#this time the answer was apparently hellcheer
lavellenchanted · 2 years
me, settling in to watch a romcom: right, which otp am I going to imagine this as an au for?
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hangon-silvergirl · 2 years
Hello! What are some of your hellcheer fic recs?
Hi! I had really good intentions for putting together a succinct list when I started responding to this, but I tripped and wrote a Hellcheer fanfic compendium instead, apparently.
This is a (non-exhaustive) list of completed Hellcheer fics that I love, and is the result of a two and a half hour trip down memory lane. If I've missed an author's tumblr please let me know!
Some of these stories may contain themes/content/tropes that are not your jam. Please read their tags before jumping in!
So, without further ado, in no particular order:
Never Seem to Find the Time by JuliaBrownen
oh it's not real (if you don't feel it) by BeeLove
where the streets have no name by @alltheseghosttowns
more by 71degreesout
aesthetic chills by @sloelimbs
and the twain were casting dice by @the-reylo-void
warm, sold things by @carry-the-sky
Both Alike in Dignity by @astorytotellyourfriends
the light, the heat by @cyraclove
they'll never know by hawkinshellfire
graceland too (whatever she wants) by @cunnninghams
Linger by CircusBones
You've Got Nothing to Lose by @viharker
reality & other highs by @chrissy-n-eddie
Chrissy & Eddie's Infinite Mixtape by @little-scribblers-heart
you really got me now. by melodicvinyl
don't say yes, run away now by @blondiest
i don't know if i could ever go without (watermelon sugar high) by @cricketsatnight
your turn to roll by mrsren
Alive and Kicking by FrostedGemstones22
put your lips close to mind, as long as they don't touch by @percyjacksonfan3
the answers seem so clear by agents_cxrter
twenty-one rules by elanor_gamgee
like a heartbeat drives you mad by redbelles
Gateway Drug by oponn
WAKE 86.9 by TheRookieKing412
Hobbit Birthdays by PlotWeaver
take a chance on me by WomanOf1000Faces
mixtape by @ivy-eyed
until you kill all my prints by silvermarie
Tattooed on my Heart by VPD2396
Camellia by @nevermorered
The Third Date Rule by InvalidUser1D
Loser Kid by @lokinightfury
you are the music in me by fkevino73
like hands that tick on a clock by @eddiemunsvn
she's so sweet with her get back stare by @theheart-isanarrow
Ride the Sky by Deathinasmalltown
Didn't Mean to Scare You by its_kira
Open Your Eyes by @natliecole
Of Dio, Billy Joel, and Vandalism by @shroomystar
For Whom the Bell Tolls by memequeen1127
all the missing girls are hanging out without us by greatunironic
haunted house with a picket fence by @wndasmaximoffs
someone reaching back for me by @enoughtotemptme
You make me the best kind of nervous, pretty sure you do that shit on purpose… by @phoenixwrites
alexa, play "she bop" by cyndi lauper by @majicmarker
she's under me and i'm not stopping by @majicmarker
she’s a hardcore candy-store give-me-some-more girl by @majicmarker
you'll need me now, i'll teach you how by @majicmarker (honestly, anything by Maj, I am thinking of starting a fan club)
Waiting on Satan's Call by @broomclosetkink
Duality by @broomclosetkink
It's different for girls by @adelaideelaine
Tenderness by @adelaideelaine
The shop around the corner by @adelaideelaine
Red Light Green Light by @idontgettechnology
You drew stars around my scars by @idontgettechnology
The Devil's Backbone by Maebe
You Got Me? I Got You. by Maebe
trailing stars behind us by @hearjessroar
come on pretty baby (kiss me deadly) by @hearjessroar
heavy metal hung from clotheslines by @hearjessroar
preach electric to a microphone by @hearjessroar
i was thursday's child by @agentmmayy
he's got that special somethin' by @agentmmayy
if there's nothing left for you here honey (then there's nothing for me) by @agentmmayy
Dirtbag by @bettsfic
sick part of a sick thing by @bettsfic
No One Like You by QuestionableCovariates
Burden of Proof by QuestionableCovariates
Bonus! Some excellent series (which also largely contain completed stories):
the 'first one's free to get you hooked' series by @uwusillygirl
the 'man to man' series by @bratanimus
the 'mixtape' series by @majicmarker
the 'self-taught learner' series by @adelaideelaine
the 'five drunks & a cheerleader' series by @phoenixwrites
the 'lay beside me, under wicked sky' series by @glitterslag
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foundtherightwords · 2 months
The Hollow Heart - Chapter 12
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Pairing: Hellcheer, Gothic AU
Summary: To escape her mother's control and the stifling society of Gilded Age New York, heiress Christabel Cunningham impulsively marries Henry Creel, a charming and seductive stranger, and accompanies him to his remote mansion on the West Coast. There, as Henry grows cold and cruel, Christabel must uncover her husband's sinister secret before it's too late. But can she trust Kas, her husband's enigmatic assistant, who seems to be her only ally in this strange place, or is Kas's loyalty to his master stronger than his attraction to Christabel?
Chapter warnings: smut (non-explicit)
Chapter word count: 3k
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Through Mist and Cloud
Christabel couldn't leave her room for two days afterward. Though she sustained no serious injuries, her throat had swollen shut, making every mouthful of food feel like she was swallowing glass, and her limbs were so sore that every movement was agony. So she lay in bed, heart breaking and body aching, and had no comfort at all. Kas didn't stop by her room again. He left her trays of soft food and soothing teas outside but never ventured inside, never even spoke to her through the door. She tried to listen for the moment he came up the stairs to intercept him, but his footsteps, already quiet, were muffled by the thick carpet, and by the time she heard the clanking of the tray and opened the door, he was gone.
