#this took a while because I couldn't remember my hcs lol
starystruck · 6 months
Hey so I know you’re interested in them, but do you have any headcanons? If so, I’d love to hear them! 💙💛
Hi! I have a lot that I think are also slowly showing through my dailies but here's some to share:
Stan fell first, he probably had some interest from day one, but had no idea he did. It's complicated. Gary has a huge mental barrier against romance for himself. He wouldn't start entertaining even the thought of it until years pass, but he eventually grows so interested in Stan it scares him.
Neither forgot about each other, it was a kinda nasty fall out. Stan wants to forget and tries to ignore it ever happened, but it's something he thinks about on a sleepless night when thoughts about the past rise up and their lost friendship is amongst them. As for Gary he was his first friend in town, it just really stuck with him in a way that kept him cautious with all future new friendships.
Gary starts off as the more openly affectionate one as it just comes with his personality and beliefs. It's not meant to be special treatment or romantic, but it means so much to Stan that he feels like it is. It's such a different treatment that it slowly gets to Stan more and more and he begins to realize he has a crush which kills him so badly inside.
I can see Gary's family being more on the traditional side wanting to find joy in what the world offers. This means they don't really use digital technology much. Stan finds himself very frustrated with how perfect Gary feels until realizing he isn't that good with social media or playing video games. He especially enjoys the latter and likes winning against him a lot.
As Gary lives in South Park for longer, he starts to crack. He'll have less patience as more nonsense happens and being friends with Stan gets him dragged into things more often. He'll start swearing more and even saying the lord's name in vain if he's pissed enough. He will always feel horribly guilty after these slip ups. Stan reassures him saying it's fine and that they all do it. He secretly enjoys seeing Gary express negative feelings as it used to be something almost impossible to ever witness.
Personal little headcanon: I see Stan as bi and Gary as gay. To me it makes sense! I also like how it makes the religious guilt for Gary even worse, very good angst material.
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banzaitaka · 2 years
Glad it's open again! Prince rukia, can you do saiki kusuo's reaction to his son who traveled to the past by mistake? The child is 14 years old and has the same powers as his dad! Thank you, ur the best
Alright this is an interesting theme to go for
Not me forgetting you said "by mistake" and only realizing after writing the reason n how n all that
Towards the end are quite a lot of lil timeskips cause aaaaaaaahhh And I noticed myself drifting off to some negative feels a bit lol so uh there is a cute ending dw
Saiki K Masterlist
I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!
Kusuo Saiki x male! reader
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Small accidental visit
(Y/N) opened his eyes, scanning the area around him with a blurred eye sight. His back laying on the hard, wet concrete as raindrops rained down on him.
//What is going on now?//
He quickly realized his glasses were covered in water and that's why everything was blurry before his eyes. Weirdly enough, that was the only thing he could really complain about at that moment. There was neither pain or any other feeling of discomfort present.
Besides the feeling of wet concrete against his back and limbs anyway.
A strange thing considering he certainly did not teleport to that location.
(Y/N) couldn't recall any reason why he would lay there or the fact that it started raining. But it must've been going on for a while before he landed there, or else under him would be still dry.
He gave himself a slight slap on the inside, this information was getting him nowhere.
//Okay, let's step back a second and think. What was I doing before I-//, a glance past the rim of his glasses to his digital wristwatch made him widen his eyes in shock, making him sit up and frantically dry off his glasses.
//This can't be.//, (Y/N) simply stated, staring at the date on his watch, on the year specifically.
It read May 11th 2014, 4:22 pm.
Last time he checked, he wasn't even born during that time. So obviously, this didn't make much sense.
//This watch is supposed to automatically adjust itself to the current time and date of the timezone it's in once activated. This has to be broken.//, he frowned, doing what everyone would do in that situation. Slap the life out of the wristwatch in a poor and rather aggressive attempt on making it work again.
//It probably broke during whatever happened to me that made me wake up infront of grandma and grandpa's house.//, he concluded, looking ahead at the rather familiar house infront of him. Though, it seemed kind of different, (Y/N) didn't pay it any mind.
The rain picked up, covering the boy's glasses in thick raindrops yet again. //Agh, this stupid rain.//
Without even looking around first, he stood up and rose his hand in the air. The other arm was busy drying off his glasses as he blew away the rainclouds like it was nothing.
//This is starting to get more irritating than confusing. Well, at least no one's here to bother me.//
"Look! Cyborg Sider-man No.2! Did you see that!?"
//Oh oh.//, the (Y/HC)-haired flinched, not even daring to turn around, //Dad is going to kill me.//
"He just made the rain stop with his hand!", the little boy let out a loud gasp, "Is he your apprentice!? I want to be your apprentice too!"
"I don't even know that kid.", another voice sounded out, clearly annoyed with the kid he had to accompany to buy soda.
//Okay. That sounded suspiciously like my dad, but I'm just going to leave while I can-//, (Y/N) sneaked away, still not sparring the two behind him a single glance.
Really, he was too scared to check. He took another glance at his wristwatch and it still said 2014. Even after trying to reverse it, he could only see the minutes going backwards.
And in addition to that, the name "Cyborg Sider-man No.2" sounded way too familiar. (Y/N) remembered his dad talking about the time he had to babysit a little boy from time to time.
A boy who kept calling him that.
The dots were slowly connecting, but (Y/N) clearly didn't want to believe it and ended up blaming it on paranoia. Because time travel was also a topic at the dinner table. One he didn't remember having anything positive to it.
And hearing what his father went through when he traveled back into the past really killed all motivation to do that himself.
So denial it was.
//There is no mistaking it, that boy is a psychic too. He seemed to have used the exact same method I used to make it stop raining not too long ago.//, Kusuo monologued, frowning internally, //Why do I keep attracting these kinds of people?//
Ignoring Yuta's begging and rambling, as well as the fact he noticed the 14 year old sneak away, Kusuo walked towards his house.
//I'd like to say it was none of my business and I should just ignore him, but he was already way too close for comfort. I don't need another rando to ask me to be their teacher.//
A mental image of a purple haired student by the name of Reita and a green haired magician called Kouta made itself present in the pink-haired's mind. He really just wanted to be left alone.
Once Kusuo was finally back in his room, he stopped in his tracks.
//I couldn't hear his thoughts.//
Now, even though it was rare and rather unusual for him not to hear someone's thoughts, it didn't make it less concerning. The opposite in fact, as he was so used to knowing what everyone was thinking.
