#this was my first time writing a selfship drabble so I apologize for it being short & any ooc moments with Starscream
sxilor-1010 · 9 months
so... I got a bit self indulgent.
Words: 450
“So… you humans use this device to view space?”
An airy and light pollution free sky was the best to view the stars at night, and that wasn’t often thanks to the robots and bright lights in Detroit. Sure the city shines beautifully from a distance, but the real beauty are the stars above.
That’s what Emilyn believed really, and tonight was a perfect night to view the stars alongside Starscream. The Decepticon watching her fiddle with the settings on a telescope she had recently bought.
Thank god for living outside of the city in a nice huge cabin in the woods.
“It’s called a telescope, they’ve been around for a long time. Since the 1600’s with Galileo, actually.” Emilyn said, wiping off some sweat from her brow. Starscream nodded, smirking just a teensy bit.
“Back on Cybertron, this kind of technology would be seen as useless. Some of us had optics that allowed us to see deeper into the stars than normal!” He raised a digit to tap the side of his head near his optic, Emilyn turned around to face him with a half smile.
“Really now? Can you see which planet is in orbit then, the one right there?” Pointing a finger towards the brightest star she could find, Starscream looked up and squinted his crimson optics just a bit. After what felt like a minute or two, he stopped squinting.
“I believe it's what you humans refer to as the planet ‘Venus’.” He says, and Emilyn’s half smile turns into one of surprise. “For once, you aren’t lying.” That brought a big smirk to Starscream’s face, Emilyn shaking her head and turning back to finish up the settings.
“You know, you shouldn’t bother with that ‘telescope’ if you plan to view the cosmos.” That got Emilyn’s attention again, and she turned towards Starscream with a confused look. “What, are you suggesting I point out stars and you look at them for me? Don’t you think that’d get boring?”
Starscream’s smirk disappeared hearing that, Emilyn now fully facing away from the telescope with crossed arms. “It may be boring to you, but I don’t know anything about these planets. Learning alongside my little moon would be… interesting~..” Emilyn felt her cheeks flush up hearing that nickname, and it didn’t help when Starscream lifted a claw underneath her chin to face him.
The fact that his optics were shimmering slightly from the night sky didn’t help, and she quickly covered her face with her cap out of embarrassment. Starscream was smirking evilly as a result, it didn’t take much to convince Emilyn so long as he played his cards right.
“...Fine, just let me disassemble the telescope first.”
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dazaiizm · 6 months
₊˚𓂃 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑖 𝑎𝑚 ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑛 ꒷꒦
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featuring — dazai osamu, luma
summary — waking up from a nightmare is not a good feeling, however, luma has their ‘best friend’ to guide them back to feeling safe.
warnings — bsd selfship (osaluma), bsd spoilers to dazai’s backstory (which i haven’t looked completely into yet so bare with me), teens in love, mentions of nightmares & traumatic backstories, hurt/comfort, fluff, japanese honorifics used
notes from dazai’s star: first selfship post <3 i have insomnia as well so i might write an insomniac drabble ! also ‘a little death’ (title is from the song) is so osaluma coded <3 i tried keeping dazai as in character as possible, sorry if there’s any inaccuracies </3
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LUMA SHOT AWAKE, breathing heavily and taking in their surroundings. they were in dazai’s home, the boy sleeping soundly next to them.
they ran their hands through his hair, not stopping themselves from massaging his scalp. he groaned, shifting in his sleep. luma flinched and backed their hand away before hesitantly massaging his head once again.
“you certainly know how to make me feel good, luma-chan,” he said in a tired voice. luma’s cheeks burned, catching onto the double meaning.
they weren’t a couple, but more than friends. they were always paired together during port mafia missions and spent a lot of time together (osamu bugging luma).
the only reason luma was staying the night was because they got into another intense argument with their mother.
their nightmare consisted of their father cheating on their mother (which he did in real life) and luma walking in on their father and his homewrecker bitch make out.
luma was disturbed by the dream, beginning to bawl their eyes out when they were reminded he chose his girlfriend over his own family.