Even when she was well enough to go downstairs for meals, she saw no sign of him. The food was prepared and the house cleaned as usual, but no Kas, not in the kitchen, not in the hothouse, and the lighthouse window remained dark. Her heart sank. Surely—surely—Henry hadn't dismissed Kas over what happened? Or had he gotten into trouble for killing those men? But nobody had come to the house looking for Kas, no police knocking on their door. Apparently, a few dead criminals in the back alleys of Chinatown didn't raise much concern with the authority.
"Where's Kas?" she asked Henry one evening over dinner. Her throat was still so raw that her voice came out little more than a croaky whisper.
"Oh, he's around here somewhere," Henry said, unconcerned.
Christabel breathed a little more easily. So Kas hadn't been dismissed or arrested, at least. But why was he avoiding her? Was he afraid she was going to throw herself at him again? Then she must put his mind at rest. Those kisses had been madness, born out of loneliness and fear and despair. No more. The comfort of their easy friendship in the previous months was too precious to be thrown away for this torment of want and uncertainty. She must reassure him of that.
After dinner, with that resolution in mind, she put on her cloak and went to the lighthouse. The curtains were drawn, and there was no answer when she knocked. But where else could he be? She knocked again.
"Kas? Are you there? It's—" She hesitated, not wanting to say "Mrs. Creel", but to say "Christabel" would be presumptuous. She settled for, "It's me. Can we talk, please?"
"I can't right now," came Kas's reply. His voice sounded strange, low and gravelly, as though he, too, had hurt his throat. "Please go away."
"Please. I'm afraid I may have caused you some trouble, and I want to apologize."
"No need. Just go."
"Oh, this is ridiculous! Must we keep talking through the door like this?"
She reached for the door handle. It turned under her palm. The lighthouse was dark, with only the faint glow of the stove by way of illumination. The skulls on the shelves shone like pale ghosts. It took a moment for Christabel's eyes to adjust and notice Kas huddled in the chair. He didn't seem to hear her come in.
"Why are you sitting in the dark?" Christabel asked, reaching for his shoulder.
The moment she touched him, he jumped, as though scalded by her hand. His face, deathly white beneath its fringe of dark curls, made Christabel take a step back. She had never seen him so angry, so savage, his eyes two glassy black pools, his mouth twisted in a snarl, his hands clenched around something that twitched and squealed.
"What are you doing here?" he growled. "I told you to go! If you know what's good for you, leave! Now!"
First Henry, now Kas. Was there no one left for her in this place? Choking back her tears, Christabel turned and fled down the beach.
Christabel sat by Luna's grave, wishing to find some comfort from the familiar scent of the night-blooming jasmine, hoping to it would bring her closer to Luna's spirit. But although the bush lovingly draped its green arms over the mound, it was too cold for it to bloom. Even the flowers were deserting her. The beach was freezing. She sat with her knees drawn up to her chest, arms wrapped around her shoulders, trying to shield herself from that biting, damp chill that no fire could lift. She must have dropped her cloak at the lighthouse, but she couldn't bring herself to go back there to retrieve it. She didn't want to think about Kas, about how he was like Henry after all, how he could be so sweet one moment and so violent the next.
But her heart refused to believe that Kas's gentleness was just an act. Why would he go to such lengths to be kind to her, only to turn against her? At least Henry had had the excuse of wanting to trap her into marriage... Could Kas—could his act be some nefarious plot to seduce her so that Henry could divorce her and keep her money?
Christabel let out a mirthless laugh and leaned her forehead on her arms. Such twisted schemes were the stuff of dime novels, not real life. Besides, Henry had her money already; all she needed was to wait for Mr. Murray, her lawyer, to complete the transfer and send her the paperwork to sign. There was no need for seduction. Creel House must be affecting her mind more than she'd realized if she was ready to entertain such morbid, fantastical thoughts. And the idea of Kas trying to seduce her...
"Mrs. Creel?"
She hadn't heard him approach. She didn't look back, hating that her heart still jumped at the sound of his voice, hating that she was blushing furiously just now, thinking about him.
"What do you want?" she said, trying to sound indifferent.
"I want to apologize. For shouting at you back there." He was coming closer, and she could hear that his voice was back to usual, soft, diffident, with none of that animalistic growl. What had happened with him at the lighthouse? "I was—I was afraid that Mr. Creel may find out—"
So he was only thinking of protecting himself then.
"You don't have to apologize," she said, finally turning around to face Kas. He was standing a little behind her, holding her cloak in his hands. He still looked pale, and his eyes were still dark, but the glassy, inhuman look was gone from them, and they were sparkling in the gloom. Still, Christabel refused to let her guard down. "You think you've offended me?" she continued. "You're just a servant. Your words mean nothing to me. I can have you dismissed if I'm angry with you. In fact, I would have dismissed you myself, if Henry wasn't so dependent on you." Those words were horrible, hateful; she was disgusted with herself even as she uttered them, but she had to, if she wanted to save her heart.
Kas froze, looking as if she'd just struck him across the face. "You don't believe that," he said, almost pleadingly. "You don't believe a word of that."
"Don't presume to know what I do and don't believe." She turned her back to him, facing the sea again. "You don't know me!"
Kas sighed. "You're right," he said. "I don't know you at all. And I'm sorry for it. I'm so sorry, Christabel. I only wish I could do something to help." He came up behind her and draped the cloak around her, before turning back to the house.