The teen sat on his bed, looking down to think, //And he's most definitely a psychic. I didn't see anything about his character, not even his face. There is no way I can tell if he's evil or not.//
The annoyance built up even more inside of him and he could very well tell how the volume of his inner voice increased.
//The fact he was so close to my home may have something to do with me. Did he see me use my powers without me noticing? Now I have to look into this.//
Meanwhile, (Y/N) was looking for a good spot to teleport away. He didn't want anyone else to see him use his powers, otherwise his dad will definitely scold him.
Doesn't matter if he really time traveled or not.
Soon, he found a rather tight alleyway, so tight that he had to walk sideways, //Perfect.//, he quickly slipped in, clicking his tongue with annoyence at how the walls dirtied his clothes.
Once the (Y/HC)-haired reached about the middle of the alleyway, he looked left and right to ensure noone's watching and then finally teleported away.
To his house to be exact.
//I should tell dad about-//, mouth agape, he stared to the spot his house was supposed to be. Only to find a small field with a rather big tree a bit further ahead.
//You gotta be kidding me.//
The view before (Y/N) gave him no other chance, but to believe he traveled to the past.
But he still went up to the tree several meters away from him, inspecting it for any signs of carvings he did with his father. And as feared, there were none to be found.
//Well shit.//, (Y/N) let himself slide to the ground with his back against the tree, //How am I supposed to go back?//
Crossing his arms infront of his chest, he began to think. And after a few minutes of doing just that, the only thing he could come up with is asking Kusuke, his uncle, for help. Problem with that was, however, that there was a chance of him changing the future through doing that.
Overall, the 14 year old couldn't think as clearly as he would like to. He wasn't able to stay as composed as his dad could be, that being the fault of his personality. His grandpa's genes must be showing just a tad bit.
//Damn it. What would dad do? Go to Kusuke, I'm sure, but I just can't...//
Meanwhile, Kusuo was also in thought.
The pink-haired crossed his eyes yet again, in search of any signs of that mysterios psychic. //Still nothing, where could he be?//, he blinked once to normalize his eyes and put a hand to his chin in thought, //There is a possibility that he teleported to an area too far away for my powers to reach, if he truly has the same or similar powers as me. That would make this far more annoying than it already is.//
Sighing internally, the teen laid down on his bed, //I will just have to stay on guard.//
Night approached.
And with (Y/N) having no place to stay or way to get back to the future, all he could do was collect some firewood, rocks and a lot of dirt.
He put the rocks in a circle in a space where no grass grew and poured a bit of dirt in the middle, enough to cover the ground. He poured more dirt around the rock circle and the rest at the side where he could easily reach it.
He didn't have to fear anything catching fire, but he didn't want any possible passerby to scold him. More so for the sake of keeping his powers a secret, since his dad made it more than clear how important it is to ensure no one ever found out about them.
Besides, (Y/N) tried not to rely on his powers so often. There was no fun with being able to do almost anything imaginable with a snap of his fingers.
Finally, the (Y/HC)-haired threw some wood in the circle and lit it on fire using his pyrokinesis.
//...//, the boy leaned against the tree behind him, an all too familiar sense of loneliness washing over him, //I hate this.//
The next morning, the 14 year old did nothing in particular. How could he? Pacing back and forth infront of the big tree and singing songs to himself, of which he keeps forgetting bits of the lyrics of, were pretty much the only things he could do.
There was hunger slowly building up inside of his stomach, but at the same time he felt like he couldn't even eat a single bite. Anxiousness was overtaking his mind.
//...I can't keep going like this though...Dad...//
"Oh, Ku! There's a young man here asking for you!", the pink-haired heard his mother call out for him. //What now?// He stood up from his position on the floor infront of his TV and gaming console, making his way down the stairs.
Kurumi smiled at him as she stepped out of the way. //That's-//, he stared at the boy right outside of his door, //That's the boy from yesterday! What does he want?//
"I'll be in the kitchen making you two some snacks. Have fun you two!"
And with that she walked away from the scene, to the kitchen, leaving the two of them in a rather thick layer of tension. "Hello.", the (Y/HC)-haired greeted, still not looking up to look Kusuo in the eyes.
//He didn't move his mouth while speaking...//, Kusuo pulled him inside with his powers and shut the door. (Y/N) let out a weird noise out of surprise, a look of panicked confusion on his face as he got dragged further, up into the pink-haired's room.
The boy, now sitting on the floor with Kusuo towering behind him, only heard the door close before Kusuo spoke up, "Who are you and what do you want?"
Hesitantly, (Y/N) looked the other in the eyes, "(Y/N) Saiki."
"Saiki? Are you a lost brother or something?", looking closer at the boy's face, he could see some resemblance of his bloodline. "Not exactly- I- You- I'm from the future and don't know how to get back, please help me-", the boy splurted out out of nervousness, being fixated by the older one's cold stare.
Also, there shouldn't be any beating around the bush in this matter, otherwise (Y/N) might as well never go back.
For just a moment, silence filled the room, the only noise being the shabby backgound music of the cheap game Kusuo had been playing.
"Good grief..."
It didn't take long for Kusuo to believe his supposed son from the future. Looking at all those things he had to deal with on a daily basis up until this day, it really was just another inconvenience in his life.
Now sitting at the dinner table with his parents and (Y/N), he already began to make plans in his head how to approach his older brother with this situation, hoping he'd help out without making it too much of an annoying experience. Because after sending the boy back, he also had to deal with fixing the timeline. He didn't believe (Y/N) being up for that important task.
Kuniharu paused for a second to smile at the 14 year old sitting across from him, "I'm positively surprised my son tutors a kid in his free time, but isn't it getting a bit late now? I can drive you home if you want." "Ah, well...", the (Y/HC)-haired glanced to the pink-haired next to him, a silent ask for help.
"Good grief...He wanted to ask if he could stay for tonight."
Back up in the 17 year old's room, (Y/N) watched as Kusuo laid down a futon on the empty space of the room. Despite the want to call out for him, (Y/N) remained silent, it might be for the better that way. It was just, his dad didn't do much with him for quite a while now and the boy started to miss him and all those fun times together.
//He's technically not my dad yet though.//, he told himself.
Once Kusuo finished with his task, he himself laid on his bed, "We'll go to Kusuke first thing in the morning, so go to sleep now."
The darkness of the room and Kusuo's words set the 14 year old's mood even further. He felt lonely. Still, nodding his head, he crawled onto the futon and tugged the blanket over his body up to his head.
