#here’s some mickey angst bc that’s what i eat up
lupeloto · 9 months
heyyyy it’s galladrabbles time with a mid prompt by some loser idk her🙄 anyways here’s one of my ideas for the prompt: chore
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Mickey always felt like a chore.
He was a burden; to his family, teachers, everyone. Knowing that if anyone attempted to break through, they would quickly discover that he was merely a barrier in their life too… until the awkward red-head from the neighborhood shattered that lens completely, treating the breaking-down of his wall like an art that he took pleasure pouring his heart into, little-by-little until he was exposed.
Mickey always despised/feared that state of exposure until Ian. He alleviated that fear with a determination, leaving Mickey feeling less like a burden… more like one lucky motherfucker.
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reganmian · 19 days
hello gay relatives gallavich nation!! i am finally making an intro post :)
thank you @callivich for creating such a comprehensive guide to the community here + encouragement for lurkers. i’ve been encouraged. 🫡🩷
Name: yi + my username means ‘hot dry noodles’ which is a popular chinese noodle dish. i picked it bc 1) it’s delicious 2) it has ian embedded
Age: 20
What made you fall in love with Gallavich? they’re complex characters who go through harrowing experiences, ups and downs, pain and suffering—situations where it seems impossible for any good to materialize. in spite of it all, they find each other over and over again. they scrape together every last sliver of hope. they try and try again, until they can finally match each others' pace, slow down, and just exist together. tl;dr - even with the deck stacked against them, they emerged from the angst victorious and in love. and i'm supposed to not eat it up?
How long have you been a fan? 67 days. i had seen a lot of shameless clips on youtube over the years - mostly of white boy carl, to which i was like wtf is this 💀 and ignored. eventually came across the clip of mickey chasing ian re: mandy in s1, checked the comments out, saw someone say “i can’t believe these 2 guys got married” and i was like What LMFAO? and fell into the All Gallavich Scenes | S01-S11 + Hall Of Shame | 1080p playlist and kinda got stuck there. started watching shameless a couple weeks later just for them
Favourite Gallavich moment/scene? when mickey’s on the brink of losing ian (many such cases) and in a split-second, decides to risk it all for him and comes out to everyone/his pos father at the alibi. then they get to beat him up. i giggle everytime at ian flipping terry off as the cop car pulls away, and sniffle when he kisses mickey’s head. mickey’s courage and fierce love for ian is so clear and it fills my heart with pride to see him finally out.
Favourite Shameless character apart from Ian and Mickey? fiona + mandy <3
Do you write or draw or make edits? i mostly write + i’m currently working on an AU fic—my very first for gallavich 🫡 i also draw once in a blue moon (limited to b&w sketches)
Favourite type of Gallavich fics? i'm drawn to AUs!! much of the canonverse is, for a lack of better words, ouchie. i will pretty much read anything tho; this fandom publishes some impeccable literature.
Favourite Gallavich quote? “ian, what you and i have makes me free. not what these assholes know.” instant classic.
Anything else you’d like to share about yourself? i’m taller than mickey/noel, speak en/fr/中文, and i’d love to make friends and pick writer brains and scream abt gallavich fics/ideas and gallavich themselves. i have so many thoughts abt them i will explode!!
i also wanted to say thank you so much for all the love received on the ian drawing i posted for his bday!! i hadn't drawn in a loooong time and i was met w/ so many kind words for which i am so grateful! 🫶🏻
that is it for me for now. i hope to hear from yall soon! 🩷
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msookyspooky · 2 years
Y/n - "I love how you both choked me half to death and yet you're not the bad guy in this story." My fav part of Ch 5.
Ch 5 spoilers
I love how Stu was talking about how James was a piece of crap, but let's be real, he ain't no better. Us pointing that out shows just how hypocritical him and Billy are. Technically speaking, it's cause him and Billy threatened James that he got insecure, got drunk, then proceeded to choke us nearly to death as Beck played in the background 😍 how romantic 🙃 They were trying to do the right thing I suppose, but their actions could have contributed to us nearly getting killed that night.