Perhaps it was the heartbreaking note of resign in his words. Perhaps it was his voice calling her name. Perhaps it was his lingering touch on her shoulders. Or perhaps it was the combination of all three, that melted the ice Christabel was trying to build up around her heart and made her reach out to him.
"Kas, wait." He stopped, and she shuffled across the sand until they were close enough to touch. "There is something you can do."
"Kiss me."
Kas blinked. He looked up at the house, half-hidden behind the sand dunes, then back at her, and brushed some stray hairs from her face. Her whole body jumped at his touch, every nerve ending tingling with anticipation.
"He'll kill us if he finds out," he said.
"I don't care." Fiercely, she grabbed his wrists to press his hands to her cheeks, and he gave an involuntary wince. His sleeves had ridden up, showing a patch of reddened skin around each wrist. She unbuttoned his cuffs and pushed his sleeves further up, first the right and then the left, to look more closely. There were more red marks on his arms, angry welts that looked like burns, showing clearly even in the dim half-light.
"What are these?" asked Christabel, her voice hushed. "Who did this to you?"
"It's nothing." Kas tried to pull away and push his sleeves down, but Christabel held him fast. A terrible realization dawned in her mind.
"Did he do this?" she asked. Kas didn't answer, but the look of shame in his eyes told her everything she needed to know. "But why?"
Kas shrugged. "He was displeased. And when he's displeased, he will make it known, on anyone or anything he can put his hands on. Better me than you."
Cold fear washed over Christabel. Henry had only laid his hands on her once, but if this was what he was capable of... Her rage, however, burned stronger than fear—rage for Kas and for herself. And she felt shame as well. How could she have suspected Kas of working with Henry to defraud her? Kas was as much a victim as herself.
"We can't let him do this," she said. "We have to leave."
Kas's eyes were bleak. "And go where?"
He was right, of course. Even if they were brave enough to face judgment and ostracism to leave Henry, there was nowhere they could go. Kas would not be able to find work, not with his condition, and with her money still tied up in the transfer, she was chained to Henry as tightly as Kas was. Why, oh why had she been so foolish as to agree to it, to give up her financial freedom and give Henry the means to control her? Of course, back then she'd thought she was being a good, obedient wife...
"We'll find a way," she told Kas stoutly.
And then, because it pained her to see him so miserable, she lifted Kas's arm and put her lips to the burns, wishing fervently that she could kiss them all away. She trailed her mouth along his forearm to the inside of his wrist, first the left and then the right, feeling his pulse pound under her lips, listening to his breath catch and quicken, listening to the beating of his heart, in sync with hers. His hand found her chin, gently turning her face up to him, while his thumbs caressed the curve of her lips. Under his delicate touch, her mouth fell open, compliant, expectant, yet he didn't kiss her, only kept brushing her lips with those calloused yet gentle thumbs, while those inscrutable eyes roamed her face, searching for something only he knew, until she thought she would go mad with waiting and wanting. Just when she couldn't take it anymore and stretched up to kiss him herself, he pulled away.
"What is it?" she asked. "What's wrong?"
"We shouldn't be doing this."
Frustration rose within her, turning into fury. "Shouldn't?" she snapped, breaking free of his hands. "I've had enough of men telling me what I should and shouldn't do! If you don't want me, just tell me, and I'll never bother you again!"
"I do want you," he said, holding on to her arm, his eyes imploring. "I can't tell you how much I want you, but—"
At once, Christabel realized how selfish she'd been. He had so much more to lose than her. She might be shunned by society, but he would lose his livelihood. She couldn't do that to him. She would rather never touch him again and still have his friendship, than give in to this lust and risk losing him forever.
"Yes, I understand," she said stiffly, taking a step back. "You're right. We shouldn't." She walked away, trying to forget how he'd looked at her just now, when he said he did want her.
Kas, still holding her arm, spun her back toward him, and lowered his mouth to hers.
The moment their lips touched, a great wave of relief washed over Christabel. At last, at last! Their kiss on the boat had been a flustered, tentative dip into the water, but this, this was a full-body dive, as his mouth moved over hers in exploring caresses and his hands clasped her on her waist, in her hair, holding her flush against him, as though afraid the sand beneath them may open and swallow her up if he let go. Warmth began to bloom in her belly, spreading all over her, buckling her knees. She dropped to the sand, pulling Kas on top of her.
"You said you can't tell me how much you want me," she whispered. "Show me then."
And he obliged. His hand was on her, pushing up her skirt and petticoat, searching, stroking, stoking the warmth in her veins into a fire. She lifted her hips and helped him to pull her drawers down over her feet. There was a moment of fluster as the lace got caught on the heel of one of her boots. Christabel felt a wild urge to laugh, but Kas was so nervous, so hesitant, that she didn't want him to think she was laughing at him. Finally, her drawers were free. It felt so wicked, so depraved, lying there on the sand with her skirts hiked up, with the cold, damp air over her bare thighs while her legs were still encased in stockings pulled over her knees—wool ones too, the warm, practical kind. Why had she worn them? They were so... sensible. And what she was doing, what they were doing, was as far from sensible as she could imagine.
Then Kas nestled himself between her legs, and all thoughts of stockings were driven from her head.
"Are you—are you sure—?" he asked in a hoarse whisper.
In reply, she took his hand and placed it where she ached for him the most. In that instant, it was like a dam was broken, and his control fell away. He dove into the water of her body with wild abandonment, his face buried in her neck, teeth scraping the skin at the base of her throat, and she responded in kind, arching into him with her chest, her hips, her whole being, so she could feel his weight and his strength and his warmth on her, in her.