There was no changing anything at that moment and no other way to go. He had to push his needs to the side for now to get back into the time he belonged to.
//Why does he look so sad?//, Kusuo's eyes fixated onto the blanket burrito. Discarding the question as soon as he asked it, he turned off the little lamp on his nightstand, burrying himself under his own blanket and trying to fall asleep.
The closer (Y/N) got to going back to the future, the more intense got the feeling of wanting to stay. Kusuo would have no choice, but to look out for him, right? Though, he didn't want to force himself onto him like that. But- He craved for that attention.
All hopes of Kusuke needing some time to get a device ready were crushed quickly when he announced of having one right there, ready to go.
"So he can go right away?", the pink-haired asked, a bit cautiously, waiting for a possible catch. Kusuke only nodded his head with a smile, turning his gaze to (Y/N), "Just make sure you visit me, little one."
A silent nod was all (Y/N) could provide as an answer.
Satisfied, Kusuke left the room to get the device started. It left the (Y/HC)-haired's heart racing and fingers twitching.
The both of them stood there, waiting, for a while. And Kusuo couldn't take it anymore, he had to ask, finally, "Do you not want to go?"
"...", the boy didn't really know how to reply to the other one's question at first, rubbing his fingers against each other in a subtle fidgeting manner as he thinks about it.
"I- It was nice to have dinner with someone again."
Before another word could be spoken, Kusuke returned, telling them that everything was ready. (Y/N) nodded yet again, quickly following the younger version of his uncle, leaving Kusuo standing there, speculating about his words.
Everything was over faster than (Y/N) and Kusuo thought, as if there was still something missing. But it would be too late anyways, the time machine was activated and the 14 year old was gone, back to where, or when, he came from.
It all left Kusuo with a bitter aftertaste, but there was no slacking off now. He got a timeline to fix.
When (Y/N) opened his eyes again, he was met by the sight of grass and a small, brownish-grey house, as wood scratched against his back, making him quickly realise where he was. He snapped his head to look up the tree branch, sure enough, there were many little carvings of letters and symbols scattered across the texturey surface.
A look at his wristwatch gave him the last confirmation he needed that he was indeed in the year he was supposed to be in.
//Guess I'm back now.//, he shifted his gaze back fowards, looking at his shoes as he moved his feet back and forth, //So back to everyday life.//
The boy decided to go back inside, maybe make himself a sandwich or two. Opening the door and kicking his shoes off his feet, he didn't expect to hear the TV in the kitchen. He certainly didn't forget to turn it off since he didn't turn it on in the first place.
He poked his head into the room, eyes widening when his gaze met the back of his dad, appearantly cutting some vegetables on a wooden cutting board. "Dad?", the boy accidentally called out, it just slipped out of his mouth like that.
It made the other flinch slightly.
Kusuo turned around, "(Y/N), I told you not to scare me when I'm holding sharp objects." "Ah- Sorry, dad, I didn't mean to.", the boy stepped into the kitchen with an apologetic smile, "What are you doing here?"
The pink-haired gave his son a sideglance before getting back to cutting, "I'm making dinner." "But you're usually away at this time." "I might have been before your little trip.", Kusuo paused what he was doing again to pat his son's head, "But now it will be different."
Slowly understanding what was going on, the 14 year old smiled brightly. Even Kusuo couldn't help a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, "Good grief...you seem to have a bit of energy left to help me make dinner."
"Yes, sir!"
"Oh, and look around before using your powers next time."
"Yes, sir-!"
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ir0nskin · 7 months
Doing a Last Wars reread, might post some more thoughts.
Spoilers ahead.
While Monsoon ends up being pretty pathetic, I think he starts out rather nicely. He takes Ouu by surprise and causes massive damage to their key players and distrupts any kind of strategy they could come up with.
Yoshi forgot how old Hiros kids are, and how many pups Lydia and Jerome had, lol. Maybe I'll headcanon they had a second smaller litter, and it was 3 of the older pups that got killed. (Lenov, Akira and the other one.
I like that Hiro sacrifices himself for Gin. I don't like that Hiro is dead, but its a nice drawback to GDW (Might of just been anime only? I dont remember) that becuase he lost his own father, he goes out of his way to protect his "new father" - the father of Ouu.
Kurotora is agressive as fuck but hes pretty useless in his old age
"Paradise has fallen" is one of my favourite pages in all of Ginga. Its just cool.
I like the Cross took the pups to safety at Daisukes house. But wasn't that village destroyed/uninhabitable from the events of GDOrion???
Gin should of dropped Orion over the cliff in GDO.
I'm all for having a protaganist that doesn't do what hes told and does his own thing, but they usually grow and learn from their mistakes (while keeping their "ill do it my way") and Orion...literally doesn't.
Bob is pathetic baby man.
Chapter 49. The beginning of the awful sickle saga..... It is nice that the dogs recognise they have better chances with a human weapon, like how they had better chances with Gohei's gun in GNG.
Kyou and Rocket literally forgot about Ken lmao poor guy
Uhh it was George/Jouji who couldn't save Minnie from the River not Ken? Chapter 60 makes it sound like Jouji gave up on watching Minnie and Ken had to go save her but couldn't.
"He was a teacher and guide to Tesshin in place of his father" Tesshin was raised by Ouu not the Koga Elder....I do like how Kurojacki and the Koga pack came to collect The Elder as he died. I would say living to 31 is a stretch to any normal dog, but look at Bobi the dog who lived on a farm in Portugal.
I like Zion, he's an okay addition to the Ginga gang, but its sad hes not really his own character, just a translator. And all he does is follow Sirius around because ""family""
I'm half with Sirius, half with Orion. Bears and dogs can/could co exist on the mountain, but like....thats regular bears. Bears who are just being normal bears. Monsoon and his brothers started a war with Ouu. There is a big grudge against ALL bears with Ouu, but perhaps that could of been left buried.
The last page of C72 is really nice.
Here comes to infamous sickle battle. Its mine! mine!!! mine 1!!! It would of been better if the dogs kept the sickle moving intentionally...to keep Monsoon guessing who has it next and keep him confused rather than squabbling like children over who gets a turn on the xbox
Everyone is desparate to become an "Ouu legend." Ouu has become nothing more than propaganda.
Sasuke should of died tbh.
I do like how the humans are taking action this time. They didn't do much in Akakabuto's time, but now they recognise the same thing is happening again and they are ready to help.
