#this show is everything to me t.t
"I wrote this for my friend "trudy", when a girl broke her heart" sure. your friend "trudy", ruby sure. let's pretend we all believe that, ruby (and then she plays *her own theme song*. not ""trudy's""" theme song im- im fine. im not. im fine. (aaaaa))
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cryingatships · 1 year
Parents in BMF
Sooo, Be My Favorite has been hitting too close to my heart since ep 1. But this ep topped it off ahaha I did not sign up for this where's the cutesy show I can watch without feeling anything
There's already been a lot of (frankly wonderful) discussions about it, but this stuff hits close to home so I had to write a bit, too. Prior warnings for (mostly) personal thoughts, disorderly ramblings, and discussions of homophobia.
About Kawi
We start off the series with saving Kawi's family as one of the goals. But what is 'family' to Kawi? Kawi gives us a lot of info about his background - He is poor (one of his main insecurities that plays into his sense of self), his mother has remarried and moved away, and his father is mortally ill.
From Kawi's words, it's clear that he is not at all close to his mother. So, he probably did not have a mother figure growing up. Did he even have a feminine figure he was close to throughout his childhood and adolescence? A playmate, a neighbour, an aunt? (Not really, I think)
Is that why he values his 'crush' so much?
A woman showed him kindness and interest for perhaps a very, very long time, in a foreign setting where he feels vulnerable, and he latched to it. Can't blame him for that. But that brings up an interesting possibility—The feelings Kawi has for Pear, are they of an inherently romantic nature? Or are they of some other kind, but which Kawi chooses to label as romantic, because he has little to no experience with female affection whatsoever?
Anyway, I was supposed to talk about Kawi's dad and got derailed.
So, Kawi's father.
Someone who loves Kawi a lot, as evident from his unwillingness to touch the fixed deposit he has because it is saved for Kawi's future. He refuses to get expensive treatment that is crucial for him to live him because he does not want to land Kawi in debt. (He also refused to talk about his disease in the initial eps, perhaps because he does not want his son to worry about him and affect his studies.)
So, Kawi at least had a positive father figure in his life. (who evetually becomes the reason why Kawi starts chasing his dreams!! Woot to healthy fathers in bls and in reality!)
But, it also makes me wonder, would Kawi's father accept the fact of him being a part of the queer community? Since BMF is a bl show, the answer is perhaps yes. (Though BMF is giving so many surprises each week I feel that this may just be hmmm... not true... hm... deep in delulu) But if this was in the real world, would he, an aged asian person with perhaps negligible knowledge about the queer community, learns that his so-far-straight son has suddenly 'turned gay' (using this term cause this is what I've heard ppl use irl when talking about their kids coming out...), be ok with it? Would he accept Kawi?
(I REALLY really wanna see Kawi coming out to his dad. LIke. Give it to meeee gmmtv.)
About Pisaeng
Contrasting Kawi's openness about his family (despite his insecurities about it), we have Pisaeng, who gives us no info about his family.
In all the prev eps, we got little mention of Pisaeng's family. And when we did, it was from Pear, saying that Pisaeng had a lonely childhood with no friends other than her and Not. (Which struck me as weird, cause Pisaeng, with his friendliness, ought to have many. making assumption about extroverts...i'm sorry. Ofc, we later learn the reason for this.)
Anyway, Pisaeng *does not* bring his family up, ever. He refuses to talk of the past. What could have happened back then?
In ep 6, finally, we get an idea.
It's Max, dearest Tired Queer who never fails us, who brings it up (the irony!)
But, even faced with the direct question, Pisaeng clams up and refuses to talk. (At this point I didn't realize what was happening it, just thought we were hating on politicians like we always ought to. And that Pisaeng's last name is very common in Thailand.)
And this wannabe politician lady is liberal enough on the media to have an out and proud queer person like Max follow her because he likes "what she says."
I need a breather cause this is so close to reality that it's nauseating
We later know that liberal politician lady is Pisaeng's mum. And all her liberal thoughts are just for the show. She employs people who are from the queer community but then uses them to spy on her son. (another breather needed asap)
Now, I wouldn't have realized this part if @bengiyo hadn't pointed this out in their post about how Pisaeng has been forced into the closet by his *liberal queer-supportive* mother, who also insists on controlling his life, his sexuality, and even his friends. Look at @jjsanguine's post on Pisaeng's mother and her view of frivolous friendships! It's soo... TwT. There *are* parents who insist their children don't make friends cause according to them the wrong sort of friends will get them into trouble in their future life (aka employment/career. Frick society and its- everything, actually.)
As much as I hate her for her horrible parenting, for her blatant lies about acceptability, and for using queers to hunt down their own community, and for being a politician (there's smt inherently wrong with ppl in politics, smt or the other, you can't convince me otherwise), I can't help but marvel how real her character is. Cause yeah, this stuff happens every day. I've seen others experience it, and I've experienced it myself.
That said, I can also see *where* Pisaeng's mum is coming from. (His name is so long I wanna call him Saeng but we got soo many Saeng's in bls recently ueue). As in the thought that drives their behaviour.
I think Pisaeng's mother operates on this—It's ok as long as it's not one of ours aka queerness in fine, as long as it's other people, as long as it does not affect our children.
I dunno about Thailand, but in my part of Asia, this is the often the *most* acceptability queers get. This, or outright homophobia. (breaths.)
Parents (ie the 'cool' ones) are ok with lgbt+ as long as their kids don't come out one day, or heavens forbid, bring a partner home. I do believe there are some parents who accept lgbt freely, but like, in my 19 yrs of experience, none of the parents (the ones who were ok enough to hold such a talk with in the first place) were. I hope some parents out there are more accepting :')
If you belong to a particularly liberal upper/upper middle class family, and you show your parent an lgbt ad, talk about the latest legislature that decriminalized homosexual relationships, or the ongoing court case about legalizing same sex marriage, they'll be ok with that. They'll nod their head and say 'progress'. (Though a lot more parents would beat you/inflict other kinds of abuse on you. Also honour killing.)
But heaven forbid their child becomes a part of that community. Then, there are talks of soothsayers, 'treatments', "it's just a phase", cutting off the child's friends and their access to phone cause they've been "badly influenced".
At the end, if the person still insists on being a part of queer community, the parents will force them to hide it. Not to tell anyone about it, to go back to the closet. Which is exactly what happened with Pisaeng. Only, Pisaeng's mother makes it worse (should there be a difference in levels of homophobia?) by using this pseudo acceptance for profit.
Their worry? The person's future. Their career, jobs, social standing. Because yes, even with legislatures, being queer can hamper one's access to education, health, and job opportunities, among many many other things. (To say nothing about the recent rise in hate crimes in my country...)
Often, this behaviour comes from parental love (a very twisted love that is), because most parents do not want their children to suffer, which they inevitably would if they lived their queer lives openly in the current social conditions.
But it also comes from prejudice, hate, and as urge to control. In many cases, parents refuse to accept their children have grown up, and are in a place to make their own decisions. Instead, they try to dictate every thought and every behaviour, including the choice of marital partners. (Ik arranged marriage au is often a thing of joke in the bl circle but, it's so real, guys. It happens way too often and tho it's mostly not a coercive thing... it sometimes is).
Also, surveillance. Parents often pry on phones, it's uncomfortably common place. I know a (not lgbt) friend whose parent had hired a private detective to spy on them cause they were afraid said friend would go into bars and get into drugs after entering uni.
So yeah. It's a circus. It'd be a funny one if this wasn't real life. >.>
So anyway anyway, Pisaeng's mother and her words made me think a lot sooo... I thought-dumped!
When I started watching BMF I thought it'd be a funny little show that would help me relax after a hectic week. Who knew it'd make me write so much about so many things. (I also blame Tumblr.)
This got wayy too personal at the end so like, congrats if you read till here. I kudos your patience for reading my disorganized mess of thoughts. Have a cookie/cupcake/chicken fritters(they are so! good!)/other food of your choice and I hope your weekend goes reallyy well!
ALso I hope Pisaeng's mother gets her just desserts. Even if she accepts him in the end, her past behaviour is horrible. And who knows if she won't use her financial and political power to harm the queer society later? People in power always under suspicion tbh
Also I just realized we have got nothing about Pisaeng's father...