A sharp sting on her throat made Christabel gasp. Kas's teeth had broken through the skin, and when she touched a hand to her neck, it came away red.
Kas went pale and recoiled. If her legs hadn't been locked over his hips, she believed he would have fled there and then. "I'm sorry—I'm so sorry—" he said, frantically wiping at the barely discernible drop of blood on his lips, his eyes widening so much that she could see the whites surrounding his dark irises. He reached a hand toward her but seemed afraid to touch her, afraid to make things worse. "I'm sorry, I can't—" He pushed away from her.
"No!" she choked, clinging to him. He'd left her twice; she'd be damned if she let him go a third time. Not now.
"But—I've hurt you—"
"You haven't. It's just a scratch." She cradled his face in her hand and looked straight into his eyes, those dark eyes that had captured her since the first time she'd seen them, only then she had been too blind to realize it. "I trust you," she said. "Please. Please, Kas. Stay with me."
He leaned over her, a hesitating, trembling hand skimming over the bite on her throat, his touch as light as the fog. She took his hand, trailing his thumb to her mouth, bit it, then licked it, tasting her blood on his skin. With a moan, he bent down and placed his lips on the bite. The sting faded almost instantly. He lingered at her neck for a moment, before moving up so their faces were parallel.
"Look at me, please," he begged.
And she did, keeping her eyes fixed on him, reassuring him that she wanted this, that she wanted him. The fire inside her was back now, mingled with his own fire, building even more wildly, chasing away the chill of the damp sand at her back, of the fog on her skin, burning off the chill that had settled into her bones since she came to this place. In her mind, she knew what they were doing was wrong, but as his warmth filled her to overflowing and her cries drowned out the mournful sound of the distant foghorns, her body did not feel anything but bliss, and her heart did not feel anything but joy.
Afterward, she felt Kas drawing her skirts down, gently, always so gently, his hands lingering on her hips for a moment. She seized those hands, pressing them to her. "Stay."
He adjusted his clothes and covered them both with her cloak. "Don't worry," he said, tucking her against his chest, one arm wrapped tightly around her waist, the other bent to pillow her head. "I'm not going anywhere."
She let out a sigh of relief. And then, stretching out against Kas to let his warmth envelop her, she slept.
Chapter 13
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thaliasandy · 1 year
Hellcheer headcanon, part 2:
(Here's Part 1)
(TW: Nothing graphic but there's a mention of Jason attempting to take advantage of Chrissy while she's drunk at a party.)
Eddie chuckled when he heard a knock on the door at exactly 5:00 pm, sharp.
He just got done cleaning and putting away the mixing bowl and utensils he'd used to bake the brownies.
"Hey, princess, step inside"
He greeted her with a bow, like a nobleman, when he opened the door.
She was dressed in a pair of colorful, wildly patterned leggings, a white tshirt that said Cheerleading camp 1984 on the front and she was carrying her pink backback, he was pretty sure he'd never seen her look so comfy and casual.
The sweet chocolate scent hit her like a punch and enveloped her in a tight hug at the same time, equally nauseating and deliciously comforting.
"You okay?"
"Yes!...You really made brownies?"
"It's not like I could've just bought them at the grocery store." He chuckled.
"Right... I just didn't think you were good at baking." Chrissy giggled as Eddie led her to the small kitchen table.
The image of him baking and apparently cleaning up afterwards, made her feel all tingly and made her heart beat faster.
"You don't know if I'm good at it yet." He grinned as he put a plate with 2 small pieces of brownie on the table in front of her.
She eyed the sweet treat for a moment, relieved that the pieces were so tiny.
He popped one of them into his mouth and pushed the plate a bit closer to her.
"Go on, they're not bad."
Chrissy took a small bite from the brownie, curiously tasting it.
It really wasn't bad, there was a distinct earthy aftertaste from the weed but it wasn't unpleasant. She ate her piece of brownie in three bites.
"When do you have to be home? I'd never forgive myself if you got grounded for missing your curfew."
"I told my mom I'm at Sarah's party, she doesn't expect me back until tomorrow..."
"You wanna sleep here?!"
His eyes went wide, was she serious? He assumed he'd drive her home in a couple of hours when the high had somewhat worn off, like they'd done before.
"...Oh no! You can drop me off at any time...I just don't really have a curfew to worry about today..."
Great, now she'd made things awkward ...of course he didn't want prude, innocent little Chrissy to stay the night at his place, they didn't know each other like that...and even if they did, she couldn't do anything with him right now...She could try that thing with her mouth, Jason had always begged her to do for him but she never wanted to.
She was so lost in her thoughts that his hand on her arm made her jump.
"Chrissy, I want you to stay!"
"Yeah!" He stared at her like it was the most obvious answer.
"Come on, lets go to my room."
Chrissy was unreasonably nervous, surely he just meant to hang out like the last two times she'd been here...but what if he wanted more?...
She awkwardly sat down on his bed.
"Can you play something on your guitar?" She tried to break the silence.
"Sure, any requests?....No wait, I know something."
To Chrissy's surprise he grabbed his acoustic instead of his electric guitar and watched her face instantly light up before he even started singing the first words of Uptown girl.
"I love that song!"
She laughed excitedly.
"I know." He smiled and winked at her and she did that adorable thing, she subconsciously did sometimes when he flirted with her, where she inhaled really deeply as if he had just literally taken her breath away.
Chrissy had told him about her favorite song the first time they got high together.
He made sure to put on a show for his favorite little cheerleader and her happy giggles and applause were the best reward he could have asked for.
He sat down on the other side of the bed with his guitar.
"You have a really nice voice."
"You think so? Thanks."
