#seki speaks
macheteddy · 14 days
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hey there no tears, only chibi hopper1 to make your day better
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sekiumiarashi · 4 months
my ideal scenario is Lewis and Superbia awkwardly co-parenting Lulu
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bp-119duke · 5 months
what if I started a mecha side blog?
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no1ryomafan · 5 months
hate ever since I finished giant robo yesterday my train of thought hasn’t been a critical analysis of what I consumed despite acknowledging both the show’s strengths and weaknesses and instead going back to my Imagawa Armageddon drama conspiracy board and going “okay no way in fuck he didn’t have Kei as Genki planned after the fucking family drama plot line in giant robo being similar to what we got in arma and it’s likely that the team got away with this idea after he left because they might’ve been in production for ep 4 but had to rewrite it and the show after onwards to fit the new direction”
or in simpler terms my brain activates “how do I make this about getter robo”
#meg text#mecha rambles#getter robo#giant robo ova#I think I ranted about this on here before so I won’t rant about it in the tags again but GOD#it didn’t help I found out genya was voiced by gos va too (fucking seki is in everything ever)#I’m now slightly convinced the reason imagawa even made their hair green was to reference genya and ginrei#originally I thought he based at least gos hair off of one manga cover ishikawa did for the manga but this seems more likely#I never even seen anyone mention the fact genkis hair was always green- or the fact how his va was always keis#And given she also voiced ALLENBY prior I don’t think imagawa would wanna waste a talent like that in a child who hardly speaks#also just remembering how the show of giant robo we got was somehow the 6 part out of 7 and needs 5 other parts for context#and how the end teases the last part even if it still is conclusive it just as my friend put it “apart of a anime that doesn’t exist”#and people thought the moon war stuff was complicated 💀 (still nice to have the context but- at least it would just need to be ONE show)#Oh and I heard genya and ginrei were completely original characters he made so that’s how he could’ve gotten away with it#next to it being a reference#tldr will never know the full context of the arma staff drama but Im now convinced Kei as genki was always planned#and likely the show we would’ve gotten would only be different in tone the hayato shit being address and way way more convoluted
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harapeveco · 9 months
Bro's vocabulary is actually quite impressive...💀
Seki stans talk like that bc Seki talks like that I’m not surprised
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kiwikipedia · 1 year
the girlies love it when there are two bad bitches in one (Miguel O'Hara and Gilgamesh)
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viovio · 2 years
yamamoto cannot have a yaoi moment sorry.
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kr-han · 6 months
HiGH&LOW Random Fun Facts That You May Not Know
Disclaimer: SWORD only and the list is so random, so bear with me.
Cobra loves cupcakes, he probably has sweet tooth.
Cobra styles his hair according to his mood (not like bad or good but more like he's fired up enough or not).
Cobra has A LOT of red clothing. His real name is Hino Junpei (緋野盾兵) and the first character which is 緋 can also be read as aka which means red or scarlet.
He loves Antonio Inoki (a pro-wrestler) so much and make it his whole personality (including his red scarf).
When Cobra is drunk, he would shout, "Inoki-san, genki desuka!?". In MUGEN era, he would do it with Kohaku for the rest of the night.
Cobra admires Kohaku so much because he thinks Kohaku resembles Antonio Inoki.
Cobra has small appetite not even 1/10 of Yamato's. But he eats cupcakes.
Cobra can't draw.
Cobra didn't use sticker on LINE (the messanger).
Cobra and Yamato can't speak English. They're probably the type who'd say, "We're Japanese we don't need English!"
Yamato is afraid of cats. The reason is cat can get long.
Yamato's insult never sounds like one.
Noboru favorite food is sea cucumber. He's sea cucumber maniac.
According to Cobra Noboru type is a girl with glasses.
Dan on the other hand, can draw well. But he can't draw woman.
Rocky is a little clumsy, he forgot small things like key.
Hyuga always sleeps whenever there's no fighting nor something exciting to do.
Murayama loves corndog.