Akame should of died. This was a GREAT spot for it. His death should of been the last straw for Orion/Sirius. I'll forever HC that he died here lol.
It's sweet that Cross takes care of Tesshin, she did raise him along side her pups afterall.
"He's just as intense as his grand father, Riki!" Orion is nothing like Riki?? Orion is a brat. He was given control over an army just because of who his family is. He's never earned anything, not even respect. He's spent the entirety of the manga arguing and disobeying orders from those higher up than him who he's suppose to ""respect."" He's had to be bullied into not doing anything stupid while the army recovers. He is keeping a promise he made, but doesn't excuse his tantrums.
The way Monsoon acts sometimes reminds me of that baby from Spirited Away.
It is nice that hes different from Akakabuto. he has PTSD/Flashbacks, wants to get revenge and eat all the dogs that hurt. Scared of humans and tries to play around it. Akakabuto kept out of the humans way but didn't hesitate to turn them to paste if he found them in the mountains. Monsoon doesn't even try to attack humans. He has conflicting feelings.
Thats it for stuff on Sff Reader, ill have to go to Fantas blog to read from 121-end
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nani-nonny · 9 months
" Leonardo awakens to the feeling of his legs being held down " my mind went " you're under arrest b***h xD by the kids
When i saw blue's hand on leo i thought 'can he share energy while blue's sleeping?' Like can it happen unconsciously?
When CJ was laying on like starfish i remembered Patrick star XD
I laughed at the hospital bed surviving! Give it an award!! XD
The way f!leo tried to get out was like a puzzle mobile game!
While leo eating chips - thank god it's not Doritos - and thinking about life finally the golden moment came where purple announce " Drax is arrested " XD
I just LAUGHED when purple announced once again of drax's arrest, how long did drax was a run away from HC?!
But it was actually three minutes and 47 seconds.” damn they took his minute and 13 second?! Damn cruelty
When purple say he doesn't feel like going i was like; bro you couldn't even pour milk on yo cereal how come you can help?!?!/j
If splinter got mad it's gonna take more sushi to butter the old man UP! And the way he spoke about how he can get the old male wife goat out was really... Not relaxing i must say
When leo said " leo won't help him out willingly " i thought; COME ON blue! You can't be STILL upset about the rooftop incident?!?
And when purple said blue would listen to leo i immediately thought of " OOOH~ FATHER SON VIBES!!! "
“Yeah, you’re really cool. You’re like the perfect d—,” OOOHHHHH FATHER ALERTS! FATHER ALERTS!! I COMPLETELY RELATE TO PURPLE IN THIS MOMENT!!! AND THE WAY HE JUST CHANGED IT TO DOG!!! XYOOXXOOXY!! AHAHAHA (I really wonder if F!Leo figured out what purple really meant)
When the blues were in jail and heard the guard talking i was giggling at how blue's gonna shove all of this in draxam's face!
Tho blue's right; this's not a prison! This's the whole circus
Remember when i said that splinter will be pissed off? He may forgive if the blues kept the muzzle on xD
Ohhh 30$ dollar bet that drax will throw leo later from ANOTHER rooftop
I’m more of an ‘old and tired and just want to sleep and retire my sword’ side of the human versus yokai race.” golden comment
" pulls a small pouch out of his mouth " Eeww
“I should have altered your DNA so you didn’t have a tongue to speak with.” AHAHAHAHA
When Drax talked about big mama - i kinda foreshadowed that she have it - and how her 'could' probably told on him... I hated her even more (SORRY DMD)
When leo ratted out blue and how red looked at him i immediate believed that red will expose him, maybe putting the fact he can hear F!april's voice on news so the whole family can know XDD/j
“Why didn’t she tell us she can do that?” BRO SHE H AVE SOME STRANGER THING TYPE OF POWER XDD
Red asking so much questions and am happy it's red because if it's purple then oh lord... Write your will..
The moment drax asked leo to say hi to future mikey i was HELLA excited!
"'He looks down to see he finally has form " when the game finally upload it Grafic lol
Lol it’d be entertaining to think that Commander O’Neil possessed his body and performed the energy share thing but no, Blue just passed out after he shared his mystic energy hahahaha!
Purple knows Blue listens to F!Leo because he’d do the same lol (F!Leo is FATHER!!!)
And F!Leo took the dog comment at face value because he’s more confused how he’s a dog lol… Cue F!Leo googling what kind of dog breed he is /j
Draxum’s so gross for putting the pouch in his mouth, but if it means preventing it from getting taken away from him by the police, then by all means choke it down/j
And oof, Purple would have thousands of questions that I would’ve dreaded writing it all down, I love the smart guy but my arthritis doesn’t /hj
Now I have to perform tricks and flips trying to smoothly maneuver a conversation with F!Leo and the ghosty bros *sweats nervously for myself*
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jerzwriter · 5 months
For whichever characters you want/feel comfortable talking about 😊
6. How does your oc feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
7. Is there something that could cause your oc to question their identity? What?
16. Did you ever change an oc's identity when they were already established? Why?
19. Do you have preferences about depicting homo/transphobia in your stories? What, and why? Does it vary by story?
The year-end asks were more complex than I expected, but I can do these. lol From this list.
Thanks for the ask, Ren! I'm going to answer for Casey and Trystan/Carolina.
6. How does your OC feel about labels? Theirs, or in general.
In general, all three aren't fond of labels. They're more likely to use the umbrella term "queer," and they just live their lives as who they are. Their identity could even be fluid, and labels could just hinder that. So overall, they're not big fans. lol But,that's their feelings for them. They know labels can help others, and they support them using them if they do. Carolina, in particular, learned that on a personal level. She knew she was bisexual as long as she could remember, but it wasn't until after college that she realized she was demiromantic. She assumed she was just "odd" and "different" from her friends and family, and that did nothing good for her on a mental/emotional level. Also, many "blamed" her "problems" on the trauma she endured when her father was murdered, so she just bought into that and assumed there was something "wrong" with her that needed fixing, then when she couldn't "fix" it, it set her back in many ways. It wasn't until she started seeing a therapist who had real knowledge of the LGBTQIA community that she realized there wasn't anything wrong with her, and this was one time giving it a name that helped her tremendously.
7. Is there something that could cause your OC to question their identity?
With Casey, she questioned her identity for quite some time. Her parents were very open-minded, but her mother's side of the family was not cool at all, and her father's was better but not great. The expectation was she'd date men, and that's what she did at first. It's no surprise that her HS relationship was with a boy who she was good friends with. They were "dating," but in reality, their relationship was really friendship. In retrospect, she realizes it just provided a place for her to "hide" as she tried to figure herself out.
