#this show was a wild ride
ladyjanedraws · 7 months
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peachypunchh · 2 months
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ARTHUR BENNETT???!!!!???!?
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avatarkcrra · 2 years
wwdits season 4 is just like
e1: the gang’s all here [desolate]
e2: in case you forgot that nandor is The Worst
e3: guillermo, certified penis lawyer; laszlo, certified dilf; nadja, certified girlboss
e4: hey check out these cool ass practical effects
e5: we ran out of money after all the practical effects. we are going to make one of the best episodes of the series because of it
e6: in case you forgot that nandor is The Worst
e7: why am i gasping. i already knew that
e8: the scariest, most suspenseful episode of the entire show (you think they’re gonna HGTV-ify the whole mansion)
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doodle-drops · 2 months
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Happy 10th Anniversary to Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V 🎉
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noveltybee · 4 months
Imagine putting your heart and soul into a project because you love the source material, but have to work around certain scenarios because they won’t really translate well to screen, which is fine because you’ve gotten help/blessings from the ORIGINATOR of said source material so you’re feeling really good about everything. Maybe you wish you could change somethings, but you’re proud of the story that you’ve told and how true it is to the HEART OF THE STORY…
Only to then read that some of the fans of said source material think the show is awful and (somehow??) worse than the bad movie adaptations that disregarded the heart of the material (the actually STORY), all because of a casino and either adding or dropping minor story beats.
Wow. Just wow.
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jade-kyo · 24 days
My mental state since Restoration aired
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jackharkness · 2 years
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THE BEAR 1.02 "Hands"
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Centaurworld really is the show ever. Two worlds, one is sharp and serious, one is bubbly and cartoony. An epic quest. Orphans of war. There’s singing. They gave a horse depression and an identity crisis. An elk will make you cry. Kimiko Glenn is there.
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readdontsleep1 · 5 months
So I told my non-pjo-fan friend to watch the new pjo series, and oh boy.
That poor girl.
I asked her what her favorite characters are, and she's like, "I like Percy, Chiron, and LUKE."
Literally. He's on her top 3. I was trying to hold my laughs. I didn't know what to tell her.
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to-be-a-dreamer · 24 days
Oliver Stark’s real accent this, Oliver Stark’s real accent that, WHYST THE FUCK did no one tell me about John Harlan Kim’s real accent before I started watching The Librarians on a whim and got immediately jumpscared by that motherfucker being AUSTRALIAN????????
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 2 months
The Ice casting decision reeks of misogyny. It's doubly disappointing as a Japanese ice show considering just how good/deep their women's field is. Kaori not only being reigning world champion, but having made history with it just so recently, rubs salt even further into the wound. Makes me wonder if they're falling into the same thing I keep seeing posted on various platforms of the women's field being "not interesting" anymore - various arguments around this statement.
No matter the reasoning, it's extremely disappointing. Especially with just how they openly stated it to, though I guess it doesn't leave anyone wondering just how intentional it was to have them all left out.
Thank you for your thoughts! This probably serves as an answer for my poll. I am still using this to comment on some of your thoughts under the cut and share some additional points from my view.
The decision of an all male cast is strange and uncalled for especially considering their deep field of women. I really wonder what lead to that final decision. I totally get the disappointment and anger even if I like most skaters that are announced for the show. But tbh from my point of view Japan has a lot of mysoginistics way of thinking instilled in their culture, so internalized mysoginy may have played a part, even if probably or hopefully nobody went like "we hate women, so we don't want them". From the reaction by Japanese fans I came across the criticism wasn't as negative as the reaction from the English fandom. In the end the Japanese fans buy the tickets.
We can't tell if the producers buy into the "women skating is not interesting anymore" or if they have other reasons. There is not any justifiable reasons to exclude women single skaters imo! One thought appeared on my mind though: from my outside observation the Japanese single women skaters do not have the same "superstar" status as the male skaters in Japan and maybe that plays a part why they are deemed by producers as "not a selling point"???After Mao Asada no other female Japanese skater got as much attention. It's a shame especially as Kaori has three world titles now! She deserves so much better. All of the Japanese ladies deserve better in general! (Though the women discipline is popular with tv ratings in Japan yet I don't see the same hype around the women skaters as male skaters in the fandom and fans will attend shows not casual tv watchers. Again just an outsiders observation of the Japanese fandom, so by no means any sort of factbased.)
I also think it's maybe in Japan but to me it doesn't feel like a Japanese ice show, bc besides Kao and Shoma and Satoko if you can even count her as she isn't perfoming apparently (that's the wildest point imo to have Satoko and not have her skate 💀) there are not many Japanese skaters announced and I mean the men field in Japan is deep too. So when all male, where are they? Where is Sota, Yuma, Kazuki, Koshiro??? I mean Nika Egadze a stronger selling point than any of them? 🙃
Many things are worth criticizing but the transparancy of the "concept" is not a negative point for me. Transparancy is always good, even if it's not transparent about the reasons for an all male cast. It's better to sell tickets when ppl know what to expect than to let ppl buy tickets blindly expecting certain skaters that then would not fit their concept. They did try to sell tickets last year before anyone was announced and that seemed to have sparked criticism inside Japan, maybe a reason why there is a complete annoucement about their casting decisions, even if it wasn't a decision anyone asked for.
Maybe this decision for an all male cast is also just a promotion stunt. Whether we like it or not, it was a "hot topic" today in the fandom and trended on Jpn Twt.
Whatever lead to that decision I feel like one thing is clear looking at SOI (a show that has the same producer) that new concepts for ice shows are needed. As much as I hate the "empty seats" discussion, shows don't sell as strongly as they used to, not even in Japan (unless it's Yuzu's show but then it's also focused on a male skater and on one skater only). They need new concepts and I am not against having a new concept, but the big question is whether that new concept had to EXCLUDE women single skaters performing???? Absolutely not.
Only time will tell if their "concept" will get ppl interested to buy tickets or turned off. We'll find out in July. And frankly in the end our view doesn't matter much as the majority of us won't be the target audience for this show.
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leshorros · 1 year
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"I just can't believe i'm back here again..." "making offerings to the dirt?" "something like that"
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swept-away-sands · 10 months
Black Sails I: Revelation of Flint
"It's done! Wouldn't you agree?"
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My name is Cassandra and it's been two years since I first let Jonathan Steinberg and Robert Levine's pirate show 'Black Sails' into my head. Seeing as it is still very much there, I decided that I had to do Something about it. This is the first of likely many Things, and also marks the first time in...longer than I care to remember, really, that I drew and finished the piece I started. There is a fierce joy to be found in creation. Happy first day of letting the beast free to me! You have been warned.
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dragonsareawesome123 · 2 months
Pyramid Game ending with two new girls showing up at school who intend to take Harin’s place after she got defeated is the writers showing that the bullying and hierarchies created by it are systemic problems and aren’t just going to go away by getting rid of one person. In this essay I will-
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raining-anonymously · 8 months
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Perry reacting to “This Is Your Backstory.”
[ID: First image shows Perry in a claw trap with a worried expression. Second shows Perry taken aback with wide, horrified eyes and small pupils. Third shows him with slightly bigger pupils and thicker eyebrow lines to show worry, still taken aback. The third shows him in red lighting, shielding his face, leaning away, eyes squeezed shut in apparent fear. end ID]
The second image is seconds after realizing he inadvertently provided the final “emotionally scarring backstory.”
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sekiumiarashi · 3 months
Bravern is the show that keeps on giving. I’m not sure what’s it’s giving me half the time but I know it’s giving me a good time
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