#this was so fast i wrote it on my 15 min work break makensie’s so forgive for sloppiness
lupeloto · 1 year
heyyyy it’s galladrabbles time with a mid prompt by some loser idk her🙄 anyways here’s one of my ideas for the prompt: chore
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Mickey always felt like a chore.
He was a burden; to his family, teachers, everyone. Knowing that if anyone attempted to break through, they would quickly discover that he was merely a barrier in their life too… until the awkward red-head from the neighborhood shattered that lens completely, treating the breaking-down of his wall like an art that he took pleasure pouring his heart into, little-by-little until he was exposed.
Mickey always despised/feared that state of exposure until Ian. He alleviated that fear with a determination, leaving Mickey feeling less like a burden… more like one lucky motherfucker.
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