Attending NYU was the first time she felt surrounded by people who understood her and encouraged her to be her true self. But it still wasn't easy as bisexuality is often not welcome, even in the LGBTQIA community. But she knew she was bi, and she never doubted that again. Outsiders cast doubt on her, and while that can be painful, she knows that she knows who she is better than anyone else, so she dismisses it.
Trystan was always accepting of his bisexuality, but he had to hide it because of his role as monarch. That caused some feelings of shame, and when he was younger, he wished he could "convince" himself to be straight, but he knew that wasn't a possibility. Being out of the monarchy was a huge relief to him in many ways, because he felt he was free to be himself.
Carolina had no issues with her bisexuality from the time she was very young. I HC that she was open with her father about this before he died, and he was supportive of her. That love and support left her very confident and assured, so she didn't think questioning/doubt was part of her vocabulary. But, as mentioned above, that wasn't the case with her being demiro. She questioned that lot, then, when she developed romantic feelings for Trystan, she questioned it again. It took some time for her to understand/accept this.
16. Did you ever change an OCs identity once they were already established? Why?
Ren. Darling. My dear friend. Do you WANT me to get more anon hate? Like - I don't get enough? lol (JK JK) .
The only person I ever changed after established was Carolina (COP) being demiro, and that's because when I looked at her character, it really made sense. But my queer characters have been queer from the start; my straight characters have been straight from the start. There is one particular straight character that, now, I'd love to change to bisexual... but I won't. Partially because the world is far too big/established, and it would take a lot for me to change it at this point. Second, it could appear to some that I was bullied into the decision, and if you know me, you know I can be a stubborn bitch, and I'm not about to have that. lol But, I think they might be bi in some future AUs. We'll see. (And that's all I have to say about that... I mean outside of DMs lol)
19. Do you have preferences about depicting homo/transphobia in your stories? What, and why? Does it vary by story?
It honestly makes me very uncomfortable to write any form of queerphobia, but I also think it's necessary. There isn't one queer person walking this earth who hasn't experienced phobia, so it would be inauthentic to never show it in my fics. However, I also don't want to focus on it. Too many people, ironically, usually straight writers writing for queer characters, tend to focus on trauma. Bruh, that's not all that we are. That's not what it's all about. And the last thing I want to do when I sit down to read is focus too heavily on that. But again, I think it would be wrong to avoid it completely.
Now, here's the irony. When I've dealt with some issues of biphobia in my fics, it has been difficult for me at times, but in reality, it's been very cathartic. I've gotten that feedback from some readers as well. So I think it can be good to depict, but it has to be done thoughtfully.
Thanks for the asks, Ren! :)
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bemylord · 3 years
↠ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ʀᴇᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴄʀᴀᴛᴄʜᴇꜱ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴅʏ ↞
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characters: gojo, sukuna, itadori, megumi, nanami, toji x fem!reader.
warnings: smut, aged up, marks/bruises, creampie, daddy kink [toji and nanami], oral [fem!receiving], degrade and praise kinks, grammar errors.
a/c: or s/o gave them scratches on their body. hc + drabble. kento's, toji's, and sukuna's part might be rough. also i may used inappropriate word don't blame me.
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ɢᴏᴊᴏ ꜱᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ:
would be teasing you in the morning for being too horny to suppress your nails. although, he doesn't hide the fact he adores the little pain when his clothes touch places where you left stripes.
also likes those moments when you're leaving fingernail marks on his thighs or hips whilst sucking his dick. it'd be better spelled if i specify that gojo using your head as a toy for his pleasure.
would praise you for marks you've given him, labeling his muscular body as yours, letting your fingers traveling all over his back to the chest, outlining every muscle.
prefers to do it slow but deep, touching the spongy coil inside you with his every push, feeling your hands on the back as you're trying to take his dick, being capable of not losing your mushy mind at his sharp pushes as how he's overbearingly fucking you.
'giving me all your juices and marks you've gotten for your master' satoru might be playful during the training time, but you've known he likes to talk dirty and be dominant railing you. those marks perfectly suiting on his skin so why not leave them?
despite being overdose with your cum and a facial expression - you opened your mouth releasing ragged whimpers and arching your back, approaching towards gojo's chest in the climax, cumming all over the base - he'd thrust in you more 'till you'd turn into the drooling mess below.
'yes, honey, you're doing good, so good. constricting my dick so good' obscene squelches become louder, as you could feel satoru's released on your stomach. 'you did so well, honey, i'm gonna take good care of you'
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ɪᴛᴀᴅᴏʀɪ ʏᴜᴊɪ:
okay, i think itadori would be the softest boy through all monsters we've got here.
but don't let his innocent face trick you. despite of the fact that most of the time he's a soft bun, he'll make you scream.
ok, make you scream and be asking if he isn't tempestuous.
he'd be disconcerted if you asked him to heal his back. for what? he thinks is a sort of a recall so he could remember what the two of you had been doing in the night and how loud you were while giving him your residue of cum.
he might take some photos of his skin pattern in marks so he could ogle at 'em later, repeating seconds where you were patterning his back.
'take off your shirt, yuji. i'll heal your back'
poor itadori is sitting on the couch totally discouraged as he heard your request. he glanced at you with a bambi look: eyes wide open, as if you said something vulgar. he aimlessly rubbed the back of his head, tossed his head back.
'but i like your marks, baby'
he whined, grabbing your palms in his, forcing you to sit on his lap, wrapping arms around your waist.
'you gave those stripes because you.. you were feeling good, yeah?'
you put your head down at his question but nodded, putting your head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat.
'then i don't need your recovery, baby, let your marks stay until you'll add new ones'
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ᴛᴏᴊɪ ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ:
let people know what sex is. let it be a slogan for your intercourse.
he could fuck you all night due to his long-term capability and would be smug after intercourse as he'd watch the disorder [?] you did on his biceps.
mostly biceps, cause a man knows the main destination of his tongue, masterfully giving you an oral. goddamn that tongue.
he'd let you scratch his back as he'll know that it'd be possibility to show off the mark his love gave him. on other days, you're pulling his hair into your pussy, burying him even more, letting him to destroy you before the fun will start.
his arms full of red stripes. though it wasn't your fault - how can you inhibit yourself while toji is literally eating you like a meal?
