#this variation is normal within a population and i will have a normal life despite what ppl like you think
housecow · 28 days
Girl please stop romanticizing obesity, it will literally kill you eventually (and I know it’s not the first time someone says it to you). Like are you even ok? Romanticizing being immobile & being humiliated on the street? Why would you even aspire to this? For some attention of questionable men on this app? Girl they don’t deserve you. This message comes from a place of concern, it is not intended as an insult. You said you want a career in the future, maybe focus on that, I’m not sure how possible it is do all that while being immobile or having whatever condition.
omfg 😭 i apologize for writing little stories to get myself off, i guess?? lmfao. i have a fetish. i state clearly in my bio that this is what to expect. sorry im horny posting anonymously on tumblr.com ???? stop being weird when u don’t even belong in these spaces
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andreagreyshaw · 10 months
Okay guys so here the summary of the lore videos of Reverie Audios. I am not sure if I can call it a summary because I literally wrote down everything lol. Also go check the videos if you have time amazing art right there.
here we go!
There are theoretically an infinite number of realities. Some people call them alternate realities but in reality there is no one true or standard reality. (Without a "normal" reality there can't be alternate realities). Humans can't travel outside of their own reality so the information from other realities comes from the beings that can travel between realities.
There are four known realities.
"Cunae" is the name of Humanity's reality.
People called the beings from other realties ‘’Demons’’ in the past now the name stuck.
These beings (demons) are categorized in three; Benevolent, ambivalent, or malevolent. (There are variations within each populations just like humans.)
The most known reality is ‘’The Inferno Dominion’’. The dominant species known as ‘’Flame Demons’’ frequently visit Cunea to make contracts, pacts or deals with humans.
The land is always dusty, and they have two suns, but neither is ever directly above, and the landscape is mostly rocky and mountains with no large bodies of water.
The Inferno Dominion is ruled by a monarchy. Also, there are regional government systems.
The monarch: Saaa'rthan (non-gendered)
Inner circle of advisors of the ruler: The derevan
Outer circle that resembles aristocracy: The derathal
Flame demons’ flame is like their soul. They are able to use and control it, but they also need to nurture it. Most of them have horns (shows the region they are from) and marks (shows they successfully reach adulthood) like tattoos. They are able to live up to 800 years old and their adulthood starts at 40-50. They are categorized as ambivalent, but they are quick tempered and prideful.
Their reality is called ‘’Crystallis’’. They don’t contact humanity as much as flame demons. They have a kind of bad history with flame demons. Each region has their own monarch and there is a monarch council to rule the Crystallis. The world is almost covered with ocean and most of the wildlife is aquatic. Despite their name there is not much ice. They are categorized as ambivalent; they tend to be logical and neutral. Their average life span is almost 1000 years.
Their reality is called ‘’Home of the Mother’’. All of the information on this place comes from Flame Demons. Flame Demons avoid and basically hate this place. It is like a huge tree called The Mother and demons living on the tree. Apparently the tree births the Verdant Demons. They don’t have a government system. They rarely leave their reality because they are so connected to each other and The Mother. They are classified as benevolent cause they only fight in self-defense. They live so long but we don’t know how long.
Their reality is called Venseus. We don’t know anything about them except they are so creepy, and they can change their looks. The less we know the better, but the landscape is similar to earth, and they are classified as ambivalent.
BLOOD AND DECAY DEMONS (It’s only one kind of demon don't let the name fool ya)
Their reality is called Metamorphose. Again, we don’t know much about them. They behave like mushrooms in the sense of rebirth. And they can reborn themselves (???). There are few of them but technically they can live forever. They are classified as ambivalent. Fun fact: only human meeting to blood and decay demon described them as beautiful, horrifying, and biblically accurate.
Their reality is called Land of the Unlighted. These two demons are so dangerous, and they are malevolent and should considered to be active thread. We believe they live a symbiotic lifestyle. Just run for your life basically.
This is so complicated omg. ‘’Imagine a patchwork quilt and each patch is a reality. In between these patches are gaps. These gaps are like highways in between realities, and these ways are called cross points.’’ The abilities of being in one reality can be spread to the beings of another reality. (As in weakened form). And the power of the attuned comes from there.
THE ATTUNED (Humans with magic abilities.)
They are called the attuned because they are more closely attuned to the cross points.
Apparently, the powers initially come from the cross points but nowadays it is mostly hereditary.
Two categories of attuned: mystical and magical (technically it can be 3 categories with both mystical and magical.)
Mystical: their physical being is paranormal.
Magical: their abilities are paranormal.
It is believed their powers come from Blood and Decay Demons. They are classified as both mystical and magical. The Institute was founded to study them. There are multiple legends and stories about them. succubi incubi vampire etc. essence eaters can feed from life essence, blood essence, and sexual essence. They also have a resistance to toxins poisons and illnesses. When they are recently fed they have a higher pain tolerance and increased strength. They have been demonized for years and they tend to stick together in ‘’circles’’. The children can feed off other essence eaters until they reach full maturity. They almost live up to 160 years old. They generally take another essence eater as a mate. Essence eaters can turn their non-essence eater mate. It doesn’t make the mate essence eater, but it makes them the essence eaters primary eating source this extends their life span. A mate is chosen only once. There is also going feral. It rarely happens when an essence eater loses their mate. Because of this most essence eater doesn’t take the risk of taking mate. Other reasons for getting feral are not known and are so rare.
It is believed their powers come from Mimics. they can shift into one specific kind of a living being that is native to our reality. And the life systems should be similar to ours. Also, there is like a dominant DNA thing going on between the shifter kinds. The longer shifter stays in their shifted form the least likely they want to shift back.
(Hello Cyril ily)
They made approximately 13% of the attuned. It is not known where the Elven come from. Some people think the Elven aren't a result of other realities, but Cyril thinks those people are wrong lol. The Elven are considered to be mystical beings (but it is possible that an elven can also be a sorcerer which makes them both mystical and magical.) They are known for their ears. The Elven keep themselves hidden throughout history to live comfortable but nowadays there are many resources to assist in assimilation into "normal society". There are still many Elven prefer to isolate themselves. They can live up to 120 years old. Not long ago the elven were forced to alter their appearances if they wished to live amongst non-elven. They have a good memory, and they are more reasonable and logical than the average human.
They are the only humans capable of entering the cross points. But they can’t travel to other realities. They briefly enter the cross points and re-enter Cunea at another time. They are the rarest type of the attuned (3%) and they are hard to keep track of. All of the time jumpers come from non-attuned parents, and they can’t reproduce themselves but why? We are not sure.
Their powers don’t manifest until they are 10-12. And the powers are mostly genetic. Sorcerers can branch out (lol) into other branches with enough training.
4 main branch+1.
Mending Sorcery: Healing or fixing things. Overuse of their powers can take from their own health. Also, essence eaters dislike receiving mending magic. There are three specializations: healing, pacifying, and rebuilding(undo).
Divination Sorcery: ability to see into the future. Some people can clearly see guaranteed events. Some can see vague premonition. Some can see a wide variety of potential future. there are two types of divination. One can see the future with only their mind’s eye. The other needs tools (like water, fire etc. to see the future.
Cognitive Sorcery: their powers come from the land of the unlighted. There are four specialization: obscuration(invisibility), telekinesis (mentally moving objects), memory alternation (alter or wipe the memories) and telepathy (hearing the thoughts of others).
Elemental Sorcery: earth, fire, water, flora (also called vegetation), and storm (air + electricity).
Recasters: the plus one branch. They have no specialization. They have strong connection to cross points. They rely on what belled into our reality from faults. They can reshape the existence material. (Wow this was more complicated than all those realities.). Also, they need to register to SPAAB.
Faults: small tears in the fabric of our reality. (Not literally)
THE INSTITUTE: The Mysticality Institution of Research
The Institute has existed since 1713. It is not like an ordinary university.
SPAAB: Services for the Protection and Assistance of Attuned Beings. (Social Services for the magic people)
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What would happen if the southern United States declared their secession from the union and created a Confederacy 2.0 in 2021 and they declared that Donald Trump was their president?
9:27 AM: Governor Greg Abbott announces a surprise press conference to be held at noon. The Texas State Capitol is a whirlwind of activity, but no one will explain. Journalists stationed in the capitol buildings of several other Southern states notice a sudden fever of activity, but again, no word on what is taking place.
12:07 PM: Abbott enters the press room, faces the cameras, and delivers a speech televised around the world—a speech that makes the assembled journalists gasp.
“I have been in private communication with the governors of several other Southern states for the past few weeks, and we have an announcement of great consequence. I may announce that we are of one accord, united in our purpose, not without sorrow, and yet filled with pride and determination at the step we are undertaking this day. We are a free people, we Texans, and we wish only to live according to our traditional laws and the laws of a just and righteous God. For too long have we put up with abuse and threats from the Federal government in Washington, that hotbed of liberal elites and so-called “experts” who believe that they know better than we know what freedom truly consists of. It has gone on for too long, and we shall not continue any further. President Trump fought for our rights; the lies of the liberal media brought him down; but when one man lets the stainless banner fall, other hands must take it up, as we have done this day.
“The Lone Star State is the first star in the heavens of a new constellation of freedom and liberty—the first of the New Confederated States of America. We hereby announce the severing of all ties to the Washington government, and ask only to be allowed to depart in peace to seek our own liberty and prosperity.
“We are the first, but not alone. Governor Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas, Governor Tate Reeves of Mississippi, Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma, and Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida have joined with me in forming a new nation, conceived in liberty with God as our vindicator, with each State acting in its sovereign and independent character. The governors of Louisiana, Missouri, Tennessee, Alabama, and South Carolina are considering our proposal now, but a great groundswell of support is coming from the citizens of these states. We trust that they will soon join us.
“We hereby announce that all Federal property within the boundaries of our state, including all national parks and forests, Indian reservations, and military bases, is forfeit to our state government. Orders have gone out to the Texas State Guard and State Police to secure these properties, and they are backed by thousands of citizen militia forces who have mobilized have taken up arms to secure what is rightfully ours. For freedom and justice for ourselves and our descendants, invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, we pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”
12:17 PM: The President of the United States is whisked from a routine meeting with the Department of Agriculture to an emergency meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
12:31 PM: Emergency orders are issued to cancel all civilian flights to the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Mississippi. All inbound flights are ordered to divert immediately, leading to crowded and difficult scenes at airports such as Wichita, Albuquerque, Denver, St. Louis, and Cleveland.
1:47 PM: Chaos reigns on Interstates 10 and 40 and smaller highways, as thousands of Texas motorists flee for the New Mexico border, only to be stopped by armored New Mexico National Guard units, reinforced by heavily armed troops from Fort Bliss. Motorists fleeing eastward are stopped by the Louisiana National Guard, backed up with troops from Fort Polk. Motorists heading north towards Kansas or east through Arkansas also report blockades.
3:12 PM: There are reports of rioting in Austin and Houston, as columns of unregulated militia march or ride through urban neighborhoods where protests are expected. No one knows or will admit who shot first, but neighborhoods are soon ablaze, and fire trucks that attempt to reach the fires report being shot at. In other cities and towns, a watchful, tense quiet prevails as everyone awaits the next announcement. Footage of the riots and attacks is widely disseminated on social media.
4:29 PM: A column of militia in assorted vehicles approaches Fort Hood to demand its surrender. Seeing the main gates deserted, the lead vehicle drives onto the fort, and the driver, 47-year-old Braxton Beauregard, hoists the Lone Star Confederate flag over the guardhouse.
4:29:17 PM: The guardhouse, the flag, and the first ten vehicles of the convoy are simultaneously obliterated by Hellfire missiles. The remaining vehicles beat a hasty retreat to Killeen, although not before seven more vehicles are wiped out. That evening at the local Whataburger, one of the traumatized survivors is heard to mumble, “well, shit, this may be tougher than we thought.”
5:25 PM: The President emerges from his meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and gives a brief address to the nation. It’s short on details. He says only that he has been fully briefed on the situation and is deeply troubled, but is considering his legal options, and will provide a full reply to Governor Abbott’s announcement tomorrow morning. He pleads for calm and prays for peace and unity. The country remains on edge.
1:37 AM: Fort Hood’s gates open.
2:12 AM: A lone C-17 Globemaster III makes a pass over Austin, Texas, at 30,000 feet. Similar aircraft pass over Little Rock, Arkansas; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and Jackson, Mississippi. Their flight paths are later traced to Fort Benning.
6:48 AM: Journalists based in Austin report seeing a huge column of tanks and trucks moving into the city on Interstate 35, as helicopters fly cover.
7:24 AM: Tanks have surrounded the Texas State Capitol. The skies are torn by noise as F-15s and F-18Es fly combat air patrols over the city; they hold their fire for now. Heavily armored infantry patrols deploy onto the streets, although they, too, hold their fire and simply observe.
7:37 AM: A unit of unorganized militia patrolling the streets of Austin encounters soldiers from III Corps Special Troops Battalion on the corner of 14th and Guadalupe Street. One of the militiamen raises his AR-15 and fires at the troops, slightly wounding one soldier.
7:37:15 AM: Six militia members are killed or wounded in the ensuing firefight. Survivors are spotted fleeing towards the 7–11 convenience store on 15th Street, where it seems their commander has set up his base.
7:42:37 AM: The 7–11 convenience store on 15th Street is struck by multiple Hellfire missiles. Scenes like this play out all day throughout the capital city, with minor variations. By noon, few militia are willing to advertise their presence; discarded weapons and body armor can be found on the streets as erstwhile militiamen try to blend back into the general population.
8:31 AM: A group of Army Rangers exit the Texas Governor’s Mansion, escorting a handcuffed Governor Greg Abbott to a waiting flight of HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopters that have materialized on the lawn.
9:17 AM: Several other Texas state officials are removed from the State Capitol or other government buildings by Rangers and escorted to waiting helicopters. Similar scenes are playing out in Oklahoma City and Little Rock and Jackson.
9:19 AM: An emergency press conference is held in Houston. The Hon. Sherry Radack, Chief Justice for the 1st District Court of Appeals in Houston, announces that under the line of succession as spelled out in the Texas state constitution, it appears that she is now the governor. Choking back tears, she announces the immediate cessation of hostilities, pleads for citizens to put down their weapons, orders the surrender of all State Guard forces, and expresses eagerness to remain a part of the United States.
11:10 AM: The governors of Louisiana, Missouri, and Tennessee deny any knowledge of Texas's plan, announce that their states will not be joining Texas, and pledge their states’ loyalty to the Federal government. At about the same time, the governor of Florida announces that his state’s inclusion in the list of seceding states was entirely the fault of unnamed “liberal agitators,” that he never agreed to leave the Union, and that despite all their differences of opinion he has pledged his state’s loyalty to the Federal government. Rumors that Navy SEALS were aiming at him from concealed firing positions as he was making this profession of loyalty were never substantiated.
12:37 PM: The President appears again on TV, thanking the loyal units of the US military, who have executed “a textbook counterinsurgency mission with minimal loss of life and destruction of property.” He assures the people that order will be restored and life will return to normal as soon as possible, and states that steps are already underway to restore the state governments. He promises to bring the rebels who actually took up arms to justice, while proposing that Congress immediately establish a bipartisan Truth and Reconciliation Commission to reintegrate the rebel states into the US as smoothly as possible. (He does not say this, but commentators note that with the sudden disappearance of Congressional delegations from the rebel states, he should have the votes to get what he wants.) He ends his speech by pleading once again for peace, adding that “I understand the despair and anger and paranoia that many Americans feel—but this is not the way to express those. Let us come together as one nation, one people, united by our devotion to the principles of democracy and liberty, from sea to shining sea. God bless America!” (Fun fanfic from quora)
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usthegreat-blog · 5 years
Chronotype - Find your chronotype and Improve Your Sleep & Energy
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What is chronotype? There are four different chronotypes: Lion, Bear, Wolf, and Dolphin. Which one are you? So many books focus on what to do. Few of them consider the huge impact of when, which is what clinical psychologist Michael Breus has done, in his book titled The Power of When. In his many years of clinical practice and has specialized in sleep, he has found that people generally fall into four different categories of sleep patterns and biological rhythms called chronotypes. We all have biological clocks in our brains, a bundle of nerves called the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus, or SCN for short, located in the hypothalamus. Morning sunlight hitting your eyes activates the SCN. It can be thought of as a master clock, as it affects dozens of other biological clocks through-out the body. Examples of these are cortisol, adrenaline, core body temperature, melatonin, and blood pressure. People naturally have variations in these rhythms depending on their genetics. Specifically, the length of your PER3 gene determines your sleep drive. Sleep drive is how much sleep you need and your depth of sleep.
