#this was really fun i wanna join more food zines weep
mahgellan · 7 years
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Yay! Since sales have ended, I can finally post this! A piece I did for @tasteofthewildzine featuring our smol Champions!
I’m so honored to be a part of this! Thank you so much to @catprinx and @carrot-boi for organizing this delicious zine! Thank you as well to everyone who got a copy, I hope you enjoyed the illustrations made by fellow amazing artists! <3
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bookenders · 6 years
11/11/11 Tag Game: Round... uh... 5, 6, & 7?
I got tagged by a bunch of people ( @quilloftheclouds is this how your 77 question one felt??) so here are a bunch of answers! I think this is the most I’ve ever talked about myself in my life. 
Good gracious, you’re all so nice and have such good questions.
Tagged by: @surroundedbypearls, @waterfallwritings, @bigmoodword, @sundaynightnovels
Rules: answer 11 questions, tag 11 people, give them 11 new questions!
[I’ve done this enough to be able to break the tag rules. Fight me.]
44 questions and answers below the cut!
But I’ll be nice and put my questions right here:
What would you do for a Klondike bar?
When do you title your WIPs? It is the first thing you do? The last? Does it come to you during drafting?
How many inside jokes do you put in your WIP(s)?
Your WIP’s antagonist is now The Riddler. How do your OCs handle that?
Do you use sticky notes?
Laptop or desktop?
Your OC is a wrestler. What’s their hype music?
Do you own any craft books/books on writing?
What’s your favorite book cover?
How many unread books do you have sitting around right now? Which are you most excited to maybe get to eventually some time?
How committed are you to your outline(s)?
Bilbo Taggins: Literally anyone, but also @francestroublr, @sahados-shadow, @a-story-im-writing, @bethkerring, @citruschickadee, @bos-ingit
If I’ve tagged you before, you can totally ignore this. In fact, I encourage you to.
From @surroundedbypearls:
What’s your favourite genre to write in and why? Literary fiction! It’s what I learned in university and the one that fits my themes best. Sci-fi is hard, I’m just getting into writing fantasy stuff, I can’t do thrillers, romance is hard for me, and historical is too much work.
Do you think you have a style/voice that you use more often in your writing? When did you develop that style? If you’ve read one of my stories, you know exactly how my writing voice sounds. It doesn’t change too much. I write like I talk, but if I had a lot more gravitas and charisma. Honestly, I’ve always had that kind of style, but it really developed in high school. It’s been getting stronger since then. It’s one of the things I always got comments about from my teachers and fellow workshop writers. “Your voice is so strong!” Yep. It’s mah thang.
Do you play video games? What’s your favourite? YES I DO. It’s hard to pick faves, but I’ve played Dragon Age: Origins too many times. 
If you were going to do a WIP crossover, which OCs would be most interesting together? (If you’ve only got one WIP crossover with something else) A crossover between H2H and AOPC? Interesting. I think Mel and Keema would get along the best, Oz would have some fightin’ words for Elder Sanga, and Gemma and Teva would be a force to be reckoned with, my god. Two stubborn nerds who believe totally different things but are also very determined to be very good at what they want to do and love their communities to a fault? Fear them.
Do you prefer to plan WIPs in a document or through handwritten notes? I used to do it by hand but I couldn’t read it because my handwriting is terrible and I kept losing papers. I do it in docs now. Much easier to organize and incredibly legible.
Do you multiple languages exist in your WIP? If so how do you address that in the story? H2H is set in the “real world,” so yep. It hasn’t been addressed too much yet, but I have a way for tackling languages. I’ve written multilingual-ish stories before. I never write phonetically and use hella context clues so the reader knows the gist of what was said if another character doesn’t translate.
What’s your favourite animated film that’s not Disney or Pixar? AN AMERICAN TAIL. All of them. It’s on Netflix go watch it and marvel at the way a kids movie talks about Jewish immigration, poverty, and cultural oppression via mice. As a young Jewish child, this movie was my jam. It’s very dark, though.
Do your real-life surroundings influence your WIP’s settings? Nope! One time I tried to write a story set in the same area where I lived and I couldn’t do it. Too weird. Sometimes I’ll write in an item I see near me, or like, a painting or poster on the wall if I need some set decoration, but that’s about it.
Which OCs would be most likely to break the fourth wall? Oz. Lookin’ at the camera like he’s in The Office.
How do you work out your OCs’ personalities? Hm. I look at the story I’m trying to write and make a protagonist that would have the most interesting experience in that narrative. For H2H, I wanted someone who would be loyal as heck to the people they loved while still being experimental enough to try new things and get into shenanigans. The story called for someone like that, and there she was. Mel came about my thinking of someone who would compliment other characters in the story while still being their own person. If that makes sense. I think of dynamics and interactions with the story world in relation to the theme(s). Most of the time they just happen, though.
Do you prefer worldbuilding or character building? Character building! As much as I like making stories about places, making characters is more fun for me, and more interesting. You should see all the DnD character sheets I have. 
From @waterfallwritings:
1. How do you come up with ideas for your WIPs?
At random. Seriously. It’s like my brain has to be running something in the background to function normally, and usually that something is whatever story I happen to be working on. Or I’ll look at a thing and go “huh.” My brain also likes to twist normal things to be a little bit different.
2. How do you get past gaps in the plot?
No idea, man. It’s like throwing spaghetti at a wall. I like to work backwards. If this is what I want to happen, what needs to happen before that to ensure that it occurs? I look at all the elements currently in the story and see if one can be manipulated to fill in the hole.
