#I do encourage critisism as it helps me write better
sxilor-1010 · 9 months
so... I got a bit self indulgent.
Words: 450
“So… you humans use this device to view space?”
An airy and light pollution free sky was the best to view the stars at night, and that wasn’t often thanks to the robots and bright lights in Detroit. Sure the city shines beautifully from a distance, but the real beauty are the stars above.
That’s what Emilyn believed really, and tonight was a perfect night to view the stars alongside Starscream. The Decepticon watching her fiddle with the settings on a telescope she had recently bought.
Thank god for living outside of the city in a nice huge cabin in the woods.
“It’s called a telescope, they’ve been around for a long time. Since the 1600’s with Galileo, actually.” Emilyn said, wiping off some sweat from her brow. Starscream nodded, smirking just a teensy bit.
“Back on Cybertron, this kind of technology would be seen as useless. Some of us had optics that allowed us to see deeper into the stars than normal!” He raised a digit to tap the side of his head near his optic, Emilyn turned around to face him with a half smile.
“Really now? Can you see which planet is in orbit then, the one right there?” Pointing a finger towards the brightest star she could find, Starscream looked up and squinted his crimson optics just a bit. After what felt like a minute or two, he stopped squinting.
“I believe it's what you humans refer to as the planet ‘Venus’.” He says, and Emilyn’s half smile turns into one of surprise. “For once, you aren’t lying.” That brought a big smirk to Starscream’s face, Emilyn shaking her head and turning back to finish up the settings.
“You know, you shouldn’t bother with that ‘telescope’ if you plan to view the cosmos.” That got Emilyn’s attention again, and she turned towards Starscream with a confused look. “What, are you suggesting I point out stars and you look at them for me? Don’t you think that’d get boring?”
Starscream’s smirk disappeared hearing that, Emilyn now fully facing away from the telescope with crossed arms. “It may be boring to you, but I don’t know anything about these planets. Learning alongside my little moon would be… interesting~..” Emilyn felt her cheeks flush up hearing that nickname, and it didn’t help when Starscream lifted a claw underneath her chin to face him.
The fact that his optics were shimmering slightly from the night sky didn’t help, and she quickly covered her face with her cap out of embarrassment. Starscream was smirking evilly as a result, it didn’t take much to convince Emilyn so long as he played his cards right.
“...Fine, just let me disassemble the telescope first.”
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Here’s the thing about the royal simblr drama..
So I feel like I’m a fairly neutral party in the middle of all this drama (kinda fitting considering that’s what I build my nation as as well). I know and have worked on my story both with the people accused and those who haven’t. All of them are lovely people who I’ve enjoyed working with and who gave me no hard time. Now sadly I’ve found out that this isn't the case for everyone. However as I too care about this community I want to help and make it a better place.
Here are some points of observation from someone with years of studying and first hand experience in psychology about the situation: (It’s a long post)
1. The “cliques”. Now we as humans naturally tend to form “cliques”; groups of like minded people who we share interests with. This is completely normal and nothing to be ashamed off. And we as people also tend to not get along with everyone. This too is also fine and completely normal. It is completely okay and acceptable to vent about people/things/concepts you don’t like or find annoying to your friends. We all do it. Yes, even as adults, cause guess what we don’t all get along and that is fine. Is this an excuse to treat someone like shit? No and that’s where the problem begins. 
2. Power corrupts. Shortly when we as humans are placed in a position of power aka a situation where we feel we have the upper hand or are in some form “above” others it gets to our heads (take the 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment as an example). Now I’m not saying that these people necessarily think themselves better, I’m saying that with bigger follower number and more influence your behavior might change. Maybe they don’t even consider themselves being mean or gatekeeping.
3. Original ideas. There is no such thing as an original idea. All of us have had our stories inspired by other stories, real or fiction, to some extend. However this does NOT mean you can flat out copy someone else’s storyline. But what is counted as copying? If you take another creators scene, plotline, etc. and add it your story without making any or barely any changes THEN you’re copying. “But I have a scene just like XXX and now I’m being blamed for copying.” If you didn’t intentionally do it, it’s not malicious copying and you can still fix it. If you’re unsure talk it over with the other blog and/or just re-take the pictures from a different angle or re-write dialogue. Being inspired by others if fine! Just know and learn the difference between inspiration and copying.
