#this was on another blog of mine but I decided to repost it since i have an spn account now
ijustwantaspnnamepls · 8 months
I need to I need to rant about this friggen spn finale. And not because of the finale-- but because of the fandom. Ya’ll are killing me.
Why does everyone seem so surprised that this show ended with Sam and Dean? This show has always been about the two of them-- It started with them, it makes sense that it would end with them-- and the whole friggen middle was about them, too. Were Cas and Jack a huge part? Yes. Obviously. But everyone in the show acknowledged that if push came to shove the brothers would always choose each other over the world. The whole ordeal with Chuck only proved that-- they only sacrificed each other after the had sacrificed the world-- they had nothing left to give up but their relationship. Thats the only reason they offered it.
Also-- no offence, this show has always, always prioritized platonic love over romantic? If Destiel became canon, Castiel would have died within the next episode or so because that's what happens to all the love interests ever. And this is also my problem with wincest-- it would have never been romantic. The main emotions of this show have never been romantic. The only time they ever were was with Jess and she literally died in the first episode.
Also also, their endings were very fitting? Deans happy ending was to live his life with Sam, and he did. Sam’s happy ending was to live a normal life. He did. And in the end, they both were together in Heaven. (not as soul mates, because jack ripped down the walls and stuff buts thats a diff discussion) This is the only way they would have both managed to get their happy ending, and be together in the end.
Obviously, the finale had its problems. But yall are acting like this finale was the worst thing in the world. Like they completely uprooted the whole point of the show. Chill. Thats not the problem with it. Its like, the opposite-- Cass is with Jack, Dean is with Sam, everybody’s happy. I love vanilla but this is like, the classic metaphoric vanilla ending.
The whole relationship between the brothers is Sam learning to Prioritize Dean’s form of love-- his co-dependency and over protectiveness, while Dean learns to respect Sam’s form of love, a little more independent and based on trust. Instead they both get their form of love, instead of giving it up to show that they love each other more than they love their... love. I hope that made sense.
Thus, they both get what they want and don’t have to give up a part of themselves for each other. Its too much cake.
Regardless, it was still a fairy tale level of happy endings.
Edit: this whole last part I added like two seconds after I posted sorry
There was literally no other way to end the show, and adding a secondary relationship, like cas and/or jack would have taken away from the fact that the show has always been about them. The only time they came close to introducing a secondary relationship was when they showed Bobby, but even then he was just there to explain the perfectness of haven. He was a good character choice for that role because he was important to Dean, but that role wasn’t created because of his importance to Dean.
I keep reading posts about how the theme was found family-- also lies. This show was never about Found family or real family-- It’s A Terrible Life (Dean Smith and Sam Wesson ep) shows us that its not about how they’re related by blood-- it’s just because they’re Sam and Dean. Sam and Dean choose each other over their parents too. Blood has nothing to do with it. Cass and Jack show that it’s not about found Family. because they choose each other over that too. and Adam shows us it’s not about brotherly love.
So in the end, obviously it was going to end with Sam and Dean. Other than Bobby and like, child dean, no one else is in the episode. Because it’s not about romance, and its not about family, it’s about Sam and Dean. It’s always been about Sam and Dean. When did people lose sight of this?
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bethelighthalazia · 2 months
I was scared!
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Summary:  You and Jongho were a couple for almost a year, you visited a concert of his, standing in barricade spots. Noone could have imagined that you suddenly can't be found in the crowd anymore, which had suddenly started to push each other slightly. Completely written from Jongho´s point of view.
Pairing: bf!Jongho x fem!reader, established relationship
Word Count:  1233
Warnings: angsty (?), mentioned panic attack/anxiety, mentioned crowded place, description of fear (?), fluff in the end
[note: it´s not very long, but i had fun writing it from Jongho´s point of view. RE-UPLOAD from my old blog @/justsomedreaming]
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© by bethelighthalazia. Do not repost, copy or translate. Unless stated otherwise, those works are mine and born from my own ideas. I don't have any claim on the mentioned real existing Idols whatsoever.
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Y/n. She has been the light of my life for almost a year now. The both of us met during a fansign, I just fell in love with her that day and soon we had started dating. Even though it was hard at first with keeping it hidden, I soon decided to make it public. I didn't want to hide my feelings for her, nor how happy y/n made me. Hongjoong and the other hyungs were very supportive and welcomed y/n into our lives. She finished her fashion master's degree only shortly before we started dating and soon, Hongjoong hyung helped her with getting a job in our stylist team, mainly responsible for the outfits. That way, she was able to stay close with us. 
This time though, she wanted to see our performance from ATINY's view once again, so I made sure to get her a VIP ticket and backstage pass. We once customized a Lightiny for each other, which she took with her when we arrived at the location and she had to find her spot in the audience area. 
The moment we stepped out on stage, I found her gaze, never truly letting her out of sight, not only because I couldn't resist looking at my beautiful girlfriend, but also to check on her. I knew she struggles with crowded places and it was very clear to us that the host didn't meet all safety measures fully. The audience was squished into the rather tight space, I could see y/n slowly struggling and losing her calm expression. Even her eyes told me that she was terrified of all the people pushing and squeezing against each other. For a moment, only a few seconds, I looked at our captain to see his reaction to the situation, he had stopped the last performance to assess the problem. When I looked back to where y/n was standing, my heart stopped.
She wasn't there anymore. All of a sudden, I couldn't find y/n’s beautiful face anywhere in the crowd. Hongjoong hyung actually started to tell people to stop pushing into the areas, Mingi hyung told the security to open side gates, so the fans could get out safely since we finished the last song. The host really didn't plan it well and the hyungs were furious. But I couldn't focus on anything, a stinging pain in my chest when worry took over. What if y/n got hurt or was having a panic attack and I wasn't there for her? 
I didn't even realize that my body had moved until a hand around my upper arm stopped me from climbing down the stage to find her.
“Jongho, you can't.” It was Seonghwa hyung’s voice, and even though I knew he was right, I pulled against his grip. Only when another set of hands helped him to hold me back, they managed to navigate me from the stage and out of the building through one of the backstage doors. When the cold air hit me, I just dropped onto the stairs, a dry sob escaping me. “Sh- she was in the crowd there…y/n was- I didn't see her anymore-” 
My voice cracked, an icy feeling wrapped around my heart, my chest felt as if something coiled around it and squeezed all air out of my lungs. My hand was still clinging to my microphone, the little lucky charm that y/n made for me dangling from its end. I know that my eyes were aimlessly glancing around, it all felt like a blur of my vision, not able to make out a real thought aside of my worry for y/n. Well, that is until I noticed the Lightiny in the corner of my eyes. Y/n’s Lightiny. Holding my breath, I turned my head just a bit, another dry sob squeezed out between my lips when I saw that it was San holding it. He must have been standing with me all the time, because I could hear him thank someone for bringing it out to us and asking them to keep searching.
When he heard the sound I made, he sat down beside me, resting his empty hand on my shoulder, I could feel it squeeze comfortably. “Y/m, is she-” I whispered, my voice cracking once again, tears starting to sting in my eyes when San just shook his head. “Not yet. They found it with her stuff near one of the backstage doors. We hope that she slipped out and just hid backstage to calm down.” 
His words just increased my worries. What if she got pushed and got hurt physically? Did she maybe stumble and hit her head or worse? A quiet cracking sound got to my ears, but I didn't pay attention, only thinking about her. That is, until San's hand pried my hand open to release my microphone from it, I squeezed it hard enough to break it. I didn't even notice that a little piece of it had cut into my palm.
“Found y/n.” 
It was only quietly that I heard these words, my vision blurry as I stood up, almost knocking over San who was supporting me, because I must have swayed a little, when standing up, I got slightly dizzy from the sudden change of position. “T- they found her?” My voice still hoarse, I moved automatically, blinking quickly when I walked inside into the darker surroundings and out of the sunlight. San walked directly behind me, I could feel his hand on my back from time to time but when I saw her, I stopped. Seonghwa had his outfit jacket around her shoulders, speaking calmly at her. “Y/n…” 
She must've heard my voice, because y/n looked up and her eyes widened as she suddenly ran towards me. Her arms wrapping around my middle, I stumbled slightly backwards, falling onto my butt, pulling her with me. My own arms wrapped around her, I made sure to keep her on top of me, so she wouldn't possibly get hurt. I couldn't stop myself from hiding my face against her neck, just holding her close for now.
“Y/n…I- I was so scared-”
My voice cracked once again and I could feel her body being shaken by sobs, my hyungs just staring at me for what I had said. They never really witnessed me being scared, so this was a first for them. Behind us, I could hear Seonghwa telling San in a whispering voice, that they had found y/n in our backstage room where we had prepared, hiding under one of my coats that I wore on our way here. This actually let me chuckle a bit in between my own quiet sobs, of course she hid in the most obvious spot and yet no one found her for a while.
This day truly showed me what fear feels like, especially the fear of possibly losing the person who makes me whole. I had been so scared she could have gotten hurt or anything, that everything only felt like a blur for me. When I looked at her, I couldn't help but take her face in both my hands to kiss her, the first time I did so in front of anyone, but I didn't care. I was just so relieved that she was alright. 
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taglist: @mingis-mizu, @tinyelfperson
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goldeneywa · 1 year
ao’nung x omatikaya!reader
i thought of this while i was daydreaming at work one day💀and i definitely did not have to repost this bcuz i didn’t realize that deleting my acc would delete both blogs on the acc and not just one blog soo…
revised technically since i had to rewrite
word count at 746
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“If you want to live here, you have to ride.”
My siblings and I, minus Kiri, are in the shallow parts of the water, being introduced to the Ilus. I watch them swim around us as they make yips and chirping noises similar to the ones Ao'nung made to call them over. We eventually separate, Tsireya going towards Lo'ak and Ao'nung with me and Neteyam.
Neteyam and I proceed to look at each other, using our 'twin-epathy' as Dad calls it, to communicate with one another and decide who will go first. We don't notice Ao'nung's confused stare as he realizes that we weren't listening to the beginning of his speech.
"Okay then, I'll go first," Neteyam says, looking at me and then at Ao'nung. He blinks a couple times, the second pair of lids coming out on his second blink. Which is something that I cannot help but stare at. "Alright."
Ao'nung guides Neteyam on how to sit and hold on to the Ilu. "It's the same concept as your Ikran," Ao'nung adds, taking a step back. I don't miss the added emotion of what I think is disgust when he mentions our clan's chosen rides and I know that Neteyam didn't either.
I follow the Metkayina's lead and take a step back as well, ducking my head underwater as Neteyam takes off. He holds on for a while and it seems like he got the hang of it before eventually he loses control of the animal and falls off.
I can hear Ao'nung and his group of friends laugh at the sight, while I just cover my smiling mouth. I bring my head out of the water and notice Tsireya steps back, joining the group, signaling that Lo'ak will have a go as well.
He doesn't last nearly as long as Neteyam did. The boys laugh harder at my younger brother than they did my twin. Tsireya even laughs as well but I know it wasn't out of ill intent, since it was entertaining seeing my brothers fall off.
"Alright forest girl, you're next," Ao'nung says, looking down at me with the obvious height difference with the stupid smirk on his face. "Hmm," is all I reply with. He guides the closest Ilu towards us and helps me get on. He goes through the same process with me, but not as in-depth of an explanation since I've already heard it when he was helping Neteyam. "Good. Now make the bond," I grab my queue from behind me and make tsaheylu. I take a silent deep breath and concentrate on the feeling.
"Feel her breath, her strength," He says. But what caught me off guard was him grabbing my hand and laying it flat on the Ilu's neck, his hand laying firmly on top of mine. I glance up at him but he doesn't make a move to look at me as he snatches his hand back, almost as if he didn't realize what he was doing himself. I decided to ignore it.
He steps back to give me space. When I feel like I'm finally ready, I take a deep breath and tell my Ilu to go underwater.
Keeping balance on the anime while maintaining proper directions against the water pressure was hard, especially with my unadjusted body. Only a couple times I felt myself slip a little but I managed to hold on. I felt confident to go deeper into the water and speed up.
The Ilu seemed to know what I was planning to do before I even gave her the thought. I hear the Ilu chirp before it begins to ascend higher toward the water's surface and jumps out, completing a small backflip.
I splash back into the water and rise back up with my back facing the group. I throw my head back and laugh, looking back at everyone else with a big smile on my face.
The Metkayina boys were standing there in shock and surprise while everyone else was cheering and happy at the display, with little Tuk showing the most excitement. Then there was Lo'ak, who let out a little "Show-off..." but was happy for his big sister nonetheless.
No one noticed Ao'nung's ears pulled all the way back to lay almost flat against his head and his stiff tail lifting up, looking just as shocked as his friends but another indescribable feeling lingering within his body language and deep within his eyes.
Except for his sister.
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horanghaejamjam · 2 years
Horanghae Chapter 1
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Summary: Everyone knows that Soonyoung loves tigers. The term Horanghae literally means “I tiger you”. Needless to say, the Seventeen members shouldn’t have been as surprised as they were the night he came home with a very timid white tiger curled against him.
Pairing: Hoshi-centric, Seventeen x White Tiger hybrid reader.
Chapter Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff, Very slight angst
Word Count: 6.6k
Chapter Warnings: Very brief mentions of abandonment/neglect and hybrid trafficking.
Note: In this story it is implied that reader is younger than Hoshi and most of the members but older than the three maknaes. Korean age is still a bit confusing to me tbh because math so if I got it wrong please lmk.
Disclaimer: This is a repost from my original blog, this is my own original work and not copied. Images used in header are not mine. All written work is 100% my own, editors and beta readers will be credited as needed. Do not copy, translate, or repost my work onto other sites without my permission.  
Previous (Teaser) . . . Next Chapter 
Horanghae Masterlist  
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The sound of rain echoed against the cold pavement and the roof of a convenience store that did very little to shield you from the assault of water droplets. What started off as gentle rain had quickly escalated to a full on downpour with no warning to let you find shelter. Now you were trapped hiding against the wall of a convenience store, curled up and using your paw to shield your eyes from the rain. It was late and very few people were out at this time, and those who were didn’t pay much interest to the white and black ball of fur slowly getting drenched by the rain. With no one to help, you just had to wait it out or try to find another place to sleep without getting caught by traffickers.
You were a young white tiger hybrid, your genetics and coloration of your fur making you a very rare and expensive breed. “Wild” hybrid species were already considered more of a luxury as they were often harder to care for than their domestic counterparts, but ones with special traits could be worth a fortune to the right buyer. You had known this since the moment you were old enough to be sent to your first home. Having gone through many in such a short span before finally ending up a stray, living on the streets after being thrown out from your last home.
You never knew why your owners never seemed to want you for too long before giving you up again. You always tried to be on your best behavior and make things easy for them. You always did what you were told, didn’t cause trouble, kept to yourself, and you were as docile as physically possible. Despite the fact you were a tiger, you were fairly small for your species so it wasn’t like you could do much anyways. However, no matter what you did, you always ended up back at the shelter or, in your current case, on the street.