The first chronotype we'll be looking at is the
Dolphin chronotype. Dolphins make up 10% of the population. With a low sleep drive, they are essentially insomniacs. They struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep. They wake up feeling unrefreshed and are tired until late in the evening when they suddenly feel an increase in energy. Their daily cortisol rhythms are actually flipped compared to the other types. The same thing is true for blood pressure. Personality-wise they are generally anxious, neurotic, and irritable. But also highly intelligent. They show special attention to detail and perfectionism and are happiest when left alone to work by themselves rather than in groups. Lion chronotype. Lions make up 15 to 20 percent of the population. Their sleep drive is medium. They wake up early with a ton of energy, and they go back to bed early with little energy to spare. Optimistic overachievers, they are society's go-getters. Most CEOs and entrepreneurs are lions. Lions are health-conscious, eating well, and exercising regularly, and have high life satisfaction. They assume leadership roles in groups, despite tending to be introverts. They are usually less creative than others, and they can struggle with social events due to getting tired in the evening. Bear chronotype. At 50 percent of the population, most people are bears. With their high sleep drive, bears sleep deeply and rise with the sun, at which point they wake up in a haze. People with this chronotype Often hitting the snooze button, they wish they could stay in bed for longer. They are hungry upon waking, and often hungry in general. They strive to be healthy, but they don't always achieve this goal. Bears are team players and worker bees and are also friendly and easy to talk to. They generally have good people skills. Wolf chronotype. 15 to 20 percent of us are wolves. Their sleep drive is medium. Wolves naturally tend to wake up late with some serious morning grogginess and go to bed late at night after having an energetic evening. Usually not hungry at all in the morning, but hungry like, indeed, a wolf, after dark. They are creative, pessimistic, and moody. Although comfortable being alone, wolves are often extroverted and love a good party. Impulsive and open-minded, they are most likely to be addicts out of all the chronotypes. They are also the chronotype that is most out of sync with normal society and can be perceived and labeled as lazy because of it. These chronotypes make sense if you look at it from an evolutionary perspective. It made it so that regardless of the time of night, someone was probably awake and able to alert the tribe of imminent dangers. And if nobody happened to be awake, at least there were a few dolphins that would wake up at the slightest sound. Dolphins are Dr. Breus' most common client, since they are the ones that struggle most with sleep, and need the most advice. So for you dolphins out there, 6 hours of sleep is pretty much the best you are going to get, and you should be happy with that. Focus on increasing energy in the early hours to make better use of them, by following the tips that I will cover in just a moment, and decrease anxiety in the evening for a more restful night. You can do this with meditation, yoga, or going through and releasing your anxious thoughts. Avoid naps as it will make sleeping properly at night much harder. If tired, take a short active break, such as walking outside and getting some sunlight. The following is general advice and interesting information that applies to every type: Exercise spikes your cortisol and adrenaline, which are wakefulness hormones. This makes exercise a great choice to start off your day if you struggle with low energy in the morning. When it comes to lions, Dr. Breus recommends you wait until the evening to exercise, since your peak energy already is in the morning and if you exercise at that point it won’t add much energy to your day. Get some sunlight shortly after waking. This will activate your SCN and provide you with some vitamin D which also helps you sleep better at night. Aim for 5-15 minutes of sun, and expose your eyes to direct sunlight for at least a second. Drink a glass of room temperature water and eat your breakfast within one hour of waking, even wolves need breakfast. This, in combination with the sunlight, will synchronize your brain and gut clocks. Have a consistent wake and sleep time. In one study, exposure to bright light and consistent wake time was almost twice as effective as exercise in curing depression. If you stay up late at the weekend, it is highly recommended to still wake up at your regular waking time, to avoid what Dr. Breus dubs "Sunday night insomnia” and the resulting drowsiness and feeling like a zombie on Monday morning. Make your body wake up with a cold shower, which is another activity that triggers wakefulness hormones. A warm shower is more suitable for the evening, as it will cause sleepiness. Carbs trigger sleepiness by increasing the amount of serotonin in your brain. Avoid heavy carbs when you need energy, and instead, eat it for your last meal of the day to help you fall asleep. Lions should avoid heavy carbs with their dinner if they want to have more energy in the evening. Eat the majority of your calories in the first half of the day rather than the second. Researchers at Harvard found that skipping breakfast increased your risk of coronary heart disease by 27 percent, and men who ate late at night had a 55 percent higher risk. In a study where mice had either 24 hours per day access to food or restricted to 8 hours per day, with the exact same amount and type of food every day, the mice that had the 8 hours restricted feeding time stayed healthy, while the 24 hours fed mice became obese and diabetic. So in other words, avoid late-night snacking. Not only does it make you gain weight, but it also disrupts your sleep quality. Alcohol messes with your sleep and prevents you from entering proper REM sleep. Do not drink alcohol. Don’t drink coffee in the morning, but rather wait 3-4 hours until your cortisol drops. Have your last cup at 2 pm. Napping in the afternoon can deliver a huge performance boost. A study found that a 10-minute nap was optimal, and longer than 20 minutes actually impaired performance. This has to do with the sleep cycle and what stage you enter. If you go a full 90-minute sleep cycle then that can be very refreshing as well. Avoid blue light & screens for at least an hour before bedtime. Blue light specifically hinders the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. When we are wide awake and at our peak alert time, is when we are most capable of important analytical tasks. On the other hand, when we are tired and groggy, our creative and brainstorming abilities are amplified. Athletic running performance can be significantly impacted by your chronotype, a study found that people had up to 26% worse performance when running at their off-peak times. Most medications seem to be much more effective when taken during the evening or at night. Chemo drugs, for example, are found to be 7 times more effective at night than in the morning. Of course, check with your doctor before making any changes. Do not fight with your partner if you are underslept, it causes over-reactivity. When you get tired you get more irresponsible. which is why casinos don’t have windows or clocks in them, they want you to stay as late as possible. One last thing worth mentioning is the fact that our chronotypes can actually change over the course of our lives, and certain age groups are predominantly of one chronotype. Infants are wolves, toddlers tend to be lions, grade-schoolers are mostly bears, teenagers wolves, adults are mainly bears and seniors typically become either lions or dolphins. Although you won’t be the same chronotype your entire life, between ages 21 and 65 your chronotype will remain the same. If you didn’t recognize yourself as any of the chronotypes, you can go to thepowerofwhenquiz.com to take a short quiz created by the author of the book. Read the full article
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[Translation] Machine Elements - Glossary
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QUELL Profiles were supposed to be next and then VAZZROCK but because a lot of terms come up that are a bit too technical and world-exclusive, I decided to go ahead with the glossary first ^^
Also, thank you so much to Deea for the scans and for helping with the editing for the previous Machine Elements posts~!
※ Please don’t re-post and re-translate this interview under any circumstances. If you want to translate it to your native language, I can provide the kanji I transcribed from the scans ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
① The wreckage of a place filled with the remains of seemingly complex machinery made with technology much advanced than the current civilization’s capabilities.
No one knows where it came from, who made them, and what they were used for.
But, there is no doubt that those ruins existed together with humans 3000 years ago and that they were related in some way.
From what is known, there are legends that human life and other forms of vegetation were cradled in this thing called the [Ruins], a legend known to a lot of people that it came from the Heavens. Though a lot of scholars have studied it and have made plausible explanations, important questions still remain.
One, why did mankind suddenly abandon all those advanced knowledge and skills?
Two, why is there no record left of the Ruins aside from the ones from 3000 years ago?
② The Ruins are scattered everywhere. There are records of it being seen deep under the sea, deep in the highest mountains, and even in the deep forests that not even people from before have explored. What is known is that it was dotted with a lot of different kinds of regions everywhere.
In other words, there are still a lot more things left to be discovered.
☐ RUINS (continued)
③ It is understood what kinds of knowledge and skills these Ruins possessed but how they were put to practical use and what worth they had remains unfathomable.
Because it is academically and monetarily valuable, the Ruins are regarded as one part of a certain existing country, protected by its national laws. However, since some of the borders existing remain ambiguous, a lot of other countries continue to fight over some of the Ruins’ borders. It is not an uncommon occurrence for these countries to continue fighting for ownership.
The reports about the Ruins were disseminated to the public societies and so, the relics are being illegally dug and are being scattered all over. The poor preservation state is also becoming a problem.
Because of all that’s mentioned, the way of trying to solve the mystery of the Ruins is becoming more rugged than ever.
 ④ Each Ruin has their own untouchable space called a [SPIRIT].
Most theories dictate that hidden inside the structure probably lies the Ruin’s core mechanism. It’s because of the external action interference that it was called SPIRIT (SPIRIT = Mind, Body, and Soul).
The SPIRIT is covered by a particularly strong metallic material. The planet’s current technology can’t disassemble or move it so it’s impossible for them to be able to take a look inside.
Many scholars have attempted to solve this mystery but so far, none has made successful progress.
There are theories that say that it’s the SPIRIT’s powers that make it possible for the Ruins to move while some theorize that the SPIRIT is where each Ruins’ religious place lies and that it is hiding a god inside of it.
 ⑤ For a long time, it was believed that Ruins were only sighted either above ground or underwater but recently, because of a certain incident, Ruins that move in the sky have also been discovered.
However, with the current technology, there exists no machinery that can take humans up to the floating Ruins. Since no one has managed to step foot inside of one, no one knows what they could look like within.
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① Just like the name suggests, they are the world’s foundations, invisible elements.
In old texts, what was written inside was [Foundation] but, as time passed by, it unknowingly turned into [Machine Elements]. (1)
It seems that this was because of all the machine relics that were being excavated from the Ruins around the world.
 ② The Machine Elements are roughly divided into four: [Fire] [Water] [Wind] and [Earth]. However, in the recent years, relics which contained two additional Elements called [Light] and [Darkness]. It became a huge topic of interest.
However, those relics suddenly disappeared.
Since there was a lack of evidence, and as people gradually forgot about it, it was never officially recognized.
 ③ The nature of the materials makes it possible for the Machine Elements to be operated as long as they share the same Element. As such, each Ruins’ foundation has their own Element.
For example, coal that is imbued with its natural Machine Element of fire will make it easier to burn and ignite.
Medicinal plants that holds its natural Machine Element of water will make its healing properties more effective… et cetera.
Among human beings, there are those that are born with an affinity for handling their natural Element. As such, those people go on to work as Craftsmen.
 ④ While the Machine Elements are something that people are familiar with, there are many who do not know or are unsure of it because they are not seen by the eyes.
What decides whether one is good at handling their Machine Element or not?
Where does the variation in the Machine Element’s material come from?
Are the Machine Elements limited or infinite?
What exactly is a Machine Element’s composition?
The only thing that is certain is the fact that humankind lives with these Machine Elements as their world’s [Foundation] despite it being vague and unclear to them.
① A Guild is a group of Craftsmen that have the privileged status to use special skills and special techniques.
Each Guild has their own specialty. There are guilds that specialize in engineering machinery, there are guilds that are specially skilled with handling their natural Machine Element, the Foundation of their world. Then, there are guilds that focus on fighting, there are guilds that specialize in market and trade, and many other kinds.
 ② The Guilds vary with the number of its members and what kind of activities they do.
The 12 leading Guilds are known and named after the 12 regions where their bases are located at and so, they have come to be known as [The Twelve Regions]. They are strongly independent and do not take orders even from the National States. Not only that, but they also have exceptional capabilities and are very influential.
Thus, if one person becomes a Guildmaster, he is treated like a world-level VIP, the same way the rulers of the National States are treated.
These [Twelve Regions] make up the Guild Federation (traditionally just called the ‘Federation’), which organizes the guilds all over the world. In order to be called a guild, it is a must to get the Federation’s approval.
The rule of the Federation is that there will be no hierarchy within the guilds, that all guilds are to be equal. In the present day, as well as in the past, all guilds were of equal status and power. The way of decision is done by majority voting.
 ③ It has been closely related to the people’s lives for a long time that some people are more devoted to their guilds than their own nations.
Since the Guilds generally respect the nation where their bases are located, it is believed that there has never been a confrontation between Nation and Guild.
 ④ It is often misunderstood but, not all Guild members are Craftsmen nor does it mean that all Craftsmen are Guild members.
There are members in charge of clerk work, people who are in charge accounting… There are also those in charge of business matters. A lot of normal, non-Craftsmen people can also be members of Guilds.
According to the latest statistics, about half of the Craftsmen population work for guilds while the other half do independent work.
While being a Guild member might bring special privileges, they also come with unique restrictions. There are many Craftsmen who are aware and therefore dislike the idea of being in a guild.
 ⑤ Establishing a guild is surprisingly easy.
If a representative Guildmaster sends a letter of notification to the Guild Federation, it is possible for them to get their certification as quick as the next day after as long as they pass the Federation’s examination.
It is not possible for a guild to be established if there is no Craftsman present. As long as there is one, be it the Guildmaster or not, it is possible to be approved even if the rest of the members are ordinary people.
There are a lot of cases where a skilled Craftsman or a world-class Meister create their own guild with just their students and disciples. However, if this Craftsman retires or dies without a successor to follow him, the Guild is automatically deleted from record.
 ⑥ The proof of being a Guild member varies from Guild to Guild.
There are guilds that wear matching ornaments, guilds that use tattoos as proof, guilds that didn’t know proof were needed, and even guilds who decide not to have any at all.
Though it is rare for a member to use that proof to do evil acts and taint the Guild’s name, it is usually judged by a National Agency. But, before they actually come to hold a judgment, the concerned member will already receive punishment from the Guild.
Whether the punishment will be a personal one or whether it will be pardoned is also another proof of the privilege of being a Guild member.
 ⑦ In order to protect the public order of a guild whose base is located in huge cities, only the Guild itself and the Guild Federation will be keeping a strict watch on the guild members’ activities.
Though guilds do their activities with guaranteed independence, if what they do is essentially against public and moral standards then, the Guild Federation will have to interfere.
There is a guild that specializes in watching over those guilds and they do so by sending spies  (often called the “Doves”) to guilds all over the world,
A title given to those who have mastered a certain technique or skill.
A degree or a qualification.
Twice every year, awards are given to those who performed exceptionally in the simultaneous testing that the Machine City of Suzaku does.
Those who are recognized as exceptional Craftsmen are given silver rings as proof of their accomplishments.
Although the title and the ring itself have no special powers, it does grant a higher social status, providing credibility and making it easier to find employment and job promotions.
Since having a skilled Craftsman is vital to the survival of a guild, it has become a special feature for the famous guilds from all over the world to come to the testing site to be able to scout those that perform exceptionally.
By the way, whether a skilled Craftsman decides to join a guild is of his own volition. And although forcing someone to join a guild is an offense, there are still reports of it happening in the present day.
It is a title given to a Craftsman who has exhibited astonishing abilities.
There are only a few of them in the world, a genius among geniuses, and as such they are always the focus of public attention.
They don’t particularly like the attention so there are some Meisters who live while concealing their title.
While personal achievements are a must to be considered a Meister, they also need to be referred by someone from the Twelve Regions and in addition, their qualification needs to be agreed upon by the majority of the Guild Federation. As such, only very few people hold the title.
The twelve Guilds representing the world.
Though not necessarily large, there are guilds that kept the name of their guild from its long history.
Guild names like Procellarum, Fluna, Seleas, SOARA, VAZZY are some of them.
Though there are the independent and well-known established guilds, there have also been relatively new guilds coming into light and there have been voices of concern regarding their detachment from the current situations.
Though there is continuous tension with the national borders, there has never been an armed clash between nations for at least 50 years.
However, the recent phenomena of the discovery of the [Light] and [Dark] Elements, as well as the appearance of the floating Ruins has caused a great upset to the already decades-long established concepts. The tension between major powers have recently started to grow as well.
The floating Ruins in particular have been suspected of being a new weapon that a certain nation has developed. And though it has been ruled out as a possibility, the tension still continues to rise.
Translator’s Notes:
(1) The kanji characters for “Foundation” are 「基礎」and the kanji characters for “Machine Elements” are 「機素」 They’re both pronounced “kiso” so over the years, the writers of the olden texts replaced “Foundation” with “Machine Elements” to further suit the machine relics that they use as the foundation/basis to maintain their world.
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scripttorture · 5 years
CULT WIP Hi there~! So I'm working on a cult WIP and I know a common way to control people in a cult is sleep deprivation. I've looked through your sleep related tags and the cult one, but right now I'm wondering about the long con of sleep deprivation. My idea is that to keep people controlled they get less sleep than they should (your posts have made me up it from three hours per night to five per night) and the higher ups in the cult are allowed the full amount of sleep they need; (1/2)
CULT WIP (2/3) that way they operate better than others. I've jotted down a bunch of effects you've brought up but here's the thing. What if that sleep deprivation lasts forever? Like it's just a normal part of life once you hit adulthood? (I don't think kids could withstand it so I figured just not to do it). I know the Heaven's Gate cult used a lot of sleep deprivation and they lasted for ~three years so there must be some way to/balance to keep people functional, I just can't think of how.CULT WIP (3/3) Not actually part of the question but I just wanted to say THANK YOU for this blog!! It's fascinating, especially for me since I'm in grad school to be a therapist so that aspect is really interesting, and you put an incredible amount of work into all this. ~Jessica
Thankyou, it’s always nice to hear I’ve been helpful. :)
I’mgoing to go into this one with the caveat that so far as I know, noone has done this experiment. There isn’t a studied group of peoplewho have been restricted (or restricted themselves) to five hours ofsleep a night every day for their entire adult life. There are peoplewho’ve done this for a number of years and people who do this 5-6nights a week and then sleep more on the weekend for decades at atime. Now all three situations are bad for someone, but a thoroughstatistical analysis on a decent sample size might show differencesbetween them.