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shivunin · 29 days
Somehow (shockingly) organizing my craft supplies and making a to-do list and deleting the open tabs I'm not using have collectively not written this one-shot for me
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jiminsfirstlife · 4 days
random svt headcanons
mix of boyfriend hc's and random hc's. there's no theme (requests are open btw pls send me stuff T.T)
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gives u money to go shopping
loves when u trace ur fingers over his back tattoo
doesn't like letting u drive (wants u to be a passenger princess)
loves watching u play with kkuma. especially when u don't know he's watching
has crazy bed hair
has mild road rage
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smokes/vapes with you
loves couple rings but he won't wear them in public
randomly buys u gifts if he sees something that reminds him of u
will let u choose what u both get for dinner
teaches u his skincare routine
if he shows you a movie and you guess the plot twist/ending, he'll lie and tell u that ur wrong
uses your shampoo
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LOVES couples jewellery
will take photos for your instagram (and vice versa)
always comforts u <3
stares at himself in the mirror for 10 minutes every morning
teaches you how to play guitar (will sing while you play)
makes bracelets for u
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loves quality time
will sniff his armpits when nobody is looking (lowkey loves the smell)
always talking (either to you or himself)
loves visiting his friends that have pets (is debating getting a dog of his own)
loves cooking for u
loves making jokes.. but he'll laugh mid-sentence and end up taking 5 minutes say the entire joke (he ends up laughing more than u do)
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blushes every time u give him a compliment
very affectionate
messy eater. he'll walk around with food on his face without realising
his wardrobe is bigger than urs
never washes his jeans
steals ur eyeliner
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will give u money whenever u ask (and even when u don't)
loves teaching u how to play his favourite games and is very patient while you learn the controls
makes u a couple playlist and listens to it 24/7
will wear the same hoodie for a week
laughs at everything u say
loves showing u his baby photos & loves seeing ur baby photos
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lets u listen to his demos and listens to ur feedback
will binge watch a 4 season anime within a week
doesn't like pda but he'll still hold ur hand in public
prefers to stay at home with u rather than going out on a date
practices aegyo in the mirror even though he hates it
will use you as inspiration for his lyrics
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steals your accessories
if you have a pet, he'll let your pet snuggle up to him on the bed
asks u to teach him how to use makeup (he loves when u apply it for him)
is very good with kids. he loves spending time with your nieces and nephews
loves showing you his favourite songs
loves matching outfits
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bed hog...
always smells good (will share his cologne/perfume so u smell good too)
loves pda (especially hand holding)
buys clothes for u
loud eater
he's a good driver but he'll drive extra cautiously if you fall asleep in the passenger seat
sometimes (rarely) sleep talks
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picks u up to show u how strong he is. "i could use you as weights"
does aegyo whenever he wants something from you
flexes at himself whenever he walks past a mirror
makes u take "candid" photos of him. he'll act like he doesn't notice you photographing him.. but after a few seconds he'll break out in laughter and beg you to start over
loves sharing food with you
will fall asleep if ur watching a movie late at night. the next morning he'll apologise promise to continue watching it later (he falls asleep again)
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loves sharing his playlists with you
gets embarrassed when you walk in on him taking selfies
loves when u pick out his outfits
sometimes drifts into his own world when he's reading a book or listening to music, but as soon as he notices your presence he'll put away what he's doing to talk with you
lover banter
takes the best/worst photos of you
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loves cuddling with you when he needs to recharge his social battery
affectionately gives you dirty looks (he thinks it's funny when u do the same to him)
constantly makes jokes in hopes that it'll make u laugh
sings in the shower
very comforting (but also loves and appreciates when u comfort him too)
randomly does aegyo and then cringes at himself
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has gone through multiple emo phases
always laughing at whatever you say
he whines when you disagree with him
keeps a deck of uno in his bag at all times just in case someone wants to play with him
takes selfies on ur phone whenever you leave your phone unattended
always asks how your day was (and gives you a recap of his)
will make fun of you, laugh at himself, and then apologise
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DAY 13 - «On Thin Ice» Good Omens AU - Triptych Tribute for @blairamok
Part 1/3: "Falling Angel" Aziraphale
Please, listen to this
Change everything you are
And everything you were
Your number has been called
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Fights and battles have begun
Revenge will surely come
Your hard times are ahead
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Don't let yourself down
Don't let yourself go
Your last chance has arrived
Best, you've got to be the best
You've got to change the world
And use this chance to be heard
Your time is now
Falling Angel, your time is now!
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(yes I know this Muse song has another sense in the On Thin Ice universe - for Crowley. Well, our Fallen Serpent will show us what IS a true Survival, tomorrow. ;-)
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Personal challenge: a simple sketch each day
Goal: forcing me to keep things simple - inking, shading, just a few sashes of colour
Improvement pursued: to get the movement, the emotion, finding how to add depth, learning how to leave things barely finished
Max time allowed: 2 hours, as usual for my Daily Challenges. Well, this is a very special Tribute for me, and I was on a three-days break. So I didn’t really set a timer for the « On Thin Ice » sketches. Plus, I drew them quite in the same time and on the same file to be sure Crowley and Aziraphale would match. I guess I spent more or less 3 hours on the lineart for each one of them (the clothes and the figures needed a lot of time), plus 1h30-2h on the colouring/shading for each one.
Be aware that in my first sketches for this project, Crowley and Aziraphale were supposed to train on the same ice rink, and I dearly wanted Crowley to be watching Aziraphale, and Aziraphale was supposed to glance back to him. I had to give up on this idea later – because the figure I chose for Aziraphale definitely couldn’t allow such a shared glance. (but, hello, it will be a triptyque ! So, guess what? About the third part… :-p)
About Aziraphale, as my « Falling Angel ».
« On Thin Ice » author, @blairamok, describes the Hydroplane ice skating figure as very representative of Aziraphale, and the drawing reference pictures were numerous enough to get some solid inspiration. It’s a complex skating figure. I have watched some ice skating tutorials on YouTube – because I wanted the movement of the clothes and hair to be accurate and, if I understand everything properly, even a slight alteration in the position of the arms can make you fall. Such perfection ! That IS the right move for Aziraphale !
I told sooner on my Gymnast !AU challenge that I appreciated drawing Aziraphale with realistic curves more and more each day – even if it still triggers me sometimes about my own shaming roundnesses. I realised my way of doing art – and my mind too, maybe - was evolving when I got back to check references in the amazing Blair artworks (link AO3). A few months ago, I felt insecure watching Blair’s Aziraphale, which seemed to me too much plump and very soft – not a « good sportive look », I thought then. But now I like him more and more, so maybe my way of thinking is changing, and I think this is for the very best.
My Aziraphale is performing a difficult figure, so he is using all his muscles into maintaining his balance. He seems so statuesque, so powerful, yet very focused and oblivious to the world around him, with his eyes shut. That is why he couldn’t share a glance with my Crowley. T.T
Maybe this is my way to guess Aziraphale’s behavior in the so-awaited « On Thin Ice »  next chapters. Focused on his own training, trying to ignore Crowley’s sassyness but still secretly impressed by his partner’s skills. Because they share the same love for Ice Skating, even if they don’t show it in the same way.
Blair, if you ever read this, thank you. For your artworks, for making us dream about a wonderful story that still remains to be told.
Thank you for « On Thin Ice », for your so-kind message last week, and for everything else.
I have faith. I’ll wait for your story. But even if it doesn’t exist yet, I am already dreaming about it, and this is priceless.
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lovestaysblogs · 5 months
pairing: lee know x reader word count: 913 genre: angst, hurt to comfort, fluff warnings: none. this is for all my sensitive crybabies. i see u. i feel u. i am u T.T!!
network: @skzstarnet
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The night was quiet. Only the clanking of the plates could be heard. You stood up to clear the table when you heard Minho speak, “How much longer are going to be mad for?”
You rolled your eyes and walked over to the sink to wash the dishes.
“I said I was sorry already Y/N! What more do you want from me?,”
You kissed your teeth before returning to the task at hand. He pulled you away, made you stand in front of him.
“Y/N please, ta..talk to me. I..I don’t know what else I did wrong and you not telling me doesn’t help. I’m not purposefully trying to be obtuse, I apologized already. I don’t know how to fix it, tell me how to fix it,”
His eyes desperately searched yours. His mouth was left slightly open out of shock, desperation and maybe fear. Fear that you’ll leave him. Fear that was rightly displaced.
It angered you even more. Why is he making you seem like the difficult one? Like you were the one that ruined the night for you two.
“How long have we been dating Minho?” You simply asked.
The tears welled up in your eyes and you swore you could see his heart break at the possibility of you crying. You want the relationship to work, you don’t want to break up so easily. But what he said about you this evening. And you were to brush it over? Not let it bother you? No way.
You stand in his studio apartment, looking at him intensely, waiting for an answer.
“Three months. But I..I don’t see how that had to-”
You cut him off, “Exactly, three months. We’ve been together for three months. And in those three months I gave you my heart. Which is so hard for me to do. And you know that. I showed you every bit of insecurity I had. I told you everything. Why would you hurt me knowing how fragile I am?”