Murayama dislikes sharing his food.
G-SWORD's leaders alcohol tolerance: Cobra is rather low, Rocky is rather high, Murayama prefer to eat than drink (but according to Nakazono, Murayama didn't make any different when he's drinking or not), Hyuga prefer to sleep than anything else, and Smoky can't.
According to Kizzy, Rocky becomes a foolish/idiotic old man when he's drunk. Kizzy also said, "When he's drunk, he got no dignity whatsoever."
Murayama's favorite alcohol beverage is ryokucha-hai (which a combination of green tea and shochu. Might be wrong though, you can search: 緑茶ハイ).
Hyuga's favorite alcohol beverage is shochu.
When Oya part timer go to karaoke, they sing girl idols' songs.
Masaki do all the house chores in Amamiya's households from cleaning up to cooking.
Hiroto's favorite food is curry.
When Hiroto cooks, he only cooks curry.
Takeru is forgetful. Masaki has to remind him all the time. Hiroto? He waits to be petted by his aniki.
Kaito and Kizzy have a couple ring and they use it as necklace.
In HiGH&LOW The Movie, Kaito and Kizzy joined the fight but there's no single footage of them fighting. But they appeared before the fight and after the fight with some bruises.
From End of Sky to Final Mission, Cobra didn't wear his red scarf anymore.
Despite using his red scarf as a personality, Cobra didn't use it to fight beside for his character introduction scene in episode 1.
Ichigo Milk has been inviting Naomi to join them, but Naomi refuses due to Itokan. She wants to take care what's left by her brother.
Naomi can actually beat dudes.
Murayama keeps the strawberry bag from Oshiage and he uses it as a pillow.
Ice gave Sarah a teddy bear (and a necklace).
Ice can cook and according to Mighty Warriors' member, Ice's curry tasted like seafood when he uses zero seafood ingredients. Apparently, it matched the actor's fun fact: Elly's curry always tasted like he put seafood in it even when he's not.
There was once, Seki dressed up in sailor uniform for karaoke. Of course, they sing girl idols' songs.
Toutetsu brothers cook for Hyuga, but he sleeps almost all day long, so Katou needs to wake him up just to eat.
Ukyou cooks better than Sakyou.
Ukyou needs to separate Daruma's income into envelopes and hide them because if not, Hyuga would splurge the income into zero. Hyuga can't manage money.
Lala reads books for the kids in Mumeigai, and they literally have reading time with Lala.
Furuya has truck driver's license.
Murayama durability is top notch and it resemble his given name which is Yoshiki. His full name written like this 村山良樹 and Yoshiki (良樹) is consist of characters that mean good or skilled, and trees or wood. He's a skilled trees or wood, or whatever but that clearly means that his durability is on another level. That's why he could bear the 100 punches challenge and still fight back after that.
Hiroto and Smoky loves cat.
Murayama talked to a cat. (He's cat, but also puppy; whatever he's cute).
Murayama introduced Todoroki to Cobra in person.
Murayama has 4 vans' shoes and a pair of converse. (Haven't count how many jackets he has though, might count it when I rewatch).
At least, Tsukumo has been hit by the car twice. He should avoid getting near cars. No cars near him, please.
White Rascals' outfit are all white and it's hard to keep it clean. The visual line (Shimura, Bito, Aizawa, and Enari) has a hard time because they spend so much money for laundry and cleaning. Little did they know, Rocky actually could paid 80% of their cleaning cost. But Rocky didn't say it to them because he knows that they would be worried about how to pay Rocky back. (Rocky is so sweet). Probably the only guys that use this privilege only Koo and Kaito.
Rocky paid 100% of the girls' laundry and cleaning cost (including Kizzy).