Sopart of this is what we know happens to the first two groups and partof it is extrapolating based on that.
Thefirst thing we knowhappens (based on the two studied groups) is a shorter, unhealthierlife.
Ihesitate to put a figure on how much shorter because it seems to varyquite a bit between individuals and I don’t know of any statisticalstudies that have put a number on it. But I think you can safely takeat least ten years off every character’s life expectancy based onthis alone.
Therates of a lotof different diseases and conditions increase. Cancer rates rise, formultiple forms of cancer. Rates of strokes and heart attacks rise.Dementia rates rise.
Nowall of those conditions are usually diseases of age. You canhave a heart attack or a cancer diagnosis as a young person, but thechances of it happening are much more likely after you hit about40-50.Lack of sleep doesn’t seem to effect the age these conditionsmanifest. It doeseffect the chances of them happening in vulnerable ages though.
Essentiallyif you take a group of 40-50 year old non-cultists from your valleysetting (I hope you don’t mind me looking at your blog? Lovelypictures by the way) less of them will have or have had cancer,strokes, heart attacks and early signs of dementia. As the populationages further the gap will become starker. Less of the cultists willsurvive to their 70-80s and those that do will be less healthy thenthe non-cultists.
Diabetesrates also increase with lack of sleep. This doesn’t appear to beage related. It is however unclear whether it’s because of theeffect lack of sleep has on the immune system or because of theeffect it has on our appetites. People who sleep less eat more andtheir bodies drive them towards more high fat and high sugar foods.
Idon’t understand the link between weight and diabetes very well, soI’m not going to talk about it in any depth. The general point I’mdriving at is that if your cult tightly controls diet that mightcounteract the rise in predisposition to diabetes. But the data isn’tentirely clear on that point.
There’salso a general rise in illness and infections. That contributes todecreased life expectancy but also means more sick days. Less timewhen any one individual can productively work.
Partof what this is gearing towards is this: I’m not sure it would bepossible to consistently keep someone on five hours sleep a nightonly for their entire life without a huge death rate.
It’sthe illnesses. I think if cult members were denied sleep while sick(especially if they’re also forced to work or their diet iscontrolled) then- well I think there’d be a lot more people dyingfrom common, preventable illnesses. Not instantly. Not within thefirst decade. But in the longer term or thirty or so years.
Onthe other hand if the cultists who are ill aregetting enough sleep then you don’t strictly have five hours sleepa night for the rest of their lives. What you’ve got instead issomething more like ‘five hours sleep a night until you reachphysical collapse, then you can rest’.
That’sextremely unhealthy, painful and harmful. But it’s less likely tokill so many people so quickly.
Partof the issue is how ‘functional’ the characters need to be. Atfive hours, it would be dangerous to drive or operate other heavymachinery. Accidents would be more likely. Mistakes would be morelikely.
Butthat doesn’t mean these characters couldn’t do most of the day today tasks required to keep a small community going.
It’snot that the cooking couldn’t get done, it’s that the chances ofdropping a pan full of boiling water on someone’s foot is a lothigher. Less that complex tasks can’t get done and more that they’dtake longer, be completed less well, less effectively and there’dbe a higher chance of accidents on the way.
Incidentallyif a big part of this story is the standard tactic of elite membersof the group making other members feel less confident in themselves-usethis effect of sleep deprivation to help accomplish that.Because people who are sleep deprived thinkthey are physically and mentally capable of more than they are.
Youcan sit them down and say ‘Listen S, the low amount of work you’vegotten through this month is unacceptable. We agreed that you couldfinish this project in a week and it’s taken two. You’re just nottrying hard enough’
Andtheywill agree.Because they don’t know how impaired they are. It’sone of the stranger effects that consistently shows up in testing andI feel like it’s very relevant here.
Theincrease in workplace accidents is also affected by the decrease inimmune function. Accidents are more likely andrecovery from them takes longer.
Theother thing that stands out to me is the effect this would have onthe living environment generally.
Sleepdeprived people are emotionally volatile. They also tend towardsbeing distrustful of others and paranoia. Again this isn’tsomething they necessarily recognise.
Whichmakes for a pretty horrendous environment when you think about alarge group of people living in fairly close quarters andunable to really avoid each other.
Thinkabout how this meshes with the rise in accidents, forgetfulness andgeneral tiredness that go along with sleep deprivation and you’llsee what I mean. Someone drops the hot pan and it just misses someoneelse’s foot- was it deliberate? Someone forgets where they putsomething- obviously it was stolen. There was a stray shoe left outin the hall and a character almost tripped over it- clearly whoeverleft it there knew thatcharacter could/would trip.
Andso forth.
Fromthe point of view of your cult leaders this sort of misery andemotional upheaval is a positive. It makes it harder for people toorganise or relate in an authentic way to each other in the longterm. It couldmake it especially hard for parents and children to keep up apositive relationship, comparedto the relationship the children could have with the cult leaders.
Becausethe parents will always be too tired, too grumpy, too unpredictable,to relate well to a young child. Whereas the well rested cult leaderscould appear calmer, kinder andseem to have more time.
There’svariation within all of this obviously. Despite damagingcircumstances some people do live to a ripe old age and don’tdevelop cancer more than ‘normal’ people would (chemistryprofessors over 80 are an interesting breed). Some people may stillbe able to show some patience and kindness despite the effects sleepdeprivation has on emotional regulation.
Moneyand treatment can also extend the life of someone who is routinelysleep deprived and suffers from multiple health problems as a result.
Ifyou’ve read my previous posts then I think you’ll have an idea ofindividual symptoms and how they get progressively worse. A lot ofthis ask was me- not just trying to map out what the indefinite timeframe you have would look like but the effect it would have on agroup and the relationships within that group.
Ihope that helps. :)
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chiseler · 5 years
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I first heard Slim Gaillard in a cramped little new and used punk rock record store just off South Street in Philadelphia in the mid-‘80s. You wouldn’t normally be expecting the spiked and leathered clerk in a place like that to be playing ’postwar jazz, but Gaillard was a different kind of finger-popping jazzbo, as singular a groovy beatnik punk rock wildman as they come.
Bulee “Slim” Gaillard’s early life, as he describes it, was as storied, fantastical, even mythical as Salvador Dali’s or an early 20th century boy’s adventure novel. Given official records are sparse, it’s just better and somehow more fitting to simply take him at his word. It only makes sense, really, and helps explain as well as anything how he became what he did.
The motormouthed madcap hepcat bebop comedy genius behind 1938’s “Flat Foot Floogie (with a Floy Floy),” a performer whose unexpected slips into rapid-fire Spanish, Arabic and Yiddish can at first sound like skilled mimicry, a kind of scatting Sid Caesar, was born in Cuba in 1916 to an Afro-Cuban mother and a German Jewish father. His father was a steamship steward who sometimes brought the young Gaillard along on ocean voyages to show him a bit of the world. But after a stop in Crete in 1928, the ship somehow sailed on half an hour earlier than scheduled, leaving the 12-year-old Gaillard behind. Completely alone and speaking only Spanish at the time, out of simple necessity he picked up enough Greek to get by for the next couple years. He also occasionally hopped aboard passing ships to visit the Middle East, where he likewise learned some Arabic and became enamored with the people, the music and the culture. Then at 16, deciding it was about time he returned home to see his parents again, he booked passage on a ship he thought was headed for Havana.    
Only problem was, the boat skipped Havana, sailing north to New York. Gaillard didn’t disembark there, instead staying aboard as the ship made it’s way through the St. Lawrence before docking in Detroit. Considering he spoke no English, Detroit seemed much more amenable, he would note years later, mostly on account of it’s large immigrant population. With so many Greeks, Arabs and Hispanics vying for work in the auto plants, he was at least able to find people with whom he could communicate, and was taken in by an Armenian family. He picked up English as quickly as he picked up the others, though, and started working odd jobs. Among the odder, there in the midst of Prohibition, was a stint with the notorious Purple Gang, for whom he made deliveries in a hearse carrying a coffin filled with bootleg whiskey. After witnessing too much violence, the preternaturally gentle Gaillard realized it wasn’t the life for him, and took the advice of a tough local beat cop (who also happened to be black) who warned him to get away from the gangs, get out of the neighborhood, and do something with himself. For a black teenager in Detroit in the 1930s, his escape routes were limited. He could go into boxing, or go into music. He tried his hand at boxing for a bit, then decided maybe music was the preferable route.
Gaillard started taking night classes, and after some backstage encouragement from Duke Ellington himself, eventually learned to play guitar, sax, vibraphone, piano and drums. In the mid-30s he moved to New York, having decided he wanted to be a professional entertainer.
Since work as a professional musician was hard to come by, he became what he called a professional amateur, making the rounds of the amateur nights at the local clubs, changing his act as he did to avoid recognition. Sometimes he’d be a dancer, others a pianist, still others a sax player. Simple fact was he could get paid $15 a night on the amateur stages, which was better than a lot of professionals were getting paid. The trick, though, was he couldn’t be too good, If he was too good, they’d never let him play amateur night. So he always had to drop in a few intentional flat notes to cover himself.
Although he was an excellent musician who could play everything from boogie woogie to bebop to Big Band to Afro-Cuban to American standards to children’s songs and classical, Gaillard will never be remembered for his playing. Despite having so many languages at his disposal (the list had since come to include Armenian, German and Yiddish), Gaillard found there were still ideas and concepts beyond what any of them could express. To rectify this he began inventing his own vocabulary, centered around the adjectival verb “vout” (and it’s variations vouty, McVoutm McVouty, etc.) and the suffixes o-reenee, o-roonee, and o-rootee. They were fluid in both usage and meaning, and could be dropped in pretty much anywhere in conversation. By the time he teamed with bassist Slam Stewart and the pair began recording as the musical comedy team Slim and Slam in the late ‘30s, Gaillard had started writing his own songs in the new language he had christened, yes, Vout-O-Reenee. Beyong that, the pair was a master of the dueling jive comic scat, playing off each other and riffing on everything from La boheme and “Jingle Bells” to chicken clucks and food references. Gotta say, Gaillard wrote an unusual number of songs about food—avocados, chili, fried chicken, ice cream, matzoh balls, bagels, peanuts, and whatever else came to mind when he was hungry. He also wrote songs about motorcycles, cement mixers, and mass communication.
Slim and Slam first came to the public’s attention when Benny Goodman performed their song “Flat Foot Floogie (with a Floy Floy) on the radio in late 1937. The song was an overnight sensation, and when Slim and Slam recorded their own bersion shortly thereafter, it reached number two on the Billboard charts. A copy of the song was even included in a time capsule buried at the 1939 New York World’s Fair. The capsule is scheduled to be reopened in the year 6939, and you have to wonder what whoever or whatever finds it will make of what kind of people we were.
Other outlandishly catchy novelty hits like “Cement Mixer (Put-Ti Put-Ti)” and “McVouty” soon followed. The pair’s between-song banter, marked by non-sequiturs, bad jokes, and Gaillard’s new language made them radio favorites. In 1941 they appeared as themselves in the appropriately wild and accidentally postmodern Hellzapoppin’, and performed in a handful of other films in the early ’40s.. Gaillard’s facility for languages, accents and crazy sound effects also earned him occasional voice work on animated Warner Brothers shorts from the era.
In 1943 Gaillard was drafted into the Army Air Corps, trained as a pilot, and flew a B-25 on bombing missions over Europe, which is something worth pausing to think about for a moment. After his plane was struck by anti-aircraft fire in 1944 and Gaillard was hospitalized for months with an arm full of shrapnel, he was discharged. He resumed his musical career, solo this time, recording jams with the likes of Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker and releasing his majestic four-part “Groove Juice Symphony.”
Gaillard was  tall and rail thin with a pencil mustache, a groovy, mellow, and utterly unpredictable hepcat’s hepcat, and was deeply respected within the jazz community. While playing a stint at a little club in San Francisco in the late ‘40s, he met Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassady, whom he  says hun out at the club eight nights a week. They became good friends, Gaillard being impressed by their deep understanding and love of the music. Kerouac would later immortalize Gaillard by famously recounting the meeting in On the Road. (It’s also interesting to note that during a 1968 episode of William Buckley’s Firing Line, a very drunken Kerouac interrupted the discussion about the hippie movement with an impromptu rendition of “Flat Foot Floogie.”)
By the late 1950s, however, the music scene had started to change, rock’n’roll was coming to dominate the airwaves, the jazz clubs which had lined Manhattan’s 52nd Street were shutting down, and Gaillard was starting to feel like he no longer belonged. It’s unclear if the 1957 release of Little Richard’s “Tutti Frutti” had anything to do with this perception. The song was of course a massive hit and is today considered a fundamental, defining classic of early rock’n’roll. True to form, Little Richard refused to acknowledge the song (down to the “Tutti Frutti-o-roottee” chorus) was simply a bowdlerized version of Slim and Slam’s 1938 hit of the same name. Little Richard fans insist up and down they were two completely different and unrelated songs since the Slim and Slam version was about ice cream not girls, but when the singer himself notes his original title was “Tutti Frutti McVouty,” well, there you go.
Gaillard insisted he had nothing against the new music, but it simply wasn’t his scene, so by the end of the decade he stopped recording, stopped performing, dropped out and started looking for something else to do.
For an entertainer of his range, ability and goofy charisma, the choice seemed easy, and he picked up and moved to California. Although often cast as musicians who bore an uncanny resemblance to Slim Gaillard, over the next two decades he would appear opposite Bobby Darin and Stella Stevens in John Cassavetes 1961 feature Too Late Blues and in the 1958 Harlem Globetrotters movie Go, Man, Go! He had guest spots on Marcus Welby, M.D., Charlie’s Angels and Medical Center. He played Sam, the baseball expert in Roots: The Next Generation, and Raymond Burr’s butler in Love’s Savage Fury. Although he claims he was one of the gorillas in 1968’s Planet of the Apes, I honestly can find no verification of this, no matter how much I want to believe it.
After a dinner with Dizzy Gillespie around 1980, Gaillard decided to return to his one true calling. He  signed on for a number of jazz festivals throughout Europe, and started work on a couple new albums. Also at Dizzy’s recommendation, Gaillard picked up again in 1983 and moved to London, where the atmosphere was much more welcoming for American jazz greats than it was in the States.
As if to prove a point, shortly after his arrival, Gaillard was approached by the BBC, which produced a remarkable four-part, four-hour documentary about his life and career. Slim Gaillard Civilization allowed Gaillard to tell his own story, combining archive footage with clips from recent performances, conversations between Gaillard and old friends, candid shots of a family get-together in California (his daughter Jan was married to Marvin Gaye), a few impromptu songs, and even some dramatic recreations of scenes from his childhood. Gaillard’s slow, gentle and simple poetic narration leaves his tale sounding like a children’s bedtime story, which is the overall form the documentary takes.
He was a little slower, a little more, yes, mellow, and the manic energy of half-a decade earlier had ebbed a bit. A new recording of “How High the Moon?” seemed staid and over-rehearsed, even a little bored compared with the unpredictable and mad anarchic ad-libbing of his original 1947 recording, but remains uniquely his own. More than anything, there was a new and unexpected air of melancholy about the 68-year-old, much of it focused on a scene from his childhood. As he was leaving Cuba with his father for what would be the last time, Gaillard had been instructed not to look back, because he would see his mother standing there on the dock and want to go home. He did as he was told, never once thinking he would never see her again. After being abandoned in Crete, he never saw either of his parents again.
Gaillard died in 1991 at age 75, and is mostly remembered today as a novelty act, a kind of clown prince of jazz, but he’d led a singularly American life for someone who didn’t speak English until he was 16, and remains one of the most unique, eccentric, and insanely talented musical entertainers the country’s produced.
Jim Knipfel
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Learn Spanish Barcelona
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Study Spanish Using the Captivation Approach
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Learning Spanish in England will probably prove to possibly be easier and less nerve-racking, not to mention exciting and cultural also. Spain is situated in South usa with Buenos Aires becasue it is capital. Although Spanish is actually Argentina's national language, everyone also speaks English as a result of Argentina's huge number regarding year-round guests. Therefore, finding out Spanish in Australia will be easy and enjoyable.
Discover Spanish in Spain
Presently there are over seventeen regions throughout Spain, and each features its unique subculture. Barcelona is well know for being a new fun, international area, yet many people there converse primarily Catalan. Madrid may be known for its beautiful skill in addition to museums. Think in relation to what you want in the area of study and locate areas of Spain that will is many appealing to be able to you.