Your tears poured down, you started sniffling and your voice cracked as you tried to speak again. Minho quickly engulfed you in a hug, one you accepted. You’re mad at him, yes, but you can’t hate him. You need comfort and love specifically from him.
He brought you to his couch and placed you in his lap, gently patting your curls until you calmed down. You took a deep breath and he wiped your tears away, looked at you, waiting for you to continue.
“Why did you have to call me sensitive to your friends? I know that some people don’t see it as a big deal, but you know me and you know how people use that word to mock me. I know they are your friends and I trust that you made some great people your friends, but I don’t know them Min. I don't know if they'll use my sensitivity against me. God, now that I’m talking about this, it sounds stupid. I’m sorry,” You rolled your eyes and attempted to get up, but he held you tighter.
“No baby no. Don’t say that.” He gently tucked one of your frayed curls back into place in your puff. “You’re right. How you feel is completely right. And you’ve talked to me about it. And how you’re scared that people use it against you. I’m sorry. I said it already but I didn’t know how much it bothered you. I just played it as it wasn’t that serious and it was and is. I’m sorry,”
“Thank you,” You sniffled.
“I love your sensitivity though, it’s what makes you, you”
“You do? Really?”
“I love every part of you. I told my friends that you were sensitive because they joke around alot and I didn’t want them to overstep, but I overstepped. I’m sorry.”
Hearing this made your heart burst. He was simply trying to protect you. “I’m sorry too,” You said.
“No you don’t have anything to apologize for babe,”
You shook your head as you ran your hand through his hair, holding his face gently. “Yes I do. I should never have given you the silent treatment, making you feel confused and frustrated. I’m sorry Min,”
He gave you a quick peck. Then two. Then three. Then he started peppering your face with kisses leaving you giggling. “I accept your apology I guess,”
“You guess?” You said smiling, wrapping your hands around his neck.
“It’s that, yeah it hurt when you did that. But you’re here now. And I knew it wasn’t going to last, because no matter what I love you. And you love me too right?” He asked softly, gazing into your eyes.
“Of course I do. I love you, always, no matter what.”
He smiled big, before giving you a soft kiss. “Exactly love. Love… hurts sometimes. But I know I want to make us last, so I’m going to put in the work, even if it hurts. As long as you love me, it’s worth it,”
“Do your friends know you’re this big of a softie?” You giggled.
He quickly picked you up leaving you to yelp. “My sensitivity is reserved for you. And I’ll cherish yours and the fact that you chose to share it with me always,”
“Oh my, you are a romantic Lee Minho,”
You both laughed as he spun you around his apartment. The sound of your laughter being the representative sound of your love.
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a/n hihi!! i hope u enjoyed this one 🥹 let me know if u did please!! i appreciate the likes and reblog on my college au! seungmin fic. i went a bit angsty on this one, leaning into hurt/comfort side lmao 😭 if u liked it feel free to reblog so more people can see it or just tell me 🥹 i’ll feel so happy if someone told me they liked my writing. okay okay i’ve talked enough. i hope u have a good dayyy bye <333
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yulixi · 1 year
Together pt.1 | my
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Summary: Few people stop to observe and know about the friendship of Yoongi and solo rapper Y/N.
But since their collaboration on Yoongi's solo album was seen and also their presence at one of the rapper's concerts, for some fans it changed the way they see them together.
Pairing: Yoongi x fem!reader
Genres: Cute, fluffy, idol au, comfort.
sometimes i'm not good with english but i try to improve^^
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@/Yoonmeowmeow: Okay but let's remember the emotion with which Yoongi mentioned the entrance of someone special to him.
His big gummy smile and twinkling eyes, i just can't-
"Okay, now I welcome Y/N," the singer announced while looking at a part of the stage where a reflector suddenly lit up and the figure of the soloist could be seen.
The place was filled with emotion and on the big screen you could see the face of the young woman "hello army" the soloist spoke with emotion and began to approach Yoongi.
“I'm so excited that we can finally see each other in person” Yoongi laughed looking at the soloist in front of him and then at his fans.
"I'm happy to be here too" the young woman smiled "I could only wait and look at the clock with excitement every minute"
Yoongi just made a happy face and extended his arms to the singer in front of him and they joined in a cute hug.
He began to hear the screams of emotion.
The singers will separate looking at each other happily "Let's start with this" Yoongi said while still looking excitedly at the female figure.
The big stage was illuminated by the big screen.
The beginning of the song was heard and the fans showed their excitement for the song.
They sang their first song and first collaboration from the 2016 album Agust D, a quiet song but that maintains its beautiful meaning.
Before the song ended, you two looked at each other directly and with a smile.
And the song came to an end "That's a good song" you said, still smiling.
"Hmmm" Yoongi nodded happily "I still remember when we wrote it"
"I remember that" laughed the young woman covering her mouth
Suddenly everything went dark and I began to listen to their recent song, a fast rap song that gives a unique emotion.
Soon Yoongi's male voice was heard all over the place.
This is how the minutes continued and the rappers were excited.
"That was good" Yoongi spoke and you could see he was breathing heavily "i haven't felt this emotion for a while" affirmed the female looking at the fans
"Thank you for accompanying me on this adventure" the singer smiled broadly looking at her "You can always count on me" replied the short one
Before they said goodbye again, they gave each other a big hug that lasted a few long seconds and they looked at each other for the last time.
@/Yoonmeowmeow: Nice moments of them together, could they notice the looks they gave each other while they sang?!?!!
They are so cute together T.T
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cookie-crumblr · 5 months
What would happen if Darling showed a little jealousy towards the girls who flirt with Ezra?
Oh my goodness! i am so sorry covid kicked my butt and i’m still not better lol, but anonie ily, idk if you’re the same nonnie that’s been sending all or at least most of the ezra asks, but i am working on them all!!! i promise i just haven’t even touched this app in DAYS. T.T
anyway, Minors DNI as always 🥰 plz and ty
CW: GN/READER, no body or genitalia descriptions for reader (other than hole lol), kissing, biting, sex in whatever hole you have luv u bb, creampie, indecent exposure, public sex, ditching the body type beat
Status: Not Dating (but close to it)
You stab your pencil into the knot in the wood of your table. It’s so hard to listen to your professor next to Ezra. Today’s a little different though…
“Ezraaaaa~” a gorgeous peer touches his arm, and fawns over him. He’s watching you with some weirdly satisfied expression on his face. You roll your eyes at him. He chuckles back and your brows furrow ferociously. What? did he just— “When are you gonna come back over? we’re having a party this weekend…”
Now a few guys are walking up and one of them pushes another forward, He sputters for a sec before speaking up “H-hey Ezra! um, wanna go out this weekend again?”
“Oh my gods, can I please just focus!? leave him alone! the professor is literally speaking!” The pencil snaps, half of it stuck graphite first in that same wooden knot. It’s been ground a little deeper than it was earlier.
“Ew. You can always—” The gorgeous one starts, before Ezra cuts her off.
“Nah they’re right. This is boring as shit.” He leans over to your ear, “‘sides, I like you mad,” He’s wearing a beaming grin as he pulls back.
He grabs you by the waist and pulls you outside, the professor doesn’t spare either of you a glance.
As soon as you’re out in the hallway, his raw strength is forcefully slamming you into the lockers, rattling the metal doors.
“Ezra??” You never see him this passionate or nice? Sure he’s still rough, but he isn’t hurting you.
He lifts your legs and wraps them around his waist. “Owch,” One of the latches is digging in your back, you laugh a little “sorry, my back”
He moves you both down an inch or two, his lips crashing onto yours before he pulls away to take in the sight of you.
“Why do you make me feel this way…?” It’s like he didn’t mean to say that… You feel like you’ve seen something you almost… Shouldn’t have? You look down and away. “No. Look at me.” He pulls you back roughly with his hand on your jaw.
“Fuck, Ezra…. I don’t know… Maybe you shouldn’t” You choose your next words as carefully as you can. “have been so mean. Prolly feelin guilty or somethin’”
“That too.” His lips assault your neck now, teeth biting and air puffing against you. Your body is a whirlwind of sensation.
He either doesn’t hear you or just doesn’t answer.
Your arms are locked around his neck but your fingers tingle with yearning. Youdecide to trust him with your weight and let go in favor of tracing his muscled arms. You both sigh into eachother. The Ozone and forest scent of him comes through and fill your senses once again.
Even the smell of smoke is starting to welcome you back. You don’t let yourself think twice. You deserve some feel good sex after everything he’s done to you. He owes you. “Yeah.”
“What?” He pulls back with glistening lips to inspect you his expression quizzical but still smiling.