4. Gatekeeping. Now this is a tad tricky. You see those who first started telling royal simblr stories, and in doing so created this community, might have had or might still have ideas and wishes for what this community looks like. However since this community is this large it’s simply impossible to have those wished granted. We all have different sets of skills and amount of time to put into our stories. While to some this is like making their own book or tv show, others just want to take pretty pictures of sims in grand palaces and tiaras. Both of these approaches are fine and valid! The problem is that when you hold something in high value to yourself and see someone else just “mess around” with it you feel hurt. How can they not take this seriously?! But the thing is they are, just as you. They just have a different set of goals and motivation for their story. Not every book is a bestseller and that is okay.
5. False positivity. False positivity helps no one however there’s a difference between being falsely positive and being supportive. The main difference? What you wanted out of the conversation. A person looking for criticism to improve their work does not want or benefit from just supportive comments alone! If that’s all they get they’ll get frustrated and that’s where bad feeling towards other start. Same thing other other side, a person looking for encouragement does not want criticism! What they need is your thumbs up emojis and a few positive words. If they get unasked for critique they don’t receive it as such, to them it’s easily just bullying. 
How to fix the situation:
Now please note that these are just MY individual ideas. There’s no simple solution to this and it surely doesn’t happen over night but change can be made.
1. Make two separate channels on the server; CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM and ENGOURAGEMENT. Those looking for support can choose which variety they want and need. Now this also means that if you go to the criticism channel that’s what you’ll get! Everyone needs to take personal responsibility on this and not go on the channels they don’t want. If you don’t want criticism from complete strangers DM a friend, or ask a specific creator if they’d have the time to give you critique. 
2. Own what you’ve said, and apologize. Those that have said mean words need to own up to them, apologize from the individuals affected and stop. Private messages shared between friends is fine (it’s human nature), however if your discussions revolve around judging and/or belittling others you might want to reconsider. Also if you’re not directly involved or asked keep your opinions to yourself. No one likes unsolicited comments.
3. NO MORE GATEKEEPING! Now this is should be obvious to everyone. This is a community which means people are going to do things differently. Don’t follow blogs who’s stories you’re not interested in. Don’t send anon hate cause you don’t like what they do. Unlearn the idea that there’s only one way to tell a royal simblr story. If you can’t do that, grow up.
4. Say no. If you don’t want to collab with someone say no. Seriously. Going around this will only create more behind the scenes trash talking. And if you’re told no, accept it. Most of us are adults, we can or at least should be able to handle a no. It sucks when the other person doesn’t share our enthusiasm for an idea but that happens. With so many stories out there sadly not all of them are going to align. Luckily we’re a big community so the odds that someone out there likes your idea is quite large! Which brings me to the last point 5. Keep an open mind. As said we’re a big community of different people from all over the world. We come from multiple ethnicities, religions and countries, we’re individuals of different sexualities and genders. We all have our own set of ideals and ideas we’d like to see. We’re storytellers and readers, weavers of massive intricate worlds, or people who just like to keep it simple. Our difference is a richness. You might not like every idea but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea. Let people be and do their thing.
So that’s it for me. I hope I didn’t cross any lines with this. Thank you for taking the time to read what has been the longest Ani’s rambling ever. Let’s work towards a more healthy and welcoming community. My asks and anons are on.
Love, Ani
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love-geeky-fangirl · 6 years
In defense of Donna Pinciotti
I have gone through every single one of That 70s Show episodes from season 2 to season 7 and called Donna out on all of the shitty things she's done during those episodes. I know my critisism of her has been harsh but in this post I'm going to list some of her remarkable qualities and things I admire about her. I'm going to give her some credit just so that I'm not unfair towards her.