As much of a luxury as wild hybrids could be, a lot of people also avoided them, especially common predators. They were always stereotyped as “dangerous” or “too hard to train” so people only ever got them when they wanted a guard. In instances such as yours, if the hybrid wasn’t protective, they were often thrown out and replaced. Then there were the ones that decided to give them a shot and panicked the second the smallest growl came from them. Lastly, in the case of your most recent owner, they had adopted you as a “trophy” then got annoyed when you became too much work. Then before you knew it a simple trip to the store had resulted in you watching sadly in the parking lot as they waved goodbye and drove away. That had been almost a week ago and you had given up on finding your forever home. You sold your collar and used the money to buy food then wandered around in tiger form aimlessly until someone took enough pity on you to spare you a few scraps or a water bottle. You also had to dodge shelters a few times after concerned callers tried to get you a place to stay.
It’s not that you wanted to stay on the streets for the rest of your life, but you were scared about finding another home. Since you were a cub your life had been miserable so who wasn’t to say that would be the case for your next home. By now you weren’t going to get your hopes up that your savior would come for you.
A soft sigh left you as you shivered and curled up further, your tail curling around your back paw comfortingly. By now you were soaked and your fur was no longer providing warmth as you began to shiver as an effect of the storm. There was no way you would be finding sleep any time soon so all you could do was hope the rain would let up soon. As you shivered for the millionth time, you tuned in to the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps. Your ears perked up and you were about to open your eyes when you felt something soft and warm draped over you.
“Hey there little one are you okay?” opening your eyes you found dark brown ones staring right back at you. His brows furrowed in concern, lips puffed into a pout, and his hair was slowly falling into his face as the rain drenched it. He was only in a thin white shirt as his jacket was now thrown over your back to try to shield you from the rain and drenching him in return. You wanted to shy away from him but something about his warm gaze and caring act made you feel warm and safe. All you could do was chuff softly and rest your paw on his leg. He chuckled softly at this and gently reached out to pet your head. You flinched away at first which made him pull back before moving slower to pet behind your ears. “What’s a pretty thing like you doing out in a storm like this?” he cooed. It was kind of endearing how sweet he was, cooing and petting you like you were the most precious thing in the world and it made you giddy. You couldn’t help but shuffle a bit closer and lean into his hand.
“My name is Soonyoung,” he introduced, moving his hand to rub the top of your head, “do you have a name?” It took a few minutes of silence and you blinking up at him for him to giggle nervously, “Oh right, you can’t talk as a tiger can you?” He hummed in thought for a second before perking up and moving his hand, “How about this, I ask you yes or no questions and you can either nod your head or tap my leg with your paw okay? One tap for yes and two taps for no, sound good?” After a second you slowly lifted your head and nodded it gently. Soonyoung smiled wider and clapped his hands eagerly. It seemed that he didn’t care about the fact he was now drenched from the rain, more eager to talk to you.
“Okay, so this is an awkward question but are you a girl?” you huffed as if trying not to laugh before nodding your head, making Soonyoung sigh in relief. “I thought so but wanted to make sure, are you stuck out here?” you nodded again, “are you cold?” Kind of an obvious question but you nodded again, shaking your head after just enough to shake some of the water from your fur. “What am I saying of course you’re cold,” Soonyoung mumbled, “I’m assuming that if you’re stuck out here in the rain you don’t have anywhere to go right? Would you like to come home with me? We can dry you off, get you something to eat and give you a warm place to sleep.” This time you froze, as nice as his offer sounded you were scared. Yeah Soonyoung seemed nice but they all did, you didn’t think you could handle being abandoned again. Soonyoung could sense your hesitation and began to panic thinking maybe he misunderstood or came off too strong.
“Oh I didn’t mean to scare you, I’m sorry,” he pouted and slowly began to move away from you and stand up so he wouldn’t make things worse. The second his warmth left you, you found yourself craving his affection even more. The thought of him leaving you alone made you anxious so you quickly stood up before he could think about leaving. Shaking as much water off your body as possible, and his jacket in the process, you walked over to him and nuzzled your head against his leg. Soonyoung couldn’t help but laugh at your adorable action as he bent down to pick up his jacket. Not that putting it on would do much as both of you were dripping even now that the rain was calming down. “I’ll take that as a yes then? Alright little one follow me, home is only a few blocks away,” he took two steps before pausing and looking down at you, “oh, I should probably also tell you now that I’m an idol and live with my members so you may or may not get crowded when we get there.” You honestly weren’t quite sure what he meant by being an idol but decided to prepare yourself for more people anyways. More than anything, you were just thankful to have a place to sleep that wasn’t a thrown out mattress.
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It was nearly three am by the time you guys reached the dorm and by now the other members of Seventeen were starting to panic a bit. Soonyoung had been a bit restless from not working and had decided to go out for a bit of a late walk since he knew no one would be out at this time to bother him. However, that had been hours ago and before it had started to rain. The storm combined with the fact he wasn’t answering his phone would worry just about anyone.
They tried their best to be patient, hoping maybe he found a place to hide from the rain and his phone died which is why he didn’t answer. It made sense logically, but they were idols and you never knew what trouble they could get into if the wrong person recognized them. They waited a little bit longer before Seungcheol stood up and went to grab his jacket. Soonyoung couldn’t have gone tool far and he wasn’t answering his phone so the only logical choice was to go out and look for him.
“I swear if he just got lost or something I may kill him,” the oldest mumbled as he bent over to put his shoes on. Jihoon, Seokmin, and Joshua also making their way over to the door to join him after a moment. Might as well go in a group to cover more ground and make sure that they didn’t accidentally lose another member in the process.
“If we’re not back in like half an hour we probably ended up dead somewhere,” Jihoon muttered, resulting in Josh glaring at him and nudging his shoulder. There was a mixed sound of confirmation and a few giggles from the others
Just as the group was about to head out and search for their missing member the door opened to reveal a soaking wet Soonyoung. He barely even managed to get his shoes off and step into the room with you before there were at least eight boys surrounding the two of you. The sudden attention made you whimper and cower further behind him. You didn’t know what you had expected when he told you he lived with his group members but you hadn’t expected so many people.
Seungcheol was the first to be alerted to your presence, taking a step back and glancing at you before back at his groupmate.
“Uhm Soonyoung, what is that?” he asked, alerting the others who were now trying to get around him to look at you. Another pained sound followed by a soft growl left your throat in response, causing a few of the boys to jump back. Soonyoung only smiled as he kneeled down to your height, scratching the top of your head affectionately. The action made you relax a bit but you still stayed tensed up beside him.
“Oh yeah, I found her on the street while on my way home, isn’t she adorable?” he asked. Soonyoung moved his hands to grip your head and rub his cheek against you affectionately like a child. It was cute and tickled meaning you probably would have laughed if not in your tiger form but you settled for nuzzling against him in response. Hushed whispers filled the room for a moment as the other members of Seventeen tried to process what they were seeing. On one hand they were thankful he didn’t get in to trouble, but he made them worry over nothing and now they had to deal with a random tiger hybrid that he dragged home with him.
“You’re telling me you came home late and gave us all a panic attack because you decided to steal a tiger off the street?” Seungcheol asked, staring at you as if you were some alien creature. Soonyoung huffed a bit and let go of you to glare up at his leader.
“I didn’t steal her, I rescued her! It was storming outside and she was alone trying to hide. I couldn’t just leave her there!” A bunch of the others shook their head and you gradually tried to sneak back to the door. As if being in a room with 13 strangers wasn’t intimidating enough, you got the feeling you weren’t welcome there.
“Hyung she’s a white tiger,” Jihoon pointed out, “there’s no way a hybrid that rare is running around freely. She probably has an owner looking for her.” Soonyoung pouted and was about to say something when Joshua cut him off.
“She doesn’t have a collar though, so that may imply she’s a stray,” he got a bit closer to try and inspect you. Kneeling down and keeping a safe distance to not scare you more as he tried to find any signs that would imply you had a home to go to.
“A stray as rare as her, in an area like this?” Jihoon argued back.
“Stray or not it’s not like I could just leave her out there,” Soonyoung spoke up, hugging you close to him, “look at her, she’s wet and shivering.”
“Poor things probably terrified since you dragged her to an unknown place with 13 strangers,” Wonwoo spoke up. This pretty much got all of the members talking over each other as they tried to figure out what to do. Basically dividing the dorm in half as some supported Soonyoung and others argued having you here was a bad idea. It was clear by now this arguing was getting nowhere and Soonyoung clearly wasn’t planning on letting you go. Seungcheol realized this and sighed, shaking his head as he tried to think of a compromise.
“Fine, how about this, she can stay with us for tonight but first thing tomorrow morning we’re going out to see if we can find her owner, deal?” Soonyoung glanced at you as he thought about it, rubbing your head again as he nodded.
“But if she doesn’t have anywhere to go can we keep her?” he asked, or more like pleaded.
“We don’t have the time or room to take care of a-” Seungcheol cut himself up when he saw Soonyoung, and possibly you, looking up at him with a begging expression, “we’ll talk about it.” Soonyoung lit up like a little kid before giggling and hugging you close to him.
“Come on Kitty, let's get you clean and dry! You can sleep in my room with me!” The other members didn’t get a chance to say anything before he was bounding down the hall to his room. Not knowing any of the others and not wanting to be left alone from your savor you quickly ran after him, catching up in a few steps. Meanwhile the rest of Seventeen was staring silently at the spot you had just been in, processing the rather theatrical scene that had just played out in front of them. They would deal with it in the morning though, all too tired to even think about explaining this whole thing.
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The first thing you noticed as you followed Soonyoung was that the building he lived in was huge, possibly bigger than your previous homes. You supposed that made sense given he lived with twelve other guys but you had no idea how you were going to manage getting around without getting lost. That was of course with the hope that you would get to stay with him. You didn’t have anywhere else to go and, while you didn’t want to end up back on the street, you would run away before ending up at the shelter again. Besides, you really liked Soonyoung, something about him was comforting. He was nothing like your last owners, he actually seemed to care about you as a companion.
You followed Soonyoung for what felt like forever until he stopped at a door towards the back of the hall. He opened it and stepped inside, leaving you to stare at him through the door before he returned with a towel and change of clothes in his arms.
“This is my room,” he said as he motioned with his head to the room behind him. He led you two doors down before opening the next door to reveal the bathroom. It wasn’t overly luxurious or anything, but it was quite spacious and fairly clean which was nice. You cautiously followed him inside and he closed the door before setting everything down on the edge of the bathtub. “I don’t really know what size you are so hopefully these clothes fit you,” he said with a nervous giggle, “assuming you don’t want to stay in tiger form all night of course.” He scratched behind your ears for a second before nodding and pulling the shower curtain back so he could show you where everything was. “All the products in the corner are mine so feel free to use whatever you need. I don’t have any spare toothbrushes or anything but if you want to use my hairbrush or anything I’ll place that on the sink. I’ll be just down the hall in my room so just come back there when you’re done okay?” You glanced around for a moment before gently nodding which made him smile, rubbing your head one last time he gently left the bathroom. You can hear him hover around the door for a moment before leaving which was your cue to move.
For the first time in forever you shifted out of your tiger form, the cold tile was a shock against your bare skin but you ignored it. The satisfying feeling of stretching your limbs out and popping all stiff joints was preferable. How long had it been since you had been in this form? It had to have been at least a week or two by now. Very slowly you rose to your feet, using the sink to hold yourself up as your legs were shaking a bit before getting your balance and walking over to the door, locking it and stepping back to glance at yourself in the mirror. Your skin was fairly clean as opposed to your fur which was soaked and clearly greasy as it flew in all directions. Your ears twitched and you tried to run a hand through your hair before shaking your head and moving to get in the shower before you took too long.
To say the shower had been heaven was an understatement. You were finally able to relax and wash away all the dirt from the streets. The hot water also helped relax your tense muscles and clear your mind. You quickly finished washing up and stepped out of the shower, paying special attention to drying your hair and tail off before wrapping the towel around yourself and walking over to the sink. The white in your hair and fur was now vibrant again rather than a muted off white color, and you were able to brush it out with little struggle. The now wet strands fell into your eyes a bit, making you wince from the splashes of water before you brushed them back. Your once bright blue eyes were now clouded over from the cold and exhaustion and you could tell you had gotten a bit thinner than usual but that wasn’t something you wanted to think about. At least for the night, you had a home and you were going to savor every last second you had with Soonyoung.
Making sure everything was left exactly how you found it, you folded the towel and changed into the clothes Soonyoung gave you. It took a few quick adjustments to get them to fit over your frame as he was clearly bigger than you were but they worked and were comfortable for the time being. The clothing swallowed your figure and his scent invaded your senses which made you giggle as you unconsciously snuggled against the collar of his shirt.
You were a bit nervous about stepping out now that you weren’t fully a tiger but you knew you couldn’t hide forever. You knew it would have been more awkward and you took up less space this way.
Unlocking the door, you stuck your head out to make sure the coast was clear before slipping out and making your way back to Soonyoungs room. Knocking softly on the door, you slowly stepped inside and looked around the room. Soonyoung was laying on the bed, having already changed into his pajamas and dried himself off. There was a pile of blankets, pillows, snacks, and water on the bed and he was laying down playing on his phone, glancing up when he heard the door. His eyes glanced over you for a moment before he smiled and bounced around on the bed a bit.
“Awwwe look at you, aren’t you just the sweetest thing!” he exclaimed, resisting the urge to run over and just squeeze you. All you could do was giggle shyly and look down as your tail swayed behind you. Soonyoung hummed and moved to sit on the edge of the bed, looking up at you as if you were the cutest thing he had ever laid eyes on. It made you shy and you tried pulling the shirt over your face to hide your red cheeks. “Please don’t hide from me!” he pouted, “I’m sorry you’re just too adorable, I’ll stop okay?” He waited for you to relax, slowly pulling the shirt back down to look at him. Soonyoung nodded and shifted to the side, patting the bed, “Come sit with me, I won’t bite.” You hummed softly before walking over, taking a seat beside him with a fair amount of space between you. “Hungry?” Soonyoung asked as he shuffled through the pile of snacks he brought, “it’s too late to make anything but I grabbed as many snacks as I could so help yourself.” You look over at everything and smile as you reach for one of the snacks. You didn’t know why he was being so generous, but you were beyond grateful for it. If it wasn’t for him you’d probably still be soaked and freezing on the street.
“Thank you,” you muttered, voice coming out much weaker than you intended, “for everything.” He seemed taken aback to hear your voice but he quickly regained himself, chuckling at you softly.
“You don’t have to thank me, just relax, you had a pretty rough night.” He grabbed one of the snacks for himself and you two ate in silence for a bit before Soonyoung spoke up again, “I know you are probably tired but can I ask you a few things? It would probably be easier to talk about it now rather than in the morning with the others around.” You weren’t too exactly sure what he meant but figured he was talking about them crowding you again like earlier so you nodded softly. “Well first off, can you tell me your name?” he asked.
“It’s Y/N,” you answer softly.
“Cute, that suits you,” he cooed, “how old are you?”
“Ummm they always said my age in cat years so I’m not sure.”
“Okay well,” he hummed in thought for a moment, “what is your birthday?” You swore you could see him light up when you told him, “So that means you’re younger than I am!” When you glance at him confused he laughed a bit, “I’m 27.” You made a small ‘oh’ expression before nodding and focusing back on your snack, your ear twitching slightly. “Why were you out on the street? Don’t you have a home to go to?” he asked hesitantly, making you freeze. When you didn’t answer he began to worry that he had said something wrong. The sound of you sighing cut him off before he could express those concerns.