“You owe me. a lot. actually.”
“Oh? hah! fine whatever. now open up.”
You push your crotch against his bulge harder, “I have been, just waiting for you.”
“Fuck, good” He pats your head affectionately. His hand falls down your face almost… Lovingly.
You try and shove those fluttery feelings down. This is Ezra after all.
Once inside he’s bouncing you desperately on his thick pulsing cock. His hands are wrapped around your throat getting you so close to blacking out it hurts. You try to tap out but he continues pounding furiously into you.
You deliciously sloppy hole stretches around his width perfectly. His grunts fill your fading and popping hearing.
“F-f-ff” you can’t speak at all. Finally you feel him shuddering and filling you with his thick streaming cum.
He drops you.
You slump unceremoniously down onto the smooth waxed floor. Cum leaks out of your still exposed hole.
You have to catch your breath, and while you are indisposed you see the flash of Ezra’s phone camera. Then he leaves you there. His walk a satisfied swagger down the hall away from the classroom and toward the front doors.
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hi there! I want to say tysm again for doing my Hsr MC x Genshin Impact MC s/o request. So i was rereading that post for the fourth time i think (i cant help but imagine cute and dorky stuff they would do together whenever i reread your post) and a thought popped up on what would it be like if the traveler are with the others. So can i request hcs of the rest of the Astral Express crew (Himeko, Welt, March, and Dan heng) x s/o like traveler from genshin impact
(Btw TYSM FOR YOUR SONG SUGGESTIONS, i went and play all the songs you suggest and DAMN YOU HAVE GREAT TASTE, i can honestly see myself listening to it on loop. Melanie Martinez hasnt lost her touch but then again there is no way she would, she’s too amazing. Rn im currently listening to the entire album after listening to your suggestions. I still prefer her older albums like Cry baby and k-12 but that may change with me listening to PORTALS, its too early to say but i might update on you about it
Also HI THERE FELLOW MARETU FAN! Its so nice to know there’s someone else who likes their songs as well (none of my friends like their songs T.T) What’s your favourite song from MARETU? Mine is Mind Brand, ITS SO GOOD AND IM PROUD TO SAY I LOVE IT) Hope you have a great day/night btw!
- Flower Anon 🌸
A/N: Hello Flower Anon! Thank you so much for your request and I'm glad you liked my song suggestions! I'm also so happy to meet another MARETU fan! My favourite song of theirs is DEFINITELY "Magical doctor"! I listen to it all the time and am obsessed with it haha!<33
Content: Traveler reader, tiny bit of angst if you squint hard enough, confessions, mutual pinning(kinda), friends to lovers, fluff, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
》March 7th
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She instantly did her best to become your friend at first, when you arrived on the Astral Express. She was determined to be your guide and show you the ropes, so everyone let her do it, as you also seemed to trust her fairly quickly.
You two became inseparable quite fast and always spent time together on the Express or on missions. She comforted you, whenever you were sad about your twin and promised to help you find them eventually. Surely you could, if you did it together! Yeah... her crush was very obvious for absolutely everyone and it was honestly adorable. But it was alright, as you felt the same.
She's fiercely protective of you on the battlefield and always shields you first out of everyone. She doesn't let you get hurt no matter what, even if you can handle yourself. You two still need to find your twin together after all, so just let her help you.
》Dan Heng
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He didn't think much of you at first, until he read up more on you and your situation. And after also talking to you, he started sympathising with your situation deep down, which made him warm up to you alot over time.
Once he does, he let's you hang out with him alot in his room, where he tries finding something on your twin in the archives. Is his way of comforting you, as he indirectly promises you that he'll help you find your twin this way. He doesn't notice his growing feelings for you either, so you might have to confess first eventually.
He's very protective of you and always keeps his eyes on you one way or another. He doesn't let anything hurt you and has your back during any battles you may have. You can count on him to keep you safe that's for sure.
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Himeko was the one to allow you to stay and therefore quickly became the person you relied on the most. You were quite grateful, even if she didn't see it as a big deal. She always comforts you and reassures you that she'll help you find your twin with all the resources she has.
You spend most of your days with her in the Astral Express watching the stars and drinking tea. She's always so interested in everything you talk about and takes time off work you whenever you need it. It was no surprise therefore, when feelings eventually just flourished between you two.
She doesn't let you on missions without her and she rarely does them as is, so you won't ever be in harms way. She wants you to live a comfortable and peaceful life on the Express, free of any stress or worries.
》Welt Yang
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Welt understood how you felt and therefore offered to help you out with anything you may need. That also included comforting you, when you were devastated about your lost twin. He promised, to help you find them and actually has a high chance of achieving that.
You spend alot of time with him on the Express and missions, as he is very dependable and comforting to you. Any questions you may have are answered by him with ease, you could practically listen to him talk all day and you do, whenever he explains something to you. He'll be painfully aware of his feelings for you, but will only admit them to you, once he knows you feel the same.
You can rely on him during any battle to protect you. It doesn't matter if you can defend yourself or not, he'll keep an eye on you at all times. You definitely don't have to worry about anything, when he's around.
A/N: I hope this was okay, Flower Anon! And I'm so sorry for the wait!<33
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purrplegyuu · 7 months
Cold | Choi Beomgyu
Chapter four
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Warnings: softie beomgyu, angst, mentions of sex, signs of abuse.
Word count: 1.3k
Taglist: @arianap23e, @haatohwa
OKOKOKOK I know you don't really like soft chapters because oc this is not a soft story, however, I think it was necessary because of the last one being soft and also because of whet do I want to show. Anyways, I promise the next chapter is not gonna be that soft. (I also wanted to say that I didn't like the beggining of this chapter T.T, but I think it gets better like at the middle?)
Let me know if you find any kind of mistake, i'm not a native speaker and this helps me so so so much ^_^
Also let me know if you want to be added to the tag list, if you want to suggest an event to happen on next chapters or if you have any question about any detail. Luv yaa (●'◡'●)
(Reblogs will be appreciated)
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The boat glided smoothly over the calm surface of the lake, the rhythmic hum of the engine creating a soothing backdrop to the conversation between dad and Gaeum. As Luna landed on the other side of the lake, I noticed I couldn’t stop thinking about him.
He knows a lot about me, he knows my fears, he knows my blues, he knows at least a bit of my past, but I don’t know anything about him. And everything I think I do know, is just what I think of him, which makes me wonder if I will ever get the opportunity to listen to him talking about his own life.
We all get out of Luna easily, except for Gaeum, who seems to struggle a lot due to her height. Dad takes her hand, helping her, and even lifts her slim body when she acts scared of falling to the lake. 
I see Beomgyu’s hand tensing, his face almost annoyed at his own mother’s acting. He sits on the wood chair my dad and I did eight years ago, and I sit right beside him. 
While dad takes out of Luna all the food they packed, Gaeum fakes many attempts to try to help him, which makes him kiss her sweetly, telling her he can do it by himself. That’s her personality when dad’s around; the princess in distress.
I look at my phone for a few minutes, until all the meat and the vegetables are cooking on the grill. Everything seems so old, however −even though I haven’t come here since seven years ago−, dad kept paying someone to take care of everything, so it’s still clean and in fine fettle.
Dad sits on one of the chairs, talking about how his week went. He makes some jokes, and sometimes, some details from his story makes Gaeum and me laugh highly. He is so funny without even trying to be. 
“Why don't you like him?” I ask Beomgyu low. He turns around to face me, looking back at the grill fastly. I notice he’s ignoring my question, so I talk once again. “I don’t want you to treat him the way you always do” It’s like he's in a good mood today, which just gives me the confidence to talk firmly to him. “I don’t like your mother, and I’m not mean to her”
“I don’t like her either” His voice sounding so deep it sends shivers down my spine. I swallow hardly, turning around to see my dad looking at me.
“Are you eating, honey?”
“I’m not hungry”
When we are finally going on our way back home, I look at dad, wondering if this is a good moment to tell him about my phobia of darkness. I look at the lake in front of me, while the small waves of the water get lost where the lights of Luna ends. 
Dad starts driving Luna like he knows what’s the direction we are supposed to go, and I’d like to think he knows, because this is going to make me feel a bit less scared. 
I feel Beomgyu’s hand taking mine, giving me a comforting look. As I said Before, he knows me, he knows my fears.
Once we are at home, I can feel the anxiety decreasing on my body, finally walking on the stable land. I don’t wait for anyone to get out of Luna as well, I almost run to the house, turning on the most lights I can. It’s nine thirty p. m., and we are in the middle of nowhere—it’s obviously dark as hell, and I know if I look through the window, my fear will increase a lot, so I do not. 