Season 1 Donna is amazing. A great character. Really. She's smart, cool, courageous, secretly pretty badass and tomboyish and actually really relatable for young girls that just got their first crush and don't know what to do or how to act around him. She's a great girlfriend to Eric- she encourages him to stand up against Red, helps him with his homework in 110 and helps him get over his gradnma's death. She's a great friend to Jackie as she challenges her to become stronger and more independent. Seriously, I love season 1 Donna! She has so much ambition and potential! Only if these writers had kept her that way.
Season 2 Donna is not that bad either. She still has potential as a character and as a person even though she did some pretty shitty and unfeministic things- like not telling Jackie about Kelso and Laurie. However there were some nice things she did too like writing their parents' renewed wedding vows or calling Kelso out on his bullshit in 223 and 224.
Season 3 Donna is slightly better than her season 2 self. She actually started off great in this one as she was the only mature member of the group. She was in fact the one who saved Hyde from getting kicked out of the house. She cheered Jackie up when she was upset on Chrismas and gave Kelso and Fez relationship advice, gave uo both of her tickets to Led Zeppelin concert just so that Fez can go with Caroline. She helped him get together with her and then helped him out of their relationship when it when it got toxic. She was rational and a voice of reason for Jackie when she blindly trusted that modeling agency. She also got a job and worked hard. I had hope in season 3 Donna- she was still the smart and ambitious "the voice of generation of smart and independent women" as Hyde said.
And then season 4 Donna came and replaced her. Season 4 Donna is my least favorite. That was when I started to hate her. She was selfish, mean, whiny and indesicive. Her bad treatment of Eric and literally everyone around her was always excused with:"Your mom left you, you have every right to freak out." or "She just has it bad at home right now." which is not fair considering that nobody excused Jackie or Hyde like that and their home life was much worse than Donna's. She got a lot of very emotional moments in this season with her mom and Eric but it's still very hard to symphathize with her. But who knows, maybe that was the writers' intetion, to make Donna look bad so that people root for Eric during their breakup.
Season 5 Donna was much better than her season 4 self. She gave Jackie a place to live after her parents abandoned her and was there for her when her father got arrested. But still she's not as good as her season 1 or season 3 self. Her treatment of Jackie and Hyde was awful. What irritates me the most about her in this season is how she got engaged and how she gave up on her dreams to going to a university in Europe just so she can be with Eric in a university he wants to go to. It was a big setback in her feminism.
Season 6 Donna has given up on her dreams completely. This is where I have lost all respect for her. It just really pains me how the show always presented her as a strong female character and then had her give up on all her dreams and ambitions for a boy. And then she wanted to live in a trailer with him! I really related to Donna in season 1 when she said she wants to get out of that town. I want to get out of my town one day and start a life far away and now I'm really worried about becoming just like Donna. Throwing her life away for a boy. That is not to say she didn't have any good moments. She called Kelso out on his bullshit and made him take responsibility for his unborn child. At least that was feministic.
Season 7 Donna is just plain pointless. She doesn't even have a major storyline and she's just plain boring. She pretty much just still lives with her father almost at the age of 20, hangs out in Eric's basement and they both act even more immature than when they were teenagers.
And this is a real waste. Donna's character had a lit of potential that was wasted and that's the writers' fault. Maybe it's not that Donna's awful, maybe it's just that the writers didn't know how to write a strong feministic character. I read that the writers were mostly men and men don't really know or understand what feminism actually means.
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inktae · 7 years
seriously that commentary you added on ivory's post is so fucking true. like ive pointed out multiple stuff to writers respectfully cause A: i thought they'd might want to know this cause they didnt see it or B: because it was problematic and each time they kinda told me off. This one writer was in short words a whole koreanboo and liked to appropriate asian culture in general and as someone whose an asian themselfs i had to point it out , instead of them taking it nicely 1/2
2/3 they sent their followers to terrorize me. Which i think is a huge part of why people message writers on anon nowdays because you could say something with good intentions and suddenly theyre doing a witch hunt on you. The followers of said writer then love to go back to them and coddle them saying that the constructive criticisms was just ''hate'' and that they shouldnt listen to them, which is fucked up cause it makes me think how they prolly cant they take criticisms in real life
3/3 like will they tell their superior coworker or boss of cause they got criticisms? will they think theyre just haters ,despite them doing whatever task they were assignment to, the wrong way? Do they tell them off the same way , they do it online?. Constructive critisism is something that can help you to be a better writer, id rather have someone point out flaws/mistakes than just tell me that they love it, which really wont help me with getting better in writing. - 🌙
I totally get where you’re coming from! one of the reasons I added the three questions one should ask themselves in front of constructive criticism is so a writer can try to see if the person criticizing wants to genuinely help or if they are simply trolling. after all, constructive criticism should solely be meant to help the writer improve so they can learn and become better.