'being waiting for my tongue, huh?' he's a teaser - you're at the edge of the bed, baring your dripping pussy to the one he can lick you as you need to whilst teasing and degrading you.
'being waiting to be demolished by me you little whore, don't you?'
you grabbed his strong biceps, dotted them in half-moons then squeeze as toji peeks at you.
'answer me, slut!'
his low voice makes you open widely your legs as not closed to squeeze his head. he's running his tongue on your crotch and labia, teasing you, forcing you to say how reckless and anguished you were without his tongue and fingers.
'yes, daddy, i-i've been waiting f-for you' you sharply breathe, letting out the whimpers, feeling his tongue playing with your swollen clit.
'i'm about to ruin you tonight, are you ready?' he giggled once more, getting into the little game he's been waiting for since he left the house.
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ᴍᴇɢᴜᴍɪ ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ:
it is in their genetic code to make a woman scream but since megumi hasn't got a huge sexual experience as his father does, he'd be tender at first, asking abt your well-being, if he can move, etc..
when he watches at the mirror in the morning, he finds out his back and a few shoulders are drawing by your nails.
he'd be overwhelmed and speechless as he saw a reminder of the night.
'gumi will make up an excuse, sort of: 'i got into the fight with a curse, nothing special'. itadori'd have been asking him if he's okay, how it was but satoru isn't a naive one.
deep inside would be proud of himself that only he could put you on the pleasure, privately enjoying those patterns.
'y/n?' he pronounced your name in a question way, rubbing his shoulder aimlessly, as you glanced at him. you let out a quiet mooing as a response, staring as to how megumi taking off his school uniform.
'would you mind heal me a little?'
you smiled, coming closer to your boyfriend, grabbing a tube of medicine on the way.
'don't think i don't like your.. marks, just-'
'don't apologize, 'gumi, it's kinda chaos on your back' you giggled at your comparison, running with medicine on red stripes. his tensed and muscular body is overwhelming: those abs and pretty strong arms conquering every time you've got an opportunity to ogle.
'tho i love the chaos you made'
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ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ᴋᴇɴᴛᴏ:
i'm certain you'll be scratching his back because nanami is packing - big dick energy, lol.
screaming his name as you've been drawing illegible patterns, mostly on his wide back, so lately he'd smirk at his reflection in the mirror.
those nights when you're trying to fill the lack patterns on his back by drawing lots of geometrical figures or promiscuous tracery.
every move with his tight white shirt at the office makes his stoic face change as he reminisces the night you gave that pleasant pain.
he wants to find half-moons littering his biceps as you were holding 'em while giving creampie on his dick.
if you want it spicy - trail your fingers on his back suddenly, giving nanami little goosebumps to switch his mood.
'darling, you want me to stop?' he unaware question left you desperate as nanami stopped pumping, left a soft kiss on your forehead. 'am i fucking you way too hard?' seldom moment of nanami being tender as he gets used to fuck recklessly 'till you'll be a dripping mess under his cock.
you didn't see fit to answer the question but smack your lips against his, as a silent response named: 'i'm fine, my love, you can move' your wet, deep, and in some way subtle kiss that doesn't fit on the action you've been doing. you trail your nails from the back of his neck to the coccyx, ogling as to how his facial expression changes.
'you want to be used like a slut you are, don't you?'
you couldn't respond, only purr as how nanami suddenly turned on into daddy. feeling how your empty pussy being filled out with a thick kento's cock again as he's making a demolishing [?] pushes.
'get what you want, slut, scratch my back so it'd dotted lately with your nails'
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ꜱᴜᴋᴜɴᴀ ʀʏᴏᴍᴇɴ:
as for that rough man..
he gives hickeys - you give him patterns on his back.
he'd be exceedingly obsessed after had seen your marks on itadori's body. still, itadori is a vessel for him, so sukuna will be even more self-satisfied. why? a little reminder for the owner who took possession of your body at the night.
once he'll take possession of the body, itadori it'd be or someone else, he won't stop himself as long as his back will be patterns of yours nail on it.
he does literally everything to make you scratch his back, whether it be licking your swollen clit to the way your legs got shaken or fuck you on his lap.
'let the bastard see what matures did it the night' his pace increase as he uttered the phrase that makes the butterflies in your belly thrives off.
his lowly and husky voice intermingled with ragged breathing, little drops of sweat on his hairline as he crushes devastating punches, letting your moans out of your mouth.
you're digging into his skin on the back as he masterfully target into the spongy coil in your stomach, feeling as your orgasm is building up with his every hit. he wants to see his back littering in patterns of your nails, wants to have that sweet but stinging pain in the morning.
's-sukuna, ugh~' you let out a whimper as your cunt constricting creampie on his dick. he chuckled as your hole clenching his thick cock while nails trailing all over back.
idk i start always from sukuna and i've got inspiration only on kento's part, that's why nanami and toji might be rough than a king.
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unicreamuwu · 2 years
I could die happy with some yan!Sanji hcs
Lol, same. I just love that dude, he's my favorite character. Sorry if this isn't that yandere.
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When you first arrived in the Germa kingdom as a young maid, you were first assigned to the third son, Sanji.
You and he had a great relationship as children.
You knew about his problems of being a normal human being and promised to help him no matter what.
That's what his mother, Sora, told you.
After she died, you always stayed by his side no matter what was your duty.
Because of her death, Sanji started to get treated more horribly.
And, that's why you protected him much more.
Instead of training with his other siblings, he learned how to cook a lot.
He invited you to the kitchen to try the food he made which you obviously loved.
That made him like you. A lot.
Whenever his brothers try to hurt you, he would be quick to stop them, but ended up being beaten up.
However, that was okay with him, as long you were okay.
After Judge faked Snaji's death, you knew where he was and visited him every day.
You would see his brothers beating him up and you tried to help them, but Rejiu stops you.
A couple of days later, he was gone.
He was not in his cell anymore and you tried to find him everywhere.
With that, he was gone.
You knew the truth when Rejiu told you where he went off and gave you an envelope.
You opened it and these were the words.
"Y/N. I don't have much time to write too much, but I just want to say that I'm leaving Germa. I made that decision because I want to be a cook. I don't know where I'll be, but I know it'll be better than here. I'm sorry that I couldn't bring you. I tried to convince Rejiu, but she told me to just write you a letter. Again, I'm so sorry, but I promise that I'll come back to get you. Love, Sanji."
You were in tears when you finished reading that letter.