I run upstairs and close my bedroom door, looking for my pyjamas in my bag, finding it fastly and putting it on. That weird but pleasurable feeling of the warm and comfortable fabric against my cold skin making me almost jump to my bed, ready to sleep. 
I always sleep before eight thirty p. m.
I take my phone, answering the messages Jiwoo sent me on the day. Nothing interesting, actually—she’s asking if I’m excited for the school trip we’re going to have next week. She says it’s special for me since it's my first one, however, it’s already getting boring to her since they always go to the same places. 
Someone knocks on my bedroom door, and I go open, thinking it’s dad telling me what time are we leaving tomorrow. However, Beomgyu’s in front of my door, wearing his emo-like pyjama, messy hair and the same weird soft and angsty aura he has since some hours ago. 
He looks at me silently, not asking before entering my room, closing the door, holding my hand and taking me to my bed.
I wait for him to kiss me, touch me, make any move before he makes me know we are going to have sex once again. Instead, he lays on my bed beside me, and rests his head on my chest, closing his eyes and falling asleep quickly. He likes to sleep at eight thirty too. 
When I feel him trembling some minutes after that, my hand goes to his head, caressing his soft hair sweetly until he’s sleeping calmly again.
This kind of softness makes me wonder why can’t we be this way always, why can’t he be this kind always, why can’t I feel like that always. 
My door suddenly opens. I see Gaeum on my door. She looks at me coldly, and I almost can feel her anger. Does it make us look guilty? We have been hiding what we have for so many time, which makes me think we are not that obvious. But our position now… I can always say we are just close enough to be friends and have sleepovers, right?...
However, I can’t even attempt to justify our position as she closes the door so strongly I startle. The silence after that just makes my anxiety increase. Until I fall asleep.
I wake up at two a. m. when Beomgyu’s phone starts ringing. He wakes up also, and I pretend to sleep, not wanting this soft moment to end. The name of his mother on his screen letting me know who is this about. He takes his phone answering the call. 
He listens to her. Then, he answers. “I don’t want to” The call ends. He looks frustrated as he looks at me one more time before getting out of his room, closing the door and walking out quietly.
The next morning, we are all in the car once again. Gaeum looked at me once in a weird way that make me feel a bit awkward. I look at Beomgyu, noticing a purple circle on his arm. Did she hurt him?
I can’t talk to him quietly like many times before because she is looking at me like she is waiting for me to do something. However, I don’t do anything. After some time travelling, she looks at me through the mirror.
“Jeongseo, do you have a boyfriend?” I frown awkwardly, turning to see Beomgyu, who looks at her weirdly. I almost feel like he would yell at her, and tell her to shut up if he wasn’t… scared?
“Am… no?” I answer. My dad looks at Gaeum like she’s doing something kind or something.
“Aw love, are you trying to get along with Jeongseo? That’s so nice!” But I notice this is definitely not her purpose. “I’m sure you’re going to be like real mother and daughter soon” I look Beomgyu one more time, but everything I see now is coldness.
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Forms of affection (Son Heung-Min x f!reader headcanons)
Summary: little things Sonny and you would do in a relationship to show affection for each other.
Warnings: established relationship
Author's note: okay so I'm not a writer, i literally just put some things on my phone notes when i'm feeling inspired and that's it ajskajskaj Sonny's got me feeling VERY inspired these days so i wrote these cause he makes me feel super soft 🤧 i hope you enjoy it though! It's all stuff i think he would do in a relationship because he's a precious smol bean 💗 and sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language 🥰
Holding hands
• Sonny isn't very comfortable with PDA
• He's very polite so he always tries to keep it respectful (and poor baby is shy too >.<)
• But one thing he absolutely can't just not do is holding hands
• It's his own simple way of telling the world you belong to him and he belongs to you
• Sometimes when he's with his friends and he takes your hand he blushes a bit because he knows they will tease him
• "Yeah, big boy, go get your girl!" - they tease him when you're not around
• But he doesn't mind because he's really super proud you're "his girl" 💗
• He likes rubbing his thumb over your hand too
• It's like he's saying "everything is okay, I'm here for you and you're here for me"
• And even if he can't hold hands at the moment, he'll always put his hand on the small of your back, just to let you know he's there for you (and to remind himself you're with him too)
Kissing the mole under his eye
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• Sonny has said it himself that he likes the beautymark under his eye so there's no need to hide you love it too
• You think it's sweet and delicate just like him <3
• You like kissing that spot too
• When you're having a day off and watching tv or just laying next to each other you love admiring his features and that tiny mole always stands out to you
• "Close your eyes" - you ask him softly
• When he does, you approach him and kiss right under his eye
• He laughs and when he opens his eyes he says "thank you, my love, but i was expecting that kiss somewhere else" - he says sheepishly
• You can't help but laugh out loud at how adorable he is
• "You're so silly" - you say smiling and then kiss him on the lips just like he wanted hehe
Kissing his wrinkles
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• Needless to say that Sonny laughing is one of the most precious things you've ever seen
• You'll do everything on your reach to make him laugh because it's seriously so heartwarming
• You think it's soooo adorable how his eyes get all wrinkled when he's laughing hard
• When he does that, you grab his face and shower his wrinkles with kisses because you really can't deal with that cuteness
• That makes him laugh even harder so you go on a loop of laughing and kissing AKSLAJSKAJ
• When he's back to normal he'll hug you and kiss you back because he really can't believe he ended up with a kind angel like you
Running your hands through his hair
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• Oh my God, let's talk about Eric Dier's goal Sonny's hair!!
• It's soooo fluffy T.T
• You want to touch it all the time
• When you're chilling at home and he lays his head on your lap or when you have those lazy days staying in bed you love to run your hands through his hair
• And don't get tricked, he loves it too!
• He says it's super relaxing and makes him forget about all the bad stuff
• He will close his eyes and just enjoy it, which is seriously such an angelic sight
• Also when you're talking and you're feeling flirty you'll stand in your tip toes, run your hands through his hair and give him a little kiss
• It makes his heart do a backflip
• "Nonono come back and kiss me again please" hahahah
Saying "i love you"
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• You say lots of "i love you"s but you'd rather show it
• Little gestures of caring that really show how much you love each other
• When he comes home after losing a match and you hug him tightly, he knows it's because you love and support him, and you'll always be by his side no matter what
• Or when you're feeling frustrated because of work and he picks you up, holding you tight
• You feel so safe in his arms and that's because you know how much he loves you
• Also when he scores!
• He wants to keep it safe for both of you, so he won't just let an "i love you" slip, but he'll always do the heart hands or blow kisses to you
• But you do say the words too
• When he's about to leave for a match
• "Go get them, baby, i love you!" - you say and he feels like he could conquer the world for you ❤️
• Or when he travels for the competitions and calls you because he misses you
• "I love you so much, do you know that?"
• Your heart breaks at that because you love him and miss him just as much
• But your fave is when you're in bed, late at night, his hands caressing your face and he goes:
• "(Y/N)?" - he asks, his voice almost a whisper
• "Yeah?" - you reply, nearly asleep
• "Saranghae" - he says, kissing your forehead softly
• That makes your heart feel so warm
• "I love you too, Sonny" - you get closer to him and fall asleep with a big smile and a fluttering heart 💗
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anusharao96 · 5 months
Oh dear....
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This entire revelation of Hilmes' true parentage is so gross but what truly shook me is that it was this man's wish to kill Hilmes.
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Osroes was everything to Hilmes. We have seen how much he revered his father's remembrance. His pure, justly father who, he thought, got murdered by Andragorus. Apart from the murder attempt on himself, it was also his father's death that he wanted to avenge, by taking the throne. The cause of all of Hilmes' miseries was the man he devoted his life to :'(
We have seen Hilmes crumbling, panicking many times before and he fought his fears to come back stronger each time. But this time, it's different. It seems Andragorus has snatched away the very foundation of his person. What happened with Hilmes is cruel. And absurd.
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He's always so high and mighty so it's kind of....difficult watching him going through identity crisis like this T.T
One character that I took only as seriously as Gieve until now, caught my interest in this chapter. Yup, that's Queen Tahamineh :'D
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I never thought I would feel sorry for her but here we are. She's an example of a cursed beauty that people desire, use and accuse for being used at the same time. She was displaced from her roots, handed over from one king to other like an object and bore the blame for everything when the kings and kingdoms failed for whatever reasons (Note what happened in case of Lusitania). Then, she lost her only child and the ability to bear children. She couldn't do anything thing to change her own and her daughter's situation. She's been so powerless, and all of that pent up angst she let out on Arslan.