Rocky's surname, Mutsugi, is actually a word play. It's written as 六ツ木 in Japanese. Which the character 六 can be read as mutsu (mu for short) or roku (ro for short) and it means six; ツ is a katakana for tsu and in hiragana it's written like this つ. When tsu is written small in between characters (it's called sokuon) like っ/ッ it purposes is to geminate the next character; and 木 is ki and it means tree. If we put them together and make the tsu as sokuon, we'll get 六ッ木 which read as ろっき in hiragana and ロッキ in katakana (both are rokki) we got his name, Rocky (ロッキー).
Source: rewatching the series and the movies over and over again so I can get into the useful but also useless facts, and the g-sword manga by CLAMP. If you want to read HiGH&LOW g-sword manga by CLAMP you can read HERE for English translation or DI SINI untuk translasi Bahasa Indonesia. Note: Might add more if I find or remember more. Also, I'm sorry there's too much Cobra, can't help though, I love him a little bit too much.
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I was not expecting to learn of this connection between Ojamajo Doremi and Kingdom Hearts.
By the way, this is part of an interview done with Hiromi Seki, a long-time producer from Toei Animation. There are a lot more interesting trivia but this one caught my attention.
A special thanks to Ayumi for translating the first interview to English. I don't think any English-speaking fans of the series would have known about these fun facts if it wasn't for her.
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dazeddoodles · 4 months
I don't care what anyone says, in my mind Aladors native language is Finnish. He never got to teatch his kids how to speak it so he only swears around his kids in Finnish.
Alador: *drops something and it breaks* Voi saatanan perkele siinä seki meni vitun helvetti
(Damn it, there that goes too, fucking hell)
Edric Emira and Amity: * stareing in confusion*
Edric: Did you put a curse on it or something?
Alador: I was trying to.
Oh that's an interesting headcanon!
I once wrote a list of headcanons on how much I think The Owl House adults swear and if they do it in front of the kids, and for Alador I said something like that he naturally doesn't swear because of his kids.
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macheteddy · 1 year
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the secret lore toei doesn’t want you to know
and the prototype
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sekiumiarashi · 3 months
Bravern proving once again that gay people are real
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hyugaruma · 6 months
I saw that your request are open,how would Murayama try to attract attention of the girl he liked, after realizing that he liked him?
Murayama: When He Likes You
re: murayama likes you. this is how he tries to show it
thanks for the req! i may have read your request a little wrong…? oops…so i hope this is okay!!
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• If you are in school or have a job, Murayama will make it a point to randomly show up to walk you to or from these places and home. Part of him just likes spending the time with you, but another more protective side of him likes to make sure you’re safe if you’re walking across town to get where you need to be. He’ll act all casual about it, making excuses like he was “just in the area,” but it’ll happen often enough that you know his intentions.
• He’s a big texter. Like, not normally, but if he’s interested in you then he’ll try to text you as much as possible. Usually it’ll be random things like a question he has on his mind, or something that happened during his day that he thought to share with you. Maybe a funny picture he took of Seki picking his nose. Just whatever, doesn’t really matter, he just likes chatting with you even when he can’t be with you. You’re on his mind a lot. He likes calling too, but there’s something nice and easy about sending you a text whenever he finds himself thinking of things to say to you.
• Speaking of calling, he loves an occasional late night phone call. Usually if it’s really late, and everyone else is sleeping but sleep is having trouble finding him. Murayama will text you asking if you’re still awake, and if you are, he’ll ask if it’s okay to talk on the phone. He really just likes hearing your voice; it relaxes him.
• Even though he likes texting and calling you, he likes seeing you in person even more. Murayama will constantly try to make plans with you, even if it’s something simple like running to the convenience store to grab a quick snack. There’s no end to the amount of time Murayama could spend with you; he’ll give you space if you need or want it, but if you allow him to, he could hangout with you everyday. He’s just working up the courage to ask if those casual “hangouts” can become a date someday.
• One thing he likes to do is invite you to watch his fights. Nothing big or serious, but playful spars between him and friends or him and the other Oya delinquents. He’d love it if you cheered him on, because he really just wants to impress you. There’s no way he’s going to lose with you watching him. Also, he’ll ask you to clean any booboos he gets afterwards, half jokingly, but also half hoping you’ll say yes.