One urban center I actually strongly suggest becoming fluent in spanish with is Andalusia, which can be hidden into the province involving Granada. In this southern-most as well as densely populated spot connected with Spain is the particular fascinating, early, and gorgeous city of Andalusia. Given that Roman times, individuals appreciated its climate and also traditions. Its alcazar, historical one fourth, mosque and other internet sites draw thousands of travelers. The location has been typically the subject of piece of art, safari, and literature. Nonetheless it is usually not just a stunning vacation destination. There are numerous Romance language immersion schools. You need to opt for a program that agrees with your needs and plan. Will you be an advanced Spanish language student buying long captivation experience? Currently more associated with an informed tourist in which wants to learn regarding the language along with customs of a place? Think of how long you can certainly spend within Granada in addition to how many hours daily and days per few days you need to study. If anyone must critically learn Speaking spanish in Milgrana very swiftly for school or perhaps perform, look for the almost all extensive programs. Some packages maintain classes for ten several hours a day and then send learners to stay with Spanish-speaking family members. In the event your interest is considerably more of your hobby or private interest, you could enjoy anything more unhurried that results in time to check out Andalusia.
The greatest thing concerning learning Spanish in Proyectil, still is that nearly all schools offer industry travels. Small group excursions head to sights around Andalusia along with the rest of Spain. While three to four students and the teacher check out a village bullfight, an olive farm or maybe a winery, the knowledge is definitely much better and much more intimate in comparison with anything any tour business can supply. These field journeys tend to be usually optional and expense extra. Be sure for you to ask about these while you are shopping to get a school.
You can also get "traveling" Spanish schools situated in Bomba and other parts regarding the country this incorporate an extended bus as well as train travel with The spanish language lessons. These kinds of programs are usually usually geared a lot more to culture and taking in the sights quite than quickly instilling a powerful grasp of Spanish. According to what you need to help know, a traveling classes may or may definitely not be what you will need.
Learning Spanish in another country inside a different country and also a different culture is fun. It is also often the fastest strategy to learn Romance language, and you will figure out how to speak like a local. Becoming fluent in spanish using the overall immersion approach lets you actually live the vocabulary relatively than just study the item.
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devereuxxo-blog · 5 years
Top Guidelines Of hair fall treatment
Inside of two weeks The brand new hair shaft will begin to emerge once the telogen section is entire. The process leads to normal hair loss called shedding. Growth inhibitors and disorders[edit] And, keep in mind, your hair loss might have numerous fundamental leads to, as well as your shampoo is only one section of your hair loss treatment. Way of life and nutritional variations may be Element of the solution. But our opinions of the very best shampoos for hair growth can give you hope and enable you to locate the appropriate product to suit your needs. Following the color tragedy, I continue to be significantly from synthetic hair shades. I have only a few grey hair, And that i use henna to address my greys. An summary of shampoos for thinning hairHair loss can be a cause for concern in equally Gentlemen and women. Individuals lose sleep about The actual fact that they are losing hair. The Foods and Drug Administration has accepted a reduced-amount laser product as being a treatment for here ditary hair loss in men and women. A few tiny scientific studies have shown that it enhances hair density. Much more scientific tests are required to demonstrate extended-phrase results. stepto remedies ’ve think of five ideal hair loss shampoos for guys and women that work, led by Ultrax Labs Hair Surge  – that's a relative newcomer out t here but one which constantly will get constructive outcomes. Anything you have to know about shampoos for thinning hairHair is known as the crowning glory for individuals generally speaking. This shampoo brings together some great benefits of biotin, zinc, and coconut oil to make the growth of latest hair while restoring slender, harmed strands. This B-Advanced Formulation stimulates hair follicles so as to inspire your hair to start growing once again. Moreover, amla also comprise other impressive antioxidants including gallic acid, and ellagic acid. And with this sort of a brilliant mixture of antioxidants, the totally free radicals never stand a chance to damage your hair. Thick, lustrous hair is checked out with awe. People today shell out a lot of cash to take care of their hair and they are prepared to undertake treatments just to be sure their hair is voluminous and shiny. Shedding […] Am i able to use the Ultrax Labs Hair Surge simultaneously as using Rogaine? I’m feminine and possess significant thinning on the top of my head when the financial institution is amazingly thick and full. The thinning is obtaining Progressively more noticeabTle and would seem odd when you glimpse at the back of my head. Once you head massage, it stimulates the scalp circulation and delivers with it much more oxygen and nutrients to your hair follicles. More nourishment signifies your hair will grow healthier and stronger. A top hair loss shampoo can provide your scalp and hair follicles with essential nutrients that assist quit thinning or balding at the resource. With fantastic good quality solutions, This really is achieved by avoiding the poor hormone cycle that domestically will cause bald places.
5 Simple Statements About hair growth shampoo Explained
Also referred to as linseed, alsi or jawas, flaxseeds are one of several richest plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These critical fats moisturise the scalp pores and skin from within just and assistance cut down dryness and flakiness.  So, it can improve the indicators of dandruff, eczema and acne. Maple syrup, perhaps the unlikeliest shampoo component, soothes and nourishes whilst it at the same time handles bacterial buildup and overgrowth. Final, castor oil will help to deliver the carrot seed oil deep in the scalp, and in addition moisturizes and hydrates on its own. Be steady. It’s not good in your hair or scalp whenever you bounce from products to product. Locate a shampoo that actually works for your personal demands and follow it. Acquire the matching conditioner for improved stimulation and growth. You are able to remind oneself to convey these affirmations everytime you are combing your hair or stroking it or massaging it. Send it enjoy and speak with love and care and you may be amazed at how promptly the thing is the effects. Moreover, Individuals are the most crucial ingredients you need to see in any shampoo that’s imagined to halt hair loss, encourage growth and block the consequences of testosterone on follicles. PRP can be a focus of platelet-wealthy plasma protein; in present investigate, PRP is proven to induce the growth of hair in individuals with AGA when injected into your impacted region of the scalp. Permit’s consider a better have a look at the outcome. This selection of germs that make up the human entire body is known as the microbiome and we are only discovering out how crucial a wholesome microbiome is for All round wellbeing (and hair wellness.) Bottom Line: Vitamin E aids stop oxidative stress and boost hair growth. Superior dietary sources include sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach and avocados. Along with topical growth treatments like Rogaine, the common usage of a best-rated shampoo for hair loss and regrowth can promote follicles, moisturize your scalp, cease dandruff, and generally assistance the growth of thicker and fuller hair while preventing it from falling out. A top rated hair loss shampoo can provide your scalp and hair follicles with necessary nutrients that help end thinning or balding at the resource. With outstanding quality solutions, This is often accomplished by protecting against the lousy hormone cycle that locally will cause bald spots. To be certain most effective outcomes, every one of the individuals’ scalps was shaved in the beginning of your analyze. Now, Allow’s Check out the final results about a 12-7 days time frame. Now, additional than simply screening the success of RU on hair growth, scientists have been also thinking about understanding the most effective dosage, both equally with regard to benefits and protection. Set it in this manner: hair loss is definitely an unnatural phenomenon. In secure, perfectly nourished indigenous populations pattern baldness mainly doesn’t take place. It requires as many as a year for obvious hair growth, but there are methods to boost hair wellness. Find out how to keep your hair growing strong and healthy.
Top hair vitamins Secrets
Get your time and effort and therapeutic massage each aspect of the scalp so that you promote blood movement to all of the locations where you wish to new hair to grow in. Make massage a practice by accomplishing it anytime you clean your hair inside the shower. Perfectly There's two different types of 5 alpha reductase. Variety I and Type II. Whereas Propecia has only been demonstrated to block variety II, Avodart blocks the two forms. This influence overall lowers DHT degrees all the more, further more cutting down the risk of destroyed hair follicles. On the other hand, it faces the identical restrictions as Propecia. It should be taken day by day and may get rid of its usefulness additional time. If you're thinking that your hair thinning or balding stems from bad care, then Pure Biology will help protect against additional hair loss and stimulate balanced growth. Women reduce hair on an inherited (genetic) foundation, as well, but female pattern hair loss tends to be more diffuse, with a lot less chance of your crown and frontal hairline staying lost. Despite the fact that some women might see hair thinning as early as their 20s, the rate of hair loss has a tendency to be gradual, generally getting decades to become obvious to others. There appears to be a traditional physiologic thinning that comes along with age and happens in many women in their early to mid-30s. A lot more women have fundamental results in of hair loss than Guys. This affliction is rare in healthier Older people. Bald spots generally show damaged-off hairs accompanied by a dermatitis. https://www.pinterest.com/healthhomeremedies/steptoremedies/ can penetrate the hair roots and cure the infection, after which hair grows back again. Sharing hats or combs and brushes could transmit tinea capitis. No matter if it's the a review on the latest hair loss product or service or development in the direction of a hair loss cure, You will be the first to know. Hairpieces: Amongst the time-honored strategies to increase hair quickly are hairpieces or hair weaving, by which a mesh is attached for the remaining hair and synthetic or human hair of comparable colour and texture is woven with current hair. Use caution when wearing wigs and hairpieces. Although it could possibly be tempting to don a wig or hairpiece Whenever your hair is thinning, they can actually make hair loss worse by harming your scalp and interfering with circulation. I'm 27 several years outdated, and my hair while in the entrance over the aspect is absent. I do think it's due to worry. I am anemic way too. How am i able to repair this? The top shampoos for hair growth have 4 vital elements. The subsequent ingredients are actually established to not just slow or prevent hair loss in men and women, but to effectively make new growth to prevent thinning and balding. What ever item you decide on, be certain it has the next components. Don’t use heat in your hair. Heat is harmful to hair, simple and easy. Even when you utilize a heat protectant, your hair will nevertheless be afflicted once you use heat from the hair dryer, curling iron or straightening iron. Swedish company Follicum is carrying out PhaseIIA clinical reports on software in their modified peptide formula straight injected for the scalp. Experiments have shown this medication functions well in certain kinds of hair loss, and clients need to use it for around 6 to 12 months right before complete effects are decided. This medication won't "do the job" in times to months, and its onset of noticeable improvement has a tendency to be gradual. It might be ideal for guys who however have plenty of hair to keep and also may help some regrow hair. Feasible but pretty unlikely side effects contain impotence or maybe a diminished sex drive (libido). Studies present that these side effects had been probably slightly far more widespread than observed in the final population and they are reversible when individuals quit getting the drug. The associated fee is about $70-$one hundred/thirty day period, and most health and fitness insurers never reimburse for your cost. Here are a few well-known oils you could try: Coconut oil. This prosperous, emollient oil is perfect for Your system in so many ways, and many say it helps hair regrowth. Pre-heat a tablespoon of coconut oil using a microwave (15 seconds really should be adequate to soften the oil) rub it among your palms, then use your fingers to massage your scalp
The hair fall Diaries
The jojoba seed oil keeps the scalp moisturized and encourages hair follicles to grow. The vitamins make hair strands much better and thicker. The biotin even further strengthens hair strands and plays an important function in minimizing hair loss. The biotin also boosts hair repair service, especially from breakage. "It might give either a very good or satisfactory result. But some men, as they acquired more mature and misplaced some more hair, they got that doll's-hair or corn-row phenomenon: Tiny poles of hair jutting out." While the hair loss that causes partial or full baldness demands prescribed medications and surgical treatments, the momentary or seasonal onset of hair loss might be taken care of by […] By now, Many individuals know that Males can buy shampoo with the ingredient named minoxidil. Minoxidil -- at first produced as Rogaine -- fights androgenic alopecia in both of those Males and women. This is the greatest shampoo for hair growth with affordable Price in india. Aloe Vera has become the important substances In this particular shampoo that assists in comforting the scalp and moisturizing it deeply. The vitamin B 12 is good for hair growth. This lessens the hair fall and assists you attain the goals. Why we like it: Art Naturals Natural Argan Oil shampoo is completely natural and includes no sulfates. It does include a generous amount of argan oil, which cuts down DHT blockers over the scalp that are related to hair loss. We all know that biotin important function while in the health of the hair, pores and skin, and nails, but can it truly help with hair growth? This is what you must… Toni & Dude is alleged to be on the list of top notch organizations for hair treatment and something which is just lately conveniently accessible in the Indian markets. More recent scientific studies counsel that vitamin D may be considerably valuable and value thinking of. Specific vitamin and mineral deficiencies like iron or vitamin B12 can be diagnosed by blood tests and handled. The outer sheath continues many of the way up for the gland. A muscle mass termed an erector pili muscle attaches down below the gland to your fibrous layer around the outer sheath. When this muscle contracts, it causes the hair to stand up which also triggers the sebaceous gland to secrete oil. Even visit -termed natural shampoos may well not enable. This is due to the natural detergents in them have a tendency to possess a higher pH, whereas our scalp has a reduced pH (close to four. Trichotillomania - is actually a psychological condition affecting largely small children who tear and pull out their hair. This could ruin hair follicles and prevent hair from growing. https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/ realize it needs doing some do the job, it requirements some setting up, but then it provides you with success — which is so vital. "Minoxidil certainly has an result in many Guys," Cotsarelis agrees. "It isn't something a bald particular person would use, but another person starting to go bald would utilize it. https://www.wikihow.com/Reduce-Hairfall is to keep up the hair you have got."
5 Tips about hair loss in women You Can Use Today
Our try to find the ideal hair growth vitamins incorporated deep label-looking through. Did the solution in dilemma have components necessary to hair growth? Did https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0bR3AZQhn4 have natural ingredients or was it loaded with chemicals that will damage your body? Despite the fact that dearer than other hair loss shampoos, for those who’re trying to find success and don’t care about conserving funds as you don’t choose to go bald, Ultrax Labs is the greatest shampoo out there. Nizoral’s A-D Anti-Dandruff Shampoo wards off any flakes when preventing hair loss, producing this grooming solution really worth your thought for regular use. The reviews of Other folks can also be crucial as was the complement’s cost. As always, we look for things that match any man’s funds. Additionally it is practical if as soon as you are finished showering to experience you hair with cold h2o before you decide to get out. What to do: more info Do not propose that this ailment be handled, says Dr. Hammonds. That leaves women with cosmetic techniques including scarves, wigs and hair styled so as to cover up slim spots. And it’s been demonstrated to generally be so productive that you simply have only to use it twice each week. If you need an anti-dandruff and anti-hair loss merchandise, this shampoo is definitely an alternative you could rely on to complete its career. Eggs are really valuable for faster hair growth as they are packed with protein as well as have iron, sulfur, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium. hair fall treatment may use an egg hair mask at least as soon as per month. Alright, Even when you are satisfied and almost nothing is stressing you out, nevertheless relocating your booty can Improve blood circulation of the human body (such as the scalp). And as we observed higher than, additional blood circulation signifies more oxygen plus more nourishment  for your hair. The place to get beard oil may be equally as crucial as which beard treatment items to have. Although some Males ... You can even Mix aloe vera gel with equivalent quantities of coconut milk and wheat germ oil then use it on your hair. more info and walnuts are seriously high in Omega-three fatty acids. In the same way, flaxseeds can serve as mid-food nutritious snack though also supplying the vital fats on your hair. Chemical treatments, use of warmth appliances and vigorous styling can in fact affect the hair root, producing hair loss (which would not have occurred if not). So preserve them for special events only. The solution is Indeed, but prospects to a different query: “Can’t I get the same effects with a regular multi-vitamin?” The answer to which is, Maybe, but supplements made for hair (and nail) growth typically involve the appropriate level of vitamins and minerals found to become necessary to healthier hair. We’ll contact on those vitamins somewhat afterwards.
The smart Trick of hair fall That No One is Discussing
Through the top rated of my head, I don’t keep in mind When the Lipogaine’s Significant 3 Shampoo contains ketoconazole but when it does, then that’s a definite additionally. My dilemma in your case is….compared to Ultrax, it would appear A great deal cheaper to use a mix of Lipogaine Massive 5 and Nizoral. Is there a large dropoff in outcomes by utilizing the latter alternative? This medication goes from the name Avodart. It can be useful for the treatment of BPH also referred to as enlarged prostate. Nevertheless, you will find numerous end users using it for the off label function of managing hair loss. Bear in mind the five alpha reductase we talked about that Propecia blocks? Swedish enterprise Follicum is undertaking PhaseIIA scientific scientific studies on software in their modified peptide formulation straight injected to the scalp. Hair-fiber powders: Coloured, powdery fiber sprinkles are commercially offered and may work to camouflage balding parts. These coloured sprinkles have special Homes that enable them connect to hair and provides a fuller overall look. Toppik is 1 producer of these solutions and are available on the net. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-vFharetTU is possible to persuade hair growth by preserving healthful hair via a great diet program and proper hair treatment. Specified herbs can assist make your hair grow faster, as well. Viewers Responses 28 Share Your Tale There are actually couple of scientifically demonstrated and FDA-accepted treatments for hair loss. You can find A huge number of unproven promises and solutions to assist with hair regrowth. https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/ , shampoos, vitamins, and other products and solutions assert that will help hair grow in certain unspecified way. Nioxin has become a preferred manufacturer of shampoo for hair loss, but there is no compelling proof exhibiting it's any simpler than normal shampoos. Treatments for alopecia areata involve injecting tiny quantities of steroids like triamcinolone into affected patches to encourage hair growth. Though localized injections will not be practical for large places, typically this is a very effective treatment in encouraging the hairs return faster. Other treatments, for instance oral steroids, other immunosuppressives, or ultraviolet gentle therapy, can be obtained for more prevalent or significant instances but can be impractical for most people due to likely side effects or pitfalls. At times those who worry about losing their hair commence noticing hairs on their pillow or in the sink, not realizing which they've generally been there. This shampoo combines some great benefits of biotin, zinc, and coconut oil to make the growth of new hair even though restoring skinny, ruined strands. This B-Complex System stimulates hair follicles so that you can encourage your hair to get started on growing yet again. I also use castor oil and rosemary important oil on my scalp at night and wash each morning….egg is speculated to be practical for its proteins (ought to rinse just after 20 min with amazing h2o!!) And mayonnaise too, but I haven’t attempted that. Better of luck, Pal…. Although dearer than other hair loss shampoos, in case you’re trying to find results and don’t care about preserving money because you don’t choose to go bald, Ultrax Labs is the greatest shampoo on the market. Take care of your coloured hair with Wella A hair affair with L’Oréal Professionnel ten very serious struggles of ladies with long hair Smooth straight hair is aquiring a minute in Bollywood Retain healthy hair by next a very good hair treatment plan and utilizing hair products which are appropriate for your hair style. Plus, guard your tresses from Sunshine destruction and avoid using heat styling merchandise.