It's understandable how she would feel. What I don't understand is, though, that how could she resist loving Arslan? He had such a lovable personality even as a child. How could anyone not love him? Maybe her anger thawed at some point and she had to hardened herself consciously. She must have battled with a lot of conflicting feelings.
Anyway, Arslan did nothing to deserve such bitterness. She could, at least, have loved him as just a child, if not as a mother.
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Until this point, Arslan showed much understanding for her. It is only when he learns that she never tried to connect to him even as a person, let alone a son, that he finally reacts sternly. He is horrified at thought that she expected Arslan to hit someone he called his mother. And also at the reality that his supposedly mother is as ignorant of his feelings as a stranger would be.
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Here in this panel, she feels something other than disdain for Arslan for the first time. I think she got a glimpse of who Arslan really is.
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"Say my name" broke me again
Say my name I know you’re my savior Take my hand and show me the future Say my name Fight with you forever Hand in hand You are my hero and you cry I know I know I know I know We defeat everything I will stand for you No matter what I will never change in war for the future for my friends and for myself HOPELESS, HOPELESS Pray in my own prison for ONE CHANCE, ONE CHANCE I just want to see you again
Say my name I know you’re my savior Take my hand and show me the future Say my name Fight with you forever Hand in hand You are my hero and you cry I know I know I know I know We defeat everything
People, this is Bonten Mikey singing and I bring proof and pain:
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Do I even need to explain this?
Takemitchy says "MANJIRO" and that's when Mikey fucking reacts because his crybaby hero just said his name and fighted (again) for a good future for him.
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And here we have the hopeless Mikey that at the same time is still fighting his own war in the future for protectinc all his friends (except for Sanzu cofcof)
His hopeless and standing in his own prison until he thinks Takemitchy is death so there is no more reason to keep standing. Mikey who wasn't want Takemitchy to find him but at the same time, wanted to be saved, wanted this once chance.
Yeah, this ending is broking me in pieces in new ways.
What did I said about the trauma onion? So yeah, that T.T
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sun-roach · 11 months
tag game: (star wars)
thxuuu for tagging me @captainrexshusband & @thestarwarslesbian 🧡
1.ride or die ship (your otp): codywan
2. most annoying ship: reylo
3. second favourite ship: errr hmm Fox x caf
4. favourite platonic relationship: Rex and Ahsoka
5. underrated ship: obirex <- agreed
6. overrated ship: Imao reylo <- also agreed
7. one thing i would change in canon: nothing, because i like the pain and fix it fics
8. something canon did right: how they showed order 66 in the s7 finale. <- yessss T.T
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom
PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: i guess the few lil fox fics and incorrect quotes I posted
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): I want to say Fox but his personality is fanon canon and not canon canon so hmm I guess I will go with Rex here. There is nothing I would want to change about him. He is a kyutie
11. the character i relate to the most and why: Fox, but instead of caf i am an energy drink junkie, done with everyones bs, want only some peace and look at the stars, would bite ppl who hurt my friends/family, 24/7 tired af
12. character(-s i hate the most and why: palpatine. for fucking everyone over and breathing. <- that
13. something i've learned from the fandom: that people are so small minded that have to hate on everything they don't even need an opinion on. <- kinda true, kinda true
14. three tags i seek out on a03: i don’t look for any tags lol
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/ favourite character: in the end - tommee profitt for Fox
NPTs: @dukeoftheblackstar @vodika-vibes @commander-sunshine @star-burned @metalatl @techs-stitches @kimiheartblade @orange-twilek-guy @obligatorytropeinsert @insertmeaningfulusername & many more
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youaremycosmo · 15 days
《i'm jelly, baby》 taemin x reader scenario
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someone said here she's going to write more scenarios this year... T.T Word count// 3,925 words
Pairing// Taemin x you
Summary// You're going on a really short business trip. And Taemin hates it so much, especially after he met your handsome boss a few weeks ago.
Genre// fluffiest fluff
Warnings// if you're reading at night, be careful of white screenshots that may kill your eyesight T.T little dirty jokes, not much ^.^
- Oh, I forgot to tell you something - you suddenly declared, reaching for a glass of water as you ate dinner. It was Friday afternoon, and you came from work about 2 hours ago, then cooked something nice for you both. You didn't really have any plans today, just wanted to relax in each other's company after a long, full of duties week.
- What is this? - Taemin asked, catching a glimpse of you, but then returned his attention to the plate again. He always ate everything you cooked as if he had been starving for at least two days, which never failed to amuse you. Instead of anger, you considered it as a good compliment though.
- I have to go on a business trip tomorrow. Not a delegation, more like a short training - you knew you were practically dropping a bomb right now. You should have told him earlier, but expecting his reaction... you preferred to admit that as late as possible.
Taemin's eyes shot towards you again, this time gazing hard. - Delegation? - he put down his chopsticks, suddenly forgetting about dinner.
- Training. With my co-workers - you shrugged, leaning hard in your chair. It wasn’t that you were afraid of something, but knew Taemin wouldn’t leave this information with a simple “okay, have a good time”. - Well, you know, from time to time they want to increase our competencies and motivation in the office, so they send us on such trips - you explained carefully. - Two days. I'll be back on Sunday - you assured him with a soft smile.
- Two days? - he groaned quietly, frowning. You could easily see how his mood changed in a second. - Can't you say you're busy? I wanted to take you on a date tomorrow… 
- It's mandatory, Taeminnie -  you shrugged, biting your lip. - I'll go quickly and come back quickly, you'll see. You won't even notice I'm gone - you added in hope it would cheer him up at least just a little. But who were you trying to fool?
- Sure -  Taem muttered sadly, looking down for a moment. - Since you're going for two days, where will you sleep? - the next question was asked so quickly.
- In the hotel, I actually need to drive… - you scratched your nape, deep in thought. - Like… 70 kilometers there? They rent a conference room for us, then we’ll have a campfire - you started to eat again.
- Need me to drive you maybe? - his eyes suddenly shone, as he straightened up with this idea. 
- Um… - you frowned and reached for his arm to caress it. - Thank you, Taeminnie, but i’ll be fine - you noticed as his shoulders fell down again. Taemin didn't look overly convinced. In fact, you could see his mood turn sour even more. His tone of voice wasn't even accusatory, just blindsided. That's why you pretended that you forgot about that trip, otherwise Tae would have been walking around and sulking so much for a whole month. 
- Will your boss be there too? - you choked slightly on the piece of meat, immediately reaching for a glass of water again. Tae wanted to get up, but you quickly showed him with your hand that everything was fine. - What type of question is this? - you asked indignantly as soon as you regained your breath. - Yes, he works with me, so he'll be there. It's normal.
- I wish he weren't there - he hissed through clenched teeth. - Not only do you work for so long, you see him five times a week, but now you go on a business trip with him. You see your boss more than your fiancé, really - Taem whined so miserably, digging into his food.
- Taeminnie, it's only one weekend - you said, trying to comfort him somehow. - And when I come, you'll take me on a date, okay? Or maybe we'll go somewhere next weekend? Hm? You’ll plan something great, I'm sure… - you praised him, but it didn’t seem to work. Taemin only nodded absent-mindedly. - But... it’s not like you’re going to be in the same hotel room, right? - he still enquired, which started to tire you out. 
- Of course not, baby - you rolled your eyes. - If someone is going to be in my room, it’ll be a female friend, I promise. Now please eat, I took my time to make a meal for us - you empathized, wanting to end this interrogation for good. 
All you could hear was a loud sigh. Was Taemin really 25 years old and not 10? ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
It was supposed to be a quick packing before watching a movie in a soft, comfortable bed, but Taemin had other plans.
His watchful eyes carefully followed every single thing put into the bag for a few minutes now, fortunately in full silence. 
By the time. - Why are you packing such pretty pajamas? - he suddenly pointed out, furrowing his brows.
You glanced at the pink pajamas in your hands. Just a t-shirt and shorts, nothing special. Girly thing to wear at night.
- Normal pajamas, what do you want? - you were similarly outraged.
- Will anyone be there to watch you? You don't sleep in these usually - Taem muttered, getting up and going to the dressing room.
- Well, I usually sleep in your clothes… - you answered under your breath, following him to grab your underwear this time.
- This will be better - he handed out to you his T-shirt and sweatpants. They were equally casual clothes for sleeping, just... a bit embarrassing if any of your co-workers was going to see you. It was immediately obvious that you had stolen it from a man’s wardrobe.
- No thanks, I prefer my own -  you decided,  pulling out your panties.
- Why do you choose such nice underwear? - he asked again, his voice higher than usual.
- Taemin, gosh, I took the first one from the drawer, calm down - you said, already slightly irritated, taking a deep breath when he started looking for something in your panties.