if it points out things that are inherent to the particular taste of the writer (for example “you only write X genre and I personally find that uninteresting, I wish you wrote about Y genre more” or “you have such a flowery, dense style and I prefer simpler styles”) then it’s not truly as helpful tbh, so I think it really depends on the type criticism and if it is actually valuable to the writer or not. then again, even in the latter case, I still wouldn’t classify it as hate if the person is simply stating their opinion without getting offensive in any way. it all comes down to the person being respectful or not, because if they are, I see absolutely no reason to attack them, or to call them a hater or to reply rudely. (but hey, this is tumblr, and this kind of peaceful exchange would only happen in an ideal world lol)
it is true that we’re kinda pushing that mentality of coddling writers. praise and encouragement is so, SO damn important, but if someone wants to send constructive criticism, they shouldn’t be afraid of getting attacked like they are nowadays. both should be considered of great value, because both are useful to the writer immensely.
and tbh I completely understand being afraid of criticism because it’s natural to be, I also dread it myself sometimes, so I get it if a great majority of writers simply don’t want to be on the receiving end of it. if a writer does not want to receive constructive criticism, they’re in their right not to take it! all it takes is simply indicating it in a faq, or not replying to the message, or simply answering something like “I appreciate your feedback but I am not looking for constructive criticism right now”. it just doesn’t have to end up in a fight or in mindless drama. it doesn’t have to go to the lengths of calling the person a hater or trying to hurt them verbally.
if you weren’t sending hate then I’m really sorry that happened to you ;; I totally get it if it’s hard to read things we don’t really want to know, but if we receive non-offensive messages we can’t face because we know we would get worked up or attack the person, we should at least ignore / delete it. like I said, it doesn’t need to go too far.
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cheerfulworldblog · 7 years
Friendship time❣️
Each one of us have friends, best friends, close mates, pals, whatever.  Some of them we meet everyday, some of them less. Most of them we pass by saying just a “Hi”. We surround ourseleves with different types of friends that influence on us.
The main point is to realize who are our real friends.
How do we know?
I think the fastest test we can take in order to check this is to think few seconds about a friend. After thinking, describe fast in one word how does this friend make us feel.
I know it is not enough to find out but, it’s also important to know how people make us feel by simply being with them.
Therefore, let me help you give you signs of a fake friend:
1)  A friend who talks behind your back- No matter where you stand with your friend, a real friend doesn’t talk behind your back or spreads rumors about you.
2) A friend who doesn’t listen to you- You say something to your friend several times and it doesn’t seem that they really listen or do something about it. (In general, this friend doesn’t listen and you feel that you talk to yourself). A real friend will listen to you and you will know it.
3) A friend who criticizes you- You are tired of hearing from your friend saying how your shirt doesn’t look good enough or why you didn’t order a better tasty food. There is a difference between being honest and giving critise in any time you do something. Watch out.
4) A friend who controls you- You have to do anything they say to you. They have to be superior, to know everything you do. If you will try to change it, you will regret it.
5) A friend who takes and doesn’t give- It means a friend who takes advatage of you and won’t do anything in return. No matter how much you give, it won’t be enough and they will get mad if you stop. They will also not appreciate what you do for them and you will feel drained.
6) A friend who gets jealous- A friend who gets jealous if you are with someone else, when you succeed. They lack of overall encouragement and support.