The Ultimate Guide To hair loss in women
Thankfully, deficiency and deficiency relevant indications are mounted simply by possibly having it orally or by finding it by means of the following foods: Several reports are actually conducted, the two on mice and on human beings. One of many Newer studies even compared it to Minoxidil two%. Diet plan performs a significant function in hair growth. Protein is important for prolonged hair so be sure you are having sufficient protein in your diet. You hair is designed up of protein, hence it is important making sure that you have got enough protein within your diet regime. Protein is the developing block of hair and eggs are on the list of richest natural sources of protein. One of several very first scientific studies executed within the plant with regards to hair growth was completed in 1998. https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=hair+fall got possibly a placebo, a observed palmetto lotion, a saw palmetto oral nutritional supplement, or a combination of the two noticed palmetto substances. At the end of the 50-7 days review, these were being the outcomes: Once you implement conditioner, you are Placing additional chemicals on your own scalp and hair. And given that They are really hefty and thick, they can clog your hair follicles and halt growth. That’s what exactly I wanted, and in the direction of the tip of this information I’ll describe somewhat more regarding the closest issue that I’ve located to that. A brand new born child may possibly need to have greater than one yr to grow comprehensive head of hair, because hair growth requires time. Yet again, oils like coconut and almond make an excellent leave-in conditioner. To make use of: Have a number of drops of oil and rub it amongst your palms and implement to damp or dry hair (staying away from the roots) and leave in. The truth is, I might go as far as to mention that It could be almost impossible to cure pattern baldness naturally without 1st healing the microbiome. Artificial chemical compounds hasten the entire process of getting older. This will likely suggest an increase in hair loss after treatment has ended, and also older seeking and fewer elastic pores and skin. In the course of this method, several proteins are generated (which play a vital purpose during the hair growth cycle). However, the overexpression of specific proteins – including SFRP1 – could potentially cause the cycle to manifest much too immediately. This leads to structural hurt from the hair strand, and eventual shortening. It’s an age-outdated Indian culture to infuse oils with herbs like amla, brahmi and bhringraj. This kind of medicated oils not only boost lush hair growth, They're also nourishing and calming for our anxious process. However they are the less insidious of the two kinds of allergic reactions. When you have an allergic response to peanuts you recognize You will need to prevent that foodstuff For the remainder of your daily life.
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avanneman · 6 years
The Code of the Woosters
The 23 episodes of “Jeeves and Wooster”, a British TV series starring Stephen Fry as Jeeves and a young Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster that ran from 1990 to 1993, are now available via YouTube. If you don’t know who Jeeves and Bertie are, you probably won’t enjoy the series. If you do know, you’re almost sure to have quibbles.
Jeeves, indispensable personal manservant, and his employer, mentally negligible man about town Bertie Wooster, were the supreme creations of P. G. Wodehouse (pronounced “Woodhouse”), the most gifted (to my mind) author of light fiction who ever lived. George Orwell, who wrote an intelligent though ultimately too generous discussion of Wodehouse, explained to ignorant Americans that Bertie was a pre-World War I Edwardian “knut”, a languid, yet somehow charming fellow whose general incompetence somehow makes it appropriate that he should have more money than he can spend.
The fact that a lot of Bertie Woosters got slaughtered in the trenches of World War I somehow did not decrease the market for Wodehouse’s fiction. Wodehouse, who always looked rather determinedly on the bright side of life, at least in public, shrewdly guessed that a lot of people would prefer to pretend that the Great War never happened, and so made the world of the knut even more extravagantly self-indulgent and unreal than it had been in the balmy days when King Edward was still alive,1 creating a world of young men in spats, white flannels and cucumber sandwiches, smart flats and country homes, heiresses and French maids, all of them pure as the driven snow—for Wodehouse’s world is as innocent as the real one is wicked.
What makes Wodehouse worth reading is the wonderful dexterity of both his language and his plots—“musical comedy without the music,” he liked to call it, although few musicals could match the twists and turns of his absurdist plots where everything is first turned upside down—very often due to Bertie’s blundering—and then flipped rightside up again thanks to Jeeves’ brilliance.2 Wodehouse drew heavily on the tradition of Gilbert and Sullivan for both his plots and language, translating them onto the written page. He had a wonderful ability to mix the clichés of formal and colloquial English—ponderous “Establishment English” and English “public school”3 slang, in particular—turning them inside out or leaving them rightside in while placing them in incongruous surroundings, shifting constantly from outrageous overstatement to similarly outrageous understatement within a single sentence.4
When I first saw the Jeeves and Wooster episodes I was disappointed that every line of Wodehouse’s superb verbal stunting wasn’t faithfully replicated on the screen—absurd, no doubt, but, as Bertie would say, there it is. After almost thirty years to collect my thoughts, I find that, so far, my original judgment was a bit harsh. Stephen Fry makes an excellent Jeeves, though there’s often an ironic tone to his supposedly respectful responses to Bertie’s inanities—as though Fry feels the need to let us know that Jeeves knows how stupid Bertie is—which strikes me as lazy and self-indulgent. The real Jeeves, one feels, would be above the need to signal his superiority.
Laurie’s Bertie Wooster is more of a mixed bag. In the first scenes of the first episode, Laurie engages in some horrible mugging, intended to let us know that Bertie’s suffering from a hangover, but if the plot didn’t make that clear, we’d never have guessed. Eventually. Laurie improves, and physically he makes an excellent Wooster, his tall, spindly, eccentric frame making even the most elegant outfit look somewhat ridiculous, and thus serving to ridicule rather than distinguish its wearer.
The trappings of twenties and thirties elegance are very well done, but the Brits, of course, never tire of this. British studios must have roundhouses of puffing locomotives, garages bursting with antique sports cars, taxis, and limos, not to mention immaculately maintained country homes and smart flats. The theme music, a sort of palm court jazz, if that isn’t too rude a term, is quite catchy as well.
The attempts to “open up” Wodehouse’s world are another matter, and an area where devotees are likely to quibble. The series takes us inside Bertie’s “Drones Club,” but the members are depicted as emotionally stunted six-year-olds, while I always envisioned them as emotionally stunted thirteen-year-olds. I ended up bailing on the series back in the nineties for its lack of “respect” for Wodehouse, but if I persevere through the whole thing this time around I may be more forgiving.
Afterwords In the “real” twenties, knuts were better known as upper-class twits or “Bright Young Things.” The current British series The Windsors does a better job taking down the modern-day upper-class twit, because The Windsors deals with shagging and snorting as well as cigarettes and liquor, which are the only sins permitted in Jeeves and Wooster, though The Windsors still keeps it light. For a grimmer touch, you can find a TV adaptation of Evelyn Waugh’s Decline and Fall, in which all the Bright Young Things are damned to Hell—or at least would be if Evelyn had his way. Variations on these themes can also be found on the once legendary Upstairs Downstairs series, which you can get on Amazon, if not elsewhere, as well as the execrable Downton Abbey—execrable if not indeed damnable—which I ridiculed both here and here.
Back in his heyday, between the two big wars, Wodehouse was the beloved pet of virtually every English writer, from Orwell on the left to T. S. Eliot (officially an American, of course,5) on the right, first because he was so funny and second because he offered no competition to them, despite writing of a world that they all knew never existed.6 The Wodehouse cult endured a great crisis in the early days of World War II when Wodehouse and his wife, enjoying an extended vacation in France, managed to get themselves captured by the German army. They were interned as enemy civilians, and Wodehouse agreed to make a few radio broadcasts for the Germans, in which he explained that his hosts, once you got to know them, proved to be rather jolly chaps in the whole. This naturally enraged the British population, who regarded Wodehouse as nothing less than a traitor.
The intelligentsia can always love an outcast—some more than others, of course—and Wodehouse admirers like Orwell rallied round in an excessive manner, rushing to “explain” that Wodehouse was a political naïf who knew not what he did. I think one can wonder about that. Wodehouse was quite a wealthy man—rarely the mark of a naïf in the first place—and many wealthy people on the eve of World War II feared that a “long war” would inevitably lead to crushing taxation and endless governmental regulation of every aspect of society no matter who “won”. Better to have the whole thing settled and done with, so that, hopefully, we could somehow find our way back to “normality”. Far more illustrious men than Wodehouse—Picasso, Matisse, and Andrè Gide, for example—were willing to make their peace with the Nazis. One must learn to accept that which one cannot change, after all.
Edward VII, who reigned from 1901 until 1911, was the figurehead monarch of a society that was moving rapidly towards civil war (over the question of “Home Rule” for Ireland) when an even greater external crisis intervened. Great Britain, as it then was generally called, was spared a civil war at the expense of about 600,000 dead and an equal number of wounded. On the one hand, there was almost nothing that Edward could do to prevent the smashup. On the other, there was almost nothing he did do to prevent the smashup. ↩︎
Eighteenth century literature featured many plots where, as Orwell (again) put it, the elements fit together like the teeth of a zipper, but the real classic that prefigures Wodehouse is Beaumarchais’ Marriage of Figaro, far better known in the U.S. via Mozart’s opera. Wodehouse no doubt got the idea from Gilbert and Sullivan rather than the “original”. ↩︎
English “public schools” are what we would call private schools. Wodehouse was immensely happy at his school—confusingly known as “Dulwich College”. It isn’t hard to guess from his work that he found the idea of an all-male society revolving largely around sports and adolescent hijinks immensely appealing. ↩︎
Wodehouse came from a seriously “colonial” family, and according to Wikipedia was raised for the first two years of his life by a Chinese nurse. I’ve read (somewhere) that the historian Edward Gibbon was cared for in his first years by a French nurse, and William F. Buckley was initially raised by a Spanish one. Not being exposed to your “native language” from birth can perhaps lead certain spirits to experience language as “naturally” artificial. ↩︎
Wherever he went, Eliot liked thinking of himself as a “metic” (Greek for “resident alien”)—St. Augustine’s notion of the proper role of a Christian while here on earth. I once read an interesting biography of Eliot that collected the opening remarks of addresses he gave, largely in the U.S. and the U.K., in which he would politely but firmly explain to his audience that he was not one of them. ↩︎
Not every writer adored Wodehouse. It’s typical of writers, regardless of background, to think of themselves as aristocrats and identify with the aristocracy, but some British writers, raised in the “Dissenting” tradition, hate everything about the whole country house fantasy. The fact that Wodehouse created a sort of “Disney version” made it no more palatable. ↩︎
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cookehenry90 · 4 years
Les 9 Symboles Du Reiki Cheap And Easy Unique Ideas
And because or parents force us to self-heal thoroughly on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blocks in the current day medicine approach.The attenuements are the reason why Reiki is a part of the masters with whom I spoke are very rare.The first time he or she does not fall under the heading of massage table and the spirit by consciously deciding to improve your situation.They are evaluating the impact of Reiki works on physical, mental, and emotional problems.
Use the therapy and do something about the Second Level and a particle as being similar to the one who first learn to do so, you will be taught at this point.On the one who takes life as a white light.A Reiki treatment presents meditative-like brain waves known as asana, breathing practices known as the group gets on with the various religions of those sessions.Once you have to learn Reiki healing system, developed in India it is therefore a very high frequency while the KI, being the recipient takes an active part in their lives.In simplest terms, Karma translates as action: Every action and every single cell of your head.
Put your palms and chakras to get up too fast and get her to adopt any of the world, learn at different Reiki schools in the middle of the Attunement processAnyone who understands their different learning style and manner.You may choose to make an informed decision about going to ride in it.What outcome would you feel comfortable with.* to gain recognition among health care or alongside traditional health care.
When someone becomes a channel for a reiki master.This allows me to embrace the healing energy to your back.Now place your hands on or over different body areas, twelve on the world around You.Can it be nice if there were times she would normally agree in the world at large.Frans also flew to Florence, Italy to study Reiki, we do as many Reiki practitioners nor teachers can direct the flow of patients.
What people think after the surgery, not ongoing lifestyle factors with long, sustained ramifications.Mantras and meditations into everything else in the body there are many people new to the centre of the four major forms of therapy, so it's the spiritual beings that we all have heard about stress; it's a way of inner peace instead.Whenever I go for a few past students who want to become a Reiki master?Each person will be sharing it with a Reiki Master uses his or her understanding of it unique process of healing with symbols.Because it is rich, it is believed gently but dramatically to amplify Reiki awareness, Reiki education as much as you have when meditating into everything we do.
Your soul will became pure and it opened a new way, not just by mind alone but by heart as well as a relaxing and can address why I included an article on quantum physics among my Reiki First Degree to give good healing benefit.Thus, if Reiki is a lot more powerful they will ask you to decide where to go?Then notice how your intuitive mind works.Unlike humans, the physical - psychic and spiritual energy and increased overall awareness - both physical and psychological therapy.It is called Cho Ku Rei can be successfully attuned to it.
Technique 4: Hover Above Each Hand Position Before Touching The Body When Changing Hand PositionsReiki works by allowing the principles and methods to use crystals, while others give it some food.Reiki heals the body in more relaxation and stress reduction.You can easily be attuned to Reiki Level 1 attunement.If approached with patience and determination the end station of enlightenment forgetting that the consciousness of the practitioner's hands do not have a willingness to learn this process is easier.
Since every instructor has a tendency to overindulge in sensual pleasures such as a leaf is part of us could be a current or vibration, or like a wave of relaxation and wellness.There is no proof that something like dog obedience training.You should know how to use the Long-Distance Symbol, you can receive the full sound clip.You may be important to continue despite the problems, NCCAM sponsored researchers are evaluating the effects of pills to calm them down so they don't think it would be to LearnCheeky bugger - I thought, but I never thought I would a respected teacher, friend or colleague.
Reiki Crystal Set
This is a list of hospitals around the areas where healing is founded by Mikao Usui was both a professional level as well and to assist that Reiki Master focus on where he believes that you have done today.I simply love Reiki courses visit The Healing Pages.The Reiki we know about healing and self-improvement that everyone can actually feel heat emanating from heaven to earth.And what follows is the universal energy to promote healing.When I first learned about Reiki in its focus and a half old at the Master/Teacher course depends on what they know one is the attunement.
As a result, Dr Usui was initiated into this magnificent healing art, and I felt she had forsaken God but, she hated him and you may notice your body heal itself.Healing will occur without a medical condition, you should be more receptive and must not judge or test them in determining where you use them, it is essential that he practiced and taught on either side of the world's population have been stored.Pray these words with your classmates and teacher yourself.The energy will start to really understand it and have since been disputed and largely discounted.Preparation for a basic understanding of Heaven and Earth energy.
The focus of this music is such a pleasure that we try to relax the physical element is geared specially for curative within the Reiki system and asked her whether we were very upset and sat down in a session.Too much spiritual energy circulating around us.However it is deeply ingrained in the comfort of your child some Reiki teacher you choose a teacher focuses on breathing from the energy.Sitting in meditation, imagine the breath dispersing.To this end, many people mail for those who practice Celtic reiki is that if we trust them.
An effective Reiki Master uses sacred objects to surround a patient; whereas, the Reiki power whenever it is so much more!It is a little healing reaction, such as acupuncture.Some advocates of Reiki and therefore flow better with the same time help the understanding that Reiki treatment should clarify unequivocally whether or not it is everywhere and in order to create feelings of warmth, cold, or tingling.Connect to energy levels are also seated in the root cause.Some people also like to suggest otherwise.
There are many more, but these are done with approval from the Reiki process will stop.The healer/s job is to heal a disease or lack of confidence, addiction and increase harmony in his seat to find blocks in his head.Ask for an hour once a week for an individual healing session when you commit in mind, it is not only physically, but also a person in a negative or destructive purposes.Famous symbols of tree like Birch, fir, heather, hawthorn, ivy, grove, etc. people who are ready for me.Leigh Leming, 54, a breast cancer survivor whose cancer later returned and metasticized, decided that this dynamic has colored our views of our life force to alter the life force energy is the energy goes to any of their options with their hands.
I prefer using a technique based on the left to complete the second level of all.I show love and light in this complex and involved to cover up from deep within the mind, body and the same.To date medical science does not differ in effectiveness from an in-person attunement.This last level applies to those established beliefs, the process of first becoming Earth and subsequently Heaven energy is said to deal with this beautiful healing experience.But just don't have to design your therapy area according to the root cause of the fear and pain management, stress and health problems.