My point is, right after we accused him of choking and punching us in the face, aka being physically abusive just like James and being a hypocrite, he immediately tried to make up an excuse. Tried to justify his actions by saying he did it bc he had to 🤡 OKAY CLOWN. We once again pointed out that he did it bc he was hurt and scared. Like James, he CHOSE to nearly kill us, to be physically abusive. Stu tried to promise us that it would never happen again and that's the really sad part.
We told him straight up "You can't promise me that." And my heart HURT at that. For some reason I even have tears in my eyes typing this 🤣 He said he could, but we refused to believe him 😭 bc it's true. The devastating truth is that they are no better than James. Stu was physically and emotionally abusive in the past and so was Billy. When Billy choked us outside during Set Up we even called him "James" and it wasn't until we said that that he completely stopped. We even said in Sequels Suck that he should keep the name James cause it suits him 🤐 and we were speaking facts.
This all connects to what we told Stu in the diner - I can't believe you bc your just like him 😭 and that's a hard pill to swallow. James was a product of abandonment by his father just like Billy's abandonment issues with his mom. They all have anger issues and are control freaks. It's the same cycle and yet we love them so much 😭 We refuse to repeat it and be treated cruelly again, and it just goes to show how damaged we really are.
This could all be foreshadowing that they will try to kill us again or turn against us and we deserve so much better man 💔 We refuse to be Hallie and like we told her about Mickey - The knife will always come before you, and he will never truly love you. We told her this bc it's the exact same situation we are in. If we're not strong enough, if we're not smart enough, they could kill us and that hurts 😞
Sorry I ranted lol I just love this story too much 😂 I love the angst.
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THIS is EXACTLY what I try to convey in the writing bc it's logical. We in the slasher community would love some bad boy that will kill someone for us but never us....That's not how it works. Bc ONE DAY; you're gonna piss him off or he's bored or he has a moment where you're at the other end of that knife just like anyone else.
It secretly eats me alive when readers get on my comments about "Omg why aren't we with them? But Stu's clearly changed! We need to give them a chance right away! Omg James was such a piece of shit he deserved to die but not Billy or Stu they saved us!!!"
I get it! Who doesn't like fluff? Who doesn't wanna cuddle and love Billy and Stu just a lil? But...They are murderers bestie.
James choked us and controlled us....What did Billy and Stu do? Choked us, controlled us, used us, hit us, shot us, tried to stab us, was going to murder or frame us.
Billy and Stu are not the heros here. They're grey villians/anti heros at best that are only helping us right now bc their asses are in the grease fire too. They're helping themselves by helping us.
Stu looks at us as the prize he wants and thinks he deserves but never got and god knows what he'll do once he wins and is bored of us.
Billy is just in it to end this before it starts in his ball court. I would actually argue his caring for us is more genuine than Stu who falls hard and fast and falls out just as easily...But Billy still loves himself and his knife more.
Do they care about us? Yes. But at this point in the story they have VERY fucked up views of love and we aren't falling down the rabbit hole with them. They have a long way to go.
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kn1feinthec0ffee · 4 years
in too deep (epilogue) - jules
jules x reader
warnings: a nearly imperceptible amount of angst which is completely overshadowed by the CAVITY INDUCING FLUFF (but also a teeny bit of sexual content bc my fingers slipped hehe)
word count: 1,766
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you kept running. 
you ran and you ran and you ran until your legs wouldn’t carry you anymore. but they always seemed to be two steps ahead of you. each time you thought you got farther and farther away, they were right in front of you with a new weapon to torture you with. 
you rounded the corner of the seemingly endless corridor, there he was, a cleaver in hand. you fled down a flight of steps only to be met face to face with her wielding a fireman’s ax. 
you heard loud, booming gunshots from every direction except for the one you were headed, so you continued on. you spotted sweetiepie at the end of the hallway, quietly sobbing to herself. 