7) A friend who makes fun of you all the time- Don’t get me wrong.  Friends can make fun of you and each other in a joking way. But, if there is a friend who does it all the time, you ask to stop and they continue, it is not the same. This kind of friend does it to lower your self-esteem. Realize what they are doing.
8) A friend who doesn’t respect you-  Respect is so important in friendships. Friends may make different decisions and have different opinions, tastes, perspectives. A real friend will respect you and the differences you have.
9) A friend who ignores you- A friend who ignores your presence, when you say something etc. It seems like this friend doesn’t care. Notice how often your friend ignores you.
10) A friend who tries to change you-  It is hard to identify. This kind of friend will try to change you by changing the way you act, say and believe. They will blame, complain and things won’t suit them. It depends on what they do and you will also feel not good about yourself.
There are be plenty of signs but if you recognize one, two or more than two signs that seem to happen in your friendship, don’t ignore it. Furthermore, don’t jump fast to conclusions. Talk to your friend and try to explain nicely how you feel in the friendship. Each friendship isn’t perfect, and there will be ups and downs.
However, if you tried your best and nothing seems to change it or improve the friendship, move on. You can’t stay in one sided friendship, feeling drained or unhappy most of the time. You deserve better. LISTEN TO YOUR GUT WHEN SOMETHING DOESN’T FEEL RIGHT TO YOU.
More small tips that can be helpful: Write/think about
✿ What frienship means to you
✿ What do you want in a friendship (At least 3-5 that are the most important to you)
✿ What kind of friend are you (bad and good qualities and how you can work on them)
✿ What kind of friend do you want to be
*Go after what you feel and believe, but know that it requires work from you and the other person.
After a long reading, here is a quote to sum up this friendship time:
“Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself – and especially to feel. Or, not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That’s what real love amounts to – letting a person be what he really is.” Jim Morrison
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enlightenedrobot · 7 years
Thinking points
I think I’m going to come out and say it... I’m a tad bit depressed right now. 
I’m coping with it pretty well, and this isn’t some desperate cry for help. I’ve been depressed before and I came out of that okay. It’s just that... I don’t know, I feel like some things need to be expressed.
I have no interest in going into specifics, at least in this particular post, but I will mention that a lot of it has to do with the fact that I’m a senior in college. A lot of things have been changing. 
I’d also like to note that any previous drama you might have seen recently out of me is because of the depression thing, not the other way around. People who go through my stuff will know what I’m talking about.
At the very least, theres a few talking points of a less tangiblle nature I think I’d like to get off my chest. Things about the way I think I why I do the things I do. Usually, you’re not supposed to say  these things, because Good Art™ doesn’t loudly proclaim it’s intentions... but screw that. I’m depressed, and I want to talk about it. This isn’t an art piece for a museum... it’s not even an editiorial or anything like that. It’s a stream of thought long post that’s mainly for my own benefit. Maybe you guys relate. Maybe I’m a pretentious jerkwad. Who knows.
First off, I’d like to mention that there is a lot of common intent behind every thing I do and everything I make public. 
From a critical standpoint, authorial intent doesn’t matter... what matters is the work’s relationship with the observer. And honestly, I’m inclined to agree. I invoke Death of the Author pretty frequently, and I encourage others to do the same. Any my stuff shouldn’t be excluded... maybe someone find’s something in my stuff that I didn’t intend. That’s great.
But that shouldn’t mean that my thoughts are a null point, or that I myself can’t be self critical of my own work. I’m not saying I should do this, or that it’s particularly professional of me to do so, but hey, I’m a human being subject to my own inner demons. 
I suppose what I’m getting at is that I’m a tad bit thin-skinned. I seriously encourage critisism on my posts, and ike 90% of the critisism I get is justified... I’ve reblogged arguments against things I’ve said without comment, mostly because I don’t know what else to say. 
But sometimes I get a lot of vitriol for getting something wrong, or seemingly wrong in some cases. Just, for the record, Snap-rap is an actual thing, I’m aware that Phill Lamar has voiced half my childhood, and no, I wasn’t aware that Queen performance of “We are the champions” actually does end with the line “of the world”, though I am aware now.