“I don’t have anywhere else to go. My last home kicked me out a few weeks ago and I didn’t want to end up back in a shelter so I just kind of wandered around until you found me,” your tail wrapped around you protectively as you spoke. Soonyoung was silent as he looked at you, pouting a bit as he didn’t know what to do. Cautiously he reached his arm out, pulling you into a hug when you didn’t shy away from his touch. You chuffed softly and nuzzled against him as he rubbed your arm gently.
“Why would anyone kick out such a precious hybrid?” Soonyoung thought out loud. When you didn’t respond he sighed and ran a hand through his hair, “Seungcheol is going to make us go to the shelter tomorrow to double check that you’re a stray. I’m sure once we talk to him and the others though that we’ll convince them to let you stay. It may be a bit tricky but we can work it out I’m sure!” He sounded so hopeful that you found yourself wanting to believe him, glancing up at him with wide eyes.
“Do you really think so?” you asked, just as hopeful.
“I know so!” he assured you, “if you want to stay with us of course, I promise we’ll give you a fun and loving home.” Your expression lit up and you couldn’t help but throw yourself at him in a tight hug.
“Thank you! Thank you! I would love that!” you squealed, hugging him tighter. Soonyoung chuckled,
“Of course, now it’s getting late so why don’t we go to bed? Are you comfortable sharing a bed with me?” though you didn’t really have to answer since cuddling against him was answer enough. You got into bed first, curling around the spare pillow he gave you as Soonyoung put everything aside and got the extra blanket before climbing into bed beside you. “Goodnight Y/N,” he whispered, scratching behind your ear softly.
“Goodnight Soonyoung.”
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You were woken up suddenly the next morning with the sound of crashing from outside of the room. Startling and jumping up from your original spot curled up against Soonyoung. Clearly he was used to the noise as it was you jumping that woke him up rather than the commotion of his members. He slowly got up with a yawn, rubbing his eyes before looking over at you with a tired smile.
“Did they wake you up?” he asked, voice a bit thicker from sleep. When you nodded he shook his head with an airy laugh. “Sorry about that, we can get pretty crazy, and we’re on break right now so everyone has a lot of pent up energy.” You just blinked at him and yawned as you tried to wake up, watching Soonyoung as he got up. “You can stay in bed if you want, I can just bring you breakfast after I get ready?” You thought about it before shaking your head and slowly climbing out of bed. If there was even remotely a chance that you would get to live with these guys, you would have to get used to them. Soonyoung seemed a bit relieved when he saw you were willing to interact with his members. “Alright, I am going to get dressed real quick, you can stay in here or feel free to look around. I’m sure some of the members would want to meet you.” With that, he left the room with the door slightly cracked open.
You thought about it for a moment, pacing back and forth as you listened to the commotion outside. Being alone quickly got boring though and you took nervous steps towards the door, hesitating for a moment to calm your heart before stepping out and into the hall. You couldn’t see anyone immediately so you followed the sound of the commotion to the living area. You could hear some members in their rooms but didn’t want to bother them, tail tucking between your legs as you entered the living room.
Some of the members were on the couch watching a show that didn’t interest you in the slightest. It seems some of them were arguing over a phone which was the cause of the commotion as they were play fighting and running into things. You instinctively stepped back due to the commotion despite the fact that they were nowhere near you. A little bit away you could smell food and hear talking which told you there were more people in the kitchen. Suddenly the whole place felt crowded, making you whimper a bit and back away in hopes that none of them had seen you. Though it seems your sudden noise alerted the members to your presence, the commotion settling as they all turned to stare at you.
You bit at your lip and curled in a bit on yourself as they all stared at you, giving a sense of Deja vu from the night before. No one said anything as your awkward stare down with five males continued. A few of them mumbling things about you and what they were supposed to do now that you were here. Still, they never spoke to you and you suddenly felt strangely foreign and unwelcome. Deciding waiting for Soonyoung would be a better idea you quickly turned to run back to your room, only to freeze when you heard a voice.
“Guys stop staring, you’re scaring her!” turning back, you saw one of the more familiar faces from last night gently approach you. He had a soft smile and tried to make himself look as non threatening as possible, bending down a bit so you were both eye level. “Good morning,” he greeted softly, “I didn’t get to talk to you last night, my name is Joshua.” His voice and gentle aura helped you calm down and you smiled up at him shyly.
“I remember you, I’m Y/N,” some of the others seemed to perk up hearing you speak, trying to get closer but Joshua shooed them away.
“It’s nice to meet you! So Y/N, are you hungry at all? We were just about to finish breakfast so you can come help until Soonyoung is ready?” You nodded softly which made him smile. Joshua led you to the kitchen by hovering an arm over your shoulder, using his other hand to keep away the others who were still staring you down. “Ignore them,” he whispered once he sensed your discomfort, “they’re just being nosey.” You walked with him to the kitchen, the smell of food making your mouth water and your tail sway. You hadn’t had a proper meal in so long so the smell was heavenly. There were two others in the kitchen with you, both of them turning to glance at you for a moment while still focusing on what they were doing. At least they weren’t staring you down like everyone else.  
“Here sit down,” Joshua urged as he pulled up a chair that allowed you to watch them without being in the way, “do you need water or anything?” You shook your head which made him laugh a bit, “You don’t talk very much do you?”
“She may just be shy, we can be pretty intimidating,” the one closest to him teased before looking at you, “I’m Mingyu by the way, the one over there is Jun-hyung.” Jun looked up long enough to smile at you but didn’t say anything. You muttered their names a bit under your breath in an attempt to remember them, though trying to recall the names of 13 people would probably give you quite a headache.
You watched them cook in silence, occasionally perking up to see what they were doing or when something smelled particularly good. The guys noticed and would laugh at your cute antics, occasionally muttering a soft “cute” or asking you questions to try to engage you. Jun also managed to sneak you a few tastes of meat as a “quality check” which annoyed Joshua a bit but he didn’t comment on it. Soonyoung appeared right when they were getting everything ready to serve. Immediately he made his way over to you, placing his hand on your shoulder.
“There you are Y/N, I was wondering where you ran off to,” he said. You giggled and made a low humming noise as he scratched at your head.
“Don’t worry she was keeping us company,” Joshua assured, the others nodding. You couldn’t see Soonyoungs expression but he was smiling wider than humanly possible that you were getting along with some of the members. If they liked you, then maybe they would let you stay. That was the plan at least.
Breakfast was awkward though as all of the members began piling into the kitchen. Feeling crowded, you stayed hidden behind Soonyoung the entire time. You clung to him like your life depended on it, occasionally peeking over his shoulder or reaching around to grab food before retreating to hide behind him again. Any time one of them tried to talk to you, you could only answer with short answers or not at all due to nerves. Soonyoung and Joshua tried to direct some of the attention off of you to make you more comfortable but it only did so much. On the bright side, you were slowly beginning to learn who the rest of the guys were, taking notes of certain features to try and memorize who was who. It was after everyone had cleaned up and left to do their own thing that Seungcheol approached you and Soonyoung.
“I hate to bring things down, but we should probably start heading to the shelter,” he said, albeit a bit cautiously. Both of you visibly deflated which caused him to sigh, “Remember what we talked about last night, either way we would need to go and you know that.” Soonyoung sighed and nodded, trying to stand up only for you to latch onto his arm. You didn’t want to go to the shelter, you wanted to stay. What if they decided that they didn’t want you and left you there? The thought made you tear up a bit as you clung to him.
“Do we really have to go?” you pleaded, “I don’t want to go back to the shelter, I want to stay with you!” Soonyoung frowned and softened at your actions, gently shaking you off his arm before hugging you gently. Seungcheol stayed quiet and stared at you both awkwardly, not knowing how to feel about this whole thing. Of course he felt bad for you seeing how attached you seem to be already, and he had told Soonyoung they’d think about adopting you. However they were idols and could barely take care of themselves at times. In the rare chance that you were a stray, how were they supposed to manage you living with them? Financial and time factors set aside, you would have to learn to get along with 13 housemates with different personalities. There was no way that would be a good idea.
“It’ll be quick Kitty I promise,” Soonyoung assured, shushing you and petting your hair to calm you down. Seungcheol sighed and glanced out the window before returning his attention back to the two of you. Why did this have to be so complicated?
“We just need to make sure you’re alright,” he assured, smiling at you softly. That seemed to convince you and you nodded softly. Keeping a grip on Soonyoungs hand, you followed the two of them out of the dorm and out to the waiting car.
Stepping into the shelter gave you major flashbacks, shrinking behind both males as you approached the counter. A bit of talking and a few questions for Soonyoung and you were reluctantly being led into the back where the hybrid rooms were. You were directed into the closest one, taking a seat on the freshly made cot and staring at the wall as you were examined. “Alright, I just need to ask you a few questions and we’ll be done, okay?” the shelter tech asked. You nodded softly, not taking your attention off the wall as you answered to the best of your abilities.
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The whole chair was basically shaking with Soonyoung as he bounced his leg impatiently. Seungcheol was beside him and trying to distract him with small talk but gave up and decided to play on his phone instead. Every what-if question was running through Soonyoungs head as he tried to prepare for the worst case scenario while also hoping for the best.
The younger practically leaped out of his seat when the tech walked into the room, bowing softly to them both before taking a seat at the desk.
“You guys are here regarding Y/N correct?” they asked, humming when the males nodded, “were you interested in a potential adoption or just surrendering her to us?”
“Adoption!” Soonyoung perked up before Seungcheol could say anything, causing the older to groan. The tech gave them a confused look before continuing.
“Well if you are interested in an adoption it is possible. Our records indicate her last home surrendered ownership a few weeks ago. As the one who rescued her you would have the rights of ownership first, you would just have to fill out the paperwork and pass a few evaluations.” Soonyoung got visibly excited by this but Seungcheol decided to speak up before he could get too ahead of herself.
“What exactly would the paperwork and evaluations be?” he asked.
“Wild hybrids, especially rare breeds require a bit more special care so we need to make sure you guys would be a good match. Aside from the legal paperwork we need to assess things like financial status, home condition, and given Y/Ns condition we need to analyze her health and behavior to see if she has any special needs. Overall just to make sure that you and the hybrid will be safe and happy to prevent anything from happening.” There was silence as both males thought it over.
“How long would all of this take?” Soonyoung asked.
“Once everything is filled out probably a day or two, you guys could come back and complete the adoption process as soon as you are approved.” Soonyoungs heart dropped when he realized that meant that, no matter what, you would be stuck here for a few days. He had promised you could stay with him and he was starting to feel like he was breaking that promise. Before he could say anything though, Seungcheol was grabbing his hand and speaking again.
“We have a few roommates we need to discuss this with, could we come back tomorrow to fill everything out if we decide to?” He asked. Getting the confirmation that they could, he thanked the tech before walking out. Easier said than done though as he had to drag out a protesting Soonyoung. The younger male whining and pulling against his leader as he kept muttering his promise that he would come back as if you would be able to hear him.
“Stay strong Y/N, I promise I’ll be back soon!”
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Taglist:  @jhuily @feedthefandoms995 @hosh1kwon @heyyheli   @symptoms-of-moonlight @sohnfile @lilactangerine @chxrrypxp @heesung-lover686 @joshuahxgf @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh @ssamie @calumsfringe @cchewhaz​ (retagging from original upload)
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349 notes · View notes
togetherasone · 10 months
Pairing: Terzo x Fem!Reader.
Summary: You're having fun with your Sisters of Sin — well, in fact, watching them having fun — when Terzo decides to bring the fun to you. Or the one where Terzo wants to celebrate the Impera Release Ritual in a more... Private way...
Word count: 3k
Notes: This is a repost since I moved from my old to a new blog! I've said it all before! Keep in mind that English isn't my first language. Sorry in advance for any mistakes. Enjoy!
Warnings: Strictly 18+, I don’t want minors interacting with this post! You'll be blocked if you do so! Kind of established relationship, mutual masturbation, vaginal fingering, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, swearing, drinking.
If you prefer to read it on AO3, here it is!
If you want to take a look at my other writings, here they are!
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Discover what happened before!
A gloved hand pulled a couple of grapes from the bunch, and you averted your gaze upwards in order to identify the thief. Terzo. He stood behind the armchair you occupied. His left arm had been propped on the top of its backrest, and the right one guided the grapes to his mouth. After eating them, he lowered his head and intently observed you. You marvelled at the view above you. At the farthest corner of the room, the chandelier dimly illuminated your surroundings, but it beautifully drew patterns of light and shadow upon the left side of his features, allowing you to admire them. Black locks, heterochromatic eyes – oh, those beautiful eyes –, long lashes, delicate nose, sculpted cheekbones, plump lips, sharp jawline. An angel. Terzo was an angel.
He featherily caressed your right cheek, eliciting a sigh from your lips. With your eyes closed, you basked in the softness of the fabric of the glove on your skin. So much that a sharp tingle descended from your nucha to your back. You offered the remaining grapes to him and finished the fourth glass of wine. Then, you slowly pushed your body up from the armchair.
"Are you leaving already, sister?"
"No, I need another glass of wine. Mine is empty," you explained as you showed her the empty glass.
Secondo glanced at you, then at Terzo, but remained silent. What would he say when he, himself, had a Sister of Sin around his neck? She sat on the armrest of the armchair Secondo occupied, and her right arm rested on his left shoulder, but her right hand had slipped inside his button-up shirt.
"Good night, fratello," Terzo playfully smirked at Secondo as he sucked the last grapes from the bunch into his mouth.
You wandered to one of the console tables and grabbed your fifth glass of wine, but the same gloved hand stopped you. The dark liquid menacingly danced inside the glass.
"Ah, mia cara," Terzo whispered against your ear. His breath tickled your skin, and his voice enticed your every nerve of your body. "Would you mind sharing it with me? I guess we should both stay minimally sober. I want to remember the noises that will escape from your lips in the morning, and you want to remember what caused them, si?"
He slowly slid his left hand down your forearm and delicately took the glass of wine from your grip. You turned your head to him and observed him sip the wine with the corner of your eyes. Again, he intently observed you from the edge of the glass. At the same time, his right hand firmly grasped yours and teasingly placed it on his erection.
Your heart missed a beat, and your eyes widened. Terzo softly grunted – a faint "Mmm..." resonated against you ear. He had to fight the urge to buckle his hips against the palm of your hand with every fiber of his body. Suddenly, the temperature of the room became nearly unbearable as though you had willingly dived in a volcano, and your skin prickled in excitement. So did his.
You descended the steps that would lead you from the Great Hall to the vast corridor in which the IMPERA Release Ritual had happened. It was eerily quiet compared to the Great Hall. The buzz of laughter and conversation echoed around the vast corridor of the Ministry.
Terzo watched your figure move before him, undressing you with his heterochromatic eyes. The Sister of Sin habit hid the curves of your body, but he remembered all of its details. He remembered how his hands perfectly fitted around your neck, how his chest tightly pressed against your back, how his fingers delicately caressed your ass. How his cock wonderfully stretched your cunt. He remembered how you writhed in pleasure underneath him, how you kneaded on his skin, how you kissed his lips. How you breathlessly gasped when you fell over the precipice of pleasure.
Terzo sighed. Couldn't wait anymore, couldn't control his desire. Wouldn't control his desire. Could fuck you against those pristine marble walls. Ruin your habit with his cum. He sipped the wine in an attempt to drown the anticipation that had been increasingly tugging at his lower abdomen.
But it was useless.
"Hey..." Terzo whispered. You turned to him with an inquiring expression on your face, but continued walking backwards. "C'mere."