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solas-backpack-mug · 3 months
poe transliterations part 2!
in poe2, beast of winter dlc, the drowned kingdom part there is the pool of lost memories. it’s a circle with some text written in three different languages: engwithan (left), huana (right), and seki (down)
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seki is the language of yezuha (the language rekke speaks). if you bring him along he translates it for you
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side note: in yezuha they worship a single captial G god. it’s interesting that rekke said god and not ondra by accident. is their God actually ondra???
i managed to to transliterate the huana and engwithan version into the latin alphabet. it was much harder than transliterating that poe2 intro book (because the text is tiny, curved, and at an angle and it isn’t just english with a different alphabet), but i did get something
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“Dha me Shingauro o Shaturi an dheddhean drogon Deadthire bi mar Ukaizo rila rethe. De rear dhoil Ondra ta no toiltesio agkloithelemo dhuid”
note how there is the name deadthire in there:
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you would think the name deadfire has aedyran (functionally english) origins. but engwithan is significantly older than aedyran and not similar. my theory is that something like this happened: some early aedyran speaker heard the name deadthire from engwithan or another language that took it from engwithan. and then they eventually interpreted it “deadthire? you mean like Dead Fire?”
also, the engwithan alphabet doesn't have the letters W and F. W got turned into Sh and F got turned into Th
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„Ka Wingauro o Waturi te katuahw ne ki pi nui o Ukaizo ne kingi o kingi. Ka ne no anoa a Ngati kua ite enei heno ke aki katinga”
also note how no deadfire/deadthire appears in the huana version. ancient huana probably had their own name for it. it's probably within the phrase "katuahw ne ki pi nui". the names ukaizo and ngati however do!
that was so fun. in case you have any Cryptic Pillars of Eternity Writing, send it to me, and i’ll try my best to transliterate it!
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ahuublog · 1 year
dating murayama yoshiki
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murayama is offended, irritated, seduced and turned on at the same time when you two firstly interact
cause why the hell you’re so unbearable
you’re not actually
it’s just he who doesn’t like losing
what is the competition? you both want to park the car at the same place in front of the small store – he’s with oya track and you’re with your own old minivan
yeah, you literally have an oral battle because of the park place, yeah
he clearly understands he’s wrong
cause you definitely put your hand on it first
and he is like “can you find another place” with his laid-back-arrogant look
and you’re like “wtf no”
you try to park your car already and go away cause he looks pretty intimidating and you start to suspect he’s from one of these gang-school or school-gangs and so on
but he turns on his little boyish mood
“girl there are plenty of other place there, take one and leave that to me”
why is he even doing that? he doesn’t know, he just can’t stop himself from speaking to you
and at that point you’re offended
so yeah you argue
“very significant and gentlemanly of you to fight with a girl who is half your size for a place which is not rented by you and not only that but also to speak with offending tone and have stupid behaviour” – you throw out all this line on him in a second and he’s just lost
so you go inside to buy some food
and the seller literally dies from laughing when murayama follows you in some minutes
it’s hilarious
you’re choosing food, quite proud of yourself though still a little scared, and murayama’s standing not so far away, pretending to pick up something too
in reality, he scowls and puffs
cause again, he’s offended
but excited
when you’re out and want to leave, he pulls himself together and blocks your way
with his body
like he’s standing in front of your minivan, hands on it
“tell me your name?” – he smirks
you scowl
of course you don’t do that
but you clearly don’t suspect that he memorizes your car number
so yeah a few days later you find him leaning on your minivan
with an irritating smirk on his face
well this smirk faints when he sees you
he seems embarrassed?
yeah he definitely is cause he hands you a freaking bar of chocolate, ruffle his hair, tries to smirk again, winks and
“wanna have a drink?”