Of course, you wanted to go with Sanji and support his dreams of being a cook, but you couldn't.
Where would he be anyway?
Rejiu apologizes to you and you just kept crying.
Ever since that day, you waited for Sanji to come and get you.
You've been waiting for seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and then years.
After a decade, you gave up your hopes.
He's never coming back.
It was until you saw a familiar blonde hair man that you knew who it was.
You were staring at him for some time until you two finally made eye contact.
You both were silent until you just walked away, ignoring him calling out your name.
You overheard Judge telling him that he's going to marry one of Big Mama's daughters.
Of course, you were kinda heartbroken, but most of you didn't really care now because you got over Sanji.
When they finally arrived at Whole Cake Island, everyone has started to prepare for the wedding.
While you were helping out, you were pulled into a corner by a shadow figure.
You were about to scream for help until that person placed their hand on your mouth.
You were struggling until the person spoke up.
"Hush, Y/N. We don't want to make a noise, don't we?"
Your eyes widened and looked up as the person finally let go of your mouth.
He looks down at you with a small smile.
"Hey, Y/N. Long time no see, eh?"
You just stared up at him without responding. He finally let you go to light up his lighter for his cigarette and let out a sigh.
"Y/N. I've missed you over the years. I see that you changed a lot."
He grabbed both of your hands which you took them out.
He looked at you with confusion and sorrow.
"I don't need you talking to me. Don't you remember your promise from the letter? I've been waiting for over a decade for you to come back and get me, but guess what I got? Nothing!"
His eyes widened at your words. He looked down that made his cigarette. Then, you saw tears falling out. From his eyes.
You have never seen him cry after so many years.
It was until he grabbed you by the waist and placed his lips onto yours.
It all happened so fast that you didn't know the feeling of his warm lips.
You tried to struggle out of his grip, but he wouldn't let you go.
Until you just relaxed a bit and let him do his business.
After some time, he finally let you go and left both of you breathless.
A few minutes passed by, and he finally lifted your chin with his finger.
"Y/N, I'm truly sorry and I'm actually am. I tried my best to get you back and it took a while to plan it. I promise. Once this whole wedding thing is over, I'll take you away from that hellhole Germa. I don't care how Judge treated you back there, but I'm still going to let you out of this misery."
You were shocked at his words and then tears brimmed the corner of your eyes.
Judge didn't treat you like how he did to Sanji, but he definitely wasn't the best person to be around with.
His siblings were pretty terrible other than Rejiu, and the servants were nice but didn't really spend time with you.
So, you looked at him with a smile with tears of happiness running down your face.
"Yes, Sanji. I will go with you."
He smiles and hugs you again.
It turns out, Big Mama was trying to betray the Germa Kingdom to gain more power.
Luckily Sanji and his friends defeated her children, including her.
Sanji surprisingly saved his family as well.
When they got back to his kingdom, he looked up at his father.
"Judge..." he speaks up.
Sanji takes your hand.
"I'm never coming back here and I'll be taking Y/N with me. She'll also never see you or any of your guys' faces again."
Luckily, Judge agreed and let you go to go with Sanji.
You were happy and he was much happier.
He introduced you to the crew and they were also happy to meet you.
Truly Sanji did keep his promise.
And, he'll never let you go on that day.
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starrybunnyarchive · 3 years
let's talk about petnames
because is one of my favorites hcs. i really enjoy spending time thinking about this and i absolutely melt everytime.
Characters: Aizawa Shouta, Hatake Kakashi, Ukai Keishin + bonus.
Warning: none, just a little suggestive?????
Aizawa Shouta
he's not like, all cutie and stuff but he tries his best to show his love for his s/o.
when he refers to her, he always uses Partner or Lover. and don't ask me why but i just feel this man is classic.
eventually started to use Fiancé and Wife as soon as he could because he's NOT afraid of telling the world she's the one.
he's a pro-hero and a public figure but despite this, we all know he is very professional and likes to keep his private life private. so, when he's talking with her in public situations he uses Darling. again, classic lol (tried to call her this way when they were alone but was too much formality.)
sometimes he uses Love. it's really cute but isn't his favorite to call his s/o.
Honey is the one he uses a lot at home or when they're alone.
probably Kitty is the universal headcanon for Aizawa's petnames lol but YES i agree. he saves this one for special or intimate moments. the first time he used Kitty was a surprise.
–*almost a whisper* “i love you, kitty.”
–“you just called me kitty?”
–“no I didn't.”
–“yes you did. you did it right now.”
–“and what?”
–“don't you like it?"
–“isn't that i don't like it, is just…why did you call me that?”
–“because you are my...cute kitty.”
–*chuckling* “omg Shouta since when are you like that?”
–“since i felt in love with you.”
–*she gets speechless for a second* “i love you too.”
Hatake Kakashi
this man isn't into fancy nicknames but he makes sure his s/o knows he treasures her a lot.
he uses Lover when he's talking about her or in public situations.
it took sometime for him to get used with Fiancé or Wife just because Kakashi almost couldn't believe he ACTUALLY managed to have someone this special in his life. (we all know how sad his past is 😔😔😔)
she could forget her own name because Kakashi ALWAYS call her Honey. sometimes, even in public.
obviously this man has a sweet and special nickname that suits his s/o so well. (fell free to imagine one you like the most or the one you think suits you better. i think to myself he would use Bunny or Flower)
Ukai Keishin
he uses Babe most of the time. it's simple but sweet.
but let's not forget he's a flirty one. im 100% sure he would use Babe even before they're actually start dating, just to tease her.
calls her My Girl when refers to her. even when they get old because he's a sweet one.
Keishin loves call her Princess to spoil his s/o. and obviously her number is saved as "Princess 👑" too.
sometimes he uses Doll.
doesn't mind calling his s/o Babe or Doll or even Princess in front of others. actually, he likes seeing her smile when he do this.
Lovebug is the cutest nickname ever and he uses when he's being EXTRA cute and fluffy.
and yes, he has a sassy name to call her while they're doing. (ill let you free to imagine this one too, but i kinda like Babygirl LOL i know it's cliche but 🥵🥵🥵 what can i do)
Gojo Satoru
sure he has lots of petnames because he can't remember the names of all his ladies LMAO
just kidding. this joke never gets old to me.
this man likes french nicknames, i just know it, don't ask me how.
his favorite one is Mon Bébé. and he LOVES teasing his s/o with this one.
Mon Ange and Mon Chéri are also included. you already know this but he's NOT shy of using all of these names in public, specially when she's around.
calls her My Lady or My Girl to refers to her.