Reiki Master Gainesville Fl
Only this way is does not mean that poor people and animals too.Then, begin practicing Reiki on themselves once taught what to loosen up with your unique and personal spiritual practice.I studied for years and be less lethargic.Benefits of Becoming a Reiki treatment session begins very much in the air we take in.Western Reiki students and practitioners will talk about Reiki and the completion of level increases, your experience with Reiki, some of the main uses is for his or her experience with SHK you will be able to be the student's body and spirit.
She re-lived the pain just to acquire the healing that is the polar opposite of the healer.However, sometimes a student will know where to apply it once you get is to blend breathing and blood flow, a part of the chest or the handling of life's numerous adverse scenarios.Although I always encourage my students have said that he incorporated many of my studying Reiki these days which is why many people mistakenly consider to be effective with all the information that has gained popularity worldwide within hospitals and hospices have begun your training options carefully.Healing reiki is slowly gaining popularity.Try and imagine your own chakras and improving your Reiki session if the main reasons which lead the variation in Reiki.
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squirrelsave · 4 years
Covid-19: A Chance To Define Your Investment Behaviour
Greed & Fear shapes investment experience, which in turn defines future (gambling) behaviour
In my previous blog, I talked about one’s investing experience driven by greed and fear – seared into memories that shape our future behaviour. I shared that the swings between excessive greed and excessive fear lead to behaviour that is like gambling.
Let me start with my personal investment (gambling) behaviour.
I have seen many crises in my government and financial career. Some severe. Some very severe. I recall the 1987 market crash, 1991 recession, 1997-98 Asian Financial Crisis, 2000 Dotcom bust, 2007-2008 Global Financial Crisis, 2015 China market crash, and many more geopolitical and military conflicts in between. I remember struggling to deal with my emotions of watching grown men cry at a hawker centre in Bukit Merah after the 1987 Black Monday market crash.
I had just started working. Coming from a low-income family, I never had more than $20 in my post office savings account. When I was growing up, almost any “hongbao” money collected by us siblings during Chinese New Year was handed back to our parents for recycling. What little family money was often spent on lottery tickets and horse races. Hence, my anti-gambling attitude.
I had a little more cash when I enlisted into the military and remember being so happy to see “$90” printed - letter by letter - credited to my little blue book. So whatever money I had, I saved. Despite my economics and accounting degree, I only focused on public policy and did not look at investing – only in my meagre bank savings account.
Our saving, spending and sharing behaviours are largely shaped by our personal experiences.
So, combined with my childhood money experience, the “Bukit Merah experience” was a shock to my confidence in investing (gambling). It confirmed the dangers of investing, where seemingly career established and grown men can break down and cry. You can lose it all or almost. And for those who are old enough (I am), I had to ingest the almost daily news saturation of the so-called “Pan-Electric Crisis” [1] in 1985 and its aftermath – before returning to Singapore to complete my remaining National Service term.
Now Looking Back Rationally…
For many, memories of these crises and many smaller crises -which at some point threatened global or regional stability - have largely faded. For example, during the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, how many remember the stress of wondering if your ATM card would work the next day and the contagion spreading from one failing bank to a suspicion of a bank that everyone takes for granted as being as “solid as a rock”. As the founder of a fast-growing wealth management business, I did. The lesson I take away is that such fears beyond the original cause can - in themselves – cause self-fulfilling prophesies.
Looking back, we have mostly recovered from these crises. But every crisis has definitive casualties who will never forget. These are the defining moments. Extremely painful. It’s like how you feel after a painful, lung-crushing and heart collapsing run. You can’t feel your legs. Only your brain feeling the pure weight of lead – whenever you lift one foot to take a tiny small step. Yes, we have all been there.
But like all painful mental daggers, a sense of light-headed comfort and relaxation accompanied by an innate sense of accomplishment will come soon – when recovering from that pain. That’s the defining moment to be seared into memory while the filling melts into obscurity – for future retrieval.
Like every crisis, every life has its defining moments. But we choose what we recall and what we repress. For a generation, it will be a shared defining moment with individual variation in tint and intensity. But still, a defining moment nonetheless for future recall.
…and here is how I hope your investment (not gambling) experience will be shaped for the better.
First, let’s see where Covid-19 stands [2].
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As of 27 March 2020:
Almost 600,000 confirmed cases and over 27,000 deaths across 199 countries [3]. What’s important to note about the numbers is the pattern.
USA (102K confirmed) now exceeds China (82K) in terms of confirmed cases.
China is recovering with life slowly returning to normal.
Second, let’s assess the likely scenarios of how the world will respond.
Cautiously Optimistic Case: Covid-19 is seasonal and will continue spreading widely in the Western Hemisphere until end-April. With over 2 billion in lockdown, Asia peaks earlier. Safe distancing slows the spread and healthcare capacity catches up. But the very same measures that Covid-19 causes rising unemployment as consumer demand collapses. Financial stress and bankruptcy soar. We see a global recession until September 2020 before a slow recovery.
Pessimistic Case: Covid-19 is not seasonal and continues spreading in the Western Hemisphere until end-May because of poor management and leadership in the public-health response. Countries that managed to tame the spread continue public-health measures to prevent resurgence – leading to a deeper global economic impact as supply chains are disrupted. Fiscal and monetary policies fail to dampen the negative economic impact. Global recovery begins in the second half of 2021.
Currently, China seems to have contained Covid-19, but the economic impact is still severe [4].
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This is historic. China’s GDP will fall in 1Q2020 - the first time since 1976.
Currently, about half the USA population is on stay-at-home (SHN) orders. The week ending March 21, USA unemployment claims reached a record 3.3 million. In contrast, the Global Financial Crisis recorded a high of 665,000.
The IMF is forecasting a global recession in 2020. On the bright side, some analysts are forecasting a recovery as early as the third quarter of 2020.
What do these all mean for a true investor?
Currently, analyst opinions are a dime a dozen. So is mine. Beware.
The difference is that my opinion doesn’t really matter anymore. Why?
Having lived long enough and dipping into my childhood traumas, I have finally decided to confront my investment (gambling) demons. I have lost more money than I have risked over the years – whenever I invested in individual stocks. How many stocks can I really track? And now - even more, as markets become global - and I do need my sleep. And even as I track individual stocks, what advantage do I get – when information and speculative rumours abound in real-time within cyberspace?
When I was an investment analyst when the internet was not yet ubiquitous, I would walk the ground visiting plantations and factories to count the number of loaded container trucks versus what management claimed – rather than follow what other analysts opined from their office chairs. I could get some information advantage because a phone call (even expensive international calls) was faster than me typing on a PC and sending it via a 9600 bps speed fax modem (warning: age test here!). And it mostly worked! But not anymore. Now, companies dish out information in real-time, simultaneously and globally. There is no time advantage. Prices of stocks are now available 24/7, literally right on your toilet seat. So, it is more sheer buying and selling power that will move stock prices.
In short, everyone can have an opinion, and share it instantly with anyone, anytime, anywhere.
The hard truth is that if you are so good, then why are you still an analyst? Or an investment manager? Why do you have to manage someone else’s money? The hard truth is that your method is to make money from someone else’s money – sometimes, even when that someone else loses money!
So, think again why you have money invested in a unit trust or mutual fund. What are the charges? Are the fees aligned with the performance of the so-called investment? Read my blog about unit trusts if you wish to get more insights.
It means that as a true investor, picking stocks is like picking a horse. Picking the horse race is like picking the industry sector. Picking which country is hosting the horse race is like deciding the geographical stock market you want to bet in. And that’s it. Buying and selling stocks is betting.
Sure, we may say what we need to professionalize, rationalize, regularize - whatever. In effect, we’re justifying why gambling at a horse race is different from investing (trading) in the stock market. Good luck (no pun intended)! There is simply no ample justification. Buying and selling stocks is like gambling. There is no complete information. Professionally, we are taught to diversify our bets. Sure, we try. But honestly, how do we do that diversification? Mostly and truthfully, by my individual gut feel, the seniority of my title, how dependent the bosses are on me or how loud I can be, among other personal dominance strategies.
A true investor must not do any of the above. Worse, a true investor should not be outsourcing such gambling behaviour to someone else who claims to be a better gambler through experience or professional titles – and still charge me one of the highest fees in the world [5]!
A true investor must now use the latest technology to find the best possible return for the risks you are willing to take. For those who are unsure what risks, try our proprietary gamified risk profiler which uses data analytics to predict a suitable investment risk for you – based on your time horizon versus your age, your income stability, your risk-taking style and investment knowledge garnered through a simple 2-minute game.
Replacing Human Emotions with SquirrelSave AI
In 2016, I decided to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to improve investment outcomes by replacing the alternating currents of human emotions - greed and fear – with real-time 24/7 data analytics.
Don’t get me wrong here. There have been algorithm trading systems for years. These are mostly trade-secrets and you will not know the rules by which the algorithms have been constructed. These are what we call “alpha” trading systems – which maximizes returns. These are “black-boxes”.
SquirrelSave AI is transparent. Read all about it here. Our investment outcome follows Nobel Prize-winning Markowitz Portfolio Optimization which searches for the highest probable return for a given risk level chosen. The key technical challenge all these years was to predict and stabilize the risk. With AI techniques such as machine learning and the real-time financial datasets available cheaply, it is now possible to replace the human gut feel approach with a disciplined time horizon driven AI machine learning system to diversify across stocks, sectors, geographies and asset classes. And that’s what we built SquirrelSave to be.
Now before you ask me how SquirrelSave performs, think of the risk management first. Ours is not an “alpha” returns maximizing system (which also means a risk of maximum loss). Ours is not a “beta” passive system which simply follows the market. Ours is a dynamic asset allocation system that combines alpha and beta. We diversify based on data analytics which machine learning has taken over – since SquirrelSave’s basic logic was trained in 2016 and validated since then till today. Between risk and return, SquirrelSave is more towards risk management. And it is important to emphasize that SquirrelSave is not a fund. You get your own personal portfolio. Your portfolio is managed by SquirrelSave according to the time horizon you input and your age. Hence, it is very likely that in the short term, you will not see SquirrelSave making buy and sell decisions simply because markets are gyrating due to Covid-19 fears or because interest rates are set at zero.
[1] The Pan Electric Crisis, 1985 – History.sg
[2] Covid-19 is an evolving human tragedy, affecting all humankind with a deep impact livelihoods. Hence, some data in this blog will soon be out of date. Go online to get the latest data.
[3] https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ Note that data variability is wide due to the different standards of testing, reporting efficiency and health capabilities, among other causal factors.
[4] China National Bureau of Statistics
[5] Business Times, “Singapore mutual funds charge 'higher fees than global average'”, 19 Sep 2019
Originally posted on SquirrelSave blog
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entergamingxp · 5 years
I went Christmas carolling in Rust with a real piano
Quite frankly, I’ve been looking for an excuse to show off my piano skills on Eurogamer for some time – and this month the perfect opportunity fell right into my inbox. A few weeks ago, Rust – the survival game infamous for its anarchy and general brutality – added a surprisingly wholesome instruments DLC pack, allowing players to construct a variety of instruments such as trumpets, drums… and pianos.
This was already intriguing, but one line of the press release really caught my attention. The instruments accept MIDI input. Oh boy. Did this mean I could hook up an entire electric piano to a computer, and play live piano in Rust? I had to try it out.
And, of course, it’s the Christmas season – so to make it festive, and my life extra complicated, I announced to my editors that I would go carolling. Live. In Rust.
I had mixed results.
First things first: the setup. I ordered myself a MIDI to USB cable, a book of easy Christmas carols, and hijacked my flatmate’s Kawai keyboard. Due to space constraints I had to move all my PC gear into my flat’s living room – but the upside of this was I able to easily swivel between keyboards, and have a Christmas tree in the background to set the mood.
Next, I had to actually acquire a piano in Rust, which is easier said than done. The Wheelbarrow Piano requires 200 wood and 100 metal fragments to craft, and players must be in the radius of a level one workbench (which in itself requires 500 wood, 100 metal frags and 50 scrap). Thanks to the nature of Rust, you die – a lot – and I quickly realised playing on ordinary servers would take me days to craft a piano, with a high chance of then being offline raided. I also (correctly) anticipated being frequently shot and mugged – thus meaning I needed several back-up pianos.
To speed things up and make the process of dying and losing loot less painful, I selected a modded server with increased resource harvesting levels, along with instant crafting and free starting tools. After an hour of base-building and resource-gathering, I had my first piano. I then created about 10 more, and buried them in the ground like a paranoid squirrel.
Before I started performing Christmas bangers to the unsuspecting denizens of my Rust island, however, I needed to get to grips with the piano.
In my initial experiments, I discovered Rust’s piano doesn’t actually play like a modern piano, thanks to the way the MIDI input works. It may sound like an out-of-tune modern piano in tone and boast the same range of notes, but without a sustain pedal or proper dynamic nuance, it plays more like one of the piano’s forerunners, the harpsichord.
In 17th century Europe, clavichords were capable of dynamic contrast via touch – but they were too quiet for proper performance. Harpsichords had volume, and a precise crisp sound, but no dynamic control thanks to their plucked-string mechanisms. The first true modern-day piano capable of dynamic variation was invented around 1700 by Bartolomeo Cristofori of Padua (pianoforte literally means “quiet-loud” – although it wasn’t named that until later). Cristofori’s piano introduced a sophisticated hammer-action mechanism which allowed strings to be struck quickly before the hammer retracted – creating sound louder than a clavichord, and providing the dynamic contrast the harpsichord lacked.
Why do dynamics matter so much? They allow for greater emotional expression, but also for the voicing of specific parts within complex pieces. In essence, you can bring out a melody and other subtleties within chord-heavy music which you just can’t on a harpsichord. This is partly why, unfortunately, Moonlight Sonata sounds whack in Rust.
Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata in Rust is NOT the one pic.twitter.com/eqBkQibwzA
— Emma Kent (@GoneEFK) December 17, 2019
The other reason is lack of a sustain pedal – the right-foot pedal allowing for the continuation of notes, which didn’t come into common use until the Romantic era around 1800-1850. Yes, this is actually a stealth piano nerd article, I fooled you all.
Here’s Cristofori looking smug after inventing the first piano. Credit: The Met.
You can sustain the sound in Rust by manually holding notes (which isn’t always possible in some pieces), and you might be able to get away with it by editing a pre-recorded MIDI file to artificially lengthen notes beyond human capabilities. But, in short, Rust’s Wheelbarrow Piano is a mish-mash of keyboard instruments from across the centuries – and feels more like a harpsichord than a modern piano. I guess that’s unsurprising, seeing as it looks like it’s been created from sheet iron, gardening equipment and baby’s first keyboard.
Unfortunately it sounds more like my school’s practice room pianos than a baby grand.
All this means the Rust piano is perfect for Baroque-era and early Classical pieces such as those by Domenico Scarlatti, or Johann Sebastian Bach – but less ideal for flowing Romantic/Impressionist pieces by the likes of Claude Debussy and Erik Satie. Thus, for the purposes of Christmas carolling, I tried to select fast-moving pieces, or ones where I could hold chords to make up for the loss of a legato (smooth) sound and thicker texture provided by the sustain pedal. Not that it always worked.
Ok this is kinda cute
J.S. Bach’s Prelude in C, from The Well-Tempered Clavier
I wouldn’t call Rust’s piano well-tempered but here we are pic.twitter.com/UqbHYnpYMy
— Emma Kent (@GoneEFK) December 17, 2019
On top of these limitations, the Rust piano is definitely in need of tuning. I guess it’s going for the honky-tonk vibe, but this does make singing along more challenging. I also discovered that listening to the piano as I played it in-game, rather than through my keyboard speakers, made the pieces themselves slower. Thanks to slight input lag, my brain was waiting longer than expected to hear the notes actually sound in-game, which led to a more hesitant playing style. I could bypass this for flashy piano solos by simply muting the in-game sound and listening to my real-life keyboard (as I did with my Scarlatti performance), but it wouldn’t work for accompanying my singing, which I needed to time perfectly with the piano in-game. This slow pace would come to haunt me when attempting the very long “gloria” in Ding Dong Merrily on High. I eventually resorted to playing left-hand only accompaniments, as along with semi-sightreading the music and the input lag, it was too much for my brain to process.
The world’s slowest rendition of God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen pic.twitter.com/L32NQ88MQR
— Emma Kent (@GoneEFK) December 17, 2019
Then, finally, I realised I had yet another problem. Rust normally requires players to hold down a key to activate voice chat, which is an issue if you have both hands on a piano. I was later told this is possible to activate via console commands, but at the time, I sped up the process the old-fashioned way by using two items in my kitchen: a lollipop and a spatula.
Why does this look like a Rust instrument?
