#this show is my brain rot rn
maylodic · 1 year
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I love them! So much! I can’t even!!!
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kenobihater · 4 months
of all the star wars movies, which of them do y'all 1) enjoy the most 2) consider the best quality and 3) think you've rewatched the most. add your answers in the reblogs or replies, i'm genuinely curious how much of an overlap there is within everyone's three answers. mine don't overlap at all! they're revenge of the sith, empire strikes back, and the force awakens :^)
#len speaks#star wars#revenge of the sith#empire strikes back#the force awakens#not tagging more films than that bc i cant b bothered. incoming tag ramble ahead bc i have sw brainrot rn and im making it everyones prob❤️#i rlly struggled 2 remember if id watched tfa or aotc more. i went w/ tfa bc it was formative to me as a teen and ive seen it probably 6ish#times? whereas aotc was the first sw movie i remember (specifically the scene of obiwan serving c*nt in the bar lmao) but i've only seen it#for sure 4.5 and maybe 5.5 times. the .5 is from when i got bored after obi-wan's scene ended and ran off to go play in the mud or smthn 😭#i'm sure tfa will eventually get surpassed in number of rewatches by aotc and rots bc i don't fw the direction of the ST but that's my#current ballpark estimate of my total number of rewatches#as an adult tho if i just wanna watch a star war i'll go with aotc bc it's fun and ends semihappily and i can turn my brain off for the#spinny lightsabers. it's great background noise or for if you're sick or whatever. rots on the other hand? i won't talk through that unless#i'm quoting it with my brother and i am LOCKED IN 100% entirely entranced by it all#i almost picked rogue one for the best quality answer but i think the character writing is weaker and the facial cgi is creepy. esb beats#it by a hair imho bc of that. the vader hallway scene goes hard tho!!!#also i'm not covering shows or games or books or anything else in this post - simply the films. might ask abt shows later but that might#also give me hives bc so many of the shows suck ass and i don't rlly want ppl extolling the virtues of t.bb in my notes 💀#and yes i do think one's enjoyment and one's opinion of quality are two things that often overlap. but sometimes you just like something#bad and that's awesome. like rots is the best of the prequels by a large margin and i adore the opening and characters and many of the#scenes but that doesn't mean it's the best star wars has to offer ykwim? it's my specialest most favoritest sw movie but that doesn't blind#me to the dialogue lmfaooo
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hollytree33 · 2 months
WIP Wednesday!
Folks! I was tagged by the wonderful @greypetrel last week!! I didn’t have much to show then, but I do now!!
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Updates on that Solas sketch I teased a while back! I just slapped some colors on this thing and I’m not the most happy with them right now, but I never am to start with lmao. It’ll get better as I goooo
Aaannndd here’s the sketchiest sketchy sketch that you ever did see that I just started working on. This one is mostly just an excuse to paint foliage and fun lighting (all those scribbles will be plants soon, I promise)
This week I’ll be tagging @greypetrel back as well as @plisuu, @rosieofcorona, @inquisimer, @broodwolf221, and @dreadfutures! No pressure to participate as always 💖💞
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thenerdyalchemist · 3 months
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*holds gently* Pairo lives Au I love you
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wildtornado-o · 10 months
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Messy sketch page. This sad cat who is so wet is gripping my mind a little rn
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kihteyu · 6 months
Help I love Dadrius so much cause you just know he would absolutely spoil Hunter
Hunter growing up in an abusive and unloving environment, forced to believe that the only way he could ever receive any scraps of acknowledgement from his authority figure was if he was “perfect” and did his job well
Meanwhile, he moves in with Darius and it’s the complete opposite environment. He gets used to random shows of affection for no other reason than because Darius wants to show him love. He never has to skip meals or try and horde food because Darius makes sure he always gets enough to eat. He learns that it’s ok to cry in front of Darius because instead of a harsh reprimand for showing weakness, he would get a hug and a kiss to soothe him
One of Darius’ main love languages is gift giving so it’s not rare for Hunter to get cool new stuff. When he was at the castle, he’d only been allowed the bare necessities to survive. Occasionally he was allowed to get something for himself but he was under the impression that personal wants being fulfilled were not only rare, but had to be earned. Meanwhile, if Hunter shows even the most minuscule of interest in a new book or stuffed animal or anything else, Darius makes sure to get it for him the very next day.
Just thinking about Hunter getting to live out the rest of his childhood with an actually good parental figure is so emotional for me. He deserves to be happy!!!
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yuki119 · 1 year
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this sad wet cat of a man compels me
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dailykugisaki · 4 months
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Day 121 | id in alt
They're recreating something that happened on a mission. Gojo is invested. Fushiguro? Lightly shaken.
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jackie-shitposts · 1 year
om nom nom
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aok-posting · 5 months
Okay so I’ve been thinking a lot about how careful they seem to be with character design in Hazbin Hotel, and how Lute’s exorcist outfit is a little unique:
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Part of me wonders if the red that appears on her exorcist outfit could be apples… and Lute could be Eve?