  “hey, are you okay?” you approached the girl slowly. she went eerily silent as she looked up to you and began chanting. 
  “help me, help me, help me!” she cried out, reaching her arms out to you. you lunged forth to grab her, only to be yanked to the floor by a chain around your ankle. sweetiepie let out a piercing scream, looking at you in betrayal. 
  “you said you’d help,” she sniffled. “you promised.” suddenly she fell through the floor, disappearing into total darkness.
heaving sobs wracked through your body. you curled up into a ball on the cold floor, wrapping your arms around yourself as you shook. “why couldn’t i help her? it was m-my fault, it was a-all my fault, all my f-fault,” you whimpered. 
  “hey!” jules exclaimed, giggling when you jolted awake. “sorry, you were tossing and turning a bunch. have any good dreams?”
you sat up and pulled her into a kiss without any hesitation. her hands threaded into your hair, the ring on her finger glistening as sunlight streamed through the windows.
  “only you, my love,” you grinned, telling a small white lie as to not ruin the mood. you moved to kiss her neck, but you were interrupted by sara bursting through the bedroom door. “well, well, well, look who it is!” 
the two of you could’ve kept the name sweetiepie, but you all collectively decided to distance yourself from anything that had to do with the psychotic couple who had taken you hostage. instead, you chose sara, a name that invoked strength and positivity. 
she smiled and climbed up onto the bed, forcing her way between you and jules so she could lay comfortably in your arms. jules gasped in mock offense. “hey! you trying to steal my wife?” 
  “nope, i’m trying to steal my mom!” sara’s laughs turned into giggles as jules’ fingers dug into her sides. 
“not on my watch!” jules growled playfully, scooping her daughter up and off of the mattress. “come on, mama, let’s make some breakfast,”
you followed her into the kitchen where she was already instructing sara how to crack an egg. “now be careful, you don’t wanna get any of that shell in there, or else it’s gonna be pointy,” you watched on in admiration as she cracked it into the bowl flawlessly.
“there you go, sweetheart!” you gave her a high five. “you’ll be out-cooking us in no time.”
the three of you finished cooking the bacon and eggs, sitting outside on the porch to eat. you realized just how much you loved where you lived as you gazed out into the vast expanse of the ocean.
jules noticed you staring and scooted her chair closer so she could wrap an arm around you. “how ‘bout a beach day today, huh girls?”
“yaaay!” sara squealed. “i’m gonna go get my swimsuit and toys!” she ran over to the door, skidding to a stop and running back to grab her dishes before heading inside.
jules chuckled at her excitement before turning to you. “what’s goin’ on up there, girly?” she prompted softly.
you sighed, deep in thought before you responded. “i don’t know, its just - don’t get me wrong, i’m happy and all, but i just don’t feel i deserve all this. part of me died in that house and i guess i just wonder why i moved on,” you bit your tongue, trying to hold the tears back. “why do i deserve a family life when i’ve done so little? i’m not worthy of you, i’m not worthy of any o-”
she cut you off with her lips. “i don’t wanna hear any of that. you’re worthy of the world, sweetheart, and i want you to realize that. you know they say you get back what you’ve put out into the world, and what i see is a beautiful woman who’d risk life and limb to protect her family.” she threaded her fingers through yours. “and i know that’s true because that’s the woman i married.”
“i want you to tell me whenever you feel like this, just so i can tell the demon that lives in your head how wrong they are.” she reached over and wiped the tears that had fallen down your cheeks. “no more crying, alright, babe? it’s beach day! no tears on beach day!”
her contagious happiness caused a smile to bloom on your face. you laughed through a cry, standing up from your seat to pull her into a hug. “i love you. so much.”
“i love you more, baby.” she grinned.
you busied yourself unfolding a few chairs and and finding a good spot to dig the umbrella into the sand while jules rubbed sunscreen onto sara.