Chrissy caught herself staring at him like a love-sick puppy and quickly averted her eyes.
He started strumming another song, she didn't recognize the melody but it sounded beautiful and she noticed herself mellowing out, the loud thoughts in her brain becoming quieter until she realized that nice floating feeling she got when they smoked weed was way more intense this time.
"Are you starting to feel it?"
His voice startled her, she hadn't even realized she was reclining herself against his pillows and quickly sat up straight.
"Woah woah...it's okay, get comfy."
"It's so different than when we smoked it...I feel like I'm floating."
Eddie worried for a moment that the dosage might have been a bit too high for someone as tiny as Chrissy, who didn't have any experience with edibles.
"You feeling okay, sweetheart?"
"I...I don't know..."
He quickly put his guitar back on it's stand and came back to bed to lie down as well and patted the pillow behind her.
She slowly laid back again.
"Hey, I'm not ...trying anything, relax. We're just hanging out, okay?" He tried to reassure her in a soft voice when he noticed her hands balled into fists at her sides and her eyes squeezed shut.
Her eyes flew open.
"I'm not worried about you, Eddie...What if that monster is coming to get me and I'm just floating around and can't get away."
He was relieved to hear that, he hated the thought of Chrissy being afraid of him.
"...Do you know what sea otters do when they're floating in the sea and don't want to drift apart?"
She looked at him with her big blue eyes and shook her head slowly.
"They're holding hands!"
"Awww really?..That's so cute!"
"Yeah...Do you want me to hold your hand?"
He inched his hand closer to hers, palm open, waiting for her to take it, and she did!
She threaded her dainty fingers through his and Eddie was sure Chrissy could feel his pulse through the palm of his hand.
"See? You're not floating away...And if the monster comes, I'll kill it...like in your dream."
Eddie chuckled and slowly looked over at her, wondering if he was dreaming, how else could Chrissy Cunningham have ended up in his bed.
Her dreamy smile turned serious and she started chewing on her bottom lip.
He made a mental note to himself that edibles might not be right thing for Chrissy, the poor girl looked like she was about to panic, he gently stroked his thumb over her knuckles.
"Hey, stop worrying so much, nothing bad is going to happen, I promise."
"There's something I didn't tell you about my dream." She almost whispered.
Without letting go of her hand he turned over, onto his side so he was facing her.
"What didn't you tell me?" He asked in a soft, hushed tone.
"I kissed you..." she shyly covered her face with her hand that wasn't holding on to his hand.
"Oh...like...a little kiss on the cheek for the knight who rescued the fair maiden?"
He failed miserably at hiding the nervous crack in his voice.
"No...um...like a full make out session..."
"Well..." He laughed nervously "We can't control our dreams, right?"
Chrissy turned on her side as well, staring at him for a moment before clumsily covering his big hand, with her other hand too.
"What if I wanted to kiss you right now?"
"Are you messing with me?"
She shook her head and scooted a bit closer to him.
"Are you going to regret this when the drugs wear off?" He whispered as he brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
"No...I already wanted to kiss you this morning in the woods but I chickened out"
"You sure?..."
"Mhmh" she let out a shuddery breath when Eddie gently put his thumb under her chin.
He breathed against her lips and instead of answering him she closed the gap between them.
Chrissy had only kissed Jason but it was never like this. Whereas he was pushy and usually tried to feel her up or move her hand in the direction of his crotch when they were kissing, Eddie was still holding her hand with his right hand while his left gently cupped the side of her face; She didn't know if it was the drugs or Eddie kissing her but everything around her seemed to disappear, like the only thing in existence were Eddie's lips on hers, his hands touching her, and she couldn't remember the last time she felt this light and carefree.
When he pulled back from the kiss he was giving her the goofiest smile.
"Did that live up to your expectations, Princess?"
She only now realized she was clinging to him, her fingers holding on tightly to the fabric of his tshirt, almost trapping his body against hers.
"It was even better...Can we keep going?"
She asked breathlessly.
He leaned in close but stopped before their lips met.
"...You mean... just kissing, right?"
"Huh? Oh yeah...We can't really go any further...um..You saw why..." Her cheeks turned that adorable shade of pink again and she squeezed her eyes shut as if trying to get rid of the awkward memory.
"It's just...I know people talk a lot of shit about me but I don't have sex with someone I just gave drugs to."
Despite the room spinning and her eyes having a hard time focusing, Chrissy tried to study his face. She remembered an incident a couple of months ago when she and Jason were at a party and he kept urging her to drink until she was so tipsy that she could hardly walk straight, she remembered making out with him until her friend Sarah told him off and made sure she stayed with her for the rest of the night.
Chrissy woke up the next morning in Sarah's room, nauseated, with the worst headache she'd ever experienced and a big hickey on her neck.
"Christine! You look awful, you need to cover that up right now, people are going to think you're a slut."
Her mother chastised her when she got home.
"But Mom, I didn't want him to do that, he-"
"Hush now, Jason is a good man, you can count yourself lucky he's even looking at you."
Chrissy just nodded and tried to hold back her tears until she was in her room.
From that day on she avoided going to any of those parties with Jason and if she went she didn't drink.
"Where did you go? You look worried."
Eddie gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
"Sorry, I just got lost in my thoughts."
"Yeah it happens, try to think of things that make you happy..."
"You make me happy..." she giggled softly.
She nodded.
"Come here."
She snuggled against him and he slowly kissed her, letting her decide if she wanted to deepen the kiss and of course she did.
They kept making out and having silly, pot brownie-induced conversations until Chrissy eventually fell asleep and Eddie couldn't help himself but admire the cute, sleeping cheerleader in his arms for a while before he drifted off himself.
