonce with Wolverine claws, Jason is the lesser of two evils.
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We soon meet said Elm St kids and amongst them, for some reason, is Kelly Rowland. I guess I never had her pegged as an actress. It's funny because I've been looking at a Japanese movie called Kairo recently which was then remade in America as Pulse which starred Christina Milian. Again, AM to PM is a banger but I didn't realise she did acting too so I guess having that on my mind made this Kelly Rowland appearance catch me even more off guard. She's fine here though, the role is just standard slasher movie fare as the friend of the final girl who doesn't quite make it through the whole show so there's not much you can do with that. Her character does refer to Freddy as a 'faggot' at one point which is a bit…of it's time to put it politely.
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It doesn't take long with Jason to show up and start bumping everyone off, including one gruesome kill where he stabs a guy half to death whilst in bed, then folding him up in said bed like a sandwich. This first kill takes place at the old Thompson house so when the cops show up and see where it happened, as well as the violent nature of the murder, murmurs soon start about it being 'him', murmurs that are very quickly shot down. The local Sherriff isn't keen on people talking about he who shall not be named (not Voldermort) and with the kids being asked all sorts of strange questions about their dreams rather than who might have just massacred their friend, it does lend the whole thing a bit of a conspiracy vibe, like the parents are covering something up. Kinda brings full circle because the original had that as well.
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Conspiratorial would be accurate given that one of the kids dad is killed and I did a double take thinking it was Alex Jones.
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There's these other characters as well who are in a psychiatric ward who keep making references to 'dream demons' and being kept away from their families so there's a lot of moving parts in play here but it really adds to the whole atmosphere and I like the angle they're going for, it was something I really wanted in Freddy's Dead.
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It's easy to tell this is an Elm Street sequel because only hours after the death of two of their friends, the kids are quietly ushered off to school where they're gawked out by their classmates. Aren't their regulations in place for this kind of stuff? Give the kids some time off at least, maybe a passing grade. You know, that 'passing by catastrophe' kinda thing, Dead Man's Curve? Maybe given all the killings they had to abolish it because they were having to pass everyone given how prolific Freddy was.
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But it's not just subtleties and world building here, this movie can deal out some action when it wants to. Such as when Jason's 'fun police' alarm goes off and he breaks up the kids party out in the cornfields. Someone tries to fight back by setting him on fire, which only seems to make him stronger especially when he starts wielding a flaming machete. The power of the Charcoal Pine Resin strikes again!
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Or a vicious scene where one of the kids is haunted by visions of his brothers suicide, the brother played by non other than Scut Farkus himself, Zack Ward. Scut Farkus staring out at us with his red wrists! So help me God, red wrists!
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And when this movie promised Freddy vs Jason, it duly delivers. Multiple times in fact. You get the best of both worlds, with one fight taking place in the dream world after Freddy possesses one of the kids and uses tranquilisers to put Jason to sleep. Then, in the finale, Freddy is draw into the real world. It allows both of them to play to their respective strengths; Freddy with his powers and use of misdirection in the dream world and Jason being able to use his strength and invulnerability in the real world where Freddy is weaker.
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It's a cool touch that Jason ends up being reverted to his child form in the dream world fight, obviously ties in to Freddy being a child murderer but also brings back that origin story of Jason as well. The actual ending, whilst it doesn't sour the overall movie in the slightest, I'm not overly happy with. I get that it's ambiguous and doesn't necessarily undo what came before it, plus are these characters ever really dead? But I think with the hindsight of this being the last big send off for both characters, it was nice to have this Double-KO as a way to write them out and send their franchises off into the sunset before their reboots several years later. The original ending was apparently disliked by those at initial test screenings. It featured one of the characters suddenly turning violent and wielding the Freddy glove as a final sting which doesn't seem out of place with the franchise. After all, right back in part 1 we had the false finish of everyone thinking they'd beat Freddy only for him to re-emerge. And whilst we're talking about endings, this apparently had all manner of different possible endings including a giant hand pulling both villains back down to hell to play out a Sissapyhian battle for all eternity to the amusement of onlooking devils and demons. Or one where they both run into Ash from Evil Dead, supposedly shot down because Sam Raimi insisted on Ash winning. Or, Freddy and Jason waging bloody war on one another, only to be suddenly pulled apart by hooked chains before Pinhead emerged from the shadows.