now it’s you’re who is lost
you don’t go drinking with him – he’s a gangster in some case after all
but he meets you after the work – you close the hairdressing and twitch when you notice him standing not so far away
so it’s a little bit confusing
you expect him to do something and thus you’re tensed and murayama doesn’t know what to say
“i won’t stalk you or something like that” – he mumbles when you come to your house – “you’re just the first person who has equally irritated and amused me at the same time”
you let it go after that and smile
so yes he picks you up after work
and he introduces you to his friends some weeks later
you’re unexpectedly comfortable enough to agree to that
when furuya takes him to take some more soda – yeah, you’re so scary that they don’t even offer you alcohol, seki can’t hold it anymore
“please, save the school from crashing down and start dating murayama-san”
you chokes with your juice
“he’s been mad since he saw you” – he continues – “like he can’t talk about you cause he can’t even make a normal sentence and starts mumbling, puffing and swearing and he can’t NOT talk about you cause when he’s silent it’s even worse”
you’re shocked
as is murayama who hears that
so takes you away
“i’ll walk you home” – he says quietly again
you’re both silent for all the walk
but when it’s time to say goodbye, it just happens
he looks at you with such intense stare that you nearly gasp
and it just takes a few seconds before he moves forward and kisses you
and it’s FIERCE
like you don’t breathe at all cause murayama puts all his craziness into this
he hugs you and put his hand into your hair
it’s so powerful and sincere
like he doesn’t hold back
so yeah both of you can’t breathe when it stops
he just leans into your forehead
and kisses you one more time
so you’re an official girlfriend (“i bet you’re gonna be his wife” – furuya) of the head of oya
it’s scary to be the centre of attention
cause oya is shocked
and some leaders of other gangs are too
but murayama lets everyone know with his own methods that doesn’t anyone dare even breathe near you
and well that’s definitely a threat
he has a full way from i-deny-i-have-a-crush-on-you to be-my-one-and-only
you can’t stop smiling seeing murayama like that
like he’s a pretty intimidating fighter
but when you’re around he turns into a teenage school boy with his first love
you’re not better cause he always shocks you with something unexpected
give you camomiles? yes. send seki with a lunchbox cause you didn’t have proper breakfast? yes.
not to mention you’re met as a princess whenever you come to oya
quiet flirty things are the part of him
like he’s sitting on the chair, you come to him and he starts whispering you something with his seducing and goofy eyes
you’re lost when that happens but he doesn’t have to know that, at least at the beginning
he jokes that you’re the biggest weapon of oya cause you know how to break him in a second
how? he sits in front of you and you caress his eyebrows. he’s dead. literally.
he truly hardly stops himself from drooling
“should i ask furuya do that instead of me when i have work?” – you can’t stop joking about that cause again you both are teasing since the first meeting
murayama just pushes you on the sofa and kisses
it’s not necessary to talk about love, you both know you’re crazy about each other
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insideliascrazyhead · 8 months
High & Low Couple Headcanons
Todoroki,Shibaman and Tsuji
-Overprotective as fuck
-patching up after fights comes with extra scolding about don´t get yourself hurt unspoken: don´t make me worry like that
-Todoroki trying to pretend not to be totally fond of Shibaman and Tsuji´s typical little behaviors that everyone has that would piss others off but not your loved ones cause they´re used to it
-Todoroki smiles.A lot more.