I’d like to point out that I don’t have the authority to speak on most things. I’m a guy on tumblr. Surprise, surprise, I write stuff to entertain people, not to make some big point about real things. The only times I ever feel genuinely justified in making some kind of point is when I talk about race, because, hey, I’m a guy with brown skin trying to get a career in a predominanty white field. But even in those cases, I try to speak from a personal point of view, as opposed to a universal one.
And see, one of the things that bugs me about a lot of this are the implications that I’m not allowed to speak about certain subjects. I can’t analyze pop culture because pop culture is meant to be silly and superficial, I can’t defend something because said thing is problematic, and I can’t critisize certain world views because they still oppose something far worse. 
I never claimed to be the end all be all authority on things. I want people to disagree with me, and I want to have interesting multi-faceted conversations with people. But that doesn’t mean I want my own thoughts dismissed entirely.
The other big implication a lot of this has is that a person can only ever be a single thing. There’s no such thing as a stupid intellectual, an enlightened romantic, or a pop artist. Cognitive dissonance is a myth. People can never carry more than one viewpoint at a time.
I write about pop culture because I think pop culture is worth writing about. There’s a beauty to the trivial that I think a lot of people miss. Whether its a good thing or not, we live in a capitalist world engulfed in logos, advertising, and terrible sitcoms. I grew up wanting to become like Walt Disney and Steve Jobs... and honestly, that’s still who I aspire to be. But maybe not in a literal sense. I don’t particularly care about some of the actions performed by these people in real life, but their legacy’s carry a weight to them not even the real versions of these people could ever live up to. 
This is the mythology of the modern day; a pure distilled version of an ideal world. And though the real world is rife with actual, tangible problems, it’s only through the pursuit of this dream that we as a culture can better ourselves. 
This kind of pop cultural beauty is something I’ve tried to capture in my music. There’s a reason why I sample cartoon sountracks and top 20 hits. These so called “low” forms of art genuinely speak to people. 
I designed a specific part of my Magical Boy mashup to evoke a certain emotion. It’s kind of sad and lonely, but it’s also kind of magical and uplifting. There’s childish vocal chops, reverbed piano, and an arpegiated music box.
The samples came from Hermione Granger in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, the modern classical piece River Flows in You by Yiruma... and this:
Hateful Love by Little Big... a gabber infuenced parody of glittery bubblegum pop, with lyrics primarily consisting of the lines “I hope you die/ Please die right now” and synths that wouldn’t be out of place in a David Guetta or Calvin Harris song. It’s a song that’s intentionally stupid and mean spirited... and yet there’s still something to the sample, isn’t there. Listening to it makes me want to simultaneously laugh and cry at the same time... though I doubt that was Little Big’s actual intent.
So yeah... that’s me I guess. 
Anyways, I’m doing fine. I make it all sound super serious, I know, but at the very least I’m coping with it well enough. Thanks
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Bitching on the topic of schitzophrenia
At first, I want to come with a disclaimer, this is just me venting, if you tend to say some of these things, try just take it as critisism to not do it, don't take it as a personal assualt. I just have to express my anger, but it isn't that bad, it just pends up into an outbreak at times. Too, I am an extreme case of schitzophrenia, because I went untreated for way too long. And this is my bitching, so it is from my perspective. If you don't feel as bad as me, then I'm not at all saying you have less right to hate these quotes. Mental illnesses is always bad, and shouldn't be considered more or less valid depending on degree. And too, it isn't meant as "look at me, I have it SO bad", it is just random bitching. Consider it therapy. Aaaaand! Sorry for misspellings, my phone is shit, and I'm really tired. Then to the list: 1. "Why don't you just get a job? It would solve all of your problems. Everyone hates going to work, but it makes you feel more complete and increases selfesteem. And the money are a great payof, so you can have fun in your freetime" Bitchfuckingplease, do you think I just don't want to? Do you think I like rotting in my apartment and doing nothing constructive for days, thereby being shamed fucking everytime anyone asks what I do for a living? Do you think I live happily on wellfare, totally