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Maybe some people could argue that not having a definitive winner is a bad thing, I think it would have been cool if they'd done something where Jason wins in certain showings and Freddy wins in others. Probably wouldn't have worked even back then due to the growing prevalence of the internet, whilst not as widespread and immediate as today since it was before social media and the like, news would have travelled fast and it wouldn't have been able to get that sort of urban legend feel. How cool would that have been though, you're talking to your friends about the movie and you're like "Man, I can't believe Freddy won." and they're like "What are you talking about, Jason killed that motherfucker!". Think of the repeat ticket sales! As it is, I really loved this one. Certainly the best Jason movie out there, even if the likes of Part VII and Jason X had their charms (we'll get back to them one day). Certainly up there with the best Elm Street movies too. I just really dug the city wide cover up going on to try and suppress Freddy, really fleshed out the story and allowed it to be more than just padding whilst we waited for the main event showdown.
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romanadvora · 11 months
The Space Museum
season 002 : story 015 : episodes 068-071
24 APR - 15 MAY 1965 || 02 - 03 JUN 2023
The opening of everyone's 13th century clothes.. disappearing is a pretty funky hook for things going weird, and Vicki dropping a glass of water just for it to reverse itself and reform in her hand is a nice way of making things unnerving- the lack of footprints in the dust outside after they've been walking around also effectively builds on this.
There's also the great model shots of the spaceships.
"No Doctor, not seen. Its the silence. When we stop talking, there isn't a sound. Listen. It's the sort of silence you can almost hear" is a great line from Barbara, and Ian comparing it again to a graveyard just to get told off by the Doctor is pretty fun.
Vicki almost sneezing outside the museum doors as the gurads walk by is a good implementation of tension, and the guards not hearing adds to the mystery. 
Vicki seeing the Daleks as a historical force whist the Doctor, Ian, and Barbara fought them in the event she's recalling literally the story before meeting her is good worldbuilding as it shows the TARDIS crew's effect on "history" as Vicki would see it. Her calling it somewhat cute is also kinda fun, and Ian's response nicely foreshadows the serial's cliffhanger, and the next story.
"You wouldn't say that, young lady, if ever we meet them again. Which to say the least is very unlikely. I hope"
The reveal of them being exhibits, and technically being… ghosts? seeing a potential future is pretty eerie, and the notion this is a potential future where they're imprisoned and once they "arrive" they'll be in great danger, all establishes great stakes for the next 3 parts.
Now the first episode was good, the second is just funny. There is a decent amount of walking (not even running) down corridors, which is… unfortunate. That being said, the interactions between Ian & Barbara when they make a thread out of Barbara's cardi is great as Ian just takes it off her and immediately starts trying to shred it… with his teeth.
The curator's mental projector thingy is a cool way of getting involuntary information from someone which isn't just the boring torture solution, and the Doctor pictographically sassing him out is a joy to see. The Doctor mentally picturing himself suspended in a display case after the curator orders his processing, and getting the "so you take my meaning" response… It's a good cliffhanger that doesn't resort to a jumpscare or fight sequence. It's a slow moving fight between two intelligent matches, and the stinger is the cordial informing he'll be made an exhibit.
After Ian, Barbara and Vicki get split up, Vicki meets the rebels and does some hacking to loot the armoury "For revolution!" because she's an icon. Ian getting his way to the curator's office is also really good and he shows his willingness to use force, which is a good route for him in desperation to save the Doctor, and find Barbara and Vicki.
The Doctor getting defrosted just to reveal he was conscious the whole time is pretty funny with his giggling- and his description of thinking as fast as a mechanical computer (as a flex) is funny for completely separate reasons now.