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cunninghamchrissie · 2 years
hellcheer!! 2, 7, 11, 19, 27, 33, 48
idk how to write short answers apparently
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
eddie’s a very touchy-feely person, so if chrissy woke up from a nightmare, he’d immediately cradle her head, pull her into his lap/chest, rub her arms, run his fingers through her hair, trying to ground her.
eddie’s nightmares (this is a everyone-survives-vecna universe) would be gruesome, making his demobat bite scars ache, so he wouldn’t want to be touched, not unless he’s calmed down and he’s the one to reach out first, so chrissy would just sit with him (he doesn’t even want to face her while he’s hyperventilating and sweating), telling him she’s there, he’s ok, she’s ok.   
7. Would they build a pillow fort together just because?
definitely. sometimes it’ll be eddie’s pillow fort, really dark but he’ll only bring a flashlight, so he can make funny faces with it, run chrissy through his ideas for a new campaign, or read her some of his spookier books.
when it’s chrissy’s pillow fort, it’s cozy, with lots of light coming from the outside, and she just wants to cuddle and maybe read “the princess bride”.  
11. Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?
chrissy does, because it’s all she’s been taught to do, and this sort of behavior doesn’t simply go away just bc you’re in a loving relationship. eddie can tell every single time bc seeing right through to her is his talent, all the way back to the picnic table. and bc he’s decided that it’s his mission in life to make chrissy deliriously happy, he’ll turn on his goofiness to the max to try and coax a smile out of her. When he can tell it’s more serious than just a bad mood she can laugh off, though, he’ll go for the cuddles and loving words, bc chrissy has never gotten enough of those in her life, and he can’t get enough of giving her that.
when eddie’s upset, though, he can’t hide for shit. He’s all heart-on-his-sleeve all the time, and he’ll either mope or chain smoke, and there’s no way Chrissy would miss that kind of a shift in mood. She’s not very good with words, especially not in vulnerable moments (eddie’s the loquacious one of the two), but she’ll wrap herself around him, call him pet names and let him vent all night, listening intently until he’s all talked out.
19. How do they feel about PDA?
eddie’s all for it, hugs, kisses, falling to his knees to kiss chrissy’s hand, but he reins it in at first, not wanting her to catch flak for being with him. chrissy’s hesitant about it because she never liked pda with jason, but she’s ok with handholding in the beginning. once she gets more comfortable, though, she’ll let eddie be dramatic sometimes, and blush furiously.
27. Who is the light weight that needs to be taken care of after a party?
chrissy’s the lightweight, for sure. eddie has to keep an eye on how much she drinks, bc 3 beers in, chrissy’s fun and giggly, but more than that just makes her sad and weepy. she’s not a lot of work the rare times she gets sick from it, though, having a lot of experience with throwing up and walking out of the bathroom like nothing had happened, but she still gets horribly embarrassed to be sick in front of eddie. he obviously doesn’t mind; he sees worse every week at the hideout, and she’s his girl. he went to the fucking upside down for her, what’s a little puke?
33. Who's the better cook?
eddie is. that’s not to say he’s amazing or anything (it’s not like wayne kept anything except canned goods or frozen stuff around in the trailer), but chrissy has always stayed away from food as much as she could. laura cunningham didn’t allow any “bad food” in the house, and the kitchen would only dish out steamed veggies and chicken. eddie’s at least creative, and will come up with new, sometimes gross, concoctions.
48. Who's the better driver?
definitely chrissy. eddie’s a menace behind the wheel, though when chrissy’s in the van he’ll try to be a little less reckless.
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rckyfrk · 2 years
For the fanfic asks - F, K and I.
Thanks for the ask, doll! Sorry it took so long to get around to answering it.
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
"A body guard? What kind of bar is this?" she smiled up at him, moving her hands so they were clasped behind his neck. She swallowed again to try and keep herself from grimacing as she felt how sweaty her hands were.
Daryl laughed softly, "Not as bad as what you're thinking. Just don't want a pretty little thing like you getting scared all by herself."
"You think I'm pretty?" Beth asked demurely, grinning up at him.
She thought she saw him blush, but figured it must be the DJ lights creating the effect instead. "Well…yeah…ya know…" he trailed off, and she wondered just what he was getting at.
Feeling suddenly very brave, quite possibly a result of her two whole glasses of champagne (though it was certainly not the only cause of the bubbles in her stomach right now), Beth pulled gently, bringing Daryl's head down next to hers. "You know, if we're being honest, you're pretty darn handsome yourself," she said softly, her lips grazing his ear.
Daryl pulled back suddenly, but Beth kept her arms wound around his neck, holding him close. "It's the suit," he tried to explain.
This time Beth was the one to pull back, to look him directly in the eye. "No, it's not," she said decisively. Daryl cocked an eyebrow at her, like he was trying to decide something about her. Apparently, he had made up his mind.
When I first wrote this, it was part of a prompt from one of the first Bethyl Weeks ever (not even Bethyl Smut Week...it was just prompts). This scene was so clear and vivid in my head, I think I wrote it in a matter of an hour or so. And then the one shot it was supposed to be turned into a full fledged fic and a companion piece that I SWEAR I haven't abandoned. Reading through this makes me excited to get back to it...hopefully soon.
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
I don't do well with angst. Just ask @piper1016. However, I think the whole plot of Terms and Conditions is pretty angsty. Meanwhile, my first Hellcheer fic is up there, too. The whole will they/won't they, does he love her/does she love him? (Will rcky ever actually update with any kind of consistency? The world may never know...)