You stopped walking for him to reach you, and, when he did, he pressed his body against yours – right arm wrapped around your waist and left leg slotted between your legs – and pushed you against the nearest wall. Abruptly. Wine spilled from the glass over his gloves and over your habit. The impact against the wall mixed with the cold liquid spreading over your chest through he fabric of your habit elicited an involuntary grunt from your lips.
"Pardon me."
You couldn't care less.
All that mattered in that moment was the fact that he was all over the place. And it was intoxicating. In a good way. His fingers kneaded your skin, his cock pressed your hips, his leg grazed your cunt, and his lips were, oh, mere inches apart. Your breaths mixed together in the space between them, but you daren't move. Neither did he.
You silently took the glass of wine from his grip, took a sip from it and brought the gloved hand with the wine stain to your lips. Terzo gulped when your tongue teasingly licked the fabric a few times before taking his thumb inside your mouth. The texture was foreign, but the act was arousing. To you both. Terzo nearly came at the sight of you. Again, he softly grunted. And this time, since you were alone in the corridor, he needn't fight the urge to buckle his hips. So he did, eliciting a hum from you.
Terzo was mesmerized. As you slowly bobbed your head, his slender fingers repeatedly grazed your cheek. That is, until he hooked his thumb to your mouth, pulled your face closer and slid the finger out of your mouth, which rested on your chin, holding your head in place. Nonetheless, he kept your mouth busy. A chaste kiss lost all its innocence in miliseconds, once your tongues mixed and smeared saliva across lips and chins. In the meanwhile, his fingers, then, descended to your neck and closed around it. A moan rumbled in your throat.
For a while, your ears solely registered the obscene friction between saliva-smeared lips, the accelerated respiratory rate and the breathy grunts. Terzo interrupted the kiss. Desperation had been imprinted on your face. He sensed you gulp under his hand and chuckled before he pressed his lips against you ear. "Let me have you, amorina."
You followed him to his chambers like a sunflower follows the Sun. Unconciously. You needn't guidance, no. The path to his chambers, in fact, had been engraved on your mind from the countless times in which, invited by him, you had crossed the moonlit corridors of the Ministry that led to his chambers.
The room was dark, except for the orange flames of the fire dancing in the fireplace and the silver patches of moonlight cascading through the tall windows. You distinguished the outline of the furniture. The coffee table, the lounge chair, the armchairs, the bed, the shelf. The warmth radiating from the fireplace engulfed your body, and a hum of pure contentment escaped from your lips.
After the door clicked close and locked behind you, the shadow of Terzo silently approached you. Your mind registered the thud of his steps towards you, muffled by the rug. His white eye eerily shone in the dark, glued to the shadow of you. Hungry like a wolf. Again, for a while, your ears solely registered the sinful noise of wet tongues and moist lips moving against each other.
"Let me finish the wine," he gulped the drink down, shifted and stretched the upper portion of his body, and abandoned the glass on the mantelpiece of the fireplace beside the glass of water. Then, he pecked your lips. "And let me take your habit off, dolce," Terzo whispered against your lips. "You must be cold because of the wine. Again, pardon me for–"
You smiled, "How, amore mio?"
Your eyes met his, and your smile widened for he revelled in the nickname – his lips had shyly twitched in a smile. Your right hand rested on the left side of his face, thumb lovingly caressing his cheek and fingers softly entangling in his dark locks. At the same time, your left hand slid under his right arm and up his back.
"How am I cold?" You mouthed against his neck, kissing, licking, biting. The muscles of his neck gleefully spasmed at the stimuli. A trail of saliva had been carefully drawn on his skin, glistening under the dim light. Oh, you should be an artist. You revelled on your masterpiece as you lifted your habit and placed his hand on your cunt. "How am I cold?"
Terzo exhaled through a smile. His fingers rubbed your pussy over the fabric of your panties. Even though a double layer of fabric separated his fingers from it – his glove and your panties –, he felt its warmth. Your eyes met. Desire burnt inside them. It actually seemed the heat in the room radiated from your bodies, not from the fireplace. Well, you and him had bought a one-way ticket to Hell and would willingly burn together in Sin Land.
Terzo raised his eyebrows in a silent inquire. The rollecoaster was about to leave. And you definitely had no intention of missing the ride.
"Take my fucking habit off, please. Please."
A sharp tingle burnt in his lower abdomen at the plea. "Your wish is my command, signorina."
In a matter of, uh, a minute, because there were way too many layers of clothing for desperate, therefore uncoordinated, hands to fumble with, you were solely on your undergarments. Bedazzled, Terzo kneeled in front of you.
He featherly kissed your skin. Lips traveled across your lower abdomen and to your upper tights as hands traveled down your lower back and to your ass, touching, caressing, kneading, squeezing, scratching everywhere. The softness of the gloves on your skin constrasted with the fierceness of his gestures. And you enjoyed it. A lot.
"Lie on the bed, si?" he whispered against your skin.
You complied. He followed you. On the way to the bed, adrenaline filled your bloodstreams as your tongues mingled and teeth clicked. You sucked his bottom lip into your mouth, and the intensity of the kiss escalated. So much that you and him stumbled, you backwards and him forwards.
You crawled on the bed. Soft grunts escaped from your lips as you moved together. Terzo slotted himself between your legs, propping his left forearm on the matress. In the meanwhile, he had abandoned his gloves, his tailcoat jacket and his shoes on the rug. His right hand slid between your bodies and inside your panties. You involuntarily gasped at the contact of his skin against yours. Now, no layer of fabric separated his fingers from your pussy, and he felt its wetness with delight, slick gathering on his slender fingers, which kept a steady pace.
Your fingers carded through his hair. You revelled in the softness of the strands gliding between your fingers. Terzo whimpered amidst the kiss as a sharp tingle pleasurably descended from his nucha to his back as you softly fisted and scratched his scalp.
He prodded at your entrance, and, in response, you buckled against his hand. He took that as a green light and inserted his middle finger inside. Slow and steady. Your muscles involuntarily clenched around his finger, promptly protesting against the intrusion, and your breath hitched.
"Is this okay?"
"Yes, Papa."
Terzo groaned at the title. It certainly fueled his ego. And his desire. So much that he rutted his his hips against yours. His erection poked your thigh, and even his own hand, depending on the angle with which he moved. Heat, and along with it, redness ascended from his chest to his neck.
He heavily breathed against your neck, drooling on your skin. Dark locks tickled your face. You wanted to watch his face beautifully contorting in pleasure, so your right hand fisted a bunch of locks and pulled his face from your neck – a string of saliva connected his lips to your neck. The moan it elicited from Terzo must have been the hottest you had ever heard. It was loud, and desperate, and long, and needy, and... Beautifully unholy. But the icing on the cake was the fact that it quavered when he rutted his hip against yours. That would replay in your mind for days on end. During meals, masses, seminars. Whenever.
Your heart missed a beat, your breath hitched, and your hips jerked.
Terzo breathlessly laughed, "Do you get off on it?"
For a millisecond, your eyes met, but the fact that he had noticed the effect his noises had on you made you feel embarrassed. Your face burnt in shame, and you avoided his eyes, fixing yours on the chandelier above you.
"Tell me," Terzo heavily breathed against your ear. "How many times have you touched yourself at the thought of me moaning and grunting and breathing against your skin, a-ah," he gasped as he rutted against the knuckles of the hand in your panties, "Like this?"
You gulped, "I-I always do, Papa."
Terzo fondly smiled, "Look at me, sorella. Can I add another finger?"
Your hand blindly searched for the zipper in his pants and slowly pulled it down, snaking inside his boxers to pump his cock, "You can fuck me."
A sparkle crossed his eyes as he hungrily admired you. He slid his finger out of you and held your face with the same hand, which glistened under the quavering light of the fireplace, slick with your lubrication juices. "Get on your knees."
You happily complied. Terzo shoved his socks, his pants and his underwear on the ground, unbuttoning his button-up shirt. The mattress moved behind your body, and anticipation tugged at your lower abdomen.
A pair of hands carressed your ass, "So beautiful."
He slotted his body behind yours, and his cock brushed against your pussy. You bit your bottom lip to prevent any noise from escaping as Terzo wrapped his right hand around your neck and pulled your back against his chest. Your head rested on his shoulder, giving him full access to your collarbones, your shoulder and your neck, and your hands grasped his waist. "So beautiful," he whined against your ear.
Terzo took his time to tease you. And he seemed to enjoy it. To enjoy watching you crumble under his touch. More than he should. He slid his hand up your neck in a position that allowed him to slide his index finger inside your mouth. You impatiently hummed around his finger, but Terzo gleefully laughed. Then, he kissed your neck as he slid his left hand down your belly to your cunt. You gasped at the harsh contact of his hand against it, wrapping your left hand around his wrist.
"Yes, mia cara?"
"Please, p-please."
"Be patient, si? My finger is in your mouth to keep it occupied and you, quiet," he bit your neck.
You huffed at his answer. His cock was so close, sliding between your folds, but never entering you. Frustration boiled inside your body.
"Am I not touching you?"
"Am I not giving what you want?"
You gulped, "N-No."
He squeezed your throat, shivering at the sight of you, "No?"
"I want–"
Terzo wrapped his hand around yours and guided it to his cock, whining at your touch. You swear to Satan your body would explode in frustation if Terzo had kept that stupid game for a second more. You hazzily laughed. Relief washed over your body, and you relaxed against his chest.
"What do you want?"
You squeezed his cock in response. His hips stuttered as he slowly fucked your hand. Even tough he tried to prevent a whine from escaping from his lips, it was impossible. It reached your ears. Low, desperate. Needy. He nearly lost his composure. Your hands felt heavenly good around him and the truth was that he would cum as soon as his cock stretched you open.
Terzo was so lost in pleasure that he automatically thrusted in your hand – his face burying in your neck, breath hitching in his throat, hands kneading your skin. Taking advantage of that, you lined his cock up with your entrance so that, with the next thrust, he would enter you. Which he did, and your bodies collapsed against the mattress.
"O-Oh, damn it," He desperately cried out against your back, "Fuck, fuck, fuck. A-Ah, shit!"
Your right hand reached for him. For anything. Your fingers ended up wrapping around his hair – you had to admit the position was, uh, umconfortable, but you needed to feel him – as he blindly thrusted in you, incoherently babbling. Well, you were not different. Your head seemed empty. Mind completely blank. All that mattered was Terzo. Terzo. Terzo.
He lazily pushed himself up. Hands squeezed your thighs, harshly pulling your ass to meet his hips. Skin slapped against skin. You shivered at the coldness caused by the loss of contact between his chest and your back. His cock deliciously stretched your cunt, steadily brushing against your walls. The knot forming in your lower abdomen tightened. Tightened. Tightened.
You reached for him. Terzo helped you push yourself up, wrapping his arms around your body. You turned your head to kiss him. It was messy, and your neck hurt, but nothing mattered. You were intoxicated by him.
You bodies merged into one, a mess of whines, moans, pants, cries. Of sweat, lust, anticipation, desperation. Of sin. Oh, of delicious sin. The rollecoaster had dropped, and the thrill of the drop shook your bones.
Terzo obscenely moaned against your lips and you answered. A unison of voices rising in the thick atmosphere. You came undone before him, babbling, melting, crying. Clenching deliciously around his cock.
"F-Fuck," he hissed, eyes rolling up in sheer pleasure, and continued to thrust in your pussy through your orgasm. When pain threatened to settle in, and you threatened to cross the line between pleasure and overstimulation, Terzo followed you. His hands tightly pressed your body against his as you kissed his jawline and buried your hands in his hair.
"Oh, baby..." you silently whined against his skin as his seed coated your walls.
He tiredly smiled against your lips. "Fucking Hell, amore mio. You have face-paint all over your body."
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neptuniadoesstuff · 13 days
Abalos the Silly Fezar Mynk | Mini Ref
(TW/CW: Scarring, Amputation, Bl00d, & a severed hand that's bl33ding)
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A silly Lil mini ref of a Mynk Lady I made for my frend @stridesthroughashes,
& yes this is indeed... a full body ref.. I was too lazy to actually uh... Draw her work clothing (which is also her everyday clothes)
Now she originally was gonna be green (bcs of Quexlotl (I can't spell the poor goof's name, all you know she should've been based on that Aztec serpent God), bur I decided to make her orange bcs... Dunes... Sand? & Abalos is another word for Dune (I think) (Idk her name was smtn I looked up in names based on deserts & saw Abalos & thought that was neat).
Now the whole outcast thing.... (Bcs in her lore she's a outcast in her kind)... I imagine her actually being born in the Air Quad (Ærúsah) since the uh... stigma of Nils being useless & lesser beings still exist there (sadly)... & the only true Fezar Mynk she met was her mother. Although I'm not sure thos will be canon but that's rlly up too Ashe to decide... Bcs this IS their OC. (Even though I made her, they own her)
Character: Abalos Qeuxol "WanderTrak" (Made by me but owned by my frend Ashe aka @stridesthroughashes.
Art: Mine
Program: IbisPaint x
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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seth-silver-ink · 4 months
Since we have a few sideblogs now I guess I should actually get around to making the new main pin-
Hello and Welcome!!!
We are a DID system! We have 6-7 co-pilots [the most frequently fronting alters].
Alexsandr(💙), Alice(💖)[aka Toga/Togs], and myself (💚)[Sebastián/Seth] are the ones who are usually fronting in general.
The body is 24!
This is my main blog, but the only things I throw here are sonic related.
We mostly write. We love our friends [found family]. Mostly just here to have a good time and relax. Writing & interacting with whatever gives us the good brain chemicals is what gets us through working two jobs 6-7 days a week 😭
Below are most of our sideblogs and such ^_^
@seth-shitposts is where I'm most active, Lexie also uses it a lot because it's where general things and all things Star Wars related goes.
@alice-golden-pink is Alice's blog. She loves to repost photos, moodboards, quotes, aesthetics, etc.
@to-be-kind-takes-work is one of Lexie's blog, but Alice will often throw things over there as well. It's mostly a mental wellness blog, a safe space. A lot of psychology & educational stuff. Pretty positive.
@learning-sewing-stuff is a side blog where all three of us throw sewing things. We enjoy cross stitching a lot, I'm learning embroidery, and I wanna learn how to sew clothing & bags >:]
@system-of-storms is a side blog of Lexie's more geared toward system stuff and psychology stuff. I'm thinking of moving our System Chat Posts to there. And just random day to day things as well. I'll check in with Lex on that.
@complimentary-commenting is mostly dedicated to ao3 commenting. More for personal use for us to expand our compliments to the chefs.
@swfanficwriter is dedicated to making a pool of star wars references, metas, analysts, and such.
@lexi-lexicon-and-archive is one of Alex's sideblogs, mostly for writing stuff. I think 90% of it is writing prompts.
@parenting-with-kindness is yet another Lexie sideblog. It's purpose is for pooling information on children, raising them, gentle parenting, and learning how to re-parent yourself.
@jedi-core is a sideblog of mine & Lexie's about The Force, Jedi, & Sith of star wars. Re want to get a better grasp on it and decided to make a sideblog lmao
@rise-of-a-morningstar is our sideblog for Helluverse. Mostly just to cultivate our own little corner in the fandom.
Don't be afraid to come visit us at any of these. Not all of them are active all the time, but we're about to start being a bit more intentional with using em.