The gang getting arrested again and having to rely on the rebels' success is a good angle to not only add stakes for the main four, but to also make you root for the rebels more than perhaps you were initially. And in saying that, this actually gets rather violent- like the guards ambushing Vicki's group.. no introduction, no standoff, they're not even on screen before the guys with Vicki & Barbara get smoked. Same goes to the museum director when the group eventually get rescued.
The quiet scene at the end with the Doctor explaining… the plot (somewhat) with all his sciency goofiness is nice, and Ian's thanks just feels like a meta "thank you for explaining this would-be plothole".
The cliffhanger of the Daleks tracking the TARDIS as it takes off is great, but the even better hook for next episode is the time-space visualiser. IAN DAD DANCING WILL COMMENCE SHORTLY.
0 notes
baekhvuns · 2 years
I'm crying at you getting ideas from that IU video, because I saw it before and thought he's like her big brother or father idjsjjdsyusdvsjnshsushsgw
The birdies are there every single day, some make noise at night too. The acoustic in this place is phenomenal unfortunately so despite living on 13th floor I hear everything??? The birds, the people... it's so fucking noisy here especially in the summer like wtf, I don't even live in the city centre.
THERE'LL BE ANOTHER ONE SOON? Istg I thought the 2md part just came out... please no more, but also more for the sake of all the commentary content
My fave thing about Ateez's lore for personal reasons is that they often reference things I'm already familiar with, I love themes of dystopia and rebellion. At one point it's a shame I can't explore all the things for the first time, I know some theorytinys who read books like 1984, now Eye in the Sky, watch movies like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind etc, but on the other hand I can connect all the dots quickly, because I know it all. Even though they still make me go ⁉️⁉️⁉️ but yes no group was that dedicated to their lore before and no group has a lore that is so well thought of. Seems like fate I started stanning them...
Yes but don't forget about breakdowns and intrusive thoughts taking over you while showering, from time to time 💀
Stop I didn't really care for the piercing but I saw different photos and it's probably just an earring
Yes that couch scenes was weird, kinda cute, but also mate?!??! And sometimes she just gives in too, ma'am fight back! Like he even watered her plant jdjisfhussudjsjs ok that's nice, but calm down. The 2nd lead is probably an asshole, a rich boy whose family should be in jail and he's so possessive, he told FL to call him not Chan (HIY character) and not to see him?! And she probably sees him like her little brother 😂😂😂😂 loser, and I rooted for him
I started watching Cafe Minamdang wih Seo In Guk tho, it's pretty hilarious
Have you seen those weird stans AI boy stans?! Like the ratios are so funny
Idk bestie, she's tough to crack, cause she's not into him like WE are so </3 in general she doesn't really have strong biases, she's normal :/
I DOWNLOADED THAT BTS ISLAND GAME and it's??? What are they even saying and you can throw them around and stack them?! It's so funny, exactly a type of game I wanna waste my time on! 😍
Alsooooo Seonghwa's fit yesterday... 😵 though I have to be that person and once again complain about his hairstyle, I loooove Hworhead but this hairstyle doesn't work for me when the hair is shorter. I saw some photos and was like YESSSS then I saw different ones and... why so flat?!? Bald era vibes 🤨 same happened during the US tour - DV 💖
hi hello!!
I'm crying at you getting ideas from that IU video, because I saw it before and thought he's like her big brother or father idjsjjdsyusdvsjnshsushsgw
The birdies are there every single day, some make noise at night too. The acoustic in this place is phenomenal unfortunately so despite living on 13th floor I hear everything??? The birds, the people... it's so fucking noisy here especially in the summer like wtf, I don't even live in the city centre.