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
The more babies, the better. I love seeing my happy little couple becoming parents and raising a family. Domesticity for the win!
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shinydixon · 2 years
G hosted a live on tiktok where she was doing her hair and her makeup. they asked her who was her favorite ST character and she answered dustin, apparently this is the second time she chooses him. guess what the vanquinn who posted about this said? 'she was struggling so hard with her hair, i don't think she was paying much attention to the q+a hahaha' they wanted her to say eddie. they have an entire script in their heads and when G or joe fail to follow said script because they're humans and not robots, the vanquinns find ways to turn the situation around and find an excuse so the illusion won't be broken. and someone apparently made a hellcheer game and they're bombarding her with requests for her to play it. i really hope she'll ignore those requests but at the same time i know she'll give in. it's hellcheer, after all, and her entire income right now comes from this dammed ship (the reason she gets invited to cons is because of chrissy and her ten seconds of screen time with eddie). the way her fans behave is so gross and weird. really fucking weird. they pretend to be nice and normal when they leave a comment on her posts (sometimes the crazy comes out and they leave disgusting comments too like they did when she posted about nola and coming to brazil) but at the same time they keep calling her bestie and insisting on an intimacy that they don't have with her. they're really creepy. i'm a 100% convinced that the reason they want her with joe is just so they can drown in validation. they don't like him at all. trashed him so much because he wasn't following the script in their heads--how much do you wanna bet that their idea of standing up for grace was joe sending a shout out during his panel and asking the audience and everybody else to stop being mean to her--and now that he picked her character to be on his team he's suddenly a god in their eyes. what a load of bullshit.
She has always said Dustin is her favorite characters, I know that and I'm not even a fan.
This say a lot about them
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aidaronan · 2 years
Aida Ronan's Stranger Things Fics - Master List
✨Newest ✨
🌻 Where the Sunflowers Grow (Buckingham) Where does a dead girl fit in a world that has already mourned her?
That's one of the many questions Chrissy has to answer after El brings her back. A recovery narrative first, and a romance second. Buckingham and Platonic Hellcheer. 🪓Who's Sorry Now? (Joyce v. Vecna w/ Jopper) When Vecna goes after Joyce Byers, it's a race against time for Jim Hopper and Jonathan. And it's a tumble through nightmares for Joyce, until she realizes that sometimes a person's horrors can also be weapons.
🚢 Steddie
Creature Feature - all my Monsterfucking
🧛‍♂️The Prettiest Boy in Hawkins, Indiana || Explicit 🌶️ || 19480 (for now?)
Six years after Vecna and Eddie's death, Steve is alone and managing a retail store at the new mall. El calls and tells him something is awake in Hawkins, and Steve vows to investigate. And then Something shows up in Steve's apartment and flashes sharp teeth. Featuring Vampire!Eddie, thousands upon thousands of words of saucy fangbanger kink, and what can only be described as two people who are absolutely fucked up about each other on a soul-deep level whether it's healthy or not.
👻(After)life || Explicit 🌶️ || 4812 words
When Steve wakes up from a nightmare screaming Eddie's name, he doesn't expect anything to answer. (Or Steve gets railed by Ghost Eddie, although there's actually a lot more to it than that because I've never successfully written pwp in my entire life.)
🖤In the Woods Somewhere || Explicit 🌶️ || 5526 Words Steve grew up hearing campfire stories about the Black Woods Monster. He just never expected it to be real (or for it to want to seduce him.)
🧛‍♂️Nothing Hurts (Like Your Mouth) || Explicit 🌶️ || 4125 Words It's the full moon and Steve's got an itch he needs to scratch. WereSteve/VampEddie mausoleum sex. Forbidden lust/love. Spice with feelings.
🐊Cassiopeia, Orion, Bootes || Explicit 🌶️ || 10780 Words
When Steve finds the flyer for Bayou Bobby's midnight swamp tours, he's excited to finally get the opportunity to do something interesting on his work trip to New Orleans. Until he finds out he's human bait for something that lives in the swamp. Something with claws and scales and eyes that glow red in the moonlight. (SwampMonster Eddie smut with a happy ending)
🕯️Blood, Sweat, Ambrosia || Explicit 🌶️ || 4431 Words When Eddie is reborn, he is reborn with hunger. How lucky it is for Steve Harrington that he gets to be prey. Also kind of a Christmas fic.
⚸ Blood and Water || Explicit 🌶️ || WIP Self-taught witch Edwina Wynn Munson just wants to graduate high school and get the hell out of Hawkins. A spell that promises new beginnings? Sign her up. Sacrificing blood and body to the goddess Dulcana, Eddie gets her new beginnings. But at what cost? As things turn deadly in Hawkins, Eddie realizes she's in over her head. She also realizes she's not the only witch in town. Together, she and Stevie Harrington have to figure out how to banish this hungry and possessive entity before it's too late. Featuring sex rituals, library-based pining, and gratuitously hot outfits.
Canon-adjacent and/or fix-it fics
☎️Anywhere, Anytime || Mature || 10,853 Words
Eddie wakes from a nightmare and calls Steve. Featuring endless banter, telephone calls, ADHD Eddie, clothes sharing, a slow-ish burn, hurt/comfort, a little pining, a love confession, and a Steve Harrington bi awakening. Podfic available.
🦹‍♂️Orta Recens Quam Pura Nites (Newly Risen, How Brightly You Shine) || Mature || 22507 Words
Eddie Munson is dead, and death is apparently nothing but blackness and water to your ankles. Eddie Munson is dead, and Steve Harrington is listening to his music and wearing his clothes and wishing he'd been able to stop it. My take on the Kas!Eddie trope. With a Winter Soldiery twist. Podfic available.