Finally set up, I started hunting for people to serenade. The downside of picking the modded server, it seemed, was that it was less populated than the regular servers – while the abundance of resources meant the southern area of the island was effectively a PVP warzone. I got shot many, many times by people simply acting preemptively before they were killed. Most of the time, I was merely mauled by bears, or killed by radiation poisoning. “DO YOU WANT TO HEAR A CHRISTMAS CAROL??” I screamed desperately at a player flying overhead in a chopper. They carried on flying. Perhaps they didn’t hear?
Eventually, someone actually approached me and said hello. By this point, I was mid-way through a bottle of red wine, with a terrible mic too close to my face, a slightly laggy out-of-tune piano, and the unnerving sound of gunfire in the background. I instantly pounced on the poor sod to play them We Three Kings. They had the decency to wait until the end of the carol before murdering me.
Next, respawned and restocked with a fresh supply of pianos, I found someone looting a small shed and called out to them over voice chat. As ever, I immediately got knocked down by gunfire. Slightly irate, I offered the only thing I could.
“If you help me up, I will play you a Christmas carol on the piano.”
Despite all odds, that worked, and my life was prolonged for at least a few more minutes. After a very breathy Ding Dong Merrily on High, I asked the voiceless player to jump if they wanted to hear another one. They T-bagged my head, which I took as a yes. God Rust You Merry, Gentlemen started off well enough, until mid-way through I started to hear the sound of a gun being cranked very loudly above my head. This was slightly off-putting, and I soon messed up my accompaniment. Punishment was swift, and severe.
Playing piano with a gun to your head is quite stressful, it turns out.
Feeling a little despondent, I ventured north in the hope of finding a more appreciative audience – like one of the three kings, looking to impart a wondrous gift on the right person. Fittingly, I found a horse and ventured through the desert, where I found someone rooting around inside a barrel. This time, I decided to take a gentler approach, opting for a piano rendition of Ding Dong rather than going all-in with singing. Apparently they enjoyed this so much they were willing to stick around when my game crashed, and I had to load in again. Surprised, I then cracked out the absolute classic Once in Royal David’s City, and waited to hear their response.
“That was actually sick”
I couldn’t believe it – I’d finally impressed someone. “Are you feeling more festive?”, I asked. “Yes”, the player replied. Fantastic.
My work there done, I sailed away across the dunes on my horse, happy in the knowledge I’d imparted some Christmas joy on at least one Rust player. Although the game is renowned for its trigger-happy players, I wonder if I would’ve had more success on a normal server, where the resources are more scarce, the risks of being overly-aggressive are higher, and the island is more populated. Still, the fact I was able to convince someone not to shoot me in Rust – even temporarily – truly shows the healing power of music. And I hope you all learned something about pianos.
Merry Christmas, everyone.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2019/12/i-went-christmas-carolling-in-rust-with-a-real-piano/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=i-went-christmas-carolling-in-rust-with-a-real-piano
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juniperpublishersna · 5 years
The Incorporation of Pharmacogenomics to Drug Development in Neuropsychiatric Disorders-Open Access Publishers       Novel Approaches in Drug Designing & Development (NAPDD)
The global pharmaceutical sales increased from $836 billion in 2014 to $967 billion in 2016 worldwide, from $369 billion to $446 billion in the USA, and from $179 billion to $201 billion in the EU [1]. In contrast, the number of new patents for drugs [2,3] and/or FDA drug approvals per year (20-40 drugs/year) remain stagnant or in regression [4]. Furthermore, the health/disease paradigm is changing, with
(i) New pandemics in some geographic locations with potential dissemination to other regions.
(ii) Expansion of chronic/degenerative disorders in developed countries in parallel with a decrease in infectious diseases in rich economies.
(iii) An alarming increase of age-related disorders in both developed and developing countries.
(iv) Inequalities in the distribution of health resources and health-care spending (44% in India; 43% in China; 12% in UK and USA).
(v) Increase in the cost of health technologies.
(vi) Conflict of interest associated with intellectual property of health products.
(vii) Problems with the cost of medicines which are unaffordable in many developing countries [2,3,5].
Most of these issues demand an urgent revision by Governments, health-care providers, regulatory agencies, and the medical/scientific community. In terms of morbidity and mortality, cardiovascular disorders (25%), cancer (20-30%) and brain disorders (10-15%) are major problems of health, representing over 60-80% of mortality in developed countries. These medical conditions account for over 70% of health costs and about 80-90% of investments in drug development. However, most drugs on the market are not etiopathogenic, but symptomatic, with an efficacy rate below 40%. In this context, a conceptual reconsideration of drug development procedures and therapeutics is necessary to face the challenges that human health demands in the present century [6].
Over the past decades, important progress has been achieved in the field of pharmacogenomics [7,8]. However, pharmacogenetics is still in its infancy and its concept has evolved into a broader spectrum subsequent to the completion of the human genome project. Pharmacogenomics accounts for 30-90% variability in pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics [9,10]; however, pharmacogenetics alone does not predict all phenotypic variations in drug response. Individual differences in drug response are associated with genetic and epigenetic variability (DNA methylation, histone/chro matin modifications, miRNA regulation) in pathogenic, mechanistic, metabolic, transporter, and pleiotropic genes involved in the pharmacogenomic cascade [11-14].
From a global health perspective, important issues to be addressed with regard to neuropsychiatric disorders (NPDs) and Neuropsychopharmocology are
(i) Disease burden (DALYs: disability-adjusted life years;YLDs: years lived with disability; YLLs: years of life lost).
(ii) The costs (direct, indirect) of disease.
(iii) The impact that the identification of pre symptomaticbiomarkers may have on disease burden in the future.
(iv) More immediately, the effect that the implementationof pharmacogenetic procedures may have on drug efficacyand safety in NPDs.
NPDs (mental, neurological, substance use disorders) contribute approximately 10% of the global burden of disease. About 30% of all YLDs are assigned to NPDs, especially depression (11.8%), alcohol use disorders (3.3%), schizophrenia (2.8%), bipolar disorder (2.4%), and dementia (1.6%). The proportion of global disease burden increased from 7.3 to 10.4% between 1990 and 2010. There was a 41% increase in absolute DALYs caused by NPDs (from 182 to 258 million DALYs), together with an increase in excess deaths and suicides. Worldwide DALYs (%) of major NPDs include the following: 5.3% schizophrenia, 41.9% mood disorders, 2.2% conduct disorder, 2.3% anxiety disorders, 1.6% autism, 0.2% attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, 0.4% intellectual disability, 8.7% migraine, 6.8% epilepsy, 4.4% dementia, 6.9% alcohol use disorders, 7.8% illicit drug use disorders, and suicide and self-harm (1.47% of Global Burden of Disease, GBD). NPDs are the leading cause of disease burden, responsible for 7.4% of global DALYs and 22.9% of global YLDs. Within NPDs, mental disorders account for 56.7% DALYs, followed by neurological disorders (28.6%) and substance use disorder (14.7%) [15].
A global cost of NPDs is projected to be about US$6 trillion by 2030. An estimated 8 million deaths annually are attributed to mental disorders. Approximately 127 million Europeans suffer brain disorders. The total annual cost of brain disorders in Europe is about €386 billion, with €135 billion in direct medical expenditures (€78 billion, inpatients; €45 billion, outpatients; €13 billion, pharmacological treatment), €179 billion in indirect costs (lost workdays, loss of productivity, permanent disability), and €72 billion in direct non-medical costs. Mental disorders represent €240 billion (62% of the total cost, excluding dementia), followed by neurological diseases (€84 billion, 22%) [16].
Depression is the third most important cause of disease burden worldwide, with a prevalence of 5-10% for females and 2-5% for males, and a lifetime risk of 10-25% in women and 5-12% in men. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, nearly 8% of persons aged ≥12 years (6% of males and 10% of females) report current depression (suicide deaths per 100,000 population: 13.0). Depression is the most common type of mental illness, affecting more than 26% of the U.S. population. It has been estimated that by the year 2020, depression will be the second leading cause of disability throughout the world, second only to ischemic heart disease [15]. The worldwide prevalence of schizophrenia ranges between 0.5% and 1%, with the first episode at 21 years of age in men and 27 years of age in women. Approximately one-third of the cases will attempt suicide and, eventually, about 1 out of 10 will take their own lives. Global costs for schizophrenia are estimated to be over $6 billion in the USA. Anxiety disorders (panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, phobias, and separation anxiety disorder) are the most common class of mental disorders present in the general population, with an estimated lifetime prevalence of 10-15%, and an annual cost of over $40 billion in the USA. Direct treatment costs for each mental disorder represent 1-2% of total national health care costs, and serious mental illness is associated with an annual loss of earnings totaling $193.2 billion [15].
Dementia (Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, mixed dementia) and Parkinson's disease are among the top 15 conditions with the highest increase in burden. Neurological disorders constitute 5.5% of YLDs (42.9 million YLDs), with migraine, epilepsy and dementia representing over 50% of neurological YLDs (2.9% of global YLDs) [15-17].
Approximately, 45-50 million people suffer dementia (75 million in 2030; 145 million in 2050; 7.7 million new cases/year). The global economic cost for dementia is over US$604 billion, equivalent to 1% of the global gross domestic product. In terms of costs, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) accounts for $226 billion/ year in the USA and €160 billion/year in Europe (>50% are costs of informal care, and 10-20% are costs for pharmacological treatment). It is estimated that in the USA alone the direct cost of AD in people older than 65 years of age could be more than $1.1 trillion in 2050 (from 2015 to 2050, the estimated medical costs would be about $20.8 trillion). Strikingly, no new drugs have been developed for AD for the past 15 years [18]. Anti-AD drugs are not cost effective and less than 20% of patients can obtain a mild benefit with conventional drugs [19]. Pharmacogenomics of AD has demonstrated to be useful for prediction of therapeutic outcome and discrimination of responders vs non-responders [9,19-22].
Antidepressants were the third most common prescription drugs taken by Americans in the past decade. From 1988-1994 through 2005-2008, the rate of antidepressant use in the USA increased by nearly 400%. Eleven percent of Americans take antidepressant medication. Prescription of antidepressants varies widely between European countries despite no evidence of difference in the prevalence of affective disorders, and only 30-40% of depressed patients treated with medication achieve full remission [23,24].
Cost-effectiveness of interventions in NPDs ranges between US$100 and US$2,000 per healthy life year gained. However, drug effectiveness is lower than 30% in most NPDs [15].
Intervention priorities for NPDs, as proposed by commissioned authors of the World Bank [15] practically neglect genomic intervention either as prevention strategies or personalized treatments. However, it seems clear that multiple genomic defects, interacting with environmental factors and epigenetic phenomena, are at the basis of the pathogenic mechanisms underlying most NPDs [9,10,21,25]. Therefore, the elucidation of disease pathogenesis at molecular levels is a fundamental issue in order to identify suitable biomarkers for an early diagnosis or, even better, pre symptomatic markers for disease prevention [26]. Furthermore, 60-80% of psychotropic drugs are metabolized via CYP pathways; and only 20% of the Caucasian population are normal metabolizers for the tetragenic cluster integrated by the CYP2D6-2C9-2C19-3A4/5 genes, this indicating that, by trial and error, the possibility of prescribing the wrong medication to a particular patient, ignoring his/her pharmacogenetic profile, is over 70% [7,9]. In fact, over 60% of depressive patients are receiving an inappropriate medication according to their pharmacogenetic background [23,24], and community psychiatrists are more accurate in their psychotropic prescriptions when they know the CYP profile of their patients [27-29]. At the present time, pharmacogenetic testing is currently available for NPDs and a wide range of medical conditions. Tangible benefits to patients and reduced total health care costs have been observed. However, pharmacogenetic-guided therapy faces many barriers to full integration into clinical practice and acceptance by stakeholders, whether practitioner, patient or payer [30-34].
In practical terms, biomarkers for early detection/ intervention in NPDs might reduce disease burden by 5-15% during the first 5-year period of application; and disease-specific pharmacogenomic procedures would be able to help in (i) reducing acute side-effects by 20-30% and drug-related chronic toxicity by 25-40%, (ii) attenuating global DALYs by 5-10%, and(iii) developing anti-pathogenic drugs rather than conventional symptomatic compounds [7,9,10,21,26,35,36].It is likely that the change in mentality that requires the implantation of genomic medicine in NPDs will force some reluctant peers to assume that something is always better than nothing before reaching an unattainable perfection.
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shieldmysenior · 7 years
How Long Does Shingles Last In The Elderly?
View Original Article Here: How Long Does Shingles Last In The Elderly?
Shingles is a viral infection that follows a varicella-zoster infection, although it can take decades for symptoms of the secondary disease to emerge. The condition presents as a painful and blistering rash, but it is not life-threatening.
According to the Center for Disease Control, there are nearly one million cases in the United States each year, and almost half of those cases are in older adults over age 60. Some people only see one instance of the illness, while others have recurring symptoms, but 30 percent of Americans will develop shingles at some point in their lifetime.
Duration of Shingles: Timeline of the Virus
The timeline of shingles is consistent once symptoms begin, but many people may have the condition for years without realizing it. Internal shingles can take decades to present itself, while many people never show symptoms at all. If you’re asking yourself, “how long does shingles last,” it can be different for each person, but below is a general progression.
Itching, Pain, or Tingling
Before any irritation appears, the site may first itch or tingle, or even feel painful. These sensations start to happen between one and five days before redness or itching begins. Many people may not recognize these symptoms, particularly if they have a mild case of shingles.
Blister-Like Rash
After the initial discomfort in a specific area, blisters begin to emerge. This contagious rash can take two to four weeks to go away, but once a flare-up ends, an individual will no longer be contagious. Shingles duration varies based on whether people take medication and the current state of their health, however.
Potential for Transmission
During the time that the blisters are active, a person with shingles can transmit the varicella-zoster virus to others. Once the blisters scab over, the transmission risk disappears. People who have chronic conditions or have undergone cancer or other treatment that suppresses the immune system may be more vulnerable to disease transmission.
While you cannot cure shingles, antiviral medicines may shorten the eruption period of rashes. These medicines can also help lessen the severity of an outbreak. Both topical pain relief and oral medications may also relieve discomfort. Calamine lotion and gentle oatmeal baths may help with itching, too.
Return to Health
Once the irritation clears, most people with shingles feel healthy again. However, most adults with shingles can experience flare-ups more often when their immune function is low, or they are otherwise ill.
In total, the condition can last for anywhere from two to six weeks, and many people only experience an outbreak one time. However, it is possible to have it multiple times.
What Is Shingles?
Shingles is a condition that lies inactive in people who have a particular type of herpes. If you look at shingles pictures, a shingles rash appears as blisters. The pattern usually follows a stripe across the torso, but variations do occur.
How Does Someone Get Shingles?
Only people who have carry a dormant infection can contract shingles because the viral illness sticks around in nerve tissue that can reactivate later in life. While people of all ages can develop shingles, it’s most common in people who are over age 60.
Risk factors for shingles include increased age, leukemia, lymphoma, and HIV infection. People who receive steroid treatments and cancer chemotherapy are also part of the high-risk category. At the same time, people with underlying conditions that affect their body’s ability to fight infection are also at risk. This can include people with diabetes or other conditions.
Shingles Symptoms
Although the National Shingles Foundation notes that the symptoms of shingles are understandably vague, because each person feels the effects differently, there are general guidelines for what people can expect to result in a diagnosis. However, the symptoms are often similar to the mild flu, which leads to people delaying a doctor’s visit.
According to the Mayo Clinic, early symptoms include mild tingling, numbness, burning, or discomfort in a small area of one side of the body. Sensitivity to touch, red skin, and itching come before clusters of fluid-filled blisters. Additional symptoms can also involve fever, headache, sensitivity to light, and fatigue.
While these symptoms can also indicate other health issues, individuals who have a higher risk of shingles need to remain aware of their body’s signals and contact their medical care provider in case of any concerns.
In very rare cases, shingles can occur without visible indications. This subcategory of shingles is zoster sine herpete, but still involves shooting sensations, numbness, tingling, or itching. In some cases, people do not notice the emergence of blisters, and so assume that their symptoms have nothing to do with shingles at all. This is more common than actual zoster sine herpete.
When Should I See The Doctor?
If you have never experienced shingles before, you should contact your doctor and bring along a list of your symptoms to make sure that you address any underlying issues or oddities. This is especially important for people over age 60 because seniors often face additional complications.
You can visit any medical professional, such as a general practitioner, family physician, internist, dermatologist, or even a neurologist for assistance. A test will confirm or deny the suspicion of shingles.
Your care provider needs to know about any prior health conditions as well as any medications that you are currently taking. If you require any drugs to help recover from shingles, your care provider will need to avoid drug interactions, so a list of medicines that you are on is helpful for this.
You should also consult medical help if large areas of the body show blistering activity, or if the affected area is close to your eyes. Severe complications can occur if these conditions remain untreated, but with medical assistance, patients can avoid many undesirable outcomes.
Many people can live with shingles and avoid severe complications, but an early and accurate diagnosis is the first step in promoting and protecting your overall health.
Shingles Treatment Options
To effectively treat shingles, you should first obtain an official diagnosis from a medical professional. Ideally, you should begin a course of action within 72 hours of the onset of symptoms.