NAURRR LFJWNFEK BIRDIE ACOUSTICS 😭😭😭 acoustic pop ver. or acoustic harmony ver? AND ON THE 13TH FLOOR?? I JUST KNOW UR HAUNTED I JUST DO no bc so true why is summer so noisy,,, but summer nights >>>>
THERE'LL BE ANOTHER ONE SOON? Istg I thought the 2md part just came out... please no more, but also more for the sake of all the commentary content
YES THERE IS ONE COMING IN LAYE 2022 APPARENTLY JFBSBDBSK also for the sake of seeing dylan lose his shit and go thru another identity crisis watching it bffbfb
My fave thing about Ateez's lore for personal reasons is that they often reference things I'm already familiar with, I love themes of dystopia and rebellion. At one point it's a shame I can't explore all the things for the first time, I know some theorytinys who read books like 1984, now Eye in the Sky, watch movies like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind etc, but on the other hand I can connect all the dots quickly, because I know it all. Even though they still make me go ⁉️⁉️⁉️ but yes no group was that dedicated to their lore before and no group has a lore that is so well thought of. Seems like fate I started stanning them...
no but the ppl who think about these lores, like pirates constantly stuck in a cromer and dreaming dreams again and again and it playing with their lives,,,, i just wanna talk to the person, have a nice chat with tea and biscuits and kindly ask them to publish the theories in a book format <3 fORGET the eternal sunshine, TURBULENCE AND WAVES “OOO’S” WHERE THAT COME FROM 🔫🔫 HOW AND WHY 🔫🔫 i just want ateez to start bringing out sirens in their lore bc im ready for fics to drop on them fbwndhwk
Yes but don't forget about breakdowns and intrusive thoughts taking over you while showering, from time to time 💀
LMFAOOOO THOSE ARGUMENTS U HAVE AND THE ONES U WIN 😭😭😭 the emotional songs that play in the bg while u play with the wotah,,, showers r a supreme experience <3 with burning water <3
Stop I didn't really care for the piercing but I saw different photos and it's probably just an earring  
it probably is just a earring the top hole looks darker then the bottom one NOT A DAY IN ATINTVILE WHERE U CANT BE CLOWNED
Yes that couch scenes was weird, kinda cute, but also mate?!??! And sometimes she just gives in too, ma'am fight back! Like he even watered her plant jdjisfhussudjsjs ok that's nice, but calm down. The 2nd lead is probably an asshole, a rich boy whose family should be in jail and he's so possessive, he told FL to call him not Chan (HIY character) and not to see him?! And she probably sees him like her little brother 😂😂😂😂 loser, and I rooted for him
YEAH???!??? BRO??? i keep seeing more scenes and it’s making me 😳😳🤚🏼 HRWKDHWKDHWK LOSER 😭😭😭😭 NO MERCY SHOWN NONE
I started watching Cafe Minamdang wih Seo In Guk tho, it's pretty hilarious
omg!! i heard it’s like a cat and mouse type of drama also seo in guk is so mf fine
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Have you seen those weird stans AI boy stans?! Like the ratios are so funny
Idk bestie, she's tough to crack, cause she's not into him like WE are so </3 in general she doesn't really have strong biases, she's normal :/
“she’s normal” 😭😭😭😭 does she read fics?? pls make her read some seonghwa ones we aRE ON A MISSON TO MAKE OUR SISTER IN CHRIST BE SEONGHWA BASED
I DOWNLOADED THAT BTS ISLAND GAME and it's??? What are they even saying and you can throw them around and stack them?! It's so funny, exactly a type of game I wanna waste my time on! 😍
Alsooooo Seonghwa's fit yesterday... 😵 though I have to be that person and once again complain about his hairstyle, I loooove Hworhead but this hairstyle doesn't work for me when the hair is shorter. I saw some photos and was like YESSSS then I saw different ones and... why so flat?!? Bald era vibes 🤨 same happened during the US tour - DV 💖
seonghwa’s entire existence yesterday. HIS HAIRS LONGER NOW I THINK??? BDNWHD BALD ERA VIBES 😭😭😭 no bc hongjoong has the same cut but his looks more fluffier and not bald 😭😭 whAT DO THEY DO WITH SEONGHWA DHSHD
0 notes
flooffybits · 3 years
Idol: Wong Kahei (Loona)
marshmallow: Since there's still no Vivi scenario 👀 how bout a fluff one where during idol room the host (d*ni and c*ni) were joking around saying that the 13th member is the ugliest and dumb and didn't have her any chance of answering when they play a guessing game. Basically treating her badly then the others. So after the show Vivi notice she's been feeling down for a couple of weeks and not really acting like how she use to so Vivi comforts her with other members🥺💜
A/n: finally my first Vivi request, done. also i hate d and c for various reasons that i cannot discuss or else i just might not write anymore
☕buy me a coffee☕
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You were used to hate comments thrown your way.