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: Working and single parenting is not easy. Andy needs to find a nanny for his son Jacob. Annie, an education degree student at Lasell University, comes to their lives just in time for the big changes in Andy’s life.
Warnings: cursing, cheating, violence
A/N: I did my research, so you can know the distances. Lasell University is in Auburndale that is 5 min away from Newton and 15 min away from Boston, both driving nonstop and without traffic. Walking from Auburndale to Newton will be 48 minutes…or that’s what google said hahahaha. Also, this chapter has violence that could be triggering for some people. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
Word count: 2021
GIF not mine, if it is yours let me know so I can give you credit :)
It was almost summer break. It was a typical Thursday afternoon. The weather outside was warm and sunny. Jake and Annie were in the backyard playing to be the Avengers, she was always the bad guy and Jake loved to save the world as Captain America. It was just 5:30 when the front door opened, Andy could hear Jake’s laugh on the back yard. He walked to the back door and saw Jake and Annie jumping on the trampoline. Andy leaned against the door frame watching them play, Annie was wearing a beautiful pink sundress and once in a while she let herself fall for Jake to catch her. She grabbed Jake by his ribs and tickle him, making Jake kicked and squawked. Annie looked up and saw Andy staring at them.
“You’re early.” Annie mentioned. She and Jake climbed down the trampoline.
“We didn’t have much to do at the office, they send me home. You can leave if you want, or you can stay and have ice cream with us.”
“Yeah! Ice cream!” Jake run to his dad.
“Thanks,” she put her sandals on, “but I could use the time to check some things for my exams next week.”
“Are you sure? Is Chocolate ice cream?” Andy said while they got in the house.
“If you give Jake that flavor now,” She whispered in his ear sending him shivers down his spine, “you won’t be able to put him to bed later tonight.”
“I think I can handle him.”
“And is cute that you think you can Mr. Barber.” She winked at him.
Annie grabbed her bag, got in the car and headed to the library. She was on her way to the campus, when she changed her mind. Daniel has been telling her nonstop they didn’t spend time together lately, that he missed her and since she was free for now, decided to surprise him.
She parked her car and climbed the stairs of her building. She carefully opened the door, making sure not to make noise to surprise his boyfriend. As she walked to the bedroom she listened soft moaning, panthing and grunting, the closer she got the stronger they became.  The door of the bedroom was opened and there it was Daniel on top of a blonde girl trusting hard into her; Annie froze, watching how his boyfriend was fucking another girl in the bed they shared.
“Are… you sure…no one… will… bother us?” the blonde girl asked him with each trust.
“Mmhm… my roommate is not here till 7:30…”
Annie screamed at the couple, both Daniel and the girl jumped off the bed.
“Babe! Is not what you think!”
“Babe?!” the girl said looking at Daniel.
Daniel stand covering his erection with the pillow walking to her trying to hold her.
She turned around to leave the apartment but Daniel followed her.
“Babe, please! Don’t leave! Let me explain! I love you! You are my girl…”
She didn’t finish the sentence, lifted her hand and slapped him hard on the face, leaving a mark on his check. Daniel stood there looking at her with an angry expression and said nothing, Annie turned around, took her bag and keys, and left the building. It wasn’t until she was in her car she noticed she was crying, she didn’t know if she was sad or angry, maybe both, the only thing she knew was she needed to be far away from there. Annie started the engine of her car and drove until she was outside his brother’s house in Boston. As soon as the door open and saw her brother she broke down.
“I thought he loved me… I thought he was the one!”
“Shhh, breath. He is an asshole honey, he doesn’t deserve you.” his brother told her while rubbing her back.
“He said I was just his roommate!” Annie kept sobbing.
“Don’t yell, you’re gonna wake Denisse up. You are welcome to stay you know that.”
“I can’t I have school tomorrow and the exams are next week.”
“And where are you gonna stay?”
After Annie left his brother’s house, she went straight to Sharon’s apartment, she told her what happened and Sharon told her she could stay there until she found a new place to live. Since Sharon already had a roommate, Annie had to sleep on the couch, and she wasn’t going to complain about it. The next day Mark found out what happened and he was fuming; he never liked Daniel, he thought he was a controller and in general a jerk, and once he heard what he did to his friend he hated him even more. Later that Friday, Sharon and Mark went to her house to pick some things for her, some books, her iPad, her computer and some clothing.
“Where is she?!” Daniel asked them as soon as they were inside the apartment.
They ignored him, took a bag and threw her stuff in it.
“I’m fucking talking to you!” Daniel yelled, “Tell me where the fuck my girlfriend is?!”
“Your girlfriend?? Mark stood in front of him, “After what you did to her, she is not your girlfriend anymore.”
“I need to talk to her, I have to explain”
“Explain what?!” Sharon snapped, “How you cheated on her? Cuz she already saw it! There is no need to explain that!
“You’re an asshole and you’re always will be, I’m glad she notice in time what kind of man you truly are.” Both Sharon and Mark headed to the door, “oh! And she said you have to stop calling her.”
Annie spend the entire weekend crying, every time she thought about Daniel she could only see the image of him on top of that girl, and we can add the fact that she was also stressed because of her finals so she was barely sleeping. She looked like a zombie, and felt gloomy but she had to put on a smile for Jake while taking care of him, it wasn’t the kid’s fault her life was falling apart, so she acted like everything was ok.
It was a Wednesday, Annie and Jake where in his room playing with some of his hot wheels, when Jake stood up and ran to the bathroom. She was alone and all of the sudden everything came back to her, Daniel, the exams, the lack of sleep. Annie started sobbing harder and harder, she could barely breathe; when Jake came back she found Annie covering her face, shaking and crying uncontrollably.
“Annie?” She looked at Jake, her face wet because of her tears. “no… no cry” Jake hugged her and patted her in the back.
“I’m sorry sweetie… I’m…”
“No cry” he hugged her thither.
Little by little Annie calmed down, she took a deep breath and saw Jake, who was worried and teary.
“I’m so sorry Jake”
“Why you cry?”
“Cuz I’m sad and tired… and...”
“Not be sad,” Jake walked to his bed and picked up his teddy bear, “here, he take care of you.”
“Thank you” Annie laughed.
“Come” Jake took her hand and made her stand. They walked to the bed and Jake patted his mattress, “you here”
“Jake I don’t fit in your bed”
“Yes, you are”
Annie shook her head and laid on Jake’s bed holding the teddy bear. She made herself comfortable laying on her side in fetal position, otherwise she wouldn’t fit on the bed. Jake went to his small bookcase and grabbed a book.
“I read story, and you slepf.”
“You don’t know how to read”
“Yes, I am, I’m big boy!”
“hahahaha alright, read to me.”
The book didn’t even have words, there were just images but Jake did his best to tell a story for her to sleep.
“Onces upon da times, was a princess named Annie…” Annie closed her eyes focusing on Jake’s voice.
Once Jake finished “reading” his story, he looked down and saw his nanny was sleeping peacefully, he took his blue blanket, put it over her shoulders, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He stood up, grabbed some toys and went downstairs to play.
Around 7:30 Andy arrived, the house was complete silent, the lights were off and there was no smell of food around.
“Jake?” Andy walked to the kitchen “Annie?”
Jake came running touching his lips with his small finger.
“Hi buddy, what are you doing?”
“shhhh, I playing da shhh game.” He whispered.
“Really? Why?”
“Annie is sleeping”
“shhhhh!” Jake said with no patience.
“Alright shhhh, where is she?”
Jake walked to the stairs and pointed up, Andy hold Jake on his arms and went upstairs, Jake’s door was slightly opened.
“Annie cry, daddy” Andy looked at his son confused.
“Do you know why?”
“Sad,” Jake thought a little bit more, “stress?” he shrugged
“Ok, let’s try not to make noise ok?” Jake nodded and put his kid on the floor.
“Go to my room Jake” The kid ran to the other bedroom.
Andy walked in the bedroom, and sat on the little space there was on the bed, he could see the puffiness in her eyes but in general she seemed relaxed. He knew she was taking her finals so maybe she was just having a tough week. Andy touched her cheek with the back of his fingers and she smiled on her sleep, which made him smiled as well.
“Annie?” Andy kept stroking her cheek, “Annie, honey, wake up.”
Her eyes fluttered open, Andy was a blurry image, she closed her eyes again and heard Andy laughed a little. This time she opened her eyes and saw Andy clearly.
“Oh my god!” She stood up quickly. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!”
“Hey, it’s ok” Andy said with amusement once he saw the mark of the pillow on her cheek.
“What time is it?
“Ammm,” Andy looked at his watch “It’s 7:35”
“I didn’t make you dinner,” She was freaking out. Never, in all of her time of being a babysitter, she had fallen asleep while working.
“Don’t worry about it” Andy stood up “Did you sleep well?”
Annie turned around and headed to the stairs, she almost tripped and fall if it wasn’t because Andy grabbed her by the arm, and pulled her against his chest.
“Alright stop!” their faces were closed, “Calm down, so you fell asleep, is not a big deal.”
“I’m sorry” her eyes became watery, “I’m truly sorry” she started sobbing and Andy wrapped his arms around her, and she buried her face on his chest, she could smell his cologne, and he could felt how tense she was.
“Wanna tell me what’s wrong?” she shook her head, “Are you stressed?” Annie nodded, “Why?”
“I don’t wanna lose my scholarship” she lift her head, “and I feel I did terrible on my exams.”
She wasn’t lying, but she didn’t tell him about everything she was going through.
“I’m sure you did well, you are very smart,” Andy rubbed her back, “Don’t worry about dinner.”
“How can I not be worried?!!” she let go of his embrace, “You pay me for it! And I fell asleep while I was supposed to be taking care of Jake!”
“Well, we can always have pizza or Chinese” Andy said putting his hands on his pockets.
“Why are you not angry?!” Annie said annoyed.
“Cuz you are upset,” Andy grabbed her chin up, her brown honey eyes were red “and last time you were upset and I was angry I fired you remember?”
Annie nodded and looked at her feet, “So,” Andy continued, “Since I really don’t want to fire you; I need you to go home and rest. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He gave her a peck on the cheek and walked out of Jake’s room leaving Annie alone. She touched her cheek, a faded smiled appeared on her lips, took a deep breath and left for the night.
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tainted-well · 1 year
Warframe Story, Introduction
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About a half a year ago I found this most useful post on r/Warframe: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/w14e47/warframe_story_campaign_guide_for_beginners_and/ Unfortunately after the Reddit blackout this post is not available anymore, so I decided to copy all the info (praise Unum it was saved in web.archive) and make some additions for players, who (like me) have already done some non-replayable quests. Quest names are highlighted in bold, my commentaries are marked with TW and highlighted in italic. Screenshots are also mine, from my early Warframe days.
Also I strongly advise you (if you are doing replays) to open your settings menu - social - creator mode. This mode hides some minor spoilers, unfortunately it can’t return some zones to their previous state.
Please note if you are replaying quests, sometimes initial and final quest messages aren’t send to your mail, so I suggest you look for them in warframe wiki quest transcripts.
--- (original post starts here)
With Veilbreaker and Duviri on the way I thought it would be good to give the new players (and old ones that missed the stuff) a guide for story campaign. This guide focuses on making a cohesive story to go through on your way to The New War, as after that it’s much more cohesive by itself.
This isn't a story guide on the history of events but trying to make sense of what's in the game at with the state it's in as much as possible. There are some bad omissions in game atm, most of which concern Alad V and other events, and since other early game stuff was mostly in events, a lot of context and motivation is missing early game, which is another big hurdle for the beginner experience.
I will supplement missing info with videos or other stuff to make it more or less understandable. Some of these are made by me to supplement some other stuff. Huge thanks to Orokin Archives and people that recorded the intros for events in the videos.
DISCLAIMER: This guide is focusing primarily on story and not about getting loot. In fact, some of the guide pretty much is against getting some loot till the time needed (biggest notable thing is Deadlock Protocol being delayed a lot). The idea is to create a sense of progression and logic in the story. Feel free to do side objectives and farming at your leisure.
Several activities should be done only after “unlocking” it with the perquisite quest (Infested invasions, Nightmare missions, Grineer vs Corpus invasions, Void Fissure missions, Vey Hek assassinate, The Index).
Quests that are not affected by this list: Howl of the Kubrow (but recommended to do after Phobos once you can go to the Void), A Man of Few Words (just do it when you unlock Uranus), Hidden Messages, The Limbo Theorem, Sands of Inaros, The Silver Grove and Octavia's Anthem (but imo both should be done directly after the Second Dream), Mask of the Revenant, The Waverider (can be done after Heart of Deimos to make sense), The Jordas Precept (pretty much should be done about the time you unlock Eris).
--- (original post ends here)
UPD. I’ve just got the permission of the post owner, u/DarthGiorgi, to repost its contents in my tumblr blog.
Links to all posts:
Warframe Story, Introduction
Warframe Story, Act I: Awakening
Warframe Story, Act II: Escalation
Warframe Story, Act III: Turmoil
Warframe Story, Act IV: Prelude to War
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thepilotdogee · 1 year
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Reposting this comic for more visibility. My blog was caught in Tumblr’s spam filters & I was told its been fixed. So I’m testing to see if this comic will show up in the tags. 
In Deltarune, it is said that Asriel once sang in Hometown's church choir. Here is my depiction of said choir singing at church, and what happens when you apply said church choir to my silly AU... Notes: Originally the song the chorus sang was an existing church song called Holy Holy Holy by Reginald Heber (1826) . The original version can be still seen here: Choirboy: Part 1 (Normal Route) : Undertale (reddit.com) I switched it to another song because it seems whatever religion Hometown revolves around, its citizens worship the Angel in the Deltarune emblem. I tried to find a good song that would fit Monsterkind's worship of the angel but I had no luck. So instead I decided to try something a bit crazier; use The Legend of the Deltarune song adaptations from Youtube. I found a great one from Youtube Channel Game Rec Room which you can find the song here: (2) The Legend: Deltarune the Musical Chapter 1 - YouTube I only took a piece of the song and edited the lyrics slightly, since I doubt that Hometown's citizens know the terms "Darkners" and "Lightners." From this song change, I like to think that the church has a version of the Deltarune legend that Asriel sang at one point, and Ralsei knows the Deltarune legend because of his possible link to Asriel, whatever that may possibly be. (Also looking forward to this crackpot theory of mine to age terribly, lol)
Edit: I forgot to mention that the pose Asriel is in on the top panal came from the Endertale Azzy concept art here by TC-96, my bad: ET-Asriel Concept by TC-96 on DeviantArt
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mdmakki · 2 years
that boy is mine.
line up: matsukawa issei, kuroo tetsurou, tendou satori
warnings: jealousy, swearing, that’s it i think? implied alcohol consumption (in issei’s). mentions of eating (kuroo’s & tendou’s)
remember: set in timeskip, ageless and blank blogs dni or ur blocked.
note: it’s embarrassing how long it’s been since i posted and how long this has been in my drafts. but another jealous hc post cause ima sucker for them. but enjoy lol :p.
mdmakki 2022. reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated. do not repost or modify on this or any other platform.