I know that the webtoon cannon isn’t necessarily cannon for the show, and I’ll admit I haven’t read the webtoon. But doesn’t that make Lute SO much more interesting, if she’s actually Eve, who we’ve heard nothing about besides the very beginning of the story? Wouldn’t that make Lute’s character and backing of Adam a much more interesting thing to explore? 👀
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greenteadumplings · 9 months
Another day, another bad buddy spam.
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papirouge · 3 months
You got some serious Tik Tok brain rot...please seek help 😭
"tiktok brain rot" and all the brainless hate wagon against this app is gonna be the new anti woke. A stupid culture panic lousy contrarian movement to act intellectually/ culturally superior to (what I assume) conceal some inner insecurity from realizing that mayyybe you're not that interesting/relevant as you thought you were and feel the compulsive need to look down on others to feel like you're actually the shit?
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welcometoteyvat · 9 months
i am very curious (and i'm asking this not with any malicious intent) but what ages do you see the genshin characters! i personally see them (most of them) as adults, even collei. even if they were teenagers, time passes in-game (i.e. lantern rite happens every year and we already had 2 lantern rites in-game) so they'll eventually grow to be adults.
tldr: I have schrodinger's age headcanons
long answer: if they're in a ship with a ""clearly"" adult character, I'll assume they're young adults; idk I feel like there's some blurring of age and what growth stage you're in when people are around 17 to 20 (from my experience) so I think it's vague-ish enough that you could probably do what you want.
If they're not in a ship I see some of them as adults and some as still teens/underage. as a general rule of thumb a character's age is solely dependent on what I want at the moment, although I do think the way some characters are written (ie character arcs, character stories and general personality) pushes me to view them as underage (will explain more but the character I'm thinking about most w this is Xingqiu). Some of them read to me as clear adults, and then there are some in-betweens where I just have "vaguely young looking" in my hcs LOL
you bring up a good point that time is passing in game although we don't see it reflected in the character models—everyone points out that Xiao opens up a bit more every lantern rite, but fandom (and genshin devs too ig 💀) definitely forgets that all the other characters are also growing/changing. w/ 4.1 around the corner my personal wish is for hu tao, xingqiu, and chongyun's relationships to each other get developed more so that their relationships (as described through their voicelines abt each other) don't feel so flat,,,,,, it would also help with the sense of "time is passing in game for ALL characters", since we almost never get this kind of evolving relationship portrayed between 4*s/non endgame important charas.
I have too much time on my hands so I'll also just run through all the teen/short models there are for each region and list whether my personal headcanons are adult or minor (at least their ages when we "meet" them in canon):
liyue (mortal/mortal adjacent characters): yanfei, chongyun, xingqiu, hu tao, xiangling, xinyan, yun jin, keqing
yanfei and keqing are solidly adults to me, yanfei's a lawyer and keqing's also in a govt job so both of them feel around like 25-27 to me. Definitely somewhere around their mid-20s, although I can also see them as younger, especially Keqing, because of her overall attitude/perspective on life and the gods. iirc her character stories show how her worldview's grown/broadened to be not as naive/black and white, so I feel like she's still in the process of maturing. If you told me Yanfei was like 23 (appearance wise) I guess I'd believe you too, since she's a very peppy person who seems to be running all over the place all the time, doing errands for madame ping, checking on her clients, taking new cases etc. I feel like it gives her youthful energy, so I can see it if people hc her on the younger side of her 20s (in human years I forgot how her half-adeptal blood works).
I see the other 6 as a friend group (liyue 6ang let's go) so they're either all teens or all adults depending on the portrayal. You can obviously view them as adults all the time, but I don't get those vibes. Xinyan and Yun Jin might be like 18-19, but if that's the case, I can't see the other 4 being any younger than 17, just because I think they're all almost the same age or 1-2 years apart maximum. For some reason so many people view Hu Tao and Yun Jin as adults but at the same time think the others are minors? Idk about that.. genshin has shown that Xiangling, Xinyan, and Yun Jin are pretty close friends, and then always put Xingqiu and Chongyun together for the ship bait, so maybe that's the root of fanon's age hcs. However, I think if some of them are young adults, then all of them are. There's a max 2 year age gap between all 6 of them idk idk I really can't see it otherwise.
To me, Xingqiu's arc reads like a 16 year old finding his footing in the world. Hiding martial arts novels under his bed, tired of playing dutiful 2nd son and sneaking out to live out his idealized wuxia dreams, his multiple voicelines where he's implied to be super worried about us giving away his involvings in the Guhua sect, they all read like he's still trying to figure out his role in his family (what he wants it to be, and what his parents want it to be). He's also very naive about the world, but learning. He just feels a lot like how (chinese) teenagers grow up and like. growing into or out of the paths given to us by our parents. ... or i could just be projecting! Anyways, in my no ships world, he's a 16-17 yr old. Chongyun's clan and family play a not-insignificant role in his backstory, so I think he's the same age as Xingqiu, just older by a month for the flex. Lowkey I don't have as much reason for him as the others, but I think they're in the same age range by association; probably almost 18 at most. Hu Tao's character stories explicitly state she's 13 when her grandfather passed away, and I think she becomes Director not long after this, so I would say she's also around 16-17 when the game starts. @.acatoner who draws quite possibly my favorite interpretations of the gang(TM) once mentioned they see her with spoiled younger sister energy and honestly yeah. she's an only child but has the strongest solidarity with Xingqiu (they're the bratty younger siblings of the friendgroup). Out of all of them, Xiangling is the one with the most plausible job if she was like, young: being a chef apprentice with her dad to continue the family business is pretty reasonable. Middle child energy, probably 17. We did meet her when she was in Mondstadt foraging ingredients, so I'd say she's not very young, but still young enough for her dad to chew her out during moonchase for being like messy or clumsy or smth? Xinyan and Yun Jin.... I think Yun Jin is at least almost 18—running a well acclaimed opera troupe is a pretty big undertaking imo, even if her parents are there to like guide her and whatnot. Same with Xinyan, 17-18 range, although she def started playing rock publicly when she was way younger.