You were used to fans comparing you to the other members.
You were used to people still questioning why you were added in the Loona lineup.
They’ve stopped bothering you after a while, your members making sure that you didn’t believe the things other people said and assured you that you were just as important to the group as any of them,
However, you were not used to being publicly humiliated, and on live television, no less. So when Coni had made the careless comment about how you may not even give your team a chance at winning, you that was already enough to knock your excitement down, given that you had been looking forward to spending time with your members during your visit to Idol Room.
“Y/n.” Doni had called for your attention and you look up, blinking by the suddenness as he addressed you. “What are you in charge of?” He questioned and you felt a little bit more relieved with the question. “Well, all the members are good at everything. So we just sometimes switch on who takes the lead.” You explain and he nodded his head.
“So that means you stay at the back?” He joked, the two hosts soon cracking and you smile awkwardly with all the cameras rolling whilst your members looked a little surprised by the comment. “With so many members, I feel bad that you’re always overshadowed by their beauty and talents.” Coni then added and that had caused you to press your lips together in a thin line whilst Sooyoung looked a bit offended with what he was insinuating.
But you didn’t want to cause a scene, so you went along with it and chuckled lightly. “I guess so. My members are all really pretty and talented.” You miss the way Haseul glances at you, worry in her eyes, and Hyejoo silently glaring at the two hosts.
“Don’t worry. I’m sure a bit more practice and then you can reach your members’ level. Plus, you still have a lot to learn, your Korean is still barely understandable.” That had caused you to bite the inside of your cheek, deflating as they had addressed one of your worries when you first came to Korea.
It was no secret that you were insecure about yourself, especially with your communication skills, but the way the pair had blatantly called you out for it had only boosted that insecurity.
Your members couldn’t speak up, knowing that it wasn’t a good idea to make a scene, but luckily Hyunjin had been subtle with her attack, her face blank as she watched the two hosts.
“Y/n’s pronunciations are actually really good. She works really hard just so she makes sure that it’s easy for both her and the people she talks to.” Doni nodded his head in agreement. “Diligence is one of an idol’s key traits. Have more of it.”
They weren’t expecting the rebuttal, but Heejin had visibly grown uncomfortable and Yeojin shuffled closer to you when they were starting to realize how you were becoming more and more the target of the duo’s harshness.
Chaewon’s brows raised at the audacity they had to publicly shame you, but held her mouth shut when Jinsoul placed a hand on the small of her back.
They tolerated the rest of the show for the sake of the group’s image, but every comment thrown your way made them all increasingly upset, though you’re good with keeping up a façade just to keep the peace within the room for your members.
The pair made you feel more and more isolated as the show progressed. And while you did your best to participate, they seemed to make it a point that they weren’t at all interested in you being there. Throughout the whole segment, you could stay on your seat and watched as your members slowly began to be immersed in the games they had prepared.
Eventually, you had stopped trying and merely smiled, opting to be the spectator the hosts expected you to be, and merely clapped and congratulated your members when they had gotten an answer right.
In the end, you were just thankful that they had forgotten about you. It was better than being degraded and being the butt of the joke.
But as you left the set that day, you couldn’t say that you had the same level of energy compared to when you had arrived.
And no one could really blame you.