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╰┈➤matsukawa issei
the club was somewhere you and your friends likes to call your second home. nearly every second weekend the three of you would be seen there. sometimes all staying together, other times it’d just be you and issei while makki wandered off to find his fill for the night. tonight it was the opposite. kind of. you and makki where sitting at a table while your boyfriend said he was going to for a smoke. usually he’d only be gone for 10 minutes max, but it’d definitely been longer and you started to get worried—even though your 6’3 lover could most definitely defend himself. “im going to look for issei, you coming?” leaning into makki’s ear so he could hear, your pink haired friend shook his head and said he’s gonna go look for someone.
not so stumbling, but definitely not walking straight you made your way to the smoking area to investigate the case of your missing boyfriend. even though the place was packed it wasn’t hard to spot issei, his frame towering over most the people there. and when you spotted issei, you also seen a girl who you’ve never seen before, deep in conversation with him and a hand on his arm where yours usually rests. some may say it’s the alcohol, others will just say it’s the rage surging through you over seeing someone that close to your man. in just a few strides you were by issei’s side, arm around his waist and the best fake smile you could muster sitting pretty on your face.
“hi ‘sei i was getting worried, couldn’t find you in there. ah, who’s this?” once your gaze met hers the smile dropped, as did hers that she previously put on. “oh sorry baby, this is uh, what was your name again?” seeming genuinely confused or he was just a good actor issei looked expectantly at the girl. “it’s lilly, i told you like five minutes ago.” seeing the disappointment slowly spread across her face you ducked your head into issei’s side to stifle the small laugh that bubbled up. “ah yeah lilly, well this is y/n, my-” “partner, his partner.” you cut him off with a smile without looking away from, who you learned was lilly. “yeah, so i guess we better go back inside, makki’s probably lonely in there” without letting either of them say goodbyes you dragged issei back through the door.
“i need to put you on a leash i swear.” even over the loud music issei could still hear you and laughed while heartedly at your comment. “hey it’s not my fault, i guess i’m just too tall, dark and handsome.”
╰┈➤tendou satori.
you’d think with his long limbs tendou would be quick with everything he does. and usually he is, so that’s why your so confused as to why he’s been gone to pick up your takeout for nearly 15 minutes. you’d sent him a few texts asking if he’s okay and if there was a problem with the food. but no reply. deciding you’d try call him and if he didn’t pick up you would go see what’s up. and once you heard the sound of his enthusiastic voicemail you hung up and swung the car door open making your way to the small shop. but before you got in you saw the familiar sight of a bald shaved red head being thrown back with laughter.
sighing with utter relief you approached—who you hoped was satori, but who else could it be—him to see what was the hold up. once close enough you saw he was laughing along with a girl you never seen before in all the time you’ve spent in paris. “satori? there you are. i was getting worried.” turning his head quickly satori was quick to involve you in this humorous looking conversation. “y/n! sorry about that, i got caught up talking to mia here.” glancing at the girl to his left you gave a tight lipped smile, to which she gave the exact same back. insinuating you’re both thinking the same thing right now. bitch. “oh well that’s nice but our foods getting cold baby.” maybe it was just your eyes but you swore you saw her eyebrow twitch at the use of the pet name. “oh yeah our food! sorry mia but i’ve got to go, it was nice meeting you!” tendou said his farewells as you led him to the car.
once in the car tendou sat staring at you with a mischievous grin on his face. “what?” you quipped while double checking the food. “oh nothing, just,” he sniffed the air, nearly like a dog that smelt treats. “just a strong smell of jealousy in the air.” seeing your face fall into utter had satori barking out a laugh that brought tears to his eyes. “your stuck with me babe no need to worry”.
╰┈➤kuroo tetsurou
many times over the course of your relationship with kuroo, you’ve been told by countless men and women alike that he’s just oh so handsome. and of course, you agree everytime. because even though he’s smug about it, you can’t deny how perfect all his features are. and because he’s just so handsome, it’s not new to see a woman probably twice his age hanging out of his arm. it happens all the time. so much that you got used to it, but seeing the gorgeous men and women that would line up just to talk to your lover created an ugly pit in your stomach.
and of course the pit returns when you come visit him at work with food for you and him to eat on his break, a ritual you have. the older woman sitting on his desk, any closer to him and she would fall into his lap. on any other day you’d knock on his office door, but all you could see was red so knocking was not an option. “tetsu.” quick and sharp, you called your fiancé from your place at the door. kuroo quickly looked over the woman’s shoulder to see you standing, and you swore you could see a flash of relief on his face. “y/n!, i was waiting for you all morning, i missed you real bad today.” as he spoke with a kind of urgency, the cause of your irritation slowly turned to look at you, brow raised at lip curled. “oh? who’s this tetsurou?” you walked slowly into the room, approaching the desk where the two sat and stopping infront of a picture frame. a frame that held a picture of you and kuroo the day he proposed. “his fiancé, i swear i remember meeting you at the event last week, i couldn’t forget a face like yours” her eyes flicked from the frame, to your ring, your eyes then landed on kuroo, who was desperately trying to hold back a smile.
“oh yes of course,” she laughed, “of course i remember, he was just so happy when he told all of us.” beats of silence followed her response. the wide smile on her face falling. “well, that’s nice but this food smells too good to be sitting here, so if you’ll excuse us id like to have lunch with my fiancé.” she didn’t even answer you or bid farewell, the woman had just fled the room in haste. “baby, you don’t know how grateful i am, you saved me from listening to her for another hour.” kuroo sighed a breath of relief while taking your hands into his. “that’s what i’m her for my love, anytime you need me to fight off your countless admirers, just give me a call.”
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horanghaejamjam · 2 years
BTS Reaction: You Surprise Them at a Concert
Prompt: BTS react to you, surprising them during their concert 
Requested?: Yes
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1643
Warnings: None
Gender neutral reader. Gifs are not mine
Disclaimer: This is a repost from my original blog, this is my own original work and not copied.
BTS Masterlist
Other Groups Masterlist
Kim Namjoon:
You had managed to get front row tickets to the concert but had decided not to tell Namjoon about it, wanting to surprise him afterwards. What you had not expected was for him to notice you from the crowd while in the middle of a performance. When his eyes first landed on your figure he froze and had to do a double take, not actually processing that you were there in the front row. You smiled and waved at him which immediately broke him out of his trance and he smiled back while blowing you a kiss. The fans around you cheered at the action, all thinking it was directed at them but you knew you were the only one he was looking at. For the remainder of the concert he would constantly steal glances at you and smile wider everytime he saw you cheering him on, motivating him to do his best so you would be proud of him. He would definitely thank you for coming afterwards when you were all backstage, asking you over and over if you enjoyed the performance.
“Thank you for coming jagiya, it means a lot!”
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Kim Seokjin:
You lived in another country, meaning that you and Jin rarely got to see each other in person. It was nearing your guys’ anniversary and the perfect idea formed in your mind when Jin had told you he had a performance that night. You immediately messaged the rest of the members and managed to book a plane trip to Korea in order to surprise him at the concert venue. The trickiest part was making sure that Jin had no idea what you were planning, making sure that none of the others spoiled the surprise either since they all knew you were coming. You were backstage with the staff as the boys performed, being able to watch the concert from an angle that kept you hidden from the audience. Even if you couldn’t see the whole thing, you still cheered silently for your boyfriend every time one of his lines came up. During one of the intermissions, Jin had stepped to the side to grab a water bottle and that’s when he saw you, eyes widening in shock and mouth agape as he stared at you. You were actually there, in person? How was that even possible? The only thing that kept Jin from running off stage and embracing you was the cheering from ARMY reminding him that he was in the middle of a concert. He found it hard to focus for the rest of the time, constantly glancing back as if you would disappear once he looked away, and all but running off stage once they said their goodbyes. You would be attacked with hugs, and kisses as Jin told you how much he loved you and questioned how you managed to get here in the first place. This was the best surprise he could have hoped for.
“I can believe you came all the way here for me! I have the best S/O ever!”
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Min Yoongi:
Your seat was too far away from the stage for Yoongi to be able to spot you from the crowd, so you ended up surprising him backstage instead. The staff knew who you were and immediately let you back into the dressing room as the boys were still saying their goodbyes on stage. You sat in one of the chairs and waited anxiously until suddenly the door opened and all of the members came piling in, covered in sweat and beyond exhausted. Yoongi was one of the last ones to enter, looking just as exhausted as the others. Once he saw you though he immediately perked up a bit, asking what you were doing here. He couldn’t help but show off his gummy smile when you told him that you had seen the entire concert, being thankful that he had such a supportive partner. He wouldn’t do much more than pull you into a lazy hug and thank you, keeping in mind that the members were there and watching the two of you. Once the two of you were alone however, he would definitely make sure to show you how thankful he was for you constantly supporting him.
“Thank you for coming Y/N, it means a lot.”
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Jung Hoseok:
You may or may not have accidentally spoiled your surprise in excitement. This would be your first time seeing your boyfriend perform live and Hoseok had always told you how much he wanted you to be at one of his concerts. You were so excited when you actually got tickets to go that you had forgotten that you were supposed to surprise Hoseok. He didn’t really care whether you surprised him or not though, he was just happy that you were finally going to watch him perform live. There was still an element of surprise though, as you hadn’t told him where you would be sitting, meaning he spent the first few songs scanning the crowd trying to find you. It was obvious when he finally managed to seek out your figure in the sea of people since he was jumping in excitement and sending you hearts, smiling wider when he saw you get flustered from the attention. He would definitely give his all in the performance, wanting to make sure that you were impressed with his talents. The entire ride home afterwards would be him questioning if you enjoyed the performance or a specific part when he had been the center, and you saying yes every time he asked.
“Did you see the hearts I sent you? I hope you enjoyed it!”
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Park Jimin:
You told Jimin that you couldn’t make it to his concert because of work, which had been true at the time. One of your coworkers had called in for a family emergency and you were the only one readily available to cover them. Jimin was disappointed when he was told you wouldn’t be there to cheer him on but he understood. The morning of the concert, you got a call from your boss saying that another coworker had picked up the shift and so you could still have the night off, meaning that you would be able to go to the concert. You were beyond excited and began getting ready so that you wouldn’t have to face the crowd, however, you decided not to tell your boyfriend about the change in plans. You wanted to hopefully surprise him with your presence instead. Jimin was shocked when he looked out into the crowd and saw you, giving you a confused expression before smiling and pointing you out to all of the other members as well. He was a bit confused as to why you didn’t tell him you were coming, but seeing your smile as he performed was all the motivation he needed to give his best performance. Expect lots of cuddles once the two of you met up after the concert.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I would have been more prepared.”
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Kim Taehyung:
This comeback had been fairly stressful on your boyfriend, meaning the two of you didn’t talk much on the days leading up to the concert. Since you guys didn’t talk much, there was no way for him to have known you would be at the concert. You figured it would be a nice surprise though so you didn’t bother to bring it up the few times you two did talk. Taehyung hadn’t noticed you at first, too focused on what he was doing to really pay attention to the crowd. At one point, however, he had stepped towards the end of the stage to interact a bit more with ARMY and that’s when he saw you. He would just stare at you for a second until you nodded to confirm you were actually there, which would get you a wide boxy smile before he had to return to the other members. Tae wouldn’t get the chance to walk back over to you during the concert, but he would always glance in your direction and smile when he saw you. If your guys’ relationship was public, he would probably thank you for showing up at the end of the concert. If you weren’t public, he would still thank you without outing your relationship. He wanted you to know how happy he was that you were there.
“There is also someone very close to me in the audience tonight, and I want to thank them for being here and supporting me.”
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Jeon Jungkook:
Instead of surprising Jungkook during or after the concert, you decided to surprise him beforehand. You got there way before the concert was supposed to start and made your way backstage where the boys were getting ready. Jungkook was warming up his vocals and had his eyes closed so he hadn’t realized you were there until you had walked over and hugged him. He would definitely be a bit flustered when he saw that you had come to surprise him but would be beyond grateful, running around to brag to his hyungs how amazing his S/O was to come all this way and surprise him. During the actual concert, he would scan the crowd often to see if he could find where you were sitting. If you were close enough for him to see he would definitely send you constant glances and smirks during his solo parts. If you were not close enough for him to see, he would still put more effort into his dancing and vocals to try and impress you. Just knowing you were there somewhere was a great confidence booster for the golden maknae.
“My jagi came all the way here to support me? How did I get so lucky?”
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Requests for BTS are open!
Any and all interaction and feedback is greatly appreciated!
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abimess · 3 years
Love can be dangerous
Yelena Belova x Reader
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gif is not mine
Summary: After falling in love with the Black Widow's sister, there are some things you need to keep hidden. Secrets, however, never last long.
Another story for my lovely friend? Yes, that's right! I never wrote for Yelena so that was kind of complicated, but I hope it didn't turn out horribly hahaha hope you like it @somewhatgreatexpectations, happy birthday again!
You do NOT have permission to repost or translate my work on any platforms (even with credit)
Masterlist | Library Blog
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Ever since you joined the team, you’ve grown closer to Natasha Romanoff with more ease than with the others.
Of all the Avengers, Nat is the one with the personality most similar to yours, your little jokes and sarcastic comments matching the other. In addition, you also worked in sync, being an almost perfect duo in combat.
With so many resemblances, getting closer was inevitable. You let Natasha get to know you just as she did with you, and it didn't take long before you considered the redhead your best friend.
And that’s how you know she’d kill you for falling in love with her sister.
It wouldn’t be fair, honestly, the whole thing happened way too quickly. And Nat was the one who introduced you to Yelena, so if anything it was her fault. Not that you’re going to tell her that.
A few months ago, when Nat finally destroyed the Red Room and was reunited with her family, the redhead recruited her sister to join the Avengers so that the task of helping the remaining Black Widows would become easier and faster.
Yelena is beautiful, that’s the first thing you notice. When Nat first brought her to the compound you got lost in her green eyes and timid manner. And then she smiled as she greeted you, and you instantly felt weak in the knees.
But then time went by and the shy first impression you had of the blonde turned out to be as far from reality as possible. Yelena is sarcastic, armed with comments even sharper than yours, and often managing to leave you without an answer, walking away with a victorious smile on her lips soon after.
You have lost count of how many times you have choked back an inappropriate laugh in the middle of meetings with the rest of the team because of Yelena's even more inappropriate comments, and the blonde always giggled discreetly at your state. You had a feeling that she did it on purpose.
Not only that, but you grew close very easily. At first, Nat encouraged you to show Yelena the compound and introduce her to the team's routine, telling her everything she needed to know. The redhead trusted you and knew that you would be good company for her sister. Maybe she would regret it if she knew how things were now.
You didn't intend to fall in love, it wasn't like you to do this kind of thing. Living the busy and dangerous life of being an Avenger, settling down with someone always seemed like a complication not worth having, so you satisfied yourself with quick affairs and one-night stands, and you were happy with that.
But then you and Yelena started spending hours and hours talking. You would talk about your fears and traumas, and all you wanted to do was protect her. And you would also talk about your plans and dreams, and you found yourself having the blonde as a priority part of all the scenarios you would come up with.
You wouldn't tell her that, though. Not just because of insecurities and fear of all possible outcomes. But for a much simpler and more frightening reason: the Black Widow.
At one of Tony's endless parties, you, Bucky, and Sam watch as Natasha nearly breaks the arm of a guy who decided that putting his hand on Yelena's waist while flirting with her was a good idea.
"I don't know why you bother, I don't even like men." The blonde says as the two join the group. While Bucky and Sam laugh at the scene, you decide to busy yourself by ordering another drink. "I bother because you are my little sister and it's my duty to protect you."
"I can protect myself," Yelena replies simply, ignoring her sister's clear enraged mood. "Besides, you should stop attacking people like that. You'll get yourself in trouble."