💸It's Not a Big Deal || Mature || 11708 Words
Eddie loses everything in the "earthquake," all of it sucked into the Upside Down and locked up forever. Steve starts buying him stuff. Featuring Steve as an accidental sugar daddy, Uncle Wayne as the best parental figure in history, and Steve giving D&D a go. Podfic available.
👑I'd Burn the Castle for You || Teen and Up || 3621 Words
Eddie calls Steve "big boy" and "pretty boy," and Steve keeps asking him why. The answer: "You don't wanna know." Except Steve does. Steve does want to know. A tender and loving fic with a side of Dad Hopper (a thing that is very greatunironic's fault.) Podfic available. Fan art!
🎲Critical Hit || Explicit 🌶️ || 7102
Steve shows up to play D&D. Eddie decides he can stay. IF King Steve recognizes the real lord and master of Hellfire. Featuring ring kissing, nerd sex, Steve being transfixed by Eddie's guitar-player fingers, and good ol' fashioned filth (of course.)
🎵Cut and Changed and Rearranged || Teen and Up || 10856
The real reason Steve never really dates anymore is this: the nightmares and the secrets behind them. In the middle of the night, reeling from bad dreams, Steve properly starts listening to the mixtape Eddie made for him. Featuring hurt/comfort, angsty Steve, Steve getting the love he deserves, bed sharing, Eddie in crop tops, the bi experience, and did I mention Steve getting so much love? This fic is a love letter to Steve from Eddie and from me. Podfic available.
🎡Like a Record, Baby || Explicit 🌶️ || 1866 words Three months after the world doesn't end, a traveling fair hits downtown Hawkins. When Steve and Eddie get stuck at the top of the malfunctioning Ferris wheel, Eddie has an idea for how to pass the time. Steddie: public blow jobs edition. (Okay maybe I can write pwp after all.) Podfic available. 🎩Wiggle and Flourish || Mature || 2456 words Eddie says his bedroom is where the magic happens. Apparently he meant that literally. Comedy and fluff. No smut. 🫂Like I Always Do || Mature || 5578 Words Russian torture, the Mind Flayer, Hopper. Steve goes through hell, and all he wants when it's over is to be with someone who will soothe away the aches. Hurt/Comfort with established sexual relationship. (No smut.) Podfic available.
🌌Every Single Time || Teen & Up || 2573
Eddie and Steve haven't talked about it yet. What they are. What they want to be.
On Hawkins' Senior Bonfire Night, maybe they will.
That universe? Alternative
⌛Life or Something Like It || Explicit 🌶️ || 9286
Eddie can't afford to move to Hawkins, but he wants to live a little when he can, while he can. Have some fun and move on. That was the deal he made himself before he decided to visit.
Falling for Steve Harrington is, therefore, pretty damn inconvenient.
A Steddie AU inspired by San Junipero.
✨✨Bonus: My Steddie Recs Collection
🚢 Ronance
🚘Porcelain Like This || Explicit 🌶️ || 3444 Words Nancy Wheeler likes sex and wants sex, and she doesn’t really see why that’s a problem. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be desired, with wanting to feel good. And there’s certainly nothing wrong with wanting Robin Buckley. Featuring Nancy fucking Robin the backseat of her car. That’s it. That’s the fic.
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im going through my likes rn to go on a reblog spree and came across a post you had reblogged about it being okay w people asking about your fic writing and i liked it so i could remember to ask about your fics and ANYWAYS aside from Hellcheer what ships/couples do you like writing about (or just feature in your fics) the most? and if you have another fave ship, what headcanons do you have about them? 💕
These answers are probably going to be obvious cause they're the main background ships in my WIP.
One ship I was surprised I enjoy writing as much as I do is Rockie. I think maybe it's because Vickie is a bit similar to Chrissy in that we barely know anything about her, so there's just so much potential and room for figuring out characterization.
One funny thing I discovered after I'd already written the first few chapters: in the Rebel Robin novel, it's apparently revealed that Robin's parents are chill former hippies (or something similar).. which is the exact backstory I came up with for Vickie lol. Whoops! And yet, it's still my favourite headcanon for Vickie. She knows about a dozen cannabis strains and how to properly grow them (her and Argyle get along like a house on fire), is an experienced gardener and started making molotov cocktails at a very young age cause some hippies age out of peaceful protest. She's also a baby bisexual with zero knowledge of queer culture, which Robin knows plenty about through mail order zines from New York and San Francisco and literally anything else cool she could find to order in the back pages of Ms. magazine, so digging into that culture and their shared queer identity is a big part of their early relationship.
It's my first time writing them, so it's definitely a learning experience and there are things I would already change about published chapters, but I'm still excited about them. Maybe even more so cause it's almost guaranteed we'll be getting more of them in S5, so there is actually canonical hope for them. Unlike my other favourite ship to write in Hellcheer fics.
Which is, of course, Stali. Kali hasn't even appeared yet in my posted chapters, but GOD I love her interacting with Steve. They're so unexpected, and she challenges Steve in ways he never has been in canon, and he provokes a vulnerability in her no one else has. She finds him disarming, and then she kind of questions why because he's such a goofy guy. But Kali needs that goofiness! Maybe I'm so excited about them because I never found Steve all that interesting before I discovered this ship, and he finally feels like someone I care about exploring in relation to Kali.
I feel like a Hellcheer traitor by saying this, but I'm also very into exploring Chrissy with Kali, Eden, and Vickie. I just think Chrissy deserves everything, okay!
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