Right as the episode had aired, you made it a point to stay off of social media and threw yourself into work despite not really having to do so. The girls wondered and worried with you constantly heading to the company to practice, but no one seemed to have the capability of bringing it up or calling you out, not when you looked you were just about ready to fall apart at any given second.
Kahei could only watch as the days passed, hoping that you could recover and bounce back because she hates seeing you so down. She’s used to seeing you running around the dorm, running away from Jiwoo’s affectionate assaults or trying to get Jungeun to lighten up whenever she started scolding someone.
In the end, Jungeun and Sooyoung calls for majority of their attention, both looking unpleased as the girls came into the living room, minus you, Heejin, and Jinsoul due to your schedules.
“We need to talk.” Sooyoung announces while she grabs her phone from the table. “Is this about the laundry again?” Hyejoo groans, not wanting another lecture after the last time her pillow exploded in it, but the two older girls shook their heads, and the girls could see that this was a more serious topic.
“It’s about Y/n.”
Kahei stiffens and her hands clutch at the pillow resting against her lap before Haseul placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “We know that she hasn’t been well.” Hyunjin muttered, frowning when she remembers how you’ve resorted to avoiding some of them now.
Jungeun taps on the blue bird icon before twitter popped up. She turns the device around to show the group what her and her fellow leader wanted to address.
ApologizeToY/n was under the trending topics and the sight of it made all the girls frown before they saw Orbits commenting about Coni and Doni’s clear and explicit mistreatment of you during the show and how uncomfortable you’ve been throughout it.
“This is everywhere and I doubt Y/n hasn’t seen it, either.” Chaewon sighed while slumping in her seat, arms crossed as she scuffed her slippers against the floor and Yerim pouted as she scanned through the tags.
“Can I just say how I hated how they treated her?” Hyejoo speaks up, and honestly, no one could blame her. They all felt the same thing, so it wasn’t something they could hold against her.
Kahei pulls her pillow close to her chest, her mind replaying the hesitant look on your face whenever you were all together. You didn’t have to tell her, but she could see the insecurity in your eyes every time she would see you looking at everyone.
It was as though you were silently comparing yourself to them.
“Is there something we can do?” Haseul asks, hoping for any suggestions that would help ease the situation, but no one can think of anything at that moment and Kahei looks up at the leader with her lips pressed together. “Would you mind if I talk to her first?”
The girls know that there was something that was going on between you and the eldest member. Though neither of you have confirmed anything, they knew that Kahei’s affections for you were on a far more different level compared to the way she would take care of the rest of the members.
So, without arguments, the girls agreed, whisking Jinsoul and Heejin away when the three of you arrive after a long day and Kahei thinks that it’s the best time as any, now that you were alone in your room with everyone preparing whatever it was they decided would help cheer you up.
The call of your name is enough to make you roll over on your side, spotting the older girl peeking inside your room with a small smile gracing her lips. She knows that you’re tired, but she doesn’t want to keep seeing you look so down.
“Unnie, what’s up?” You try to casually ask, sitting up in bed and indicating for her to come in, which she does without hesitation, quietly shutting the door behind her before she had walked over to your bed and took the space you made for her to sit next to you.
Her embrace is something you easily welcome, the tension leaving your body, even just for that moment when you lean against her. You let out a deep breath and she squeezes your shoulders before a kiss was placed atop your head.
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” She whispers softly and you immediately frown at the implication. Of course the girls could pick up on your withering state. They made it their personal mission to look after you ever since you arrived.
“I know you won’t say anything first, so I’ll be the one to do it.” Kahei cuts you off from thinking further as she speaks. “What they told you back at the Idol Room, it’s not true, okay?”
She shifts so that she’s looking at your face, one hand cupping your jaw so that you can’t look at anything but her because she needs you to listen to her instead of your thoughts.
“You’re an amazing singer, Y/n. Frankly, you’re perfectly fine the way you are and I hate how you’re letting these two people who know nothing about you make you feel like you’re not worth being here when you are.” Her voice is firm as she speaks, making sure to get her message across because she knows that you’re often too stubborn to believe them when they compliment you.