inazuma: shinobu, heizou, kazuha, kirara, gorou, kokomi, ayaka, yoimiya
Disclaimer I have not read the Lore and don't know whether actual ages are given for Ayaka and Ayato (specifically pointing them out because iirc their and Thoma's character stories are the most specific ones wrt the timeline).
I see basically all of them as adults, ayaka might be an exception but she's like 17 minimum in my head. That's pretty interesting considering I labeled almost all the liyue short models as teens. From what I can remember of their character stories, the Inazuman characters seem to be portrayed as having their formative struggles set In the Past (probably a couple years before we meet them) so perhaps that's why I see them as solidly young adults. Additionally, Inazuma's arc and its war pushes me to see all of them as adults, even if they're still obscenely young to be generals and strategicians. The exceptions I can see to this are only Yoimiya (smaller role in archon quest and not related to the government), and Shinobu + Heizou, who were released later. Yoimiya's maturity really stands out to me—from the way her neighbors and old people converse with her, and her overall character arc + second story quest, I cannot see her as below like 19 at least. Shinobu manages an entire unofficial gang and has countless certifications under her belt plus ex-shrine maiden stint—she probably isn't less than 23. It would be cute if she were the same age as Yanfei but just started law school later, so Yanfei's still her senior. I think there's not much to say on Heizou either, he's friends with Kazuha and has a real job, so I can't read him below 20-21. I don't know anything about Kirara (don't have her, haven't read her stories) but I also just get the vibes of like 20-something errand girl SDFDSSKDFJS in a modern au she'd deliver to teyvat/inazuma's college campus for sure
mondstadt (humans): barbara, razor, bennett, fischl, mika, amber, noelle, sucrose
this is a mix again, for Barbara Razor Bennett and Fischl they give me kid vibes, like little adventure gang things. Reddit apparently cites Mona called Fischl an adult in the 2.8 Midsummer Fantasia GAA event, so I mean. I guess she's 18 there—might've been 16 when we met in game the first time (1.2?? scaramouche fake stars event or something?) Idk really. Their group collectively gives me 16 year old vibes, at least when we start the game. I can see it if all of them have aged to 18 now—it just makes sense in my head lol. Mika feels like an 18 year old; mostly because of his relationship with Huffman. Amber seems vaguely adult-ish, I'd say 19 or so, maybe 20 during shadows amidst snowstorms in 2.3. there's some logic behind this that ties into her search for her grandfather but it's like vague and hazy in my head. I haven't given much thought to Noelle and Sucrose— Sucrose also gives "vaguely adult" vibes, idk if her character story about wanting to make a wonderland to meet her past friends in has any relevance to timeline estimation. I'd say Noelle also falls into the vague adult age range, but to me she's a puzzle, because her personality seems incongruent to how I thought she might act if she's like 23 or so.
anyways, anon if you read all this i will declare my love for you. thanks for giving me an excuse to genuinely think on this and then dump my thoughts out for the internet. you can clearly see none of my braincells really go towards Mondstadt headcanons but I hope you're happy w my response ehe
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googlein1942 · 10 months
ive been so into rdr2 lately and i keep thinking about public nations verse where people making historical games/movies/shows/etc. consult nation people on historical tidbits and accuracy and whatnot, so queue Alfred “Favorite era of the US was the wild wild west” Jones finding his way to rockstar studios to help them out with the game accuracy/go on about whacky people he met during those days while the studio is just like write that down write that down
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housewifebuck · 5 months
hi cam!! i hope your weekend is starting off okay!
do you have any film/tv show recommendations to put on while i clean?
oooh or a playlist!
*:・゚✧ ʕづ•ᴥ•ʔづ♡ ✧・゚:*
Ok I’m sure ur done cleaning by now but u should watch daredevil s1 and live text me all ur thoughts
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poohwhin · 1 year
@kindan-no-kanojo pls dont mind this random tag after like millions of years but this thought has been in my mind for a MONTH and it will not leave
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kinolett??? right??? right.
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i have no idea if any of my mutuals downloaded hsr but i can NOT play this godforsaken game without thinking of kinolett 😭😭 every time blade & kafka come on screen i’m like “oh yeah kinolett but game”
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