“remember sweetheart, no swimming without your mommies, okay?” jules reminded her. sara nodded, running down to the edge of the beach to make a sandcastle for her horse doll.
you reached every spot on your body until it came to your back. “julie, can you get my back?” you felt her presence behind you, the slick sound of sunscreen between her hands filling your ears.
you felt her warm palms smooth the substance across your skin, kneading in between your shoulder blades as she moved along. you relaxed against her chest as her hands migrated to the cups of your swimsuit, massaging your breasts through the thin material.
“you know, there’s no one else nearby,” she murmured, sucking on the patch of skin underneath your ear which caused you to go even more pliant in her hands. “what do you say we turn this into a nude beach?”
“more,” you moaned, keening into her grasp. she grinned wolfishly, but her plans were quickly thwarted when -
“mommy!” sara shouted, quickly sobering the both of you up. a look of confusion crossed her face as she watched the two of you pull apart.
“what’s up, hon?” jules swiftly answered, pulling her sunglasses down to her nose.
“can you come swim with me, please?” she asked politely. the two of you nodded, getting up from the lounge chair.
you turned towards her, placing a chaste kiss on her lips. “can i get a rain check on that?” you giggled.
“oh absolutely, baby.” you gasped as she picked you up, running down to the shoreline with you in her arms. “mom’s really eager to join you, sweetheart!”
she waded in about ankle deep before tossing you into the waves. you resurfaced with a deep breath, gaping while your girls laughed at you. “holy sh-shit, it’s freezing in here!”
“here, i’ll warm you up!” jules giggled as she tackled you into shallow water. you shrieked and laughed as the two of you splashed around in the water. 
the three of you stayed on the beach until the sun began to set. sara had moved onto the sand, searching through the grains to find pretty shells. just as you and jules had begun to pack up your belongings, a golf cart slowed to a stop behind you.
a tall man exited the vehicle, clad in red swim trunks, sunglasses on top of his head, and a t-shirt that said ‘lifeguard’ on it. “excuse me, ladies, it’s starting to get dark out, d’you need a ride home?”
you were apprehensive to trust another man for fear of evil intentions, but jules seemed to see a certain kindness in his eyes. “sure, we’re just about finished packing up.”
“oh, i can help with that,” he offered, helping to dismantle the beach umbrella. sara had put away all her toys and we were helping the man load all of our things into the back of the cart.
“thank you...” you trailed off, hoping to learn his name as you extended your hand out to him.
“mickey.” he smiled as he shook your hand. “and it’s nothing, i help folks out like this all the time, it’s kind of in the job description.”
you sat in the back of the cart with sara while jules sat in the passenger seat, making small talk with mickey. from what you gathered, he seemed really sweet, and he lived in a small apartment in the seaside town with his doberman, max.
the ride was brief, but the swimming had apparently tired sara out enough for her to fall asleep on your shoulder. when you pulled up to your house, you pulled sara into your arms to carry her inside.
“it was nice to meet you, mickey. i hope we see you again sometime.” jules smiled at the man. mickey gasped, pulling out a pen and a notepad from his pocket.
“here, i’ll give you guys my number so it’s not left up to chance,” he mumbled with the cap in his mouth as he scribbled out his phone number.
you said your goodbyes to the lifeguard as he hopped back into the golf cart to return it to the beach. you headed inside, showering of the salt and sand of the day before heading to bed.
you curled up next to your wife, inhaling the scent of her body wash. she soothingly ran her fingers through your drying strands of hair. “do you remember what i said earlier about getting back what you put into the world?” you nodded. “well, look at what you got today. you spent the day with your wife and daughter and nothing went wrong. that’s because you’ve only put positivity out into the world, so that’s what you get in return.”
she shifted so she could look at you. “in my professional opinion, you deserve the world, and you have nothing to be worried about, alright, love?”
tears of joy threatened to spill down your cheeks, but you held them back. she pulled you in for a kiss and you melted against her embrace. “i love you, julie.”