“We’re young and our career is only just beginning, so there will always be room for improvement. Plus, we’re both not from Korea, so of course not everything will be as easy for us as it is for the others, but has that ever let you down before?”
She doesn’t let you answer when she continues, not once breaking eye contact. “Everyone is here to help us. We’re a team for a reason. While we won’t always excel, we’re always going to wait for each other because that’s what a team - what a family does. So please, stop thinking that you’re worth less than anyone here because you’re just as important.”
Her voice grows softer after each word when she ends her sentence and you’re incredibly calmed by it as she brushes her thumb gently against your cheek when her forehead lightly bumps against yours.
“You don’t know understand how much it hurts to see you like this and all I want to do is take that pain and doubt away.” She murmurs and you shut your eyes, basking in the warmth that she had so easily provided before feeling soft lips pressing against your forehead.
You both stay like that for a while, just cuddling on your bed with her fingers combing through your hair. She doesn’t probe you on how you’re feeling, but seeing that you weren’t frowning nor were your shoulders slumped made her feel that you were a little bit better compared to before.
It’s when her phone vibrates with a text from Haseul that Kahei looks away from you and her brows pinch together when she sees it.
Why would the leader have to text her when she was just outside?
everything’s ready!
Confused, Kahei forgot that the girls were all getting something ready for you in the living room. So with a quick okay, the older girl gives you a small nudge before she’s nodding to the door. “The girls are calling for us.”
You don’t say anything, but the confusion is clear on your face as Kahei takes your hand and leads you outside, a smile on her face when she intertwines her fingers with yours just as you spot the rest of your group huddled together and you can’t help cracking a smile at how comedic they all looked.
Sooyoung looked awkward as she offered you a smile, Jungeun standing next to her, looking as though she had just finished scolding the younger girls who were trying their best to keep the snacks on the table while, for some reason, their own favorites kept disappearing, only for Hyunjin to place them back.
Heejin was silently counting everything to make sure that they had enough, only to restart every time Hyunjin would put the stolen snacks away and ensuing the pair to start arguing whilst Yeojin finished another one of her bead rings and Haseul just shook her head as Jinsoul tried to bite back her laughter while telling Jiwoo to keep her voice down.
“What are you doing?” You ask, an amused lilt to your tone as you properly assessed your members while Kahei grins and shakes her head, mimicking your leader when everyone snaps their attention to the two of you.
“It’s movie night!” Yerim happily announces while she’s trying to keep the remote away from Hyejoo’s hands and the latter grumbles. “I want to pick the movie!” She exclaimed, but Chaewon plucked the remote from Yerim’s hands, an already opened snack in her other hand. “We should ask Y/n what she wants to watch.”
“But unnie!” The second youngest was already staring at you with her puppy eyes that she often uses on you when she wants you siding with her and you smile softly before pulling Kahei to join everyone else in the living room.
Haseul slips next to the older girl, smiling when she sees the look the other sends you as you accept the bead ring Yeojin offers whilst trying to control the other two maknaes.
“Things went well, I hope?” The leader questions and Kahei hums with a fond smile playing at her lips. “I guess so.” She replies, seeing that you were slowly reverting back to your cheerful self when Heejin and Jiwoo join in on the pile you’ve all ended up in when Hyejoo tried stealing the remote again.
There’s laughter echoing in the dorm, add Jungeun’s slight screeching and Sooyoung’s scolding, but Haseul bumps her shoulders with Kahei while everyone is busy doing their own thing and finally picking a movie to watch. “So, have you both properly talked about it or...?”
Kahei stares at you when Jiwoo and Jinsoul begin to press kisses on your face, Yeojin coming in right after, and she smiles a little to herself. “Not yet, but we’re getting there.”
And honestly, that was enough for her as she soon took the spot next to you once given the chance and her arm loops with yours before she’s laying her head on your shoulder.
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