- Take these - he handed you what was probably the most worn out pair.
- Oh, I didn’t notice it, I thought I threw them all away after I bought new ones - you raised your brow, taking them from his hand but only to throw them into the trash. - So, should I just sleep without any, since there’s a problem with my underwear? - you asked, now teasing him.
- What? Of course not, wait… a moment… - he sounded puzzled, and you heard him rummage around again, finally coming up with black, most basic underwear.
- So these panties are approved by Lee Taemin for me to wear on my butt? - you almost chucked, throwing them into your bag. - Okay... I guess that’s all...? - you asked yourself, but then a dirty idea came to your mind. Not joking around with him in this situation was simply a crime. - Oh, no, I forgot… - you turned your attention to him, one hundred percent serious. - Can you lend me some condoms? You know, not all men remember them like you do... - you smiled sweetly.
The way Taemin widened his eyes, looking like he saw a ghost for a split second and his jaw just dropped was worth anything in the world. Unfortunately, he quickly snorted under his breath, sending you a murderous look.  - Very funny, tearing off my sides - Taem hissed, and climbed onto the bed again.
- Well, I should protect myself, right? - you bit the tip of your tongue, obviously satisfied with your teasing.  As a result, a pillow flew towards you, which you didn’t manage to catch.
- I'll get you sick leave soon and you won't go anywhere - he moaned like an offended little boy.
- I don't understand why you're so nervous, tiger - this time you blew him a kiss. - This is integration training and you're acting like I'm going... to cheat on you - you zipped your bag, shrugging your shoulders.
- I would be calmer if there wasn't a person named Choi Minho -  he grumbled, his eyes following you.
- He's my boss, he must be there - you put your bag on the floor and with a wide smile you climbed onto the bed, sitting on his lap. Taemin immediately wrapped his arms around your waist. - And I have a lot of competition there, you don't even know how many of my co-workers chirp - you clasped your hands and placed them next to your cheek. - "Minho-ssi, you're so smart, I couldn't do it without you" - you moved them to the other side. “Minho-ssi, why don't you have lunch with me, you must be hungry” - you added, rolling your eyes.
- Competition? - he seemed even more worried. - So you're trying too? - his eyes, so big and brown, stared at you innocently.
- No, Tae, could you not trip me up on my words?  I don't understand why you've been so mad at him since he came here... Are you angry that he came over for a moment? It won't happen again, if that's a problem for you  - you swore to him with complete sincerity. 
- I'm not angry - he swallowed, looking down for a moment. - He's just... he's handsome... and manly... and he's your boss... and he's well-built - he started listing. - So... I'm not surprised if you liked him more than me… 
- But you're the one complimenting him - you replied, unimpressed. - Yes, a lot of people look after him, but I already have a fiancé - you hugged him tightly. - Even more handsome... and manly... and he's not just the boss, because he's the co-owner of the studio, and he's well-built too... - you pulled away slightly to lift his shirt and show his tummy. - Definitely well-built - you said flirtatiously, giving him a wink.
Taemin laughed, clearly embarrassed, and slipped the material from your hand, covering himself. - You think so? - he asked quietly, looking into your eyes.
This was one of the moments where you knew there’s no space for teasing anymore. - I know that - you answered, placing a sweet, short kiss on his lips. - I'll be a good fiancée, I promise - you smiled broadly, stroking his hair. ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
- Oh, did you put in the ring? - Taemin asked out of the blue in the middle of saying goodbye, lifting your hand. Of course, he asked about the engagement ring, which was so damn expensive that you were afraid to walk around with for fear of losing it. Or that someone will cut off your hand along with that. What a great choice. 
- Yes, I did - you let out a loud sigh. - Anyone from two meters will see that I'm already taken - you grumbled, staring at him as he was kissing your ring. 
- Are you sure you don't want that hickey? - he asked bluntly, staring carefully at your face again.
- Taemin, this isn't elementary school, I'll burn with embarrassment - you answered, removing your hand from his grip. 
- Maybe a small one, behind the ear? -Taem asked again, completely undaunted by your reaction. It was like he already sank into his own world, in which any man passing you on the street could be the one snatching you from him. 
- This one is doing quite well - you lifted your shirt, showing him the hickey he gave you yesterday on your lower stomach - I don't know who is going to see it, but let it be - you crouched down to put on your shoes.
- It's just in case... in case you forgot... that you have a fiancé - he muttered, and you shook your head. So ridiculous, but you didn’t even have time to discuss it with him.
- Everyone knows you are my fiancé. And now I really have to go - you said, straightening up and trying to take your things. - So… see you tomorrow, right?
- Wait, no goodbye kiss for me? - he grumbled, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into a kiss. He was far from sweet and innocent, his lips immediately dominated you, leaving you completely breathless. Soon you were pinned against the wall, fully absorbed into passionate brushing your lips against his. And when he made sure they could kiss only him, he decided to take his time on marking you again.
- I… Taemin… - you tried to say as he was holding your cheek and giving you multiple smooches here and there. - You’re… ruining… my makeup… - you whined, trying to push him from you a little. Like yesterday's intense lovemaking wasn’t enough. 
Taem didn’t look concerned by that, his lips continuously pressing to your forehead, nose, cheeks and chin until he finally decided to back away. 
You couldn’t help, but immediately glanced over at yourself in the mirror and pursed your lips into straight line as you noticed red patches everywhere on your face due to overflowing affection from your fiancé. 
- Baby, drive carefully, okay? And send me a message when you arrive - he asked lovingly, letting you go with visible dissatisfaction.
- Don’t worry, I'll write to you -  you assured in a low voice, taking your things and trying to leave the apartment. You really needed to hurry up to be on time.  - Y/n? - he asked again when you were about to close the door. You run your fingers across your eyelids in slight annoyance. Sometimes you really had to have the patience of a saint for Taem and his lovey-dovey nature. - Yes, Taeminnie? - you replied as calmly as possible, opening them again. Taemin suddenly looked down. It looked like he was thinking intensively for a second before his dark, puppy eyes met with yours again. 
- I love you -  he said with a bit of uncertainty, biting his lip. - And… I'll be waiting for you here, okay? - Tae added with a little pout. You felt your heart melted hearing that. You just couldn’t be mad at him, when he acted so adorably and… was just in love with all his heart and soul. - I know, Tae - you smiled warmly. - I love you too. Very, very much - you whispered enough for him to hear. You could see as he smiled so brightly at those words, before you left for good.  ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Your training just couldn't be uninterrupted, and you had felt your phone vibrate in your pocket again and again for the last twenty minutes. At first you really tried to ignore it, but soon your thoughts took a different direction as more messages were delivered.
Did something happened? Nobody sends so many texts at once...
You tried to discreetly look around, sensing if a lack of focus for a moment would be noticed. Fortunately, it seemed like nobody paid attention to you, so finally you decided to take out the phone under the table.
And mentally rolled your eyes.
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This time you looked up from your phone and flinched slightly when you saw Minho's sharp gaze as he was sitting across from you. He didn't have to say or show anything, you could immediately sense that you were already in trouble.
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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- I thought you were going to the studio today - it was the first thing you said, when Taemin answered the phone. He didn’t need more than 3 seconds, to be exact. 
- I was in the studio!  - he said indignantly.
- When, since you wrote every half an hour?  - you made fun of him a little, trying to get comfortable on the pillow. One thing you had to admit, Taemin probably spoiled you too much with the mattress in your bedroom, bought because it was especially for desk workers and all the soft pillows. 
- I wrote when I had a break, I don’t dance all the time - he groaned quietly. - What I was supposed to do, I’ve done. Are you going to sleep? - he immediately changed the tone of his voice. - How was it anyway? - Tae got so much quieter and calmer, as he sensed you were preparing for sleep. 
- Sitting and listening -  you muttered, sighing. - It's not the most entertaining thing in the world, at least on the weekend… 
- See, if you just stayed with me...
- Ah, how many times do I have to tell you that it's beyond my control? - you raised your voice a little, already so irritated by his words. - Do you think I want to sit here? - you asked, maybe a little too sharp, then let out a deep breath. - I want to go on a date too... - you admitted quietly, your fingers nibbling on the sheets.
Taemin stayed quiet for a moment before you heard his warm, beaming laugh. - Arasso, arasso - he replied in a warbling tone. - I promise I'll make it up to you, right? As soon as you arrive, okay? Don't be mad... don't be mad... - he purred, while making kissing sounds through the phone that you couldn't help but giggle at. - Better? - he asked and you bit your lip slightly.
- It would be better to feel it - it was already a whisper, since things like that were difficult for you to confess. And Taem knew about it. Still, he seemed a little surprised as he made a little longer pauses before he said anything.