"I'll beat up anyone who decides to mess with my little sister." The redhead says and, noticing the giggling of the two men, turns to them. "Even you, Winter Soldier."
"But I didn't do anything!" Bucky says in an offended tone, raising his hands slightly in surrender, but Nat continues to glare at him dangerously. "Oh, maybe this is not the team member you should be worried about. Right, Y/n?" Sam teases and you choke on your drink, panic starting to settle in.
"Y/n would never betray me like that," Natasha announces firmly before you can even begin to formulate a response and all you want to do now is shove yourself to the floor and disappear.
Deciding that any words now could compromise you, you limit yourself to a small smile, nodding before taking another sip of your drink.
Soon the conversation settles into more innocent and pleasant topics, but you have trouble paying attention to anything, so you just listen, nodding and smiling when you thought you needed to. You don't notice Yelena's curious gaze that constantly falls on you.
Hours after the party you are lying in your bed, unable to sleep, thoughts of Yelena and the guilt of lying to Natasha eating you alive.
With sleep completely out of your reach, you get up and decide to keep your mind busy with some mission reports you needed to fill out.
But then you hear knocks on your door and walk to it with frowning brows. Opening it, you slightly widen your eyes in surprise at seeing who's on the other side. "Yelena."
"Hi, Y/n." The blonde greets, her low voice almost disguising the tone of uncertainty behind it. You look at each other for a few moments, not knowing what to do. And then you blink a few times, realizing that you should invite her in, and so you do. As you close the door, Yelena sits on the edge of your bed.
"You were weird today." She remarks as you turn to look at her. "I mean, weirder than usual." She adds in a playful tone and you force a brief giggle. "I just wasn't in the mood to party."
"It's adorable that you think you can lie to me," Yelena says defiantly, tilting her head as she watches you. "I don't know what you want me to say, Yelena." You retort, crossing your arms defensively.
"The truth." She replies as she stands up and starts walking towards you. "The reason why you got weird after the conversation with Nat." The blonde approaches you and you straighten your posture, trying to keep your ground. "Or maybe it had something to do with the girl who was flirting with you before that."
"What?" you ask incredulously, your eyebrows arched in confusion, and Yelena snorts, rolling her eyes. "You know, the girl who was clearly hitting on you," she replies annoyed, "Black hair, brown eyes, green dress."
"You were paying a lot of attention." You retort challengingly, a slightly teasing tone in your voice. "I'm a spy, that's my job," Yelena replies, shrugging, "I pay attention to everything."
"Oh really? What did the girl Sam was flirting with look like? Right after Tony introduced us to the new sponsor." You ask teasingly, eyebrows raised in defiance, and have to hold back a smile as you see the blonde hesitate.
"Irrelevant." Yelena finally replies, trying to look nonchalant, and you let out a brief victorious giggle. "Irrelevant? To a good spy, all details are relevant." You tease, stepping forward in an attempt to take control of the situation and Yelena is forced to give in, taking a hesitant step back. "What exactly were you paying attention to, Yelena?"
"I'm not answering that question." The blonde replies trying to sound as firm as she can but stuttering a few letters, and you smile. "Come on, Belova, you didn't come to my room at three in the morning to not say what you came to say."
"You're wrong," Yelena replies, stepping forward, "I didn't come to say anything." She says, and before you can ask, Yelena's hands are on your waist, her face drawing closer to yours until your lips touch.
You gasp in surprise, but before Yelena can regret it and pull away, you bring your hands to her neck, pulling her even closer, if that is even possible.
And as your mouths meet, you try not to think about the consequences.
The following weeks manage to be both heaven and hell at the same time.
Being with Yelena is even better than you imagined, just being in the same room with her was enough to make your days worthwhile and you found yourself longing for those moments all the time.
But it was a secret, a secret that the two of you had to keep very well because Nat couldn't even dream of finding out.
The guilt became almost unbearable at times, the weight of lying to your best friend almost crushing you. But Yelena always comforted you, saying that it was only a matter of time before you found a way to tell Nat and you decided to believe her.
And that's how you spent your days, with stolen kisses, meaningful glances, and little white lies here and there.
"You do like the ground, don't you?" you tease breathlessly, sweat pooling on your forehead as you watch in amusement Yelena splayed against the tatami.
"Shut up, I let you win." She mumbles, breathing heavily as she stands up. "Of course you did." You retort amused and assume an offensive stance when you see Yelena doing the same.
A few seconds later, you manage to knock her down again, your body over hers to keep her immobilized against the ground. When you hear Yelena muttering something in Russian, you laugh. "What did you say?"
"That you're a very lovely person." The blonde answers in an excessive tone of innocence and you roll your eyes, smiling. "I'm sure that was it. Come on, that's enough training for today." You say, starting to stand up, but Yelena holds you in place by the waist.
"I don't know, I think I like this position." She comments charmingly and you raise your eyebrows, smirking. "Oh, you do? I think I know how to make it even better." You say, kissing her next and sighing as you feel Yelena smile against your lips.
"Y/n!" The astonished shout startles you, making you stand up stumbling. Yelena, more confused than frightened, gets up immediately afterward.
"I can explain." You say raising your hands in the space between you and Natasha, who approaches you with fury in her eyes. "You better!" The redhead hits back, crossing her arms in anger. "Is that what you've been doing, kissing my sister?"
"She's been doing more than that alright," Yelena says, unamused, and the hate-laden look Nat throws at you makes you want to strangle the blonde. "Not helpful."
"I'm gonna kill you," Natasha says through gritted teeth, and the next thing you know you're face down against the floor, your arm painfully immobilized against your back as the redhead keeps her knee pressed against your lower back.
"Nat, what the hell?!" You complain in shock, your voice muffled by the floor, but Nat doesn't flinch. You hear Yelena aggressively utter words in Russian that you have no idea what they mean and that Natasha obviously chooses to ignore.
"I know you, Y/n." The redhead speaks through gritted teeth, tightening the grip on your fist. "You think what? That you can fool around with my little sister?!"
"No, Nat, Yelena is different!" You grumble, the pressure in your lower back hindering your speech. "Yeah, right." Natasha hits back with an incredulous chuckle and you grunt. "She is, I love her!"
Silence. "You what?" Nat asks, unconsciously loosening the restraint and you sigh in relief. "You what?" Yelena repeats her sister's question, the words almost in a whisper as she moves closer to you.
"I do. I love you." You reply, your face still against the floor, but you can see out of the corner of your eyes a smile on her lips. But then Yelena straightens her posture, crossing her arms. "Natasha, can you let her go so she can say that to my face?"
The question comes out almost in an irritated order, and Natasha is quick to let go, a relieved sigh accompanying your freedom.
You stand up, massaging your wrist and feeling your body ache. But Yelena looks at you expectantly, so everything else takes a back seat in your mind. "I love you, Yelena. I've been loving you for quite a while now actually." You admit with a shy chuckle and the blonde smiles, bringing her hand to your face.
"I love you too." She confesses, stroking your cheek, and you smile widely, a happy giggle escaping your lips. Yelena steps forward, connecting her lips to yours next, and you melt against the kiss.
"That's... Unexpected." Nat says in clear astonishment, and only then do you remember that you and Yelena are not alone. "It is what it is though." The blonde says, slipping her arm around your waist and you try to hold back a smile, unsuccessfully.
Nat nods slowly, a small, almost imperceptible smile at the corner of her mouth. But then she brings her gaze to you, pointing her index finger threateningly in your direction. "We're not done here, Y/l/n."
You swallow dryly at the threat and nod a few times. Shortly after the redhead walks away and you and Yelena watch her leave the gym.
"That was better than I expected." The blonde comments, gathering up the towels and water bottles you used and you snort. "Speak for yourself."
"I'm sorry about that, I'll talk to her." Yelena says apologetically, holding your hand and you smile, giving it a little reassuring squeeze. "It's okay, it was worth it."
"I didn't know you had degradation kink. The blonde taunts as you walk toward the door and you roll your eyes. "Shut up."
"No, it's okay, I don't judge." Yelena replies, shrugging, a teasing smile on her face. "Urgh I hate you!" You complain, pushing her by the shoulder and being unable not to smile when she takes a few steps to the side, laughing.
"What you said a few minutes ago says otherwise though." She argues, pulling you around the waist and you instinctively rest your hands on her chest. "Well then I take it back." You retort with raised eyebrows, but Yelena shakes her head energetically.
"No, you can't take it back. You'll have to live with it for the rest of your life." She says and you bite back a smile. "Good luck to me then, I'll clearly need it." You complain with an exaggerated sigh of displeasure and Yelena forces an offended grimace. "Ouch."
You laugh at her drama and then lean forward, capturing her lips in yours. Yelena smiles against the kiss and you feel your heart flutter with emotion. The blonde soon wraps her arms around your waist, hugging you and pulling you closer.
The action makes your body ache a little from Natasha's attack a few minutes ago. But you wouldn't tell her that, because it was worth it. Everything was worth it in the end.
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And that's it for today! I hope you enjoyed it, thoughts and comments are always welcome ツ
Taglist: @yuhloversxx @madamevirgo @an-evergreen-rose @helloalycia @wandas1mp @cantcontroltheirfear @diaryoflife @ironscarletwidowsoilder @cristin-rjd @ensorcellme @aimezvousbrahms @natasha-danvers @purplemeetsblue @randomshyperson @peggycarter-steverogers @b0mbdotc0m @ethereal-pxradise @stephanieromanoff @tomy5girls @gingerbreadcookieforlife @imapotatao @musicinourlips @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @allfiguredout @olsensnpm @magicallymaximoff @nothing-isimpossible @mionemymind @itsmionet @xastrydx @sxfwap @nicole-rayleigh-hot @wellsayhelloaagin @midnight-lestrange @emptysince18x @1-800-depressedlesbian @theperfectlovestory @b-5by5 @blackwow34 @nervoustrack @somewhatgreatexpectations @yeetus-thyself @chelleztjs18 @franfineashell (let me know if you wanna be tagged)
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lynihana · 3 years
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Anonymous Asked: "hellooo!! do you do domestic stuff? maybe some mikey, kazutora, and one character of your choice bringing their children and their spouse to the beach? thank you!!!"
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+ PAIRINGS. Manjiro Sano × Reader. Kazutora Hanemiya × Reader.
+ GENRE. Fluff. Domestic.
+ NOTES. This is a repost from my old blog so this sucks also no one requested this on this blog this is a old request from my old blog too. (If you have seen this in my old blog then you are a true follower of mine) I also apologize for the cringeyness of this.
(D/N) — Daughter's name
(S/N) — Son's name
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He decided to take a little break from Bonten and you took that chance to ask him to go with you and your daughter to the beach since it was summer
Of course he said no since there might be a lot of people in the beach but after some begging and puppy eyes from you and (D/N) he finally agreed
“were finally here!” as you drop your bags to a table as (D/N) rushed to the water “(D/N)! I'LL PUT SUNSCREEN ON YOU THEN YOU CAN GO SO COME HERE!” (D/N) pouts at you but obeys anyway
As your putting the sunscreen on (D/N) you turned to your husband “aren't you gonna swim??” Mikey deadpanned at you while eating some dorayakis that you brought “no I'm good” (D/N) looked at her dad “Papa! Please swim with ussss!!” You nodded at her words “yeah come on! Swim with us please!”
As both you and your daughter keep on chanting ‘Please swim with us’ Mikey eventually gave in and agreed.
All of you had a great time and (D/N) fell asleep on the car ride. Mikey might consider taking the both of you to another place.
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He noticed that it's almost summer so he asked chifuyu if he could have a week off of work and chifuyu said yes.
He was actually planning on renting a pool resort but you suggested to go to the beach he agreed on that since it's actually a good suggestion.
Kazutora and His son was enjoying playing at the sand and the salty water as (S/N) Saw a ice cream vendor “Papa! Can we please get some ice cream?!” (S/N) asked
Kazutora looked at him “sure but we should go ask your mama first” the both of them ran to you who was getting ready to cook some food
“Mama!” You turned to your son “yes? What is it Sweet cheeks?”
“can we please get some ice cream?!” Your son said as his eyes lit up while having a bright smile “of course you can sweet cheeks but make sure to bring your papa with you” (S/N) nodded at you and drag kazutora to the ice cream vendor.
They ended up buying a lot of ice cream and since they were so full they didn't even have the appetite to eat the food you cooked so you gave it to the beach workers but you made sure there were some food left for both of your husband and your son.
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The three of you fell asleep while cuddling on the beach hotel. <33
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: Working and single parenting is not easy. Andy needs to find a nanny for his son Jacob. Annie, an education degree student at Lasell University, comes to their lives just in time for the big changes in Andy’s life.
Warnings: Domestic violence.
A/N: This chapter has violence that could be triggering for some people. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
Word count: 1888
GIF not mine, if its yours, please let me know to give you credit :)  
It has been 2 weeks since the “incident”, as her friends called it, happened. It was Friday, last day of school and thankfully she didn’t have exam that day, so she stayed home so she could sleep a little longer. Annie had apologized to Andy for falling asleep during working hours and told him she was extremely stressed and the lack of sleep was taking a toll on her, which was partially true, although she didn’t mention her break up with Daniel.
It was nearly 6 o’clock when Annie went out for a walk to distract herself a little of the awful week she had; she was wearing a black hoodie, a pair of black biker shorts and white sneakers, she grabbed her keys and purse and off she went. She decided to go back to the apartment to pick the rest of her clothes and things. When their friends went to pick her stuff Daniel wasn’t too nice to them and they left as soon as they could. Sharon had been borrowing her clothes but she couldn’t keep doing that to her friend. She was aware of Daniel’s schedule, so there was not a problem by going at this time of the day, especially on Friday. Annie opened the door and made sure Daniel wasn’t around and headed to the room. She took one of the suitcases she had in the closet and started to put her clothes in it as fast as she could when the front door was shut by a loud slam. By the time Annie closed her suitcase and turned around Daniel was standing by the bedroom’s door.
“Hi babe, I’m so glad you’re back.” he saw the suitcase near her feet, “What do you think you are doing?”
“I mmmm, I came to pack my things.”
“Really?” Daniel walked slowly towards her, standing just in front of her, “I called you and you didn’t answer” his finger touch her check. “You can’t leave babe… we have a future together,” Daniel was dangerously close, “remember? You are all mine.” Annie could smell a hint of alcohol in his breath.
“I am not yours,” Daniel’s eyes grew darker. “You fucked another woman! In our bed! What makes you think I’m gonna stay with you?!!”
Daniel slapped her hard and grabbed her by her arms tighten his grip as he talked.
“You are mine! And you are not leaving until we work this out!”
“Let me go!!!”
“I’ve done so much for you, and this is how you pay me?” his body pressing against her, “Don’t forget who took you after your parents died. I was the one who took care of you, and gave you a place to live.”
“You’re hurting me!”
Annie tried to let go off him, but she couldn’t he was way stronger than her, her right arm started to hurt as she tried to run away, but Daniel was faster and threw her against the wall, making her hit her head and arm. As Annie was trying to stand Daniel slapped her again, this time both her lip and cheek stung and pushed her to bed, Annie moved to the head board of the bed but Daniel grabbed her by the ankles and dragged her towards him getting on top of her to prevent her from running, he opened the hoodie she was wearing, revealing her black cotton bralette.