-He also loves it when Shibaman and Tsuji get a Ichigo Milk scolding
-When they´re not at Oya they´re usually at Shibaman´s since his sister isn´t home a lot
-They all met his sister though and Todoroki is her favorite
-and he loves it there,it´s a lot more home-y than his own
-domestic as fuck
-try to get into each others interests
-Todoroki going on a concert with them
-Shiba and Tsuji reading one of Todoroki´s books,failing miserably to understand that complicated shit and ask if there´s a movie for it instead
-especially during date night,where they switch up what they do
-shockingly stumbling across Murayama in the early morning on his way home form Cobra
Tsukasa and Fujio
-Fujio´s mom loves Tsukasa
-two domestic bitches
calling each other on face time speaking until fall asleep
-trying to be romantic then laugh about it
-god Tsukasa loves when Madoka scolds Fujio
-movie night dates
-dates in the amusement park
-clingy and adorable
-love language are probably gifts and quality time
-cuddles all the time
-bickering like old married couples
-soo many nicknames from Fujio
-patching up each others injuries after every fight
-probably adopted Jamuo as their child
-cooking dates until Fujio cut or burns something and get´s banned from the kitchen so he sits on the counter as emotional support and even tried cheering Tsukasa on once,who just shoved some food into Fujio´s mouth
Yasushi and Shidaken
-they´re normally at Shidaken´s since he lives alone
-horror movie nights even tho Shidaken´s doesn´t necessarily like them and nearly vomits sometimes
-gross food and candy combinations,also dare each other to eat it
-sneaking around thinking they´re good at keeping it a secret
-teasing like crazy
-any romantic couple things,yeah matching brain damadge
-lovingly insult each other
-kicking each others ass on occasion
-Shidaken loves when Yasushi goes crazy on some random thugs
-Shidaken bickering constantly with Kiyoshi
-always eat takeout,they tried to cook once.The pan caught fire and they started fighting and screaming,not knowing what the fuck to do.If odajima wouldn´t have come by that day,the flat would´ve burned down.Dumbasses still fighting while being open flame grilled
-Yasushi probably drowns in Shidakens clothes so he hits him with the sweater paws,always when he least expects it.
-The most agressive mother henning ever
-he met Shidaken´s mother,she thinks Yasushi´s a total sweetheart -You can behave?Yeah you can go eat me.Maybe later.Yasushi violently choking on nothing.
-Probably say fuck you instead of I love you
-You hate this guy.Nah we hate this guy.That kinda loyality.Now it´s on sight for the two.
-When Yasushi fell in love he thought the fluttering in his stomach is the flu.
Cobra and Murayama
-Murayama shamelessly flirting with Cobra and freezing like a deer in the headlights when Cobra flirts back
-road trips with the motorcycles together
-will probably get married on a roadtrip down the route 66
-would be the cool childless tequila uncles
-shovel talk by Yamato and Noboru get´s interrupted by Naomi who scares the shit out of Murayama
-Seki and Furuya try to intimidate Cobra too
-Kohaku nearly pisses himself laughing meeting Murayama cause of course Cobra falls in love with a guy thats so much like his old self
-Cobra get´s nicknames by Dan:cougar,sugar daddy etc.
-sexual jokes in revenge telling Dan that he´s still single
-mother henning Cobra into eating more,taking care of himself
-Murayama would mature a lot and Cobra would be happier
-wanna hear stories from Mugen and early Sannoh Rengokai
-first time he hears Cobra laugh he probably drops whatever he´s holding
-domestic routine quickly but when Murayama learns about Mugen Cobra he tries to bring him back out.
-Crazy date ideas by Murayama and Cobras weirdly always down
-Murayama tried to out eat Yamato once and nearly died
-also Dan and Tetsu are so happy to get a better chance with woman but still fail
Todoroki and Odajima
-comfortable silence
-fishing dates
-private and reserved in public
-cute couple selfies
-Odajima tries reading books Todoroki is interested in,sleeps in
-ass kicking as date
-they´re actually the best at sneaking around
-Yes,Todoroki sometimes carries a exhausted Odajima like Jinkawa does
-Odajima is cuddly and clingy
-screaming instead of talking even tho they´re not fighting
-they all think they´re fighting and threatening each other.No that´s flirting
-crazy overprotectivness
-total ride or die
-violence as love language
-so many hickeys
-make out sessions after fighting other gangs
-think they´re sneaky.they´re not
-inseperable as usually
-move in with each other without noticing
-Jealous as fuck if you come up towards their boyfriend so help you god.Run.
-Possessive like crazy
-“at least this way no one stabs Kiyoshi anymore!“
„Nah.Did you even met this guy?“ „Stabbing each other is probably their foreplay.“
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