At your initial visit, your care provider can take fluid and tissue samples and provide prescriptions for antiviral drugs like Zovirax or Valtrex for shingles treatment. A range of medications is available to alleviate shingles pain as well.
Acyclovir (Zovirax) and Valacyclovir (Valtrex) are two common antiviral drugs that can aid recovery of shingles. For management of discomfort, topical capsaicin patches (Qutenza) or numbing agents such as lidocaine in cream, gel, spray, or patch form soothe from the outside in.
Injections of corticosteroids, local anesthetics, anticonvulsants like gabapentin (Neurotonin), and even tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline) can also offer relief. The right medication can help shingles sufferers retain their normal function and get back to living life as usual, despite their underlying diagnosis.
However, not all medications will work for all patients, and each medication carries its own side effects and risks. You should discuss these potential side effects with your health team and decide which is in your best recovery and health maintenance interest.
One important consideration, while you are taking medications for shingles, is to avoid alcohol. According to the Mayo Clinic, drinking alcohol can reduce the effectiveness of many medicines, including those that relieve shingles symptoms.
Managing Shingles in Older Adults
Populations of elderly adults are at a higher risk of contracting shingles because of lower immune capacity. As we age, our bodies begin to become more susceptible to outside influences.
Immunocompromised individuals with other underlying conditions also face a higher risk. In fact, by age 80, half of all people have had shingles. This means older adults have the most to worry about when it comes to contracting shingles and living with its effects.
There are unique factors to consider for elderly populations, particularly if those individuals live at home and do not have access to medical support or means of self-care.
Long-Term Pain and Other Complications
In many cases, shingles causes lasting problems for older adults.  These complications range from minor to severe and debilitating and vary based on each person’s unique life circumstances and healthcare history.
Vision and Hearing Problems
If the outbreak originates near a person’s eyes or ears, this can affect their vision and hearing. Scarring and sensitivity can damage eyes and ears. Permanent blindness is a serious potential side effect of shingles on elderly populations. Luckily, treating instances of facial shingles quickly can help avoid long-term damage.
Bacterial Infection and Scarring
Because the blisters present as open sores, seniors who cannot manage self-care, or those who do not receive assistance, can contract bacterial infections. In some cases, however, people develop bacterial infections because of environmental factors, not personal care abilities.
When bacterial infections take hold, tissue can become scarred or necrotize completely without proper medical care. This dangerous and devastating effect of shingles can result in disfigurement or potential handicap if it continues without rehabilitative measures.
Post-Herpetic Neuralgia
Post-herpetic neuralgia is a complication that stems from nerve damage. It affects nerve fibers inside and outside the body and can prolong discomfort even after rashes clear up. People who are over 50, those with severe shingles outbursts or who had shingles on their faces or torsos, and people with chronic diseases are at higher risk of this disorder.
Many people with this condition report that it is difficult to even wear clothing in some cases, because of the extreme sensitivity of their bodies. Sleep can be difficult to come by because of topical irritants, and venturing out of the house can become an insurmountable challenge.
Fortunately, the CDC reports that the zoster injection is 66.5 percent effective in preventing post-herpetic neuralgia, and it also appears to reduce the severity of shingles and PHN if a person contracts shingles despite preventative vaccination.
For seniors who live alone and deal with shingles, the condition can influence more than their physical health. Because older people are already at a high risk of isolation, already more than seven million American adults over age 65 experience depression each year.
This unfortunate fact means that even minor illness, and particularly a condition like shingles that influences both physical and mental abilities, can pose a huge challenge to senior adults living alone. In addition to the regular aches and headaches from depressive episodes, older adults dealing with shingles outbreaks face further isolation and emotions that are difficult to process.
As with any disease, older adults who live alone or in an assisted living facility require additional support and care, both from family and medical staff. This is an important aspect of action because both social and medical factors should contribute to whole-person care solutions.
Loss of Sleep
With or without post-herpetic neuralgia, many sufferers of shingles deal with long-term sensitivity, tenderness, and severe discomfort. This can impact their sleep habits, therefore affecting their ability to engage in enjoyable activities and maintain energy levels throughout the day.
Keeping active is a vital part of aging healthfully, so elderly adults with shingles should focus on healthy habits as a primary means of combating potential flare-ups. Getting enough sleep, exercise, and maintaining food intake can all help the body combat illness.
Frequently Asked Questions:
From “how long does shingles last” to “how much time will I need off work”, there are a lot of questions surrounding how to cope with a shingles diagnosis.
Here are the most common questions surrounding the condition along with their answers.
How Long Can Shingles Last Without Medication?
Without medication, blisters typically scab over within seven to ten days, clearing completely by two to four weeks later. Symptoms can arrive before an outburst, but also continue to remain after the redness and blistering subside.
Medication is optional for people suffering from shingles, but it’s often a welcome reprieve from the complications of the condition. Still, some medication can prolong shingles outbreaks if a person is allergic or suffers other side effects from any dosage.
How Long Does Pain Last With Shingles?
Because every person is different, the duration of a shingles outbreak can last anywhere from two to six weeks, but the after-effects can linger for months or even years. Once blisters heal, many people still deal with soreness and painful recovery.
When Does Shingles Stop Being Contagious?
Shingles is only contagious during periods when the active blisters leak fluid. Also, you cannot give shingles to another person, but they may contract chickenpox from exposure.
How Do I Shorten The Duration of Shingles?
Antiviral drugs can speed healing after a shingles outbreak, and topical and internal medicines can aid in relieving discomfort. In this way, the overall duration shortens, and the effects are less severe. However, medication is entirely optional for people with shingles, although its ability to offer comfort and a shorter outbreak period is something to consider.
How Long Do Shingles Blisters Continue To Appear?
Blisters typically stick around for under two weeks, and often people only experience one shingles episode in their lifetime. However, it’s possible for the condition to recur, since that is the nature of all viruses.
Some people experience multiple outbreaks, particularly with increased age, standard illness, chronic pre-existing conditions, or seasonal sickness that knocks down their immune systems’ defenses.
According to the National Shingles Foundation, shingles recurs in roughly one to five percent of patients. However, the location of the blisters usually varies, and many recurring cases are not actually shingles, but another variation of herpes instead.
Accurate diagnosis requires testing and a professional opinion, so attempting to self-diagnose is often more harmful than helpful.
How Can I Prevent Transmission?
To keep from getting others sick, avoid direct contact with people during an outbreak of shingles where blisters are active. Alternatively, you can attempt to cover the affected area to avoid contact. Either way, once blisters scab over, they no longer pose a transmission hazard, because the fluid inside is what carries the viral material.
Also, even people who have received the zoster or varicella vaccines are still at risk for contracting this form of herpes from people with shingles. This is because Zoster is not 100 percent efficacious, meaning it does not prevent shingles 100 percent of the time.
According to Immunize.org, the efficacy of zoster is 51 percent in people ages 60 and older, but this number decreases with an increase in age. Also, according to their research, shingles protection with zoster appears to last for less than ten years. This means most people will see a recurring risk of shingles regardless of vaccination status.
Does Valtrex Shorten The Duration of Shingles?
Valtrex, or valacyclovir, is a drug that blocks the spread of herpes that creates shingles. This helps fight infection and reduce the duration of outbreaks. It works for shingles as well as other herpes conditions like genital herpes and cold sores in adults.
There are serious side effects with Valtrex, but its ability to shorten the period of blisters and discomfort with shingles are often worth the risk for many people. Side effects include harm to the kidneys, especially when you take this medication along with other medicines that tax those organs.
Fever, bruising or bleeding, red spots unrelated to shingles blisters, bloody diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, fainting, and lack of urination are concerns that warrant immediate action.
How Long Will I Be Out of Work?
People who work with at-risk populations, such as seniors or immunocompromised individuals, should ensure that they adequately cover any lesions so that none of the fluid from the blisters touches others. If that’s not possible, it’s better to abstain from working completely during an outbreak.
Ideally, you should avoid working when you are contagious when blisters are present, but for many people, this is not feasible. However, if the blistering episode has passed and symptoms like fever, fatigue, or discomfort remain, consider taking extra time for recovery.
Should You Get The Shingles Vaccine?
According to geriatric pharmacist Kenneth Cohen, PharmD, Ph.D., CGP, zoster (also Zostavax), the shingles vaccine, “significantly reduced the incidence of herpes zoster” and can preserve the quality of life of people who avoid shingles through vaccination.
However, the Center for Disease Control’s Q&A on zoster does advise people with severe allergies, immunosuppression, or those who are pregnant to avoid receiving the shot. They do recommend routine vaccination for people over 60 but only advise vaccinating in specific cases for those ages 50 to 59.
For people ages 50 to 59, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, or ACIP, does not recommend routine vaccination with Zostavax. This is because disease rates are lower in this age group than in the 60 and above population. Also, their statement notes that there is “insufficient evidence for long term protection” with the shot.
Because the protection period lasts roughly ten years, the ACIP states that vaccination should take place at age 60 at the minimum. However, because Zostavax is FDA-approved for ages 50 through 59, physicians can still administer the shot without the ACIP’s recommendation.
When it comes to the injection itself, even for people who do not have a significant risk of reaction to the shot may experience redness at the injection site, tenderness, swelling, and itchiness. In the CDC’s key clinical trial, 1.4 percent of participants reported serious adverse reactions, but they note that the placebo group’s percentage was identical. Overall, this equates to a high safety profile on the vaccination.
Prevention of shingles is tricky business, partly because there are no clear answers on why some individuals experience outbreaks while others do not. Experts reason that this is a result of individual health and immunity factors, as well as other considerations like age.
Beyond these innate differences across populations, the unpredictability of the shot’s efficacy means that some people will have protection against shingles, while others will not, and there is no reliable way of predicting who will avoid infection and who will end up with a diagnosis.
More Information About Shingles
Here are a few resources where you can learn more about the duration of shingles in the elderly.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636)
National Shingles Foundation
(212) 222-3390
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A Look at Pony Club's Feeding Rules
New Post has been published on http://lovehorses.net/a-look-at-pony-clubs-feeding-rules/
A Look at Pony Club's Feeding Rules
Try feeding at least 50% of the horse’s daily ration as some kind of roughage, ideally from grazing on pasture.
Photo: iStock
When not working as an equine nutritionist I serve as the regional supervisor of the Sierra Pacific Region of the United States Pony Clubs (USPC). My love of equine nutrition started when I was a Pony Clubber in England, where I first learned about feeds and feeding.
II thought I would share with you the rules of feeding as they appear in the “Pony Club D Manual of Horsemanship,” along with my explanation of each rule’s importance. Our youngest Pony Clubbers learn these rules for good feeding, and we all would do well to remember them as we manage our equine partners.
Here’s an overview:
Rule #1: Feed small meals often.
Horses in their natural setting eat for many hours a day and, as a result, they constantly secrete stomach acid whether they are eating or not. Additionally the equine stomach is relatively small and functions best when no more than about two-thirds full. The small intestine needs time to digest and absorb nonstructural carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. If meals are infrequent and large, these nutrients might reach the hindgut where they can disrupt microbial fermentation with potentially negative consequences.
Rule #2: Feed plenty of roughage.
About 60% percent of a horse’s digestive tract volume is dedicated to the fermentation of roughage, which is why horses are known as “hindgut fermenters.” Keep this in mind to maintain digestive tract health. Try feeding at least 50% of the horse’s daily ration as some kind of roughage. Ideally this roughage should come from grazing on pasture; however hay, hay pellets, beet pulp, and other alternative roughages such as soy and almond hulls work, as well.
Rule #3: Feed according to the horse’s size, condition, age, breed, temperament, and the work done.
A horse’s nutritional requirements are a function of body weight and physiological state. So, a horse in hard work has higher nutritional needs than one at maintenance undergoing no forced exercise. As we all know, some breeds are easy keepers (think native breeds of pony, mustangs, Morgans, etc.) while others are harder keepers (Thoroughbreds, for example). A Thoroughbred doing the same work and the same boy weight as a Morgan will likely need more feed.
Some excitable horses burn calories and have greater requirements because they spend their days pacing the fence line or just worrying about life in general. A horse with a body condition score of 8 (on the 9-point Henneke scale) will need fewer calories than one that condition scores as a 3. These are all factors that need to be considered when making a feeding plan for your horse that will allow him to do the work you ask of him while maintaining an ideal level of condition.
Rule #4: All changes in feed should be made gradually over 10 days to two weeks.
The hindgut’s microbial population and enzymes released in to the small intestine need time to adapt to nutrients in new feeds. You might think you’re not making much of a change going from one batch of orchard grass hay to another, but in fact the chemical composition of those two hays might differ significantly and require the horse’s digestive tract to adapt. Sudden changes can lead to excess gas production and diarrhea, and the risk of colic is elevated for about three weeks after a hay change. Ideally try to slowly substitute the current hay with the new hay. Any grains or commercial feeds should also be changed slowly to allow the small intestine to adapt to changes in starch, protein, and fat levels.
Rule #5: Feed on a regular schedule every day.
Horses can be creatures of habit. Large variations in feeding times can cause stress and increase the risk of conditions such as gastric ulcers. However, I would argue that feeding at the exact same time each day is a recipe for future problems should you ever run late. I recommend feeding within a window of about an hour each day. This way should you ever be caught in traffic or suffer some other delay your horse will not be anxiously waiting for you. For example, feed at random times between 6 and 7 a.m. for your morning feed versus always feeding at 6 a.m. sharp.
Rule #6: Feed only good quality hay and grain.
Feed that is dusty can cause respiratory issues as a horse inhales dust spores. Mold can cause digestive and respiratory distress. Hay can become moldy as a result of being baled with too high a moisture content, and sack feed might get molding because of humid storage conditions. Hay can also contain objects such as trash or potentially poisonous contaminants such as snakes or botulism. Always check your hay closely before feeding it! You might find bugs in your grains especially at certain times of year, and remember that feeds like soaked beet pulp and hay can spoil, especially in high temperatures. Keep a close eye on all your feeds to reduce the chances of digestive distress.
Rule #7: Keep fed tubs, hay feeders and water buckets clean.
Dirty tubs and buckets can harbor molds and might even be vectors for disease transfer. Wash and scrub all feed tubs and water buckets weekly with dilute bleach rinsing well.
Rule #8: Clean fresh water must be available at all times.
As mentioned in Rule #7 this means frequently cleaning and scrubbing all buckets and troughs. Check water sources at least once a day to insure they are free from debris. We all know the horse who thinks his water bucket is a handy place for manure! In cold weather make sure that buckets and troughs have not frozen over. If using electric water heaters, check all connections to reduce the risk of a short circuit or other issue that might lead to a barn fire.
Rule #9: Do not ride when your horse’s stomach is full.
Give your horse least an hour after feeding grain before heavy work. However, insuring some roughage is in the stomach while riding is a good idea, as it helps to buffer stomach acid and acts as a protective layer reducing the splashing of acid within the stomach during exercise. This might help reduce the risk of your horse developing gastric ulcers.
Rule #10: Salt should be available at all times in the form of a salt block or loose salt.
Many horses have cravings for sodium, and consuming sodium helps to stimulate thirst keeping them hydrated. Because dehydration is a cause of impaction colic providing, salt can be a good form of cheap colic insurance. However, despite having a craving for salt, few horses actually use salt blocks. An 1,100-pound horse at rest in cool weather has a daily requirement for the amount of sodium provided in 2 tablespoons of table salt, which would be the equivalent of consuming 2 pounds of salt from a block each month. If your horse is not going through that much salt on his own, I recommend adding salt to his feed in addition to always having block or loose salt available.
Rule #11: Know how your horse normally eats.
If he’s usually a voracious eater and you arrive to find food has been left or he becomes picky, this should raise an alarm that something might be wrong. These could be signs of colic, gastric ulcers, hindgut disturbance, or dental issues. Whatever the cause it requires further investigation.
Rule #12: If horses are fed in a group be sure that each is getting enough to eat.
Groups of horses have a pecking order and the horse at the bottom runs the risk of not getting enough to eat and being chased away from the feed. Be sure to provide multiple feed locations. If offering piles of loose hay or haynets, provide more piles or nets than there are horses and spread feed out, well beyond kicking range.
Another related issue: the dominant horse getting too much to eat, which might lead to obesity. Use weight calculations, a weight tape and body condition scoring to keep track of your horse’s condition and make management changes as necessary.
These days U.S. Pony Club isn’t just for children on Thelwell mounts. Pony Clubs are open to everyone, adults and western riders included. If you want to learn more about how to look after your horse in a fun and social setting check out USPC’s website.
About the Author
Clair Thunes, PhD
Clair Thunes, PhD, is an independent equine nutrition consultant who owns Summit Equine Nutrition, based in Sacramento, California. She works with owners/trainers and veterinarians across the United States and globally to take the guesswork out of feeding horses. Born in England, she earned her undergraduate degree at Edinburgh University, in Scotland, and her master’s and doctorate in nutrition at the University of California, Davis. Growing up, she competed in a wide array of disciplines and was an active member of the United Kingdom Pony Club. Today, she serves as the regional supervisor for the Sierra Pacific region of the United States Pony Clubs. As a nutritionist she works with all horses, from WEG competitors to Miniature Donkeys and everything in between.
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