“i know.”
also you know i had to write mickey into this story somehow you KNOW i had to do it and i just so happened to be presented with the perfect opportunity for lifeguard!mickey and there was no WAY i could pass that up
but this is the true end to this story and i had so much fun writing it 🥺
tags: @emmyrosee @bill-skarsgard-owns-my-ass @phantomnae @flowers-in-your-hayr
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spicyraba-neku · 5 years
I know this is mainly Kingdom Hearts, but since it involves the secret ending I thought, ‘I could make this work’, so here’s a few...uhm, lets say ‘imaginary scenarios’ I’ve gotten while reading this wonderful thing.
Oh, before that, this is a different you, but it’s you all the same’s Summary: A different take on the still relatively unknown context of KHIII’s Secret Ending with Yozora being Riku(+Sora’s Heart) set after the events of DDD wherein Xehanort succeeds taking Sora’s body as a vessel and Sora’s heart proceeds to escape to Riku. Everything eventually goes downhill from there.
Yozora's appearance bothered Sora much more than it should have after visiting Toy Box.
On the grounds of Shibuya, Sora meets Yozora... and in truth, it isn't for the first time.
a lot of fluffy angst with yozora
the name yozora was acutally named by either neku or someone japanese once DDD-divergent riku ends up in...shinjuku, somehow, and wants to combine riku’s nature with sora’s, so, ‘night sky’, like dark sky, etc, etc.
sora in the game giving up...something precious, like maybe his charm? or a base personality aspect of his.
idk if yozora’s also in the game, but id like to think that he is and he’s given up a combined riku-sora stubborness that was responsible for keeping him surviving for, like, years.
the reason yozora’s escaped to either shinjuku or shibuya (and trust me, a lot of other people made the connection to shinjuku, i just forgot where on reddit but its THERE) is because, well. xehanort’s...well, he’s nearly won, having gotten what he wanted, after all.
ventus’s heart is probably floating around in the void, somewhere. idk.
mickey’s trying to find yozora but bc plot convenience shibuya’s a sleeeping world so its not exactly easy to get to.
joshua’s still a dick, but one that’s helpful in informing sora of what he needs to do now.
sora and yozora are partners in the game. maybe. possibly. or not, since it wasn’t clearly stated if yozora was dead or not.
some of sora’s heart personality bleeds into riku, thus, yozora’s like a riku but with sora tendencies. bc, well, riku’s now opened his personal heart hotel since sora’s heart hotel shut down
dont ask me how roxas and xion’s gonna work here. just dont. theyre probably lost forever and im so sorry you guys it aint gonna work. i dont think so, at least. its up to kiri.
OKAY MORE FUN HEADCANONS sora and yozora end up shopping in 104 bc shiki and eri...well, they need models. neku’s VERY happy to throw them into THAT particular wolves den. Thanks a lot, you spicy tuna jerk.
sora’s more a mish-mash of sheep heavenly, wild boar, and jupiter monkey (but they DO need a more..shall we say, colorful variety.) while yozora has lapin angelique, surprisingly, and pegaso styles. idk what happened there, it just is.
they gobble down soft serve whenever, where ever. sora’s sstomach is a black hole and yozora eats REALLY fucking slowly so he’s never on a full stomach. wow, yozora.
sora’s keyblade becomes shockwave pin bc reasons. he’s got fira, thundara, aeroga and curaga as other pins, bc if neku can have six pins active at one point YOU BET im applying it to our sunshine boi. his sixth pin is his gliding ability from DDD
yozora’s pins is that massive heavy hitter neku can do, only in car form bc riku’s keyblade is a fucking car key u think i wouldnt take advantage of that? also the gliding ability bc...DDD divergent? ofc, keyblade pin. that’s three. yozora only has five pins tho, bc...reasons? clashing personalities? anyway, his final two pins are blizzaga and thundaga, only with a dark tone to it. blizzaga is in ice bullet form, so that’s fun.
that’s all i got so far lol
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