“well, i certainly don’t feel good,” they mumbled, looking out the window. “why’s that?” osamu slowly lifted himself to sit on the bed. “i had a nightmare,” they admitted.
luma was scared dazai would laugh at them and think having nightmares were childish, being scared of them even more childish.
however, he gave a sympathetic look and rubbed their hand. “c’mere,” he whispered, allowing luma to lay on his chest.
“tell me about it, just to get it out of your system,” he told them. “it was…i walked in on my dad and his girlfriend kissing,” they explained slowly.
dazai grit his teeth. he hated their father. hated him for not caring about or loving them, hated him for choosing a homewrecking bitch over his own wife and child, hated him for almost selling luma to port mafia for them to use at their disposal in any way possible.
he wished that never happened—that their father could’ve been a kind man who loved and supported his family. but unfortunately, fate had other plans for luma.
“i’m so sorry,” he breathed out, and he meant it. things were never supposed to be this way. they shouldn’t have even met. but, maybe it was a good thing.
luma was osamu’s escape—escape from reality and all things that tormented him. he sought comfort and devotion from them, which they were more than happy to give if he asked. however, their feelings remained in their hearts for now.
“it’s not your fault, you don’t have to apologize,” they mentioned, shaking their head.
“i just wish he loved me,” luma said after a pause, tearing up and choking on a sob. dazai immediately held them tighter and more securely. “he’s a bastard, you deserve far better than that scumbag.”
luma leaned against dazai again. “you know, i don’t deserve you either, yet you keep appearing in my life.” osamu’s eyes widened. didn’t deserve him, he thought it was true.
they deserved so much better.
“we’re in port mafia together, of course we’ll keep seeing each other,” he told them, cupping their face to have them look at him. “not that i’m complaining.” he smiled softly.
this was the softest expression they’ve ever seen dazai have. it made their heart swell and buttetflies erupt in their stomach, blushing and looking away.
dazai tilted their head back, leaning in to kiss them. luma immediately returned the kiss, wrapping their arms around dazai.
all of a sudden, something snapped in dazai. love. that’s what he felt. what a foolish human emotion, luma thought, but couldn’t help but fall in love with osamu.
dazai, on the other hand, wasn’t too fond of the emotion. he wasn’t fond of how comforting it was, how he felt at peace. and it was all because of luma.
he was perfect in their eyes, from his looks to personality, he fit luma’s type.
“i hate him so much,” luma whimpered, tearing up again. “he destroyed my life—my self-esteem, my ability to make friends, he’s the root of all my insecurities. he conditioned me into believing i can never be loved.”
“you are capable of being loved.” osamu tucked a strand of hair behind their ear. “hell, you made me fall in love with you,” he chuckled casually, as if he didn’t just admit his feelings to them.
“what?” luma’s eyes shot open, now completely awake. “i love you, luma-chan,” he confirmed, rubbing their cheek with his thumb. “but, why? i’m a horrible person,” they said, bringing their hand up to show him a floating dark ball with mist seeping through between their fingers, reminding him of their ability—umbrakinetic combat.
“you’re not. you’re kind, smart, funny, creative, stunning, and you’re very empathetic. the world has just been cruel to you.”
luma looked away, not knowing what exactly to say. “i mean it, you once asked me if i ever thought if it’d be better if we never met. my answer to that is, i imagine us finding each other in every universe, luma. i’m grateful to have met you, and for you being the most genuine person i know,” he admitted.
luma’s lips curved slightly, but wondering why he’d say such things. did he mean it? was it manipulation? “how do i know you’ll never leave me?” luma asked, turning back to him.
“because everyday i’ll show my love and how important you are to me.” he pecked their lips again, holding them close. “i’ll remind you everyday that you are loved and cherished by me. i’ve never met somebody like you.”
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