Little Girl is the special one for him.
we can't deny this: he calls her all sort of names when they're doing but Little Devil is his favorite.
final note: i didn't realize this post become a teachers edition until now LOL but yes, get used to posts with this "Fantastic Four" senseis version because im a sucker for them.
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fifteenskies15 · 4 years
✧ SaneGiyuu Headcanon: The Married Life of Tomioka and Shinazugawa Sensei (Modern AU) ✧
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Admin 15: Why, hello hello, welcome back my fellow SaneGiyuu stans to my mediocre Headcanon, before I get to the point allow me to say a million thanks for the likes and reblogs from the first HC, you guys are beautiful and kind, I love you guys so much, you guys don't have to but still Thank you, thank you and thank you, and for that, I shall gave you all tis simple crumbs I made from the bottom of my (high-key non-existent) heart enjoy the crumbs my friends
⚠ Warning: Implied NSFW ahead, please tread lightly! ⚠
Ay, ay, so let's see... Sanemi and Giyuu are married couples however no students knows but the staff and headmaster know about their relationship...or marriage in general
They live in a simple and affordable house, perfect for two (and even family of four lololol) and quite near the station
Sometime you wonder, who would wake up first? Surprisingly it's Giyuu, Sanemi would still sleeping coz yk, all the students homework he gotta examined and he had to stay up for that shit, poor Nemi sensei.
It's hard to wake him up, Giyuu would gently shake him so that he woke up although it gave him quite a while
So he invented a trick
"Sanemi, wake up, it's five am, we have to get ready"
"I graduated literally few years ago, I don't need school"
Oh you sweet, clueless, stupid, airhead hoe Sanemi Shinazugawa, You're a teacher...
Time to pull out big guns
(Slight NSFW warning)
*insert Giyuu moanin'* "Nemi~ come over to the bathtub with me please"
Needless to say, Sanemi jolt awake and rushed to the bathroom in order to join Giyuu (what a hoe *fifteen has been slayed*)
As nice as sharing a passionate morning baths, it has to end, Giyuu knows how proud his husband is with his body so he let two or three buttons left undo.
"As nice to see your chest, you have to remember it's mine too"
And now he's "Jealous"oka Giyuu
Sanemi somehow find jealous Giyuu cute because he would pout, pout and pout.
Baby boy, baby
After dressing up, they had a breakfast together, just a simple bowl of rice and some salt marinated fish
If one of them finished the food first, they'll make the lunch for two
They made a bento, with ohagi, mochi or three coloured dumplings as desert
They didn't forget to brush their teeth after eat, don't worry, bare with them and their morning routine
Before they went to train station, they give MORNING KISSES, mostly on cheeks before they went off.
As they arrived at school, Giyuu immediately took out his bamboo sword and get ready.
"I'll see you at lunchtime, Danna"
"At least give your Danna a kiss before you go, Mr. Shinazugawa Giyuu..."
Giyuu roll his eyes and give his white haired husband a short sweet kiss before he went to the staff room.
Now skip to lunchtime
Giyuu is a bitch
Okay, I take it back!! He ain't a bitch, he just maybe a little late? He was chasing Kamado boy for violating the school rule by wearing that hanafuda earrings
He then decided to stop and join Sanemi having a lunch under the birch tree away from the people eyesight.
"The fuck took you so long, Giyuu?"
"Duty calls to chase Kamado around"
Sanemi roll his eyes, his husband is really stick to his duty seriously,....which is why he love his husband sense of duty.
They ate the bento while cloud watching together, and talk a lot of things, by how the students being whiny and doing stupid things or the commotion that Rengoku and Uzui sensei caused in today's class.
They feed each other's food then even wipe the rice that stuck on the corner of their lips and would sensually licks it away
Giyuu is a small spoon so it's pretty obvious, lol
Sanemi thought Giyuu's Raven hair is so soft and fluffy, he couldn't resist the urge to run his fingers through it
Much soft, very floof, 19/10 would recommend to touch 👌🏻
When the bell rang, Sanemi groaned in disappointment, but Giyuu assure him that they'll see each others soon and give him a kiss on cheek
I'm fully aware of me skipping stuff but I had no choice, forgive me-
When teachers are allowed to go home, the two would take a brief stroll before they went to their home
When they passed a convinient store, they stopped for a bit in case both of them would cook something different for dinner
Giyuu is aware girls and guys staring at his husband
"Jealous"oka Giyuu pt.2
He wrapped his arms around Sanemi's waist and pouted and spoke in tiny
"ᴄᴀɴ ᴡᴇ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ɢʀᴀʙ ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴏ?"
Sanemi had UwU attacks and sense his jealousy as people do stare at him and wrap his arm on Giyuu's petite waist
"Yeah sure thing, babe, let's just grab some ingredients and skedaddle"
Right at home, they take liberty on laying on the couch and straighten their legs.
"Sanemi, you smell sweaty"
"Pot calling kettle black, Giyuu"
"Go take a shower"
"No you"
"No you"
20 "no you"s later, they settle things by taking a shower together (again)
Things get a little heat up-
Sanemi can't stop f o n d l i n g that tiddie and pepper Giyuu's sensitive neck with butterfly kisses
His other hand I rather busy down there, ahem.
Sanemi couldn't stop whispering dirty yet sweet things to him, telling how beautiful he is, telling how Sanemi adore him and how Sanemi loves him
That went from 10 to 100 rather quickly
What do you know? They ended up love making in the shower.
The bathroom filled with Giyuu's erotic moans and Sanemi occasionally groans and growls-
Okay, I rest my case, End of NSFW
Once they're completely cleaned up Sanemi carried him with princess style and carefully put him down on their shared bed.
Sanemi dried his hair with a warm and loving smile on his scar decorated face, what did he deserves someone like Giyuu
"We might miss the dinner you know... I'm sore..."
"Don't care, I have been well fed thanks to you"
Blushy Giyuu.jpg
"come on, let's just cuddle up, I need to recharge"
Giyuu had no choice but to oblige and make himself comfy on Sanemi's strong arms and warpped in the cozy duvet
In the end they fell asleep and forgot about dinner, and just sleep peacefully with a smile on their faces
Admin 15: So there we go, I realized the boys are rather OOC but, but I just can't help it, I'm so sorry *bows* well anyway that's the crumbs for today, I terribly apologize for grammar errors and mistakes or that if you don't like it, and thank you again!
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