ignorant of how much I leech on society, and too the stigma that follows? When I press myself to go to work or school I MOTHERFUCKING START SCREAMING AND HITTING PEOPLE! And I'm not in anyway in control of it. And if I don't press myself, then I get depressed from being afirmed in me being a failure, and just spend every minute of my day crying and isolating myself. Yeah, getting a job would totally help me. 2. "*deep sigh* does everyone have a mental diagnosis these days?" Oh yeah, the plague was pretty common too, guess that wasn't really a thing either. People died from it? Wow, they must really have believed in it! Okay, just wanted to interrupt the to explain a bit. In Denmark (where I have lived my whole life) we have an epidemic of anxiety and depression amongst teenagers. And I sure as hell understand why. The politicians are both forcing teenagers to get through faster and better, too cutting the teachers' saleries, and thereby bringing intense pressure on teens, because they can't get good enough education to actually live up to the insane demands. Too, if you want to use your highschool for anything, you have to get an average grade of a C, or else you are doomed, because then you can't get to university, and you can't get another education. And just to top it off, you have to know what you want to do for the rest of your life when you are 14-16. HOW THE HELL ARE THE TEENAGERS SUPPOSED TO NOT GET FUCKED UP BY THIS? DOCTORS ARE REBELLING AGAINST THOSE DEMAND, SINCE TEENAGERS WANT TO RATHER FUCKING DIE THAN GET BAD GRADES! 3. "Soehm, how's your other personalities like?" This is one I'm not personally bothered by, but just wanted to mention it. In the bad old days, most cases of schitzophrenia happened to be found in people with multiple personality disorder. Well, I have both, so I can genuinly say "she's a bitch", but it's kinda an annoying question for most, since those are two veeery different disorders. With one, you have more than one personality, with the other you have hallucinations/delusions/shit. Doesn't really sound to have much in common, right? 4. "Everyone have bad days, get over it" Well, I don't know how sane people's bad days are like, but when I have a bad day, I try to kill myself. And since suicide attemps aren't quite common, I suppose that's not everyone's difinition of a bad day. 5. "Oh, schitzophrenia, like Charles Manson/Ted Bundy/other serial killers" Oh, you're quite informed I see, yes, in fact I share the same diagnosis as most serial killers. But the fact is, I'm not a serial killer, and the reason I of my own free will went through psychological torture for about a week, then going to basically medical prison for several months, was actually because I was close to becoming one. And yeah, that's why I go through litteral life treathening side effects from my medication, because I have a fucking will to not become a fucking serial killer. And too: don't create a monster and blame it when it goes crazy. There's reallly not a lot of serial killers who have had a pleasant life, and most weren't even diagnosed before they got to court... 6. "Why do you take medicine? It's so unnatural..." Do you wanna get stabbed, bitch? Because if I don't take my medicine, the risk of that happening is quite high. So yeah, please go on and tell me that my life would be much better without medication. 7. "Oh, another special snowflake" Oh, another jerk who thinks he is badass for hurting people's feeling? Real mature, I hope you are at oldest preteen, or else that is just sad. Good luck when people realize how much of an idiot you are. 8. "If you want to kill yourself so badly, just do it already" Ehm... yeah? I have tried several times to write a comeback, but it gets so triggering, that even I don't want it in here, so it have to be: How the hell would the one saying this react if I actually did it? Just said "okay" and then cut open my arm or something in front of them? Like, don't encourage people to do something you don't want them to do, especially with suicide, because when you say that, it really makes me want to do it. So please, shut the fuck up about encouraging people to suicide, we have it bad enough already, thanks. 9. "Do you cut yourself for attention?" Ehm... kinda? Like, not really, but if I did, what the hell would be wrong with that? If you feel terrible, and nobody listens, then it is an effective way to call for help, since people tend to believe more in your mental illness if you have physical scars to prove it. Fucking blame the society for not believing anything is wrong with you, if it isn't visible physically. And I cut myself because it is a distraction from my mental pain, now when you were so kind of asking. Now go fuck off. And this was all of the bitching for this time! If you feel like it, then bitch along with me!
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