“Uff babe,” he hooked his finger on the bralette and lower his lips to her breast, “these,” he gave her boobs a harsh squeeze, “have always been my favorites.”
“Daniel, stop!!!” she cried and kicked trying to get Daniel off of her.
“Shut up!” he put his hand around her throat, “I’m gonna make you feel so good babe, just the way you like it.”
Daniel put his hand inside the front of her shorts, smiling and touching her roughly. The look in his eyes made her scared, he was not the man she once fell in love with. His lips connected to her chest sucking and leaving marks  as he slide two of his fingers inside of her, Annie stayed still, and felt the sting between her legs as his fingers pumped in and out of her fast, she was looking everywhere but him. She tried to let go again but it was useless, Daniel had her and he was going to get his way with her. That was until Daniel stood to open his jeans, Annie saw the opportunity to stand and get to the door of the room, throwing all she found around her to make Daniel loose his balance. Daniel reached and hold her from behind both fell to the floor and then Annie kicked him right on the face; Daniel touched his face letting her go. She stood up and grabbed the first jar she saw near her, turned and hit him on the head with it, leaving him unconscious.
Annie closed her hoodie and ran down stairs leaving Daniel and all her things behind. She walked to the closest bus stop to go to Newton and 15 minutes later she was in front of Andy’s house, all the lights were out, she walked to the entrance but didn’t knocked at the door. She went back to the downtown and walked around going nowhere. She was sure she had taken the same path for the third time when she stopped in front of a pizza place, the smell filled her nose and her stomach growled. She didn’t have money, she spend the bill she always hide on her shoe to pay the bus to Newton and she didn’t have her phone with her to call neither her friends nor brother. She was staring at the window of the place when she felt someone tackled her on the legs; she looked down she saw Jake holding her tightly.
“Hi, sweetie.” Annie hold the kid back “Where is your dad?”
“Jake! Don’t run away like that!” Andy smiled when he saw her. “Oh! Now I see why you ran. Still don’t do that, ok?”
“Yes, dad” Andy looked for a moment to Annie, she looked a little disturbed, and she had a cut on her lip and her cheek was a bit purple.
“Hey, are you ok?” Andy touched her lip, it stung and she hissed.
“Yeah,” she lied, “I… I fell.”
Annie paid attention to Andy, he wasn’t wearing a suit, he was wearing jeans, sneakers, a red hoodie and a baseball cap, and he looked a lot less strict with that outfit.
“Right,” Andy wasn’t too convinced with that answer. “What are you doing in Newton on a Friday?”
“Why not? It’s a free country” Andy raised his brows when he heard her. “Sorry… I was bored, and I decided to come here.”
“No parties?” Annie shook her head. “Very well, are you alone?”
“Yes, my friends are busy.” She lied.
Andy still wasn’t convince on her answers, she was defensive “Hmmm, well if you have nothing to do, we were about to buy something for dinner and watch a movie, wanna join us?
“Do you always watch movies on Fridays?
“Yes!” Jake told her, “Is movie night! pease, come with us.” The boy looked at her with puppy eyes which made her laughed a little.
“Alright, but I will choose the movie.”
“Deal!” Jake said “I wanf pizza, dad.”
“I think our guess should choose our dinner.”
“Pizza is fine, but without pineapple.”
“Smart choice,” Andy smiled, and opened the door of the pizza place. “After you.”
The three of them walked into the place and stood at the counter waiting their turn, a little later a young girl appear to take their order.
“We will have a large pepperoni pizza.”
“Anything else sir?” the girl batted her eyelashes to him.
“No, just the pizza.”
“Your name?”
“That’s a nice name. It will be 10 bucks.”
Andy paid and the girl give him a toothy smile and left.
“She was flirting with you.” Annie said whispering.
“Who?” Annie pointed the girl who took their order, “Really?”
“Yeap, she is cute.”
“And she is probably like 16, I’m not a perv. And she is blonde, I don’t like blonde girls.” Annie froze when she heard the words blonde girl. “You look… are you sure you ok?”
“Yes, I’m fine. You know I had finals, I’m just thinking about it.”
They sat in one of the tables waiting for their pizza to be ready. Andy asked her about her exams, and she told him about how the pedagogy professor made the most difficult exam she ever had since she starter at Lasell.
“Honestly I think he just wants everybody to fail.”
“Some teachers are like that. I had one at NYU, the guy was a jerk, but he was one of the best lawyers in the city.”
“Argh, I hate that! This guy is a freaking genius, is so good at what he does, you cannot be angry at him for making difficult exams, yet you hate him, is a very confusing feeling.”
“Andy!” Annie turned to see a dark haired woman that now was kissing Andy’s cheek.
“Hi, Stacy,” Andy said not too pleased at her actions.
“What are you doing here?” Annie stared at her, it was a stupid question considering they were in a pizza place.
“We came for something to eat.”
“Oh! Right.” The girl saw Jake and Annie up and down. “I’m sorry,” a fake smile on her face, “I’m Stacy, we work together.”
“Are you a lawyer?”
“No no, I’m a secretary, but we work in the same floor. Right Andy?” She touched Andy’s arm and Annie lifted her brow at the sight of her touching him. “And I assume you are his wife?” Andy was very uncomfortable by the question, Annie could tell.
“Actually, I’m his...” She said pointing at Jake.
“Yes, she is my wife” Andy lied.
“I’m Captain America!” Jake interject.
“Yes, you are sweetie.” Annie hugged and kissed him.
“Andy!” A guy behind the counter said, “Andy!”
“That’s us, we better go.” Andy stood quickly, “See you later.”
“Bye Andy, and nice to meet you Mrs. Barber.”
Andy took the pizza, left the establishment and walked down the street to the parked car. Jake jumped to his seat, while Andy opened the door for Annie and then climbed in the car and started the engine.
“She likes you” Annie said a bit annoyed.
“Don’t act so innocent Andy, that Stacy girl.” She crossed her arms. “She was touching your bicep.”
“And… is that a problem?” Andy looked at her pouting, she looked hilarious.
“Well… no, I mean, if you like her, there’s not a problem.”
“She is new in town, and to be honest she is quite noisy.”
“She is beautiful”
“I don’t like her.”
“It’s fine if you do.”
“I don’t!” he laughed
“Why are you laughing?”
“I literally said you were my wife so she stop hitting on me. I’m sorry about that by the way.”
“That’s what friends are for. Right?
Andy didn’t answer. Was she jealous? He didn’t know, and despite him finding amusing how she was acting he wasn’t planning on keep arguing over a woman he wasn’t attracted to, he switch the gear to drive and went back home.
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donutloverxo · 3 years
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Please note that my stories are not to be stolen or reposted on any other site. Reblogs and welcome and much appreciated. This blog and this story is 18+. Do not read, follow or interact if you are not 18+. Please🙏🙏
Based on a request. Dividers by @whimsicalrogers.
Summary - Your pussy is sore so Curtis uses your mouth.
Warnings - explicit sexual content (m/f) , age gap (reader is in her early twenties, Curtis is 34), innocent/naive reader, dub con, oral (m receiving), soft dark!Curtis, au, porn without plot.
Pairing - Curtis Everett x reader
Word count - 2k
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You were jerked away when you heard the knob to your room on the snowpiercer rattling, and then being closed as his footsteps followed.
You didn't remember a lot before the train, you were just a kid when the old world came to an end. 
You saw glimpses of grass and sunlight in your dreams, you weren't sure if they were dreams or just fragments of your imagination. 
But even in your wildest dreams, you didn't imagine a bed this soft and a room this big. Big enough to fit the bed and two dressers and a large mirror. It was decadent and all you could wish for and more. 
So it should make you happy to be here. In a comfortable bed like a princess. Shouldn't it? 
It didn't. You wanted to enjoy this time while it lasted, but your gut told you that you were temporary. Just here to warm the leaders bed. 
"Curtis…" your face heating up as he studied you, his powder blue eyes twinkling in the dim light, getting rid of his coat and cap. Goosbumps erupted all over your body as you held your soft comforter upto your chest,to give you some sense of modesty and dignity even if Curtis had taken it all from you and made you a woman just weeks ago. 
You used fantasy to escape your grim reality quite often. It's easier to dream of a Prince Charming riding on a white horse to save you then to accept reality for what it is that you would've been stuck working in the greenhouse for the rest of your life… all alone. 
"How many times do I have to tell you?" he hissed, tearing the comforter away from you, holding onto your wrists to reveal your beautiful breasts to him. "You're mine now. You can't hide from me."
"I'm sorry…" you hung your head in shame, and so you wouldn't be caught peeking a glance at Curtis pulling his shirt over his head, followed by him unbuckling his belt. 
He was… beautiful. You never knew anyone could be so handsome. His shoulders wide, a light scattering of hair all over his torso, multiple scars on his body. But they only, strangely, made him more appealing to you. 
He climbed on top of the mattress, nudging your knees apart and situating himself between them. He growled as he looked at your bare sex, using two of his fingers to part your lips as you hissed in pain. 
"It's… I'm… sore," you explained when he looked up at you. 
He nodded back to you, pushing barely an inch of his forefinger inside you, he didn't want to hurt you. Your pussy was clearly swollen and overworked. If he gave into his urges he would be sure to cause you pain, and even worse, lose what little trust you have in him. 
He had suffered enough to last him seven lifetimes. He already knew he was going to hell for all that he had done. It wasn't like he could doom himself anymore by forcing you to be with him. And he deserved you. After all that he had gone through. You were his light at the end of one long and shitty tunnel. 
He pulled his hand away when he looked at your face, pinched in pain. Instead settling on fondling your breast as he thought about how to take care of his erection. 
He had taken your body four times the previous night, which was why you slept the day away. How he managed to go out and get stuff done, and be the leader was beyond you. 
"You like what you see, princess?" He taunted you when he caught you staring at his hard cock. 
The little pet name was initially what he used to mock you and how shy and delicate and innocent you were, but now he had come to cherish you. He wanted to protect you as if you were his sweet little scared princess and he was your brave knight. 
You immediately averted your eyes and started sputtering nonsense, your brain froze and you literally didn't know how to answer him. And Curtis had made it very clear that when he asked you a question you were to give him a proper, clear and honest answer. Or face grave consequences. 
"Um, yes?" Which was the truth. You had seen a few male genitals in your life, they were all… not very appealing. But it was different with Curtis. His was beautiful and intimidating at the same time. 
"Then how about," putting his leg over yours, he crawled to the top of the bed, kneeling before you with his hard, pulsating length was right in front of your face. "You make me happy."
"Oh…" you simply stared. Your friend had told you that you were 'one lucky bitch' to have a man like Curtis who spends hours pleasuring you with his mouth, his fingers, and his manhood, but never forced you to return the favor. You didn't even know how you would go about doing that. 
You had explored your own body before. Partly because of your curiosity and partly for some relief. But Curtis touched you in a way no one else could, he made you climax harder than you ever had before, you were pretty sure you passed out once from the sheer intensity of it. 
But… how does one go about doing the same with a man's special place? 
"Hm," you looked at his slit, it looked somewhat similar to your bud, you held onto his length, putting your thumb over his tip where the pearly liquid oozed out of--with which he often loved painting your whole body with, or pump you full of it and just watch it seep out of you. 
You realised how bold you were, that you should seek his permission before touching him there, you looked up to see him pleased with your actions so you decided to keep going.
You lightly pressed your thumb on his slit, making him hiss, you whipped your head up and pulled your hand away. 
"Sorry…" you sniffed, your vision becoming blurry as your eyes teared up, "I've never.. I don't know what to do. I'm sorry…" you sobbed. 
"Stop," he said softly, wiping your tears away with his thumb.
You really were such a scared little lamb. Years of pent up frustration, where he had to make do with just his hand, didn't help making you feel safe with him either. But what the hell was he supposed to do when he had such a beautiful woman next to him as he slept? 
"Just listen to me. Can you do that?" he asked, cupping your jaw as you meekly nodded. "Open your mouth as wide as you can," he told you, pulling on your bottom lip with his thumb. 
Oh. It made sense. He puts his mouth on you so you should be able to do so on him as well. You opened your mouth with an 'ah', panicking just a bit when he put his hand around your throat, but he hushed you and asked you to relax. Since your body, mind and soul really did belong to him now, you immediately calmed down, knowing that he won't hurt you. Not too much anyway. 
He pushed his length in your mouth. The taste wasn't at all what you expected. Not that you were sure what it would be like anyway. It tasted creamy and salty at the same time. You coughed and sputtered around him, your spit trailing down your chin. You thought that the mess would make him angry but then you recalled how much he enjoys the mess he makes of you. 
He stopped when he felt his tip hit the back of your throat on his palm, "Good girl," he cooed, stroking your need. "Look up here," he ordered as you looked at him through your big doe eyes, "Keep looking at me okay?"
You didn't know if you were expected to give a verbal answer, because you couldn't… Not with a mouthful of Curtis. So you nodded the best you could. 
"Hands on your thighs," he said as you put your hands on your bare thighs with the palms up. "Right now just sit there… just like that," he rasped as he pulled his hips back before bucking them forward, "And look pretty. Fuck… that mouth of yours… and it's all mine to do whatever I want with…"
He was making love to your mouth, just as he did between your legs. 
You did as you were told, sitting and taking his assault on your mouth and throat. His ejaculate, your tears and your saliva drooling all over your lap. He was making love to your mouth, just as he did between your legs. 
You could feel slick running down the side of your leg, not wanting to ruin the pristine white sheets and to create some much needed friction you closed your legs together. 
He stopped his hips, the tip of his cock still in your mouth as he saw you squirming. "Touch yourself." He said. 
Your eyes widened as you realised what he meant. You couldn't risk pulling him out of your mouth to protest. You were too embarrassed to do that in front of him as well. 
"That's an order," he growled as he fucked in to your warm mouth, making you choke around him, pushing him closer to his release. 
A shaky hand made its way to your core, past your pubic hair and between your thighs. You tried to emulate how Curtis touched you. 
First he touched your thighs and kissed them all over. Then your ass and then he'd tease around your lips, torturing you for what would feel like forever before touching you where you most needed him. 
You gathered your intimate juices, spreading them around your vulva before rolling your pearl between your fingers, moaning around his length. 
"That's it, princess… come on, come with me," he groaned, slowly fucking into your mouth, holding off his release so he could watch you fall apart as he came in your mouth, one hand tangled up in your hair and another pinching and twisting your nipples. 
Soon you were whimpering, you tried to tell him that you were close. Thankfully he seemed to understand as he picked up the pace. Fucking into your mouth till you could feel streaks of his release on the back of your throat. 
You held onto his thigh so you could sit upright as your orgasm washed over you. Your nails digging into his skin as you screamed around his length. 
"Swallow it all," he commanded as you gulped down all that you could. 
You took in some much needed oxygen as he pulled his softening cock out of your mouth, your chest heaving as he laid down beside you and pulled you into his body.
He thought you'd want to sleep after. Since you were so swollen and tired. He'd have to take it easy on you from now on. Maybe use your mouth every now and then to give your pussy a rest. 
But then… 
Were you grinding against his cock? 
He propped your chin up so he could look at your face, the most innocent look on it. 
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Um… are you done?" you asked, tracing a scar on his chest. 
"You want something, princess?" he asked, pinching your buttock as you yelped. 
"I was thinking… we could make love? It doesn't feel right not to. You know?"
"Right, of course, princess. Since you asked so nicely." He smirked as he climbed on top of you. 
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