- Tomorrow you’ll get as much as you need, baby - Tae assured lovingly. - I promise, I can kiss you all day, and all night, if you want. 
- I’m sure you aren’t lying - you answered, already imagining it. Somehow, you started to feel how the other half of the bed was empty, left only for you. 
- I won’t torment you more today - he chuckled gently. - You probably really want to sleep, and I'm just a sticker, so… sleep well - you could hear the sincerity in his tender voice. - You worked hard today, and I’m really proud of you. Like, when did my girl grow up so much? - Taem sighed happily, which gave your tummy a funny feeling. You settled yourself more in the pillow, biting your lip. 
- Taem? - you said hesitantly, despite you were repeating it for almost 10 years now. 
- Yes, baby? 
This time you took a slight pause before speaking again. - I love you - you admitted affectionately, which made him giggle. 
- I’m all red now because of you - he whined, but still so amused. - How am I going to sleep now? I think I may love you too - Tae joked, and you rolled your eyes. 
- May love? You’ll regret it as soon as I arrive - you snorted under your breath. - Goodnight, Taem. 
- Goodnight, my princess. Dream only about me - he answered, but didn’t disconnect. You stayed in the silence for a few seconds more, just listening to his slow, calm breaths before you ended the call with slight regret.
You turned off the bedside light and made yourself comfortable on the pillow before closing your eyes. But immediately you corrected yourself again. This bed really wasn't cosy. And that pillow… was so thin. You reached for the other one and tried to position your head better. This bedding, so scratchy. It was already getting hot, even though you had only been under her for a few minutes. Taemin always asked if you wanted to turn the sheets over when he felt it might be too hot for you. But now you had to do it yourself. Cooler. And still scratchy. And so quiet. It should be fine, you were fed up with all the blabbering for all day, along with Taemin, who was behaving like a preschooler whose favorite toy had been stolen. You laid there for a good hour, with all sorts of thoughts running through your head… Until you finally realized why you couldn't fall asleep. It wasn't the wrong sheets or the uncomfortable bed, it bothered you… that no one bothered you. There was no weird man who, as soon as you got into bed, hugged your back tightly and never let go, there was no talking about total nonsense before going to sleep, and there was no his yawning and calm breathing. You opened your eyes, wondering what to do. Taemin was probably just talking nonsense about how he couldn't fall asleep without you, and now he was probably hugging his pillow, long since drifting off to dreamland. The strong light from your phone illuminated your face, making you moan softly before you dimmed it. You bit your lip lightly as you wrote another message. Just to make sure you were right. You weren't right. Taem answered it in like 2 seconds, just like your call before.
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This was just pointless. You locked your phone and thought about what you were about to do for a little more before turning the light. Then, you quickly left the bed and began to pack your things. ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
You sighed deeply, finally entering code to your apartment. All the driving in the night made you even more tired and sleepy, so you just dreamed about lying in bed. You turned on the light in the corridor, and your eyes immediately saw Taemin with ruffled hair, looking so surprised. His eyes weren’t sleepy though. 
- Are you back? Did you miss me? - he asked, suddenly bright-eyed and bushy tailed.
You decided to take off your shoes, turning your back to him. Seeing him made you feel embarrassed. You simply couldn’t admit you actually felt the same. 
- I was cold under the covers - you replied quietly without much emotion. You heard Taemin chuckle at your words before his hands wrapped around your body, lifting you up. You didn't resist him, immediately hugging him so it was easier to carry you to bed.
- I couldn't sleep without you either - he purred smugly, carrying you to the bedroom. Taem helped you undress and soon you were lying on the familiar sheets, with him snuggling into your right side as close as possible. But this wasn’t what you needed today. So, without a word, you turned your back to him. 
- Why? - he whined outraged, lifting up a little. 
- Shhh, let me sleep - you reprimanded him, taking his hand and pulling it. You intertwined fingers with him and put it next to your cheek, as Taemin finally hugged you with a giggle. 
- Oh, you must be missing me a lot, baby - he said, kissing your nape. Fortunately, he was probably so tired that it was the last thing said that night. 
You smiled softly, closing your eyes.
Better. Much better. And of course, you missed him a lot.
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skubean · 1 year
just wanted to let you know your post does shows up in the tags, congrats on the blog opening!!🎉🎉 also. since you specifically mentioned Bettel, how about some headcanons of what he would like to do for a first date?👀
thank you anon, much love!! and i'm glad i'm showing up T.T <3 also, thank you for the request!!! aaaaa i'm so happy and this is a really good idea :o hope you liked it and lmk what you think!
first date with gavis bettel! with gender neutral reader (hcs)
warnings: gender neutral reader, fluff with some crack, slight cursing, probably just two people being silly, mentions of reader having long/hair that can be tied.
bettel strikes me as the type of guy who would act all cool but is secretly panicking on the inside when he hears you agreeing to go on a date with him. *you don't tell him but you could practically see the gears in his head turning*
he's been secretly pining for you for weeks and finally mustered up the courage to ask you out.
he's either 1) planned everything + back up plans in case plan a goes astray, or 2) decides to stick with one idea and lets fate decide what happens afterwards.
i lied, he's definitely #2.
overheard you telling your friends that you haven't been to a theme park for years, so he decides "theme park date it is!" *booked tickets as soon as he got home*
when the day finally came, bettel would have his hair done (slickback probably, like the valentine art holy shit) and would personally come and pick you up, because he's a gentleman like that.
silly but he definitely is the type that would be so cautious while driving that everytime you pass a speed bump, he would mutter small sorry(s) and try to go as slow as he could, so that you wouldn't be surprised by the sudden bump.
oh, he would also not tell you where your date would be until you saw the huge ass ferris wheel and literally flashed the brightest smile he had ever seen. (he tisker-ed)
(more under the cut!)
i imagine bettel to be really gentle with you at first because he doesn't wanna come off as rude or like pushy but gradually gets more used to being around you that his silly banters and stupid jokes come out naturally, just the way you've always liked.
some rides were fun and not too scary for the both of you, so you both got a little competitive to see who could handle the most rides.
obviously, it doesn't end well when the both of you go on a drop tower ride (reference) and the moment it plunges from a height, the both of you scream at the top of your lungs (i think bettel might've passed out midway but we'll act like it didn't happen).
roller coaster rides are both fun and scary for you that you unconsciously ended up gripping his hands as the ride starts swaying around. his heart started beating faster but his protective instinct also went crazy and decided that he would act all cool and not scream on the rides (he still did).
if you're not a fan of high rides, he'd bring you to go on rides that were less chaotic and more chilling, like the teacups or try vr!
you both had so much fun that you didn't notice the sky getting darker, signaling that it was nearing night. you could feel your heart panging at the thought of the fun day ending already.
"here, come on. i wanted to show you this", bettel would say as he puts your hand in his and brings you to the big ferris wheel the both of you saw by the entrance.
he's the type to go in first, so that he could hold your hand when you get in and have you seated in front of him.
once you both reached the top, bettel points towards the outside and you could see the whole entire park all in display. you were practically glowing in front of him and bettel swears he fell more in love with you.
while you were so focused on the view, you hear bettel clear his throat before he shifts himself so he's sitting next to you and is pushing your hair aside so as to tie it (because he noticed how you kept pushing it since you were sweating earlier).
you both pretty much sit in silence for the whole ride until you clapped your hands. "ah okay! i can't take this anymore!", you said and looked at bettel as you tell him you've liked him for so long and that you could literally pass out right now from happiness (all while your face burns from embarrassment)
bettel laughs and touches his forehead to yours before whispering, "damn, i was gonna be the first to say it but you beat me to it. can i....can i kiss you?". you nod as he leans in closer.
he's sweet, soft and tastes like apples. the both of you a blushing mess when the worker opens the door, signaling that it's time to get out.
long story short, he's glad he decided to bring you to the theme park because he saw so many sides of you he's never seen, not to mention how soft your lips were to him that he just, could not stop thinking abt them.
the date might have been cliché, but bettel made sure not to end the date without officially asking if he could be yours. not if you could be his, but for him to be yours.
once you got back home, you finally noticed how terrible he tied your hair, with it leaning to one side more, and just strands of hair everywhere. but you appreciate the effort.
"you're silly. thank you for the horrible hairstyle <3" bettel is probably kicking the sheets, giggling at your text rn.
a/n: okay phew! sorry, this ended up being slightly longer than i expected skskkssk i decided to write a theme park based first date bcs i imagine bettel to be someone who prefers fun dates like this compared to like dinner dates idk SHAHHSAKSH anyways, sorry for any errors and hope you liked this ! <3 beanz.
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