#this was for the nettles shouldnt be in the narrative crowd ❤️
ride-thedragon · 8 months
Nettles is the mother of two Queens.
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Nettles in Dorne.
She marries the Sword of the Morning. Cousin of the Martells, when they are called it isn't questioned after the birth of the Lord of Starfall's first child by her. Her other 3 children are also welcomed, a new occurrence. Two girls and a boy, brown skin, purple eyes, and silver locs. When they arrive, they are told that not a day off course is the Lord of Driftmark and his return to Dorne.
Nettles and Alyn.
She doesn't run away, facing the problem for what it was, against her husband's wishes. She barely recognises Alyn as he steps off the boat, and he doesn't believe it's her until he's close enough to see her nose scar and the three children behind her. A blonde girl is rushed past them to meet a healer, and he embraces her. A blond boy follows her, and she recognises Viserys in an instant. After three days of apologies and explanations, they learn the girl has died. The daughter of House Rogares died. A plan is constructed between both after seeing how quickly Viseyrs takes to her second daughter. Nettles returned with Alyn too driftmark with her first 3 children under a promise of safety.
The fate of 6 children.
Her two daughters assume the identity of Larra Rogare and Daenaera Velaryon (a ward of Driftmark) and are wed to Viserys ii and Aegon iii Targaryen under the hope that the children will restore the power of house Targaryen, two brother sister marriages between the children of the Rogue Prince. Her son is taken as a ward of House Velayron, and she retains the right to visit her children under false pretences and different assumed identities so no one discovers the plot. It is sworn away, and the histories carry on as they were.
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