3. What motivates you to keep writing?
If I don’t, my brain gets all constipated and angry until I write something down. Like, seriously, I get grumpy and frustrated like I’m hangry or something. Aside from physical need, I love writing. I love word puzzles and feelings puzzles and figuring them out. Sometimes I think of how my stories could help someone, or make them feel something that they enjoy. 
4. Do you do any other kind of creative writing?
Oh, man, I’ve done it all. Screenwriting, playwriting, poetry, video game-ish writing, interactive storytelling, short stories, flash fiction, proposals, essays, DnD campaigns, monologues... You name it, I’ve probably tried it. I tend to stick to prose and poetry these days.
5. Do you have any other creative hobbies besides writing?
I’ve gotten into graphic design a little bit. I kind of wanna learn how to knit again. I’m not really very crafty. 
6. What do you do when you’re stuck on a scene and don’t know how to get it out / write it?
Write a different scene, stare at the screen in frustration until I give up and go to sleep, meditate for a few minutes, go do something else to get my mind off of it, clean, work on a different project.
7. How do you decide how to end your WIP?
I mean, see the next question for part of my answer. How did I decide to end H2H? My friend, that’s a big ‘ole spoiler. But I decided to end it at a place where everything, and everyone, comes together.
8. When in the process of writing do you decide how its going to end? Or do you kind of just wait til you get there?
Right at the beginning. If I don’t know where it’ll end, I have a hard time writing the arc. I work backwards: start with the idea, then think of where I want it to end up, then work back to the beginning until I know where its going, then start writing.
9. Why did you decide to join writeblr?
My reasons are pretty personal, but the least personal is that I needed some accountability and motivation. And I missed being in a good writing community.
10. What’s your favourite food?
Pasta! I’m eating spaghetti right now.
11. If you had to kill off a character in your WIP, who would it be and why?
Oz would be the most tragic. Treena would be the most logical. 
From @bigmoodword:
1. using one sentence summaries, can you tell me about your wips?
Nerdy potion woman meets cute odd stranger who helps her solve magic mysteries in their quirky small town.
2. what inspired them?
I saw a zine accepting submissions for magic stories, then an open call for queer shifter stories, and thought “what if wholesome magical lesbians?”
3. which of your ocs do you most identify with?
4. if you’ve ever cried while reading, which book cued the waterworks?
THE SONG OF ACHILLES.  My God, my soul was weeping. Honestly, it still is. Doesn’t matter that I knew the story from the Iliad. Madeline Miller is a feelings wizard.
5. how do you conduct research for your wips and what’s the most interesting thing you’ve discovered in said research?
On an as-needed basis. I used to do way too much research to avoid actually writing the damn thing, so now I only do it when I actually run into a problem that can be solved by Google.
6. thus far, which scene has been the most difficult to write?
The ones that aren’t hugely emotional. Which is... unfortunate.
7. which of your ocs do you like the least?
Rude. On a personal level, Jill. I love her, but I would not be friends with her. We wouldn’t mesh at all.
8. which pov and tense do you prefer to write in?
Third person limited present tense! To the bane of everyone who’s ever edited my work.
9. do you write poetry?
I do! Not often, though.
10. who is your writing role model?
My freakin’ writing professor from college. He is crazy disciplined.
11. if you could give your younger writer self some advice, what would it be?
Hey, you know those people who say your writing is too dark? Yeah, they suck and they’re wrong. They just want kids to live up to their expectations and write happy sunshiny stories about unicorns and dinosaurs having ice cream. And you’re not depressed because you wrote that one sad poem one time and someone asked if you were depressed. What you have is called feelings and they’re very useful for a writer, nay, a human, to have.
From @sundaynightnovels:
Who is your biggest role model? Okay, so I got crap all the time in grade school for never having a role model, and I still don’t have one. The teachers were concerned about me. But my reasoning was, “why should I want to live someone else’s life?” Yeah. They didn’t really know what to do with that...
What are your OCs favorite foods? Sort of answered here!
Which OC is most afraid of the dark? Oz and Mary!
What made you want to start a writing blog/participate in the writeblr community? Answered above!
Did you sleep with a stuffed animal as a kid? Do you still? I did, indeed. I don’t anymore, but I have two that I shuffle around my room when they get in the way. One is a highland cow I got in Scotland (he has a plaid hat), the other is a blue whale I got at the Museum of Natural History in NY.
Do you like donuts? I love donuts. Especially jelly filled ones. Mmm.
Do/would your OCs like donuts? All of my OCs like donuts. I don’t think Mel has ever had a modern one, though.
What is your least favorite food? Cauliflower? I’m the household taste-tester, so there’s been a lot of stuff I don’t like.  ( @sundaynightnovels I hate sparkling water, too, you’re not alone!)
What is your ideal writing environment? Comfy seating, a chair with no arms (stupid elbows), alone, plenty of chosen beverage within reach, headphones.
Favorite line from your WIP? So far, it’s this one!
Favorite quote from a book? Oh, man. There are so many. From recent memory, here are a few: “’Give it time,’ she replies. ‘It won’t be a story forever.’“  and “Everyone has heard stories of women like us, and now we will make more of them.” (both from The Ladies Guide to Petticoats and Piracy) “When he smiled, the skin at the corners of his eyes crinkled like a leaf held to flame.” and “I lean forward and our lips land clumsily on each other. They are like the fat bodies of bees, soft and round and giddy with pollen.” (I could write a goddamn essay about the imagery in this scene.) (It is quite possibly my favorite description of a kiss ever. And the metaphor extends through the rest of the scene so artfully ugh.) (both from The Song of Achilles) “The thing about a story is that you dream it as you tell it, hoping that others might then dream along with you, and in this way memory and imagination and language combine to make spirits in the head.” (from The Things They Carried)
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